Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 16, 1918, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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' x.
New Cases in Last 24
Hours 1013 Last
Wednesday I
Krusen Announces Unr-
'ial Situation in Nils Cily
Has Greatly Improml
'iilone that the cll won wl" "' ",r
for epidemic tntlu.n-i Is held out bx
. ..... . ..r..,, ltnllrs
(MntUtlCS for the I 1SI live...
tabulated todax at the Hi alt" "Hiex"
lino thousand ,1 hundred mm ""'
Six hw cases .lex. loped between 11 "'
yeVcrdax and the nine hour tmlix m
' against iOU for Or ,rrcepon.lli,g V
riod last h , f,
' The new wot " -....
iff". .'.' ...i. ,.t Xl.rket stteel '
' IOIXB "" " . . ...... i,v.ii,.
,' mitji of Market Hi-fi sh. xxi,. .-
7 ...: iiniin4iilnnll JM I
ts-fpur hour ItiUu- 4fB due m b
r....o nn.l '16 from 1)IH unio in !'
totniof 711 . the nmiuHi ri - '"
(lav since the eplclen etsiKil
Director Kn.se,, how-xt .mini, ...n
that not nil these deaths onurred n "tie
oar but rep.eseul the . cumulate.! re
prtV of Holeral el.xs Helmed beiaU,e
nfindelan, hive l...n t "" f '"'"
'thnr 'kiwii said th lir ""tion
miiili Itnproie.i
V Offera of buildings thi. m'lthl be i,Sed
f a. Emergency hosp.tnl ontlnue to he
I,," in the health atlthnrlllf-
Among the lat.st orfc? xxer,. th-
Ainonk tne ' building nt
manioxin """"--- , ...... ill l.i
Ki Monica K nmem ""
,,ln"5 at Present because of the -ho.l-,
ago of nurses
$ Dlvlniv Uootl
fSM w.u .-
Pleas for Loan
-rentlnueil fn m ' "e "e
the cltv are lesirded
h i ina dim
pnobly In their r p mv? rr w
TeBterday their aB-l-tan. .ilon.
the district within re .eh of th-
fdr xuhi rllitioi'
n i
e dwnct "'. r ',,,:,,; ;v.
Srtl th. total And It h .s be. n repe -edlV
Bald that the bn-lnei- In.luvttli
lfiStl.1 com f the cl.J r t in.1
ready to Blil.Ferlbe Mill mm If I
Cftrt there W danger of ai ui..l-
hUTherlCankenlnK of publle Inter, st ' It
ThWrea. Lake, ban! A' ,S
In "" Jiledges resulted
t ant'ired i annon liiiwif
1 theru,' Sroun o- cn,,ur;.l
Sherman cannon that were n.a- ..
ISJX. Marine and v.hmte-r -n
rSr obtalne.1 m.n huW 1 ..Mune
"jrU"'' 'S .
' sent ou ita aimeil for -H 'o Und more
mnn nroe , .,
'jernnce and 'h-'r commie, w,
" ', ..mi, n.-htlnv oer there
Tl e Comptroller of rurrenc, todai an.
' nounced to nl- rat o. '',';"- ,
Third Federal I!--eie 1 J strut Hi-
,jixt jear. or tne pm "-- .,,,,
I'ther may make loins on '-''
here there N a ma. gin of 5 p-r .
hi nr
th tunl."
k .-poln'a out fiat there are
h ) UirUinB l '.P' '" ,'n,11 -ount
are is n ""
v a.e
a poitloli o
ft, able to arrt anuuni my
" ihelr tnrn'rri 'n winu-
and that vie
h ttr t0' th' '
. .. i.n. 1. iri in ll li
th,n eVb-fore to
on bonds to those who de-lr. to bu
more than they may be ble to pi ror
with cash on hand
ISonU, to 1'iteiul I
The announiement ldi that th. ...I
.. ..riinttluc the I links t
h S- on iVlberM" Bond, ha e h;en
.amended, with the ppproxal rf ire-
...,- nt ihn Treitauiy .Mi ioo. -r
that all hoia.ii 01 .up :,",:
V.:;i. .r- x'rtually Klei. nnlim.ted
J '"" .A i,r,o on the bond" It H
iirf. '.Z-'L.Ls .i... tb national bank.
28 "" "V ,,, .,, lend monex at
ffi. VJr, . en Interest in subscribers ...
" bonds, as is IwlnB done lure
The statement J)
"In View of the nnrked propeilt or
i our National imuio u,.,..,p .
' year of unixersai iri.u am. j.
' la especially hoped and urged that these
i. banks exerxvln.re on-erxp a ...-....
i' policy aa to tbe rale of Interest wli.h
,Jlt.,'mv diarae to borrowers on I.lh-
.W-rtv Bondf. such n course on th-lr art
:,Vwould be appr.e ated b the ciuatix.
tftf nfl would contribute enorinoUflv to the.
'; ' Sjiccemi of the I'ourlh l.'berty Loin '
ArINt" llrll-e s l,int,.llil
More than $1,00 000 has been raised
fo date b the Philadelphia itl,is I,Ib
eriy loan cornmlttie In the l.atlu Quar
ter" etudlo, on the loof of Hie Hellexue-
Official St'oro Sheet
in Loan Campaign Hero
Subscriptions to the fnuitli Mb
rty Loan In the Philadelphia ills
trict on the fifteenth day of the
drive amounted to
i This amount la morn than the
total for the fourteenth day b
Philadelphia lias subscilbed to
p- ubacrlptlflns In the dlstilct to
ite total
.' $!10.U84,43O
tubstrlptlon to date should total
t, 108,000,000
..The loan In this district Is tlieie-
behind schedule to the amount
bt the 516,800,U0O (Uota of this
&4JMMC- there remains to be ub-
$303,8 13.350
In mcIi of the remaining ila of
ka rfxlye there must be hubsirlbed
M r of
"Jl , 87tMd3,BSJ
Me of Philadelphia Uistein
Mivanla haa subsulbed to
7,8B.850r Southern New
UMJ.". aim weuvxare,
Wratford Hotel They haxe heen given I
no many commissions to paint liortralts
hy bond buvcrs that they were today
forced to discontinue making rh.uri.oal
studies of tut era of JSBOO liotula
Krom now until the clone of the mm
nalKn they will jwiltif nnl oil portrait'
for $10,000 bonds and paste Is fur $50""
Tlio shipbuilders' illusions of (!roui
1 of the Industrial committee reported
today that tlulr $1 E0n,00 nllotinent
ban been more than doubled To dale
the total subirlptlons lit this illxls on
ipgregnte $3,712,000 (
Two liiitidnd thousand tuples of an
.ipp.nl for whote-hiarti 1 HUpliort to tin' I
loan in the tlo-ltiK d.On of tin i uo
palKn hai hpeti print id In fotirtdti
dltf-rttit laiiKiiiKcH for illKtrihutloti
anion the forelRn-minklnp ridiilentu
of the rlt The dls'rlbutloti of the
appea1n beKan thi' inninliiH
.Indue lopli HutllnKton of Hi
t'nlted Mite' t'rcult it'ourt w m f
chn'rnmn of the foriljcii tiiiiRiiasi
iIIiIkIiiii of the l.llici I v Loan otKnl7i
tlou framed 1 he appeal lie ithi ivu)
new merUan to thiuble bW effort'
In behalf nf the loai iluuhl n "
lillrlollun and dotlbb his Iwitiit'
I3ur lelatie:. itli Own
Iland.s for I,aek of
Knidi'init' Titkt's 'I'lnee III oili
er? Tuo MhiIkm- mid 11
Child of K.i.'h Dii
1 "in memt p., nf th.- Ibn 'inn in f 1 ill I
I7"u vim!, liotraiup street .ire to
Ini tp'ilns In iirim in Mount Morlnh
'metr. Ml ci(. xbtlm' of epldeml.
nfluwi That thrlr buillii nrp'not
t II Ijlnic iinbiirled I, din- to two ,ur
Ivlnr broth, ra who durf the crave'
hem, eh e, l.terdJ
The iIpii uci Alai'rii llu ''.nan
'orti ieir old bis liti.tli r '. 1 ia
t'lentx-tbree .cats oil 1 ml hN inn
c'.r-oiil-'lster AtcneM Vhi fn-n puv
o the epidemic nearli a w.eL 111,11
The two l.iuthcri bn .r.pe.l the
nlHRiie were unitile to obt iln the s.r-
'"" of tin undertik.r illje to tbe hise
umber of dcith. In tbe In k'lnalH
he piuiuml Iio-cp, from lo'eph Waul'
I ilepu'x ooioiiei. anil took the lunll.s of
ben rel.tue, to tbe cemet.t Tlieii
t'' borioniit pl.k, nn.l pule, from
""cc-mim niinareuiMiit mil iwna. .1
the gran, with tlinir own bind.
