Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 16, 1918, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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jffiFGMmlBm pjsoPtm '
Parley Wynne Tells of a True Patriot She Hars of the Won
dcrful Work of the Wayne, Red Cross Other
Subjects Are Discussed
WK READ of the brave deedi or our
boy on the Held of battle, but what of
,the bravery of the boy at home who wnntK
to ico, who moves Heaven and eaith as It
wore) to go, and rvlio Is rejected for physical
disability And then when- he In sure he
cannot, gel. Into tho actual service takes a
Job as shjp builder and works and works
until he Is weakened and HhMo to take In
fluenza, ns In the case of which I urn
going to tclt jog. Has he not served ills
country and died for her, as surely as his
brother, who Is fighting for her, "over
there": and ns study as tho rest of the
boja and men who ate fighting and work
ing to make the woild safe for democ
racy? I think so Indeed.
You know oung Hone Adams 3id who
died last Krlday of double pneumonia fol
lowing the Influenza. He contiactcd the
disease working at Jfog Island. He was a
most lovable fellow, with a bright chrcry
word for cver.vono and he had fi lends
oeiywherc. He was always delicate, I
understand, and the shock of the shooting
of oung Dulaney, followed n few jealc
later by tho Injury to his heHd fiom n
horse's kick, which brought him to death"
door and which lesultcd In two ilelli-ato
and serious operations, practically put him
on the lntalld list.
When war was declaied Howe tiled to
enlist In the Navy and was rejected on
account of his deaf car. Then he was
elected to the Second City Ttoop In which
were all his Intimate friend, but he was
again turned down for phj-lcnl teasons,
He waited until the registration, hoping
he might be drafted und accepted at last,
but It was not to be, and so he began
work at Hog Island, after ho had icfused
a number of what he tailed "desk Jobs".
He felt thit the woik for lilm was ship
building. So be began In the ship school.
and'nas graduated to the wa.vt.. und ns one
of his family expressed It, "There was no
prouder man in the country, the day the
first ship was launched at Hog Island".
He worked nil dm lug the heat of the
summer, had seveial accidents was over
come by the heat finally nnd had to lay
off In a hospital for a week, but he went
right back to his haid nrmul vvoik--leforr
he was able.
And when Influenza and iiibseciuent
pneumonia came upon him he had little
powers of tcslstnnce, oven though he
fought a biae tight.
Tho boy was a patiiot. lie longeA for
a uniform and was linppj only when
using all his mergy to build ship". He
came of splendid righting slock, too. His
gicat gicat grandfather wne fleiieral
Abbot of Ceneial Wellington's staff and
on the other side of bis fiiinll) he was de
scended from Captain Stuart of the War
' of 1812.
Ho was burled at the little chinch In
Valley Korge. And thiotigli the kindness
of ilujor Meade the cottin was draped with
the flag and the bugler fiom Camp h'tiller
gae the piercing sweet notes of "taps"
Just as the tun begun to sink behind the
Howe was the sun of ill', and Mis. Howe
Adams of Dlngk) De'I. I noil. His hiother'
Agnew Adams, is over there fighting fur
the cauie .ting Howe loved so well.
little son and daughter, her mother. Mis.
Wlnfleld Arter, and sister M:s. William
Baker Whelen have closed their lespectlve
houses and have taken Miss Mils'! board
ing house at Devon for the winter. In
other words, the) decided to annex a house
and Miss Hariis and her maids and her
coal, lather than worry through the win
ter with a want of nil thr-e In their te
npectlve houses. It'x a good idea, don't
you think? And might be a practical way
of answering man of the problems, t
double, or treble up as In this case, and
various relatives live under one roof.
Coley Browr Is "over then," lighting for
the U. S. A. nnd his little famll aie "car
vying on" over lieie.
fpHK Wujne wome'n iiieiiibis of the Ited
Cross who turned the Saturday Club
Into an Kmergency Hospital- last Friday
ar working wonderfully. They have
twenty-seven patients and tho tempera.')
annex for babies will be finished to-morrow.'
You see ttey had no loom to put the
little ones who ait 111 in with the gtown
Ups and so to need Is to lmve and the,,
built It. Amanda Jeffries Ko.engurten and
Mary Paul Munn have been vvoiklug thfo
every day since the hospital opened and
.Julia Learning Wood is also unslrig. Mr.
WIHUm Henry Brooks, wflo is piesident
of the Wajne Hed Cioss, Is Indefatigable
and so are Mrs. .lames Hancock, Mrs.
Fhiiippus Miller, Mis. Fred Kmblck, Mrs.
J.y Anthon), Mis. Uobei t Wilson, who
by the way, is superintending the whole
,thlng, "-ey tell me, and Caioline Heed und
Catherine Putnam. .
5AR. that five members 'of the Karl
Jutnam Jr.'s family ai'e down with in
fluenza: Mr. and Mrs. Putn .111, the two
JUUe girls and one of th maids. Hut
they are all g-.ttlng better now, I'm thank.
ful to say, a..d expect to be out of it .soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Putnam Br., who are
In 'Watertown. X. Y. weie expected home
yesterday, but like many others who aie
safely out of this stilcken town, have de
cided to stay out until the epidemic Is ovei.
mHKV had been mauled ery qutetl), for
-TVthe-M) times there a'e no church
weoRfflflP5u know, and the) had gotten
away unobserved. In "fact, no one seemed
to bother about them M tile hotel uud
they flattered themselves, that 'no one
dreamed thut the)' were a br'do and Kroom,
for 'triey, looked so used to going around
together. Hut nbout three morning after
the wedding, as they wnt to the desk .
mall, Mr, Bride.,! oom spied a filend from
hl''home town, Mrs. Bilde plucked his
leeve and whispered, "Don t look at him."
VRut i must" replied he. "I know lilm
-wH,''.i A14 with ttjAt the man In question
pled tein and advanced to meet them.
Me, wa introduced to the Irlde and turn.
lnJ?iracefully to a man with whom lis
hd been talking he remarked: "Mr,
(.want to present you tp -Sirs, t-t-, the
m x.f Wta-M
they were spotted. No getting uway with
that wedding trip unknown.
Social Activities
At a lecent meeting of the Charity Hall
committee It was decided that the ball this
j ear will bo held on Thursday, December
26, In the Academy of Music.
.Mis. (Jeoigo J Harding', who returned re
cently fiom the Catskllls. lit visiting Mis.
