EVIMtfG PUBLIC raJD'aER-PHIL'ADEtPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6MD18 y JL fr & fi' r B rn F"V .' T t. .-1 MAJORITY READY FOR ANY TERMS Gqrinun Press Preparing People for a Disagree able Surprise MILITARISM llANGIM; UN London Doubls if Ultimate Fate of Enemy Can Uc Lour Delayed Special Cable tn 7,t tiling Public Ledger Cowrtaht lilt fcy Vfi lor). Tlmts Co. Tilt, HnBlie, Vox 6 The German majorlt pre Is pre paring thq people for .1 dlsaRreenblo 'r priso In the mitter of the armistice terms, nnd Vornaerts lia Men dired suggest thit a disarmed fiermany at the peace tiblo xxounl still bo an Impor. tant factor There Is no doubt that the majority pirty s rendx to accept almost any terms, but for thn moment ths military clique still his the urper hand Thf Deutrcho Tages eltung nserts that here aro limits to Germany's peace readiness, "especially as xxe am not beiten, and xxhen our armies stand In the enemj b countrx The paper sn8 that Germany cannot surccr me " il lation of bene clsirmcd and alludes to the proposed occupation of flermin ter ritory as showing 'the grossest deslrs for destruction bv the enrm nr "lls of h. Just peace for our arm Such a capitulation 13 impossible Our front is 'utiil unbroken and will remain so The Tages Zeltung calls the rctreit 1 "swinging back moxemem and n nig plan of the general stiff Tho Cologne "Iks Zeltung m " WHon will propose terms xxh ..h 'a peo ple and arms accustomed 10 Mi wrj - victory against a world of enemies can accept without dishonorable capitula tion" The German arm, it averts lias shown that It cm resist Focli's -irmlcs The nucleus of the whole question lies I nthe fact fiat both the military and tfnmllltary in Oernnny wish that tnn foreign soldiers foot m..y nier press the precious IMthcrland s soli Some Ocrman oMeers who were asked recently Why they were fighting .1 dcfenle war pn enemy soil replied "Became we don t want our country deastated Utack is the bet means of defense " , , The Tageblitt Mi in editorial on what It calls thj diplomatic battle with Wilson, In which It tries to dlscoir weak spots in the Aides political linon and alleges that after four jeirs they are not clear about peace term' Special Cable to Licning Publu Ledger CopurioM. 101S 61 Vw 5or Tlmrl -". I omlnn, N'ox I It Is anticipated here thit knowledge of the armistice conditions Imposed n Austria will momentarily serxe the ends of militarism and reictlon In 0"min At the same time it is doubted If tho ultimate miltlary fate of the enemy can lie long delayed by any ralli. hoxiexir Important ' The American success In crossing the Meuso Is regarded as one of tho most potent of recent developments The dynastic question In Gcrminy I' difficult of solution. There is cxldenoo pointing to the Kaiser 3 wish to ibdlcate ex. the moment of the dlspitch of the first note to T'resldent Wilson, but the document, was withheld b the militar ists Abdication means the appointment -of a regent, for tho Crown I'rlnce Is more unpopular than the Kaiser, and his brothers rank no better if It Is considered that the regency of Jtrlnce Henry would not irnproxo mat ters. He Is considered to be a brutal, material-minded reactionary The Kaiser's present hesitation to abdicate is largely duo to these con. operations. The weak goxcrnment of Itrlnce Max seems Incapable of stem ming the tide It N between the rocks o Ludendorff and Liebkneiht CHARLESfjUITS HIS ARMY Hands Oxer Supreme Command to Field Marshal Kocvcss Amsterdam, Nov C -Emperor Charles according to a dispatch from x lenm. handed oxer the supreme command of the Austro-Hungarlan army to Field Marshal Koexess on N'ox ember 2 The State Council at Vienna has Is sued an appeal to the German people of Austria In which it declared the eaiiniri- in danger and the army break- In? up In disorder The appeal exhorts the soUiers xoluntarlly to Join the Gtr- "? an-Austrlan armx corps The appeal points out that Germans from non-German districts are going home, while Germin