Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 14, 1918, Night Extra, Image 4

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MMEfc 3th3J.MMiMBLMJLVi.VirT i.
incrs Parade Streets,
rks and Public Places
W$ kk Their Sunday Best,
rthcliffc Vicorouslv On
fc . . ...
B8 Armistice, Lulling ucr-
man Reply Evasion
By the Aiwcltitcd Preii
London, Oct. 14
.. ii!
J'Rrt'I-pndoirH streets, parks Htiil iiublle
lerdBj-. All wore their best clothe"! nnd
.IM crowd line nn alnloM festive- nsiiect.
.iniy exinniieei me general ppiru or nif
iff people or i-aris. much cneerruincfa nas
if oeen unKnonn lure.
A Til. nwillla liaillntA Iuibiu I mil' n lirl
. ..... ,....,.... 'biiiik v. .- uttm, ......
f .4hat It Is peace with victory. Thou-
ilWBidl of Sunday Idlers paraded throuich
tft Whitehall nnd gathered amiut the
-J. (Government buildings, nualtlne the
,)atest new. Non was more cheerful In
f iticpu tninun ceiun me nunaricii cu ui
floers, soldiers and sailors, with con-
.f . niiKdun oi mpricana, iieiKiana anu
Y'i trench aluavs present. Never were the
t l'lll..M .... -.1.1 .... ..
uii.i.aijr luur. muitr ewuermiv iinpuiur.
u The reproduction of a ruined French
' tallage In TrnfalKiir xciuare where war
t''r.l, bonds were told durlnB the- lust wick
il (Mas surrounded by tlmiis.iiius all day
n , Government flees wire- unuauully
!. , 'uctlte. A. J, llilfour. Secritarj of
ff - State for Foreign Affairs; vnurcw Honar
iuv, inancenor or me i;xclieciurr, anu
lCird Itohert IVfll. nuaUlanf Mani-nlnit
J. nf Ufn nH 1.n.Al.. tfr.l.. ..... , ....
ij . ,u,o ui luicihll .lll.li;--, Hllf IIL iiiu
i 1 ,orelKn otllce tnrly In the morning
i. tenter Jlr, Ilalfour and Jlr llonir Law
i , i, motored to Premier l.lovel (lenrgt
"country nome lor lunin anu tor a con-
, fereneo. At he left Ms oltiie Mr llal-
four beamed Upon the newspapermen In
j& ,tho corridor, but had nothlnc to si).
"Tho speed of tho Herman reply Is
'indlcatlxe of the anxiety the Hermans
PV feel for the safety of their rapldl re-
Fw treating arnn." rIiI Vlsrnnnt cirtM-
ullffs to an Associated I'riss rcpre-
"You will leineinber nt the time they
were being riOcBtloncil about the I.usi-
' tanla, they plaed for delai. dela, ile-
i lay," he continued, "Now the are
' lighting to gain dajs, een hours As
1 read their repl. It is neither candid
nor straightforward. It lonslsts of ta-
"- slons.
.; 'These evasions are made for tho pur-
fA pose of unbal.iniing the minds of simple
.ji' folks In Allied countries .in. I for Int.
f , 'purpose of ion Inline the discontented
',' J section of the Herman peop'e that the
Allies win not accept what Is declared
' j , by them to look like a reasonable offer
f , of "peace.
j..1. ierinany uoeNn't lompir
thrf fltmnmili.rn nf .,riiil ii itlnti In
iQ i which the (ierm.in (ioernment llc
JV V rwoves- Uennanv, in fact, only Met
es and
herself readv to cnninlv She dura not
Em mply She has not incepted the l'retl-
. unis terms, sne only sajs untrui
rt'iKv i lllwk mute irrins uaw iieeil uiitpiiu.
f-V,i "lou wilt rememoer that In 15.0 the
$fn Germans, when they had the great
f. i rrencn nrmj eneiopeu at M'oan, ue
f IJollned to gle an armistice. Illsmank
'Germany desires to promote the re.
establishment of peace. The best means
( assuring It Is to deprive Frame nf
r army
?"lf my American friends will 1ikk
1. the maps of their newspapers today
Mijsey win sro mai viarsnai nun is
"i rapidly drhlng tlje Hermans Into a
." (rhrantlc Sedan, not the Sedan of the
jsjo type, for the number or retreating
Hermans represents hundreds ns com
pared with tens of Marshal MacMahon's
army In 1870.
, "If we grant an armistice we shall
be providing material for a great pro.
longatlon of the war. If we leave the
matter to Marshal Foch he will end the
war. Hulgarla Is out. Turkey Is going
out. Austria-Hungary Is on the ergo
. of a revolution.
. "Tho combined efforts of Americans,
associated with the armies of France,
Great Urltaln, Italy and Belgium, will
tend this struggle and put a stop to any
, possible recrudescence of the war."
