Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 11, 1918, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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Mrs. Henry Pepper mix to lima Children's Dancing Class
This Winter at Mrs. Theodore Cramps Several Persons
Moiinu Into Town The War h Over
TJOOl'.AYi lint run' lluriuo! Did eiu
- oxer think jciii'd live to hear It'.' I Mil
you really believe those Germanic woultl
ever ciimo acios nml nieii iinvthlnR uiul
that hontllltle. would ever slop? Did ou"
Con oil dicum It's ttuc, elrli nnd boys?
Can yaw- Well, it Is. It's over, over,
oxer! And 1 Just until to e-hrlek. don t
T UUAll that Mm. Bub MuntBoinei has
rIvcu up the little duncliitf clnsii which
Iib Iirh had for a number of ycam nt her
Vlllnnova home, Andronn. The rensnn
hy 15 undoubtedly a Rood one. The place
In rather far back from the stutlon and
main 1 cutis, hast jcir, durltnx the e
treme rold nnd deep enow, the. uIush had
In be Riven up for weeks tit u time, as It
was almost Impossible to get ovei the
road"? So Mrs. Henry I'ujiper Yiiux Is
Bjlns to have the cIiikh this jear and it
wilt be In town at Mrn. Vnux'rt mothers
home, 1T20 Locust utreet. The llrst meet
Ins will bo held neM Thursday. Mr. Vtiut
was MIm 1 "ranees Cramp, you remembei.
lid her mother Is Mrs Theodore Vx'.
The class is too dear for anvthlnR. tots
from about ten to twelve. Mrs. Charlie
Da Costa has the older class, from about
thirteen to fifteen ye.irs of ae. I haven't
heard yet where that class will meet, for
oU know Ashei'fl has been taken oxer for
the United Service Club, and Mrs. Wurts's
etass, for one, Is to meet .it the ISelleVue
Btratford. Won't it b funny not to haw an
Aslier's" Whj. bark in tho dark asec, It
Mmn to me, I huo ahn heard of
dancea at Asher's. Most of the piesent
debutante mothers tnado their debut
there at the old Natatoilum, which was
Ashor's Dancing Academy, at the Monday
Evening Dancing Classes, when Mr. Wil
liam White nnd later Mr. George Hoker
were tit tho head of the class. Tho old
Clndcrellas started there, too
Well, well, war makes a lot of changes.
doesn't it '
YOV know lt qiuw an affair these da.is
to h e a luncheon. "Posilutely," when
you hear of one you think tho Rood old
days "befo' do wah" are comlnsr b.irk.
Ke:t if it's only a brldRe club luncheon,
It's a party, anyhow, and een If ou don't
holon? to the bridge club and consequently
don't get Invited, even If you would not
be Invited anyway, you'lo nUtl about It.
sien't ou? Seems llko old time, so to
Mts, Kene Haio hid her fortnifihtlv
brlclKH club out at Stonj hurst for luncheon
nd bridge last week. Ulght of tl.cm alto
nether, but they had a line time. The
quests, members of the brldpe. were Mrs.
rtobett Llngett, Mrs. Vail Marsh. Mrs.
Earle Johnton, Mis. j:illot Nuxvlln, Mis.
Svdney Dunn and Mrs. Hrinton Thomas,
besides Mrs. Iture and her mother-in-law,
Mis. r.mott Haie.
The Kmott Jlities and the Iteno lt.ires
will close, their Sti.iffoid houe this week
and move Into their homo at 100 South
Twent -second hticr-t
TAI.KINO of pcoplo inoiiiiR in Horn
Htraffoid, Mrs. Sam I'liwr nnd her
rhlldren hae doted their place, Shnily
slcle, out there, and are in town lit 1707
Locust stieet lor tho winter.
THIS stor has two sides. The first slda
deals with two eiy lonely "Robs" (that
means sailors, you know), with n wholo
perfectly good evcnlnc and nothing to do
with It They wcr) wandering along u
utreet in ono ot "our delightful suburbs,"
when a car passed them tilled with a laugh
ing crowd of girls who looked as if they
were going to a pnrt. As ono man they
followed, determined to see a paity if
they couldn't get in on one. Tho car
stopped In front of a house, and the hoiibe
had Trench windows and the cui tains were
up. Then tho "hunch" struck them.
This is the other side of the slot v. A
croup of girls met at n certain houfce
where there was lots of room, to piactlcn
for an entertainment they nro going to
give, for their lied Cioss auxiliary. They
wero having a big time hinging and going
thiough a lot of stunts, when tho doorbell
rang and p. much emb.irrissed "gob"
wanted to know if this was tho placo
where they sent for thlrty-flvo men from
the navy ya'rd to come to a dance.
It wasn't, naturally, and ho explained
that he and the sailor with him were with
a bunch who had been told to get off at it
ceitaln street (which was gome sl blocks
away) and walk four blocks. They hadn't
been told any direction, so they wandered,
saw the lights in tho window and thought
maybe that was It. Just then tho brother
of one of the gliU who had driven the car,
offered to take them to their proper des
tination, und, refusing cordial Invitations
to vconie in and we'll get up n part) for
you," they hustled off tho poich.
This Is whero the two stories meet. After
the teheursal, on the way home, brother
wns asked about the two sailors. "-Vhere
did you take them to?" "Down to the
corner," waB tho calm reply. "They
woieu't going lo any paity. They'd been
standing in front of the house thero for
half an hour trying to get u. nerve enough
' to so in. It was a put-up Job, but when
they got there they loci their nrrve and
wouldn't go In.
i.m fH. UOY8 nnd gills, the will's over.
v They'll be coming homo soon and best
of all. the killing has reused I
Social Activities
Mr. and Mrs. John W. deary, Jr., who have
' ben living In the South since their marriage.
have leturned and will spend part of the
winter with Mr. ami Mrs. Jolm W Ueary, at
Ihestnut Hill. Mrs. Geury will bo remem-
. ', berea as Miss Elizabeth Wlster.
