Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 05, 1918, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Nancy ynno Learns Thai Captain Da Barry Is Cuming Home.
Mrs. Stephenson to Spend 11 inter Here.
Otlwr Matters Discussed
DID ou know, that .loo Pu Uiiuy lias
liwii Invalided liuiuc" 1, Mi.
Uu Harry lecelvid wend clcitlay tli.it
ho In tu bo sent liai It bcc.tuxo )m oiti
not Ko Into ticllon iirmIii. lilt foot It "l
liojrx It niul)7C(l. TIkiiikIi lltrro It ver
hope- tli.it lit' will soon reiovor luttlal lino
uf It ut Iiupt, ho cannot possibly Unlit for
a eir or mi, ami, no io liopo anil pr.iv,
n't will bo over Ioiir beforo tlit.ii. It would
fceom that ho will bu homo C"H koocI.
Ho will aiilvo poino tlmo iicvt month.
Ho had a most ttirlllo uMicilcnce, MkiukIi
ho callt It a. plight wound. He was two
dnjH ,iud it half on tho wn to the liotpl.
tnl'hciauKo tho Held hosplt.il bick of tho
front li.ul bicn blown mi when tin men
w-ero biotiRht bad'. I pupioo tint It why
pnralsis hct In, but -with e.iri'ful treat
tnent and m ist.iBo hu will piolulil net
well noon, especially at home, wheio ho
cut and will bo hui uiiiiicli.il wltli tiiy
en re.
I am so gHd for Sirs. Uu t!.ui. I heir
uho Ih at happy at e.m bo at tho piotpect
of seeing Joo so toon.
T AM o( ulail to he.if th.it Ml.s .lull i II
Hcrwlnd It better anil libit to oomo
home. You know she wat eiy 111 In New
port the latter part of tho -season. How
ever, sho hat now ieeoered and li.it been
stopping for a few da In New York. M ir
frarot Dunlap, her niece. It with hei.
Uon t joif think Maipait't Ih veiy kooiI
looking7 1 nlvvnVH pletute her In that or
seotis silver brocade t'own she woro at tin
first JI ide In-Ainrrtr.i rnshlon "Oww held at
thn nitz four jeirt am, Do uii icincniher
If It xcenit absurd when t hno seen lier
io often both before and since and wear
In? far handsomer row nt, but th it nlttht
sho undo nn Impression on mv iiiiininv
whldh has stULk for home icaton or other
and It not to bo effaced
nnilC concert bv tho Trcnca orclicttin
--will bo held tonight at tho Metropolitan
Opcia Hou'o Hvcrj one Is Kulnir, for It's
to bo qulu wondeiful, ou know The pel
formanco was to havo taken plate list
month but nulni: to the ban on public
placet li.id to be postponed. It It Riven
under tho auspice, of tho Trench Commit
too of the Knicrsenc, Aid.
TT 13 ou .icard that Hseljn Chew
--- Stephenson hat eonio up fiom the
South with hei llttlo son and It boIiir to
ttay hero for the wlnter7 Ma lor Stephen
son, It appears fs soon to ko oeive.is, and
so Mrs. Samuel Chew, Kvoljn's ctiand
mother li.ih asked htr and tho bibj to be
her Ktiests elating the winter.
Do j on remember tho xens.itlon Kveljn
mado tho voar sho camo out by wenrliiR a
white sitln flock trlmmtil with leop.ud
skin tin til she nude her debut'
Wutn t It st I autre, that Bet-up.' And jet
very stilMmr Theio weie leopiid sti.ipt
on the shouldt rt and bodleo and ecu her
sllprt-is hiul leopard -ikln on them
AN'OTIII'i: number of the .vouiiser inur
tArteel set who It coniliiB homo to live
for tho winter It I'llzabetlt AIvcih McIks
hho mauled .lock Jklci, , on know, ami
has been IHInp in Wiifchlimton when .l.u k
was III thr- sertlee. Now he hat Ixcu in idu
u inptatii In tho (luaitetmastei's diput
input and will sail meise.is hi the near
T WOND13H how all the parents will fttl
when the war Is oer and the husbands
come, back and claim their wivis. Tor
reallj. It lnt not bit n quite liko the nsu.il
wa when tho diuKhtei. hio mauled.
TIaJ it ' Tor niot of them June eomc honie
aftei .1 few weeks sonio after a tew tlijs,
and Bono back t their old rooms and sur
loundlnps and it cannot Immi seemed as
If they Ind reall bieh man led, cm it? Hut
thev will realise it when the. do no to thch
own homes or apnrtmcntt when the bus
band conn back And won't tljj bepiotnl
of them" My goodness, RrieloiiH ,pt, lmt
thpy will.
VXTEL.!;, wo decldo for omtiHcs eailj In
'"'this world, do we not.' Sccial timet
I h.o told jou about my llttlo Mend
nmtly. Tho other day it was bed time,
when grandmother was ".IHtlm,- thcie, and
Mother, who was upttaiit called Rentlv,
"Emily'" .Small Golden Cutis utterl ft
noted the voice, so uet tlmo it was a
little moro unmistakable. "i'mUx ! '"
Hnillj looked at grandmother and bald,
'Grandmother, aie you going to bed""' "No,
dear," said Orandma. "Neither am I," said
nmll And went on looking at her picture
Social AclhiliY,
Miss Ellso Hazel Hepburn, of 1728 I'lno
street, whose marrlugo to Meutt-nant Colonel
IJobort & pberly, V S A, will take pla. e
tomoimw, entertained at luncheon tuilay at
her homo Thu guehtH Included Miss Helen
Penionet, of Washlngtoii, 1 c. : Miss Helm
Hlisack, of I'lttsbiugh, .Mrs. Aithur Mijer,
of Now Haven, Conn, who will bo nntron
of Iipiioi "llis .Toteplilne Tonillnson, Mrc
Oeorge Ileum Jr, Mrs, Hobcit W'aKiier, MIks
dne'idoljii Tajloi, .Miss I.oir.uila aiid'i grift
and Mrs Unbelt KhHiall, of 'Waaiiliigtou
Mrs Arthur II 11 rock anu Miss i:ilz.i
bttli Norjls nrorU, of tfll .Spune stuet.
hAe taken npiitmetitH at tho "tWIllaxton foi
tbAv Intel Miss 1311 ibeth llroil. Ih .1 motor
Mist Jean C lliillltt, d.iusllUr of Ml.
