Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 05, 1918, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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l.tiiKM.tcr Gho utt to V". M. .,
. Si-cictatricH nl (..imp
Ojictliinl !'
rri'ist" I'Viiiieliisr
l'Xltoel Unix
.J.000 to l..
I Mil IX ill
. f K c lmrji V
i-tirp .1 li l,t
John Wtbt u
1.1 I it blli-Rl)
Hair' In: ;, ( iiJ
nf clini. 'i imIj Irs
S in ifuU ml w i.l
li i I I i iih.-ih
I niiii lil, UrU'litolown, V. !.. N" "
lvnnj IvumIii limit. d furvU-H men una
all uihei ninVi-i i .mil i-illMnl.min from
tluf Htiii nle .atlne tlielr li.iilul today
at 1' 'lli x.i'iio plnn um wni In'
auBiir.iinl vlirn the .Toi'icymcn voted
"ni followi-il ami Mi. r.iortiiiiK the mill
l'ruin tjio l'lrit, tecum!, l'oulh. I'irtn,
wl.tli N'lnth Twvlftli. Hlxtecntli n;l
Sovntftmli li.ttrillofH MJlcd tit . '
Jltn No. 7, mi.iIu Hie tiion from tne
Klffhth b.uta'.lon cast llu-lr ballots nt
K. of r HulMInc No. L'. ,
Thlg nftrrnon tne men from th
SoM'titli nnd Tcnt'.t nattnllons anil other
rt.irate uiiIih will vot. at tile V. 31.
Hut. Hlf the men o' tlii THIrJ. Tlilr-
iliit.t tno clrctloit, do i lcinllt, i-'ouitn'mli nnJ I irtccnw iiai-
i.iiM.MiIriT .if thin iuhumi. il-nn l.cscrvu i.iiuui punrtiiw"
lillf-IllirU Ol HUH -,, ... A . iti.,1,..l In nnv or.
ratilSK'iun will cxiircino their fiandile
rlrhti at tlio K. nf '. tnlllillmr.
Tiitiitirii the uiuTKy uf Mir Oi'H"
llUMIn Hlti-'ie. of Uini-aitcr, the fuso
tark'B nt V. M. Hut No. T. of which
i:ruKt i: Wnv-.-. nl I-ancirtor, It
Imllillmt ruri'latj, 1 im this H".J of ti
llu'el nuMnulil'i 'li ttltt I) 11 tultrn
nt' ulitiUi' .lt!i, i, tin ) (.'!! o ii' Lali-
C.l ti I'
t iiiiiii l.re, n.. 'o f.
f Pcnr, inta rnldlrrn utpiin to xnt.
ihln mr v nR at Hi ramp at o'rlocl.,
Titer a lS.flOn .iw'i firm tl.at .State
In I'lli" '"(imp, I'D tli- eoniiiilwiloiier,
t ha m? ' um
riot f xic t mi i't than
rnn-t r Mitr Tin fuir V. 31. . A
liiillil im;i li.n Ikiii il.filitnateil ar ot
l" .tati In .ii li of HiMn tlu-rc
an? i i .i.ic int'i- (Hi'lt liri'tlilcil utt
t l V' ' UN l ilil..4 ui'illiTe,
iiinlselijun ! Ulir Jl!f
.tirni nin 1". II. II.uKcv.
! Druc'itn. llarrld
. i. IMttrbutKh; 1..
v. Aviuon stuniii .
nrtiilM: .1. i:l. ltici'j-
ii'urrn V JtoIllliPii:
IT.jwa.til It AlcNultj
MMi" iilW op-lieu ir
'nte at .
anil Uclawjio vu'ti-
it I I i.A it (Ink .nl nfiiUyiif inn i.ltli i n'
lTniyifcnth i"teet. ODpnttunlt 1"
lie Riven oriTi ma-i In inn.i i.hn In u
r U7.c;i nf at),, r' tlif abdie states to b.
nlircnt ficjn mlHtnry ilut lunc enough
to enabl'i bi m vote
Captain ' H liaiUer. um- of tin
l'enndj'lvnnl.i umi.i'Bilnni'iK, who, as .i
fninn I'olU er member uf a l,tnnsl
vanla I u t" Mited fifty-four yeam
nsl on il" iAp 'C tliK rantoiimcut, lom
p.irotl trnla tl o Australian ballot to tUf
mctlioil 'liii .i uil when Lincoln Co
fidtoii fi r'loildn for the, Presidency.
