Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 08, 1918, Night Extra, Page 21, Image 21

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    . h'
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mmTixtf j?uj
; 2iv;
" tv '! JF'W' '
JMaikct Shows Uncertain!) Early, but Finn Tom De
velops Later Fourth Street National l.p
10 Points l and K. Report Good
The local slock tmirkel look un tmcettaln rouisp rarlj (odav, tiwitiK to
deeite among trailer for some ntticlal nnnoiirvcineiit from Wiisliliictim on
the, report, published estenluy. Unit ilie. (lertiuina had accepted armistice
terms as required b the. Allien untl Hint hostilities hud ceased. There wi n
feeling, however, thnt financiers aeiterjll.v weie kIcIiik credence, to tlie news
because of the quirk demand for stocks on the New Yoik excliimge. follow
ing a lower start, when nervous traded sut.l eloiks they had liuiiftht on
yesterday's late advance.
There was, therefore, a firm undertone lino tow.ud nihlda.v. which
brought lmproeinent flver first quotations, flcneial Aspliulf piefened was
up as much ns ..l.nke Superior made a fractional Rftln, lliiplil Transit lrii'1
certificates moved up u ttlnVjiiHl Pennsylvania Salt scoiod an advance of 'it.
Asphalt common, Klectrln Sloine Battery and Philadelphia Klectrlc re
mained unchanged.
On the first sale recniiied on the cxchanK for a Ions PPiMod, Fourth
Htreet National Bank stock changed hands ul 20, a khIii of 10 points over lis
last sale price at auction.
Jleel common was sllishlly lower emrly and I'ennH.vlvatiln llallload. Heatl
inK Company and Krlr were off ,. while I.ehluh Valley turned iipwurd for a
mall Rain,
Bond traillm? was small ntul iinliitrreMliiK.
Karnlnas of the Philadelphia and Heading H.iilvva.v for September, which
ume out today, showed substantial tncieases In k'ltiss and net over the
name month last year. (Jross lelurns were J7,ufi8,74a. a nalti of (2,u3I.Sn3.
ami the net operating Income was fl.6Tt.l2S. a Brain of ?4oUtiil uver the
previous September and against $l,57o,81 for AugiisI of this vetir.
For nine monlha tlm Bios was K'V.J7!t.3m. an Increase of 9,935.SuS,
While the net Income was JS.20S.2M, u dtoiease of J2.93B.3nr..
tlvihrttitl h 11 a hit
(l irHi. vf
U'HKvr Rftelntt. A .VM bushels 'ihsre
?,? r movement und unt lined Arm,
Us iiuoiet cr lot .n etnort ei.vstdr
uipverniTienl standard Inspection) standard
Mires No I r'.l wjn,r 13 BO! No. 1.
"otjh'rn prln. Ii'.ss No t. hard winter.
I.'.dlii No 1 ml winter, ssrlieky. JS.STi
, . ' ..1') ."""I" 5 311 No. S. r4
"Inter. 12 an. No . norlhe.n iprlnr. I'-1 .1i
.No " IimM winter, fj sl. No. s. rd win
I'l. s-iiekj. J.'m Nn v. red sm.ittv.
I! 3.1: No, 3 re.i h nirr j j" No. 3. north--in
rrtlnt fi.aj No 3. hard winter. t'.'.S-'.
No ft rd winter ssnuky IS 30: N. 3,
red inuit. L'.-.'!i
ClMtN ltfrlr,! vr.o i.,..v..i. 'rt.. .r
1.. ...,.. . . . ..W-MT - ...- ......
i..-i iu.ru i-u , oi ilvlho!
Uunlnllnnii r li. fr lot
"""-. ".". '. ril a tnl i,i, iinM. ti vsjii tn
'"I" IKjeeuii, II ;i, buliels Th mur
!"'.' V"ul.''1 ,bu' '""" rt'le Wfll ITinlll
isliinl. iMptoiIoMt . ,ir ioi. ,,, in,.iif,n
;.,"-, r whit'- l'lIK mmiHrd ivhllr
whiWi.W:;.w" :'""- '
KUirK-lleij'i.t M bii! iiril 300 J lift
Ibff in wm HufM U- kr.l li.tTr.ni nnl ihr
inirki t urate Umniitton Th Hrri. ir
1!trt loiji.iln In Hb nmkli Wltitrr hit.
inn per ffiit flour. tuv in ;,, Kninaa
wh"t. Km pr icm flour, tin Milt IO.ha
jprli s uhcut. ton p-i ft,t nuui fULantf
it V K 11 Ol It mm. (i.j.. N,i ,,-H,Iv e
tin u Mujllt
Th-r- . fir oMiltiir rtTnmi(1 u ui
mmkft mi.(1 tra.t Qjotatlrvnv i i- turf
u n'tr mnokrj, lii ti n lf knuMif riti'l
rfinfrf. mel.l nl ulr lntd, 4i writhe
hff. Utiurklm and irntT A!iiukd. 4!ic
if hmi. jfto: ork. fumiiy. t304
hntiiK H. cyr.! Joan, 341iSr,tc: do.
klnnfil, lcnt :WSfl'tc ilo. d, tnokd
ShfJimr t'lhrr hMin. mii(u(d m t urd hi
In lifin'l nd nrasr !tflSn"v'; himi
tnmknd. wtrrn 'iir1 JiS tTft'Sr lr.
hulled, hnni-UnK, r1c. fictile phoiTdrr H )
cured, lootr, -r do, imnVtd 20. bolllm,
In pttklf, urcnrdlnr to ir'i: nut S4c;
breakfast laron, to hr.irir) and airracr,
rltv curd. 4740. brAkfaat baton n-tatrn
rurfd 47'iC lard wratfri refined '.'UO
IP'ir, lard, pure vttj. Urltit landered, sod
rliim:!) M;ovns
liainumi mm atl inodru
wrt firmly h-lU un u baH uf (h fo
arcoiuina 10 nua i.J.
