Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 06, 1918, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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STATE BY STATE1 0N prohibition question
Close Contests
it for Control of
"IJrys" Hail Sprout's Victory "Wets' Claim Majority in Svnutv,
jU I While House Membership Shows Sentiment Nearly Even.
. Philadelphia Dclepulion All Republican
Henry Ford Gnins Strength in
Late Rcttfrns From
New Vork t'nstnte vole cutting down
biff lead of Alfred 12 Smith In New
York city. With city complete nnd BOO
district missing upstate, Hmltli has
H lend of 30,000 votes over Governor
Whitman. Next Assembly will be ltenuh
llcan. Meyer London, Noclnllst, defeated
for Governor. Next congressional dele
Ration, ivventy-threo Democrats nnd
nineteen Republican
New Jersey Governor 1'dRo nnd Sen
Ptor David Ilulrd. Republicans, lending
by Rood insrs;lhs for United States Sen
ate. The vote-In 1021 .of the 19U6 elec
tion districts Rive "-'dRe a lend of 8Tttt
"nnd llnlrtt a lead of 6S22. Democrntlc
gain of three CoiiRressmen Indlrated.
Michigan Newberry's lead for t'nltcd
.States Senate materially reduced and
Henry Kord's managers claim his elec
tion, Twelve llcp'.tbtlenns and one Dem
ocratic I'onRrcssinnti elected, a Rain of
one for the Republicans.
nlilo (lovtrnor James M. Cox, Dem
ocrat, re-elected Governor.
ttepubllcnn majority to OoliRren;
victory Indicated
Illinois Medlll McCormlck. Itepubll
can, elected t'nltcd Stntes Senator liy
a plurality estimated nt OO.ilOO over Sen
,alor James Hntnlllon lewis, Congres
sional deleRatlon will stand twent-oue
lUpubllenns nnd six Democrats.
Hansns-1-llepubllcAnH elect two .Sena
tors nnd whole congressional delegation,
with possible, exception of one.
t Massachusetts David I. Walsh, Dem
ocrat, defeats Weeks for Senate by
18,000. Calvin Cooildge. Itepubllcan,
elected Governor, Republicans also
Riven ovcrvil.ehnltiK majority In t lie
State Legislature
Kentucky Governor A. O. Stanley,
Democrat, leading Itepubllcan opponent
by majority of more than 8000. ltepie
sentatlvc Sivngar Slierley tauten by ma
jority of 1081.
MIxHimrl Chnmp 'Clark. Speaker of
the House, 1000 voles abend of Dyer,
Itepubllcan. JucIro Seldiii 1. Spencer,
Republican, elected United States Sena
tor. State-wide urohlbltlon amendment
probably d'feated.
Cntnrmlo Philips, Itepubllcan. leading
Hliafrcthj Democrat, for I'nlted States
Senate. ..Republicans elect all Congress
men with possible exception tf Taylor,
Idaho Senator Hornh ond entire Re
publican congressional and Slate ticket
elected. GoodlnR, Itepubllcan, lending
Senator John l-, NURcnt In senatorial
Ithmln Uland Republicans make a
clean sweep, re-electing Colt, tln.lted
Slnies Senator, and taklnR all tluce con
gressional reals, a Rain of one, Co'ngress
min. Writ Irgliilti Klklns defeats Demo
, cralic opponent for I'nltcd States Sen
ntr. Nt change In congressional repre
sentation. Connecticut Governur Holcomli linll
tho Republican Stole ticket were le
clected, llelawure Resides dieting a Repub
lican Senator, u Republican Congress
man was clinien, and the latest leports
say the Republicans probably will con
. trol the Legislature.
Innn Hoih the Republicans and Dem
ocrats are claiming victory in the guber
natorial contest, but Senator Kanynn anil
all eleven Itepubllcan Congressmen were
WUron.ln Governor I'hillpp, Repub
lican, re-elected.
Spiilli li.il.otu -Governor Norbeck nnd
entire Stale ticket eldted by Republi
cans'. Oklnlininii I tilled States Senator
Uuen leading 1:1s Republican opponent.
.Vllnncutii -Knute Nelson leturned to
Senate. States goej dry.
Maryland Republicans gain one mem
ber In new Congress.
Nehrnrhii Republicans elect Senator,
four of six Congressman and Uoveinr.r
New llnmtililr Klnctlon of two Re
publican Senators assured. John II.
Bartlett, llepubllcan, elected Governor,
California Election of five Itepubll.
can, three Democratic and one Prohi
bitionist Congressmen derided. Contests
In two olhir congressional districts un
declijed, Governor Stephens, Republi
can, leading over Theodore A. Uell,
Democrat Kate of prohibition amend
ment In doubt.
milium Republicans gain eutlie con
gressional delegation of four.
Arlroun Governorship In doubt. Hay
den. Democrat, re-elected to Congress.
North lliiknta Senator Thomas Ster
ling re-elected.
