Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 12, 1918, Night Extra, Image 11

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rt Organ Plays at
. t
" i in
10 and 4JS
Clock Chimes of Copenhagen City '
Hall at Noon
Unsettled"' . Ml
aaalBBeaallb aiaassi f
With Good Cheer. Good Merchandise and Good Economies th
French Musicians, Many!
Down Stairs Store Steps Forward Firmly and With Confident
Scarred and All Wearing
War Crosses, Coming
".&. ' WSi' . ft.,.fi fX,
building program nnd rIho to brine tlie !
war closer to shipbuilders a famous
French bund, composed of Alpine Cha
Four (Illuo Devils) will make n concert
tour of all the yards
The French warrlor-muslclans, most
them battle senrred but undaunted,
will open their tour with a concert nt
the Bun .Shipbuilding plant, Chester,
Sunday, October 27. Later they will,
play at all the Delaware Rler yards.
The band was brought to this country
by the Hrench High Commission on In-
ltatlon. of Hecretary of War Baker and
Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo to.
play for the Itcd Cross and Liberty
Loan gathering which have been pot-.
poned because of the Influenza epidemic.
The leader of the band Is Contain1
Gabriel Peres, for sixteen jenrs con
ductor of the Internationally known
Oarde Kepubllcalne Band, of naris.
Dvery man In tha organization wears
the Croix do Ouerre. Home hae been
wounded four or flvq times
At Chester the band will be enter
tained at a special luncheon, at which
the Mayor of Chester and the Ilotary
Club will greet the musicians. They
will play for the shlpnorkers and their
families during the afternoon.
Profit of $100 n Month Made by
Using Rcfusa
Pig-raising plnja nn important finan
cial part In the existence of the com
missary of the Trnvldr Shipbuilding
Corporation at fornuilla A profit of
$1200 was netted from this undertaking
during the year'tf operation.
The entire, plg-ialslng "stunt" grew
out of the Idea of ueltiic two "porkera"
to dispose of the refuse, tlcorge Har
vey, Industrial relations malinger, bur
gcited the pigs Hotn "porkers" were
the nucleus. Within a month ten more
were added. Occasionally a pig was
Killed and sold to the commissary.
During the spring the family of pigs
was Increased to fort j -three, despite
the fact that ten had been slaughtueil.
They furnished an average of 230
pounds each, selling at twenty-four cents
a pound. 'They cost nothing for mainte
nance. THK ONLY OMN OTARV studied
to a nhlpurd In the United Mute. In m
VfH. 1JL,"n1. " I" Mi's .Nlnu IUIve. of
173D Diamond slreM, ut present enuloed
in the, uutstlonnalro department uf tha
Industrial relations ilrparlmint.
RErORTM from tlio sime yard are that
Ciintuln lironklli lil, th" Ijutnnt. Is htsliced
with cll from intrrprlslnir salesmen nf
baby can-luses. etc. ttiason The Captain
ta receiving nnrrittiilntlnni on the debut of
an eight-pound Captain, Jr,
CIMRI.KS IIKss, nliilit foreman of the
!.. j a..., iii- .uvi ii, me , umy at Jones
Pennsylvania sard, won Ms preunt position
bv sheer ' tl Iciit-lt-lltemss" that began,
when at tm! bottom uf the InHtler l!i.,u I
plate, anirle i bannoi nd Par irnid In tho
ships pause through his department.
"IROVI nn'ICT. HOY to Kuhforrman"
mlttht be u Kood tll.e for a history of Paul
dross, of the plate and anslc shop of the
luse ft Joma l'ennalv tnln sards He
aerted In the former rapaclt) with the New
York Hhlpuullillnu C'ompam. later coin Into
the ahon to I. am tbe hu.iniss Hu joined
his present outfit laat.Septimber.
