IU s r'f P ' . m rr A t-w- JSU3SL sataiaWkM from Prrfritlng rg O'NEtt.L. Oct. 10. WILLIAM, husband of Margaret O'Neill tne Revet). Funeral Crlvate, 4739 llelnhard it. Int. Holy Cross Cam. ORR. Oct. II, of pneumonia, DAVID, on of David and Catherine Orf (nn Stew rl) aged IT, Funeral, Wed,. 2 p, m., par. nt1 realdeneo. 1533 W. Settler it. Int. private, an, reace (.em. .Tr.RT7-At brnther'a resilience. 114 8. liW "' 9C'' "..THOMAS II.'. ion ol lata Thomaa II. and I,vdl oitey, aard Mi. c,.,iw nuii iiu. private, iea., p. m. mi. Fernwond Cem. -OWEN. Oct. 10. HESfltt,. daughter of Tsaao and Annie Owen, miM St. Funeral wW, residence. Mrs. Mary Mrllllley. 533 K. Tulpehoeken at., Otn.. Tuee., 2:3J p. til. In, private, aiVt.T0"' J2i no"" H. J'AOB (nee l&.?h,,r,,' ".Wa.s .of John P. Page. r.H1'. r'..d'tV'l,.0,..fMn"' John Mr. Stnrtthyra Thurch hoi-nrniigh, 10 , m. Kuell It. Pntker and damhter of Job and ?,rrn)X?i.r.er,o.n' Jnt- prim. PARKER. At Chester, t'a . of pneumnnl ..'.A.8'.. VVJLt.iAM RUf.tSON. husband , lltn H. larVre fna Cllil..t...j.l.l 1..A .. Oct K tilth n,.n nrA of Poster and KHa Parker, aerd 28. Funeral Tue . 0 a. rn, parlota of William it. Chew. SJX'i "! 'V3,h hni Spruce at. Int. private Woodlands rem A A fn . r, 1 A, nl ,. nrconoE, hu. band of rrlsellla Armstrong Partrldie, aged ?, J?'5,btr. ot Mlmaw Tribe, No, 70. I. o. n.jM. Services and Int.. fathcr-in-laWa reel, dence. Sylvester Armstrong. 2128 Wood it.. ,FA.rlCOE. Of pneumonia, Oct. 11. OKOtl- .,.... wiip pi Anuina raaroe, acd a. JWral prlvjt. TufH . 2 p m. fnthor'a MjIdrncB. Adam Marker. 2S38 McKee at. PATTKriMnM rw. in .f h..MK.i. JlJEftKSA, w'fe of Jam.a Pattfrfon. Ku ?."A w.fd". V.m., anartftinta of William H. Dattrhy nt, private. St. Doinlnlo'a Cen.. Itolmeiinurir PAUL. Oct. 13. onontir. W Jr., eon or nDt If, ind Hnphln I'nu' inre Pii'e m;nn). aed 42. Funeral eervlcf". Thura., 11.110 p. m., tiarenla- realdenee. SOSO Ara Wnio ae. Int. nrernmount Oem. Clear Jeld Council, tr, A. M.: loeka Tribe No. JI- '. j " ! membera, Knalne Co. No. rt ird..'"mn " Il'Uef Aso. Invited. PKrK.Hirt 11 or pneumnnli. MAnlM. wlfa of William W, Peck, nied 28 Resi dence, 2Mt . cll at. bue notka of fu neral will he given PETZOI.I). At 2900 N. Matcher ft.. Oct. . of pneumonia. flAHIIAnA, widow of Jullua Petinld and daughter of late oeorne and Mnsdalena Schroeder. aired ri2. Funernl jerrlcea private, Tuea., s p. m., funeral name of John r. VlmmirU Son. 515T N. Ilroad at., aboe Diamond. Int. private, Mt. vrrnon tern., ai convenience or lamuy. C.M.. ll Mnv,nl,n,i nl f.mllv V i ;- "A . ". "-j:.r ?. n",.. t,.VL'iiT.,,'Z"cW!,!l "ILI.iam J., yua- Mndqf Adglltid Phlll na and.aon of Marv i-..... 'US. ""... .David Phllllpg. aged 2.1. u.iv.n.. i.iu ininnuu ,.. iiiurs. l n. m. I mt wnrt.iianri cm ; I1..1L. Ti"v"" ... i I'lEHLh, Ct t. or pneumonia. MARY. ' who 01 tviiiiam i-ierre. funeral Tuea , 11. a. m. from 151.1 W. Tucker at. Int. "W.'j. "oly Sepulchre Cem. Auo aervlce. r,nm7 "A,d., v-. .'.v -".-: ......v ,.T . 1'lllhIV lir nnanmnnln I'll I MM, private. Wed., ,cm vate. POWEItS. Oct. II. CATHAIHNH POW lilts, daughter of Emma Clark Itelatlvea and frlenda Imtted to runeral aerxlrea, Hon . p. m.. reaMenca of mother. Mr. Emma Clark. 2141 N. 13th at. int. Illllrlde Cem.. la -riinar! cir, . PRENDEHOAST. Oct. 11. pTItTrK, huaband of Delia Prendergeat (ne Hen rrelly). of Cool Cun, County Mayo. Ireland. Funeral and Int. private. Wed., n a. m., 2113 Wharton at. Int. Holy Croaa Cem. Auto funernl PItlCE, Oct. It. of pneumonia, at moth. er'a realdence. 2430 N. 20th et.. Ilt'l.DAH I gft umM..,, ,.. m.htia,, All,, llfl" ."lltrUUT Price. Funeral Wed.. 0 a. m.. pirlora of Morrla Itoaenb-rg'a Son. 2000 N. Ilroad at. lnt private Mt. Sinai Cem nilt Oower-. .PIIICKITT. Oct, 12. llLKANOIt H.. wife of Allan Prlckltt. aged fid. 1'unoril We.1 . 12 m.. 3427 Ni mth at. Int. prhate. Jit. rftce v em. PtJOH. tit nneumnnla. Ort. 11 WT.. TEIl PtTOH. Funeral private, Wed , Hi n. m 8807 Archer at. Inf. private. Holy Sepulchre Cem. RAIFD. Oct. 13 ESTELL1". D., wife of Clauds II. rtulfr. Notice of runeral later. RAMSAY. Suddenly, f Intluinia. tict 10, ALBERT A. RAMSAY, aged .11. huaband ot Lillian and eon of Kathori and tho lata Albert Ramiiy. Funeral 0024 Vine et., Tuea,, 0 a. m. Int. Chelten Itllla Cem. Baltimore papcra copy. REYNOLDS. Oct. 11. nt tier realdence In the Walllnaford Apartmenta. 2(1 S. 80th at.. Mire .MAHY K. REYNOLDS. In her 80th ;nt. IHIlOf.f ft ka.i.M.al. 0. -n AA-X. i.i.ia.... A., ,'licuiliuilin, UVI, 111, UA-.A- NIK EUZAIIETI1. wife of Charlea Joacph Itlddle and daughter of Andrew nnd Mary Ann Hhlelda (nee Colllna). aged Ail. elj neral lerilcea prlvalta. Tues.. H p. m., 2848 Doudlnot at. Int. prliate. North Cedar Hill Cem., Wed., at convenience of family. HIE11EL. Oct. Hi. of nni'timonU. l.'l.t.nv. wife, of Lewla C, Illebel Inee Weruley). Fu neral aervuea Tuea , p. m.. father-ln.law'a realdence. Lewla It. Itlehel 438 ICrama ave., Rohoroitgh, Int. Weatmlnatcr Cem. IttBTHMit.LER. Oct. 111. of nneiimonla. IiOllIS A., huaband of Reeata Copner nnd on of Adam and lata Emma Rlethmlder. Funeral aervlcea at lata realdence, 124 Rob Inann it., Tuea.. 10 a. m RIOOINB. Oct. 10. of pneumonia. NOR MAN, aon of Franola O. and Jeiale A. Rlg gina. aged 20. Funeral and Int. pilvate. Salem. N. J. RtNO. Of Influenia. Tenth Month. Twelfth-day. WILLIAM HUNTER, hn-b.nl of Kmma a. Ring (neo Oumpper) nnd ajit of Wlljlam W. and late Either W. Ring, aged 28. Furreral aervlcea, Lnnghnrnt, Pa., Frl . Tenth Month 13th, 2 p." ra. Int. New. town Cem. HITTER. Oct, 10. at Ornnnvwmvl Nor'h. field. N. J.. LU'IE FltRNCK nlTTnR.Fu. peral aervlcea. Mon., 3 p, m. Int. pr!vne, Pleaaantvllle Cem. RITTMAN. Of pneumonia. Oct 10, I.TDIA, daughter of Anna and William P. Rlttmann, aged i'S. Funeral aervlcea Tuea. afternoon. 4810 Ludlow at. Int. private, Weetmlnator Cem ROHERT8. Oct. 12 of pneumonia, JEN. J; IE 'A., dauahter of Ellwond J. and Llzzlo P. Roberta. I-'unerul aenleea. Wed., 1 P. m a parent' realdence. 