Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 06, 1918, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Iftienmg Ihtbttc Hefcger
i cv.u'a it k runna. rnrmnsxT
.-.'Charlca II t.uillnKton, Vice Prcaldenti John C
. Martin, fierretarr and Trenaurcri I'hlllpH Colllna,
'John II. William, John J. Spuraeon, Dim tori-.
, Cue" It K. Crans, Chairman
tBAVID 1,'. RMII.r.V
.General Iluelneaa MunAKtr
Published dally at Piiilic t.Hixirit lrulldlns.
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rhilldtlplili, Urdnrtdir. .Nnlrml.tr 6, 141S
TUrn. SPROUL'S election to the govern
' orshlp is n triumph for decency. Ills
plurality is so large that there can br no
doubt whatever of the sentiment of the
Commonwealth. The attempt to capitalize
the. Influence of the whisk) ring to ad
vance the political fortunes of one of the
littlest men who ever received a nomina
tion for tho governorship fiom u great
party has failed. The decent elements In
the Democratic party repudiated the In
decent efforts of Uonnlwell months ago.
His defeat has demonstrated the whole
someness of the sentiment of tho otnis.
Whether we ratify the prohibition amend
ment or not wo are not going to have a
Governor whoso sole purpose wan to tie up
tho State to the rum interests.
Sir. Sproul's great plurality should Rive
him some Indication of what the people
eatpect. He has an opportunity and a com
mission to do for the State what has need
ed doing for a long time, that is. to clean
houao in Harrisbun? and bIvo us an ad
ministration for the next four years which
will send factionalism Into the background
and bring public service to the fiont. He
has tho ability to do It. No man is better
Informed than he on tho needs of the
State. Xo man has seen more clearly than
ha what wreck has been caused by the
Uso of tho power of the Governor to servo
factional ends. Ho is expected to be the
"Governor of the wholo people, Democrats
as well as Republicans, and not the Go-tii-nor
of a faction of his own party. If
he lives up to this expectation he v HI make
it possible for Pennsylvanlans to be proud
of tho government of their great Com
monwealth. His future, for success or
failure, is In his own hands. We sh him
Judging from the reports of unrest In
the Fatherland, It Is conceivable that when
tha Berlin diplomats who have fled from
tha Bolshevlkl In Moscow get homo they
will feel as though they were still truvellug
in foreign parts.
IT1HE moral isolation of Germany is made
complete by tho note which President
Wilson sent yesterday to lierlln. Tho
'remnants 6f autocracy are left desolate.
In a pitiless light adequate to reveal even
to the Germans themselves the ugliness
and the terrific cost of tho thing they tol
erated. For under the conditions explicitly
stated the full burden of future responsi
bility for tho sins of the Hohcnzollern
dynasty Is shifted to the shoulders of the
people. They must pay to the hilt In
name, in sacrifice, in money. There Is
to "be ,no saving of the Hun face. The
Berlin Government, if it accepts conditions
harsher even than those imposed upon
Austria, must go to Koch in the attitude
of a. suppliant and ask for an armistice
t and for peace. Otherwise the war will
BO on.
It is plain that this public statement of
final terms and conditions nnd the cul
minating message with which tho Presi
dent definitely ends tho correspondence
with Berlin had a double purpose. The
note must be read not only as a flat and
hard statement addressed to statesmen. It
Is an answer and a challenge to the rest
less and questioning opinion in Allied
countries and in Germany itself which
would 60 disposed to become critical If
the conflict were continued indefinitely. It
places the necessity ror a decision In
Berlin. It Is outwardly and in form a
'statement. In effect It Is a ringing ques-
tlon, It Is the last card of a series boldly
and masterfully played. Germany faces
the necessity for what virtually Is uncon
t dltlonal surrender and long penanco on tho
one hand and annihilation on the other.
And no one Is left with a shred of doubt
as to where full responsibilities for future
bloodshed will He.