IN TIIK I'l.VTi: and angle shop of the
Puaey a. Jonea New Jiraev plant Is one
"lid" Marks, rianlor on a bull riveter, who
Joined hands with a Philadelphia lassie In
tho sea of matrlmons. He doesn't want It
mentioned In th paper. He won't be Inter
viewed and the former name of Mrs Marks
Is, thirtfori, still unpublished.
I.inKRTY MIVMMI Is boomlnt: In all
the yards, notwithstanding the influenza.
TIIK HIIII'l'INt! llOARn has authorised
the shlnxurds to add a star for pa, h shin
launched to the official flair Another one
goes on the emblem of the Merchants' Ship
building t"uriHrullon at Harrlman today for
tho Wuudesa.
TIIK COAT. Nt'PPl.Y problem for the
workers of the Pusey A Jones sards la being
taken up uv me wvruea department, it is
in touch with the fuel administrators in
Philadelphia und nrnrby cities to set coal
for the men. Those in need should leave
names and addresses with C. X. Haggerty
or Dr. K. C. Taslor, In the Haggerty .
Shipyard Women Make Good j
Women ore maklntr Buch procress In
work In British shipyards that demand
for workers la now most Insistent. Seven
hundred women are now working In
T.nrri' Purnfsi's shlmard on the Tees.
Some hae butn assisting In the build-I
tng of n tempoiary railway ana otners
are lalng concrete platforms oti which
the keels of Bhlps will bo put down.
Emergency Fleet Corporation to
Exceed Epectations
All building marks set by tho Ilmer
gency Fleet Corporation for ship deliv
eries nro to be passed during the year,
according to nn cstlmnte made yester
day by i:diard X. Hurley, chairman of
the corporation, who was In this .city to
confer with Charles I'lez, general man
ager of the shipyard!!. ..-
During the ear more than 3,100,000
tons of new shipping will have been
constructed, nlthough only 3.Q00.000 wan
originally promised by the fleet oillclals.
"Our production will be more thnn
satisfactory." Mr. Hurley declared.
,itrn atiina tVinn u a hart nlfinnpn for
will be delivered by us this year. We
are speeding up all the time In Jan
uary we constructed but 90,00$ tons
Last month we made 360,000, and we
n l.nul nntitlmiA tVint narn until
the close of the ear. Tosslbly we cati
Improve our speed still further. But
even nt the present rate we shall so
above our estimate."
Local Firms Will Supply Govern
ment With Shoe Equipment
Two local tanners have received con
tracts from the Quartermaster's Depart
ment for moro than 600,000 pairs of half
soles, and 120,00(5 pairs of top lifts.
Prices at which the contracts were closed
ore said to be two to four cents above
prevailing maximum pi Ices, the Govern
ment being willing to pay the advanced
prices to obtain the stock.
Cover & Co. and the Penn Leather
Company were the local firms to re
ceive the new contracts, These Anns
will furnish appioxmately 525,000 pairs
half soles and 125,000 pairs of top
The contracts call for shipment prior
to December 31,
Extension of System to Lines
South of South Street
Extension of the skip-stop system to
the district between f-outh street nnd
League Island from the Delaware to
the Schuylkill Illvers, effective tomor
row, has been nnnounced by the Phila
delphia Ilapld Transit Company, acting
under orders Issued Under date of July
11 by the fuel administration.
Beginning:, tomorrow. 240 of the 112
usual car stops In that district will be
eliminated, tr an average or su per cent
Penn Charter to Open October 21
Th l'enn Chnrtrr School tins aet
Monday, October 21, as the dale for Its
reopening. Notice to this effect has
been sent to parents of the pupils. The
otieol'a Athletic field at Queen Lane
Women 8 Colored
Silk Umbrellas.
Short umbrellas with silk
loops through their pretty
carved and bakelito-trimmed
handles. They are of a good
grade of tape-edge tafTcta In
purple, navy, garnet, green
and black. They ate worth
fully a third more.
White Toilet
Articles Are
Specially Priced
A big variety of white
things for the dressing table
are marked at special prices
because slight imperfections
class them as "seconds." All
are of a good, heavy weight.
