Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 23, 1918, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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J -s,
"-i" r -
" ,11.- V t .... . S ma nn..., jjic if,.!1 'JaMt
itlieastern State Chapter
Lieutenant "Eddie' Kerst,'
of 110th Infantry, Maimed .
but Safe ,
President Urges Election of
La Monte and Hcnncssy
to U. S. Senate i
Assistant U. S Attorney
Walnut and Chairman
Remig in Statements '
fc Keeps Polls Open From
fIS i. rn if .'i m
xen unm rive
Philadelphia Soldier Tells)
Thrilling Story of Courage
and Suffering ,
!. I
'Action Being Taken on Ccsea
ft lion of Work One Minute
Daily for Fighters
Repuhlican Candidate Kid
Complaints Declared to Offer
rules Idea That Democratic
Label Indicates Loyalty
No Ground for Political
P-' - iaiLaaM
' f
aW adaMaaai fevA
I V !
- . :m m nmm nil n ii i
i IisiiiiiiVlsiiiiiiiitsiiiiWsBlisT"4lKY'HFtflsss jEPL. SK'rt f'WM i
biiWsiiiiiiiiiiiflsiiiBsiB siiiiB ! H fWM I
? "
i it
Member or the Southeastern t'hap
ter, American Hel Cross are holding
their annual election of ofllcers todaj
Polls were opened nt the Philadelphia
r headquarters. 1S15 Chestnut street, at
1-0 o'clock and will not be closed until
S this afternoon
, Action Is also being taken on a reso
lutlon, proposed bv the central manage
ment at Washington, that one minute of
.silent, praer for Auieilcan sailors and
soldier overseas be held riallv at noon
In lied Cross worktooins throughout the
The annua" message of the war loun
rll also was rcceled by the chapter
today. It sets forth that mote than
one-fourth the population of the rolled
States Is now enrolled In the lied e'ross
and fhat there are SS5t chapters with
subdivisions of more than 30 Ouo
branches and utKillailes
The chapter h'as M-nf out another
Christmas roll call Kroin Hecnmher JS
to 52 the Ibts will be open to all who
IU enroll. A huge Increase In mem
bership It sought to show the woild
mat evciv inhabitant or trie country
stands behind Hi fighting force"
Praver Hesolullon
The resolution for dall prajers for
tba nations defenders adopted bj the
war council October - follows
That even da at the hour of noon
In everj woihrootii of the nierlcan
lied Cross thioughout the whole of
these United .state upon a given
signal, all work eh. ill Lease for a
period of one minute
During" this time In silence we, the
membeis of the tied Cross will
solemnl.v concentrate our minds upon
6ur bellied so'dletM-and sailors over
seas who are so noblv offering their
all, el en unto their lives foi us We
will think art out -hope us o lc, for
their definite lctorv and their In
dividual well htiim consecrating oui
selves anew to our countr nnd to
those who tight labor and suffer for
her becoming one with thim In
sen Ice.
May this united praiei gathering
power from our love and faith inouni
to Heaen ilelf descending thence In
the midst of our deal ones wherever
the mav bi fa l upon them ns ii
benediction to tie at all times their
vomfort and their stienalh
How extensive have been tne ac
tivities of the lied Cross during the
tlast jesr la revealed b.v the annual me
sage of the war louncll, which reads,
in nart. as follow s
"On llaj 1 111 7, Jut before the.'
appointment of the war r inoll, the
American Ited Cros had Su t mun-
bcrs working thrcugh Sb J chapters.
"On Jul) 31, 1118. the organization
numbered J0.St8.103 annual membeis.
besides 8,000,000 members of the .lun'or
Ited Cross a total enrollment of over
one-fourth the population of the United
"These trembcrs now lairy on theli
Ilf) I Vnttt nrV. tlit-M,f-h I41 nli nit...
which again divide tieinseHes Into some I
?SO,000 branches and auxlllaile
Tha total actual collections to date
from the, first war fund have amounted
o- more tban J115OU0.0OO Ihe sub-
octiptlons to the second war fund
amounted to tipwaid of llTcl.OOO.OOu
"Front membership dues the collec
tions have amounted to approximately
"A colnl .if l"'llll ..i i J
r '"" ------ i
"By the terms under whlih the rtrst
lied Cross wai fund was raised, the
chapters were entitled to retain nearly
J20.000 000 As a matter of fact their
actual letenUotis amounted to only about
II.V0cl.OIIO llrtalnnl
"Out of collections from annual mem-
bcrghips. the
1 napters Have letalned
about $11,000 000 not icmain at Ills post 'Ihe sergeant a "llle ""lB l, A.e, houri'
.pZoTrT rtSS(r.,U,,h.- 'wteVr;:;S.i;HHSW
they have met ail the oftentimes erv Oraham said h found l.nos leaning, to find them 1
heavy local demands upon them, and in I aalnEt the I""'elt 'ami booth appas-1 That Is the stoiv of how Pdelie ' I
addition have nrnxt.iei r. ' ,."" i Untl.v unable to stand wlii,i ,,, I K'erst come back from the dead but.
tlonal headquarters products valn.,1 -c
stated above at upwind of H4 000 000
"c viiuirr nae in errect iturned
w mv ni luuhcji not aione tiie IJi -
uv,ciuo retained out of the w.ir fi,,,a
and membership dues but. tn i.i m. r
actuaJ product, an additional contrlbu-
"3?,rr ned .
...... , .,., iiiuitj nirtn sv.vuv workers
la extending Its ministrations of sym
pathy and counsel e-ach month to up-
tc warn ui ivv,iiuv ramuies left behind by
soldiers at yie ftont a number tvei
growlntr with the Increase of our men
' v 4 under arms.
tf 1 ei .. . . .
fc iib message is signed by Henry p
! Davison, chairman
HacrfortI Trustees Itt-fer Profes-
sor8 itceitriiation to Committee
es'ri na. "J'C""'!0" of Dr llenrj Joel
fct cill f,I;r,,.,.he,r",-ulty of Haverfordl
k 3! r"f,lu.7".l,.9. a resut.of his
,-. . -........ 1, d n ICB1, Ul Jill
onv nf hale" loll.. I- . ...."' '"
r'( . x, slderatlou b n committee of ihe board
I ft- pf managers Hccnrdlng to a statement
rtv '? iw ionav ov ai h. Wing, president
... 'u "ere is me statement
At a meeting of the Board of Man-
2fer?.t!t ",r.rord r"e held October
V .J915; "" hoard expressed Its em-
phatlo disapproval of the letter of As-
nhn!S ,,,Cc'.'.r ,,.,,snr-v.,-Ji.. Co.'i.br)-.
