Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 17, 1918, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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"t V
15 -
General Pershing's Reports Include an Unusually Large
Proportion of Pennsylvania's Fighting Men, New Jer
sey and Delaware Also on Honor Roll
Howard, .prlnalleld. Mo.i Frederick 3.
samp. Cincinnati, Ohloj ailhcrt II. Ja
Wnsblntlon. Oct. IT.
Four hundred and twntynlnc namea
ni'Pear in the army casualty list fur
nlahcd by General Tershlnit last night
nnd today, an addition to 190 rufTrreil
by the marine corps, making a totnl
of 627. This number Include- the killed
nnd mlsBlnR In action ; those wounded
severely nnd otherwise; those who died
of dlacaae, accident or other cause, nnd
thoae In the handa of the enemy.,
A feature of the nppenderl Hat of nrmy
caaualtlea la the large proportion of
rennsyhanlans It Includes ; New Jersey
and Pclawnrc are nlno represented,
The number of ofllccrs nnd enlisted
men of the army killed In action la "f,
the missing In nctlon 18, the nevenly
wounded number 128, while H7 names
appear on the Hat as wounded to 11
degree na yet undetermined. Thirty
nine soldiers died of disease, It suc
cumbed to the'r wounds, 3 were killed
nccldently or by other caUBea nnd 10
aro prisoners.
In the marine corps, bf the 196 names
reported, 30 aro Mated as killed In ac
tion, 1 mltslnft In nctlon, S died of
wounds received In action and 1 died of
disease. The severely wounded In n'ctlon
number 64, those whose w omnia nre
undetermined number 10fl, and 2 nre
In the handa of the enemy.
The summary of the army casualties
to dato follows
Iost at sea , c,j
Killed In nctlon n,o;i
Pled of wounds 3,28t
Died of accident and other
Died of disease.'
Total deaths
Missing, Including prisoners.
Grand total 48,023
The summary of the marine corps cas
ualties follows:
Deaths ,, 1,199
"Wounded 552
Missing, Including prisoners. ... "'l44
Total ,,t06
The total United States casualties In
the army nnd marine corps Is 61,759,
Today's list follows:
Klllrd In Anion
wCnnrortAl,Kdnard j. o'Malley. Tort
PIUVATE8 Itueaell Andreas. Csnal Ho
.'.! ?,i..Jo. n- Heeae, Wndeebnro, N. l
Albert fi Pcmberton. Prater. Jlo.; Morris
Posnonsky, N'rw York! Charlie T. Ilnby.
1 sillle. Mo; Emmet n. ItoErre. Troy.
Tenn.rottr. K. Pcmt. llalvcati.n, Ind.: Paul
I.. flrtssenhalner. Zrllenonle, l'a.i Lawrence
(lllbert. Council Illurta. la.i Pamuei C Hen
rich. J.atoma. Kan.. Krank HHIapc. HI.
Louis. Mo.t Oliver W. Ilnlmes, Heaver
Crossing. .Neb ! Herman Johnson, 'Humboldt,
;;.; w.hop SI. Jupln, Vermilion. III.: Olto
Ksmmerer. Providence, n. 1.1 John C
Keahey. Illuffadalc, Tex.: Clarence King,
hmnnrla. Kan.i Joseph Martlno, Auburn.
N. .t Samuel II. .Miller, Ulcneoe, Okla.i
lenae Moctyambn, I'unna MarU, Tej.i
i. hPT." ... A1""". 'l Addison street.
Philadelphia! Harry II Munn. Waverlv. X.
Y.: John V, O'Connell, New Yoiks Clarence
J,""' .."f1""" """' w'-i l.awrcnco I..
Oiia . Calumet, Mlrli.t Jtlke It. Under.
Plndlcy t: Hamucl K. Itaii. Port Worth.
T.'x.i ( harlea r, llevclta. Chicago! Thomas
."inuJT' M.n,nr".-,ltv. Mo.: Ilatld William
Rowland. Ilrnnrh Dale, ru.i James I,.
?hn' Htr'"". HI.: Btanlry r o'Kane, l),ir.
.heater. Mass.: William !!. ttosa. I,amnr,
."' IJIIHam n. HhalTer. Mnrirnntown, W
iV :ur.'?1,n-. r. "mllhi C'hnthani, N. J.i
Si" l"J . V," Tl"w' ffl llhnr street,
Phlladelnh Ul Tony J. TflMipnwIrli. Newark.
N. 4.1 Aljln Trial.. llnlli.te.id, l'a.i , Inrrnto
Jenutn. Jersey City, X. J.i Nick C. Vlean.
Providence. 11 i.j Henry lre. Newark.
S. J.i Karpel Vlrun i:ndlcott. X. Y
Mounded (Ileiree I'ndetermloed)
SBfiafiANT MAJOIl Nathaniel Charles
Frank, Now jork,
SBnOEAXTH Harry Alnnra Holmes. Mil.
Nm.port, l'a.i Charles I. inner, Allrntonn.
T.r.0n,,,,nA.T'f,T-,"hn 3 Peeley. Ilrooklyn.
Ivory Mnrrs lllrmlnBh.m, Ala.: William
.Nattle, Ilrookljnl Jamei o, Hobtrtson, Wcl
leslev Hills, Mass.
iIlU(U'E,K W ' Adams, New Ilriina-
PlilVATKH Oeorae lluddc, Tyler. Mo.:
HriiI!Ia i.iV.um,"'r1"' c,.r."- Ark MI'Hnm II.
gallon. Plttshurchi Henderson I'letch"r
MooresMll.. Ala.: llobert II, Kollla. Chirac,
f'ed I'- Fowler. Marshall. Mo.: Albert W
McXimara, Ilrooklyn: Jaini-a V. Marren,
?r1nV.Sh",v. M'"5".n' 'nley. Ala,: John
vI,Ltll,,'!kl'l,,Vl11 ,'h"l " Nlmmo.