soldiers ooxiousij i; tired from the long duration of tho xcar are leaxtng their units xxlthout consider Ing that the irregular demobilization ' brings the danger of xxldesprcad unem- I ployment. hunger and miserx-." Tho ' prison camps are being abandoned by their guards, the council adds, and Italians, Ilusslans and Serbians are leax- ' Ins the camps and flooding the countrs "This danger," the appeal declare "must be countered If fresh bloodshed il not to threaten our sxerely tried people and tens of thousands of men xxjomen und children perish with hun- Be r " ITALIANSJ1ADE BG SWEEP Pushed Far Into Trcntitto Before Ho.-tilitic Cc.iecii liy the Associated Press Rome, Nov C Dealing xwth (ho i i i tary operations leading up to the t-loMng hours of th war on the Italian frmit tho ofllclal statement lsued today sh us that the Italian troops swept far nortli tvard Into the mountains of Trent no Tho statement reads I 'Tlie boxenth Army rapidly tool, the rtelon xxest or tne Adlge and became inaster of 1'nsso Delia Mendola It pUstted patrols nlong the rlxer In the dl. reel Ion of Bolzano The rirst Army occupied the Montlcdlo dominating tho cpnfluence nf the Ad'ga nnd the Noce At three o'clock Mond ly afternoon army head(Unrters xxere at Trent ' "Qn the remainder of tho front tlie fenemy xxas drlxen well Into the moun tains. . i"ln tho plains our caxalrj threw tnto a panic large marching units of the enemy and, encircling them, compelled mem. to lay uonn tneir arms'- !fSeelcy'$ Adjuslo Rupture Pad itncreaif efficiency of a trust 60 K r REATEST RUPTURE RETAlKER Th self adjuttlnc fentures f tills I'sd nalir It run to nr, anil the Tkurab. rrw Itrsulstur sllus of ulterlns nrri. ir at will. AlOKt ruptures wrnvr sluwl iuirii Wenilkr trnsses thjf eemrd rlchi IV u beglnnlnf were not. Our Improved Knee sun aavsnrru meiiiuoM innuro traiM lor titrr row sun run PY, 1827 Wnlnut St. I kht nicrrote a i BRITAIN IS BY FALL OF TURKE Y ifccf Ottoman Surrender, lloivcvvr. Cannot Uc Fully Seen I mil Peace Treaty Is Signed. Says Maurice II) M JOU CEN. Special Cable tn lUening Public Ledger (ntvright lots, bu .rw York Tlmrs Co. I nndnn. Nox fi The t apltulation of Turkex hid ben rcgirded as certain txer since tho down fall of llulgarla cut her off from direct communication with Germany,, set It is impossible not to bo thrilled exen In theso dnvs of ilallx thrills b) the pros poet that tho Hrlllsh flut will inehor at tho Golden Horn as toon as the Itr danelles has been swept clear of mines Though the Germin diplomats haxo been singularly ilumsx throughout the xxar and haxe united the greater put of tho cixillied world agilnl thrir coun try they deserxe considerable credit f"r their skill and foresight in bringing first Turkey and then llulg.irla on their side It has general!., been supposed that the escapo of 1I11 lloebcn and Itresliu from the stnltN of Meslnu ind their appeannco oft ConMantlnople on August 10. 1111, turned tho scale In Turkey In fax or of (lermnnx. hut It Is at least equilij probable that llnxcr 1'aHii and tho oung Turks, of xxhom tnanj had been edu ted In Ilerlln, would wit li on the help of the Ginmn warships, luxe foiin I sulllclent support for tin Ir pollcj in the funeral lellef killfullx fosteied bj German propiginda tint tho Central Powers xxere certain to win the w ir llrltiiin 'Moot lleiteil Hntain. xxlth her greatesi eastern empire xwis more nearlx nffected than nnv of the Allies hj the hositllty of Turkei and b Germany s cistern ambi tions, for which thit hostility opened the road Her xittl Interests in the eist bad to be secured She hid at nnx rot to prexent the enemx from estab llshint' his agents on the fronturg of Indli, xvhli h lie uttempnd to do at an eirlx sngo of tho war and to s ife guird both l'pt In gttieral and the Suez 1 anil in pirtlculir (Mir neglect of preparation for the iar tnld upon us as heaxlly i-i the eat a In the west We had not regarded xxir with Germany as 1 xxorld xxir and oxilng to 'ick of sxstem and