V rjJW f" V'Vr i ii 'Kit fWMifoai g? "py 'f1 yT r" 'A" tji i n( rr 01 JtOtL OF f0NOft; v ST . LOAN POSTERS ON CHUfcCH; IFOURM; TWO i DYING GOAL NOCLASSSPARED BY GRIP EPIDEMIC Death Tolls in Army, Navy,' Church, Medicine and Finance '"' I . !-!!.. I .1 -- VT 33sJtjH .g k ihH tofaB vsfW1 KfafafaB i elphia Youth Hud Turned Down by lecruiting Officers IN BY DRAFT! K $5. City Soldiers Dead, Six Whom Were Killed in Action J03 M MURPHY Pled of-DasctAse 3 UTAVLOR, Pied vyILl-tAM CLINE, SAM"L LIPJCHUTZ wounoea wounoai fjMtt L4' IrfiiTcninnlrte rasiiHlt Hut clifn out ! the War Ilrnnrtmrnt tniU will lie , en pair II. tV lMj(;ted bv the annv, navy nnd ma- JtJJHi corps, not only one, but on three npts to enlist In each, Private Hny- W. Piatt was drafted by local tA No. 24. Inducted Into the Natlonil 'Jfajmfv sent to the flrlnif line, and now .SPEW in n r.nvi. ,iu7i.u. Bctriiif "Wounded. V,vThe "combined oasusltv lists for this and district for the" hint fortv-elght rt give the largest total thW see- has cer hail for a slmllir iierlnd Hold, 170 names are on the three iti. Including 226 from Fennsnvanla. Where are sevent-fuur soldlirs from Itlt-delbhla and Its vicinity named on c,tlo three lists eight from this city hiv- . In been killed in action, one Having died from disease $-"ii' &$Hf ' . nP "T.,j AND NURSE DEAD Wife of Lieutenant Fuir- scrviceTri(d to Save. One 6f Men LT. J. T. EDWARDS DIES (f CITY; WOMEN VICTIMS Infliicnra Claims Number of'Mndc Supreme Sacrifice in City's Prominent Men as Fighting Epidemic as Brave- ictims in Last 24 Hours Iy ns Those ut Front RAYMOND W PIATT' Wounded -CAKLPCMArleEWAiN vjuoondfd ALBERT MONT- C MARTIN GOMGGY, WownJfd Killed the war and was cent to Cump Hancock for training He wns u salesman for New York house and gave up a $5000 Job to join tho arm) After reaching Hancock he applied for permission to enter the ollk rs' training chool est.ib llsheel there, una allowed tn do so nnd graduated In April of this ear He was rent to l'rance as a provisional nlllci I with the lank of sergeant, made good and received his rommlsslon on Septem ber 2 Just five das before he was wounded lie was attach) d to Compiiiv f.ivminda. four from disease and one SuHnu been accidentally killed Twen-.A, lOOtli Inf.intr.v The iiiine oitirer s ! Til.lt-,-lVit"n- no. 1.. an ........ .1' faille. 1 .1 nil, ft uercrriint of ! hi. ThlrtV - 1 h In action and eight aro missing ' second stttet and Woodland nvenue i-jwenty-elght from netrby points are In-1 lire station. ded In the day's total. i'itlVTi: 1MIII. M, l.ovv I.I.I . ;,Tne usi reiea-eo lor mia mnrnirB s ,. i..lh reimne.1 In tndnv list n mis. jpijers contains 076 names. Including G7 trqm rennsjivania : tne aiternoon pa tera I'st contalrs 7CJ names. IncIudlriR L& 11 from Pennsllvniiln, while iTster- "ay's list contains 225 names, Inolmltnir i.U from this state. y Vktla.l t,m !- T,t. Private Piatt tried his best to Ret ter avenue Ills motliei Mrs l.ctltla Shiniiiir Is clerk f tint bo.ird A brother John I) Slunenmli, n widely known athlete, Is now In the student mlliers' trnlnliiK lorjis at State Colli kc. Corporal Sheneman Is .1 Kradunte of the Trades Kchool, Twelfth and Locust streets, and Is an expert ilictrlclan i'im.Ti: (ii.oiKii: ikii:, oiiic'tiiy reported as mlsslnir since AiiKtist 17 Is I the tweutv-jear-nlcl sou of Thomas floev a plumber IhliiKat 47 J7 Itelnhart street He enlisted In the old Sixth IliBlment. .V O I' In I'M I nnd re cnllstid In li7 He was tialn d lit Camp llnntoik assltrned to ompmv i:, 111th Infantrv and suit to l'rnnce In Ma of this e,r A brot-er Wan en Hoe was drafted 111 September. 101. land Is now In rrnnc with the Slfith tn- fantrv. whllo another brother Thomas Is at a truliiliiB i imp at Norfolk, 8fc is country declared war on (lermany jiwas turned down, however, ns lis 1not quite mensure up to the phsl- ; standard ueinanuou n tne armj and Wivy. ; When he was drafted he claimed no exemption nnd inntlc no mntlon of his -ireilous failures to piss the doctors .Profiting by his former experience he manaBed to slide by the civilian plivsi ens at his draft board and set out "joyfully for rump Meade. Once t:.eriv Iiik sltn-e earl In .September, Is In n ' rrench hopitnl iccoverliiK from 1 1 oe wounueii icr aim a case or (,-as poisoning v.(. accordlnn to a lttei fiom the jiliinc I'ltn ti: IlDHAItti I KKIIMY, soldier reielved bv his mother .Mis rr,rted ns wounded In imlav s olllclal Kllcti McDowell. 4800 T.nlrd slreit. Mc- cnsiialtv list. Is reall) dead nnordliiR Dowell Is imlv seveiitein jtnrs old and to a letter from tlio vounir soldiers was Mill attending school when the war .brother. Their father Mkvael Kear- fever seised him IPs mother filt thnt.uev, 2 South rortv-ecnnd street, Is about Is ac- hlm when he was so anxious to ko nloili; cordlnK to his brntliei John Kenrnev The annv, the nav.v, the ihnrch, medl-j cine nnd finance lire tepresented In the list of prominent res'dents or the clt.v ilalmed bj epldemli; Intluena In the last tn put) four hours. Senior Lieutenant Jusppli k IMwards, hon of Mrs Itosalle C. Kdwards 2119 Locust streel, died lateMesterday In New York of double pneumonia follow Ins; In fluenza He was commissioned In the construc tion corps of th- navv about cIbIU months ntro and was stntloned In New York Ills mother and bis wife, who was Miss Marie Able of II iltlmore, were with him when he died ( He was taken 111 a week ai;o and earlv In the week pneumonli developed. He died at