- 16 EVENING PUBLIC NJvl?DGERf-l?HILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, .OCTOBER 17, M& AZIONIMARmiERIA ?ALFKONTEITALIANO In ten si Bpnilinrtlamctili si i- ,Sono Vcrificnti Contro lc 1KATIIS heaths HEATH, ft Dl'RKIN. At Cnnthohockrn. Oet. IS, of pneumonia, MARTIN, on of Jnmea and Mary Durkln, nged IN, Funeral prllale. Krl . t a m , parents' residence. 310 K. nth l)KTII DKATIIH HEATHS BUSINESS CAREER OF PETER FLINT Arlce Hrllman Illrrh, at 110 Harvey St.. Otn. Relatives and friends Invllc.l to f rieral and Inl private. Sat., 11.31 n m. Int Laurel HIM Ccm Ct.EARY -Oct IS, of influensa, VII' MAM JOSEPH, husband nf Mary K. Heary aiicd Sfl. funeral S3at H a m.. 1720 V Allegheny ate. Int Holy Sepulchre t-tm M. (nee Ryan), wife of Mliael Ount. ged 4(1. Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral, rrl in . m,, 1S43 I!. Russell M. Int Oakland Cem, A, Kellty, M. IJ.. anil daughter of .tneeph it. I)., anil daughter or .meern ll.l.t.rtn nf Iftll ft tTth St. ames ami the late Elizabeth McCnnn, gfe.1 , 27. Kuneral Frl 1 p. m., realdenra of nnu Anna Serilces private, vn . 3 P. m., Oliver 11. Hair lltclir.. 1120 Chestnut l. Int. private. .nirirr. nm is, lianuoipn Sl. mi, iiiiin..iT Cem, Dei rased wss a rnrmber of Eagle llLICIC. Oct 1.1, Ht.l.AtlBTH 11LACK iuio funeral aie , Conahohocken. Int. Itnlv Sepulchre .Kni.i.tjr-ori to. thomas i: .o..o)'wm ;. .j... Lincc Ncmiclic x. '. . ,""""". ir or naniei iinea m. COCHRAN Oct 14. nt Mietimnn i .r. """ .Camden. N J THOMAS VAN KANT nil, i .nary j, uuinn n,i late wiiunm Kcney. " ' T 'V," "".' T Tmi.V, ii-ilU ...h 7" 4 C. . p. I. I.'.. ... P.ernl ilaunhler'a reeMelae. KM)!) fine .Ju-ra ,v,r,i S.v wi,.Vl .1 reiM..,re IMR rllt'ltN IM n - mml.'l Innd nt Dmina (lul nhn Inn llrnunl.nired 31 . neral Sat.. a. rr . 102J H. Btl at. Int .... ?!" 'J1""' ."'.'.'!fP 'p'lf".r'' "?'?.. IV -. ..-....-.--- .... a iui 1 .s , w It IT. 1)1 IMlliMirriiin, - I iiu-ri 1 1 1 v iini i ., ..HAKirtniiia ni l Jiory OJ OmPSmansnill U) ';';;. Int Port Kennedy IM Kumral tmchran (n-e Ha b). ..ced'hi Perxlcea Frl.. flllAPK A In.e Marri.hn) lfeof WIU ' InUlr.l to funeral, from r'eMMjre Irnwood rem. II- mi . member of the J " ', " '.'.'" ' '"' ut,,0ln, ",',",'; . ,, , , ,.,, . , t PrUnle . I to is en. parlor of )u ,C Klrrhner. 7l Ham I). Ilaatburn, 13S t.uray t. Oerman. of father-in-law. P M. lirown.JHt Water follnwlniti potnr Lodae No. 411. )'. and A J ."', V.'" m' '-'" " 1"ln ' ,nl' "" Harold Whitehead . , 'l.y' -At Atlantic Otv, N. J , Oct 1. . 3. . Inl prhHtr. Oreenmount fern ton. Servlcea Krl.. 3 p. m Int. private, fl M.I oily. N. J Int, Odd lellowa . M.t Fourth ; of July t.odjte. No. mil .K of r '! L r"" ' "...., .,,. v t rvi . itpri, . CCXX iriJVnftSff'iS ffifAr-. flJS"tt" vffi, MM $"$& , WceetoiS K" , fg tfSSW ''Wnrf I " 'i,'' ' P "W " '& - TIMTI:N to Hi ft, Kranr . Blid then tllioi) Oct in, SAIIA1I X.. lfe of nu.i ivi ..i n r nneumnnla ril-1 A"i' v.'nJ""i ,n 'uneral. Sal.. n:.1(i a. m.. J ,!'!''"l1'r"n ',' ',""r? ' Ml Alry- rrl" ttAllKT. lfe of .ln.ph h'ellv and . anahier r ,.,..,,. . ... ,.. . -,.v ' . Vt IS Publish.! an.1 ntatrlr.utr.1 Vnder PKIIMIT No. Sit Authorised l-y the art nf October 11)17,, on file at the rostoftlco of Phila delphia, Pa Br order of the resldr.t. .,.. a. s m'Ri.ilsnN Postmaster Oeneral nnnm, 1 1 ottolire traxlone dl fuoco nullc llneo nettilolie, null'area retroMantc aoprn tr.ioportl luniio II Plne. Durnnto tin nttneen ill orpreaa miU'Altlplano dl AkIiikii c xul Monte Anolone. furono tntturutl rnluno prlglonlerl. I.unedl' nolle dlataciMiiientl nemlcl tentarono per ben due olto nt-1 taccare lc nostro mlzlonl n Monte Corno, ina furono reaplntl oon Kra- j Vhsalme pcrdlte " j Parlitl. Ifi ottobro 11 comtzlo Indelto dal f'onrlllo ("Zfro- Blovncco dl I'rnira. per iiroteatare con )e truppe tedesche cd unsliere.l occu- pano le cltta- dl I'rnRa, Pllaen, l'leck c Tabor. I I dlapnccl dlcono ehe II moNlmento rl-. roluzlonarlo si e' esteso In tutta la Mo- j cato II aeRUinte eomunlc.ito. Ourazzo e' In no.tro possesso I)opo . . . .. . .. . ... .1-1 i aver forzato durante 11 poinerlcttlo del glnrno 13 nttobre le dlfese nemlche aulle alture d! OalJamaJ e Savrn Hlnnco, le truppe Itallane. al mattlno del Klorno gucce.slio, penetrarono nella cltta", oat turando prlfilonlerl c materlale. I "Plu nd le noatro colonne. nanzandn do Klbasan lunco II Tirana, hanno so praffatto, nel Riorno 13 ottobre. la ilvace reslatenza delle o.tlll ritroRU.irdle . ne PasBo Krnba, continunndo ancoro la ' marcla erso 1 nostrl oblettlxl " i Circa le operazlonl al fronte In Italia U Mlnlstero della t.uerra. In Itoniii, ha pubbllcato 11 seguente ooinunlcnto: Cnnal.lereioll e locall comhattlmentl al aono verlflcata. U,Ko ... (lardo alia . Valle del Hretita li nostra artijellerU 1... .nl.i.n... nllt.-.ti i-nmhntl In.elltl t.ella II Mlnlstero della (luerrn !ia fntlo. trv thnt plan hk.iIii next week . . .,i.,ir,.. "Write to hltn I'ctor, ntul tell him nirtri i ii iipfiipiu h lui u iu'"' i ... .. til Air it nil lira i : rariitni r unrrH vj.i it . t in 4 ni niiriiiiiiinin it nn. i i i.iiniiiiii' i i . . i ii -v..i . - '"" " .. In." :ilil l'l-lllicla (111 CklV "Tell llllll i.,i -i i.n ' . ....h.- .. ii.;m...: dauuhlr .,f i.i. Vir.. .n.l I't.ra V rn. ia" ..i.V: V.""Crr. . ,!""'i"V.'":i "..' :.".V .Innn.JI llanoran anil naunnier oi.Jia 'i.nnm imin II frnnlei la noatra nrtl- . ' . .. ... . ,. , ...,,. ; '., ,, ",;:.' "..."ii . '... man. ,ij -n r..,i .....f. .i .nnveii. ' LVt "'""': -""'""" .r '" in r.ii; , late Patrick iinuxherlv. oiteii si. a - mm n eiuiii ni- ni .- ". ...........- "v.;,,TTI.v;(...'jVllvl,Vi,." iiii im. nrnnlta ienee of iainilv ffnin i M 4Jih at i. ii. ' " ' u"erai at ioncnienco oi in s ".'nih at. lie atlvea an.i irien.ia in Kilcrla ha effeltuato Inlen-.i i-nncrn. I ni,, i,ut If u-od frequently It ceaca to ,. '"'IT.'-V,-'''1 ZS.JX "i KnrflVlTl!. ,vM,Jf.T."y,..!.r"m..U"! .."i....i.' ir, '"m ' ... . Ulle.l to funeral Int. prUate No influ.nM. r?n?rl nllmentnrl ha 1ito ler rltullntn ' tlu- IM jfeiuTnlly ncoppt that anUMo IiiikmI htI(i rrnldrtup "'.rHn-ntf i nf i;imrr Vi.ptr tnfr T)n Mnrttlltpli), hrH , .Innir Vntsan KunTHl J-'rl . ,1 n m, 440 liAUHIPOV. Of pneumonia. Ort. 14, un. PClopero Kenolo he c d. ...,. r.o ,o tied up Yni, .ec, K,.e -I..II. nrr -,,.,, ... Si. . Pa "'"' , $"'$& " ' P '" W'n " ,'0""1 I BSSUS ,,JmnMn,un' 8" $"& WW n'" '"" In rlvoltn. aecondo illai.irel Rluntl da popular JllH now. Piople like them piiMiY Oct. 13 PATItKltlM-. n. coHNni.UTS -J'ci 11, nf Innuenrn, I l'ASY Oct IS. MAmiARKT. wife nf HA11T. Oct 14. nt 4518 We.tmlnater Zurliro Iji lecire marzlale o' etata proe. ,.n,l l,u them freil the name Kewple, IIHAI d uiahter of M irearet nnd Patrick r.APUA M CiHtNIIt.lfs. wife nf Harry tleou-e Fa.v and ilaimhter of (Iconic and ave.. JF.NNIi: P HART, wife nf Samuel O. .i. .m-n. ii. in I niei urn I ih.r.fi.'re nuikni them think of thine "r.'.,K , Hue notice of funeral later. , Pnrnellua (nee Miller). Funeral Frl.. 11 a. Maritaret Hubert Due notice nf funeral Hart. Due notice if funeral will be Riven. lamatfl. nttrnerao tutto 11 pace en orn i therefore, mnhes tnctii mum oi wuei iiMiN nr ptiemnmi a. n' Ailnntii Cli i , ii .i,i ...i.i t,-,n,,' ..m I win i... i..n r.i.i.nn r ,,,n,..r.i.,.i,..v. ihiiiev-m in ..r inflir,.. tiweimi ravla o che comhattlmentl .1 nono Mrl- Francis then turned to Mr- Semper ,. in ri.ld.ne. ';'',"'",.' , PAT icii hu.b.n.l of SrVrirrc Craddrck , ' ixiKIl SON --vt Cam. Tail r of ' P I Al? ill. .if 2P34 ' N. '23d it "itrna Ini I nu,e John KuViln l "uneral nrliate'rv McMAHAN -At D,reton. N. J., of In- flcatl a Brunn. la eapllale. ad Olmutz I 1 .ntlnu.d. "If otl want.d to lim s ' ",-"i"'.'v . r,V,f. hi'iTp" V 1 ' a""1 " ' In.e Mnehl and -on of Michael nnd Ann pneumonia. Oct. 13 .."cut THOMAS T . .?n mav be ileed Frl.. after 7 n. in 1121 Dla- Jf.Nma a"e. Int HI tiom'n e"S r.m' I"'"- ')" 14. .AMANDA. .laURnlertot rKKkod..mo. in quest-ultima .1 iro-; ,,,,, soap to iva.h children lth Mr, , niyTTOlM -VI l ini4 .n.m.1 . HerUir. .n.I In. ,.t lban,.,,, , ,,K( , n I:T,,,; vanl I uranill Implant! per la fahhrlca . ,p, r. which of th.-e two brand of H I !i,'-VNnrA nnrni!nlrB V aKed 1 ni '" 'V.V.'.VI,.. ,..,., ,1 FnitOFSON. oi 13 of pneumonia. liAWTHOIlNK Hud. enty. Oct. 13 nf , uCliVenc". 1747 N 1 SiwSnn l Funcfai Hutehln.on .1. del urosal cannon! au.irlael In delta .ap would you intultliely l.u- n'J ",? iiT'lbibh 'pa'Pe'ma" re-ldenc.1 N W . ' ".VVi1 .- '?, t j" 'ra?: rTnn.i WII-';,AM .; b...ba..d "f Sadie i: Ferau- ijeu.,.o,.l,. , a, ...l-or o e. fe;, " ' K"J InlfriiUall. "'"' .n"W"n.s ;., yl',': fabbrlca II lavoro e ospefo. -Hrontrt ho.,,, for children" or Tcd.lv BJVfVlJ.iVuti Hear soap for little onea1?" . huffs o T n nf i'i. unonii MARY """' -" Funeral Frl si ... m 1'alrilew terrace Oermnntonn. Funeral Frl. 11 notice of funeral from 2209 S Pel ton f, m i.a .1.1 ea Manor tie" rhe'le Frl mwlier. 