4434 Penn at,, l'rnnkf ford. Int. private. ROr.88l.RIl. Oct. 11. of Influenza. HEN. VIS 8. ROESSLER. huaband of Elizabeth Roeaaler (nee Carman), aged 80. Funeral Tu., 1 p. m., 4348 N. Smedlcy at. Int. Private. ROSBNSTEIN. Oct. 13. CLARA, wife of legao Roaensteln. Funeral 20.14 K. Cmnbrla at., Tuea., 4.30 p. m. United Progreialve Beneficial Aaao. and Aaaoclnlion of I'aalin Invited to funerad. Kindly omit flowera. N. Y, city papera pleaie copy, ROStf. Oct. 11, of pneumonia, at 3718 Princeton ave.. Tacony, SAMUEL T,, aon ct Samuel T, nnd lata Abigail Ron, aged 28. Funeral private, ROTItAMEL. Of pneumonia. Oct. 11. THEI.MA L.t daughter of Samuel and Her tha Rnthamel (nee Jacobaon), aged 13. Fu neral Tuea.. 0:30 a m., 1233 W. William t. Int. Northwood Cem. " ROYAL. Oct. 13. EVAN A., hueband of Catharine 8. Royal (nee Keeta) and aon of A. Scott and Marie II. Royal, aged SI. Fu. neral aervlcea Wed., 10 a. m., 1128 Haddon ave., Camden. N. J. Int. private, Evergreen R1ICKETT. On Oct. 11. of heart failure. JOSEPH WOOLMEH, huaband ot aiorr Lauer Ruckett. Apoo I.odge. No. 380. P. nd A. M.I Keyilone Aaiemhly of Artlaana and relative! and frlenda Invited to funeral, Tuea., 2 o'clock, from realdene, 2009 N, 28th at. Int. private. RYAN. At Fort Oglethorpe. Oa., Oct. 7, Plrat Lieutenant JtUOH T. tVYAN. M, D,. huaband of Mary E. Ryan (ne Btandltord), aged 2" Funeral aervlcea Tuea., 11 a. m.. Oliver H. Balr Uldg.. 1820 Cheatnut at. Int. private 8AILE. Oct. T. of pneumonia. HAZEL B. SAILE. wife of Ouatava V. Wall. Funeral and lit. private. Wed.. 12:30 p. m.. 55 agl rd., Oakmont, Pa, . . . BANTRY. Oot 0. WII.LIAM. huaband of Helena Santry and aon of B.len and late William Santry. Funeral Tuea., 4 p. nj.. rrjS E. Llpplncott at. Int. Holv Sepulchre Fem. BAUTHR. Oct. 11. -of pneumonia, MARIE MILLER, wlf of William ,V. Sauter and daughter of Mary and the lata Charlea J, Miller: aged 80. Service Tue., 2 P. m., 8108 N. Ilroad it. Int. private, Weit Laurel HAtrr-ricn Tlct. 0. nf nneuinonlA. ANNA MARaARF.TTA, daughter of Wlillam and th lt Anna Rarbara Sautter, aged SO. iriinerai veo.. h o. m.. lainer reiioence. 225 8. JeiuD t, lnt, private, at oonve- Blenca or ramtiy. i. 8AYEH8 Jlct. 13. at 1200 Walnut at, 8ARA1I REDNER. widow of Jamea, W, Bayera and enter of lata Lewi II. Redner, ' agd SI. runeral private. ! PCHEEPS Oct. IS, ot pneumonia, MOR. '. RIB HCHEEII. Funeral, Tuea.rt 10 a. m .97 N. aih at. Int. Mt. Carmel. Cem. 1 private. Bt. Mary'a Cem,, SCHERMER Oct. 11, of nneumonla. , ISADOHB. huaband of Sarah Schermer (nee Oran) and on ot Mr, and Mr. Max Schirmir. aged 33. Funeral from S037 , Cnter ave.. Tuea., 4 p, rn. Int. at Monte. k flor cem., yox unaa. ore um,i ui uiier. 8CIIIEK. Oct. li. CHARLES A., on o, . Adolph and Clara Schick, aged 18. Funeral ervlre Tue.. 8 p. ra., realdence nf parent, 2610 N. t. intr jilt, Teac Cem. , BCHIMI'. Oct. 12. of pneumonl. NEI ' LIELEWI8 SCliIMP. wlf of Philip 8. and daughter of Charle and Nellie Lewi, of iOloucetr City. N. J agd 30. .Funeral , aervleei private. Thuri., 8 p m., 712 Mar- ' k.t at.. aioucaterCI(y, Int. private at ronvenlenca ot family. Cynwyd Knlgbt of 1 rJCHiiEAIt: Oct. 13. AONES, wlf of WIN Ham Schlegr and daughter of Harry and tli lal Jane Anderjon. Funeral convent, enc of th family, 817 Richmond et. n8CHMAAL. 'NELLIE SCIIMAAL (nee Drurnm). beloved wlfo ot tluitav Bchmaal, aged St. Funeral Bllllnport, near Paul horo. N. J.. Wed.. 10 aT rn. Ilit, at JCgllnaion feme SCHMIDT. Oct. 0. of uneumonla, MAY, daughter of llarfholdt and Ortbia Schmidt, IMfWiw"," aervlce prirair. Auaa.. , . ni., wyn it. Int. lloly Sepulchre Cera, iCHMlTi!, Jot- IS- o. pneumonl. AL- A H.i 'daughter o'f Albert 8. and Maria MtlrTA, It., daughter or Aiori d. ana wan , crtahiBlt. gd 20. Funeral pr(vt. It, aveo iu. runerai pnii iHm.a. 6110 RMfAi v, jUtv ' L""X 1W tyWfcjaBWCJ 1 unnif'itrvjs ff,, ,pn-eu?,nJn' , !iANt ;? . arlno Sharkey. gd 20. Funeral Wed., par- THIPri.l.. Oct. 12 HMtl.V D . daughter Polar and dltLit.Vr tir"rJfit'dWT? Vl fnla' realdence. 2113 Moore at. Int. prUate, of John end Lena Trlnn e neil 20. Fn- It flol. ieJ5..i r.. i. j T'VMr"- T,,V'! llolv Croag Cem. nernl Wed. t p. m.. rerl.lenre of pnrrnta, rl'.ifinc!,' f.)i?rhlL-trV,,c . " h'J Ttirenla' .'B,j,ri,r)n-,n shalkoB. At Olner, IP'i ..,, n- Mc, i. 'n-"iwnod Com, 13 rn-'in'T m hocitn- -" on Tup- -- ,1'hlla.: ; KTliMl" r.FKIK. wife of Le.W .ll TIIOTT. Oct. 11. THOMAS, huahnnd of POMF11AVT7 lrici tn -iTtir-ntw I Kheflef anil daughter of Mr. and Mra. I, C. Varlin Trntt and aon of lot" Oeorge end 7 SrSrlKvT W feanS S K ! ShS!fc Vrno,n,U.nn,e;re0.n,dVn.FceIU.-na MXjWi ,0.V. VaVe ?HH"''''"-r JO. "VtiS&A. ,2. of pneumonia. JO-POPPKMT.--Oct 12 of pneumonia at THOMAS, eon of Jamea and Cathf rlno . sni'H A ., h-)nPd of Julia f'albot (nee Shew i.iiu r.ini.iri i i ,,iii,rri. riin.r. nnu ,nr. - t. ...... ;. ... . , i. a, m. ini. ni. uems a ave.. Tuea. 10 30 a. m. Int. atrlctlv nrl. P.'"' ".V1. ".' rV.T. JurJ,ll"..?r.1P '.r.r",,r if1.' rtsAtnn Erltnle. huT Deechnood ave., Colllnadalti le'ewae. rn , pa, Int. Fernwood Cm. SniNRIDEIl, Oct. 7, of . Inrluenta, tinoiiriM II.. huahnnd of the late Paulina Schneider and aon of Oeorae O. and Mary Ii. Hchnelder. aged 22. Fuhrtal aervlcea pr. vate. 007 tteechwood ave, Colllndal. Del, ware County, Pa. Int. Ftrnwsod Cem. . RCHNF.TZt.EIl. Oct. 12. AUATHA J, sril.NUTZI.Kn. wife of Jullua P. J, Pchneta. ler and daughter of William 1- and Mary M. (Irodan (nca Uormley), aged 20. Funeral, Wed., 0 a, m,, parenla' realdence, 272.1 Cramer at. Camden, N, J, Int. lloly Croaa Cem. srltMTT7.r.r.n. net in nt nnetimnnla. nr.OIIUr.TTA MAY. wife of Alfred A. HchnlUler. Jr. Funeral Wed., 2 p., iitiiaiinnv, c'nmden, .N. J, Int. Hariri on gh Cem, leign uem. PCHOFIIM.D. On Oct. 10. of pneumonia, WILLIAM J. husband of Mabel M. Reno field (nee Linraeter) and aon of Mary J, and the late William Hchflneld. aged Hi (lenerai eervleea and Interment nrlte. rU nerai on.Tuea. a. m.. from hla lata rl denre K3l N. Cber at. SCIlllEIllEn. Oct. 10 KMII.1NE. dauah. tef or llenry and late Margaret prnreioer, aged 22. father' rcaldent, 2327 Feleral at. th. a.,.. '"Mv rivate. lu'lllffl nr ..numntitn fVt. g. HRIIMKIIT, aon of Slgmund nnd Paulina 8. Sehwarti. aged 23. Funeral, private, par lora Kmanuel Aahrr A Bon. 102 Diamond I Tttmm M M m Inl nelval. fCHWilBllKlt. Oct. III. of pneumonia, WILLIAM O,. aon of Ambroio. and late Dnvna ttchwoerer, -aged 2U. Itelatlvea and frlenda tntlted to funeral, Wed.. 8 n. m., IMS I!. Ilerk at. 'Int. private, Palmer ""'bCHUHt.B, Oct. li. CATlHjniNK, wife of Frederick flebuele and dntisbtef of Charlta anil late Margaret Dougherty. Pn tieral Tuea.. 2 p. m.. 4lnd Daring at., Wi Phlln Int. Holy Croai Cem. , . . HCIIWAIITZ. Of pneumonia, Ort. A. llKllliHUT. aon of jllgmund and Paulina 8. 8c hwartg. aged 23. . Funeral nrlvnte, Tu.. 10 a. m.. parure of Kmanuel Aaher ft Mm. ltinj Diamond at. Int. Private. SCOW. Ort. 0, of pneumonia, JOHN T,, huauAnd of Agnea It. scow and aon of Wil liam and late ltniw Scow, Funeral Tuea., 0 a. m., S W. cor. lth at, and Paaiyunk ave. Int. Holv Croea Cem. Auto aervlce. BRAMAHr. Oct. 12, of Inrluenjn, ADA I.AIDK. wife of Mrnjaniln F, Seaman and daughter uf Albert If, and Catherine steen, afd .11. Funernl Wed . H a. m., 3221 N. 17th at. Int. private, lloly Bopulchro Cem. SPAHT Oct. 11 of ineMltlimli) JOKKIMI A., huaband or Jennie II. 8eary.