(fy , Public i:pertant
$S'- The public eagerly awalta some state-
&J snent of thn Government's iintlpv in Hie
r present happy crisis and some Interprc
r tatlon of events, from a British stand
yt point. Is expected. Thus far Berlin and
.. Washington have monopolized the dlnlo-
E"''Jiatlc stage, with the Governments as-
!l"j, sociated with the L'nlted States seem-
r1 tnarxp inraruf ananl alnrs Tliu tiantiln
tsts imiii vmi rrs. v in iisi - iii; cv(i(i.
f,, expect ureal nrttain ami franco and
y ineir aines to tnare in me next cnap-
l iter. An Allied conference can be easily
f c . arranged, as Premier Venlzelos of Greece
Y l"1 Jut arrived In Umdon and the
,vf oeruian j'remier is aiso in me city
t t TJIsrtlsMlnn nt th. nipiinini? nt thji flpr.
v man terms usea in me repiy to J'resiueiu
i . . . .. .. . . .....
jS Wilson Is heard everywhere. There Is a
. oaesire tor a more specinc nasis ror peace
.negotiations ir negotiations are to oe
held than has as yet been advanced.
V v Two leading questions arc whether the
,.ff Allies will embark upon a commission to
1 K unDd tn- nn .l.ill.tl.n n? All)., I a.
,, V rltory still In German hands and how
J jar German assumption that all the A!.
C'J1 tj ...til ......I ...-... I..... tl !.!...
ffTVW Will nCUIIll UKCllirr Ull I ICSIUCIIl
Tyiteon's platform Is warrantrd.
.; The submarine warfare and the dlspo.
4tton of German) 'a colonies are details
nt peace which seem to Interest the
Hritlsh public most. There was a gen
,eral expectation that Germany would
' etvuple a demand for a withdrawal of the
.Allies from her colonies with an offer to
Pf "' i pcuate Allied territory
K ' '" . h Tnnntlmj. th. r
j I In the meantime the much advertised
. --dfnOcrat!iatlon of Germany keeps pace
wfth the great retreat of the German
Dominant Note of lilnlrust
'"' The Ixindon newspapers are publish-
tiur numerous Interviews with leading
"t-micn of all classes of public life on the
''Wermsn reply to President Wilson. The
tfotnlnant note throughout these Is dls-
trim of Germany's good faith, with a he- '
. tt that she Is Intent only on saving,
' Wr armies from Inevitable destruction,!
; robbing the Allies of the frulls of ,
'tl, Jrleetory. !
T. i uionnor, speaking at vvnitueius '
.Jilhjtx'rnaele jesterday, declared it was
Hwi'O'islblc to approach the subject of
dfasm with a root mind. In view nt fliA
for ror and rage excited In every Irish-,
Sun's nnd every Kngllshman's mind by
wholesale murder of women and ehll-
n and other Innocent civilians in the
,yaktar of the Lelnster The Allies, he
" ' sfrMiati nil mil at nnnli' In flarmy nf that
efffteand those terms which alone would
,)ftivntee the world from a repetition
;St tier crimes against It, and an armls-
should not be allowed whlih would
itHt a disastrous defeat and perhaps
ilesale surrender pf Ihe German
on the battlefield Into a leisurely
mtf veiuPHief eeit petpnt f,. ttiuf
ensble the new race of militarists '
that they ld led Germany not
last but to victory
should be reparation, for the
Ion Germany has caused In so
' said 1tr. O'Connor, "and
bfNr that tha ehlef crlml
. imwupo retribution, and I
r3Wfr is
. A.K i
"V l
Self No Longer Uses
That Term "Impend
liOiidon, Oct. 14.
Ono of the most significant points
in Ocrmnny's reply to President
Wilson Is that It Is the first Im
portant (Icrrnnn diplomatic com
munication since the Herman em
pire was proclaimed at Versailles
fn 1871 which has not spokcp In
the name of the Imperial Clcrman
CIo eminent.
"The Herman Go eminent" Is nit
absolutely new phrase, and the
omission of the word "Imperial" Is
unprecedented. Whether that tin huh
latcrlng to President Wilson's
lews or whether It means change
In (lermnny remains to ho seen.
London Press
Sees Trickery
i nntlniied from Pare One
the pcvlnt of prlmlple to be decided b
the Allies, nnd the conditions requisite
therefor constitute a naval and mllltarj,
not h political, problem It must first
be refeired to Marshal I'oih and the
British Admiralty
Jut-t One More I nlriitli
'The German reply Is not nn nc
ceptanio of President Wilson's" s.ivs
the Mull TIip statement that tiny
have been incepted Is not Ihn onlv
untruth In the Herman reply ,
The piesent tierman Government was
formed by the same powers nnd min
ions as those whlih have dlrectid nnd
approved ivery foul and 1 rutal act
which has disgraced the name of Her
man, fn.m tiarlng up a "scrap of pa
per" to the sinking of the I.c'nster
If President Wilson were to
believe the laler s l)lng statement
,that his Hovirnmcnt has ncicpttd Ihe
terms laid down, the Herman people
would be lonllrmed In their slavish
belief In the power and wisdom of Ihelr
llmperor "
The Dallj News sajs that the Herman
note Implies that German) accepts de
feat ns the virdlct of the war, hut
expresses some doubt ns to Poctor Solf's
replv relative to the elimination of mill,
tary iulers whlih It describes as mi
assertion, nnd nothing more Neverthe.
less, it a)s, It Is supported l admis
sion of defeat. The newspaper con
tlnues "The Immediate matter that will oc
rupj all thoughts Is the position of tho
Allies German) ma) hope that
by appro.uhlng President Wilson alone
she will be able to sow seeds of Jealousy
among the Allies This Is of great Im
portance Wo mutt he tareful that no
shadow of distrust or jealousy lomes be.
tween the Allies at this critical time.
