i?T33 PTvw t'-'" ii-Lt- wervs mial 6. &X 1 PI V i' 5E1 -vS ;?" T IfOttttf AS DEMOCRATS ., Rceistration in iSards of City Is 241,317 All - . tm ... l- 411 IT . 48 SqtS . WISH : I1JI . Shin miT.' t S'l-iil a 1.1 7 2(Pii!i7 S4I 7ta HS-. KM SJi 1'Jiil 811 IMtlH 20S0 HI 21 Sis.' SMI 4.'l2 1IIMHI 1147 MM i'HJl" rift l "i i Mr. ,,SCM fURES .vo ,iwr NOT FINAL Aft . . . well JMcn surprised ai K .. . ,. .. ! r 'Jfarly Alliliaiion oi u tirvr... iri.... X, ivci uicio vst &&. . . L. .' Ii a. a . nan . . a.lnliv.il 1.1 ;-tDO .!ij,311 VOieiS JfHifi'." -' Idelphla for tlio election Tucs.lriv'. r!.M63 have enrolled an Dcmocniln figures which were complleil hy htHcnubllcan city committee, do not JjiflClude the voters who, hy reason of Si Illness or absence from tno uiy on me Ml registration davs. had their m'es put on the listi hy tho reglstrn- m commissioners iSurprlso mil manifested oer the nail .Democratic enrollment, as the biip- i( porters or aiuiilcl.Ml juuko isonnivveii I)mocratlc uubornnlorliil nominee. de special cffoits to have "wel otets nroll as Democrats BK"i!rho Democratic enrollment, not in- BfA'eludlnfr those who imv have hecn put on Pg,tho; lists at the special sittings of the . . kunlntai, . (n. nmnlHlvLlnlin.l lu lnut, tllMM Wih enrolled Democratic vote for the realty.. election List November At that ft?ejcwon me ucmocriuic ciiiumiii'iu .i l.j stUrhtl;.- more than 25,00" draVilu jr..ui'in.iiu eil.imni. .ii ill .11.- . .j . totals aub.TMi, wnicn, cxciuuiur me dib Cnumber of voters absent from the cliy In 'the military serv Ice, Is considered al- in'ost normal. Other enrollment, figures TJollowt. JCon-partli-ati. !'07O , Socialist, KT72 Prohibition, 401 , all other parties. U. Heirlstrntlon lij M nriN "ffy The Republican nnd Democratic ickIs- ,.-, traiion, Dy -wnrus, ioiiows LfcyV-Wai-i. Hep Doni Total M-,1. 3.ITJ -'si nm AUfj....... -Hi -:- .r-in frtiJ;..... 2(14 1 '"I ' ESjll...... 17 7J 17'.1 lKS. lit 31H mis IFtf............... . nii ii'. tM fcVc-'-........ -'"s ! 221 Er.. .. IH7 7 T-'il buiu.. .... -'ii in --- AU....U lll'll l'" 1201 :...,. lt.'il I"! J-.-MI ',!., 24VII 12H 2MJ7 SOLDI Ell HELD IN DEATH Deputy Coroner Turin Cac of John Hirco Over lo Grand Jury l'rlvnlo Morris Mass, nnnv medical corps, stationed nt Camp fiilott, U t but now homo on leave, was held with out ball to. await the action of the (irnnd Jury by Inpuly Coroner Selleis tnd.iv, charged with havlnp been responsible for the death of John lllcco, who died from a fractured sltull According to the lis'liuonj. Mass saw Itlcco with a twehe-Mar-old nlrl and questioned him Hirco risented Mass's Itmrfcience as, it developed Intel, ho was merelv nrwilnir with the child as to which of two stotes thty linulil visit to choote a hat for h r An argument ensued and a flRht follow ed. The net in i oriinrr npoloKlzul to Muss fot hav ln to hold him, hut said tho law left no Ictwv.iv In e.is s of homicide TEACEAIAKEII SHOT Harlrmlcr Sliglillj Woiuulril Two Men Arrctcil August Scott a h.irti nder it tin Fa Inon of Christopher 1'aekolT, llmivler and lleur stnets. Inst nlKht netnl as pmcenului diiilin: an arcuimnt over the war In tin IniMmmi of the silnon The two dthntu did not like Scott's diclsliins iim of the mm llred two "holH nt the h.irtinihi It is ns-heiiid Uolh slims rhituMl off Seott s nei 1, Ills rrhs fin1 help wet9 he ird liv I'i troltn.in Wteunrt. v.ho nrnsi.il the two nun 1'itcr l'loineelt iiml Mix 1 1 ICeis tan, both of Creni strut mar Twentj seenml MiiKlsirni. 