(nea Oily). Mineral Wed, 11 n. m, 2.4"' S, Crelgbton at. Int. private. St. Denla'a Celtn Auto luneritl MKilMAN. Oft. ll.'of pneumonln. DMMA A., Ue of Harry Segman (nee Idelll. aged in. Funeral Wed.. 1 n. m., 410s Salmon mI . Ilrl.1 ilitir thl. TwnfiHn IVm " ..n.K. ..n.. . i Mt .1. ,. .. . nLirN. lir,i,i.v . nr.ir, lure lirriizmnn. Ort. 10. Ilelathea nylted to funeral Sun., nin N. Lambert t. Int lUr Nebo Cem. au.Li.hnn. (if inrtiiuiva 11,1. II I.IlT, T t.- A hmi.i.i its tnee Jioutnninnl, wife ol I llnwil . iv -. " ' . . .. ..iivi n..:.:"jv :. n : iinwiiii A. neurrr. rrriir, up. . n. m.. IIIIJ V flrnte. at. Int. Wrat l.nnrel lllll im sir hhahki'Y. .inuahter of John P. nd Cath- ... ." . .... i. . I .... . ariho snarttey. agiti a'. runerni va.. net. It. JO. Slint (.. huaband of Florence N. Shiibert in.. .ViJ N. flSlh at. lnt Holy erne- rem. Ulltli: SUddmlv Oct. Hi. of Influenza. ril.utl.Kfl. hui.band of Anna Slide (nre llenrvi, gd 31. Funeral Men.. 12:30 p m.. h.i N. itucknell at. Int. prlvuto. lloly Croaa Cem HIMPHO.N. Oct. 12. at Po-t Slocum. N. Y . Private CHARLES .MARSHALL SIMPSON, aon of William M. and Helm II. "Itnpaon, uged 10, Funeral aervlcea prUate. Wed.. 11 ii. tn.. pirenta' rialdcnre, (111.1 E. I,eerlngton ne.. Roxboroygh. Int. private. Weetmlnatrr Cvm. tllMPMIN. Oit. 11. THOMAS IlURNft. aon of M irior und late tl. P. SlmpAon. Dii- notice of funernl will bo. given from 22'. 1 t' Old at. , SKILI.1NO. Oct. 12. of pneumonia. DD I roilltHiir WII.I.XRD. on of Dr. M. J. and , Knta llolnnd Skllllni, aged 27. Funer.l , Wnl,. S:3ii p m.. Ald.in. Dclawurc Co., ra. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. , ..'., rll-ACK. Oct, lu. of pneumonia, PARAH I SLACK, wife ot KJward Slack, Funeral 3112 N, ICth at., Mon.. 8 d. m. Int. Coateg- llle. Pn. MtTII. Oct. 10, of Influenaa rREDER. ICK C. huaband ct Victoria Smith, at 1.117 N. Man In at. Int. private, Tuea., Trcn- '""m'iTH.' Oct. It. HARRISON C. SMITH. hURunnd of Catharine Smith. Funeral Tuea., 4SI Richmond it. Int. prhnte, Wood laiida Cm. Auto funeral, Lin'nr rt H li.vnT till Til !.,- banil of Lena '"tmlt'h an'l aon "of Ciithnrlua HFIIIll U l.fllll , !,,.' nil'. rtiii u, smith nnd lnle M. tl. ;'mllh. at at. (20th at. .ind Columbia ave.). 114ft naney li';-. '.lonce I ... .......nl ..III I. A nluH U l,,.,,l "III u Ir, .,.. I SMITH. Oct. 11. of pneumonia, JOHN SMITH, huainnd of Margaret, Smith (nee Donaghy) and eon of Phillip nnd Winifred Smith nee Coilello). 1331 8. 3t)th at. Int. "'wilTH. Oct, It, at Spring Mill JOHN ril.HEllT, eon of Mra. Carrl" Smith and late William Hinitn. runerni wen., -j p. m . iiiMiapa nf mother. Cdnr Oroie road. Spring Mill, Pa. Int. private Weitmlnatcr Cem, lloJy may be viewed Tura., 7 to 0 SOLEY. Oct. 8, of pnetnrnnli, THOJIArt II., huaband of Carrie I.. Holey and aon of D. 8, and late Eliza Solar Funeral aerv lcea Man.. 8 p. m., 432, N. UOtli at. Int. private, vnrr!ellle. Pa, . Stl.NKIHJIt?.. - uci. J", oi. poeumonia, EDWARD, huaband of Jennie Sonneborn (nee Mann). Realdence. 2011 B. Tioga at. Kertlcea nnd Int. atriclir. crnrjie. MPALDINO. . Oct. 11. nLlZAtlF.TH. daughter of lato Oeorge W, 15. and Mary Ann snnining. agen i-w. fcainerai Aura., r ii, m., Blioil Mnrvlne at., Pern Rock. Int. prl- u.& luw lllll r'n SPDARINO. Oct 11. of pneumonia, THOMAS P.. husbAnd nf Mary M. Spearing (neo Uretner) and eon of Crnelu and Ellen Sneirln. Funeral private, Tuea 10 a. m., .1720 Aipen at., W. Phlla, Int. itoly Croa Cem Sl'RlNnTHOHPE. Oct. 13, LOIS, wife of Hruce Hnrlncthorpe and daughter of Thomaa and Ellriinettr wnite. runeral 4ji ivakejeld et., Oermantonn, wea., 1 p. in. Int. etrirtlv prliato. ... STACKltntlsK. Oct. ft, of Influenza, JAMBS VAN BUSK1RK. aon of Wm. I,, end late Elizabeth Stackhouie, aged 27. Adult rclatlvea Invited to funeral aanlcea, 8113 N. Car'lale at.. Wed., 12 noon. Int. private, limit flowera. BTACKHOU8B Oct. 13. nt Slate Cnllei-. Pa., nf pneumonia, SAMUEL KKSTER, oungeat aon nt Robert K, nnd A. J. Stack houeo (nee Vlckery). gcd 18. Funetal Wed., from 438 Franklin ave.. WHUlnsburg. Pa. HI'AIMTON. Oct. 11. JAMES, aon of Pat. rick and Mary Stanton, nf Pnrlih ot Bala. Countv Mayo. Ireland PUneral. parlor of J. J. Ran, V301 W. Lehigh ave.. Wed. . 8 n. in. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto tu BTERLINO. Oct. 10. , CHARLES, ion of Augusta ana i.lliie meriinir. aaea iu. .ra neral, 2308 N. 23th ft.. Tues., 2 p. m. Int. Itlllld Cem. .... STEVENSON. Oct. 10. of pneumonia, MINNIE wife of Nathan Stevenaon. Funeral Tuea.. II n. m.. 2113 Mercer at. Int. Methndlat llurlal Oroundi. Itaddonfleld, N. J. STEWART. Of pneumonia. Oct. 12 at I ..... ...-.- .... ., ,: T . A.T.U K, urn nirni in air,, ifcriiiniiiiiirii, jfiA.iii,.!! nuabann Ol Marina niewart, agea a, aerv lcea ann int. private, vteu., rjnvt p. m. STEWART. At 8340 N. Hen at., of pneumonia. Oct. 12. MILTON J., huibnnd of Katie Mabel Stewart, aged 24. Funeral aenlcea Wed. 1:30 n. m. David If. fcX-huy. ler Hidg.. ilroad and uiamona at int. nrtvate 8TRADLINO. Oct. II. HARnY .O., ion of Annie 11. and late Norman D, Btradilng, aged 2D, ServlccB at Langhorne, Pa., Wed., 2:30 p, in. int, uangnorne jvi. v.. cnurcn vard. riuiA t inn. un uci. ji. api.au., 7.11 of Thomaa Stratton and daughter of Andrew und the late Sarah ilrOatlfn. aged 22. Pu. neral will take nlace from her father'a real- ilence, 3UJ0 North American at.. Wed , at 11 a. m. Int. private. North mil uem. She waa a member nf riaughtera of Derry. L L. O. I... No. 14: Bona and DaugMera of I.lbertv, Oood intent Council. No. 187; Nor rli Square U. P. Church. ', . . STROUD. Of pneumonia. Oct. 8. FLORA S wife of Harvey A. Stroud (nee Stetlir). agrd 87. Funeral Tue., 1 p, rn.. huaband' realdence. 2103 N. 11th at. int. private, i.llllllde Cera. , 8TRIITIL Oct. 12. BERTHA, slater ot Lena Schumacher and William J. Ktruth. aged 52. Relatltea and friend Invited to funeral (ervlre. Thur. 2 p. m.. aliter'a reildence. 