Unit) and mutu il lovalty have brought
victor) within our grasp Unit) and
lo)alt) are essential It we ale lo tucn
vlitory to the lasting benefit of man
kind '
The papir shows nnrlrt) over the ques
tion whether the Allies are reall) In
accord with Prisldcnt Wilson's pence
prlmiplis. and whether the) ngrip with
the terms he fixed for an armistice It
'We wish a formal declaration as to
an armistice, by Great Britain, Prance
nnd Italy existed to plaic this matter
boond doubt "
It believes, however, there cannot be
an) practical doubt on this point, and
thinks. In consideration of all circum
stances, that there seems to be no room
for a possibility of a hllih betwien the
Allies Such a hllih, It sa)s, lannot
arise If the will of the democracies which
aro behind President Wilson Is respected
Let t-urll llerlde
Skeptical of the declaration that the
Geininn Government represents the peo
ple, the Telegraph points out the fact
that the German Hmpernr apiraluts the
Chancellor, who names his own mlnls
tr) The paper Is emphatic that Hie
question of on nrmlstlca must be In the
hands of Marshal Foeh, but Insists that
ono loUId not possibly bo granted with
out adequate guarantees, for Instance,
the surrender of certain strategli points
in Germnny Moreover, It s,i)S
'The British nation has the right to
speak on this question by virtue tvf Its
having borne the chief burdens of the
war and pla)ed a preponderant part In
It The British fleet, nicord-
I Ing to the testimony of all foreign ob
servers, including Admiral Sims, has
been the absolutely Indispensable foun
dation of our present victories
We should be devoid of the lommon
feelings of Justice and prudence If we
do not demand as one of the guarantees
the surrender of German) 's submarines
and the dlsmantlng of her high-Bias
The Times regards Germain's answer
ns neither candid nor straightforward
and sa)s that Geimanv evades nnd
nttempts to confuse plain Issues, adding:
"The assoclattd governments have not
the slightest intention of accepting
mixed lommlsslons to make arrange
ments concerning an evacuation of
Allied territories An armistice with
the Central Powers can he reached only
on eondltlons analogous to those ac
cented by Bulgaria. The lesson for the
associated peoples and government!! Is
plain. It Is to hold flrml) together anu
support their nrmles oil the field, by
keeping a united front nt home! while
Tresltent Wilson prepares that candid,
straightforward reply whlih It Is his
avowed Intention to make We may rest
assured that the Government of the
t'nlted States is as fully determined as
the people of this country that Herman)
In her present humiliation shall abide
by that arbitrament of force to which
four ear ago she appealed In her pre
sumptuous price The sword must de.
clde. There Is not other road to peace
pnSfencr8 Removetl From
' c. i i ir i
Stranded Vessel
I'.nmllin Psrlflp Pert. Oct It'
Passengers were removed last night from
a Canadian steamship whlih grounded
near here.
a ..nnrt from the w reck savs the
steamer has several feet of water In her
De Long Wdg., 13th. Cor. Chest.
lit srtltllc, umletecuble drntlitry. Con
tour and ripress'on restoration and Im
provement llsillesl trratment of por-rhe-s.
tlshtenlns loo.e teeth.
st modersls tra rott If dealred br new,
liiiihlr ueful Kuropn mtthoel and
rreparallon now bring supplied by th
fjovernment to army dentins and aur-
Kfflelent neeuonalile
Elevator Engineering and
.xk .
"Row Unbeaten Heads for
Righteousness Sake,"
Says Berlin Paper
Trying to Mnkc Principles
t Elastic Enough to Save
Berlin's Power
Special Cabfr to Eiening Public Ledger
Vcpirlolit , 111, by .Veto York Timet t'o.
The Hague, Oct. 14.
The attitude adopted by the Hermkn
press Is that it Is determined to nvold
hnvlng It ever said that the Germans
were really henten The Berliner Zcltung
am Mlttag sa,vs
"The lonelllatlon of whlih the Herman
Hov eminent has given evidence In send
Ing Us proposal to President Wilson Is
foundeil on a decision for n righteous
pace We have not compiled with the
wish for power of our opponents and we
don't wnnt nn Imperialistic peace We
bow our still undefeated heads for right,
eousness sake
"Prince Mas. of lladen has nssumed
In his pence offer that nil will be Inspired
with the same honest Intentions He has
nNo assumed that Wilson himself Is un
doubtedly honest Therefore we have
chosen him as mediator It Is not prob
able that Wilson's willingness to make
peace will meet with emphatic oppo
sition from other statesmen, and that
("limeiKiMti or Orlando will smother the
little hope for piace wlile.li has Just been
born '
All the papers lay particular stress
on the fact that the military command
Is discussing the sltuntlon with the min
isters and also that peace negotiations
un Wilson's fourteen points velll not be
a dictated peace and that Germ-ms need
not he humiliated by It. Furthermore.
It Is asserted that nti nrmlstlcq. could be
made only on condition that the Allies
do not touch precious Herman soil, so
Hint this fact can go down to h'slor)
The) Insist Hint the German front l.ns
never been broken and thit the Germans
have never been defeated and Hint the
whole world had to mike peace Ger
man) It Is set forth, will give up list
military suptcmac) ns n contribution
toward the world s desire for peace.
