Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 05, 1918, Night Extra, Image 1

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is t
A 111 ii IT., Tr.ii,,
TBE WEAfllfa
Washington. Not'. 5. Pair tonight
and Wednesday: uarmcr Wednesday.
TF.Mi'r.n.rcnn at Bxm nnm
I g I a lo-i 11 1 12 1 i a aTJiVji
1(8 )i) I 40 If.O M Ifil I I ' I !
VOL. V. NO. 45
loiith Philadelphia Voters
Jnanimously Republican,
Says Congressman.
lifluciizu'b Effect Shown in
Lighter Poll and Shortage
of Election Officers
Senator William C. Sproul, llio Ho-
lubllcan nomlnco for Governor, nnil
he other candidates on the Iiepulillcan
Ickcfc wero reported by Itcpubllcnn
taders tills afternoon to bo sweeping
18 city.
"I find tlio oters In South rhll.idcl
Ehla unanimous In their rholco for the
Icpubllcan candidates," declare!! Con
Ircssmau Varo after a tour of the
faro Htrongholds downtown.
I William E. rinlcy, execute e tlhcc-
br of tho Republican cltj committee.
Jdthat ward leaders In other w-c-
Ibna reported to tho headquarters at
lleventh and Chestnut streets that
key found Uttlo sentiment in their
ards for Municipal Judge Bonnl-
rell, tho Democratic nomlnco.
Judgo Bonnlwell himself dcciarcu
bndltions to be Just tho reverse, uc
cdlcted that he would have "a hud-
mtlal majority" and refused to con-
So tho City to llio itepuuiicitii--
Reports received at tno vnnou-j
eadquarters innicaccci uiul u ".-
,nll,r nvor the rltV WHS light, anil
pat tho voters wero coming out slow-
The reverse was true in sumu u-
I lets, however, . , .
I Chief Interest in me ncuwu tr. ......
i Ihe light for tno e.ovcrnu ,, -
Veen senator rsproui. n - !.....,.-
lie ratincatlon of tho national proiiini-
on amendment, and juage lionniwtin,
ho made his fight on n "wef plat-
ntlr n hn elected IncluUO II i.icuicn-
it Governor, Secretary of Internal Af;
lira, two Supremo Court Justice ojie
HP.erlor Court Judge, tliirty-iwn con-
Jressmen, rour i;oiiBrc-B-iiit-ii-ui-n.n--.
eenty-clght State Senators and jui
embers of tlio House. .
The nterH also arc deciding two coll-
ttutlonal amendments, Ono provides
ir a 60,000,000 bond Issue by the state
i Imnroc hlifhways and tlie other per
ils the city of Philadelphia to Increase
s borrowing capacity from 7 to IU per
i .. ..-...........
fnt ot tno asaesseu valuation lur ben-
al purposes.
Shortnrp of IMrilloii Officers
A- lipxlacatu:.eh;ctlon oniecrs.handl
tpped the early balloting In many clec
sn divisions.
More than 300 polling nlaces were
ip-rt of the proper quota ot election
Beers, It was said at the onieo of the
unty Commissioners f
The dearth of election otllccrs was
ttrlbuted- by the commissioners to va-
fcncles caused by death during llio In-
enra epidemic, resignation or many
Iho aru In the military service and the
it refusal of oters In some divisions
. servo for the $5 a day which Is al-
Ittdd to election officers.
i Many polling places failed to open at
o clock, the time specified by law It
as necessary In scores ot dlMhlons to
Id to. curbstono election In front ef
lllng places and elect election boards
ifore tho balloting could proceed
In somo divisions thcro were no clcc-
n officers on hand at all when tho
lls'were supposed to open in others
e polling places were opened by three
ra Instead of the full quota of live
aulred by law.
L Registrars were sworn In In a num
J of fllvlfeton.s to Hprvn
The polling place of the fifteenth di-
lion of the Forty-second Ward did
open until 9:30 o'clock.
Ijrfaurlce A. Roesch, superintendent ,of
cuons unucr me eoumy commissiou-
went to tho polling place at Gil 5
orwood street and sworo In an election
I Until tho election boards could bo
anned and the polls opened (ho office
Une-uouniy cjommissioncrs were De
led with telephone calls for lnstruc-
rtonnlwell Sera I.andnllde
Judge Bonnlwell arrived at his head-
larters In tho Finance Building at half
.JiV. III L.JI.. ..., t I
"i J ' ., . . i ..uT .'
iiiuueiitu iiiui iiv. uu,u iju uii lav,.,, (lenera (-rowder tnil.iv oniia rn
i'lt'a going to be a landslldo for mo'
flay." ho said. "Reports from all sec-l
ons of tne sjato snow mat I'm going
Zwln by a substantial majority. I doi
,t concede Philadelphia to the llcpub-
ns. I estimate my plurality here will .
I A last-minute appeal was sent "out In
form ot aoout .quo postcards afK
tho recipients to recommend Judge
ennlwcll to their friends as the proper
naiaaic tor Movernor.
Ksnator William C. Sproul, tho Repub-
an nominee for Governor, Incurred
e" wrath of the liquor Interests by
adslng himself In favor of the ratlftca-
ten of tho national prohibition amend-
Hlirstand on tlie prohibition question
llled to his support the big church
lie and thousands of independent ot-
Lover thn State. Judgo Bonnlwell. who
the DemocratjQ nomination on a
" platform, confidently expected
olldlfy tho liquor forces in support
Ills candidacy.
pprnui iTfUicu victory
enator Sproul predicted lctory for
eir In a pre-election statement wmcli
iue4 at his home In Chester.
see no r2ason to bo worried over
.outcome of today'i election,'1 ho dc-
Iite reports which I havo received
tilladelphla and all parts of the Stato
"of the finest kind.