the Waldoif-Antorl I Hotel He vvns a hrother of Lieutenant Com mander V Atlee IMwards, a member of Admiral Mills staff and now on foi lg!i sen In and of 1'lrst Lieutenant i: rtildniti Kdwnids who Is In Trame with the eiiKlneerlnc cnrjis under Major An early moitilng tialn from western Pennsylvania toiHv tnought the body of Mrs Vlrcfula l'nlrscrvke, a former Phil adelphia girl, who died early Saturday inornlwr In the lleavir Valley Oenernl Hospital. She Is the tenth PhlHdelphla woman tcnacilflce her life while allcnd line Inlluenin patients. Mrs Knlrservlce contracted pneumo nli vvhlle tiursInK a meinbir of thi Slate constabulai), Her pitlent, Joseph Mallny, member of the detachment at Junction Park, told the vounu woman to leave him nnd proteel hertlf nKalnst Irifluenta, but, determined to "see him thmtiKh." she stutk until attacked by the dlseise Cntlv Siturdny mornlnK she died tShe leaves a liulnncl Hilda four-monlh-old inl)V. Her bodv will be placid In a receiving vault at Pern wood Ceme ter.v Mrs Palrservlce will be lemembered In this clly ns Mls Vlrslnla (liven, of Overbrook. She was tvvent)-tvvn years pftsrssc 3-ck xxiammsmiMwimmn i in iagg..wiieii;iiiw iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiV- t '.i ,:sKJrlltltHk' $$.vtiiiiiiiM fjjfjjfjjfjjfjjfjjfjjp, LJN-rfjpylMjjsBBg tHililiB ' TV leuZn. ieor"i:Blttrl!l J;"-''"?"1 ,VCh"r.,,H XXnmJr .,.. f ii,.. ft., ii.finirv nnd of First ,,le "tc police. Harlv In the summer medlinl uirps who was tecentlv awafd ed the Croix ile clucrre for braverv un- I di r fire. (Irndmite of He I nnrev Solum! Lieutenant IMwards was De Hanciv School and 1 i ... M,io. -m- u. h i i i. I K"'" seireu nun ii's moiner uu mni nev, 2 South rortv-ecnnu sire llklni hi. rtrst ntt'em it (lorn nil r",c "'"' t0 ol,"B ,0 K"' 1"11 '"' s1"' " fowled by the rohflletliiB reports with the rest of the boj.i from this nelRhborhood ruu.tTi: i,iii:kt vion niovn:iiv, woundid In action, formerlj lived at 1957 Miminer street. That b'lnik has been torn down howevet to iniike room for the Pntkwav and the 'nuns soldiers family his been compelled to move to 'somewhere In West Phllndi Iphli ' ( OKI'OK VI. VV. K. lir.M'.Vt V, he came ery close to belne sent home wounded trdd for nn nlllcer n commls W the regular army surgeons who look- ,n at u,,. i'rt iHiriira training camp ,, ,hlm over, but succeeded In con-in thp mmmcr of list )rni, hut was vnsjficlng them that a fsw months of , turned down after two months' trial He srd training would put him In thipe , ti,cn enlisted In the 1'lrst UeBlinent but IMwards name appears on the of- flclil cnsualtv lift todnv as wounded severely while the other brother was listed almost a week ago Their former i iptnln of Conipanv K. 111th Infantrv who reienlly returned from l'rnnce leported tint both boys weio doing nlcelv In a bare hospital and the father his tebgi iphed to Wash ington for more detailed Information IMtt ATI! I'l.Tllll KIM.I.l. of the nlanteered as Vnrse Three weeks 'ago whin Intluen-i i spread to western PentisjIvnnlB, Jo 1 senh Mallov. member of Iho detach- , ,.r, limie, I liv I """'it cnmmniided i Mis l'alrsirvlce's .'o,dl,am I'll'. I ''",!':,m.1 . t"",m' '" .""" ,l"e " I1 verslty Ills education was completed '" '""'", V ' ,,. h "., rl.keii troo In Pafls At one ll.no he was connected u",ce"?' , ?"", f "f, "" ','r , Pr with Henr.v Wes, bankers and biok-, - " X iiiiim it 1 1 i iiiniiirr. ut -nni .- Del He was wldelv known for his tenor voice and contemplated entering grand opera He was the son of the late Dr Josiph P IMwnid i wldilv known .inltnry expert of this iltv who died about twentv ears agr and of Mrs. IMwards who wis Miss Itosalle Combs He was the grandson of the lite (leoige W IM w arils, one of the llrst vice presidents of Ihc- Phlladilplila and Heading Iln.ll The Itev. Mr. Moore, of St. Ainlrcw'a I'roteant Episcopal Cliurrh, Kiplilli street near Sprute, su out at 7 o'clock this morning talking Liberty l.onil p'odcrd nn signboards in front of Ills -cliurrh WOMEN CHEERED BY LOAN ADVANCE Nearly $2,000,000 in Sub- &eription& Send Total Far Over $25,000,000 GERMANTOWN IN SPURT Camdlnn nrniv, ported wonmleil In no- vvav lie wns thlrtv-slx jcars old k m Cass the stlffest Kind of a test TJrty gave hlni the chance, he made ed and got through the final exam MmMon for ovetseas duty with iljlng tiers, vYoung I'tatt I" the son of Mr, .Itn fcie L, Plrttt. of 2.'31 North Sixteenth I. ills miner, vviiiiam I'inii. in June of this vear, two month" his son reiched France. Private 1 In a member of Comp iny K of Sixty-first Regiment He Is a grad- of the Central High School A her, Wilson S. Piatt, Is In the navy. .A ?nHt 3fwl vjnkfci !' N fl. P was trained at Cainp Hancock and tveutu.illv attached to Conipanv I. 109th Infintrj This coiiipiiny has been i ,lnt verj rortuiinie ntioriiing to irtieia irom joung Khcnenmi, for though It his been through nil the heivv lighting art ind Chateau Tlilerrj and nlong the Moriiv, It Ins not hnd a nnn killed Corpirnl Siienemati Is the son of Theo dore P Micnr an, of 812 South I'lftv flint street secrctnr of lonl draft board .No II, Plftleth street and dies- tlou dining tho enp'ure of Cnmbr.il, Is the sou or Mis C. urge hell, of 0O0O llelflild nvenue, tlerm intown He en listed 111 the Cnnidl.in .Trim In October of list vinr and was iislgnul to a imirhlne.eun bait.illun 111 a letter. dated September 8 he told his mother lie nail escipnll injury pu uu, but knew he was Mn foi It soon us 