The Cologne Gazette has refused to re
tract Its much criticized statement: "If
the Allies refuse our peace offer, we
shnll have to return to our militarism"
It Is nothing to he ashamed of, the p iper
sa)S. The assumption In Germany Is
that' Wilson and the Allies have begun
to talk and that German) must put forth
every effort to make them go on talking
The press Is making "Wilson's basis"
more and more elastic all the time.
Note Without Hatred
The trend Is obvious from statements
made In the Vienna papers. These papers
lay stress on the epiestlon of evacua
tion The Neue Frele Presse sa)s:
"The note from Wilson Is of no small
Importance for peace. It Is void of
that hatred which might Insutt, even
by Its st)le. The Kntento wishes pence
by compulsion nnd this Is nlmor.t avoid
ed The note does not speak of a pcuco
by nn) of punishment"
Tho Arbeiter Zeltung sajs-
"We have noticed that the conditions
regarding the restoration of Alsace-Iir-ralne,
as well ns the conditions ns to
the Polish question, leave a scope to
dlscutslons. The points In question uro
for Wilson principles Tmly "
The paper remarks that the peaic of
fer of the Central Powers was n slip
which had been thorough!) planned and
that the turning point has come in his
tory. Regarding the question of evacu
ation, the papers says that this Is n
dlfllcult problem for the German Gov-
irnment to solve, as well as for Austrla-Ilungar)
New Laced Boots
R75B lr 4"-I
Wing tip, straight
tip and plain vamp
With full Louis heels
and turn soles. All
1 J I
1 fern
sizes, l
yj !m, 'mr
l jm. 7Wi
,VJ 51
In a wide variety of leathers
Light biDion kid Plum brown kid
Dark broion kid Mahogany calf
Light gray kid Cordo tan calf
Dark gray kid All-gray buck
Havana brown kid with mode buck top
Battleship gray kid with gray buck top
Women's Laced
Military heel boots for wear with
service uniforms, in all of the
above leathers; with substantial
welted soles. $12.00 Values.
Patriotic Co-operation with Fuel Administrator
ilarktt Utrtet filore Open Dalfi nt ID A. II, Clout S P. it., et
:tpt Haturiait. want il Ofen until 10 I'. II, llrnnch A tore
ttrlrtlv obtene LIQHTLEBH SIOIITS, and arc open eitnlngt
on f'riiayt and taturttayi only.
919-921 MARKET ST.
eoth and Chestnut SU.
4028-M LaRcaatcr Are.
, LI
Sees Only Further Sign of
Germany's Collapse in
Peaec Answer
Believes Armistice Would
Give Enemy Six Months'
More Staying Power
Special Cable to Eiening Public I.etlaer
Covirluht IDIf, bi Acn J orW Times i o.
Tarls, Oct. II.
France Is elated over tl.e prosK-ct of
nn early victorious ending of the war. It
may or may not be surprising to Amer
icans to learn that me Herman note to
Washington, agreeing to necept nn ar
mistice on the American terms, Is not a
great factor In rrodilclng lhl elation.
Tho chief significance attached lo Hie
t.iie n,.m frnm iirrlln Is that It I" an
other bit of evidence of the approaching
collapse of the Central Powers. There
Is no disposition to Iook upon ii ns ."
thing requiring allied action oulsldo tho
realm uf the military operations now
In progress On tho contrnry, the ela
tion and hopeful certainty of this coun
try hnve nothing to do with the nego
tiations:, but lire based entirely ort the
successes of tho Allied troops anil the
growing cnnfhlcnre that Germnny Is fast
ipproachliig a state of Military hclp-
Il la ll.n .lnlorinlnntlon of I'milCC tiol
to aid Hermanv to stave off that help
lessness by giving her this nrmlstlec she
Is clamoring for It Is earnestly hopeel
here that the American Government will
not see lit to transmit the German re
ply to the Allied Kuropenn powers
Not to transmit It would be the slni
nlesi nnv out of the situation treated
between Berlin and Washington during
the Inst week
But wherever the decision In the mat
ter may llnallv rest, theie la nothing
more certain than the fact Unit the
French people me not pripared now to
hnt the victorious advance of the Hoops
unuir f oen
It wns military French opinion two
months ago that If I.udendorff and Hln
deiiburg withdrew all their forces, then
they would be able to save enougn
hinn-powir and nnterlal for nnother
ear's campaigning That, also, was
German military opinion and Judgment,
but political eondltlons In the Intelror
of Germany made such a mova lor sifc-
ly Irndvlsable. In Hie opinion of the Ber
lin Government. They look a chance of
military rescue from disaster and losl.
Now the-)- wish to rectify their blunder
nt the expense of the Allies by getting
nn opportunity to withdraw without
further losses.