The note further shows that the Allied
nations are in full accord In relation to
-the far-reaching principles already stated
h behalf of the United States, conditions
' which Imply tho necessity for a complete
,. tli, revolution In the methods of European
'V Jwl,llca anu uipiomacy unu me creation ot
" a new and formal code based upor. the
v simple sense ot common Justice to guide
nations, big and little, In their various
relatlonbhlps. This acceptance by I3uro-.'-'
"ean statesmanship of an altogether new
J-, eptlook and Its frank expression through
' medium of the Supreme War Council
;. W profoundly significant. It wipes out
Germany's last hope, which was to create
ord In the Entente.
Testerday's note will havu t ;e effect of
a political bombshell In Ecrlln. It says
jothlng more of the Kaiser. If the Ger-
'man people can tolerate the Hohenzollerns
.after this they are Indeed mad and unfit
ftkr any of the duties of government or na-
ItMtallty. It still remains with them to
Mve. in tho matter of their emperor, that
rr.1 ..iimllu unfit fur nnv atntn
an Ot blind vassalage. And what
&! will be under the whip of this
, in thwe days of terrible eount-
Coii(trcion.il Returns Ought to lime a
Sobering KiTcct on ltolli AilmlniMrutlon
, nnil Republican Leaders
millLE Woodrow Wilson, titular head
of tho Democratic party, is undoubt
edly n sadder nnd wiser mnn today when
he scans tho returns from the congres
sional elections, there is no tenson what
ever why Woodrow Wilson, thinker, stu
dent of history, lover of democracy in
essence nnd President of the United
Stntes, should feel at all downcast.
Democracy the theory of government
nnd not tho party is still safe in Amer
ica. That is the fact which must appeal
to nil of us who put country before party.
It is the vitul and outstanding- conclu
sion to be drawn from ycstei day's elec
tion, and before it every other lesser con
sideration, factious or factitious, sinks
into insignificance.
There has been no Democratic land
slide to "suppoit" that autocratic kind of
"undivided leadership" for which Demo
cratic Leader Wilson pleaded in u weak
moment. Hut neither has there been any
Republican landslide to repudiate Presi-dent-of-nll-the-peoplc
Wilson. The only
thinp; that has happened was the normal
nnd proper expression of public opinion,
in the regular way, rebuking those ten
dencies townrd megalomania which have
cropped out dangerously in Washington
recently; chastising those overreaching
officeholders who have been perverting
placcn of trust to construct n political
machine fondly imagined to be unbeat
able; restoring tho constitutional checks
and balances of the Federal organization
and proclaiming anew with salutary
effectiveness the principle that this is a
government of the people, by tho people
and for tho people. The people rule, and
not mere individuals, singly or in groups.
Long may they continue. ,
In this bright, clear light of the day
after, what utter bosh appears to be
those solemn and ominous phrases of Mr.
Wilson's about the effect a Republican
victory in Congress would have nbroad.
Can any sane man believe that the re
sults will affect in tho slightest degree
those international questions relating to
tho ending of the war which the Piesi
tlent hns been conducting with such con
summate skill7 Docs it look now any
more hopeful to Germany's lost cause
than it did last Monday? Is there any
statesman or politician in England,
Franco or Italy such a fool as to feel
that the American people have lepudl
ated in any minutest degree the stand
which they have been presenting unitedly
behind, not Woodrow Wilson, chief Demo
cratic officeholder, but Woodrow Wilson,
spokesman, by virtue of his exalted office,
for the nation as an indivisible whole?
The questions seem almost silly now, do
they not?
Tho people of Europe understand the
significance of yesterday's results quite
as well ns the people of the United
States. They know that if there is inter
national significance at all it U only to
strengthen the hands of the President
in the conduct of the war to an indu
bitab'e victory over the enemies of peace.
