f P It ? r" 1 -, IT "T. i ' iJi l t !fT. M v. .w Is' W . & . . RNRTAU ' PROPttSTE TEDESCftE Neun Artnistizio Fino nj che Continucranno gli Orrori Teutonic! ? order at lh President. A. f, BURLESON. Postmaster OrMrst. Washington, le., 18 otlobre. "IncondUlonata resa" e' II tenon delta rlsposta del President. Wilson alio nola dl pie della nermania, Iraimtm la ctTsa notte a Berllno. Essa e' In finale rlsposta dtll'Amerlca. Non vl possono MM diseussioni dl termini, tlmpof trtt dtcltlone del Presldcnto Wilson 1U2' riumersl come Heme: -vestlima consideration, vl puo' es. jr. per un arfntstltlo flno a che la dor mttla comlnul a Intimana ed llletale distention, dl vlte dl propriety In terra ed In mar. Mnn ,i -. . JtmlstUlo lino a che I capl mllKofl prtis ZZT .non. Bolt dovranno rltlrare lo loro FBle .? ,UUo 'I terrltorlo delle na lonl delt Ihtcsa, ma, In additions n do', I. WTnato drall Stall Until e dell'Intesa oovraftno avers assoluta soddlefatlone. .....,n r Nuvasjuaraie per II mantenl mento delta presents supremaila mill tare aella rone rotto II comando del rfnerale "och. "to condUlonl dl qualslaal armlitltlo, che potesae renders! posslbllr, dovranno Msare slablllte da comandahtl delle armate dull Hlatl Unltl e dell'Intesa, win yu queue per la evncuutlone del terrltorl Invasl. "Xon vl polra' essere una pace fene rale flno a ohe li taie iim,..i. mllltar. termanlca abblano cessato dl cortlrollare I desilnl del mnnin i..-. SI deve Inoltre Intendere che le prln- vii vunuiziuni suite quail Inslstera' II The detpued American Conti nentalt lived on pitiful ration and shivered in their raft at Valley Forge. But they brought Liberty to the United State. It is for us to see that the warriors of Liberty of our' prosperous days nave all that is needful for the great work of emancipa tion they are carrying on. BUY LIBERTY BONDS NOW The War Can't Wait Continental- Equitable Title a Thust Company Nnttotul, Slate and City Depotltory Twelfth Street Above Chestnut, Philadelphia HfiOOfiOO Capital flftOOftOO Surplus Brtffi.i:U'.l8Kg3 Take Advantage of Your Full Tax Exemption Privilege. If you are in doubt as will be gUd to go over Guarantee Trust & Safe Depoiit Co. PHILADELPHIA PA. 31MV20 Chestnut Street enrxsAX. emoz wuT.raru. omox 14XS S. rENN SQUARE S. MND STREET i . WAKE UP, PHILADELPHIA! 4th LIBERTY LOAN The tale of Liberty Bonds in Philadelphia has been greatly handicapped by peace talk and the prevailing epidemic, the, time for action .is here. To aid in the sale of bonds this Bank will make loans secured by Fourth liberty Bonds, subscribed for through it, at 4 for 90 days, "with renewals at the same rate covering the entire period of one year. YOU LENL TO UNCLE SAM and WE'LL DO THE REST THE GIRARD NATIONAL BANK IK SOUTH THIRD STREET f ,i .rtA i r4i.rlma dl un nrmhHlilo saranno la eomtrteta oecupaslon. delle perdute province tlell'Atsaala Lorens. dl tutte e vie del Reno, comprese le cltta' fortlncals dl Met o Rtrasburir. Boo qucerte condlilonl Inconlrcranno l'ap prnvatlone deull Hlatl Unltl." II Penato In Waahlmrton rlmase Ire seduta lino a che itlunse e fu lettn In rlsposta del Presidents alia (lermanln. Tats rlsposta fu salutata da Rrandl ap plasl rlscuotende I'approvatlone dl tuttl. Ih tuttl I clrcoll Urtlclnle rra-na un ntrrio- sfern dl Ruerra e non dl pace, Mentrc II Ketretarln Ijinslns; comuweava ai lornaltstl la rlsposta del Presidents. II seirretarlo dl questl, Mr. Tumulty, rendevn pubhllco II eeiruente comunleatdt "II Ooverno contlnuera n mandare oltre 180,000 nomlnl, con tutte le loro ptovvlste, oirnl mm e non vl dovra esKrre nessurn rllaseamento dl qualslacl specie." Roma. IB ottobre. Tfn comunlcato ufTlclale. pubbllcalo 1'altra notte dal Mlnlstero della rtuerra, ha annuntlato cho le truppe Itallane, operantl si fronte In Albania, hnnno