Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 25, 1918, Night Extra, Image 24

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E-HSHft Reprinted by courteiy of the New York Timea Company. ' Sj '
t!(l) Alsace-Lorraine to be returned by Germany to France ;
l Luxemburg, now occupied by German troops, to be free or
I, to Belgium; (3) German Poland to be incorporated,
l; (4) Russian Poland and (5) Austrian Poland, into a new
l, State: (6) District of Cholm. disputed bv Ukraine and
v. .v. ... . ... ... "
M, uiumaie me aouowui; (7, (8), (tf), (10), (11), Es-
Livonia, Courland, Lithuania and Finland, each of
.rosy be independent or part of a federated Russia; (12)
Coast, in dispute between Russia and Finland; (13)
Russia, now in chaos ; whether it will be even further split up or
become a federated State nearly or fully as large as Imperial
Russia is still in doubt; (14) Ukraine, now separated irom
Russia, may remain independent or be part of a new Russia
this is also true of (15) the Caucasus; (16) Armenia to be
definitely freed from Turkish control either as an independent
or autonomous State; (17) Iramania proper, which will doubt
less form a part of a greater Rumania, including (18) Bess
arabia and(19)Transylvania;(20)Czechoslovakia, to be formed
as an independent State out of Bohemia and Moravia, parts
of Austria-Hungary; (21) Hungary, which, shorn of Tran
sylvania, Croatia and other lands oppressed by Hungarians,
may either be free or remain joined to Austria"; (22) Austria,
to be free or joined to what remains of Germany after,the war;
(23) Jugoslav lands of Austria-Hungary to form part of a
great Jugoslav nation; (24) Italy Irredenta, to go to Italy;
(25) Serbia, as she was prior to 1913, to be incorporated with
(26) Macedonia '(27) an outlet to the Adiatic Sea, and (28)
Montenegro, into a great Jugoslav nation'; (29) Albania, fate Jp
doubtful; (30) Bulgaria, as c"was before the war, and may
be after, the Entenjte is through with her, though she hope's for '
accessions of territory in Dobrudja and European Turkey; (31)
European Turkey, the most probable thing about which is that
it will no longer belong t6 Turkey when the new Europe based
on German defeat becomes a reality; (32) the region about
Drama, Seres and Kavalla to be returned to Greece by Bul-
garia, ,
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L wnni eel lorin vy jrrcsiucm
u eMcntlal to peace In his
j,jU.Congress on January 8 last
covenants of peace, openly
.after which Uiere shall be
International understand-
lllitd, but diplomacy shall
jiirkyV frankly and in the
?v.j- . ...
itu.iNMOoaa f nvicauon
i rrttrifti waters,
'ia;Awar, ,
the enforcement of international cove,
III. The removal, bo far as possl
ble, of all economic barriers and the
establishment of an equality of trade
conditions amonsr all tho nations con
BentlnK to the peace and associating
themselves for Its maintenance.
IV, Adequate guarantees given
and taken that national armaments
will reduce to the lowest point con
sistent, with domestic safety. .
tfV Fraa. open-minded and abso-
rnal claims, based upon a btrlct ob
wivance of the principle that In de
termining all such questions of sover
eignty the intei ests of the population
concerned muht have equal weight
with the equitable claims of the Gov
ernment whose title Is to be deter
mined. VI, The evacuation, of all Kustilan
territory and such a settlement of ull
questions affecting Russia as will se
cure the best and freest co-operation
of the other nations of the woj-ld In
obtaining for her nn unhampered and
unembarrassed opportunity for tho
political development and national
policy, and u&suie her of a blncero
welcome Into jlio hociety of'free na
tions under Institutions of her own
choosing; and, mora than a welcome,
assistance albo of overj kind that she
may need and may herself desire.
The treatment accoi ded Russia by her
sister nations in the months to come
will be the acid test of their good-will,
of their comprehension of hor needs
as distinguished from their own In
tyests and of their intelligent anti
unbelftsh sympathy. ,
Vi I. Belgium, the whole world will
agree, must be evacuated and reatorjd,
erelgnty which bhe en.' In com
mon with all other free nations. No
other single act will serve us this will
serve to testoie confidence among the
nations In tho laws which they hae
themselves set and determined for the
government of their relations with one
another. Without thH healing act the
whole stiucture and validity of inter
national Jaw is forever Impaired,
VIII,A11 lVencli territory should
be freed and the invaded portions re
stored, and the wrong done to France
by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of
Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled
the peace of heworld for nearly fifty
peace -may once more be made secure
In the interest of all.
IX. A readjustment of the fion-.
tiers of Italy should be effected along
clearly lecognlzable lines of national
ity. .
X, The peoples of Austria-Hungary,
whose plijbi among the nations we
wish to seeSiafeguarded and assured,
should be accorded the freest oppor
tunity of autonomous development.
XI. Rumania, Serbia and Monte
negro shejuld be evacuated; occupied
territories restored! Serbia accorded
free and secure access to the sea;
the relations of. tb-Bvral Bal
by friendly counsel along historically
established lines of allegiance and na
tionality, ancL- International guaran
tees of the political and economic in
dependence and territorial integrity of
the several Balkan States should' be?
entered into, v
XII. The, Turkish portions of the
present Ottoman Empire should'be a
sured a secure sovereignty, but the
other nationalities which are now un
der Turkish rule should be assured an
undoubted security of life and an ab
solutely unmolested opportunity of auc
tonomousdevelopment, and the XMM
wmhcwi bwvuiu vm
- f 4 . . 1 . ,
I t'i ''A
commerce of ajl nations under toUB"?
national guaranteed ' -J'p-r "j
Mill, Alt inoepenaeni rviun '
should be erected which should ,-.!
elude the teiritorles Inhabited ay JmX'l A
dlsputably Polish populations,' 4which -
should be assured a free an,d. secure?
acceas to the sea, and whose politlaaK
and.aconoBjio lndepeidena-and'tArflx
torlal 'integrity should be auaranteed'
py lniernauana. covenani,
XIV. A general association of
tlons must be .formed under
covenants for the purpoae'ef
in mutual fuarantaaa at
all exte
independent, determination of her owu
limit.' t-f
yaar. mm iw rwff (a prtfer
kan Mftataa'ta ttl
' ...'.. -.,- . , .
i,. .
K-f U Ir'-VAM x-
Ion of her owu Uvf thou t any attempt to