I I cannot see why I will not, bo elected
jt C'ontiniieel on Purr Two. C'otuinii lour
tuiui. Diplomats Recalled From'"""1 ''r"gn WnM"
Kussia, llasle Reports
k'sxhlriKort. Nov, E Dlploinutlo rela-
HI oetween ucrmany and the Doi
vlkl have been broken off, llaslo nil.
toaay announceu. it vtsb titateu
tia remaining membera of tli ni.
kh lccatlon In Ilussla, who had (led
LfieKBu irom aioscow, had just rc-
rlln made nocomclal'announeamcnt
.wltrgry. .." I" xwlKHWIimw
I vim twni pii !.
I'ublUhcd Daily l.ccrpt Monday. BubscrirUtcyt 1'rlco! 10 n Yr-ur by MI,
CorjrlaM. 1019. by th Public Lctleer -Company.
Principal Candidates
in State Election Today
(otcrnnr '
Stuto .Senator William C Sproul,
Chester, Rep,; Municipal Court
TlUlgo IJugciio C. noniiluoll, 3311
Raring s reel, Uem
I.leiileii.iiil (Jmeriior
1'dwnrd i:. lielillcmnn. lTnrrls.
burg, Rep.; founcr Congicssmati .1
Washington, l.ogue, 3905 .Spruce
street, Dctn
hcrrrlary of Internal Affairs
.Tames . Woodward, Mclvees.
port, Ii, Rip.: Ashcr It. Johnson,
Rradford, Pa , Dcm.
Bolslirik Note Hep, Entente to
Sol Time .mil 1'l.uc for
) fir hweiated Vrcw'
l.onilon, j,ov. 1
Tho l!olshellk ftovernment of Rus.
slu, It Is leported from Petiograd, hns
hnndcil the neutral ministers u nolo
for tiansinlsilo'n to the Kntentr mi.
tlons ashing for tho opening of pi aee
negotiations hi older that hostilities
t,ntlln tl.n A lltn .....1 .1... C... I-, r. .
crnmont mn bo ended, says nil llx- ,I.iKota nml SIiihsaehuclts should tc
chango Telegraph dispatch from ,urn Demorratle Senalnr each'
Tho nolo asks the Allies to decide
upon the time and place for tho hold
ing of tho negotiations.
Mn.lilncrtiin, Nov 5. Efforts of the
Hcilhell (io eminent In tllv us the
withdrawal of the 1 tilted States and
Allied forces from Itussli through tic
gotl itlons for an Hiinlsthn are attract
ing no serious attention heie Tlio as
sociated nations do not reiognlzo tho
I.enlne and Trotsky regime In any j,
and it was explained tod.n tint If the
llolshftikl wanted negoll.itl jus the
Should nddnss the Russian (itiiornmeu't
at Oni'k, tlio onl utithorlt In Russia
Willi which the United States and the
Allle-i deal
Tho government of the North, the
i-tpttn! or which Is Areluingel Ins tele
graphed tho (lovermiient lit Omsk that
It licognlzcs tlio latter'H nitircujacy and
lo-opcjatcs wltli H as an Individual dis
trict or stato In Urn (Jovernment The
Omsk CJovcrnmint Ins proclaimed war
upon Germany and with Its own forees,
augmented by the fnh.es of tlio United
.States and tho Allied eountrle-s, s ac
tually lighting against the liolshcvlk
Kojpr Hears His Closing Edict Is
Generally Obscncd
i R? '''" ''weiafevi l'rcu
llarrUliurg, Nov. 5 Dr. 15. Uranklln
ltoyer, acting commissioner of Ilctlth,
e'l" stated that reports reaching him
from Pittsburgh wero that tho closing
oreler was being generally obeyed and
that prosecutions had been started by
Stato agents against owners of moving
plctura houses or saloons who had
opened jesterday
Counsel has been named at Pilsburgh
to have charge) of these eases for the
State authorities and the attorney gen
eial's department Is-lielng kept Informed
Doctor Royer sale! that vvhllo tho ban
against Ione aster, raised at noon todav
automatloally as In York, Dauphin and
other Southern central counties. It would
inakei no difference In regaiel to the at
tltuelo eif tho State on the equity action
Tho State will maintain Its position
"s to the legality of the eiuarantlnc
Town Tluit Violated State Ouar-
, c rp r. .
illllllIU UIII1CTS iCII LCdMlg
I.anranter, l'a Nov S Following
tho action of the local Iloird of Health
In lifting the" quarantine ban here a
week ahead of the date set by the Stato
Health Department The epidemic
death rato began to Increase today.
Ten deaths had been leported at noon.
Including a nurso In the General Hos
pital ; tho highest number of rases re
ported for a fortnight The Hoird of
Health reported todav that In October
301 deaths and 7CC0 cases had occurreel
III tho city alone.
Limited Service llcn to Entrain
Between November 25 and 27
liy the Aisociatwl Prcs
HBnlilngloii, Nov B Provost At.lr
18,300 elroft registrants pIiveIciIIv nuall-
fled for limited bervlce to entrain for
camps between November 25 and 27.
,,,'J-" "ii""1"'"" m no accepiej
"'"." ;Vi, ,,. , ". ' j
ar "fod i?he "l? nTftStv7x
StUtS Sr. .asked t furnish" ho "necc-L-
Kill v t11tnlirv
Total xalls for military service for
November havo now passed the 310,000
mar?! and arc far Jn excess of previous
month!) mobilization under the draft.
30 German Machines Down 7
American Fliers Are Missing
AVnuliinu'lon. Nov. 5 (My I. N. R.)