William Howell, Jr.. at her home, 221S St.
James place
Hnsigii lfarr J. King, Jr., son of Mr. mid
Mrs. Hairy J. K'tug, fir. of 501 Arch street,
who was Just graduated from the Otllcein'
Material School at l'elh.im Hay, X. V., Is now
home on a tin dajs' leave of absence.
.Mr and Mis. Horace Ulthen-, of Wood
bury, .V. .1., were the week-end guests of
Mrs. Thomas (' Jones, of West Ontario
Won ha a been received 'Of tin safe ar
rival lu Knglnnd uf Miss Mary flelen Slawiy,
who went ns a trained nurso with Hne llos
rd.nl ".:, add Is stationed at ptesent at the
.Vortlaastti'ii Hospital, In Tottcnhan. Lon
don. Allfs Miihsiy U the daughter of the
late Mr. and .Mrs. Samuel Mas. y.
Mr. and .Mrs. Willi 1111 C Carman and
their son-in-law nnd daughter. Ml. and Mis
(Jeorge (.lave-istlne. 2d, have closed S their
cottage at Vcutnor and have letuined to
their vv inter home, tV'2 Wesi Allegheny at
nue Mr. and Mis. luv llojer and t.ielr family
have closed their .Walon eottjge and have
returned to their Tloja limine. 3131 North
eighteenth stteet.
Mrs Charles Manning and her famllv of
We3t Tioga stieet, will spend t lie autumn at
Beach Haven
Mr. and Mis David Tltlou with their son.
In-law- nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs (ieorge
l.oug'aer. who have been spemllng several
months In Ocean ily. have leturneil to their
home. 1T2I Wcet Tloja street
.Mr and Mrs. Wilbur K. McCounkk have
returned fiom their wedding trip anil are
at home nl .Seventh and Dauphin streets.
The lirldo wns Jilts I'loienee II ItvavvlcU,
daiiKhter of Mr. and Mrs John Heswlck, of
Mr. nnd Mis. William I'lnkei art- t home
at 4411 Hiltlmorc avenue, aflnr spending
the Hummer and eail) full nt tli-lr Ocenn
City cottage.
Mis. Franklin rCiIbb". of HOI Wesi Tioga
street, enlertatned at luncheon and cards yes
teiday at h, r liniue Her guists wie niem
hei'M of her caid chili, and Included Mrs.
Ch.tilis Kiln aid Hallow ell, Mrs Henry
Uiriy. Jlis. Albeit Miller. Mrs James
Thompson, Mis., Frcdeilik Jennings nnd
Mrs. William K1)ult7.
I'nslgn W Harold Clianiifll, V N
and his brldo have returned from the r wed
ding lilp nnd are lit home In .Vow London,
Conn. , Jlis. Uhappell was Miss KtliM M.
I.ee. nl.s(er of .Mrs. W. Thomas lloon, of 15
(lieuii lane, ltoborougli
Mr. dnd MiVRaynor Uounian, of I'lioenK
llle.' Pa., hi X visiting Mis Howiain'H
bioth.r-ln-law and sister. Captain and Mrs.
Walter S. ringer, of 61! Lincoln diive.
Mr. and Mis. Frederick (T Jenniiig. of
ihH North eighteenth itreet, have returned
from an automobile trip along the New Ihig
land eaast mid to western New York They
wei atcompaiilid h Ihelr daughter. Miss
Bessie Jennings, nnd Miss Mabel Mlllei. of
eighteenth and Venango ctreets
Mr and .Mis Alfred Klein b.iv closed
their suiiiuier hoine, tit JS AVest Walnut lane,
OerniHjitown, uud have letuined'to I'.i.'l (il-
lard avtmi-
Mis. Walter Tiedt. of Hiool.ljn. X Y.
visiting her mother. Mis. Kath.ulne Van
Order. Mt Sll'O .Vol th Flfttenili ytieet
Mr and Mrs lit! boil . TiuiksesM, 4s,j8
I'lu-stuiit street, aie uceivlng loiigiatulatious
on the bli th of a son.
Owing to the order of the Hoard of Health,
tin- marrJage of Miss Helen rtellly. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thoinat F. Itellly, and
.Mr David T. Hamilton, wus solemnized at
lit oVlot-kthls morning ut the home of the
bilde. L'lOu Hr.vn Maw.- avenue, Hala, In
stead of In chinch
MU I'.liz.tbiih Murray Heeoiues Bride of
Mr. William Alexander Jaeolison
The marriage of Miss Klizabeth M. Mur
lay, daugliter of Dr. and .Mrs. Hernuid J
Mm ray, of 4S West Johnson stieet. iSei
mantown, and Mr. William Alexander Jai-ob-M-n.
of New- Haven, Conn, took plate at 9
iY!o.k this morning hi the Church of St
VInrent de Paul. The bilde was attended
by Miss Margaietta Claire Murrav as maid
of honor, and by Miss eiUabetli Agnes (lal
lagher as bridesmaid The best man was
Mr. Clayton Cialg. of New- Haven, and Mr
Paul l.e Hoy Murray was an ushei.
The bilde. who was given In marriage bv
her father, wore a dark blue satin gown,
with a hat to inatth. and oarried white roses
and lllet of, the valley, The maid of honor
woie, blue georgette eiepe, with a list to
match, nnd cairled pink roses Miss Calla
glier wore blue chiffon velvet, tilinmed with
Miulnel fur. and a Irit to match, and car
lied tea roues.
The wedding was followed h a bieakfast
for the Imn'edlale families. After a lilp
through New Knglnnd, Mr. and .Mis. Jarob
son will live ut U33i', Sheiman stieet, ier
Parents of Officer Killed in Sen ice Willing
to Give Up Home
'Mr. and Mis, Samuel F, Houston have
pffeieel the Government their estate. Drulni
Molr. at Chestnut Hill, for the use of ran
'vulescent soldiers leturnlug from overseas.
The Houston" have moved to a smaller
house In West Meuu'ald lane. Drulm Molr
consists of fifty acre and oyei looks the
Wlssahli-kon Valle). The family recently
returned fiom their summer home on Casio
Hay, near Portland, Me, Furnishings lu
that home aie suitable for hospital purposes.