Ledger of OUober 12, 1918
t 'itne 0'U.ntary resignation of
Cadbury was tendered the board l
..., in r.,,1- iiiKiuriuiiij. I'lini im
o be
accepted nt once If the board felt that
's-i Ha bert for the welfare ot Haver-
--Jl :r;'"v fnniiiint 01 uvo memiicrs of
; the hoard was appointed to take the
1 T resfgnatfon of Dr. Cadbury under con-
1 J 1 alderatlpn nnd to repoit 011 the same
L t a fnture meeting"
V . U. S. Will Take Hand in JJristo
now vjer union
JIrlea Pier, general manager of the
Rmfrgency KJeet Corporation, will try
1 twMn the rontractor and uiirr.it hiu.
s w..,.n H'-wuk n vunici rillH Ilf?
,1 jiffsHrtcd work men buUdlne the houaes for
V Mpbu1ldprn at Hrlftol In order to settle
rX ft trlke In exlatence for tome time.
' , A dele jration of union men who are on
fr -f-.. wi''s.Hli,u . ui-c UMIHD Ul f IirCl
ntiactor maintains ih.it h.
4h nninn fur oifn. m... ..,j
complete the construction lob. ami
, uiiiuim cuiuu iiuc lurnisn mem. jn
'"?."! .'! sa-r"- ?i forced tot
ce nonunion men, ann tnelr appear.
precipitated tha strike.
John V W.M, fne Tn.1..
jonn ti. walili lor Judge
i of John K Walsh, an attorney
in ma Lincoln liunuing, are
Mm for tho vacancy on the
I Trtt . A as n ak .. . at
vurt bench caused by the
, anwn, air.
a rnr-ueaviuii -mimiii) uni carried toeir ... -.. -- -.. "-- nau
I trievance to Mr. Plez They said that I Cerous It would b h crime if the peo.
,Aneral nonunion men had been hired i nl of this State, through Indlffetcnee or
! was m Molatlon of the agreement ' pegllgence. would allow a man to be
. UntNi the rontmeinr unrf 1,1- i. elected Governor of the State vv hose f hief
Tie," co
l.ll'.LI "I DDII" HUM
I If llie HOlh InCinlri, linnir atain,
manned lutt af'
iMade Probe Into Loan
Worker's Accusation
gainst Cop
superiiiieiiiiein or imi.e im- a.,-
. ., .1.1- . r, , I, ., .. ,.. , urmul I
IIUUIICII llll .lit" III. ".i, i.i... .. iiio..n.i f
inv.tiii-Tiinn hail filled lo nulmtant ate i
investigation hail filled to sunstam ai i
charges bv women l.tl.eit) l.oun work- I
ers that thev had been In-utted bj t
ihunke, policeman In Independ.ucc i
hipiaie l'rnlav
What dd nciur. lie sild wis tint a .
policeman was taken ill in the square
and was lemoved at h's own leqtlcst.
to the Women H I1tmeiiiiitii Hospital. '
where he sttll Is
Ihe superlnti ndeni s versun Is a dl-
teot contradiction of the iccouut of
Mrs James W Insor li of Itosciiioui
Mis Mnsoi said that iluritiK the lslt
of th" Krench Leclonn circs, a ioliceman, !
becrlne cveiv etidene, or Intoclc it on,
tieciinn so ohjei tion ible that sin iisked
a serKCam to leuiuve him The htieant
enmp. ed .1hi nd but as the petrol-
man was li nig IpiI awnv lie littered n
Insult rf such i elniactei she declaies,
that she could u"i ifpeat il
Woman Itrferred tn In tetter
Mis Wlnsor wus the woman rcfeired
to bj Mrs Imogen ejakliv In a letter
Mrs Imomn il.iLlic in u tone,-
to the Public r.edgci.nsa v ii tim of ' tho
hetiohmtn of our Ptussanl?ed tlt.v gov- ' shells and the ait llej-v and the swish .during his earlv vcats wlun he worked ju Kussla be organized the i'e ho
ot ninctit She gave hci imriatlve when j .,.lti vvhine of bullets and shells as thcvld'' a" 'IM'tcntl.e foi a lilaclcsmith uro siovjk pnsouers Into nn nrmv of B0 000
.Superintendent Mills asseiled that no p.((.,ed ov er me I m ""K" "looped Ills hair now 1(KToI j,1HilMK K1, ,n() ,s ,n
complaint had been made against anv I knew I was lo,lng blood I was ! rat'lcr -.nr. k i ,B,, i i" which to Insure the de-feat of t.'ernunj's
pollccmaii , drenched with it I can lemember u"d we'Mrlmmed b.ard can be cs- ,mM 11IinilsIed , ,le HaM ,'
Tho supetintendent s account of h's '
Investigation is as follows
After leading Mrs Wliisoi's chaig.s
In the ncws'ipei 1 I
began a personal
seaich foi the tu
1 illti on icil that
a policeman 1i.nl
been temoved from
the squire cm tho date In question, but
that he hid' been stricken with ili.utni-
tism aid liaal been sent at his own in
quest, to the Women s Homeopathic Hos
pital, where he lemalns todav He had
been in the hospital up to last We.il
nesda) but hid left his sltk bed when
nc.-u.ij uui ii iu ien ins ski, out vvnen
5? Ponce-"dr:r ,,;' rrvp-r.
That pollcem in was William 1 uos
or tno 1 went -eighth and tJxfjtd tieets
station The ssigeant who sent him
awaj from the square linatrul as
leorge Oraham 0 "the "serves I ours
mo,.?; ssiss- anu"i,dc ;,i '
l.au appealed to him to be telleved from
dm becuuse his iheumatism had again
anacucej 111m so severelv tint ho could
'iraham then sent the putrolnian to tho
'hospital in a patrol He is-eits Knos
a n,,a",u' 'Kn ur nuiia-
uv" "u eii's7u iu uhm hihi to iar
nt unuwi eiiuixp to MO lie but him.
"" "
. . 1 N'o signs of pruning are shown In the
PASH FOR ROMISIIWI?TI estimates so far submitted bv depart
lrtOIl 1 Vll IHlTlllnEiLsJ ment heads to Councils finance Com
' Democrat State Organisation
Refers WoiildI3o Contrib
utors to INational Bodv
oluntarv contributions fot the lale
mn.iirn Int. rinl Ii. n,i i.,.,i..i.,.l --
and aie not belnr accented finm ni,
, , "B , "' ,, , Dp,,'"
"n,c ""'"-e-holde b.v the Democratic
staie 1 ommittee
Contribluttons to the Democratic State
Committee in foimer cimpalgiis who
have written tliat bodv foi Infonnatlon
concerning contributions have been ad
vised to send anv money thev wish to
contribute to the Democtatlc National
Most politicians regard the action of
the State Committee, us a direct slap
at the candidacy of Municipal Judce
Hugene C Bonnlwell, Democtatlc Huber
naioriai nominee
Its action In ndvlslng contributors to
turn over their donations to the Na-
tlonal Commltlee means that the Bonnl -
welt candidacy will receive no financial
aid either dlredlj or Indlrectlv from
ne,h:iSu!eed IJemCCra,'C 0,gunl-"'1
State Hlghwa Commissioner J Den -
,',y ,e"' wh0 """ a candidate for the
Itenubl can cubernator Inl nnmln.11..
huh senc a iciier 10 nis xoiiowers urg
il.x su.nrort for the candidacy of Senator
. ...