'things wire getting hottir .mil hottei ' Private hMlv w.ih born in Sotland thirty-five venrs ago and was iirntignt He Is survived bv a widow nnd thn e children who aie now at their iutntticr home at Hivhead N .T. I'unenl sen lies will be hi Id In St Patricks Cathrllc Cathedral. NevV York, tomorrow at a m Internient will be private and will be In the .Sew Catholic Cemeterv, Parbv have a husband and little bib. They linnl tilTnld to lotc V Oil Malloy s appeal mane .Mrs i irreernc-e the more detennltiid In eotillniie and i she paid tho price Mallov died eailv" last week and on Tuesdav his faithful nur.se wis stricken 'On Thutsdiv the doctors held nut hope foi her tecovery. but Prldav night she began to fall and thn fi How lug day passed avvnv Hesldcs her husband nnd baby IlUhatd II, Talr serv'ce, Jr., she leaves a brother, Cap t.lln Jolin K lllven, C " . and a Blutir. Mn Joseph N Nkhol is, of Over- brook Captain (liven Is a veteran bfi the Spanish wai and at the nutbteii'tt of the present war left the Mldvnlej Steel Company to enter the engineer corps He is stntlonul at Camp Hum phres nnd Is mnkltig n.id.v for over- Tuo Million Produced to Date Appronehcs Total Amount Gained in Third Drive thirty-rive venrs ago aim was iiniugm i, ;, to this eountry bv bis parents when niilv ' ...... live- .nrs old A brother William Kel- e lv. Is III Prame with one of the Mi- I "" e rlon.il Btlnv intanuv legimeniH wane another brollur Robert Kellv, Is em plojecl at Cramps. ' l&rFTrrrrej nr rir fFRnrc VWUYV'VY KAKY WKKlin Mitmti.: "7"" . X MVM M. M. JL JJ.M.M-r M. J.,- , PARENTS VICTIMS OF GRIP fBAPTAIN I.Ol IS II. FILI.DIM1. re- Sled as severe! wounded In tola si casualty list, has alwavs vvantul i he a soldier. From tho t me be first 4nned short trousers he was keen nbliut rthlng or a military nature. (Heooit an lie reaenrd the ngp f fcentyonc he joined the old Sixth Ileg- ment, and at the time war was declaim tjrttli Cermany was first lieutenant of CJempany U. When tne regiment was oruereu into ii if Clrildrrn's liurratt Tlwri-'s a liliw-Eyvd IT it Mivi Mother's Con- and llw Institution Appeals, in Ilii Behalf anil or Other Like Him (lerninntmvii Heaths seas service llugllsh D ilium. Jr. Wlssahlcknn Nurses Here; iirave and Stafford stieel, tlermantowni ii0i Cross nuises In w.ti-lotn 1 lance esteidn of pneumonli developing inv,. shown no itienter loallv and brav- froni Intliieimi. Ile Is siirvlve-d liv his -. thnn .i.nt exhlbltid b tin- resolutu piient", widow, one daughter and l norpfi of Philadelphia nuises 'IIuoukIi brother The funeral will be luld Wed-)01, ,jle entire siege they lefu-ed to con nesil.iy slder the personal hisai dp and i.acrlllci-H. Mi niilliini wns a giaililate of tupifn have paid the prke and mole than (lirmanlown Ae.ideni and the I'nlvi-) nxty thers, aie now suffeilng fiom eltv of Pfnnslvatila ctas or l'in7 ? i 1e innlndy. Twenty of these are In was the presenter of sis 'Ins lie ".iMmm,! condition associated with his fiillm In the real I Tlle flrt rHl, t() die was Mips Mn estate busliiesH and was . i leinbei f ....... nf ,i. vrtniisti rn (let eral llos- ne .vianuiiiciureis i iu-, urn ie i nit-n Li egu .Mrs 1'iaiices Pole Is dead it h'r pltal. Others who have niudu the pu- pieiue sacrifice In the line of tlut aie , j Teniae's returns, WiMiieu's I lliert I mint Chestnut lllll, Mrs. I'. . Mrlllirnnv, ilinlrniHii St:, 1(111 (Irrinnnlown, Mrs. . II. Clurlc.i ,,.,, 110,0111 VVr.l IMilbidrlnhbi, Mrs. II. I'. ItlrliariUein ,. . Ill, Slid Central . ellv, .Mrs, Paul llenrkla VlllU .,. . IIIIV.IMIO North en Hi I'h'.lliilelpbla, Virs. JiiIiii W. Mover Stt.OOl) North Philadelphia, Mrs. I liersiiinn llerrlek ti.1,100 SiimIIi rlillailelpbln, Mr-. Mailer I. Krerinan I II,'! 110 North rrral, Mrs. t harlrs c. Murts . .10,0111 Kelislnglon, Miss lleiiluli l-enlmiire SU.ino lulls n f siluivllilll. Mrs. Ilessle l. Allcimis . . . HI. 'J 00 TmlllVs total SI.DKn.KMI (Irand Infill . i1.5S0,11O Iteports ft mn ellslllct chairmen eif tin 7 PATROLMEN DIE VICTIMS OF GRIP Three Firemen Albo In eluded in Today's Toll of Influenza EPIDEMIC IS ON WAIS'E Aeni(;e of liTM New Cases in Lust Three Days Arrange for Burials Sister and Brother Victims and Man's Widow and Chil drcn Suffer Three of one Philadelphia family are dead, two are djlng and two, are 1)1 with Influenza. Thursday morning Miss Margaret Ilrson, who lived with her mother, Mm,' Julia llryson, In rooms at GC5 Xorrtf I'nlon street, died. Her brother, John Ur)son,63t North Thlrty-sevenlh street, died thkt nltht. Johft Hr son's son, Joseph, died two weeks ago. All developed pneumonia, from Influenza. Mrs. John Ur)son and her oldest on, Uernard, are critically til, and two other children, John, Jr., eight. cars plct, and Thomas, six months old, are suffering from the disease. Michael O'Brien. In whoe home Mrs. Julia Dry son and her daughter oc cupied looms, also U 111. A double funeral was held today for Mine Ho son an her brother. Mervtcea were held nt the t'nlon afreet address. 'and burial wns In Holy Cross cemetery. mree members of the Charles H. Jef ferles family. 