Ltfcau M llulllit, Mini has Ik en spending
the fall at the t ieslniu Arms, Moan! Alrj,
bns gone to visit Mr. and .Mrs Krnnk Minur
nahulinan at Milton, Mass, for a week. Mr
aiid MIsh lliilllt will spend tho Winter at tho
t'rcsliclm Arms
Mr, and Mis J Ilertram I.lppimott, of
llothavrc", will shoitl) open their liuuro at
1712 Pprucs street for thu winter.
Tiie Charity Halt which will bo held In tho
Academy of Muslo the night after Chrlstuns
will bo ptqeeded by a brilliant pageant,
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwnrd O. McCollIn, Mlsp
Ii'rancfH McCollIn and Miss Katlierlnn McCol
III), of Oerbrook, havo rented 22U .St. Janus
PUte, where they will iecel Infonniillj oil
Thursday afternoons during tho winter. No
Ml Dorothy Klndlliio 13stur, daughter
ut Mr, ntul Mrs I He-. Hjster, of 53.'5
Wayus ftvenue, Ueiinmitonn, who Is a stu
dnt at Wilson College, Cliauibi-rsburg, J'a.
ejient the week-end ut home with her brother
3tfr, Learuud U Kystfr, whg"tlU lemo shurtly
. '. : . .
for his pol at 0110 of tli Anicrlcaii iiiibas
Hit la lluiupc.
Mis, A A Hshmr, Mrs. l,dlti Heller,
Mrs. fitun, Mrs A, Marks and Mrs t.udwlg
l.oeb hivi organized a dincliig clasf lo meet
on alterinin Saturday afterneoiiH dm lug tho
wlnler ut Iff! Walnut street beginning N'o
icinbtr 10 , The members Include Mls Until
Ueliieiiil Miss Annette 1' llshner, Miss Dor.i
Marks, Mist Jam l.oeb, Mlsc Maigaret I.neb,
Mltn Ullrabeth Stim, Mls lsabelle Heller,
Miss Kiillnrlno Miller. Miss Hllzibeth II
Well. .Alius Ueatilco l.oeh Mies i:ilr.ibcth
Hc, Miss rioicnce 13speu, Mbs Ullnor
Jlnpf Mi. Martin Mijers, Mr William
ljli. Mi Krank Sihwar, Mr Hliluird
Howtrs, Mi Alfred Kei li. Mr. David I'elK,
Mr Ileibirl UrnndelH, Mr Itlelinrd tl.irllc.
.Mr Iaxld l.oeb Mi 1'hllllp Crank, Mr Mor
ris Hollander, Mi llirnid Kidin, Mr Jiuob
(Ihistnirg. Jlr. Joseph Nctter and Mr Albert
K lJ.1nneub.11uu
Mn i.ioig ' UlsrnliHtdt gave .1 dinner
en I'rldi) evening at hrr honti, l.a.'.O tier
imtiitimii iM'iuio for her daugbti 1, Miss Clara
Hlsr nliiiidi, and l)r IMw.itd I, ll.un r, who
wr, married on tho following (Veiling Th
giusts wen Mils Margaiet 1 'lull, Mist
Jim M llarstnu, Mlm l.lcanor l"iy, lir.
Clarenic .Sch.i. ffor. All 1 dw.ird II lliitklL.
Mr Mbn Callw tin Jli l'blllip Hnlbadi and
Mi Tiank Mijirs
A iScw Comliirtor Make, First
Appearance Willi Orcliolru.
I'Morence KmUm the Soloist
One goes 111, tathir. nhniild go, to h mn
cert t bun Ha inusU more tlnn to hear
tbe Intirpretei . Inn this condition was re
v.rscd liit nlKliI nt the Acadenij of Music
rn oie.isioji .1(t P first rcert of tin
IJoiton Sjiuphonv Iir.hestra In 1'hllnilelplii.i
slnre the ll-.niptli.ii. whlih lesulled vlrto
au In a reoiginlziitlon of the onhc.,tr.t
Intense uriosltv ,ls t wIlilt eff.it ihe
elianges. Including the londiictmslilp, would
have brniight nut Ce audience
It Is not going too fii t K,ij that tlie
clians.s have had nnvijiing but .1 bdidlclal
elTect nn the dnhesira How much Is due
to the absein e of th, le i.Kr of forniei Mars
ami how nun h is due to tlie sweeping changes
In persona. I l Impossible to sav. but there
was a noli. cihio Mel, of .iccui.uv of att id
am! of tlie h.tlanco bitwc-u 'he holrs In the
ttlttls, while thire-weic unison snlo iias
sagef, ..if(lnlj In the second inoveni. nt r
tin ftj million) , wlibh wcio nut stilctly In
It was tKo the Hri appearance la this
cltj of IMcrrn Mnnteuv as oiiduetoi of .1
tvinphonv oi.hrstm, Atonslcm Mnutiuv
hiving h. en nllowed t lead the nn lustra
In the Metiopoljfm jm r 1 Cnmpaii) until
the in rival from franc, of Henri ltalniid
tho 111 w perm limit .ondii. tor M Mnnteux
Is no Miangoi to svniphuul) work as he fie
iniitl e'nndititeil the l.imous Colnnne
Orehestia In I'ails, but lie shown! his pref
er, nee fur thu operatic Mvle of conducting
Btinnsly b) trinllng purelj eirchestr.il works
rather as series of dramatic cllmaxis than
as homogem una musical entitles
Tim prngr nn began, of cnuise vith tho
ftar Spmglcd linnner the little mi irk
fiom win. h grew Fn mlglilv a I1I171 In the
Uoton svmplionv and this w is follow id bv
the l Minor Miiiphonv of Caesar Ki.uiek M
Montvtix iniiilm ti thi entire prngr uu with
out scores, run tho .10 nmp uiltni nts to tin.