Genera) Pershing reports an air raid
carried out "on H gigantic sealo against
Montmcdy, an Important railway cen
ter on tho Mpuso front. Ono bundled
pursuit and fort)-flvo day.bomblng
planes tool; part In this operation and
more than flvo tons of bombs were
Thirty enemy planes wero drstrojed
und three balloons brought down, only
seven of Jho American machines fal'lng
to return. T
Deputy Hock Becomes President
of Hungarian National Council
By ffte United Press
llie Hague,' Nov. 5 Count Kurol
hsa resigned tho presidency of tho Hun
garian National Counoll, according to In
formation rcicneu nero looay. Deputy
Johann Hock will succeed Karolvl. The
latter has taken over the ollleo of Hun-
llaitcm PennavlrnnUi
Voir tonloht and W'cilimday,
Warm tomonow In the uortlf
Model WtlUain Vcnn'adav,
I'or HU heart now anxiona burns
fo note rlcetlon'$i biu rrlurva,
Congress Is Chief Ibsue.
Parties Are Claiming
Doth Branches
Expects Senate by Three,
Democrats Hope to Gain
Three Votes
v.jt1iln8;(on, Nov. u
Reports to "political hcadqinrters
showcel today that the American voters
arc turning out early and In gre it num
ber for one of the most splrltcel elec
tions In the nation's hl'toij.
ISilh Democrats and Republic ins to
day were e otillelent of vlrteirv
At Dcmoeralie li.it'liiiuil headipi irters
It was staled tint n liemofjatli' m.i
Jorlty In the Senile Is e ertal'n
This pcrtv leaders snlel, i lmsee! em
belief that Hie pitty will gain a Stmlin
each In Rhode Island and Nebraska and
If It loses one each in Illinois and Kbiims
If the Democrats hold the remainder
of their present, strength, thoy would
Increase their present nnjorlty In tho
Senato by two, under theso clrcum
stained At Republican headquarters, however.
It was slated that reports Indicate the
Republicans will clei t tlflv Senators, In
cluding one each from Illinois, Massa
chusetts, Rhode Island, Nebraska and
Kansas all clalmoel bv the Democrats
giving thn Republicans a gain of six or
seven and a majority ot two Jn tho Sen
ate. House- Oiilrnmr Lnrrrtnn
Hoth hcadqturters aehnlttcd the House
outcome Is uncertain The Democratic
national commutes eleclaied todav ib.it
Mho party will gain from fifteen tp twen-
,.-iit: in uiu uiir nr.'ineii, aeiuing that
there Is a marked trend In the situation
both In New York and Illinois, lovv.tr
tho Demociatlc candidates
Republican headuuarters hern livtun.i
tho Ucpubllcans would have at least i30 i
in tno Mouse a gain of twenty
Tho llouso at present Is tleel with 210
Itepubllcans, 210 Democrats, seven In
dependents and eight vacancies
There was minh speculation as to the
effect of the International situation on
tho "silent vote" throughout the na
tion Hoth ll.ertles have Mielr rs nn Mia.
sachusetts. lltinnU nnil iWnlmkv I
which States they s.ij, maj prove the
determining fae-tora In what promises to
ho a closo election.
Uitt Aiihlrlan Ternm
In many districts the Austrian terms
wero placed In tho hands of the voters
as thev approached the polling places I
Dem,orratlc campaign workers made the!
utmost use of tho terms, having thou
sands printed designed to show, tho
Democratic Administration Is firm for
an unqualified victory over tho Central
Powers I
Both parties were dolns? the utmost'
In their power to get to the polls every
voter whey could be reached. In the close
congressional districts In Middle 'West
ern States tho effort was particularly
vigorous, for upon the 'results of some
of those erntests may hang control of
O. O, P (Tnlnm linntni Ijy 100,000 I
The first returns arc expected this I
arternoon from Kansas, where a spirit
ed rontest Is on between Senator Thomp
son, Democrat, and Cover Capper, Re
publican Republicans say Capper will
win by 100,000 votes
President Wilson had planned to go
to Princeton to vote, as usual, but the
rapid turn of International affairs forced
him to rem-iln at his desk here, and for
tho first time since he came to tl e
White House ho missed an Important,
vote at home
Indications early today wero that a
big vote would bo cast In New Yof :.
Many women wero among the first at
the polling places, This was the first
time they had participated In a general
election In that State. It was predicted
the total voto of New York State would
be 2.500.000, I
Governor Whitman, candidate for re
election, and A. K Km'th. his Demo
cratic opponent, voter early In New York
city. V
I!ay Claims Hotli llouae
Will H Hajs, chalrnnn of tho Repub
lican national committee. In a statement
Is-ued last night on tho probable result
of today's election, said the net Con
gress would bo safely Jftvriubllcaii. The
statement ollows:
I.ast-niliiute reports received last
night from every contested Stato con
firms our advices of yesterday tliat
tho Republicans will carry both tho
Senato and tho House
To equal the Democratic vote In tho
Senato tho Republicans need to gain
only four votes. Wo will gain at least,
To equal the Democratic voto In
(ontlnurd on l"o Tvo, Column Three
... T,. , ..i Tl , friend who I'nn n fllend close to the
Ul3 1'IXC LlllJdrcn liCltortCII to War Departnient In WaHlilimton wna
Hn, ti,, ir:.l..... i i I nc of the frequent asstTtluni hj iirupio
aC liCCIl Kldnuppcd who cillcd up the rapers
Hy the United Press ' , Thi" ','.""or "'t'"'"'1 """ i;lotiishlnB
iijt iiii. uimru i ress e BpCcd. It waa novhhiB more t'mii a in-
Aiiislrrilum. N'uv, C Court eflretes liiimoi. however There Ih ho lusls pf
Vienna uro uncdw over the vvherpihntua truth lnv It. So far tl e M'lialiliielon hii.
of Kaiser Karl'n five youns children, I
according to advlre,s hero todav.
, They wero left behind In fioldollo ('.is-
'I. aT.vl Ul, Inn Iia !... ... ni.i. . . I
tic foiliUlliK the Kmneror'n niche i
vvecli, nnil thcro haa been no news of
them hi ncc.
