s EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPJlIL'ABJ.PitlA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER U, , L91S 11 REVOLUTION FILLS KAISERLESS EMPIRE Socialistic Movement Spreads Rapidly Throughout II" hole Country Little Disorder as Soldier Councils Take Char go lis w.oiu;r. ltLNwn.w , f - tiff kfivl" "' fc VII kill' Vllf 1 V llllll lll 1'fc h nv a! Co&fr rc .t wing ul-lic I edgir' .....,... of .0,,din!) omo f .hen I aUt. IfllB. till AfM lrl Tlnr ( O llllTll llll, JM 11 oi, a.I pnrU of tlio KRlnLrI mi' - .. . 1. 1. .. i a tiwl The iii"cin!ni compiem " itrerl olaenburif, and at Sihweiln tho uranil Tin teielied the niembym of i fc ildlrra and Woilters Council, who m rmod lilm that tlv whole pjoMncc .if MuMenburit hail Bono ocr to the ii an t rcolutlon. I ,icu,'l.out tho nhliiH tr.rtcstn.il u- c vii ta i.wwincnt m r.o. spreartln.r ,H.n vvlidfltc I'roin Ksei and mam- plmra pcopm .n their alarm arc trekUlne t r.vd lln'lind V. th Krup, worlta t in thoiHinds oi' foicign wurkcrn bai een dUnilnod and thousinds ..f o'hers av stopped rrK A . ouncll hap bi on i-i 1 theie and Hoolallit patto'.s are 3 j t , ho stirroumllnK the Krmm orl. . 1. a mac.ilne nun detachment U frefeld a piiut boclalU; mtetlnB lciiatiflcd that all munition factorial i cdUtel hUipenrt woil. Iitiiiaiul nf itlallit i ,e ocialhrieadei, Sollman, iiec.ai.d j Soldiers nr.d MoiUm found hal been foroie.l and lia established e'f in the Uty Hail Ho prucln.tn-a io c .umilB den ands to be as follows Pii av The immtdlate crdlnc of t.ie Second A Get man Jdal demociatlo Thlr'd Iho teleaJe.of all political and i lltarr prlsoneis l'ouith fhe ubolltion of the mllifiry i dilute . .,,, rifth 'Ihe .unn to be made a cai bKtl The abdication of the IIol en 70. em and all tho German princes Tho cty prscm3 u catlous asspect phll decked arf It i Mlth red tlag- and ip.ime-K soldier i aim civ Ills n' have trelr i apd ana iiui. uci-i"iu ..- ed. leieve: cro ids tat- , trtether loud 'been am tailed for a Jclailst leimbltc i-l,o chief buryoniaslei' lm notllleil is ."ecenent with the council's demands in liar burs tho movement Is lerorted . ii e taken olio peculiar featuio In at en eoimderablo enmlt W l on I e ns bhow n agtln the moro nioder.uo o Muni elements T o lied lias foiinerlj tlio 11 iniburg r-ho us m "f t"o Soldlera nnd Aork t ouiu II, pi Into an order issued b ' . toii.Kil warnlnc pooplo against art ' -Ins o what appears to he a count r n.iiii.nt In the moderates Hie hour- ) --..- .IftntfAil ttt ifll ..t'i. .uu- ,ia hr.n forbid ot pi ess llSS oeen lorouuen t'J yi u. ' .it. I Horn that quartet, which Rcen.a r il.t n-ainly 1 traje-union eic- re eonie rejiortrt or me hiuiiijiih , .uini'ituo iiceuuin oi piieecit , mm in- ,i.il tjireiJ ot tlu s'joWlliitlc icolu ' ccitnorMilp of lettMH inut bo ahullaheil u i- u hi Munich, tlio eari'Jil "' una tliit tHero flmll In1 m nunc ml Im i i, that nintteia npiH.ir t' Inn perlni ortloerr T.iere nro eenl other rd with tho greatest Mpi'il There tenrs b which tippMtntlt n.l (inr H c lul'i cr'ernment, ,'"'1 'f'rl ,illlt In 1CM in63 lnt the hands n Uie 1 iMif ii cll-UnoMi Solillt ill Hi suMler1 founi.ll. . t ill lum Lien Conned, n lenubllo In I similar ciienti hae taken ila. nt 1 er i tiiHliilniMl and the Kin won