Including tjiirty beds of regulation hospital
tjpe The Houstons plan to bring these fur
nishings to the Chestnut Hill house. If the
(Jov eminent accepts their offer
The only sou, J.ftutenant Henry Howard
Houston 1. gave his life while seiving on
the staff of Uilgadler qeneral Wllllauf C.
Price, of the Twenty-eighth Division Air.
Houston Is !ce president of the Heul estate
Tiust Company.
Deputy Hil Croi Coimiiitaiouereliip In
Great Urilaiu Conferred Upon Her
Xew York, Oct 16 -The appointment of
Mrs. Whltelavv Held, widow of the late am
bassador to London, to the post of deputy
Hed Cross commissioner In Ureal, Drltaln,
was announced last night by the American
Red Cross.
Mrs. Held organized the Red Cross work
In Ungland and has been directing tbe 1on
.don chapter of the organisation with the
aid of the Duchess of Marlborough. Mm.
John Astor. the ' Countess of-XJrankrd. .Xlr
, JKKf-. qwrt
KBBBttiJitesjJMnc j&rn2sVwK.ei& &Prift$&gGtf lm. $ ffyfYg Ty AJJfc ijWrf3fi'f tQr&z.ir&&&Ttw3XKsGMT
Who before her imiriu-ie llii- inoriiin
Dr. anil Mrs. KrriurJ J. Murrav. n(
nv Clifford smru
LOPVliohl. 191$. hj Hit'tl rf Iitfr'ult,
; it
CHVPTKK Will 1C011ti1111c.il
SAJlPO,A laughed i-oftlv to linself
"Ah' ' he ci led, "now ou haveoui sci'iet.
Her in this ancient hull uiidei this un we
have woislilpi'd for countless ages, nothing
is h'dden. Hut the man .mmi fear that you
se there, will bring freedom to us both."
Whatever SaJIpona meant hv her enig
matical wnids, the fact was Iheie, the 1K
Irg. moving IIKenis of Haoul Aithur, in the
light-woven lapestij at I'l.a's fee Kngeily
ahe watched him. It was erilaliil,.. Haou',
Huoul hurr.vlrg townij hi r. grow'lng mule
dlftlnct. more thieateiilng with eveij 1110-n.t-nt
Behind him slieauied a shadow v line
of ti!n swiftly, coutlilintli following a
tt .til amid the Jagged locks and imelp'i'es of
the cave that might havi- daunted t.l"
boldest sp'ilts, bill whie.li st-'ined puweile.v
to relaul their nogie-s As l na s e.es be
came ai'CUMomeel lo the t-hlfllnc p.inoiami
brfoic hei, sumlr.v eletatls came into W
that at (liht had been unniitled She was
familial with the cut lous plunoniena wrought
bv the e'lin-ia o-cura. and this singular 1101
lia.val on the gleaming floor of Sajiimua's
palace wmul at tlist not unlike ihat.jrfinp'.e
method of repioeluclng objects Invisible to Ihf
speetatoi. But as the pi f sent liltture Kiev.'
and then fadnl awa lo be followed bv
othcis In this maglu pool of light, she knew
that what she now beheld was Ulte hevund
the pnvvei of 'lie cunningly pl.11 eel lens usd
In i-peilineuts with the lainei.t oseinii to
poitiay The latter, she lememhe-ied, eould
leprodlice objtcis onl.v when the eaiue with.
Ir n eertaln de finite llstanoe fiom Hie lens
itself Hut heie Haoul Aithur and his eum
partialis moved neioss a e-onstnntK 1 banging
lengthening i-p.ice Moreover, sht. ni-ognlreel
the path thev sue following as the one ovei
which she had tiaveleil at a point fai awa
tronv the palate
They hail leaehed tudeed, th vei spot
where she and N'aiva had first caught sight
of that toprtio"! pinnacle of the enve behind
and above wlllc'i llamed the gnat ball of Hie,
the sun of this subterranean world. As Sijl-pe-ua's
palaee stood at tin- base of tl.,s pin
nncle, she call ulateel, fiom her own cxperl.
ence of the Journey, that Haoul and his fo'
lowers weie coming dlieetly toward then.
"Theie s nolhliig to ffai." le-sumeil hail
lona, as If In answer to ner thoughts,
glad of their lomlng. Hut for joui
ptoplA I am afiaiu
"All. my I"'"1 une'e' 1 have hiought him
Inlo all this eliniRei "exilahned Fna. Whele
is lie'.' How e'Hi) I save lilm?" .
Kageil) studjlng the portion of tin- picture
Indicated, I'na suddenly found, lo hei hor
lor, that Haoul. with tl;a vague, sluiilowy
tabble at his bee's, was appioachlng unother
gioup of iieop'e Just ahead, aiuong whom sin
recogulyeel the gaunt flgtlle of Naiva. evident
1 eahpeiated bj the Inability of the others
to keeji pace with her. Kven In the uncertain
lines of th pietute the scorn daikenlng the
featuies of the old slbjl was easily dls
lernlble Helilnd her tottered Mrs. Qua.vle,
waving bet nnns In helpless protest, sup
potted by the faithful Andrew, whose faee
showed lin even greater degiee nf-wue and
alaim than usual. They were clos'uly ful.
lowed by Lelshton. Imperturbable) as ever,
and Miranda whose Irascible iiicketliig from
one side to the other of the narinvv trail, and
whose Alolent gesticulations manifested all
too plainly his Indignation Had It not been
for her companions Narva e-oulel easily have
oustrlpped her pursuers: but with so timorous
a person as Mrs. (jua-,1 this seemed linpos
sible The hope'essness of It, In splte.of all "lis
srulcilng and prodding, had evidently con
vinced Mlianda of the necessity for a i-hange
of tactics Further flight Ix-lng a mere
waste of energy, therewas left the alterna.
tlve of parlelng with the enemy, Hence,
without stopping to consult ivlth (leiieial
H pi tan. wb "" suffered, nppuiently, from
hlM wound, and Who plodited patiently alone
Immediate! behind LIgaton. the doctor sud
denly came to a stuudstlll This unexpected
halt vr' nearly toppled over tha others,
who ere pressing on ns hard as the, eould
bo and found It difficult t slop oil the In
stant. Bui Miranda did not heed tho ludicrous
cVsuieler l"'0 n'b,l'h he had thrown them.