Mum I til- 1 IIf,,rii!
I le -le.lb,, nf ,' f,lm r Mr
l.e 1 Unci f.'-, I,,,,,,, ,cu- ,ue-u-nl.l
to linliiPi.)., Mrs riln.r who
i!iMb..h,. M.T-so.1 .lle.lJI.mdo
A few hour, l.'.r her urantNon loin
at.in .lied 'ihp ut'mff r!l Wut-.i'i
II Rreil-zrind'on foilonel Two
Miunuei broth. r who ml.t.d m . ar
il B fill Hip 'Ulfilrrs ili.il p,l,,.ll
Ti. bwlle of ill ,!. 1,111 1, il from the
Mini otliHr runilip. ,n thp tin line
''."i diubh B'ri.ten b tin- . p deml.
' miiiel Zlnn a;ed tw. nt.,een f 28JI
Kl.l'brldp ,t-eet .led of prpumonl 1 011
".modi .in wife ho before her
d':,,,, v:r Jcz:;-
Thefunenil, l be held on Pridav
wuniM iih rP ui, i.r,.
i a. rm pril, nf Mhiiipi i..,i t
lis wife MuiritPt Unit. ui, ,n,i
If HUP! Iilnn 11 o, ,1,,... 1 ...
Mirwonit Tienue 'h. xuiut
lipid tomnrnu at .' p m
' ,,,,-n iiiiiiip in
"" "'" ,)e
, '
-i.r, 1,0 Up spiine'i
wife of Ileurx
Kourtoun. iiXnm' Z 'Xeel!
nfl pi llu. .ipj 1, or i. ... ",.".
2, ...... 1 ., .. , .
l ll.lt II
Jr Ibilh dl..l of ., ,,;,,,. '
! Illllu . .,! .1 .. Ill 1 . . -
.. ' '
, .- .t.ii.rti nni oe lie ui lonuiriow at
P 111
J! 0
Ami! AI lipnllp l,.t ..r 1..1...
1 iifntle iv-i, burleii in.i.. r. .....' .i.
rfiinll-. home fl Cerm in..,,,, rtNptllle
The funrral of J,H .M unlet 1 ijenlle,
.miiij-Mi . .11, old lie, .1 iiiulit
. , w is
'5. title
of hel
if til lit hip .sum., iinp
H'. u 11 1 bin 1 ix rut
mi. lur
blblreii lip niib Xluibrr
Ml Ma- v Krel w Ife of 1'ianl.
I r I xxas buried (odo fiom be,
li.tii 77' Norili Tlilnx-sex.ntb street
H.- diiRiir r.llzibcth. 11 b.iI sex.n
was burlel at the Mini" lliu.- u, the
moth- ix 10 1. onix incnti elsbt
: ears . d
Vnotln mo hot and .'li'd ho d,d of
Piiumi.nli were Xl's Man lor.e xirt
of WMMini loj.e. S3 13 louinm street
aid Finrenc" their daiubte. The, to)
wer bur .d tod 15
Mi. I.'leinor II 1'l.liptt .ml be. n,i
llilpli, tixentx sxen xeirs old died the
sirie do Uoth ixer. biirlr.l Hu,
iftcrnoon fiom the l'.l.k.it lmine. 11 J7
Vorth S'xHenlh street
l'neilmonl 1 . u.sed tbe deatn of Mr,
Mo., M,l,e .,ur,.,.. '".,..-
193J Vonh Third sue.) I lee hush in.l
lo-eph Jl'ller tw.nu-i ri '"ir old
died of the same iIIxiirp a ds" ifl.r hi,
.xlfes .1. lib Hoth ix.-c bin ltd lodnx
Three bijitier, in the liirmix famllx
dl.d of lntlu -a I. nJnr elclu ibndr.n
rtobert i.errow Jlln Jinillsun s-reet.
'If.l last wen. lie ib eurxlied bx a
wife and tbret .lilldren Tames f,pir.iw
if the same addiess dl.d on Saturdix1,
easing two Kins xxiiiiaui lUrrow 111
WarrliiRton uxenue, died M0111I ix
bo s and a xilfe surxlie
Wife t-dll.tir, llu,l,i.fid
Poruellus I , IloBan and his wife
Sarah are dead at thel, Imnie J8JJ
HldKe axemie .Mrs TIor.iii died iin
da,x one day afln b. r husband bad
Dexotlon was shoiin In the .ase
of Airs Marj Ite Ilx ?JI3 riniltiB
avenue. Hip and her dauishter, Man V
Itelllx were attaiked hx tbe dlease Kil
da and each tried to help the other
Uoth died Kundai
Domllilik Mllbeii, Ji and bis brother
Joseph, died xesteTdaj nt tlulr huine
1511 South Fourth stleet '1 he vx 111 ba
burled toKetltei in llol t'ross I'.meiei)
One Man Killeil ami rotir Injnreil
Ma S. o""n-ne pereon" ENEMY MAY QUIT BRUSSELS
waa killed and four Injured when a tour-
Ine rar lu wh'ih ;'ie wtie rldliiB from Kx uctl.lliolt 1) (Jflnbcr 2.1 Is Pre-
.Shenandoah to this clt) tail today ,. , , ,.
plunged oxer n three hundre.l.foot ei- (lll'leil l)V Irfrill.lll
bankinent Into a mine breach near St ... ,., i;.f,i ii,.
XliliolaB. west of this ilt " """ 'Hc'T'' ' """
Michael Pretko, forty-tlxe xe.irs. waa I'ari-. ) lfi A high Herman futic
kllled The Injured aie Kduaid and ' tlonarx In HelKium dei'ared on October
ixiuls Thlsaloskj. ,loe,h audnaxage 'i that Herman occupation f llrussels
and John VaxaronlBk) , would end. nt the latent within fiftten
The Inlured weie taken to Fountain days, according to rellablt. Information
SiirliiBK Hospital ' tetelxed In l.''don. aula the corre.
