Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 11, 1918, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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    V (j
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V- V 7. " V viV if , .. Ktjj, j
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ftviet Atjacks Arc Repulsed.
Aii:.e : i?. it..-. T..b
;yf mibo in a' mi ijusi iimu
-! , v me Associated rrcss
V . I.nmlnn. Ort. It.
, 4 The Wr Ofllcei last night Issued the
i fallowing nfTlpljtl f-rtrrtmiinlpAt Inn from
l M':ArchanBel front In North llusslx
C f? 4'()n October C the enemy made a
,Sta rtlfnif counter-attack both by rlxcr and1
,v,Byrina on me Aineu position ai r-eici-r'L
dUTA. 170 miles from Archangel, on
! .. . .. . ....
p t. J " Klr uxina. Tne altacx was ucaicn
n; ' on, and the enemv i drum up me
L flv1 Iftnvlnf lioliln.1 fun mnehlnn mills
( ana fifty mm killed.
, f Jn the .szenkusw region wiiieii lies
T between Archangel, the Vologda itniiua)
4 and the t)lna, the enemy Is el 111 retlr
I Inc. followed hj n mixed force of
j Americans and llusslans In (hat region
j the enemy has been trxlng to deceive the
I Allied forces by w earing white sleeee
i bands, which are the mark of the White
A nuards.
' "On the Murmansk front the Allied
I troops operating from Knndalaska on
the White Sea. a hundred miles bouth
,i of Murmansk. haxe Urlen Imidlng 11.1
f trols back across the Finnish frontier
'J' and haxe slcared northern Kartlla of
May lVe Have Such
"Failures" Every Day
llrrlin, Oct. 11 -"Kncmx, attacks
failed In front of our new positions
on the bittle front cist of Camliral
and St. Quentli.," ws list r cit
ing's olllcliil rommuiiluitlon from
lioiulcti:n tein ".is welt us dm both
l.inkH of the Mouse "
Gli Italian! Sorprcndono c
Distruggoiio tin Posto
Axnnzulo Ncmico
Homn. II nttohre
Publtihcd unit ntmrlbntM Under
I'FltMIT No 341
Authorise I by the set of October f,
IH17 on nit at the PclofTlM o( t'MI.
dfiphi. r. .
lir order of in Pre.Meni
a r ntmt.rsnv.
rostmsster nnril
War Department Issues I'Aten-
ive Rexision of Todsij's
OiTirial Report
the er.emv
liy the iwoctated l're
Tokla, Oct II ItolsheWk fons
abandoned th." gold mining district west
of Moraslefsky, In the Trnnbalkali.i re
, glon. when the Japanese and Allied
troops approached according to a state
ment Issued at the War Olllce The
BrlhevlM left the Mclnlty of the luroa
i kl Bold mine uheu the Allied tioops
elite! tl the x Hinge There
When tin lll"d font-H n 1 tne
, town of UanbuM on septembc J" io
Bolshexik troops wero found Tui pco-
t)'e hung Jt tlaitk ami Rae tin AIMed
, ' troops a cordial reception The Alllt
j? ' J captured nine steimers at llinbukl nrd
C-'V took possession of 331 prlton.r tars The
r-- ti " iuh-ii. "i'i
4 - l.an.1 irrjnarit( tuenl nln. in ichine
ft "V funs and four mortars
Terec Comment by Ship Director
on Wili-oii Note
Milwaukee, l . Oct 11 Pharlcs
M Schwab, addressing a convention of
foundrjmerr here xcsterdax commented
upon President Wilson s note to Ger
many. ...,.
if summed un his xlew by saving
'The Trestdent s repl Is Ju't right '
wri v
Wii'hlnttnn, Oil It lollnnlnu an rnr
rntions t prMloui-lv reported -ssunlil-s
ttnuniled S.Prfl. l'rrtloulv ItelHirted
MUspii: In Xitlon
Pim ATl'-s T V i rule w Hiinmliurit
K Kmniet J Iionnhvi Kori Waym Ind
c'hnrles r Frfnll I all ltlrr Mjm ItmI
irltk V flaw Wnukeehii l rrliellrax
adl K Iheroil It (Iroxe1 Vlexanrlrln
a J i U llinrhnnn Norili rrnnn ln.1
rthur Ivlrichner Chicago l.nill Ktiehl
Veenah 1 Vlexin ler MrKwInir unn
l.fllie k orle It Miirexh (rrrnllle
Tenn Vrttiur M Nelnon I'hetrk XVIs
fleorrt It ltlrhar-lnn Crania, I.a Jneph
I' l.ufk lr xel tllll IM John t skit
reth imlh i hii nun I ester V "null link
Isliil I 'ill II..II1 Mnlth Laurel Hill I'll
Ko, sta ton ltarloTtr-llle a I lwaril
steKetnan Mllwaukei I rank J t ison
s hente Pi Iejhert Talor St rltmertnn
HI John X- huclll i K.e.ly II Walker.
