Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 19, 1918, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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fcTt -
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n il v
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-:.- "
Bf .
fKV -A
JPfepublicans May Cancel
8W .Active campaign no
came ol bpiucnur
VH- -
Bonniwi'll. However. Con
tinue Individual Canvass
in Fight for Goxrrnm-
R& Further campaigning In tin- Itepubll.
I jTAfcn nar1l.lh(..d n. C I ft I i n?i'tr.S til .llllltll V
will 1m dropped because f tin- influenza ,
epidemic over Ihe State
conference lij ncpulillcan leader
early pct week w J1 decide whether 1 1t
9taft--wld campaign which was sus
pended for the period nf the fourth Lib
erty Ltoan drive will be resumed
The prospects at present urn that there
will be no further touring of the State
by the Republican ininpnlnn party.
Because of the abnormal tuutlnn
brought about h the war the Rrpub'l
rans started their Slite-wlde iiamp.ilg"
Hits year along different lines from ant
preceding campalKH. Instead of the
usual Intaslon of the rural districts u
a handshaking expedition anl the hold
ing; of mass meetings In the Important
cities and towns the State rniid'datts
darted out on a tss ep.i-laculai .aiii
palgn. Onl Talks In rtle Morl.fr.
Only the mote Important .-.-iil.i- -!.
visited by the campaign part) nriU" u-i
of Senator William i' Hptoul ill rule
riatorlal nomnee, Senator I". I. It. l -man,
nominee for lieutenant covet not .
Representutlte James V Woo Jn anl.
com Inee for secretary of Internal nffali .
Senator Penrose Auditor f.eticral smile
and other big guns In the State ''S.itil
zatlon Thy contented theirs-Ives imli i et-
Jng and addressing the art It e party
workers In each of the .ountles tlslted id s t.ailaBlici ....i l.ast iiiniunKUon
Wans to continue this campalRii ttcre'ftreet .at eleven o'clock Tuesday morn-
suspended for the Lib, rlv Loan drlte ,nR' 5IP-K OallaBher died Tluirnlay aft. i
u.priiuiu iur uf i.Hiinj uuh uinr a w eek s llltiehs of pin 111111111I.1
AH preparations for a resumption f.f, Miss HallaKhet was u talented slnser
Ihe tour after the conclusion of the loan and since the war. had cltui much of
drive had been made when the death her time to slncinK In clubs fot enlisted
of Henry J Klaer suii-ln-lm of Sena-
tor Sprout and the llln. -s of Mrs.
Sfproul necessitated arolhci pustpune
In orl.1,1 1,-Ki ttiu ll.. .. .If. nnttmpl.
ties have 11111 the ban on nubile meet
" . - ". ..".... '.".'.."-"-::
Jnrs. so that 1' !; dnuhrfu if the e.im
Balen "could, be contlniKd under ativ clr -
SmSnX?' '
MUn.lclp.il .ludne Uoniiiwi II. the Iiemo-
rratlc nominee for ilot.no- has con-
iTucted an 'n
T-tlll ltlln
iidlvual canilMiRii, and is
t-uii iijunnf; inc iaie, 111 cause 01 tin
f Pltt.4n the Democratic patty he Is mak
-nc'hls campaign s.parato from 1 tie
jother UctmicralU candidate., for .-state
uepuDIIcan leaders nepeve lioweter,
Uiat tho usually luc Itepulillcin tote
1-111 i,,,, ,.t .. ,,mi, .,, ,... ., . ,
Tome ant- a.Mltlon.-il sireniil, thm
nee. He l.s opposed by Jam 'S J Moran
Democratic leader of the county, and
,. battle royal has euvued. The situa
tion la complicated by the appearance
of a Washington purtj candidate.
.George Franklin Uiumin. a sou of the
late. Judge Charles Urumm who was
defeated by Ilib. r for the Itepubllcan
liominatlon tiy a small majority
'Anotner Ultter tight is tjc'ng ttaged
a the Eleventh District. Luzerne Coun-
!, where the Democrats arc tinig to
ln control. The Republicans m.m -
Lated K. N" Carpenter to succeed Con.
THsman Thomas Temnleinii :.n.l n,
Jemocrata have put foiwaid
. ...... .....
.asey. a former Congressman
In the
traces V
kna and
r.'ftn. are
fuan John V I.el..er nr s!i.-. ..
ernocratlc veteran Albeit W. Duy. of
iioonMourc. nas oeen nominated against
rlerenteeiilh lli.trl.t Cuuie.t
One of tne hottest fights Is In the Sev-
tnteenth District, where the Democrats
fcave launched a drive on Congiersman
.r " r..j t. ........ . .t ..! .
t Xt ., ... : jiii"- ....in ......ii.. v.j irjiia, uiiu.-r .-..ii- "."r"' ". '"- ruurrii.hi-i n e.'ie ... 'tue roruier the nresldem nf tiiA i.,ti v n.in.n.ii ,. i.i i.u mjiia I,. ..ottit.Ai jm.oun.iH Li : northern Indiana. 170 7 Ml - mreei, uie inline or ..ir uuiieineiu,
t ' Brhmoca 'n ."nniubiicans ,r. lEir? ar'o Vffn'aTnnTJrtm-'if'Tr; S.!i-TL,u,r, ,'"-1 ffi ,' R HiZ ,'J .nl of Hca.th-iund'itiemse tts' ' d! UVe"' " !he 'city' t'a.chie " Z th 'on : lo'w... Ilffioo: "uSJi'iS?:. I Volunleer neighborhood iiur.es have
;. makinc .tretmous Si" o ill PhMadilphla "' "" " ':.h.a.V"',i''r,ltK'-"' IV ,"'"' "'V ery l.us with Influenza cases, authorities bellete, I oweter. that Inocu- 557.1IU0. and Wisconsin. $C7,S22.00O. beer, o.gai.lzcd under he directloi. of a
S'lr present repre.emaUonn C. ngR ess" Tho snft'w III be christened the Haran, prinhZA?Z, VS'YE ;jr onm of the disease here hatlnr bee,; latlon will Immunize a person for ,- Th San Francisco district had three- , "nV7;Vy"u.iecioM?ruse, '"' ' '
. $AVr " U,t arl0,W ,,IStrIC,, , re,mY-m?rVete,e.Sh,1Co1rpo!,r'itn.o I "T..."f . !...?' or'tti i ln "t'lie te,y flrs. they attended '.K ' ZtM&'W forl'w" bouTs. fl.lr.een aunties over tlie'.op San ; JooU. Sri'lli- ClZ'
t'HvJ- ..... . . U . .1 ,.?.mi.r i. pii! . fd.m ii r the llrlt h t.-uJ.niy Hcwus from lliil-llte to liftt cases i .inv No unpleasant effects are felt, it is , l-ranclsco has subscribed $75,129,300 , labels ami grate illggers will Ue rur-
&i "! in srf.IMII C..nt, nmerRencttb-et ofllclals also will t.ew KnuhtM in wis lmleed ,,' fl; l."roSVrVtr Pmllh said. ilVhougl a sensation of lusslude In Cleveland confidence u expressed nl.l.l b the oijianlia. Ion.
