- .' J-, rs? EVENIN& PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER IV 1918 V m PAGE OF VARIED INTERESTS FOR WOMEN : IN THE HEART, IN THE HOME AND IN THE SHOPS ,, tiU i a .! 7-tf 4: Ik m V.V.J r k?rW st it - 'Qi i" ' m It . :&. r ; 1 1 fc. I't ? fcW t t-i . I h " 'X. ."'. v ITt E. J fin. A w 'A. r.a i; UP IK . i X' 4 rw- 'V .er L-S K- UJ& v 7 t r.4- m?t-j .ftSi :? .! iTK. &7.. fr&f - u: ' R? u ? n K, T'j.. tPR', k, -. r "? if'i. , BOUT A :MAN WHO WAITS UP FOR BILL : H EJJctn ffiict It Is Shown the War ? Chaperon The Older Men Are. Looking After the. Younger Ones Lr?J-s, E FOUND him playing tlie phono graph all by himself, ami lie went $ p' Dlavlnir and ulavlne when any one 'sVatrold see he wait tired and would like ' to eo to bed. It v.n liite and the blK f vHvlnRToom of the clubhouse open to enlisted men wan dCM-rteel nil except for thin one bluejacket. "Why don't you go to bed," we aled facetiously, "and let that limp run around Tara'n Hall tomorrow?" "Can't." vu; the reply. 'Sitting up for Bill." That was he said, but we knew and he knew that wo knew because he re fused to talk any inure about It. "yoU have heard cf mothers ntuylng LJi'l awaKe to near ini-ir nuys mum (S In at night, haven't ou? I mean the ', i line, big broad-hearted mother who A?j . ... !.. .1 alio la Vtnl-e titif- n-lut 1rifl UUIl l I1UU11U llirii uJ,r-f ."- ....' ..!- i.,f' 'to sleep easier when they heir that 5JV atCD in tlio nail, wen u your iumii has ever beat In tune with thelrx. then you will like thli story ubout th bov in the sailor suit who Mts up for Bill. Clll la big and Just eighteen, al though he would probably nevei speak to any of Us again If he. knew we sus pected It. He Is Jmt at that ago when everything In the world looks pietty alluring. He is tituilyltiR something When he gets to It and no doubt even tually will make one of t'nolej Sam's finest bluejackets. Hut Just now theie is this to consider. Kill is iivv.iy from his home in a small town for the llrst time and Is he lonesome? Not illll Ha is having the time of his .voting life. And Bill won't come to any h.itm Please Tell Me What to Do By CYNTHIA Wait for Love, My Dear Dar CvnthU I luvo ft soIiH-t swert heait In France ami I nls.i have u fd; htart at home t am very foii-l or both ami 1 am undeciela-l what tu do Tim ar.. Isith very nice What "hall I do wslt for the i ane In France or take the one at home. ANXIOLW. 4 Trv In he rnoil filends vrlth both men. my dear, for you do not love either one at present. If you loved one of them you would not question which to marry. And you would make a. sad mistake to marry If you have not a strong love for th man with whom you arc t.o spend the rest of your life. Perhaps something vv 11 happen to how jou that jou care for one of these two men sufficiently to marry him. but in the meantime (unless you really do care) do nothing to encourage either unduly, but be good friend) and wait for the right man and the right time. Both will surely come. Too Young to Court Dear Cjnthla I am a jouim fellow of seventeen and In love with a prrit; miuhk lady about eighteen. Is it proprr to keep rompJny with her. althouch she li clihteen and I am only eenteeti la it proper for me to lieep company at "the ae of aeenteen? l'leufte answer in the Evksino fcauo LiKiir. Titv: uucibun onp, I think I would call myself undecided Instead of decided, don't you? Now for A' little sermon, my young friend. If you have read these columns befoic you will remember perhaps what we have said on the subject of "keeping company." J,t Is never to be condoned. It Is always a mistake whether one r Is seventeen or eeventy-seven v Be good friends with this girl and with other girls and If you love her and be loves you become engaged to her, with the understanding that you will be married when you are of age and have enough to support her: but do not ask her to promise to go only with ;ou, nor make her a promise to go only with her, unless jou positively do intend to marry. It is not fair to either one and keeps both from making other pleasant and useful friendships. Tou are too jounc to thlnl. of mar riage at present anyhow Why not put THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Toda's Inquiries i 1 fllieii the aenrlre liar la liooelesslv faded j srhat ran be done t restore It? I S. Wh are the "Illue lisns"? ' S ! a hlah school education required fort