They will know, despite Mr. Wilson's
own foolish prophecies of gloom and
faintheartedness in his monumentally
blundersome recourse to partisanship,
that the American public lias undergone
not the slightest change of mind or heart
concerning tho relations of the United
Stntes to our enemies or our allies,
except, possibly, the change which might
be involved in un unmistakable indication
that we are more determined than ever
to see our part in the struggle through
to a just conclusion. That is all.
So we repeat that the President has no
reason for repining, save for the lapse
into factionalism that he allowed to poi
hon his judgment, If he will disabuse
his mind of the retty partisan spirit ob
viously instilled at closet counsels with
certain evil geniuses who are tho bane
of his statesmanship, he will be enabled
to refoim his mental attitude toward
Congress. He will realize that the time
has not yet come when the American
people arc ready to tear up the Consti
tution, force Congress to abdicate its co
ordinate powers and hand over the sole
dictation of their affairs, internal as well
as external, to him or any other citizen.
He will recognize that the faith in the
republic still endures and ho will summon
up that scholarly philosophy born of
.study of American institutions as re
vealed in his textbooks to aid him in se
curing those measures of legislation and
those indorsements of policy which he,
as the chosen executive, believes best
suited to the needs of the country.
That is the victory which Mr. Wilson
must win, a victory over himself, if he
wishes to maintain without repudiation
or discredit tho high record already won
for his administration.
There is also a lesson which ought not
to bo lost to tho Republicans. In the
first flush of a well-won success, let their
leaders not think that they have received
n commission to bedevil or obstruct the
President through congressional control.
That would be an error of woeful con
sequence, not only to their continued
party success, hut in its direful results to
the country.
The people have shown that they wish
Congress to be more than n rubber-stamp.
They want intelligent action on every
measure. Even though they have clearly
indicated that they are "pro-war," it does
not follow that they are "anti-Administration"
in tho omnibus sense. They
wunt Congress to fulfill the function
marked out for it in the laws, but no
more. They do not want Congress to
run the presidency any more than they
have just shown that thoy want the presi
dency to run Congress. It is well to
keep this in mind.
The new Senate and House will not
formally como Into being until March 4
next. Actual hostilities will probably bo
over long before that time, so that tho
new members will have littlo to do with
war-making. Hut the .momentous prob
lems of penco will fall into their juris
diction nnd the country will expect tho
loftiest sort of legislative ability in deal
ing with these. They will tolcrntc no
quibbling nnd filibustering for party
advantage. They will expect patriotic
and business-like action. Nothing less
will do. '
That is the responsibility which now
falls upon tho Republican leadership. It
must match the leadcishlp of the Presi
dent in high-niindedncss nnd construc
tive genius or it will in turn find itself
lepudlnted upon that day two years
hence upon which all the ambitions nnd
hopes of the two major parties will now
bo centered.
Today Is one of the ilnys on which wa
inny nuto how cgg-rnllltiK may be ttio nat
ural consequence of logrolling
QEN'TIMENTALi and practical considera-
tlons In war have seldom so harmoni
ously dovetailed ns In the now impetuous
ndtance of the American armies toward
Sedan. The Imagination Is kindled by the
pros'pect of Gormun disaster near tho
Imttlegiound from which, even more than
from Hadowa, the Hun drew his "tradition"
of military arrogance. Atonement for
Sedan has Inherently little concern with
the mor.il fnctors Involved In tho opening
campaign of the Frnnco-Prusslan War.
That struggle, although ruthlessly fo
mented by German chicanery, began as a
contest between two moharchs for Euro
pean mastery. But Trance, through tho
bitter agency of defeat, soon realized bow
sho had been duped. With Napoleon III
ousted, the democracy relmrn In the hour
of poignant humiliation came to Interpret
Sedan as Its own cup of bitterness apart
from association with tho bungling Bona
parte. The battle became a symbol of out
rage to n beacon of civilization, France.