2310 W. Lehlgl) ave. Int. Hill side Cem . private. BTRYKfcll. Oct. 0. at Ellington. Pa , of pneumonia, CHARLES RIDOWAT STRYKER. hutband ot Ethel Cook and ion of Charle and Prance Btryker Ine Schmledl). aged 21. Due notice of funeral will be given from parenta' reildence, Ka alnaton. Delaware Co, , BTUKHINO At Seerell, N. J.. Oct. 8. of pneumonia. PETER 8TUKHINO. huaband ot lato Elizabeth (nee Kronenwetter). Due no tice or tne runtrai win u given, ini. Ar lington Cem. STULL Of pneumon a. Oct. 12. EDITH M.. wife of Arthur Q. Btull and daughter nt let Daniel and Margaret Callahan, agei nu. runeral nervice lieu., n p. in., uavia H. Schuyler Bldg., Broad and Diamond it. Int. nrlvele 8UD1T. Oct. 10. MARY ANN. widow of Prank Hudlt. Funeral Wed., gon' re. dence. Harry 8udlt, 2032 8, Croifty it. Int. Oreenmount Cem. HUMKItLIN. Oct. 12, of pneumonia, PRANCES PULMER. wlf of Edward Sum. eilln aged 30 Funeral and lnt, private, at convenience of family. v rttMMERS Oct. 12. MAItaARKT V.. daughter' of Margaret and the lit Mortimer Bummer 3245 N. 15th at. Funeral and Int. private. Tue . , 8 V TTf N, Oct. 10. of pneumonlai ni.ANCHB M. daughter of Frederick and Mary M. Button, aged 2T. JTuneral Tue., 8 p m., parent' reildence SI K. Seymour it., Otn, Int. private. Ivy Hill Cem. 8WEN. Oct. 10. of pneumonia. RAY MOND P.. aon of late Charlea Rwen. aged 28. Employea P R. II. roundhouie. No. 4U, invited lo unerai lervicea. ivea.e a p. m 5JOT Wl'lowe av nt. private. aTKCB.--vci, in, o innurnaa CHRIS. TIANA. wlf of John, (Irk. a and daughter of the lata Joseph and Marv Kihnepi. Ku. neral Tu,, 10 a. rn..Mu Rector at.. Rox. borough. Int. private Westminster Ceini TAYIXJIL On Oct li! JOHN, husband of Min Jir, saw or i-sseraj wrrjes. . ,... I'rnn emir vuiii -u. i unntii mm,, ,, m. - MiL eJMP aieisaarx sw a spi. i el r bUL ( : . . IH SpiBjfr ar-il .JA. fefero iffttafflj IIK.1THW lor. huaband of Mai e Katherlne TaIor, uddenly, Oct. 12. In Waahlhgton, D. C. ., . TKK8. Oct, 11 of pneumonia, I.OIHSA A. daughter of Hllialietn and lata David Miller, aged 21 Funeral Sinn., 2 P, rn realHence nf mnlhir OT t2 llnver at. lnt prlnte. . , Tr.MItKZ. Oct. U, of pneumonia, Non MAN. aon of Sergln and Naney Tarnreg. "Ted 20 funeral Wed,, 1 a, m., 2.114 N, Chadwlck at. Int. prhnte. North Laurel lllll On, . ,... TKttnY. Oct. 12. of pneumonia. OKU Ttll'DK MAT. wife of Waller II. Terry and daugh'er ot Jamea T and Kdllh Tiller, ae-d 24, Funeral aervlcea Wed., 0:30 a. m., parents' rtaldence, 1M0 Klneey at., Frank ford. Int. private, Oakland Cem, THOMAS. Oct 12. I5XIMA L . rife of A, V. Thomaa and daughter of Martha K. and lata Juaeph D Irfiwcr, 4IH N. Mth at. Due nntlo of funeral will h elven. ,. THOMSON. Oct. 1ft. AONEH. widow of Oeorge Thornton, aged 70. nlathea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea. Wed,, 1 P. m., 707 B. Wlllard at, Prlenda may call Tuea., after 7 p. m. lnt, llreennood (K, of P.l Cem. THOMPMttJ. -Of pnetimnnla. Oct. 11. nUHSIil.Ii C. huaband of lrfulai M. Thomn. eon (nr Soenrtlg) and aan of lete J, L. and Kmllv O TXnrnpaon. In' Mt. Vernon Cm. THOMPSON. At mat Womrath at. Frankford. Oct, tl, HF.NItir.TTA C wife of David Thnmpaon. Funeral and lnt, prlvnte. TI.VlDRI. Bet. 12, of pneumonia, IIAIte ItlS F.MOItY. huaband of Clare V. Tlmlel (nee Hiordanl and eon of Adam and Sarah Tlortel, aged 20. Funeral private 2J 8. 14th at.. Thura., 0.30 a. m. Int. New l',t.r,te,l lem. TIN'NEV Oct. 11. MAHY TINNKY (n'e I'rnMtev). vtlf j of John J. Tinner Funeral Tuea. 10 - m 1.11 Nectarine at, lnt, Holy TO'iriY. At nerl'n, N. J.. Oct 12, FRANK W . hub"nd of Anea Tob' (nee DurTy), aged 31. Funeral aervlcea. Wed.. 9 lnt prlv LINSOV. private, Holv Croai Cem, TOM let 11 JOHN Y . eon of John C. ard Kthel Tomllnaon, aged 1 year ft montln. Itelatlvea and frlenda InMted to funeral aervlcea. Tuea., 4 p. m.. parenta' reeldcnce. nuts Hawthorne at., Frankford. lnt Ka-t Cedar lllll Cem. THOItnonO. Oct. I'.', of pneumonia, at her rea!dnce. 230 W, Revmnur et.. Oermon town AHOt'STA TltonnonCl wl of Iloh ert Thorhorg and daughter of Martin and Jolienna FrnnVfurter ne lleckmann). aged 38. Senlcea private, Wed., 8 p. m , funeral home of John C Kitnmerlc ft Sone, 2127 N. Ilroad et. (above Diamond at.). Int. prl nte. llllleide tern., "t nn.enlenc of fnmlly. TOLAND. Oct. II. ANNA M.. wife of Huh Tolard and daughter ot Petee and Catharine rtehin, tlelatlvra and .frlenda Invited tn fi'oeral Tuea. moenlnar. 310.1 N. 2d et. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. T' Nntl. Oct, 12. of pneumonia. JAMES It., hufcband of Lucy Toner, aged 47. Funeral rMvete, Tnee., 2 p. m.. OVM DlllmarT at!, Tecon-'. Int. prhate, St. Domtnlc'a Cem. Omit flowera. Tiiri'KTIIAN. Oct, Hi of pneumonia, SIDNEY rn'-bind of Oerlpide Trevethan. Funeral Tuea., tl a m,. parenta' realdence, 3118 Knwmin at.. Fnlla of Schutlklll Int. Oakland cem New Cathedral Cem. Auto, funeral. Omit flowera. A member of Sclocca Tribe, No. 308 1. o. K, M and Court Oikdale, V. of A, TYSON. Of mieumonli. (let. 11 iMItrtY r!., aon of William J. end Citherln" Rlnker Tlaon. aged 20 Fune-al Tuea,, 2 P nt., reAtilenco of parenta, llorrham. Pa, int. plll'te WMIL Oct. 10. ELLA R. wife of John W. Wohl and dauahter of Richard and the lat Michael o Connor free sktvrrtnn'. Fu neral Tuea, Ii a. m., 2811 N. Meri ine at, Int. Holy Sepulchro Oem.. atrlcllv private WALL. Oct, II. of pneumonia, CATH AniNE P.. wife of Joaeoh A, Wall lne Dar. raahl. Funeral Tue , 2 o m.. 1 lr.0 N. Mrtewood t. Int. nrlvite. Auto funeral. WALLACE. At 00(1 Wyomlntr nve l,o. can. of pneumonia O't. 13, I'DWIN H. " bind nf Anna A, Wallace, runeral eerilres Thura. 11 a. in, David It, Schtlvlep llldg., Dread and Diamond ata. Int. private. WALSH. "ct. I). FRANCIS V.. eon of the lite J tho and Kll"heth Wnlah (nee Rrrl,"n) and htiaba'd nf farBaret Walah (nee Mc Padden). Fnternl Mon.. 10 a, m., brother' Ideeee, 2137 E. Someraet at. Int. prliate, Iiotv Sepulchre cem. WARD. ot. 11, of pneumonia, DANIEL J,, aon fit Marv Ward (nee Meagher) and Into Mlchail Ward. Funeral Tuea,, in a. m. mother'? realdence, 38.10 Mnnajunk ne. lnt, Weatmlnater Cem. Vllb. Kuddcntv, Oct. 10. JAMES WARD. Funeral Wed.. 10 a. m., realdence cf brolher-ln-law, Jemra Drogan. liiri S. 7th at. Int. Holy Croaa Cem. AUto aen Ice, WANNEMACHER Oct. 12. of pneu monia. WAI.TEIl EDWIN, huaband of Flor. erice Mav Wannnmacher (nee Reniln) nn.t eon or late rror, uenry wannemacner aaru 8". Funeral prlvut". Tuea., 3 p. m., J'!8 W, Hanaberry at,, Urrmantown, Int. Arda lor Park Cem. WA11N1CK.- Dot. 11. of pneumonia. CLIF FORD P., hutband of Florence Wnrnlck (nee Prltech) and aon of Hannah II. and tha late Horace n. warnlck, nRed.L'a. runeral pri vale. Tuea., 2 p. m., 1034 S, Frailer at. lnt nrlvate. nl Northwood Cem. WEAVER, Ort. 12. of pneumonia. LOUIS FR4.NKL1N, huaband of Marv (1. Weaver nM Herd), aged 20. .1011) Arch at. Due no tice of fimernl wt 1 be.gUen. WEBER. Oct 10. of pneumonia CIiAKLI.S. huahnnd of Elizabeth Weber Inea Rtong). aged 04. Funeral private. Tura.. 2 n. rn.., 2120 K. York at. Int. North Cedar Hill em. Auto funeral. WBIDEL. Oct, 10. of pn-umonla. JOSEPH A.. nn of Marv O. nnd late Wil liam F. Weldel, Funeral private. Tuea., 2 p. m , lljnn !,nrrhwond nve. Int. private. WEtLER. Of pneumonia, Qct. 10, CAT H Altl.NB, daughter of Charlea and Allele Weller (nee Roeaeberg), nged 21. Funeral aenlcea Wed., 1 p. in., parenta' rea'deni", 2131 W, OakJaie at. Int. private. Hillside Cem. WEINMANN. Oct. 12. .TACOM. huband of Flora Welnmann. aged 02. Funeral pri vate. Wed , 2 p. m., parlora of Emanuel Aahrr Son 1002 Diamond at. Int. Mt. Si rem WEtNTRAt'R Oct. 11. RACHEL le NELSON, nge.1 7.1. at dauehter'g realdence, Dr. 8. L. Wrlntrnub, 1230 8. Ilroad at. Fune-al nnd Int. private. WEM.tj. Oct. li, of pneumonl". CLAR ENCE tl., liinb.