O'Nell pledged support to the Knrnnt
candidacy at the meeting of the Ilepub.
llcan State Committee In this city last
summer. His letter follows-
"From what I have observed In my
trips about the State I am convinced
i ,, in nl. in his nlatform la 'booze' I iln
I not see how I can do anv thing else ex-
' i.nt become active in the interest of
' Senator faproul "
,- , A,M., , rill p,nii
"" -.--
The na.iies of four appointees to tnu-
nlclnai positions were announced bv the
I f't II Serv Ice Commission today. They
ar( ainuei ijnzner 1316 South street.
' clerk. Bureau of Water. J900 u vrar.
Amns cavrnn. o. aiomrose sireei.
I kslkhnnsa MO mtOUaS
bathhouse caretaker. Hoard of Recrea
tion, 50ii a year: Harry II Jackson,
MS Taaker street special Inspector,
Hureau of Health, I'OO a ear. and Ul-
Uu UliCUrui. I!-' fjilit Itnr.t.nrt
. Itill. tlilt aad oirk.
i.u. inn 11m 11111.1 11 1111 111 ,i i. .1 ...
! ft ya.
Kddle' Kerst came batk fiom the
dead toda.v a ma"t of wounds from head
to feet hi left arm tmra!ied bj a high
eNpIoslve shell.
irit Lieutenant .loepn K Kerst Is
the way he appears on the toster of (
f'ompauv , llfltli Infantiv icglment
hut lies Just "IWdle to the Hcoies of
fi lends who flocked to his home 3".I0
Chestnut street tudav when the news
sptcad nbout that he vea not dead, but
Invalided home
He btought huk with him a itor.v
hat Is seldom given to a man to tell
lo had nut onlv been ollklallv rcpoi ted
' killed In action, hut his frlel ds at the
front have written that he was lost
lterolRtn. undaunted courage.
mifferlnit ate mixed together In a plclu
of the fiercest of fighting that occurred
near Solsons from Julv 14 until the uer
nuns weie dilven out
lie speaks chleftv of the heroism of the
I'hd uleliili a bo5i,of the 110th Reelmcnt,
made, ip of the Helillng Tenth' and
nan hf the old Tlilid Heglmenl, of this
i tv
II irivpK ire the Kicntc-i ilatlon .,,'-"""' '
vvilte aftei n v name or to tell anv ono I "hip mid fllteitlon. but one upon whoe
tjnt f am n member of the 110th' lie I hiad then It Hie tittauidei of deilh. U
;dd )0(1a r,iat regiment Is hit haid, J
i ... I .,. ,. ...,t l.f . . ..... n
lUt .urn liriiii ru. lllli' nil. lliriii , I'mi;. f
inungu than that shown bv the old Na.
of ,,hlIade,pnla ,
haxe 1(J ,dei 10W ,H1j. n,en he been (
taken from among replacement ti oops to ,
Jl.P the shatteied ranks of the rcgl- J
Lieutenant Kerst was In the thickest
0f the Hnhtlns from Juh 14 contlnu-
0UB v untl' he was hurld into the air
on n1P nlffht ""f the 30lh b.v
rn!us ve shell He lemenibers
vond of that eTperlence and when he
tells t the auditor Is thrilled
llliinn Into Mr hr Shell
Just about dusk. ' he said, neat 8
nc ock on tlw iilcht of July 30 wo at
i.ii lied a German e'ounter-attark. We
-ere koiiik out lien ss me neia to i. .-t
the onroniliiir "iermai s i n u on tl
cround running alone,' The next sec -
nn,i t e.is tlilrtv feet in the all What
j I lived through those few "econds was
n .urnllf 1 ran n memhei irnlrif nn
stopping and gnlnc down f remember
distlnctlv strlkltiB Ihe trround, and then
M whs bliink When I cam tn. all wus
.,..t i i,n n . w. ult .. r,,.a t
' ,.1.1 linr unthlnir but the riar nf the
dreaming Then I hentd voices
gub.s I am going over the great divide
I thoUBlit
. "I tried to sav the multiplication tabte
I fought to jnn.iln conscious To lose
, consc'ousness meant death t was get.
' ting weaker ind the voices kept tomlng
cloe r Then I heard the terrible nose
of the battlefield again and I knew
was ft 111 li the land of the living
llii. L.l from Ins. .if llnalli
I hen those bovs searching for
..,.-a,a .l ,.,. n... ., ai.l i. i-
......- ... -. .
I,e dnrkness 1 do no, kn w rh.v
picked me up on half r f u shcltet tent und
started l.ai k over the three and a half , accent In, discussing the questions con- '"t.,10pt''u"', "' ,.h ,1,1,,", of
miles to the icai Thev would run will, I cernlng till? countrv from wh'cl, he was 'lR"1' ll ' nsf ,"., (oL ?e,n"
up foi twentv feet and then drcn to exiled and of tho future for that eolin- race und against Impel inlwi. Ihe onlv
'scape deteclon as the Herman fares
butst Then thev would drag rue a
i ?", "S,,"?
I nm n d B some more n lie Kept
u UD aU '!le "-'t0 "le dressing sta
1 -'""" -,,c ." , -"-""" "-
he was reluctiint to tell it He wanted
I J0, l?,! ,"
about the) braverv of the boslf restaurant menus' Is that thread
1!0th about the heroism that ' , m , , .... ,,, a v,n room
luiipljce in the fm of bittle between the fourth floor back hall room
s C(lirmii
Dcp.trtnicnt Heads' Fittres High-
er, Despite Economy Talk.
mittee foi the 1 ! I V uunget ucspite
Mavor Smith's promises of expense
I Inlws considerable piling is done on
...... ....... . . ....