OMiilioin.i Senator Dwens, Democrat,
re-elected, Wcnian .suffrage amendment
evidently has won. Democrats eject six
Congressmen. T.wn other districts In
doubt, -
He-elect Colt 'Senator and Take
Three Congress Seats
I'rotldenrr, It, l Nov, 6 Rhode j
Island Republicans have made a clean ;
sweep, re-electing l.ellaron R. Coll,
T'nlted Stntes Senator, ind tnklng till, i
three congressional Beats, a eitln of one ,
Senator Sproul's election to the Gov
ernorship Is hailed lis :i victory for tho
"drys." '
He was pledged to the ratification of
the national prohibition nmendnient, nnd
his opponent, Munlelp.il Judge Ihigene
C. Ronnlwell, the Dcmocratlo nominee,
waged hla campaign chletly on tho "wet"
The liquor Interests delivered nn on
slaught on Senator Sproul In th clos
ing dnys of the campaign, Tim big vote
which they threatened to deliver Jo
the "wet" candidate proved negative.
It Is believed the ituuor Interests con
fined their efforts largely In behalf of
the candidates for (be State Sennto nnd
House. The Legislature has full say on
the ratification or rejection of the na
tional prohibition nmendmeiit, no action
by the Governor being required.
While tho "wets" on the fnce of re
turns received so fnr from over the
State claim a majority In thp Senate, the
vole In the House between-the "wets"
and "drys" is conceded to bo close.
five Republican members of the Stntc
Senate and forty-oiitj Republican mem
bers of tho House were elected In the
Three of the successful candidates for
tho Senate) and fifteen fnr the House will
be new membeis.
Of the city delegation In the next Dec-
tslnture the Vnre forces claim six of the
eight Senators nnd thirty-two of the
forty-one membeis of the House.
The ftchntors elected jestcrday In the
city nrei
Kernni! lllatrlpt. K.nmliel W Mrttnu ra
State sends elected ; Third District, William J. Mc
ress. "Wet ' , Xicliol : Fourth District, Hdward W. Vat-
ton, re-elected; Sixth District, GeorRC
Woodward ; ICIghth District, George
Elections for Senatois wcro held in the
even numbered districts. William J. Mc-
Mchol was elected In Hie Third Dis
trict at a special election to nil the
vacancy cnused by the death of ,hls
fnther, Senator James I'. MoN'Ichol.
George Woodward, the new member
from Oermantnwn dlftrlct. Is a wenlthy
land owner nnd Is prominent In social
charitable circles. Ho was supported by
the Town Meeting forces nt the prlmsry
nnd defented Senntor Owen H Jenkins
for the nomination.
George Gray, the new member from
tho I'lghth District, is a l'rankford
manufacturer. He succeeds ilic late Wil
liam Wallace Smith, who wns a ion of
the late Mayor William 11. Smith
Senators Woodward nnd IMttnn are
pledsed to the prohibition amendment.
' Of the new members nf the House
Congressman John R. K Scott Is the
center of Interest. His return after nn
absenro of flv years to tho lower
branch of the Legislature has caused
much speculation.
Scutt Is believed to hnvo gone bail; at
the behest of the Vnres to be the ttor
leader of their forces. Representative
Thomas K. McNIchnl, Vnre floor leurter
In the lust Legislature, leslgned the
nomination In the Seventh District
Other now members of the House nre
ns follows: Third district, Nicholas Dl
Lemino and Julius J, Levis ; Seventh.
William J. 'Crawford ; ICIghth, William
P. Roiko: Ninth, Herman Dllshelmer.
Tenth, Alexnnder Colvllle: Twelfth.
Jnines A. Rennett ; Thirteenth. Clinton
A. Sowers; Fourteenth. William J Ham
ilton ; Fifteenth, Robert A. Ducher and
Edwin Stotl : Seventeenth. William T.
Wnllace ; Nineteenth, Samliel J. Hphralm
nnd Arthur R. H. Fox; Twentv -fourth,
Thnd S. Krause: Tiventj -fifth, 1'hlllp II.
,,. w,,, ! LVmorral 13.000 Alirail of Week
Majorities for llepnhliean
Congress and Legisla- '
live Candidates
Three Seals hi House til Wash
ington Lost hy ihe
in N'liiilc Contc't
')' ihr tlwielatrd I'rcts
IIikIiiii, No r, Figure talnilated
I nt inldnlght Indicated Hint former Gov
ernor David 1. Walsh. Democrnt. was
lending renntnr Jnini W VWrks. Reniili.
I llcan nominee for re-election for United I
! Stntrs Senator In Massnchusetts. hy .
neiuiv lJ.ono votes. Cnlvln Coolldge,
i Republlrnn noinluie for Governor, Was
iibiiul aiitin votes abend of Richnrd H I
I Long, Democrat The vote for Thomns .
W. Laws m. lndrpeiidrnt cnndldntu fori
hi'iintor. was about one-tenth of that
cast for Walsh
' Returns fmm Til prerlnets, IncludliiR
luO In Host ii' nut if 1113-ln the Stntc.
gave: Fur Senator. Lawsou find.), 11,
, 41S; Walsh (D), 111. ICO; Weeks (ll).