-ind nf Clara M. Well (nee Olundlng) aged 34. Funeral aervlcea Tuea, n. m.. .1001 Rlilge eve., Rovhorough, Int. Leierlngton Cem. rhoenlzvllle and eit ."h-e.Br .-apcra fft-v WELSIL 1THAI':,. WELSH, daugh ter of Mra. T. Henry Dlznn. Cheatnut lllll. of pne'umonla. aged 13. Private fu neral aenlcea. Tuea. p. m. -.,-- . WENTZ. iv, Hi nt Caren Die. N. J., nf pneumonic. LEMUEL 'f. WENTZ. of Co. 12. IMd Depot Brigade 3d Battalion, ann nf William J. and tho late Ludnra A. Wentl. aged '.'it. Senlce private, Tuea. 2 p. 'm.. 5410 Moacher at., Olney, Int. St. Jamea'l M. K. r rnu.idi. WHITE. Of pneumonia. Oct 10 ED WARD B.. eon of William and Ella White, nf 2700 Ozfnrd at., aged 27. . Funeral aerv lcea Tuea.. 3'30 p m., David If. Schuyler Bldg . Ilroad and Diamond ata. WII.KINS. Of typhoid fever. Oct. II, RUTH MARTHA daughter of William S. and Ietbella Wllklna (nee Pawrett), at par ent' realdence 578 Clinton at., Camden. N. J. Funeral private, at convenience of family. i WILLIAMS. Oct. 10: of pneumonia, JOHN T. aon of Robert C. and late Ellaa beth Williams, aged So. Funeral and Int. PrwILi.IAMS Oct. 0. WILLIAM, hmhand of Alice R. William., ard 71. Alao member of Second Penna. Veteran Hcavv Artillery. kBchurler Poit. No. 51, 0. A. R Phlla.: waenington uaatie, t, u r... .n. ,i; a nm den Mutual Aeio . Walla Walla Tribe. I. It. M.. No, 201! II. M and P. I. U. of America. No. T Fidelity Mortuarv Aiao., Camden. N. J. Funernl icnlcci private, Newton aye.. Oak m, N .' W11,t.S. Oct. 13, of Influenra. HAROLD RORBIIT8. on nf Jonathan R. nnd Sarah Wild will Bged 20. Funeral parenla' rea. 'drnee, 001 Ixicuit aie.. Oermantown, ,Wrd., - " .IT. 'nt. atrlrtly private. -..- WIL.S. Oct. II. of pneumonia. MARY n daughter of Charlea II. and Bailie Willi (nee Knrman). aged 23. Due notice from 3154 N. flth et. WILSON. Of pneumonia, at Croua-Ir. wing Hoipltal Svrarue. N. Y,. Oct, 10. I.leutennt EMANUEL R. WILSON 22d Regt., U. B. A,, eon of William K. and Mary q, Wllion. of Cjnwyd. Pa., aged 18 A member ot Lodge 51. A. Y. M : Signet Chapter, R. A. M., No. 2.11 1 Thlla. Con latory, A, A. 8. R,. l?d Degree: LuLu Temple. A. A. O. N. M.H. Funeral ervlce Tuea.. 2 p. jn.. Oliver It. Balr Bldg., 18J0 Cheatnut at. Int. Woodlandi Cem. . WILSON, Oct. 11. of pneumonia. CHRIS. TtANA. wife of Thomaa C. Wllion. aged 10. Funeral Tue., 10 a. m.. 812 Rising Sun lane. Int. private. Northwood rem Wil.TBANK. Suddenly. Oct. 11. THOMAS. huhnd nf Kmm Wlllbank (ne Boehmer), of Cap My, N. J. Funeral, aervlce pri vate Colllngswood. N, J, .,. WINNER. On Oct. 12v IMS. HANNAIt J., widow nf Septlmua Winner, aged ul. flervlre on Tue. morning, at It o clock, at ate realdence. Hod N. 10th at. Int. prl. TaWiNTERBOTTOM. Oct.. 10. of pneu monla. WILLIAM J., huaband nf Elizabeth Wjnterbottnm and aon of Iirael and Eliza beth C. Wloterbattom. aaed 81. Funeral Tuea,. 2 p. ni.. 4S7 Penn at., Prankroro. Bervlree and Int. pr'vate, . , . ... . W1TTMAIER. Oct. II. WILLIAM J., aon of William A, apd la't. Ktl. E. Wlttmaler. Funeral lervlcra prliate, Wed.. 11 a. m., 7tH W Lehigh ave. Int. Oreenmount Cem. ivnt.p Hiiddsnti, net t at Camn le. V.. . PRKDKHICIC P.. aon of Sophl and laio Prederlek Wolf (nee Schuhmacher). aged 23. Puneral Tuea., 4 u. m., realdence of parenta. 4423 W. Firth it. Int. private. urnmpunt Cm rrriiinin WOM Oct. 11 of rnuinonH HAUOM A Vr.f.lj. nf Irllkl Pavnti ttt. Wyn. Junction. Wed., 1 p, m., ..or rr kasl. Ta, Int. private. Trinity Lutheran WOOD. Tenth Month 11th, MARY K.. daughter of late Henry and Elisabeth T. Wood. Puneal at convenience of family WOOLMAN. Oct, 12. of pneumonia, at rerth Amboy, N, J.. MILDRED II., daughter of Oeorge H and Ertle Woolman. Puneral aervlcea. Mon, eve., residence of Mr, W. It. Pllnn. 123 Elm at,, Elizabeth. N. J, Int. private. WORTHINOTON. Of pneumonia. Oct, IS at 1421 Jerome .1.. ATTLEB ROYCE. husband of Beatrice Wnrtblngton (ne Wrnderoth) and.aon of I.rbrsndt and lata Xlariaret Worthlngton. Due nolle of fu neral will 1 vlwn 1' "V A., h ., WUR8TKR. Oet,' 13, of Influent. PRED UUinJ nf I usnmia wursisr mee usviji, &JP-18r .V MCWi -& . lltta -r - ER-PHUJADELPHIA-, MONDAY, DKATI1H Tuea., a. m, rriMnce of parent, Alt I. Weeimnreionn at, mt, private. , TKAan t.Ott, In, CiiniSTlNE, daugh ter ni iienjarnin, r and Mary Keenan Yeager, aged 0, luneral aervlcea and lnt, private, parenta' reildence, 4U20 King. aeeajng ave,, Tura., n a. m. TflST. Oot. 11. of hn.iimAnU. Cf.AflA FMILA. daughter of J Allen and Minnie IJ. Yoat, aged IS. funeral Tuea , 2 p, m., from parent!' realdence. 0121 Pavntnn etreet 0r rnanlown. Int..prhjte, Whltrmarah, YOST Oct. Ifl nflnfluePM CLAhf.NCH P., huehond of Fannie r, To and eon of Dmrna and late Zarharlah M Yot, aged 2. Funeral and lnt, private. Wed., s p. in, 2074 Itldge ave. YOUNllMAN. MflNrtOll DIT Tnt'Nn. MAN, M. D , agd 32. at Anlmore, Pa., on ct, 11, of pneumonia Int. private, at Pleaaantvllle. N. J, Mnn Oct. II. I p. n. Fieaee omit (loK-era ZA1IM. AI.tlKUTA DI.IZAlirTH ZAHM. daughter of tl Walter and r.ia.eth A. Znnm. aged IS. IVie nnllc of the funeral TS 111 be gen 1821 N. Mi at. ZAUN. Oct. Hi. of pneumonia ntltiCMT, aon of Mhert and lle'la Zahn, need 17. ru. reral We,!., p. tn.. piren'a' Veldnce, a.-, N. Carllale at. Int. private. Pernwood Cem. LOST AND FOUND HUTTl'll. Lnat, 0t 11, around 7lh and Diamond ata,, white F.nglleh eetteri black marking on head anil body; children heart broken. Ileturn In W II. Dorr, 22W N, 7th. Phone t reward. PERSONALS WAVT n hahtr frlrl. 2 hmh nlrti will rrli. It' h ,ron(l.homi rnuPt hMf Mup t nn1 In irood nraun, nnu n rrri-ti I" 54,1, Ledger icntrnl HELP WANTED FEMALE A PATRIOTIC OPPORTUNITY IN U, S. GOVERNMENT WORK American armlea In the field can advance only If the tnduatrlal armv at home keep the aupplie moving to the front, Induatrv cannot e-lit effectively without the help of the Bell Telephone operator. An onnnrti'Mtv for women, married or lnle 17 tn 3.1 year, to mnke their patriot lam efTeellve by aervlng at the nntlon'a awltchboard, 10 per week flrel ' week. fin. in to 112 per week can be earned nrt few week. Rapid advancement thereafter. raarinntln work In Pleaeant aitrrc'indlnea: luncheon aerved at ro-tt nnnlvererv pay. mental elek benefltat vncatlona with payi 7 to 8 hour' work per day. Apply any weekday. 