Oermnn Armies Nenr Rout
In the iast two months they h.ivn
lost fiOOO cannon Their 'armies are en
tirely out of Joint with each other, each
commnnd trying Its best to tave Itself
without thought of co-ordinated action
with any other command. In other
words, the German retreat Is, In fact,
approaching the condition of a rout,
with enr.rmotis losses nt every step of
the way, and France does not wish to
lind herself to any negotiations that
will convirt this long-desired plight of
the Invaders Into safety for them nnd
a chame to re-organize for more fight
ing 'Give Hermany nn armistice? No"'
"aid a French military man to me tn
dnv "We would give her the means lo
prolong the war six months longer thin
Is now necessnr) We hnve Ihe victory
now, but that Is not enough We must
use that victory"
No Tru.t In Germany
The word "sincerity" does not exist
In the French language In conversations
concerning Germnny, Berlin, say the
v I
to v. ah
Military Boots
1&K i!M
"A' ' ' M
eatw rjrr MsTaV
Gcrsiaatowa Are.
Germaatewn At.
French statesmen,' , hot wahV th
peace that we vtanf rind Ate going' to
have, but merely wants an opportunity
to talk peace, hoping- thsl In the process
she will not .only Ret time for pullln
hir military forces together for an
other attempt to conquer, or hold a part
of the gains, but also that she will be
able to use tho negotiations to produce
friction among- the Allies, and particu
larly to cause a gulf to develop between
Amerlcnn nnd European opinion,
Much Is France's lack of faith In
Germany that It cannot be restored, now,
And so nbundant Is the faith In France
In the AllleA' present power and oppor
tunity to win a complete and lasting
military victory. It, cannot be shaken
by any desire merely to censo hostilities
for a brief uncertain period full of
danger of postponing the victory now
so clearly In s'ght,
I Paris, Oct, U.
The Pnrls newspapers, do not cn
thuse over the fjerman reply to Pres
ident Wilson's note. .More space Is
given to the news of the mllltnry
successes of the Allies than the dis
cussion of the Herman document.
In the bopuhr dlscusslpn of Hie
reply tho suspicion persists that tier
mnny Is evading the Issue In some re
spects nt least, the feeling being Hint
slip lias not gone far enough, It Is
pointed out Hint the (iciman constitu
tion 1h ns yet unchanged, ami that If
It mnv be said the Government Is re
sponsible to the people It Is likewise
responsible lo the Ilmpcior. '
It Is further Inquired If there Is
to bo a surrender whether It should
not be n sui lender to Muishill 1'och,
the Allied t-omm tmler Inohlef, who
mono can necept the kind of a. sur
render the Allies deslie. It Is con-
tendon in some quarters that since
Germany's rcpnnsr Is nn admission
of mllltnry defeat there ought to be'a
military surrender. Since victory it
with the. Allies. It Is held they should
letuln It nntl not iillow- themselves to
be drawn Into n battle- of diplomacy.
Some of the commentntora find the
i eply so worded us to show the hope of
the OrminN tint It will icsult In
cleavage bctwe-n the Allies.' Cleheral
1-n Croix, In the Temps, srtvs: 'ne'e
innto's ncceptnnce of Piesldent AVU
'son's conditions Is nn nvmvnl of de
feat. Koch In the sole Juilcp from ti'm
mllltnry point of view nnd will know
how to exnet the rpc,'',,",ry guarantees
from the enemy nnd what teirltorlal
eieeupttlon must be Imposed." i
In nddltlon to teealllnir Hlmnrck's
ruthless methods In the 1S71 nimlstlce,
It Is pointed out liv tome of the-newn.
pipeii Unit when the Germans In 1(114
sought to secure France's netltrullty
(lermnny was not willing to accept
1'rnnce's vvoid, but demanded to lie
permitted to occupy Tout and Verdun
ns n guarantee.
h zwrn
v ' 7 1 !
XV BwlniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHliiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBw
srE&&stiBttA mSB8B&KMWBBffl&
'fm'fWf TN11nHii59iLiiHi52XsflEsV
tm::imimwBL i
mqmpmmmmmT m i
He Will Give You Real
Command of English
Your use of Knliih proclaims
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say tells what jou are. Your
language largely determines
5 our place among successful
The greater jour ocabuIary,
the greater our power of c
prcs!sion and influence lipon
j our fellow men.
, Commence now let Gren
ville Klciser teach jou throtigli
lus Mail Course in Practical
EnglMi, how to
Enlarge Your Stock of
Use, the Right Word in
the Right Place
Write Tactful, Forceful
Letters; Distinctive Ad
vertisements, Stories,
Sermons, Essays, etc.
Win Civil and Military
Become an Engaging
Be a Man of Culture,
Power and Influence
in Your Community.
It will take only some of )our
spare moments at homej no
repellent grammar study; each
lf!on as clear as daylight, and
inspiring to the highest degree.
Most of jour thinking is done
in words. It is impossible to
"How to Become a Master of
This Booklet is absolutely free. It
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and Mr. Klciser's new, common
sense method of teaching it. You
will find it of great Interest and
value. Send the coupon and get It
free. Xo agent will call upon you.
Funk k WagMsb Coaptfty
London Believes Entente
Statesmen Will Have
Final Decision
Bulgarian Precedent Referred
to as Ideal Terms to En
force Upon Kaiser
Special Cable lo Evening Public Lcdgrr
CotiurioUl, 101, In Sew York Tlrnm Co.
1 ottelein, Oct. 14.
There was rrueh activity In mlnlsler'al
nnd official circles CBlerday,,nrllng out
of the situation created by the publica
tion of Germany's reply to Pres'dant
Wilson's Inquiries. Arthur J, llalfour.