Facing ciulckly about, und with nuns lmpri's.
alvelv folded.' he bestrode the nariow path
as If defying any one who might be fool
hardy enough to challenge him. At a distance,
and without heailrg the torrent of abuse with
which he evidently greeted his pursuees. th
fiely doctor resembled a sni'ill te.rrler dlsput
,g the light of way with a pack of hounds
hot on the'r nuairy What he lacked In
hslcal presence, however, Miranda made up
Jn energy Undaunted ,,e t0od his ground,
the mn whom he addressed halting with
astonishment depleted on their fares. Then,
most amaxtng of all, lie wheeled about placed
l,imelf at their head and. waving them for
ward, strutted along as If he had been their
chosen, leader.,-
Amu-w-Jfay-f tpjorMMl by his boldness, the
?! 'm3Saige&aBH t.fr.t t0 aeePt
H'l9nlHPs,lr3IMMPr-- He Xurnlehed
L. Ii ,. Ill, nil.
w,i Mi, hnbelli Murrav, ilaiijslilcr of
It; We-t Jnlui-on rti'Ct, (Icruiaiilowii
hem w ih ,.B j, ,)t pnteitalnineiit and
lot Hi, ir. ni anil juM lice-nuse iIihv did
101 1.11,1 ,iaM i,,Mi u sce10,i rfH If tll(1,
ogiiiz ,1 n I,!,,, ,t su,eiIoilts tnev were not
loath 10 f,inv
"ut llaf.ul s leadership was not to be so
t.iHIJ Mipemsled Quliklj tin listing . Miranda
as,,- breaiM, st, , tiluinpli.ini f'lun h's
e-teitlons ,hp WlI Anieilraii imgrllv lin
tangtiicl 1,1.. Hoops e thieatciieil the fore
niisf uf them with 1 pike that he held In
Ills lin, .ni in ,,,,,. ,i)wm,(Kt IokM nlu,
pass v demeani.i. It wai evident that his
words ,i B(..ire, i,.,,, hioughl them ha, 1,
.',,',' ",""c'"li"n "r Ids iiulhoiltv. .Mlianda.
st II shouting and g. sti, nltlni! was lKno
minions') Ip-i i ),,(, f, hlmsrlf, while the
cnveinen. ol.eving umlV command, aicpt
onwnidumll ih-.v ie..i,i the siimefled gioup
or ep'oreis .ilec-i.l of tHem. lP,o nuother
Halt was oiib-i.., and Haoul pointed out Mis.
Qllav .- to bis ,! ri,i f the latter
P-O'lipilv left thn ,.,nK of ,,1Hll. ,.,
w.m fin wind .,1 a ,oumi tiot ei?ed ii,h
lioirlHed la.lv. ami swung , ,
should,.. l,ef,. , kllHV nlM( ttM ,, ,.
ng. .01 hml time t defend hetself Thus
h v VlTs ll- n". "' "',' me" """ "-w "' '''"-
lo II,,? .".'V" f"; "- "Pee-ililv brougl,,
"I" lit,,. ,,, ( ,lp 1 I'aoul I HlL'litnn
cvldentlv piotesi,,! ngain.l t .e .,,d le, r",
III-.. Mis guavle. for wh.we Mta ,
T.llT-S r71;',"""1'1" '"it his i ,'
waved s.ornfullv ashl. The lest of the ..
Plo.Pi. M ramie lu.lu.ln, ? hat twtCr
.h. I.""" ,? f"IM,- a"'1 ,"''t "- "i
ili d It ""."l'H r1"0"""' 'onele.sislv T.'
ever, was ,,, ainuIIK ,, -, "-; "y
will. Mt-,,,,1. , ,1 ,.. s,s,.UPf M.1,
of Mis Q.. s,P !,, .liKappeateel
As the li-t tlgmes In this t,nnge ,,,,.,, n
filed f,o, v.evv SaJIpona seized 1 ,, J .'
he waving sedm.r light reilet", " , ,
floor had again beenme mennlnglrsV 1,
s If ,1,,.,,,, ,,,, KU(,,,ev HH; , ' J"
them, leavmg ihem as sleepeis avV.kenl m.'
xu:is of ,h9 ,m"" Mi$tt&
"Who Is he-" axkeel Sajliii-iia "the stout
man who so .....i'v captured these ,, mT""
A f. lend adoeje. who , , wll "ur;..
lie Is ln.ne' Jim Ktianue tlo.t 11.1.
Laoul Arthu, .,.,,, flrl. ,, ,a,n,7 ' l
f.on, Anltoo i ms, have !l,ej ,m 'tr
Atllloo to do Unit. Hut your fi e , .'
neirlv too miieh for him' NVver mini 11 S"
-e-.dv-TI" WMI """" W '"'le '"""' '
e'lled: -jl'tt.re from t,em. ,,e
""ppil the dour''
ulevlnr he .omniiud. two f n, . ...
nii-n hur.le.1 to the fartliei end of the l-all"
Theie wns a in 11 filed sound 'of g, " !" , ,,a''
and then the two leaves of the g.e'nT po a
swung Mpnlv open leveallng tile g,ltt,rlnr
silent garden of the palace be) und
A Queen'f (.omiiivft
qritntJl-XliKD l he, people, the ancient
O dln.lwn of Hie I'hlbihas. with Its great
binoMeiig enieiald on her ,e.i,. Sajii,u-ii
waited 111 t.ie enliaiice lo the-codit Without
the motionless ilow.is and shiubbeiy or the
gulden weie sleeped in a pale, eiulveilfig iici,t
outlining evei.v object with a weird Intensltv
sli.ilper, )-t mote indefinable than gle 1111s
fiom luoon-dieneheil skies. lu lMv )eo'lrl.
scene .the cavemen stood In lows, like caiien
statues, even Sajlponu, mobile, versatile of
mood, 'eenieil a woman of inaible
Hut I'na. stlned profoundly bv the pletur.
she had seen, doubtful of IIh leallty pot nl.
together sure of her own giouml a'waie of
Hid duiiK.'rs thai tlueaietieil, but Iguoiam of
their eaei charactei. could nut Iitil her mix I
ety. Sellng SaJIpona's Imnd. her e)eH w,r
eloquent of unspoken questioning, je, In
appeal was answered bv a wistful smile a
glance at once gracious and soiroivful,
"Ken ,M.u theie Is 110 dinger." Kaf, the
queen "K01 me .ves fur me there Is pet.
haps, dangei '
"How can that be?"