Sim iYoirk!i,J?.nn 'J."'"'' i AlnhonM-
-.-. ,,,, ,,uiier, i,i jne noiiinn. Utile
Zephlrlm McCarthy. Tewtuekel II t , John
MrTernan, llnrhesier. X Y. 1 K.trTaele MsN
fel. .lersej I Ity. X, J.i Joseph w. Man
rRrt"l.V,ter,'n Y Chirlea Marino,
.w ""'.WA M"."kl. "" " Nelson. Crist,
'.'."i. V'lllnm lSwj HU Maierlr street.
I'lilladeinhlai ifrid II Ixierfel. Ht Paul
Minn,: Harry Mantell, New York: Theodore
C Matthews, Turkey, X c . Jm.ph Mlehsud,
Watrrvllle, Me.i Krank James Miller. Pater
soil, X, J, Marrn Mlrienl. I'rolldenrc It, I ,
James Moore lllack lllv.r, Mich.. Flod
Murray, l.udlnaton. Mich . James Mirtln
OulBley Hslamsnea, X Y.'j John I,, Ilobln
on, hlllnwood, Kan i Carl Hoaers. Atora,
la . Nthan Itosner. New Tiorki Kred Iteuhn
Itnrf Detroit. Mlrh . Kdwiinl Cafui, Hrran
ton. Pu.t John II :hnk. lllrds, 1II.1 cor
pellus J. Khea, Xew- ork, Hol-rt ?hllHlt
Mountfalr, Va.; I.uther rllaton Halls, Tenn
llarley II Wleck. Minnesota City. Minn 1
Cyrus Williams, Vaox. Kv. tmte A Wll
Hams. Karle prlnas X, C , Cijde Vates.
Marshall Mo 1 Joseph Zaihnr. iirldieport.
Conn . Mike Zelt.. -llradfe.nl. 1'a.
Mounded (Uearre I'mletermlnedl
t'APTAINH Mosc"b II. Alklns
Ill.i Ilojnl It MiCulcheon, Franklin, Va
iir.u i i. ti i'
-Ulmer II.
1. Ve
Ms son. x'ew
Hf.IKlKAXTP Harrv V llenson Stanton,
Neb.! Thomas J, llradi, 1J3 Mt, rnul
street, Mo'lown. Phlluileliihla: John V.
Connon. Plttsburah, l'a.i l,arr Clay. Illnek
Creek, X. c lJolm J Pmohue. Ilrooklvn,
X. Y ; Ira Irln Henry. Merrill, Wis., t:d.
wan! J llcslln. Ilrhokljn V Y , John
kress. Jr., Haldwln, X. Y.i. Morton It Klllts.
Morrlstlllr Vt
COItPOnAl.H Comldo Allen, Itlpley Ala
Clirenro 15, a. llellows. Jr.. .Vew York.
Mllllam II. Cnnenler. Itibnay. X, J.i
Arthur I, Charbonntau, Hartford. Conn 1
Frank J. Conney, llruoklj.li, X ", Jnseuh
M. Crowley. 1'llihburR. Mas Mo'lon v
IMvIs New York 1 tlmrle. lUlrfeld, orlh
llersen, X. J.i Arvhle 11, l.ions, Kraser, Mo
l)enls O'llrlin. Ni'W ork. Andrew II. lilt,
Newark. X, .1.1 Holi-rt Pattvritn, Hprliu
alley. Ill, Irvlna II, Itennoik. Chlrasn III ,
Kdward It. Smllh. Now Ytrk. llrlus It.
Mump, Virk, Pa,
( onn.
llui r.
F.lllnwood, Kaa.i 'arl I,. Johnson. Ohlcsao,
III. I Fred I.. Hammer, Itoiedale. Kan.i
Urn.Vrr W, Kerr. Mount Trie, III.: John u
Klrkman. M'ood Lake. Xeh.j Howard H
Knapp. IHvenport. M'ssh.j Hubert Kreln
lirlnr IlrHndon. Inwi, K,,! 1 amheel Teen.
ton, N, J.i Joseph l,amlan, New York rlty:
lllchard M. I.loyd. New Orleans I.a,t Joseph
F. Io, Cincinnati. Ohio: Forest A Jlcdlnn,
Clay .City lnd Ksrl Meiln. Chlcato III. I
iiaroiu w. Mercer. Aurora, III : Frank
Mlllase. Ithaca. N. Y.: Fred o. Moata, Fair
mont. W. Va.: Albert AV. Moore. Madison
Mile. Ohio:. I.ee Moore, North Ynklma,
M'sah : Chflstoohee t lliilltaar, Uentlsn,!.
Ind i (lenrae X. Murray, (Irlflln. (la, : Merrls
.r. uiiver 'fesaiiemaniis, i.tifeorae I., i'ar
dee. nochater N, Y.tjVllllnm J. Pu'eali.
Carhondale. III. I (Hen II. Itannev. Islre,
Aftrb . Kranli A. lteirensltiir. Ilrooklvn. X,
Y ( (luernsey P. Unas, lleratur. III. I Klner
. reistnn. rouin .Minnespnus, .Minn.i .ir
nil II, Sommers, Oarske, X I.i llalph A,
meaner. Ilernlrk. Pn.i (leon'e W Hlevenson,
Price, t'tah: William J. S"ulllan, SprlnaHeld
Ohlai Archie Tanner rinrlnnld. III.: Mult
Tlntera, Dickinson. X It. i Joseph II. Tucker
Trov X Y.i l"ila 13, Tyrrell, liufralo X
Y : Thomas A. West. Houston. Teaaa: Mar
Mn II, M'rla-nt, Hik.iiis Hill, Tenn,
In Hands of Knemr
PnlVATFH William K Kleens. Hose,
vllle, Oa : Wallace W Hendrlck. Xashllle,
Mlsslna In Action
imtVATi: Edward C. llass, Monttllo,
Killed In Aitlon tl'reiloiislr Reported He
. lerely M'oiindell
PniVATK Ilonuld Thsmpson, Maple
ihade, X. 4.