1 iw o i jiirtLuiL
r"':z:szrz ::;: on peace news ' A s,t,,y salesmanship by
IVIoHllnln Conlii. Br.nMlhc i ,.ii... 1. .1. tf 1 1 ir I . f f
MV pnnthin o..n.,. .,.. liaWUl If IIUCIICUU
v'ZVs, J,',1"!' '-4t,i;" XUc" ''""" H,,Hiiiii l.rl .oom lull Slock (Cvn.Mi
"n5?r. d-P. '"" nunn.r 'JfJJtlc (l-r-- ,. ..... . .
l1. Djt luilr Jf,tf?i,c .?in. m ,, ' llolllll ...PjJ.f. .fco'-oi'r.tlo rlfsrlK o,.l
I'ko- 30U. 13c. do. jouiui.ort.Mlr -it "'.' " "" 'V- ' "'" "-'" "line "l
3'- ' " " ,,lr' " J Hrdlain lei Inoio l h 1111I1I itesi:tiitnin t'i ni(rti.,i ni fcr nlonrd f.i rT i onlr(i
. Mitchell Palmer AiTuigiiH Hill. AiKjuiring Salniie 25
Aiilni'iacy in Biimiic.v
Durii)): Address Here.
IVr Cent. Auails iNcxt Leg'
islamic $
., i ..I ' ,-,,,J'",ll,' "'" H .ln.,l up
?."n.i ,.I. .. '""K-.hlil-.l luihrv. .trrn
?..., . I-iI-t fpvvlii, in i,i,i. . ,i plckrd
Ull , "1. " ' "'n"i I't Ihi on.)
oi-r nlT ,17r' i,iiirr -irr" .ij an.- old
luo-t". nrvirt,,!iii,, ch.k.-n..,..em
''i",, "'inhiiig P, v; lb,. uic 3S.M10.-:
iteltniiu; t ! nplro and or XAi . wrlsll
ln- 3', lb oplrio, use. Uriah, ,i I'tMH It.'
iiplrr. sn.i!-; -prior rtii.k, i.-inn l.l.ml
mi. I l-t-iimoufiia vxhim ..,ub p.r ini .
ICI- neiahlim I1 )h. pr. ,ior Jsf
t;1. "". WflKhllll !lflO lb I. r Out T1f
7.S0 do wrljhlna S Un prr do- KI3II..V1
to urililnn T ll l un Il.-.iltlj. Uo,
tv-lahlmr tlfttl', H,. n.r ,i.,r jj 4 , ,,h
l...07l . i.O Kliu" ,tud 'J tl rt'J VO
liivliiaitial ii;arni.inif'ii nin't come' An ln.'ieae In -alar;' of 2S prr cent
nr th" miiincml ili-irlct finm noon -1 1,;, . V V li.V " ., Vi.. - . ii i. . . ; n""'K " "" lnln'"rv armament Ail- u .outrlil h.v -chool leacnelj or PhllaJ
teirtiiv 1 he new diat the waf until hi; ,nif. tuitr nff n. N br .a'rrr.l lot-rai-j- in InduMt.v mini tail with the ddpVa and ihrouRltout Hie Slate in A
err r.r'bn.LVr; n"!;r,:rrn, lT '"''';..:....":,; 'Si T';.':;' ,:',.'",t. : f of ne Mulien..,!.- dyna.1,-." ! ! ,0 be introduced in .be next I.eli)
douhifiii nt .,,- the nrKet anil iiewn-' -Mueliell IMlmei. llen piop.tty piiv-I uture provldlnir for nn npprnprla(Jotf oj,,- J
seivi.e Hooaratu- .mil were ln.llne.1 lo fOXXMN ' '""1l. '' '" fnll.d Si.Hey. made Ihelo c.a 8,.m. Announcement of the conV ?
L'nf'e '.'f'e 'rr''X , ' j -U-Ulpj. -.. Na.au WKheroon a ,h,l?e. eXe "
New- orl. ttock etrlnitises n well a ulieei wondering .what I lOUlii do o Mil Mr 1'aliner wild h. Imii-d iw win ! ,ponr)t,F ndvitn.e n pay I elted n i
olh'it In vatiiiua nulls of the cnuntr.v
The effe.i on the aiock matket wu In
tuntanenu -Vlrltiall i Iim w hn!e llkt
' aireo'ed QuotntloiH Ktviim hluhr
MVv" """"' Hr """ 7:"r,' -'" " ptli-es urrerded i-htIi othr. 1ml Iheie ' for Hiludaj -when I aw r i
riir.su 1 huits
time- of niuife; !t , 110 ue Heitliut P'riniltert to Uc Hip moi.. iv and mor
morepicprol.-llian I .,., ea.e for. - Z? t".Z Z.U, piv Tr
.. r.ii.Kmi nliUri r uo.i.u hi 0tie or tne tiiuniKi ilo-; to Ainerlenn IIvIikt hae itioreaed
rraumi hy the teachers for their icf
tlon I
tieaplte flie far- thMt he CO.t -of
ft7 tier rent In
romliiK r.iuefla a a ikiiII of it'lilem ivarfa-e I'hlladelnhm In trie lnt fmlr ears. th
wete no M(tn of a ataiiinede. thanks In ' , .1,, h,,l.- iihim.h ' f the CJermnnh on land and m-m Mr ' leacnerr nolnr out fliflr nlarv schedule
the prenvutlotis Af Hie New Yuik inonev ', ...... . . ' Maimer a!d In- 0M).'!ed to rim'hiue ' is the -.nine .is In 1911 '
" M fn- an.1 ..,.11. Hi.etirai fonunlttee. "" ' '" '" '0"K "n noiie' iw ,,r ,inrt w,,K p. .pertv of! Kipinej and facts Kathered from tlitt
Applel '"sevr"vr!!;" ,, w," . Kaii"niii'p, I '" "'e banU'' ''"1 t'"'" iiipnles lha , "f. ' - - loftoit. I Cailrd us I i.m afier nllen etiemie. In the Tnltrd Stales until ' irln.-iAl c.ltte "f the I n ed Slates, It
Mti.i fnniv vr. iini.i.jr.N-un 4 a 'jit """-" "' jiiniiiin'. amionffn manv 1 nun He utoppi-n, nr tied Annum and an 'ierinan.v won il nut n.ue one soititllla n s.1111. ennw tn.i' i-misaeipma yearly
'"" 1.. .mn. ...1.1 "M1..M.. uio.i . .... or ni-oncri) interest Irrt in ini ,-..iinirv nciiase 10 aaiary to uer sctiooi teaen-
ets i smaller limn tlia of anv o!hf
linportiint el'T in the t'niied Statea.