i muarani tt
silRhtb Wnntiileil PrevlaiM H?orted
xIiik In Aitkin
1'IllX Ti: Jonerli M Krmr 7nl Uest
Hu-tll strett I'hllidilphla
ttiiunileil Decree t ttilelernilned l'retioity
Keportril Ml -inir In itloii
Pltl VTK-a Wllltim II lloford M-nom
nnU . I nuls I! I Izntte I.am T tun
lun Mi. Antonio l-ralilm Niw "nrli
llo Itlehanlftin Iturfalo N 1 erelt
i Wheeler ItUernkl-. c'al
srt In llonltal' l'reiloulv Itetiorted
Ml-thic In ttlnii
ntlVVTI. l.umxn A -llirort, - m lnks
O Michael IVrramll llartfnrd ('linn Wehu
llreen Plalnileu Ark William T Hill
rv Haen iNmn Jame-( K Hnrn f'uh.
Inc Okli I'lamle K Ht1cei rtn. okia
John l.ovlnuk Wolosltl Huiil i trunk Mai
koHekl MaKalofakt HuxU, s ott Morris
ermndlervlllo til Willi im I' Mnlth fbls
Iteturned In Huts l'relniilt Iteported
Killed In itlon
VIU ATI: AHiert M (!rmt Hut lei Pi
Returned to OntY lre,lou-il Itrportetl
Mlsi-lnc In rtlou
I.U-'lTKVxNT Elden s ltt, ltn 111
l OHI'OHAle Joseph J O.tnnnkl He
PlttX TK" tohn J Alhrlrht Pollock
's D Arland D Jlurtun Cratnon a
D.tlln nnllrle gltinte dalla fronte ill
ImtlnglK si rllen ihe In iiarecchl punll
delle llnec monlngne si xcrirlcala una
terta attlxltu tier opera del rlparll
lliilliinl d laoiirslMfte e delle p.tttuglle
Alle Infiiori ill nilonl locall lion si sono
cilflcite ImportTiitl opernzlonl
II Mlnlstern della llilerrn, nel pome
rlggo dl lerl, ha pubbllcato 11 stgurnto
' Sella rcglone del Tona'e uno del
nosirl rlpnrtl in.irtliindo nttraxerso la
neve rngKlunse o sorpreso un plccnln
Homo innnntn nemlco silo dlstrusse
I osila II rlpirto tordo nello noslre llnee
londut-cuidu prlglonlerl e matirlalc da
Ni Hit Vnl Arsi un numeroso dlstnc
riniintu nemlco tinlo ragglttngerc le
nostie lime, ma fu resplnto t- costritto a
Mandnnn dul Quartlet (lenerale Hall
nnn ihe ptesso la fronte si e sxnlta una
sideline pi rlmonln per li tonsegna ill
unn lundler.i nl contlngentl amerlcanl,
ofTert t dagll itallitnl dl N'ew York AIK
lerlmonla linn no presenzlato lontlngentl
dl truppe Itnllane II Cnppellano Mag
glorn luli rt delle truppe nnierlcnne,
dlssp che tuttl I httonl timirlcnnl, suiz.i
dlstlnilone dl ilnsse razzi o credo se
Ktiono II PrtsliUnlp Wilson come loro
guldn p the tuttl MJiio imstoiil ill fare
ciualslasl Hiorllklo nctessarlo per fs1
curare at mondo I prlmlpl dl uinnnlla' o
gluslljla l.t truppe sdlnrono Innauzl
alia batidier.i tra tntuslastlthe luclu
mnzloul II (lenrrnle Coral I apprezzato crltlco
mllltare ilillii Trlliuti i, In un suo
artlulo ille cite In Kruncla e nellc Kl
andre tutto II slMenia dlfenslvo nemlto
pi r esseri" (ntnplet imente abhattuto,
c do' ha obbllgttu 1 tedeschl ud uni
rltrata ihe foise si camblera' In dlsa
strosa rotto llgll dlte cho lo arml
dtll Intesn. si iniio premtndo II nettiUn
Fopra tuttl I front! in Macedonia, Mi
hnpntanli i-d In Mrl i e ihe la lierinanli
per salvare se sUs-m i ci prlrc li situa
zlone delle sue .irnnte h.i blsogno dl un
momento dl risplrn Sotto tall clr
costanre non i ptrtnesw dl parlare dl
armistlzlo o tregut per negozlatl sopra
una bise non preiidentemente accet-
tnln, nta the dotra' esso'ro declsa plu'
lardl. 1
I'cr mtattro mini, duriinla la gucrrn,
I Intesa si e" occupata Krandrmentp dello
polllka c It tlermanla dl toso mllltnrl
Ora cho It iiillllnrlsino e' cotnpromcfS'3
li slluirlotio t-' Inxcrtlta; li tlermanla
Icnta una taniptgti.t IHilltka o 1 Intesa'
bisogna tho no Itilzl tin i mlllinrc
l.a tlsposta del I'reMdcnle Wilson alia
liota dl pate dilla (lerinatila lia ottcnuto
li generalc. niipriiMizlonp ill tutla la
Mainpa Hallana e nisi' pure nel tlrioll
Samuel (loinpcrs, prcBldente della Pede.