enllatment In the atudent nurses' I eraT 4, What are "drann In" ruga? I At. Haw ran a meat grinder be oiled ao that He taste at ell be left to art Into tlie I near . What are "a rratlii" aouos? The U. S. S. Imliaiia To for Editor of Woman's Vaot: ZJear Madam Would uu Umdly rubllah la th Woman'a llxchaniee the liiator. or. rather, a brief aaetch of the hlatoo. uf the V. a. 3. Indiana, of the V S. N. IIILDV TJie l. S. S. Indiana I one of the oldest ships still in eommlssiou. having been constructed In H93. At that time she was known us the stiffest battleship of her weight nossestd by any navy She was armed with eight eight-Inch gutis, two thlrteen-inch guns, twelve three-inch guns and four six-pounders. The length was 348 feet, dlsrTaA?ment 10,200 and the complement 46u persons. The maximum speed was fifteen knots. Xv'o later history of Ihe ship Is given Vinegarlce Dill l'iclle. To the Kditor at TVomnti'a Page: Ler Madaln 1-leaae iiiihllih a relive fur making dill plcUea without vlnesar. (Mra.) A W. Unless the cucumbers are from your own garden wash thein carefully to In- ure cleanliness after Indiscriminate handling. Hack them In a keg. barrel or crock, leaving space at the top for the cover. Cover them with a brine made by adding to every four epiarts of water used one-half pint of vinegar and three-Quarters cupful of salt The j nmount of brine needed will be one-half , of the volume of the material to be fer- mented. Place a wooden cover or glazed plate on top of the contents and press it down by weighting It with a 'atone or other weight to Keep the cu- i-umber under the brine. Fermentation ,Ylll require weather. It is complete when bubbles cease to rise when the eon talncr is lightly tapped or jarred. When this stage is reached remove any scum wmen may nave coueiteei, pour not 'i. A, paramn over tne cover anu arounu me : 'i weight and store in a cool place. This 4 - recipe was receivea for y I " drtwrtment of household ou from the department of household science. Na- iionai uuraen womnussion. Mollo anil Club Name in l.alin ' To lae B4ltor ot iromo.l'e Paor; a Bear Jladam -Kindly adlae me irlth tho II aaillliijr and pronunciation of "laorirct-ine-VsabK' tn Latin. Also, advlie me with a suit X ! name lu La I In for a club ot slrla. - iiiihi i , v , The r.atln for 'Korget-ine-not ' Is "Xoll mel obllriucl," and the nronuuclu- . , UsM la "Nolee may-ee obllvisOee." The IKrai menmnr u "vo not want to ror t me." Why don't you take the cx MreMlon "in omnlbua carita" ("Charity la all thlnrs"). . or "Llonla avlbua" 'Crler good uusplfes"), or "Itoras non rmiu nisi serenas r we only Uie .pleasant hour") foi your Tail mlailt uae the word "aumus ." -we r," anu into nunt out tne im niiiBaaf )" law IN THE NAVY Has Developed a iew Kind Jjf N'ot wlille this young man of twenty live, who Is his self-appointed buddy, has the Use of it phonograph to ketp him awako ut night -ntll his tall. lanky young charge comes in. TlllCHK'K no liner chuperotmgo In the world for ti young boy lluu tills. And to me it seems one of the beautiful little bits of the hidden pos sibilities of men war has bi ought to the surface. 1 suppose it just hap pened that We bumped Into one case like this. Hut 1 um sure It must be Indicative. Mothers of young sons in the navy ntiit army can rest easy In every camp, In ever naval Pave, in every large ctly whole our bo)s get sub sidence and are allowed lo live where they will, I am sure It must in- pos sible to find hundreds of these elf appolnted big brothels. There is something line and potent In the boy who looks to the welf.no of the jounger one with whom he comes In contact, lie tluous Into lelief the hnv to whom milled years mwi.i no'.'i lug In tho way of added stability of chniacter. War calls for stability of rhaiarter. r do not refer to big trans glessions. which ale well uuiildt'd against by our Covei iiment. but to the little petty shit king of dutv . to the importing the "mil rah college stuff" into the army and nav. . Stability of character In the older bo.s conumys this undermining of discipline and teaches the younger bo.s tluit to bo .i good spoi t in military or sia life does not necessarily mean to break rules. In fact, being a good spott means to the contrary. 1 iff the courting till a few J ears have , passed? 