11 lUer, In tin Tlf tecnth str et and snvihr avenue sta tion, tndnv held tluin in $1000 ball fur a finther hi .iriiu GOV. EDGE RIDICULES OPPOiNENT'S CLAIM Repels La Montc's Assertion Thai Country Needs Dem ocratic Congress Trenton, Nov. 1. flovernor nilse, candldato for the t'nlted States Sennte lonff term, Issued a public statement today In which ho called upon his Democratic opponents, former Uanltlnc nnd Insurance Commis sioner Ccoiko M. KaMoiite, of Hound Uroolf, for speclllcatlons eoncernlni? the latin's statement, that unless he, l,a.Ionte, were elected, the war would last one or two yenrs lotiRcr The (lovernnr nftir nuotlnc from a n speech innde hv Mr I.nMonto In 11117.1 beth and Newark, In which the Demo er.illc candldato called the men who are 1,'olne to vote tiRiiinst tho President for IMro nnd a Republican Congress "paci fists, pro-C.crmnns, malcontents and po litical lnnchmeti of the Republican ma chine," .islied Is It possible that Mr. LaMonto means to sav that the 110,000 .lcrsevtnen who tool; the tumble to vote for mo In the recent primaries nrc for tho Kaiser and iifcalnst the 1'iesldent, that they nro pacifists, pio-Ocnnans nnd inatcon tmts? Does he mean to say that only tin 15,000 who nave him a vote in the prlm.ii lea are luillv patriotic Americans and Hlipporteis of the .'resident? Does he Inslnunto that the f70 out of the COO or ro New Jersey bova In tno innehes abroad who had an uppoi tunltv to vote In tlm leeent primaries anil iMfct their vote for the i.oveinor !' of New Jersey, Instead at or.J3mocratlo polltlc.it opponents, are pacifists, pro aermnns nnd malcontent!)?" An eleventh-hour rurnl novvppnper nd. vcrtlslng campnlgn by tho Democratic Klnte orn-anlzntlnii, npiienllnp to farmers nnd other residents of country sections on patriotic; Kioumls and over tho name of tho "Loyalty LeaRUe of Now Jersey," wns condemned by Republican Stato Chairman Newton A, K UiiRbeo today ns "notlilnir less than Hun 6tIo of prop RRamla." "Tho Reimbllcans," ho added, "havo never had to tnako a submnrlno cam P.iIrii of tills tjpo They have' nlvvnys put beforo tho public candidates whose' experlenco In public life nnd records merited public support. I do not believe thnt New Jersey will tolernto a pirty that submits servilely to boss dictation In tho primaries nnd then never attempts to Justify Its pirty nominee, but en deavors to Ret support In an underhand way." Tnkliip the position that In order to pi event unseeitilv wrangling In Wash ington over war and pineo measures, It Is necessary for the volcr.1 to heed President Wilson's appeal for a Demo emtio CoiiRress, She! Iff Rimer M. (Scran. eampalRn manager for (hoTRe M l.a.Monte Democratic eindldate for I'nlted States Senator, in ti btatement todav s.ild . "The nttnek of the Republican lead ers upon President AVINonV appeal to the votem of the country Is the cul mlnitliin of their systematic c-ipoBlilmi lo him and his policies raiiRlnR over a period of sevci.il months. llltheito their criticism and iitt.irlt upon the Prrslilint had been put forth onlv In covert ways with open profcslcns o. adherents to tho President s policies LA DISFATTA DEGLI AUSTRIAN C0MPLETA Gli Italian! Callurano Tutta l'Artiglicria Ncmica sul Grapjia l'ulill-he.1 nn.l Tllstrlbllleil Under 1'IJlt.MlT Nil. an Anthorired hv Hie net of October 0, 1it7. on tllo nt tho Poitonico of l'lilli ddohln, 1'ft lly onler of tho 1're.Ulrnt A. s ui'iit.r.iriN. I'ostmisler C.Anornl, l.omn, 1 nnvcmliro Dispacc! Ritutti clal fronte ili bat- (au-'a annimziano chu lc truppu Kulianc poiw cntrnto