- Mr, and Mrs. Francis Itoblnson, who, with
x"-1 their two children, spent the summer months
with Mrs. Iloblnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Samuels, at their villa, iK Narragan-
, ktt l'Ur, have opened tholr house, Bouth
,1 Twenty-first street, for tho winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuels xvlll not open the'r
w house at tho southeast corner of Twenty-
second and Locust streets tmu year, uut win
tpend the winter at the IUU-Carltun. .
Mrs. Henry Maule and Miss I If. ythol
flaul Will tlosfj tlmlr house atf Vlllauuva,
I'nls month and move '"ilo Mr and Mis
,locih CarsuiiR li.)Ue 22:3 Locust slieit.
irtlih thex hnxe bnswl for the winter.
Mr ami Mis v'.cleli Pox. will le.vxe Ihilr
place nt ogimu on Friday and will occupy
an iipaittnrnt nt the Burlington for the
winter. Tlieir daughter. Mis Sidney L'rrliiK
ton Martin, also lias an tipartii.ent nt tho
Uurllngton for the winter months
Mr and Mrs TI Mnr-lmll Scull will shortly,
c loot' their countrx place mi Cltv line. Oxer
brook, haxhig leaveel n huucu In tenia for
the w Intel '
Mr (itnrge Tjler ami her 'imither. Mis
John V. Coleu, will iu'elie on Tuesday
afternoon nfler 3 ilurlng tho winter at tlulr
home. 2111 I'luu street. No i.uiIb h.ne ben
sent out
Mr and Mm i:eiett A. Srlu.flild. of 1517
flxford stint, baxe Issued Inxltatlons for
the xx eddlng of their daughter, Miss Mnrth.i
H. Kcliotleld, and Corporal Charles HlPs
llajes, of Trenton, N .1. on Saturdn'. No
x ember SO, at 7 o'clock, in the Church of tin
Iiunriintlnn, ilrond and Jefferson streets.
The eeretnoii) xx-111 ln followed by n lecep
tlon for the rtlatlxes and n fi w Intlniatc
frliids ut the llellexue-.Stratford
The wedding of Miss Ultrubeth fl. Slf
''ollex. daughttr of Mr nod Mrs Joseph o
McColk). of JIH Noith Txvtit.v-Ki court
street, and Lleuteiuut ll.ury N UUNfoid,
t". H N.. of Nexx- York) xvlll lake place on
Huturdaxl Noxembir 30. at the home of the
bride's pun nls
Miss Mn'ollex raxe j luncheon on Sntunlav
at hr home White and golden ehrxs.-iii'
theinunis nnd imk luixes xvue used in the
i1c orations Tho guests xxne Mis Norin.in
Oimn, Mrs Italph Mn, Mrs llurtd Van
Sweitngen. Mrs W. II f" Terrx. .Mr Mnt
tliew Carlton lilttm-xn. Mis litntge I'oe
rtlsch; .Miss i;il?Hlietli l-'ooks. Miss Hachel
I'ranie, Miss lluih Mnurer. Mis David
Cramer, Miss Katharine Unities, Miss Al
berta re Long. Miss Mnudn McCiilie. Mrc
William nuitiugo and Airs. Harold hherxx-ooil,
The 1'enns.xlinnl i Women's Press Associ
ation xilll hold a inect'ng on Thursday exe
nhig at the Hotel Addphln, when theie xxlll
be an address on "Crime After the War" by
lr James I Llchtenbergcr, piofessor of
porlologj nt the CnlM rslty of reuiis.xlxnrcia
Tim lecture will be followed b an Inforuul
Mr nnd Mrs Louis liirch announced the
engagement of their daiiglittr. Miss Anna
lllrch, to Mr. Iteiman N Caplan at a re
ception giien ut their home, 1117 North
Franklin rtrect Tho Misses i: lllrch nnd F.
Caplan enteitalmd at the piano Mr. Joseph
Neff also gaxe a fexi piano selections, Tho"u
present wire Mr and Mis I. lllrch, Mr
and Mis- J Caplan, Mr nnd Mis n lllich.
Mr. and Mis. II Nicholson, Mr ami Mis
.1 Carr. Mr J Caplan Mlti F Caplan. Miss
Anna lllrch. Mr II. Caplan Miss U Hindi.
Mr .1 lPrch Mr and Mrs J Khiinberg.
Mrs Slotiiu. Mr A. Neff. Mi .1 NclT. .Ml
utilss nnd others
Vionrer oi!atiou anil Uptoitn Cilizrnt
Honor Sons in Serxicc
The Pioneer Liberty Sing ssoil.itlnn
r.iled another rrxlce ling etscrday nftei
noon at the corner of Summer und Fartoti
stioets In honor of the men In the sen Ice
from Slimmer street between Carson and
I'Ifty-tlrtt, and finin l'nrsnu stieot between
Itace street and Hnxerfoid nxeniie.
Tho Llheitx S'lig was led bj Dr It Ber
tram renlmmc, of Fiftieth nnd M.irkit
streels, the iis'oclatloii'K tigulir leader and
sex-ernl hundred lesldents trntn Fiftieth,
Arch, I'aie, rarsiu, Foitx ninth and ).'ifi
flrst street" Joined In xxith enthusinsin dm
to the apparent nearness of pence.
