Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 15, 1918, Night Extra, Image 4

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    eS?, syf -"
l--M It,
Maurice Notes Ring of
incerity in Acceptance
of Wilson's' Terms
ed Armies Should Be So
Piacpd ns lo Present Re-
)' -sumption of War
rm.r Dlr.ctnr of Oprstlons of tho
Itrltlnh Armj.
tfcUt Cable to Evening Public Ledger
CovvWffM, IStt. bti Xtie York Timet Co.
l.flnifnn- rtpt- IS.
U The reply of thfr Herman Goxernmenl
to rresldent Wilson I a arai mep
iS,.fcyond the ncccptance of a demand that
r'i All Allied territory shall be evacuated.
1 Jt fcltara the nlr of suspicion that the
rlha proposal was a doilite to gel
5Ahlr armies out of an embarfasslnr
i'sltuatlon. One of the prime object of
, 4he Oerman gjeneral staff In thin war ha
K hMH in waff It on inimv territory, with
' S.lha double purpose of savins; their owh
r tand from Its horror and of carrylnt
they hao
..- ..l....l..1 I.Ult
..V Owl ino principle wiih.ii
''K) n tf.fa nrlntftlnl tbov hnv from the
l"w ''rrlrst exacted the very utmost from the
L.' f territories which they occupied. In the
' forms of fines, ol enforced contrmutions
' 'y In money and kind, of forced labor, and
-T' t infrequently by sheer robbery. We
1 -. i J 'have all seen how systematic devasta-
tt -tlon has preceded and accompanied
1 rf ther retirements, according to plan.
i. Knowlne. then, how they themselves
' Vhave acted and would act If they were
P- "I f In the position of the Allies on entering
I,-, y.lnto Germany. It Is unthinkable that
4 7.they would ajrree to the armies or ineir
" ' lln. I .a1... t... mAt ..Mil ..MnA'
'I superiority In the air, taking post cvery-
-.. , whfre hlonf ineir ironusrs, u mcy con
'' M.ceivcd It possible to continue the strug
. .!slle with any advantage lo thehiselve
" J Thorn l. then, to anv one acquainted
with the Herman tnlnd a HhR of
S m 'sincerity about the last message signed
V"by IXXtor Bolf, which has been lachlng
1 'In all the earlier proposals from Ucr
I many,
Need Adequate Ouarantren
For the time being the- political situa
tion dominates the military and may
a It cOntlhUe to do so, but' there can be
. no question of a cessation of hostilities
9 until adequate guarantees have been
J r-.Kmlno.l thnt the terms which the Allied
n ,,- .. . .,.... fcLll tt.
uy -1 v uovernmems ueciuu iu iinii inm ..
P-'S.'' ', ' r.-n-l..! ...it In unlrlt nnd letter. Whftt
Vi. .i - ......... ..l.nti Iia la rtrlmftrllv
.4 V U0 guamitivsn n,.a. v I '
i?1!, rJa. question for soldiers and sailors, for
(A nl. .. . .l. .U.a U AIHa.1 nr-rriam a nit
k' j 4'' fssenimi nim "" ..i ......
Fv-iiiJLln.M h no nlaeed as to make it Impos-
Eslble for Germany to continue tne war
, .T.lf. at a later date, sne reiuses io attcin.
- rthelr terms.
r..'.v iT; Th nns lion is. I my memory scrvea
r 1.. . i. a bp narnm
jr "".me. witnoui preccucm, iui .-
r"i(T " has ft great nation nCRnowieageu com
A. ,. i.A. ...1.11a hap nrtnl w.re
t .-. ....iiwn nciriiL ninio ... ....... .- ..-.
' -a i everywhere on enemy soil and she held
i. i1 .J i. v...- nnunulon huee stretches of
': .? enemy territory.
.it t tk three only of President Wll-
V-son'a fourteen points. It is obvious that
7 'the offer to evacuate Allied tefrltory.