soloist, which were henullfulU done and
showed himself a keen an.iljst and a matter
of detail. '
His inteiprrtatlon of the s.unphonv di -pi
nils somewhat upon whilh.r the work Is
vliwed as a svmphonv In 1 lassl. form or in
tho light of run orchestral winks It was
poitle t n digree and .vei thtmitli ditall
of the ennipnsltlun w is brought out eh 11 li
Too lutin.lu. Inrj ) nto e'nntahilng the genu
of thu whole woi!,, vias t.iki u it a tienun
doiislj slow tuiipo, and tho alhgros ,ci
fist, thus giving strong contrasts Design Is
one of the KtrongiHt eh.uai ti rlsth s of
1'raiHk's works not ibly In the lenppf.unnie
of tho main themes In all the movements,
and rveiy part of the web and woof of It
was btought out. Theie was a ti ndeucv to
force the voluini of lone here and theie In
the biat-scH, but Hie luti rprctatlou was orig
inal, cnjcnabli and rieflcledh Denelr, al
though so ne of Hie so called 'invstklsni of
Ci.inck was lust m the dramatic rending
'1 he other nnhestrnl nuinbciH on the pro
glum wcrn the 'Manfred Overtuio of .Sehu
111 tun and two numbers bv Dukas and Ie
bussv I he Jlrst of the rrench works, a b il
hi viitltlrd 'Ihe I'eil, ' .mil di scribed as a
'danced poem In lilti.i-nioderu' In orchen
Ir.Klon although tin uu Indies nie somewhat
inoro i oln lent thin the nverige modern or
ihc-ti.il vvoik II Is by no means alw.olute
iiiusii, although with .1 pingrnm and per
fuinied under the elrcuniitanets called for
In the (ouuioser. It would doubtlei-s be ef
feitlvc The Debussy number was "Ibeila, '
the second uf three "linage's" for onhestra
liuth vioiks nre dltlleult nnd employ every
lesoiiren of orchestration, Including tho
iiiiitlng of almost every instrument. In both,
foi the time Influent ch nio shown itronglv
in both eompnsers, orchestral tolor used In
the iicntlou of "atmosphere" Is evevivwhere,
and iiuModle design and fixed -tonalities are
almost entiieily missing
The soloist was Cloienco 13aton, nnd she
made nn xeellent Iniprcsslon Hei olco is
not verj Itrgo nor her range excessive, but
she tendered two numbers, as far apart In
slvlc ns the polep In a splendid manner Tho
(list was the well-known "Iovn Sono' from
tlm "Mnirlagcof l'lgaro," 'of Mozart and thci
seeond the xciulslte aria of 1,1a, from IX
bussj'H "Piodlgnl f-on It Is hnrd to sav In
which shn excelled, Hie verj dim. ult nlm
pllelty and perfect vocalization required by
Mouit 01 In the pilbos nnd sjnipathy de
nnncled by tho rrench wafer She was
iccallcd many times after aUi performance.
I.jric Last or the. Theatres to ltenpcii fter
Closing IVrioil .
Ihoad IHhel Ilaromaro in the U C Car
ton couiedv. ' Tho Oft Chance " The bril
liant dialogue. Is (perllj htndled by a ills
tiiiKUlshed conunhy suppoitlng Miss Hairy
moTe, who Is delightful as I.nely C.irdonelt
Kliubeit "Majthne" a eosluino iilay with
enticing music, the cast of which Is headed
by John Charles Thomas, John T Murray
and Dorothy lligclow 'Ihe pla Is of an
episodic eharieter and suggests "Milestones"
Poni'st "Zlrgfeld rollles, " tho 1918 edi
tion, with a east of inun than ISO Ihls
Star's "TollleB" Is admlllcdl tho best that
has ever eomo to Philadelphia
I.jric "Tho Masquerade r," starring Ouy
llatct Post, bv John Ilimtir llooth, fiom
Katlierliio Cecil '1 hurston'H noved, returns to
this t-U during an nbsenio over the eloalng
pi rlod.
Adelphl "I'vch of 'iouth." a injstlc pliy
In wlikh tho heroliiB dlseerns her futuro by
peering Into a crsstal ball Alma Tell sue.
cceds Mnrjorle Uanibeau tu tho leading role
OjxSia House "I.enfl It to Jane" begins
tho last week of Its suiLessfuCrun It Is a
musliM.! version of Oeorgo Ado's play, "flio
Colltgo AVIdow,"
'Ilirco ltricho Conmiii.fion5
John illlnioiir Uogers, of this city, has
been eoninilfhlonid a lieutenant colonel of
engineers, n cording lo announcement by
the War lK-pattinent. Others on thu list
include: Kieond lieutenant, englneeis (en
Ji ted)- Mbcrt Hdward Clnusou, 210 Chest
nut street; second lieutenant, ordnance (en,
listed) WUHani Totts J,onts, Vbliad-elphU.
. u . . t .
Capable Cast Encuinlicrcil by
IMny of Little or ISro
Unbelt Illlliurd came, and raw hut fnlleel
to eompier at the (Inrilek Ihentte list night
In n brand-new lomedy which had bun dlg
lillled with the nimo "A I'rlnco There Was
"was dramatized by Mr. Illlll.ini and IV ink
II WeMerlon from the novel "llnchantnl
Hearts" In irriiKli Aldilch, and piodined
bv 1 tederlck Stanhope It Is a pits thai tlie
aliors of a capable cast should meet with so
llttlo lewiud because of tho wrikucss of
their vehicle, but, ns Solomon olico said, It
was ever thus
A llttlo wnlf plivs at make-believe In the
boarding house where sho Is a drudge, so
tho stmy goes In lur pietrnso sho Is aided
b) a kind boarder the gnome, ns she cills
him, and bv thu pilncess, nn unsuccessful
w 0111 in writer, who al-o Is a boarder The
authoress, win, is mourning tho supposul
suicide of her sister, motivated b the sepa
ration fiom her rli h voung husband througli
the) Interference of his btother and guardian,
has onn m.ituiM r(iit rejected after unotlier
until ultlnntelv Hi, eontemplates sill. Ide.
At that Juncture th, utile waif, who caTl
herself the fall) goilinnther, overhears tlie.
boarding mltiess r. fei to a certain fli.ulc)
Martin a man of gre it wealth, as a "prince."
.She means II In the nlnug sense, but the
fah j goilmothu t.ik.s It all serlouslj and
Instens to the hotel wlum Mattln' Is stop
Idng To link.. 1 lotur K(nry short Mirtln
heirsher stor) nbnnt the nilifottutic of the
prltiiias, he determines to go to the hoird
lm house t,, 11m aft, 1 nnnngliig with a
pnbllhlnr friend to ,.,,,,( the Horii s of tho
princess t the bonding house, h. falls In
love with the prince., who reelpmeates his
affection but Insist,, before accepting him on
Idling the storv of her .(cr tlie prlnco
dlseiivers It was this erv sitae sister whom
ho sep 1 rated from her voung lui.and, his
brother, and 'fem, s up, the , i-lncc-. swears
she never wants the pthi.e to darken her
door agilu, tluv pail but nn ultimately
leunlted In the last in t tli'migli tin niiiliuni
of tho supposedly de id sisti 1 turning up
again, this time is th, wifo of tin prim .'a
frl. nd the piihllstiri
I.ittlo wondir, thru Hint Prince There
AVaf feems to have 1 roehv 10 id hewn out
for It not btcilie of am serious shnrtc.jui
Ings on the part of the 1.1st but hi, mse of
the Inherent we il:neH of tho pin. Itobert
llllllard was lovable is the prime is was
A H Andrews In tin role of the mioine
Stella Archer did all tli.it could b, asked of
her as the princes. k the falrv godmother
llttlo Mnrle irnon, although quite snplilsti
cited ellsiilaiid unusual tiihnt for a hlld
actress U.ilph N. Mpperh ns tho giant anil
Jessie It ilpli as the stepmother fiirnlslu d
tuoit of the comedv whlih relieved the trito
lines and elumsy plot
Constance Talinatlge in Thomas
l'lsiy Kniily Stevens at He-
gent Other Photoplays
STWI.ni I niiahtnit 11111 1s , , ith Will
ll,isHr IHr.,1 , liy llnlurl llenl from tho
stnr 1. h, x II, in h Hem ti ih
If C.olilwvn rould senile more nttraet'ons
like -Laughing Hill llveli their leleashig
organisation would mvn be Idle Coming
at .1 time when the movie patrons have been
depressed bv lack of amusement, this produc
tion ) achates happiness, nnd jet It Is a semi
serious plav
Will lingers Is his natural self and not an
nelor, which makes him so thoroughlj en
Jnvnblo In those who have seen him In
"rin Colli, s' there Is added interest, w hlle
fitln rs will llnd a new-sljle conn dian In his
wink Ills pcrson.illlv Is felt whenever he
Is In .1 mn,', whlih Is iiulte frequent
lte Ileacli his willtiu a good storv and
Dlrei tor Ilehley has gr ispcd tin lebas of the
nuthor whh h in ikes lor a successful pro
du.liiin Anna I.eht Is an excellent Indian
girl whlln In the nthei 1 harai ters the in are
ina-iv Intupri t.itlolis of excellence John
S.ihipolls Clar.n.e Oliver, Joteph lleibert,
Itobert Convlll,., Dm Mnsoii and JIabol
llallln ale In the 1st Improvement could
have heiu made In the photograph) of tho
n'glil scenes b means of special lightings
Instead of tinting the film The silhouette of
Will Uogers and the burro is splendid. The
subtitles arc will written.