Tliun a iu.nlv i- ci n ompanj passed Ills
hut auiiniil and Hie iold!er ilopositcd
their liallois Hi. te n
i:rue.t ? Plat, of 1j Notth Ma -ton
wrect Philarli'lnliui mm liuludid In
hat of 103 sr otnl 1 'Utenanti
today rnliaiu d ., Hint limit
Thero ri t nu-lio other l'otiu I
vaulant "!. Jiled m thp h"t.
Other I'enn -'.nilmi ne ,lu .-pii
Siauay ,iinui!t. M.lton T Stew.irt,
SoineirM t.eii - M. Irwin, .'uraoiW ,
Theodore II Mlllei. i:iie: Kiunt: K. Ilob
e l, Nf Kcusmiiion, Isaac V,'. I'obeit-i-m.
Call, wnv Ilanilil 31. Itu'li, Jr.
Hair.- lUmtnri, K.imviipt. PotlBlaR 31
Hunbai MindCM.Ie, Mori'K . rpnle
v lklrrbt , Joini c
twrn- Paul H Juim.in .lnnc5lll
1 at' W" Oad r Ven ii tlileheni
lalf StMula (JoiiunUsioiu'r--ll
Camps to (londuct
Mmw (.IIioosl1? Tlii-cf Mt'iu
lrr of (ii i
Mlie K(iUhlliMnt of i,lui.r C,ij'
aro Morklnif Imnl to Imrease tie ma
jority of floerrior Walt-r IWbi and
Iald l!.tlrd for L'nlteil s i, .-. n.itor
In thai i:!t today. I
M'liero tiro thlee men bei i ' i t ,
i.'ounell, a Muyor and two .lu". r)t
the Peace tn be eleoled on tl-. li ,n . pal I
ticket. M'lio P.epublli'aiiK i . . (
thelf iMllie ticket, althoupli i i I' . -!
iiernt.i nre tiylnc to tlec' ,i M '
a I'oun.'.lm.iu-.'iW.atMSc
lilil M. Anderson, the piiii . M.i
'lio in ooiupletlns ''It1 Meeotid e n
KbeUhiS le-electlotl on thu llet.jljli n
'.iWtt Pavld 31. Van Il.-st i fie I' '
o.ratu i.andldate.
MMio i ontesr tor Cnuin ilnu'i a-i . k
it -II bo. i lose because the s'llpyard
eis ara hUpportltiff the Iiemocr.iti. . ji
IO,d'iUte. li'ran'n, llneheiirlilRo, who h .i
'Histaui superintendent of the Petv i.
.mUi plun. nobrrt Muyhue'i ih soei
Inu ie-eliTtlon mi the Ilepnbln
ticket, lie U ciiatiman "f the '. '
lilllU 111V 1'HU1UIUI''I' in . null' .
Crflnllilnte .for Cnmiell
CMieter Paucoasl, prediilent of
ICouncIl, l celtliiB ii-eKLtlon "O tin)
1 HuruhHiMii ticltet In Vlie 1'Mtst Wuiil
llnrrlflmii, ,o i- As u i ta'Jll i,ie.
prirtu from tamps a .id .irioiii in'.litRrj
and u.tval stations hcie the'.eare Penn
Bjltam.1 eoldletf. Stat ofhVl.iN who
liae been .urangiitir tor the taltlnir cfiiind Mlllt.itn .1. Iljlund In the Seror.il
ilm t.v e ti... ..ii, Iia'L.v.. tiinrn I Ward. Praiil. X. Gorman and At. bur
aro Morn Kerstrni. state men tn tho
i- l'etiul- ii.. .,. , ....; ,i... ... i ,'a(a:oi.
1. T.h nr thn r.itiilldateM on the Hem-
orratln tlikct Thtt .Socialist juttv Ii.ih i
eJCh of thrso o!llt'"t
s tin it i jniliil.ie for
l'ranl. Snvtler
tho reports iecoieil.aH to tho number of
I l',.ilHrtlfiiiliia In ...1 vim IY4 l, l,u.
I Hev.s thet are about -MU.UOf. men fioin'Ti"1 "." ultrtcii .lum.e.
thin Stnln In IViBn,, irctlit..n m-..!.. I'"0 S-eTOHil H aril l,li
, - . . ,, ... . ....... .-........., ... .w . . ,
.n iijjiuniii i.euerai neciys nmce aie
that thero aie tnor.- tlmii TR.Ouo I'.mi
"hiiniain in military and nuval dt.tb
linhiiiHtitii'tirthe Tnlted States.