1'inil a Mutual l'rie-nil Ui..,r l miIIiIh I lurn- b.'ti readluc ,.ur an'uer to others In eery nlch'n iit jih.1 ou mvo helped thern ttri'I 1 h.le mill" to oy for th first, time rim) mi.i sure von will hi'lii me. for 1 lMe no mother to tell uinl mv 9Uter won't bothur. o 1 vlll Mart to tell von now. 'there Is ti tnotormnn on the trille enr ind I e..m to 'Ike liiin and ew rv time I 'let on I look lit hlni. hut don't emlle He look at tile and neta red. So one dn I emlleil and he milled rucl.. hut did not v a word. I don't Ket on that car nn more lor 1 don't woik at thrt eame ulare i 1 pee him often, however, nnd he Ioo1n .u me mid doe not eav uiuthlhs. Do Mm thlnL he M hirhful or Is he fllrtlnu? I don't him flirt with an clrls on the ear He nhva keeps an eye on me. t ,am iMshfnl noeeif and iim erv mad at mtelf for 11113 ho I am eighteen leira old IJo ou th'nl, I um too vounff for friends? T do a lot of war wor! and inn worMni: ut an ammunition fu torv and am vsry lonesome BASIllTt. This molorman Is evldenllv a nlre joung fellow, since he has not attempted to speak to a gill he does nut know Vott see, dear, jou must not "pick up" acmiaintancts In this wa I know It Is ii little hard to have to wait for proper introduction, but you should know some thing of a man or girl before jou make either one jour friend. See If j'ou have not some mutual friend who can bring about jour meeting and then be good friends with the nice joung motorman, ajter you know him. Cive Him u I'iere of Your Work Iar t ntliia I am a )..un;r cirl lxtpn 3ftri of .iRr an! r-oii'tl.lrftt Rood tuitktnc hi eirry one of m friTiiisi. I nift a erv nlc jounc man thr rara olJr than I am lfn kid nil an res a n Mtttsa trtt..ti !- ne.n a Ihot he deurlv loves me. Voir 1 renllv nnd trnlv love hlni. Van you srlve me un Id' a what 1 could irlve him for Christmas I thank vim i.H mueli for vnur usslslRnee Bitow.v i:vns. Why not crochet him u tie or a scarf Or make him a sweater or waistcoat of wool? This-n would not e'Ost Jou verj much and J'et would bo oxtlemely valu able in tbat they would be jour work If the wool Is hare! to get and too ex pensive try a silk tie. You will find them easy to crochet and ran get diiec tions in tho art needlewuik department of any big department store If he Is fond of reading you nilglit give him several fine books, ir If J'ou prefer jewelry buy him sluils. cull hiikh or a scarf pin ctcrila' Answers t. Three- llvrb enmes thai can be iilared at inu gathering ut oumr peonle ure "shadow M." nlilrll eonslsts of KileHn tnir llenres msslnr In lull k of il sheet limit- In the ri.rLlie tilth :l lunill be hind Itl "lilunlna the frutliet" nnd -uhsloele rare." Directions for iiliolnz the last two named Riimrs run be hud by Nendlns u eelf-addressed envelope lo the editor or this puiee. 2. Tlie birthday Doner for Oetober is the hou. J, Tlie sjr industries noard usUs wumrn not to use. more thnii three nnd u half .sards of woolen material In uns one garment. Itmi tbat Is Ihorouclilr steamed before It is knit "ill not slirlnL In the luade- un Kiirntfiit. In baklni: umldrs use raisins Instead of sucar. Ihr) ufTord uuilile snrelen- Inc. Vdcllni salt lierrln- cites il la-ly new flavor to rhnwder. Courses in Bacleriolov In lie Ktlitur of IV'oinnn'a IMoe Dear Madam Would ou Kindly tell m-i nher. I i-un make Inoulrlea as to taktm; nuraea' army training- course iind also what Institution affords a eourae In bacterloloKj ' Would like the pUiea alluated In Philadel phia. Thankine ou kindly for an Immediate. i answer and hoiiinu to aeie H upnear in our j corner. I remain. ANXIKTr, I You ran make inquiries abuut taking enlistment in the nurses- army training corps ut the headquarters of the wom an's coinmltte-e. Council National De fense, 135 .South Sixteenth street. The following Institutions ulve e-ourses In bacteriology. Polj-cllnlc Hospital, University of Pennsylvania and Temple fnlverslty, all In Philadelphia. There have been free courses given Iji the city under the uuspices of the municipal health authorities. ,It seems unkind lo bother them now in these Tiusy epidemic days or I should give jou mine detailed Information. Call the Municipal Hospital or the Itureau of I'ubllu Health In refer ence to the free courses a little later on. 426 Babies Born Every Hour j within 50 miles of Philadelphia. Every single baby needs above all i things for health anil comfort a box of Bismoline, the greatest healing'i talcum powder made with bismuth. , All