AHCADIA M"rs lXllnswrll o r,oot ' with
1 enst-inee Talmadne lllrerted hy Walter
lMwnrdi. from tho piay by AuKnmus Thonuii
.eirl plnj
A happy combination or a chaiming ne
lies In the person of Constance 'Inlmailgo
and a good play hy Augustus Thomas Is llnal
reason for a week of good entci t.i'iumnt hi
Dlrectoi Kdwnrdss pioduetion of ' Mia
I.efllngw ell's Hoots.
Constnnee Tnhnadge Is seen In onn of ihn
niot elcllghtful character studies sho has
vet presented, nnd she certainly deserves all
the ereellt for making this part so entertain
ing Her 1 heerfulnefcs Is felt with hei first
entrance on tho scree 11 Harrison Kurd has
the role of her husband, and he gives sonio
flno acting, na eloes Georgn rishc r ind th
other angle to the triangle A sin ill pirt
nB the worthiest brother was done by 1'rcd
J Godwin
A shop ellaplajs a pair of slippers which
aie marked as being tho ' onl ' pilr made
These, mo wanted and purchased by tho wlfo
of a jealous husband. Another pair Is sold,
found to bo tho samo pattern, and complica
tions tesult when tlie husband llnds the extra
VKTOHIA Private Pent with I'rivHt itarnl
d'ext IUrerle.1 ti l'diweril Jei, I'uraniuijiit-
Arternft up. 1l.1l
Arthur tluv Hnipej hid hie novel, 'Over
tho Top,' put tutu tbe movies, nnd now Pri
vate Hniold 1'cat comes forward with .1
photoplay viislui of Ids book under the tlt.o
of "Private 1'eat ' This Is a fair production,
fashioned along tho lines of an animated
diary and has ninnv interesting things
throughout to eommi nd it, although It is not
of the romantic tjpe
Tho stoi.v follows along the IKe.s of the
book, nnd tho seensrlo work of Charles
Whlttaker was capably handled Dlreetor
Josh kept up a good deal of the patriotic
bplrlt by IiIh Injection of battle si enes both
taken at night and bv daj light llesldea
Miriam Fotiche, who makes n pleasing ap
pearance, there nre few outstanding eh.ir
ucters. William T Sorello portrajs the vil
lage I1I111 ksmlth, who Jolim up with bis
Iirr.FAT "Kllclar ef thn Pterin '" with llmlly
Me)-""" IHreijeil by Harry 1. franklin, from
ihe story b l.leonor .Merouln Iv ll Metru
A marriage of convenience Is the opening
scene In this new Metro story. It it of the
heavy ilr.inintle tpe and comet as a lellif
from tbe surfeit of wni films which havo
beesi upon tho screim In tho last few weeks
The villain in tho story is a bigamist and it
killed by his mulatto wife, although another
mnn, who has beti (ended his second wife,
is licensed and sent to prison
13mll) Stevens mndu an excellent wife, 101
she Is able to enact rolea of this ehniaelcr
with good effect, while King lloggnt lctunm
to thn screen after a long absence hi tho rolo
of the husband, Crauford Kent was tho op
pressed hero and Florence Short, Helen
Lindroth and Maggie Urejcr completed tho
east oC Important plnvers. Tho direction
Hhowcd careful handling with some excellent
shadow effects in photogruphj.
"Ho Comes Up Hmdlng" has been moved
to tho I'alacn screen, whero Douglas fair
banks It d'spenslns his familiar smiles
"Johanna Hnllsts," with Mary I'lckford In
tho chief role, la at tho locust, while 1'rcd
Stone la on the serccu of tho Strand In "Tho
"HcarlD of the World" at Walnut
Cor the first time In Its enernblo history,
tho AValnut htreet Thealro was tho scene of
a. photoplay production lust night, when D,
W. arlfllth's "Hearts of the World" was
shown. This Is Hie 110th season for the
AValnut. Dorothy Hlsh has the leading rolo
In the great Griffith play
Offcrihgs CoAcr Witle Kanc ami
Make I p a Program of ex
ceptional Merit
Altogether an unusual bill, with 1 I it, u
of Interesting fnitures that vary fiom the
latest jarr slip t sol.ller life- nvei-ieds. Is tin
olfeilng this week at Keith's.
Its a toss up between fieorge AVhite and
Jnck N'orwnrth s "."-oinew In ro with Pershing
for first honnis White. Is u ditie'er 1 viv
clever ilniieit and thn "somi where skit It
a i.itlre on trench life that pin of It, at
least, which l spent away from the tiring
line" with the gallant soldl'M" fa. Ing the
powder, but on tho cheeks of a good-looking
Trench nurse
Assni'ltied with Alt. AVhlto me fnin pretty
girls ,nln I.eiuh, Tot (Jinlters, norothv St
e lair and Hthel Helinar. A feature of most
of their costumes Is their brevity. Hut tho
blnme tu not with the war this tlnn The
unusual dances iiciulrn just such costumes
as Oenrge hlfl provided. Tho liltli com
pany Is uniisuallj clever.
The vnlui if peisemlllv -s iveniplilled In
the opening art uf Ihe A lllon Sllers Mao
nnil Hose-win do a song nnd d.inre skit.