prepari tlon xx e nuandcred our resources In de fence of distant pirts of our empire XV liaxe hid to undertake ngaint Turkex three great campilgns xxiil.h haxe thrown a sex ere strain upon our nixal mil milltirx", shlpp'ng ind flnnn 1 111 resources Tlire cin I think b llttlo doubt that If Turkex- bid been 1 bemxolont noutral xxe might haxe xxon the xx ir In the autumn f 1916 so much does Germany owe to her Ottoman allx As is usual In our hlstorv xxe haxe triumphed after mans sad blunders and In the nd xxe hue defeated Turkey al most slngle-lnnded though our main rorces naxe tnrougnout tnc war Men engiged with mother foe In fict It Is to Indli that cur recent xictors is duo, and in remembering Atlenbv and Mirshall xxn should not forget Sir Charles Munro xxho flrvt mide possible the expansion of India s mllltarx power Negotiating u 1 ortnight Ve know from statements of our own mlnlhters and from tho decliratlon of Iz zet Vasha th it negotiations for in ar mistice xxith Turkey had been going on for neirlj a fortnight, and therefore It Is hirdh- probible that the results hixe been affictcd either bj Allenbx 's iwcupatlon of Aleppo or by Morshill's rtnal and complete success upon the Tigris Yet It Is most ntlsfactors that I operations on both our Asiatic fronts I should haxe concluded so brilliantly for in the eist practical demonstration I of poxver on the spot has more effect oxtn than the most faxorable trcatx torcluded at a distance Xe haxe still to reckon with the pos slbilltx that Oermanv may refuse our terms of armistice and decide to tight it out to that It is XNorth xxhlle con-1 slderlng calmlj what the effect of the elimination of Turkex from the strug gle will be upon our chief enems it his of course, shut her off, we mav i hope fcr all time, from the roid to the j east, xvhich she had prepared with such care and labor, but It xxlll not hixei an Immediate effect upon her military position In fact, the first ndxantages which we shnll giln xx-ill ho political rather thin m'lltary As soon as our fleet Is Hble to enter the Black Sei i.nd to capture or destroy the Kus'ian inen-of-xvar now in German hands xve can get Into di-, reet touch xiith Rumania But with Austria's collipBe this ceases to hixef mm n fa. Community Stores We Serve You Save iMS Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow our homo interests aro the COMMUNITY STORE GROCERS first conhidcration. Daily changing conthtion3 make storekecping a difllcult problem right now, but serx-ice, selections and prices are dependable, ex cry day where you see the aboxo window sign. Special This Week Till; I.aundrj Soap simply Etlr in nulling water ten minuten ana ari thathai.U rxo rubbing I.ace curtains or ure lasuy cie.ineu witn v.iean - DEWART MILK 1 fte&Z&M Look MWiTJlUWVyWWZZl I x. gy -I 1- ' - 1 THRILLED MR l". II. MAL'ltK V. the mllltarx- Importance xvhich it would Imxe had If It had been a question of combining Iltimanla with our force in Iho llalkans for tho lln.il oxcrthrovx of xustrl.x I llenij Task for Ilrltsln Ifx this same sweep e open an easier and mom direct road to Hussla, but It xx 111 be long beforo any action on our patt In Hint country can affect tho situ ation 111 thn miln Ihrntrn nf Xxar .lust I us the main burden of the defeat of Turke hus fallen upon us. po wllli us so must rest tho foremost part of the task of seeing tn the execution of tne terms of the armistice Tlie distances to he coxercd nro lm-meiiM- while the xxorld shortage of ship ping makes,t impossible for us to take full ndxantnge of our control of the set The dlsbindnient of the Turkish armies max xirx posslblj le iiccom li.inled bj disturb itices and both the pn -xentlon of mnssirrcs In Armenia and the safeguarding of our Important Inter' ts In thn ( lUCHHlnn oil nelds tn i entail .1 consldi ruble I urden upon us liven if nil goes smoothlx. it must b .1 clnsldernble time before xxo can bring against Girmam c ch of our forces as ire no longer r.cpilred In Mrli and Mesopotamia Tin