621 Xorth Ninth street, Camden, died within three hours of In fluenza late yesterday. Jefferles, wlio was thlrt-flve ears e Id, died first. Ills wife Jean, thirty ears old, followed him two hours late. An hour later their baby died. Two children, the only survtvots of tho family, both critically 111, were sent to Cooper Hospital. Double funerals were held today from the honies of two Influenza-stricken fam ilies In this city, Jncob Kraus and his wife Nellie died of Influenza at their home, 1430 South Fifteenth street Tile deaths occurred within a few hours, after but a few elajH Illness. The funerals were held from the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kraus, Second and Moore streets. Mrs. Kiaus was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Joseph Gnvln. At the Children s Iture.iu 41" Sout.i We(;Ntlonal Armv, Lieutenant Fielding i nftcenti, vtrefX Is s darling blue-ecd j'wiw one of the first to ask for active i)OJ e Ip a bunch smile m nnd tervlce In the field. 'nn mess and once In n while he en. 'Jle wbb at once placed In command ti. a. platoon of Companv K. tilth In fantry, and Inst May sailed for France .jJ'Almosl from the start his command was sent to the front and as earl as for mamn Hut his ni.iniu Is vciv in ai a hospital, and so l his dad. for both have Inftuenra. Now this .voungster needs a home and the Invlnir care of a mother while Ills s1 m-a rlfrht I., ih. Ihlrif nf lh hnlla . .... nn.utilu am i fillflned 111 the lios. M-UIJ n ..n. ........ ... .... v.,,,.,.. ,,..,..... , v 'Somewhere In France joung Fielding pltal And there aie nnn more- Juel moti his spurs and was promoted to like him, so J. B Irnll, puperlntendent J.2iui.1n tnr hpaverv on the field nf fie. , nf the Children's Uiinnu, Is unx'ous to 3S . . .. I., ..nulnn 100 n.lS. Ulr I get in IOUCI1 Willi ruim- irti""" ,,1 He wrote to hip wife whenever tneiceiil .merii.in in .. ... ................ 'rtunltv offered and his letters were to pln the mother p role for Hie names ' . . . . . . r .. 1 . f ir.illl u, ' Kll II with praise for the no s under mm irar o"" i" - '',. . J E. 5 k m. Presbvterrnn Orphanage Te eare for othei chlldien whose parents ale si Ik li en It p necessary lo nppeal to the svmpatliles of Phil idelphia women The lire asked to bo.eid thi nables un til the strliken pnrenis reiover ' Mr Hall expla'ned that more than fifty children inuglng In age from one to four earn have been left distllute b parents' who have been Mrlcken with Influenza. "The babies must be eaied foi," he added, "but oui charters ale limited Polev's death was d'K" pneumonia which developed ftom Influenza Mr Pole 1st suffirlng from the tnnladv , Mr Pnlev was stricken tell eiiis ago ni..v.- v ..... .- . . ,,,.. , ,..,. ,,r -,,!... f.. U. ..,.. ..Int. I uimui nlntnLnt VIUnPnN IlllJeilJ I.UIII in i,.,r ..... i home, 724 Locust avenue, (le in intnwr. I )f ()e i.,inien,, Hospital, Mls .M.ir lent oui.irlng lodi, though the total still Ian' her l''"'""''. .",,,'n,ln"i'' rrl,,!!!. iTerrannvn. St. Joseph's Hospital, Mlssdni4 t miU, the amount the would Ptruetor at the clerusntowii 1 rlei u s . .... Lmikenau Hospital, and ... School 1 ecrlouslv III Mis roiev s fiilnir fit the Phllndelnhl.i "ke (lener.il Hospital, Miss Nellie O'Neill, Mip V II (lurle.v. ch.eliman or the a head nurse; Kllle Haltaln a student jacninntuivti dWtilit leported that hei nurse: Miss Mabel Iloilgher lioacl of I ,,,,tl u t ,lll(i H,etdv suhsillljiel mole anlltl.l.H,U.I.ir U'.nooniu. ulmo.. as muel, as It disease b VrlnthP .kk romn ' '"' """'LnHhed dining the entile four weeks is Hie iiniiuiiiur hi '..! ii ;-" , .P,, ,. .., ,nB,i ii.- t,iir4 ... . .,... . . .. I or me innei iu.ui un. on tne uring line, sis I'ue-cior ivinsen. of the Department of lleilth and Charities nf David II Ho, of "'"'". Consl ohocken, and vvns married a jear' ,ago I . Aftet treating eeotis of Inlluensii pa ilonte.s Hr John Forp.vtli Little, of Lawrencevllle, N J., louti.uled the dl- LUtleastgrX.e".'."''!'.' ...rftsim ALBUSGER ESTATE, $600,000 M mIIi .11 Col ege. nnn imcr in" kiiiiiu- ,7110,000 hence the appeal to the womanhood of niton wan Identified with .leffirsein In !.. :.,.. i. .u. j..i t i re.i.H imlav. "anil wc nave mien n Ifist the enemv I cottage that has been Unt to us b the -.-.'ilt was on October a that Mrs Fielding ,. Wived a telegram from the War De-1 -.. TTMT17I7RC PI CAN MBaUftkAawl nn l.ilnt)er T .ml uun In a 'Jiv-! Homowhprp hi Finnce j i.i'ipaptRln PieMlnff before he entered the idt il .in I .. h il.nflaM.n -n.nln. b.I K ' jSe American Unglneerlng Companv, and -- - , eHles his wife has a six- ear-old son. , . . rMm Wesley Fielding lAIn: Tirnnma :inil Scrill)hlIl!I . Hr. UMnlrtlnir nnil lipr unn nre mnUlno. I I fcelr home with her father. Christian ( leauss. 1430 Houth Flftv-fourth street CORPORA I. IIOVVAKII l.P.N NKII WABN'Klt, ofllclay reported mlsslt g. Is foully In a French hospital recovering. Jfcwn wounds In body and both legs, nc- I fcOrellng to letters received bv h's parents. .and Mrs. I.ennard c Warner, 5331 away avenue The War Department's i gram stated that voung Warner had; c jflaHLct! fa.rl m Uatvlnrnlinr T it mm rtnnltl ' ris"""" ' v v "ii .iit ijMII.be Jocated Letters ftom him elated itember 13 nnd le lift-ve renched his Brents telling In deiall of his expert- In the hosnltnl In the last letter W paid he expected to rejedn h's regl- Hit about October 1 Philadelphia Todnv we have six chil dren who must be plaied in homes Im mediate,! and the number will glow un til the epidemic abates 1 PERSCH INDICTMENTS HOUSES DOWNTOWN UP TO SUPERIOR COURT l .wis 1. imirrled Miss IMIth J T.llld prominent artist, living nt Thlitv-slxlh and Chestnut stieets Doi lor Little hid been a ics'dent nf Liwrencevllle foi several ven'rs and bad built up a Luge prititloe Hesldes his, widow he li-aves one son nnd two elaughieis