"Yin fear this HhouI rtfim. ft x m, fo.
)ou, It Is foi iiiu he has come. por duee
)eais he has plotted to do lids thing My
own kinsman, Hafael SVgutra, was lu league
with him Hefoio now he has attempted In
foree his was here The two together found
tlelr uppoitunlty hi )our conilng. And now
Aitliui lias escaped fiom his captors and
again seems to have found tialtors among
my people "
"What Is It he wants'
"You ask that )ou who know David!"
For a moment the anger and suspicion with
which she had first icgurded I'na kindled lu
KaJIpona's e)es. Hut the mood vanished as
epjlckl); as It caive
(Continued Tomoirovv )
eirrnt demand for Ike r.VKMNfl IMIIII.10
I.1.IXI1.K miir rauta jou lo nilss so Innmi.
mrnt at Ihl- irr Inlrre-itliiK turj. You i,j
hfllr. therefore. Ulrnhone or write la th
t Ireuldtloii llrpsrlmcnl, or utk your reH.
.enter thl-i ftrrnaan lo IriiTr (he K'tK.M.Nt,
I'LHIJU I.KDUKK ut jour(hom, '
Many of Social ProiniiHMice
SitiiIi Floors and Perform
Oilier Menial Tat-ks
Women of wealth and soelsl position ni
scrubbing llnois In tenements, bathing slili
women and eiilldien. cuii.vIiik food to In-fluenra-stiltken
fuuilll.s and performing a
thousand other tasks, some of the most menial
elinrncter. to help c untitle 1 the epidemic lu
Thousands of women are engaged In Ihls
service 1 hey eonie fiom homes In Hlttrn
hotpie .Square ind frmu fashionable fuburbs
k'anie aie scaicel) mole than solioolglrl"
others are grandinotheis
Not only me they musing aflllil.-d mein
beis of poor families, but thev arc givl'ig
fieri) of their means to lnlng . hi er to homes
upon which tlie shallow of dls.as.- and d,alh
has fallen
The I'niergelicv Mil was mining the llrst
women's nig inlii'lo:'" !! h i-'iv to ie.)iond
to the appeal for help when the epidemic
eiiHii lo spie.iil htveial week" ago Since
lint time tlie n.embeis have he. elv tested
Two otgaulratloiis composed of the v., unger
group of socletv debs lmve done tin birvl.e.
Thev are the Kmeigenev Aid Mde ami the
Ited Cioss Jlotor Messenger Sen I. e
...Iris II,, ,.t ..rui.tble
The gills of these oigniilatlons ale doing
the most liksoine tanks without Kiiiinbling.
noising IntliienzH uffeieis In their homes,
driving umliilau.es Hiid liu.ks to li.mspoit
eh thus nnd sunpUes, helping In 'soup
kin hens So unicnilttlngly hive lliev 10, i
lulled 111 1 heir tusks that vlituallv ev.-iv one
coiuiecie.d Willi the o!irani.itlons we.iked at
ihelr tasks last Sundae
Mrs ,t Willis Mnitlu is one uf the chief
guiding splrlis at the I'meigeiiev .Mil head
eiuait. is nt 14'JH Walnut stieet whi.h was
plated at the disposal of the women's coni
tnlltee of the 1 ouiicll of Natiomil p.-fense
and the Hed e'ios to be ued as a cltailng
house for volun'eeis and helpi
ssltng Mrs Maitln are Ms i hoiiuis
Itobius and Mis tianlav II. Wirbuiioii. who
with lem.irkable otganl.lug i,.weis. .1 s
Ita'chi'd volunt.eis wline tile needs weie most
ill l.
lli addition to the wink of the ileal big
house at the Hineigencv ld centei. the home
tellef division of tlie I'mergf ncy Aid. under
Mis John . ' iliofune, has been vvoiklug
co'itlnuouslv in conjunction wlih the Vlltlng
Nuises' hoLiely lu lellevlng distresses of nil
Poor I Hinilles llrlpet
Mi .lolm Wtinainiikei. .Ii has lust In en
placed In 1 barge of a division of the Hiiier
gency Aid looking towaid the lellcf of poor
families wheiP iletths have occuired.
Major (lietrlien llav, of the Hnieigeuev
Mil Aides, and .Mis .Noimau MacLeod, el'iec
tor of the utiles; ,u,. boih organizing tlie aid.s
In relief woik.
Among K'lieiEeuev Aid Aides at lli Hi) 1
Mawr Hospital aie Hie following, who nu
ns nuises:
Louisa Vewlin .lane Hassan. V 111c) Sellei"
Caroline Hiulav Mav Law. h'tnnces Leaf
Dnintliy Stetle Hleatioi Cutninliigs nnd
Jlarlou Kulei
raptalu Mis Thomas Llw.vn nsslsleil bv
Miss 11. Douch-i 1 1 iitljutiiut. is rtlre.llng the
members of the M0I01 Mesengets who are
doing gootl vvuik dilvlng iiinbul.inies, tunks
and passengti cats in behalf of "Mil' vl.llni".
Mrs Thomas ,1 Holan piesident of the
l.oaiel of in magus of the is!t,liig Nurses'
ho. let). wli, h Is taking on 'jr.u cases a l..v.
is among tlie active woikeis who lire helti.ng
to clean homes and cook and lake cire of
ehllilieii whose paienls .ue ill
'll.- lull sslsls
The Cli'i- Club, headed h) Mis Hdwar.l
Kiddle, mill cfiusistlng of piominent women
of the citv, has bIch Its serv lcs gl.idlv as
has the National LeahUe for Women s Seiv
I. ami nuineio'us olh.i oigantzat un Mis
Hdgar lialrd Is one of the 1 hlef at ting nllivlals
of the National I.eague
M the I'lil'adelplila iieiiei.il llosplial,
elieit hundieds uf 'flu . 11-es me being
Heated. Mrs j Itavanl Howie. Mis Wil
liam Plat! unit Miss Ldilh Polls 111c muoiig
the toelei) women ' sjh the jtib " Mrs platl.
who Is still uisupviiig hei phue ut I'enllyn,
Is .lie sister of Kr.11n.is T .iiniubeis
Mis Heni v s eau-H 'mil hei da -ighter.