Next Sund.iv aftirnoon the association
xvlll hold anothei hIiiit on I'lfl-llihi sued
lietwcen Mniket and VilIi mid rtilse u seix
lie Hag to the bo a from that block The
I'ollce Hand will furnish music. On Thurs
day, Noxemher 21 tin ussoi Intlon will hold
Its first Indoor l.lbertx Slug In th,i .'iM-cmblv
room of the Jiunlap SlIiooI. Flfts-llist mid
Hace streets Ainingeinents aia pending fni
the holding of tho tegular xxeeklj sings
throughout the winter ut the Duulap Sehool
HesldentK of Twenty-first stret biiMien
Susipiehanna ux'eiuie and York street i.ilsed
a service Hag with fifteen stars for the box i
from that block In the nrm and naxv at
2 o'clock e.sterday afternoon the I.lbeiiy
Sing, In xehlih hundreds Joined, xxas made
eolorful b the pri hi hi e ot a large nuniliei
of pallors, soMleis niiiilnes, lied Cios" mi m
bers in uniform and Ho Scouts. All the
children niesont xxeiii glxen an Aineiu.a.1
Hag and a red, xxhlti and blue tap
Cliampioii Slflmp Salesman Will Ileecixe
Title anil l'riztf Todny
AIlss Rose Oppenhelmer, of 2300 Talk
axenue, will lodux' be awarded the title of
champion Qtrl Scout war-savings Mump
salesman, not onl of Philadelphia, but of
the United States In addition to the title,
she xUU recelxe a liriie of two wnr-saxlngs
stamps. Her total sales during llnj recent
diixe amounted to $3110.37
Miss Oppiiihehner Is a member of Troop
No 17, of tho Philadelphia (3lrl Scouts,
which also has tho institution of h.ixlng won
the championship banner for the troop sell
ing the most stamps, the sum legalized being
"1 never uccoptcd a turndoxvn. said
Miss Oppenhelmer, 'but abxays kept on
smiling and continued to talk politely ai d
explain tho necessity for public support cf
ogr stamp drlxe. In the end btamps ,ilx-ns
xitro purchased "
The Rev. Jamej Chaplin FeruJIel
Moutrliilr, J'ox. 11. 'I lie Hex-. Dr.
James Chaplin Fernald, clergyman, editor
and author, died ut Ids home here today For
txventy-sexen yeais Doctor Fernald xvas pas
tor of Baptist chinches In Maine, Vermont
and OhliA later Joining the edltoilnl staff of
tho Funk & WagniillH Company to become
associate editor ot the Standnid dictionary.
Ho xxas the author or editor of many books
recognized as tiuUitrlty on tho Ungllsh Ian.
guage, and at ono tlmo xxas dean of the, de
partment of Hngllsh at the Intercontlneni.il
University at Washington Ho was horn In
l'ortland, Me, In August, 1838
Charles C. llrown
Chatles C. Hrown. a member of the old
guard of tho Second lteglment. d'ed Satur
day folloxvlng an attack of pneumonia Mr.
Hrown, xvho xvas slxt) eight jeais old, re
sided at 1421 Huclld iixenue, where funeral
serxlces xxlll be held tomorrow afternoon, at
2 o'clock. Interment xvlll bo In Northwood
Cemetery. Mr. Ilroxxn xxas a member of
Htonemon's Fellowship of tho Thlrty-neconil
Conimunlt) Service
If you have nn extra xvlg uboat sou, the
War Department Commission on Training
Camp Activities wants It, and h also more
than ordinarily Interested In any hoopsklrts
or polonaise that Is hanging around, nny
Cleopatra costume, or kneo bieeches from
the time J on wero Napoleon at tho
Take them around to the representative
of the war ramp community service, und
he will see lut they are mustered Into active
The Department of Dramatic Activities
among the soldiers under th commissions
Is organizing nnd training them so that each
regimental unit will havo Its own -,rcup of
players with a leader. Dramatlo directors
have been sent Into the camps to develop
these groups. Plays, malnj-up material, wigs
and costumes aro being furnished also, and
tho demand for. those latter accounts (or the
sUalt ats Uut old Uunk. In the attiu. .
Mi lalitli . i-nodprnM, of orlli l'lillnilrl
plila, llerome liriilc of Mr. S 1'. Mnkey
A xx Hiding of Interest In this eltx ;iid In
Toledo. l, wns Ihnl of Miss IMlth A Snod
jniss. daughter of Mr nml Mis A D Snod
Kias, f ujs Nnith rifteuitli rtteet. nnd
Jlr Samuel P t.lukex. of Toledo, which took
pl.ne on Saturdny exenlng fit the home of
the br'ih s p-irents The pe remoin xvus per
formed at fl o clock by the Ilex- William
Freeniantle, rectot of the I'rolnMniit Kplsco
Pil I'litirch at Slxttenth tiil Master stieets
The bride wore her traveling suit of tnunr
i loth xvllh a taupe lint to match Her fat in
gaxe hei In marriage und she was nttinded
b Miss llilgn Hergholme ns bridesmaid
Mr Lxerett Suter xx-ns the brldegrooin s
best man. The service xxns followed h n
dinner for the families, after which Mr
Llnkij and ids bride left for Toledo
The marriage ul M'ss Dm oil x l h"
Titus, iliuglitir of Mr. nnd Mrs Kdntn s
Titus, into cedar avenue West I'hllnile -phla,
and Mr Herman Candler Johnson. I
S .V of (Irecnxllle, Tex. took place mi
Satuidin nfteilinon The t eremoti) was per
fornml bj Chaplain Dickinson, C S N The
bride xv.ik attended h hn sister, M'ss Ixiui'a
Albertson Titus, nnd the best man xxas J V
lliintln, V s . , uf Arkntisis Mr and Mrs
Johnson will live at 41' 10 Cedar avenue
Captain Arlliur Hunt t liulr to l.riture for
I'xtriisicm Soi in j
. Captain Arthur Hunt Chute, of th First
Canadian eoiitlmcent, tlergvniun and author
of "Tho Ileal Front.' xvlll lie a feature In
this week's program of the I'liHerslty ljx
tension Soi let
Captain Chute xxlll tell the Inner story of
the war liom tl(, iexxoliit of not onlv nn
actual i ombatant but one who hail been
li.iliid n a .xr cm respond! ut In the Ilalkan
and Mixiian campaigns The title of the
In lure, wh'eh Is to be held on Thursdu
exenlng hi Wltheripoon Hall, Is ' Cnseeli
Hoik's of the War"
Dr (leorgc Karle Italguel publlelst nnd
war xxoiker, xxlll begin a svrii s of ten Cur
lent Hxcnts lictuus In ttberspoon Hall
tomonow afternoon ' Th War nt the Und
of Font ears' will he rho ubjei I itlcunsed
A comrtVfr tjpu) aifipHlure eorh urrk f,ealn
tiori; Jfotiifay uittl rnillny balurdav
il'fOUU, tf'io, fit prmoiij clurui, mm en
jojn( strunye uiii-iiKuicn imioiiy (At du ill
nn in JlmlluHil, visits tiiiAiion ii ihIoms fn
this talc)
I'fKKy I ixif' a Strange Land
"TILAKLs of !?iiow wtre dancing in the air
-L uutside I'igg s window Some bobbed
about In merry Jigs and some waltzed slow.