V whlta It In. as 1 have said, an Indication
B ..'of Germahy" sincerity. Is not a guar
f uiantee to France that Alsace-Lorraine
i ?V?.wtll he rtstbred to her. Neither Is
- nlthdfawal of German troops from nui-
' a. guarantee of the establishment of
t an lndenpendcnt Poland, nor the rctire-
; ftHitnt from Belgium a guarantee of repa.-
7rHn to IBO great VIClim Ol uciman
S'Jt-3 leave It to JIarsha! Feh
The question of military guarantees
- J to Ke exacted will doubtless be left by
f'tthe Allied Governments mainly In the
...pharid. ttf Marshal Foch, who will have
""ii -nild him Germany's own treatment
" t , of the problem in 171. She then. haV-
'V'-rUns Imposed her terms upon France,
' I left large forces In occupation of sped-
t V 1 fld French provinces to Insure their
''"9f observance. These forces were gradu-
i i ally Withdrawn an France paid to Ger-
,"i (many the Indemnity Imposed upon her,
but the last German soldier did not
" Cleave France until long after the war
Z( wa over and the last sou of the sum
'Vr- exacted was In the Oerman treasury.
Ti Th alnklng of the Lclnster Is a time-
ly remlndei1 to us that it Is not only a
' question of .nllltary guarantees but that
iVAowr sallora, who have borne throughout
j Incomparably the greatest share In the
s'lf. war at sea. should certainly have a de-
V-oIdlng voice in this matter. Germany's
Vi raauest for a commission to settle the
J details is In accordance with precedent.
V,'BUt It should be primarily a naval
it".-n tHltltarv commission nDDolnted to
' JP 4f tirmlne how and when the decision
: 5" ot the Allied Governments are to be
, aarrled out and necessary guarantees
o b secured. It may be longer before
thee complex questions are settled, and
.. ff It oannot be assumed that hostilities
1wM cease until they are settled.
t "' J the moment operations on the
!'t western front are following the course
tJ which vu anticipated. The Germans
t are attempting to stand on the Selle
, .vj arid to withdraw their forces on either
; 'Xalde of the salient which Sir Douglas
5',-VS Halg has created In their front. I don't
K ;V see that as yet there Is any justldca-
'Vjtlon for the opinion which has" been
A"exireMed that the, retreat of the Ger-
.W wan armies from the C"hemln-des-Damea
i.tf'and St. Gobaln massif Is gravely men-
- jiaeed. It may be If Foch can strike
?! again, at once, but In the meantime It
"jjg; la certain that the German retreat must
e earned consiaeraoiy lunner.
.r. U-Vr't 1 "-
l.nh, Ocl. It.
mleraaj- afternoon ah AtrierlchH
patrol crossed the Bell nivef III the
neighborhood bf St. Bbhplet and took
thirty iirlfoners.
We cafrW out A slirres.'iful raid
last etrhlhg Wiuth bf Kalnghth-en-Weppes,
taking twenty irlnrtfH. A
few prltohrri were taken during the
night by rtur patrols brt other iwrtlons
of th rrnnt
I'stU, Ort. 15.
During the night and the tarly
hours this morning w made progress
at variotl points along (tie front.
Rnuth of the Serre tte took po-ntMslon
of Itemles. tlartnton Oct and MonceaU-Le-Wast.
West t)t fiethel the French have cap
lured N'artteull'riur-Alsne.
West of OrAhd Pre the French have
progressed beyond the Al'ne. Olliy
and Tcrmes are In uur hands. In this
region we captured nearly 800 prison
ers. AMKItirANn
With the Amerlean Kspedltlnnary
Force, Oct. 14 (Delayed).
This morning American troopi re
sumed the advance. North ot Ver
dun they nro how operating Against
positions of greatest strategic value
and natural ' Strength. Today we
passed beyond the towns ot Cunel
and Itomadge.
We have patrols In the Hols de Han
thevllle and our attacking line hnr.
penetrated the poslllohs of St.
Georges and I.andres'et-8t. George-.
AlmUt 780 prisoners hae been reported.
Foe Is Removing
Troops From Coast
l Hit,T JfrmMl2&LQMtUKx'
Mint trom wwNreres M jrri,wk , Arh
cotrnVhAi M qMWP TOurnai "n r
BlfTHUMt0 0L8aSSG Ortt;4CV. ona J.
ttNS,JK2t J
- - -
a hv routnt
he eherHy MdAM to hv
I, particultf ly aurlnf m eatly
the attack, hd In Oh It
i-arlan troops even penttrati
British barrage and used their machine
guns. This situation, however, w
peedlly ended, and masses ot the ertemy
troops were killed.
The battle r-ontlntioH taat nleht under
hrllllant moonlight. While the main
German resistance has been broken, It
still Is being offered quite heavily here
nnd there along the front.
realizes tne seriousness of
for the enemy
another Allied
. ." -w
victory her. The ciotman Oanlc Is stead
ily being turned, and undoubtedly If the
Allied success continues I.IMe will fall.