occupato la cltta' dl Kavaya In quale troviui! a dodlcl mlxtla ft sud-cst dl Duratto. Ioccupailone nwenne sabato scorso ed ora si ritlene tmmlnente I'occupatlone dell'altra cltta' dl Klrana firr opera dello due colonne dl truppe tallans cho contlnUano la lorn avanzntn. Con In onttura dl quest'ultlma cltta' si deve rltenere" vlclna anche I'occupa alone dl Iu ratio. Dal fmnto In Italia sono Rtunte notlxle che sefnalano noltanto una note-ole atttvlta' del rlpartl dl rlcoenlzlone lunito tutto It front dl bnttsRlla. Anche Rll avlatorl Itallnnl ed allentl sono attlvlsstml e eon suocesso hnnno compluto varle ed Importantl Incurslonl aeree, speolal mente bombnrdando I In vorl mllltarl del Torto dl Trlwto ed I sobborihl dl Puraiio. Turn Elkt Club. Into Hoiplttl nrlntol, rs., Oct. IE. Bristol Lodge, n. r. O. K., has turned over Its mftR nlflcent river-front home here to the nrlntol tted Cross as an emergency hos pltal In the InflUenta epidemic. The hospital will be ptepared to handle sev eral hundred cases by tonight. to how to do so we the details with you. c-!x5aa8nsssi53s?swr; vlji "VsaaSaVsfsaKsaaaaaaaafifinsfljM' , jH i mtom vpmxo U. S. Puts Life in Vladivostok Csnllnsed from Pscs Oft cans encamped on the Usurl Wver, 60D miles away, Dut one day Is needed here to hear the testimony of all that the Ciechs nre the real boys. They rule the city and they operate the ships and railroads. Marching through th streets, they ghe a splendid Impression, while In the In terior they are lighting, against the greatest odds, the Bolshevlk-flertnan prisoner combination. This Is vrhat makes our men particularly restive, for like all soldiers they prefer a campaign to a camp. . Vlsdlrsstek Impressive Vladivostok lewed from a shin In the riulf of Amur presents an Imposing and Impressive picture. The city lies on mountain slopes like the sides of a great nmphlthentre. From a distance ono sees the Allied and Ited Cross ting walng from Innumerable modern build ings. e In the harbor are American. British. Chinese, French and Japanese war ships, while scattered through the Clolden Hom gulf are old Itusolan ships, some damaged by the Bolshevik! but now housing refugees. Stretching for several miles along the' bay are warehouses packed with supplies bought before the revolution, but which never reached the husslan front because of the terrible congestion everywhere. In the outskirts of the city one sees millions of dollars' worth of supplier "In canvas-covered mounds guarded by Americans. The city's cobbled streets are busy with droskles, army cars, passing Japa nese army wagons, refugees by the thou sands, even Itusslan officers, wearing the Ctnr's decorations and Csechs with a red and white ribbon on their capn. modnled after the American overseas caps. The street cars run, but they are n filthy as Mexican cars and are Jammed from stem to stem, it Is worth one's life to ride In one of them. American Rase In the wide main street near the city's center are General Uravcs's headquarters In a two-story brick building, while the American base Is nearly four miles away up the Oolden Horn bay, where the Americans occupy enormous warehouses as barracks. Ucheral Uraes and his Immediate staff Ihe at headquarters, where the accommodations were better. My nrst day here resulted In a riot of Impressions and opinions, but a striking thing Is the city's animation and hustle, a condition which Is outward ohly, for when one orders meals or attempts to hurry there are n thousand Impediments. It takes from two to four hours to get food and longer to send a telegram, for procrastination It not a fine art but n habit here. Kvery one's business Is to get money with the least effort. Prices aro sky high and would bo prohibitive were It not for tho ease with which money I