It helps a lot to make in. act . arrv 'lhue s
much niniislng tionsens,, d good music
tied up In the act of Chile llmilen and ".-Ir '
rrederlek icnirttiej, who present " I ho Law
llreaker " e"lnlre A'lnc. tu wqII known to
vaudevllllnns, acts well as usual, In a iiitnedv
plivlet "No Trespassing, which letn the
audience Into pi iv wrltfhllng luvsti 1 Irs.
John elrndtier and .Mule II iiltn.tn. In n
burlesepn llefori. and ft. r Altirrlnge" ;
1'aul I.o A'arre nnd llrother In a b ilanclng
net; Joo Till! and Conej Ward, In a rural
oharacter skit thcm Me ' and Harel
Moran, a lariat artist, wind up the bill
"('nine On In" Globe
I,..) ert of inuslial .omedv with plontv of
music and putlv e,ir!s win ..udlalh Indorse
"Como On In 11 tnblnlil whlih is tho he id
lllier this weel at th. Ulnh, h fuu Is fast
and furious and th. 1 nnib 114 d iiinslcit show
is attiactlieh staged and well acted and
suns. Cauls and Knoll received merited ni
pl iliso for their clever dancing, and Jones
and Oieenlee. with an act made up of popu.
Inr sojigs, wen also well teeeUed "The
.Vatlon a Peril Is an Interesting sketch, vihlh
Julia Curtis nnd lur admirable' eonipmy
held a promliient place on the program with
their act. Otluis on the prngr un were 11
cotnedj, "Line and Klses and thn Three'
Yoscaijs, Il.11 rv lnuiev and cutnpinj
I.oui'C Itrnr.iile Cro's Kevs
V elecldcdl) artistic ntniosphere adds to the
delight of the. miisli il net pieseiited by
1. oul.se Ilroc.nle ind compinv ns a headline
attraction at I tit e'ros Kcs The ptodlic
tlnu aboiiuils in lass and th.. nunihiiH of
f. led nie awav fiom tin usual kind given In
vaudeville acts
Plenty of I uiglis are supplied bv AvMcli,
Ale il and Montrose, mint elv 1, mints I'tlnr
cood acts weie oieted In Hnris Hatilj and
lompanv, com.il ski teh , Mill ml and Mm,
tin come ill ins, and shn and Walton,
slngi rt
"Winning Winnie" -Uroaelwav
Theio is .111 nhumhiuci of good uimedv in
the show nt the Ilroadw.u which is he ailed
h "Winning Minnie" a llvelt tnblnld The
production Is piestnteel bv Phil Morris and
is up to the nilunte In everv detail 'Ihe
Tlilee Qulnlui llrotlu rs and the Anltos wero
among other good acts which met with ap
proval Internal conditions In Dermanv wero shown
In "Ihe Prussian 1 ur, ' the photoplay nt
ti action.
Neil orworlli William I'cnu
rhosn wl o eleslre nnvelt) will find an enter,
tnlning bill this week it the William IVnn
Veil Norwoith and conipinv In an Intel estlng
enmedj act, head the show ntul won an
abundance of applause from an e nthiislasllo
Plenty of liughs gnetrd Clmles Convvnv
and eoinpanv, and hlls vero also moied by
Jnteph Sheftells Light Illicit Hols, hnllle
rields and Hong l'ung Sin and Iliuiy Haw.
AVIIIIam I'm num. In "IMdeis of the 1'urplu
Sage Is the pliotopl iv atti n lion
"J lie Ural" Orplicuiii
V very rnpible companv, huedeil 1 M 10
Desmond, presented "Ihe III it ' at the 1 ir
pheum This delightful Maude Culton c.rii
cdy was eordi.illv iiceivtd and held tin In
terest of an appreciative audience
Tho plav abounds in surprises and thrills
and also unfolds a story which shows that
mil) those who follow the pith of sciuare
dealing can reap leal happlntss Miss In ,
meiml secred a decided hit In the h idlng
The pl.iv-w.iH staged with .n eve in con
sisieni) and tin various si Is helped to add
to tho general tone of realism
Ilurke ami Wal-li-Ilurkei
and Walsh In .11
espn lally 1 lever
ilnni tug act (.cured on., of the blgilts of the
bill at Duinonl s '"III" Hog Isl'ind 'I nln '
and 'Ihe ling Isl mil Hotel" ire nniung thn
rntnedv sklls offeied Joe Hamilton, loe
llortiz, Alt Olbson and Hddio Cas'idy wero
umoiig the entertainers
rnoucs AT CASINO
Girls anil Clever Gnmcclv
Delight Dig Aiulieiire
AVhen the pietty gills at the Casino
rinsed last night's performance of ' Hip,
Hip Ilc.orav (Hrls" an mnllemo tint
Illleel thn thentio hiied but 1)110 opinion,
namelv that the show hid moro than nieus
ured'iip to their 1 xpertnttons lull Mi -llnjles
llvel musical coined), 1'iulhs
Abroid, ' is tilled with good snug. Jest md
dunce and gave the girls an opportunity to
exhibit tbeh abilities Hen Pleiee, Hnrrv p
Kellv. Itelj-n McClaln, IM C Jen dan, 'I llho
fitnrke, Hcnrj .limes, I'm In Knmers, Selina
Seavell and other burlesque favoillet ate
111 the cast and If they omitted .anything thit
would mako their production bitter the audi
euro failed to discover It last night The
character woik of Hd Jordan and comedy
of Perrtn S-niners received tho lions share
of applause
Troradero Hill Livrlv
Songs and dunes predominate m tho
elaborate burle-spio enteitahuuent prnvlcKd
at tho Irocadeio 1 lie iter ! thn Clench
rrollct iiinipaiiv The program Is 1 Jollv,
luppj "'" f'oni beginning to end The
chorus Is well ihiHifii, and Is given plenty of
einportunlt) In the songs of the piece Huirv
Clelds hading comedlnn. Is assisted hi the
fun bv Hi"' following Lena Hnlnv, Charles
Patrick Lester Calrnian, (lines Held, Jack
oMallev, Ul.advs J.ieLbon and Imiuij Ura.
"Montr Carlo Girl"-Gii)i tj
Laughter rdgns this week nt the n.ijcty
whero th "Alotito Carlo Hlrls" proved to he
a llvel attraction. Crank "Hags" Murphy
Is tho principal fun-make r He Is abl mip
ported by Charles Collins. John Iliidglns.
Harl Ha", f-ar.ih Hatt. Kitty Warren and
Violet Hueklej 'I ho chorus is thoroughly
competent and well gowneel.