Miss Maigmetta .leaiies, of l.avwell. Devon,
me evoking at tlie Medtto-rhl Ipisp tal Miss
e'hllstlne liiambeis and Mis I" Pew me
also nl Ibis hospital In tellef work
Mis Cuills Patteion and Mis Meiedit'i
Hallev lielped ptepait- Ihe Phlpps liisiltuie
as an emeigeucv ho-p tal whih will h
op, uetl lotlav. Tlie) wl'l now uuileilike new
illlllt m ,11 tlie Metlli'o-riil
nrl. In llnsplliiU
Malgaiet BaleH Is cooking at the I'lillnlel
lilila lieic'ral' Hospital Miss I'NIe t'lnklei
Is one of nine nu'ses iloing miliums woik at
the emeigeiic) hospital nl Holme sbuig
.Mrs I'harles Wheeler, ,li Is one of a
gioup of soelet) women helping out at i-e
Lancastei Inn, wlilili wis I'otiveitcil Inlo an
emergen, v hospital .Mis. Heni) liilnlon
e"oe and .Mrs eit.uge I'onke ,li , are .. it
Ine at Ihe new eineigenc) hospital at Vinblei
Mis John 11 iha.ver, .Ii . and Mrs ICbeit
illendeiml'ig are both helping nt the Pol).
. Ink Hospital
.Miss .M.erlaua W Howell, who" luaiiiago
to Lieutenant 1! Dawson Coleman will lake
place on October .!. has volunlceied lit"
services She Is tlm tlaughtei of Mi. anil
.Mis l-'raneis I How en
Mis .1 llaiiison Smith,, al the A'dlue,
whose sou. Majut llultt Hmilsou Smith Is
,11 the fiont in France. Is taking caie of
the babies at the Women's Hospital
Miss Chailotle 11 HloWII, VVhosrt slep-
hiothei, Lieutenant lleui.v II Houston, "if
wa killed ill Kiance lecently and who Is
the tlaughtei of Mis Hinuiel V. llousluii hi
a pievlotis ui.iiiiage U a voluuleer.
Another helper Is Miss Doiothv l-V New -bold,
ilauiflitei iff Mi ami .Mis Ihnleii N'ew
hold. of r.iile'gli. rhestnnt Hill. II, 1 l-iotliein
Cap'aln Arthur V. Newhold ami Lleuleiiani
I'lt r.useue lilxon .New bold, aie In tlie
si rv Ice
Miss Christine Hale Sto.l'.lon, diiughtei or
Mr and Mrs Allen Stockton, ".'.juii Pine
stieet. has become dlspeiisaiy assistant In
M Chrlslophei s Hosplt ii for Chlldien
runner .Mi-s untlerliilt Member of London
(,'ouiil) tlouniil
I etiiiliMi, Oct K. - Tlie Duchess of Mail
borough, foiineil) Miss fonsuelo Vandei bllt
of New York, was toda) ilecttd a member of
the London Count) Council, to lepieseut
West Southwaik a wen Mug 1 lass district of
Announcement was made lu Loudon August
.1 that the Duchess of .Mailboiougli hail been
accepted as the progiessive candidate for the
vacancy lu West Suuthwarh
The councilors are eleited for thiee- .veals
and theie ale 11 of thou They are elected
by the lax-pa) eis, and the councilors lu turn
choose the nldeinien The pieseut council
has sat cnntinuousl) s'.uie Miuch. in 1:1, theie
having been no election except . to till
The Duchess of MuribotoURh Is the first
American-born vvonnn to be elected a mem
ber ecf tlie London Count) found!. The
Council ihI-h nioiie) looks after tmpiove
luentH and'eduratlun ill the County of London
and also lias authorlt) over the street car
lints. It has numeious other powem of a
financial and local government naluie,
Swartliinore Goet Over for Loan
The Swal tlunoie tllstilct today went ovei
the top with fl)lug colors when It became
entitled to an extra star on Its honor loll flag,
with n total subscription of ti'H.SOO, The
quota for the district, which includes Met Ion,
Itutledge and Vlctoila lim.li Mills o 1. In.
eluding Hwarthmore boiougli, was .3!i,'Jt,3
Of the total amount subscribed so far MS),
tBQ wai from the residents of tha borough, .
ij-j. ...
A rtiinplrlr urn, flrf r-tlnrr enrt. ire- tieoln-iilii'-
Mondnu cintf iHillno Knturriifi
''(); llrttllum tout I'rpou, unitrr Ihr
';; u (lotlvl.ftu l.ruiin, liiwil to fmnir.
itltlthrr thru hm r lion iHiiimoiierf h)i
llomrr unit t'milr l'Uirnn. to end Weil nd
Hill Dtttlun. ir10 me turret bu (7er
limils )
ciiapteh ur
I'rRgy l'r-. llaumrt
rrU: German innchlne gun wns mounted
so that It would fncP down n ravine, up
which the Americans would have to fight
their way If they came to the rescue of Hen
and Hill Dnllon
The Oininn soldiers with the tines weie
ippaienll) having 11 lot of fun firing at Hen
and Hill, for the) laughed -md talked Just ns
if thev were nt a peacetime shootltg tourna
ment As Hilly nnd Peggy climbed to ,1
p'ace wheie thev could look over the edge of
the shell hole thev saw what all the fun was
about An Aimilcui helmet was showing
Just above the top of a bo!., about a hundred
f.et iiu.il. It was at 'his that the Ueimiuis
wile flllim Pegg) gave 'i gasp of tenor as
the big fat sergeant In charge of the Her
mans fifed nfler Very careful aim and sent
a hole right through tho helmet. The (Jer
m.tlis gate- n )el of tilumph.
Hut n second later the American helmet
wns back in Its place, and the Ceiinaiis
looked crestfallen
"Hill and lien 111 e fooling them piuslng
them to wtistp their niniuiiiiltlon bv holding
up a helmet on a slick" "nickeled Hilly
Now the ricrninns tried the same tilek,
but the Aiuerlp-itis did not fire Tills caused
tlie lleiiuaiiH to glow holder and one of
Hit 111 lose 'above Hie edge of tin bole as he
Jiggled a helmet up and down 011 his
"ling" sounded 11 illlc fiom the other
bole "llntd" went the bull. t. catt hlng the
Hun In the shouldei and sending him
crashing bade:
The oihet fjennnns ducked down In a
huirv nnd nil the sneering fun went out of
their faws The two men lu chaige of the
machine gun Jumped to give tlist aid to the
wounded man.