The Ilrltlsh are Using masses of Artil
lery which, as In receht battle. Is mov
ing With the. infantry, and has ben
pounding (he boche rear and retreating
lines steadily all day. Iat night the
Ornish artillery tire continued furiously.
Continued from Pate One
already been counted and a large
amount nf material and many KUrta
httvo been taken. Mention also must
be made of two batteries, which wero
taken with the horses atached to the
gtlns. THls shows that the methodical
withdrawal of the Germans, of which
they will riot fall to spedk In report
ing the bdttlc, could not be nccorrt
pHshed. German reserves which attempted
tn htirrv urt to the frontline did nbt
escaho the keen eyes ot the Allied
aviators and Runners. Oho troop train
was rut In two bv shells. When the
occupants of the cars Jurrtflod out
they were met and scattered by tna
chine-gun fire from Allied aviators.
The British navy nrttl coast artil
lery did excellent Work In t-o-operat-Inc
with the ndvnrlnft Infantry. The
Oermun-t did not lenve Ilolileri with
out startlnc many Arts.
fly the Associated Press
London, Oct. IS. The text of the
official Ktatcment Issued at tho War
Office Inst night relative to the offen
sive In Uelglum follows:
The Flanders group of armies under
King of Belgium attacked at 5:SS
o'clock this morning. The second
Hrltlth army advanced about four and
one-half miles In the direction of Cour
tral. capturing the Important .Villages of
Iedeghem nnd Mooraelle and reaching
the northern outskirts of Menin.
"The Belgian army advanced also
nearly five miles toward Thourout nnd
captured the villages of Uumbeke. Isc-
ghem, Cortemarck and Handzaeme.
'The French army attacked with the
Belgian troops on both flanks and oc
cupied rtoulers ns well as the villages
of Devren. Hooglede, Gits and St.
Joseph. They nlso captured the plateaus
of Gits, Hooglede and Glbbete. The
prisoners counted exceed S000. Thirty
three hundred were taken by tho Bel
gians. 2500 by the French and 1200 by
the British. The exact number Of guns
taken Is unknown, but six complete bat
teries with their teams were captured
just ns they were about to withdraw.
dors, Which nt first nppenred to bo ex
ccodlnKly heavy, Is reported to have
befit broken. After the Ilrltlsh. French
nhd Heltflnn ndvonee, there wfro Indi
cations that tho enemy was withdraw
Ing tho remainder of his material
from tho coast of Belgium.
As Is edstnrnnry during the hours
following the launching of nn attack In
this difficult country, reports wero slow
coming In but most significant of nil
the features of the battle was the fact
th.it the Oerman coast batteries were
not firing.
The enemy artillery reacted heavily
south ot rtoulers after the Allied at
tack was launched yesterday--but tidrth
of the city this fire was very alight,
Indicating that the German guns had
been withdrawn or were being taken
back by the enemy The German rear
guards were overcome and further north
tho enemy resistance gradually gre'W
lighter as the assault progressed. Among
the prisoners wero u complete regimen
tal staff and a battalion commander.
The enemy h begun blowing up
material which ho could not remove and
the torch Is being applied to the towns
that aro being abandoned by tho Ger
mans. There have been four explosions
near fleerst,
Tho fact that tho coast batteries are
not firing has given rise to tho rumor
that the British naval forces are oper
ating off the coast. One report evert
went to tar as to say that Ostcndi
which seems bound to be evacuated by
the enemy, has been entered by British
monitors. Thero Is no confirmation ot
theso rumoru.
Ortly n thlh enemy barrage was en
countered by the British during .their
attack. South ot Ilchterelde the Brit
ish hae driven well to the east. They
have passed through Itoulcra and are
still advancing. They nro .also operat
ing quite a distance east ot the Slenln
Haulers road.
mam tm mm U
Theatre0 anrl Mfjetlnjta dlotet).
Saloons Majr Fallow
Chlr, Oct. It. In announcing that
all theatres and movlng.blcture houses
In Illinois wAild be closed today until
the pausing dt the epidemic bf EpanlMi
influenza, the executive commlttco of
the emergency commission used the
phrase "Ahd all olhcr places of public
amusement." The commission decided
alsc to stop all lodro meetings and night
schools, but thl tiuhllo sohools In Chi
cago and other eitlea where, medical In
spection is a part of the system win not
be closed.