At the rate men ule movinB. ltj-. llfl
tluJM Mill ho JDO.uuO PonnuMvanlann In
I Tn
iln . ' Ixilli.V
tne Pe.i e in
tleltit bicauc.. they haw no opposition
A Mayor, three members of t ity Coun
cil and fin members of the Hoard of j
Freeholder are helm; elected m Wood
bury. Samuel 11 l.add i.s ieel
inc re-elei'tloii on th Keiiubliau t ci.et
Thcrn Is no litmouiatii' candidate, hut
and I
men ut hoi'np'.tol '"ainer i mienvooii is tn i-ronuniion
It is, lie'.Ie..a a uumbei of Penim-la. ! candidate. Tho thr. P.publlcan ean-
, uianu ,ti fstnps ami 'station- to which '1,,1,,tts t01' ' "5 ' oUM-H we t laruice l
UPllF T7T LTTIAM 1J A I T mO 'ommif-biuneiH luc bien Kent are under I Tayloi. llartei 11. Sc1iihU and llrnct
rliVV li'LlillllUn JtALLllio s,tl"R "'" ""J ' will .:ut down tho!"- "'Re- .lamw il .Moi-Kaii 1 the Pio-
ii'imot'T io tasi uaiiots rn, rommis-' lIU'.'uu ."luioan. ukiiiosi i.ii"i. . ,.n
sojieis. a," of vhoiu are on their waj j Schenclt has no opposition and Kranltlin
in Hie..- ussignnieiits, will irtmn their W. Hornor Is u 1'rohibllion landldate
to.liool.4 in hooli as po'Ublo after the OBalhst P.Ibb. Th-odum Hurlietl ! n
elcition j hold leandidato on the lltpubllean ticket lor
I'ndei tin.. leeulattutH thej Mill or-' 1'reeholder In tin- l'lrst Ward and Jo
K ir.lzu tho flTtlon boaidH mid Riither I si pli ( Cloud In tin Second Ward i.nd
'l.e reitllled teturns and tile them with i both lull be .elected without opposition
tie pollbooKs at the Stnto lirpartnient. ,
IMi: will be paid ten ienti for each ltepalillc.ui tiutluuk HrUht
mile u.'iM'ltd uimiii pienentatlon of the' Thele aro a member of the House .'
i "turiiij. i Asiemblj f.'oioner and Surrouato be UK
StranjiP C.iiujiaiu Inflncnci'i!
1 inn 1'lea ami In-
fliit'iia Jiidt'inic
ii J'riiniU . ," 1 -,'Uoli
rallies Wftn ! d inn nlsht In mobt of
the wrstno Mot." and llnal newspaper
advertlFemeiitH '.inil up the i.tratiK"
lnl(ttt.al n i.,i.R,i Inlluen7.i swept the
West KM 'ie ca ip.L.KtM were ripeplmr,
and mau i ululate wvi unable to
inako n spec h
Tins Prcsidi.ni .r.pial fur a Demo
eratla Congress nn -pliit Into the par
tisan (IrIu m pome eoUBrefoInnal d!--trloti,
bu' most f flic arsupiont vas
eoilcyed to otet in newspapert tind
Xlne l"n teri Sit.s Sinalois aie to
bo elected in Colorado. Malm, Mon
tana, Neiada, New MeMco, Oie-ion and
Wyomlnc l'hln hri ' lieprosri.tallves
are to ho ilue-en In iln-ce States and hi
Arliona co'iforn-a. I'tah and A'ah
licrton, fiflegatis nil bo named fiom
the two western Teuitoiici. Alaska and
Women i.s ! ii larse pai l In the
canipalnii In u but Now 3re.!co unci
I tah thes weie Miileiidcm lor lmpoi
lant offices Ilipren ntatlvo Jeanettc
Kankln, of Montana, and 3INs Atmc
3Iartln, of ..ni.a niu oaudldatrs for
I lilted Slates Seimtor.
WiiHhhiKr ii Ltnii and colurado, u'
leady "dri -mil California and W
omltig' lia- wt .mil Mn ' meimures
at (italic
Jn Ualuorti'.! Inemljie . Urn,
Viivir.s lo tho great distance omc
will tiavd, Inchtdlns the u.i-n who
went lo the far AV'est, It may be two
weeks befo:e their oillelai returrs hao
bern tilod. Some of them havo ai ranged
to leleitr&ph icsu'.ts on tint State ticket.