Hanks Will Lecture 011 War
Hr IMgar J Hanks, fornn r American
Consul at llagdad and seoretnrj of the Ann r
lean legation at Constantinople, wilt lecturo
Home Guard Me Arret
Members of tho Home Defense Ueservei,
have tho authority to mako nnests, acccrd
Ing to an opinion bv City Solicitor Connelly
given to Director AVIlsqn. In turn Un D.
lector rent out n general order to tho polleo
nnd tev members of the reserve uotlfjlng
them of the opinion
at Inn e,en lii""." " v.... ... unr e'iiirnliy
Hxtcnslon Soclt.v. 6819 Ocrmantown avenue,
this evening Ills subject is "Tho Xcur 13ast
In tho War; tho New Arabia,"
f op-yt itthf fM hj ti
( ciirilyM hu ttbtrt
ir ;.h r-.h)
1 Villi lei. ef
cirviMKi; 111
I I Ml'feir 11 liie iglit
AVeil.l.l'A nf nn , tuo tioin tin l", oi
the i lb bad hmgiiiigi In Dutch is fear
full, effective iiloll'iil mn fiom m mvi--Ings
riin inli, a small 11 111 oinfoi table bos
with a inuiJlv sine It, .stopped with a JerU thai
flung inn fcnwaiil l'roni the outer dirktns'
furious alleicatlon lesoundnl aboxn the
)il.ishlng of the lain I pie led through tin
streaming g!,is nf th, wtuduns, but tollld
dlstltigulsli nothing save the jtllow blur of a
lamp The 11 a vehicle of some kind Me unit
to move away tn front of us. Tor I heard
the gutting of wheels against the curb,
and mi cab drew up to the pavement
(u alighting, I fomiil noseir In a uniiow,
dirk street with high houses oil either side
A griinv lamp with the wotd "Until' In half
ohllter.itnl lhainrtcrs painted on It hung
above in, head, miiieuim Ing tint I had ni
rlted at mv ihstliiatlon
As I 1 1 1 Itl iff the inlunan another nil
passed it was nppurentlv the "lie with
width mv .Milt had had words fur he turned
round and shouted abuse Into tin night
Jh 1 ibin in dip u ltd having lite with mv
bat; 01 the pavement ai mv feet gazing nt a
tun row dlrtv elool the upper halt of which
was llll,, I In with fiosted glass I was lit
list awake lo the r.u t lint 1 an Hngllshni.in
was (..dug to spe ml tint night In n, ilirinui
butt I to which I had been sprclallj recom
inenilid bv a rieim.in porter on tlie under
-tan. ling that 1 was a (leimin I knew Hint
niTnrdlng to th Dutch iieutrnlllv ie gill Ulons,
nu passport would have to bn lunilcd In for
liispcitlnn bv the polli e and tint the return
I 1 nild lint pass miseir ,rf as a lierni.in
Itnh I tuld to gti nnself coiirngi "(his
Is a Hie country, 11 m mini countiv 'liny
mi) be offensive, the 11111 mere-huge jou
In a Ilun hotel, but tin can t eat vmi He
sides anv heel oil a night like this " and I
pushed open tho door
Mlthln, the hotel prtnid to bn lather bet
er than Its uninviting eiertor piomlnd
'Iher. wis a small Mstlhule with 11 little
rlnse.igi of an olllie on one side and bejoiid
it 1111 old-fnshloneil flight of I'talrs, Willi a
glass knob on Hi, post at tlie foot, winding
to the upper Mortis
At thn sound of nn footsteps on tho mosaic
flooring a waiter cninged fiom a little eub
bjhole under the stairs He h id u blue apron
girt iibnii' his waist but othervvlm he) wore
the short co it mil the dlek and wlilto tie
of the continental hot. 1 waiter Ills hands
Wile giimv with black marks nnd so whs his
npion Ho had nppan ntlj been cleinlng
lie was a big fat blotnlo man w ith n.Diow.
cruel little ejes Ills hair was tut so shot t
tint hit head appeared to be shavm. He
ndvanicd quick! townttl me and nskd me
In (eerman In a trueuteiit volco what I
I replied 111 the saino language, I wanted a
Ho shut a gaum .11 me throu'gh his llttlo
silts of eves on hearing my good Honn accent,
but his niniiui 1 did not change.
"Tho I11.it 1 li full Tho gentleman cannot
have a bid Inn The pioprletress is out at
prtsent I regitt - He sp it this all out
In tho offhand Insolent maiinci of tho I'rus.
slaii olllrtat ....
"It was I 1 an'" of Hie ltopparder llnf who
leioniinended in. to 101110 here," I slid I
was not going nut again Into the r.ilu for a
whole arm, of Prussian walteis.
"Ho told nn tint Clan -i hrntt would mll.e
1110 vcrv comfortable I added
Ih.. vinltei s manner changed at once
So no' In said iiulte gentallv tins
time it wns Crinz who suit the gentle
111 in to us Hi Is a good frhnd of Hie house
Is l"inii. Ja Cmii t-thiatt Is unfortunate lv
out just now but as soon at the lulv re
turns 1 will Inform her V011 are here In
the meantime, t will glvo the gentleman a
100111 "
lie handed me n candlestick and a kiv
so ' ho grunted. "N'o 31. the third tlool
cloe k 1 hub out tho hour somowhcio In
the distance
Ton . 1 clink aire adv ' -he sUid 111"
geniliinaii s papirs cm wait till tomorrow
it Is so lit. (ir perh ips the gentle man will
give the in to the pioprictrt ss. tlio must come
unv lnomcnt "
As I ununited thn winding slalieaso 1 lieji i:
him murmur again-
"so, so, Ci.in? sent him heio' Ach, eler
Clan? ' '
As soon as I hid iubsciI out of sight of
the. lighted hall I tound nivself In eonipleto
darkin si 1 in t 11 h lauding a jet of gas, turn
ed down low Hung a dim and flickering llgnt
a few .irels around i in the third Hoot I
was able to distinguish hv tin gas rtiH a
small plaque fastened to the wall Inscribed
with an arrow pointing to the lght above
the figures- li',-30
T ptoppeel to stilke 11 matt 1 1 to light m
candle The whole hotel seemed wi upped In
slleiiee, the onlv sound Ihe lushing of water
In thn gutters without Then fiom tli dark
ness of the nuiow corridor that stretched
out In front of me I heard the) rattle of
a ke In a lock
I advanced il.wn the corridni the pale
gllmmei of m 1 and Id showing me as t
passed a succession of dow doors, 1.11I1
healing a white porcelain plate Inscribed with
a number In hi u I. No Id was Hu Hist
room on the right counting rrom tne land
ing, thn tven numbers viere on the tight,
thn odd mi the left; therefore T ret Kotie d on
finding mv room the list 01, the 1. ft at the
cnel of the 1 orildor
The coiridoi pr.sent'j t"..k 1 shnrp tuin
As I came round the bend I heard agiln thn
sound of a Lc and then the rattling of a
1I001 knob, but the 1 , rrldor bending again,
I tollld not see the author of tho noise
until I had turned tin 1 orner
I rnu right into a man fumbling at a door
on tho lefthaud side of the passage, the 1 1st
door but one A mltror at the end of tho
(orrldor caught and threw back tho lellcctlou
ot mv r indlc
Tho )niu looked up as I ipproadied Uo