1 to the giound In graceful loops nnd spirals.
1'eggy xiatched them xvlth fascinated ejes
From what distant, injsterlous legions had
they gaily traveled to find a resting place
on her lawn? And whut stiange sights had
they witnessed on thtlr wa7 Appuiently
their Journey li.nl been bapp, for they
frolicked see joyfully at Its close
Soon the xvlndoxv pano be-came llecked wilh
xxhlto flakes. Peggy, admiring their Jewel-lll-o
biMUlv, suddenly hecamei axxan that they
xxoru Klouplng themselves on the glass in
the form of letters, and that thesu letters
spelled a message.
(liee tings to l'rlnccss. l'eggy," reael tho
message "Crvuta!, ejueen of the Snows, ban
he-aid how e,u ri funned the ilianl of the
Wi'odi. She askt" jour aid " There the mes
sage stopped, the pane being filled l'eggy,
leading i igeilx xxas ellsapolnti'd at this al
lii pi iliise, but her disappointment quickly
xaulshed when she s.ixv that the word she
had lead wnu melting nwuj. while new
xxurds xxero foimlng on the pano
"Two wild giants up-et all Cinudland with
the-lr l.iinpnges She would haxe )ou tame
them xx 1th jour magic thann."
"Why, 1 haven't any magic charm," sahl
Peggj' ertit loud "I didn't need any to re
f inn the illant of tho Woods bucauso he has
sue h a geod beau "
At oiu-o tho snoxv flakes spelled out an an
axxer. "These giants hai'e no hearts. That's xxhy
they are cruel xvltliout knowing it Conio
quickly, for ex in now they plan a mad raid
that will "
Hero tile message reacheel tho bottom of
tile pane, and l'eggy had to xxalt i moment
befm o the e'ontlnuatlon appealed at the top.
" spreael xxoo over tho land. Hasten'"
That xxas the end of the message. It left
Peggy much disturbed. Who was Crjutal.
cjuien of tho Snows? Who xvere the two
xx lid utants? How w.ih she to get to Cloun
land If she should undertako to help lame
the giants?
On tho xvlndoxv pane nppeured the answer
to her thoughts.
"1'ut rar spirit In 'your, bnath, then
blow' It through the kejliolu."
These were queer directions nnd Teggy
didn't understand them at all. Just to see
xx hat would happen she placed her lips to
the keyhole of tho front uoor and Ulew vxitu
all her might.
"Puff!" nnd there sho xx-ns outside the
door. Only she xxasn't her regular self. Her
body xxas still on the Inside of the door, safe
and vv aim in tho house, and the part of
her outside was Just a misty bit of air
llko one's breath on a frosty morning.
Strange to saj', Peggy didn't mind this at
all On tho contrary she felt wondertully
free und gaj'. A puff of xvlnd caught her and
there she was dancing among the snow
llukes. Hut tho snoxvflakeH had changed,
too. She saw thnt they were really tiny
elxes xvho xxero haxlng tho Jolllest kind of a
time as they frisked abeyut on their way to
the ground.
Only a mlnuto did Peggy dance xvlth the
snow flakes and then she whisked up and up
until she was In tho dark cloud from which
the elves were falling Through this sho
floated and all of a midden she came out In
tho bright sunshine of u strange and beau,
tlful land. It was a region of mountains,
of ravhKs, of castles, all wonderfully col
ored by tho rays of the Betting sun.
lllght in front of her was a huge silvery
cloud palace surrounded by walls and u
moat. On the wnll abovo tho gate stood a
herald with a trumpet. Through the trum
pet he shouted a message of greeting:
"Welcome. Princes l'eggy! Lnter the
Palace of Crystal, Queen of the Snows'"
Wondering xvbat xvas about to befall,
Peggy dilfted toward the palace A draw
brldgo xxas let doxxn oxer tho moat, und tho
meat gnles opened, disclosing a, ciowd of
glistening creatures waiting to recelxe her.
flu tomorrow's chapter Veoay firtt feels
the roiioi sfrcitolh of the Olants sic is
osseel to tame.)
Miniaturist ami Water Color Club Hold
Annual Show
I'nusual Interest was shown yesterday Ht
tho opening of the Joint annual exhibition of
the Philadelphia Watei color Club and tho
Pennsylvania Society of Mlnlaturo Painters
In the Academy ot Kine Arts.
Fiom the moment the doors opened at I
o'clock until they closed at f throngs passed
through tho galleries hung xxith one of thei
most varied reflections of xx-atercolors, inlnla
tines, etchings, lithographs and charcoal
draxxliigs that have been seen here for a long
lime. Thirteen hundred and sixty-nine per
suns visited the exhibit during the daj'.
, Joseph PemieU's black-and-white studies of
war pUntB, Thornton Oakley's impressions of
Hog Island and the Vrench war Pictures were
i centers of specla) attention.
MltS. J B.
On tin' lawn of her home in Kaelnor
iu vi,i:vriM: wu.li m
Cepurlahf. nie Si flu V Me .el'j.i 'o
tcwrloht hv HuWrl l Mi Krirt. J u
CHAPTER .VI (Cmitmtif-il)
"XtTOl nenlni xxnrrv nliout xour Heinuu
-L mentality.' I told mjself, "ouxe got It
all here! Vou'xe onl got to he a parrot like
tho rest anil jou'll be as good a Hun as
A Continental waiter, they saj-, can get ono
anjthlng one chooses to ak for at any hour
of the elsy eir nlglit 1 wns about to put this
theory to the lest
"Walter." I skid (of course, In Hcrmanr. ' I
want u bag, a handbag. Do you think joil
could get mo ono"
loes the gentleman want Ii now?" the
man replied.