Germanv capitalized her victory In char
acteristic style. Her subsequent career
of bullying was largely based on that suc
cess. As her presumption became more
and more aggravated It dawned on freedom-loving
peoples that tho tHun triumph
in 1S70 was the most dangerous thing that
had ever happened to civilization for cen
turies. And that Is why the thought of
the retribution which may be in store for
the nrmles of barbarism on the Mouse
Is today' so pregnant with meaning.
Trance natural!) dreams of expunging her
sorrow. Tho sane world, while sympa
thizing naturally with that view, sees In
tho situation now thrilllngly presented tho
opportunity to nullify n vicious and sinis
ter piecedent.
The strategic reasons for a new Sedan
nro equally as sound us the moral obliga
tion. Victory In that region wo.M com
pletely cut off ono of tho exit routes o the
German forces. It would sever ull connec
tion, savo the most roundabout, between
Metz nnd the Hun battlefront and would
split the German army Into two Imperiled
sections. To Its lasting honor the Ameri
can army has been chosen to perform this
stupendous task, which It Is on the very
verge of performing with Inspiring speed
and dispatch. The vital Montmedy railway
lino is already under fire. Stenay, lnvnlu
able to tho Invaders, is half surrounded,
Tho MeitEO has been crested and Sedan
Itself Is not more than seven miles from
our advanced units. The grand strategy
of tho war, coupled with French andi Brit
ish successes further north and west. Is
being magnificently unfolded. The weary
armies of invasion may )et bo caught.
Poetic Justice would desire nothing more
ecstatic than springing the trap at Sedan.
It is a pleasure to hcHr that Mr. Lodge
approves the armistice terms provided tor
Austria. This time he was not accused by
tho Democrats of playing politics.
WHETllEn the political proclamation of
the Interchurch Federation Is any
thing inoro than a bunch of words will
not appear until tho next municipal cam
paign begins. It was Issued on election
day, when only State officers were to be
chosen, assuming that Congressmen, as
well as those men who will perform their
duties within tho boundaries of the Com
monwealth, are State officers; but It was
an exhibition of municipal conditions nnd
an arraignment of the clergymen and
churchgoers for neglect of duty.
Its significance lies In Its revelation of
the stute of mlnij of a group of lellglous
leaders. They at any rate are no longer
content with existing conditions, anu" they
nro not afraid to utter their protest. This
Is good, so far as It goes.
But they have said nothing new. We all
know what is the matter. Wo allow
the politicians to make the nominations by
selecting the men who will do their bid
ding. We think that we rule ourselves,
but wo do nothing of tho kind. Wo merely
accept such rule us those who make a
business of politics huve the grace to give
us. Wo have stood for so much that they
are persuaded that wo will stand for any.
If the protest of the clergymen Is to be
anything more than a mass of empty
words It must be supplemented by a con
structive program intended to bring
about a better state of affairs. While we
put up with tho present conditions, we
would be glad to have them bettered. But
no ono seems to havo tho ncrvo and the
organizing genius to offer to the voters an
udequate alternative which promises
something different. When wo havo' to
chooso between two evils we have usually
chosen tho evil with which wo are
acquainted In preference to un evil tho
possibilities of which wo do not know.
Now. If the clergymen, as citizens, not
as representatives of organized religion,
and if the leading men in tho churches, who
accept the leadership of the clergymen,
will unlto and work, for the next two years
to create an organization of voters de
termined to redeem Philadelphia they will
accomplish something. But they must
work with tho same zeal and persistence
for the public good that the politicians
sl;ow In working for their own pockets,
otherwise the next mayoralty election will
be as great a farce as the last one.
"I'm as unhappy," the complaint of the
future will run. "as a Uln I"
Thoughts on Inserting n
New Typewriter Ribbon
A NEW world era has definitely begun.