He was thlrl.v-clght eirs old. in., i.nesi medical man to give his life III the struggle ngalnst the epldeni'o was Com ad Hngel, an osieivmin Retired Business M,m Left I'er conaltv WortliS 100,000 w hen 'was inlpcil I Mis P., Dobsoii Alteiiius vvus Jubillint ii. ei the fact tint lt.,Jtm In thfc'illstrlct nf lulls of Hcluilkll) was iits(il Frldiv night In the "Wakii lP. Plilladelplila" id, he. Door bells were rung and per srnal solicitation ieulteil In obtaining, this amount I Mis. Ceoiup Dallas Dlxoil, head of the 1 Penns)lvnnla Kallro.td womfn's war re An, estate of (DUO iillcl of which $(U0- ' " '"' ' ' "' "'-,;., .31,51, ,Kui In mill s personhl prnpeitv was left ll , lief eoinmltt.e, reported "'",,,v'.1 Jacob T. Albueget a tetlred business , 1'rlda by the Hroal .Street Station man. who died Ocobi 1 I at 1810 South booths. Ill chaise of Mrs. A. J. ountv Itlttenhouse hnuare jira (leorge W Hnjil was In charge ASK FIFTH WARD RETRIAL AttorncvH for Convicted Men Miike Appeal at West Chester Petitions for a new trial will be filed at West Chester today hy attorneys for the defendants In the Fifth Ward elec tion cnnsplrncy case. This date was st bv Judge Hause when a retrial was asked following the convictions several months ago, Those convicted are Isaac Deutsch, Vare lender of the Fifth Ward; Police Lieutenant David Dennett and five pol'ctuien. The West Chester jury brought In n verdict of guilty on charges of having conspired to prevent it free and fair election nt the nrlmarlen fcen- itember 10, 1917, when Policeman (Jeorgu A, i.ppiey was murdered. Next week arguments on the petition will be heard In the meant'me, District Attorne Truman Wnde, of Chester County, Is making an Investigation fol lowing the ndmlsslon of Frank nv.tn, Vaie lender of the Thlrtv-slxth Ward, that he forfeited the $5000 ball After Policeman Allen, of the Twentieth nnd Federal streets station, had myster ously disappeared. Allen hnd been awalllnj trial on charges of attempt to bribe sev eral Jut men In the previous trial A decrease in Influenza inses wns re ported this afternoon, and Health Di rector Ktuseti said thele vvus 1111 lm ptnvinietit Ii) conditions generallvl Among tho-e who died of the dlpeasc le.dav wsie seven policemen nnd tin re membeis of the tire eleplirtmeitt A 11 port covering a peiiod fiom 1 o'cloik I'llduv afternoon until II n'eloik 'oilav plated there were 5021 new e.ipes s the report Is virtually fbr three d.is, Ihere wan an nvetnge of 1S74 cnsis a dav Coinpatcd with the recoil! nt the out set of the epidemic when the llguicH were running In the ne'ahborliood of 1000 elses dellv. (his decided drop, health authorities s.iv, shows tin. din. casp ih well under control The new cases me dlstilhuted us fol lows north of M irket street. 2221; south of Mnrl e street, 1201 4. West Philadelphia. l'lOl : Ceimnnloivn. .101, The lioHcem- n wh" succumbed were1 House Sergeant Martin II CliHc. Fourth ind Ilaco slrl-ets statlnti' William 15 l.uv, if ih Iteserves Hlg'ith nnd Jef fit son streets nation : Fiederltk Hoff inn, Jr. Third sin ft and Falrmoiint nvenue station; Henlnmln Kind, also of tin Third street and t'nlimniuit nvenue 'tatlon: Heserve Pnllcemnn Jclm Ilurnsj Mliliael KhoMall. Twentieth and Berk-i stnets stiitlou. Patrick .1 Whahm. T ntv-slith anil York streets ptalloii Wllllani It (loidop a fornnr iiollce-j KM.I.ISII MAI. I.AM. Jit nnn and sou of policeman Aillinr (lor don of tlio Helgrade .ind ClenrlHd stieets station, died todny at Wlssa h ikon Uarr.ickS, Cape May TJie llremen who died were William ,1 McCann, Truck No 7: lleoign W. Paul, Hnglue Coiiiimiiv 3C ; and Mlclnel Mi Henry Truck No 10 iiKvniH II. uf iineumohtn Ai, I urrriel servleep will be Brushes Aid Grip Fight in South Philadelphia KMK- Irirtiinaul t.ua lia.t.,1 l I l.n Jl I t.crl.tr rtneil with mops, brooms pcrubolng , ... .... .rineii wiui iini , Couit today on the appeal of the e'oni- bruslies, soap and 111 Ik eans flllcd vvltn ... ' ' ..... inonwealth from the action of Judge hot water, (unitary squads of volunteer JIcMUllle Qartir Sessions Couit, In workers are cleaning houses In the con- eiuashlng the Indictments against Magls Bested South Philadelphia districts Irate lleoign A Persch where fhe Influenza has been severe. ' "" Magistrate Persi h who Issued where rhe innuenz.i nas neen sever .phantom warrants uxed bv Lieutenant Dal!, the squads meet at the College ,,,,. pt, ln tne ,., Ward , Settlement. ' 4 J3 Christian stieet. and nrrest election oflliets and voteis op uniler (he dliectlon of .Miss Meta Junes, ' posed to Ike Deutsch, the Vare eiindl- i.v.irrur.nnt nvenue. He sui cuiiioeii 10 'pneumonia following an attack of In-, CommuiiHealth Contend, for JI";BUjrt'Hh TSy & True Bills Judge MeMiehael (-"''SJ't.", "XSTZ 'an Held Invalid . .: to tteUl.wwArr.ngei .en .. for tne tunerai imr n"i ".. - Alsatian Priest Siiieunibn After an Illness of onlv a few days. the Ilev Henry J. Ileribrdht, a curate of St Ludwlg's Church, Twenty-eighth, and Master streets, died vestijrday of pneumonia, following nn attack of Influ- I enz 1 He was uiirij-iitA irmn w... Father Herrbrecht was born In Alsace mil Ills theological eaucauon wan on- talned at I.ons. 1 ranee, wnere ne was Satuidav when $13,900 was oblnlned Of this niuoiint $100,000 wus pubsiTlbed by the Phlladellihl.i Hltctrlc Compaii thiough Mis Joseph U McCnll This makes th" Pennslvanla Itallioad com m.iiim ,, i.r.iml total to date of Sl.Oin- A beuuesl of ouu ih tiven to the .sunt-1 nm, In Society fiom a $ss O1I11 (yiate left nv Tlle hulk of Ills estate Is lietiue allied to his mother. Mrp. Calhailne J Alburg- nr nnd n tlleciV Cl.'llll Dl Dllks He left 3BOO0II each to Chntleo Tron, T l.e Mortl- 2310, Helen M T. Kentes mid 111111 M Fevre nnd Jio.uuii 10 e-narlcs more . . .. ... 