By the. Associated Press
vnth the ItrltUh Army In Franee, Oct.
IS. The British In their attack In Flan
ders nrmrnnr-riffl fntiHral. Counter-at
tacks by picked Bavarlnns against the
French broke down under a hot fire.
Thousands of prisoners have been taken.
nnn enormous casualties again nave nern
Inflicted on the enemy. The latest re
ports Indicate that the British broke
through at one place and are advancing
toward the I.js.
The Belgians have signaled from the
east Ahd southeast of Hauler that they
have captured Hagebrooke, Oltsberri and
Flrverln. nrtd that 3000 prleoners thus
far have been couhted.
Thft British hive taken Dennnp, Bosch
molen GUIlrgheni, Wuvcrghem nnd Wer-
vico, anil are a tnousanu yaras norm-
iuo prisoners, ana naa
vtM nt Menliv
They nafl captured by eany
aricrnodn '
By the Associated Prtss
HMre, Oct. Is On a front of mote
than twelve miles between the ItAnd'
tAcme canal and the noulers-Mehln
road, Belgian and French troops have
captured k number of towns, a large
number of guns and quantities of ma
terials, according to the official commu
nication Issued last night by tha Belgian
war omce. The communication mi
lowst 'This morning Belgian and French
troops operating In close co-operation
carried by assault enemy positions on
a front of twenty kilometers between
Handzaeme canal and the ItoUlers-
Menln road.
"Breaking the strong ehemy resistance,
they ororressed along the Whole bf the
rroht, capturing Handzaeme, Corte
marck, (llts, St. Joseph. Hooglede.
Beveicn numbeke Beythem Ouekene and
"The French carried ,tloulcrs i by ns
Mult. Mom tn the east the Belgian:
progressed In the flghtlhg oh a depth of
tnoro than ten kilometers, captured
Iseghem and reached the borders of
I.endelede, delivering numerous clll pop
"The advance varies between four and
five kilometers. Airplanes actively co-
'A arent nuahtlty o
c'udlng six complete batterl
luiru. .
"Iloulcrs. Cortemarck. Hooglede and
Gits .are afWme. There hate been ex
plosions in different pans or jiouiers.-
couhted eleven field guns.
The Whole front attacked. It now de
velops, extended fdr thirty kilometers
northward from CBtnlnes, the British
holding half of this line.
There are furtner evidences that the
tlermahs are retreating from the Belgian
coast. Their stores are being moved
from Ostend and Bruges, extraordinary
tfforts being made to get all their ma
terials away from the rear of the front
of nttack; but the quantities are ho
vast, because they were originally put
there whert the Germans hnd hopes of
breaking through and drIMng for the
coast, that the enemy Is now experienc
ing great difficulties In saving his sup
plies. More fires have been started by the
Germans, especially In Thourout and In
the neighborhood of Cortemarck, and
operated. The number of prisoners up
to the present Is six thousand.
r material, in-
rlcs. Was cap-
Hesitation Means Defeat;
Buy Now, Urges President
Vresldcni iVttsdn has Uiued the
foltouHnp aldlcmertt on the fourth
lAbcrtv oott;
tirpHB reply of the German Gov-
- eminent to m' note of In
quiry dated Oetbbor 8 glvcli occa.
slbn for me to say to my fellow
countrymen that neither that reply
not ntiy other recent events havo
In ahy way diminished tho Vital Im
portance ot the Liberty lioan. .Re
laxation now, hesltntldn rlow, would
mean defeat when victory seems to
bo In sight! would mean years ,of
wnr Instead of peace Upon our own
"I earnestly request every pa
triotic Amerlcah to leave to the
Governments of the United States
nnd of the Allies the momentous
discussions Initiated by Germany,
and to remember that for each man
his duty is to strengthen tho hands
of these Governments and to do It
In tho most Important way now
Immediately pteschted by sub
Hcrlblt.B to the utmost ot his ability
for bonds of tho fourth Liberty
Loan. That loan must bo success
ful, t am Hiiro that the American
peoplo will not fall to see their duty
anil make It successful.