doctors agree that no powder equals bismuth as the most beneficial agent for all baby Irritations. One trial convinces everyone every where, Summer and Winter. J We Pay You to'try iho first box. Have your drug gist certify your purchase on .his label, send it to us and receive a 25c bottle finest, perfume or vanity box. m Co., Lantnter., Pa. -rnkm Women Desperately Needed It ever women wero needed, they am needed now. "The Hmergeiicj Aid simply Inust Imvn moro voluu teeis to work In lnlliieiiz.t-strlcken homes," decl.ties .Mrs. J. Willis Mar tin, "or our light will tin u Into de feat." Women need have only u lulr of willing hands lo plutigu in mid help. They need not have expe rience. They can bo Used to pre pare diet. etc.. If they uro unwilling to coi. . contact Willi patients. Loin to Hiuergenc) Aid head iiiaitern, 1-42S Walnut stleet. ready to serve. Thousands of women iiic desperali-ly wanted. U Is Impos-nihil- for too many to apply Chronio iiivnliils with trained nurses aie asked to turn these over to tho city until the epidemic abates. Thete Is in gent need for tho loan of automobiles. Tho less time it takes for helpers to be whisked around the city, the nunc cues nre visited mill the moio lives saved. THE DAILY NOVELETTE IT WAS .. MISTAKE Ity Mary .en is IX III: l.uge. old-fashioiHd silting i win of the Iluil'.e homestead sat Alice wltli her Knitting. She was a sweet gill of aboil' twenty with dark e.Ves, small nine, u i'cl little mouth, slid btov.li hair i oinbed bark fiom bcr temples Willi a I Ig lit jawn she fit aFli'.e lier Kiniliiig and turned In r I thoughts to Il.irt j . itefote her inme the tn-age of hi-i lover, a tall, fair young man with n frank open face, and a smile that dl-.iil.ived line while Itcth. It was Just one month since tliej- wero in gaged. Mow happ.v she was when he was near her, but for the last few -Venlngs lie li.nl evuscd hlinpelf from coming to see lier. t.ijlng tliat It was lo be a great suipr.sf It was pitot and lonesome In the house and .Mice fell ralliei i.stless, j.u she de cided to ttl.e a wnll. She walked along tile still ro.i'l. anil 'ur Hioughls tumid to the hnppliH'ix the I vi.-is lo be litis very shuillv Tlien sb,. thought of her brotb.'i. who was 'limting In Krance. and felt soil- thai he could not come lo In-i wedding but was happy and prcud thai he was doing Ills' bit over I lure. Ilj this time i-ho was near Harry's house, and she saw a light In the gara'ge and llany standing on a box and ap pealing to be vci much isclled. She al-o saw ili.it there weic a lew slrangt men thai she bad never seen befoic standing near him lis'eiilng to l.ls sptech Willi great Interest. Wishing to siirpiisi- ll.mj. Alice wen: up to the garage. Intending to go In, but she. drew batk in honor .is who hcaid llarr.v exclaiming at tliu top of ill" lungs, "We'll get i hem, of course wi will, down v.ltli tin- Americans!" Alice's head was in a vvhlil. She did not wait to bear more, but ran home panting fiaullcall.v. As soon as she if.uliLii her home she flung heisclf up in her bed and sobbed as If her heart would break As soon as me enuld she piilbil herself together to decide what she should do. Of course the could not niairy a traitor, she a liui. patriotic Amctlcin girl, with her brother fighting fur de-irocracj-. Ah. how tenlble were her thoughts! Alice pictured the wonderful days spent with ll.irrj. but how itiick-l- thej' passed, and then she shuddeted as site thought of what he had said but a half hour ago. That night Alice slept but little. The next morning, about 10 o'clock. Just as she was giving herself the last i rltlcal i sMvey in the mirror, tne ooor ueu I ran ir. The maid ansvvi red Ihe door Come rlclit In. Jir narry. sue snlil. lejlillllir bitll into the Hitting room. 1 Coining down the hall stairs Alice heard the voice She grew pale and trembled She bore herself to him in a proud and scornful manner, and jet all the while slio loved Harry Hut was he not n traitor? Had she not htard him with her own cars? As she tntertd the sluing room, she handed him the ring which hail hitherto been her most beloved possession "Hoie," she said coldlj "Wo must Part." , , , "Hut-but" she wa ginii Mie could not hear what he would s.i lie went out ot the house stunned Ho was astounded. Ho stumble d along the Mrret. not knowing where he was going When he was gone. Mice t-amo down with n. tenr-.st.iincd f.ue She noticed a small white caul on the sitting room floor. She picked it up and read "Ihe Kaiser's Doom." given bj the Hrovviilng College bos. stairing her friend Harry In the lole of the Kaiser Alice read It over about live tunes. There was no cMilanntion needed Sho understood. She ran lo the- telephone and e-alled up Harry Ho answered tho telephone and heard Alice sav, (Jh. H.irrj-. come right over. It was all a mistake. 