1 1..1. Marin I Overman, 425 South Itroidi -r" """r sneet , 'l be New Centur Club lias tut nea in Wills plotiateet include William 154 S30 worth of subscriptions. Mrs K. T. Stotesbury lepotled thai In mlilltlon to the IJB.Oiui laipeu Drvsdule. 6050 Oveiluook avenue. lli'i 000; Ida Spiegel. 242S West Alleghenv avenue, 16B0n nnd Francis Knln, 1120 Itltner street, $5100 I. , , .u.. .. 1..1 - .1.. ,i,ri, ... nf "aie lor .eiecl louncii A PHIVATH C'AIU. I. CIHMnitI.AlN-, ' ... , ., .. 1 An Investigation Into Perse lis ineth. SfOilnded In action. Is the son of Mrs. ,ne Romans College Hospital, go to 0(N It,(, , .,, nrre(lt thnrfiei( of em. iK'llllam Chamberlain, of 30 Hast Sey-. homes where Illness has prevented .hezzlement nnd misdemeanor In ofllce 1ur street, Oermantown He enlisted 1 .,,Dll.r r.,r( r the house, cleun floors, 1 Judge McMlchiel quashed the Indlct- the Third Regiment, National fluard " .. , j,.,i i,, .,,. inents on the technical opinion that New Jersey, while on a visit to As- '" """ .. .- - juliKB ur0n. ho had held Persch y Park In September nf 1117 and eraiiy unemi in mun e- i"" - "" trained at camp jicuieuan, Aia- uf visiting nurses The scarcity of women to clean and the p'ague have created such a need, ac cording to Miss Jones Homes, clean under ordinary 1 lrcumstane-es, are now n. Ills regiment was later reorgan ise Into the 114th Infantry and he assigned to Company II The unit. for France from Newport News,' , In June of this ear Young Cham- a.ln urim bnrn tn Trenton re. .f I atv.three vears ago In a etter to " uniureei 1..1 'mother he s that he has been In front-line trenches twice and hopes to be hack with his company tin. ready for another shot at the he. IMJTKVAJvT Al.KXAMIHK II. l'A. reported as killed Ih action In ' ' ortlclnl casualty list, la another M soldier vvno insists an remaining ii, despite the War Department's as- tnai ne i ueaa 11 was on ber 7 that the ofttclal telegram Ke had met his death while leading but hla father, Samuel hatta. Msiktt street hss a letter from An urgent call for Volunteers Is sound. ed by Miss Jones A hundred or more volunteer cleaners, women who aie not (rained to actually earn for the sick, ire needed to devote several hours' spare time each da The clean-up movement la utidrr the auspices of the Women's College, South Philadelphia branch, at the Barton Dispensary, 335 Washington avenue Volunteers should, however, apply at the College Settlement In addition In tho mops, brushes and hmmni. the snund members have fire the hmehets. In which they burn all i 1 ..o .tai-.i a,.,i, 1 .. i.ni,.r and cither rubbish they find In tht h h.ii t,..i urnnn.i.rf i.. i hniisei or in the neighborhood In which Ad and was unfit for duty for a '(hey are working Men also are needed y. ao hacl Keen given leave lo to handle snoveis iu muve inucn ui im dirt found in ine cojigeaiea wciiunn ui the southeast section of the tlty Parle. lie spoke In jocular vein 1 'luck" in, eUIng to the "Ulg Joy '.for k while nnd said his com- nvled him greallr. ure did Jiand It to the bunch of t 4MHKea to us." ne wrote, "and hot scrap while It lasted. One died of Influenza jesterasy at nis Home zen wno iiopjeu 10 tie up myi(i wjronium o.nur, r.B,,n,u.u, Indilenzt Kill Dank Caihter W (Irani Hallowell, nity years old, ne. He 1 hit In tne ankle by a machine- had Been annuiii ","''"' nywnu 1 IXm't cet eieltid if vn,i ' National Bank of Krankford for twen !'. th iiu Vf ?,.HaiJ? A. 'ty year.. He wa. the son of Benjamin L.J1 .UT1 ' J'o0n?!' tor and Wlsha Hallowell. Mr. Hallowell ess lit nolfclnc; eerioue the mat. Wn In Krankford and educated In tiM mMI choolti. He Is survived by umi oeaihiasi ia la is, u. i.a. ui tw la la under ball had no right to sit as a tnmiiiitttiig maglstinte The r.uestlon for the Superior Court to dee Ida is Did the l.eglslatuie exceed Its poweis when It provided that 'the Judges of the Municipal Court shall be ex-ulllilo JUPlleVn of the peace".' In argument today AsslNtnnt Dlstilct Attorne Taulane quotcd'Artlcle I, Seo. tlou 5, of the Constitution, which pro vident The Judicial power of this Com monwealth shall be vested In a Supreme Court ami In such other courts as the (leneral Assembly may establish" He said this warranted the legislative act providing that "Judges of the Mu nicipal Court shall be ex-ofllclo Justices of the peace " ' If It Is true,' he said "that no court can be created whose Judges may act as Justices of the peace, such as the. muni cipal court, It would mean that Philadel phia must for all times put up with the Inefficiency and abuses of Its magistrate s)stem This Is too Intolerable to con ceive of" On the refusal of Judg McMUhael to approve the bills of Indictment as dis trict attorne 's bills, Mr Taulane ar gued, 'The defendant Is charged with the embezzlement of fees, fines and pen alties An examination of the Indict ments show that the aggregate amount of the embezzlement Is several thousand dollars Such a charge Is one of grave public moment " William T Connor. Persch'a attorney. followed closely the opinion of Judge 'McMlchael I oMUfM He wai a I ' r - 01 dallied In 1901, He wns then sent to Ireland for