I the estimates suomuien so mr a sunstun-
t'al increase In the tax rate for next vear
is anticipated To keep the tax rate at
tho present figttro of $1 73 It Is bdlend
It will be neccssarv to pure tho appro-
, priations to a figure below those, for
I Tllp ltlllfall of Watel asks .2"0 000
fr administration rosla next e'ii,
Us.'.OOO more for coal and supplies
' kn, A ,ola, increase in two items of
$811204 over the liguies for th's jtar. Uepublicatis are warned to guard
Because of Its increased activities the auuin-t overconfldenco in n message
nates Ihe Park c ommtsston asks l..If,ro JU-publlcan Slate clialrman, to
316, ISO, whereas Its appropriation this! the county leaders
vear was 903 T70 TlicHoardofP.ee- lleports. the State chairman warns,
reatlon has Jumped its eitlmates from have been rarefull.v circulated by the
1251 554 to t;8i,6t,j Department ot 1 boomers of the candldscy of Munlclpcl
Wharves. Duks and Perries from J241,- Judge Bonnlwell the Democratic nom-
30B to $595 798 c.i - ommlssionVrs " 1 lP"MI" Into over-
from .'.70.'7J: to JJ8IU950, Becorder confidence
nt n. ciU f, .,,11 iftnniTn ,.. ir.i nn KnnnnrierH of Judce llonnlnnlls tan.
- t Shcilff from JJ06 5SS to )i38,0O0
.-. .-.. . ....... ..vwtv .w T .,W,V,
, - -
PRID VU I tj ANHTHPD fflllPIE 1 epidemic Itepons from many countle
ulH MLLO AnUItlUV LUUlLt 'of the Stnte indicate that workers have
I,, , , Z T. ,, , .. ., Ifltarted their campaign to get out Ihe
l'atltcr and boll tn Second I'dinilvJ regular Republican votet
Al. :nil,. '
!, .ontlnuc, .0 result , dcble,
Influenza lontinues to result In driiblei
deaths tn families thrnilnhnlit thi, eltv.
' Sf0anuI '" , XV
1 Chatham st?eet
ciiacuani sireei.
die'd after"',- brVf ill -
ness A day later ills wire, Mrs. Alice
M. Connor, who had been nursing her
liusuanu, dieu cr the mulaciv. The)
will be burled Friday In St. Ann's Ceme
tery, Two dae after his son, Kranklln J, U.
Thea, I'. S N , had died of pneumonia,
which developed from Influenza, Hubert
F Shea succumbed to Influenza at his
home, E11G Vine street The fuieral tf
the father nnu son win ue neld l rtday
morning with Interment in Holy Ctossior unregistered and of these a large
Legation at London Hcara Troops
Arc Only Six Miles From River
London, Oct, 53 (By I N.sS.)
.Serbian troops advancing northward
through Serbia are now only six miles
from the Danube Itlver. said advices to
the Serbian legation today.
(The Krench had previously reached
the Danube at Vldlng In Bulgaria.)
Three thousand prisoners were cap
tured when the Allied forces tooh IheK.
In Montenegro.
The Montenegrin tiave r ten In revolt
agalnit their AurtrUp oppressors, the
dtepatobea added.
RfcfeM3&..? .&
Above, in the lenler of the photograph, liotlom row. Iiolilinit Itis liat ami a paper in lii lianil. is Ur4 Tlioma (..
Majarvk. prenlent of llic Crcrho-Sloxak National Conn ill now in ttfion in Intlepcnilente Hall. Others in the
front tow. appearing from left to right, are Captain Stolia, of the Rumanian League, the man in uniform;
Messr.. Hinknviih anil Vosjiiak I IttRo-SlovO; Doctor Miller (Cietho-Slotok); Major Smith Chenul anil Doctor
Slupi? "Lithuanian!; malgia anil Tomoolll tltalianl. In the rear row', fiom left to right, appear MeTi. ra
Uviih iHtflan"; Milinuka i Lithuanian) ; Dako lAMiinln); SnirltnUa (Crccho-Slovaki; Luptt lltumaniin),
anil Volkepna (I inn).
Dt.T tumas Garieuv Mautrylt, Bohemian Patriot, 1'iuts Philadelphia
f i j i ,i. r .t . r n
Olwn (.onferrntr Inspired fay Hit Librrty-Uninp Courage
andTrathhigv Amonp Fellow Countrymen
' I hoiuas ingu
t' lloiemla i man
lasiivl. iiatiloti
.in i.ie new
mi in.y
r'.u, .n.s.1,.,. , . lctnth ( Inol.s foi leadet-
,,,,.,, ,rlp nhi i
111 ll'i "UC Jiim
eille liom his native
f,K moI,Ht, ,,, -ni, dpeatance,
iildlnsr as tluv do a f.erv dsteimlnatlon
. . . mlillotis ut neonle
l-u " " tT
ttis wotds ted the cvinfofncc that opened
,,,,,,, , i,tn,fmlen e Hall whre nlatis'tlie muieinenl foi freedom of whlih lie
for the tstahllslitit ut of ficedom for the
i formei siiWe s of the utio-lluiijailan
i.uveinmeut .ue ln-.i c diawii
lioctoi Ma-iivU avis onlv for his
coimtrv foi kivc of which he bus te
neutedl) undanKi red his Mfe Ills one
passion Is for justice His one thought
Is of his people i
As to the mil himself, his manner.
eMii"e,i a none tot jumre ueieneu
. . ...... . . ... .. . ,
foi m inv veais uui a, nope mac sun
exists In tim tiitute ne sees ine reanza-
1 tton of his lif's ambition the undlsput-
td est ibllslimei't of the icpubllc alteady ,
' tecoi;nl7id bv the I n ted .Stales and the
I liat'ou Miles in llle w ai against cue
! Cential Poweis
Doctor Masai vk 1- sixt-c'Eht .veais
i "' a -"t'1 u,oU" oldcl . " ls . nMi
. more than blv feet tall and well pro-
' pottloncd Bioad "boulders developed
rcplert, it ot u oun gra, tpoiieu ivun
WOil" I
I This loaeb i of t tie Czechs Poles and
I Slavs was seen earlv todav In his apart-
ments In the Hellevnic-Mratford lies
I liadf I eon awakened rarlv In tho moin-
' K ln his own icT'' "'
j '"v bteakfast busleil hlme
niid aftei a
If In
. ..... .. ... .i.-. ... ..in .... .,.
1. . .. . i-- i. ........ t
1 III- nvnpuelni. ,1111111 iii..ftnc- la stein
...- vi..- ,...............,..
' nut ilm Itrlcrhl llmlipu fi mil lllia eves
I as he speaks are more vivid because of
Ills rather sa ow comll e Oil
wi v.. . . - -. -
Ills K.igllsh t. pet feet and hi! wolds
are ued sloiM.c unil with little foreign
tie he speaks quiet!- but with force,
Of himself he will s iv little unless ques.