Donnr Law and Lord Mllncr left Indon
to consult with the Prime Minister, who
Is staying In the countryj They returned
In the evening.
It does not follow from the acceptance
by Germany of the President's fourteen
points that pence Is, as It were, on the
threshold Mr Wilson made It clear in
his Inquiry that willingness to evacuate
Invnded territory was a condition prece
dent even to a discussion of the request
for an armistice, it will be for- '""i
Allied statesmen to pe-olde whether 'hero
shtvejld he nn armistice, nnd comH'lons
of such an armistice would necessarily
have to be pi escribed by the naval and
mllltnry chiefs of the Allies.
Given an armistice, ther must be
.some visible and pnlpabfe sign that Ger
mnn militarism Is defeated, In some
quarters It Is held that nothing short
of unconditional surrender will sultlce.
tlulgarlanN Precedent
An Influential authority 'yertirday
"The tlulgarlnn precedent Is the ono
to follow. Nothing less than uncon
ij'tlemal surrender ought to satisfy the
Allies lly this I mean the surrender of
all Germna arms, munitions nnd mili
tary stores in the occupied territories,
also the handing, over to the Allied
nrmles of bridgeheads on the Hhlno and
other strategic points as Marshal Foch
and Hlr, Jiouglag Ilnlg may direct. They
should nlso demand n cessntlon of tha
U-boat warfare"
This may bo reunified ns an istrcmo
view, but there can be ri difference of
opinion ha to the necessity of accompany.
Ing any grant of an armistice by con
ditions, that will leave the Allies In nt
least as favorable a position nfter the
The Interesting Free
Booklet is for Adults
only it will not bo
sent to children.
think in words which ou do
not pqsscss. Your thought
must suffer for the words jou
lack. A limited vocftbuirir
means limited thought. Urn
ited ' authority, and limited
po'u er.
The idea, plan, or proposal
which COMPELS attention
is expressed in precise, con
vincing language language
persuasive, forceful, and
gleaming with just the sug
gestion jou're trying to "drive
The aeragc man of today can
add largely to his efficiencj', in
fluence and income if he will
give a few minutes each day to
CJrenville Kleiser's fascinating
Mail Course in Practical Eng
tinsuislicd Novelist: "V o u r
omirse i s almost painfully
needed by many professional
writers and speakers. A stu
dent who iittellieently follows
your qourse will Know what lie
, n talking about when he talks
or when he writes. His au-
" dience will certainly know, be
cause he will talk well, no mat
ter what his.stibicct."
IRVIN.S. COBB. War Corre
spondent. Novelist, Lecturer:
"Any man who helps English
speaking people to a better
knowledge of practical Eng
lish deserves praise and has
Naturalist and Writer: "I sec
valuable and helpful hints in
these lessons. Any young man
or woman who has an unde
veloped literary talent ought
to profit greatly by this
S3! SCO Fourth Avenue, rv. lork.
OoiHeiiieii Send me by mall,
free of charee or obligation, tfve
booklet "Hovy to llecome n Mnster
of ISnft-llsh," together with full
particulars of the drenvllle
KlelseV Pourse In Practical Kng
lUh anB Mental nmdency.
. Uvenlnif ledger 10-H-18
I Nam ..,., , s.
'Lotal Ad.Aref..l..,x.i. ,,,.,.
.. atreet. and Ho. or n. F. D.
; i. ..-. en. i "".Vsn MUiMmmniiimmn
trhiiaik. rKmJ Jmthm
have.'; been 1m had hot hwKHIHesf been
Prominent Rngtlshmtn today expres
sed their views of tho Herman reply to
President Wilson. Professor Gilbert
Murray, of Oxford University, said:
"The tcrrns of ultimate peace are; orio
thing, tho conditions of a preliminary
armistice are another. On peace terms,
nil the Allies are In principle agreed.
Wilson's fourteen points, taken In con
Junction with the llrltlsh statement of
January 8, 1918, made by I.loyd George
In agreement vvjth AsViulth and Grey,
describe not merely an acceptable) peace,
To some shoppers nothlrtR Is stronger than the lure of the bargain:
They will often tiavel squares on other streets to procure articles adver
tised ni such which never sold for one cent "more than the so-called
teduced price. The word bargain blinds them, and only the astute resist,
the halt. What is a bargain? Dictlonaiics define It as "nn advantageous'
ptuchaoe." The Chestnut Street Shops aie lich In opportunities for this'
kind of puichnse; leal bargains In first-clas, high-grade articles of
supeiior style and enduring quality. Such "bai gains" aro bound to bo
advantageous puichascs. t g rp
ONE might leally think 1 had
been "ncared" the way I re
turn to that delicious fruit, and
while it ia not true in one sonso
(worse luck!), it U in another, for
nearly eveiv time 1 go to Henry ft.
Hallowell & Son's, Bioad below
Chestnut Street, I buy a new variety.
But I never can determine which is
tho best so you try nnd tell me.
This week the Heune dd Dose nrc in
market, nnd it is a toss-up whether
they or the Cornice nic tho sweetest
anil jucicst of pears. The Boscs,
which come from Wenatchce Valley,
Washington, aic a pictticr arid moio
ginccfully shaped pear of n golden
yellow hue, speckled with clnnnmon
dots' or streaks, nntl, although of
Brlcia'n extraction nntl thin skinned.
i thc-y nri not tcmpermentallv emo
tional, for they never "blush."