Hair brushes arc f 1 to $3.50.
Comus arc 25c and 50c.
Mirrbrs arc $1.50 to $3.75.
Puff boxes and hair receiv
ers, 60c to $1.50.
Manicure pieces arc 20c to
Other novelties are maikcd
at pioportionatc prices.
Women's Gloves
of Mocha and
Soft and beautiful mocha
skins in gray, brovn and mode
are used to mako some excel
lent gloves with embroidered
backs, at $2.50 a pair.
Heavy-weight gray suede
gloves, practical and durable,
arc outscam sewn and have
embroidered backs. $1.75 a
Silk-lined suede gloves in
gray or tan arc pique sewn
and $2.35 a pair.
Wide Ribbon
35c a Yard
Dresden flowered ribbon in
light and dark colors is corded
or plain, and some of it is
edged wlth-satin stripes. This
is splendid hair-bow ribbon, as
it is 5 inches and 6 inches wide.
25c a Pair
Autumn-weight black cot
ton stockings are seamless.
They have re-enforced feet and
garter tops.
At 60c a Pair
heavy, smoothly woven black
cotton stockings are full-fashioned
and altogether well
made. Regular and extra
Nightgowns for
"Jack Frost On a
Oh, such warm nighties are
made of white outing flannel!
To fit children of 1 year to 3,
they are 85c. Two styles for
children of 4 years to 14 are
$1.50 each. Both have double
yokes and long sleeves. One
is collarless.
Rustling Silk
' Petticoats in
Large Sizes
Generously cut petUcoats of
taffeta or taffeta with jersey
silk tops. They are in most of
the wanted plain colors and
many lovely changeable hues.
(Ceniral) .
Neat House
Dresses for
Women Who Wear
Large Sizes
They are of figured percale
and plain color, striped or
checked gingham, made in
straight line .pr adjustable
styles. Many of them have
pretty plajn-color collars and
Sizes 46 to 54 at $3.85.
Over A Thousand Warm, New, Wint r
Coats Showing Styles and
Materials Aplenty
The More Handsome Things
of velour, bolivia, silvcrtone and tho like have
large fur collars of raccoon, kit coney, sealene,
nutria, dyed black raccoon and skunk opossum or
collars of self-material of unusual cut. Prices
range from $37.50 to $145, with many stops between.
There are soft velours and tho sturdier rough
materials made up in many attractive styles, with
fur and fur cloth for their ornamentation. Just
such warm, cozy coats as women will need to pto
tcct them from cold Winter winds.
Beginning at $16.50 There Arc
Two Styles
One is a black zibclinc, belted and full lined.
The large collar has a band of fur cloth for trim
ming. Another of rough coating in but gundy and
taupe is fully lined and has a large plush collar.
At $25 There Are Many Styles
One velour in navy, brown and black is belted
and has large tucked patch pockets. The large col
lar is trimmed with beaver fur cloth. Another ve
lour coat in taupe, burgundy and brown is trimmed
with plush and has an unusual belt.
At $27.50
thcic is a good model of rough btirclla with lows
of self-covered buttons and a generous collar.
At $29.75
beveial good stjles of clour, prettily lined. One
st.vle has a generous fur collar; another a laige
collar of self-material.
At $32.50 and $33.75
there are soft velours and burclln cloth coats in
atti active bolted models. All ate pocketed and
some have fur collars.
La Camille
These splendid front-lace cor
sets arc in many models to take
care of all figures. Every La
Camille corset has the ventilo
back and the ventilated shield in
front, which hooks under the
At $3, a good model for aver
age figures to medium-stout is
made of white coutil. It has a
medium-low bust, with elastic in
If you do not know La Camille
corsets it will be worth your
while to inquire about them. If
you do you know something to
your advantage!
Many Yards of Soft
White Goods
Ptctty dimity checks of va
rious sizes for wee baby dresses,
undermuslins nnd the like. 27
inches wide at 28c a yard.