, w, 7 amh,uon
1 or tits people
..hot ntirn mn ntrnu rrt
Xd.nini.tr-.ion Apparently
Ha II if lies It or 'I Item
. , , ..,,.,, ia,miri.
M-st that good old-fashioned remind-
er of home, liver and' bacon, be banished
and tha old dining roon iauie nun mc
conloil limp to be bioken"
The question agitates keepers of pub
lie eating houses, for the new regula
tions of the Pederal Food Administra
tion for the further conservation of meat
.m in forbid the homelv dish The
.1... r....inrtiiu kinin that onlv- oni
ltlnd of meat may be tcrved at a meal,
, "' V u7 u further ban. no public eating
j houEc Is permitted to serve bacon as a
B"These two regulatlona have brought a
I 1 1 .. i..,...l.l.u I.. li fnml ndintnts.
1 noun cu iiiumh.vj ... ... ...-- - -
' irjl Inn nttll-eK
I ' Is liver and bicou ono meat or two?"
Is the question being asked b.v meal
sen ers.
.Chairman Tolls Party Men to
1 Guard Against Chcrcuiiiitlcnoc
I ' ,'! ..-- - ....... .......
, cliejacy are uiiu-71 ou'vu npi nuiuiificn
. i . mlltl-il ..nnltiil nilt Cif thr nlnu.
".".-;. ,,' .ViVn. riorincr the i..n.ien,n
10 nitfui; jui... t - "--.- --' ""
, Patriotic Union Ak 1'inuncial
.Vltl, 1.C6I wcuiocruis uaiu
The Pennsjlvanla Patriotic Union haa
started a campaign to ge,l all Republi
can oterB to the ools In November,
lekt the Democratic candidates win In
close districts In u letter signed bj
Joreph It, (lrlmd, chairman of the
teiutive committee, the union rays two.
fifths of the voters are away In the army
nroportlon are P.epubltcans Therefore,
it sajs, Itepubllcan vlctor in those dis
tricts is by no means assured
The union asks money to finance Its
campaign. Check should be sent to
William B Kurtz, treasurer, care of J3
W. Clark and Compati), 32 i Chestnut
Uncle Sim Ntech Stenographers
A call for stenographers and typists
to serve In the supply and finance dl
Ulon has been sent out by the Medical
Department of the United States army.
Qualified limited service men will be In
ducted for such duties on application
in tha officers tn chirrs. Medical stunoly
ltenot. United States Am-iys Twenty-Ural
' mreei bbu ur(ua avenue, j-nnnwaaiwi,
l :-- .- ".'..-' :. - --r. ..- t --......
llr Alasirvk has the utiiiust faith 1n
the declaration of Independence for tho
...,.,.., ......... .. ,. , ,. .
.... ' . .........
nun lor leaucrsnip unj ucciaiaiion -s
to be prewnted at the conference hc-e.
and the man glories In the honor and.
slnKulai nrivlleite that the conference?
are being cnirled on under the root
where the American Declaration of In
dependence ras drafted
'We shall do our work under the
(hadon of a Rieal tiadltlon," he said
lioctoi' Masirvk mine to this coun
ttj fiom Japan whete his woik- as
an orfranmr did much tu turtiir
Is tin- acknowledged leader The views
of the peoples he lepiesenls nre belmt
hrouRht home to Ihe rutted Mutes
through him as nevel befoie lie is
ptesldent of the free ho-t-ovak National
I'ouncll whli 'i Is also a provisional
republican kov eminent for Iiohemlu
Hefoie the wat Doe ten Masar.vk lose
to bo prnfCKHO! of ,.ulloopll In the
T nlveisltv of I'raaue and wn then.
Ht1 kMM ,r00Knl(i .,, the foieinost
living- s cu 'r si holar He was eleeted
,nPlni,e, 0f ti)P Autrlin Pnrllaintnt
i.,,. ,. ,,iu ,.rtin..n n,i ein r.
(l0i ote himself to the political education
of his nation opposing the Oovernniiut
VI the outbreak of the wai he was
sentenced to deith and nil his pronert
was Ktleil ll escaped and In Paris
established the National Council which
,, has liniiiehes in all allied i ountrles
tle Hrest-t.ltovsl treuU line Is a stioinr
tlllvulu .11111 till, ratio, flitt illaniAi ilin..
ment of Austria He considers Usiili
not a countrv or nation but a dvirmlv
held together bv 'an Hnn a navv and
a buieiiini ic '
Buftei stales between IJeiiuaiij .'unl
the east will act ns the cure agc'nst
liirmaii Ills In the onlnlon nf liminr
,.TI 1,1., ..ml.n,. .. I,..i 1 ,.,
. ...i iiuiiiiiiiiii; ii, LflllirilllH WI1IIIU
. . .......,... ..... i
- hu' " " Tlltoul I i ,, naii o , e,
"e "e urP J 111 OURI1 It I PUU Of t.ei.
tn.itn s great bridge would dropout
The piesent he believes offers the
just peace- 1,1 ueenres win lie one uiai
alms lo give the pcop'es of Vuslrlu-
Man in Jealous Itugc Kills 'Neigh
bor and Escapes
nnr.mcd at 1.1s wife for promcnadltnt
with a neighbor, according to the polite
theoiv Ksso Uu.vda, fort-ntn cats
old uitei street above Berks lai t
nlglit shot and killed .Michael Dounellv,
the i elglibor, slxtj.flve jears old tlu.vda
then ran jnai und the police have not
found him
Tho s.inoiiiig occurred In Hancoik
Ftic-et amivi Montgomtij avenue Ac
curdiiiii to wlineMseH. Donnellv und Mrs
iluyda vcio wal'tlng along the street
when the woman suddcnlj exclaimed
"Oh, tun, he's, got u gun'" A nun
ciosed the street and Donnellj seized
him nnd threw' him down Iing on
the talc calk the man drew his re
volvei and t-hot Djiinell) In the left
Donne' staggered eUvn the Btreet
to .Mit'cnei street, where- he collaped
He- died on the vav to ht Marv's Hoj.
pltal. ,
Serka beat of New Yorker Seiin;
as Arm) Aiator
1 he Ifsue of patriotism against pae i
flsm has been muurelv Joined In the
Fourteenth "New York Congressional
District New , ork citv where hcott
.Nearlng under Indlclineii' Tor iictivlt
against the United States In war Is
candidate against 1 II I.aduardli,
present t onrressiuan from the district,
Who la now lending AmrrlcHii avlatoir
against tho (iermtuiH and Austrlans on
the Plave
Nearlng, oni c dismissed fiom the
t'nlversltv of I'ennsslvimla because his
voicing of radical vlewa embarrassed the
University and later ousted by a middle
western unlversltv for similar reusons.