1 . - spondent of (lie- Hilio do Paris
Hailroath Carry .More Hiluinlnotii
Wanblngton, Oct 1C It.illroads In
the eastern region In the eight months
ending September 31) haxe carried more
than 11 per cent more bituminous coal
than durhiK the same period 6f 19J7, the
tallroad admlnlatratlon announce
ite I
fi-y IWHW 4
MM (
IH1. I I Mil! Mill IH"
Mm- I. Inn r M X ilf, 1- .li.rfip.l
In (,oeriiiuent n. til- villi impcr-
-oitiliii'i 1111 oflner . ille. Iinj: fund-
Hitlimil rullnriH .mil licni' a
1 1
Stipi'iioiv Supjirt'- Njuic-j
Pair Said lo Il.!e Iltvn
Two polUrnien and it l.i"t one ,illor
ire unilei urict .it the r.vcnth ind
Winter stre. ts pnlli. htatl.n todax a, n
ip,illt of a illstuilan. I.it nlBbt it
Ihlrtp.nth and Ai.b ttp t uh'ih al
inost leichul the proportions of n riot
be pnl'cti.ien ale ilnl ire.l to line
lien drunk and to liiii .ue.l 1 le'irn
of t irm In tie nplB'ibnrh.ml 1.1k-l.-sl
Hum Whl i5 runlwiH and thnaten.
li-K 1" "hoot val'oii, peiMin, who Ineitl
ie.1 Ihp'r illspleiurp Th.lr npeilor
line suppressed the lnmt, of the two
cop" n"d .en !en the were .irre'te.1
!ecaue of the ell of imter thrown
"- . - "- ""- "'
'"" ' ,n t,,e '"'"'' f ,hP TV"""" ""
l!ecaue of the eil of imter thrown
1. .in,. Hip two
. oiw weie ,1 ir
.. 1. ,..
.nil w intonlv
B,illnie lu'
B(Iln, " W,,M
iiiimnti Til ill irri ixm
I.;; t. nsplv , taken Into.usto.h bx a
n.nal nitiui that hippen.d alonK
. .,.. ..twnn I, a IOIii" ii'
,wo .n , w.'rV cil.ed bx .-'J'
.. Thlrte.nlh stroet eir w 1 n a Mobile,
n.mker declined 0 ut ni, 1. ,
,, i ii-i -ii"i.i, ;..,. ,,
... . ..i.,,nl,l t.lllt 11. SO UP 1 "Mr,.!,-
It e
. u Imlnn nun freill"S mum
mult- In the c.u
liefoii thei k'ot him
On lit. -'rest one 1 ""- '" '
...,i.. 1 .. ,. i,i, 1. xnlx. , mil dun
. ,, 1 .
em n
,i ,,, nhoni tin sddi.r M.i id
,, .... 1..... felPll I be 1 ii
nr h',l" I,,,,....--- t
.,,...,. ,.,.,.. the -obliM i"d mabh. il
lll'l'l' ' " "- ""
t if ill illrn
Hex. I. illusion Ctitioii- Mini-lci-Vvlio
Uiuo 1-ift.tijt ol .in
vr.e, asstrtliiB th.t the iiKluenza
.pldfiil. I' in"" serious thin I- nir
been 1. llUed th. IUv IMhert lohn
.. ,. ... nf the Una. ipil ' hurni of
the .,vlol 'Ihllt-eiBhth
tr. el nltoxe
1 hestnut todax
latl.d unoii Hie I'lilla-
ilelphli .lerKi to supi.jri 1
supn.n 1 'in. 10
kZv h. Kur lici . l..-el H.I.I the
,JlI until tin .rlsl, i, oxer
Thee an a feu nun wl"' b ixe peon
i.n.lml up to 1 leliUous fienxx 1. HJ,
the . Mil. h.a t.axe bee rde . d . lo-ul
i.Ul 1 1 ripiw ' "" L ' ".- "'"" ","
I". ..".' " ",w .1
alt. nipt made
bt 1 on c litiches s'lniild b
hlopped In
-!..!.. I ln .111, Of
iellclo'1 if It
11 m-iB . : ... ,...,,, ...,
mean, ,inlliinK '" " ' '" "'""
fl" ".O" .' .... 1 ..,- ,n Mir,.
1)0. IOI .lOllUM'MI ... t "
tor Krus.li slid in pin ...,. ,
I defile t iiues nx lontldenie In
the methods ,011 htne lulopi.. and onix.
wish thex fould b. Hi ni-Kled With
nloons 1 lo-t'.l the ourta " used, Jlte
r,?s .los. 1 l.lbe.tx Loan ine-tlliBH
slopped. It would be a mistake to Hee
I lip nun orr ,.,ri.
The lelt.r wa' wilti.n lu.loi John
,101 c'ih""'.t I" oB.tt the etToits of
othfl .lelSXm II who w.le lljI'IB t
In" th" "" i-ilosliu order iiiodlfl'il
I dun t HI e Hie Id. 1 nf IjeltiB stub
born udded I in. i. r lohnston but I
baxe a rlBht in mix per lonal opinions
UurlliK the ep'deniii I shill dexole m
lime to th' sal. of 1 llu rtv Itonds uud
1 xlBita to "" ' "' hoin.s
AmerltMii Siipiilit'p Also Taken
Front Houleis
H iliv Assoctulid Vo
XX lib H" xillrtl Xrt.iH. In llrhrliiin,
Oct 10 lletlnlte luft rmat'ou has been
i let ell ed that' the Uerinitis lemoxed
s,.,anlsh art meiiian rations woilb
1 oio fram i befoie abandonltiB nun-
I lers
Ilolil. Dorlor in Vriiilcntal ShooliiiE
Uy the anldelttul dlschaige of a re
xolxer handled b Dr Krnest Ibimioiu.
1838 Columbia axenue Jobepli Santello
Nineteenth and Herkii streets, xvaa shot
In the utomach Santello waa taken (n
St Joseph'a Jloapltal He oneroted
floctor Knunona from all blame. The,
physician waa held In $100 ball for
furtlw hrtng by JlagUtrate Watwn,
Lieutenant Elmer Miller"
Proves Deserter Krom
Camp Upton
S. WnH Sa lie Planm-d I
Marring' to Oirl licit. AI-
ri'tidj Iliniiijj; a Wife
In lu. k cart, t of l.k'iit.uiut I I
M Ibr all is l.lnt.r M W olf
l-llmix 1,11111 It.d I'nifs and 'I obi. 10
K1111.I boost. 1 wis shall, rid tndaj In
iiB. tils of lite Iep11tm.nl of lustl.e
liix.stlnntloii lexial.d iir.oidlnK t
.lepintini nt iiB'tits Hint In was onix 1
a irpoial bx link and tint be It id
tliHii.il from III. I'.-'d I'.pot IlllKa.b'l
nl 1 mini I p. 11
I tibial op.tlllus -t, v he tt is tl
tai.. I t inarri a W.,t Phlladilphla
(.til lb. .hilar, b. ibiadx his a
wif. Mis tin 111 Woolf HxInB in
Wat. lino on 1 tt IxrrsliiK 111
II. will It an tinned bif.ue n I nil"'
states . omnils on. r llu, aft.rnoon mil
hiiB.il whit luipi is.iu iiIiib an oil! 1
I'.. Hub funds wltli.u, aiithoiitx mil
ix itli b. Iiib 11 des. it. 1
Mi iiUiiant .Mill, r iiif.ssid
I id. 1 il autltoiltie. Hi it bis
l mi. lluhlliiB at 1 bat hi-I lilt 1 n with
tin lion Dixislon In Ptiinsxlx 11 1 1
1llon1l llu, ml is a 111. nibei' of th
l till 1 11 f ml 1 wa, 1 In pioiltiet nt It"
mi ipln itfun
' litis Hum" a Illrlhnirrk
'I hp sun on bis f,n w h ' It he in. i.l
ti pultited to is 11 pa' burn, Is noililtiK
inoie th in a blrliniuli Ills fiinns
. p. tl.nits of rnliic nx r the top
mid slim mid sh.ll u.i nrx tun. I, .
iPB.tited In isnttt 1 is It's ncn.st ap
pt. i.h to tbe sun II of powder was on
tin illle uibc at 1 amp I pton
of his louitshlp l.i. ,11. nam .Mill.i
slid his 111 11 th cl Mf hud hi . 11 'up, ills
fit. ton and that tin U.st Phllndelphl 1
Bill was Hip mill vim, 111 that "iitid.r
stood him in.l Itt'p'rtd good Inllti
uri, Itoitnth lie join.d iliqr.li In
sil.l and In'pinl. .1 to itfmm II. told
lb. I cib nil (in tils lliu he Intended A
ItiB bull to lamp I plou o 'fu. the
'Jbt alliB'd beio was ait.sttd at
I w.ii'x. sixth and IMUiltlu s'jeits bx
kenta 1 11 man and .Mathews, of Hie
I'.putm.nt of Instil.