has, HHinburK, Lueilecit, riensbm mar inrci ltel un.l.r the orden et the Kle, am, Cuxiaen i 1 oweru tlin" be Tim trouble beitnn n I Jidda in T mi-lenient wai laphlll succm- HamburK with the arrival thoie of a f ut l!uiuti. rfhoro ull the tiuhn torpedo boat, lllnir the rid fine t?hoi tl jm tor the tiolit uero Ktoppeil ttiil afterwartlfi thousinda of mirkcm of nu c 'jidiefH and thtdr n.llceiff wore dls- mfr(iu, (Inns lild down tlie'ir tools ami ne. 1 1 Th r'o'njni oltf Zelttmu h.i a 1 at s lobable that tho extiemlsts maj . jic 5ino bj the older fcociallst p ut t . ,d b thw trade unions and the movo- ir-nt v 111 haxe less tuvolutlonary char- rcrei In all other polls tho movement con ' mes In being Homo speakem, amid a eood deal of nni.tiso. i.Hncated Holihevlst mcthodJ 1,V'.'-H t row tls Carry on I oid Whlia the meeting v as belnu held ' uisordcrs took plans In xarlous parts of the city, eapecltllj In the markets, where a, sreat deal of food lias cirrlcd off by j tho crowds . In the afternoon the whole earrlsfth announced Itu ndheploii to tho movement During the afternoon stronf measures x are taken to teste re order, and these ,ere successful Tho law tourts wero snut down Deputations from other cities ( arrived in tho eourso of the da and had a tremendous popular iccption. vi 0 Germany is in the Ui ls ol i r-violut'onar moxemeiit, which began oarlj tills week and which has spread and Is stlli spreudlns with treat rapid- ty becomlnc moro and mom openly evolutionary In charcatci'. Uotli the Soolallut parties have nero been drawn ttto It. Berlin iui quiet todaj, but sttjon by the Socialists there Is expected at an time Cheers for 'Wit-oit ut llumburg V traveler arriving from Hamburg that tno movement meic io 'rankly i evolutionary, no ivarti wic crowds chtertns the Kntonto and I'resi dent WIlBcai. Kiel 13 in the liandu cf Geinian tcr lorlsts, sajs tho Hicmen Weser Zclt uriB and tho latest news shows that the statement Is not exaggerated V message dated xesterdaj rwa that Uie house of Captain Heine, town com jnandant, xvas entered ut nleht by a naval patrol The bailors demanded i hat tlio captain should come with them "When he refused , he was chat dc-d on i ue blot Tho boldlers' council expre.s el regret for the Incident, for which It disclaims responsibility. The general strike which begin Tues day still coitlnued jcfcterdaj. The pa trols In tho town liaxe been utreiigthened and the ted Hag lias been hoisted on the city hall Kiel Is entlrelj cut oft from tho test of Germanj The telo grapli, telephone nnd railway services ef the town have been mispended Xo tters are being delivered Tho HoWeis' Council i'sued another ) rodamntinn yest.'rdax, leportlng ac iia w . - . , .. Same ,Price Same Quality Our 25c Special is unbeatable At All Grocers u3aviiBikkkBvRVnHr-3 'wi-'-- i mr-'' -.J lM'J"' ' 1 i25Centr ft, V 'A '' ' ' V--a. -p h tW m i lHliA.SHPrARD&SOK$ J BVKfllleL MibM. .. It t0"WKKw.,.i.:iiti.l iir I ' centime-bi Mite Mcrttnr) llau-wmann, . rut liilm ! r tVi. iIm nininniit nf n In t-tA lme n'reidi reported, shlto others uti tliat th" licet must nut leao Kiel under nn clriUinstnncrs, thnt there muat be - , .. . . . . .... !.. be can to ilemonstiati' In tho Jtrwlp At the ntutlons they iireintcd the depnttuic of "oldlert whofo li iii bad expired and min of thec isoMlcm jolmnl the demonstrators coldler't t iiunrll lake ( I arKe While till wn (folmf l,i a uoldler-i and workirs council ius foimcd, patroln wero pliced on tho Btrct nnd cuariN put .ier tho public bulldhif,s Hero and there lights tool, plico and alto K.tli.r It appeait-. about tweUo pi oplo wero kllltd and twentj -ftouiidid durltiK the dm III tho afternoon all the thlps In ports weio ordered to holnt the nd flii; after which all the sallori left tho uhlp Hj thH time the don.onntrctor niimborid nbout 15,000. ainonc them belnu a. larKe nuint.r of women Tho!' nef ,ut was to dHann all tho police and take. posc bIoii of the bai racks At the Infantrj bairacks thiro was a warm exchange of shots for .v coiuldr ruble time Ilentuall) tho odlecr eaino out and surrendered tho bulldlnir In Altoni, adjoinliifi Hamburn, a. t.ol dlers council uIfo vus formed and the two councils entered Into negotiatloui with tho local military commind, which, as at Kiel, agreed to tho demonstrator demands The councils then took posses !' T T i T S. . ASCO. AS m STORES CO. " - - - STORES CO. robifrc Victory r?Q Floiir iO ini Jjlendecl according to Government regulations and guaranteed to produce the finest results in bread baking, pies or any similar household use. Just as palatable and nutritious as whole wheat flour. No Substitutes Required with Victory Flour i nntirrTiTniiTiiiij F I f tjcxxxxxxrxsxxxxxxxxjj Best Rice 1 fC ! Flour, lb. JLV ; r , cxxrxxxixxxxxxxxxxr.x; A txxsxxxxxzxizxx:ixm Best Barley Ec I " Flnnr. lb. J s c ,o 3 Flour, lb. N M rrm7iimn xxrtj A Si RFcy. Apricots c. Medium can TO. Keep on Reading Best Corn .A LS Cliolcc Cranberries lb. 12c fiolden l'umpkin can 12c I'ure Apple Dutter ..lb. 15c Our Best Mince Meat. lb. 18c Kippered Ilerrinp; ...can 15c Tat Mackerel. ..each 30c-33c Choice Tomatocsnie'el. can 14c I'ancy Kthp. Apricots, lb. 27c i'ancy Kvap. l'ears...lb. 20c Seeded Raisins . . . pkp;. 13c Call. Lima Hcana. ..lb. 17c White Soup Hearts ...lb. 15J 1'ink Salmon. .. 1 2. lb. can 15c Call. Asparagus. ..can 16r Sweet Picklcrt bot, 12c A, S c o r ' 'A' s Pure Corn Ci o, s- f Best Corn KC E Shad OQC Meal, lb. O R big can && B 17c Oleomargarine " 30c-36 A pure butter substitute. Cheaper and bettt for all kinds of cooking and baking than lard. If tl fc. store where you trade does not sell it, our manager ( q J will be glad to direct you to our nearest store where ' 1 :t. :.. i,i 1 : it is sold. A' The Following Prices in s' c Oi Best Native Beef 'L Roust . . .11). 280.. Rib Roast .lb.32c Best Cut Rib Roast lb. 35c Beef . . ..lb. 22c , ,'ro?;,'n,Becl' lb.28c Genuine Spring Lamb - A. a- O" I Legs lb. 10c Loin Chopa lb. 50c Rib Chops lb. 45c A' S "Cil" Sausage, lb. 35c c;$7 Scrapple, lb. 18c A s" Everywhere in Philadelphia And Throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey Delaware and Maryland c o sV ASCO. ASCO. ASCO, sion of tho military command olllcen All military nnd naal prisoner in Hamburg and AitonH, hao been set at llbeity. The wclMdiown independent Soclullst ileput, William Dlttniaii i. nctliifr with the demonstrators there while nt Kiel Herr Xosko placed himself at tho he id of the Poldlcrs' Council Atl ustduii'llnir week In Cermanj is cndlns In a rcmarkaulu blare of ljlitorlc cents In sexen ihort dnjs the Gei man people haxo effoctUcly blirrt the fctlem nt the tjrannous. autocratle lule which had bound then for o nianj Beneratlons The SocUilst reoluilon,has swept with etr lordlnnr) sucocm nnd remark able rapidity throi kIi piactlcnlly '.bo whole countrs Germany, which plunted Kuropo Into wa.