nclla citla ili Itclltmo. Gli Austrincl linnno cvacuato Utlinc. Xcllii Into Komn, 1 novcmlirc tilTcnsivn conlro pll Juii ..,q nustriaci ndla rcxtwte til Monte Grappa gli itatiani hanno cost' forte mentc invcslllo II ncmlco che la sua fronte c Rtatn complctamcntc nbbat lula. Cost' nnnunzla tin bollettino uflicialc del Minlatcro dclla Guerra. Gil ilalianl lianno forzato la cola dl Quero c sono paoRati dletro lo spcronc nd est dl Monte Ccscn cd avatizano nella Vallo del Piave. E' impossiblle stimarc 11 ntimero del prlcionicri clic a scianii lengono Bill' dalle inontaRnc. Tutta rartlgllerla nemica c' htata cattttrala. Itonin. 31 ottohrc. Tn rlsposta nll'annunzlo dcH'Austrla che essa era prontn nd evacuaro II tcr rltorlo Itnllano In ltnlln. n' stnto uf llclahnenlo tomunlcato che l'ofterta o' Rlunta troppo tardl. OH Itallanl voRllono rleacclaro con lo nnnl ell nuhtro- ungherisl dal ruoIo Itnllano, prima chn un armlstlzlo posse csscie seRiiato, 11 ileneral Dlnz, II ccmnndantc In capo delle forro ltnlln no alia fionte. ha emes- so II f-cRiiento bollettino dlretto nllo sue truppi" ".sVildatl nvnntl! Nel r.ome d'ltnlla nol Comfort and Satisfaction In These All-Leather Shoes So enmt triable that wearing them is just like walking on velvet, so well made that thov furnish the iluiabilitv which is today a .shoe essential so taihiouablc that they add a touch of distinction to the well groomed man or woman these aio :in.- t? mi $::-::::::::::::: jHiiriiiiiiii! W:::: 7"ih't 7.14S lll'io. I.IS'I 3I"1 For Men and Vioraen Tliiies a lestful feel or about wc-irltnr thee shoes which tieeil no 'bri.ihuiR in The ivr.i cmnfort at in extra eost is affonled bv the famous cushion Inner soles, which absorb iveiv khork of the body, ind mike them "the eaicst 'hoes i.n irth " And iuvv .is bifme th v.u they lepietent the lame hiffh nualltj Leoncavallo Dinners Over the Top Because thpy nr' i'r,,iitmo out of the ht fund thut cm 1f boualit on tlm muket IICCUUSC tho m "i Indlvlilnnl, di'Iltlnus llnnr th tt tierr- Iminlrrd whnltvomin s t'ni has ni nio thrm Ihr nhimt ml r t.iljlu il lintn illnnorH - u, BcCclUSe ,thpv npo "Hy Itnlltn, lusrious tnmpl tu nnd imo- THE LEONCAVALLO RESTAURANT 251.250 S. 12th .St. r. Hitriti: IIAIT rttANK IIVSTVS l! is 1, 1S St PI5I.1II, Luxurious Hair Mattresses and Box Springs The hand of the Master Craftsman is everywhere apparent in our hair mattresses and box springs. Appearance, luxury and comfort are given careful consideration and prices are right. Dougherty's Faultless Bedding Hair Mattrcsner, Box Springs Bedsteads 1632 Chestnut Street Store Opens 9 A. $20 Fox or Wolf Scarfs, $15-00 Large animal shape. All colors. Closes 5:30 P. M. 9- wo F nmnanwMMfw 1K T333fcaS agmaMjiMK, MAHMET STMISET eJte $50 Hudson Seal Sets, $Jf $34-75 T.nrKe 72 - Inch stole and canteen shaped muff. ,v .r., . . .... ... .. dobbumo deporre U gHl-tn4ftritllii. Vlt torlo Bulla' (omba del notrl bIotIoM mortl. Avantl o' l'flppcllo clfelln nostra Pnlrla Immortalcl" Itomn, 1 novembro Attrnverso la breccia npperta nello llnee nnstro-iitiKlicresI, kII Itnllnnl avnn zano rapldamento tra lo montnuno Per Intercedero la fuga nl ticmlco, nnnunzla vm comimlcato scml-ulUclalo dl Bln innne. 