Moore, Edmonds. Varc,
Graham. Coslello and
Darrow Ke-eleeted
Puts Congress
in Power Again
t'linllinieil from Puce One
time of reconstruction, cspi dally with
Congress Republican nnd determined to
reassert Its ttuthorlf; ns n co-ordinate
branch of thu Government.
Straggles To ('nine
For the election of n Republican 'Con
gress will imrely moan n struggle wltli
tho I'resldent for a icturn to Consti
tutional methods..
This Government Is likely no longer
to consist of nn executive nnd a legis
lature which merely"" records ,lts will.
The process of subordinating Congress
to tho President has been ROlng on
for a long time and has reached Its
Nntuialiy enough during the war
Congress has been merely an appropri
ating budy and n legislative perfecting
bodv. Laws have originated In the
executive departments and betn scut to
Congress to be pasred substantially ns
drawn. Congress occupied Itself with Im
proving phraseology, that was nil.
Restores Constitution
It Is difficult to say exnetly what was
In the peoplels mind In rejecting Mr. Wil
son's plea for a Democratic Congress,
but one th'ng that must have been there
was a determination to restore the Gov
ernment to Its constitutional form. What
tho country was threatened with was
the complete subordination of the legis
lative to the executive even In peace
time. This subordination would have
ben ncconipllrhed under color of the
necessities of reconstruction espfiially
tho necessity of co-operating with for
eign powers In the lengue of nations for
the reconstruction of Kurope, nnd once
the subordination of Congress had been
completely effected In peace times. It
would have been dllllculf to restore the
legislative branch to Its constitutional
ity. The tendency In this country ap
peared to be exactly the opposite of the
tendency abroad.
While the Ru'chstag and other assem
blies were gaining power, Congress was
threatened with the complete loss of Its
power: wWlc the executive was weaken
ing abroad, the executive wns growing
stronger here. The vote of yesterday
checks this development.
This one b'gnlflennce of tho election on
the positive side, and there would appear
to be a rejection by the country of radi
calism. Voices .Vote of Caution
Theie Is n note of extreme caution In
yesterdnj's vote. It is the nation's first
reaction to Mr. Wilson's policy toward
organized labor and toward Industry.
When thu flood of Ideas let loose abroad
liv pence has spread over the world, the
situation may change one way or the
other, but Just non this nation is con
servative. It has not followed Mr. Wil
son ; It has reacted from hint.
The election caino nt "an unfortunate
time for the I'resldent, the, country was.
thrown liuar mental confusion by the
sudden njipenrance of peace' as' a proba
bility. Jt could not iUlckly reverse its
war psj chology.
The effect of yesterday's verdict will
probably be to lsn the likelihood of
the President's being u candidate to
succeed himself.
Washington has for some time no-
Colt defeated Congressman I cepted the view that tho President would
iinnnunessy ny iui vote-,, 'inevitably seek a third term, but woiK
l Ol i
Geort'e I-
with only three districts out
lie urn from
Entire Coiijirefsionttl Delegation
' Goes to G. O. P.
Iiiilbiniipollx. lad,. Nov. G. liullntia
Republ'can Ivve gained ,four Congress
pien In Indlnnn returns today glvirig
th'm the eutlro congressional delega
tion, v
Hem vim iu lenders admitted that they
hM! fi""rt 'mlil nnv of their districts,
wh'le Republican" have been re-elected
In all districts which they formerly held,
Two of Kiflit Congresdonnl Districts
Closelv Contesleil unit in Doubt
OH.ilinnm Ctlv. Oliln., Nov. C, UiioIH
c'pI, returns from scattering counties
tVo'igliout Oklahoma hhow United
fltntes Senator (in en lending his Re
publican opponent, W. II. Johnson.
Contests In the First nnd Klghlh Con
presslonn) Districts nre close, with each
claiming n victory The Incumbents In
tho six other congressional districts are
expected to win.
Tlilrtt) Traveler Nccil Not Loiter at
Halfway Point to Shore
llmniiinntnn,, N. J.. Nov, 0. Hamilton
toil, the half-way point to the shore nnd
for the Inst two yearn a wet townees
terdsy went dry hy seventy-six majority,
every preclpct except the second, wh'cti
cist n tie. vote, registering a majority
tor no license.
Seven taverns snd two bottUrs' are
irctd by this decision.
183 'to bo in,, fr two years with .a hostile Congress
will mitigate the President's atnhltlon.
Publlo life will lose some of Its attrac
tions. The futuro wilt not look as big
or ns Interesting to him as the past,
during which, for nearly two yearn, ho
largely shaped the destiny of the world.
On the other hand, the 'lesson of the
vote Is that 'the Pr.-sldettl Is probably
much stronger than his party and that
his strength Is one which cannot bo de
livered to some ono else, not even to his
Min-ln-law. This may cause his party
to draft htm fov another candidacy.
A llepubllcan Senate will hardly raise
ntly difficulty over the pence treaties.