In Hands of Knemr (rretlonsly Renertfsl
I'ltlVATE Dalph T. M'rlnht. Illbbetts,
Ohio . . .
Itetiirncd to Huty (Preilousty lleported
PltlVATI'.S -Leonard 15 llrnwn. Chalta
nooaa Tenni Allen Marshall Knnls. Middle
town Ohio Frederick J. Kingston, M likes
llarre, Pu,
Cuk?y. XcrnUh
COOIC Unjne I.. KofLr, West ( lifntf r.
IMIIVATI'M riiitr,!. Alr.P t.M. M,.,.. n
I ; Ueone F. Alve, Cannrltun, Ind,, Arthur
II. Andrews. Des .Moines la , Vlnient 1)
Ariodara, Cuchllla. X. Mcx.: John llalll..
Mime. een, l'a.i Hamucl llerna'iln, Hrniii X
J.: John ltlnaw lulus. Detroit. Mich . cic.
''', I l,,rBi., v''',P",l"j Mo . Frank
w. Ilurke. Jr., I'lalnltrld. X, J.i Manley K.
t'aae, ltetolla, l'a.i Maurkn J. Callahan,
Ueneseo. X. Y.i Dan Cannon. Itlpley Ala..
Anthony Carodnl, l,odl, N. J.i Patrick J
Carr. llrookDn, X. Y.: PlillTi. T. Curroll,
Newark, X. J, : John M. Curiian, I.lnden.
X. J.i Joseph, K.Catanrnrlta. Mlnelll, S
Y.I Henry I., Christian. Houston, l'a.i Curtis
. (lark. Allentnun. I'n.t lanh, 'C
Cleary, Caledonia, X Y ; Howard (I. Clem
mer. south Allrntnwn, Ph.i John J, Con
Connelly, New York: Joseph Cornlln.
Newark, X, J.i Frank Cot, New limn
wlik, Canada: Jatnea II. Cnwart, M'rsiiuln-
te.v,, r. , f Hjnil , I 0011. JllSSOUri. I - ...,-. .
Tex.i Frank Crnlt. Toronln. fan,irlu. if.n.u l Ttusslan I'ound
V.u"h,.nn' hTm".. ?' ?" ' n'rliltrlfh. ,v..i.i i,. i.l ,I.H (Pr.il.uslx
N. Y.i Philip R, Horn: SJ.i:t North M.' neporteil Killed In Action)
teenth street, Phllndelphlai Kllleon Dulsila ' HKIlllI'AXT Alexander Hamilton Iallta,
(lenevn Ala; Arthur I'nst. Hauaertlfs. N i Ilia Market street. I'hltadelnhla.
Y.: riainuel Itlckea. CI-Aclaiid. O., Frank P Pill VATK Jules Dal Id, Frisco, I.a
It loll ii. X.w Vork, William ('. itohli'ns. ....
Kershnls, O.i llnhln fiuliik, tof! North ' Mounded, Dearer I'ndetermlneil (Preilouslj
Heientli street, Phil iilelphlm Hmmiel Milr-, Reported Mlsslnc In Action)
.S.'TIS'u.'tfWlttn '"Sf.' VVSlrSiS; c, ,'0K-Paul V Ol.uxeupp, Xewr York
II. hmltli, Westnrld. X, J.i fcter Hzabol. I imiv'TP-Frank Ederln Tully. X C.
fi T"ch s?v J,vrSkB.,,-A,.va;.iu!Av i H" Yl1' vfy?&i;
reward A. Mllllims. I'lmiuhsap.'. '..J', . I.exault. Ilamburc. T.
Welllnsfnn f. Wrlsht. uK.Tanallli-, Oa , sliehtli Wc
Moilro Yorltomp, D.nver, Colo, micniiy i
Washlnglnn, Oct 17 The following
nre cabled corrections In the nrmy
cnsualty lists:
Klllet) In rlon (Pretlouslx Reported
Mounded Setercty)
I'ltlVATE Louis II Courcler. Padurah.
Killed In Action tPerli'lr Reported Mls
Inic In Artlon)
I.tKfTnNANT--Iloeer W ltltchcoik, I.os
Areeie, csl
PRIVATE Charles Edward Cross, Hur
leille, N. Y.
Died of Mound (I'rctloixlr Reported Miss
ing In Artlon)
PHI VATES diaries lnjln .rarrrll.
IHOfi lloirman street, Plillad-Jphlai Hen
Holbrnoli, Moslnee. Wis : Max Xeubsuer,
PmlthMlle. Minn , Jeft llrldges. Knglewood
Tenn . Charles Cronk. Menominee, Mis. (
Donald II. Ilarilr. Huntingdon, l'a.i ll'nrv
Klaln Clinton. Ind.: John F. Morris,
Mashlngton iitrnue, rhltadelphlat Arthur
M'llbut Han Antonio, Tex
Mounded He-erely (rretlonsly Reported
Kilted In Artlon)
PltlVATE Joseph C Plnckney, Yemasiee,
S r
Mlsln In Action (Reported Heterely
Maundrd In 1.1st lor October 20)
Pitt VATE Frank Cwlkln. Dombroeky.
Already They Arc 1'cw and
Most of Them Are
Iloy I,.
Missing In Artlon
llradley H.mlnel. Okla
J. Irreiser.t, Covlnuton. Kv.. Tlomlon 1,-.,,.
yolt. l'eat,Jln. Ida i Thorn is llar'la. K ll.
Mex : Joseph I;, Ooode. Madera. Cal .