three ears, where he stud ied the Kngllsh language He was then sent to labor among the negroes in the southern part of this lountrv, but -jime ndrth arter two enrs and vvns admltteel to this archdiocese In 1911. being assigned to the Church uf the Holy Ohost. Ih South Bethlehem where he remained six ears, being transferred ti St Ludwlg's Church Just one ear ago. Father Herrbrecht had nn lelatlves In this country. His Alsaiah birthplace was destroed b.v the reti eating Her mans several weeks ago He had re celved no word since then from his aged mother and father Ttev, Hmelllus Duser, assistant in charge at St. Bohlfaelus's Churolv, How. ard and Diamond streets, died late Sat urday night of pneumonia superinduced bv Influenza. He bad worked unceasing ly among his pnrlshloners until he waa himself atrlcken and taken to St. Mary a iinsnttnl. Father Duser was born In (lermany In 1870, came to this counliy In 18S7, and wbb oruamea in nut. was In. charge of a church In Baltimore before ills transfer lo this city. Aim. Alan a irtlln Lleutwiant Kills Louis arlfllth, t'nftfd J States army, motor service, died of pneumonia Saturday night at the home of hla mother. Mrs. Ultzabeth S. Mehrer. 426 Jefferson avenue, Cheltenhsnv l!j was born In Cheltenham tniriy-v"" years ago, son of the late Samuel II. arlfllth. , ... ,. He spent lazt winter at the Mo Training School In Rock Island, III , end In June was transferred to the proving station at Aberdeen. Md , where he was on duty until last Monday, when he came home suffering of lnfluna, which developed Into pneumonia, Hla wile, Mrs. Ida M. Griffith, aurvlvea. l-'u-tsuant Orimth wars. memBer of Krlend. ship l.odge of Masons No,- UW. Qr maidawB. sna AtheiHet-CHlf. JtNiW 0 ,,t through the continuation school pupils at the Cut lis Publishing Companv, $5000 has been turned In by the Ile'ik Lngravlng Company These siihsnlp tlous were given through Divld Cuter beiger, who attends the Mcl'all Con- 'tlnuatlon School. I Shellcgrims nre still popular nt the 1 Liberty Statue booth I'.ver dn dozens 'of 'messages to the Kaiser" lire given In nt the booth and sent in tne 1 riini. ford Arsenal, where they nre engraved on machine-gun shells. Illnninered (llrls Assist I A group of hlooineieii gin emploves from the Arenal assisted at the Llb- . ertv Statue. Saturday. The total amount I received for the day from all the booths I manned by Hmergency Aid aides was J $198,650. I In one evening the booth In front of llallev. Banks & fuddle, "manned' b members of the I'rquhart Auxiliary of the lied Cross, obtained mi.tuii in sub scriptions. Mrs Walter S Thomson, chairman of the women's Liberty laian committee, who expected to be utMier isist ln the Lincoln building ngaln this morning, was kept at her home by a doctor's order. She bad been III more than a week, but her Interest In the campaign has not flagged nnd each day she has sent a cheering and Inspiring message to her woikerB Not DlitiluUhed III Ute Throughout the Slate flguies Indicate that the epidemic bus not diminished. Mate Health Cpiniulssinher llovei as serts that nppriixlm ilel 275. Hill) persons h.ivo been stilt ken Plans to forllliiitr bulla's were dls cupsed thrs afternoon nt a conference between Robert P Drlppe. cxei utlve sec retary of the- Plilladelplila snfetv com mission, nnd representatives of the cty imdertakeis. Mnvor Smith was to have attended the meeting, but was pievented on account of a cold. He was ordered to bed bv his ph.vslclun Assistant Dliector of Public Health Harrv Mace had a conference With Deputy Coroner Frank Paul today about the disposal of bodies Mr. Mine decided to cut the red tape as fur lis possible. L'nder ordinary conditions the under taker had to get a certificate before n burial was allowed, but now the body enn be luitled first and the certlfliate obtained later. t llAMr Clot. .'illlll .VIIAMM held TueM fleim 4t Hermitage. 0t , Itqx- bnrnuRh mi, LeWTinmun C'ein. Ill.c IITIll. (Jet. 11 e Has a oil nf Anttuinv A HIHl lsnln-1 Ilerhtrl, .101 Mkh e ft e'Titiiii. tut. eirnvnte. Cilvar I'em nnvi:n Oet, 111. of nneumnnli. AI.HX AMIint.J IION.NUH mini 81. Puneml Slid I ill nrliiile er,mi ii i. n pil In H nf I Is fiitre r. In.law, I evil I) Kelalr, Turn at 11 80 p m. 1,11,1)11111. cut 1.', MII.'Dllllll'li 1. liUHlianil uf KI.iheth VI, Kelltr tleKirth, nkid -k Itihitlveii rtml friends, nlmi Mc Chllan Cnunell Sn !I7. Junior O P. A. AI . mil Itml lonflehl Tire Cunuiaiiv Ko I. th vltnl tn fumril lues, .t p. m from 31 C'nitirpt lludlnnllelil. N. J. Int. prliale at 11,, ii I1 Ill ciirnrii flit ti of tineumonii. claiia It Inee Melvln) wife of Harry II Church, nt Iu lilib re. N. J Kmi.ru! pi relets Thurs. nt " p. in from her Inte residence. Ilclvl ii V. I DAI. MM on II of uneumon a. H sued 33 ruiierni IiriSIII. sudileiili at llrldsenort Oi t. u l'At.Miiu it. i)i:mi:t, on ot vv. rt. II Ifel, uniil 21 He was n ni'Mnln r of Ihe Svliiivlielll Irfidti and Lormhotlve Plre nV'n nnl llnalneeri No 7.n. Funeral from his fnllier'p resldenie, Hattleld. 1'a. Med at 2 in l in Int. itrlvats. I)Ki..vr.v cm, n or pneuinoiun vin,- n be given no . Kill iii-liiriev. Due notice of funeral w fr.iMi roHl.li m Sill H 4I Nt lilirro (lit. I), I.UIflKVt'K. son of Ihu late lliertiluloniew and Cntherlne Dotlo Ku neril nrlcuie Int New Cathedral em llliVVAIlli'S (let III. cr pneumonls, CIIVIH.I.S KliWAItOS. son of C'liarlci II nnd lite Anno C I'.iliviinls. aged 12 Funeral tuts, .t p m from poOthwest corner of lijiltliiiare. and Veombe nves . jinilowne, Pi l't. prleiite ul r'rnwood Cem. ctcms () t, 12. of pneumonia, CLAM I'M'll etOSH Kunenil -rvlres at the resl deuce nf U Thompson KlIlN, near Doyl.f. town. Pa,, lues eve at K p. m. Int. Plain Kfld N t . Wed lit 10 a. Ill IIWK.NH Oil, a. of pneumonia PAllt. 