continued to prrtie Ii his doctrines until
the United States had him Indicted for
Molatlon of the espionage act Thin
.vas last March Nearlng has not jet
come to trial
Congressman I.Hiuardia anticipating
the- entrv of the United States Into the
war, entered nn aviation hchool In 1918
and when the United Mutes rteeUrArt
war he was readv to go to llnl arif
fight, which he did He Is still ther
and still fighting This puts him a
long wav from the political battlefield
In .New York But his friends nre look
Ing after his cimpalgn. Nominated by
the llepubllcans. he was Indorsed by the
Democrats, fusion being thus effected
Nearlng was named b the Socialists
Lase ol Auernach, Loimctcd of
A"ault, Before Superior Court
The appeal of I'mantiel Auerbach.
who waa convicted of ij brutal assault
on Uenjamtn lanovltz, his wife and
waltresn, last June, and sentenced to
two ear In Jail, waa argued jester
day before the buperlor Court,
Decision waa reserved by the court,
lanovltz was a witness In the I'lfth
Ward case, and had been continually
hounded by the police. Auerbach went
to hli place ostensibly to look up a tip
that ha had been lelllnt; liquor without
a license.
ii ii 1 "illflU V 'l
Slavs Assemble Here
to Slip Teuton Chains
t nnllnlird from l'ae One
t idled Mates Moie than.
10,000 000
membeis of theso peoples me tesidcnt
in this counttv, he (.aid or three times
)p p01)lltion of the American colonies
' the time of the involution
lannnnile I'nlon
will be made to effect
V attempt will ue made to effect a
political union or me ru cuom-seeKing
.ni.. I, uulit Hul ! fpilfr.illnn fnr
. ...ii ,,.. ..i.p.....u .. m
cm iiiioihic "ti .......o... pii -,
be alined nt. lie pointed out that the
tur.tor Occupied bv the oppressed peo-
pies cMenus m u mo.iu ncu noin inn
Ualtlo Sea to the dtlatlc. which will
efftclually bar the Rerlln.tn.Hagdad
dream of the llobenzollerns If the arl
ous gmups act In conceit
Doctor Miller said u request for rep
resentation nt the eonference had been
.1 sit id b the friends of Oeruian Democ
rucv the iititl.Ilohennollein orgaubatlon
of whlih foimei Major BlankenbuiB
was president until his eleatlf. This
inattei lna been leferted to Doctor j
VIHS.IIM iioeior -Miner saiu, nun ever,
t tint ne was persoiiiiiy uiu 1101 an-
prove of suih u move The confeicnce, he
pointed out, Is (lilefly a Slavli move-
nient and furtherinore. the l'l lends of
in rm tn Democraiy huve never been au
thorized bv the (Jerman people to speak
fin the 111
Af'ei being; escotted to the Mute
House, this mornlnif the isllois weie
welcomed b Maor Hmllli lmmedlatdy
afterwatd thev opened their sessions.
which will continue morning afternoon campaign being otflclalls declated at an tor seivlce" said Doctor Remig "When
and evenlmr In tho historic edifice end the questionnaire method was Inaugur
utitll haturdav On th it d i.v, a formal 'ihe liovemoi- asseits with emphasis ated he was given another phvslcal er
decluratlon of Itidepemleiico will be that 1. 1 Monte and his manageis cannot umlliutlon with all other ellgibles re
signed bj the tepiesentallves of all the raise the crv that Jersey must send it lecte-d and placed in apeclul limited
proposed new tuitions It will hat nil , Democratic Sena tot and coiigressloii.il setvlio in accordance with the new
Teuton Influence fiom their telatlons I delegation to uphold the President's legtilat'ous Hn was sent to eamn to
with each othei and with the world
elehratlon on ssturda
'Ihe declaiatton will be piocla'mcd in
Independence frquau. The lending ot
the d( cume nt w 111 be made the occusioti
of a great celebration bv Slavs and
Italians tit this city
Doctor MasarvU said the eoiifiieiics 1
wlli devote most of Its clfurt tuwaiJ '
the i.nililiiii of preventing Uerinaiiv and
usllla from Splitting up their federa-
.... .. ..
toil lis plavlllg eltf cine smilll tlattOll i
against atiothe--
"That Is the hlstor.v of the llolien
7odcrns nnd the Haisbutg. ' he said
'The Democtatlc- Mld-Huropean I'nlon
means exactly alf that the name im
plies and while the fotni of govern
ment for each nation shill be detet
mlncd bv Its own people, the union win
1st fot the piopc front against auto-'
dlu it iMTltlM M11I llprllll
ats Vienna ami
Mlttrl-I.urup.i u runrlureei iiream
Miilei-l.tiropa Is a etiimencai dieam
mat lias iiisai-penreci uui mis con-
fcdeiatlon will keep Mlttel-Uuropa foi-
ever out of the hands of the Holienzol-
that has disappeared But this con-
ierns and the Hapsburgs and will elide seat In the (senate, adding that his own, or tils clenth leached Mr. and Mrs. V. N
thoce eipplics with nations of free peo- eiindldni v Is n tesponde to a "cull to 1 right Jr., S07 West Chelton avenue,
pies, so that If the Teutonic allie, seek servt.e wh'ch I could not refuse- to a.- iHl HazlehSrst was twenty
another place In tho sun thej will have cept this being an allusion to the fnct ,,,, '"ear! old anil la graduato of the
to g straight up in tho air, for there tha' Jm was ncvnlnated bv the Demo- chethut Hill 'Ac-ademj and the Unl-
will lie no place In I urope fm them'
On Saturday, however," continued the
doitoi is the great occasion On that
claj the subject peoples of both thei-e
empires win neciare cueu inoepenueiK e
and forever throw off the joke of the
Hapshurg and the Holienzollern
Posslblj other representatives will
In certain cases be chosen to affix their
slgmiturc-s lo a document which. I trust, i
will go down In the hlstoiv of the op-1
presalon, of nuropa One or two more,
nationalities may be represented. U to, I
this will be announced later i (;en Murch Orders That lhoe
"We consider it an honot and a sin-1 r . i oi .- . n r . 1
gular prhlleire that our conferences., last .H Shall iOt UC Uertaxetl
based as they will be on the principles sihcuI Dlatth to l.ie.iUo 1'ublio lrdetr
of self-determination and co-operntlon ' t innp Meade, Admiral. Md , Oct 23.
amonR all groups against Teutonic ag- The phjslccl capaeltv of tlic older men
grefslon, maj- be carried on under the i soon to be called to tlfy 'color under,
roof whete tile American Declaration of 'the terms of the selective service act Is
Independence was drafted and pub- I not to be overtned hi !lttlnc tliem f6t
llslied 1U shall do our work under the
e-hadow of a great tradition"
U. S. to Hammer
Foe All Winter
I ontlnned from Pa One
no that It Is not Intended tu clve.at this training camp. It orders com
,i .. , .i.i ii ...,.,i.i,..i.
ine-in ii ill C'UIIHIIK BL'Clli nuiniHiamiiu'
Inu weather conditions. It Is pointed
out that decreased activity will en-
ublej tho (Jermans to rccupotnte to
mict a dogtce a- to make ccrtuln a.
piolongutlon of the sttutrgle.