issued. Thousands of different kinds of Itusslan money clrculnle here, even bond coupons and stamps and the shops, when they cannot give change, write I O. IV for change. These are circu lated again as money. Such la a btrdseye view of the city, which Is a thousand miles from the old Itusslan front. Nobody knows how far it remains from the center of the Itus slan rebirth. Today It Is only a base, wllh Irregular telegraph communication and poorer train connection with the In terior. Carl W. Ackerman. whose first cable dispatch as special correspondent at Vladivostok for The IIvkhino Putu.tc J.Rtxirn appears today, Is noted as a writer of several articles and books on the war. Mr. Ackerman was an American cor respondent In Ucmany from the time of the outbreak of the ar Until the United .States broke oft diplomatic rela tions. He came home through Switzer land and Paris with Ambassador (lerard. Hlncc then he has written articles for The Haturdny Kvenlng Post, The Even ino Public I.ErxiKn, and tho Public Led ger, notable among them being "tier many, the Next KepublloT" Mr. Ackerman was' a correspondent In Central Kurope for trto years before the war. He came back to America, only to be returned when the war began. GRIP KILLS JACOB MUTH Uncle of Boy Once Kidnapped Influ ent Victim Jacob Muth, uncle of "Freddy" Muth, who was kidnapped several years ago and was the central figure In one of the biggest mystery cases In the police an nals of this city, died of Influents. He was burled this afternoon after funeral services at his home, 1Q32 Co lumbia avenue, Mr. MUth, lived with Charles Muth, father of the once kid napped boy. Jacob Muth died last Raturday after a few days' Illness of Influenta. which turned to pneumonia. He nas 47 years of age. PRINCE RESCUES BANKER Axel of Denmark Saves Seattle Msn on Flihing Trip Reattle, Oct. IB. Prince Axel of Den mark, here on a visit, went fishing yes terday In I-ake Curl. Besides getting a basket of fish thn Prince Jumped into the water and pulled out naymond Fratler. a Seattle banker, a member of the party, who had slipped oft a boating log. KJMi?At)PHiA tubdXy, GOSSIP OF THE STREET MARKET STRONG , IN MOST ISSUES AshuratV Encouraging Statement Was Unncccsary to Keep Stocks in Good Demand The published Interview with Renator Ashurst, of Arltonn, after his talk with President Wilson yesterday afternoon was not needed to strengthen tho secur ity market, which had been strong from the opening, but It had lis Influence ap parently, In a degree, near the close. At least this was the opinion of many bankers and brokers. Practically the whole list showed great strength from the opening to the close, the railroads, oils and peace stocks generally taking the lead. It was tsknowledgod In the boardrooms yester day that United (Hates Steel was cer tainly nctlng very much like a peace took. That Germany Is hopelessly beaten Is almost unlrersally acknowledged, but that she must be beaten till she squeals, and the possibility of her ever being nble to hrag that, with the whole world against her, her frontiers were never pierced and broken, must not be toler ated, Is the talk of the .Street. Bankers and brokers are almost unanimous In demanding unconditional surrender. There Is a not Inconslderahle number In the financial district who believe the war Is not over yet. nor will It be for a long time to come, by which It was found they meant wc may have another year of It. Among the questions freely discussed In the Street yesterday In connection wllh the war news was. What would Oermahy have demanded from us had she been the victor? One well-known hnnker. who was at the front for the V. M C. A. for a time, said, when asked, that such a con dition was unthinkable. "I would rather bury my wife And five children, much