rnrlone ,mrleana del l.moro, nttual.
inciito In Itnlli, hn nxiitti una lunga
lonferenra ion la tommlsslono ill cntl
grnlono per dlstiitero e ragglungerc un
nccordo nllo stopo ill proteggero gll In
tere'sl dcgll Itiillanl emlgratl doH la
guerra Mr. (iompers e' stato osplto
dell'Ambartlatorc Americano, On l'age,
the dlcdo un bancliettn In suo onorc
11 .oerno ItalLinn b.i mmf. H nri
tlent II ll.liUnil ninn .I..I f-.tlln .111
guerra dilla ('tote Itoss.i American i, la'
uri,-ora7ione ill lir.indc I lllcl ilo della
t'orniui d Itull.i Tale decorazlono c' 11
Plu gi.inde onori- cho I Italia puo' con
ferlre ad un ilttndlno stranlcio, e Mr.
DuMmhi e il prltnr. amerltano the la
1 (oirlHpondcntl Itallnnl nl fronte oc
tldentale lnlnni) dlspactl ilUhlarando
he la (lerniinla hi loinlnLlalo a far
eiaiuarc I Mllaggl vIlIuI alia fronllera
flilzrira-alsazl in i Quaranta xlllaggl
tra Uael o Colin ir sono gla' sgombri
till .ibilantl dl Miillnuse, Colin ir, Alt
klrth, Ten it ed altrl si asserlste ihe
I. anno .imiiu nrdlno dl tcnersl prontl per
sgomliraro il i un momenta aU'uItru
Iliilun Soi inlt-t Coming lo U. S.
Home. Oil 11 Diputv Turatl, leader
of the stulillsl group opposed to the
war has ninpted the Invitation to go
to tin rnlted M.itev
Dozcni of Towns Ihirnvd lV Atnviican Expedition of -150 Machine
in Greatest Aerial Exploit in History Fliers Blaze Way
for Fresh Alliance of Per things Army
7A r
'i. .
z .
EV. '.
r s
1 '
i '
Gallons of Gas
The government needs gasoline lots of it now!
This month and next, Pennsylvania's motorists
can hand over 5,000,000 gallons of gasoline
easily without hardship to anyone.
Save a Gallon a Week
If each motorist in the state by slightly
curtailing his driving will save but five
gallons of gasoline a month, approxi
mately a gallon a week, the total saving
during October and November will
amount to over half the amount needed
or 3,500,000 gallons
Commercial car drivers can add 2,250,000 gallons
to this merely by shutting off their motors when
their trucks are standing at the curb.
And the elimination of regular fall touring will ef
fect a further saving of 500,000 gallons, putting the
total safely over the goal of five million gallons.
Pennsylvania's motorists already are responding
patriotically and most effectively to the "Gasless
Sunday" appeal.
Go a step further voluntarily and keep the
Keystone State in the lead "over here" as it is
"over there."
Then take the money saved by cutting down gaso
line consumption and invest it in Liberty Bonds
and $1,400,000 more will go down to the credit
of Pennsylvania.
It's up to Pennsylvanians to
keep Pennsylvania in the lead
The Atlantic Refining Co.
1 Philadelphia Franklin Pittsburgh
M llli the American Torres nrtliwel of
xerdun, Oit. 11.