On ji'coiint of t. insuthclRtit salaried
paid to the learners rutin- lme abanj
iloned thi.it prnfrsslou and souglit nv
plntnrni In I'oium'ernlat lilies.' Many
iiave tasen ip vv.ir work
The State Hoard of Kducatlon and
oilier educntionul 01 panlr.u'lotis Mill aid
ir 1 In' moveiiient uhtii.n the advance
n:,,Kl',"'4V. .! uX'ZX'',,!!!",'!! I ''.: ."""1 "hp" . n,'.."ol'. "f. ' " he smiled said "Mlahty s'ad ,0 Me vou. "f lopct'. Iniere.t le 111 tin, ,..r.v
wealrrn p-'r boj. J'J.'..Ml.1 id. uuliu'a Ni .... ... .... . . ' that 4he ilevll of WrtlU to pe!. never I nrtlen 111 the liniteit Ktalr. I,. fn, n
lurk, per tibl j.titJH.ilo lo nci iun bja We are noir In the midst of one or the """ " "" voiieu niaies in rore Ite-
l3rr. ':"," Yj'tia'sn" hrMw''it ,,!'","'" l,ol") "'"ike: th s ".unny h.ie j lo "l-",fl' f'l!'JW wt" '"- '"'' an ' '"'"'
IVurs I'sllfornis' nn lio a tj"ft ' I'lunia "ren In many .veaie. ' said the lied ol ' though I weie a donke . (eeiling tune ' '" "" ""V few vve's P W, Pi
lDrnorKe,bl, "" l-,rr ,n,,"''-, nf""- -hve!. how an- you and what a in- pine. l'l""xl"l..lf Iv IMW'iih Dun until, of
.iX" KleJjSr'P. .""'". '3tnj'r o"arfn1, ' Un,a' ","1 ' ,"", " '" """ '" """'. of-ler. see -Is ll l.i,ila or mml , ,1,,":,n ""' -""'"'""' in this roun'i-v
p- bnv .i-Susi .von finranplr, "ibin "The demand for minds Is not ran. ! or '" " "' " hil! or mud jou , pnhllo anetloit " Mr Palmer said.
lHM?Ki TOn&AVWrV C r 'S:t """ . !". '' """ .t extern... 1 .
I l.o lL"na llrnprs. New ynrk t, UlioliKhout Ihe entire list. Iip lha-
Ijvnd. 'C
n.-. .,. 1...1 .. ...
....... .,..,,,...- khu. wnoieu mills in' 1.. ,)a. ,,,l
l'.irk. only New Jetsey. l.u drnK rheml.-.H .mri' .
I.01 al .Meal .Market .
Th folio-wins rroort furnlth'il b the Jmsl
Ilvr imolt anil mest nrtir- or ths llur-au of
,Irketa, I'nltsa 3tls Department of "'
eulture. U of the frrah tnrat trade In J'hllu
delphla !
KKESlt HBBF KrcelnH mp.lerjle mar
ket drsBCV t weak prlrra extetit on choice
beefi rtrmand llrht
rtlPIF.RH RcVpIs ipoderaie market slow
at $1" to U! ilt'.naiKt Jurt fair
COWS Re"lpt fairly lllwral. market on
oort rows sl;'Jt steaily t 11 I" IJI, 10m
mtrn kind slow at 11.1 to II". Jenund nle
VEAlr T'.ecelpt's Ilitht. maiket stel m
Its to I2A- demand fair
POHK ftrrelpts moderate tnarksl atwiilt
ateady st till to I3H: demand only fair. 1
l.A.MLI l.rrcinis nioorrair- ninrivt-i Bit-un.
II11I Vekrd
it reklnir,l 11130 ....
it. coupon. ll'3 .... lis
a. leaistereil nils im'4
8. ciiupon, Hill '.
s. rrxlstered, Wlh tnil',
4. ioupin. lien . HiBi, llllt.
a rrirlstereit. 19111 S3
.Ir coupon. IP4II . s,,
I'ansina i'a, rriilsiertil. lR3fl li-
Panama 2s. registered, tins Us
I'miimi 3 rjlMere.t, Mull . rA
I'riliaiitH lla roulon . ss
if in foi flnel !;'J"k".. ''word. MM.HIe l)et-ar jtti no one would loitri at n few weeks nmi fofl.nve inluulss' ride fion. ilie G'linil " lr companies, loie works iiisilnnei
(. o"i '.'Hvi'" .IS " wrTpe, r.h'fl'ra'j "" 'nmm.nirt consldeiahle aiietitnm. Onttal. beautifully lo.-Hle,l lo.s ,x, Plants and a muRiielo coinpanv Aloie
'5 1 por bun l."iiri n " , alul ihe volume of liiislnesk iransai'ttit ' "nil di.v ea-iv pavmepis sale, will follow
I'llKKSK--The market ruled flnn .vnb ,(
tr.alHl equal to Die limited urferlrss (n.