Wo huve put a new lnk-rlbbon on our
rnilE old ribbon, that had served us faith-
fully slnco last March, lies before us,
a tangled snarl of Inky tape. Wo feci
rather sentimental about it. That ribbon
carried us through tho darkest dnys of tho
war. It was hammered nnd thumped nnd
worn thin with tho sins of Germany, with
hopeful epitaphs written for tho Kaiser
nnd Htndcnburg nnd I.udendorfT nnd tho
Crown Prince. It was beaten and buffeted
with many and many a third-rate poem,
many and many a shameful pun, many
and many a dull paragraph. Uncomplain
ing, the noblo strip of purple tupo carried
us through, and now on the threshold of
victory wo have dlscnrdcd It. It will be
this new ribbon that will carry our gloat
Ings over Wllhelm's downfall, over the
failure of Prussian militarism to crush the
world to its Insane ambition, over the new
era In which tho common peoplo sbnll have
a volco In cleansing and healing tho earth.
pEIUIAPS we will bo told that wo should
not have swapped ribbons while cross
ing a stream; but wo felt that the'old one
was connected with tho bad grim days
that are, we hope", down tho flue forever.
And wo look forward with much humility
to seo what this new carbon strip may
have to say to us. Shall wo bo ablo to
collect our election bets? Shall we have
the pleasure of writing an obit for the
Kulscr? Shall wo seo tobacco and roast
beef nnd grldtjlo cakes go back to the
price where they belong? Shall wo do a
little better In answering letteis? Shall
wo see a now world organization that will
In some small degreo compensate mankind
for tho abominable sufferings of the past
yeairf? Who knows? And yet It nil lies
hidden on our silent typewriter ribbon.
WE FACE our now ribbon with n good
deal of humility, as wo have said. We
have made some private resolutions nhout
tho kind of stuff we Intend to Htnmp
upon It. We wish It weren't necessary to
sull) Its virgin tapo with any discussion of
tho fate of Wllhelm "our sad bad glad
mad brother's name." But world opinion
hns focusscd upon Bill as It never before
focussed on any ono man, even Napoleon.
With a directness and immediacy never
before attained by any popular mandate,
the vvorld Insists thnt tho Kalse- must go.
He will. Neither he, nor any man, Is
strong enough to withstand the united
typewriter ribbons of humanity. A League
,of Typewriter Ribbons is as powerful as
tho Leaguo of Nations. It Is tho type
writer ribbons of tho world that express
tho thoughts nnd hopes df men. And Wll
helm Ins got himself pretty badly snarled
und noosed up In those same ribbons.
SPEAKING quite serlousl.v, wo have a
pretty lively hopo for this new type
writer ribbon of ours. Tho world Is mov
ing through amazing days, days so full of
meaning that It will take most of us a
long tlmo to catch up with them. Now Is
tho tlmo for ull good men to como to tho
aid of humanity. Tio peace settlement Is
to bo ono that will do Justice: Justlco to
tho memory of the dead; Justice to the
conduct of the living; Justice to the future
of the unborn. It will not be Ideal Justice:
It will be human, and subject to passion
und error; but it will be a better Justlco
than tho world has yet seen. Tho con
science of humanity has been aroused.
AND the election, that wo aro all think
lng about? As tho ribbon unrolls be
fore us we have not heard conclusively
how it went. But honestly now, between
the ribbon and ourselves, does It really
matter? The country is not going to tho
dogs no matter how it polls. America en
tered the war in a high mood of resolution
and unselfish sacrifice, nnd we shall bring
our share of it to nn end In the same spirit.
Wo have all grown In stature since April,
1917, and we have learned that many ot
the old fetishes aro vanished.