Josmll (IrSrXlkiluakl tllirMnr,.! la,l, XtlV,
l.ubln II. Marchmati, (Irrrnarlllv, Ua.: Jameo
Mummtrs, 'luruiito, Canada,
,. PniV.Ti:.1 James J. Oanry. Trnv. X.
.". ''fdwitrd l.ltthen, Ht Ixiuls. Mo.l Dee C
MiAlllsitr. (iratib). Mo.: Albert r. M'anner.
Uauiuna, M'U.: Anthony c. M'altcr, lluttulo,
Klllrd In Action
iv?Kll0,PA?:THTnmanu,?1 Anderson, nutlne.
? i K,'1"V e.H llault. Toledo. I). PRIVATE
T'MiitJ'.i. .,,,r"'HlJerul,l. Oa. .Monroe. MIC
To make the Merchant Shipyard, nt
Hnrrlmnn, the rnfest ard to work In
on the Delaware Uher Is tho aim of a
moicment Just started there. Accidents
are naturally n little more frequent nt
such places under the present stress of
shipbuilding, but the number of them
nt the arlous ard haB been greatly
exaggerated, nnd mnny men hn.c been i
afraid to take employment around ships. I
(erman propaganda Is charged wlthl
the spread of tho f.ike about the num.'
ber of fhlpynrd accidents. Take the
Merchant yard a an example 1jn
month .ho total number of accidents
In this big plant was only about sixty,
and of these only about n doien kept tho '
unfortunntes oft tho Job for as much
as, a week or so .
Through the co-operation of the fore I
men and orilclnta the Wctlms of accidents:
thero recelic extraordinary attention, ro
thnt an u tulo recovers Is speedy and
When these men return to their work1
tho utmost consideration Is shown
them. Thoy arc glien lighter work to
do until their strength Is regained The I
I.mcrgcncy Kleet Corpornton started an
Insurance for the benefit of men hurt
In accidents at this yard and this ha
kept their financial losses down to n
minimum, Medical servl.es are free to
them nnd besides they get a the bene
fits of the workmen's compensation lnw
to which they nre entitled
Tho Merchant safety department l'i
foreicr on the gunrd against nccldents
of any kind, nnd It I this service that
Is depended upon to keep the number
of nccldents down to t lit lost pos ,
slbln point. To a Inrge extent tho '
workmen thcmeles co-operate with tho
safety department, so that officials see
no reason 'why the yarn should have'
received any credence whatever. At any
rate, the company Is confident that they,
can make their plant the safest placo
to work among tho shipyard.
Cramp Outfit Won't Quit But
Would Fiplit Mticy Ho.ir.1
If the Cramn shlmard still had Its
suuared rlrcle. nrobnblv the nuariermen
In the riveting department would In-1
lite the memliera of the Mncy board all
the Ivny from Washington to put on
the gloves with them for n few rounds
to settlo that wago question. i
These foremen of drlllirs. rcHimrs, I
riveters, etc.. hnv been w.-iltlni kInoo
June for n certain message from the
board which fixes the shlpworkcrs' wngi'
schedule. They got one only a day
or tun ago, but It w.is not tho one
they had been expecting.
".More patience" wns about what the
board asked. These qunrtcrmen. one
of tho most loyal lots of Milpworker
m me cnunirv, snow no teniier at nil.
They wouldn't strike or even consider
such a proposition, but they think the i
Mncy board has kept them waiting;
for their raise a little too long.
Corresponding mechanics In all other
shipyards, they .say, were granted the
ncrenso Inst June, nnd thev nre at u i
loss to understand why the board's!
Promise to Include them In the Increase
Iiiih not, been kept. The company ha. I
nothing to do with the matter. It I
entirely up to the (lovernment board i
Hut the il ffercnee In tbe u-m, ,.nA
Carl O. Anderson, Prercutt. has made no difference, whatever In the,
oundert (Previously lleported
Killed In Arllonl
PIHVATKS Charles K. Hewitt. Ilarxeys,
Pa. I Clayton S. KUe, Columbln, Pa,
Mounded Hllehtlr (Previously Reported
COItPOKAl. Harry I. Metanus, Meyers
dale, Pa. . ,
PltlVATKS-'-James W Ilentle' , (lulessen.
Ala Biliv llunart, ChlcaBo, Michael Bhec
hun, Mtaunton, Mass,
In Hospital (Previously Reported Killed In
PRIVATES Joseph It Day, Castle, Okla ,
Mark It. Hart. Denver, Cut
In Hospital (Prrxlouslr Reported Mlsslnc In
S Urvln Henry Charles Adler
....... w.i.w.c - v.iirinioiiicr - ii. Ilruce, ' VMS. , UUV Aunnsion, weiriui, .Mien i yr i-i ,tuvii,,ii ,u riniM, a wiiness tile tact
H.mM.'i -r' l"rlu!1 Creed, Columbus, u.. time C Hallow nv, Marj vllle, Tenn ; Nli phi n that the Cramp jurd has launched
vvnuJ, ir' "eaj, I'latilirovll e, Ala, Uuv .Inna. Jr. Hartford. Conn . Harry K. I'id. I (viplity.tuu shin lnra lininrv I .,
Htrsmf't"1,' 3 .'"'Is. Mu. , Claren.s li ( Hellene, l'a.i A (I Dupe, lllcknell, bid : I , '," l " I"' " ",m" ,"",':., 'e,?"1
i -.fAl '.'n V3 "J ? "rove. Xeb.. Charles Wood,! Augustus M Kdm.indson, Atlanta, Ha . Al-I """ l"oy e-lnre. beat tho world.