8.30 to 8 Main ofce PM'idct-.hf lfi.1l Arch at., Ml M D. Ran. T'ranch nfHee, Phtlndloh. it inn Market at.. Ml-- O, Smith. Iteanch offce, Oermortewn 20 W Chelten ave., Ml-a P R. Zlngal. Rraneli rfr", Cbeater p 20 E. 8th it.. M!n V. 0, P.ellly. TIIR nn' ', ""' "tit'nvp COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA nrHll.-H-Fcpnrt-.TDP XlTnl'NTIVO DE PARTMENT ne Tttn pnnr.fp DflER COMPANY DE8tHrs run nruvicili nt.' A HPIOHT IVTt'l I ifli'vr rnltwi wmnv wirir rrvmv'M.ni! op rtooK iffEPiNo. nriawT xi-iiitoi'ViiiNos and v iKiftrn pi'Tftir Amc rort MR. PRICE, riiTtii tr. t pnrtt;it COMPANY OTIf AND CHESTNIT 8TS. P.ontfKEEPER r-irtv ti,ern,hlr familiar with taking rheee of Moke of corpora, tlont poaltlon of reenoalbllitr. romhlnlnr a variety of work) niut hnie knowledge of itenographet bright futnre for th right party, Apnlr by Irtier, Mating age, aalnrr and etpericree. Wavne Junction Metal Cornice fo,. 434.1 Wavne ave. IfOOKKErPKIl wanted for email manufac turing nlontt one whn know a how to take rare of double-entry et of books. Apply 814 et 4meriean at. BOOKKEEPERS AND CLERKS ALSO TTPISTS APrl.Y HURIIAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CASHIER1?. 10. fr refeieria! Immediate em nlnvmcnt ateadv poalttona; gnotl eilnrv: peeoila eaper'-np-. rrnnlredl mu live at tbe plant MacArlhur rtrna, Copinanv, Women' Welfare D-ot . Wnodbnrv N J., hag loodln ntnnt, Waahlngton Park. N. J, Take Readlpir or nioocceter ferry. Wooil- 'jury car atopa nt tne nrnoc, CLERK In hilling denartmentof large man. ufarturlnir concern: one having knnwledae of Elllott-lecher in"chlne. Apply the Bar- ren i o.. aiun ano uraia Kerry ae. I.I.ERKS Kir atitlatlcnl dent, nt large pub llehlng honae: experience not necea.aryj rood chance fo- ndvanrementl hnura 830 to 3 80: half day Saturday; wagei to start IK, Call to ere Mill Harner. 4th floor. 811 Cheth'it at. CLERKS Ynnnrr women, between the agei of 18 and 30. wanted bv a la-ge corpora tion for clerical nork: Ihiie with adding ma thin experience preferred; state age. ezprl eece and ealarv expected P Otn IdTer Off. , W A N' T E H AT HOU ISLAND ' EXPERIENCED COMPTOMETER OPERATOR EXPERIENCED CLERKS EXPERIENCED PUNCH OPERATORS Power or Hollcrlti) EXPERIENCED TABUIiATOltS Powers or llollerlts) CASHIERS DOORKEEPERS MiMEooitArit opi:rators MESSENQER OIRLS APPLY UNITED .STATES EMPIiOV.MENT SERVICE' WOMEN'8 DIVISION, 1313 ARCH STREET OR ROOM 218 WOMEN'S DHI8IOV EMPIJYMENT DEPARTMENT ENTRANCE NO. 2 HOO ISLAND COOK and ilownatalr work: white woman: Scandinavian preferred: amall family: good wa ea 4010 Pine at. Phone Preston 3121 W. Conk' white. 8 In family, room neiir h.irh aome washing and Ironing, stationary tuba, nudd ""JSJ "tar, gaa range. IS. carfare pain "-'i """' r... ..rrmaniown. FILE CLERK, experienced: must b A-l ana wmi fi"'"". T-,--..AA .1, iMrim in. dustrlal corporation: salary 423 per week. Call or write Merchant;' Shipbuilding Cor. noratlon. agenta U. 8 Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation. 18th and Race eli., Philadelphia, or plant employment of flee. Harrlman, Pa,, or nearest employment office. aiRL wanted for cak counter. Apply 1227 l-heltnut St. GIRLS AND WOMtN Wanted on work for th Government. In assembling, topping machine power press, foot press, screw machines and pip thread. Ine department. II. T. Falst A Co.. 82d and Arch st. Apply to cither U, 8. Employ ment Oftlce. 183 8, lth at.. to 10 a. m., or 1311 Arch at., 10 to 11.30 a. m. Bring this ad and ask for Mrs. Hobacn. aiRLS. FOURTEEN TO SEVENTEEN OOOD orronTUNtTY FOR BUSINESS CAREER ArPI-T BUREAU PP, EMPLOYMENT WAAMAKHR'S . " A, ' ' ' ' HELP WANTED-rEMALU COOKINd and general houaework fpf amalt lamuyi goou wagea, ynim lawa COOKINO and rare of dining room: amall famlfyi referencea, 3422 Pnwelton ava. WANTED OIRLS AND WOMEff CURTIS PUIH.ISHtNtl COMPANY EXPERIENCED TYPISTS DICTAPHONE OPERATORS MES.IENUERS WOMEN AND OIRLS BETWEEN 18 AND 43 YEARS FOR I.UIIIT MANUPACTURINll WORK NltlllT CLEANERS ELEVATOR OPERATORS APPLY CURTIS PUIILISHINO COMPANY EMPLOYMENT OPP1CH SEVENTH AND SANSOM STREETS ASK 1MII MISS 8TACKHOUSC OR MRS. PATTON APPLY ALSO 1311 ARCH STREET ASK FOR MRS. YALE IIR1NU THIS ADVERTISEMENT WITH iOU tllltLS AND YOUNO WOMEN NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. REQUIRES 50 OIRLS AND HVH.PMRS TO SOLDER CRACKER TRENCH TIN'S Pflll THE ARMY ALIO lllll PACKERS .1(1 I.AIIEI.I'.HS AND 100 UTILITY HELPERS FOR PACKINO ..... AND MANUPACTUR1NO DEPARTMENTS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT PERMANENT POSITIO.Vl OOOD PAT APPLY ALL DAY 1301 OLENWOOD AVE. I GIRLS TO RKCEIVE INSTRt'CTIONS FOR i hi'Ji !." .'.' !5 " !.'".' J.-L-.K"n I 4 itouns' WORK. hMi.lll.Bll.WBYI. BAKINd CO 209 N. 22D ST. OIRLS. over 10. to label and wrap bottles and small packages: light, clean, pleasant work: beginners inn learn In a short time; guaranteed minimum par: good piece-work ratea and permanent work.' Apple Employ ment Deportment, II. K, Mulford Co.. 420 H 13th st. OIRLS uantnl to deliver telrgrama all parts of city: good pav; ahort hours: no Sunday work. See Mr. Chambets, Wralern Union, 1301 Chestnut. OIRLS anted hot oier 10. not going to school, for light work In newspiper office. Apply City Editor, fourth floor, 000 Chest nut at. UIHI.S wanted on cushions Oroham. 244 B. nth. Apply Mr. HOl'M.WCJRK (gencrtill Extwrlenccd Prot- slant fur fHinllv of four In Chestnut Hill, three iloora from (lermuntnwn ne. Refer encea for cbararter nnd nbllltv renulredt woEca IIP. Tclcnhone Chestnut lllll I.lin N. HOUSEWORK, general experienced Prot estant, tor family ot 4 In Chestnut Hill: 3 ilimra from Oermantown ave.t referencea ror character and abllltr reoufred: wages tlO. Apply 20 Benezet at. HOUSEWORK (llrl. for general housework:' tarerence required: no wnaning: a good homo for a rcflned girl. Womlng 2171-J. 3127 N. 12th at. HOUSEWORK Jllrl for general housework: nlco colored girl: must luiie gooil refer ences: famll of two: good wage. 22 West School lane, Oermantown. lflTClfEN WOMAN."oolored for general nim. i ni. i my, oinn anu i neainut MorllER'H HELPER; ciluritcd and reilned person to assist with chl'dren: referencea leg. 7143 Sprague at. Ph. Chest, Hill 203. MULTIORAPII OR JOB PRESS FEEDERS female, wantrdi United states Government work: Washington Park near Westvllle. N. J., on Pennsvlvanlii Railroad, West Jersey and Seashore Division! also hr trolley from Camden, Apply MaoArlhur Rros. Co., Wash Inaton hark. Westvllle. N. J. NURSEMAID to take charge of boy. 2 year- Ilaicrford. M1242. ledger Central. OFFICE ASSISTANT, hill cleik, for our night offliie force: Joung woman: must ha good writer, quick at figures: work Mondnv to Friday, 8 p. m.. until about 8 a. m salary to atari 12: will bo Increased a merited. Apply J. S. Iilris. Inc.. 0-7 N Broad et ' FEMALE OPERATORS Prom 21 to 45 ear of age 300 wanted To learn to operate larlous mschlnes. No experience necessar: 25o per hour, or $14.75 per week for the first 2 weeks while you are learning, then piecework. Your piece work earnlnga ahould aierage from 84 to 15 per day or more. We haie n, eteam. heated plant. Wo halo malrnna In charge. We have female nurses. We can house our female workers We hale a large cafeteria for ladles. Special train aervlce from Philadelphia. Special rallroud ratea from Philadelphia. 