naxx will probably find relief in the disappearance of Gir tnnnj s allies from tin xar sooner thin the nrnix-, for it should not take our fleet long t" istiblisli their nn-terx of the 111 11k Sei and with the coasts of Tnrkej 110 longer ax .liable to tie enemy is submirlne bitm and the Aurtrlin submarines surnndertd tlie policing of Meilluiranein waters will be n lompara tlxel Hgiit ta-lt Thertfore f Germany does attempt another submarine cim pnlgn our meins of mating it will lie materially Increased t'ntll xi e know the terms of peace which xill be impooed upon Turkex no good purpoin tin li. verxed by sprrula tlng upon tin. eff n of her defeat upon our position In the xxnrld but It takes llttlo Imagln Uioti to -r, thit thn pros pect of Uxlllzition nnd progress tn the enit mill be Intlnuelx brighter for the 1 urtailment of her ((irrupt and reiction ary rule DOWN 160 PLANES IN 4 DAYS iiirrie.m U.im mjrofl HI Ala- chines Since September 12 fx the tocialcd I'rcs XX It Tm the Atneriiim rn iirthwest of Aeriliin, n i IHirlt g the 1 lit four diss American airmen hixe ile stroxid or downed more thin ICO Ger man air) Hiu s and in addition a large number or enem billoons Mn-c September 12 xihen tho St MI hlel sillent operations began the Amer icans clilm to hixe downed 411 Ger n in machines Of this number it ins been confirmed that 218 hixe been de- troyed ,n a sprl nt , comba Mllh Kokkers, Monday. Lieutenint Hirmon rtorison of Wilmington. N- C, brougiit .down three enems planes I.leulen tut Itorlson machine xas struck In fortx sexen built is but the Amirlcau inin aged to land xilthln his own lines Mmo '-iptimlier 1J tlio Ami rlcan ixiators haxe biought down 431 Uerman irachlms 7lx the baited Press XX aihlnct(iii, Xox 6 Sexentcen ' c man alrplinea and txxo billoons wir shot down xesterdaj according tu ai olilcial communique today two mns uf bombs x ere dropped on naucourt and enemy troom were attacked with mi i hlne-giin tire Sexen American ma tlnne nro missing (J!lllllllllli:illllllllllll(3lllllllllIMt) Illlltlllllllll n I A Cozy Retreat for 1 Lovers of Good Food I I Now hero else in the cltj can ou wnjuj Burn (unciouu looa, tempt- a lngly prepared nnd dalntllj g serxed as xxe offer at aur- 5 3 prlslngly moderate prices Special Chicken Dinner, 31.00 g Original Uusincs,s Jlen's 1 s Lunch. GOc Table d'Hotc Hinner, 75c A Ja Carte Serxlce at g Popular Prices "peelnl rriinrements for K Dinner Parties 1 CONTINENTAL 1 CAPE S HI HJNG 821 Chestnut Street QiiiiiiuuiiiniiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiitiMiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiHiiin; ! J'jin'k v "s's 5. s ? is j, - " 'ut ' "" '' oap the clothes Mties aaToBf 1 S t5y2C urnse olue f II -I A f 15 1 '1 d i ft mk i I xxasliboard ni coarse clothe t:asy. Is a ltcttcr Sweetened Condensed whole milk, retaining the full cream strength It Is manufacture!" under the most sanitary conditions In one of the flnett dairy sections of Pennsylvania, Conserxe sugar by using Dexxart Milk In your coffee, tea, etc. for the decorated can. 3HloHBii29HBooBoSosP Germany's Own Evidence Proof of U-lhat Crime I Pinion, Nox C Niwspupcrs of London reproduce a tnnp of niiKllsh nnd Irish U-rrl-tin inl xxntcri nIiuxvIiik positions nf iiumlinJq upon liundrcdi of Milpt iho em my nllcgcs ho lins sunk by stihmiilmis Tho tnnp xnn Issued as prostibiniirlno propaganda In German. The Dally .Mnll HUfrgests tho map be used an a h isls for reparation 'or loyi of tho ships. HALF OF ENEMY 1 (j (fill l IIS Concentrated Pick of Armies Again;-! Pershing's Men GREAT TASK FOR I. S. llx CHAHLES H. r.KVSTY Special Cable tn ,'i etii'ng Public Ledger Corvrlaht. 