Ik(...,li. fct SLhituiviu r-.,in. ti. r....,ir.i. tm.. ne i.iuiicn in.. nr. .triinir i.rerett 7i1Ile . ., , "' oc;'r ) -"""' ... ,..., , i mi ihi. Pminii tUini n.u.. in...u , The South Philadelphia organ zat on
.i LiZJ VU , ' . ' ne uoHi is or tue sianiiaiu rerr s in" tue riun.-eiior or ui rinm i ' "'"" o me rtian. noard snowed 368 hoiiieuinea iuiiowm. V . .. .. iv .i . - .. ' t.n. ..!.... io.i .. .i, ,.,, 'h.., .
ill a itHt. h nntttortn.ta n A ,ni. nn .. .ia. ,.... 1 n 1 . ... ,. . .... nt ...!, .M.. .. .. B 1 i.i.n.... in . ........ ... . .... ... .. .i ... .1.. i.titiit muni iiu " c. ii i oih .ion.. .!,.. lias adopted a Hiog.in. Iractlcal AH
nr T ', , -"'"-"-" "t- .....s .. t.i-- ui'sikh anu nieasiuen .si irri n.r nil. ,- -"'," ,''" !. . , '"""" '.."- -."...- .-..ee , ;inu III, uiseasc Had JlUrdly ar-
pS,'t)mtned effort to win that nnthiaclte. with a beam of forty-six feet and depth Un SieniWr "eV" Vl ..,0t"r,r,?r iln ".,.'1-I'lm, f''d I" town and unpacked Its milt-
j3onhold from the nepubllcnns. Con- "f twentj-sK feet. The keel was laid e,uaTnum.e I'nlomalojt;''. t'".' "" case- Then Iioctor Jones fell I which
''&. Jffegsman Robert Ileaton. present mem- April 1.. The Haram will hate triple mlniholoBli s,lr of Wn.hitiBton In virtual It- left the whole of 'the int. V.
V - tier, withdrew from the ri m l.een.n expansion rcclpmcatliiR engines or 1400 Knglnni ! oe.iir.ies hu .ntlahle posit on ,. ,' , ,i . . . i .5 wn"'p or "le J" ,u
i; "-R,rbnc:nfr;::ohria?;;nXe,;:r,,r tvxj ri mz i;wByi. v:r ""4S,c,n"1 r'octors a and
I .urcted''parmr 'ttX .i'JV L "'" "" '"' hr "n '" T.'l" MrlZti ,- "- m-vlouajv th, Betl.lehem
Setcnttc-mh District, which cm- ten. including a deaf mute, were sen- linn Toyii.. ti. Vlenn i in lompsny w-ltr. ' ,"' I ,..: "T, , V,. "'
olumb.a, Montour. Northuniber- tenced to flte data In Jail. siinnions. a noted aeron-ut.or that period, '','" L" s J rKl. People Led ( ross
Sullltan cout.iles. the llepub- Vou men nay friends supplad tou -' ,,'? iVJ'SnII.i"?.?. Si"2 nlX' JX Z -'" lf'" "IT. r' .nh?:
tnlnir in .inline., r-r.n.... iTiin die iiuuoi. ' lllirr's connnenieo 1 ..n,,i m,.,.. , ...... '.j ,... i,. '".."" """" ""' "uir ouiiis, out
2u. Sienlamln K. 1-ocht. n newsn.niHt. ....
WMl (nfP ot Lewlsburg, who has icpre
Wnf .. JJented the district In Washlnirtnn fn,
many year.
t -y , ai. oriiaiiir dcoii d. i.einy, or Maris
a f - ---rf ". ...iht. tin .tiriiAir
n'llle. I'errv . nitr.lv r.-1-na.i i.tu On.. . . ..
.' - beat to oppose Focht The district com
Vrlies more counties than any other In
Wh... xr.l . - v. ...
nthl home In t.ermantown this eten-
..,....,,, .v.iik uirnes
wr, ne win nno tnat nis transcontlnen-
tali. race to be at his wife's bedside be-
jpre ne uieu nas ueen in tain
..w. nii'li nwtcu.iiueu ill llie UOllie,
fiJOg Chew street, Tuesday night a tic
ttnt of pneumonia which developed from
Major King. In charge of the iuar
larmaster forps at Camp Carney, Call
fernla, was not fled of his wife's serious
Biae9 on Sunday, and at uuce staited
rennylvanla. takng hi Frank n, Ful- la'r ''." ,,i,"'iu'. ,"i.. ,". .tMT". l?.rol!nf ' ?ur.Con,' '"w""' of i.L.ll. ......... T..I-... T4...- Tll ' WiaillllltClIirilljr t. (I II (! C r It t- s gn up the Kieat mass or suiiscrlp- ilninv A if A lion
ton Iluntlnriinn h nh , tiimil 1. i. "ere ven deaths last night, bringing the late Captain Chrlitopher .spurkioii or 'llllllK'll.H I akCS HeaT 1 Oil o " ,i(,M111,..fVi,.iv announced but not tet ""JWI l. it, Jll(ill
un, iiuiuinguon, Juniata, MIHII11. Perry, m,,. death total In that city to 1"" since Tu. ford. Norfolk, was edu.ated at I'hel- ' r TV- . T rs. 1 t'ons uiiomc'iau aunouuccii, out not jei ..,, , .
Snj'der and t'nlon counties tie Pfaguo began "y '" mte tenhamCplleue. Dresden P..rl.. and at I Ai,, Plul. nnil Snr-inl Lqilipg jNlCCtOWIl BoVS ClUlJ made avallnble for the wur pui poses Killed Nptir VfivH Ml
In th. Twenty-elghth Dlstrlc. tthicl.,' A double funeral was held today from! If.lShdrV.,'''!' i 7i'm 'i I AIIHIIlg L,IUll aiUI Social ( ' ' of the C.overnment." IVUICU 1CUI V VI UlUl
comprises KIk, Forest. ..Mercer, Venango! 718 Hiiutef street. Clou.-ester., The dead . Mnrly mednllll In smi sl.e won firm I Ciri'lps ,0r 3nCKCIl I'.tltnlOVes ti, r;uarunty Trust Contain' added "
and Warren counties, the Republicans "? nrL,V, ,VXPc fw nM lilJ Vj,,l',CB ' -j. ' $50,000,000 l lls pretlous subscrlp- rntln..rU from Pane On.
Itnd DenmcraUt hate centered on the Jf fr1 Sf S A o : . ' ., , , ,, "' bringing lm total up to $122.- he entered the medical school at Penn
f "oTi'c ItT i 1. e-penn 'tfe J V" ' tanHnd' wff". win 'hcW "morrow ' mSr, r,h,hia1erlJl?,IU.u.fc,CJ, nuenza has caused the deaths In , " preVfnt furlh" "ft 0f e',idem,c , "7.700. the greatest amount eter taken and giaduated with honor" ?. 898
Of.OlI Clt. H the Republican nbmlnee. ; rharlcs T. Sehwalb, Cumberland and ! th, "dewrtm'n of KnghSn ineraturS ., , , , ," ," , .,.". In! uenza among Ihe 4000 war workers by one Institution. The Now York Trust , Settling In Philadelphia he begad the
and Karl H. -Beshlln, or Warren, the! Burlington streets, (lloucesier. died yes. , li.dfor.l c?olle.' Fellow of Klni'.rollesi ' """ ,ast fev ua" of !,"'ral well-known M.lnu. ' Company a,dded $5,000,000 to Its pie- pr.tctlce ol "hu 1 Son soecia Izlng
JDemC-cratlo nominee lerday. a few days after the death of for Women. London, and Fellow of the women nrpiu me 1.. tiuuu .ttantl- ' J d scores I 11 iienrnii! J!.i . .1 1 1 . ?,peela"z,I"J
' s Ium wife Rose Pneumonia w ai. the llovs' !",-lety of Literature. Mi. .spumeon HO"lfn faclurlng Company, Twenty-fifth street . , ! . .iaii ;.,- i e corc s ! in neurotic and pathological disease, and
, MAJOR KING S. WFE DIES , ;,' JJ-r XW"?,riX.TC , """'" " "d; '"'- llTmn Zm I ,!s'1"d "" ""-"" "-"nll-l of . own , A U. 8.lth. regional director o.f In Z 1 mirf" SHHrtJn.r
n . en. . .. IJutrl, to Lare lor llefucei-. ,h, t.1BU,., sOC. p, isn ti.i, 1,00k nionla at her home, oreen Hill Farm, ' nvlng snuadrnn of nl.vieiu.,-na tal roads, received telegrams from sev- daughter of Mr and Mrs F Burireas
.Gennuiltown Sohhrr. Speeding Mn.terda.,,. Oct IS - The Dutch Hot- , Jj"-;' ,"nrfj;rtli. Tllh,fo1r,Th.eh,,s.Yi:. ' ,-"' u,uI I-''"ter avenue,. Oter-, '' a "lne ""uadron of phjslclam. and forty-three railroads In the ' Warren liesl le.s UU wJ? a daughter
Home. Will Arrive Too l.alP " , rmrnt. -l'rfpar.-J to . ure fr.i fugit ve i Sr'1,. "obl.Tn'id" ,'he 'deVrei.doMor'de" brook She was prominent in society , " , , ' eastern territory stating- .that thelr!.,lss Helen W Warre n iurvlvw flalo;
- T riiei riuiuren. i irgiuia uooeri, Jr..
f H4dl. Charlotte and Reglna King, hate
been left motherless. Major King, In !
nr-ar days, was a ccal broker In ihe
Lafayette Building. After service as u i
n - jaeeonu neuienani witn llie old Keooinl
rRlroent on the Mexhim border, he'
'.. wh. tdianraJ to captain and ulaced
W ,, In 'charge of supplies at the quarter-1
. !';inater's station at HCboken. lie was!