11 III NO REFERENCES For further information apply - MIDVALE STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO, HDDYBTONE RIFLE PLANT Eddyatone, Pa, OR UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 1311 Arch at. (ask for Miss Kuril 21V 8. 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa, OPERATORS ON MIDDY BLOUSES AND BLOOMERS APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PAPER BOXES Experienced girls on automatic and coverln machlnea WALTER P. MILLER. INC.. , 452 York avenue. between 4th and 8th. below Noble. Apply Department of Labor D. S. Employment Service, 1813 Arch atreet. Bring this ad with you. SALESWOMEN FOR SEVERAL DEPARTMKNT8 APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT . WANAMAKER'S ,:,. a runt APllKIt . Permanent aeeretarlal B,r",...- ,.,....11.. wn-t. ..ll.n ..- 'rJM.i.ntlaT'nduatry for w; :Vdu?aterd :7..nu- Avnman. able to lake raai aiciatlon tale experience, eatery exrted and phone y.mlr. M 8.'2, lilger Offlce, STENOGRAPHER, flrst-elaii: only those looking for permanent position! need applv; good opportunltyt state lalary drilred. p 1112 1iler Office. 8TEN00RAPHER In oftlce of large manu. faeturlng concern, experienced. Apply Th BTENtHlltAl'IIEItJ addrea In own ha nd wrltlng. atatlng experience and pay re nulred. HAllely. Ilanka k lllddl Co. ........ .7 . a fltlLSIl l.lAaia1 art Ataw STENOaRAPHERS. CAPABLE OP DO ING GOOD WORK APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT We-NAMAKKR'S i OCTOBER 14, 1918 HELP "rVANTED-FEMALl WASTED AT 1IOU ISLAND STENOORArilERH AND TYPISTS WHO HAVE HAD ONE OR MORE TEARS' EXPERIENCE ATPLT U. 8. EMPLOrYMENT OFFICE WOMEN'S DIVISION 1313 ARCH ST. OR EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT ENTRANCE NO, 2 HOO ISLAND STOCK UIRLS wanted. Apply 1214 Cheat. nut at WAITRE8SES. WHITE. TOR FLOOR WORK AND LUNCH COUNTERS 'PLY HUIIEAU OP EMPLOVMENT WANAMAKER'S H ANTED, n capable woman with email! child to net aa working housekeeper In an Lplaopnl slater'a house Apply. Box 412, I Hnaeimint. Telephone llryn Mawr 0J8, ' WINDKRS wanted for cotton, wool and Jute, nlso Ingrain carpet yarna: extra pay for experienced winders: orrnngementa can be ' made for half-day workera unable to work full day: come ready for r,ork. C. H. Mm. I ianu q. rions. Amner and Westmoreland ata. WOMAN for emplojment and eeriire dept , one with tf-xtlli. mill experience and c nualnte.1 th twin pref. Applv Amber Cnr pei Mills Vmher nnd West MorclAnd at. WOMAN to take chargn nf female help In largo manufacturing concern must hao executlio nblllty and experience In this line. "M.I " P '(). ling 31711 j WANTED AT 11011 ISLAND SHIPYARD aThvnniiinurna. nie. nn Mnnr. ticaiisi. " " vniiutifMr-K " EPKRIENCE ITYPIST8. ONE OR MORE YEARS' EX- I'Kllll-.ur. COMPTOMETER OPERATORS, ENCED EXPERI- Cl.ERKSe EXPERIENCED MESSENGER OIRLS ArPLT ROOM 238 WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT DIVISION ESIPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT HOO ISLAND OR U. S. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE WOMEN'S DIVISION 1313 ARCH WHITE AND COLQRED WOMEN FOP. CONGENIAL WORK IN DININO ROOMS AND KITCHENS IN CAFE TERIAS. HOTEL AND SERVICE RES TAURANTS AT HOG ISLAND SHIP YARD: WAGES 140 TER MONTH. JaPPLT READY FOR WORK AT U, S. EMPLOYMENT OPF1CB 300 WALNUT ST. i SEE MR. SCULL DO NOT APPLY AT HOG ISLAND WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE TIME AND HALF TIME OVER 48 HOURS PLENTY OP OVERTIME STEADY WORK WITH REGULAR INCREASE APPLY 7 A. M. JOSEPH CAMPBELL CO. ' 2D AND MARKET STS1.' CAMDEN N. J. WOMAN" to take charge of packing depart ment of biscuit hakery. State nationality, experience, namo of the Arms, length of tlmo with each, products manufactured, number of girls In department, salary received. B 101, Ledger Office, WOMEN POR BOTH I.IOHT AND HEAVIER WORK, ELEVATOR OPERATING, STOCKROOM. ETC. APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN. ALSOylliail SCHOOL GRAII. UATES. FOR CLERICAL WORK. APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN TO RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 80LDERINO TRENCH TINS: tli 84 FOR 34 HOURS' WORK. KEUBLER-WEYL BAKING CO.. 2t8 N. 22D. TOUNO LADY to worn In advertising d. partment of newspaper! soliciting over the r tn tsting leleononei aainrr i- id iu, neiiiv, i aae. experience, M 2.10. ledger Office. ' YOUNO LADY for perm, po.., clerical work f In ary to start with adyatic as merited. Ad- drei i', ii, iiox iuw i, YOUNO LADY office assistant. Address, statin iiualineatlons and salary expected P P.1I. I.eilirer Office YOUNO WOMEN. OVER 17 TEARS OP AGE, POR CASHHERS AND INSPECTORS APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S General BtlSINKBB Service Co.. 1118 Land Title. Bookkeepers, $18fl: tfg'rs. 11 5-2.1 1 W , resH. siBSestg tteHMBt, HELP WANTED MALE ANOLESMITHS I10ILER.MAKEII9 BOLTERS (TO LEARN RIVETING. DRILLING. ETC.) COPPERSMITHS FLANGE TURNERS FURNACE MEN INSTALLATION MACHINISTS LABORERS MUBSENOER BOYS See representative of th New York Ship building Corporation at the United Ptatei Employment Office. 1S21 Arch at. APPRENTICH Iloya (over 101 wanted aa apprentlcea In evinlng newspaper office. Fifth floor. (100 chestnut at. Apply nearest U. S. Employment Office. Bring this ad with you. M1DVALE Steel and Ordnance Co NICETOWN Works Has wonderful nnnnrtunlUe for men Inoklng for a future. We ran use all ilnds of skilled mechanUa lathe learn era, helpcra nnd laborers. We are In ur gent need of the following men on 100 per cent. V. 8. GOVERNMENT WORK: Rlarkamllh Dench bands Horizontal boring mill hands iirtlcal Imrlng mill hands Planer hnndx Slntter lunula Lathe hands Chlppera Iron workers locomotive machinists Molders HYDRAULIC PIPEFITTERS Rigger Tinsmiths Polntera Of flee lioa Ouards. 