Tho cantlo was set afire after Karl
It wis reported that the children had
been tnken towurd X'lcnna In an au
tomobllc, ami It la feared that revolu
tionaries operating on tho hleh roads
kidnapped them. -
Americans Drive Germans Iifto
Valley of the Meusc
liy the Assoeiatcd Press
XXntUlnxloii. N'ov 6 X'Il torlmis ....
i lac-kB by tho American Klrst Army ou
Mm tntlro front uro reported by (Jenprirt
i perHhlmr In his cvcnlns conununlnuo
for Monday, '
On tho catrcnio ri"lit. breaklmr .i..
tho last rffoits, of the enemy to lml.i
, tho IiIkIi Rroui.1l. tha fAmcrlcina drov.
'throuBh the valley of thc Memo .nS
Iho forest of nioulot, and occuuled La.
nruvilto oiipoalto tho rlxcr cro:
e file aim v
runny wi'i'vwiw tins nver cross
ng at
t neriiety,
(ThaAmorloana haxo since tsrM4 wws iul tp wurlc In. the
e-Si-.-.rf'. .4. ' 4 ...-.X.'AjSi.Jt'u') W,.ws'Ueem,f'
(ThaAmorloana haxo since
,' 4 f
W" and
Honor Hull for City
and Its Vicinity Today
HI I.I, I- It i ,n ins
I',i",'.JKWNT l,,'TI1 iihriintiMi.
Tills. 1P10 ciifMiiii! si UineifTlclilb
rnortrl I
NKIICIKIST Hl.ltNAItll P. lift I I.V. H.7
J alfon let trrcvlotir!) riwrttNl unnf
CO'll'llK.W. I'ltlMI' s. Mlll 117
Mrlli I'lrxin t U'liotlle lill tc
(llltl'OKW, AMII'ItT I.. I I.I.SIIMVS,
L'-'7 South t'ortj-tlrst Mrcd Itlnoltl
e tullv repeif-lffl
ritlVATi: I'ILN W. , 2SI12 Vnrth
vinrhir nt (ttimftcliellj rT'iricil i
I'lIU TP. .MICIIVr.l. H. SN1. 4ktM
I'neirlifti; ne fUnnfTrlielly rrlmrle" 1
I'ltn TK II. II. KIVII.s. jam V.irth
hlvenlh 'I. (I'noftlclnll) rrporlnl )
l'ltl TK 4. ('. Iiosi, ..',1 Orkney st
ettnnrrirlills rrporleil )
I'ltI.Ti: l 11,1.1 M Mr(OI.(lN, U"il
i'nn ti: jtniN u, (.hi.i.iikv. tsns
vv. -iipii it (t'noffl.lallv rcnorlpil I
vi:m tk iikmiv
. nut .1
M(ll M, asu'J l.u
I'ltIA TI1 JOHN IlltOU.V, l3l
"I lUnorflUallJ rclsirlril )
till l OK Hlll'MH
"i m.r.WT i.i nnc.i: mpii.uiam. in
Sniiili Kortv-ihird si (l'nvljiilv
r-i..,rir, wniineleeU
I'lilMli: IKX.NK Mlll. 11" Mollis-
I'liinu, jiiiiN vm:iii. i , is houth
,, ' IlK-IWlrll St
I'lllVMi; I, ,. (IIAIMI.I, l(.n South
I r.int (
1'ittvvri: .i. a. jitiiiMii.i.i.it. is.'.'
South l'ourlh at.
mm up iuskm:
run vi i: johs i,ititn,.i ii.i.ii. :;?
I-is rillprhoe k-tl St.
V( CIIII'.N VI I.V Ml. 1.1. 11
(mi'dUM, (iiviti.t'.s p. i.i.i ion.
Ill I II ill . el
Ullt'Mll.ll s,V l.ltl.IA
1'illl TI, .IIIIIN U. Ullltsri.K, .'III
Nnrlh llilrle snvi lit Ii l
moi mii it (life, ni i: iMir.ii.it-
J in ti:mm rviti.i, u. maiimk.
UII south lortj Ihlrcl it (UllafflclalO
re iinrtf.l I
"l'ltl.i:NT UII.1IWI M. (fAN.NOV, II
Mouth I'irty tilth si (frcvlousj P
.';I !.,,..k"1' ' ' nctlon )
SllttlKVM IIXHIO , (III.M.NS, atot
Mplijrailp si
ttlltl'IIKM, ol I, II. AMllltSIIN. SOI)
Nnrlh Klovnnlh at
Mnstsr st
t'RItll. RKIIVI-l) .1. ,1,AM'. 17T
...'.Vl,;'1 ' i '"Us "f S'lmelUlM
.Madison tituars IvPiisumtiui (Unot
fie -U rpporlp I 1
l'ltl Th .1. 4. Dr.M.tN. (IIS .Ww Mar-
spt st (I'rpvlously rcturtcil Killed In
nptlon 1
I'ltnATK Stri. fiCII.D-TKIN. Sll'l
South lloiilali si (Previously reported
killed In, ni lion )
fun vt.: i (ii.imi.i: it. ckmii, anf
Petaayunk kp (fnoftlclally rrpejlt-
l'ltlXAIl. IIXUKX I.XIIOII). 177-. Oar
elei si llrlclpjburu (Unofricla ll re
porlPd 1
ruix.xii: tiiovixi x. iixkton. :"
VVpst Wpllpna aip Olnej, (UlwITt
e laliv rpportnl
TrlnltN I'lart (Mnolllrlnllv rplnrtesl )
PRIX All', .KlvKI'll X. Itlhllll.lt. Jll".
, North Phllln st.. (PmirflelHlly rpwrt
i'kix'ati: xxii.i.ixvi ' ii.osviid.