L " r 'HKde a major on October 1 and trans-.
"' ,v"-4rKl to the Sixteenth Artillery Dlvl-
MMi "In training al Camp Carney
c. $ -
f. ilPsodbuiy Man Helps Bury In
,;,' " fliieuza A ictiuiri
'ih I!v Harry J Zelley, pawor of
nltU. ....v.l d..IVUIIk JIB-
al Church, Woodbury, X. J , has '
I comnmaKing ii tne good work. ,
llClergjinan, who was a cabinet-
- fistiore iua oruinacion, na. maae i
Itissiwi cwanio 1.1 .. m9V tlirvfl
," They wr for parishioners who
of epidemic Influenza.
raiFtana m and pea,r W'odbury re-
, ifionin; a,imu-in jne itrnung
ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb- h.
mis.. r. ;u.a(;mi:k
lunerjl eri(t' for Mi-f djllasliei.
for tiianj rar lemitr.iilipr in tlie
ofliie of j.-i'l.int iiperinlnnlent of
nutl. uill lie lielil at tlie lioinc of
her tinilo. Daniel S. ( iallajilicr. 2121
r.i.-l lliiiiliiipiliin Irert, at II a. in.
Tite-il.n. Mi (.talluplirr ilieil
'lliurila of pneumonia
.1- NiMlitjiraillter ill I'd-llilliiX'
. '
.Milt' leure
Luneial seilien ror Mls Nell II Ha'-
lachei, toi inoie than nine eais sten-
oui.ipher in the otllce of the asslstimt
ffilVnr nii' hof llift" m" tiiT liome'Mf
lier uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs Dan-
men In aim camps
camps She sans oft. .,
s r lull and also won Kient
at m. Mep.iep. '
poptll.llit While slimlllli fill the KulKhtS
of I'olinnniis -it t'aniii int.
T11. Itet r.it her Matthew .Hid
' .. . t l l. ..it, -..It..!..- ... .1.
V'. . ' .""".:,'""" '.""'""""" "L.".".
Ilinci.ll MTues M jouni; in. 11 irom
the post olllce win act ns panilnarer"
Thev aie Herald J. Mcliermotv. Marl,
'' Mulll.. .l.;mes o'l.onnelk .. Ilenjamlii
' .'luilin .1. lines . . iMiiuien. itenjiimui
iti..- 1.... ni, n.ia.. .....1 h-iiii... m
tin,,,;., , 1 r i.i in i ,. 1., ih. Imv
Sepulchre iVmeten
Lhrum to Lento Wave ill Tntvlor
V. I T 1.
..i . ouu;
The Trayloi Ship C'ompan.t. Com.
well". I'a. will launch Its "'th wooden
Bhlp toda.t 111 the presence of the dls-
trict supert Isors of all the wooden ship-
.1.i".ilr;ilr Stiircl- Otcr-lni-hihors
.Siiiplit-(I lit Sdloniw
Men who .lulls nnwisrlt with Imiuoi
a detlance ..f th.- healtii ban on booze-
sell ng establ aliments. todav wvtl
threatened b Magistrate llama tilth
five ila.ts In prl.'on if nir.sie'1 in West
' en copious iniiiiners mooii neioie me
isntti nlul "! n lil. t I m -I'lsi I a. aa.snm
e Th'rt.t -second
dm-iM fr,raV-
ii . i . .ii
".'"T""". ".": .."' ."" ' " ".- -"...
ar.,.,i -.nr V .to. III. no
wiirre hearings are com:
neiiete jou. l iniiiK ou date
. ,. ,.Hn...t.la. la,. .1. . I. . .... ..
saloons or going to -speakeasies.' Ltert
man that comes befoie me on a similar
,.i,.tr.. iu p.iitm t,. ,-,.i o.. ,i...t"
Ilairls asked the .leaf mute. In wrlt-
tit- u hpru l. i.l.lnlT..l hit. Ilntmr 'I'll.
mule smiled and iinlleat.d that he'dldn t
know how to write
Seven Ut'tttlis I.a.st Mf-Iit, liul iNo
ew (Lim-s
Klildemic influenza has almost dls-
' ai'Peared from (lloucesier. N J. No new
...-....-.- . - .,. .,...... Jl ,...
. u w.u.rnt,l .nil. l.v rr,.,ur ill,. I.
eiiieriiiK. iiiinuii.. ..uu ..cikiui i an iiruinir
de BeerenUrouk, In the Chamber jester-
v 1-"-.r.-."r :. :.. -.,,.:"'. "'
He added that the fioteinnient
"' uuueu ma. i
would feed, clothe and
arc- lor tnese
tuiiiim "' "
Lust-Hour Loan Appeal
From General Pershing
The War Department today made
public the following . cablegram
from fienera! Pershing to Secre
tary McAitoo:
"Tlie success of the fourth Lib
el ty Loan means much to the men
of the American rirmy tthu are en
fjised In the greatest battle of the
war. The sacrifices ur troops re
dall making for .lie nation aie
adding glorious paas to her liU
Mry. "Occtipyinfr an Important position
on the battlefront. they are forcing
the harbarloUH enemy northward,
step by Mep, in hand-to-hand en
:ounters and ate resolved to con
tinue until the crimes i .' our enemy
shall be expiated,
"Staniliuc Ilrnily oi litis result e,
your sttirily sons flglillug this war
for freedom a flnnly expert the,
continued support of nil Americans
at home.
ufnl M-.ul 1X.l1n.li.il. I. I .
ri.ii iniw i iiiiuutiiMiu. iiiciii' n. mi hi inn iiriiimi Aiimfitni ii untmiiii-ii n nm. ..,.. . .r i... . ,(,. n .. .1 ....
Eiluculioiial Mission Sees
i. Drexel Institute and
lT. of P.
I II Uiliyi ll I AH J I
Aim In fniiiit..ri-l Ii-,ii-l!'lllllil '
Allll It) lOllllltr.Ul 1 IOM.aillia
Stnwi liy Geriuati I'm
fessors "'eieri or Hie foremost edm atnr and
rholar of (treat lltltulti are today In-
spectlnp riilladelphl.VH int llnf Icms of
learning. Thej constitute a tnls'lon i
"hofe aim Is to utilize the force, of ult i
ueatlon to ueld the countries or the
Allies more eloly together mid to
nitiiitiT.ict tin erfects of tleiiuaii prop-
attandj sown hero before llu war
throtiR-h th sjMcm of echatige pio-
The p.uiy hlf(i Includes flc not
lnofesnors nnil two of 1'iiul.iml' ere.
cut woman i-cholars. left the llellevue-
Stratfoul at 10 o'clock ami proceed il to I
Drt-x;! Institute Later they tlll Nlt
tlie, I nherslty of Pemisuuilila. i
The h ariied J.sltoi s, lm nrrl cd In the ' "
ili. last nlBlit lm lud- I u Artliur Kver- . . .-. i i c r
etl Pluplij. l,e iliiimello- of the I'lil-lAI LlMISl (JnC-tllll'U 01 I Op
I V"-v "' CaiiitirldKc ell known In, --n
t this country and who holds the, honoi-' IlliltlOll 01 .l.'jOO
"tv uecreo or ilocior of sclenco rrom
Trlnceton t'lilterslty , thu HeV. )r. Ld-'
' ward Meyburn Walker, fellow of Cjuocn's
I'olleite. Oxford; Sir Henry A Mlets.
lee chancellor of Manchester ITnUer-
"' : I'rof .lolui .lolv. Trinity folleite.