3Ioie louimlehloneis iere fcent out
th.u ytar thiui ncr. Campi will hare
elections wlienn there aie 'es than
tliirtj Pumsyhatuatis in soino cufcs.
elected in fllouceatei i ounty anil
tho Indications are that nil three can
didates will bo elected on the K. publican
ticket. Dr. Horace M. Koodir, of Wil-Uamstow-n,
Is tho Ilepublic.ui eandldalo
for Asscmblj and his opponent m Wilbur
S. Ueckett, who In both the Iiumoctatu: '
and Prohibition candidate. ,
I The Hcpubl can candidate for Cot oner j
'is .1 Preston Pottei. of Uayton. while,
John I, Drumrur. of vWetionah. lb ttn
candidate, both on the Dcluocruttu and j
. Piohlbltlon tlektlt-. The main lluht is
' beini; made for Surrouate. Hurrj- Crist.
the present Surroijate. is seemng re-iuec-
turn on the Democratic ticket. M'ltc lie- ,
publican candidate li l'ranl; I) Pedrii-k. i
nt nreselit the deputy Hlieriff of tho,
dii t!os of a P.epubllcan sweep in New i Countr and former postinarter of Wood-1
.let-sej- 'iMla, ciovetnor Udne, can- buiy. Tho lontet for this olhci-will bo
dld.it. for t'nitcd Stat.s .'Senator, and closer than foi any other j
lrar.bcm of ItSi-t ea'palsn coimulttce ' Tho I'.epubllcan leaders of the County I
wound up the uauraai for votirt with an , nay Governor Kdge and Pavid Hand for
nutouiobile dash throuRh Hurllniitou i Die Ions and short ternih lor tho t'ultid j
County towns Je.steiday. durlnK- which Stales Senatu will re.eie about 'L'OU.
c "Jersey (lovornor tjayn lu-,
puljIR'aiin Will Sicu State.
JlurlttiEti.il. N. .1., No. 5. With pre-I
otcis lii a majuiit in the County.
Issues with piesented t
icore of open-ah- mectins
"Tho pcoplo of New Jcin.e. demand a
r.aro In their uoveniment, both durlntr
and lifter tho war," Uovurnor Hdeo told
loteiH heie.. "They believe their repre-i-entatlten
hat a right to eeielci3 tiieir
wills In consldrjutt tho Ktuat national
rjuestlons that come up for action In th
Rrcatet crisis of tho nation's history."
a; SiMiatov Dai.l Halid, ow-.tir to a I morning
I ,
Democrat running as uu iniirpcudent, ' tf;ht Illness, wa.s unab
Is opposlusr GoNcinoi Sti pliei ,, Ilepub- tour.
llcan, for (Jovernoi
i Governor Hdae faced one of his iarsr
eit uudlence.s In Itiverslde, whtro ho told
oters the most evident effect of tli"
President's denunciation of liepubllcum
lias been to nlvo that par'y tlm most
Urge His Defeat us Viiti-3uiTrugit.
Suntlay Closing lsne
WllnilliKton. '. 'o- "' "" h.-
of floetlon for l nltcd States
ic to make tho ' Senator, member ol omjress and tne
1 S'atu ticket, both partita In Delaware
jSo Republican Candidates for
Sciialc Seats Democrats
Confident of Victorv "
ll the Anociahd Vmw
Mlujila, flu,. Nov 5 I'lftcen con.esis
in tho South for seats In the Houso of
rtepresontalUes wdl bo decided In tha
elections toda. Nino of these aio In
North Carolina, threo In Alabama, two
In Georgia mid ouo In Tennet-see. In
two other districts tlv Urst Tcnnesseo
And ninth Virginia, Itcjmbllcan catuli-
date3 aro unopposed.
" Klsowhero over the south Democratlo
nominees for tho Iloiito aro without
opposition, vfhilo thero aro no Republi
can candldatea for the Senate. All
southorn States except Florida w 111 idect
one Senator and Louisiana will elect
In tho second Temiesco district, nor
mally Republican, both tho Republican
and Democrats uro clalmlm; lctory. The
two districts In Georgia seventh and
ninth whero Republicans aro tunning
normally aro overwhemliiBly Democratic,
as are the three districts In Alabama.
Whero there nro contests.
Tho Republicans are making deter
nilncd fights In several districts In North
Carolina and claim lctory, In two or
three. Democratic leaders, however, nro
confident that a full Democratic teprc
entatlon will be teturned.
profo-is conudeni e of ictor. Republic in
State Chairman I.aylon still piedlcts tho
election of the Rt-publicau ticket by luOO
majority and Stalo Chaliman Graham,
of tho Democratic party, contents hlm
silf with predicting a Democratic vlc
toty The Democrats are making capital out
of tho action of tho police in stopping
two Democratic meetings on the ground
- ' that 'they nc-ro against tho Sunday law
1 l.'i-ii'iliN 'I luirt K-ir Tut-il ViTfi H7f 1 United tat-s ticnitor Wlllard Saulsbury
UlLlipis illiumai IOt.UCH)(0.iW..;in ;i stalwncnt yf3levy declared that
I'xpetlses .0j.1,00j ns lone as this R publicans could hold
i ukhiiiRtnii. Nov. 5. In tho llu.il ore- I Sutidav meet ilirrj for tho Jews thcie was
election ixpenso ueeouut of tho Repub- ' no intetference, but now that tho Jews I
dean National Loiimilttee tecolvtd by of W.lnilngton have duel ted them the
' the eletk of the House, additional re- insult tne Jews.
j teipts nf ?IS4.T. maklns a total of Mrs. Vlorenio Hasard liilles, on he-
$(J7C,!i7;, were repotted up lo November 'half of the duff ruga pooplo in this State.