Ulii Point llrcczo uvp (I'niifTlctally
rpportpd 1
I'KIXATP. XXII.IIXVt (,hr., .11X7 llrud
doi k si lUpoffle lally rppirlpd)
1'KIXATK . P, Mil XX (I, S'MS North
I Ifth si
I'ltix.xih (ir.imc.i; x. iiattrm ihi.i.
J.'JIi t'Pdor st
Vlar.nll st
I'RIXATP. X. II. (illlMIV. M7 Vorlh
twenty-ninth at (I'rovlously reported
euHsfnef )
l'ltlX ATI, .1. R. ( IIIIR1I Kill Walnut
st (Previously reported lulssInK
1'itix.xrK. j. k. v. nixex. 34 .North
TMrtv.spvpnth se
I'RIX'ATK i:mtAltl AI.XTT. 1 10S Dal
pn'tXATE ions i. Ai.n.usTi.iN, nm
iSolitll FlR-SIn t.
l'ltlV.XTK IIKNJXVIIN I10.NM.lt. 7J7
Mprey it.. . -
PRIVATE HrjIIRK r MXKsll. Ill North
XPMdatl st
PRIX XTi: hllXXARII ROf HE. 13 Tlat
t olumhln ave, (l'revtously reporteel un-
NI.Kllin.1 XtnUMIKIl
York road,
I'RIX'ATK JOHN XV. .(( ISI.TT. 01.10
l.nulpn st
I'lllX III! Iltllli lll.rfc 1:1,17 North
Tpnt fourth st
Vorlh Fl'lv.se I nnl t
Itnt Market e
l-IHX XTK ritXM." Mll'lts -,"17 North
Fifth se (I'leoflotaMv rnmirte I I
I'liix xtk (ihoiidi: i. Tiiipixs, aim
VV.IIpp. at
HPIVATI! leROX IlinillNIR, 1H13
Kslrmount n
2",37 North Staih at
I.IKLTENXM' XIIS1XR Mtlltltl". Km-
e-ford (Aviation t"orps 1
Nnrtl Fortieth at
HERI.KXNT XV. II. IIXXI- 2 117 Vorlh
Hicks at. (Previously rcixirlcd vvounel.
ert I
ItlcKa at (Previously ipportel mlsi
North Second at (Previous y rPiHirled
LIEUTENANT T. .1. I) XX ll s, (jluui-pster
City iVVoundpel I
ler Pi (Wounded 1
I'RIX.XTK AKTIIlll IIXK.II. dr.. '.'.17
Monmouth uve ejloutestpr C Ity N J
IWoundrd )
vol C'rerlt
Chorus of WhiBtlcf Greets He
port Which Proxcs
The city had n premature pc ice cele
hratlon till mornlnfc, loud nnil JeijoiiH
while It lasted. It vvns founded on ru
inora orUlnutlnif, no one knew where.
Kor fifteen minute, whistles tooted nil
over thev mnnufacturhiR district, ami
the newepapers received many telephone
rails, Inqulrlns It the good news vvcro
Tha Btorj" spread from mouth to
mouth. spd on liy the- fact tlwt AustrK
hail surrendered. "I he.inl It from n
thorltles have oald -no worel to Indliato
JJic German Government has accepted
the lennH of thj nrmlatlee offerl hv
1. . I'nll.l l 1 1 . .. . -1 1 l .. till. '
Eniplojcs in IMctnl WKuit Meet
By thc Associated Press
llounel llreink, N. J.. Nov. 5, 1'oui
pereons were Killed hero loeluy In an
explosion which demolished pirt of Iho
plant of tho Metal DlHliitcKrutlnir Com
nany, a concern making aluminum al
lcs Tho CNploslotu occuned early this
tnornlnc In wlnt wiiii Known nn tho
Klindlnir elcpurlniciit, where chemlcala
wero used, Tho c-ompan also manufae
turea star shells for the (lovernincnt, but
It waa said that none wiih belns matin
farttired In tho Inillilliij; blown ivi. Thoso
Willed were cmploen. . I
'nut of
I'vvo o'tier enipiojea vvno wero lilown
the liutlellnE without no-Uahicd
could ulve no rcaton for thn
explosion. Ollior bulldlnES uf tho plant i
were badly damaged.
According to the local poiico ono of
mpQ leiuni vna ie younK cieriiinn, vvno
inani as, ji
Irvinif ta inn?
rytie iw uitji
Alu&t He
Insists Gennanv
I I'
fiiuiTcu rower-
Icbb to Kesuine War
Scxciiil Commi&sioncra Said
lo ilac Uccii Selected
Dciiioliiliiilion of I
Slnlcs Eorces Will
'(illdix rcace
ytnff , , ,,,; , j , mm,, I'uWii I nltirr
toiiyuilii ins hy PnbKr l.idyrr ( .
WllblllllKlCIl, NllV, 0.
The I'icsiilcnt lcmniiiPil in thc
White House todny, icfrainins from
Koinjr homo to vote because momen
ta! liy action with learil to an
nimialice with Ctcrmnny is evpected.
H u supposotl licie Hint Hi" te-ms
of the aiPiistiec will be communi
cated to (icrmany by Miirshal Foclt,
if they have not been t,o communi
cated already. They will probably
not be made public before their nc
ceptanco or i ejection, in tho unex
pected event of liieir rejection.
Diplomatic haimony, announced
by Secretary Lansinf- as lesulb of
thc Vcrsailies confciencc, probably
means, somcthinr- moio than the ac
ceptance by all thc Allies of Presi
dent Wilson's fourteen points and
other peace views.
U. S. Armistice Viev. Harsh
U is understood heie that Colonel
House took with him to Paris tlie
American interpretation of thc fotit
tecn points so far as they apply to
Gcimuny. Jt is said that while the
American view with repaid to thc
armistief was harsh, the President
holding that Germany "must be made
powerless to resume thc war, the
American view with regard to the
permanent conditions of peace was
cxccchtytly generous to tho late foe.