11 comnnlcato dlco: "La battnglla comlnclntn II 21 ot tobro e' vlnta. II nemlco nl rltlra nrccl pltosamentn perdendn lirlplonlerl, can nonl o materialc. KkII nhbandona In tnttl n paizlnlmento dlstruttl I ilcposlll dl vettovngllo ed nncho pnrccchl en alll. I.p truppo itallnne hanno traversn to montneno per Intercedero la rltlrntn nl nemlco." Supreme Court Resumes Monday " Wnnlilnctnn, Xnv. 1. Tho Supremo imirt will hesln hearing nrRiiment on pending cawta Mondnv-, after u recess slnco October S, due to Inlluenxo. ii iiiimii tiuii ! ii n i in . m i- V y .M . w' ?, ..AfcTA' J p Nightshirts J i)vi:nTisi-.vinT Ai) riiTiinvinNT In tho middle of the eighteenth century, when tho calendar was changed, mobs ranged the streets of London demanding their lost days. Lately clocks in Philadelphia wcro set, first forward and then back, and no riot calls wcro turned in, but tho difficult task of keeping . aoieast of the times" assumed a personal meaning. The Chestnut street Shops have always kept not only abreast, but in advance, of tho times. The newest devices in storo equipment, tho latest improve ments for the comfort and convenience of customeis, the best quality goods for tho money, all arc sure to bo found in them first and then everywhere. the Cold I'niof mid Hump Prnnf lnnnle Millie Them the liletll Sillies for Whiter Wear X- Sold Nowhere in Philadelphia Except at No. 8 North 13th Street s J? 3 o "Wwn gT..M(!wi:' 'fftCT''?aav.ii7y rw&wivrzrwfixsfF3777 i 96.90 & $6.01) Ji-f rancy ? VESTS .$1.95 11lwL 1 Sl STREET mJ-:..wsd' Yi 7ri h f'rft Vfm iTi i -fa--tS rxj .Cjff-W3WBlKTE!?llWK7SZFirt? It Is Important for Every To Buy His New Over( or l f . At the Hill Company and Save $5.00 to $10.0 'Mm T5gWb Mmmr msmMim rS'm i4&Wta m A? -' .-!".. Store Open Friday and Saturday Until 10 P.M. Store Orders Accepted mm n (t?Q mitwe &3mm$ m n tar l trck s? mm M, !i WM iw Ktssai The hL , dreatest jfllothinEr iii i r . . I'' SvtUr in W tuu r.jfv I'X, Mra collected at ,V 1029 Market St. I a, SVi... ontlrA five. I'frtv hulldhit; is tpmyvf .,.-- 'ft devoted entirely 10 ,'ciothlne and our iitot, mil' u,ld- 4fv)ded attention Is f$ipSa to colle,ctlnK . ino iiictnto. d.w.....' -Cot. clothing ever f.l-Vefore gathered f ? "iiiiaer one roof. .' J . ZtlThB Master Km . e urroaucis or fc4?A,oa'tt k.? f . 9t Tailors Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats tawing oat Myle In Mwrooa evei reryr suit fnew or every hew material- Mry new coior W nd pattern. yiS Ue for every ftJ) tie ne tan. iIT, urniij uv u bJP w iM I'M f -t&SP'E?" m mm 2000 of the Season's Smartest Creations pvMBHAl'ING the entire hamplo stocKs ot our best maKeis told to iW ut bis price concessions In er.itltwle lor our large bu-inesfc. The majoilty nro but one two or tluee of a lilnd nhsuiIiiK every woman of practical lndlvlduillty lively wanted material, stjlo and coloring COATS That lellect beauty, ftyle and vv.irmtli In every line billc plubhtii, hi aw it loin , pom poniH, ISollvl.iH and Ier heic ftli ikip inr loll.iri nml cuffs, oiliei.-i plain col Inis Smartest of models , ml jfw Ji) rfw Values Up to $25.00 SUITS I! DRESSES I"1 u r tilinmcd and ultia -i. ii Imed i Ifecta of silver tones, brnidiloth", veinurs, V ri n e It Horses, Poll e t twills pooliim and other high - iriailo materlnls T.iltoied to mnke the hi n possible I in p r e -plnn D e v o loped of seiK's, 1'olrot twill. GeorKetto iiipe", cliiuincut.0, trlcolitte and trie, otlnes L n u sua! ihcssy creations that breathe dis till c t 1 vencss In everv line, 4 Mrw Values Up to $35.00 P K Km Values Up to $45.00 5 SALE $4 & $5 Georgette SILK WAISTS 0 m, h,i ALSO CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS Moro than 1000 brand new nlllt waists at .1 F.ivins of iir.ictlc.illv one-half Dressy tailored oi thoso with lam and mbioldcicil tiimmed fronih f'hoioo of white, fleh, navy blue, plum oi bl.itl. LOVELY STYLES IN DRESSY VOILE WAISTS QQ Embroitlotics and laces effectively used for trimmings. 