Tin wu lino he, 111 otielatltlK ill
ibis 1 In about a wok a(,o lie xlsii.d
nutn.it.us nidus till pi nits w b. r. h.
1. lib. s til B itliu lu(.s ot win l.tn. ti anil
,tlf it .1 th m 10 i iti iotisui
'ill. into ni. , nattx tiulfoiui nu
xx In. li .i plnmd wa, s.ivlte medils
and 1 sh it 1 situ 1. 1 s m. d il
Piofitei-iiii; in Imiiii'i.iN (!.uit's
Dr.islir lion .il C.ijiitjl
tu tt tnfT f ot ti V u ulr tt
Ua-lllliS.t.111. Olt If, -Hie .list! lit
and r.deril tutbirltlp, tint lonuuin
d. ered all the to'Ilns In Washington
itid two . ulo.rl, on th. tt h.i. in
-id r n ntoteit the fan, libs of htin
Ir. .1, if spuii h Inlltinzi xtnliua fiom
piurtttP! ub linil link, ts lille the
. puttiblpMtndettakeis aie not uud. 1 tin
ban of eiisph Ion then 1, rttong exl
lune th it lilt", iiipulou, methods an In
IB tinpluxtd In nuiiii mus funiril dl
leotors llu wiith of the aulliiuitl.s
Is aioused and ill istle a. lion Is tliu.it
ercd I'.oplp h,i' been sit. 1 umblni. in in
tltlpiir. in Wa biiigtun at the in. of
,. lenti-iix. to one I1u111l1.il pet 1I11 a
x.rx high del th 1 lie lu . otup irbn, tn
th. pipulitlon Mini ol the .bid line
11 1 n unbuiled for mil. h lunge! thin the
Is U ll pel lotl liii.iu.c of n I nl, of inlllns
irouglil about the authorltl.s alb "e
liioiiBh the 1. Hon nf mine of lb. tindei
ikeis in boding on tu Inc. Mipplbs
if itsktt, in oidti In itutn ind tin
huMnpsa nt fxut llt.pl pines
Indli ltlons of 11 nfltpi rlt'B 011 the pa't
of iiitalu imdtituktis Hist dexeloped
otllilillx in a (bixeiuui.ut diparlinent
mil ...'nixed pi omul iitl.iitbiii 1 a hlBh
dnilnl-tr.tlon oTI. 'nl out side of the
department In iniestlou This led in 11
atililiiB luriulri Hint icsulted In tils,
il's'ng that 11 wldi riige of pri.es p-i
ai, iniong tb. uii.Ieit.ikei, I Hie
1 apltal and tint one comirn bid .In p
ed 1 most CNoihltant prb x ion
woman ix.n woi'.ei from iiklalii.ini II .
111.1 iwo ol nu mend air.itu. .1 t
in undrrtakei to furnish a 1 isl et an
nt pire Hi" bod for sh pm. 111 1 i. nn
dirt-landliiB behiB tint a nod. 1 at
.mount would be 1l11rK.1l I he tost o
Ibe . iskct and sctxtie was $130
Mich pieilnj on uiifnriun it. funl
liee lu this direful time is nothing sbott
of (.boullsb in iplttt said an ..111. lal
efeiilng to tb. I111ld.nl
lust whit infill the I i. stlR ition Int.
ptomtering and Hip pros. . utinn u
lake ba- tiot it bt n deleriuin. I
W.tr (orrc-ioiilciil S.ix- IVr
-hiiifl's Work. Is Manrliin
IU the AmiatPil I'rrii
i ..iieiiluigen. rurstlax I), t I i News
in which tnerli 1 and Prisld.nt Who
n;ute I. absorbing all luteiest line
lb. Piesldent s answci tj ileiinani wa
ubllsbed In t opeuliagpn tonli,lu and
nine of tb. newspspeis .l.-uilje it att
1 t.ttiid In stalest,! prtshlp
'I he I'olltlke" ,1 iiinernin.ui il 01-
ean ana ged for a nut ting of iV
repiesent itlxes of tbe leading Haiilsh
'.wspapeis loulglit when 11 . uiiespond
11 t ulio bid ittuintd fiom the west
ern fiout ilelheied a Intnl. on 1ne1-
ii share In the war
The .01 lespou.Ietit sail ill t whtt
tne-lt 1 had dine slot, tien.iil I'.isb-
tiB bad land. d llu Frame was smiph
nar.elou, T'u ' Amerl. m . nnimdei
lii-tbltf Hi. speaker said bid .rented
', I. an. e Hie inlKhtl.st oil, 1111 nlor
til xioild ha, ex 1 known Tin I nltid
-.tans Itu.iigi I'' I'til oie . ". g n."
ilpxern. ss Inaldid had mad. a tealltj
if fanciful and wondeiful ftetin
Ameiie.ui (Jain A fin. U,iih.i).
Il.uiil I'i'lititi;
lt fie United l'rei
U n.liliiirl..n. Oil lb Capture of Mil
.")'j b Anieilcan troops aftei it bad
ills. Bed hands time times Is rennrted
ii th" litest conimunbiiie from f'eneral
The leport allow ,t louilnutd atUanip
on both sides of the Jleuse nliere Fi nc 1
mil tnerlcin tioops engaged In nr. e
tmnd-to-hsiid flghtliiB with the enemx
Capture of a number of prisoners Is alo
"Jong" Fairhtmlii) in Air
Flight for Million Lender
ll) the Anociatcd I'ren
WaslllllUton, Oct. Hi Juuglas
Fnlrb inka left WUHlilngtoii for
Nevx Yoik ibis morning nt 11:45
o'clock In a mall all plane to seek ft
inuu xx ho will mutch Bernard JI,
lluucli's million dollar subsci lptlon
to tlif fourth I.lbcit) Loan. He
ejirkd u fiastnent of shell from
the long lunge gun that bombarded
J'uila, lent by 8ectetur Baker, to
be put on exhibition In Nexv York.
2,04224 TOTAL
Unix New York Kxepc'ils Prntml
1 I .uiiii in Men of All Mill.
I l(iryAgc
llPKlstratlnii BlatWllcs Loinlil.t.d by
the l'roiot Marfthal (lnernl toda show
lint 2 01J2JI men rrclstrrcd for selec
tin sen 'co lu I'ennailxanla In the foul
r. Rllratloti, for war serxlce taken to
d in
Of thin niitiib.r 81. 97.1 i.Bl'Icrcd In
'in. arat draft .m .i.h.. .-,, urn. fi3.'.'37
and llll-JJ III the li,t recltrntloti
taken on s.ptfinb.r 1J when all m.n
hetn.cn elKht'en ami twentx IiiiIii,Ip
and Ihbti-two and fortx-IHe In.luslxe,
legist, t.d
I'ennsjhanla s riKlilrnlluti I, en eed.
ed .mix hi lint of N'eiv York uhli.li has
uBlsictel .'4"10t3 to date
With the i.iclpt hi the Tioxost Mai
shal Ij.neials ollbc of Ibe leturns from
Tex 1, th. last Stat, to t.port on the
tcBlstiution of "i-MUimbn I.' C.enct il
Ciowd.r niinoutic.d thai a total of !.'