20.17 K. Ru.h .1 lot. Hulv S-pul- ... .. , ! "Whv Teddv Heir foap. of Niurse- " f'e'.f J,d n 1 'l l, . ,, I diuRhter of ' and Diamond at. Clifton IMht. Pa. Int m int. Northuond Cem ft He wn. a m-n, of ,-,-,,0 Sj No. V'm,f: m V int i,mnllnte"; ihereafie,' r ,t nt?.,,;rm,.u ,w ,i P1 , i ,, ,lh( in ,Ml, -.11 c Z; der'aro e i " n thV funny llttli tiling- 1. - J. ","," - ,',',' a" l's' X'l ! "mnVS. t IS MAR1II A, wife ' w.'fe'f 1?,' VTJl .u'S.Mr i u(,!!Allirt MK,'" OM-t.r Rural Cem . , llfJfJftHfcT(1 ' 1 JZ ;f.!,n-V """I. r.':S.i.: th.rP.,T..ld Boar ,,,. Sir. .lrIl.,.n,".:,"',lrn7ily,e,.,ll!;. KlriBrt,ra.--1SL.2.J:n7.r "fValle Iaffarlna e nella Valle Ars.i "Scontrl dl pattURlle e rlpartl ii In curslinl rlsultarono In nostro faiore ed II nemlco fu battuto u Poncalnglil f nella Valle Arsa. "SuIPaltli parti d'lncu llnea del narono se TRADERS PANIC IN BERLIN So far as Finance le Concerned, Germany Has Ccaecd to i1 Count Here ' The financial district was not ery much disturbed je.sterdny over the news j that Ilerlin banking circles wen, In ' panic our President Wilson's note ' Iwnanciai iiernn lias iiriu.n..v i.-r..r.-.i m exlat for some time past as far as this country Is concerned, and an thing unusual ln banking circles o.-r there holds no Interest here The stock mar ket was er erratic after the opening and continued that wa.i for seine Ijuro yesterday, but in the afternoon ll de "t eloped great strength, Willi "Mexle.ui Pete" and Studebaker attractlnc the most attention A well-known broker when asked If he thought there was an) manipulation back of the nioiement In "Mexican Pete" Bald he thought there were n variety of reasons for Its spectacular performances during the last few days "One I believe is," he said, "thai bomi hig buyers hate developed a short lu terest and are seeking to coier aiif can't. Another Is the compapy has go: the goods and, being essentially a peaci stock. It Is acting in accordance with other peace stocks , and a third reason peace. now a war stock, because, they re man ufacturtng so much for the (Io eminent hut th mnmpnt tht- war Is oxer thev DUl IDC rrrarneni HIP war If oer 0'-y have an accumulation of orders to fill that will keen them busy for two or i threa years at a roflt far beond iM.at Ihey can make by working for the Gin- rnmentr so that In reality Ktudetuker Is a peace stock" I I t A layman asked a banker esterday ' what was the best stock to truest In at the present time and Rot for un jinawer: -"The best stock at present Is any good ponu," Aim oi course ine inference meant that the best bond Is a Liberty Bond. German J'rUeflic liter i ano dl A8I.1KO I nosiri ri- an anoui 11 ...... .. ....".. x r... , , . . - ...-.-- Vv- .1,;;., 11 nmnka Funeral lfnee or inmiiy. sit 11 n. m , 11.1t s- titi .1. Int. Hoy ;ur.lon. penetrarono nella nfter nll-nothlniT :tl,at I . J Mn"t B u! l.'Vi'r.ne p'Itt l..".V.'im .- . ..... I post! aianzatl nelnlcl. e tor- lonE ns. nn.l iiini is mac ran a ,i..s ,,,,4 ,,, . - ..,., "" ;; ' '- c"- , .iuMvr.) at Int. prhate. Mi Vorl-1, I jii'nerVi' Fnle (nee siib-rt) nnd sou of elm nza aier subllo perdltc sue. t on my slter. l.ue.i, and while mil , "' "f f-iml '' pruale. in M 1 v, , ., , , and liridctet Folei Inf rr,. ,. ' .lrl...,,r l.l Simula-, had proposed and 5''.'.,. '.-...J."1- .1. . ... cvv. nmmv ...M'k-U'll." I'Al.ll.I J ..on nf FORD. Ocl 13. PIF.RSON P. son of -l I " " ', , ' i V,i V-..1 I Funeral -: . 1 in in a , in " '.""."! ,-r ' "nd Kntbrin Jl cusp k inee willl.irn .t and Anne .1, Ford. ..Red 14. Ural. . '1 "1 conRr.itulate ou. Krancla flee. '( ' N -of i'";"""'.'.. t Ken". .Mor. ofDaild. (bo-ce Dabbaek. ..Funeral ..nice jifn",,1 l i-ViauRiUe ri,,f charbs II. nnd to rny mind is that Mexico lias come to , --...,. S"",. ' m" n' rrcshm ,,' Tm" iatV int re"" lneVa! FrC i-yn'MYW""- '"' n, .!, .. rt . J Int Cal- f"M'TC, e,m 13 r ,.,. ini.v "inNTAJi;.:. 5JK? "J':". L'":i JEflU 15 Winn"Hoc,Vii. CRKNCIC ,,,,o,n.,d'if:;rood-.''1enV ,a"Wm" " "" ,,r,lJ"!' SFA!..,'.l"'""'...( JS 'IfroTiKH.U .Niirber-h IM.. of pneu- A . son of Oee am, SIIle MacliV?. ?,' "" f fVl-i'! UnUVU Oiaica mill) tt..ii...j uitw.r, . ,; t ,c n . i.. n . . - liTr"cjU, infllTnll t 1t.rist,nn4t lit. xt rifiiji i"it, v1" .tey " I'liruiintiiia, ,V llj- tnntll.l Oct 1" AVlI.I.I M I" lillihiiml .if 1 li ' u.i-i ,11 nnnir, r I i.i . , in., i , , - ... .,., ..,. o lo.r rlnB around ..h a ch.p on M!? fVailk A,r"anr:ialr o $ 'hurJicV ft e ,p, or'uiKW U"l,,"Ju,1 $M I XrSi '' V .. .. j a ... i Int nrhaie Northicnod Peni ie..-ise,i as a mfiiiper r M Pauls la.dk-e. l ii a in . . c "i"' j -nercmnt- jOriice. i'SSI Pratt sl . Iirldraburir Int. prl- iilin Cem .Macintosh) and son of Charles and Anna "is residence ol his the. United States, and for that reason a d a m s n.i ir. .i ...,.......,.. s- 41 I' and A M I'a enn. phanter. I Mile-. V J Int n hate. Pne.tnn Pcm. r....'s?....:a ...;,., n. J . ....... ..v.r.icl.. n.. .. ...r. .. ....n. .. ' M..ei, m,. i.-.iii....nni n.ii ii.i.ii... aie .. . ... si.. ...... .... ...,... ... iTlimui; lll-M.v ..una in... f,...r.v. .i,,l s'n Din ICn.lokh I'nmm .nd. n S'n L"l. I...' DKVLLS" Oct 14 In bis countri's serv. . c'...V.i....l. t-ikJ k- .. .n i .. .. . ..." ..!!V..:;1' . .VJ...' 'i;"i. .'..'. V. "11''' in.lie.l ... r......r.l Frl I r. ... fmm re.l. MlHlIll: Oet. I cn "al " V&D feS? i rV.S M i--'- r saVJllf V? S1 "fcl'ToV k""' vSP , N iih, .nt notg. . . . ti an; UlllTi'n I hl'TM ll -rvt 12 -.flln Fhe. lOHN 1 !. V"'!.'" VP!?n,,,,n(PrUu "V ?." OORMAN.-cicl 13 IIISN tl. dH,wh"r HsNAili:! -Oct' I.i , 'n ,A reMW ! MAOHfoN Oct 13 OKRTnUnB ' 31. HeMdence. JL . , . ' ADAMS Oct 13 of mronrhUl pn. u ' e'dest son or late Oeorce nd M ry IJutler. fiH 1 uneral M roinenlehP. f famiy, flf MBfy aJrl h p Frink (llrtiwn I "lillvfl of Fohn Husi airel ail 7" Funfrd Krl '"ANI). wife of Alh-rt U Magllton. Fu- t.'! ( As to Studebaker. another broker l?ae i ,nonl, at ramn ,' i.-l,:r-r. .. v . iaei ' kii ees prhate. oilier II Pair Pldtr. 1K2U , fr- "-.r." rp.? r. ir.p.J"n'N l'-k Co.. nfrind. i;J,I f 'sLrVl i HmV 'nf si Ci .llViV'tii. 'r.J&llSJl, neral. Walllnsfurd. Pa Sat . 3 p. m. Int. k Monit IS At -- .U -e.r,,,,, f- 1, r.rlf.l u.tinn.M rilflMAH fllliKIV hiish..nd nf (lrmit Thur , l . -rnlf st Frl 2 n m Int private. -' ..!".. J.,OM p"M1!i'V,r' J rm. Thnmrn Anulnrnt flmrfh lnlt..t In fmml I,.,- icillln. 'nih Q n V n .. Prhate 'HI,1,APKTH -. i .u 7 . .u rBBZ , , .jritf nw nm! "0" "f 5Pr n1 MrH r' Ad.ms I .'VLX1K Oct 14. of pn-uiimnU NIH.Mn .V.'v 'i.i.Ji i nf p,- i nia1PU?,in,H' 1 Mon . 10 a in. residence of mother. 1MU I p t lut Most llolv liedeVmer V MA0SAN-Ot 14 of pneumonia non- JJ Morris nnd da; In that stork the prospects nf an early Funeral ..nd Int P-ttlwrn N, J Sal 2 ' lfe of Arthur K ,a!e and i1au1iter of ' -JOHN h " "Vj "'i t C o A J'lmon ,'nJT I S Vlth at Int Cathedral Cem Aulo p.nmlVn mas bn lew"d T liura i nftei k r'T s . son of Sellna C.atid the late Peter. H and C.;rn lla C ctm Dh.iLr" h rin.tru-ii(l "in it in , ihnniiif I' Cirecor j unnrui nnu 111 iiri- t.--4u-' '""'" ' .-:! " i-" l. I .u,.le. .. .. v Mrsn h uneral Sercicnn striet V nri 1 at concnitnce 01 WY 7he barber across the st reet cot iOST a jood one jesteraay tuat started a ' tf $not of us thinking." said a prominent fc ' banker. "We were talking' about the Tj' flght'ntr qualities of the Germans, when ; ti said that collectUelv under officers vn V-Mhey were fair fighters, but individually l ? vihy are no good. Did ewr any one," be rV v;tabked, hear of a German prizefighter. te LHP sure enough, not one of us did. and n tt nat never occurreu lu uh Deiore mvJ. i- i,. i .i. ii-nior-'o ,lir,n.r- "Ym. broke In the bankers partner, but aa clowns, acrobats and tumblers U,tf nr. ther pprvtlme" ey are- mere eerjiime 'Tnn noma one renmrxeu anoui ine .. . .. .. 'rtttiteoua ndlgnatlon of the Hermans 1I n...M.nt llMI..,..'. Inaln-erllv ,.n,l Vpr I'resldent llson n Inslneerlly. und .tttMr beautifully sincere offer of peace 'while they burn clllea and murder Inno-Ml- ivomen and children Honkers' "St yesterday were glien oitr lie twvefl quotations to such discussions, Another banker said lu Hie name con- itton that n preaicieu xuen u renuii k. 1. l.u.nM.. .I....I.I 1.. , WVCKJi BmVt 11 uriiutlllj- n.iuu.u liv . wtth a demand from the Allies of MMe surrender or Its equivalent added, action on Germany's nnrt itlou on tlermany part Inevitable at this late "I am told, he said, oPf the absurd. . reliable authority, that Oer bl aVaisperate straits for aniiuu- MasteMMMaer ' tmh c!revirrwtanii k -tflr tJI Thnnk Kram-la for tlml aBBeatlnn ,I(.KINW r, .. , ,,, m, , ""'', " .Mu J ., ,, ,.,, f ' 17i;Te7-nI;mS,r Hu1' Jl" BH!fii,lrr7S,S53ri5 A .!"'