0 Our Smart Trimmed Hats $ya.98 ""k 'is Are Without Equal for Less Than $7.50 J We luivo rcielved more than 200 new millions (liri.Lt from .N'ew Voik and they iiiv tho hin.utesl we have yet Been ibis p. nsoii l,ari;o Imp. unnll ImtH and medium Bl.e h.itu of Ljuns nr panne i-lll velvet, Hliow'ni? every new tilnvnlnir iffeet Suits and Overcoats LM gny Here's a Wonder Value! y&9 Suits & O'Coats jpwiv $15.00 Values tj - - thU price. M W 1 r 'm- - tUr clothes ti to find at Ue up to IB year. n' Blue Serge $ij ap- Suitsat.. & THE HILL Q &m3smam&x& tWffi&M$!& mytfwrimReu &WM&iilrtiMx't2e'?. I II i w M mh '--v. -7.- &&M Sffi fcva Wm mm wxvmy wy Womeri's $2.00 Jersey Silk Vests or Silk Top Chemise Women's $5 Fall Poplin $.8 Skirts $ Sewwil new pleated inodola for iholce All sizes. SI. SO Elastic Topless Corsets $1.00 Women's $1.00 Batiste Envelope Chemise 73c II WtW mm lE55s?ifl ' Inl i&'sttjrW mi Imi'M) . lHkJjflVfrf ' If Women's & Misses' Serge and Satin DRESSES $1 Every dress below regular price. All new fall styles und color lngs. All sizes. 4k Women's and Misses' Fur Collar COATS n Good'vvarm coats of heavy woolens with large kit coney fur collars. All blzes. Women's and Misses' Wool Serjfe SUITS $, -kk Neat tailored nnd pjush-tilmmed styles, In bluo or black. All sizes up to 44, Children's Winter Coats $4.98 to$ 12-08 Of velvet, broad, cloths ana cordu roys. Blzes 3 to 6 years. Girls' Fur Trimmed Coats $9-98 to $14.98 Of velvtts, cordu. roys and broad, cloths. Sizes 0 to 11 years. Girls' Serge Dresses $4.98 In very dressy models. Sizes fiom 8 to 14 years. Infants' Cashmere Coats and Capes $2-98 Hlzes years, up to 2 Women's Serge Dresses $5.00 Smart tailored effects, IUub or black. All slzf-3. GRAPEFRUITS, to the delecta tion of its devotees, nre now in senson nnd flowinr; in n steady Koldon stream from Florida to Henry K. Hallowell & Son's, Broad below Chestnut street. Rankinir nn thnv ln nmonp the most important and popu lar of citrus fruits, it seems almost incredible that as late as 1885 hey wore written of as beinp "more showy than useful," though inci dentally noted as being "rather re freshing!" With suprar at a pre mium it is worth knowing that grapefruits contain a large amount of sucrose and reducing sugars in equal proportions, unsuspected be cause of tho sour taste, and that the sugar increases and the nriditv I decreases during storage. Another I tip: Sprinkling them with salt in 1 stead of sugar has been found to I have the same effect. Try it and I save sugar. AVE vou noticed the bored cx- p-cssion on babies' faces when ndorinir relations nm ilnim. thrir adult best to proDitiatc them? One things after another is offered for their inspection only to bo thrown aside with scorn, but tho I most blase babe in Christendom would con with delight at receiving from Bailey. Banks & Biddlo Com pany anv of tho gifts designed for 1 them. Their own tiny fret, alwavs a source of inte-est to them, would be doubly so in a nair of cute bootees, with little gold buckles cr 1 lides. Cnn strings nr Iiilm fnotnnnri ! 