Tito President, as has been ex
plained in these dispatches, is said
to hold that thc Central Powers
should bo ttcated as magnanimously
by their conquerors as the South was
treated by the North at thc end of
thc Civil War.
AinerlcaS Pc-.ttr Tcrnw Moderate
l oiy niodorate trims of peace .110
1 na Id to luixo been tan ltd to I'.uls
I hj Colonel House. Tho elehato theic
for tho last few ilujs hua boon upon
conditions of pcice, not upon condl
tlona of urtnlstlcc
Diplomatic unity me ins not that
a combination has been in iel to put
throuKh a pro-HlltMito peace-, but
piobably that the Allies me ngicwl
with tho United Suites upon tho foui
teen polnta and upon the Kiiicial out
lines of tlio ticutinrut of (icnimnj,
Plans for tho peace- conicicnc-i- ,11 e
Bfilnff forward. This tnuntry will send
jlibtoad an at my of itilvlsers mostly
Hi-lcttrel from anions tlie men hori In
Washington, who have had cxpci lento
with tho Intonation il ptolili'ins Brow
ing out" of tho xx .11.
Three U. S. CimmKsloiit'r
Tin eo men who urn suid to be al
ready on tho way or about to Btait
mo Henry .Moist nth.iu, .Inmcs llumn
Scott and Clmndloi (IMisous Antler
pon. Mr. Morntnthau will piobablj ad
vise tho lepiiKPiititivcs of the United
Htntos with ii-Kard to Tuiklsh quc-s
tlons. Ho Is tho foinnr ambassador
to Turl.ey. '
Mr. Scott is sccretaiy of the Car
nesle') Hndowment for Internatloaal
peace, nnd la ono of the IcadliiK inter
nntlonil lavvveiH In the Ujilted Stutrs
Ho hat taught International law in
vutlous universities, and for the past
twenty years has been very frciuentlj
In the- setxlco of the- (Jov eminent
Ho Is now chairman of the- Htatc- anil
Xav ncutrnllt: .bo.iiil, ho was a
delctjato to tho peace eoiifrtcncc ut tho
IIiibuo In 1907; counsel fin tho ITnltuI
Ktiites In tho .N'oilli Atlantic IlsherUa
jirbltrutlon; nolleltor fur tho Ktato
Dciiaitmcnt. 130G-1 1 ; dolt-sale tu the
accond Pan -American hclentlllc eon
ferenco In 1013. Mi .Scott Is a 1 lou
perfconnl friend of Kecictnry of State
Mr. Andcrfcou llkevviso is nn inter
national lawjer of' prominence. He
Is now representing tho Government
as acWtiator on tho Pecuniary Claims
Atblttatiou Commission between the
United States and Gicat Riltaln. Ho
has Kcrvod an? toumiclor of tho Stato
Dop-irtment (1U10 1913), and dm lug tho
administration bf Hlihti Hoot and
Philander V, Knox he- lonstantly top
resented tho department In lmpoitunt
Intci national lltlsatlon.
All throo of thoM) men aro sttongly
In favor of the le-aguo of nations pro
jected by President Wilson, and havp
' ' 't'eiDtluuril on Tore 1'tiur. .'oluniu JTuiu-
l.ntcrtj ni Hccond flan M iHpr nt the. l'oaloffl at l'hllaiklphla, I'a
Under II.. Act of Mareh B lstu
tnurij ii
p 10 to 50 Licet jj
! J. X . C ,'
yfrSr-x it"- J
' I . J lli-ej iinnrs 1 1 f- 1 y
,ian! , JPJ.. SlX.
U ,1 ". ''!" I IluilrulleVt? XrvVy,,.-,m t.
1 i.iiii.iiiin ' ' iyj ----f rj,
It X . w ?e .nrnilni-i .1 U
I i-t 'X S-J J ?'. -" lUAlf1li0U')
1 te vfSrJSKtv ''s&z9v - , f
i o - vo reeitVA ,-'fAffS- v VJ
I ai 1 ii s oif n I 'w&J&y, . f
rp-JL ntiMiT. (YAjsiKtr ounv... T t" ' l
Y . ViiA.Mirn. itIiiii r- j
i nijk.iuThirm'A ImVU.V V3 C- ljX-l 1
iJcrtrstiiitJuirre NC veo.enniri I'o (t.i Mouw.m t.
xCiw1-- 1 s-s ) Seoul merry Jl
'I lie Allien liave begun a new nfTcnive along the entire line ot the
wc'lcru front from I landers in the nnrlh tu the American rector jipt
south of Sedan
LONDON, Nor. 5. (via Monti eal). The Allies have tic
cldccl that Geimnny must apply to Marshal Foch. the Allied
commnnder-ln-chlcf for an nimtstlce, Pumler Doyd George
stated In the House of Commons today.
Government offlceis this afternoon lequlsltloncd n piop
crty of Glover Cleveland Bmgiloll on. North 02d stiet. Th
tennnt, Walter J. Plowman, who occupies the piopeity at 319
Net th 03d street, was thc complainant, Plownuxn chaiges Mis.
Enmn C. Bcrgdoll, mother of Grover, hns taiscd his icnt four tltuco
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. The Senate, oi lathei thc six
Scantors who were present, signalized election day by holding
thc ahoitcst session of that body on record. 3ust one minute
v.r-H icquiicd for the Senators to net on a motion by Senator Hoke
Smith, of Georgia, for an adjournment until noon tomonow,
j.cslrlcs Senator Smith, the othcr'Seuatois picscnt were Culbcison
and Shcppard, of Texas; Lemoot, of Wisconsin; MeCumber, of
Nmth Dakota, nud Mujoiity Leader Maitiu, of Viigtnin.