uuntsllnns were as nuinwa .-ev Vors
putsturs were ouin
' tt lionds of llle second and third cl, ei cur me me 01 .llk-. . il 1. I ne nai-llllie n,lt .i- the sneliUli
is suipnallik' lo tl.o trade. Mil t. or I II have.to wain vour old inns manuacliifei fm the lieiuian nindi.ier
1 i.re nn ln-Xfi h-!! h tirnn nhni '" ""' .""' -n m-. --- jmi . in- .n..-.- kuuiih im.iiip m ccrn.oNt ), t(
u nn n-rii k ihiicv irfin. a.iu.iavsp iniieiaia ir v tail iii-iom tviiitaa aaata ..-. v.
hl(hr: Nw York who's-mUlt. fair to tood liiHi-. umiei eesrclK. Other ves.il,,,., '" ""' '' mone lias been available fot '"" neiin to lie soul ever.v wl,t ie, was ha mo
frrah 3i tf sj', r. VV'Is.onviii hole-mlik. weie knrnll siendv Uuotmion- vh- . ' nveelineni iitnl the eaKniie with "Well.' I Krililit'd, "von asked for 11 upon 110 lack of confidence In Ain'iicin
f1?S.Ue3;,"U3,t- ' "- '" l uoJ- 3J y,' ' '!! o"'",S,no"-lWWha.'is;ti? ' I 1V""" H'-ml-Kl Hvviint.ee me I.e.iiR ,f' '' "'""" into a. 1ln I.U of a Ke s and moductlve ahilnv but upon
nfl'THtt- Trad- was ujln i.m p-u.s .i-i.v r'e' . bushel basket Nn 1 s.-"J picked up would nppe.li- to foreshadow '""" ""r'k "ino iilotis.. rin.i and the knowledae that the iieiin.ui illn (
weie steadll hMil a; ihe late iniMiii.e $11(1 No i AiiWT.v White potatoes .ie. a llrelv lioiul liiislniks nut ntilv ihrn'iah. ," Dl, vc" " r''"1 ,'t',, ;l "".il one stnle-contiollrel industt v inude die cum-
giiulal una- Solid pntkeil rresinei. rxlcis v and l'eiitislvanU. n-r 1011 .s lire,,, l,,r,v nnuu uhsiiiim nui iini) tnio.lRO- ,,,.. i. nellni.i'. i,.l, ,,t.e.iii-.l
air hlah.r sierlns RWH. lijjinti .he st- Mn'inteiii n 1. IS MffL-.10 ciiat,., ," "'it the remainder of this ear but well '"""' -(""' "l"" "f 5""' te'ephune petltioiimossl.viiiiequ.il
ter for Inbbiiu salt exlrs nrsls. info.!! ' IS ".1W:' to No. ll.'Jfi h I TH .-.wee; note into ihe flllUle" btand ' I "IT petpelual pence -b In follow the
flrl-'is of"pr1pt's tSnt.' JI;,' ts,"n',y S'wW" Virx??'.! The 1,-ad of anothet bond house -a,,! , Telephone ro.ml-wlia.'s ,hc lok. nd of ihl. war. li mils. I.. Kion.lc.l
m,l mi ii ill if.V'.'.-V V-rr ,:'",'rNov., V",430 N" - 'K1 ''."I iiot feen as mam Inquires foi "Smoke tin heie and smell cm in "I"1" siimelhiiiir dirfeieni ilian the Or
K(lIS--i;resh et... k on'liiu-.i seat.- n. , J,vVii"t do ' Vt,l..aWpei6rcr?!1 'vS-'h ' liil. In .veaie as had been voiiiinK tu hl Mt.mM.vn " We weie In the stole bv , '""" 'ii'Vetniiienrs p'an to make all In-
I'mo-Mion.' hrr4' W.'i'.i jnnn'r llSVm 'Vw ''"'V-, X,'." Tl;,h 'ir l""' house ietenil.v. "And Ihe worai of U . ' this Urn-, and "l C. saul to .be sslcs- "'""" "11 ' "'ntner... redound t,. the
Vwul Tr .r.M.";rr,rrecfrpt, ! 5 l,S, M,7 r -'?(',. ,' ?,M 1 "Tt ' '"" "" "'- clean We have noil,, man "Let me ee some Mauu.l .iaiciu " w"u ," "' Hf.Rrn"! ' l"'-" f 'He tier-
per r.,. , st-in tra first.. 1 soWL't, lo .1,''' ',"!",, Kr.T'lQ. . V,C.V. ,l,'.s -,.' V. ' mir t,. fr ' i.e -1,1 vtu..i ,r ,.. Paii.i.1,. ..!.... man Stale leiii.au iiiusi be made lo
at 022 to I2H. d.tnand fairly aillvo on i l.as' Mils fer . -se firsts t s UlHUI'.nil per . ... ., y, ,, ,, ,,., ,, ?A,f , , (,bl;ai!, , . . . iiiiilenlae .-Ifis ... The fellow hil a heaut n' i i-ol.l In """'' ,l't '""' her Plan has failed In
"oole Inmhs. I Todav Ve Krl lll.li leov ' terlor bus lower . sturaae t, li'01i 14 III , Vork i.e. on IISWS3, do. Danish seed 1 1 . U H' tlciilar la,s ui I"' fellow nail a iveaui o a ioi.i in (, inrt,,A field as In Hie inllltarv.
MUTTON H"celrt moderate markei , k 'ns . nil's lot k int' loi'i s.M, per esse ns to Qiiaiiii' ratnileii hi., I re ,,,, .0, U'.1'js Onions nsr 1i)0.i, i.jj' , bonds, he said ".o. iliey arc fui evtry the head, lie aald : "We ai d aod eb. ,.,..Kl..ia, rtlsntiriameni must ...,,, t...;
.'.'.'' .SJf, sJniniva iTrty'dsmsefJ "fa!" '-'" '","Jol""t ' 4t" vU 4",, "' ' 4g ' ' """"' '" """ ' " '"" '' " Vg ' " W do '" N" nileft ll. ' wod bond which cm he had. Me,e is ' bud wvve a koo, brad ven ,b.lat vv'iih in
Si '"" "" " ' ' , an older fiom n good custoliier fur all- Here he pulled out a niurli-iised hdiid. )r) imiustt inusi' fa1! with ihe lall it
It's Coming Quicker
an We Thought
i?r '
$Z rO- Hne j, ' - V Snr
'- '" fcu, ' , .' t,'"i. ..',, 'yi. ""uiuZ'
T. "H '"'- .' ",.. i,C'w. '. A-: '-.r " ,?W
' . -- e ." -or... ."'.. ' s ,, .r;-,. - i....