IN FAIRYLAND the piincc ov
pilneess charming usually dwelt
in crystal ralaces, which glis
tened nntl spaiklrd in the sunshine.
I nm always loniiniled of those mar-ir-lous
talcs when I visit tho ftlas
waie Dcpnitmcnt nt Bailey. Hunks
& Ultimo Co., where the scintillating
I rut r'nsa nnd crystal pieces are tho
tangible i exults of some one's day
Ifltrnm. nnd invaiiftbly theie is n
new nroduct of genius to tempt.
This time it is exclusive gold and
enamel civstal pieces, made ohly in
a few shapes such ns stem wntc,
vases and bowls, whero the hot del s
can be plainly seen, for the boidois
aie the beautiful pait; carefully
woiked-olit bands of llnv design in
gold and giecn, blue nnd red enam
els. They ate exactly like the old-
fnshiAhcd cross-stitch patterns on
snmpleis, and aic copied from them.
T IS always a plcasmc to discover
facts' that lcdaiiml to t'hiladel-
nnted in "Fiance by M. Cretonne,
eie nt Jirst eo:i'fo nnd utly, bttl
in 1850, when chintz declined in
uvoi. a Philrtitelphiii ti'anufacturcr
conceived the Idea of minting them
'th miotic iioial patterns, and to
the success of those early experi
1 cnta v;c mo indebted for the tires
" "f t I -id vn'tcil stock of
c-ctdnnes at II. F. Dewees, 1122
Chestnut street. Do not fail to see
the display. Some, intended for
d'nrjfcrips. bnvc designs 6f biight
'plumagcil byrds; large bold striped
or flowt-icd CiTects, or Japanese
scenes. But there. are also the much
harder to flnH iMnall patteihs, suit
able for spi cads, or the 10xl7-inch
'ovcr-sca.1 bags," now in such great
DID you pvcv tiy to master one
of the new fnngled counting
. machines 7 One Ib always pur
suing some elusive number, and
levr-r catching up. That is how I
feel about fashions. I no sooner
think- 1 hnvo Mmlnmc de la Mode's
number, than she produces some;
fresh atti action. This time it is
stunning Tweed-O-Wool suits for
women and misses at Blnjlock &
Ulynn, 1C28 Chestnut Street. These
are wool, damp-pioof suits, practical
far every occasion, which come in
solid colors and the evcrrpopulai
leather mixtuies. Tho skirts have
plain fronts, side pockets nnd tucked
or gathered backs. The chic belted
.coats (lined or unlincd) aie semi
fitting, witli big military pockets,
nnd cither tho conventional collar,
or a wider tno which may bo but
toned up nrounu tno tnrca:.
BUTI.I.ll, Duller, wnos got h
butler? Nobody, if you believe
..11 nu ViMr- lint I know where
..,, (.nn TirrxMll-n ! Vlfllt set-Un. clicstv
I English butler, or, if you prefer it,
a pert French maid, in cap and
'apron. True, they, would not per-
form any chores, but are experts in
summoning others to order, and you
would have no difficulty in coaxing
them from Hoskins, tho Gift Shop
of Chestnut. Street. Have you
guessed that they are brass hells,
the handles of which are little
painted figures? Besides bells there
are innumerable other small pieces
of bric-a-brac In similar or different
styles. An odd, dull green metal
match holder and ash receiver, ideal
as a gift for n golfer, has a-funny
little red jacketed player, whose
head Is a gol ball, swollen to pioper
1KNOW a good-looking man who
always spoils the effect of his
i,ol.iin tier liU ntinplnns Urn. his
ifavorito closely, resembling a potetb
bug on a tomato leaf, If ho w'ould
buy his neckwear at juacuonmu b
nnmnhflll's. 1834-30 Chestnut Street,
ho would bo a wiser and better
(dressed) man, for they nve a truly
choice and wide collection. At) pi es-
He l,Av. fnnttirlnf bvrlutftve
Oloyal Irish Popln ties, In unob
trusive uesjgns ana coiora, ";a "
Dublin from tho finest Chinese
Orgariilnq silk, combined with se
lected wool, jfor all genuine Irish
norlin has a wool fllllnir. Poplin, or
-popeline, so called In compliment to
th Fepes who 'lived In Avinmon, the
city M H birth, was jntronuoen into
fAr- ""- ' Hi' " ' f.
"The armistice question jf ntnr.
but more nUiillng. is ths .offer t
evacuate all occupied territories m
In good faith or Is It n military ruse 7
The facts will suit either hypothesis,' j
H. M, llynmah. veteran Soclallet load
er, saldt
"I think that the answer as far at '
It goes Is satisfactory, -it shots that v
Germany Is In a cry precarious condl- j
tlon, but t am by no means satlifWd '
from a military point of ilew. I do ,
not trust the German nation. They are v
rapnble of anything." ,
IS- cjUJJt CCeHX sisXtVfiV
IF WE were expecting spring
weather theie might be sense In
men deferring the purchase of
OVfrrnnta. buf nn eiili 1..al. im m.
store for mnny a month. Meanwhile
colds ure mmpant, but n "near-sure"
preventive is a Fall top-coat from
Jacob Reed's Sons. 1424-2G Chestnut
oircet. uno of their most popular
models la fbn "n..it,t vi.
buttoned "slip-on coat,"' 42 Inches
lujiK, "iia one-quarier SUK lined. Cut
With full avvntrernp nnnt- U J.H
?"? iUst oolow the shoulders, with
u juiu in uoiiom oi sKirt, it certainly
Is a well-nppoaring garment, and
eotnes in many fabrics, Including
uAiuru giay nna lancy cheviots j all
color Lama wool; imported and do
ne'tic twreds and homespuns; and
knitted fabrics in grays, browns and
heather mixtures.