Federal Agents Believe
$69,500 Liberty Loan
Robbery Solved
Tour mn chimed -vltli steallnc Lib
erty Bond i v.uued at $C9,300 nnd be
lieved tn he membera of n gani? which
speelallzca In robblntr otllces, were ar
rested lodij by XircntH Oechsle and
Corley, of th- liepTrtment of Jusrlic
Two of the prisoners are also charged
with stcallnB J3000 recently from Uroail
Street Station
XX'heu the .iKents went to a house al
Thirteenth anil Urown streets, where thc
Ruspec-ts lived. l.oula ?larlon. one of the
men, Jumied from a tlilril-stor) wjn
riovv ami then bid fn a box In the ard
Ho was quItMv ciptured and, nflcr
fiuttlns up a htubborn flRlil. was landed
In C'ltv Hall
fipiireh f.or I our Jiisltlvrei
Tho others captured Kive their names
as Famiiel I! l'ranlt. New Vorli, alio
Hnnvvn as "Hie Sam", Wllllam Klley,
lios-ton and ("Inrles Leltcrmnn, Newark
V I Four other nun c-ecapeel over the
lirusctops, and s.earch l being made for
Marlon and 1'rank were also charred
with th robbery at Ilroad Street Ma
tleui, for which a clcrl. whs arrested and
held hi ball
AccoreUne to I'cdei ll agents, Krank
engaged girls at tho ticket ofTIco In con
versation wbllo it loinpuilin Inserted a
eane through the window On the end
of the cane was ii pleie of (hewing
gum which stuck to the money, which
was drawn through the laltlcc work
The nrlsoneis. ll is saiu nau planned
I pnhlilnir
the rranklln National Hank
1 this week, but word of their pi ins leaked
U was through Investigation of the
Droiiel Stieet Station robbery that clues
to tho pilsyncrs' ronti(x.tlon with tho
bond theft was obtained, ll Is mid
HurliiK Markril llnnd Tlipft
the I.lbertv nonets were stolen
)l0 ck).0 ot ,he third loan drive- on May
;s fiom lb" Lanu line anil Trust lorn
piny rrlor to uii- ine-u oi tne nonus
In nurstlon bonds ot smaller denomina
tion had also been stolen.
Theft of the bonds was especially
daring I Raymond Scott, a clerk, wns
preparing them for distribution and two
women vveio nsslstlng hltn Sc-olt turned
bis back for a few moments and later,
as ho was nbout lo glvo Instructions to
(ho women elrrkH, ho dltcovored the
bonds hid illsappcarcd
Ho noticed n door. In Ihc counter
dosing at the same time and suspected
that the person who look tho securities
had Just passcu inrougn it. a quicu
a, limvcver. raucei lo tirlnir nnv
trace of the person who took tho bonds
City "a" aeicciivcs anu BKonis oi inc
jJepartnnnt ot Justice, by comparing
' ronttauea ! WtM. Coluiau ne
1 Jlulmcti
500,000 CAPTIVES
ri . tr. a T1I.
Greatest Victory of History
xcr n e k
WOIl Uelore ArmifctlCC
.. v . ,
Was Signed
II)' tho Associated Pra
M llslllllClnll, Nov 5
Ausliian prisoners captured by the
Italians before the armistice ti.nk e f
ct eterdiy are estimated non ,
half it million and the bootv taken
llie lueles Jlll.Ofll) hoi scs
n ollltl.il dlppittli from Konin todi
telling icvults of tho final Auitrlan ele
feat fa.vs In the- army eif the Tritillro
done over lSii.nnn pt-rnners fell inn,
the hands of tin Italhns
tlv the United Press I
Uilh I lie- llallnn Xrinleiln Hie llrM,
Nov. C
At the moment tin Aus-trlin nrmlhtiie
brcaiuo cffectlVB tin. Italian and Allied I
iirmles. In a tea elays' buttle, hail at
tnlneil Iho greatest mllllar) xulnrj In I west of tho Mouse, began to flea
tho world's history . lie reiss tho rher early today along tho
When the battle opcne.l morn th.n a' V"! "lh 'Vi"1 V".1," otien$- After
inii i,. ... ,. ... a "I'lcstrojlnu the brlelgo from Stenay to
million bajonetn. with nn ,iuxlllu9 mil- I l.jneuvillo th enemy -opened the
lion in the rear, opposed them The
vletorv was obtained by (bo Itillans
ilrtul! single-handed, only flvo Anglo-I-'rcnch
divisions and one American tcgi
ment aiding thorn
Piirlng the ten dajs the Italians and
Allies captured more than 300.0UU pris
oners and S0OO gun 'llicy liberaleei
inoro than 3000 Eiuaru kllonjtters of I
,',rrl!y' '""' """ "'an KiOO vll'iigi-s I
""V" CHe" n losses or ncrj Hem
lilt IMll I JliriPllfn iIIlIlI.Ii nlll,, I. ll. I
;, , , ' , ;, " . uetiitijiijii inry
"I'cniteel with fortes far Interim to tho
'""" In mimbci
lAO'y detail e f the baitle was plamicd
in auvauce. not permitting tho loas of u.
moment Tho lirogress of tho Itall.nn.
from their
- .
lilrt-ono miles although u,0 dlttanco
traveled i.vir tlio winding toids ex-
Ti. n".. "' lf .
"",l"" I'liiniH uvtraecu
1I1C- Hist effort In negot'.ue with Italv
P.. ... ....!-. I. -.... .
ui uii .iriiimiicn was inaeloi Ui'lli irr "I
.,.u i.. ...... ."."r
when an Austrian captain, with u white
flag, iircsented hlmaelf btfoto tt.u Italian
lines la tho Aellgo valley, soutli of Ito
vereto. Thn Italians rctused to m-go-tlale,
as Ida credentials wero Insulll
cltnt. Tho following daj nine mllltury und
naval olllcers. headed by (leucral 'one.
accompanied by their orderlies, pitseiiled
tlicmse-lies .11 the sunn) place, after a
slgnt.1 by bugles. They were taken hi
automobiles to llio licatbiuarlirs of (Jen-
crui ma., near I'aUuta, where tho ri
uuest was Immediately traiistnltttd to
'X crsallles.