I' iivi-NN t,..i i . . phonae Itutlerres, nation, X Mi llajmond
Mont I oIVl "vief'ffl" ,.Arrf' Augusta, Hurdke. Ilald Bugle. White Hear Lake. I jpi MAIIHl DFI'CTV ( llll-r f is.
son. Douda, c. Mabbott. ...wnci d I Newport. X. II: Man Maw ). -U. IMIII I the scr;t. has raid the extr. me penally It
.Vlarby, Iloswi I, Qu,. laJunrn I lrllee mere, Md.t Joshua II Allen, V aehlntrton, i was Malier'a own "Tom." and that's what
.ruoMjn, X y.'. Dennis Mllle'r. Jlorw": I !'" ' ,","lfam ,A"""1' ,A ,' ,",VY ""s"'" i"' nuM" hlm Perhaps li r hi had reeognl.! I Ida
town. VV. Vu . n,,n, i !...!.. 'ulr"" Va : ll.i Itunir llaeca. Mllaneuva. X M.. own n, I the ,ni.i,n..n, ....... t..." !."
I) . hrie. if ..'. "!.""!..' "'""ii
! !;rter'irXutUnBrA,u,;er To" Ti, .Si. V
Jieon. uimioe, Minn : Harry i" oti
IWulvvllle. I'.,., JoJr,', 'Vt..'shaw- Co,!.'
tneV "in" ,I1rf"n'lcr Kmm,',t Itlordan Itlver
i,I 'r,'" ' V,ori'',,.;i,","r Hnldow, William
i,1"' ?";' i"ln,,, William It Wa I. Vlni"n.
n,'Lr,', nJi.''uf '"! 1iob.r Wllkerson. Co"
Ux '" Curl Wl"rn. I-'mhouM,
Died of Mounds Received In Action
Coui'rm.ir . i..i. ,, ., .. . . , . .....?,,.., ..j ..
rrrt, .-. 4,i .ijnriin oe, 'ew York: Matwl !fnvirr,j ., " , .iore, j(oenenst ii, neiuriins 10 ifiht iirrnoiito iri,uriT, .,,,.
Rot. Chlcnao: Joseph Hose, Utlcaj , N Y ' Jos, ,,h M l?r"Try A1""1'', N Vnrk, lug In Action)
Henry Roth. Jrr.e, City. N. 4.?' John ti' i-,,.' ?, J crVkl'"v"";',, C,':' '4 r"1 N' HBIKIKANTS-Klmer A Smith. Portsge
r?.MrkM'DIi,"' ".iHns.rlc. Ilubbo. I'ltta- New- Or "na, "I;1 Norman 'ii. l'"vKi M'ls : John ll.nry ..rtore Wimbledon N D
neld. Mas- Joseph J. Ruls. Norrlstown. Pa.: Hruve, 1 : iohn l nLm. iiMfrlm V v ' iSmilHt M.H llenrv Jamis Muskegro
wrgVHm,"tm"n' ?.' r"rkl rnr'''"1 Hplt- I-.Ho II. tkott? l"au " V?It T ' ' " MI'h . H-rf.ird I. Hearlca, M'ltt.nburir, Wla
Jfr, Welllnatnn. Kan.; Mllllam Tretn. ul" ' I Ill'dl.KIl -John Hcutkowlcr. Washlnaton.
riuKrifiii. .. rf.i iiiiiini,, j li 11 lit ill.. iiieii nr ill...... i it.f.i , ji. ,m n N,tn,iiiee. inmoj
t,,,ll.. .1 II. ...It Tumn. Fla I'hjrlee .,.. ..... . ...,,, ,,,,n,i.
IMI. l'lvuhu,
I.uttlnaton. M
Ilanlds, I.s. ..... , ,, , ., ! Pigeons and ilnully he came uneii-ctedly
.itltlt.ll, . f .It.... t.n,l.tili. Me. lfril.Mtfe. .,,..... ,k. .,...., . .. . . . '. . "
. , ,i,i ..,..- ...v, ..uvv.v. -.... Hn, ,,n- m'Hinijir riiiiiMmieii rills
1 llaaaett. lanipa. Ma. i naries mltlsated in a dark room all hlaik cats!
'""Vfi iN .:.. K"T'h,h.uh 1M.mlHI'' ,"'"" M"",-r '",'' '"Isscd iiiany poulfn
ii. MUli , (lien IS. ll.ibauah, Sioux spcrlmens, not to mention a great many
Returned to l)ut rrrvlonl Reported Klllrd
In Artlon)
I'ltlVATi: llcrschel Edward Stark, Orand
Itaplda, Mich
town. Pa, i stavroa Zahnreos, Chicago: i:,.
ward Eastman, Preildlo. Tex , ,rbk (I.
Kmrlch. Indianapolis. Ind.: Jlattlsto Kras-
i v. ... v..,.. ::.. v."":.' '"..,.., rn-
. ...u, .,.j jyrr.; uqnepn iienna, Iveene, X,Y !
Sf'.TrV' "?""ll.l,i' "". Pa. I Mnrfred
(lustafson, I,ak Nebacamon. M'ls.: John M
Harris. Auburn, Ala.: Wllllanf J Hatter,
nianchard. Okla!: Paul H. Hediund. Jamso.
?,riViuN1Tv.,r,,ln,1n'1 w -IcIlTel X. Yi
(lustav A. Holm. Premont. la.: Paul H
Hoist. Tarrytown, X. Y.i Walter Iluit
Akron. ).: John It. Humes. Mharpshu'rg. Pn.t
Chlraen Jm.a f
5317 Keder.! ,,,,, rhllndelphh., Vol Ju.
robaon. Mount Pleasant, l'a.i Kdward John
ami, Halem, III,: Julius Katx. Xew Yorki
Kdward II. Koepsell, Haukvlllc. Mis.: Au'
Ijelli. M3I Irunkford nrenne. I'lilludelnhlni
iloldmon le-marr. Joneavllle. Va. siniuel
H. I.erner. Xw York; 'Adolph O Dundireen
?.n,..7,m'vl, T'J!v w"er II. McMnnus,
Auburn, N.Y, Edward V. Martin, uu
V i . ... .....' -.." "
Raymond A
,,. .. i.: ,ar,nr a, .,,,,.. ua....
l'.i ll. 11 "mi " "A. "i'".,.'r'...r,u""
ronnellavlllr. .