tiCflRil icitlst.rtd hi tin I'liltnl State
mi that .lax an adxiiu. e of l7 731. our
til. . slim it,
Riand total nf J1 tSR (,J1 men in the
1 till.il Slate, hale ipbI'Ick.I for sp
IclIIx. selllce In the full, drifts In
the llit dtafl on .tunc ft 1017 'I Sgn "08
irRlstei.d .111 lime f. I'HS 7HSfJj
riRlstued on August Jl I'Ht 133 051
and on Septembei 12 U fHiii S'Jl
College Alumni Meet to Act
on Alleged DUlmul
luinnl of llaxerfoitl I olbg. tn. t this
afi.rnooti lu the t'nlxtrsltx Club to de
tide noon ui tlun In lotiiit. tlutt with a
publii statement bx Henri I I ailbilix n
iiiemhi i of tin .ollege f.uullx
in tit's Btat.intn' be .b . at.tl lltatj
out nation Is the glial. st olsla.l. to
i .le in peine anil Hip Hast wotfbi of
it Ills Btatiinenl also impbaslzed
tint the pr.es and p.ople of the nation
ire Indulging lb an orss of hale
Meinbers of the alumni objn I to tbe
i.iieintuts of Mr i adbuix whlih weie
...nlalnetl 111 a btt.i lu .iddned to
the Pintle 1,1 licit ll and pi luted Mitui
.In colli crnlng the llrtin in-iinde pcue
in in-iil and President W ll-uti , flist
i pl to (leinianx s rntuest fn, an ,u mls
tl.i Ollli i lis of the Dtpaitinent nf llls
ti.t xx 111 confer with I tilted Mai,, At
totnoi Kane iibii.1I.ib whit at Hon If
am the l'edeial uiitliui itles will take
In the matlei
Hint lleiiiniiil fttr DUiiiIsmiI
X'dVinuliil foi tin dlsnibsal of I'lo
f. s.oi I'ldbinx fiotu the llaxeifold
Colli ire fucultx Is hinted at bx mem.
lieis of the Alumni
"Sim e the public itinii of bis com
munication to the public iNinesslns
lllsloX.ll SPIItllll.'llt, " di i Until '1 lico
doi.' I tli.ixsou. n Iixxxpi ui tl nn
jltiinntis of 1 lux ei foul College "I luxe
talked xxltli i lose nliinmi of Bia.lu
ntes of the tolloge nntl And them of
one opinion -that Pioftsstir I'udliiiiy
Is dlsloi.il to his countix and to bis
colle-jp 'mil dismissal from the factlltx
shtinld be the pen iltx foi his tilf. use"
'J lie opinion of the stut.ments of
Ml Cadburx held bx W W ComTori
nttsnleii' of Haxeifoid ColleBe could noi
be ohtalnrd this nioinllig It xxas ev-
ilaln. d tint Doilot Conifott was busi
l.iilei It was erpliilned he was engaged
lu a . lass mom' and .oiild not be
-p ii b. d
Ihh. sIlHrple-, lie. line, I .i.iiliient
Isiic Shaipless nf llmetfotd ie.
used lo .onunrnt on Piofessoi i id
linn s statement 1 don t taie to make
in stit. iiient at the pitsent Unit
ie said '
While iifusliig to .spiefs dNippiox i
if Hie rtitmnt Itufns JI limes a
1'itbei -In-law of Ptofessoi Cuilbiii i
lid he Mibtulbed to the xlew, set
it lb this morning bx r 15 W'hlti In a
ei to tin Publii l.tdg i
Ptofessoi i'ldbinx , stileni.nl tl
HI to the Puli'li Ixgci loin s
V, n chtlstiin ntnl patriot!. Amei
. in piax I tate .tie in of piotct
i xmn toluinus against the oigi of
tile In w'llih the Xinerliati pi.s,
mil public Indulges on the niilpl of
p.aie oxeiunes ftoti ibe .iiimix
Whatexer the Imtnitlla'e result of Hi
esept llitintll ,ntU.st foi all nrtni,
the. tbe spirit of hup' liable Imtie.l
in I rpxetne eh blie.l bx inniix jki
is in this iiiuiitn It dbates that 1
s our n.i Ion whi.t, is Hn rriatts
ohsl.icle to a cl-an p'.n i nnd the 1 asl
'nithx of I Neiei In tin pet lod of
ti s Briat.et ariofan.e and suiees, did
In ijpiiinn KiNer and luukiis utt.i
mo, n h'n'bep i.n.l blomltbb,'. stii'l
ens Ihitti anpeir thioilgboul mu
i snapciH lotl.ix Intoxlmt .1 xx Itli
tlrsi I iste of blood and fluali'd
.lib xlctorx lb" Mnirl. in publ .
t is. ens to louden,,, lu adian. e tb.
' obet 1 pbr.is d tilt as of u to . Ibi'on
'tie. While the llngllsb pies, wis. v
' alns from toiuincnt until an otti
lal answer tin tie gh.n Amrrliaiis
Itli InsaM ible lust foi lelireniL. in
Mine, mm p' llxeix 1 1 in . ssloti ot
the pint of the enemi Is lounted a
ail of weakness and Is mid an e
use foi more huinlllaHnB and uur. i
r-uiiutilt demand" While the wai
wtan peopl" of I'urope bug for pern
we toiuelted newcomers Into the Ila;t
p efer to satrlflie theli xouth and
otirn bx the millions mor. In ttdti
bit we max dictate a n-i.e ti suit
iui ItiMine his'erli Sureli li be
'iox' us at his hour uli-n not ,e
talla'lnii foi Hie past but the asur
nic" f a sa'ei and sanei Interna
'tnr.sl ffnisb'p , the world s need
distinguishing JusMc" and in'' x 'rtft
b'lncl lei use, to ki ep otitsclxes In the
mood of moderation and fait plnx
peai" in other teiuis oi In anx'
other spirit will be no pe.ue at all,
but the nie of the future
llaxeiford Cell. bc Octobei 7, 1918
Volniil.ir) Soli-ri in lions So !',
Caiiip.iisti Make Total
r in
of S20!,7.)0
detii'iment of about 120 men ftoip
tbe SI 1th Field Slenal battalion has been
teklne parti n tb manpuxeis that are
being lu'd b.x nieinbets nf the signal
enrps In Wiishlnctotf Seieral battailous
from the camps In the neighborhood of
WpBlilngton are staging the maneuxers
Jtoui" of those who weie sent fiom
Jltnile to Washington .lie graduates of
the signal lialnlng sibool the I'nlxerslty
of Vermont .Major JI I) Dllle) coin
niamler of the .Meade battalion, went to
Washington with h'H men
Fallier SliooU 1IU Sou
f'laience PaikB, 3B00 West Alleghen
axenue was shot last night during u
quarrel with Ills father, Hugh Parks
the pollca aax, In it s'Hiil- near ltldge
and AlleBhenx axepucs The aon xx-aa
taken to the Hajnarltan Hospital ltla
condition Is aerloua t Hugh Parks xvaa
arrete4, lie told tbe police he Intended
to ahoot over Wa aoii'a bead to Jr)ghU
nmt. !-.',
Priest, Lav Brother am
Nun Appear in Latest
Death Lists
Former Ahigistrnlc Harrison
Also Fulls Prey to
I. XII. ST XKTIXIs (, l.l'llll.llt
iui: iii.x. on, .nisi imi xititi'in,
PtofcsMir at S' Challrss scmlnnt
lOltMCIt XI (S1 II t ri MtXSK s.