"This xe ry minute-, I answered
About that size''" indicating Senilms
"s, or stunllet If sou like , e am not pal
titular "
"I xxlll see what can '" lone
In ten minutes the man wns back with
x blown leathir bag about a slzo smaller
than Semlin's it wns ml new and tin
charged mc thirl x gulden (which Is about
flflj shillings) for It 1 paid with n xvlll
Ing heart and tipped him geminindy to
boot, for I wanted a bag and could not
xxalt till tho shops opened without miasms.
Hie train for Hermans
I paid my bill nnd drove off t" the Cen
tral Station through the dark stieets Willi
mv txvo bants 'I he ih" ks were' striking
as I entcreil under the great glies dome
of the station hall
1 went stliilght to the booking olllce, nml
bought a ill st-e lass tlel.it single, to iler
lln One nex.-r knows whnt mnv happin
and 1 had several things to do before the
- i lei v an t
The bookstall was Just opening I pur
chased a soxeielcn's worth of bunks nml
magazines, Hngllsh, 1'reiie'h nml Herman, and
.rammed them Into the bag I had procured
at the cat' 'Hills laden I aeljouriii d to tho
hlatton liulT-ii
There I set about executing a scheme I
h-nl eiolx.il for leaving the .In. urni lit which
hemlln had binught fiom llnglnnd In a place
e,f safetj. whence It eouid xbe recovered
without dim. ultx. should ans thing happen
i. me I knew n one In Holland sax.
D.cks.'nnil I could not send him the. docu
ment, foi I ih'l '"" "' tlm POt lor the
same reason I xxould not post the documen
home to mx b ink In England': besides,
knew '"" ''","11 "ot "Rlsl,'r 1tt". U,V"
i 1 rclork. b which hour I hoped to be
xvell on mx was Into Hermans
No mx bag. conxenlentlj weighted wllh
bol.ks and deposited at tlm station cloakroom
Lhould be my safe The comparatix c securlty.of
"tatlon cl.akr..oms as safe deposits has e.ng
leeniecognld bv Jewel thieves and the like,
nnd this means ..f leaving in document be
hmd ii. safety seemed ... me tV be be.t.r
than any other I could t link ot
s, i ,uxed Into my Ing and limn the
..' ..e .i.,,..,re it contained plekid up a
piles u. " iteiiiiiiii brochure
,UV so... - ,,. f M10l,
tii flneuilKlil will" 'i """ . Vt
xiui t. Us """" '" Al"1 ' tUl'kl''1 th",
m," e.nviH ease away inside the pages of
. innphl.t. stuck the pamphlet deep
'."' J" ,iib the bewks and shut the bag
'""eeing 1 'rml.sH app.aranee the coile-
.. -.,i..tI ...lcul.lte.1 would. Illlllko
L..,V,. ilociiment. attract no attention
bv a x mischance. It fell Into wrong hands
e rout. I therefore did not scruple, to
tomm't It to the post, llefore tnklng my
hug "of books to the cloakroom I wrote two
etuis Poth were t A-hcroft-Ashcrofi
nf the l-orcign Oftlce, who got me my pass
", permit to come tc. Itotterdam
Herbert As hcr..ft r.l I weie old friends I
V,ld,."ecd the envelopes to his pi vale house,
h Ionilou. The postal . . nsor. I knew, keen
Hough h.alw as i "" l' ."'" ,""
iral countries, would leave old Herbert's cur-
r"henmst,'le'iur was brief ' Dear Herbert "
I xuote "would you mind looking nfler hex
. , a until ou hear from me again?
XZ 'wiMhVhcle Yours. D O." This
Utter w us .1. stlned to contain the cloakroom
receipt To conceal tho Importance of an
nclosuro, It is always a .lodge to send the
revering letter under separate cover
near Hubert. " I said In my second let
ter "If sou elon't hear from me within two
months of this date regarding the mclosure
xoi will have already received, please send
Jome one or, preferably, go jourself and
coUectmy luggage at the cloakroom of the
ito terdain Central Station 1 know hoxx
buss sou always are Therefore sou will
understand my reasons for making hla
inordinate claim upon j-our fine lours.
,V And by way of a clue. I added,
consequently enough. "Oott strafo Hng-
Uiacn'uckeel inwardly at the thought of Hei
,,,.' faCe em receiving this pieposterous
"l.j .hat he should abandon his dusty
Jtart- m Downing street and betake himself
SK; "IBM I knew ,,,'y HcrbeM
dull and dry nnd conventional, but jv most
fttirc"lled'aWporter at the entrance cf the
buffet' and, handing him SemUn'H bag and
eercoat bade blm find me n !lrst-cla-,s
e'lrrlaKe In tho Uerllu train when It arrived.
would meet him on the Platform. Then,
at the cloakroom opposite. I gave In my
",". hooks, put the receipt In tho fl-st
'euer and posted it in the lettc.box within
ho station Invent out Into the Btreets
with th" Ucond letter and posted It In a
letterbox let into the wall of a tobacconist's
shop in a uulet street a few turnlnis axxsj
ny this arrangement reckoned Herbert
would get the letter with the r.-r..lpt before
Ul Veiling to'Kuw station I noticed
imd of slop shop which despite the early
hour was already open A fat Jew In hi. .hlrf
eeves. his thumbs In his waistcoat pocket..
Sood t " entrance framed in hanging
overcoats and haU and boots. I had no urn
AB,, "a i. .truck me that a waterproof
of some kind might nt.i be a bad addition to
I ,.,.1 it -! II II1III
Sot -trafe Kngland1 bx 1're.r ir iiublp
IUchoff of the University of Hotting. n.