" . ' .e "'.',;" ," ,:"4er-"eo0 - 'o .7."'
t . n "titi-i fi-. 'i fi-.. o m
e-.w. "-Aw.: 'r'"f'7r t,,,. '"hrr. n:"irr
W. " I-....
" o ""
. "" - foe "' 'A
't-. - On ft,.
. 'rc .. - ;,. -ii
t "r
.. r-ll -.Fl.. "II I L -UA.
'An. ' fo " (.'e fe
'", :" ', ?v or'. :?'.,
'".. "v;? .,;:i. 7"
"on,. -"rofK 're r -1.
. -r.. ."i
"00, "J
.- .,"'"
r. -"j
. :" -" .
o .rirt-pM.
--'f -. . 'p
Fl- ' "1 e rO,"eni7 " .r-", e.'f fSrf .
, Pe- "llli. r"th ', or";; ""i i t '".' r.t
.::'.:' '""... t ys!s?sl rc or "' .Mf?.6iv
'-. j- Ar5-'4,.;;
A recognition of the Natural Advantages of Our Port
by the Government brings cheer to the -many business
men of Philadelphia who have chafed at the necessity of
shipping any goods through other ports.
Now on to the next step; the Pacific Coast, Central
an South America! We can finance your shipments
Ship via Philadelphia.
Corn Exchange National Bank
road bunds, and lie nsl,s for anv kinn , Keichlef and plaed (Sahrlel s l,nt tl,,. Hoheozullero dvoasiv
of nood tallroad bonds without specifv- Trumpet on his nosn. After MiiMlnR
UK the bonds or Uii'"patllcular ralliosd "1 iaT awav lie droppeii iiuvvn the rear
ot s. sent Another tliinir vlili hand'- , flap ol' his cigar cast, at i a hired u liaiul-
aps ion concern In IIIIIhb ordeis oi'lh.s ' ful of duals Uud ilropiied ibein on ihe ,
kind ,s Hie icfusai of Ihe holdeia of sucn ' '"!' of the case,
bonds to pan wilh tliem al almost any I saw- "i ' I' ' Hulp as he "aid ' ever
Deaths of u Day
mind. Hunks . I don t
re fur an.v
other kind Then we letl Ihe store
DEMAND IN YARNS NOT LARGE Kini.i.mn twe iiKars ,fi, i.iow.u in
- - i nose a.tid I lien nil
Mauul'mluicrs Kepttrl Main (Inn-
eteian 1'olitital Wriler Wt
Years in Newaper Work
1 OOSe It 11,1 then tiltlllllir lllelii on the lull nttiel l ItlldsnO one nf tile l.eui
of ib.it case, l liiit was anythitiB Imi ' known pollilciil writeis in Plilladelpliiu.
..iba.. L-....t. t.- , i... ' ,1 e.l nl nie uoine. inus Aiouni ernnn
... .. . . ..-., i.iii -iiii.. I'niiiiiK iiieui it. --. .. --.....
collations ol Urcss iiUOtl" iJldci'S ,,it lmh ,,,. . well to to a real "'t''1' "":",T"a"'
I.ikiii shipi'ienLs of varn fioiv titer toie riieteatha I tillntm i.lat More ,. Hudson had beni erisaved in news,
sotilh air lejeprtud bv local ilea lei a, the , at ihe nevi corner. Well get teal ser v - ( ,aner work, prlncipiily Ml rh.'iadelpiila
limited atnuutits sent being attributed to j ice there.' for nearly fifty yiars He t.ntan ar rel
the InflueiiKa epldetnlo and the deiiuud, I Wl, rttnt lnlo uie" I'nlfui ni flxar Store , noiter In Trenton. X J in 1871 on tin
according lo the -weekly levl-w of trade ,,, ..,. ,. . ,, Rl)ketl for .Manuel , True Ametlcan. and came to this city
i.y ii .,, nun ir. i'iiiniiiK i"" "'"- ijrf.,.,., l.jnarelas The silesoian said the same year
facturers of military oodr on 1.1 r anaieias. i ire suesoian saio. Hudson.
The demand from iii.inuiHi-tuieis of, " ". "". ifiicninu into uie .a.e, ,.,, devrued himself to noil.
civilian soods Is not lame, as ei j i biouicht out ihe buv, from w hich r . ". ,(M 11BW,pal)er work For more than
few iiianufactureia uf tblb clash or Kuoda , picked fiur and then told me lo lielp ' thirl v years he couduried the political
appear to have more than small orders rnvself 1 column's of Ihe daily and Sunday Hem
on hand and some teport tlie have re- I salesman cals -.' i' the' Mr Hudson had served as cntrespon-
r-elved cancellations, eapeclally In di.se , '"."."!"... ...K',. ..,.... . ..."., dent .it WashltiRton and liaiii.buiit and
tllalllKr. lit- Bil 111 lliril.1,1 llllt . I II.I1IH Mill, ' ..i. .
Director (ionoral Inspect ardi
inililiiio Ship's I'or Government'
haries V Schwab, ditector general of
iho IhoeiRriio Kleet oriHiratlon. wen
to Vllminuion. Pel today to lnpect
slupvards there enKaaetl on Oovernnient
coimacts He will return hero tonights
'harliH I'lex vice president and Krn
eial nunaxer of the cot potation, left this,
afiemoon for a week-end visit 10 hi
home in I'blcaKo 1 pon his return, h$
wi accompany toe lilrector fteneral 00
a nil' of inspection to southern ards.