Soft white voile that many
women are buying for curtains
with a hemstitched hem they
make most attractive ones 38
inches wide at 25c a yard.
White mercerized poplin, 27
inches wide, at 38c a yard. For
unifotms, waists, children's frocks
and the like.
Lovely Silks Inspire
Dressmaking Plans
Navy blue taffeta, 35 inches
wide, is of excellent quality at $2 ,
a yard.
Stripes and plaids arc most at
tractive in taffeta and messalinc.
All the color combinations that
one could possibly think of are
represented. Many of the taf
fetas are striped with satin. They
are 35 inches and 3G inches wide,
at $2 a yard.
The Beauty of
Green, white, brown, navy
blue, taupe, black, purple, red
and Belgian blue may be had in
fine, soft, lustrous charmeuse, 30
inches wide, at $2.15 a yard.
Cretonne Special
At 50c a Yard
Cretonne that is good enough
to re-cover furniture' is in plain
stripes or in many, many de
signs. The colorings arc dark
and light plenty of choice, and
the cretonne is 36 inches wide.
Soft Scotch Madras
is peculiarly suitable for bedroom
curtains. Ecru or white madras
that is 36 inches wide is 30c a
Touches of blue or of pink-and-green
delicately adorn ecru
Scotch madras that is 36 inches
wide. 45c a yard.
iWournmtj; apparel
in its cotrect forms is to be
found at moderate prices in
the Down Stairs Store. Here
are complete assortments of
dresses, buHs, coats, blouses,
skirts and hats.
To Keep Little
Fingers Warm
Good fabric gloves, with a soft
suede finish, are to be had in
white, gray, ivory and buck col
ors, with one .clasp at the wrist.
They will fit children of 3 to 12
years and are 65c a pair.
New tan capeskin gloves for
children are outseam sewn and
have black embroidered backs.
$1.35 a pair.
A Generously
Large Kimono
Women who want extra
sizes will find this kimono
large and comfy. It is of flow
ered crepe, with elastic at tho
waist line, and is trimmed
with satin in harmonizing col
ors. $4.60.
Suits for All the Busy Women
Who Need Them
Suits for
schoolgirls o r
business women
are made of wool
poplin, burella,
mannish serge
and two-tone
tweeds in tailor
ed and belted
models. Touches
of braid or velvet
are interesting.
$25, $29.75 and
are charmingly
represented i n
suits of wool ve
lour or of broad
cloth in novel or
tailored models.
$35, $39.75 t o
Trimmed With Fur
Beautiful truly so suits of
lustrous broadcloth, silvcrtone,
wool velour and velour dc laine.
in reindeer, plum, taupe, seal
brown, navy blue, burgundy and
green, begin at $39.75, $45, $55
and go up to $75.
wWmmmmmmmmmmm rrfmmmm
- ltl m MmmKKfmmm.JM ' f pfl-tt Mlflno -If
JLs ''a'HftiHyHBfflHrv 1 -r'
y IH1 I iff y
Rather Russian
are the suits of velvet that are so
warmly lined and interlined.
Many are adorned with lovely fur
and all show fanciful silk linings.
$37.50, $39.75, $59.75 to $85.
for Everybody
. Men's Shoes
$5.40 a Pair
Dark tan leather shoes on the
newer English lasts are ever so
good-looking! i
English lasts are also evident
in shoes of black leather in
blucher style. Black leather
shoes may be had with wide toes
at this price, too.
Black kidskin shoes are on
straight lasts or have wide toes.
Boys' Shoes
of dark tan leather are made in
English style in sizes 1 to 6 at
$4.50 a pair. ...
Blucher style shoes in dark tan
leather in sizes 1 to 2 are $4.50 a
pair; sizes 10 to 13 are $3 and
$3.50 a pair.
Black shoes In blucher style
are $2.75 to $3.50 a pair, in sizes
10 to 13.
Women's Shoes
$5.40 a Pair
All have, imitation wing or
straight tips and are in lace style.
The soles are welted.
Black calfskin with high
straight heels.