?.. L" ! '""eral. Rat.. ! P m M2 of unr, Tlmnlhr llewn. M Ilronkhn .1.. m.M If !:..... Nl..rlh. P.. Fu- fc of ramly been u te j they turneil up their noe nt It for "' not i fnrty-nliic cenia uminui rne iPinr. a nil Jim Meniper now inoy lire n ii.imiy old lollttli' V ".",.,,,,,.,,,, i ,,., l, 1i,lL.le,1 erv. Minn ou know, flic laiiwirii "Well. If VOII O.in tie lip all article il.nl mu until In aell to Slllliet lllllL' that funn little dollK whlih they like nnd tlint Inllucticea them to Ihe candy, which tiny think must he "cute and such like urma that they rIvo to the Kewple. i,Pt ,e put It another way, Peter."" -he n.kcd "Nifl thnt I know of. Mrs. Semper. . ...mini: to Mr Xemper and me he alul .y..inr. ' . . went on. "It i n simple case oi nppiuii WltinK up a known Iltercst ! . ...v.. nrtleli. nnd irulii ii ' nn unknown nrllLle ami mun n . . t J .. . i p.ycholoKi , in. f.rr..l.Ie recelitlnll "for It. ' of ila tli.U 1 tie R Kottplo iloll on Hint i:HT I, hu.li.in.l of Amelia Ilorklna (nee Anna riiiiim and of 'Anna ami ate funeral. Hal . 4 . m . I23H s, Sd at. Int. , r' "" ... '" " " ;,,. . .. . f ,.it"i .,. ..... . . bo a nnelt and the salea nppe.il wcara liuahand of IMna M liotllnein (nee Klufkee). hiumi t , hiiahaniT of Ma Ida ariiia.M Con-' waii'ii it 71, " , " "i r,nrunV"inl"li .'!,a .. ''.AV"0';1 .' !.'.!' "nu,,,,'"t. AMOK Ihlll" iae.1Ss FuneTfl Sal 2221 Krankford ae derv (nee Frt-he Funeral .Fr a in. i,." J-'L ; " J, J11"'5?: '"", liJ. " "i HAM.K. huabapd of nlharlne llannum Inee me. Krancla. hat 'made tlml andy aell bind of N.jiie lloimmle, and .on of' Mary I roN.VOIl rl ., ,nsrPI1 ,. ,.,,,, Jll'T,-,",' 'V"'"'"..'..'.''''! oJ,' .. .i'n,l,X:rr.'?',-,.ir:i."' !:5,.??i7..!;AiJ-l when .-allcil 'K-uple .Mnd,' u hen It "B;," ' "Mniln.ter ave: ' ' '",", f,l r.nh.n Pynn-r and .on of Jame, , Fu,r,, , ,, Ki..' 5nV N.' SHh M Vm.n' InVEiia-C. Jone. PunerllFrl.. ":".,....' !, I. l.,w nl,l lint ' lini-llSr !iv nri ll nf oneumonla. r..,".n."l "?'" '"'b-r-.'":!""." .r"'"M''m''' ... KMKIlPlJ.V -Ite.l. 13.,.f pneumonia. WW.- UMnK,eld. 30(11 Humiuehann.l Bf. Int. pr. Firvini I....... . r... - .,, ,y . ni-Tii ii wiiienJ .oir. nf "Paul P ,ll"i enananan. nn i nrinunu ai. i i.h.h j . nurnnml or Nell e ami ami ni inie i iBte. wln'f ioiinijrn anert ?" In? private I'o.NIIDY iet IS AI.IPK lfe of Thoniaa Vm i and Ann Kmeraon. County Antrim, Ire- , "i,ni)IMAN. - Oct 13. of pneumonia, "Thar ea. lati't It. Mr,- Semper"" ""ii'.'iff.As"" fneumo'ala ' WT 14, JOHN " ,' "j" ,"', ."n",, "U ' at? ! ."."''w Phiia"" Krl" ":,:V " m" 8 Wh flV,L ?"' nf wi,'-1r """"": "" Krnnel. looked a. our lan.Hady na ! I A. hu.Kand , J.ar.nre, PoMan (nee Pr,n- 'B'" fiV,e.,ee,"J,r5" .J 'l . i '-1., I ,3, of pneumonia. JOIIM, BJK' .U'i' .1. " 1' nSS" '' anoke. We linxe lilr.lKf.iat uitn .Mr. i v i, '.i. . v..i f..i in . in- .' V:: "" ' ."" ."" "" .."; ," oi iiioma. and late Ullralietn limerv ' llAltll. (lit 12. of pneunionlH. HAM. . . ... ...!.... I... r . . n i i . it. in annul in i . .-..-- mil' IX I II U HI . I llll.lll'l 1. I 11 . "Hi I" I .... .. t i,l l,f..iirv 1 11 ti rr ll.-.t ' .1 ' nrillll .... ..'... , "... (.ee. I said. ranc "sinK mat, lm,VTON Oct 11. et Fort M.-Henry. ilKh-biow stuff In huslness, wherent . 1llllnr, r influenji HOWARD It., mn tl...v ill liinrhcd nf Anio. and Anna llrlnlon aped 32. Rela- ,.,,.,,,, ,1 i .i.,!.. t,n..r -mil I'I' " nnd friend. 12th District Police. Inl Red t then returned to dads Idler nmli,,,,,,, ,-r .. ,, ln ,,.irrnta' re.ldence. nearli Jumped olT my chair when I isia N Wnrnock it Int. West Laurel IPI1 r....l." "iSU.jr our dear Into to Kr.inclM 'u.(-'-t m ..f ,Wumnn.n JOHN l -ui.iiov hew tftlU ou the iM-lPmlHI , ukNHV hunhitnl nf Knti llrlon (tire (iiiirtn) '"'" c.v trim's cn.iiH .icrnss uiiii me . ... ,,.l. rMf IHiMI (T- n tl ill. . n .. a nil.. 1111 ln rt ill ' " " '-. ""? ''"""" h, re,, e,l. ana turiie. a,, m. c " "l'ni -'h ,"'"'" "'" .' tlie inp ne iiaii.iut.u' " .i"n wasn't a hit Intcrenteil In StaxaiiRiT I unntpil th news, hut I Knew It was no use .ipk.nc till we were out of the : house x When we Rot to 1110 sirnei ne iniu me No. we'll l.e brothers-in-law." '.sm;irt ' Hope our loie wont be like 'true love' " He look.d blank, so 1 explained that True I-oic' Is the name dad irave jour car "Humph " He Deemed nt a loss what to nay for a minute; then he grinned rather grimly and addid: "Our true love Mill not run smooth for anybody who attempts to Interfere with It" I went with Yarnold to the burlesque show two nights this week Those two vlortis Bills we, know are real good , i. a . . t snorts, .alwius ready for a go..il time, Flossie and me nro nulle pally. "n't know as I've ei.r thought of nil, I said. "You're rial gone on it. aren't you, ' KUussIt'?" I crlntieij "Hone on it" Sa. de.irle, tliere'8 notliliiK I uouMn't do for one; and If aii.MMy waH to Kfe me one I'd Iihr ' m most to death will, love." Wt parted at their ninniflijr house, and 1 walked up to Mih. stnper'. H'm fine walUIriK the Htreets nf NVu York when the peuple are all home and the streets are all quiet 1 wonder how much pmiI uvcklaccH cost. rT.MKlKllll.IIIS ARDSLEY .BURIAL PARK I. ol all prices t te.inotnble term 5U1n Office cPcnxIde pi pnth phnnen i KMHTKHY Pt.OT far nale Arllnston 1'cin etr w III ia rlhee for us It .ppl at V.I7 Miater t 11 n-uTrcrvr ,-. 1-1 r ...... t.. , . .. . rB, ........ ...I ll T.iiiTi.-ri.Ti.' .. ,.ir.,..,r ir I.., ll '' "' '.-... or,-.. .. ..,.,., .u....,, i ,,... ....... r in in---- .ni. ini, .osizMir. I I'm tickled oer It well be Premier- ,,":.', ,. , :,' V-hniiVn,.n' s m nV,',.;. Wiry::".'. -.'' I"...."'.. "...V"'"" ".!' Ilenrlella P HnnmHii. URCd 27. Funeral i;rai iKh. ' . -.- :".:. r'."..,;; .mi. i;,i'"m' ,".r... "."..'." '".'. ."-. . " nii cem. ,.r, w.nn-.mi Pa jCHAHLCM P huobund 'of Klale and enn AHIIL oet 14.' of nneumonla. IU.S- . IiIPMAN Oct. 11, JAMFS son nf rat 1 of Mll1rim H U nmt late Katharine Alhrrt Ii: "He of Charles Cahlll nnd diunhter ritk and Mary Ilian, of Hnusksy County bi an Funeral Frl .1 3d p m tnl '.", '"''"' " . ... A I.I wt Mi Hi Ot t H W INFII.LD S( OTT ALHRIUIIT hu.l.un.l nf Emilia V Alhrlet !'- IJ" ""'Viiin.iiUB.1 Kr f-l nD, .,T1 Alhrfcht member of Feshfc-ewah Trlb, No 22. I o J';," Jt ffirvkft1- N 4' " K A AM.FN imomnts Of t 12. jnssin r wife of Jmeph Hrmlers and dauahter of A'etr ander ami late Laura Allen Funeral '.33" "reenway invru n ir und nf iiah h1 ,AniP?.in"ai aV Funeral sertee Frl 2 p in., at Hap. "J wt' ontii. N J. Int. Pap- ANHKHTON At Atlanllc Ft N J.Oct l.V MAItV. wife of John H Anderton. Srv tces and Int Sat 24 N Lanulowne He., Lanedowne. pa Int Fern worn! Cem. ANNrTR At the Coimnt of the tnh Child Jesus. 3h33 Fhestnut st KVA ST JOHN ANNBTTK, in relljrlnn Mother Matte AIcmsIus. riauchter of Mrs M M Shernmn Altriiuii ci in, or innuena. IAV 11 l.n.hynrt nf InnU Arthur UlK.l. .. II. Seulon "HU t -llri reiiion .N, lot .KM, n trpviiie"TT. I i. i !i TrAi meei in r ernwtMJu . em , rec Irl.. P ni. ArUKNI.ACH Oet wife of the lnte John Achenhach. Sr . aired fift Reatles and friends, members of Thus nelda Schwester Iidve, Nn 2. F O d'H S. . Susquehanna Frauen pen Society, (llrard Yearly Hen. Society inl(ed to funeral Mat 4 P. m . 2050 N nth at Int prhate. Oreen- moutn l em APPKI. Oct 14 of Influenza CAnr i API'KL, son of John and CflrolliiK a ppel , otnh aireri 2 itfinthH miri iri.nH.Tn , lted to funernl. Hat 2 p' in . residence of parents. 23iS N Lawrence st Int North- Unil (Vm Friends may rail Frl i ve. I Winil 1 . ll -- aiirsj u, la lT-. ' haDEIL Oct. it. of pneumonia. HHI.KN I tlADKR (nee Hmllh). wlfa of Kred.rlek Ha, dr uned '.'3. Hen Ices Sal., 3 P. in.. 21116 N. . 0rkn,y ,,. nt pri,vaie. Oreenmount iVm. liAl.nV1i. - Del. IS Al lllTIIKCCA HAI.UWIN dauithter of lale l,il und Jan. Maldwln. Kerili-es prliate. 4t Lewi, an,. Ijnsdnwn. It. prllate HANKS. Oct 1. HK.Nftr M llNKH. huaband of late Itetieeca Il.nKs luee Mnier). aseil 71 Hue notUe of funeral lllll lie lven .. ... HAIIHKTT. Oct. 14, suddenly. ANNIK IIAIIKKTT jnej H.ltnnl. Kuneral I'rl. u a, .....u .v .... . ..... I-. ..a.. itvij mil Cem I1KCI4KII. "ei. i-. ni nneumonla. lrl,uit - ; i:.Ni-K V... dauahter of William and Ann. US NVwVlrt -t - Inrc'hVlteV'llllf. ftn.'"" ureiTZKi. cvi. ! 'i',VBITA A", ferment private, la " iireiT.KL cvL Irt. at 283 Iirown st iyiiiiiw in l iiarien fi, ea ra. Ser If ea and in. .ancaster la Sat, 2.30 P'iiKVNKTT Oct. 14 e. nnr f .... .tn... .ttM-r .-.. A Mtl nlnflvta int frUnrl. h l.i. ...... ii, ..r,is- n 'JI4, '.-. -' ..-,.... .... .sisiiiw vlt.d t .'rv!.-. Krl.. 2 p. m.. 234 N. IM mtj iu. an. MvrMu m 4 JHrVPJk- OiL 10. Ml LTO.vk, huaband i:Tlll;ll V. IIOHDHN Funeral aertleea 1..1 VV .i.u . ."'..' -" '- -"',': trhae larlilih (Vm "' Cnm'.iei? P ' Mlfenf lliill t Iforihwlek and itaiMlitrr nutn at int St. iinminic irm. jioimi.-, curi? ... I POM I' '' 13 AMP.I.IA wife of John ,,,, n,, ,,auh(rr n, ,,n jn)m n, slur, ' ..,iret Mnmeh Hue notice uf funeral Mill, I" Bl. n "JIM 7 N llrnnd at I N .1 II. JAMi:s T huabiilid of l.ie M irl i lit. S. r l I. Ilriidl (nee (lli.tklti) and ann n! 