-, hi, In nhort, bton buiten far more thoiouish than oen the most optlmlftl' r hoped would be th case A thlfl hltorlo week ctidl It may be said tn hae been wiled out Kal'crliiii Is dead Todaj Its Kieal champion KhIi Wllhelm II, abdicated, together with the i ron l'rmc l'rlnco Max of Daden will In Hr&etit. and llerr llbert will le the new huncellor An Immediate general ele. tlou will bi held lit older to brlnff torethei a national EathcrliiB 1o (Itildi upon tho future run- stltutlon of the .ountr Ihere m be little doubt that a Oern an icpubln will ' be cilled Into exlu.n - FACES CHARGE OF MURDER Man Who Admittetl I'taiid Mis-pt-t'lcd of Tcirililc (Jrinif Sew lurk. Nut II 1 r. derir. . redl erlckn alias e nptHln Trlti Joubeit Ilunuesne, who pleided tnillt hero on October SI to trvlnir to collect n fraudul ent J3,t)0ii tlalm fnim an linuraiicu cninpiri), will probibU be tumid oe to the HrltMi Utucrpment to f-ve tv charfco of murder In connection with tin i explosion nboard the uteimshlp Tnn Mill olf the eoit of Houth merlca In l'Jld, aCeordlnK to it stateinent today bi lilttrict Attorntv .Swann ArtoriluiR to the Hrltlsh Ooverninct.t, tho explosion occurred nmons boxen of 'mlncntl" Bhlpped by l'reuerlcks, ami tlVree bKllols wne 1 llled Althouch tl ei-e iox.s were " Inruretl for ,80.000. Vred erhks titur attempted t eollec the monej (.tainp's NVorkers Lcatl l'aiaile About 1D.O0O implodes of tho I'r.xinp shlpnrd and rehldenta of KenslnRton and Itlehmonil paiaded to the center of the clt Two binds ltd the way The Khlpard celebration was arranged on Sattirtln and tho men were all ready for the tib"erance when the whistles announced the KOod new a this liiornltiK Army and nay students r.t the Hohni inann Medk.il College- Joined tho parade when It jnfcscd that institution 12- lb. bag A. S, FC O A" S' C O, A S C I Mixed OI 5 Vegetables uTMUHTrtnirtirt A s, c o rTTTTTTTTTTTTO A Juicy Grape He Q Fruit, each I "0 S' c o. -Check Off Every Item Flour, lb. 5c i A S Asco Buiktth't KIoor.pkg.14c c .0 Qua. or Mothers Oats,pke. lie Cracker Dust lb. 13c Campbell's Soups ...can 10c Karley ... ...lb. 5c Fine Table Salt ....pkg. 5c Kilter's Catsup bot. 12c Hakefish, for cakes, brick 22c Threaded CodGBh, pitk'. 8c-12c India Relish ... bot. 12c Choice Apples.. . . ' pk. 17c Campbell's Beans. . ..can 15c Shoe 1'eg Corn.. ..can 18c Choice 1'ras can 16c Extracts bot. 6c-12c-20c A 5 c o A s A S Starch, lb. 6c c All Our Meat Markets i' O -A- ,c, O I I Rack Chops lb Shoulders lb. I Stewing lb. OA. -1 3XVA 28c c-! ,o. ' 1 " Krout ...qt. 12c JK;" Liver ... .lb. lGc O' ASCO ASCO ASCO. TlJWHIgJLll J3o. Vscoi 1 1 ta a txrs-l Z5 ' txixsxxxixxiinirxxn iXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXl can f (li j 10" a sproul to decline honor lf J Will rsol Arccjil Hc-clcrlioii iv I'nioii League Hcnil clo .rnoi elect AMIlijm F r. ui i 11 p'rt'sid'ent xr,al0'tn ,'"" om,e, '" prtsident of hi I nlon I.eaBui when bin present term exnli-es in Dei Lmh.T i It Ij .uMnmnrj to honor Incumbent ' ui wio on;ce with rf-electlon, but, be cause of his election to the governor ship, Mr iproul has derided to follow the course pursued by former Governor htuart follow Inn his BUoernatorlal elec tion Mr Ktuait declluea lo-.