'ii ii lm li nit nits i iy ; mi' rirmy .ioiip;,
l""fessnr of moral philosophy In !!as-
cow I'nUersltv and nno of Lloyd
Henrso's personal friends . Miss l.'aiolliie
PUrKeon, professor of Knullsh llteia-
tuie at the University of London, audi
s, llf,v SlilRwIik lecturer 'it t(t. I
' l'"'V""- '" lrmlnBl,..n '
Mn-Phes of the tdueators
r ,,, j ,
ror ;
h ,. rrH,.r rp',"B ',", nin-
.rdlnjv in tii. I'uitirsltv or Dublin ll
b,,r In lrdah.1 Ii! i.vl ,"j I5w,t"l
!" rrlnlt t'ollen... in whleh he holi set -
i '!?'.. "J" ''efuie Ids uppnintineni to tho
. Lr,..;1"..,"0;''...'"'';.' 'IXZl'e SlSfe i l''"1 fU" ,V" "'" cas" are continuing
I known .. h pioneer In the modem meilio.il10 make tlielr appearance etery daf.
of t'hui.wraphj In
rihj In .olnrs. 11. h.is the honor
e llrl man til take suerensfut
hi ni.tiir.il tolors l the use
el sutslltlilsl streen .-.irrjlni:
" wim in.
' O IlllhUteU
the ii,r... i.runBrr colors. Thl. r.-i.t a
p. rritnne.i In IsilT. Aliolh.r matter of
aen.ral Interest was dealt wnh lt Iioctor
'' when he .letermlned the 111,-1. or
'"!".?. S." ,H LK'?,"."'
I....,, ., "..,;,'' Mml.'Le.'1 .VI..."?" ;lf li'"
,,,"",, ',"," ,'." '"""" "' ..
""'" stlt nrri...l to It b the rhers sml
; "eulatinit the lenjith of 11m. that must
a S .h. n Ii.TJ,, " "', T
ent ronrentrjtlon He Is a kren tm-htsmsn
''.','n..rMrnc1u?.!n'.'ri!?l.ur.!rV!r'' tu l"'ol'lnl,
iiu. ruins suMnjrlne warfare
-.r .11110 .nine.
,lX'x 'TiiA.iow- '"I'lds'iuf "i'.l""a
tv. Islinimi nml personal frlen.l of l.ln.l
."ore. Like Lnsliinil's l'rlni" Minister,
Mr llnr Is the son of a Xorth Wales
roW.lt r Although the son of poor pur.
ems .Mr n.nr. . like his frlm.l I.loi.i
eonnn.s or the North tVolen tillmri
coma noi ne nei.i 111 in. narrow
.Mine wroie two lntere.llne and llhirnlnat-
liar LooKK on the Illlll.i1 The.. I..I.11.N
' I'll. Minor Horrors of tvr" .mil "More
Minor Horror." hmo hud ij, rlnu-
tl.ei. Jiuetur Uhlpl.v is u I'elluw or th
lil'.''t, "'" '"Vln""'1 rnfrnbcr of " "'ore "'
Ilnti.h ,. len.in, .oeletl...
sir llenr.v Mlers.
In (treat llrtialrj as one of the world a
-ce.u itclentliiis. nnd In ihe field ..r mln
ral.jjy no man In Great flrltnm otilr.inl.s
Mm He uu. horn l.t Soi.ll. An.erl... I.nl
wus tuken to KnaUnd whn two iw
"Id H vs ..lucaled at Trinlt. roll-Be Ington at the Instigation of the Cruncll
''nrlheilrlise'anrrV-nlteVVof National Defense, formeily had a
""" "f tendon In tsss while xt.itiom.l el.iss In nursing here which Included
ij anehnred m n ir. .. .i.m . i ...
mo "is .f th Nr were ii.ruwn ..hi .r.i
i-i '. KMiiin'i itiiiini'io- o is I I '.!
,',"' ',',' u' ii:?7"S'" "" '"',1'':
tn.l r.ehl sustained s.rloni. inlur.e- Sr
i Injun,
::'"' -'. t ."'.":, .'.:.' i."' "'.''
1I was knlshted In lot'.- Tor thiee t.rs
le hna bef-n nn settle in-tnt.er of n eonunll-
tee appointed bV the I'rlnio M.lnls i i
Pull on H.1UII eiiucatlon
The Ilfv. lnnril M. Unlkfr
Tin- mlioUitl( lrtsroei of lo-tnr Wh hr
lt- in the flfM of Hitcltfnt lilnton am) i.u
tirularlv Orpfk Mtni (m this nubjrt
Iih hfift tuntrlt'Utpfl many artUlpM tu rhe
Kni'i lfif-Jla HrflHiiulta and iu wriTtpn
,( btKU n Hi "Ilpll-nk ox thticNin it.
AUtliurwhlP an.l AUthtirttv ' IIo Is n riuk.
m nf ihe Church of Kneland and ha
bfn tHlrt preacher on man) o-im- jiip
t u the rnhpffflty of Oxford
MUn Caroline purjtron
i-liuni-Ull OU.MIIIf.. .11 llfBrr- ill OOI Hjr ae
1 i-nivr.itu Ha rturi. in., ir....... t
I :..." .V.71 i ....k ..Z ' .... ri"7. ..' T" ."' ' . .'" "
"L"Y . ;"":'.'. ".''"r '"- """"" lo"""--ni
and lh lastle of Oirunto, tieside mjklnc
.I mvitic-
' .(.iitril.utlona tu th CambrldB. IIlsior r
,-t''-,,". ij..ni... .. -: ft .. J
, th Itevue (lerminlnue etc No Knitllati
, woman la more iiihi ei.enud as a
ludeni of Knallsh literature
Miss Hum. Mdcul.L
Miss Hose Md.niek. k uraduMe of .somer-
perhaps a .pedal interent, hi it nna not'
.1 le fulleae. O.fnril. 1. nut. l. m... ... n-... ..... l-1 nu ,.. ...I... nf ll.n.i flirl emDlOVfe nf the lltldd i-nmitanw ,l.lu nnt
m.'n.ha'ml""-- Joa'rn.l 'o'r'1 Kdu'e'.'n " ft imln W Bonsall. She U survived by . constitute the nursing staff of the "In-
announrlnir her earlier apuolntment as aa. four sons, L'lwood. Samuel, Kdgar and nuenia i-aun. .ne,- wora unuer 'he, ,
fl.tant lecturer. In 1H'i.-'..itio.i, ramarkedi i r:,.r n,.nwnii direction of .Miss Margaret Fleming, dav HAT .T
I appointed tr.7.d?m!c7o... after an i,. I l"r'"!, Taco"y- u""1 yterd.r of pneu
! loinpetltlon wnh men.'' .tip hlduwiek villi inonla, two daH after the death of Her
V:rJK-U,,o'.,r,ty w.:,n?n"',r IMlSS? 'Ri.K? l lmfclnl. Harry Fuhrmap, of the sam
.1ii.atlvn in Atnerlea "am nigner disease
Mrs. Iiene Marie Tucker, wife of Cap-
iiiiiemiminiiis. . .... tl 'labrlel F. Tucker, died of pn.su
WILSON WASN T STAR PUPIL """"a un Wednesday at Chattanooga.
j Tenn., where her husband la on duty.
, President Confer sou It in Knronr ' Tlle fun'ra' w' "W Tuesday
' . . . I uflrfifiiin firtm tViaa Imum tit li rrtfithnr.
aging Letter to Little Girl
President Wilson is teaching the Cer-
i mans their three Il's retreat, regret
.and reparation but he didn't always get
high marks when a grammar school
i student. He confessed this to 8-year-old
l.sther Mc-L. Moore, G908 Walker street,
The girl wrote to the' President that
she got only 8 on her school report.