The iiit.ulr paid last nlirht at (h
Jlrtiopolilnn Opera House to Mr Hchwah
did not prevent him from belli "on the
job" earlv- toda at 110 N'orth Broad
stieei. the I '.niericeiiry Fleet Corporation'
With him al toe headiiuarters today
was I'd w ii ul X llurli.v. chairman of the
I 'lilted Stales shtppInK hoard, who .was;
uie of the n.ukiiiallv prominent men
oic-rnt last n Ik bt al the. demonstration
In .Mr Schvvali'a lionor Mr. 8chwl
and M llarlev ivinferred during tlm
itioinluK un Khlp.iiiiKllnt; problems and
polirlrs paitlvul.il l In the Hitht of tho
epochal news roinlnir from abroad,
Secretar.v of the S'avy Danlela, who
was one of Ml Schwab's dinner ituests
last rilalii lefi this city for washlnifs
(un at " unlock thla morning
uooda and inen'a wear material
A shortage of lielp Is still expel ien.ed
And t-ome people wonder why the (
n some or ilie nuns, as wen us innniuty j i nam siore people are successrui. com- , (..nti,. tiartlrs for thirty-five yeais
to obtain needles at reasonable price. ; inMiled "l. i" puiniur his clisar with1 ' , 1K06 Mr indson"rnn for foneiess
T-Jobb, hi woo ci "a?rth;Ttheyi;;'e '' JVme..t. "Notice how- clean and I uXlVuu llJt?lVt" o7"t l.l"' .-itv" on "
dnlne vorT- liUlo hualne-. evervthlng- was.' How- compact, ,.,. Mi ticket He was defeated hy
2SRB.,.T.JiM1..l.l".ln.!:?- J,".,taW"11 the alote was- No rumiluir aiound lui.be late William McAlelr. who had the
Willi infill uir iiii-iiiiiI III i" nui"
"Tliero (a little inanufacturlnK belnic K" "uvininc ror everyiiunB was in . neu.ocianr ana i-.eiiuoucan nonunanons.
done nmonvc cloak .and suit lr.anufac-, "ir leach If the salesmen in lha I Hudson c.onUsted 1 the election, but Mc
turera and tho aeaaon has been an I'nlfoiiu storea fall to ay 'Thank Mill' A'eer letalned the seat
unsatisfactory on" the aie liable lo he. fired. Those pen-1 Mr. lludsoii was il meinbrr hr the Ma
ie was sixty, j 18.1 .,) Cases Kcporleil I hrough-
ont Lotuiln the Lust Week
HashliiEton. Nov I -I By I V 8.)
Influenza continues nt all Urge military
camps and stations throughout the ooun
irv. tlie total number of cases aaTreTt-S
Mr Hudson, limine Die stealer nnit'uiK 18. 175 for the wtek ended Novernr
.. .!. ... I (. --. . ...... 1 I...- I ..n....ll..n. ... .. Ai lu.c e ,1.k l.e.l
i.e. .. Hivuinini. ii. a i . . r. ... ...c- ikkii
coudillons of the troops made public toi
dav by Surgeon (leneial Ireland.
Tlie Surteou (ieueial leporta that the
disease Is now- mote prevalent In th
South and ihe West than in tho North
and llast. I'neumonla cases developing
from tnMuPiuu are deci easing raptdly,
la .!.. itnutt, Inlu
The total number or deaths for ail fvl
.11. . i.. n.l ..u.....e ..et.l.....ien e M -J! .41
tiiBra, .11 ii.i . niiiuo, un .ii......v...m .e. rn
departmental troops for the week endt
November I, was 1",;::, as aga,lnst 27Sr
for the preceding week
at all tue national and state conven-
'Mnuur.ictuieof dresses is alho (luqut pie' know the value r courtes.v. 'Iliey , aonio o'dcr and 01 rue I'en uud Pencil lf rf ;,; ,., 1 1..,,., :.,.
"Therels little nctivltv mi the manu- ilav, u piel,dld wav of lialning their fluh 'i" '" iiried bv a widow and a , H.llltieatlOH ol 111CI1IIII1CHI Seen
ractuio or shirtwaists I'here is a len , hel,, imderataml ' daugii'er The latter 'Is the wire of form- , Result of Election .
dencj or the tr.ido gi-nerallv to buj ' , ' er sHilatit secietarj of Mate John '....,. . , .....!
sparingly and for Immediate, nieils oul ; "Nun .vou mention it.' I eald. I re- Callan O l.au?hl!n. MaalilnHoii, Nov a -A atatement
.n. ...... n.i ....i .1.., .1., ...... I n-.e.i.e.. iiin,u n.,n... ..... .n..i, .t i.... ' issueil at the ilea diiliart er s of the Ami
,iii- ii, n .in,, mm in.,nv-' ..iiiLinun ...w.i.u, ...,.,. ,,.,.,,.' ..,ii pywn- i i hoi -
(iloucealrr I'olice k Mure I'av
Saloon League of America said the re.
I urnurij e ri.VMvu. -e
to he dominated bv (ioveruuuiu reuulie ! I've been In those stoies nfteo imi n.i-.
niullla unit all llnuu u.-m liutm, nnui-ulml ...... , ,. .., . n ....... ,
,.n : fntles, canac hr riards" e' "onera - "," .7'? .."'T'.. .'."' m3' "" ! .... . .. Z "' . L. " ... .- . " ' .'' ratlncation bv the State, of the na.
Hie in manv .use. LWenty-four hour ""-"'""'"" ., '""'.- " ;;'J7" ' -" """" ' ";. "nal prohibition amendment to tn
...., no ,,...1 1..V.I....U .,.l PalnllA-, ..Id , H?V US SttOtlS fi.e IWIirt.,1' 1 u I I, j ..w'.- . ..w. . r .u.,u .,.