There, are two nluccs bn tho ftont
whete It la conceded that mllltury ;
upetatlona (lining tha winter will he,
vlttually Impossible. 'but American of.
flcem Insist thut 73 per cent of the
front offers no real obstacle, to a con
tinuance of the tight. It Is not ques-,
Honed that operations will be slow eel
down but, even ho, the advantage will I
he with the attacking side, especially .
slnc-o It Is known that German ma
terial Ih growing Hcnrcer.
It Is to be expected that thev will con-,
tlnun to deliver short, isinashlng jolts'
against the pivotal center of the long,
sweeping line.
The big rains made between the
American front and the sea are conceded .
to have been due In large measure to1
the menacing demonntratlon by the
Americans nnd by the enforced emploj--ment
by the (lermans of thirty divisions I
here. The enemy will be compelled to
continue to mass forces of men und ma
terials In front of Ocneral Pershlng'a
troops at the expense of other ptaecs,
hei-nii m r.ilt in hold the line between
the Meuse arid Grand Pre would endan
ger an enormous area. '
The spirit of the Americans Is un
broken by the determined opposition of
the Hermans, ar.d hoth officers and men
speak confidently of the day when they,
will break through to the Utal con-'
nectlng road extending westwardlyi
through Htenaj' Dally counter-attacks
by the dermans reflect the desperate
character of their defense. Hugged,
wooded hill", w filch serve as natural
Bldi, are supplemented by the most elab
orately prepared series of defeme of the
western front. Abound the blf arc Uie
line ot realtahc cenvert an they ap
proach Verdun. In front of, the Amwl
mm thev. m Cmmi pitfcta rt ht
. Mh , '
Muklilngtnn, Oct 23 -tHj' I. X S)
President Wilson today Indotsed ttje
candidacies of (leorge M, laiMonte and
t'harlea O. (' Hennessv, seeking elec
tlonttu the I'nlted Htates S-nate flout
New Jersey. In a letter to the former,
the President sav.s, "The people of New
Jersey Would be served by both of ou
In the highest way In the cnunilln of
the nation."
iwh i..ui- i .1 u . ... n I
both have pledged themselves to the sup- I
port of the equal suffrage amendment
"IhelVesldent's lettcf follows
Hit also etpresses gratification that
"My Dear Mt. l.aMonte:
l have ead with great apptcdallon
the statement which ou and Mr. Hen
nessy have put btfoie the otets of Ntw
.terse1, and 1 feel V.ko uddliiK in)' own
appeal to them to send both vou and
Mr. Hennesny to the I'nlted States
Senate I particularly crave, the sup
port of New Jetsey, whose peop'e I deem
It an honor to have seived and whore
llitctests I have no long had at heart
and 1 know how genetouslj and ttuly
both 3,011 and Mr Hennessy stand for
the things 1 believe In and that I be
lieve that the people of New Jenny
believe In
These aie times when It is partlcu
larli necessary that ineu who lift affairs
In u eiiii. lilmiM rtf unllnn unit illimittl i
achievement should sland tcgether and Membeis or tho board ate Augustus
ice to It that In all public councils they I -Mul'h. chairman. Uugene McCarron
ate adequqatelv and ttulv represented. aml Vi0C'0.KiR."V.'.'r , 'n JurlidlcUon
1 have had occasion to test jour abilities mPr the ,hl,1
and Mr. Hcntiegsj s and therefote t aski Striking flotation (barged
Its confidence when I av that the peo- iho most striking case of the aller
lle of New .Tersev would be setved bv ed diaft lolatic-ns Is lold bj Paul Vai
both of j oil In the highest way tu the k1uzo, 814 South Hlevmth street, who
councils of the nation charges Hint he was sent awav tn eamn
I ".Mas I tiot add my gratification that n dheet dctlance of the regulations af
I both oti and Mi Ileiinessj have ter being: p'aced in u deferred tlassl-
both voti and Mi Ilemiessj have
pledged JOUlSCIVes to llle HUppolt or me
suiTisge amendment'
(.'otdlall.v and fnlthfull.v Mill 13,
Ireiiton. uct 23 -fiovernor Udge,
Republican candidate foi United .Stales
senate for the full term ufter latei hen-
ator Hughes and Ceorge M Li Motile. (
his Democratic- opponent are both out
In s atemcuis todav. the partisanship
in mlstlce" wlikli thus far marked the
hands 'without mining the resentment
of well-informed litis-eus
1hc Cuieinor add"
There can he abfolutelv no Issue 111
tlie matter of lojallv Mjpnoitiig the
President In his war responsibilities Tne
President could not eiuestlon this after
the convlnc'ng demonstratloii of whole-
hearltd iilleglance nnd patriotic par-
tlilpatluu wlik h our Commonwealth has
consl-tenth given wltlout thought of
paitlM.nshlp and which the Republican
... I. - . .. I. . .. 1.1... ,.. .-
Pal lj as a rme ua kiicii nnu in c on-
gies lie nannies me luea t tin' tne
libel "Democrat Insures the soundness
of a Senator oi Repieeutatlve on the
wai l-sue. instancing Kltciiln. HhiiIwIcI,
til" contrraB,Tu" " m "dmp"" of
the stump In advoc-tcv of the P.epubltcan'
11 is believeil eovernoi i.uge win i.iko
l"a''"'f'. ,'", '"' ;e.1" 'IVunf nil?'
'l llC I'niii'in tn o'i" " -
,tent Wilson's home Stute In an endeavor
... ,.,-,,- 11,. eleciiun uf I
Monte as
... ,.. .- ... ..
. ... ,.,
I u
lu .Moines siaiemeni icpeais ins
charge that (Jovernor Kdge Is prompted
bv personal .imbltlon In setklng a
cratic- parts without personal effntt. Hc,veisity of Pennsylvania He was
shatplv criticizes Udge. for bwonilntf u J
candidate; for the .Senate while, fltllnfi
the pot of flovernor Dcflnlrg
call lialgn Issue .Mr l.a .Monte savs:
-The supreme test must bo genuine
lojallv to the President, who Is earn-.