7"onionoir' t'oinjiIWc Xorelettc ix tiii: xixni ixxixa. Things to Know If the hems of pillow slips nre stiffen ed with very thin starch they will look i fiesh and crisply dainty for n long, time. Powdered eliaicoal boiled with rancid I laid Iminer.sed hi boiling water will1 sweeten It. rut the charcoal In a small bag of stioug muslin through which il laniiot penetrate. Sepatuta tlie sweet from the l.imid lard .is It bolls. I To make a sweater that has ftrctrhrfl normal in appeatauce baste a piece of tape Inside along the shoulder seams i and stiuight acroas the back of the neck Sew two other nieces at tho waist where the pulling has stretched. Have the tape the original size of the sweater and lake In the fullness us j-ou go along If one length of tape eloes not sutticlently I sliupu the sweater at the neck use another two or three Inches below It j A Quiek Da-li The- scales may be easily leuinvcd. from a fish If you immerse! it for a minute in boiling water Pour the water over It verj quickly und do not allow the llsh to le-inain in It Thin Endy Hair orThickandHealthy? A scalp cared for by Cut Icurn usually means thick, glossy hair. Frequent shampoos w!ii Cutlcura Soap are ex cellent. Precede shampoos by touches of Cutlcura Ointment to spots ot dandruff, and irritation ot the calp. Nothing better for the complexion, hair or skin. , Sample Eaeli Free by Mall, Ad dress postcard: "Cutieura, Jiapt, au, Beatoa." Sold everywhere Soap He. OtatmM5 an JM., " TUNEFUL COLORING AND SIMPLE LINES , atthawTN. I 29pA i HMLaaBsaaT Lrv 'i.x r -. m -- i j P ''I ' m '- A BsaP Till- frin k i in nioiic olor jrr-ej ami blue ceorgelle. The georgette, wliirli loriiH the lower purl of the skin anil tin- upper part of tin: lioilire, is einliroiilereil ill wool varu to match the jersey 1 llaily iiviini 1 nil: by Florence Hoe T licr.i: is a general wave of conserva tion evieeplng overjhe countr.v. The gntls.i Ha ffal.ish. the blzam- have illsappeaml The fripperies, the ilevv dabs. the im aningless ill diess have one b.v oneslipiied away, until each and all h-ive gone Life Is real nnd life Is very earnest, and the women are seeking to -iriss it In tluir clothes. Just the same as tliej inn showing it In their lives. No woman wants lo strike a jarring note, but she wants to be well dressed, be cause tlie psychological effect of a well dr. ssed woman Is too vital, I09 Import ant, at this time to be lost sight of Ilowtwr, kIip ItiMNts upon eUgaiico ami dignity, r.itltrr than the noel mul tlio extreme of fashion. You will note this wave of conserva tion e veij-vvhcrc: 111 the subdued color ing In the likeable and wearable stjb'S, in the Insistence upon quality lather than elei-iiratlnn, and in the general sim plliiiv that pievalls. Tlie make! a of ilotlies have been verj- keen In their in sight into what the- women would exact, nnd have done all within their power to plea--e That the women wero lluillng it easier to select their clothe", was shown verj clruily lo me during the last week A verj- close friend of mine, who, for llu last j ear mid a half has been Con lluuillv comii'i lining lo npe that she could not find what she wanted in th shops and thercfoie would not buj- anv thhifkuevv. came to aee me and said she wnsjjii her way to the shops, to trj to find n new flock, which she suld she needed hadlv- "I know it Is hopeless," she said She is woman who has a i verj tlno flguie and one that requires long lines to leally look well When she called me up the following daj she was fairly Jubilant "I Irled on about twenty elicsses," she said, "and could wear thctn all. The onlv trouble was to select tho one- I liked best, and that was . hard, for they wero all so good-looking" I selectesl the frock shown lodav for I tlie simplicity of deslKii and -the tuneful coloring. The lower pait of the skirt, the upper part of the bodice and the sleeves are of mouse-colored Je-rsej The upper part of the sklit and ihe lower