.v.... n..u i"."- i, .' - '" ... . - -.- .-" - - " rnuncil for an increase in vvaites
(also well eiuplo,vtd I'l'ctH u.ro Hrni "Id lady who used lo curtse.v eveiy time
Federal ("oimtltutfnn
Ohio Flotilla. Xrada. Wyoming nd
Ph.. anmnt nn Trl ul tanf Inn n l.u lilal.
i "ft- ." - . -..-- r nnaLfirn " al 1,1 tli ututlunAili. ''IIBVA
iiiiu I'oiimiiiiia enuw on inMn m voieoi. no uevu was inrnuoneii vvnen uskeil cost of living and the nign acale or I -'" -." ;,',; .Tm.iJ. i ..i.T
"llio eleililcal Hade leporis good why she did It. she said, I hope to get wage- paid shlpworkers In that ef I 0,wl ,,rVt nd El' .l'd r Vi fl .u eiHIl
volume of business and manufaoturets I u, heaven, but I've been 'none too moil ' "on. which made the exmteme of Ulou- liuie Ihese i-tatea. added trt the four
are working to full capacity. larffeU on . , davs -s., I thouif , tntt. i cesiei I'ltv emploes n most dllfleillt 'n thai have nitlfled the amendment
(Soternmeni coimacts. while jobbers and " .... ..i.i. V . . K .. . task nd the nineteen Stales now dry that
retailers are well employed. J'llccs ale , cu"'f "'U"t hurt me llul .sou (.(), .,, 1-1Bi n,Rh, ,e'elred tlie mat- jne sure to ratify the amendment. mV(
firm and collections fair. .ought I. jearn to obaerve mote." "f " vr r,, the committee on police and street Ihlitv -eight ot two more than tho re-
Tliei stove trade la busy ofi staple went on "1 use every chance I can lo wuik iiulred thirty-six States for ratification."
Hoods and Bunnleiiienlal heatlnr appn- .get u good selling idea
ratua Is movltiB freelv Considerable ' That lecalled to me Ihe tune 1 was
demand Is reimrteil for electrical stoves , Springfield and Francis urged me to
and shipments are noted as having come i ,, ,,.. .. thln whll waltirnr i'.,e i.i.
Into this market recently rrnm the west ,.,'" J1 ",'J, ,"',, , ,V K? . i .
to a considerable extept Foutultles are ';.l,"a ' ,,uh' " " Ut as I told '.'
operntlug to full capacity and Jobbers , ' I' a all right io m.ij otiscive,' luu
itnd retailers ale busv
Tne leather n.aikei continues active,
with prices high and Arm Heavy
' leathei la In demand, and there, is ron
i Hlderable light weight stock on hand
"(Hazed kid mauufactuieii report a
good demand and ontv moderate stocks
(un hand.
"Shoe dealefri nepori trade qulei due
largely to the effect of the lecent epi
demic. "Millinery rlealeis report trade quiet,
bill steadily imptoving
"The chemical maiket is fairly aotive
There Is a rail' demand in all lines. The
dyesturr situation temalns unchanged
what shall I observe?
"What ' You re studvirig nuieaniari
ahlp, aien'i you' Well, observe how- the
rules and methods that you aie taught
ale applied In everyday atlllng.
".Notice bow a uewsbo.v give jou your
Bvenino I'uni.ic T,Kn.iBK with a smile
how smartlv he whips It out or his park
that's salesmanship. Out .vou take
a lesson from 11 The Importap. e or a
smile is eiitel.v one tiling that is worth
"Observe bow the waller looks arier , I
you wfieii seated ,u ills table The i-levr
, Buying in principaii.v ror immeuiato vvaUer makes subtle suggestions of what i
, ncrun dim fJiive.i nir iluti.iaiuiE m- Iji -erv lilOUe lOddV sir'
tnnuxn inci nert to te nign. , v,.n.- i..... ... . i ,,..,, ,..i , ,, '
"Tho paper niarkei shov.H some little N.'llie '""' nr" '' "l'f "eller
Imtiroveinent Alnnofiietiirni u iiml o.h- ts siiilen and heeniH to JUM hate to take
I bets leport a fair Inciease In volume i vour n'c'iel. while alioth'i' seems real
of sales, with prices inclined to ho high-1 glad to see jou Hue makra jou hate
"l'alnt manufactitiera. dealers In the Inteiborouali. wlille the oilier makes'
paints und palnteia' hupplies lepoit In . vnll ,,, ,, .. ,,.,, ..
He change In this line Purchases are In, " '" " " bad arter all
modeiate ouantttiea and for present I 'ihserve the nolle cuiiiluclor-
' needs I'ncea tenia n high nd colleo- Quit it.' I laughed "Vou II tr.v in
I lions good." ' make uie believe that In. has ! i,e a
- salesman next. Don't make much dlf-
l.ivcrpool Collon feience whai be Is you have to ue tlie
Liverpool, Nov Spol notion , ' 'huned old trollev and it don't malter
quiet today, vvltli puiea steady on the wiu" Hie lunductor does -that all hell
basis or a decline i.f H points for mid- ever be
ling, old contracts, at 22 "Id. Sales wet h "Think m'.' Well, come and have
line,. ,.iu luiiiiu,,.,. e, u. ua.e nci-i iiiuie en. .veil, runiR anil nave
2000 bales. Receipts were TS.OOO bales. , ilim.h with mo and I'll Ml .ni about
Including iS,80(i bales American. Fu-' fellow f know win, used , i a t,i
Hires wero unsettled In the earlv deal- ' re""w ' '.' '"" ","" """' '" ,IH ',o1
lngH. Spot prices weie American, mid. , '" ' "v conductor.
a, . m t - AjAJ.4-.t.-atai Aft.. 11. k f..A aim, e,m . .. .-..! 1. - t.a
dllng fair. H lOd : good middling. 23.42d
minniinr. z. iva , low- miuaung, zi.isn
food ordinarv. 20 21d. ordinary. J9
iinlddllng. 21! 79d , low middling. 21. "4d , good uue sior.v, which I'll write shout
vie Tea our races a ml he toni rue a
Itits ln.-leas. .