Tho Issue of settling the war Is too vnst
and complicated for any one to bo will
ing to undo the work by the peace con
ference, unco that work has been completed.
State Will Send Hcpiililican Mit-
JUIIIT iu vjuiiLitrn
I Cnlumlius, l Nov, 6, Ohio has to
I elected Governor James M, Cox by nbout
JO.iinn majority over Frank 11, Willis.
Republican, nnd may have voted wet
for the fourth time In five yearn nnd
will send a Republican majority to Con
gress, nccordlng to the latest returns of
Tuesday's election.
Whether Ohio has changed from the
wet to the dry column of States still
remaliu In doubt, with tho wets lending
hv more, thsu 31,000 votes with more
than three.flftbs of the precincts having
been tabulated. With tho exception,
howevr, of a few precincts nil of the
wet strongholds have been henrd from,
and dry Kurt' rs still contended that re
turns from th rural districts will wipe
out what
they claim, is a temporary
Sproul Lead in State
Set Near 250,009
Continued from I'nse One
elected over Stephen II. llusclton. of
the satno city, hy a decisive majority.
In several districts tho rival candi
dates nrc miming closu nnd official
figures may upset the standing of the
delegation ns it appeared early today.
The Republicans stand a good
chance, eniiv figures Indicated, of re
ducing the Democratic membership of
ten in the state senate. Several dis
tricts are yet to he heard fiotn.
It is probable the Republicans will
increase their representation In the
House of HcprPscntatlves. No accu-
rnto figures are yet available ns to the
..dual standing of thu "wots" nnd
"drys" In the Legislature.
(1, O. V. (ililn In l.rglnl.itiire
Republican Elate loaders claim 'that
at least three of the present districts
In the State represented In Congress by
Democrats have elected Republicans, nnd
that th Donioctntle representation In
the Legislature has been cut from ten
to clnht Scnitirs and from thirty-seven1
to twenty-seven members of the House.
Rcpiesenntlvo Woodward, Republi
can nominee for Secretary of In-
Sernal Affairs, led the ticket In Phila
delphia vvlth'n plurality of 102.103 ovei
Ashcr R. Johnson, of liradford, his Jieni-
ocrntle opponent.
Senator Reldleman's plurality over J.
Wnshintjton logue. tlpj Democratic nom
inee for the Lieutenant Governorship,
was 100.C52 In the city.
Judge Ronnlwell carried only one ward
in the city, the Sixth, where his tight
was aided by nn aggressive contest over
a vacancy In Select Council.
The return of the Sixth to the Demo
cratic fold after having a majority of
Its voters icglstered as Republicans at
the spring primary, was one of the sur
prises of the election.
Walter .1. Littleton, the Vnre candi
date for the vacancy In .fj'elect Council,
was defeated by Common Councilman
Charles A. SchwarZ, the Democratic
nominee, by a vote of ICil to .128 .
The vote of Justice Simpson in the
eltv fnr SuiTiuie Court was ilu,387, and
that for Judge Kephart, 31.180.
Th four Republican candidates for
Congress-at-Lnrgn ran well along with
the heads of the ticket In both tho city
and State.
Roth constitutional amendments car
ried bv big majorities In the city. The
amendment providing for a $50,000,000
bond Issue to Improve State highways
was appiovid In the State.
Little Interest was manifested In the
Slate over the amendment to Increase
Philadelphia's borrowing capacity from
7 to 10 per cent for general purposes,
but the big vote which It received In the
city is believed to hnvo carried It
In the Forty-sixth Ward the Vnre
Mackey plan to i-pllt the ward in two
with Pino street as the dividing line
was defeated by a vote of 4728 to 3787.
Fate of Prohibition Amendment
Still, in Doubt
Mm I'rmiclirnt Nov ti I'allfoinla
will return to Congress, at least live Re
publican member.' tlueo Democrats nnd
ono Prohibitionist t'onlenn In two
other districts nn und elded. Governor
Wllllnm It. Stephens. Republican, con
tinues to Increase his lead over Theodore
A. Hell, Democrat. A Republican lieu
tint governor nlo appears elected
The fate of the prohibition nmendnient
'k Mill In doubt ns only a i.innll per
centage of the votes has been counted.
Honolulu advices state that J. Uif.ilo
Klaulauolc. Republican territorial dele,
gate, to Congrers from the Hawaiian
Islands, has been re-elected, defeating
Lincoln J. McCandhss, a wealthy sugar
planter, who won the Democratic nomi
Eleven Commissioner Arrive at
Capilul With Ik-turns
lliirrMnirg, Nov fi John M. Groff. of
Lancaster, was the first of tho election
commissioners sent by Pennsylvania tw
camps and stations of Pennsylvania scj.
diirs and sailors In the United States to
file n return of the military vote. Thj
Colonel arrived ut the opice of, tho kc-)
letury of the Commonwealth shortly be
fore 9 o'clock with returns from Catnp
Humphreys, Vu. He was followed by
(en other commissioners to camps In
ndlolnlng States,
The returns will be gone over nnd filed
far certification to such counties or dis
tricts us inn!, retiulio them. The coin
inlMlo'uera me being paid ten cents n
mile for vach mile uctuully traveled,
Keiuhliean8 Elect Four of Six
JVebrnska Congressmen
Lincoln, Neb,, Nov 0. Latest election
figures Indicate the Republican cnr.dl
dates for Congress won In all six of thu
Stnte's districts, .except the Thlid and
Fifth. The vote en Congressmen, how
ever. Is stllr tncumplete.