She asked him if he used to get 1) on
his reports when he was little, like her.
Here Is Mr Wilson's reply;
"My Deur Little Friend- I wish that
your daddy were right In saying that I
am a v ry smart man. but I'm afraid
that I cannot claim alnava tu hate rot
I good reports when 1 was at school. I
i am nugniy gian, hh uie same, mat you
are ooing mi tieu, ana I nupe, Willi
jou, I hat when you go back tu school
you will always get 'U' again.
"Your friend.
Timr Ihnnb Fixvd to Kxplatlr Whvn Americans Huilt Fire to (Ivl
IT'arm Other Dovirvs of German
Cruelty Found ,
Special Cable to V.iemiig I'ubtic Lnlger
t'opurleht, l)lf. Ill . Vfir York Timts Co.
"" ' An.erlran Arm, In France,
1,ct' '
An American chaplain ha beeh killed i
l,v Herman sniper near "(irandpre!
,,..., '.
1 " ' e. -r'" i
man dead. . ,
A tlermati ammunition dump near '
t'lmtel Chehery blew tip jestcrday after-1
noon, supposedly from a tlme-bomb de- llu, ,,lerlm,lneteP detonator under a cot.
Wee. This place as capturid by theinif the opposite, side of the floor
Americans a week ano ten UtKe shells, primed to iro oft, were
A I.IILta tmml,..r r.t (lanitjin I..frr.a1 ilmr lltl. ThlS Sort uf WUrfal e ItlakeS
in.u.,,ine hm i.... f.inmi lHeii tt.
i.peniy troops left behind them Most of i
tirm ,nlH t,eeti dtlrord without dam
p,. to 11M -pj)(1 lnost inKeOUR f which
w,. )n. heard was a mine set In a
n.,., ,
Hu a Staff Cot rrAPOfiifrnr
New faslle. Ilel.. Oct 1'
r0niiiared with Phlladelnhla which
"'"i"1"" witn i ntiaaeipnia. wnuii
K0'"' clear mound the clock for size
- cliy. N'ew s-ase only about as
bljr as thirty seconds, because It only
i,aM nb u, r,soo inhabitant Hut It h.Vs
. ,,,,,.' , . ,
l""1 "' ar,J a t,"r(1 "f lls Population
down with inn,,.,,,,
",, !' J,"0"" x. , .,
1 ,"" '"" r'" ,101 yet New astle
I only wishes t was for the town has Its
Theu l.nte heen at least 1B0O casfs of
the .ll. .. ...lit, .. .......ill -. . 1 .
. ' i "J""'1"''' with a mortality 11V to date
or nbotit in per cent, which Is llk.lv to
l..eu .. .1,. ...,...,,.. .C ....
. . "' ti.ieiniu nas auoui
'earned tlie singularly remarkahls
.'"'"" "' "hich has characterized
it unerevcr It has fastened Its iri In
. ' " "''' '"teiieii us Klip.
me llR oiitstandlns- fealute of the
"V"" im bu-lness Is the splendid
,'l"r" 01 Help and self-sacrifice the cltt
Z"IM' nr "-'"' '"astle. men and women
will m lino ,!... 1. a , .1 . .
aiiie ii.ne shown In flRhtlnjt the plafiue.
1 in ir.iiu line or t ct ms was Andrew
!,rj!",n- ","' ,',r. '.hP 1,nulnf '"" n
f the
'""" "ncl me . iiairmaii or tlie 1
I. Hurt. Loan forces.
, ,
Illsease Onset Mi.lilrn
The town's three medical men Prs
lullus Dodil. Lewis Hooker and .loties,
;o"lVnf.'.,,ui!,a,li,"Itf?. "'.?"
",l" knoti n as the sheriff a house," a
hllT ..l.l.f.1st.l..tte.l l.lltlrllnr- ..l... 4n l.
, i... i)n i. ,,,. ,,.,. .....Himtuu ,0 ., ..t
"t nail ami old courthouse, as a place
lo house workers. It was an adnilr-
"''le place for an emerReiicy hospital.
am, ,., ., ,t J onc':
,1,,. the direction of the. Bethlehem con-
;.-" n 111- local branch of the Red
' ross And there patients hate heen
loiniug and going,
.... .hlf. rtMi,. , ,.. ... . .
"" tn.lls onit .1 part M Iss LoCk-
woou. a nurse sent nown irom Wash
bad tlie courage and grit of their hus.
i.inds. sons, brothera und sweethearts In
li.ititatocns. Ann unen tlie lied Crpss
and tne .New i'Atie end of the State
Council of Defenso called Mhey threw
,i1,m.1,i..M tnt.i Hi., ivnrl.- nf ...ae..i- ,..its
' "Useit es Into tilt- work of lliercy With
rt.l New t'aBtle spit It which fcays It
.-.--"n .,,-.- ,r. i. y,.....v... .....
' ' " ,rn .
M1m Muiie Hullo, I.- Ttnhlnaon. llaurh-
."- .-..- ""i. ..wM...pv.., ...--0--
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wayne
itoninson. aieu 01 pneumonia on mum-
. . ..' , ,., ,,, ..f.d
U-J "K ,,rl i'-.... ..w..m ... .-...-.-.
line of Darby's oldest resldenta. Mrs.
Mary Ann Bnnsall. eighty-five, of 37
North Ninth street, died of influenza on
Mrs Janet Fuhrmann, 682J llagerman
afternoon fidm the home of her mothor,
tlea X. .!. r I.ia.a.1- J K f .. I J n Ck
Mrs. Lulse Kppi.. wife of Peter nP-
Pie. of 947 North Forty-elghtl. street,
ill n. kuovi i ii. tini lie. iidij liciui n"i'S
....m (iiui uo.t.niui. ,.r n. ...., .a uhh i
...... .... .. ,..w...-, w, ,..--u,.u..., ..---.
a sister of Jlev A B. Calne and ot
Sister M. Appolonla, (I. S. F. The fu
neral will be held from her mother'
residence, 2424 Lehigh avenue.
Mrs. Rosalie Marcus, wife of Dr.
Joseph Marcus, of the Adelphl Apart
ments, Atlantic City, died yesterday.
Mrs. Marcus was the daughter of U.
Upachutz, a cigar manufacturer of thla
city. Kite via i Red frogs worker and
n .......... J. ..... ,- .. - .....lot,
Worn;. ' -Unl" "l
Vera Henderson Denlz. daughter pf,nB tne ep menuc , snown tnat on one
toima and Norrls K. Ileneraon, nf 400 Umiing this Week 100 workers who
noutn riiieenin street, dleo yeoavj
In Atlantic City. ... .iK "" ... ..l, w. . .. .
-- ... --.xfaaavaaBBarvL. -. L-wuewi - v.'t- --. -
I'irKe ilHKutit t" be explodeil by a titer-
nm" i-irrim.ii n.nii. .. v.r. ........ ......
urally uiioed that In a region wliere
all the houses wete destroyed the Atner-
leans would use such a duirout as a
Bhelter. and arranged an Infernal ma-
olilne so that IU would explode when
'a. i-eitaln temperature was reached, or.
ln ()tllvr r,l. wi,en the. wet nnd cohl
Americans built a tire In the ducout.
fnder strict orders no Americans may
occup a dunout until enclneers hae
tlie Americans feel that, recardless of
Iho diplomatic situation, they would
like to Kite the enemy a few more
blows fot the sake of the meanness of
his soul
Reports Sbow 1332 New
Case-. J 03 Fewer Than
The niituenr.a epidemic I- gradually
decreasing, is shown by repot Is issued i
today by the Uoatd of Health. There'
wjs a decided drop In the uiimbei of.
deaths and new cases In the las-t twenty
four hours New cases for that period
number 1332 as conipa?ed with 143B
for the pretlous twenty-four hours. This
Is n decrease of 103.