THE one thing for all to remember Is
that the war is not over even when
Germany accepts our peace terms. There
are thousands of shattered villages to be
rebuilt, thousands of broken lives to bo
patched, thousands of hungry homes to be
fed. Thero nre thousands of leadjust
ments to be made, thousands of griefs to
be mastered, thousands of ambitions, rival
ries and hatreds to be adjusted. AVo may
well find tho slow perplexing years of
world-rebuilding more trying, more puz
zling than the high adventurous mood of
THE flfty days from now to Christmas
will bo days of vast omen. It lies with
tho rulers of Germany to say whether
there shall be peace or war. As there is
no limit to their madness, it Is still con
ceivable that they may chooso to refuse
our terms. But there Is no question of
the outcome. It will be written, and writ
ten soon. This typewriter ribbon is one
of those that will havo the Joy of celebrat
ing it. '
The Piker
We bad a. friend once who always cele
In a ted elections by laying two five-dollar
bets, one each way. Of course, he always
lost one nnd won tho other. Thus his own
pocketbook remained in statu quo, he hod
the pleasuro of collecting from ono friend
and gave another friend tho pleasure of
collecting from him. He slept sonndly on
election night, for he felt safe whatever
should happen.
1 Tho question in our mind is, Did ho or
did he not Increase tho sum total of human
happiness, which Is supposed to bo the only
worthy aim In life for a conscientious man?
Our theory Is that he did, for though
the pleasuro cuused by his shelling out to
the man who had won may bo said to
have' been canceled by the pang of tho
chap who bad to surrender to him, still
he himself derived a certain amusement,
from, his two-faced financiering.
We were delighted to observe thut at
least one poet had a cigar named after him,
even though It was only a mIM cigar.
And then we remembered that It must
havo been because his namo had something
to do with combustion.
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Scmiweekly Letter Touching on the Washington Doings of Personalities
Familiar to Philadclphians
By J. Hampton Moore
Washington, Nov. .
CONGRESSIONAL elections over and the
ban on politics having been lifted,
gossip of Phllndelphlans in Washington
ventures into the realm of IocjiI leader
ship. Thero nro slgnB of a lively fight for
tho Mayoralty and tho City Sollcltorshlp,
and tho question Is, will the leaders get
together or will thero bo another factional
fight? So far ns Penrose nnd tho Vares aro
concerned, tho political dopestcrs say thero
will be no truce. It Is admitted that fac
tional warfare is expensive, but the two
elements have not been conferring for some
.tlmo past. If McNlcbol were alive It is
said tho business relations of tho bel
ligerents might induce them to submit to
nn armistice, at least for the purpose ot
considering terms, but McNIchol Is not
hero and a go-between is wanting, Some
think that Senator Sproul may have a word
to say about tho Philadelphia situation
when tho proper time comes. Meanwhllo
candidates for Mayor are being discussed
by the adherents of the contending forces.
Ono hears tho name of Freehand Kcndrick
as a Vare possibility and of A. Lincoln
Acker as one who might be acceptable to
tho Penrose people. City Solicitor Connolly
Is likely to be a candidate for re-eloctlon, It
Is said, but tho namo of David J. Smyth,
former Director of Public Safety, Is 'also
mentioned. Enough nnmes havo already
como to tho fiont to Insure a lively con
test. Meanwhile, ns Philadelphia visitors talk
Varo and. Penrose, there Is a growing sus
picion that two Important factors, even
npart from the new Governor, If lie decides
to take a hand, will havo to be leckohed
with, viz., David II. Lane and David Mar
tin. These two men have been in politics
a long while and know the gamo thoroughly.
They havo friends to servo and organiza
tions to maintain. In tho opinion of some
a Lane-Martin combination would hold the
balance ot power in any municipal contest.
WHEN the political fellows got the milt-'
tary bug they got it all over. Fred
eric A. Godcbarles, formerly Deputy Sec
retary of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, Is ono of them. Godchnrlcs ,halls
from Milton, Northumberland County, the
same place that Introduces Gilford Plnchot
to the nation ns a Pennsylvunlan, and for
many years he represented that section
In the Legislature and In Republican State
conventions. But Fred is out of politics
now and in the war for keeps. Ho has been
specializing in guns and their upkeep, nnd
slnco leaving Cyrus E. Woods to struggle
with the affairs of state at Harrlsburg has
put In appearances at army headquaters
and training camps ns an Instructor. 'He
tells tho now recruit how to take his gun
apart, put It together and keep It in order.