ns I love them." he said, "than see the Huns victors Ift America." There was Soma, difference of opinion as to whether the stock market yester day was a war of a pence market. Many were In favor of attributing tho rise In prices to the splendid work of the Allied armies under Foch. rather than the near prospect for pence. The Investment houses are devoting their time and energies to the liberty Lonn campaign. Many of them nre woefully shorthanded through the In fluenta epidemic, "Only the tightness of money pre vents this market from running awny," was thn remark of a very conserva tive broker yesterday as he surveyed tho rapidly mounting quotations. "Hut," he said, "we can't expect easy money and plenty of It, w-lth the flovprnmont calling upon tho banks for so much. I bellpvr thnt nny legitimate business can get nil the money neceary to carry It on, hut there Is none for the specu lator, nrtd under the circumstances It Is right that there should not.be." In a discussion yesterdny over the question as to whether railroad securi ties ate war or peace securities, the ma. Jorlty seemed to place them In the peace class. One broker remarked that they were selling far hclow their nvernge prlc levels of former years because their divi dends are fixed at present rates, while taxes are so heavy as to make fixed In comes less valuable than formerly, and many who had fixed Incomes seemed to favor railroad securities ns an Invest ment. It should be remembered, he said, that the ptesent conditions are tem porary and that lowering of taxation will come with peace, and on this basin nlonn. If no other, railroad securities should derive considerable advantage. Liberty Loan Drlre Next to the curiosity regarding the reply which President AVIIson would give to the Oermau reply signed by State Secretary of Foreign Affairs Solf, the success of tho Fourth Liberty Loan wns the most Important topic of discussion In the financial district today As to the first, the prevailing senti ment seemed lo be embodied In the wtTds 'Trust Wilson," and as to the second there were a variety of views, from a fear that the combination of the Influenta. epidemic and Indifference brought about by the apparent nearness of peace would have a serious effect en the final figures to a feeling of optim ism that this country has never yet failed In any great matter which It un dcrtook, and that the loan will be over subscribed when the closing gong of the campaign Is sounded. A banker who expressed his doubts about the filling of the quota of the Philadelphia Federal Heserve District said yesterday that "people should real ise that even were peace" declared to morrow our experience of tho past, when the most expensive year of the Civil War period was the year after the war ceased, should spur every cltlten to subscribe for the last cent he can raise, "Vlth 2,000,000 In Europe who must be well provided for In every way," he said, "with large contracts out for war material and our determination to keep on sending 10.000 more men each day till the Allies get the kind of peace they want, needs money, and we can't berrow It from anywhere except our own peo ple. If," jio concluded, "people could only be convinced that Liberty Bonds are the prime security of th'e world, and w III go to a premium shortly, the spirit of selfishness should compel them to subscribe If patriotism does not appeal sufficiently. Ilcgular listed bonds on tie New Tork Block Exchange have been gradually In creasing In value In almost every In stance during the last week. What then can be expected from Liberty Bonds when the war Is oVerT "This Is the biggest loan In tho his tory of war finance and Its failure would at this tlmd Htlrfi.li llu- iUcs uuiin u mlllltnry pirtv in the C'ential Kmp.r It must not