pait of the bodice aie of a beautiful shade of bluo geoigette embroidered 111 wool j in n, which matches ihe jersey In color. Tho toquo has a crown of tailless ermine, with a band aiound tho crown of mole. Tho scarf depicts the new fashion of the two in one sole One side Is ermine and the other moleskin. " (Cons rluht. IMS. bv llorence Itoae ) yI V'll mtbi.1 n rrvij. r&mxiim sMSoessoa nrfrtArcnuc , 1422 TOalnut Street W KST OP DELLBVUE.STnATrOnt) r e tailored m Suits-Coats-Wraps DRESSESr-PARIS &1V A Maid and Two Men The Story of the Girl Who Wa$ Left Behind Dy UA7XL DEYO BATCUELOR Copvrleht, tut, tv l'ublio Lrdotr Cc. tiii: uTiiitv Tin- rn llolh Ron land Is toteil b.r Jnrk llond il nil Nrolt Ua mond, :ind firomlsea to ,""rir llond. llolh men nre ilrufled, but ii in!? eiemnted lieranse of n iihialcfl "'"''IHlf. Scott curs to l'ranee and l iioinideil. Kutli Inter dlsrovera that she has made n mlatakp nnd tlmt she lovea .srolt Itayniond. hill she determines lo murry Hand and In make hlni a "d wUe. "SS.11, . no,. oltMellier nnderMendlnf her ulllluile, but rontlnved thai ahe wants film to he llchllnic for i; i-oiinlry. noes lo ii liospliui nd is nrrotrd upon lo niako hlni m far sen Ire. I XI.VH ! A'" ",p1 Jaek came back Not with aTjL an any panoply or anjthlng of the Kind, but simply nnd unostentatiously. Ilutlt was home alone when he ap peared. Her mother had gone lo a con cert with some friends and Hobby wrh In bed. II was late ard Until had not been expecting any one Suddenly Ihe doorbell rang, a long, Imperious ring, and Until started tin nnd called out to .Martha us she pastd the living room-, door that she was too tlreii to see any one. Then there was 11 silence, ftulh sat In tho big chair, her head rr sting wearily against the cushioned seat l.jlng back Ibis vvu.v, lier tired little fara could be seen in the full light of the lamp; there vveie lines of ladness that serrned out of pluco theie. She waited and nothing happened. Mar.liu did not pass on her way bacK lo the kitchen, neither could lluth hear anjthlng limt was happening at the doer. She started up nd was about lo cill out. when she saw soma one standing In the doorway. well-known llgurc It was, not too lull, and stocklly built, nohlnd hrm was Martha, who nubble metlert nwiiv inlo Sliace. ttuth snr.-inc 10 her fed. ".lack" she I almost breathed. .link, .vou'vu come back again?" , Then as he, ndvanetd lo the light and she saw hlni plainly she cclahned gasp . Iiiclv. ".lack, jou've enlistrd'" lie nodded bru'iiuel.v, still standing theie as though he were waiting for .something. lie woie the blue flannel suit of IRC navy, and as lluth looked at hlni closely she "noticed Ihjvv incongruously white his strong hands looked .nidging from tlie tight cuffs, llf com so. lit hadbeen 111. that was it. Then she looked up anil m-t his ejea. They wero filled with 1.11 expression she did not understand, and she smiled tremulouslj-. "I'm so pioud of ou ' she whispered, coming close to lil-n and putting up slim hands to touch ills cbevun nnd his rolled sailor collar. He caught the slim hands and drew them around his neck, and she sunendered InMaiill.v He held her closo and kissed brr. and she submitted, even trjing to rituru bis caiesses. lbr brain was In a turmoil. Jack a sailor! It didn't seem possible. lie was eager to talk, to trll her evcrj thing, .and she listened, if not eagerly, at least with well-as-umtd In terest. You see. I knew limv oii felt. Itulh, ' I i,a oMiLinieil. "I uulUnt lnvlp it 1 I Untw lliat if wcr to liolil our Imc 1 l must K.t nil ct u. aiui wi i ueciucu iu FCC Wli.1l I t'OUK. no on inu miiu raj u hnnn the doctor bad given me "Oh. then he did tell jou there was hope." o 'Yes, he raid in "be beginning that nn operation might fix things up, but I didn't think so much about it then." Ituth wondcie'd why she resented this j knowledge now, after It was all ovci atlu JllCK llilll nutu iiiin-i-ii me- man. In the face of the part she had played in tlie matter, she hud not the sllghtesi reason to feel lese-ntnieiit. Hadn't she rejoiced over the frtrt that Jack would not have to go? Then wliat possible light had she to feel resentful because he had taken tho same attitude? Tho fdet re malned, however, that sho did. "Hut I can't forget that you vvenl oft without telling me. Jack j that wasn't like jou. liven though I might have un derstood and susiiecti'd how matters vvcie, no one else did and everj" one mi.mrmm Milk or inianu & Invalids ,sj No Cookinj A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Quick Lunch; Home or Office. I OTHERS are IMITATION"? INTRODUCE SMART APPAREL Introducing new styles especially designed with that touch of simplicity so ' much desired by the smart woman of today. The assortments of really choice and beautiful things, carried by this "Paris Shop of America" are shown for immediate selection. fur-trimmed -Gowns- HATSand FURS . j T mr"-'' '" ViVaW ;7llr.n"'i?.