1, and additional expenditures of J is out in a letter In which she asks tho
ilS4,5olt, milking tho total .Bo3,C0". oers to defeat Senator Sauisbury on
Campaign e'penUltuics, listed ub "cash account of his stand on suffrage. Sho
advances" Included jlOO.000 to Senator , a daughter of former Ambassador
Calder, of New Yolk: JJI.000 to c. A. j Thomas K Dayaid and lomes of a Dcm
McCulloih of Illinois, and HUS.OOO to ocratio family
Coleman dii Pont, Republican National i , .. , .
Committeeman, of Delaware
Arthur Gurtls James, of N.u Yor'...
with $30,000, was tho hiigent of tho
new contributor.. II A du Pont, of
Wilmington, Del, gave $13,000. and tho
Guggenheim Uiothers, of New Yorl and
li C. Converse, JIJ.OOO each
est Virginian's Election
W ill lleli. Win the ur
lulrinont, xr. .. No S In response
to a telegram tent Piesldent Wllscu by
(' V. Roblni-on. of thl tity. the follow.
IntV reply has been iccelert by 3lr, Roh-
Hnson' ,
'The White House, Washington, P. C.
.Mr. C", D. Robinson. Kalnnont, W. Va.:
In response to your telegram I am vety
k glad to confirm your Impressions that
In eupportlng Colonel Clnrento W. Wat
on for tho Senate of the t'nlted States
you are directly uldlng In the winning of
the war and the securing of n peace that
I will ratlsfy the Ideals of-tho nation. Re
ports that thp Administration does not
favor the election nf Colonel Watson
Il are, of courso, utterly without founda
tion, vtuuuuuw vt ji.sl;.-.
Matters of Vital Importance Keep
Hint in Wacliinglon
tVuhlilii'tnn, Nov 5. President Wll
irou has cancnled his plans for going to
his homo In Princeton, N J , today to
cast his vote In the congressional elec
tions. Tho decMou of tho President
was mado known by Secretarj Tumulty
In this statement:
"Ily reason of pending matter nf
most vital Importance that require his
personal attention lu Washington, tho
President has finally decided that it Is
inadvisable, for him to go to his home
in New Jersey for the purpos-o of can
ing his vote."
iVimlilnnton, ni 5. Demoirats uml
Republleari of t' t-'euale t.i'led ilga.il
lo agre uprp a me t i vi " t -Hot"
Thu imfidful t f i-i uiu f ' '
Journey until tudas
,. 'iio, House, un.iuie 10 iuie loiinaiiy ma
proposed election luHIdaj' until November
It tlMX in conwrt wita tne en;u,..ici
M-nntl ThUritrlay.
A Business Necessity
' tt rv. ft ' i, ..ri.
w ri i w"' w it Tt j " i v .
I iUMUIfilV Li j
" 7ft --.c5rV ".
HV71 iIJm M eJniWi
rL.iTjiV":? xtiak
Troy Trailer Co.
. G,X. 21tU TliiU.
is due to in uri- Sct I
copyable.7tfr:t. Sx
Havana Fillet;
Sumatra Wrapper WwScmB
ai . c u.ii Sr , WS&nW
iiavuic iwos. tfjScyJj
Allt MiiuMct-rtll Ift'"..";-
rKocr HAMiri'i mi VS t: fyWA
I 'B
iDIDOItaiit 21
2SeamIessl$ 7
Illcaclii'fl. llnott.fipiBlicil w
iiiK. 7x00 nnrl 81x00 incite
$2.50 & $2.75 X$0 or
Sheets I. &
lioavy bioachuil sheoimn Sls'il,
H0.DD ami !IOs Hi
ll A Ji. ami ( i.osi.s T .van i 31. ' " " m i'ikim
Anniversary Oft Fit Wow Train
iz. r ' "
'Ft rM3 rJciO wAJfti xiJftjak ati. -difUOT.i -- jgtk .