40 to .'.(I sears of age 4301 Wlssablckon ae. 15 E. Chelten ave. Apply 1521 Arch st. (Mr. Cupltt) or any other l S. Emploiment Office tiring this nd with )uu BOOKKEEPER wanted for small manufar- ,i.ln rtlnnl one who knnws how tn take , rare of double-entry art of books. Apply 614 IS. American at. i BOOKKEEPER and Assistant: familiar with tnntnntnent work: permanent: gle I record. P Hi. Ledger Office. WANTED HOV.-f AND MEN CURTIS PUIILISHINO COMPANY HOTS BETWEEN 17 AND 10 TEARS or aoe FOR LIOIIT MANUFACTURING WORK 10-YEAR-OLD BOYS TOR DAY PRESS AND NIOIIT TRESS BOYS LABORERS STEVEDORES' WINDOW CLEANERS MESSENGERS BOYS 14 TO 10 TEARS OP AGE COLORED lORTERS SHIPPERS CURTIS PUIILISHINO IJOMPANY 7T'I AND PANSOM STS. MISS STACKHOUSE MRS. PATTON APPLY NEAREST If. S. EMPLOYMENT orrici: BRING THIS AD WITH YOU BOY. IlltlnliT. ACTIVE AND AMBITIOUS. WANTED FOR EARLY MORNING i WORK. ABOUT 1 A. M. TO 0 A. Ml WRITE. STATINO AQE. SALARY EX. . PBCTEO, ETC., BOX M 313, LEDOER OFFICE. DOY to feed Cordon press, with or without experience. 000 Chestnut Apply nearest U, S. Employment Oftlce. Bring this ad th 70U. HOY. wanted for office of largo automobile concern; cnance ror nniancement. Apply Aulo Sale Corp. 144 N. Ilroad, Mr. Field. BOY Bright. Intelligent boy. over 16 year ot age. wanted by Public Ledger Co. Appiy Mr Qulnn. 000 Chestnut st. BOVS. 14 TO 17, GOOD OPPORTUNITY POR BUSINESS CAREER WANAMAKER'S APPLY NEAREST U. 8. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. BRING AD WITH YOU BOYS wanted, not going to school, for work In newrpapee office. Apply city editor, fourth floor. 000 Cheatnut st. BOY over 10 for office work: guod chance and salary Apply Lawrence Johnson &. Co 209 South 3d st. CARDER WANTED SECOND HAND ON WORSTED CAUIH. ORISWOLD WOROT. F.D CO.. DARBY. PA. Apply nearest U. S. Employment Office. WANTED CARPENTERS AND CARPENTERS' HELPERS; MEN FAMILIAR WITH CUTTING. BINDINO AND PLACING RE-nNPORCINa STEEL. BRANN 8TUART CO. 310 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLTX. APPLT NEAREST U. S. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE BRINO THIS AD WITH YOU CHAUFFEUR, experienced man. fcr 2-ton autocar truck; one accustomed to nan. dllng chalra preferred: must furnish ref erence. 244 B 5th. Apply nearest U, 3. Employment Office. Bring ad. COOKS AND KITCHEN MEN EXPEniENCErf WHITE COOKS AND KITCHEN MEN ARE OFFERED EXCELLENT OPPOR. TUNITIE3 AT HOG ISLAND SHIPYARD. GOOD WAGES WITH BOARD AND ROOM. PLEASANT 8URROUNDINas. APPLT V. S. EMPLOYMENT OFFICII 800 WALNUT BT. SEB MR. SCULL SO NOT APPLY AT HOO JSLAIO :. 4jij; t ' Ltk ,A, rVV.J ! niyailriiili.Tra CHAUFFEURS AND llELPMBU ',' WAVAf Atftfrtia rlinAClBX SOUTHWEST CORNER 23D AND WAtll', AI'I'JaT HKAIIEST V. 8, EMPLOY OFFICE. BRING AD WITH TO CHINA AND EXPRESS PACKS' WANTED WANAMAKER'S API I.Y NEAREST U. 8. EMPWTJlWrfTJI OFFICE. BniNG AD WITH TOtf,," CLERK Man, good at figure, exempt fee, draft, for atorehouae in manfg, plant. H- mo i.unnfiu tiiniiivii ea lrr wrriii rTar'li In our own handwriting, Hating am h previous experienre, r im. linger IIITI CLERK Wanted nulck and aeeurat ngures, lor our nigni nuung xorre, nlghta a weeg, large manufacturing ron In N Phlladrlnhla. stendr emnlniment w chanco for advancement. P. O. Iloz 38811. COST ACCOUNTANT nnd assistant, fanvH- lar wnn ranmnmrni woiki permanemivt Bile record. P 12'l, l'ilger office. W , DRAITSMEN wanted! U. S. Oovernmutil, work. Washington Park, near Weetviiki.7,.-, N. J M.icArthur llrothera Co., WaihlngtSaa ' l,,C Park. Westvllle .v, j. Apply nearest u. . jjh. Kmnioiment iimco -r j MILLION RIFLES IN A YEAR NOW FOR ANOTHER MILLION. WILL YOU HELP? Following positions open: DROP IMROKRS OAUOEMAKERS INSPECTORS TOOI.MAKERS TOOLROOM MACHINE HANDS M ih1 fcrrii.if2 ' , BRINU REFERENCES MIDVALE STEEL AND ORDNAKCaV Vi. S ffir j ' .w Edd atone. Pa. .vr r0 PIIItDELPHIA OFFICES .1211.1 Market at. (Mr, Mooney) N. Y. cor. 40th and Pnschall ave. (Mr. Plrchner) COMPANY fl"!'' t I'llllVHTflVl,- IIH.-I.E PI.1VT Aii-V- . 'U i ' ;nited states empuiyment oppicx'', r 1321 Arch et.. Philadelphia, Ta. ' J& (Aik for Mr. O'Connor , '" . 3 Aulo trucka will leave 1821 Arch at. fofc uio irucha win leave 141. i wren ai. iwr. -, Plant j . m., II a. m.. 1 P. m. and .frf,. FII.t.F.n4 nn rushtnna. Mr. Orabam. S44 8. '.A 't '3 3th at. Apply nearest U. 8. EmploymssH'i''' A "lice. v,-a. WANTEli AT ONCE riREBRICK LAYERS ELECTRIC LINEMEN RIGOURS COLORED WAITERS FOR CAMP 227 N. 13TH ST. Apply neareat U. S. Employment OfIic., Bring this ad wllh ou. FIREMAN and engineer" wanted Im arely nt Cramp'a Shipyard; s-hour trictiy war worg. Appiy 10 neareat I'mpluiment Office. nrir Tng this ad with FIREMEN wanted at once. John IIHfMw i worm Mecl Co.. Lewi and Tacony aaTV rranaroro. Appiy nraresi w. . umiiBn, tnent Offlte, . "v roREMAN Wnntcl expert "tin'i r i Sir-' lenced lioimklilV. irnt vcrk. MaMfr'd fori man: U. S, Ooiernnirnt Arthur Bros. Co.. Wiirihmg Arthur Bros. Co.. wiionington I'ark. avenge; J Mll. N. J. Apply nearest U. 8. EmpIoaVT ment office. jri , O U A R D S WANTED "oV ; AeVfl Experienced preferred, but not eisenttal'j2.5 , 1IRINO REFERENCE ,VU,! MIDVALE STEEL and ORDINANCE CtVE t EDDVSJ'ONE IIIPLI'. PL.VNT Td Eddj itone, Pa. ess9 ritrit 1111.1 iiiiii rAPGtrt.a cIIaJ .12113 MnrKct 'atreet (Mr. Mooney.) -5 N. W. Cor. 4tilh ami Paicliall ave' t.ur. j'licnner; ,i-. Annlv .VSfe' 1TV1TCI1 STATES EMPLOY-MENT OFFICM. "8r" 15-1 Arcli Pireei, I'nnniieipnia, , uee?vv ;t (Ask for Mi Auto trucka will lenie 1.131 Arch atreet for the plant 11.00 u. m. und 3:00 p. in. ll:uo a. m. 1:00 Pv,vr'' W A N TED "i"; AT HOG ISLAND T" INSPECTORS (TECHNICAL MEN) ' , '1"f o"r WHO ARE FAMILIAR tViTII STEAM EQUIPMENT. al' COMPTOMETER OPERATORS ON tT?ffM HLLIOTT-P1SHER MACHINES " Jy?T AND ELECTRICAL DRAITSMEN um. APPLY ROOM 258 irf, ' EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT HOG ISLAND ,. -ri LABORERS r. i WANTED f.t rfe . OOVERNMENT 'i1 WORK r 'id K0PPER8 CO, -i Ai 'j . EMPLOYMENT a-T? - J OPFICB HSjf' ' 1 jfc. i .'a U. 3 1819 ARCn BT. SEE MR. BARRON BRINO THIS AD WITH TO0 FDWARD a. BUDD MFO. CO. k Need LABORERS far trucking on uoternment work Apply neareat U. 8. Employment Cttlea LABORER8 WHITB )R I PAT TU Wll TKNDENTie yi IJ. '"S0 Ws -1 -X. 1 .!' - ' "p. t'i f? ! t:i Z ' i ; I JI " r , 111' I 'flal jl -tit ' -fTS ' I r J. V W" . ;?.,- (1CW. ,J! - T.V yi. M .!: 'yes: m 3 It'Vi ""J .i aVJ .Ja .A-iVt: sn-i i Ia rz. &y 4 3 a- ! h-'-A "e 2f 7" , , , a Aitj T.i '.a? Ti.i-Aa A V- en -a. . gwiy . aegjw psgep , w S A, "V mtf' f." ' w-v J2 IHbawGkIba rilmAjUH aV... . xo.l ..Ht aVMOt., j I , jiaf