was wearing n soft black felt hat and a
hi uk overcoal and 011 his arm butii; an um
brella sti earning with rain
His candlestick stood on the floor at lift
feet It had appatently just lie-en ex
tinguished, foi nn nostillH sniffed the 01I01
of burning tallow
"A 011 hiivn a light tin mi 1 anger slid in
iicrmnit In a eurtousli bienlhhst voice. "I
have Just conic upsinlis mid the w Ind blew
out in i.andh and I . ciilel not get Ihe dour
open I', rhips vou 1 mild ' He broke ott
gasping mid put his hind to his ho.irt
"Allow nie,' 1 said I lie lock of the door
wns limited nnd to opt 11 the door you had tu
inseit the kej upsldo-don 11 1 did so and the
door opened easily vs it swung back I
notle ed the number of the room was JJ, next
door to mine
'Can 1 be of anv assliitnine In oii" Aro
jou unwell''' I. said at the same time lifting
in, inndlo and scanning the stianger't
fcatuie-t '
II" was a voung inun with (lost .cropped
bl ick hair, tine dark eves ami an aipilllne
now with a deep funow between tho tje
hiows The rrlspncss of Ills hair ami tho
high ilieekboms gave n sug.estlon of Jewish
blood Ills faie wns veiv pah, and hit lips
were bluelsh I saw thu perspiration glisten
ing on his forehead
"Thank sou It U nothing the man icplled
In tho same breathless voice "I am only a
llttlo out of bnath with can j Ing mj bag
up ' ,
"Vou must have arrived Just be fore 1 did,
I bald leineinheiing tin i.ali that had driven
awn fiom the hotel us I drove up
That Is bo, he answered, pushing open his
door as ho spoke He disappeared Into thn
darknesH of the room and sinhlenlv the door
shut with 1 slam that n -echoed through the
Am 1 had ' alculated, mv loom wns net
door to his the end 100111 of tho corrldoi It
smell horribly eloso nnd must and the 111 t
thing 1 did vi as to stilde 111 ross to the win
dows and fling them buck wide
1 found nivself looking acioss a dark and
narrow cnnal, on whose stagnant water
loomed large the) black shapes of great barges,
Into Hie wlnduws ot wniint and weather
MBincd houses over the wu. Xot a light
shoun 111 any window Away In thn distance
tho same "clock nn 1 had heard beforo struck
the epi irter u, tingle clear chime
It was the regular bedroom of the malson
lueublee worn carpet, discolored and dingy
wall-paper, faded red curtains and mahogany
bedstead with a vast ediedon, like a glnnt
pin eushlon My candle guttering wildly In
5, 1015 '
Hi iinai etinonied brrcfo blowing d.ltiklv
luoilgh tin (liamliir wns the sole llluinlliant
Hide was mltlin' gas nol tlectrlc light laid
Tin liniisi had n lapsed Into quid The
bedroom hud mi ivll look nnd this, 1 jm
blned with th. dunk nil from the canal, gave
1111 thoughts a sonibi r tinge
'Well,' I said tn nivself, "vou re a nice
Kind of ass' Hire Jou an , a llrltlsli officer
posing as a brother Hun In n rut-throat Hun
hotel, with a waiter who looks like the olll
e lal Prussian cverutloner What's going to
luipp'ii to oll, voung fellci mj lad, when
Mad une comes ulong nnd limit Jou have a
HritlHh pisH)tt A verj plettj kettle of
llsh I must sav '
Mid suppose Madame tnkes it into her
head to toddle ulong up here tonight nnd
culls jour bluff nnd summons tho gentle
linns or I'rltr or wh itever thnt rulllntilj venlt
ers name Is to 1 mm upstairs anil settle jour
hash' Mint sort or a light are jou going
to put up In that nnrrow coirldor out there
with a Ilun next dooi ntul probably on ever,
side of jou, and 110 exit this nd'' Aou don t
knnw a Ii Itittc soul Itl llotli retain nnd no one
will Ik a pennj tho wlsir If sou vanish off
Un fa,,. ,,f ti,,, earth At any rato no
' ne . 11 this side of the water. '
-hailing to undress I nut lied a little dooi
.11 Hie left-hand side of the bed I found U
"lstie.1 Into 11 small eablnet de toilette, n
nun .w edlp of 11 ie.0111 with a wash-hand
stand nnd n very dlrtv window covered with
velloii pnpei I pulj. d op. 11 this window with
great dlllk'uhv- It caniiot have been opened
Tor vmrs -.and found It gave on to a verv
small and deep Intel lor court. Just an air
shnH loiuid which the house was built U
Jli" bottom wus a thtj paved court not more
than tu fot nqtinre. eutlreU Isolnted save
"ii -in slih wheio th, re wis a basement
vvuiel.w with a night f st,,)S leading down
i'"m the , ,urt thiough an Iron grating Prom
mis window a faint nllow stienk of light
, "V,1" '"In air was damp and chill and
horrid odois of a ,rtj kitchen wero wafted
up the shaft So I clnei! ihe window and tst
about turning In
I look off nn .oat and walttcoat, then b
tneitglit in., of the nijsterlous document 1
niel i.telv d from Dlckv. Une o moro I look
en it thuse (iilginntlcnl vtordf
( ijakwood' fi Oakwood (fop that much
wss clear),
low emntv ar ,h fl(11,
Like Ac lilies (with one ! ) n the tent
"Inn two people fall out
Tin third pirtj t.Jolces
ou wli'.,'"'1 " n" n'c""" "'" rran(,, follcn
ms r "T 0,"'vUr.ito who having had
001 . ', K' '" ''tn""nclng mj brother, now
I1' evtraordltnry step to announce his
Achllle, n, . ,h" Httcrs frlc"'13" '"
ten " ,," ,""1 ,rnl " "'' "t " his
i-u.r , Surely
st;nc'le,','U, ,hok"1f '"" the sound or a
s l?,"ce nr n"R h; M"1,lt,lh' ". e profound
IC;'11'" lmusc ' hwrt seemed to
mvp,e.r "o'Dc-nt I hnrdlj dared rain
leanmr fni ' ', "a"? """'' I h connlns
Housed "1C .taW ,n mJ' b!,lrt "'
thrill. 1" l!0 .V""1"""''1 hideous elect
fnTr .' ,c,",sll,"f T"-n I heard .1 faint
font-rail in ti,,. corridor without
I rnlsdl mv ejet to the elnoi
Some one 01 something was seiatclnng the
pinels lurlously, frantlcallv
I moved resolutely towards the door Hven
as 1 stepped forward the gurgling resolved
itself into a strangled crj
V.h' leh sterVe,' were the words I heard
Then the door burst open with a 1 rah
thire waa a swooping rush of wind pint
rain thiough the loom, the curtains Panned
liiadh Horn ihe windows
Tho eniullt Pared up w ikllv
Then It went out
Something fell hcavilj into the loom
1 ...lilt's Install, nrnt f )r,.ainhtlul .l
Irntures ..111 I,,, t.ninil nn li,e In.
m:n cnuss polls close
' I. me llr.inih Halloliug for Olhccrj
ami Dlrcrlor) f'nils
Tho inmiiil t Ie. tiuu of ollleers and dlrectoi s
ot the Main Line. Ili.iucli No 1, American
Ited e'ross, which begin last evening n is
elided todny it the he uhiunrters, Morris ave
nue, Ilrjn Mnwr
rhei,. was onlv olio candidate for (.leh of
tlee (cept Hut of kccoiii lice chnlnnar.