'i.lonel Jnme. nt'il Wlulfri .1 HrniP and lilt at cnniilllencc HI falllll lilt slll IIIV SuilditiH. nf nni.nl- Ml Cl.lirallil N J Oet 13 fJIMtV III'. VMM1TON run. ral ..rile, rrl i: lf. of Charles R Hren7 Funeral Frl 1 :iu p s IV .or or liaiinnore nnu , Wimnibe me. I.nnsil.iune, Pu . ,i.ii.lptnn rf.m Inl. prl nl Arllnctnn (em nt I'mmi M.n.le Mirilnn.l ("IIAIH.HX 1) h.i.l.in.l of IMIIh llrURinann (ne Willi.) ,. nf Mirln md Int.- llenrv iirieiimvnn. . . .h nni.. . lIltllillM IN.v "I ineumonla . Ort 10 nir. .1 "2 Funeral Frl sflHJa-.-T.--Ti 'ait' 'in "i Johtj nnd ,iirt iirinn runprai pn.ii" in. .- .imui i-i i"'ni. .1 o. I III ' '1 HllltH II , ("III, 1lll,i-ilt L I I. 11 nt i.nailmnnln n( Vila I horn" llnln'w-.lnut ft . ROIIKIIT IIROMI.KY. ; hll-bm.l f ll.rll.1 llromley. orcI 40. Sen- .11 Church ,tn Otn runr.t1 and int. rrl .)tc r.t . 1 n in. mi i nui irm. llKouKH n 'rt IS HUM nt ht-r rrl fp,,c, , 3111-; n t nt or pnt-union! I, ii 1.1 II S.huiler Itl.lR . Rroad mil Dla- II, -.".1 .' Inl prllale. IIROWS Oct HI of pii.uim.nlii MMl iRRI wife nf Fruit, t. Drown Inee si.iii. rn) Funrral prllale Frl 3 p in.. 2U7 ll I'tinii-rii m im onkb.ii. I Cm iirown Oct tn wii.kos' it imowN. nscit 3.1 Funeral 21 W Tulpehocken st . ..tn , Sit., 2 13 p m Inl prllale Omle ll.niers IIROWNINd Oct II. ALRSAS'Dnil. husband of l.ha llrownlnc due Coine). R. 1,1th is and friends D. Soto Council of K of c S'.i 313. (llrard s.emhli. No. ll X () M P . m inhers vjommer. lal RicbiiiRe ntul nil so.letl.s of whl.b be was a in. mber, Incited In funeral Sal . In 30 a in Mill K. All. rfb. ni ne Int lloli Si pub hre Cem IIRI'CKHCIIF.R Oct Is FltF.DP.IIIC'K nillllll'l ! I zi'Uia'- llllll Mrti ll' I llli ncll.lltic). aued 3s iteiithia nn.l friend" .shickamaxon Tribe, No HI linn it. .u . bivl.ed r.l P-m"" "' lilil'TM'HI. Oct. 1 of pi., uinoiitn RA- CULL I. n If.- of Charles i: lirutsih' used .- .11.. -..i.'.r e. . I'.r... i-.t r.l.ier... fr.ttn linine ..r I Paries Ilr.-iiea i.rl. r.i Inl Mt Ion Frl . aft . Ml CHSIIAl'.M l.t 11 of piieuninuli il lYinp Le. a RALPH hu"d. .nd nf Cor rin. P llurh.baum (nee ,ip.enheni..rl. .ri.I 21 run.-ral Frl . 11 n in pirtnrs nf Mor ri R.o-iiber's Son. 2(lil'l N Itrnad st Inl prn.il. llt'CK-OS' Oct. 12 C.HOR01 V HULKS', il.iuubt. r oT IMwIn F. and Maude l.ucki-..il ui .1 1.1 lears IIFRllFR o. t 13, nf pneumonia SADIK wif. "f William A Purser, uro.i ."! fu n. nil I'rl 3 p m parlors nf Mnrrls Rosen In m . Son, 2(11111 N Ilroid st. Inl Ml i nrme ivm Hl'RNS Suddenlv Oct R - of pneumonia ill Calm. (Ireenleaf. (la . HARRY 1 , .nn of MleliHel iii.I Cntherlne Rurns Inee Louchlln) aR.l 2". I'liner.il .erclee. Krl , 0 a m nirenis residence, 23(12 N HUli at Int nrl- nt. Hnll sepulchre Cem, III'RR O.I 11. of pueuinonla M.llRRT II liiiHt.anil or lni ami son or ln.ei.ii r. nn.l Mure ('' Htirr. aReo al .ileml II. Iclier IidRe No ISO F and M nfl ..,.. r.tn't ..i.r am cirit 11 i, tn er hopnia ano laie jann i.emun. er Hicen n ;i rnnom nrlmte from late residence. 21137 i. Jiv,. v ,l. cu . ,. ... r ,,,,w orin e- nn f-i !" inn i t nn in tun '""'"" " ihiiji.' W'llltam nnd Loule f'atlahan (nee Luther). r iji,t-i it , " i - .1 iiiiiinjii vn ', runerai rri. narenis rem'-nie. 'i-ii nuin st Int Mndt llolv Itede. mer Cem CXMPPKLL Oct 13 UAMRL T hus band of Annetta Campbell anej 33. Pereea Frl 2 p in 2332 I-hlsh ae. Int St. Tlmothv n Fhurehjard. fAWnN Oi-t 14 of pneumonia TIP'. ItKSV wtfe of IMward Cannon and daueh ter of Patrbk and late Hilen Melntr Funeral Frl?, 10 s in 1303 Fleming t . Itovbornush tht St John's Cem 4'AHLIN Oct 12. of pneumonia. HIJLKN1 M wife t J Albert Carlln and daughter of Hubert und late MnrRaret McMillan. Fu neral father's residence rU2 Hazel ae.. Frl cumenienee of famlh Int prhate. Mt Mnrtah Cem CAHLIN. Oct 13 of pneumonia, nt 101ft S razler vt MART K FAftMN (nee Mur injii niie "i iJiiiiii .1 nriMI l uii"irl I'll it Int urhate llnlv t'rosn IVm i l .. 'PA. "', Z " lV' . I ' 0'' "" em, II u. inniuT-i m rrsiiirilt 5410 Meredith ,.iAl"irf,r,if 1S e , W"") '' iixwk M w ife nf (lecirse II Carr and i l','.1,rs"trr 5f Jn" 11 "Ute Maritaret Wl.l.n,. J'unf'rHl ""rvlces Thurs H n. hi 2M13 Hluh st Camden N J Int. nrhate CMlHTAHtS --fwt Irt. PKLLK WILSON CAHSTAIPS at snn-in-law's resilience, Ar. thur C Pierce, 2'M7 Loeuit st Nw Tork papers ropy. CAHTIN Oit 12 of pneumonia. HUGH J son nf JamtH and Mar ret c'artln, aged 23 Funeral nrhate, Krl residence of V rents, 2322 Carlisle at Int Holy Crois (m CATTKLL At Woodbury. N J . Oet 13. MAltY J . widow of William H Cattell ased 70 Funeral private, daughter's residence. .Mrs ueorne - Hiarnise, a2 uunvr at WrMsthurr. N J Int llurrrillle, N j. . fAVANAt'OH Oet 11. nf Innurma, KIlANfKH M , dauahler of Harry H. and Ida ' CaiallHUZh Inee Hemenler). as-ed IS. Ku. neral hat . 2 P m resldenee of parents 3.".. I Jarkson sl Inl prllale, Pernnood Cem. rilAMIlKUH n.t in. of i neumonln. JOHN JIIMKI'll CHAMIlKllrl. bk.hI SI I'u- neral Kat Sum Halluiiell. I'a, inl, prl lale CHAPMAN Oit III, nf tnllurnaa. KDVTHK I.AWTON wife i.f Lieut Walter ' H Chapman A. K F and daughter of I nnilias n" .....n..t. ... ttwion near denee iiv.'ii Mnrrls s; (iermantnwn. cu. . nsrul rrl , p, m. ini private. lei. IL1 JdSKI'll l. ..... ... iii.i.n Henry and lute Anna cilia (nee Mawleas) Kuneral Sal , a m.. falher'. residence "JIM! K l.ehlsh aie, Int. private, Ifn'y Kepulihre t'i,?iHIB -Oct 14 MICHAKf, J., snn of Ilrldset and late John Claire, aired nil nt I I.Hii.i.,. e..n.r&l nrlt-.l. nfri n f r..... I .-.. ... - -. ' . ' "J ''.. snue. r ri a in. hi movement', or ramly. Int. New Cathedral Cem. CLAYTON Oc 14 1IARV 15 M- - ,...1 TV flablnn DitM.m I ttf.., A lc prllale .linn ,.' in., inner 11. linir I """ '".-.." ."V.- ".- "i "" ,':,. Ill.i.- is-.'.i Ch.-slnut st. Int prlinte. neluie , ", n 14.'.. s 2I)th .t. Int. prllute. Hoi ,. " ' Cm., cm Aulo funeral. llltiMilxS -del. IS. nr pneumonia PRF.D. , CROW --) I 13. AMIXANDFR ClimV HItICK 1IIOMAS. -on of Thomn. and May Jr .ik. d i.'i RelatH.. and friends Inilted i lln-l.. need 2(1. at t.annt.' re.ldence 10 flin.. I .eril.es 111! I Oxford St . e rl. 10 itiantir i nv s . .1 iiniiiiiifiiin i iiiiiii r,n i .It UIIIS . V."-SII, . uucini "all, p. m. uf 'SOU Uirka at. Int. private. Mt. ftsc. Cem. ii'i.t , . , ii( i, or pneumonia, win MAM II huiband of Mary A. Colvllle (ne - ."'!, ,'' ipplncotl st rol.VII.l.i:, Oil 13 of pneumonia. VI!. I pnrenl. 1722 H 8th ft Pile notice of fu- neral will l.e rllen riMIK-Uct 1.1. KIlWAllI) II. COOK (., Mrj iienplleri at hi. late home In Cleleland. o - Funeral .erlcea. private. will be held flnm reildenie of .lalne. P. rrl COYI P o.t 1.".. of pneumonia, NH1I.. i huHl.ind of K.telle I'oile (nee lletl.) and' .on of (Ir.i.e nnd lite Nell Cosle. Fun. ral . Sat . s m 3132 Norfolk .t (near 34th nnd Catharine .1.) Int. private. New Auto .ervice and prllate a p. i'lfr.mfMAV Ort 11 of nnriininn.-i. ALON.O I' hucliind of Mur F CriMmnn (nrp Aulry) hhmI SI runpral prliatr Trl . 1 J n m . parlor, of 1 air S. Hes.lnRir. JOi 0 M Hu.jiiiebanna ae Int. prllale. Hillside IVm Auto .en.e i mill i v n. t if a fin 4 HvT fnatw.As t'llIl.I.V Ort 13 MAIIOAUKT. rlniirhtt-r ni jonn hit. .inru mvi y nuv ii-- iwiiji, I unr,t Sit K ii in . from '.'oft Itnilnutii nt (t-ftwrn Am tIi an- ntl Secoml nt ) Int. Hoi rin-j ivm cioiKrnui o-t 1. amci: rimis- TIAN. wife of Hirhanl II Crockfonl and Klitti r of Ir tinrdin M l"lirl"tlan HpI-i-tl 1 and frl-iulsi Inlti1 tn funnrnl -frv-If'B I'rl 11 . m . ArmMronj-', 'ji27 N. Park imp 1 tit prU.itt mtilA. -st IS, KM.V wlilnw of , Sjlveitlir rnil I)u notify of funeral, -on ! in-law ' rmldt-nri'. J. How man, 2130 S 1 lit h tt UlIJ IK ITUfll , I,.'IJ',!i!,u:r'''..,, "' t'"'"1"- W'Ji MAM J CROSSON. , member of k. of C Inl nrliate. CFI'ITT -11.1 IS. nf Influenza. rlUSK It . husband of Catherine CupltK nee Tre.- 1 ton) und ...11 of Robert mid Himns Pupllt 1 l.nell'. HMII.ISH DM.l.AM JR. ami! 33. l'um nil Sirclce. all.l III! prlinte DM.Y Ort IS HLUANOR A. wife of "Pl.t in t Dih aced mi. Funernl Frl. Ill u 111 son-Ill ta v'a residence, Chris Kletn binn. Pitman N J lot Mt. Morlali Pcm . Plilla DANFMJI.D O.l 11 nf pneumonln. IIRAIIAM (J son of cleorRe c. and lnte MCMIinn F Ditilletd. urciI 2(1 Serlices ..nd Int prUate, chnpel of Andrew J Hair k Son A.ch end Huh .Is . Frl . 3 p in DWIS ... . 14 nf pneijiiK.nl i. HOWARD .i .oi. oi .Mm., i. an.! i.mina u. IM!-., vruml.nii .if 1 . ,.i. mli un.t It. In I'mnls Al. ...... aon I uneral alili-nce nf UHrI.'i IMimind Ddta 1.1l Lutheran (Vm Kltiipr t Jnt prlinte. M v ? im 1 it ,i.i.im I,, inv H. iinsTreett 1, nrh-iTe'- ' """''""r" ,,n.s. ..rrr..'!1 ..";' i'f'.'.r. . '--. I .....h. ... .. ,.m liailC.. '.I'I. II llll.l.l.l.ll .1 IIUSJ,.nl ...l "I lnini.l 9.1 1 ....... i; luiul nf Mm lliupnit (i . . Herri H...I .nn ..f lalo 'IIiohmh II and I. mi l-M A p,teiin. ucrd A' Kunral and hit private, from chattel nf Xndreu J Pair H tm An h .un! pith Mm Thuri . 