II lllls,
tlltOTIIIlIt WII.IIWI. pi III. 'pal of
p ink hlil rihool of Hi. Chute h of
tb.i Most PreclouR Illood
ltl( II Mtl) I, XION Xllll XS. piisltleut
of K.XBtone 'I latispnrlatlon Coin-
p,'tn and treisuier of the (lallaghti
tV Hilton Corpoiatlon
sIHtOI ll' HWII I, X. I MOIIs,
I mix sixth Halloun Coinptpi I
ss1 Ui M l (II, KI III IH, It NKIilt,
Mattr Mlstrlcoidli t onxttit. Jltrlon
I pili nil. Iiilluenza look loll fiom the
.iiil.li Hip armx and po'ltli H clitics
i. entiling In the lu.si d.nlh 1's's
foi in. r Maglstlatt, a piltsl, a In
bitithpr i nun rnd a billoon i'orp, set
giani at. ainoiiB the mw.t xlilluis
'llu Itii Di Jo'tph Murplii, a pro
f.hutt at the Femln irx of si Clntles
IJoirrmeo and w'tleh known In t atholli
tlnolog . it tin lis, dl.d hist night of
Pin tot Jlurphx had bee i 111 foi sex-.
pat tins but rcinuluid nl his tlassts
until In was nn the xirge of toll ipse
Me wa, a professm of innonlial laxv
and iilw Instructed In I limn ineinisirx
and otbel branches
lio.toi Murphx was oi.l.lti.d at Uxei
brouk In Pi"! and wa, asslgmd lo St
I bail.,, ' bur. h Twentieth mil "hrl
Hin stie. ts as assistant In ). lobei
ot the s line par lip win' to tin North
xiuer1. in Coll. gp at Itnnu wbete hi
look a post graduate tnui-e and lecehcd
Ills defci.t
roitt.i Magist-nli Pi ml. s llirtlson,
f."i Wnine iixenue, died Monibn ulglil
He was a lit Ighbor, schoolmate and nllx
of tin lite Israel W Durbini
Mi Harrison wa, born In Phlladel
phl i in ISO', uid was a gi idinte of the
Cinnil High s,, html He int. lid the
tittle of the Itectlxei of Tnxrs In USr,
Hi i.sgtud In 18'HI lo Ink. i pi ice lu
the i Ilx 'I reasun r s oil.. lie took
Duthtius plate as Jlaglstrate whin the
latt.i w is ele.trd lo Ibe tnti Senile
Vftti i tetni aa Maglstiau Ml Har
rison be. hup n teil .slat, assessoi,
xx lilt li position bs held for .X'ial xtats,
after whlih heittlr'd fiom politics lit
niox.d from the Twentx-stiond Ward
mid tugaged 'it the mannf,ieiurln(r busl
u. s. He xxas tissot iat. tl xilth Ids biotb
ei -In-law Alfied WnlslPiiliohii. Ill the
tlnn of Mfied W'olsienbolin. A. .-on,
makers ot worsled jaini
lliothet Willi, in tlilttx-thiPc xe.irs
old u ninnbei of llu Clulsllaii Uiolh.rs.
died In St Jlnix s Hospital lie was
l itloned al SI Stephens s.tbool Hitlitl
and Hmbt stints He wan boiu 111
Mi-stleld ll M.uch Jl Wi Vltlgb
Iteu be ttdet.d he Cliilstlan Kiotbits
Iln xx aa prlmlpil of tin Most Pre. Ions
Ulootl S.liool
Mrs lbniii i J Kelllx .1 iiighler of
Asslslnnt Iilrntor Haldwln of Ibe le
initnient of Publii Winks dletl nt
Oglethoipe l!i Shi was the wife of
Jlajoi ltnb.it i: KelllJ
1 xli tin of pmuinoiihi Inn'el J
slneban Jlintm meiirber nf the slexetloi-
I lug Hi in if Vhoinis Sn eban & S n, In
Ibe Itouis- llulldlngs Is .It id at Ills
inline nt fifi.'i. l.ir.bxxjo'd axenue He
was well knowi In maritime clrt li ,
P.lihnril.r MniMghan thlfU -fixe xeais
ild dl.d In bis home 5141 Ha.l axe.
tie He xxa pr.sldent of Ibe Kex stone
I iinispoit.itlon Coinp nix and treisiuer
if tin .iallnKber X Kurtoii Coipoi ttlon
Hi was intlxe In the Klks
Sergeaht Danlil X lamb" of the
foitx-Blfth nalloon Coinpiux, Pnlted
s. ates aimx died "situiilax at Poll
Oniabi. Neb Ills bom. was III W esl
Slstei Marx I let ttude lunkei was
tiled xetcd,tx nt M ttei Jllseilioitlla
oiixenl Merlon Pi s ii wis the sec-
1'id daiigliter nf JIi and Mrs Jules
linker to d'e within week Ml
unkei xxas unable to attend the funeral
i iiib to lllncs fiom lullueiia Four
uolli.is of the nun a. id as pil'bcareis
William Stone. tC'j laintaatn axe-
I. well known In P.ipubllian politics
'h Fort -foul th Ward died today cf
h . na He was fuitx xeais old
... - i'e llghilng m Frame
Polii email John V 15 ider, 40J llaskih
a, acini t he Thlitx -ninth
t in'cl l.aniiftn axenue station
died todax, the sin ml patrolman of tin
. tu nn ttllnb in tlie last two tins
Itodei leientlx was Hansfei led from tin
id and le latin. x street" station
is ntulhei and his wife are HI of tin
,f Hse
Nalliankl ,N Kaplan Itli Iteed street
t il estate brokei dl.d of pneumonia
a ti of thirlcs K iplun ilso
i ie il 5 biokri
I "eiceiiev Aid Reoorts Doit.ilioii
of S46t4 to lnllutMia Fimil
on dilutions pinountltiB to StfiH
hip been made to the Hmeigent Aid
"net i fund nccurdlnR to nu an-
"t nnieiutul bx JIih lohn C (Jiooine,
'i irninn of t lie home lellef dlx'sltm
P'orn this funl 5(u, xxus sent to the
xwiiini.' N'urse Soiletx 1140 Lombard
stieet for Ibe puiibase of blankets hot,
wuie' botiles nud otbel sickroom tie.
, p..,iies Another JSWi was sent to ibe
Cnllere Settlement, 43u Cliilstlan stleet
ft i ,'mllai purpo'es
X 'xealthx xxoilian bas-offiied to lake
tn. . ..iiiiHlcieiit nuises Ih'o her bnme
until thex lmxe recoxered Xlrs t Wll
'Is Mm tin made this announcement In
Hie hope that other women will bc
moled lo etc. tbe same for man nurses
who haxe contracted Infliieiwt
Mltninoblle owners are urged lo lol
u.iteer the eetxiies bf theli tais for the
use of nurses and dnttora durliig tlm
Iiilluenza eiildtmlc, Tbe tall for iars
xas reuixxid l.da bx Ibe I. mergence
Mil and all pcisons who can loun au
totnoblles ex en for an hour a day ate
isked to mil at 14-'S Wlilnut htieit. It
s an essen lal call, as nurse i and doe
ens haxe to be sent t'- xarlous puila
if the cltx at all hours, uud In mot
usts the necesfltx for spud Is riat.
Fixe Deaths untl It New CuseF
Iteported Totla
Iniluetina ' helnB graduall ellniltiated
in (lluucetei through the untlr ntt luirh
if iiliyBiclans. nurses and xolunteer
Fixe deatbB due lo the disease were
-"ported todax. and fourteen nexv lases.
More thin 500 einploxen or he shlli
jardii returned to xxork ' J'' V 07..B1'I
if Health bellexea the ep denilc xxl 11 1 be
Htrniped out entlrelx xxltnln a eiv daya
' "FiiternalUli Day" Earh Month
Cloternor BrumbaUgh today iuea a
naming t
flay or
ont -i
luiure a
tb t.