There were GOiS deaths in the last
twenty-four hours', while for the day
pictious G96 wele reported
The new cases me distributed as
follows: North of M.nkei sieel, TT7;
south of Matket sljeet HIT; West Phil
adelphia, 22; ilermantown and Uai
I-ane. 16S.
Duilng the week ended iirtober IS,
there were 4MI6 deaths due lo Influenza
and pneumonia: duilng the week end
ing October 11 deaths due to both dis
eases were 2C35.
l'HHlclans Hocked to I'ity Hall, toifciy.
to obtain supplies of the antl-ltilluenza
vaccine nrennred lit- the Hoard of ,
Health. Distribution of the setum was
begun todav
Heln Is still needed to uuise the sick
..n.i i..in i ....i,.. i ii, i.iit..it,n. in., iIa.i
Mayor Smith has sent an appeal to the!
War Hepattmeiil in Washington forl" inicago ami i.-onit i-ounty. $141.-,.
emhaliners. ! fl4.O0o . Illinois, outside of Cook County,
laboratory of the Municipal Hospital,
under the supervision of the city I
bacteilologlst. Dr. C. V. White There I
Is only a limited supply at present. t
was announced, hut limn- will be made1 """-i'""-
as soon an possible. , Snxy In Thick of Fluid
One cause for optimism, health Hear Admiral T. II. Cottle, navy Lib-
officials aay, is the fact that the public, eity Loan oltlcer. announced that np
liJKterla has subsided This Is shown piolniately $29,500,000 In bonds had
by tho decreased In the number of tele-
phone callH to the Director's office re
questing nurses, doctors, ambulances
or adtlie "
1 'tills From Bridge and lit Crushed
to Death by Kjircs
Losing his balance while playing with
a number of companions on a lallroad
hrldrc at Sixts-eighth street nnd King-1
sesslng ateuue as an express train was
approaching below Howard W. Ross,
train passed over his bodj.
fhe boy was leaning ever the aide
if the bridge, when he toppled oter.,
. n,, .....!,.. I 1.... l. n., , . .
I ..ir .iuni.ua. .irtn iireu uiieu un in tne
I v.... ..i . .1.- vi... ..... 1. .T .
t o""u," "' "" 's.ceiuwn IW) i IUU,
, ..,....,.. . .... .
" e " ",'',' , "uuu r'alu
. ....-.., ,.,,., ,tl nu
nneumon la ases bene keni xiur.i.
pneumonia lases being kept separate.
as are also men and women patients A
diet kitchen and a nurses- room complete
tlie equipment
superintendent, and Mrs, Frank Jlee.
nault, night superintendent, both of
whom are leglstc-red nurses. Two mem
bers of the students' training camp at
the Second Regiment Anrory also, are
on dut)'aliere.
Besides caring for Budd employee and
their relatives, the hospital also Is a
haven for Mrlcken members of needy
families of the neighborhood.
The flying squadron was organized to
take care of sick Budd workers who
. . i.
' ?"l2r, Ii B ai i o"S lo ck four Zn
, bl . " u" "e rou' of th.
wlee administer to their comfort. L'. u.
VuM. Jr., Bon of the head of the com-
, Pny. baa Wunteered as a drlter of
anu of fhe autos.
. That the .plan ,s successful, combat-
f..ninCT u ,iic..,.u rt. t.......t,t.-e.i .. .,. .. - .... ... ,u t .. ... , ,.; ....: .. a .....-.
.I."... " " ". -' .r...j-..tr .er. .- i.iiik .luuriiiiii. oi uie i.iuiriiy iwni ' nam. tnirty tiars old, 803 Kant Ilussell
A Haltlinoro and Ohio express passed committee, In a statement just before stieet, died in the episcopal Hospital
over his body before the engineer could , ., ... ,,.,,. ' ast Monday lie and his wife were
br ng the train to a stop. Pole.- of ' " '" to!a. . " -ii.TiiTt the me t me i rfd lioth
the Slxty-fltth street and Woodland at e-l "The loan Is not yet subscribed in ino 1 Sal S
nun Btntlon removed the body to the, "bis district.'' ho said.- "It will he lm- younger Mrs T Manual Is j Oil In the hoi-
L'nlverslty Hospital ' possible for two or three days th get hit I. an, has nnV'hien ffilKfher
.Dr. K. I! Mcllvaln. welfaie manager i from Washington today by Major W. II. ' ... ' ... i," " ' "' """... B"'f. BU,C-
ihe plant; Dr Frank C. Cooper, hi-.. Murdoch, the State chief dtaft oltlcer. I fashionable amalrarinuM '.,.. ,
.. f iHltan Wlii7 reilstered nne""" l-liWemlo Influenza la the renson. . lion of the city. It was due to Major
Lillian itaileis. registered nurses., ' ..,. t, ... Allen's untirlnc efforiM n.o. .i. a...'
directs corps of girl tolunteers The enect ot "-"-"-" maintained such .. Vie Tl,' 7, "V"Z
the Budd plant. The tolunteera cancel all arrangeine.u. ...r.,.,,. , presentation of the Ollbert
. and feed the nallenls and nih.r. lm- the motement of 8740 Inen to Camp ,, ,,.' ,'..!.lu'un OI "" "Ubert
!-F . V - "" uaitn0se DetwM i s ih nmiwi
OOTQBEk tl$ 1918'
Host of Communities
Reach Quotas and Go
After Oversubscriptions
Reserve District Managers Re
port Difficulty in Counting
Flood of Dollars
lly the f."otiaP( 'ren
WusliliiKlain, llcl. III.
Hundreds of cities nnd towns before
noon today leached the iiuidaa allotted
to them In the fourth Liberty Loan and
went fotward durinir the ufternonn in
I'lle up otersubscrlntlons. Kederal lie.
Hen district mniiaRern leU-Rruphed
headnuarters that so many towns had
reported ubote the htiudrrd per cent
mark that clulctil help was not avail
able to compile lists mid forward them
to WashiiiRton.
Hy noon the national tiiniiaucr esti.
, mated that total subscriptions hud soue
aiiote o.iH'u.ouu.noo, althnugli they hud
f'w nenfll, ''",cla' I)ort" " lmck u"
tlie,o calculations. Tho campaign dur-
Iiir the last hours of the ufttrnnon nmt
evt'tilnir, the.t mid, probably would brine '
in nearly u hllllon dollars. I
Hunks have lite days In tthch lo
couiii huh last-nour nood of subbcrlp
tlon. together with Inltlnl paymi'iils,
arid repi.rt to Kideral Heserve batiks
The. icserte banks will begin next
Thtirsdaj, to llsurc their district totals,
and It ptobably will be ten days before
tho suuess of the loan Is finally known.
-nullirrn Cities Beach ((uoliis
AmoriR the cities which reached tlielr
lUutas .tesienlay were Atlanta. t!a. ;
-Mobile, Ala.: Knu.xvllle, Tciin., and
Jacksoiitille. l-'ln., and Columbus, (!a.,
expected lo ki. oter early today. The
entire State of Tennessee was prac-Ik-allj
oter Its ipiotn thin mornliiR.
Kroin -nclntiatl today came word
that allhoURh the city had subscribed
Its tlC.000.000 iiuota inoie than a week
"Bo. It now has Rone $6,001,000 ahote
that and has accumulated a toll of 153,
74 0 suhscrlber,
At the openiiiR of buhlnejs Joday
I'lah and OteRoti hud U8 per cent of
their (titlrc tiuota and enough other sub
scriptions not yet leported to put them
both across.
Ilanks Open Until I.ate Tonljlil
.Most of the banks over the country
will remain open late tonight to. receive
List minute subscriptions.
In setting out t'o rali-o $0,000,000,000
"nerien unuerlook the gtratest War
financing campaign In the history of the
ttorui. Treasury omciais said the nation
m"' neter railed in any undertaking and
that It would not full In this one.
Subscriptions in the Chicago district
campaign. With a tuota of $(100,000,000,
estimated sales wcie placed at $C57.31fl.-
0S0' fleteland with a quota of $113..
0.000 has rained approximately $101,.
be.n sold In the navy.