Tie ions 'if he thing appealed to mv
,TJ, f lumor 'So he If I said "The
xo is P "' culminations ngnln-t mx
xxorinj i i,or of harboring
Kl'Ml'TON ''" i L riiotoCrnft.re.
with her two attractive voting chililren
mx cvtnnielv Kinnty xx-nrdrobe More oxer, t
i. He. ted that xxith the rubber ehoitnge rain
coats must lie at a pre mluni In Htrmanj
x-o I followed the bowing son or hhem Into
hi-, elnih and ellrtv shop nnd emergid pres
ent wearlrg an npialllngl ugly green
mackintosh reeking hideously elf rubber It
xxas a shocking garment but I reflected that
1 xx ns a Herman and must choose my garb
Outside th shop I nearly rnn Into a little
man xxho xxas lonfing in the doorxvas". He xxas
a wizened scrubby old fellow xx earing a
dirts peaked cap xxith a hand of tarnished
gi Id 1 knew him nt once for one of those
guide . half tout. I alf bullx. that Infest the
l.iilwny teimlnl of all gicat Continental
"Want a guide, sir.'" the mm "aid In Her
man I almok mv head and hutrled on The man
trot I iel beside me- "Want a good, cheap hotel,
sh " Hood, respectable) house What
a "
"Arh gehi'ii Mo rum Teufel1' 1 cried ar
gillj. Hut the man persisted, running along
I e.!de me and tiding off his tout's patt-r In
a xx-hitzlhg, iithmatlc xolec 1 strue'e off
bllndlv down the first turning xxe came In,
'loping l be rid of the fellow', but In vain
Kinall). I stopped and lie Id nut a gulden
'Take this and go away'" I said
'Ih. eld leilo.x xx i.ed the toll a.'le
"I i Hike, danke," he said tionchalantls', look
I g ai the tame tin.n to right um' let'
Then he sahl In a calm I'ngllsh voice ut
li.ly liltTeieut from his whining accents of a
it ou.e'U lefi.ro "You iniijit he a dam' cool
hand 1 '
iiut he didnt bluff me. staggeied though I
xxas, I said qulckls' In Herman:
"What lo jnu xvant xxith "i" 1 elon t
uuiliisl mil sou If you iiiinoj" ine .in'' more
I shall call the police '"
Again ho spoke In L'ngllsh an 1 It xvas the
xolio of a xx ell-bred englishman that spoke
Vou'le either n past-master ot the game
or taxing mad Whs ! the xxrole stall, t Is
humming after xmi' Yet j-ou vxnll.rd out of
the buffet anl through the xxholc lot of thim
without turning a hair No -.vondei they
rex. r spotleel x-ou ' '
Again I an xx ri el In Hermun )
"Ich xersie he nlcht '" I
Hut he xxeiit on In Lngllsh, xxlthout seem
ing to until e my obstivatlon
' Hang Ii all, man, xou can't go Into Her
in mx wearing a regimental tie'"
My hand flew to mv collar and the blood
id in) head What a cursed amateur I vxa
sftei all' I bad entirel)- forgotten that I
was wearing nix regimental colors I xxa
crimson xxith vexation but also with n sense
of relief I felt might trust this man
II would be a sharp Hi rami agent who
xxould notice a small detail like that
Still I resolxed to stick to Herman, 1
xvould trust nobody.
Hut the guide h id sturted hla patter again
I saw txx'o workmen approaching. When
thes' had pass, d, he said, this time In Hng-llsh-
"You're quite tight to be cautious with a
stranger like me, but I want to warn j'ott.
Wh). I'xc been following xou round nil the
morning Lucky for ou It was me nnd not
one of the others . . "
Still I was slli'nt. The Ilttlo man went
Tor the Inst half-houi they had been comb
ing tint station for sou Hoxx s'ou managed
to escape them I don't knoxv except that
none of iliem seems to haxe n. vcis' clear
Idea of xour appearance You don't loos
xers Ilrltlsh. I grant xouu but I spotted
x-eiur tie and then I recognized tho Ilrltlsli
oilleer all right
"No. don't xxorry to tell me an tiling anut
jourself It Is none of my business to knoxx,
mix more than jou xxlll tine! out anything
about me I knoxv xxliere s'ou are going, for
I heard sou take' s'our ticket, but jou may
as xx .11 understand that s'ou haxe as much
chance of gutting Into jour train If j'ou walk
Into the railway hall and up the stairs m
the ordinary way as jou haxe of fljing across
the fiontler."
Hut they can't stop me'.' 1 said. "This
isn't Hermany "
"Hah"' said tho guide "You xvlll he Jost
led there will be an altercation, a false
i-harge1. and you xxlll miss your train' They
will attend to the rest '
"Damn It, man." he xxent on, "I knoxv xxhat
I'm talking about. Here, come vv 1th mo and
I'll show jou You haxe twenty minutes be.
fore tin train goes. Now start tho Herman
again ' '
We xxent down the street together for all
the world like a "mug" in tow of one of
those bkickguaid guides. As we approached
the station the guide said In his whining
Herman "
Pax attention to me noxv. I htiall leave
xou here Ho to the suburban booklng
oillie the entrance Is In the street to the left
of the station hall Ho Into the first-class
xxalllng room nnd look out of tho xxludow that
glxes on to the station hall.
Theie J'ou xvlll see somo of the forces
mobilized against jou There is a regu
lir cordon of guides like me drawn across
tlin elllianccn m me- inain-l no platforms
uiiostentHtlousl', of course If you look you
xxlll seo plenty of plain-clothes nun,
too "
"Huldee?" I said
He nodded cheerful!
"Looks bad for me, doesn't it? Uut cue
gets better lesults by being one of them
oh' It's nil right In any case you've got
to trust me noxv,
"See here! When jnu have satlstted jour
self that I'm correct in what I saj. take a
platform ticket and walk upstairs to Plat
form No. 5. On that platform jou will find
a tialn Ho to the end where tho metals
run out of the station, vvnere me engine
xxould be coupled on, and get Into the last
flrrt-class carriage, On no account move
from thero until you Bee me. Now then, I'll
havo that gulden.