1011 liu m York Timet Co. Cnrls, Nox C The following comes to me from n high mllltars authorlts not connected xxlth tho American armx ' In front of the American armies In the Argonne nnd on the Mr use la con centrated prohalilx 50 per cent of th total German strength Tint rstlmnte is nrrlxed nt bv liking Into considera tion the fict thi tho Germin troops, of which the number Is n large, include the pick of the German nrnix-, consider ably morn than half the Germans' tnlal n i tillers- and consider i lily more than half their machine-gun rlrength ' Purthermore trie tountrs is most difficult on the whole front The Ameri cans haxe gn- to fight for exerv Inch and kill tint fdlow that Is holding It "Machine guns ire thiilc an illleB are on tho ordinarx ftont and are handled b tho most experienced miichlne gunners in the world x,Vlien th so conditions nre considered, it Is obvious what an Im Iiortnnt pirt the American armx- Is plajlng: In the final assault on mllltar ism Pcnhings conduct of this offensixe and the fine staff work nf the Amerii bus swell the i out ige nnd all-around com petemx nf the merlrin oldler. who hue iphndldls xlndlcited tho mllltarj Judgment In is gnlng this great fin il tusk to tho American armies 'Marshal Poeh realising that this xxns a most dlflletilt ind xitnl section of tho fron', the post of honor xvns glxen to the Amerlcins This sector hen to. fore xias considered imprnctii ablo as a place xx hero an offenslxe could he main tained One of the great! st battles of tho war a European battle of the XA'llderness is now being fought bs Pershing While entlrels lacking in speitncular charncterlst'-s, the opera tion is pioxing successful nnd It is n bittle thit will loom large when the historj ot the war is xxrlttcn ' w5r V a O'clock W X m 23 MARKET STREET 5 November a . S tifVV Vfb $12.00 Manchurian Wolf $7.98 Scarfb. ... Taupe, lilack or I'oiret C.ood eUe und xx ell maae a I rV fT!l i " aie t r& && M W Women's Serge Dresses 15 Also Jersejh and Velveteens Mralght line, braid or silk em broidered or tai lored and xxalst lino effects Tunic draped or plain skirts Modes In greut fax or this reason $3 & $4 Silk & Voile 5 Waists $0.00 MK Special, at mi Jnn silk, crepe do chine and loxely xoilo waists In smart t tnilored and trimmed models All sizes. )fx il J-W 'I T WOMEN'S $12.50 SATIN $m 98 and SERGE DRESSES A (.pedal grouping for tomorrow- onlj Silk hatlns, taffetas and ill-wool serges, showing braid and embroidery trimmings. All sizee and all shade Women's Fur-Collar Winter $D.75 tO W M .98 ?0.75 to H Coats. A big specially priced group desirable xvlnter coats Fur collars others self collars. th -n nro lined. All sizes. i unea. au sizes. HOME OF STYLE TERMS TO KAISER WILL FINISH WAR Clemcnccau Tells Deputies They Prevent Resump tion of Fighting GREETED WITH CHEERS Wilson's Demands Used by Al lies; Chamber Hails Speak er as Father of Victory rnrl, Vox- fi - M Clemenceau, the rrrmler, was accorded a xxonderful oxa tlon In tho Chitnber of Deputies, as he read the deputies the terms of the armistice with Austrtn-llungary Jin ilso said terms had been drawn up for Oermnny "Tho terms to Germany" sft,d the Premier, "are whit President Wilson himself recommended to us frr the so curltj of our troops, the maintenance of our lnllltnrv superlorltx and tho dis. nrmameut of the enentv In so far ns tint It Is necesno to prexent a resumption of hostilities ' M Clemenceau declared that peace might not be so near as some might think, but that he could, howexer, as sure the Chamber "the fnte of the peo ples henceforth wa Ilxed There was prolonged cheering when the Premier announced the Allies had ohtilned the use of all means of transport In Austria Hungary (Million to Premier M Clemenrem was balled as the 'father of xietorx as he mounted ths tribune to nnnotime the terms of tho Austrian nrmlsthe The Deputies all stood Tho oMtlon labtcd several min utes. During an nddresi following the read ing of tlie nrmistl e terms tliero xxas In termittent eh. ering especially xxhen the Premier spoke of the npproich of full xlctorj, t lie defeat of Austria-Hungary nnd the complete glory ot Prance The usuil 'oi lillst Interruptions occurred, but the agid 1'remler remained unper turtud, diilantlv btnothcrlng thn taunts of the Opposition Tho chamber passed i resolution proxldlng that