,A jAV ltU4 ffl-sK '4lM7 H lWrimi WttUaWkJXXI2L 1
.(jmmem W mtSlm WWWm-wM
Stamps Free
ci r iiri.ii.- r 1 ic
vll Willie VVUU1(?
Blankets. Pah-
!-'po 1 cotton v.arp I'll.1,
je t'rtlcra .08 1 .nch?.--.
Jrl AM
1 iXeu Series Tomorrow!
(nil iTRADIMS'
' AI IS m i tl fiw fk.p.ui
Wn Wt Wi HSJ tfegsrsaw rSim K5531 t a
" "ar iaj 8i CiiaiSJil Siaias
One Yellow Trading Stamp With Every I9c Purchase All Da
SI PIIILADKLI'IIIA rr-7rrT7,---. ...,
$7.50 Flecccdown
Blankets, pair . .
White with p.n!. or blue tinnier,.
itie sill, binditip. Double ste,
R ' a I I " Vlir
,fftJAti4Ir0jKtmflto AW(rtgfcVtVWJwaVllMl VV'J
Uf Psv'i
va i Esaaa
To Every Purchaser of One Dollar's
ll Goods Purchased During- November?
Will Be Charged on December Bill
Payable in January, 1919
A 0(.m vi'iucm-f mi iiv 11, . i
liiiorains tilV'TPtl in" !!u
nt'cil hut ejiii lie iii!i ii lii
'in p.at our i ti.i(nii'te tuiij talvc mil iichantnye of the won
ihii(?i'"'!'1 ;i1p -anti l ihoir t"hri.tmao yhoppinjr oarl..
! i,i tin ti'iif and tor I tu U".-r out'iu than elst'tt hole
Eig-hty Depart menls Share in This U
aartvfvlrtle1vrvvr!a'yv Vt1rfxfJt',V'
iiganlic Anniversary Sale! i
Worth or More
Series 10XXG and WXXH
-i) liuok tin iiiiitti'i hou
Cootl in nn cllou Tuui.nt; M
uu flumps you mii.s ai enu I.um .
Il" ou tlo inn .-a olluw 'J iul iilt Mil inn.- -tail loinmniw.
ii'o iniickl.x lilk'il uml tir. tdianiffable lor liumlivii- til1
aiticli's that Mm waul toi
cxitunei. to you.
' UU'
1 o ii- lionii at no jnlilitioiial
Anniversary Bargains in
Dependable Clothing
Lei ilni'i a'Hi lOJ who Mill1 ia
ii..; . ii ti i
notiiinu w ill tiinl
Xlljll li.e
n ii-i -a
'at I
tins sulo Ins greatest opportunity.
ISiH'au.se wo pitti-linteil tin itiat.'i i - niuiit',
ci-j lower than wo'tld lie jios-tiiih' wei. v t h
haves you several dollars.
Men's $30 & $35 High-
Grade Winter Overcoats . . i
liitiil-tuilnrril itt iieirjtf mtnlrfc. '
Handsome Kersey, meltoiih, twred,
louts, etc., m tilstercltei, semi-form liu.ii
and loose styles
Men's Exceptionally Fine $35 &l$00 j-A ij
tan Aii.unni rttmrf-.!. & c'T ri
Villi nr n twit nntn 1 Itum n r linru in I 'l-i I
J. tl WltllliUk l-IJI.li.la III! III ItllT I1lllll III linn y fl
delnhia nt near this urice. Choose ftwii . . V I,
every wanted model in popular patterns.
Men' Serviceable $20 to $25 1 $ 1 A (PVltt
Winter Overcoats ... J - S
Smart, w-oll-tailored oveivont!, .n lie,.-' y
anu uoiiuie-oreasicu styles yuarter ime I
with ood satin.
Men's Handsome $30 1$91 Eft
Winter Suits ... J I .OU
Hand-tailored from nlxoltitelj all-won'
fabriefl many lots could not, be dttplicnte 1
at wholesale to-daj at this price, included nre
fancy worsteds, llanneH, cheviots tm.l ms
rM: wh jr
Ay I' ,
Boys' $8.50 Two Pants $C
Suits & Mackinaws i
SUITS: Mihtar. models in eas
simerea, cheviot", nifttue. ete
Sizes 0 to 13
MACKINAW'S: Willi cap &.
leggings to match. Conn; in
blanket plaids and popular ehed.".
Sizes 21: to 10.