I gave him tho coin. The old fellow looked
at H n1 wagged his head, so I gave him
unother, whereupon he took oft .his cap,
bowed loxv and hurried oft.
In the sunuruan sieie waiting-room I peered
oUt of, the window on to tho station hall,
True enough, I saw one, two, four, six guides
loafing about the barriers leading to tho
maln-lln platfotms. There seemed to be a
lot of people In tho hull nnd certainly n
number of the men po sessed thnt rlhgulnr
taste In dre thise rotundities of comour,
by which ono may dlstlngu'sh tho Herman
In n crowd
I now had no hesltnilon In following the
guides Instructions to the littir Platform
No u was cnmpleiedv desert'el nc I emerged
btiathlesH from the long staircase and 1 had
no dlltleulty In getting Into the Inst ilrst-elass
earrliiRe uneilnerxed I sat down b the win
dow on the far slele of the carriage.
Alongside II tun the brown panels nnd
gold lettering nT n Herman restauianl e'ar
I lo keel nt my xxatih. It was ten minutes
in sexen There xvas no sign of iny mys
terious friend I xionibri'd vaguelv, too,
xvhat had becomo of my pirter. True, there
xas nothing of Importance In Semllns bag,
hut a traxeler with liiEKnKo alxvnvs lenn
mauds more confidence than one without.
I Five minutes to seven ' Still no word from
! 'he guide'. The minutes tlfkeel awaj. ISv
luxe' I xx ac Kolug lo miss the irnln Hut I
I sat resolutely In mj eorner I bad put mv
I i; met In this man I xxould trust him to the
a st
i Suddenly his face appeared In the window
I n1 my elbow The door xias flung open.
'Quick'" h whispered In mj ear. "follow-
I Hie
Organisation I'minnl at M. l.eoturil' Vrail
cni) Will Have Charge of AiTnir
A rummage sale for the benefit of the
Convent and School of the Hcd Child, ul
Thirty-ninth and Chestnut street, xvlll he held
next xveek, Noxemher SO, 21 and 'J.', at 32.'
chestnut street. All kinds of things will be
for sale, and Hie committee promises to dis
pose, of eXerj thing donate el, 'fiom ,t house
to n tack' ' The mtlrles are being sent to
the com int. xxbere tiny xxlll be thorough!
disinfected before being olfeieel for el In
order that no influenza germs may be curried
t the time of tho golden Jubilee; "f St
Leonard's Acad.ins. xxlilrh was celebrated
last r'rbruarx, u permanent organization xxas
formed to continue the good xxork xxhich xxas
begun then. It was decided to givo an an
nual affair foi tho benefit of the convent,
and on account of xx-ar conditions thin will
take 11. e form of a rummage sale for the"
presesit .xear. The organization Includes
alumnae and friends of the school, and among
those xxho haxe been most actlxe on the
committee In i barge of the sal. ale Mrs
Thomas P. Hunter, Mm James M Mund),
Mrs Hubert Quennell, Mrs Joseph H Isr.nl
Mrs Hurry C Lucas, Mrs. III. hard Selnxoei
er, Mrs Thomas Ituam- and Mrs John J
l'errecli, chairman
War-Work Sings ut Wooilburv, IS. J.
The llrst of a series of sings to be heltl
In the Interest of the united war xxoik e am
palgn will be held at 8 o clock this exenlng
at tho Courthouse, Wnodburj, N J Mr
White, of tho V. M C A , xxlll be the speaker.
C. 11 Hutton, the. local chairman of thu
war xxork campaign, will direct the sings
To Hear Army Oflicer From rront
Major Donald Ashbrlelgc, V S Pie Id Ai
tlllerj'. 506 North rairhill siicet, will ad
dress the meeting of the Oak Lane Park
Improxcmont Assoelatlou tit the Reformed
church, Seventh street and SKtj-sixth ave
nue, tonight. Major Ashbridge lecentlj re
turned from 1'iance after fifteen motiths'
ah uini
n i: a m
11 15 1'. II
Till. VDOItXlll I
vi xx vvs wcivriBiti't'c.
The Btory of a lounc C.lll a Pro'eiem of I Me nnj
MarrlnKe Wllh XVeallli VXelehlng Acalnst I.ove
Ail led Attraction -First National I'renentM
"Shoulder Arms"
A lerrlfle Anmilt ei" 1'rui.slnn Milil .neni
This Untiro Week Pirst rrrentatlon
In 'Shoulder Arms' A1ll Mon Tue VX . I
Madge Kennedy & Tom Moore
In first hhoxxlns "The Mnnilmn of Vnuili
Thur , 1 rl Met Viae Mari-h 111 Ilhl len lln
Next Week- AMKIlle'A H A.NhW 1 11
10 i.i a m . is . n i- .s i:. t 4- n in p m
In nt rivpemHtloii ut
In Addition to V'libt Shoulrir ,r
"In THE 5IA.S KllOM fl'VI-'IlAL HA.Nlli:'
Next XXeik Till'. llllN'riVVNIll) TIJ.NOH
H A R II S O Makes Photoplay Dsuut
in' lli "I I Dl.ii vuvts
vvnxr vul vu iii.n.N waiting ron
Th WIMly r.' IIInK I.me Kiory
"The Romance of Tarzan"
from tho Hook lx IMur Itlee Purrouiths.
MAIIKirr ST. II, Ion- 1TTH
ui:ti ns or MARV
11 v v ,W$,:n
"Blow Your Horn" T5gD
SAN ritANCIhCO'H C'ln.NATOVV.S Olhere.
PTifSxS KEYS M-VKKET T lleloxx 00th
UKUOO n.Cj I o liillj Twice Nlrhtly
BltU;tLIH i S.ir,, H5 4 p ji,
"Among Those Present" J,UH,S:.Aj;cr;
DouglnaFairbanks," 'ffl'&iunv'.