-j.'"' 1I . talked dreatlttill.y," "I know jou're rieht. Ttntli ; Ii w-ns an awful thing to do, but as things stood then, I had to dolt. I could not tell whether I could bo made fit or not, nnd I did not want the tMlt about It. uniu 1 Knew one thing or another. There was only one reason, thoueh. that made mo go Rvvay without saying anything to jou about It, and that was because I was eiuito sure before, I left that you didn't care. Yeitir letter sent to the hospital has given me fresh hope. I have learned one thing about women through ou, Uulh. and that Is' that a man can never act ,,n wnat no 1M11I1. tl.ey want, he must decide for himself one way or another," Itutlt slipped her hand Into his In an effort to seem happily Interested. Why couldn't 'she fe-el different? Jack was home, lie had explained matters, every thing was as she hail Imagined all the tlmo he nad been nway, and j-et she was cold nnd unresponsive. She could not givo 1 1 1 111 the credit that was due hlni, bis possesslvenebs of her was moro than she could bear. That companionship that she had hoped might develop between them seemed somehotv- verj- vague and indefinite and In the future. Tho most Important thing that she could think of was tho fact that .lack's physical presence as a lover anel a husband was almost moro than she e'otild bear. Tho slight hope that she hud entertained a few dajs back, when she had vvondere-d If It would be possible to tell hlni tho ttulh, seemed Impossible to her now. She Klmpl.v could not strlk him a blow like that. liven If he had done what ho had for her sake lather than for the good of the principle, the fnet remained that he had Mono It, nnd all tlie more reason, If ho had done It for her. that she prove- worthy of It and help hlni to make good, "And eveijthlng will remain lis it Is, nnd the wedding will take place In two weeks?" Jaek'sl voice was lcne with eagerness. "If jou will foiglvo me and understand, deal est, it means every thing In the world to me." "I hadn't thought of changing the date of tho weibjlng." Until returned quickly. "Of course, eveijthlng stands as It is." "And jou leally love 'me?" Uuth swallowed tinleklj "Of e'ourse Jack, you know I do " And then, as Ills arms swept around her almost loughlj", she closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself close against the hunt of an other man. n man who had loved bet' and whom she had sent away (Tomorrow .Mrs. ltowlniiil elves her ilevva on Ihe subject of .link's enlist ment.) f.rf.it c.rninii.1 for Hi LVKMNOt't'lI. I.H l.i;i)(li:il mn.' t jiiis nu to iiiIm nn In, it I Intent of IliU erv Intert-Mlnit Mnr.r. on li.ul l.ellrr. llnrffor. trlrnlioiie or writ." to Ihr rirrnlitlnn Drimrtnipnt, or nsk .roiir nn(lnlFr IliU iifternmm in ie iii. i:vi:mno rriiLiu m.doi:h ut ntr liotnc. 4, nub jour, enrn rlsht off .Vr S VA v. i , 1-iene'n Corn 1-lasier will euro gz w. he worst eorn in a few hours. No Zjs gsf fuss or Loiher with lUnildi. jiut it 5? 'hin lioso-IUtlnir plaster, with g2 K nen back to keep iho flesh elean g3 i& ind iiroteetrd from Irrllutlon Ktopsgj! 6Z be iialu almost Instantly Xn uthetf z3 ggfiroluct has done mi much to end 3 g orn troubles Known for til jears J3 g ih the oiih best coin remedy, '$ m Hold by druffttlsts eer where, or m -iv mull nt '--3e, VV'inthrop Hales Co. i& 11U Wis 'Jd at.. J' York. ?5) ALL thought of paying $8 or $10 for shoes will pass out of your mind when you behold these beautiful creations in NEWARK Shoes at $5.00. You will pronounce tliem the most won derful values you have seen anywhere this season. And there is a very good reason ,, why this is so. We sell millions of pairs of them annually through our 297 stores in the United States. Come and see for yourself the buying power that a five-dollar bill still has in Shoes 1 Uu).arft Sfiee Stores G LAKKEST CHAIN STORE SHOE COMPANY IN THE WOULD roi iiti;i;n womk.vs .m shin's bToitus I.N J'llIl.Mllll.l'IllA l-J'tl Alurkrt M between U'th and 131 It HtrertK. 