tho speech of M Clrmenrciu should be pjsted throughout France "Imperial and Demorrntlc" "Whit luxe I done"" f,aid M Clemen ceau It 1 Kritice that has done It. I hixe onl matlo the best ue I could of the instruments l'ranco haa glxen me Tlie Superior Council at Versailles has diawu tip thn tetms of an armistice with Germim 'Iheso were tent yester- 3 DIAMONDS FOR XMAS KINGS-IUU PINS UKOOCIIUS Select sour dlamonl ulft now iitii th rnxtnents can b nn ihitrlbut-1 sou will not f I the -x-leiibe wlien wanted nt Chrtstniiis C. R. Smith & Son IA Market St. at 18th St. Pjf- ga Fur Sale! S SSStiJ iarsjVrei?iy ! Save 25 to 40 Per Cent On Regular Selling Prices JO.OO Manciiurian and I'o Scarfs.. 12.7J l.'.OO Manciturian Larue Seal MufX 8.75 40.00 Large Wolf and Lnx Scarfs. 25.00 ;J7.50 Hudson Stal Stoles 23.00 20 00 Tiger or Rose Coney Sets 12.75 ii0 00 I'oiret Wolf Set 35.00 T.i.OO Jap. Cross IW Sets 49.75 175.00 French Seal Sport Coat 137.50 Children's Furs $0.98 & $e.00 and Up to $9.98 A good assortment of seta and scirfs lluy for Christmas Women's Smart Coats Actual 30.00 and 35.00 Values I'ully 100 styles at this populur price riusliea, atl-xxool pom poms, heaxy xelours and ker rexs Mostly fur trimmed and full lined All sires Silk Jersey Envelope $ .98 CHEMISE, A In VinU Only Batiste Envelope CHEMISE, 79c Girls' Winter COATS $3.98 to 9,98 Woolens, velvets and i. of most Most of corduroys In xery dressy ttytes. Kizes 2 tn 14 years fk AND ECONOMY Ot I Is 9 I day to President Wilson, xho, It he ap proxss them, will make them known to the Imperial and democratic! Rocrn ment." At this point the House burst Into laughter. "It will then be time enough for Ger many to address herself to Tech," the l'retnler added It wo here that the 1'remler declared tho terms to Germany were Inspired as were those Imposed upon Austria, to prexent a resumption of hostilities In cose Germany should break her word Pierre rtenaudel, leader of the ma jority Hoclallsts, Interpellated the Gox- HartSchaffner J lPf BmLMU l clothes M,iMMSBE3mM mi IW&mwWMmF Lw$ J x - r Copyright, ijiS,Iiirt ScluBacr & Mu f YIhs4$ P " --..M....j l.Z.M.M.S lVJLJi.. VVUJL JLl.VOkb suit will be Khaki you're lucky. If you can't go, it would better be a suit that saves. The War Department says it takes $423 to maintain one soldier one year overseas. If you buy clothes that last long and don't have to be replaced soon, you save money to help you buy the Liberty Bonds that will give these men what they need. Our clothes are made to save; we guarantee it; all wool, , carefully tailored. Hart ScliafFner & Marx . Clothes that save Strawbridge & Clothier Are the Philadelphia Distributors, of the Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing ernment last cxenlng, stating that o declaration should be made on all hego t atlons', thus ending secret diplomacy, foreign Minister I'lchon made the mat ter a question of confidence and tho chamber supported him by a xote of 110 ngilnst (52, Orniiiiiy Admits lietreat lly the Associated Pre Ilerlln, .Nov (1 "On jesterJax's bat tlefront between the Scheldt and tho ole" S1S n communication from hend quarters Issind list (Xinlng, "wa haxe wlthdnwn from the enemy, Our moxe ment iook puce accirulng tn plan of vaoobbbbbbbbbbB ytwBL 0 " - WpaH9rooolllBlb. X tm "eS y' mt if ' W , JF mJm II; fv- s s - w mm m- $m vm iMKmml msTTZz. ;. pimflmmmma fs .. . :. -. -1 v. xv vvt-sxss)g?ssssMio s your next suit going to be? EE.HAPS you're going to a BULGARS BRUfAL TO CAPR7ES Greek Itungcil by Feet nnd Burned Prisoners Driven rhsnNe lly lin Associated Press Mliens, Nim l'.Tltlsh prisoners re turning from llulgarla say that terrible tortures were .practiced by the Bulgar ian soldier upon prisoners, some ot whom haxo been drlxen Insane, Serbian and Kiimanlnn prisoners were hidlx mistreated and In one Instance 11 Orcik was hung up by the feet nnd burned MRU!, harrowing report are told by men xhn im- 1. ..1 for some tlm ins-ne me nuigsrian lines. ! al fll v .ST -; M. 1 .'