The formor Deputy Secretary holds tho
rank of captain. He recently received
orders to leave these parts, and like a g"ood
soldier Is now on his way.
WHAT Is It that Induces a man whn has
a good business and Is making money
to go into politics? Put that question up
to a- man like Joseph R. Grundy, who does,
not seek office, or to Governor-elect William
C. Sproul, who has been a very successful
business man, or to William Henry Sayen,
ef Wayne and Bt. Davids, who was once
talked of for Governor, or to Senator
Frank P, Croft, of the Croft & Allen oon.
F ')
ccrn, who takes a band with Charley Am
blor In Lower Montgomery, and you will
got a variety of answers. One Is that a
business man should participate In politics
ns a matter of duty; another, to secure or
prevent bad legislation, nnd so on. We
havo many business men bote In Washing
ton who talk tho samo way. Some of them
enjoy 'politics for tho novelty of It. If they
can afford to como to Congress It Is a good
thing socially. But tho average business
men In politics will admit there Is danger
of playing the game too long. It depends
upon tho ability of the player to take caro
of himself financially and otherwise. Few
business men have figured more success
fully In politics than those to whom ref
erence has been made, but Washington sees
many business men who enter the arena
huo)antly, nre carried away with tho ex
citement, neglect tho homo foundations
and oveistiiy their time.
APPLICATIONS for appointment In the
office of tho Judge Advocate General
have bcon far moio numerous than the
number of places to bo filled. The pressuie
has been sp great that General Crowder
and somo members of Congress havo had
"words" on tho subject. So far as tho
relatively new appointees aro concerned
they havo been put on a war basis and
made to go to ochool on International law,
Crowder Insisting that ho wants no as
sistants now who aro not well up on Euro
pean conditions. Therefore, Major Bob
Bright, who once ran for one of the row
offices on the Democratic ticket, nnd Stave
Hecksher nnd Harry Hodge, who are like
wise majors, have been going through an
Interesting and somewhat secluslve' course
of sprouts. Major Jasper Yeates Brlnton,
tho law partner of Billy Conlen, of tho Land
Title Building, is a littlo more fortunate.
His appointment camo along before the
rush and enabled him to get to France
early in tho game. It la now reported that
James M. Dohan, counsel-for the Dem-
ocratle City Committee, is slated for the'
Judgo Advocate General's office.
AFOUTV-FOOT channel for the Dela
ware River, as succested bv Ailmlrnl
Charles F. Hughes,- the net commandant
of the navy yard, sounds good, a.-d It Is
hoped that Emll I'. Albrecbt, tho lvnurso
president, who Is at tho head of the trade
bodies co-oparating on river work, will bo
drawn to It; but it is always to bo borno
In mind that we havo ahead of us a big
Job to complete the thirty-five foot channel
and that Congress will have to be satisfied
and labored with before It enter upon tho
new project. Tho thlrty-flve-foot channel,
which Is now about CO per cent completed,
was authorized In 1910 and should havo
been dono In bIx years. Work upon It has
been delayed during the war,, partly for
want of dredges.
Even after election politics may not bo
adjourned. Hut somo politicians arc, and
thut makes the bother worth while.
Doctor Foch will prescriVe, Further
more, Ids medicine Is absolutely guaranteea
to cure what's the matter with Europe.
Plainly the new motto of the aermans
should run thus: "United we fall; divided
we stand" t
. Ji" J , 'iVr-p$rJlr-'!Y. y u
- . '( - -
""" 'J.iyu- "'.-'--lt?.. -a-""'""
. ,.- -.; :
r-.... -.-"O'j
-fr -" :, . ...J-
" r -
Uluirlcd In accordance iclth the news and
iclth no apologies to Ernst TAsiauer)
rpUIlK and Bulgar they matter not,
- Nor Austro-Huii'whom Dlnz got,
We fear them not,
We c)ieer them not.