Additional reports nro towelling the
vote by which I'nlied States Senator
George W, Nnrrls, Republican, was re
elected to the Senate, pud S, R. 11 c.
Kelvle. Republican, to Hie governorship.
llnrrlMhiirg, Nov 1
Returns from nil over central Penn
sylvania today continue to pile up In
creases for nil Itipubllcnn candidates,
even lit districts ordinarily regarded os
Democratic strongholds. In every con
test In which National Chulrninn Vance
C. McCormlck set up inndldntes and
whete he conducted vigorous campaigns
In their behalf, Republicans wete elect
ed The fi0 000,000 load loan, which was
stiongly opposed by McCormlck and his
newspapers, appears to ham won nut by
a mnjnrlty that bids fair to exceed
The Congressional contests In this
patt of the State were marked by the
defeat of every Democratic candidate.
Congressman Aaron S. Krelder had no
opposition In the F.lghtccnth Dlstttlct
Congressman 11. K. Focht. of the Sev
enteenth, or "shoestring," District,
overwhelmingly defeated State Senator
Scott S. Lelliy, of Marysvllle Lelby
lost every county.
The Democrats appear to have Inst
the cniigtesslnnal sents In the Yotk
Adam.i. Notthtmibeilnnd and Favrtte
cnuiitv districts. The sitting Congress
men who aligned themselves with the
McCurmlck organization have gone down
In the crash. Congressman Arthur G.
Dewnlt, of tho Rerks-Lehlgh district,
nnd Congressninn Henry J Steele, of the
l'nlon district, were elected by the
Denmnrnts of those districts.
In Climb) rlaml County Itoss I. Itleek
ley. of Lower Allen, and William C.
Ilonmnti, of l.emovne. Republicans, were
ell cud to ihe Legislature. Perry. Juni
ata. Admits, Mifflin Ilunllimdnn, I.i-'a-noa,
Lnncnster, Northumberland. Snyder.
I'nlon. Iletlford, Center and pnsslhlv Ful
ton elected Republican members of the
Utilise and Senators whete they were
to be chosen. Schuylkill Is Republican.
James II Maurer, of Rending, prcsl-
dint of the State Federation of Labor,
and elected to the Legls'.atuic three
times ns a 'jel.illst. was benten by n
Senator Hcldelman carrteu viriuauy
every district In his home county for
Lieutenant Governor nnd ran neck and
neck with Senator Sproul throughout nil
central Pennsylvania. Judg" Kephart
and Justice Simpson ran nhetul for the
Supreme Couit In every one of the cen
tral Pennsylvania counties, nnd Judge
Potter had n liinaway for tho Superior
IMtiphln Counts "h Republican majority
carried with It the four Republican can
didates for the Legislature, against
whom the Democrats had waged a hot
fight on the Prohibition iiuestlon, Ram
sey lllnck. Democrnt. was defented In
this city for election, t'lsh and Rech
teold, while unpledged, are said to favor
the prohibition amendment.
Doctor Swift, of the Antl-Saloim
league, Issued a statement congratu
lating the voters on the election of
Sproul and asking for support for prohi
bition amendment.
Seroiindc Home of llyaii, Demi
,Loiulcr. After Winning
Scat in Council
Only One Wurtl.
il to Give
Republicans Win, Both
Branches of Congress
Wnshltigton ; to in Wen Virginia, a
total of 2H.
Later repoits ntus mid to either side,
ns there arc sevcrnl districts In dispute,
but on the lntet figures the Republi
cans seem to bo assured of the control
of the lower bouse
In the Senate fight die Republicans
held doubtful Stales, which were llhode
tslnnd. West Virginia. South Dakota and
New .Irrney Iteiiiilillrnii
While New Jersey does not show as u
gain for the Republicans in the Senate,
ue or me seais io which nairn anir
F.dge, Republicans, have neen electeil for
the short nnd long terms, respectively,
wns tbnt which was held by William
Ilughis, Democrat, ninde varunt by hla
Holl nf fllHtnr
Out of forty Senators being elected,
twenty-eight had been nccounted for
iirly today. They were:
Alabama, Rnnkhenil, Democrnt; Ar
kansas, Robinson. Democrat; Delaware,
Rail, Republican; Georgia, Harris. Dem
ocrat; Idnho. Ilniah. Itepubllcan; Till
ttols. McCormlck. Itepubllcan; Iowa,
Ciaillnurtl from I'ase One
Kenyon. Republican : Kiiio-a-, Capper,
Republican. I oulslana, Rnnsilell and
Gav. Demociats; Maine,. Fernald, Re
publican (elected last September) ; Mas
snchusetts. Walsh. Hem.; Minnesota,
Xclhoti, Hep. . Mlfcslslppl, Harrison,
Democrnt ; MMiurl, Spencer, Republi
can ; .Nebraska, Nnrrls, Republican !