SKIItTS! Yes, separate skirts for
women. One might suppose from
:he talk nbnllt hlnnmere m.o.11a
and uniforms, that women had aban-
noncu sKiits entirely, while they are
wearing more separuto skirts than
svCr. When work is done, and uni
fpirh3 ore taken off It Is simpler to
slip on a pretty skirt nnd blouse than
nn elaborate gown,, and under long
Vi? r SWA nle a convenience.
At Bnnwit & Tellers there is a splen
eiiii iinu ui sKins to cnoose itom in
silks, satins nnd woolen materials.
Among thcirt nrn two-tone check veil
veteens; beautiful mouse or brown
duvctynrs in yio new narrow model
so sinrtrt with rho'rt fur coatees; and1
tny plaid serge skiits in almost any
olar combination, with either box or
inrr,d!.?n P1."11!' w,3ich have the true
Kiltie wrirglc when you walk.
RESTRICTIONS against the use
of ,f)?nI, nnve bcen sorriewhat
modinrd, but housoholders are
still conserving, and fortunate are
tnty who can bonst of open Are
olars. Tlie'gan-log species are'use
iI imitntioni, but imitations only,
and .not to be cbmuared to glowlnjc
wood fnrr, fires that crackle and
lsun and flinmn, fires thnt you watch
intl stir, nnd replenish from the
vnod-lmskef or wnod-box bought at
p Hnu- Furnishing Store, of J
o."'niH7n, ,'u',,'" lfl12 Chestnut
Street. This basket may bo of brass,
licit en or nlftln, or straw In any color
n- "hftpe, tmt were it mine it would
i" one of the newer French whole
w 'ovv carrier. These are round,
with the sides curled un to hold in
ho logs, arid are stained a light sll
vr rrn". .
IT SEBJIS rnthrr forcing the sea
son to (ulk about Christmas, but
if you Intend mailing remem
brances abroad, you cannot get ihem
off too soon. As present sending to
our dear and gallant defenders on
he othc side Is restricted to one
nv pnei;ngr, tjhristmns nnd New
Year cards are about tho only medium
rvu ii. net en inning irienns Know they
are not foreotten. A. Pim.n. i
Co., 1525 Chnjtnut Street, have gath-
u t-u a numuer oi cnarmingly artis
tic card, tinted or etched in blade
nnd white, nml hpnrlncr nnnrnnili
and patriotic designs nnd greetings.
wn mnny me nery om tngle guards
the Stars nml Strlnnd mrl n,n A1il,i
fines, or ihn Kft-vn Vtntr nt ...l,l,.J
-.-, -- ....... n, ""nn J-wi
.yu ore bu jiruuu, nnu me verses an '
t-AincBs uur senuments lar Detter
han we could ourselves 1
NOBODY can say the wind Is
not tempered to the shorn
unite, iui na importea onve oil
reaches its vnnishing point, along
comes nnother tnhlo n tn t it.
place, one thnt is said to be the best
suusuiuio rounu so far for the old
favorite. This is sold by E. Brad
ford Clarke Co., 1520 Chestnut
Street, in pints, quarts and half,
gallon cans, and has a hlgh-sound-inir
name: "Lanier Brand of Table
Oil." It is palatable, neutral Jn
'aste and extremely nutritious; and
is excellent for cooking, or for
salad dressing, either plain or made
into mnvnnnniso. T An nut 4Ml. t
am revealing a secret, when I tell '
you it is oeanui on, maae Irom ths
nurest selected peanuta, which, by
tho way. are not nuts at all, but"
close "kin" of the bean 'and pe '
i many. . '
THE quest for a mythical
Fountain of Youth ha Ien
u oU uui liui DO me
ouest for n tountaln of Perpetual i -
neaun, many springs nave Deen.
discovered In vnrlous parts of the
world which claim almost miracu
lous powers ns "cure ails," but the
Mountqin Valley Wate'r, sold 'at -.
718 Chestnut Street, while claimlmr "
less, is Indeed a water insurlnr
perpetual health to those who make,
a practice of drinking it The
spring from which the Mountain
Valley Vater comes Is In that mys
terious region of Arkansas, whr
nature nas maae nerseu pnyticiw
to stricken humanity. Only twrtvt
trllla frnm tni Tanvnils hm xn
it contains tne same eurauv
ties, out Dting- b cow t
Coastructiofi Ce.
2M N.Mnrm St
rubffetWs of tht tramoftt
ltMA W rMlhW Ml
i aaftFljl hffjMtltsr te)t
.Jil. aV .afaV -.
Mr ft HMw bsiiiiM'
' tl"
.! s