1 by beautiful enamel or nlain gold inns wouin., 1 iear. still be sucked, but sets of gold safety pins or three daintv enamel buttons or pins con nected by rhains for the back of the s'ips would surely escape this fate. ECENTlYV a magazine offered a prize tor the best letter tell intr how to overcome sleenlns. ness bv means other than drugs or medicines. Had I read of tho con 'est in time I might havp earned a double eagle telling of the comfort able and luxurious dav and night beds at the H. D. Doughertv Com pany, 1032 Chestnut street. The low day beds are great institutions, for no woman wishes to throw herself during the day on her daintily snrcad bed, vet she frequently re f'ires to relnx in mind and body. Thev are of the same woods ns tho . legular bedsteads, of which Doucrh- erty has a la-ge variety in many . j designs. Nobody who has ever slept on any 01 tnese, equipped with their faultless box springs nnd mattresses, could possibly suffer from a "spell" of sleeplessness. MAN is known by tho work he does, a tree by tho fruit it bears and a woman bv tho clothes she wears. That is whv she patronizes B. F. Dewces, 1122 Chest nut street, a shop , in which hho is sure of finding the best in quality, fit and stvle. At present thev havo an exceedingly good line of mod el atcly priced yet dressy wool velour and silvcrtone suits. The velours come in nearly all colors, taupe, Copenhagen, navy blue, blown and plum, with or without fur collars, nnd are stiictly tailored, though one has tho edge of tho en tire cont bound with braid. The silvertoncs, as pretty ns their name, are in about tho same colois, but aro decidedly more militaiy in effect, with short shoulder lines and high collars. LTHOUGH n woman's wardrobe may include a number of one piece dresses she ahvnys hap need of 8enarate blouses to wear with her tailored suits, and the nioic fhe has the better dressed she feels. At Blaylock & Blynn, Inc., 1528 Chestnut street, there are so many charming styles It is a question which to choose. The indispensable whito cotton voiles and colored tailored linens are not to be Ignored, though there is always temptation to do so when tho eyo falls on the dressier Georgette crepes. These are to bo had In flesh and whito and suit shades, with sauaro or round neck line, some frilled, tucked or elaborately beaded in iridescent shades, others plain, with collars, cuffs nnd vests of beige- Georgette. For mourning there are also new models of black .Georgette or soft silks. , ifcrciA o' qtVJi' RIENTAL RUGS are not a fad. Had they: been so they would lone lliro li.ivr. been driven out of the market, while in point of fact their popularity inci eases, and ono Oiiental rug in a house has the power of drawing another. Natur ally, fewer and fewer antiques are to bo picked up, but modern Oriental rugs still cany on tho traditions of their country. At Fritz & La Rue, 1121 Chestnut street, where there is a largo and comprehensive stock, they arc enthusiastic on the subject, and nothing, not excepting tho "flu," is more contagious than enthusiasm. They can tell you many interesting details .concerning the industry, an imrinrtant one being that tho pure ouality of 'all the matoiiah used in Ihe lugs is one of the secrets of their proveibial beauty and durability. AVE you horrd the new Edison Diamond Dire Phonotrraph, o mo r monogram Wlth a toul ? It is a wondeiful instru ment. It docs not give a mere me chanical leproduction of musical sounds, but actually re-erc.ites them and so maivelously !mt the re creation cannot ho distinguished from the original. This has been pioved when ortits sang in diiect comparison with the icco-ds. and it was imnossiblo to tell whether ono h"anl I the singer or tho instrument, liie fcrtison possesses inany unique fea ures, among them th diamond stvltis, which does away with "e-dles and s altogether