New Hampshlic. Keyes and Moses, Re.
publicans; New Jersey, Kdgu (long
term) and Ilalrd (short term), llepun
l'catis ; North Carolina. Simmons. Demo
crat; Oregon, Mulkey islioit nam), Re
publican : IShniyi Island. Cult, Itepubll.
can; South Carolina, Dial (long term),
pollack (short term). Demnciats; South
Dakota. Sterling. Itepubllcan : Tennes
see, Shields, Democrat . Virginia. Martin.
In the election for the Rouse former
Speaker Cannon was returned lo his
stat from Illinois for what will be Ills
tvvrnty-second term ; Meyer London, the
only Socialist In the House, was defeated
by former Representative Henry M
Coldfosie. n Democrat, running with
Republican Indorsement.
Rcprtscntnilve Jcanetto Rnnkln. of
Montann, the first woman to hold a seat
In Congi'i'S". was not runlng for re-election
to the House, but contested Inde
pendently for n Senate seat, after being
defeattd In the Republican primaries,
Rfforts of the Vnres to enpturo the
Inno. Democratic wntd In the rlty the
Sixth failed, yesterday. Charles A.
Schwarx. Democrat Ic nominee fnr Se
lect Council received 4!l) votes ngalnst
.128 fnr Walter J. Littleton, the Vnre
cholcp. Tim election wns a special one
held to fill a vacancy caused hy the
denth of John Mnglnnls.
When It beenme anpa'-ent tbnt the
ward yns to remain In the Democrntlc
column, despite the fact tbnt the Re
mtbllenn enrollment hnil been the larger.
the "old-timers of the ward organized
n celebration With n blaring band nnd
an abundance of red fire, they led n
procession to the home of the late for
mer Select Councilman Thomas J Rviin,
who wns leader of the ward fnr many
years. ,
The band crashed mil a stirring ser
enade In honor of the memory of the
old leader and yells and cheers split the
air. Suddenly the door opened and Mrs.
Ryan appeared on the steps.
"I know what this means," she said
"In the name of the Major 1 thank you
for keeping the wnrd true to his prin
ciples nnd Ihe honor you have done
him by paving tribute )o his memory In
the hour of your victory."
Kpeclnl eoutuilmnnlc elections were
held in three other vvnrda to rill
varatu'lrs William McCoaeh, former
city treasurer, was elected to Select
Council from the Thirtieth Ward bv a
vote of 3K6G, and Jacob A S.ilkln, from
the Fourth Ward, by a vote of 1 f83
There was no opposition In cither case.
Snlkln succieds Herbert Haiti who
resigned to enter Vtiltetl States reclama
tion verviCL' when It was alleged bo was
attempting to dodge the draft.
In the Twenty-first Ward, there was
a contest over lllllng u vacant teat In
Common Council, but the Republican
choice won by a vote of more than two
to one. Thomas S. T. Macklccr, who
was nominated nn the Fair Play ticket
as well ns the Republican, received 3272
votes against 1113 for George S. Moyer,
the Democratic nominee.
The contest In the Sith Ward was
expected to be much more blttir than
proved to be the case. The Demociats
asserted that the Vnre fences were at
K mining to "steal" tho wnrd nnd that
conditions were the same as prevailed
In tin- Fifth Wnrd preceding the mur
der of Polk email llpplcy by a gunman
from New Voik. They point) d to the
fact that Littleton had managed to
win the nomination on Judge llonni
well's "Fair Play" ticket ns well as the
Overseers of the election wer ap
pointed by the court at the reipieit of
Jamea M. Dnhan, counsel for the Demo
cratic city Committee, who also
Journeyed to Washington and iires.'titeil
bis ense to the Federal authorities with
tho result that Depnttnient of Justice
ngents were Instructed to keep wnlch on
tho election.
In addition. Mayor Smith sent police
Captains He.irn nnd Tempest to guard
against disorder. This iiction wns taken
because the Democrats bail asked the
transfer of Lieutenant Iiuokfc tiler from
command of the Fouitli District, which
covers Ihe ward.
New Ono an Exuet Copy of Origi
nal Covering
Tho new lotif on Independence Hah
111 which every piece was made an exact
copy of the original has Just been
Aside from 'he fact that the new roof
ivns built along p.'eclniy the same lines
ns were followed In the construction of
the original roof of the building. It has
also been male flu proof. This win
provided for lu the plans prepateil by
Director Dalesman In conjunction with
tin. Philadelphia Chapter, American In
stitute of Architects.
This feature of the work was don ti
first constructing a roof of nshestos i.ir
which shingles wen, laid The shingles
are of a special kind clear heart
cypress shingles. Care was exeiclsed to
have nil the lumber In the new roof, such
iih rafter.", benms, Kheathlng and shingles
lath of the best quallts dry brmlork
To follow the exact lines of the
original constr action of the roof, u was
necessary io iransier two gKviigiiis
which had been on the north slope of
the roof to the soulli slope and to I'haugt
the lines of the old loof considerably.