Dark tan calfskin with medium
Black calfskin with medium
Dark tan calfskin with high,
straight heels.
Children's Shoes
$1.50 and $1.75 a Pair
These include shoes of black
kidskin, of black, patent leather,
of tarr kidskin and, also, shoes of
black kidskin and patent leather
with white leather tops. They '
are in button styles. Sizes 2 to
5 are $1.60 a pair; sizes 6 to 8,
with wedge heels, are $1.75 a
Charming Frocks of
Wool Jersey' and of Serge
The absolute
comfort and un
questioned smart
ness of wool jer
sey have en
deared it to wom
en who are par
ticular about the
things they wear.
Ready now are
fifteen different
styles in these
pretty frocks in
brown, rookie,
gray, navy, taupe
and plum. Some
are trimmed with
fringe, some em
broidered in
heavy sjlk or
wool and there is
quite a bit- of
braiding used.
l!3.50, $25.00.
$27.50, $32.50 and
up to $37.60.
A little group of wool jersey
frocks in throe models in tun,
rookie, navy and taupe. They
are embroidered or trimmed
with buttons and show somo
new Ideas In overskirts. Spe
cial at $29.75,
A Collarless Frock
of Serge
is smatt, indeed. It is In navy
blue, bound around the neck
with military silk braid, which
is also used flat on the bodice
and skirt. $16.75.
Another serge frock has a
long, Ioobo panel down the
flont and back. A jersey col
lar in Pekln blue adds a touch
of brightness. $19.75.
h vni.wri 111 '
l?i I Al' XT w
il w
5j t"J
Emphatically We State
that nowhere i n
Philadelphia are
better men's clothes
procurable for $25
to $32.50 than the
splendid, all - wool
Wanamaker suits
in the Down Stairs
Store. We doubt if
there are any so
(nailery, Murket)
A Man Wants to
Get Under a Brand
New Hat
these ciisp Fall days. Soft
hats in all the season's good
shapes and shades are $3. A
gootl assortment for any man
to choose from.
A new wool-mixed hat that
is noted for its durability is in
tho season's good shapes and
colors at $2.50.
Many Men Are
Wearing Caps
At $1, we have a special lot
of caps of unusual quality in
checks, tweeds, mixtures and
a few plain colois. They arc
in various shapes with one
piece or eight-piece tops. They
are cither lined or have all the
seams taped.
((ullrrj, Market)
kW lOT
MM? I .,t 2F Uf
B i m
Workers Must
Sleep Well
and comfortable nightwear has
a lot to do with restful slum
ber. Men's muslin nightshirts o
loomy cut nre $1.65.
Madras pajamas in plain
tan, gray, green, blue and lav
ender ate $2.
(Oallery, Market)
Men's Half Hose 35c, Three Pair for $1
They ale all "seconds," but none have Imperfections to hurt
their wear at all. They are mercerized cotton and silk plated in
black and the colors that men want.
(tindery. Market)
500 Fresh Voile Blouses
Special at $1.25 :i
Every one is fresh and new and has just popped from its box.
All are of checked or striped novelty white voile with pretty plahVA
collais or of plain white voile neatly trimmed. jj
Just f.ve hundred at this special price for Monday.
Plaids and Checks for the
Newest Skirts
There arc skirls for sports wear, skirts to wear with plain coats
skirts for business wear. -
They are, most of them, of serge in club checks of many hues or -,
Hi lurKi, ucuuiuuiiy uienuuu piuiua. jiiu siyjes ure juuny miu every -
some of them are gathered all around, some gathered in back and"
others pleated.
Prices go from $10.50 to $19.75, with a wide choosing between
these two prices.
Furs Are One of the Prettiest
Attributes of Winter!
Puis scarfs, muffs, capes, .sets and throw ties are in an
abundance. All the various kinds of skins are represented and
you have the comfort of knowing that prices are as low as is
compatible with fh&t quality.