so superior that N. Stetson & Co.. 1111 Chest nut street, who are critical in their taste, felt it was woithv of recogni tion and that they would please their musical friends bv carrying it. E,iTJG,F?AT0RS are "t d fTirultto waim up to, such a L-wiiy mr emanates lrom them, hut they are noil" the less necessary to every household, for without them ''Ml-driv would be a gieatee bugaboo than it is. At (lie House Furnishing ore of J. Franklin Miller, 1G12 Lhestnnt street, ounntities are to bo had. and though differing in size and tyle, their general construction is the same. In the McKco refrigera tors the outside eases, with the ex ception of th- air-porcelain, are of hardwood, with double wall and an air space between. The virtually in destructible galvanized steel air chambers allow a perfect circulation of air: the seamless lining and re movable chip pipes nnd inside traps, with no overhanging molding to collect dirt, make them sanitary and superior ice savers. I HATE to start off wllh a warn ing, but this is really a fishy , t4'r.v- " yu havo had tho joy f visiting Gloucester. Mass., it may bring back a whiff of that odorifer ous town, where tho sea. the land and the air above ?-ek of fish, but such fish! Mackerels nnd cods stir passed by none, nnd so valuable that every part is utilized except the BW,m- A, E. ,nlford Clarke ComT pany, 1520 Chstnut street, there is n supply of this year's salt fish. Mackerels are scarce, nono coming from Norway, and the Gloucester catch was small, but the bloaters, fat, meaty fellows, weigh each from 2H poumla down to I forget what, tine cod steaks', white and tender come parked in 3-nound wooden boxes and ready-mado Boston cod fish balls in cans. , ONE improvement after another is insta led in shops nnd ac ceptcd by customers without realizing their convenience. Take for instance, tho now tvpo of show cases for clothing at Jacob Reed's Sons, 1424 Chestnut street. For merly men's suits were laid in piles on tables, subjected to nil tho dust that blew. When a particular size wns needed the piln was gone over and the suit, wrinkled nnd crushed wns pulled out. Contrast this with tho new method. Glass riustnrnnf cases in which tho clothes aro neatly 'v uiiuiiHi-u uy tutu on uiuiviuuai nang ers suspended fiom steel rods, Tho customer sees nt a glance the color that appeals to him and virtually selects without the assistance of a salesman. Clothing kept In this manner preserves n fresh appear ance impossible under tho old regime, PLEASANT surprises aro so rare I nm always glad when I can give one. This time it is the men who willlienefit; tho women's turn is yet to come. MacDonald St Campbell, 1334-3G Chestnut street, have secured a now shipment of the much-desired Mocha gloves. This may not sound like a feat, but unless you have tried to find theni you can havo no idea how scarce they aro nor now difficult thcyUrc to obtain. Theso aro of crenuine Arabian Mocha, in grays and browns, with outseitms nnd self n black stitcWng. and are ud to tho usual MacDonald & Camnbell hlrh 1. standard in every respect. Besides Mochas they carry all stylos of gloves,.? inCIUUIIllf ! UAV-r:JI4VllU4iy BJiig JM113 Ui, UUWVIVIII K1VJVCB, IUUUU OI IdPUHl AaaerlWMs ktn, tjia strongest and roost durable of lgatbferav. r . ., y f W -41 iM if I il 11 ! I 1 m ., 1029 Market St. P HOME OF, STYLE AflD ECONOMY CK1. hL&IMM' X- ii lilliMiiM kSWB, SSllW "it'h i- - &tei ,h- ''' "-jnS A"f&Sl. 7 ' 1 . . .. " r 'Ala :&3mmjr '. m JsJts 1 f.Smt.l Mit -. ml& IMlaHni i vs