Sanlsmbsr aroaa 14 T7H,8tl It.ssil.tS'J .. ., .. , ..
Balatvro after tal S47 .13H uii.axn Jlloar Kl'l list's lo A UoVV 'Hssai:C
SOT.II.1 'IfU.OSS i ' ' . .... "
ll.S'l.'l 7(11 11.163.174
H.Ul'n.s;. .T.,1 iKtll
First National Bank
of Philadelphia
315 Chestnut Street
Condensed report at close of buiincta Nov. 1, 1918
Ch and Re.erve $5,166,192.81
Exchange! for Clearing Home 2,365,426.27
Due from Banks , 7,081,085.96
Loam and Inveatmenta . 39,373,039.44
Interest Earned but Uncollected 38,837.02
Customers' Liability for Acceptances Executed 681,600.56
Total $54,706,182.06
Deposita $43,037,676.07
Capital 1,500,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 2,048,725.37
Interest and Discount Collected but not earned. . . . 185,280,63
Reserved for Taxes, Interest, etc 252,899.43
Bills Payable (Federal Reserve Bank) 7,000,000.00
Acceptances Executed for Customers 681,600.56 ,
Total $54,706,382.06
Vt VI. . I. VtV. retldeiit
KI.NTON VltNL. tiie 1'rrelilrnl TIION. VV . A.MlllKVr. Cu.lilrr
i-'KK II. Vlli;H, Ire l'res. 'II.N. II. JW1KS. ,t,'t Caahlrr
llVltm J. II S Vice President fRl. II. I'llAI'IKK, Aaa'l Cashier
1. W. Vjer I raukllii D'llllrr William V Law
(lias. s. rblld VVIllliiui I- (Irst Jo.ejili II. Mcl'all
liirili . Cl.irl. )iliiey i:, lliltrbiiiaou l-reil'k .MrDwen
tlallmi (iark K. V. Irvin ' I. Henry Krattrr(o4
Cyrus II. Iv. I'urli. I.lv liiftston H. 4onea 4. . Van Djke
i ;
Net owr income
Nine months' gross
Balance afur tax .
Net oper Income
783 054
$300,000 lilae in Marblrlirail, Mass.,
War Faclnries
Marblehead. Mini., -Vov 8 -I'lant
number two of the HurKes Aeioplane
fomnanv which was niled witli Cinv-
emment alnilnnes. and the plant of
nf Arnieil Troops
Heme, v,,, The ftermait Held
maishal. MuLkeueen. on rvquGstvur er
inlrsiou I'm his arm.v to pats th'-ougli
Untufary from the llulkans to (irrniany
was liifni m.'ii b.v the HuiiRarlin Cuvern
ment that tlie lequesl would bo aranled
on the ruiiditloii that the troops lay
down their aims on. euterlne liuiiKaxau
foitl The arms atf to oe forwaided
to tiermaM later
ei..n.i xftktit I'niimsnv. riintuinlner ,
more than forty yachts, were destroyed i .strilin, .Nov I Demands nut
by flro'last nleht "" uermans wlthdiavv their tioops
Insurance oiliclaU eslhnated ilie loss ' forthwith from Poland have been for-
, at tJnn.OOO It was thouKht ilia nrn I warded to Met lit) by the new Polish N'a.
I was raused bv spontaneous combuotlou tloual Government accotdlnc n the
In the paint shop of the nunress com- Rhenish Westphallan llazwtte ()f Kasen.
Pny. ' , - -
It.. .!. A..n,;,..l 're.. HuD.ad.le, I',., .Nov Major lUvld
B.l... 'id.ha. Nov. ..-The ..pw... , Klvy P.t.n. "Ace of Aces.- of,
celebration wa ciuieted ot Twin Ka.li, the American flyinir corps in France, ar-.
U.V.. ...k.. Al Intnu A Wllsl.t !,... i .. . l.- '
ra.hn when Airs. Amos A. Wllnllt
fifty years old. was killed whllt Jolnini
In the hilarities.
A portion of Ihe streets hsd heen
rona nft foe iim iiiiniiM and oarsders.
1 when un automobile crashed into the
taut ropa and broke it in me recou
the. snapping rope hit Mrs. Wright and
threw her sslnst another automobile.
Htr skull -was fractuied. and she died
within JUUMt jutnutef.
rived homo yesteiday. Preceded by a
band fiom Scranlon, tho citizens of!
llonesdale, under rninmaud of Major Q
S, Wendell, paraded the principal)
stieels of the town In honor of Major.
Peterson, i
Uur-inei houses ami fnctoiMts closed
and tho day was observed us a central
nouaay, j
r -.. -?
I V Eli H L
The Market Street
National Bank
Notrmbar 1st, tills'
Loans and Investments - .-.' iK.o79.a'J6.8
flistomcrs' Liability under
commercial Letters; or credit.
and Acceptsnces
r'ie from Uanks
Kxchamjen for ("fearlnn House
Cash and lleserve .
f Un M7KK
$21,914,942.08 1
Capilal StocU . . .
Surplus and Net T'rofilH ,
Commercial Letters of Credit
and Acceptances
Liabilities' for ItedlecDunts with
Federal Keserve Hank
I. tun), UilO. On .,
l.tt.S(2.'tK ''
831,000. 0 s .
. loon.
1.11,.,, .KB ..'
lC.t49,871.l5 '.:
,-..-. .t ,.
- ,r,,r - ' j A-. .ir-. nr. ,.... ai-
' .I '
,, v -' " "rn 'qfiL'v t-fr"-.'""
'. v.
:J it1
fa - v&Mmy&h-'-
.((, ,4"