Men's Extra-Gootl $25
Winter Suits, $16.50
I Two- and throe-button model, in
t ea.ssiinere.-, v.or-de'K cheviots,
, f"e.
j Boys Sturdy Cordu-$C.75
I roy Suits
'I'rencii model in
i tan. Sizes 'J to IS.
lit Btothera -Seiouil lit,.
brown and
I'll Strent
lomorrow! Another Dav of Big X'alues in Winter Outer Apparel
Four Hundred Women's & Misses') $
Fine Warm s25 Top Coats)
The Greatest Coat Values in the City of Philadelphia Today Are Included
in This Great Anniversary Celebration This Lot is a Typical Example.
Made ol' line elotir with bell-,
patch pockets, rich black cuia- In
collars and satin lininif to waN
Or ol" stylish pom iioin cloln.
"Iiirivd. belied, pocketed and ii m '
throughout with satin.
Al-o a number of er hand-mi
plu.-h coat.-.
Black and w inter'.- riche-i cuioi
tre included. Out NifiY iiifturd.
Women's & Misses'
$30 Coats
Loose jruceful models with kit
.oiiey. beaver plush or cloth collars.
Have side slashed pockets, smart
buttons and the majority are
fully lined, also interlined. (),i
ii( tin nl-
Women's & Misses' Very Fine
$37.50 Coats, $32.50
Of broadcloth, pom pom anil e
lour, enriched with beautiful roll
collars and cull's of black plush or
with kit cone.' collars. Satin lined.
Women's & Misses' $30 l$OC
Tailored Suits i
Xay and black .-ere and i.iij".
bu in plain tailored, plaited itntl
braid-trimr eil ell'ect.-. with line '
satin cojit linniKs. skirt havi
belt- and .-marl pocket.-.
Women's Handsome l$OC
$40 Velour Suits. . f
Xa blue. African brown, Lur
o;undy and taupe. They leature
set-in or .-lashed pockets ami i ich
seal trinimint,'""- Ow !: 'rlt !.
i ,. , , -i.l "i' i i. .I ii.
A' m-'i x f
I Pi? - r w m .
I ' fl f 11 1 I
: I I M yti I it.
lt ' ' ill -" ' Il "
m ao '- '
"1.0 4"
Women's S: Misses' $15 Dresses
Serge, tall'etii ai-d crepe de chine m all
wanted .-hades with contta-tiinr i)iugs, braiding and
Georgette sleeve.-.
$20 Serge & Silk Dresses l1
Cut on !o(,.-e long lines with round necks. '
-aim collars, braiding and beading. They include taf
feta. Mitin, creue tie chine and -erge combined-with-.-ntiii
Women's & Misses' $8 Serge Skirts $C
N'a blue and black. Htatheivd back.
cro. front belts and flap pocket.--
Winter Shoes at Phenomenally Low Prices
Anniversary Sale Opportunities of Which Kvety
Man, Woman and Child Should Aail Themselves
Women's $6 to $12 1$ M A
HighGrade Footwear J
All wanted leathers, plain and combination style-.
Leather and wood-rocred heels in all height- an I
Women's $9 Dress
Boots, $5.45
Patent coltskin, nun
metal and Klazed Kid with
gray buck top. Lace and
Women's $2.50 Felt
Spats, $1.29
High-cut, 10 buttons.
Wanted colots; also blacK
and white.
Young Women's $6 lo
$8 Shoes, $2.98
Patent coltskin, gun
metal, black and tan kid
skin with contrasting cloth
tops. New long vamps. A
clean-up of a recent pur
chase. Ut llroilitis- I irt Fluor
0 -
II Anniversary Sale of llousefurnishings
Men's $6 Blnck
Calf Shoes
Solid leather
Wanted toe Hhnpe.
Men's $6 Tan Lace
Shoes, $3.95
Hnglish last. Solid
leather heels.
Boys' $2.50 to 1 $f .98
$3 Shoes.. L
Various leathers. Lace
and blucher. Sizes -t to G.
Misses' $3.50 I $0.79
to $4 Shoes
Button shoes in patent
) coltskin and gun-metal
1 with white buck tops. Sizes
! li to 2.
North -
$40 Prince Mascot Stove No. 8
. JTiStelffiV
&. iVi'-
J?:,Hcrj7",-TW-iwnjp' "
L-- .
I " .
i i t ,
I ' K R
i.j li-ni It : i
ilaii lifi-.,tt i.i Ki
cl-lt barie A ' 'vl'iri
lliCll i-llfll ni.Li'i
i tni il ilrollif , h
i um . -I
lill.l ' i I
Mp-- -r"
$35 Kitchen
Cabinet $9Q QQ
V li,li- enauii! Miilu rir.n , o
i Uflulil tulilp ti t
35c Coal
0c O.tsler and Polalo Frcrs,
rs. I MI-Mia?rt?K-A
j:r "smmi
"v t &mtmj
I.iacM Jn i i" l
I .U mzc uih eu wlio tu
Curtains, Draperies
Are Playing an Important Pari in This
Wonderful Anniversary Sale.