1 n m IY Oi t 12. of priruinnnla. JtiHS hua lutnil nT lite Klla li PutitrU Vrl . 2 n m r, fitfleiH e nf h-othr Ji"eph J) R2J N 1,"th Int irlat; Hulv (rni iVru - AY rt in or pneinnonta. .TO.si.PH Ii:t:VKY Oet II, cf nmumnnla. VIT, I IM T sum of John and Itoi-e Diipv, ru n-rol prhnte. Frl.. 2 P. m , .137 N. 33J et. Int nrUnle Holv CroM (m OKI.1N -Oit 13. of pneiiinnnhi AN'SKI M arm of Anftci 1U nnd Fred, ricka ( Kelln. (red 1 Renldrnen, 73 s Frayler M One notice of funeral will be Rhrn Ilroulc- hit ne ners com OKPICKSON Oct. ilna ' MMtUAHCr H . widow of Frank lierlekann I :tlilh hi v 1 III la int lloiv I row iavn i ue roiiw m iunvrain win o gnen, i Mrs Mrl'itrthl B re-iidence 2T21 N L'ftih st -,.,,, ... .. ,p. 'i. . -:.;. i i i.i. ' i , m i'ii-ijnnnia iMjrKM u .j.iutii ivi vi .ni' nnu in r inomiS IMI inn i.i-n.riii.- mih i null pi 1W nOIIVV , of funeral will be pi-n niLMIVHMLH. Of pneumonia Orl IK. CATHAK1NH OILSIiniMKIt (ne Tin rem fetnd). wife of Herman IMlshelin-r runeral serles. Sun 3 t m . r23 N 4th st Int. Oreenmount Cein Dereawd was a member of Hhnle Fircle No 37. and Ilmeflclal Un ion. No l!i 1MNWOOIHK Oct 14 of Infl'ienra. THOMAS Mi K MNWOOnii;. dsed 31. Ful neral t t. e ard Int. prhate 3VI Walnut st erkluown Pa OOAK Oet IB. KOPFRT. husband of Hose Ioyk tliee Coule ). son of Owen an' Mary H lioak Funeral Frl 10 a. m,, 1 ,ji 4 JHnnt-r hi ini, I'rnaifi .rilH Oft 13, of pneumonln (IFOHOK I' JOh!i hufbHIid of pesule Hnsllclt flndd and Mm uf Thomas L. and Kmllv J Hntld, i ,ue,l "I runerui ironi noia , 2isi st. Int, Sal ineinWr nf Henry Williams ".''.'"iv ri". ii? was a lalire No 1124. 1 iMJKil.MIAl tl OCt l.T , HLLWOOli PUVAN OOFUNHACH bu-hand r Kdna Custer Hoernhaeh. and son of Henrv p and lh late Clara Hin h Hoembach. Due notice nf funeral will be clen oi nneumonla nil. illlllll nei. la nr heart troub e, CHAIIMiS J DOUnHK'lTT Ilelatlvea nnd friends lnil.d lo funerJtl Due ii.ttlee iilll be (tlien. 14.VI N Wittnn sl w Phlli. DOL'dllKHTV o.'t 14, nf pneumonia. HL'llil M son nf Thnmaa and Mary liouieh erly Inee O'Connor), aaed ID. Kuneral Krl., 'i p. in. parents' realdeiiee. f37 N fi'.'d at,, W. Thlla Int. private. Holy Crnaa Cem. UHAPIill. Of pneumonia, TIIU.MAH W. DllAl'KH. aced l,S Kuneral Sat.. 2:30 p. ni. Pasadena Cal DltKIIKlt Oet Id, nMIL-y widow of Charles Dreher, xired A2. Itelatlles Invited to funrral. I'rl . 0 a m.. 12IH N. eth at. Int. prllale Holy Itedeemer Cem 1 It'll AN Oct 12 of pneumonia CAnftlK. widow nf James P. Iiiiitmii. "nun i; Al. bright Ht iluiia-hter of Pilscllla (lamberlln, 1 nf I'nluinl.la l('a Kuneral prllate, Thurs., , ,. .f. .in.., . ui.urii.Kina esiai... .rllK fnr.l aie and Church st., Krankford. Int. North ledir lllll Cim Culuml.U piper, please it.py pUI.I.Sn !. Oct. 13. HARIHKT AnKL. wife of William X Dulinir. surd 02. Ku mral servlies, 014 K. HedEivIrk ., Mt. Airy. Krl., 1 p. m. Int. private. llt'NN Oet 14, of pneumonia. CATH KltlNK, dauiihtrr of Daniel I), and lata Ksleila Dunn, aged IK. Due notice of fu neral will be given. Will lie burled from 4j:tJ Westminster ae IH'NN O.I HI, CATHAHINK M.. wlf. nf Ldiiard Dunn (nee Leonard). Kuneral B'1. . ."' .'.?.- .'?.! l:aT.P ' 'below Wharfon ,t ) Int. Old Cathedral Cem. DfNN Oct. 14, of pneumonia. J7X1. iir,.ii.r, wue ni jonn t' iunn auq a.usn 'A ter of Mrs. Clement J Shark. y and lat. Harry Manlry. K'ineral Krl.. It) m. m.. yler ave, and Uurmuui road. Irax(.HfL i. f tat nrlir. la Ul rtu a laa.. i.m. i mt lUti fil'Btt fi VU'ltl VfHii , v litm i. mil nr .Nellie li Jfiee li'rennnni '" .... ..'..., . . . .... . n r .i. .. -"i i. i ur.i rii p. i. nun- ia i,uhji iiKati .10 1 uiithi rr ., , ii. in., ..ml s". V Wllaiu 11 and l"te R D.i .".A,l,.lJS .T0",1 " M.MIIA M . iildon band of licrlrude lloimann Inc. Seller) and l.usb.nd's r.sldence Sim Federal St.. Pain- need ?ll Int prhnte ST13 N Unrnit at' "f "Ui? "' i-'"''"; '! '"'"or. I'a. , son of Fr.d and Catherine Hermann. ..i:e,l den N. .1. Hit 11-th. I Cem. 1.UM ...."be ulll l.o cl.:en 'rll.t st (JU'N-Oct 11 ASS' nlfe f Wllll-im a.t -Relatlvea Hulled In funeral. I'rl. 1' LYNCH. Oct 11 nf pneumonia. MAR1H IlFI-'S'RY Oc 11. of litnuen?, IO. ' ;V 'l.l,un and dauRhter of He Jalites and l m I l.lll N. 4th rl lilt prhate. Illllel.lv AHNF.S daucllt. r nf late .lhn T and l'ft I llllil inn l lUth in? iifc Lei In.f poruil ell Inee Marsh), nt residence Cm Kllili lAnill Funeral Thurs frnm ll.l'.'s r.eei,.v'nce PurleJ aBe.l 17 Vimer il i rl. ,,f K,"'i'r"'n","r r "fi A,ll"r lunenil nt 1IOLMKM. Ocl II nf pneumonln. JO )..o.l... k ft Oer.nanluii n Hit prhate. v' rM.l' V iSf ' nlfe" ii;!?r: "n -,''"' "' -' rneuinonl, ' flST, ,tZ'"ft "'i'liperal i '".WsT-c", ' lT" of pneumonia. NORA. lull N. .'1st St int. prhate ,,y pr,.s MARY 11. ll fo of W all! ll Helper ami I'rl I j In '.!'.", r.i .. ... I. ...I.....1 "...- iclf. of .lames .1 Linns I'linernl i.rlc.le I -. ... liin .u. net. 12. nt Camre lilck. Ill , T.. AltTHUrt T.. ,2n of Arthur J. .will bo men. KISHINrl. (fct. 12. nt Tamninick. Ilallaa. J. Ann funeral ne) I Funeral Frl II n m. rent deuce (,f father. UN HnvlUc .1 . Mnnaunk. nil. we.iminater Cem. IHtllKllICil At Wll.lunnd Cre.l. M .1 . Oct. 1.-,. ANNinrn. wife of John II. l.inerleh or Hideo ave. nnd Walker at. i rjiniiinru. r.i. Hue notlco or tunerai wi he n.'n Walnut lane and Sprlnir .t.. Ocrmantown. FKNIMORI". of ineumonla. parents" re. Id. nee lladdon Itelel.ta. N. .1. Oct. 13, JHAN MJA FKNlMOltn. daunhter nf Vfaley D and Anne (1. Fonlmore. orii! R earl g m Funeral aerilcea prhate, FrU 3 I Frl . 10.311 a. m . RI3 church lane, Oer. mintovvn Int. strictly private. F 1 S II t: It. O.t 14 of pneumonia lIKOROi: (I., hli.lnnd nf Mart Fl.her (nee Fulm.-rl. nRc.l 4P Funeral Sat 3 p in , L'.ll W Diunhln at In (Irccnmount Cem. Auto funeral FIHHIIIt. Oct 14, of pneumonia MAR flAlllIT wife of Winer J Fl.her and dnllRh t.r of William 11 and lute Mallnda ll.ti.cher aired 20 Funeral .eril. e. Sat. M 30 a 111 re.ldin.e of f ithr 2220 N. 3d at Int Hillside Cem la funeral car. FlT7.(ti:ilAM.- Ocl U of pneumonia, MYUTI.i:, wife of William J Fltroeralil, dauRhter of Ro.c Henrv nnd lnte Kdwnrd Henr). Due notice of funeral will be Blien nnu s 2..ih .t FITyiATIllCK (l.-l 13 nf nne.imnnli. t FIIANPHS C . lfe nf Frank A Fltzpalrlek nn.l dauRhter of Thonnfl nnd Johanna F M.Farland. Funiral Frl. .10 am.' 1341 s until .t in', pruale Holy crn.s cem i Aulo service. FMIMINO. Oct 11 of pneumonln. MAHY nlfe of Janus Fl.-mlnR. Funeral Frl . 2 p. m. Im. band's re.ldence, 22 p.ea.-int t.. Ml Alri Int. private, rl.INDT. Of pneumonia. Samaritan Hospital. Oct 13 Iini.nS- daughter of Albert ai.d the lnte Lena Pllndt of SOtO uru ru. ruTi.Tiu ..nil'., ri... i.i n in. the D. II. Fletcher Rulldlnc llroad and lilnmond ts Int nrlvnti Pol. 1IY Oct. II. ANNIK M.. ulfe nf l unci a I FOPST. Suddenly. Oct IS.- RORRRT 11 l FOF.ST. Relathe. and friend.. Ha. tern Star LodRC, No. IS, F nnd A M , nn.l Columbia R. A. e'bapter. No, ni lllllted to .erilces Thurs s. p. in 2330 N. Hlth st. Inl Car lisle. Pn I FOX. Oct 13 of pneumonia MRY T.. IdnuRhter of Patrick and Catharine l-'nx Tl I neral Frl Ham. parents' residence, 2013 I Oakford sl Inl private. Holy Cross Cem. ' FOXHILL (IRRTRFIli:. wife of Uenrm, W Poihtll and diURhler of John and Her. trude. Deanlel iircii 31 Funeral (IrKfllh's litidertaklni; istubllshtli. nt Norwood Sat 1'1 " 1'. .. .. T " ":." ''VV " "p ?r. ' .W K,t; BRl . uPMlV(,M H, friPn(Is IUtnd 1 in runrrai ariifesi, Max . i .i p m . un 15 , n..".i. .... 1... ..Li. . . . UAFI NHY (I. 1 12 . II Utl.lIS l:.. ton . f Jlltl an. Plhar n- (laffll. 1 (nee Mn.,.. ..';!."".' -.:.'. ..r.: ..." v."..' .'.: - .: - -"- . i n nr ... .in nriinii ...i .r.iw. .nn. I.KIt 0"t 1"t of n leninnnla AMV in.KTltUOF, I)Ol,oiti:s. diuRhter of Tltonna II rfitd Mar H (Jaler Hue nntlce of fu liernl will W chen. Su.'S N 1 otli at. rt RUNi;il Oft. 13 JOHN' PAUL (jAIU.NFIt. Mt. Plpnpant neir Waine. P. huclMtid of M F. Kelh Oardner. StrOffs tit in .aie nsMjrnre nai , ll h. m. Inl laughter rf Mary and late .In men Itur! 1 Funeral' and Int prhate Omit flowers rinnitni:HHN on 13. iniit n Aider t i WILLIAM (Ji:otOi:si;N. Vue notice of fu. fu. 15 neral will ne kiwii till ll'TTr' ..t 1trll,i M T a-Y i AliNKH. wlf. of Joseph (Jillelte. Hffeil 3ll Fun ml Frl . n-3n n, in. Int Berlin fem OI,in;CK. Oct 14 uf pneumonia, VIOIA l nur vi i rs , , . , i,i uri, rv Mini thium "' lllln and Florence Watlls. nired n wue oi iinrrv i- uiuecK nnu oaucnter OOTTSCHALK Oet Hi of nneumonla KLIZAHKTH R.. wife of Julius Oottsr-h'ilk and daughter of Martha and the lute Henry W, llalley, aged 2N Funeral nrhate Frl . 1 P. m., mother's residence. 304 Farlham Terrace, Ormantown Int. Cm-lten Hills Cem (lOCNLKY Of pneumonia. Oct 111 F1 T.IK, dauahter of James and Amies Oounlev Funeral prhate. Sat., fla in . 