Tho llnal Blgnlng took place there at
tho earliest liosalblo nionuut ufte-r llio
lerms were accepiea j
jSlcnay DalSur
i rounded as Anier
' if a us Sweep On
Biitibb CajUnreLe Quesnoy
and I'liinge Closer
lo Maubctigr
iFoi'li's Armies Surge Furward
i on Vast Line in Supreme
I Alliick
I Hy the Associated Press
I I'rnni the IJ.iu Ii f.ontler to east of
i Ihc Jtettse. the L'OO miln l.,.nuii.,. -
"ll.mio totlaj , 1P ,.rUiklli rrcnch
Ainctitdtis and IlelcLins pm.i, n. -..
tl. . .. ... ...u ,c-
onitiii, ,. oi l
ie enemv- mi.i .,,,.i. .
0 -v ... ,'..t, oil
Important gains
Kve.swle.,. on the long o the
Allies are piogrrlng, unfJ on the
irench mi tors between the Olsc nnd
the A Mm the (Jonnans are withdraw
Ing on Ma,(. and .Moutet.nict. Kicld
Mnislnl l, is hd. ,arul tho ,(ron(T
Point of i,0 Qupsnov and is pressing
on AlauUsuBO. while th,. Americans
-uo lighting their way across the
Mens.. Miuthwcst of the railroad center
of Jlontinedv
II) ihe Associated Press
Willi the American Armj on (he
Sedan Cronl, Nov. 5. Tfltter fighting
Is Hiking plate today along the Mouse
River Amerlean patrols ugaln have
hin-cce-dcd in crossing the river at
Uileulles on a pontoon brldgo con
sti lie toil under llio.
At other points along tho front tho
Americans vveio recunnolterlng other
The (Jcrmins hivo blown up the
tr,Ko,,.'Cro,s ,U, Meu ""'tween
l-inemllle. on the west bank, and the
inpcirtant town of Stenay, on the cist
bank, (r.ineuvlllo was captured by
tho Ameiican.s yesterday.)
.Second 'UritlKO Across .Meuso
After the pontoon bridge at Hileullos
hud been constructed thc Amei leans
threw a second bridge actoss the
Mouse at I Icrv-lo-Pe.flr inn,. .m.. ......
of Ouni and begin elevoloplng a now
i ...in ui me ueaviij wooded and very
(Tlio crossing of the Mpuso out-
,"",."" ,,rtmnn positions cust of
tho Meuso III tho direction of ili
Moseiic vviun, protect ti" ; uney iron
! "c1!l """I ""'PP'J lines In the .Mont-
",e,v ,,nU Conflans regions.)
rllr, ,,J"n ot Poullly, In the bend of
i, !rm?.u,1ln?rtlne,t ?f Sieny' was
captuted by the Americans oneratlnir
vvest or tho Jletisc The west bank of
tho tivcr now is held In Its entirety
as far north as Poullly.
The troops which ciosscd to the east
bink of the- Meuse found their ad
vance opposed bj bitter machine gun
and at tlllerj fire This was overcome,
however and the Americans are mak
ing bteuily progress.
Mrnij Half .Siirrotimleil
The vlllaso of Henurniuit, directly
west of I'oulll, hus been taken by
the feiroes which udvanced from the
hclthlH wh!i h they hold below the
ton The Important town of Ktrnay,
auuss the M-jse to the mutheast, Is
now half hiiitountled
The Ainerltaiis earl today began
clcarin' oul Jnuluav Wood, In the
licllil of the Mouse, hotltheast of
I'oulllv and this afternoon tho wood
was In thdlr possession
(Tlio Amei leans on the west bank of
the Meusc north of Stcnaj are within
our miles of the Oermnn main com-
-iitinlcjtlon line from Sedan to MetK,
at a point northwest of C'hauve-noy.)
c.ermaii troops, vvno nael remained
locks of the canal and flooded tha
-Ivor to a width of tbout two thirds of
a mile
IU thc United Press
Willi tho American Armies tn
frame, Nov. 3. The Amoi leans gain
id from three to four miles ncHlust
Jhe.iv, icslstanco In their sudden
plunge alon? the Meuso this morning.
Since Sutnrdaj, tho Tlrst Army has
advanced about eighteen miles on a
fiont of about twenty. In tho ran-
W 111 . .'
iiuu in 11 ieuviiio mo American
' lines wero carried tn tho xery out-
i nl.li ts of tho xllhigo of Stcnav, just
ac-iuss tho Mouse.
The (lei mans mo nnw ..in,,.. ......
m.iLg ..r i..u..rvca i..i.. i.i. ........
- . - inn liniiuiv
riant to ri-inii our m nirrps in.. -.i
Sedan. The Important railway, vvh
itms'fiom Montmedy through Set
Me'lPi-ea und Cliatleyvlll". Hklrt
I lli snnlbeiii hiIit,. nf llio A ,1. .,.. ..i
I ;.....: "." -.v-iT'.
liaeij is uiiui-i iicavy uomuaidmcnt
frniii our artllery.
Tljo enemy also had brought up a
big additional , concentration of air
forces, lemming In constant battles
for aerial supremacy,
liy thc Associated Press
Paris, Nov, 5.
rrcnch successes havo compelled tho
Germans to mako new withdrawals at
several points olons the front, accord
ing to tho Win Olllce Hlutemont toduy,
lletween the Oiso and tho Atsne tho
Krcnch have udvnnced about ono mllif
on a tlve-mllo front.
The V'l'ench J-'rst Army rcMinvi Ilia
iHfttrriW !' Vuuf
p" i
c. .. .T
K.' . I . .. . .., -.
.V. 7