fall." MONEY-LENDING RATES NEW YOltK Money oh call opened, lending and renewing, mixed collateral at 6 per cent, Industrials 6V4 per cent. rillLADKI-rillA Call. 6 per cent; time, tLttt percent. Commercial paper, three to six months, 5 8 per cent; six months, per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, Oct. 16, The readjustment of neutral exchanges due to wnr devel opments were further, reflected In the new low records on this movement In Swiss exchange. Kwlsa cables dropped to 4.94 and checks to 4. OS. a loss of four centimes since Monday. The other neu trals displayed a heavy tone quotations were: Demand sterling 4.75 7-16, cables 4.7 -l: sixty-day bills nominally 4.73 and ninety-day bills 4.71, Krone cables E.47, checks .48. Mro cables 0.95, checks 6.36. Hwlsa cables 4.91, checks 4 96. Guilder cables 43, checks 42H Pesetas cables 20.60, checks 20.80. Ktockholm cables 28. .0, checks 29.20. Cnrlstlanla cables 27.80, checks 27.(0. Copenhagen cables) 27.80, checks 27,20. BANK CLEARINCS nankf clatrlnss today compared with cor responding dav laat two yer; rhllad ,j.4snn iss.iSI.sk.i iss.Viiulsss N, York S.37rSll Mivn;a.7; sts 144 7 lloaton., II.OftA,703 ai.atS.tiHi a 64. 831 London Market Firm on U. S. Note latndon, Oct. 18. The stock market was mrn ana encenuuy ormg rgday. wawmmn au. n m rrmv m mm Philadelphia Markets CHAIN AND FLOUR VVIIKAT rtecelhtt. 11I.IN10 buth.la. MarkM strsity. Quolillon.i Cur lots In ntrt lhtl llilc eievsior Hiowrrimeni nisnonra i evstitr Hlowrritnent UtiiUrri nrlcn N'o. Uftilard iaipertlon), Manila rd prlcea- 1. ml winter. 13.391 Nn. 1, rnirlhrrn.iprln iprlni i. 1. , St! No, 1. hard wlht-r. IJ.SBl Nn, tain Nn, 1, rwt smuKy. 12 Ms No. rea w,5"'i." 'I Intrr. li S(li No. 2 nortlmn sprisj prist. 13 14: . rf winter. rra No 3. hartl wlnlar. ill. IS! Nn arnrs), IJ.Sfl no. X, i. i. rra smutty. v. r.i n.iurr. '. &., i..b ft S3i Nn. t. nnrtnern I. nrtnera sprlnti 1231 No t, hurt . r-T. -. . ... ., 12.10. No I2. no. i winter, tsriltky I. red smutty. "uivitN ttrreltxs, 1M1 buahrla. Trade ffai alow and there was no chant In prlrea Uuntatlnnai Cat Iota for local Irailf Yellow, as to trad and loratlon, ll.oltr 1,70, lTfl Ilert-lpta. Mts tmahrl. The mar ket waa tp hither In sympathy wllh th recent adanpe In Ihe wt. Quotstlona Car Iota aa to location No 2 white. SOO M)V4rl atandard while. 7mrsori No. whfl me, TRU OTni.i V 4 rnlte. ITittSe. FIXKln ItM-olnla. 4AS.S11 Iha. (n Mrtta Trade waa rtull a.ni prlrea favored buyers. SS.BIS Iha. in lluotallonir To arrive, P'r ids Iba. in hs-hi. arlia VVinter whest 100 per rent flour. llUAtnifti Kan ana wheal, wo per cni flour, Ito.nftQin S.Vi sprint wheal, too Per rtnt flour. tin. (loo I oT.(V bin riAtv Hit iii ainwiv At rormer isr ratn. V.VV quote at ts.BOOt.sn per barrel. In saelca, a to quality. PROVISIONS The market ruli-d Arm wllh a fair Jobblnt demand. The loll inuowii Ins la the rnnie of quo. isiionai city fnnkMl And veatern btef, . in eta. alr-drled. He: city baf, snucklra and t-ndera. amnkrd. slrlrled. fc; ncrr knuckles an lenders. rnva, 4sci beef hma 1001 pork, family, t606ti bama. a. I. eiiren. looae, Stfn9ci do akin ned. loo... SntTSjr; do. amokrd. SlOllr: other hama, moked, city cured. a to brand nnd nverase SneSTc: hama, amokrd, weaiern eureil astSTc: do. bolltd, bon.lna ftlic: picnic ahouldera, H r. cured. Ioo. 3c: do, emokrd. 2Sci bellies In pickle, if cordlhc to a erase, looe, Oc breakfaat bacon, na to brand and averasv. city cured. 47ei breakfaat bason. wetern cured. 47cs lard. wetern rencd. 