Velveteen Frocks
Begin to Appear
and that means Winter is
close. These are in navy and
black one with flowing panels
and silk fringe, the other with
black dlk braid trimming the
bodke und skirt. $28.75 and
$32.50. ,
Inexpensive Satin
Frocks ,
Simple little afternoon
dresses in taupe, navy, brown
and black ate trimmed with
white satin collars or are com
bined with Georgette crepe.
Another pretty .model with
an accordion-pleated skirt and
a broad saBh is $18.
Other delightful satin frocks
made in no end of pretty ways
are $23.60, $25, $39.76, $42.60
and $45.
The Bedding Store Is Bulging .
With Warm and Cheery Coverings! -3
"Up and out early" is the rule these busy days when work must go forward with'' '
cheery minds and courageous hearts. Sound and restful sleep is an absolute necessity, and ,
that means a good bed and plenty of coverings. Here, at moderate prices, are
The Blankets and Comfortables
You Need
Heavy cotton blankets for double beds ate in
gray or white at $6 a pair.
Wool-mixed white blankets with a silk binding
and pink or blue borders ate 76x84 inches and
weigh six pounds. $12.50 a pair.
All-.woo! Scotch plaid blankets are $18 and
white or block plaid blankets of excellent quality
arc $20 a pair.
For single beds there are wool-mixed white blan
kets at $8.50 and $10 a pair and all-wool blankets
in white or block plaids at $15 a pair.
Jacquard cotton comfortables start at 55 and
to $10 for some very beautiful copies of French
lankets in exquisite colorings.
Cotton blankets in Indian patterns are $6 each.
Cotton Blankets $3.50
White cotton blanketsl)ordered with pink or
blue and of a good size 66x80 inches.
Wool Filled Quilts
have the virtue of being light in weight, as well as
very warm. These are covered with figured mate-.
rials in colorings to match most any bedroom and
are bordered with plain colors. $8.50, $10, $12.50
and $15.
Cotton-filled comfortables are $3, $3.60, $3.75,
$1. $4.50 and $5. In this gtoup arc some comfort
ables that are marked especially low because there
is an extra seam in the covering. Women will ap
preciate the savings.
(I hestmit)
White Spreads
and Sweet, Clean
Figured dimity spreads are
known for their durability. In
two sizes; 80x90 Inches at $3,
90x99 inches at $3.5o.
Striped dimity bedspreads with
hemmed ends are
72x90 Inches at $2.75.
80x90 inches at $3.
With cut cornets and scalloped
edges they are
72x99 inches at $3.
80x99 inches at $3.25.
Seamless white sheets, fresh,
new and smooth are
54x90 inches at $1.45.
72x90 inches at $1.75.
81x90 inches at $2.
Pillow cases are 38c, 45c, 65c
and 60c.
Roller Towels,
60c Each
Full size towels with a linen
warp and border of red or a
woven tape border.
Turkish Towels,
45c Each
Generous, absorbent towels
of a good thickness, measur
ing 22x41 inches. You save
almost a third on these towels.
Breakfast Cloths,
Of fresi white cotton damask
in the 56-inch size. They are
made in three ways square ones
hemmed or hemstitched and
round ones with a scalloped edge.
Kitchen Crash
25c a Yard
Durable crash that is 17
inches wide and has a border
of blue.
4.Qx6.6 Feet
Axminster rugs are $10,
$12.50 and $15.
8.3x10.6 Feet
Tapestry rugs are $23.60
and $28.50.
Velvet rugs are $29.50,
$32.50 and $41.75.
Axminster rugs are $27.50,
$32.50 to $47.50.
9x12 Feet
Tapestry rugs are $21.50,
$29.75 and $31.50.
Velvet rugs are $37.50, $45
and $47.50.
Axminster rugs are $27.50.
$37.50 to $52.50.
of seasonable cotton material: I
are marked at savings.
percale, i
ot shirtin
white fabrics,
include percale, gingham, a
intra, votiti
plaid and striped lawns.
eye, batiste and plain lawn,'
, !
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