M Xorlh Marnork
atreet. Plilladelphlni John J." OluhanV. Tr-n-(on,
X. J.i John II. Orner, I'liornlxiljlr, l'a.i
Missing In Action
PRIVATE. John Alvlll. Iloston: Charles
Hie '" IT l'Ak .Mi-' Anae o Il"d"
.?'. A.rt.Iifci S1?'1 . 'Jeil. Walterburg.
Vi.Ja'.V'MiAl "elim, Oley. P.i Jerome
!:.?" MIl,n,P.l.l Alfred Ileniler. Put
nam. Conn.i Alfred 1", lllmler, Ml It a br, I'a.
I'llIVATKH John A. Hell.
V2!l,s n,YM ,XnK New Tork' William C.
?r.n.f' J'",I.vl1 fi- Vn'' Pleasant It. Pain!
Hnrav, N C: (Jlacoma (laleatza, Rochester.
WKi5' r",'rlr.1. "eaman. Clarkson. ..
L'i.u 'ir Hin,rl Plucket. It. I,l M'lllle
i ii!
hn &.,.Mi
uvorga tjiewart, Mocksvllle, X. C.
Died t Mounds
N CORPORAI Charles Bchmldlln, Huffalo.
iJm.liVA.TEH"Je"K' i J Co'. Khln' i
James It. Cumberland, Kalrneid, Ala,;
Ani-elo Orella, Rosln. N. Y. Anton. Oeorge
Hake. Montrose Mo.: c ydo J. Henderson,
",r4r 0k.l.l,'! Anleetaa, Karveles, M'alpole,
X. If.: Jlonrno M. Roth, Ilrooklyn, N. Y.:
Manuel Halazar. Ilosa X, M.: l.oula o.
Weaver. Marlette. Mlch.l Clifford E. M'ees
ner, Jackson Mlrh.
Died of Disease
ri?a,En??AN.TH ' IV Amaberry. Mason
iay: STSt Jfl?" J ."" Cumberland,
Mo.l y. llllam rlctch.r. June, on City, Kan.
. ,OIirpiAI. Herman W. Ilarlk Cam.
brldxe, ald.i Charles llrlille. lied Hook. N.
T.l Clifford H. Hmllh. MrKenils. Tenn.
SADDl.I.Il I.uther K. Hlnton, Danville,
29.frd:'' Hmllh. Auburn. W. Va.
PRIVATES Jamss if. llagwell. Pickens.
. C: Albert It. Ilono, Oalveston, Tex.;
John If. Cordtll, Maple. Okla.) Kdward N.
gdvrardi, rlabal. Okla. I Jlmmla , I), Elliot.
EHIJay, Oa.: Tnomaa I (lerberlrh, Jonea.
t?wn' V."'' Joseph A. dresser. 8(1.1 Detroit,
.Mlch.l Ueora-o M", Hlmmon., Zebulon, N. (', ;
J ".'VifJ Surlno, Mlddletown. X. Y.; Wll
rrcd Tbompton, Ixirsln, o.
Mounded Severely
nett M'est Medford. Mass,
HEROKAXTH Everett Jl. Furnlih, Enter,
prist, Ky,t Hurh Kdwln Iwls, North tilr
W.di l'a.i Stephen .Michael. Orandvllle.
Mlch.tNelson M.-Moyer. Iebsnon, l'a.i Arl
"0.nArf.ll.,.aAhmv.w",n''t Orove, Mo.
-OniKjllALS Alfred C. Aniotj. Kar llllla,
i;,"-.! David r. H.nson. Hmllhfleld. X, r.
BIlaaB. Partridge, Ilcestrr. Mass,; How.
rJ, IJ.I'aul 1815 South Nineteenth atreet,
Philadelphia i John Paulson. Mount Hterllng,
Mis.; William A. Plankey, Huntlnston,
Mast,; Olto K. riummar. Los Anselea, Cal,
rPI' . P.r.lr. Melrose, Mass.: Ueone
Bi?,n,.?,ii!n,l" "cranlon. lMw
t..pJl.ATJ.tB,.n,, Adamek. Ham
Iramck. Mlch.i lister A. Heatty. Man
Chester. Okla.: Herman F Illume. Wlrlilta,
rii.i ucorao , iioraen. rirdmont. Okla,;
Manchester. X,
Micn ItOSCOf it,
y I'ltlVATE 1-ir.y n, M'esiott. i:aton, X. ' Flj',,l
IHVATES Earl Anderson. Hul.liui. X. 8.:
Severrlr li'.,i.i , . .. f I lie) II. AUlom, I'lllliesviiie, ia,i Anniir
rinT e W '" Actlon It llllaa. Dolores. IMI. , Hoy llrown, Mil.
II. a iin..Hb.Ual!AXT Walter S. Space. I llamsvllle. Mo., Harry Julius Collar,!. Htur
!IIJ-sI'KV,5l.i.r....v. B'n "' WIJ-' Jsrk, Cunl-y. Mliiersvllle,
land i5niV.,.!.t,,9.,:ANT . V Nlrl.k I l'a.i Mllllam II. l)i.v.on. SfllH Reese street.
,.i,.... . .......'"-.'. ' I iiiiortMiniiiu.
ar,llll,a.MHll.n. II .,- ,,.. . .. I "'"'-'.". .'
PuTi Krunki''' I ' -"" "" " . ' llnieevllle. Ill: O. League, xundu. H. II.