2T2Hc! lord, pure city, ketll rendered l!H:sic. REFINED SUGARS Offerlnts were llsht and the market rule Arm on n baala of lc for line granulated. DAIRY PRODUCTS CHKB8E The market ruled fln under llsht oftrrlnsa and a rair fl.mann. roiiow. ins are quolauona; fa ""ii wnmr-mi , fane do fair to irnoa. frh. B2sjHci VVlecnn- In, erhnlp' r.f I.. BMU nhnlclnllk, fancy, o irood. SiQR2Vtc, VTKR The markr idvahce. Demand tv, ,n,l iinrleevfAilei at..! AJ71 Gi uu, uu. IIIITTKR The market waa quiet st Ihe tat advance. Demand w cmrny ror ine medium and undertranea. uuoiauonm rona. packed creamery, eitra. nic; hlsh.r.ecorlns. riHid. It!f(ll4c: extra r)rt, ointVtc: flrts. SMI RRc: Mconda, MW.le: fancy brsnda uf prints jobblnt at fi(lin.c fair to food at EUtlH The market waa In tood ahape and rrnne. Arm. with a rainy scnvo ni-manq lor ooin Arat snd held atocka. The quotations follow! Kree caaea. nearby flrt. 1U no per aiunn rd caaei current recelpta. 1MinOln!t0 pe Kree caaea. tieArbr flrt. Illl l per atund anl caaei current recelpta. flMinOlSIIO per caaei weaterh. cttra flrata. in.l0.per casvl- nrts. Ilil.POrt 10.20 per caa: Inlerior lots lowers alorate etta. M2 7IIW1SS0 per cni-e aa to nualllyi candled and rccrated eggi were Jobblnt st Mil 02c, per dot. POULTRY l.tVR The market wna alradv with de mand fair st the lato decline. Quotations! Fowii. I Jt'tSSci not Isruhorm. ttrcordlnir to nunliii. l.tRnnrii iow in, mm wri lirKhnrm nccort ofrtinn lrKn. li nuulltv. RsinSsVi uhle t.rithirn rhlrlmts, In (tUkillty nn.l-.'ilr c; nxintprii. little; liuokti. I'fkln. A(lf33r; do, Indian Uunnrr. jki Atift Bulnpim ynunir. fl'ri'-ir, mkii- Inie 1H'J Um BPlro. kir.ft. tin r "nV; ttiiinpnu. oM. per nalr, IMf J nn. oll, iw pair. SOWarto. do. lit j,4ii; nuiKiirr KOc: plpTcotin. oltl, vr lounic per pulr. unv nrf toulf. ''.inaiTC. rillRRHRIi continued Arm. with kuppltr well c'cinii! tlen: rreah-kllled fiiwls.ln hbls.. dry-picked, fancy aolcclid.,Ssci welching; 4tt Iba nnd r r lllltin INK wnr jitc '" i ... ,4-..- 1M aaaa tttjh nliivta, U, n nois.. nry-picKrn, i OV"r apiece, Ol'tc; emeiirr i.ri ..UV-...V., old rnonleis. dry-plcked.2KHcichlce.ena. weatern. fancy, wclshlne IHSr: lba. apiece, SS(.f4(ic! nelahlnt 4 lb. apiece nd over. ac: celthlnr S' lba. apiece. SSffMei welshlnc 2Ki lb. apiece, .ion 31c: anrlnt ducks. Iinu laland snd I'enniylyanla. SHM .IDC! aquaba, per dor., white, wclshlne II W !.' Iba. per dot, $H(A2nl do. weighlnt W in Iba. per doi. 7T7.n: do. i,thlnsr H Iba. per dot., fBptH.SOi do. welthlng 7 ha. n-r dn., Mnr.i do. weishln nwU lb. per dm.. 3 4: dark. M.Mtt'iM! smafl nnd No. V. IKVlI.tU: sulncaa, ount, per pair, 7RcOl.'.'S: old. S0t7Sc. FRESH FRUITS rholce stock old fairly snd vlluea ten erally were ateadlli held as. follows; Ay plea. New Tork, per bbl Wealthy. 3 BU: Aleiahder. I4fni Mnlden llluah 14 rtni llubbarditon. I4ffl: tlravcnsteln. IS BO SO: Twenty-Ouncv. IS .viitfn.an: areen- nlrii. KnnijhunlA nnd Vlrirtnln. wt bbl fi.i.-.. li nfMi Ulnar illAAl nttldwln. in nt various varieties. mn, . yi. 4.nnti Kins, lies: lialdnln, e.V llVn liaH. 3.ao4 York lmpcrlnl, Applei. per liunhei baakt, 4cfrtl.K'i; do. tifri'i 7 Jnnntnun. nun. ad per tiusnei a. nor S- baikft. $191.7.V buahi I b.iakct. Sl.Rnes.t.V APP'V". ra- .1. v run npi'n inrniM, irr mi. York, per bbl.. 0 rornta. per ikix, i.Trtj.n". wuiui-i-e. .--" Pe', hasiUavt IS-T ft :. ears. New Tork. eeiKci. llli Un, UU, VI IIU.MH .- per bbl. ITV1-. nan. j.w ium. i-i hushel.bs.kel Meikel., I3W4.M: "Truer; s rioac. I3W3..W: flemlah llcautv IS"''-';0-I'esrs. t'sllfornla. per bos, J4pn. Plurna. New Vork per 4-ql.baaket Heine Claude MM3c: Oamiion. MflPdloi lllue Qase. 33 03c. IMiima. New York, IMmapn. per buhe. 3tT3 R0. rinms, .fsllfornls, tier tax, ItW.'. Prunes. Nw Vork. per 4-lt. Imaket. 