120 drove st Int. private. Holy I'ross Cem OKAHAM Oct 14, of pneumonia. M VUIJ MKAIIAM. oaugmer or Jtonert and K. J. p. m 221? vv. oaupnin si, Int, private North renar mn wm i:dwanl and Mary iirevea luneral ser- ices n.. - ! in. irninriiiv uniiiit-r, jonn nriiH it, t. t,H.ri pi .nt I'liinir, Oltl.KN. Oct 11, CATHAHINH daugh ter of late J. Gen-g.. nnfl Johannn Greui (tit-i- tirlinim, r unerni .hi m .... Sat . .1 t. tn 4H1K Osaire ale OltRRNKR. Of pneumonia Oet 13 HAHItV II.. huahnnd of Helen H flreener (new Hales) and son of Sarsli and late Al bert (Ireener. Kuneral Krl . 1 p. ni . lir.T N. Crnskey st Int Laurel Hill Cem Mem her Washington Camp, No, S.1.1, P. o. H. of A. .. . lilll.ri.Nll iiiii is'l in. riie.l nusl.an.l nf late Sarah Oreenunod (nee Phllllpa), aged HI), runerai r-st . v a, in. ini. priiute, (Ireenlnnunt (Vm lllll.ri.ill ( I l.ei. 10, of Influenza, HAHAII tlRKBNWOOI) (nee PhlJIIps). wife of 1-rea ureenwono, age.i .11 runerai mi 32.VI Fiankford ue. Int. prhate Greenmount Cem (llli;rK ci i.'i, lu-i.-Nuv husband of Stella Greer (nee rtln-h Funeral Frl 2 r. m.. 2.1.11 1 edar st Int. .lit. Vernon ('em (lltKKR, Oil. 13. RALPH, son of Samii.l and Margaret llreer Kuneral private. I'rl , 4'30 p. ill. resldenee of (Mrents. 3110 N Water st Remains mav le. viewed Thurs eie. Hit Knrest Hills cem nillf .f nneumonla. Ict. 11 1.IARY ft t of John A. Grim (nee HllLortl. aged .t Tlelstlves and frlrl.ds Invited tn funeral Krl.. 10 a. m 12S Wolf st. Int. private, llnlv Sepiitelne Cem. (IRISCOM Suddenly at New York Or 14. WALTER 1)., husband nf Emily Rhodes Hrlscom and son nf lale William Wade and Sirah Cooper Orlseom. Kuneral. home of Walter I Rhodes. 4th and Jaikann st,,, Media. Pa , Krl.. 3 p. m. Int. private. .imOHNINU Oil 13. OERTRl'Di: tl. lira nam, i-t.i.i . ui i unt-rni siriciiy i,tifiii no 34" it. v. ! : laberis l,odKe. I .maa. '-". "i inwirtf prhi at he rnnt,fpftrn rr im fsmtlv. No H L P of A.: Hamilton Lodae. No son of lillen and late Thomas Mann, ORAY Oct in, ALFRFD H husband Mm I O O r. ! Union lidg", No H K of ' 31. Funeral Frl.. f.012 Royer t. Int. of Htiza A Gray (nee Fox) nnd son of Franlt P West Philadelphia. No. 14H. I. O O I, i vaie. Holy Sepulehre Cem. na l.rv A 1ln drat' Vimutnl Sit, 1 .... t it ,, r, ti. ,... ..''. tllti!M ft IK MTPl.l.l V II V Mempnis -it mi .-ew vaine,irai i'em josepn u, Jennings (nee iloeder), survived by I nee topej. runerni rn.. i n. ni., -.-ihij OHKKNH Orl. HI of pneunionli husband and two sons. Josa-ph and Wilson, MelCean st. int. nrlvate, Holv Cross Cem (lKliLHUti NKWTON. husband of MnU aged 32 Funeral private. Int. Union Cen. t MARTIN Oct. 14, of pneumonlrt, GKNK- Oreene (nee Young). Funeral serhei prl- Quakertnwn, Va. Washington, D. C. nnd VH3V13, daughter of Annie, and late John n lie oi (T J iiroening ana uaugnier oi Francis X. and lale Ellen C, lllikey. Due nntlce nf funeral nil! be glieu. from 407 tl, flllOHH. Oi t HI of pneumonia, IKE. husband of Annie Orcss (nee Miller), .1747 Chestnut st. Funeral Frl.. 4:30 o. in., par lor, of Morris Rn.enbers's Sen, '.'009 N, aVftak-iScL tii!urat4au. xtmu. IIAINJKH. O.l. il. nt nnelimonll. (IKimili: I.OWHV, huabaml of Malirarel riiiimbra llninea, Punenil Frl. 12 30 p, in .11)00 Market at. Int Mt. Peace IVm IAM.OUAN Oct. IS. MAltY, wife of rv t t'i:i. HAHit. iieiiI tcr'a re.ldenco. 2110 N a til , Tenon! HAItP.IS. del 13 ANN1K, nldnw of UbhHrit Harrla, Itelatilen and friend. Ha ired Heart and Altnr Soclelle. of St. Ilrldecf. Church. Invited to funeral. Hat.. In n ni 3713 Hliinlnn . , lull, of Hcbul. I., .on of Marab and the late Jncob ILirw-y, of 30IH Chancellor .t.. aired 31. Itinera! sun . - P. in., pariora or .Morn.- uoren bertt'a Son. 2llll'l N. Itrold ft SerMci. Adalh Je.hurun Cm.. 2'3(l p. ni iruult) Iidge, No. ..'. f. nnu a. .m.. nuieu (Ireenleaf. hu.bui.l of Cora II. Hanthnrn, ' HAYO'-N Ort 11. nf pneumonia. KMMA I !., wlf.- nf Jullun A. Hax-en and Jnuuhtf-r nf n.iith nml Oharlea U. Wattaon. M. D . nard Ss Puneral f-rrUea and Int, private, 2111 n Wall ire nt.. Sit, II a. in. 1IAYI2S. Oct, 14, of nneumonla, DAX 1KI Hon of Ouj-tav nnd Sarah Hayea. aeefl 32 1'unernl Frl , 7 o. m . 2010 V. Hterner rt. Int. private, Holv Sepulchre rem IIKAI.Y Suddenly. Oct. 14, MAltY I. lli;.IY wife of Lawrence Heals nurd 00. HelatUm and friend Invited to funeral, Frl . 1 a m 1-311 Cnuper fit . Camden, X. J Int. C'aUirv (Vm , ttnATHKUIXOTOX. Oet frt. JOHX. hn. Iliinil of Mary I.. Heatherlngtnn and on of - Thnmni and Marx Heatherltintoll. formerly of LaiiRhorne, Rucks Co. Pa aRed. 32. l-'uneral aerilcea, 4023 I.nnca.tcr aie., S.lt., 2 p. m. Inl Heechlcnod Cem itr.i.siiiiii 'in. i.i. o. i.nruu.oiiia, ju- liiiiiiiin ,s -. , , s . (!. ii.isr,,,i-i , ji.v SIIPH COI'RT hu.lvind of France. Ileln- rich (nee A.qulD and son of Charles and Su,.anna Helnrlch (neo RleRer). aRed 30 Funeral serilces, Sun. 1 p. m. parentn' rc.i.Iilice. 2311 Frankford ale. Int. prl- late. S'nrthwond Pcm, HKISTRR Oct 14. nf pmumnnln. AI.- RRRT I, . son of Louis nnd Clnrn Helster Inee Rru. klilall). aced 24 Funeral services, Krl 1 p. in.. 2132 N Car I. e St. Inl nrl utle We.l Laurel Hill Cem Doeeu.eit was a member nf (Irnee Rnpllst Temple. I mi. I. mi ii. cicl ii. ai.,ih, uue nr T;d- iiard Ilelmlch Inee Sweeney), aped 33. Fu i neral prhate 4(10 W. Glcnwood ave. Int ' New Cathedral Pern HKS-nitll'K. Oet 14. cf Intluenila. JOHN husband of Annie Hen.lrlck (nee Horner), air.'l 32. Funernl Frl . 2 a m it.il W. Clearfield St. Int Holy Sepulchre .Cem HFNNIMI - ".I 14. of pnelininnlH MARli: ll.. wife of John M. HennlnR and dauRhter' of Marv und the late Charles Schneider. iiKed 20 Due notice of funeral will lie Rhen, 1.333 N Reese st l NIC. wife nf F.l.ner Herman (nee H.,.ni... .. .........x ..i. ... .1. ......umunia. .in. iirci an. I uneral scrii.es Sat.. 2 n. m . 307 IJndlex axe Int. nrliate. Greemnuunt ('im Autd funeral lllltim (vt. i.V of Influenza. ri,OIt KN.'I. J . wife nf John It llll.b Jr. and dauchlrr of John ami Salllo KoHrnn anil 2." Kun-ral at'rlcea Mon , a nt , 132l N. Wannni.ikfr M Int prlvato. Hlllsldf (Vm Hll.r. "i-t. 10 WIM.IAM fimSON. hua h.uid of Mrirv Tiuxton J Mil more ae.. Iinftlown1, Va 121 V Unit)- Iui notice of luttrral will r Elen HH.LIJH (Vt 1.1. WH.UAM I, hu hcli.d of Hilda IIIllfr (w r Schichtfl ntul mui of Hrurv J and litj I,nula HIIIt Inep ( hulle) nireil 21. Due not lee of funeral will be ahiii from 2243 S, Hanrotk at. HfKTOlt - Ort 12. of pneumonia. lil.ANCHi; I HOCTOIl daunhti-r of .Tnhii 1 and late Sarah It llnctor. Funeral Frl. ,i a in . fatlur.'s rtsldtriicc, 2., H, 21st nt Int nrtvate litiiMiMiv n-t in or pneumonia MAU OUF.IHTF KKF.VFS IlonuPON, aed 2".. lfe of Jettrnh Itnilcn llndiraun antl dativh- ttc-r nf John and'Hmma S Ilrer perv teen ,m.l Int Prhate 114 KlnirH Htpha Vet llHiMtnlle'il V J Frl " p tt HOFF. -Oet 13 rifATtl.i: V HOFF. at 1 ins lladdon axe Camden, N". J. hiiKhaad nf Mary Hoff (nee Wens) Hue notice of ,IinTHI w 1.1 le Khetl Itiin-r et. Ipt nrhxte IIOOKFIt Oct 11 JOHN S. son of Al io Ira ii n tl the In If ITenrv ( 1 (nnlcer. ucnl M Funeral at. eonenlenee of fa mil v. Int. Van IJew Cem . New n-unnvyrk. N J, Hrilllt Oct. in. of pneumonia. IIAU- HIHTT II. wife of Itobert K lluhtw and detiiKtitr of Catharine mid the lnte Isaac IMimr, asr.d 33. Serlcr Sat.. 3 p. in. iiii n'fr M.. Kranhroni int. prhate lll'C.HRS oVt. II. CATHl:RINR..l.li.w m .... .. . ... IUWIN. Of pneumonia. Oct 13, CHAP Jr hushann of Km ma Simpson and sou r !u a in ami late i paries irwin aired ;i 'mural Sal., II a. m, 310 N Hlth t Int lirhaje. He was a member of the fol. lowlnsr- Lodjre No n. V and A M , Phlla ''onsistory Lu Lu Temple, A. A, O, N M. S I IRWIN Oct. 10. THOMAS IRWIN. hu. ; baml of Ann I,. Hojd Irwin. A member of hu-lf M Swain Ixidee; No. fl?.4, F. and A M Columbus Chapter, No. ni, R. A, M.s' btnr of Frt 1 3u p in., from 334S Oxford at. Int. w f ni Cem. r OFSTA. wife nf Charles A. Jackson (nee simmM i uneral rerices inura., p, .......... .will-in, -ra,trn ll Ul . , rs JJ. III. 110.. Il(irl nt. Olrniid hlnw Krlo nts, V I.i. ...J...... ,,.. ..! V ' jmi "lliellri (.(Irtlfr, Vllir , J'H., JRNNINGS. llalilmiirn nn.l,.., mnv Ji:il!)OV Oet. in. RACHEL. J C wlfa or i.ruiard Jerdon, Funeral Hat, 2 p ni., Sum (Inv's Kerry rd. Int. Ml Morloh Cem. iiill.-NMiN net. i;i. or innu.nzn. lllllv. Altll W. JOHNSON, aged 4. AiJult rela. Hies Imlt-.l In serilces, 4004 Knox st.. I'rl.. 2 p in ln prllate. JllllNPON. Oet. 1.1. JOSl.PHINi; 51.. wife nf Harold C. Johnson and daughter of (lenrge and late Hannah Kellers, aged 20: Kuneral Krl . 1 p. m.. 2120 8. 