Kenneth D I ie'i,!iS,mll,ila"an,'i '"" Mllllam I'eldbliim. Newark. N. J.; John E
Knlamln McCarkhv0v.i.'7.HronM".'"' Ind- "iraus . Mev.na Point. M'ls . Charles Klx
Hertert Oerord VrunneT l,iu,1"wl;k. Can.; ijinminnn. Han.i M'alker Perry I'luid. Co
l.unir Island X v""'' N,;w Drlehton. manche. okla. tlllce C lilsum. Ilohlta
1'OltPuliAI.H Frank ii f ,. . .. okla t U Priedland. Ilnaikln. X Y; Hen
Mich.. Franl; tj,n,ri1?.k V.k.i Demit i"x le0. Pldlck ilavln, Tomahawk M'ls. A. (Ind
Jhomas W. itiirrmaion, lifooki.n ' r ' &" 'i''ias, lloinrstrad. Pu.i Leslie li Jones. Xew
(ieorge V. Keck, lluffalo X V ' ii'.i. Lisbon. Wis. Krank J Morrison, Albu-Ldt-ur
Kirk. 1.1 i iiSI0'l.'. V,' 'ru.l,i,,uernue. X M. McKlnley II Hhlrk. llrand
.vic.vnrtrew. llertram. -r.V . ,r','...V".'.rkl;. - ' r.,rWa. X. D. . Curtis K. Iioiip. Kllltslrr
.uii. nomer, ill.
Island, Neb.; Eiri a ii . "f."' '.ri,n
illch,: Danl.i M lri.,.' Arm,tcad. Ha e.
Si&'H V!V ",?oSr,i1!
i '""i ii if. J enn, ; Tunv t. iiani.v
nrnSje,""'.' ,ienwfn"oJ ':
lloeffel, Hoeheater, N. T.: Ralph L Hook
Mount Anaei. Ore ; Jarrrra K? Ilurlir jJil
a.f M II. ..,.,. . ' -
riV .,;..""'."":.': ' r.,rw
-,, ..uucri u. or. .. . ,, uinelll. Ilelrolt Mich 1 Pre,l Mmllh
Haglnaw, Mich , Frank J Tuma, Jr., Hlen
Allen, Va . Frank r Vumlvirehea, llrookbn,
John W Anderson, Cuahm.n, iloss.; John
H. Ilalicy, KeokiH'. Va I Harry O. Malt,
man. Clarks.llle, Mo,, Mrl Add Piatt. De.
trolt, Mich: Peter Itajmnnd. Isabella, Mich,,
(lenrge II llcllly. Jr., H.iltlmnre, iid,; Uor
don (1 Toothman, Honclevcrt, W Va.
Returned lo Duty (Previously Reported
Mounded (severely)
Claud Evans,
fi.,i t"Vii".t. ? "Ci iQnnoumi
Y-niiu i,npiis
Anrn a-hu-siA. u n . . .
' vimiira r. nr. Jtrini
nrwu.- iiairn I iiini . it .. - .-. --- --; i
ik !"'!. ."""cuse. Xv... Y,: 'jime.JTl AWvl
."""" ruiKion, .nais. ; William II. Tlr.. I viJ fTlTIkli?n
itirretl In Msher's home, at mkvlrw The
r"sm was ulriady darkened, but Maher could
,,-,i inui 11 hb a cai. lie never thought hla
own would do a thing like that He went
for Ihe h.mdleit weapon, a stout club, and
then for the slaver of his frathtrn pets He
had closiil all exits, and with hlm roaring
iiuii me 11,0111 Him nia ciun swinging .
Wildly and VlllOllalV the cat nr.in- fne Ih. I
r.lllng. but rouldn'tshold on there Then It
flung Itself aaalnst doors and windows, solid
walls and all In Ua erforts to dodge the
slick After doing probably several miles
around and around the room with all his
hilBht Maher landed a telling blow thnt
brouaht Ihe cat down. This oik lick proved
the fatal undoing of this feline offender,
anil after the battlo was all ov.r the depulv
police .hlef wns aorry fur what he had
done In his anger and particularly sorry to
Nnd tho victim to be his own blackest
Defense Oflirlal Seized
Kan I'ranelseo, Oct. 17. Mason I,.
Williams, field secretary of the Na
tional Defense League of California, lint)
been arrested here on n charge of con
.nl.nn,. In rinrnillrt ... nr.nnU.II..
,iii,vj ." -- - .,,,. .., e,M,i.,iiiuii, i
According to Milton A. Nathan, mc
ond lce president of the league, M'll
Hams and a woman obtained $10,000 by ,
using the malls to solicit subscriptions
to the league. This money. It Is charged,
was retaln.d by the couple.
Slilpmen Walk to Work
Several hundred Gloucester shipyard
men refused to pay the Increased trol
ley fare nnd walked to their work.
Several hundred others used the special
trains of the New York shipyard. Many
enra arrived only half illed,
Terr Villi: Conn. """ """.""?"
dUNNKnr SERGEANTS M'llbert It.
lllarktord. ICIrkland, III.; James K Cai:
Ilarnei. Las Ve.
pedze, Ihirneavllle. Oa.
Q'v Fiji,', W"HRm - ,, Wlnnemucci.'
Xev.; Albert K. Hersog. K a. Tex,; William
isSSi" yUv'!i-;P1"?,mona,Ii Amador. !-ong
i'.il"l'.ir,.Vj w"'llm,."- Ash ey. N"orlh.
t"d; 'JSR'.' Chli".'- Iruwnlso. ltlchmond,
Va,; M' I II am T, Cammeraon. M'ont-ster
f.1.",".!" !,?,brA.,9' Co.r.!,n"b Laramie, vo.l
William 11. Dillon, M'lndsor. o.: Phllln K. i
Ueorge. Sheboygan Falls. Wis..- Wlfiar A.1
w,tr' .iru..,0D c,-nUrl ,.Nf .".Lohn Jl. mil. I
Hlahland Park. Ky.; M'altsr O. Jacobs. De. '
irun, jincn i ...oil .. latner, Lipscomb.