Mts Minium i: Met all .Ir and Paul Thump
son vieio Ihe t.indldntcH for this place.
The (slier candidates1 follow Chairman,
Mis 1'h.nlton Y irnall . first vice chairman,
.Mrs Alexander Hrow u , secretary, Mrs Isaac
La Hulteauv. tie.iburer Mr .lesso II Hall
finance committee Mr J Heron f'rosman
department of membership and publleltj
Mrs Alexander Hrow u department of 1n
struitlon, Mrs Hiehard H Norton, depart -ment
of home servlte Miss i:nllna I" v,v.al
b.aum , elipaitmini of suigl, il dnslng Mrs
e'eorgo II Ite.a di pnrtmi nt of packing ship
ping and stoiage Mrs Michael M Uller.de
p.irtmenl of purch.Tdni- Mrs .lolin I i lark .
tlepaitmc nt of lcfre shm. nt nnd ii, nation foi
soUlers and sillors Mrs M llllnni .1 riothlcr.
depirtment of wool Miss Lmiis i Uawle. de
partment of comfort Ills vtis llenrv e
r.artibliaw , eh p n uncut of transportation
JIls" Marian I .Inlmson iieiartineiit cf
I, lamallnn Mrs s 1 Lw ing department ur
hurplt il Mijpplhh Miss I Inr. ii. .. Hall
MAHKI.-i vrm:i.T Al.oc ir, ni
II II AI lo 11 15 P il.
c.ulliMi I'rtrenls first Hh.iwlliB ut
tin tX w AlTnUnn Ooltl 1 llas
I mi i" ' wbo . tjnii-Jiili
. f leffltl Iulllf
WILL nocBjis
l tne Till" Hole
l.nliro 1 o 1, ' , i inis'ij will vttenl 71iursjaj
Vfle, noou
.11 JHIlkl.T BIllHI.r
10 A M t.. II II I' M.
in hi e'civtrs t p Miit.ivn
I'HI.STM'T Uhl.nw 1C.T1I
10 fi V "il U -' I li in T 4.-. 0J!0 I' ,w
In rirxt MinwlliB of hfl"it Photoulav
"Mrn. LefliiiBweir Boots"
liilfl From I'amoun Man Vlny
VICTORIA" r;r .fir..".,1
rU. ( rrorii His Mnn !ook
( otnlnK Till- HUMAN V OP TAKZAN'
MAIlKKr ST Abnvs 17TH
.AT lU.VII'nil
11 A M to It P M.
MP, Vaudeviiro
BROTdTVAY ),,oai " ukii Avij.
nAYETY '1H,: month caiilo aiRui- "
Trocadcro fo The French Frolics
- .
I'Un.Ann.PHIA'ft I.nADINO TUBAtllfcel',
"', win jji,i..j u, j, niiuiiKin
' Tftestra i
nrnacl St.
lVlo.T l.M)IMt
J ilm T viurrny Uertithle lllneltnr
si AT R 13
TH Tonvr TllfflS.
JIATS. TODAY & Thura. " $1
i vt.s ur lotni Ann thh kites
or i en, i e' 1 1 nr;
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1 S.T Tlll-
PH.es "Vlclite 1 -,0 )
MMttlieeie SI uo 7", fi
i l.xrei t Snt tt Hnlllt t
Kvin S If, Mti, rue,
VVe-l (111,1 Snt nt I J
11,1.1 vvi ri.Mnr i
mi nuns e,nsT
m:st SKATS $1.00
Ni-xt Wck Seats Thursday
Tho V) un, r 1 1 ir lens Vrnuit Ilflua
or tins
vnh Til . vv l.N i i-n haiiii:n h iiosijate
..vntu en i:diant eitui.H B
LYRIC 1"m"t t
1 csilni-s at S .'0 Sharp ho oni MatM
Uu Inr I Unllnn Tull)
Next Week Seats Thursday
Lionel Barrymore
l! Vl'lll'STrS THOMAS
IMiigDavK neco
in it e' i'akto.n a i:.et ihith combot
r.T vvnniv scats thiusoat
F. ZIEGFELD, JR., Presents '
FOlt T1H. KII.ST TIMi: l.N AMErtIe"A
MIL ItntONIM, Rl-l'l n.ss 01 IXINDOV
Pop. $1 Mat. Today
in a m;v eovii:i)Y
f D1.MV Ol 511 SIP
Oiscoveroi of the Arctic Continent
) ill t 11 Hu fl l of ala al Juie, of explortloB
ef m unlnuun iaiiel une. nallica miuaro niUeii In
Vurlrie of tin" e.rogmpni at Society
Hnl Cs In I- 1 110 ( liettnut 9trt
n vv oRiFPiTira
Muitnrs fUtl ut 1 2& and
(,0 it
1. rformatic nliliUy
nl s Cfi c te
rail II .",!)
to It.
Hl.NT TI. I IlKM'll elOVrtlNMHNr
Paris Conservatoire Orchestra
8i ih. writs
i elre Sl'mecr 'on I Alfrl Tortot, Plinlt.
Va'phfn fremh War llrlf lommlltt,
l"mnricne-y A 10
n l(fii dnicfl f'ei 11 kooiI for ihli rcrformano.
TlHe"' H"'1 ' hutnut 5o lo IS at). No T.
illlND Ol'nilV SHAfcON. 19M.I0 by th
Mr.iiiorourA.N oi-cha companv. n. y,
10. lll t"ln NOV 11 Hubkcrlulluu Oe-inrtment.
110S riinbTM'T STHEUT. cp.n il-iil u A, lil
loll 3') V M., Wtlnut 4IS4. nr 0T. "
"Snnipvviiorft With Pfirshf-ner"
CLAim: vi.NTONTD(rolijDDiij doros
Hluillon Kturn HtaJ 1'rum hta Tonltlctl ''J
lit$5vs. .A--" rT
T" '"n iaI
Slr&? . i" A!.$V
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LAbliNU Hip! Hooray GirU fj
uutaututMbst, e& Six Uivinir Bi1!m
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