71st at. ll, en ...nri.n l em. . JOHVKNSRN. Oet. 10. WILHKI.M C. husband of Anna J. ijoriensen. Services Irl 1 p in. 13HI N. Aldrn at. Int, prl. l.t.r in Peace Cem. KAIII -Iiei, ii, or pneumonia, at Kort Oglethorpe Ga. CHRISTIAN KA1IL. son of John and Marl. Ivuht. need ?0. Services Krl ll a nt,. funeral pariora of v P. iirenner. inn (iermantown ale, KAHLMt.s Oct. 13. ANNA M.. wife of I. r i i.n"nl.r a.!"1 uauunier or iierman II and Mary H Klosterman. aged 23. Fu. nerHl Mnn 4 p. in,, 4 r,3 J N, 13Uj st. !m ni. N'orthwniHl Cem KA1.IIKIIKH. At West nerlln. s J. oC 11 WILLIAM, husband of Klhel' KaN hirer aged 20. Kuneral sarilce. and Int prllate, Thur... 4:30 1. m. M ' KAY In Phlla . Oit. 4, MATILDA E KAY. daughter of Samuel O. an. Marv II Kay. aged 11. Kuneral service. Frli. a . p, tn. fluster Rural Cem. , KRATINO Oct. tn. of pneumonia, .111,12. I AIIKTH. wife of Joseph Keating and .laugh. ter of Mary and Lit. Arthur aalup. Funeral Sat. Ill a. in SnlO laiti.na at. Int. pr.' vale ltnly Crua Cem. Auto servioo KUEOAN Oct. 14, DOROTHEA V., wlf. of Jatnea A. Keegan, Jr., and daughter of Dorothea and lat. Frederick Ib. Funeral rn, iiii u. n. eiinrp. .aiu n. reitwnwi h. Jilt, prlvat., iikii.i ,, ai rari ii Jl KMMA BALDVVW, 'lt V'un.rHl frntn .!. 2d at. Int Sua. 10 isnn nr William Nn. "JS i. fl. I At Lnnatiaie. lli-t l" nf . ,iAtrr iriji,-u-i, it. pneumnnui a. in . 2UU pneumonia. 1'I.OHKNC ri UtKNI. wife of, rllAiiv J nueuHnu m rii' , .-.lansnem t.. Olney. Int, Ml. Peaie Oem. nMWSP.'.Y- T ct' '" of P""imonla. niiniKIK W,. husband of Joaephlne Ken. nedy (nee Hold.worth). aaed in Funeral prlvnle. Trl.. II -30 a, m.. 'jnl-.1 K Fletcher at. Int private, Fernwnod fern Auto aervlce. Iidaea notified of hN death! Itlch. mond l.le No. 230. F, ar.d A. M.I Chrl. llan H. Freeman Chapter. P.. A. M . aanie lodae. No. 77H. I. O. O F i Ken.lnatnn louncn .o. a, a u. H r..s 3d wnni u, and I.. A.an.t member, of Union Tabernare I Pre.byterlan Church and Cla. No. 0, and empiojea or Americin stores en. KKNNIlfiY Oct 13. oY pneumonia. 1II1I.KN. wife of Joeeph Kennedy and ilaUKh ter of Samuel and Fannie llunnrr. need 21 I uneral Frl., 3 p. m.. re.ldence of parent.. lSin CnMUrn .1 Int, Holy Sepulchre Pi in, ll-wi'nv ni 11 iraii.n a .,.., ' of, llemard and late' Aitnc. KenneTv. Funeral r ri , n a, ni., re.iuence or Rrnnuillotner. l-M Cornwall at. Int. prhale. ., KKN'NUY. Oct "IB. nf pneumonia. VIOI.A ROIIIIRTA. lfe of James S. Kcnny and ibiUKhter of Caroline nnd the late Fred erick Fu'ler, aped 21. Servleea prlinte. flat . s p in.. 121N Tuckir rt Int. private. IvHItlOAN. (let. 1.1. IIHf.KV I' lf nf (leorpe j. Kencati and dauRhter of Amelia and tlie late Theodore Johnke. aaed 21. I'll- r.irnl Sun.. II n, m.. .'.'117 Master .t. Int ArllliRton Pcm, l-l-nn lu, ... vi-llli- i- ..,. ....'.""rrO!.1- - r'l'T'!l. l ! Wife of ill nam .ii. Kerr ami .lauunier or Ki.ioro.iii nnd Anna Rlchmund, RRed 31. Arle.T hiir. i n n. aii-ia Vrlnliu ni t I "?Ih and Uhe.lir a V 1 In? FnwnnS i.iMti anu i-ncsier a.e.j. int. 1-ernwood .1 unerni Cem. K Hill I.N lnitv ,Vf Valen lne TindCl.rl.tl na schaefer ajid pnta rrnlilrnce ,7',H Alanter at. Int DrKatn S";t Holv Hrdcemer i'ern Inate, j,,i;mii iy. un. n, or tinftunonm. MAiniA ni'T i uif,. nf .TiiHfTiii .1 t t.i. i,.l- Jr.,rnnd ilauaht-r nf .laine- and lain Hrl.ld t Johnson apptl 27. Kuwr.il ffrviie-, Prt.. n.SO P, m . ;.r.l Hrrmltacp Ft, l.nxlitirnuKh Int. prKnte, VjtminNter I'ltn Auto funeril KXAST Suddenlx O4 1 12. Mra AX.VA KN'AST Ptineml tirlntt Inl Krl 41.1 llalo-ruiln hi ttslalliAa uttil frlcnilu Im llml to mn.. SI Lanrene,.'. Church H a. ni KltAPHT Oct 13. of pii.umnnla I.1Z- ZIB wife of Herman Krai lit and dauahler nf Charle. and late Kl'za Mm. mill.-. iiriiI 37 Funeral I rl.. .. p m., m.'O N tun nt Int. I nrlcaf e Northw-nod Cem I I.APY Oct 14, WII.1.1AM K. son nf M irRaret and tie lale I-inlel I.ici Funernl Iprlnlte, Frl. Int. lloli Cross Cm Autu j lunrmi i I.ASH. Oct. 13 of pneumonia MAR- OARI.T, daughter of Henry and l.llrihclh Lash, iirc.1 31 Funeral prhate Frl 2 ; p, ni , parents' residence 3.141 C. linnet St.. Falls of S.hujlklll Int We.l Laurel I Hill Cem LRUS. Oct 13. of pneumontn JAMRS WAI.TRR. son of nilnabeth l.ees (nee Der- luneral mot) and the late Robert Lees Tuners! c ri , o p in . rp.i.iencc ni mnin. r ii'Cil rj. . n in oi ii,, ini.ni . ..if.... ...-it... ..... . .'Ill, LKI11H Suddenli. at Tulhrtmn ll. t 13 WILLIAM 11 LLIIIII riineml prlinte near Tullitnwn. Sal.. 2 in P ln Inl Tllllitnnn LIIINIIMIDT Oct 12. of pneumonia. CATHARLS'i: S. llauL-hter of M. .111,1.. ana KKVnVn.. 1 of nnAi.mAnln 11 T a iininiii .iV V v.. i- V" ' " inee ruricKi'iinii. wiuow or i-ntrliK .Men in. A.'IL.'rTO V !.l- i",' VV.'.h'"? "n1 ehev. Funcal Hit.. 11-31. nm.. 2413 AV. i. fir..,vSr"oI iS'"' lh," r';i't.K,.,inun', Pumberlnnd M Int New Cathedral Cem. Vrl.inl'l.: ?. r.F"n'V,l7,a1'l,h..", ' Mitll'llli: ()t. II, JOHN McOL'IRR. llrlatnl. Pa.. Frl.. 2 P. m. Int. Ililstnl Pern. Funeral Sat. Ill a in. re.ldence of cousin. Herman Lclnhar.lt. Fun. nil seniles Frl.,1 MKHIHPK Oct 14. nf pneumonia. RR1D 1 .in n ni 102 I! Lancaster ale . Wayne. OIK (' MKRRK'K. dauahter of the Into ''". ...'!'.'...'? '.'.." 1'aild's Cem .. I Tlniulliv nnd F.llzabcth Merrlik (nee FelKh- ...i'.'.J'.11:'".-"'.' ! of piii-imioiila AL- nei ) Due nolle,, of funernl will bo uhen, I.l.ltr C. liii.bali.l of nilzal.ctti In-lulnifer -.,i,i y, Somerset st Inic l.lns), ne,l 34 Funeral seniles and MIDDLKTON Oct. IS. of nneumonla. '"V i'-'.v-"c1, ?'..'' r!'.' ,4 P.', mi . r,.., ni.HANIlll A .wife of John Mlddleton. Jr. I.I.O.SARD. Oct 12 of pneiunon. I, D.N-' Funeral Sat 3p ln. 1713 W Vnnlcnrn.ru 111. J. husbn.j.l nf Maty A. McLll.Rlllln a,""" p," nrlla.e wV.t Uiiirei lllil"r-.S"y '""'I". ".?'".. ' ." uneral nnd nil prhate fPUl! Sit S 10t Pith st. .. '''ivV.'O ".! -ct. .'. or .pneumonia. canter ave., WiMie, Ta, Due notice of fu. iitrai win v given 1,1 n u:ovi Ot-t i.i itonnitT. nan of the j a. jo nnd Maty IJttlewnoil (neo rHlwee). nt Hi- revldetue nf hln sinter, Mra. Alarv II ltoberta. 220,1 i;. Suimii" luiana ae. Sprvkca und funrral st-l(.tlv I ITlHte -M-OYD. Of nnetimenla .Oct. 13. PAIST i. iiHuuiiirr oi ii amnion i. ana r,mrna Hendler Lloyd Funeral servleea and Int. prhate, chapel of A ml lew J. tf.lr A. Son, Arcn ann mth am I.OOAN -tict id MAttV wife nf .Iflinen l,oRlin. Due nullco of funer.il will bo Kivn. -.W, Citieen nl I.OOHI:. Sept in. nt . lieutenant FflANCIS C. I.OOFi: II. S .Marino Corp, ton of J Wahlncton ar.d Mary K, Luifue, Mird 22. In nothe rt rnnuli m nii 1.UM-;. Or!.. Ifi JOHN 11. Mvn. 3d, ' hu-band of Fannie TwMi 1xe Serlce prl te. Frl.. Ph. m . Olher II. Hair PldJ., i.u iriPHinui si jui prnaie. MJCY Oet. 1.1 anna. diUslhter of (1. Ft nnd Anna Hornberser nnd wlf of J Walter I.uey Hed 2(. Funeral Frl 4 p, in 214J S Uasrsett m. Int Mt ."florlah C in IiUKAS Oct. 13. rAl'MNR C. wife of Mnn frnltl 7IU N l".'d Ht lilt HolS' Pross i em LYNCH Suddenly Oct 1.1, of heart fall, nr. PATHATHNI', Infant daushler of John .1 and Mollie ' Linch (nee VubcIsopb), Residence llllll S Mill st Du notice of fUnernl will be Chen MacllONALD. Oct 13 nf pneumonia. DONALD .1.. husband fff Mary MacDonaid inee main ami son oi nan nnu jiniiaM , M,lcDolin.l at-ed .111. funeral Sat , I.fl lPhlritlilBfih.&t 1rn l.lf r.ierl lilt .i late Thurp . R n 2723 N. 10th st- nt Hunttnudnn. I'a MUl'l(t Oct 1 1 of pneumonia. i ItlCHARIi son of late Richard and Marv K Maautre. Krandon of at Michael and Asnea Ran of hoentx)ile. I'a, Funeral at fomenience oi ramus MALLKY, Oct. HI. of pneumonia. MARY wife of James MalKy and daughter of Pat- rl, lr and Kllzabeth Dolan. of Itenkeraeh, County Caan. Ireland, aped 34 Funeral prhate. residence nf husband. Pleasant st , Uvniimnnr. cnestnut in I im private. i WAhlifill. I aged url. I tolfa nf Hernard Mann. M. D., aged 33. Funeral and Katherlne. and late Charles Mulhern, rrhute. Sun. 10.30 u. m., UU03 Chestnut at. taxed 14, FUneral Sat , 2 p. m., grand Int private . parenta residence, 1K21 Prunner it. Int MANNS. Oct 14. JOHN J., husband of nrlvate. Holv H.nulrhre Cem. Marl Manns (nee Ittmeyer). aged 2H, Fu- ...-...--.-. ....--. --..--.- . Iirm fino lilt. Prhate . asru n, r u- Residence, 2UM t.-Any. mt r'vJ' '1 fi fnrtl.i Kuusrsl Hat . 1(1 a. m . moth' er'r residence. 3(138 K at, Int. New 1 1 alhedral i'em MARTIN Ocl in. nf old age. OKOROR W , brother of Senator David Alarlln, Kuneral country realdenre of brother. N, K. Ilouletar.1 and ileal roan, nai ,.ai. ii. m. Ha was a member or KchUIIer 1'ost. No. r.i, (1. A, R t Business Men's Aaso, of Holmes. i.un. ini nrliute. North Cedar lllll Cem. MAUVE! Oct. 12. JOHN A. Jr.. only .n a' Mr. IVm. Wltklns. aged 211. .Mnnler I ,., n-ritnhiH (.nam. of Masons Kuneral Krl.. parents' residence. 1)00 N. 3d at., Camden ' t Charl-a'a Seminary. Oierbrook. Int. prl Int prlvan ate old Cnthrdral Ccni i, in-.-nieau'V del. 1.1. MAItlK A ...m.tiv . Oet. 12. of nneumonla. I MATCIIKSK V. wife of Harold M itchesky' ' itelatlles and friends Invited to serili-es. vTi ID a. m.. .'ir.'s N. Darlrii st. Int Vnrthworwl Cem. nemaln. may be viewed n. m. ' I Thura., R to 1 p. 1 .. .OT.t..