Ahead In Ar&pnne
Continued rtnrii fit Ons
with machine guns In such a manner
that It was regarded necessary to blast
It away with big guns. The Germans
had tunneled openings for machine guns
through the banks on the cast side of
tho road and' every little tbnnel was
lined with cement. All nltcmptu to take
this position were fruitless unless the
machine guns were silenced by direct
Between Itomagne and LAndrcs-et.
nt, George Is a small hill covered with
woods and the fighting was extremely
fierce along lis slope, to which Were
joined the hnrhf.il ivli- ..?-......- ....
stretched from 'Landres-et-Ht. George to
St. George, li mile and a half further
west These positions were deluged with
American shells, but Were stubbornly de
fended by the Germans, who rolled along
their front clouds of gas and curtains of
high explosive and shrapnel shells
Along the lino from St. Juvln to''st
If to the, fttkl M.
feiJrei ale-hw the entr.of.trr llfVe. ',.
Irig-the battle the Gel-mans directed fc
harassing fire en numerous points back
ot the AmeHcah lints.
To Preserve Teeth
For Your Lifetime
Save your teelh with SOZODONT.
It does not injure the enamel It
house-cleans every crevice and cran
ny; and prevent! decay; It keepi the
gum! firm and healthy; stimulates
circulation and neutralizes acidity j
and li Is vtry refreshing to Use.
Liquid-Powder or Paste
A Wonderfully Fine
Diamond Solitaire
An .absolutely per.fcctdia
mond weighing 4.97 carats,
artistically set in a pierced
mounting, paved with thirty
small diamonds a magnifi
cent ring $4200.00.
We invite your inspection.
S. Kind & Sons, mo ctcstnut st: ,
Bay Libtrty Bond
Why not buy that
Liberty Bond tbdfcy?
By the Associated Press
Willi the British Army In Belgium,
Oct. 15. Enemy resistance in Flan-
I.- ..u.
Tl.l. 11. 11. f
m, uikcr jtccauB vjorKai
'';. Washington, Oct, 15. Recall to the
.active list of Major General William C.
i'Gorgas, formerly surgeon general ot the
f army, who recently was retired for age,
i and his assignment to active duty In
J' the Mint rank of the medical corps, an
t nounced by Secretary Baker.
kind that pp thai lugs,
now-wblta eiuiwrt.
20c lb 3 lb., 50c
fakM fVlllBM
; Mil sis. a Lais site, tU
Alt a ales aJSortratnt ot fir.
au namnr inr pitnts nu
ll )er the boms, prtss runab.
When Your
Back Aches
WHEN your long
day's work ends
with a torturing pain
in the back, you will
find quick relief by
rubbing on
the famous French reliever
of pain, originated by Dr.
Jules Bengue of Paris.
Baume is used also all
over the world, to quiokly
relieve pains of muscular
fatigue, rheumatism, sci
atica, lumbago, gout and
the like, and for colds and
catarrhal affections of the
nose and throat.
Be sure you get the orig
inal, still available at most
drug stores in spite of war
Keep a tube handy for
quick relief.
Atatrieea Agents New York
You Don't
" '
An excellent investment
and a patriotic duty
'' '.'Hi r!'Mkm i MBLsWc2mm mS' ', , - ' "
Thirty Feet of Danger
The intestinal canal is an important part of every
individual, important every inch of its thirty feet.
The upper portion of it is intended for the dines
tion of food and absorption of itt useful portions.
But the lower part is concerned with the elimina
tion of waste material.
It is, in other words, the creat sewer of the body.
The more food eaten, the greater the Waste. If
a sewer becomes closed up, its contents stagnate
and become more and more dangerous.
Constipation mean more thap failure to evacuate
the bowels regularly and thoroughly. It means
stagnation, increased fermentation, putrefaction
and germ action. Increased amounts of irritating
and poisonous substances are formed. Absorption
of these into the blood follows. Self-poisoning
Danger, disorder, disease, or even death follow.
Pills, purgative mineral waters, castor oil, salts,
etc., do not cure constipation or prevent its con
sequences. They make it worse because they do
not only irritate the bowels, but they "wear out"
in effect and so must be taken in increasing doses,
making constipation a habit.
But the Nujol Treatment for Constipation over
. comes constipation by helping Nature re-establish
easy; daily, thorough bowel evacuation as "regular
as clockwork."
Nujol prevents stagnation and self-poisoning.
Nujol forms no habit, except a natural, healthy habit.
After Nujol has trained the bowels to act, it can
be dispensed with.
Nl0 for constipation
Nujol Laboratories
SO Brosdwsy, New York
' 'Regular at
Wnvi4titt N'ujl is sold onlv ia
naming. ttlatA t,oylc, b'rin
the Nujol Trade Mark. Insist on Nujol.
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