Histfl tiiat
1 W a4fl
ii mmaam
I'h.il 1 rstlers
Wlls() ii. llnov
r.irmer Sheriff ol I'hilarlcliiliia an.)
wi. It'lx known nijtiiifiii hirer, ilicil
Former Sheriff Helped
Bloek Gas Lease in Conn-
1 1 r r t"
eils in JVU
Ueeamt Leader in Mantifae-
ing and Proniiiient Athoeate
of Political Rclterincnl
I .inner sbtilff Wilson II mown,
wlilelx known ininufai tuiei, died todax
it his home, J I West 1 iilpehni ken si.ee I
(It rtntiiit.mil afln an llln. s of s.xei.il
w . k.
Some iIiiih ago XI. Iliowu suirit.l i
tn ri mis bieikiloxxn and Ibis was sin -ittdtd
bv . umplkatluiis xxhl.li lid tu
his dp itli Ills wife was al hi, bid
,lde xx In ti be dl.d
I'm main xeai, Mr lliown was pioui
hn tit In pollllijt and In was alwaxs nn
eunest mix. n. ite of pinBiissixe Id. is
He was ainang the Hist or Hi. huh pen
dent ineinbtiH of Common i 'mini It In
l'il)5 to cippos. tb. Itis. of Hit' . ilx
gts works to the t tilted ibis 'iiiptux
uient I omp.nx
Won a Noinlualbiii
Ills Inltlatlxe and nggie-six. ne-s
helped to muse tits -wide Inleiesi on
the iiueMloti and as a icult Mi ihown
was iioniliitttd for shnlff
He was el. c ted bx a big inijoiltx bis
xlttorx niarkltitr the tempm u nxei
tbiow of Hit Oiinlttlon
.Manx meisiiie, xxPie ton,sttnilx op
povtd bx Mi lliown us lint fni the best
Int. lest of the it It xxas la.gtlx bis
opposition that t uised the tlef. it In
count us or tne s. Iinxlklll ullex xxatti
1'ui ten x.iis in CnumM, lie baiu
tii. i.d unceaslnglx at tiling, sixoiing of
'llirouth a gles,lxtnes Mi Blown
rose f i , u, the post of nlllie box to m inn
fuiuiet He wis lint n In Heiinantown
lauuarx J7, 181..'
In ant llu, lap,, ,
lie foiined a pittiieisblp wilh lost ph
W Hilton lu th. in inufailuie of woolen
x;i i ns In a little mill at l.uix-sKtb
tteet and CJliuid ixinuc
He Ittet stilted a mill In i!iiniii
toxxii and einplt xetl tbhtx hind. III,
business qultklx i,iew m dining ibe
last fin xeuts lu tmplox.d sutiul thou
sand men
In Sexeral tinipiiiilr,
Hroixu was piesldeiil ol the Con
tineiital i:ideidtiwn Compiux
and also
toiiutttetl with sexeial other toliienis
lie was a member nf the Jlauufai
luiers Club I'nlon League and nuiliei
oil, other oiginlations He is sui
xixetl j) ii xx blow one son and three
Ills son Colonel Mlllaid 1) lliown,
as lomiiiandei of the lu'itb Jnfanti.x
took an uitixe put In the fighting at
t hateau-T bltirx line of bis eliughteis
Is Xlrs W W Hill diiiigliter-ln-liw
nf William Hall Seiittuix to lloxernoi
Other Midnight Soliciton Fiioil
L ion .ts lioli 1, cm
Hi the Anotiated I'rei
I'll, burgh, I'm, (let ll, -spettuculai
methods use, in Hie Clexeland d'strlct
foi tin fouitb l.l.iertx Loin Im hided a
s. tie, of inudiiu Paul Ittxeie I Ides
tluuuBli I Jl, towns of thlilx-llxe i untitles
in Ohio and Pt nnsxlianti last night lo
lens of xxnil.eis 111 aimx luotnrtl lit ks
The tniiki xxeiu- etiulp'ied with aerial
Himbs ebtii t gongs suns and ltd
flic, wble sailors uhond wem supplied
with shot guns and b'ink t utildges
loi us were xlslletl after midnight, iltl
ens tailed out of bed uud mtl at their
Joui s bx silltltuis aimed xxltb stibst ;ip
tlou blanks boiit 5-,'iH null in sub
'cilptlon, welt (.atheied In this wa ilur
HB tjie night
, Hiooklliie Pa. the l.lbertx Loan
iltleis xxeie nilHtnken foi I ink lobbeis
uid put In the tillage tnlaboose fni
thiee hours At tJcorg'town, O and
leffriMin, Pa tbe laldlng pittles were
tired upon 'llu rides will be extended
to mail) nthi i lommuiiltlis lu the district
I'dIIsX ille Veteran Dies
I'ollsxille, I'll., Olt Ki (.eeilM' W
Channel is deud at bin home at Poit
i aibon He taught sihoyl inanv sears
H Pncgioxe and Poll Cuboii and was
a xrtel.ni of the Civil Win lie was
hoi ll III 18J'l 'Ibe Ilex Waxne Chan
nel of Philadelphia, and .1 L Channel
a Pottsillle hiwjer, ale sons
gmff aflHtBK.Ar b t3
The same rowerful nKine sh J$$r I J
in our 5-ton trucks in rioxv jtfyyr Va-ton to 5-ton
placed In the 34-ton Aca- b)K $2500 to $4700
s,on. The famous 4-cyl- jfrLf """"r't Ielltrlea Terrllory Open
Inder I.-hend cast nSkfim ACASON SALES CO.
oalrs develops 52 jtm of Phlla. 1803 Market St i
H. P. at normalHr nii, ioeui kj , nor mA' j
, t pif'' - x -, " "r ,ac, ' ,'i ' &wJ$n
Sciidlc Coimnittcc Gels TcMimonr
in Breiveri"' Hcnriiig nt PiUsburgli
ll) the Associated Vcn
Wii-lilnrl.ui. Oct If. -Txvo trunks nttd
u large box tilled with eildencn produied
befoie a Federal lira ml Jury at Pitta
burgh relating to alleged political nctlx'
Itlei. nf biewers were dellxercd today to
the S'cnnte coiniultlec Inxcstlgatlng the
purebnse of the Waslilngton Times by
Arthur Hilshniie and planning a geu
tnil uiiili Into breweia' prnpaBanda
The lommltlee will beg'n hearing?
next Tiiesdax- with u nolllcer of the
sriix Intelligent n serxlce on the stand
. I DI.I.INS im i of ineunionlii, KBt
Mt'NH p son of CHlhsrlne nn.l .the Itej
lohn I'l.llliis .nr" l)nlel Funersl Frl , 8
n nl , fruia re,l.tnre .N M Church lne.
Irraxxnol Pa 1 nt Unix 1'i.n.s le.n. Auto
HlllAN Oil IJ i,f pneumonia CAItHIK,
wl.lnxx nf .iHltte, P. Jiuaim -llSil 12 Al
bright KI , ilauithter if I'rl-.lllH 11m irll.erl ItiK.
of I'ulunihle, P.. Puneriil iirlxute, Thtirs .
I a in. Null) p tiiKlerluklns pbIhIi , I rank
fnnl axe and Church at, I riinkfurtl Int.
Noth ipdar Hill i em i oiuml.lii in pen
Pirate rojix, l
Ht'lJAN CXI II e.f lnHun?a JAMK9
P huslum.l of liite e'liril" Duian (nee
tliniherllnir) SllMI IJ Allirluht at I'llnfral
IHiHte, ihura, I i in , .Nultx'a undertaKlnr
ralab . frank for. I tne ami hurch al ,
I raiikfortt Int North ( edar Hill 1'iine,
Itrx l otutnbla Pa pupils please COPV.