4ufl0c. Prunea. Norlhweatern, Italian, ner not. Il1.7n. tjemona. per box, tilOIK. Orantca. Callfornln. per lx, infhn. ilrapefrnlt. per hoi l,1. ,'Cr applea. Cuban, per crate. IMJn.f.O: do. Porto llleo tier crate. IBCB.30. Cranberrlea, Jer sy. P?r buahel.lMt IS.MftS M. arPa. WlAware and New York, per 8-lbbf "kcl "- .i.T TT-.r.:. - ...J- . t7.ii i. h i.n.ii.i.ha.iii.Nn ll.3"f2.?S. I'eochea. California, per hox. -I-CIPI1.2V Cantaloupe i-niorsuo, iioncy Siw, per flt crate. :.23O2.B0. VEGETADLES The sencrnl market waa nulet and barely steady, wllh fairly liberal ollerlnsa. Qvlo- iwitatoea. Raatern Rhoro. ier bbl No. 1. 4ft: No. :!, ls.ftptls.nn. tatlona. IVhlla ner doi .o. i. inm: .o. ...... y.i...... vv-hlto nolaloea Jeraev. w-r S-biiahel bas ket No. I. Iiwi.in: .io. -j. ouxiuc. vinin Sa.S.1l No. 2. Jl.o6tTI.TSi eIIsVvlll. North . h r-Antiin.. tier dd .no. 1. Rri.'.sS'ra Sew York, vr wira. t."wn .vsz' "" i.?.". rale itff!. 'ce'lory. New ?opk ner hunch. I34ranc. uucumDcrs, ntvr orC'. w'r basket Stsl.fS0.. Csbbase. New York Per ton. II51I- onions, oei has Nu. 1, ll.40Wl.78i do. do. No. 1.23. lnn.it. 2, II f LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Clilcoto. Oct. in. HOOH tlecelpts. 27. 000 head; left over. 4SIIH head. Mostly 10g to ,20o hither than -eterday'a overate. rishlWa. 13c to 2(lc hither. Trade alow on narklna- trudrs. Illltehera heavy. Il.40 e iff. mi mXm. h'MI'iaLVJ'W hVivy, linH3it7.4n: mini, IJJ-,"','"-'",! llsht. $1T,T.11SM: I'lta. 118.800 10.761 roush. lin.W)f Hi 73. .M . . . . CATTI.B llecelpts. 20.000 head. Slow. Quality very poor, tood klnda steady. Ten. dency lower on othera. Clves Jteady. HHKEP Itecelpta. 81.000 head. Slow. Steady to lower. rittabursh. Oct. IB. '''.t-:!?'"1'""-2200: active: heavies. HS.40BlS.Sni heavy yorkera. lNiIN80t llsht torkrra, j!17,230 1T.7SI rlss. 8t717.nO. HIIBEP ANI1 I.AMIIS rtecelpls. ROOi steady: top shoep. 111. Ml top lambs. I1T. OaLvKS Uectlpts. 200; steady; Kip, 110. . ht. loSls. Oct. IB IIOCIH Hecelsts. 14.. noiii lower. Mshts. IT.S3filHi piss. 114.78 to 10.73: butchers. 17.0JvTlS.40i heavy, CATTI.B Receipts. 10.0001 slow. Native steers. Ill.sn&MM 231 heifers, I0.B0A1B.BII; con a. 17.60012 B0: stackers and feeders, S B0V 121 calves. J7.7flfll7.23. KIIBICI' Itrcelpls. 20'Hi: steady. Lambs, ItO.BOdt 18.74; ewea. I11W12. Kaat noffnlft, Oct, IS. CATTI.B Ite- celpts. 1S00I easier. .-.. t'Al.VBft llecelpts. 2B0i steady. I7O10. HlKia Receipts. , 801W! Pits as; lowerl nl,a. inotlOe lai,1,! h.AVY. 1 1 N.73 M 1 S.OOl mlted.' 118.80 & 1S.7BI yorkera, JtR "0IH.3 I llsht yorkera and pita. 17.78iflS; routha, i AtH2Bt atata. I12HI4. . ... SHEEP AN1 IVMIIS Receipts. ISOOi lowi lambs. 24c lower; lambs. H0M17I others unchsnted. Kansas City. Oct. 18-;HOOfj- Receipts n.ono: stronr. Heavy. slT.Z3nis.in; park era snd butchers. MT,:m js.ua; iitnts, UT C17.su: pits, fid.ouvio, CATTLE Receipts. 20.000; steady. Prima- fed steers. llT.BOe 1st southern steers, 17.30 RIBi cows. 0K12; heifers. J7018I calves, 7f li BO. HIIKEP Receipts, soon: steady. Ijimbs. 113(4 18.281 esrllnss. Ilotjlll welhtrs, ID rt 10.25: ewes, IHK0.50, Hnuth Omaha, Oct IB. MOOS Receipts, W"". .:-., .. ,A ,M L-.J i A I II, IV neceipis, iw.-ii lirau. 10.000 4B.O0U SHEEP Receipts, ni ad. Cars, GOVERNMENT BONDS Hid Asked 2s. retlsKred. 1C30 ss ON 2s, coupon, lu.in 2s, coupon, mo" i m., s, retlstered.ljls f is. coupon. 101k ,. MK it IS.!. 4s! coupon 1128 ...i li""". Is. reslstered, is,B , aj i ,: I Is, coupon, is" .-.l.iiiii... Canama is, ns-iin- IJIS" 2 ...n, Oa. eaalatere.1 IBSS.... SS I Panama is retletsred ,981,,., W notsinra, Jerjejr onn i rmi.i. ". ijr lbs. (Ireen Mountain No I. U'.oACSsn- (Hants, no. i. fi.o'iww.ioi .. . .". 