-nu fit la nr vn...n.nn.u ' liKliTHA, wlfa of William Mathera and i daimhtcr or uie j i,- t .Is f.lIBTBVA ann JX tTiialisia w.f mh 28. Pum-ral Sat.. U p. ni.. hu. i..n,l'. res denee. -I3JI is, aa ... int. rrl late Hlllald. Cem. Trolley caruneral. MAXWELL. Oct. 14. of Inlluenta. JAMKH K . Jr . .on of Tlmma. and llrldaet Masweu inri .rsr"vf'- ..I. . ." ""J', mt. McCATlE.-Oet 111. MIOMAH J . f Annie and late .lame. Mcisu. Kuneral Sat , S p. m WI Hanstead st. Hril street be". losV.Market. Inl. private. Holy Cros. Cem. )ct. ,13. of pneumonia'. JAMKS I. Vvi f th I'I;. t hjrl'" " Sarah MsCaffrsy, Funernl 4B4S Krankford . T, .t j-smrer.1'-. fsml r. ., ,i , ' iinfii tririir.i . :.":. v.v'i, S-r. Yoflvn -t' int. HolC" t'r7,'.Vl'e,,""I'n"H,-7.'BAVIU-Oct. ll-f pneumonia. OKOROI5 ""McAt.LISTRR. NONIR. wife nf THOMAS I HENRY, son nf Amelia and Ueorge It MeALLISTER. Jr.. daughter of John and Neavll. aged 30 lie was a member of r!f. Wit. If.llv. 2421 B. Kith st. llu. nolle. clnVn 1141. P O. H, of Al Washington TKSSf'P? no ne. Co,. Pa, Int. prlinli Houthneaiern Cem. McDAII). At BinN. re.ldence, SOIh and llrunavtlelc ne., MAIICIAIIRT. widow nt Henry McDald. Funeral prUate. Oliver II. Mi lr llldK . IH20 Che.lnut .t .i Frl., Ill a, m. Int, Old Cathedral Cent. Omit flowera. Mo!1i:nMOTT. Oct. 14. ltOIinilT K. t.KK, hii.hand of Mary J .looea, and .on of Harah T nnd late Jame. W. McDermott. naed f... Hue notUe of funeral will 4ia clven from brother', re.ldence. J Vincent McDermott. 1401 .Maraton t Mclir.VITT Oct in of pneumonia. JOHANNA C . ilaURhler of Daniel P. Jc liiilil. need Id, Funeral nnd Int. private. St Anna Pen! MctlKVITT Oct. 12. MAHOARKT. wife i.f Alexander McDelltt (nee Ixieh). aged 21. Funeral Thur... il'.lo n m . 2212 S, llurk nrll .t Int. Old Palhedral Pern. MellOS'AI.D Oct. Ill, nf pneumonia. MARTIN II., huaband nf Marvaret McDon Htl (nee Proctor) nnd .on of MnrRaret nnd lay IMward Mcllnnalit Funeral. Frl.. l:3fl p in. Plnt'iir. re.ldeiue, 3(1.111 Calumet .t.. Fall, of Schuilklll. Inl. New Cathedral Pcm. .llclll.l.M lim llel. J-J, HU.XIllKTTA R. .lrtlin llniriin. Wn.hlt.ulnn lnne and Lima. I 1'lhi pike (lermantown. Int. prhate, IIolv Henulehre Pe-il i MiKAY. Oct 11. MARKIi P. wife of John MrKiv and dauRhter of John I"., Jr. I "bd ,1lr J'.irv A Fluid Funeral from 2021 m T,,h ., . .',,,.,. fVm Mc1.aIM1III.IN net 147 of nneumonla. hu-kv ,,, ,,r the I .te Daniel and Cnlhnrlne "b.n, on nr Ipe ue panel an. I I'ainanne ' -VclaitlRlillu. formerly of 22PI N. 22d .t. ..r.. .n,, ... ... m . ,,nr.nr. i a. n. Ki'iiier. 2.ini N Pith t. Int prlinte, Holy """ MiQunde lim Ad.m. at.. Came more P.i MnMASTtlR. Ort. 1U ritfKi) 'H . wldo Carnev Ard- ' " .n-n-tru-i- tmu numin'r 1 tn II ( and lito Anna Kind. Pplatlra nr frlrndM InMtrd to t-nle-nt Sat , 3 p. in., Pirrnla rej-ld-nct. R24 N. 11th t. MMtn.VAMIX Ort. 12 nf pneumonia, i'ATIIAIIINIJ MrMKXAariN' nen SullUnn). wife nf John MeMenatnln. Funeral private. Int. Holy Crosj Kfi 2.i is x ifamroft at f PFTI I.. Mi-MIINAMIN Oct. in at Mt Holly., N J JAMIIH i hu.band of late RrldRet Me. Men.unln. Funeral Sal . 11 n m.. re.l- denee of brother Henry McMrnamln. lP3fS jierria .1 nil. lloiv iro ism MeS'AMARA. O.t 14. of nneumonla. PATRICK J. .on of Thomas and Ilrldeet i McNamnra Inee Mifllnnl.) Funeral private, re.ldence of parents, 1320 N. ,'il.t St Int, iiiiiv ' I iirn t ill McQFtl.l.l.N Oct 11. at Camp I.ee. a.. of pneumonia. Prhate HOWARD T. Mtv. (Jl'll.l.l.N. nf the 4Sth Ambulance. Porps. husband of Marie McQulllen (nee Clark), and ...ll of Annie p end the late Peter J. Me. Qulllrll, Funernl 1230 N 10th St . Rat.. 11,30 a lu Int Holy Sepulchre Cctn. Auto funeral llolv i ro.n rem MF.ANY Of Job. town. X J, Oct, 10, Mll'IIAKI,. husband of lnte Catharine M.nni. aRed "ll Funeral Job. town, N, J., hat., 10 a. in Int Mt Hollv, N. J. Mi..ihi.i;. un. ,r.. nr.it riiA, widow or Aaron Menkle. Funeral private, 22IS N. nilh st.. Sun.. 2 p. in. Int. ItoJef Shalom Cm. MILRURT. Oct. IB of pneumonia. DOM. TN'IPK. Jr.. son of Domlnlck un.1 the lata Dlla Mllbert. Funeral, cnnvenlence ..r tk Int. strictly rrhate, Holv Cross Cem. Mllaf.KU. Oct 1.. of nneumonla. r.rt WAHD H aon of Hdward nnd luvenle i Miller, nerd 1. Funeral Sat . 3 p. m., 2431 N. 3th et lilt private. MIf.I.KIl. Ort 1 I Undertaker WIM.IAM J. Mltil.KK, of pneumonia, huiiband nf Sarah Miller (nt-e Nixon). Funeral services Hal . I P m . 12" H :ii a.e.. Conslioliockr n. Pa Int. prhate. HhcrsMo Cem., Norrlt low u, Fa M I I. I, S. OU 1.". of pnetimonla 'HAnu. hunand of Mnd t X. Mills (neo ' I'ntloiii aced s I uneral .r rl. 1 pm. ICL"' lA"aJ,WH' " J- 't Ker ureen (Vm MISSION'. Oct 13 of preumonla. M1N' NIH MISSION, wife of Samuel James Mia Mm and daughter of Adolph and late, Caro line Meer, ailed 32. Ser een Sat . I n. in , 110 inunannon st Int. prhate, Nuitnwciod JOtl isf C eni ' MITCHKI.t. Of pneumonlH. Oct MAIltRi:T 1 MITCHI.I.L Inee HanevJ. wife of John Mltfhi.ll, a?ei 3D Funeral nrhaie. Sat , 1 p. m., 1317 S. -ICth at. lul nrhnte Forest Hills Cem MITCH CM-IX t 13. WAI.TEfl W. MITCHF,M. son of late Jatnea ii. and I.IUaUlh Mltclrell Int strictly private. MOi: Oct III RH3 Chester ave . LINDA, wife nf Mithew Moe, aced 21 Funeral prl ate other II Hair llldg., 1620 Chestnut sl . Trum . 2 p. m MONA1IAN Oct 14. HKRHKUJ son of Mb h.ii 1 anl late Mary Monahan, Funeral at lomenletve of fanillj. residence of father, 4I1-M tlertnantnwn ae. Int. prhate, New Cathedral Cem MONCAOA 7-Oct 11, if pneumonia, JU LHTS. son ofJullus T and Anna L Mon eada Funeral.nt conxenlenee of family, from HI"'. Oxford it. Int prhate. MOVCIC Oet. in. nf nneumnnla HO. 'AfU poti of Hdwnrd I. nnd Hrjde Monck. Funernl FrJ . 12:31 p. in., residence of parents, 3!i K. Trite st . Ormantown, Int. , llolv Sepulchre Cem. MONS, t"U pneumonia, 0"t 14. ANNA MAY. wife nf Mitchell L. Mons rnd dauch- 1 ter of James ind Amv L Andrew, Fu neral serMccM prhate. sat., 2 p m, xbfj ornate I. Oct 14. THOMAS J son nson) Montague. rteia mlted to funeral. Frl.. loly Cross Cem Auto fu- 13. of nmumonla, 1IUOH notice of the funeral, from parents, 071-1 i.arcnwo.vd 2. of Influenza. FPANIC. ret J, inee Galasher) and I late Frank Moore, a ceil 2021 rarrlsh st. Int. was m. Mooreslown, N. J . Oct. 13, mohris. wife of I'harles jcliler of the late Samuel Crannier, aped 3(1. Funeral ram Mv int. Colestown Cem I MOTtniS At Camn Oreenleaf. Ga.. Ocl. 13. HOWAP.D S.. son ot William If, and Amanda H, Morrli, Due notice of funeral will be Ien MORROW. Oct 11. of toneumonla. JO- Snril K.. husband of Florence K.i Morrow and aon of Catharine and the late Samuel Morrow. Funeral Frl. 3 p. in , 6342 Yocum st. Int Mt. ,Mortah Cem MUMinitN. Oct 11. of pneumonia. JAMKS, son of Henry and Mary Mulhern. of 124 S. 21th st Funeral private, residence J. Dunleavy. 02I,S. 21st st. Int. prhate, Holv Cross Cem . Thurs., 12 noon. MUitiiua.,; ut'i, i., maui, naugnier n( Charles and (Catherine Mulhern and grand- A-x iiithtap rit Hush nml flir.nr.t TaAilarh art V MULLF.R. Oct. 12, HARRY C, husband ' .iiui.l.i.ll.-uei, j.-, iiAllllI l. nusnann of Rosa Muller (lire Kohler). Duo notice of tunerai lllll ue alien, 213S ri. Aiuen sl. MUli Mill. LAr.ll -sl let. H. CKUIL1A M wife nf Mathew MTilholland. Serilces prl late. Krl 11 a. tn. Int. Mt. Jlorlah Cem. MHLHOLLANI). Tke death on July I, al Montevideo llarlsir. nn Isiard tlrlttsh B, S. lllierdile. nf HHNRY MULHOLLANR. an Amerlea.i elllzen Is rennrled by the Ameri can consul at Montevideo. Uruguay. Th legal relires-nlBlhe of deceased can obtain egal renresntntll of deceased can obtain urther information Ja applvlnx to lh Dept. in oi n.ai. .. uiiiiiiiii'ii, ' i ... Ml'ltPHV. Oct. 111. CATHRRINK. daugh. ter of late Rdward anil Catherine Murphy. aged 34. Kuneral Wed.. 3 p. in., residence nf brother-in-law Maik Mulhern, 121 N. Van Pelt st. Int. prliate. . MtmiMlY Oct. 1.1. Rev. JOSEPH J. Mt'RPHY. D. D., on nf the late Michael i an.i Ann Murnhv Funeral Krl.. 10 a. i CIIARLKH. husband 'of Rllen Murray. Ku. ,ral Krl.. 11 B. m 2I.VI Meredith St. Int. lirrn. ,-.,. .. -. ...i.ni. tlilv Cross Cem. MYERS. Oet 14, of nneumonla. C1RACK M. lilfe nf Frank II Miera and daughter nf lha Isle John and Marv Keenan, Kuneral Sat ,? SS1II a. in. T.3S N 11th. Int. OIJ C.'-dr.. Cri. Mtn funernl MYLAM Oil. 13. of pnftiimonla. MAOD4,. I.ENR. wife of Ueorge Tailor and dauehter of Charlea Lewis and Kate Piston fue. tjni,.rti ased 3.1 Kuneral Sun., u a. m.. 11 c (lenish iipartnient, H. Susquehanna ave and Cedar t. Int. private, Hlllald, Council. Nor 1 Jr fl. V A. M.I O. O K, Phlla. riremrn iiniri es, i-UJierai ril. 2 p m. IW Hainlon st, Int private. Krnr.h.vn.i.1 Cem NEH.U Of pneumonia at 203S S. Chad wick t. HKI.KN CllRFl wlfa uf John J Kail! Mnd ,iaugnier o air. ri. .ici;uiiy and late Thomas. Keenan. Funeral private. Kiss.. IS. re,1d,nc. of mi.'her, t. fflgtainV- ,sA. Jul. Hal" ffamm (,'i, v BBsM Lm SJkSL-fLVA I ITT -s. If It .. 4 rl '. OWj : 1 ... "Ai'.Y. . ., - ... rl! - '