5114 KriitliiKlon Avr., bet. JTorlc & Cumberland tit. 3131 tlerinanlotvii Arrnue. between X-elllKll Avenue nnd !omerhet Slreet. . 1ST Vorlh Klalilli Mrerl, near flierry Btrcct. 4 houtli Htreet, near Fourth Street. 4JI Mark! hi reel, betwevn 4th und Eth tit reels. 48SS J-'runkforil Avenue. SS36 or li Frent fstreel, near Uauphln Stleet, seiz nermantown Aienm, near St rtouiH Hiiuein pt real, near son miiMtu.junirfM'wm.iJMmL) $&Ljf.-JjX.?J& Adventures Witharursex DON'T throw this aside Impatiently, saying, "Who ever heard of talking about Christmas In October!" Talking about tho holiday scaEon now is n cer tain evidence of patriotism, for be It known that nil shopkeepers are being urged by the Government to do evtyj' thlng possible to extend the Christmas shopping period over the next three months, nnd conservo labor and man power. And so I say lo you If J'ou have an automobile don't fall to stop and see the attractive patriotic metnl shields, piobably flvo Inches In length, which can ho attached to the front of the hood. They combine most engng-Iiir-Iv the holiday spirit with patriotism, for, surrounded by an enameled wreath in rich greens, and merry reds, Is a shield In ted, white and blue. The price Is Jl.fiO, nnd tho pleasure this will give will bo worth many times tho price. Krult, cereal, a fresh country egg, crisp brown toast, rich golden coffee, and orango marmalade whj- that's a breakfast fit for a king. Hut the mar malade must bo good. And I've found some the best J'ou ever tasted t A per son In authority Informed me that since the arrival of tills particular brand, nil others have lost their popularity. Made from a good old Scotch recipe. It Is put up in generous-sized Jars, 'and can bo had for fifty cents. With afternoon tea now, what could be more delicious? There are times when tlie unusual shape of Ihe neck of j-our dress makes finding a, collar to tit It a very dllllctilt matter, In which event frilling by tho yard Is erj- welcome. And then, too, If J'ou look sharp, you can .often find frilling that will rival In distinctiveness and Individuality tho most uncommon Ntw Neitlt Appiratm 1918 Model Also agents for Xeatle'a patented water wavlnc comb. Before you have vnur hair waved conault C. LUCKER, Hairdrettar rtione lairust XM1 lis Mini! UTn A Baking Tip From the South Ever taste those delicious cornmcal muffins they make in Dixie? There never was anything quite so feood and wholesome. The secret of them is Un Miss Pnncme PurePhosphate BakingPcwdcr the baking powder that rises in the oven. If you want to save on your .bread bill, bake some 20c U lb., 3uo lb.. In handy trundled cups, at Community Stores i we Serve ..LJTrjiCT., and other The Stroller. In the new Span ish Brown colon M inch heel; finest q unl ity workman ship tbrnuirbouti one of Fashion' chic llliuii a nut el si all ,"$5.00 model width and sizes, 1431 HoutuHtreet, i:neuen Avenue. MarKet (Htrnet. iid .iuilii A.1KIIIH i k(4c Aveuua, collar nnd cuff set. Such Is the frilling I discovered today. It Is probably four or five Indies wide, and In color is A little darker than cream, nnd not quite dark; enough to be designated coffee color. Two little tinrrow ruffles edge this unusual piece, then como rim hroldcred dots, hi single row-, nnd then comes 11 line of hemstitching. A touch of Hils 011 elicss of Ian or brown, or oven blue, wpuld glvo that "personal identity In clothes" that Is so deslrrtbte ' I'or the names of shops where ar ticles mentioned In "Adventures With a I'ursc" can bo purchased, nil dress liditor of Woman's Page, Hvenino I'iidmc LiiDORit, or phono the Woman's Department, Walnut J000. BHFM III lift HI! VH nD Mm. I i mmM t 1 T fTTT TTn M i I 5i'wir llffl t (1 JwIEiM Wo Mm 8pH ' WvK CMii i values m m$, mssM I "" SPECIAL sV UPTOSAT'D mA $8 BROWN ,1 KID $f j K BOOTS D (it jjjjjVi ManjSmartratlerni lit r -il UuitLJilllClltiJiil cornmeal muffins with Miss Princine. feVsj louSavr --aw.i pood ttorei , Q I i l i ! 125 New Fall Styles, In Newark Shoes - For Men Just Received ' Come in and see them! Z between Bfoad and 15th Streets.? Bar VslMpt'lffl V.' " v pv f-W ni.. .UHLWHen iiacur ac v inn isiul .jaai K 1 AaTsVi , - li .' ' . . i ie....-aal ,,.. . .nr'.M, aummr. ffiSBBaallBl MBKT JMUx..lrPrgP, -'5" Tg