Wo hold Trieste and the Stamboul gate,
And Just at this writing we've but one hate,
With precious few days to announce with
That we've ortc foe ind only one
He Is known to you
all, he has flown from
you all; i
He has seen his "eHalted a-'.les" quit,
Preparing the way fotf his destined fall;
And stuffed with surprise, but depleted
in grit, j
He whines to escapethe Judgment high
Pronounced serenely In Versailles.
No oath of bronze ncciri we to take,
No oath (while, decrepit kingdoms break),
For facts and butt.allot&s on the run
Have neatly reduced ojur foe to one
At the Snucr'jrnu In the) town of Zug
Are stneked (richly monogramed) trunks
that plug
The hotel doorway from floor lo roof.
Walt they for Berlin's Whlffenpoof?
Is that Karl Hosner, wrapped In gloom,
warning tne vuicuciuion iioom s
Mid Alpine fog
Bo this the long-expected ('Tag,"
Which game has shown I
The player, who Is "It," albne
Aye, this the sport we speed Ito "play.
While war Is spinning fast nWay;
This be the gist of the battle log
in twin significance 'tis "Tag!! ,
Turk or Bulgar they matter nat,
They pay for the sorrows their' sins besot.
We fight one battle, we crave one meal
Before the time 'that fair peace will seal.
You, while the hatln's still good, wi hat.
Wo will hate to forgo that hate. .
Must we when the marshaj cries "Too
Not hate by water nor hate by lar)d;
Not hate by head nor hate by the hand;
Not hato dull hammer nor still duller
Not hate seventy millions toppling .'down?
Let's hate ero "withdrawal's" a scuttling
run; '
Quick, concentrnte on the foe, Just one
What Do You Know?
1. rrtim vlmt part sf Itnlr ilora flrneral Dial
2. When unu Ilia Haiti ,of Hrilan fnunhtT
3. Mhnt h tha meaning cif plurality In election
4. V.'lmt la thr rnpllal of llaTorla?
5. Who vtaa Minima Jaknlf
8. What l the nntlonalltr of Chopin?
1, Whut la u heptarchy?
H. What wua the tlrrek mime ot Ulratci?
0. Wlnit la u holwUhr ,
10, Which la Urn "Tar Btnte"?
Answers to Yesterday's Quiz
1. (In nf th meunlnaa nf 'Mmnnrtion" fa lo.1v-
mentt henro the Alllea tlemnml that tha
Auatrjan aircraft be Imtmrtlonlzed manna
thut the nlrnf.inca ahonlil lie naaemhled In
aneclflrd nlnrea nhrre tho vlctora Mill take
iliarae nf them .
2. The Ciirtlle Alps extend nlnnc (he north-)!
hnrdfrlaf.ltalr Into Cirnlola. Thee adlnln
the encllan Aim nnd the Ampriio lHla
mtlea, S, The fllimmrl nf n tobacco pipe la the bowl
mid fctein-aoikct.
4, Hamuel Hli'liunlon wrote "flnrltaa, Mar
lowe. " Ilia l.lle urn ICCO-Uui.
5. The plane of the rcllntle fa the an In which
Ilea the orbit of the earth' path around
the. ami.
0, llr the railroad lime aralem. there la an '
hour's difference between llullfn and New
7, "lie niiiVtula nil iilal bonum" msnna "ebneer.
line the dead, nothlnr nnleaa citwl."
Htall"rr ''"" "'"""" '''"eland's natlr
V, THenis-lt-ree tlinraind , AuitrlaA nJdl-ra '
'""""ir iiinra-jnu , llliri BAISWa ' )
j ln
10. AdMi
4.1 .'U.-LiK ...AJ.-.MT,.