Results of Balloting
hi Councilmanic Fights
Tlit'so ate tho figures In tho
councllmnnlr contests In four wards
where elections were held to fill
va cuticles:
Jncob A. Rjlkln, It . I
Walter J Littleton, ft. Sns.. !
Clinrics A Kriiwiirx. 1)
Wllllsm MeCnseh
common corxnij
Thns. S. T St.irklrrr. It . P. P
urntire N. aioer,
Republican Majority
Republican solidity In the six con
gressional districts In this city wns not
broken by yestenhiy's bnllotlng.
The re-elected Republican members of
the national House of Reprereiitatlvcs
were :
First Dlsti let William S Varc. 1301
South Ilrond street; Republican. Wash
ington nnd Town Meeting nominee
Second District George S Grnham,
West F.nd Trust Ilulldlng. Republican,
Washington mil Town Meeting nominee
Thlid District J. Hampton Moore. 271
South Fourth street, Republican. Prohi
bition, Washington nnd Town Meeting
Fourth District Geoigo W. Kdmonds.
1513 North Thirty-third street, Repub
lican, Wnahlngtou nnd Town Meeting
Fifth District Peter K Coctelio, 3C00
Dlsston street, Tarony, Republican nnd
Socialist nominee.
Sixth District George P. Darrow.
flG21 Gennanlown avenue, Republican
nnd Prohibition nominee.
Only one ward, the Sixth, was carried
hy n Democrntlc congresslonnl nominee
This wnrd, tho only bnlllwirk that gave
Judge Ronnlwell a plurality, gave Wil
liam A. Hayes, a Democratic candidate
In the Third Congressional District, 406
votes as ngalnst 267 for J Hampton
The defeated Democratic candidates
for Congress from this city were- ,
First District. Paul II. Cassldy: Sec
ond District, John II. Rerkley ; Third
District. William A Rnyrs; Fourth Dis
trict. Joseph K. Fnblan: Fifth District.
Fmanucl R. Clinton, and Sixth District,
John K. LougliUn.
Knute Nelson Returned to Senate.
State. Goes Dry
Ity the Associated Veil
SI. I'niil, .Minn , Nov G --t'nlted States
Senator Knute Nelson (It) tndnv con
tinued to maintain u two-to-onc lead
over Willis (1. Calderwood National
party oandldnto for I'nltcd States Sen
atnr in yesterday's election.
Governor J. A. A. llurnuulst (It.) lead
bis three opponents bv about lOoo votes
The vote for Governor In 3,10 preclnts,
about one-sixth of the total In tin
Slate wns: Rurniiulst, 20.007; David II.
Kvnns, Nonpartisan League candidate.
10,217. Frid F, Whealon (Dem ) H.25S.
I-ntcst returns on Prohibition gave the
amendment IS, 231 votes and 16,360 op
posed to It.
The latest tabulations for Slate ofllces
show tbnt nil the Republican candidates
arc In the lend. The delegation la Con
gress probably will stand Republicans,
cigni. aim i-iemocrais, two
Congroaeninn Cottdy ntitl LintJli ,j
cum Arc Rc-clcctctl 'VJI
llnltlmiire, Nov. 6. The Democrats '-'. fl
swept the city In yesterday's congres
slonal election, returning Representative.
Charles P. Condy anil J. Charles LlnthV
icum, whose districts lie entirely in
Ilnltimorc, by largely Increased plu.
The new charter for Rnltlmore provid
ing home rule nntl the merit system In
making municipal appointments vvsi
I adopted overwhelmingly despite blttf r
opposition hy a number of politicians of
' both parties.
I Tho constitutional amendment provld-
I Ing the ballot for voters absent in tht,
military or nnval service of the United
vt.ites carried this city by 20.000 and Its
adoption by the State was regarded as e,
Man-land's House delegation In the.
Sixty-sixth Congress will stnnd Hires
Democrats nnd three Republicans, a R-
i publican gain of one.
Republican Representitlves Mudd nnd
Zlhlman vvero re-elected by safe pluralt-
nml Andrews, ueputuican, ueieatea
Mrrrlisntvlllc Votes Dry
Men hunt illle, N. .1., Nov. fi. -Th's
town voted drj nt yesterday's election.
There Is but one saloon Volney Den
nett was elected Mayor without opposi
tion Arnold It. Moses. Harold Rot-
inmtAv unit Samuel N. .tnhiinon ivpr. ties
electeil to Town Council Hnrrv K , Representative Price, Democrat, by about
oakford wns elected Receiver of Tuxes . 100 votes.
funds tor Officers and Enlisted Men
In the U. 3. Army snd Navy and with
Red Cross or Y. M. C, A.
Tho Safest Way
To carry funds i by Trlers' Letters of Credit
which w inuo free of commiiiion
end funds it by
which may be
or Cable Transfer
through ui.