54.50 Folding i$Q QK
Draught Screens,! &&
Mmioti frame, silkoVnu tillc.l Three paneli, 6
feet 0 mi lies hiiili
$1.50 Serving Trays, 9Sc
(.'..-- top, lii-a..s oi wood hamtlcs. 10x17 inehc
$6 Madeira Luncheon Sets, $4.75
ariotis design'. Thirteen incce?
$1.25 Filet Lace Curtains, fa ,i 88c
Siiuate niesii vtae in white, iory and Arabian.
Matt h into pans 'j yards long
Armure Couch Covers, $2.48 & $3.48
Ittpestry in ihoue lo'ontigs
Wood Silk Portieres, f $15.98
tliuicn tolor combinations tnat will harmoalz
,ih almost any furnishing
Velour Portiere, aJi $5.48 & $5.98
llrokcn lots. Plain colors, embossed designs
2000 lbs. Khaki
Knitting Worsted, hank
(Jood heavy weight for sweaters, ete
41 itrolHtrr TI11KI) FliOOl:
$2 Plain Louisine
Silks. $1.39
Klegant all-silk duality De
sirable shadeo ".6-inch
$2 Colored Dress QQc
. Taffeta . . J
Splendid 'all-silk .lualily, 35
inches wide. Majority arc. in
light colors.
$2 Washakie Satins, $1.39
White and flesh; yard wide.
$3 to $4 Pongee Sillts,$1.59
Including "Khaki Kool" and
other famous makes. Yard
$4 "Pussy Waiow" $2'98
Satins ......
Lttest shades. 40 inches
$2 to $2.50 Printed
Chiffons & Voiles. $1.29
Smart novelty effects in com
bination colorings. -10 indie"!
11 Urtthtri iitt Floor, Houlli
Record-Breaking Values in
Fine Floor Coverings
jnvi'crsani Sale finds in lliitdi
liurlhtciit mn mi opportunities in 'iji'.s
lit fliPinloitslti mi drpi iiflobb unir!'
front icrl!-l;u"it'ii innhi m.
$90 Royal' Wilton Rugs, $C7 Cft
9x12 feet VI. OV
The finest grade wool Wiltoh made. Variety
of. patterns and colorings.
$45 Seamless Tapestry -$70
Brussel&Rugs OU
Size 11.3x12 ft. All-v,oi'ited fuce including
blue Chinese designs. The price is lew than
today's wholesale cost. No mail or 'phone orders;
none sold to dealers.
$65 Seamless Axminster Rugs, $45
Size 0x12 ft. Without doubt one of tho big
gest rug values es'er offered. Beautiful design.
Limited lot.
$2 Inlaid Linoleum, sq. yd. $1.4212
7'. -o yards vide.
l.ot of two thousand stparc yards jn nrie
of patterns. Any quantity cut from full rol's.
Please bring sizes. No vutil or 'phone ardera
noite to dealers. it iii foi kth floor
This Store's Unquestioned Millinery Leadership
i Magnificently Kmpliastred'
5 (o $6 Large. Beautiful) $
Tailored Hats
S'; lull (irocrm c. br.mn.e 1 cfT" niatie of line - . v,.
l.a'tcr'b plush, jani'tih finished with nan on gros pram
ribbon Brown, nat.., purple and black. Tbe majority
wurth exactly double this special Anniersary prici-
$4 Ready-to-Wear Hats
(ireat variety of styles,
trimmed with flowers,
ribbons, etc. One pic
tured. $6 to $8 Handsome
Untrim- $0.85
med Hats
Finest quality black
hatter's plush in dressy,
exclusive shapes.
$2 Imported Hackle Feather Bands, $1.19
Black, emerald and navy
XII Biotttf Klr.l Flour. North
- P
-morrow !
c tlv ''-r oi c duij otrly
1.19 Heavy
Mercerized IftQc
Table Damask) veF
Housewives who
are familiar
with the grow
ing scarcity and
increasing costs
of linens will be
eager to share
lu this opportunity.
wide ariety of
FfiV i '
; lT irothi:8 :
! visit out mu'm.'STAi.H.iM" hi;st or j.V;u.tiiin(. at lOwiSt pHicifs vikth rt mix':
'I'm o j ards
floral and stripe designs.
Watth Daily Adverttscmeiits
Similar Big Specials
Ut Brof- Flrit Floor North
tit nitornF.n '
fl -
1? . . ..-. - . A