From thn battlefields of Fiance came
u message fioin Major (ieneral lleoree ,
Barnctt. commandant of the marine Mother Collapses After Vain Kf
corps, saying the mnrlnes, not content r c iv a
Mith turning the tide of battle at
Chateau-Thloriy, are "coming aetosa"
I foi the "flshtlng fourth."
Six Aliicrlcan dieadnoughts have ie
l ported record-breaking totals The
Pennsylvania with $120,000; the Utah,
i $10ri,000; the Nevada, $100,000: the
Dakota. $94,000; the Arizona,
OUO, and the Oklahoma, $75,u00.
New tsirk,
Oct. 19. Although there
rush of subscriptions on this. ,
the last dnv of the Llberti- Ixian cam.
' "e nuota for this dish let was
not et subscribed, said Benjamin
- - . . - .7
ottl.-lal fimireH Willi reirard to It (.wing
to the rush of subscriptions made bj
the public on the last day.
"Subscriptions actually ecelted by
tile Federal Reserte Rank an- still sev-
eial hundred millions short of our great
a.lotu,ept of VSl'0l0r!;i'?nk ;rn'",';Kra1T8
liaH been aent to every bunk In the din.
.unit' .1 ,....". --.. .,
...... .-n.n. nvee tne Km" n. .i.e.-
"'' re no- - -.-.."
Ml,u,.rh. lions lo the lourtn loan, Willi
.in""t"i' -- . .. :. . : --
totals pf 150 per tent or tne tnira cam-
' ,,,mi.,'.i.in.
- pu Kn, which mv. r........ .." e-. a
i !...",'...
Central' Union Trust Company
1 ,fo,ra.nofn$ot00n0a00V
total of $5l.ooo.uoo tatieu h
i ti. cv
' subscribed
I'ennii-'ion Obtained to Delay
Departure of 6740 Because
of Epidemic
All motements pf drafted men fron
1'tnn.ylY-nla have been postponed un-
til further notice. Authorliatlon for this
an ,,,
llreenleaf next Monday. This move
ment would have continued until Thurs
day night. , . . ... , .,
fnnnu.iitie. lacal noards will be df
?: W 'hSWS,B.3J.
' v" lb,e . The i nailing of que-.
tlonrS.l,en to ill m?n of .ehteen'and
within wi riij?1-.- --..,
. . . fctir.KaBaaosfii. i
iriiM ti. kiipri 1111 iiiHii" iiiuuiHiicn m linn
r- 1 1
1 -r'mm. : v-
Son of Mrs. Rosalie C. Hclwanl",
2119 Locust ftreel, ttho ilieil in New"
York of'iloublc pneunioiiiu follow
ing influenza
' every
Prominent Men Aid Influenzal
Sufiferers Similar Organi
zation Downtown
An oigatilzatlim of prominent citizens
In the TJilrty-elghth Wnrd, led by former
Sheriff A, Lincoln Acker jiml others,
has been formed to nld tho sick and
bury the dead In' that section.
A t.lmllai- organization in South Phila
delphia Is giving medical attention and
food to hundreds of needy families at
tacked by Inlluenra. Headquarters have
been established In the Fourth street anu
Snyder avenue station, part of which has
taken the appearance of a xtocery store'.
The new emeigeiicy organization In
the Thirty-eighth Want Is known as the
North Philadelphia KmerRency Itellef
Association. The' olllcers chosen are
reprcsentatlte men lltlng In the section
between Broad street and the .Schuylkill
.P.lver and between Allegheny avenue
and Lehigh utemie. They ate: Presi
dent. .1. Thornton Kmerj, principal of
the Pierce School: secretai, Henry C
Llberto;i. hhiI treasurer. Meyer Simon.
Members of the executlte committee are
A Lincoln Acker, State ItcpreHetitatlve
Slgmund .1. flauK. K. II. Cobb. ICdmund
l.Mcnairer. a. t iiuiieriieni, anu common
t U14IM lllllllll (I. 4 Ullin, llli
faj; and night gen leu will be fur-
";oe i . ... . .e """'i"; 's. .em...
' ""bed at 28f.o .North Twenty-second
stance to the Deserving, according to i
s'"n"' J Inm?ll, ohB,rilmn "f the
organized committee. I
i.ii. in o.ivc" i mi onus iiiiu
Tvto Daughters
Four deaths from pneumonia, following
Influenza, hate occurred In tho family
of Mrs. Millie Manna!. 18.12 North
Franklin street, since October B.
Mrs. Manual Is 111 from a breakdown,
due to grief und exhaustion in nursing
the patients A daughter, Mrs,. Julia
tilenn. Is lecoterltie from influenza, and
"nouier daughter also suffeted from the
sou Is tlie only member of
the famil.t to escape.
M .u SI.....I... . ..
yea, sold IlV10cloher'(ifi
Illness. Mrs. jlannai eldest
er a week a
son, II-
' l.USband's death
Another daughter, Mr. Mildred Orant,
Jwfd'v'm'' ,1(,d on Tuesday "ft?r a
, hu-bunU. " BUrvU1 b ,,er
Klmer' Manual. twentv.HN 207 llast
Llpplncott street, died Wednesday. He,
wTfeaud Ismail Mf' "' ,eU"8
w- unua amau cinm
i"i .iiu-ii nau oeen nn tne rarinii-
t.,.nu . ,1... ....
f the pe,, medical school for many
jeais, an lecturer on neuroloirv electro
;, ....... "r u" "euroiogy, electro
, CXW"?!,. "vn
I 1nlZ A lutn.M I e
was twice elected president of the Amer-
lean Psyehopatholoelcal Association ,...ri
, served one term nr- president of the
Anrerlcau Neurological Association. He
was secretary of the American delega
tion to the Sixteenth International
Medlcul Congress held In Budapest,
Hungary, In 1909. and of the Seven
teenth International Congiess, held In
London, In 1913, He tva awarded a
medal hy the Seventeenth i-t, -.,.. e
l'1" taluabie contributions to medical
inn mure
zines. Beside his noteworthy scientific
attainment,.. Major Allen was also an
accomplishe, musician, and -. In great
I're.jierigii Plans Altered"
CI... .1. .1... ,-,. ,n ,. .
.......... ., vrvi, u.-t-arcmin oi
Illl It .,i.a nM .... .. .
. of New Jersey, slated lo 6wiV 1r iit
Monday-, has bn tnd.5ntily jpenia.
i"' ,. ""'v .." Tl?f " rt
""" '".
. lie n. .!, ...... ... . . . .wargarer
... ,,. Mu.i.ur cii many UOOKS. . t'nunty Donegal, ireianu. ageo s.i. runarni
papers and pamphlets touching on ncii. private Mon. 10 . m.. rrom 282a N,
rology and his other specialties and tva. VlK:i.gn& '!. &"$2SSJ8F WII.
(- ICRUlar Contributor tn RnUiiMfl rnon-... .iifi.MiVA (AHOLIK. dnuirhttr nf rille
jait rBiiiniHi in o Tn n k,.,.i...i.i
$9,500,000 IN DAY: 1
j World's Record Set byjPhil. '
adclpluans, Says Mrs.
Half Million Subscription v
Swells Total and Helps Emer
gency Aid Aides
TOIAV Itr.Tl'ltN-.
theslniit nm, .Mrs. V, N.
tlillli.iin.i, ehnlrnmn .
lirrnmntown, Mrs. V, .
M I'lillsilrliiliU; .tlrs. II.
I'. Itlclinrilson .-
Nortli ltural, tlrs. Charles
r-. tturin
19,000, t
,t .North l-hlUilrliilil:
t'liresman Herri. k
' Air's.
' ! u'l
t, 131,, ISO
nutli IMillmlelnlila
Waller 4. Irrrnniii
Central City. sirs.
Ilenrkla .Mill.
Northeast I'lilUilelpliU, Mrs.
J. W. Jloier
i Ken.liiKtnn," til., Ileillall
IFenlinore . .1........
I'hII. of -vliujlklll, .tlrs.
, lleasle 1. Altemus
' Tod- total
(Irand total ....