1, , son of tlroruv Ai. and Msry K. Havens. wK.d IK. 1 unpral and !nt privAte. Thurs.. 2 p m . from ."210 l.ocut st. Int. Arllns. ton ("em llriJseton pnperp plenpe eonj HAMILTON JOHN anil MAMIR IIAMlLt T(IN (n.e llavinqiirelther). 3603 American St. Hurl ll Tun , no funeral niwia: on in tiiomah irtwix. hu blind nf VniiR 1. Hovel Irln A m-mher of Charlep M Hwpln lodxe. No HJ4, K, and A M , Columbus Chanter, No, 111, It. A. M i Kon of William. No 21, I. O I. i Mar of 1 Ibertj, No 31, It V IM Ulerty!.ottrfi Nn R. 1.. P. of A l Hamilton l.odee. No r.liil. I () O. P.! I'nlon Indite No, 14, K. of Pi lint Philadelphia. No 140. I.. O O ! nnd P. It. II toilet AnuclMlun. Funtrsl at, convenience of famllv. .. IAC IvhClN, eici. 1. 01 pnpnmania ji ji TIIA lACKSOV. widow of Walter Jsckson (nee VVen'ork, 1 . KAROL Oct II. KATIIHTV II . wife or" I enpold I' Karsl. saeil XT. Kelallvea sno trlenila Invltedi lo services. Tne , I p m. at .14(11 I'lnsnei'lng rve. Int, Arllnston Cem Autn fun.'il ....... I.OIltl Oct 13 nf pneumonia. t.AUIeV. ii if nf Frulerlek Lord Funeral aerv ilea and' Int. prlinte Tuea , at conveniens (live 400 Ciinins Carl de Schwelnltz, uf the Siclety for Organizing Charities, and O F McCoi nilck, of the war camp service com mittee, offered 400 corllns to Mr. Mace, They vvero accepted, Councils today weie given peimlpslou liv Director Kruseti to hold special ses- ulnn u week frnlll tllllllirtniv In iiiivq nn ordinance providing for an Increase In lF'l "W'W: .!f!" te'.-'.'iV.a :,in ??, the Interest of the unused $3,000,000 of '.'.rctate from 848 Lex .Ireet. Int. Mor ei,uuv,uuti irunnii luetii tiuiu i to s3 tier cent. The epldeunlo annus pallors and marines n the Fourth ,S'ava District, which Includes this city, virtual))' has p.iBsed. Only two deaths oceJdrred In the twenty-tour hours ending at noon es terday, while? only fourteen new cases were reported In the same period Fewer Calls for Doctors "The cessation of the epidemic does not ineap Iher should be any relaxation In tlie precautions n'ready outlined," said Doctor Krusen. "The severe winter months take their usual toll of pneu- ..:".." ... .i.. ,o'. nf nion a and t. is in aniictpaiion or th a -1.1 fllltlr'lll Ul IIIT" ms e VUIIIH1II1I.C m"T . . I -'.. the Liberty Ian have so appreclatecl I disease that special emphasis Is placed ' HYN ' '-, ' IK: efforsyof Mrs. Thomson , this, as on the con UnuMton o fresh a r ven- W !.!. &' well as previous .campaigns, that lliey ""'"'. """',- ' ,"" ""' subscribed $10,000 through the artists I Hon to personal h)glene. MRS, VIRGINIA FAIRSEHVICE Volunteer nurse died atleficUsx ,eiunrters rtn the BellevUe-Stratford roof, I with the request thnt Mrs, Thomson's MKirtrail oe pauueu tiy i.eujiuiu neyucii 'Mrs. Thomson expects to poso as soon as her health, permits. FALL KILLS WOMAN . Triest'i Mother llreaks Nerk on Stairs , In Home In Catriden Mis Mary lUalsy, slxt-thlie ear old, died today at Cooper Hospital, Camden, from a fractured skull and broken neck. She fell down stairs last night at her home, 93 Cooper street. , Mrs Henley vvns the mother of the ttev Thomas Healev. who recently be- cams paatof f thol'Bthollo Church et May'a lJettn. ffrevlouitly, Father of famlb from 7114 Itlrtze ave., Iloxunrouxh, MONCAUA Oet II, "f pn.umonla, .11' l.tl'H, .nn nt Tubus T, nnd Anna U Mnn lailn, Fun.rnl il cii"Vnl.Pce of fm!l, fp. mil oifnrd at lt prhste nri Illllll, in l in, ur.c. r., iiub,'h,'i oi vvm nerul Montrose 'JcTKIMIlll Oil. II. of Bneumnnts, AMI1I.IA wife of Kmll Hl'lm"r. sseil ill Punersl TeVa , R .10 n. m . 42S Wood at. Int nrli' Mntv CVSS e'em HU.MVRI18 Ort, in. at the rriM.noe of her brolherli-l"c Daniel linker, 2130px fifii st rtOKf. VrtANC-R wlfs of Wm. If Hummers, elanhler eif nilsabelh A an4 III. lals Ihdmss II (lrtld.n. Funeral nt th cinvnl-" of the family VVU'KKS Oct II Kl.l.K.S' P. duuthtee of Charles I., snd Autumn Wa.kes rjrSf. a.l 111 yeeira II moa Due nnilre ef the riniral will l '' 'rom " Cambr)af " WATRON Of Ilrltol. Ps , Orl. It, MAItBlCK W . huahana nt f.vdls C W'alson. Jiid ft'i Itelsilves ind frenda elm Hr. "i5S. id". k of r-. nnftnt iire il'o, Jv' a- .. inv ted m f"n"al To' C n m.. ii ,'. at . 1!rllol Pa Int. nrif'el. WATHON' Oct 12 "f pneumonia, if ATH. . i.. a sel jjU S. fiitllrtl Will V VITVIl 4IWIII an IIMIJIITIV iU-. (iven from 3St7 HadfleW r4r THE LAST WORD IN MOTOR CONSTRUCTION FIAT ' 1 Tk. Uatttr Cmr 1'K.HKOVU. WANTKllFsmlly. sreferahly without cWH I elren. who ara. willing to.jivieril I or, J Ihatilea uiilll Ihe Intluenzs Mildemie ta ovr; 'Mir need la urr'nt Hytwr' tnsiltiiltcHi j u"lt"r. 4lt K l-1tt at , Ixieuat IU0O. MIM 'ia",i , " - iiitir- w NTr.n mai.w ILK l'tir.LlintI..'c plant! ("rane Ice Cream Co. W H 'J8d it Apply errs U. , ' t)Mt4sr M 't&i'l Xftf MaHtr Cmr 4 ear imMJit dtiiT?. IfmnlAvmani OfflC) UAJKEUi4 wanledl antlal Inlda workt eJrane Ira Cream Co , SA S. 28d it. Ap ply nearest IT B F.mnlnvm.nt Oftlre . if.inrivliVnunir man. who has some experience In rlsaalflrd advlll rtrpiv staling experience lend wbtnvVatJ, il .,i1i -"'-;, t t I llROAt). V. t i ." wuct oe aiaaie. BOOM TOtt KKNT i JS18 AtUaeilirelr.i , ) 1 S swss&sm 4fifHMiTVT7T m, ' " rf -jl