Brown Brothers & Co,
Fourth and Chestnut Streets
Ten States Seleel Democrats as
Chief Magistrates'
Ity the United I'rct.i
.New Vork, Nov. C. Governorship con
tests in the various States have resulted
In the election of the following:
-V V Smith. 1. .
wr ni'iirl llnl with
(hiiernnr rtmrles H.
Whitman, it.
.V D.ik Dnjle. D.
Ohln I'uv. 11
Oka, McKeover, II.'
r. WPhjeomlx'. It.
I'rnn Hnmul, It.
It. I lli-reklnsn. It.
H Car CmiKT, ll.
H ink. Xnrbrrk. It.
Tmn Hiilixrts, I).
Texns llol.hy, D.
Ver Clement. It.
Wis t'hllllpn. H
Wyomlnu Cnrp. it.
M.i -Ulrliv. I)
Arl Cmnpliell. It.
Ark -HrnuKli. D
e'ul Stephens. It.'
i 'ol Kllaup, It
I'tili -Ituleeml,, It
(li-tirsi.i inrse, D,
lilihn RnvK It.
low.i Hardliu, It.
Kanfl.i Allen. H.
M.mi CoolMue It.
tleh Slcepfr. It.
vilnn. llurnfiul.t. It
S'h--Mrlevlr, It.
Nil. ula Ituvle. t)
N II HnrtlMt. It
V SI - l.arrnioli,. It
t'rnl,ill)l HvetiMl.
Hot till ilium Reliinil Party
Heine, lilnlni, Nov. 6. Karly icturns
Indie ite nn overwhelming victorv for tho
Republican congressional nnd Rtnte
tickets The Democrats, whose candidates
are Nonpartisan I.enguo nominees, lead
In onlv one county. Senntor Hornh Is
running behind his party.
Final Shipment of
Aquascutum Overcoats
Has Jtist Been Received From
Overseas and Put Into Stocks!
A MORE handsome example of
--- English overcoats has seldom
been brought from London to Phil
adelphia. Rich heatherblooms in soft
lamb's wool a quarter inch thick
but as light as feathers.
Oxford and Cambridge grays;
soft browns, green and purple
Wonderfully well tailored and
richly trimmed. .
They wrap a man up from heel
to chin and spell comfort for years
to come.
William EL Wanamaker
1217-19 Chestnut Street
' I -:if "" -, ' - V
Kephart Leau in Urailfonl
Tiinnndii, l'n.. N-v C Judge John V. i
Kephart Is leading Rrndford County for
Wuprenie Couit. In tiny-four of the
seventv-two districts ho has, a total vote
of lltilll. Denahan Is second, with a
present esllninted vote of about 14:.
General Hauling
7t7 Grunt Trucks
Stake Kxpriiu nnd Van lloillis
lloiuleil limuffeurs
Local nnd " Dlitnnei) llnullug
Hour, Day or Weekly lUte.
Middle Cilll Transporta
tion Company
400 North Tenth M.
Walnut 8151 ' lUee 2JJ3
Soldiers Use
A prominent llrltlsli Oovcrmuiiit
olllccr whllo tnlkltiK about the, war to n
largo body of business men In N.Y, City
recently mid. ".uter thu tired uniiicr
has returned from it l'J mllo tramp.
with swollen ami nchlnii feet. Is there n
iiiuthcr, who, if Mm knew, would nut
go out and get soino Toot-Kaso to send
to hec boy t"
1'coplo orcryvvlirrn Mmulil realize
tho comfort derived from Allen's
I oot-Knjc.tho iiotlsriitlc. healing iki-
,iler to bo shaken Into the shoes. It
takes tho friction 'from tho shoo nnd
gives Instant relief to died, itching,
swollen, tender feet, corns, ounions,
bllston nnd calloiiM's.
Tho l'liittshiirgC'amti Manual ndvl'cs
nil men in training to f-hako 1'oot-KiiMi
111 tliolr thiK's cniii moriiliig. No sol
tiler or sailor should bo without It.
Try It yourself nnd If you hnvo u son,
oroincr or iricnu in tno army or novv.
why not mall him u nackaxo KOtr. Sold
jhy urns una ucp't stores everywhere,
Says the Fuel Administrator
If every car driven in America were a FRANKLIN we
would save in one year 400,000,000 gallons of gas.
The Franklin travels 20 to 25 miles on a single
Then, too, if every car driven in America were a
FRANKLIN the Automobile owners of America
would save in one year $192,000,000 in tires. The
Franklin travels 10,000 instead of 5000 miles on a
set of tires.
Although the entire Franklin factory has been put at the dis
posal of the Government for the making of war materials,
the Sweeten Automobile Company, anticipating this meas
ure, purchased every available Franklin and now has cars
(particularly of the enclosed winter types) on hand for im
mediate delivery.
When this stock is depleted there will be no more Franklins
available, as the factory cannot resume production until
months after peace is declared.
Distributors of the Franklin Car
3430 Chestnut Street
Telephone: Bell, Baring 1200 James Sweeten, Jr., President