I.l i l.l.s o, t ,,r pneumnnla. I ItANK
I )iulanil nf Kalhrjn hcelea (nee Jtc-
llocxan) an.l win of Mary an I Inle rtiomaa
.t.la ItlU s .").! si, (nl. strlitly prlxale.
Ilolx i'ro iVm XX e.i ii.t in
.v,"JjTON "'' I" "' Pii-umnnla.
(H-tillili: aim of ile.iree nn 1 Anm Xtorrlaon
ard .ii , l-unarnl 1 h'ira . 1 1 III a tn , from
il-'.' I. XllfKhenj axe Int llol Sepulclire
lt'lb.MI.KII VI Kllxntoli- Ps. Oct IS.
XlXltllXUhl ANNX xxlfe of Theodore Ilofa
"ler 1r ami .laiisht r of Catharine anil the
Ihi.i liobrrt . ger sitel 31, Due notice of
fuiirml xxill he Bxen
PDtlillKrtTl Sn.i.hnli nt New Itornelle.
nx At. h xmnm:i SXIITII 11OU0H
l.ltlt .lauBluer nf xn nn.l xlrs Hugh 1.
l)..UKl.rt eg u Iti Pineral serxlce Thura.,
.' la n in Int prlxnle
Xbt (INNI.LI. Xt Palmira N J, Oct.
i oi iiteiunonia ,ii t; wire ot xvil
llatii II XltConnell sn.l ilaimhtrr of h ber
I ini.l Jinnle s tiraham ane.l .'I Int,
prlxf le
xi.e itxiti i). i ii itoiiprtT xiccnAitj,
iikpiI is hnnerHl serxkra riiurs , 8 13 p
ni hi In, 1,-i.cx me Narherth Pa Ku
il, rat prlxate
,,,'M-" V r"',1 " nf nifumonia pxr-
Itllk hubanl of Mllllmlna Rega l (nee
Matlnlinh) I-uu. nil from iho resl.lt nt e nf
his alal.r Xlrs s ,,'tli Jtu llatitroft at,
riiur In h tu Inl st Anthonj a Cein ,
Xniul, i I'a
I Itli t X t).t II XIAIUIAIlhT, .laughter
or John mil Xlargant Crlllx Cice Kellj)
Hun, r,ist i , from .(is Hodman at.
lltlxxeeii Atn.rlcm un.l stomi st ) Int.
Ilolx t'ro-, i em
htiabanl of Hannah K Xnderaon. aue.1 2S
funeral serxlrea I rl J m st Hau
llslien,'"' ,,,ll"nfl'" 'N J. 'at ll"w-
h.'iU(5r'T 7'J 7 ANSV Inee Mill,
leni wife of sHrBPnm (COIB), j cgert.
"u.rt V.'u' ' 1, '-', ""r-N I rout ."
IIDI.IM It llcl 1", JUIIN S am of Al
uilraii.ul ih late llenrx c llonir. aaid
.1 run. nil al lonxonlenie of fatnlli fill.
nn llexx leni New llrunawltk. .N J
i n i .r" ".."' I'n'ii'iioalt, Ilr.NttV
!' i ". i "".'.' "" I-mi' ra I from hi,
mill I am leH Xlatinr iie.r lit. ster, I rl .
i , ". , '," ,,lm immullat.lj tliertaft.r nl
a." i. r"'n"s "ult '" lh",trr liurul Km,
I I I U.I. WOOD Cl ll llullPltr mu
of Hip lite Jos an I Xltil, lllllewoud (J
Mts Xhtrx I, Kill,, rts ..u I, suiuh-
. i .1111.1 tUe t-erxlte, Hll.l fimnr ., ..rl.tlu
uric i
I.l Nc l Oct 11 ,f
XIHNi: Infaiit clHUthli r
inlluenru CXTIt
of Joliii and I ollie
li I inch nun ,s in,
tun. ml wll be uixtti
liue nollci ol
xi. i ahi; -u l I.', em I.N xiu-mik I ,.
n.iul 1 bur, I ix lu In u m froui Hl.'u s.
K.,eix.iT,i bit II, x i ro, C. m
xil I.l bit CM II of InfluenH. 1AXIKS1
liuslull.l of It in tie XX Xllller. ,,c.,l
! u "-", ' u,,erMl Thuis I) III tt in. fiom
J-ft..,r.'l.M. .'"' Ml Moriah l-pui
xi ' i",l"'l.,V" "'" ilealh nn Jul I, at
Miailuvl leu llarl.or. on h,m-, lrltl,h s, H
lllwr.lele ,,f HHNIIX- XU'I HOI.I. N D ' an
Illinium .III, n la le.olt. I bx- the Alne.l
irtii in. ,ul nt Xluntexlcl o I ruisuax The
lci lepr.s. nt tllx, of il-.eiise.l tan olitaln
luiiber Inform ilton Ix niiplxlns to tlm Dept,
of stute Washington D t
ii i ixii-i urt n of pneumonia. (HtXCE
XI nl e uf Irani II Xlx.rs and .1 ilithlor
of the in. lohn mil Mirx Ki.nan I uncral
"I ," 'a a ill .), N- Dili Iiil. Old
X Hill ill ll I etll XUI rUIKlHl
ItXICll ot ll of nni umnnlu I.XL'ltX,
11 In..- lixbu.) diualiler of Daxld W
Itiiutli r nigral noixlttn Tliurs In in ,
from falh. r s i.al Line LOtKI! Wialnrtal
tin trin.te dr. . niiiniitit c. nt
i ..m'm'C.M'''"!.'',"1 '- of Pneumonia.
1 I iilll. Nl P wlf., of I nil, Maltmiucber. an i
I iiulit. r or 1 1 Xlaix nn.l trnnila Jlur
nn. imiI .ii I unniil prlxate Thurs sin
i ti I mm I.. Ir. e si Int llo.j- Orosa
i em
in'I'i'i'i.T1.1,1 1 S of mi, unionli. I1I.1.A
III. I II Till I xxlfi nf lotil, Tref? (nee
..tneiii.Kf in .i.tt ii tnii r hi . tin. rul Hnt .
1 n
nnxiiu tt Xloutr. s Oiu
Ill I.l' W XNII llXIXI K
i IUI'1 I UPH To ilrlxe fiunllj where hua-
l.i.nd .lrlxiH hi, o.xu tart xvllling it, care
fur heil.rs nn.l I., ten. i.ll useful about
pine n. irl.x huIiuiIis I' l.'J l.i, liter eifflca
1 HHI.M XN foi
l) to Inap,
si., tinker e n
till liuiil.r xurtl. tiu.t 1,h
tt nn.l . milt iiarttixoo.l John
.th nn.l I'ltHrneltl
Hielli IN 11 XS.prtuop nss
is iitiiiAin NppiiKii in rm: UtONT.
I.I.NL lltL.Nl'lll s
W I. Nl hi) l u HUH s on mil Nil WejXIEV
ro UUI.P pi r ii im.m:
Willi II CONllsrS eU-' solDUHNCl TItB
uir iixxi: an oi'i'DHTi Nn v iot-iarm
x HUM'S wiii.n xoi Hi-.coxii;
Weilik IN l.llitl I AIR.Y ItOOXI
.rs n 'H si
I'llUmKI! Ulltl. general hou,exxork, (Jl
raid .state Final fanitb. lilieral pai?
must llxe home Xiply evenings after 0.
JHI7 s j H
West I'lilhnlelnlila i
XXONHKIH I l.l.X altlniHle Vd floor room
. ulj halh exer toinfort extluslxe borne.
I'leslon -.HI7 W
To imprest the whole world require!
a Muperior product.
. The Matter Car
For immediate delivery.
Choice of colore. .
4 f
. 0mms ''"
l .