-UMIon ns prtsident of tho I.tiiKUo when about to assume his dutlts at llarrhburK The leclslon of Senator Sproul not to enter the race has recalled to prominent members of tho laiiKUo tho fart tint Mr. Stuirt strved but oi i t.rin as president, nntt tccordlnnH u moitincnt has been started to l,ct Mm its .seni lor S5"iroul a niceessor I'rMiiin, nt meiii liers of tho League nxprtss i diubt that ".Ved ' btuatt will u i net president Colgate's l.tsi for n:t it )tur dtalet's utttJow "1 7 ificy LONDON CRO WDS RECEIVE ' ' ABDICATION "''""" Host, utnnl Ih mmnoi as .... lllli'i it am If fll IIIIS lilt Vlolt Cllt'vri Sutml I alilo lo .lining I'tttihc l.ttlttir l'oinrlel.i. r(t. (v i lorfo rime (n 1 1. ml, m, N, it (ileln)ed). On 'I i 111, news of the Kaiser's abdi cation lent'htsl I,Minlo'i twlay rs tlinl. was falllnR, when great oriiil wtlo wrnilliiK their wa honied ard alter Mf Ini; tho I .old Mnjoi show l.nndoture m'i let themseheK g liter, but today, though t' f spOi'titcle wlintsed I mil lions was no will i itli'iital.tl lo rotiM riithuiliMii the ii wilx'n iim lined tout CJrl 'iialv qui. 1 r ill I di in. anoi will i i n,!! id I i l. n I M nintneni if i nin : 1 l-,ur1 unpl uise a f , i t ic in ing.iH c 1 o -because dentists know that the aeraoe mouth is best suited by a dentifrice that is free from risky chemicals. St Read this Story of the Evidence Chest Two research lirms ot lujrh standi ng nude an investigation in every state of the Union, atnonji; 11,842 Dentists (nearly one-third of the entire profession), not only in large cities, but in small towns and villages. The chest pictured here holds all of the ques tion and answer sheets, dentists' signature's, affi davits and records of the country-wide inquin. V ho as to make sure that tiic dentists' answers would not be influenced one wav or the other, the young men who called at the,officeswereinstriu tcd not to mention the name of any dental cream or powder in getting answers to the question naire. These young men knew only their direct employers the two investigating firms. They had no idea that a manufacturer was behind this inquin toascei- tain the real facts. Xoivor the results; The evideiue shows that, nut only tYJ) Colgate's the first choice of mote dentists than any other dentifrice, but also that (2) Colgate's L exclusively prescribed" by nioiv dentists than any other. wBawPSklil I rON X? Whenever you brush your teeth KS'mmB E " remembet that dentists say, "use Colgate's" NEWS QUIETLY IJ ,;,, K,,,,, , Dnunjnll . mv ' 1 1 il ut I onl Mtiui for I S, Nfi 1 ii in t it' I old ;iuui a pioees sk n nnd puril. ulnrl for tire American tiding men, -ill., t-esfirti r ( if Stars and llrlM ii i i i l Isiorl rout b Muor iiroit lloval i oiirt of xtBte am! tho An greeting paiittlo, i i ointir' I en I I tMi , I i intt Illill nil I I il 11 ilhil Lord 1 I . the r i i i t lath ii eat 1 il r i ho i it wit I in. ' n t. H in 1 in is ua Dentists' Dentifrice" 'I he