8 25. Hweet potatoes Jeraey, per hsaket No. I. 7fcHlne; No 2. fioeAOr. Sweet po. w.w October' is, ms i SHIP NEWS SHIPYARDS TO REPORT PRODUCTION PROGRESS Chnrta Provided by New Emergency Fleet Depart ment Will Give Records To schedule and report progress of steel ship construction In this country, a new department, the production con trol branch of Inspection and produc tion, has been established by the Hmr gency Fleet Corporation. A system of charting the work done will be Installed to check up on that form of ship production. The new de partment Is headed by W. It. Illnkeman. District managers and officers will ask each yard to schedule Its material requirements and building program by means of the Emergency Fleet graphic charts. The tracing of the charts will be kept at various yards and the progress promptly recorded thereon. Iteports will be made on the 1st and Uth of each month to the Kmergency Fleet Cor poration via the district managers. Ivch ard will be permitted to set Its own tnsk and analyse Its progress. TIIK rr.MIM.NR TOITH has been added to the commlrsarr section st lto talaml. Nearly half hundred women work-re have been tntiured to aerve aa kitchen maldr, dlanwaaheri, ntllreeaes And potntn parera. One of the barrack! has been turned over to them for m during- the winter an that they ma not have to travel back and forth. NP.n Rt'nHAHtNK Anil mine tteleetne ha been Invented by s lln laland worker. lie Is John M. Murray. 0434 Il'atnt olreel, Philadelphia, nana of Ihe Invention hnve been placed In Ihe handa of the Nsvy De partment for ronlileraton. VKir neiiton, auiierinienuent or the machinery erector control sard at tins la and. He won Ihe tills or the "Hurry-up Hrldesroom" on November 27, llt, when he nmrrlod In the mnmtns and reported for work In the afternoon. Now hla frlrnda are amokint thrmai'lvea to tattl nt hla eipenae. since he la recelvlnt enntratulatlona aa the proud papa of a twelv e-pound boy. TI1R I.tnrRTJ' IXIAN RKrOnn of the 1 CSTAtUtrieO l8$0 4UiMV Traylnr shipyard till remains uneaualed. I LWWW usievsiijs-i.w isv --asssssssr ., in twenty minutes znoo shlpworkers sath- s Sjr . -I i -I I oil oavea m the Situation M u I v B - THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. 0FPENNA. L. H. KINNARD, Vice Pres. & Gen'l Mgr. red st a rV.sejserrbed .I1IMM. resvonre, lust lls.ooS e the yard ojasmi, fallowed tPMches mada by etnclala of tn eorporatlon, ttm Mt'rliriAN KHtrWORKKIM. sttentloM Reaewiy efforta are belns msda to feefult the Rmertncy Fleet Corporation nann and orrhtatr t full alrentlh. W. II. Klin. Jr., aerrotarr of the orranlaatlona. haa laaued requeat that all man who play Instruments restaur wllh him. At anon aa the orchestra ranks aro Ailed a mora will bo mad to or. tanlio the band. nt'tmn oxr. WKICK tho employes of the Nw tork Shipbuilding i-orpnrstlon trlbuled lIS.osi 1( to the Wsr-Savlnsi cl.ty fund. Only SIIS of tho tl.Ssn ng ivrporsllon eon te Wsr-Savlnst Ho und. Only Sllft of tho tl.ssft em ployes of the company are not members of in society, nome avinsai TIIK OOOn glllf "Kmerteney Fleet Cor- fmik ADMIRALS 'Eisenlobr's 10 Straight Perfecto Size y.i.k. o. r oec jaLwrJdmsmmm m J8MtiMmKmWmm. ' 1 iMBimi H' iM0TT0EISENL0HR t BROS. JS .LWWWWWxW INCORPORATED &TSi. O finer response was ever made by the pub lic than was given our ap? peal of yesterday: With ten days of very crit ical conditions behind us, and with promise of but slight relief this week, we ask the users of our service to help by making only absolutely essential calls for a few days more. Make no more calls than you did yesterday. We hope that by the end of the week conditions will have been restored practi cally to normal. fk ill ilk mmnl LB orAees. tho vessel sVa samsre represents wnen Tiro will bo n tho ceaft rvJ bo evldenco Ifeat tas' "rone ore Ihe top' i" in tn l Vlnelsnrl Soldier KltM'ta Vlneland, N. I Oct. 18. Umf$) cano, of this- place, waa klH4 m 4k In France on September It, ' body of Joseph jAmit cam Camp Meade, Md, yesterday fmn here Heptsmber t and aiea rrsw i monla. .-,. ' ii .) Masterpiece r J' V ' tc jt 3; 1 i m m ' f.siagyi n M TM1 (iPsasaa 8.liasTSa...il. B9 Ml - &eui ejttsjtftafaaaw