The bombing expedition on Wednesday
north of Verdun, updir the direction of
the I'lrst American Arm, as the big
gest aerial nttiuk (n bisinrj It Is
learned that moro than IR0 airplanes
participated. Anurlian, Krenth and
Italian bombing planes dropped slxt
tons pf high cxploslies
More than n thousand Allied planes
were operating oxer the front In the
Champagne nnd Moselle areas simulta
neously. They went as far as Mezlcres
and Sedin (forty miles behind the lines)
l).ur)lllers (north of Virdun) as set
a II re.
ht. .Jujln (three miles east of Ornnd
pre) It) n mass of ruins Its xarlous
dcjiots and railway istabllshmenla
smashed and burning Cluxlires (be
tween St. Juiln and (Ir.indpn ) wan set
on fire. The bliukemd town his since
betn captured Virtu illv excry Im
portant tenter In the Herman reir ureas,
tloo to or far from the bittlo front,
Is partially burned or unashed as a ro
ult of the biggest .urlil attatk In his
tor. Lieutenant I'hilans in u hint taught
fire nnd plunged toon fiet He righted
It Just before It struck the ground, and
recclxed only slight bruins and hums
He walked ntross No M in s l.uid Into
the American llnis
Tho tntlre fleet In tin American ex
pedltlon. Including uinxnxs, swinging
iier the lines, blackened tho skj. It
resembled a huge flock of blackbirds.
In the flight there wero nut onl
bombing planes but swift combat planes
and olhets with a special mission, like
a fleet Ht sea, with the destroyers
pitrolllng the lunxler fighting iraft
Anti-aircraft OernWn guns suit thou
sands of shells Into tho formation, but
without pffect 1'roni tho ground groups
of Clerniin planes rose to contest the
Without breaking their own formation
and without letting them Interfere with
their main object Allied litem suit
twclio of the enemy trashing down
ward One Krench plane was hit nnd
burst Into HaiucB and began settling.
I'lro streamed from Its stern iib It
eased down In n long, wobbly spiral
1 his plane fell in No Mun'B l.iml and a
few minutes later It was reported aa lost
The xerdltt was too t-oon, howexer Al
though struck when fiSOl) meters high,
tho pilot ho managed the stream of lire
nlwayB that he nmle n sifo descent,
with tho llamiH In his wake
It was the llrst time slnco .September
26 that weather conditions had been Just
tight and tho fullest adiantngo was
taken qf It Tho objects unofficially were
defined as being strategic, tactical and
for the weakening of the general morale.
Tho rnllwax renters and other pointH
of communication bombed far lit the
rear Included Metz.fc'iblon Othci towns
close lo tho line xieio deluged with
bombs In one e ise in tnetm concen
tration which had tiei nude for a
counter-attack was effectually broken
up. Mohrnngp, n German airdrome; con
ler, rtcclvcd four tons of bombs drop
put Uno man was killed Up whs a pllni,
and was shot through tho bend His
obserxer, with tho setondary eontroJ,
managed to bring the machine safely
home. When lie was taken out, how
oxef'. It was found that he had been
wounded, bIx tlmcH
AMntors who ptrtlcllfated In tho
brilliant uffoiislip ttsterdsj flew oxer
tho enemy lines and reported dozens of
towns still smoldering Aeilal bombers
blazed tjic way for a fresh American
a el Mime.
about them
you'll like-
Trade? Ve MfoXeflm
Malic jJWJH3jai fc
l' iit'ffiWrr
neat-saving' is easy
when I can hxxy
Kolb's Bond Bread
6i'7rES, it's almost a joke to hear people talk
- about the sacrifices we are making. That's
right when I hear women complain about being
unable to buy all-white-bread the way they used
to I wonder what they'd say ir they had to eat
bread made out of acorns, bark and sawdust, the
way our enemies do.
"Why, yes. I think that the little extra
cereal that they put into Kolb's Bond Bread, to
save wheat almost adds to its tastiness. It certainly
makessfine toast that is digestible and nutritious.
"Of course, Kolb's Bond Bread can't be as
white and velvety as it was before we all had to
save wheat for the Allies. But as long as I can
buy Kolb's Bond Bread, I don't see how we can
call it any sacrifice when you consider that in this
way we save wheat, so that our Allies may thrive
and help us win this war in a hurry."
II UK moke .
Conforms to VS. GovernmentWheaSaving Regulations
Cuaranteed-bf the Ko
'''' j
74' ' ifWttff
'T' 4MI
'J'WffflBWWHMwIe ' " yj
m-: Ejjur, i. . - .. ..