hidence Chest is deposited with the Title Guarantee ix Trust Co. of New York City, where its contents may be examined by accredited conv mittees on application to Colgate 6c Co. This preference shown by dentists for Colgate's is, undoubtedly, based on the fact that the mouths of nine people out of ten need a standard dentifrice. And Ribbon Dental Cream is a standard truly tailed ", dentists' dentifrice." It cleans thoroughly, washing the teeth ing these facts, use Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream in their own families instead of the strongly drugged tooth pastes, which are not suited for everyday use. You, too, should use COLGATE'S every da. " rr. fr: a,st, t'li I il.K i y I timeS ii nil ninit -t tliatitiHUlh their ami wiUHilr. ns . f fighting ma- thlnes p.rfniniiil n r.rlts tif battle to luil ms In tho higher nlr while, baby st iul d ilih iim nnd other nlrtreft n iiltitiuli si great Hint tl.v s.euiod Uli small birds peiformisl a x.rltahlf tl tiii'o ! Jo looping the ltHp, none dhhiK mid lull dltliitf nnd doing nil .oris of Muni us If In sheer d light at the t tnUet of tho a r The spectacle presented hi the fly HiK men for hours w Ithotit rssntlun whs wonderful, partleulnrly tbst of the liat tlo llert of three squadrons laniidon had em nothlttr qult so ImpreOjiit since that midday of Jult ' IslT wliui ilcr- I man ulrplamr, tlropplng hombs, paraded thflr tlftructlo supeiloriti In the ga-e of Hlctia too astonished t b, afraid WHillf. I.k nl (loorce wai k lenklng a riulldhall l.rmlins strttts iniialr.il liirkejied, lnt ihr,iinl iin uuai In -tnt-i rd n nigl mi otiusiii.llv i i nti rh Nil-i i f ibdl ill n mi- p illlj I n a n Ht it.1 t ih . ui i im ,,r I ml I ngl i n i j i iin . aril tn t i i 1 in In n il i i h i 1 m without harmful grit, or the powerful drugs found in some tooth preparations. These risky chemicals may clean, but think of their action on the tender membranes of the mouth! -V safe, sane dentifrice for the use of the whole family is Col gate's a normal dentifrice for normal mouths. Dentists, know CL&z T Sf LT ?& ... ' .. I raputltj, ,md public houses Where rplrlts and nl mm h-dlluted ber sW obtainable, had queues Many obserVftM, testified thnt the) had not seen a afeitf intoxicated mull In the streets to3J- i tnierltiin Nuts t heererl i l.rlt ft ddes'a remarablo talev m.nt nbout the iKrman fleet a fortnight ngi. being orde-ed out Ij battle t6 eaat l v a list die of fortune, nnd the refuwrf of the m.n to c mimlt eulelde, arouwul cheera and Guildhall cheers xrhWh , were repeated when the Klrat lyord re ferred to tht ni-r erntlon of tlio Amertft" can ntiy with 'ho Hrltlsh In the tasV or making the M tory coitaln ueddea'ilj,., ', trlbuto to w i i oiler as decisive of the, imrld'H tlemlnlet. was appreciated by tM , audience, whov i ell being before trV war had depended upon that freedom of . . tho sent whl h thtf Diltlsli navy Insured ' I l ..... .. .1 nl ,.... M.lk.-t In prao tin ei- ii -loi national bi Isleiite had In en h leguard d by that r) - tun n u i i nf i a ' .71 l I - i M ijtslv s r s, and v, u ' I. Mini il ) ro.ioccd III Ilcjd Georg-8 e r j news tut er i& v, V v t' ( -c. .?! "it. Si. i i 'U -n ,e ill U4 ( , ' v feC, t'.""l .T . ' ' , i 1I tf V?V 1 '1 a '' . ($ 4 V V a