' ACAI'f.VtY Of MfSIt
IXOPOM) i-TOKOW'HKI Con.lu-tor
1'ltID.W AITKH.SOOM Nov 15, at 3 'no
HATl'llDAV f.VKNlNll Kox 10, ai $ j
H,.l.ilt TO.SCHA SHIDKL, Vlollnlti
MaelvOWKLU , Jlldlaii Hull
SvfisDHll.N vCurnlxal In l'nrl"
PratK n.rv on ! l llepps'i, 111U Cliralnut
Grand Anniversary Jubilee !
In "Th 1'urpU I'opnj "
Kutu Ro. uulj. iJ.ixSX.'umaorE' V'.
Htul Cioss AiitiwcrH Average o( ' -
.'10,000 Qtifrie&
of 3O.O0n iimilfix concern ng
e ceiuntrv'H --irxlce In recehoit V,
and an
number nnnni reel ach -wee!. .
b the linn iiTi of communlc.iilon of the Am- ""'iJ
lean lle.l cr the- branch ut thnt orgnnlxiu i "jS;
linn whii h cinleaxor to l.ccii our flghtllig. v-j
men In lou. h xx'th their families. A
of thld number nbout 20.000 Hrc froln
meiDicr una rlene or men In "trvlca ovef.
eie-e the renin Imler Seine; freim personK vrliH
reUtixeje in n,0 , amps ami cantonment!. In
till ceillnlic
The Intel in n,e ferlee eif reporti! which
tho war council h.it been m.ik!nK public ele.Vi"
xxith the xxork eif thl Mirenti ami thnt of tli4
bureiiu eff iirlnmerv relief, the Intter. as ll
nam." Imiillen. lux Ipk to do xvlth the car
of American interne il In enemy prison
Tim report etniet, that from SOOO querlei
handled xxeelclx bj the bureau of cnnimutilca
tlon txxn montlM apo the number has Jumped
t e 30,niio, the Incrense retlectlnR tho fcleaeiy
exiKiiiklon of tho American army.
lli'enuee of th miccc" of thi commmunlca.
t'on xxork In ennnectlon xxith our ovcneti
forcrH thei serxlce han been extended to tint
tr.iinlnK campd In the I nltert Stutea at the
leiiuet of the War Department
tjuttles conceriiliiK tolUler-. xxlio have fallen
tn xx i Ho home or vxhn nre reported mlfselnK.
Killed, xxounde'd, nlclt ot talten prisoners am
cnre.l for bv the bureau Heel Cross pcarchern
there me 100 of them in l'rnnce obtain
the ibjulreil luformiitlon nml it Is forxrarded
to the nnvlous families
The bureau of prisoner ' relief Is the onlv
nrimnlzntloti authnrljed to aid American
lirlKonrr of ix.ir Wh n a man b ofTlcInllv
rep.ittcel a prisoner the bureau notified h'rt
Inmilx Unit It xx.lll I.m.I out for bin welfare..
In iiihlitiein tti forxxnr.hne; mall, money and
clothltiK to thu prisoners tlio bureau sends fo,
taeh man txxent pouneN of fo,o.l ox'cry xveeX.
Dire. Hun l.KI. & .1 J .SllfllKIlT
fil.es NiKhn 51 So 11 75e hii.1 COo
ximinee M and Ri
U"l rvl bdturili) Kiel llo'Wilf)
In- t, ; MhH VX.il f rl na Hit. nt SIS
Pop. Mats. Wed. & Fri. - $1.00 J
Xlf-Slt.l I.I.I nnd I J im'llf.UT l'reieut
WINTKU tlXlinil.N P vvi II. lllixcji
A Huge, Whizzing Entertainment
XX ITII A llltll.I IAN1 CM I
HfltsT eif r.vi.KST Dinr.rT
nioji m:w yokk vvi.vi'nrt
i,i.i- iv cr rxTlllPTV
S-enn N.nx en fnle for Entire Encasement el
1 VXeelen in.iuillnit 'nixnUeelxInic Mat. Mtlt
Iin'l ."ATUIIDAV 111 .
MAT. THURS., Best Seats $1.00
J X J NJM.M XT 1 15
XI xl I.M.I'S VX'IH). t. SAT
JOHN r wnll Wis I'reienU
fy XI .11 .!' s I1II1XI IS
Popular Mat. Wed. .'Ts $1-00
I X Is IT n MVTS AT '.' 15
MATS. WED. & SAT. ;, $1.50
Jolm r Iurru l.oiuthie lllffeioxv
i, vftvxVSuTr,v.,:wilV.5TA,?g op
ISTflt' IT ul- Till I'l.AJ
i.iu nn: FiifT tivii: is AviKnn'A
The li"Bnmj." micccsk in i.ontion
Play of Love and War
iiv ai sens p.vcr
s-e i.m:hv n i hran
IM.D V1ATH ttr.1V II HATH 11.60
FORREST Tonight at 8: 15
Lrgjiireiav re agjaoi
ciionua of kobtv l.ndkh tvve.ntv
f s.'RIcTPTx' aTicnxn iikmoutki'Ii wuck
ljinivivrv. Kvmm K11 JlMt. Wrd x, s;
tv a kpiv rnwrnv
67 w orttnth'. t A T MI IT Walnut
v w-u-.nuist ,.toM
dm. i:
' . " 'ii
mm yif
visa i ..-
Mattne. Hall) at S Sijgg ' " f
,',u ct I'.roinianixi n'lliMiili. " i
l N 21 rta, iq II , r J
-( i PITXTI l,AI-flK- dIA'l IlllMfie
8th Abux Wexlnul -L' TJRLESOUI
Trocadoro ,",rT The Trail HHtp;
"-P -Trtmxr cn-n a r.r.ATtir with '
Uit 1 lJ 1 K luti WOHliJ W4ATXi-
l o'
. -i
4 '-a
, l"
" 'Hj
A'--i j
, -'
Kltr. T