"Now is our chance," whlspeied P.llly
He'gluni. sinning for the dcsittd machine
gun platform. Peggy scumbled after him
HIIlv qiilcklv examined the gun anil the
aiiiiuitnltltiii staikcd be ship It
"I can woik this gun" lie whlspei.d to
Ptggv. "I saw how the (lei mans did It
whin I was lu lielghitn."
HIIlv swung the gun mound until It
pointed over the heads of the e'etmnns on
Ihp opposite- side of the shell hole, nnd put
his finger to Hie trigger
"I'm going 10 file," lie whlspertd to Peggy.
' Hap-rap-iap-iup-iap' ' roireil the gnu
Ihe 1 ffept on the (lei nuns In the shell
hole was funny. Thev chopped their rltles
and pushed then hands lulu the air, shouting
"Kemerad Lam rail "'
P.ggv couldn't he'p a qu'elc giggle The
(id mans looked sii astonished and so
But It was no time for liughlng The
situation m"K m-iv serious 'I lit lie 1 mans
saw the gun spouting bullets, but thev
couldn't uiideiMnlid how ii was operating
Aft. 1 tlieii lift quli k seme-, thev thought
the nutiilne gun had accidttitallv got tnited.
Ilie fat sergeant Jumped foiwaid to slop It
HIIlv leleasod the tilgger 'mil lbe5 gun
stopped bilking At the same moment Hilly
swung down tlie inuz.zle uiull It point' 1! light
at tin- fat stig. ant
'Halt where inn me You are my pils.
oners'" lie chouted In Herman,
I'p shot the hands of the Hermans again.
"Kalni'iuil "i thev veiled lu a choi us, morn
filgbteiied than ever at this voice coming
ouj of Hip thin all iiipv couldn't under,
stand It Wus this some new Yiukee tilek
some sliniiRt Mini of camouflage? Hut they
knew what the unit blue gun could do If It
got wtarteil an 1 thev weien't going to tak"
nliv chliuce-' with It.
(ijthei iii their lilies," s-eid HIIlv to
Peggv. and she sctnmhUd ipilcklv to oliev
Tin Herniatis weie molt tluiiifounddl than
ever before when they saw- their rlfhs being
piled up In a heap nt one side,
"liil1 I? Yankee soicerv Chaige the
gun'" shouted the fat spigeant, making a
iiish toward HIIlv
l'oi a moment Peggy held her breath
HIIlv didn't date Hie. be-causc she was
among the rjeim.ins. light hhlnd the ser
geant And lu annthei second he might be
captured Peggv had a rifle lu h"r hands.
On the end of It wa- a l,a)ouet liaising
the gun she ihrut swlfllv forwatd The
ba.vonet caught the siigeani lu Ihe back of
the leg.
"ICauieiad '" he slulel.ed, and h's ha lull
went up as high as he could leach.
e'oiiiolioii' trill hr tolil hi" I'roiji unit
ISllUl U" I" "ic rrseiir 0 Wi-ii elllef Hfr.'.;
(', l!iiiernin Itrown Mm ceil- Hoberl I). (Lar
son, I. mi): at (iartlcu
I" Clll.lSon HlOVVII. ai'liug supelllllendell
at the Plillade Iplilo 7 viloglcil Daieleii for
mole than 1 )ear. lias len appointed super,
lutendeiit, suiceeillng llobtrt Ii I'aison, who
has leslgued btciuse of llllltss
Ml. Hrown's appoiiiiiutnt was 1 al ilie .1 at a
lec.l I meeting of the honlll of itlleile-ls lie
wus fiiiuieilv chief of the dt p.n iineiii of I , v I .
tit-liny ut Ilie Huston Mu-t Urn of Naluial
Ml- Ilitiwii Is will qualified fur the pi.t
localise of his Imlmate knowledge of the
cue nnd piesei vatlou of lUliis fauna thiough
.venis of .peilentt .as a uatuinlist Tlie
lollicllou of animals at ihe '.Kcogli al liar
den has nevei been in a nnoe douiishiug con
1I11I011 than al Hi. 1 fi,i
.Mr i'ii inn was line, led with iht Zoo
f,, lIllllV . Iglll M.I1S
I'liolti b Rarlireuh.
Daughter of Mr. and Mr.t Wilson II,
Lear, of lllllrrest, Glcnslile. who.e en
csRenient to Lieutenant Itugli MiCauley
Miller, mcclicsl rorpi, U. S. IS", liai been
2jy jjafp
K I f'v&M
h i tJWiBi
tS-tf -S -mer Mrf. - i
WKmi!-wwtJ '"",w "
- . - se -s h
- irin - 12
Mr 8. HoliiiiH Aiprovcs SuggMlfaiit ,:
inr Women Who (JanHe-t
Alininloii Homer; .
A suggestlein that special arrangement'!!
made In the hours of the regular worhltMf ' 1.
dav mo women whh I.ousehnld responsibilities''
may - titer war Indusliles without saerHtot J
Inr the lnuiiii.,in.iii ..f ih.!. 1. A..-'u..&is I
-- -.. I,...., .., ,,,r,i iiuiiirn tivm
approved by Mrs.
., ...,,. -l,"V
Ii i
c nomas iionins. cnarr.
mm, ,,r Hiu .....a.. !.. !.......... .1,.-' "
'- .,,'..,--i, .11 niiiupiij' t-oiii.iiicce
of Hi,, wonieii's et'inmltlee of the Council of
National Ivfense
A letter written to the KvKNiNri Prm..C'
l.PtiitKii by a mair.ed woman called atten
tion to a stntt-iueni that thcte wag n great
il'manil for women to take up nome kind of
in live war woik and at the same tlm
iMilnied 1,111 that there was no chance for ths
hundreds of thousands of married women
who vvcte mote than eager to give nil the
time thev eoulil 'r helo the country because
"f their Itiahlllti to offer their services for
ihe hums ilemiinibil
I be Idler quotes thin statement'
Then- vv pi,, ini-ip than Tj.nein women In
Pbllatle'plila who hud not answered the call."
The leti. r continues
It Is Impossible to believe that thesa
women as a class me less patrlotlo or more
liiellfTetent to the situation than the other
IW 1 classes tIMJ
'The conditions of nu own case would
plate ine among Hie 7." O1111 nnd ninonc- Ihe
married women who have not answered th
eal' but I can sa.v tliat It Is not due to laclt '
m p.iniorsni nor to the fear of hard work.