Tex. i Clarence L. McOlnnls; Marlboro. Mass.:
Frederick Marth. North Tonawanda. N. Y.i
Edward it. Onra. Veu. Yn.L,. 1t... ,1
Richards, Chicago. III.; liert A. Hodefer; '
,,, ,iut, .utruu. y.i ivimnm Ei. MtePP.
Ureenbrlrr. ia.i Charles H. White. Harri
son, o. i l.'enlamln M. M'oods, Eoplng. N. Ili
Pltlj'ATEfl Harvey F. .Anderson. Hop.
kins. Minn. I Walter I., Alklnonn x..l...i
Slo. 1 llama XI. llarllef. Nnv.rn. r.
James W. lifyne. aovanatown. Md.: Walter
it. Ilennett. Falrplay, Ky.i (leorga o. nia. ,
sonette. llouahton. Mlch.l Cedrle flrash. Han I
Mr"Cf'K!"c"J' i-ou Vi '. Trenton.
Utuhl Elmer Ilrnlamln Hruna. hi Charles,
Mo.i Jesse J. Callahan. Clrsfton, III.: Euasno
O. Ch.irley, tSledae. Miss.; Jesse Clark, liar
old. Ky.i Earl r, Cnatea, Hants Rosa, Cal.i
(leoraa u Daniels Bt, Louis, Ma.; John L.
paugherty. llellevue, Iowa; Ivran A. Dow).
Ing. Wayrross Qa.:. Charles F.dlander, llel.
Inn. Kan.: Dial II. Elklns. Denton, 'Tex.;
Theodore A Falconer. Marljn. Ten i Hrhert
N ytKrr' "t,,'L "i Wghlh streets, Vbll
odelohlai John C. Freelovje. Illnshsmton,
N Y.i Madison L Olrten. Evanav lie. Ind i
I...HI. .1 1AH. 'tflll.K... . . !-'..
Ooodwln, Trsisvant, Tenn.: John David
Orsrje. Ht. I.aul. tfo.t Harvey W. Qray.
Itlacksburg. Va.i Hnbart Ores liarrUvlLI!
Tenn, ; Vlcto' A. Halvoraen. Chlcaao, IB.!
Hlsnec H. Hanuan, I-aven-orthJ! Kj.i
HO i
fe a,iV4-fM' vViWsteW i
Hot li Loose Leaf and Hound
Loose-Leaf Ledgers
Filing Devices
, Loose-Leaf Forms
Manifold Papers
Carbon Papers
llrer.vllilng In.
Office Stationery
h s3tSS. a
fesi-1 - -- Wet'?' '
Used in Over
4000 Plants
Css the OIL paint with
fiiir,, tlle-llke. white finish
Msde by a apodal process over
which hava exclusive con
trol. Contains no varnish.
Hrushrs and sprays freely. Its
firm, yet elasilo surface will net
crack or scale, for It expands
snd contract with tempera
lure changes and withstands
(Dtrreled Sunllshtl.
The orlalnal Mill White " II '
Increases your daylight IS to
nej by actual tests. Refleeti
.T.y oi natural ana aril ,
llaht. Reducea your llihl '
rills. Resists dirt, la a.nl.
Isry and can be washed clean
wnrn mner piams need recoai
Ins. Remains -vhlte Isnt after .
ethee palnta hsva turned vel, '
lw under th same conditions
This we puarsntee.
For all Interior use In shoe
factories, stores, restaurants, eto.
Bold In barrels, also la cans
Msds In Ulon. Vat Bhtll aa l
U.S.Gutta I'ercha Palrit Co.
Prsv-ldenre, It. I,
Sold by
Charles Hand Cempaay, MS Ark
Ml., rhlln.
J-ha O. r. .luri, C ItM-ITIt N,
every ra y
rlriaf llahl
In bills.
nraad St.. Phil.
fl. P. D.rroje Jl Co.. el 0r-
laniasrn at-i,, rnaia.
Drill Co., S bauth lllk
LmtJ&Jrn v-
r.tmiw fr.m. aMiuittn c..
'i"' ....... .. .
The Thought of it
is unbearable
Philadelphia fall down? Philadelphia's
Citizens hold back from a Patriotic Duty?
Philadelphia men and women stand coldly by
while Philadelphia Boys in France drop before
German bullets?
NEVER, so long as there's an American
Blag for the sun to shine on!
Fellow Citizens! The Hun has shot his
Peace bolt and failed! If it cooled our blood
or lulled us into a false sense of security for a
time, we are now going to put across the
Liberty Loan
with a bang and a shout of enthusiasm!
Don't delay, don't dally!' Only three
days left to do it and THIS is the BEST of
the three!
You can subscribe to Liberty Bonds with
out cash any Bank or Trust Company will
explain how!
Liberty Loan Committee
If you have not turned in your Liberty Bond subscriptions, please mail them to Louis
Nusbaum, Board of Education, 19th Street above Chestnut.
You and your school will get credit for your sales if you are careful to put your own
name, your teacher's name, or your room number, and the name of your school, on the
back of the blank. The honor bars for those obtaining five subscriptions will be Award
ed as announced. . Louie Nusbaum.
Wlk . - . -, . --,'-,- - - ------ -'J -i a-i. Vi....-Jl
&iry yi'yyelyyByy && jP && afJiQjFwF&AW&vlrWfw
','' . C 'rv j v ', , . (
r, -. " J fi. , V . ' ' T . ! . i'vtLi
-'i' tiniaVr i sA. -UHfltjaiJH
.'lit -.. ,'nf. . ,,e,M ,. av
-..12.' . ......