Philadelphia women Liberty Jxjan
era realized the Importance of
.- bond sold this last day of the
I campaign, and put all their energy In
tl,fl 1K', '" "" "home wretch. This
was shown at the noon meeting, when
district chairmen reported $9,G30,000 for
the last twenty-four bonis.
"Philadelphia women have establish
ed a world record; of this I am tonfl-
idenl, ' declared Mrs. John It. Mason.
associate clialunan of the women's coin- "
inlttee, wlio presided. "The most gen
et ous responses hate come from unex
liected communities, and 1 am proud of '
the women workers."
When John Wunamaker, who had al
ready subscribed ,$2,000,000 for himself
and $500,000 for his employes through
the tinmen's committees, today added
another half million, It brought the
Hmeigency Aid aides' total for the last
twenty-four hour to $1,568,950
Mr. Wunamaker'a subscription was
glicn through his daughter, Mr.s, Nor
man MucLeod, chairman of tho Kmer-
geny Aid Aides. The grand total re
ceived through the twenty booths "man
ned" by aides Is $6,513, 8U0.
In TwenLt-seientli Ward
The quota for both men and women
In the Twenty-seventh Ward, West
Philadelphia, was $400,000. and the
woinen'a committee alone has obtained',
$1,082,500. Mis B. F. Richardson, ,
chnlrmnn of tlie West Phllndelpuhla dis
trict, also reported $200,100 from the; j
Phllomuslan Club. I
Mr.s. n. S. Mcllheiiny, chairman of the
Chestnut Hill district, declared the 1
splendid results In her small district
were due to the community spirit, and
the fact the women had couiinced tho ,
men they could subscribe In their own r
dlstilct rather than at a down-town -bank.
She reported subscriptions from t
Our Mother of Consolation Church to
the amount of $17,700.
Senator L'dwlti- Vare and his. brother. '
Congressman William Vare today sub-
scribed $150,000 through the women's
committee of South Philadelphia, Mrs. .,
Wl.U(.r j, i,-reeman. chairman,
Mrs. (leorge Dallas Dixon, clu
()f (ll(, J(.nn8yh(lna jia,road
chairman -e
ennsyltania Railroad w omens
twar relief, reported a totnl of $168,800
for yesterday and a Brand total of $1,-
Despite the closing of the Institutions. .
both public and private schools have y
hud large returns. Mrs. Albert M, Green
field, chairman of the priinte school
committee, repotted a total of $262,400
to date. Returns from the West Phila
delphia Illglj School for Oil Is have
leached $251,30. f
During tjie tl rec-iuarters of an hour "
tho Foreign Legion appeared at Ins
dependence Square jesterday afternoon,
the Colonial Dames booth. In charge of
Mrs, Jaines D Wlnsor, Jr., recalled A
$12,500 worth of subscriptions. Of this
$1000 came fioni a negro shipyard .
worker at Hog Island, He Was given
a button from the coat of one of the
French veterans.
Mrs. Thomas J, Dolan reported a
grand total of $3,583,800 ftom' the res
taurant committee of the central city
district, and S2.250.000 ftopi I?og Island
JOLI.V Oil In, of pneumonia. KAtlAII
W.. wir or .llHVt.ll H. Jolly. Heriicea and
int. prltute. Mun.. '.' p in rrom 7070 Frank
furd ate.
HIIANI) Ort, til of pneumonia. ALHX
ANIlllIt, husotind of lr nm) aoa ur
Cliarlea and Jenkle Sl.un.t. wired 34. SV-rilees
and Int. priiate, Sun., 2 u in,, rrom tVelsli
riiAd, llolnienburu',
UI.AHKK Oct Hi. or pneumonia. CATII
l:illXK, dauadiler or John and Catherine
flame, ei cuiiiuo, p-iriea or r-winuoru
f-u'bruIWa'recrNcror, .1'
, wim;T. Oct. 14. KI.LKN II.. wife of
li.rv- i It'll. nt urt.l .!...rhlt. nf .S. Id. m
I Henry Hliiion and KlUabeth Dlllmouse. agtd
07. Funeral aerilcea Hun. afternoon at
.am n, uanioeri m. int. iriniiy i.umeran,
WTUH. Oct. 17. Suildenlj. at Dover,
X, 1., ot pneumonia. HKSS1K TITPH (nee
Von Iluiowl. wire or Charles 11 Titus and
daughter ut Oscar K. A and Klfznbeth Von
liulow, aneii o Hue notue br the runernl
will he iilven. .
MI1.I-S. Oct IB. nr Influenza, OKU'K
A. Mills. Funeral Tuea, aHernoon from -r.lCH
Vhe.tnut at
YOUNO. Oil. 111. MAT1I.DK. wife of .
Datld Young Inee tt'alls). dauntiter or lh ..
late Thomas aud KUen Walla. Funeral
Mon. at the eont'enleiietf or the ramlly from
.1114 Cheatnut at. Int. Holy Crons. -
MII.H 9 FT 1,
wife or Weaton J lllbbs, at Uulph Mills.
Pa. Funeral Mon.. 2.30 p. in., at Otalpli
Mllla. I-a. lnt private, weatminater I'em f
WHITK. Oct. 17, or pneumonia, KAV-
MONO Jl , husbind ot Joiepli I), (iend)e
While. Funeral Hun., '--.30 p. m from 4I2U
Lani-asler ave. Int. Fernwood Cem.
I'lWVTT. Ort. 1H. 1II1K. at Paoll, Pa,, of
pneumoiiU, K'ATHBHINK LBONAftl). wlfa
id John o run and daughter ot the lata 31
Jamea Middle Leonard, Due notice ot aervr a.
Ices later. ,,
C'l'MMI.N'QS. Oil. 1H, of pneumonia '
1II.ANC1IK HKMK11KTTA. daughter of
Jamva J,, Sr nd Ulla C. Cummtnss. agtd
27. luneral Tuea . at the convenience or
the. family from 317 tV. Third at.. Cam,
den, N. J. Int. private. Calvary Cem.
IIA1KS. Ofl.j e, ol pneu.nooui, e.A.i
OAItKT IIAYKH (Iiea.AIcAlIlatarHAVlfe of
John Hayes, axed 45. 7 Funeral Frl.. from
SlHi- Tulip t. Int. prlfate, Oedar Kill Cem
IIIITL'IIKK lf pneumonia. Oct IS,
HUXKY C, HtrrciliEK, Jr. Kanral arrvleea
at 2200 Locust si.. 11 a. in. Mon.. -.'lit Inat
'"V.imVcil. Oof, Is. HANNAH MAHT
wlte of Kdward C, l.ell.rtih amj dauahter
of Jamea.and Mary J. alenjlne, aged U
Kuneral Tuva., 10. . m ,. rrom 2314 Fair
mount ate. lat.'Prltatr, '
tl-AHII. Oct, .17.' ' poeumolila. HAN
NAH K.. daughter or ;the lata .tlorrls and ,
ivaro. o. upiur, .tr.iiun . un.
It.llrr WlUon inee itortman), and the lite
Henry CF nailer -aer.. i,, rniitt.1 a.n.i ,
2.30 p. in., from OHt street, Weattllle,
N. J, lnt, Kgllngton Cem., at Parkabor-
""fvfcll.'BK. Ott 17. or pnaumonta. OTTO.
eon of Mary rtehorndetiat and the late Jacob
Weller. aged IR Kunen.1 sertleea Mon,. 2
p. m., from 1231 N. 27th at, Int. private
at tireenmount Cem,
HANHOM HT.. 4411 lrge, dfilrabla aunny
tront rejn. private home; bualne as ifoman.
1 l-II'TKKNTll mi9 N.
Single room, well V
--..., ..i..; i i,,..i,.
I .. - -. . .-...,
11 SL -
, t!ll(LD-B1NVKSK fw.alrt to7 and : ooadlsH
eara oiAfvmo. sxpeFtMiaial aaMr. Cad
13rfiK.y uf TvMMay mif)ni, "tin. aatilssi
ii .si,3..j i ..p4aataaaBaB.aBHrJaafel