Mv husband Is engaged In the service of
Hie 11 ivitnnipiit ami 1 Imp realized for some
tune I hat eveiv woman shiulel give her time
to ai'ilve woik In an Industrial line In pref
ri.iiep 10 kniuliig ami other nonactlve war
wtiil. ,1 havp aiisweied several advertise-.
nienls. r.ill.d pei,snall) al four different Jn
elustiles. luiriviewpil the Homen's section of
the I 11lt.1l .sine, Hmplovnienf Hureau and
have mitten ni leasi a dozen letters of In
ipiirv nnd appiiciilon s()me of the answers
ti ailverliseinenta lennined unanswered, sev
eial ,f the letters lecelved no response and
but one of mv penonel calls received any
encoui.igcnipiit mid that was an offer of J9
pei wcik for a .lav of nine hours, .Saturday
In. lutletl 1 Hm ot seeking a sinecure, but
feel that a.wtuuan's dav s worth as much as
11 man.-of eviuise after the woman has
le-nrneel siitti.-lt-n t to properly do the worlc
nsslgnptl her
Hours I'rnlilbltlve
"In eltli'c ihe above and speaking of no
piicouiaaeineiti I have lefcience to emplpy- "X
Infill nt li.itxs ,1, ., .. ....c. ...,.. 1. 1 ..id. e jS
- ..lnl ..ji,,,i inane 11 ujipui-aini-s
foi a mari'ed Vonian to take up the work,
"All of the positions that were possible
prcscilled for ; o'clock or 7 30 a the start,
lug time and 6 op S 3n .t th,. quitting time.
PipvIous to and after i.i.v experience I have
talketl to inanv nrarrled nmniii on the sub
J ci. and I have learned that there are
meiiv of them who would gladly take Up
ih- work H tiiei,. was an) way that they
11111I1I miange then family and household
I helhve that theie are thousands of
women m nu posit'oi In Philadelphia who
would Inmiedl.iiel) go Into active war work
heie, as thev have leisure time during the
die, If some ntrangpineiu of working hours
e-uld he made Hiat would permit them to
piepaie the inclining meal for the famllv
and get the thlldieu to school. I further
believe that the lndusiilal plant' or employer
who adoplH some piactlcal schedule or svs-
lem appealing to women of I bin dass will tjSl
find theli vacances tiulcklv-tilled Further- ?' "A
more. iei one stall lip plan and Its Imme
diate sipee-s will prompt others to make the
same niovc (
lor live Vlunnfue tnrer
"Mile- Is a suggestion for some live nianu
fatluiw engaged III war woik 141- some Indus,
tiv to 11 v out Who will be the first to
adopt this logical move?
"In addition to tlie ii piesent hours Inau
guiale a short shift 01 married women's
I1.MIIS. giving them a da) of say six or
s. ven bouts starling at 8 3u 01 9 a. m. and
ipilitlug at I 01 t "(1 p ur Arrange pay of
this fihediile In su, Ii a manner that a six
11 seven hum dav will pa.v theiii a fair wage
and ii will be found th.it thousands of addi
t iiiiul women will ipilcklv answer the uigent
i.i'l fui women labor"
Mis P.ohins scid tllltt s far Bhe knew of
but '...rce 01 four plates where there were
eh nt shifts foi auineii who had heavy house
hold duties, anil that, furthermore, these
place, naiuiabv had 110 vacancies, foi they
weie i'e lit st in mi 1 a. 1 appli-ants
"It c up 10 the manufacturers to consider
ih s piohlem. for it is as much theirs- As" It
is the maulell wouian s" she said "They
ai, poiillnuallv sending nut appeals for labor.
Wli) Is i th.it ihr s, 111:1 riled women, who
me nlieiidv doing evervihing Hut is within
their powei foi tin Bond of the nation, feel
tlieii dui) so keenlv while hundreds of thou
sands f girls and iinmatrled women with
the fewest ,,f lesponslbllltles, lemaln deaf to
nl' appeals
Nothing lias been done so far to admit
the gnat inn) uf mmried women Into dlvl
s ns of tin- Held of war labor
"There should be some dovetailing In the
hours ev ben Hie chidi.ti must be given their
bi.akfasl and got off to school and the
jieuiis .vh, n the woman should have to e?onis
inenc- her wo-k Manufacturers and schools
can co-opeiat.. In this Schools should not
begin later than S o'clock, and the woman's
wot king hours could be divided Ipt'o'shlftS,
as this woman suggests This Is a challenge,
to inauufactiiiers and thev must answer t'
themselves "
li-. John Wniianijlter, .hi, Seek Two ,
.-tranpel) Mit-ing
Mis JiiIiii Wanainaker. 3d In chaige of the
'lost chlldien buieati establlslied temporarily
al Hi!& Walnut stieet, because of the ln
tluenza e pldeinlc, has appealed to the police
to help rind 1 1, t hll.1i en vvlm disappeared
fiom 1 heir home soon afiei theli mother was i
stilcken witli Influenza
The) are the children of t'gldlq Nell. '
oilghmll) of 'int Heed street, but now living
ni 71,1 Kimball street. The bov Is four and'
one-half )eais old and Ihe g.tl three. It
seems that theli niotliei was stilcken With'
the disease ami lefused m go to a hospital. "1
Willie she was 111 the- children strajed away
fiom lioine and some neighbor saw them
being cm I led off in a sort of Hed Cross '.
ambulance since that time they have not "1
been heard fiom.
Mrs. Waii.imakei believes that the children '
now are lu good hands somewhere in a hos- '
pliul. but would like lu give liny Infoi miction 'l
obtalmilile conceinlng them to their parents.
- -v
Mirsiittri C.utigrcs.iiion Virlim of S snielr'
ly rie AtsiHinled l'rr
i. I mils. Oct. 10 CongieBSinan Jacob iV.i
Meeker, of MIhsouiI. died here this trtornh!-.'
of Spanish Influenza after his marriage" nt i
midnight last night to his private secra)-
Mi Meeker, whose home was In M. I. n.iH .
was one of the two Republican member f?
Vlssouri'a delegation In the llousce Heela-i
to the slxl) -fourth and ie-rlected to tka 1
alt)-fiflh Cnngiess, Ills itlsirict comprwmg w
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