Inr f- iff.itrnlH'-entl;' the l"ir-'-"s ' "'
wat " 1
- --
-,.. TnlI,t n,nrn irt ricirn
the hardshlns thev will bo obliged to en.
dure when thev take their places 'over
there, on the frontier of civilization, bj
tho s de of the souths who enlisted or
were? diafted under the first act
tleneral Pes ton C March, the chief
of staff, has lsurd a circular on this sub
ject, und Major tleneral Carter, the
division commander, has had It published
manders to see that the physical capac-
,.. . .. ... . .. . . .
,'xe(, ,, , .VxerciHC i t,,rc and
'supervision In this matter In the earlv
suges of training " '
Tllc nrrUHls UurlnK .Vovembet will
number. It Is hald. iipproximntcly 15,000.
-, . No infdlrul exuinlns
iVlJIKft tlon or bouse eooltne.
" ment required, l'or 1 10
Yniir R ear 'ho biggest In-
" demnltv coinpant In
TM nnmrx America w 11 guaran
lnCOlTtetee sou 123 weeklj
f, one dav to two jears
MirC any sickness, any aecl
kJ"lv dent 50 weeklv for
travel accidents. ' ISO weekly If you
go to hospital Kxtra money for
surgical operations Money for doc.
tors' bills In less serious Illness or
accident. Fnll nrotertlnn begin
when rnti torn In the snpllrn'lnn,
1 hv s rel im'lry rnvi-rlntt the
ne-els rf business vermes.
Phone or write now for narllenlnrs
riH. II. Toles. 300 Walnut Street
ll.tl.MT l01
Dc Lonjr Bide, x13th. Cor. Chest.
In arttttlc undMfctubU dfntlitr Con
tour and csnr'MMlon rcitoratton nnd m
provemrnt. n'llcl teatrntnt o pxor
rhta. tlihtfnlnx loot tcth,
at moderate eitrn roat If dilrd by new.
hlihly luccantul tluropatn imtlnxl and
preparation now bstne. aupnllect tiy tho
(loveroment to army dantlita and sur
aaona. UMWiMld.' laaaWeat:
ii ' I . Ill
Statements that Local Diafl Board
No. S, .Second and (.'htlstlan streets, was
hlug Investigated for alleged political
discrimination were den'ed this after
noon bv- I'ederul and State officials. Dr.
John llehilff, a member of the board,
also branded the statements as false
and unfounded
The teport that a I'ederal Investiga
tion Had been s.arted was denied by
AluI.i.., 1..i...i i......... cinnHA.. Ytrf
inut. who mid that, although some com-
Ulalma about the board had reached his
ffli warrant a
Af,,er lunfelrng with Major W. O.
.tlurdock, ytate disbursing olllcer, Mr.
Walnut said he was told draft Inspectors
had Investigated eighty complaints ot
alleged favoritism shown bj- members
of this beard, but had found nothing- Ir
regular However, the draTt Inspectors, after
reviewing the complaints. Instructed the
board to reopen the caes of ten ellgl
bles that might be considered "doubt
ful "
Dr. Uemlg' stated that the eases cited
ns Ittegulai me the same which he and
Augustus Murplis. chat man of Board
No J cutup iiined about to Attorney
Walnut,, heiause alleged political In
fluence was belrc used bv Congressman
Vate to have these ellgibles taken out of.
tllO SCTV ice
ter behift p'aced In
(lcatlon becau
of defective evealcht.
, unu rwe-ignt und tiiiderheight.
assalu770. who Is u Vate lieutenant
In the Uottt tt ruth Division of tho Third
Ward. Intlmuted that his rating was
changed after he had defeated Dr.
Remig for u p'acc on the Republican
f ltj- Committee at the May primaries,
Then he stntcs, he was otdcied to Camp
Ureene. leaving on August JO.
"Before th iiiiewtlnimnli-n .inm ,.
in opeiatlon Vuss.-ilu.-zo was relecttd
d,, limited service-
Mlegrs are l-ernre utlon
'u addition to making an ubsolule de-
'I of nil political churgci Doctor
Remig ictntts with tin assertion that
thu board members had suffered greatlj-
from political henchmen of the Vares In
h's district He charged that Vassaluz-
?o resided In an alleged gambling den
on so ith l.levc nth street Doctor Remit
"ho stated (hat the place was protected
I.. ,1... ....II. H ..n.l .f.... 1.. . ..I-, ...
e.i nn- iunee- unu inai nr cuiupiunicu iu
a nunc uisjiei ioi- several unjs ngo no-
eau'e ho stw soldiers liunglnsi around
the jilice
Philadelphia Oilicers, Cited for
Bravery. Succumbs lo Wounds
, l lutenant Samuel Huzlehurst. wi
known sodallv In this cltj, has died of
11 llllll.lu In u l-.a...,l. I.aun 1.n...l.n, 1TA
. ...uo ii, itn-ii unr.,- iiupiuluIjC flO
was wounded September it.
I.leiilcnniit Itarlehurst was cited far
lonspliuous bravery nt the capture St
Chiiieau-'l hleirj. In Julj'. OIHclul notice
member of the Delta Psl Fraternity. He
' J0"'" tho old Tlilrd l.eglment. N. U. P..
in nm ano served w nn mat unit a lour
uiffni , (Vmmuiic 1. linn, inf.mi..
inn .ICH1..II uuiuc, i.e., ci jirj nees IW-
A brother. Charles Huzlehurst, la with
the Coast Artillery at a California port.
' . . . ,. ..,,. ... ..
77i Ma$ttr Car
For immediat dtUutry.
Choiem of eolort.
KINbll.t.A Oct. Jtl. TIMOTHY, ion of
Mury nnd the lutn Msthen ICInsllli. Pu
llers 1 Thura , H 30 a ni , 63J0 Upland it.
I Inl rrliste '
biXnch aiibu wife of Ute KVwinr0dn';
nejnulds Duo notice of funeral will bo
s'wi.mot -Oct ".t ii-cta widow of
I m r vvilmoi Vuni'rsl rii. Kr7. a
ii in . 'Jin H. Atlantic ave , ltatldonfleld, N".
a. ini. priiaie
MANIi-.D at once two oung Jauiei to as
latin I.tberts Loan work, by a truit com.
pain hi the central part ot city. Apply tu
1-S2J! 14 11 Chmtnut at.
Mh'.V wanted, earpenteri, laborer!, brick
I lasers, roofers, lias and slate, hodcar.
triors, concrete laborers for the largeit ship.
ard houalng operatloSi in tha United HtatiJ.
Union feale for all occupation!.
i Wot Qolllnmwood X J
Apply l II" V. 8 Government Oftlcfi
219 Arch at , PlilU,,
Sib and Tajlor ave Cam
UlllOIU.ItH enlored. wanted i
K, F.lloushton 4 Co , it
.... . ,.&