'. rJT! fiK"-' A'-i M vM.4; ".4r &V ' W ' V' v t w- ", J ' , s EVENING PUBLIC4 LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, (HT013EK U. 1ULS JJ '. rJifl J'u VTH l 'r ft . . CAMP MEADE TRAINS 1 NON-ENGLISH UNITi Major 'I'lioina. Amato Plaecd in Charge" of Foreign-Speaking llatlalioit I ASES PHILADELPHIA'S WOMAN AMBULANCE DRIVER I v,rt DECREASING AT DIX , i l uKrtmMthwt9ntiVMt?4m&tiMVVMwrv?rtz' g4f-';ywji'-'iiMwfiai I I flffll HH HlI HI jii ? " k JSSS'" v'?V'-V."' JA'jJIIMl f I B.QEitf5HJJlS9)flHV M IK is. Only '11 New Cases Do clop in Dnj, hut Death Takes Twenty-four Soldiers Xvrelal Dltpalch In Hit Kvtiilno -nUIr .ri'nr Camp till. WrUlitntnnn. -.. 4 U. t 0 One lieu lnnuoii7.i patient nan ml milled to tlie liaie liopltnl ilnrlnK a twenty-four-hour period nnd only fort) , other njllil cases i1e eloped In the nliolej camp, nccordlnR to the report cubmlt- ted by the camp surgeon Twenty-four new dentlm .cio reports, making a to tal if "32 since the epidemic started and twenty-nine new caw of pneumonia deelajied. .t the present time there am S6tZ suffcrlnR from Influenza anil 1154 from pneumonia. Amoiic those who .succumbed cre J'rtvntet Dallas C5nlne. 1013 1'alr-' mount nwiiur. 1 untnn : .tmicpli Tim- incus-. It, CO Kelmont avenuef NewnrK Anthony lll-.ll. 2J Summers street, and IJdward Knpp. 1911 houth Third street.. Philadelphia . I'mm-llii- ltdltl. Kphralm V. .f. ; Charles I", Harden, Unit . Ille. V. .1 : William i:ans, .lersey City: Jo seph Crowley, Wilmington, I'd.; Tranl. I.emun.oii. remlifrtim, .N". .1 ; John 1 Colhurt, Ch.irlei County, Md J HirbcU Snyder, Nil earn Kail". N. Y i Morton Sanderson. New Wlnil.or, Mil , and Ser ncant 1'rnnU King. Itochcstcr, N. Y" To In-lrurt In Vrrnrh Announcement lias been made that Trof. Ii It, Wilkin, of the l!nlerslty of ChlcAEo. ehairnun of the ivcciitle com mittee on Itainame language In-tiuctl.m. and tho War Jli.ilrin hanging-, Akiik-Ih tlon of Ani-'ilru li.it; lirolTend the wi lce of that mganlitlnn to the War ( nopal tmenl to clvc throuch the V M C. A., 1 roiilxe of ln"tl ULtlon III I'muli I to elMsliiiiH mid (.imps Org ml illotii not tindei onleis for inrrm Hi service an f.i fiirnli-.li to i' imp he.idiiu.irlers a list of the nllleeis and men who would inohahly Mihmleir for Instuii lion In Krem h ami as Minn as tills Is reeieil : mm.mmM iwm-imzmm msM , illllfln.VldilMilBJRII999H A 'V3a"JHI1I3IHB sililLH x liilllttnlHIM i lt,llw,MIMiWMiMMMMM Wt)&s9UkwkW "? s-zSSta ii fc ksaaKaasaH( iHMlllilKSQ 1 ' VSWI isfr -BHHHHRBVTMiirAJIH l l ,"il In " KiMilf ''b"c '" Chiiip Mesile. Ml.. Oct P Majni -I l.m..s S Am it l'';,1,'1'u'",i;! .... . !. ....i.nir tmttal iin hi. lominaiiii i'i .." "" ,, . i. . .i.- r..i. ii.,... iirlffade. h ell .Is made un mtlii'U of non-ntiBllsh speaUiiK "'; I I.Ltr.1 men wh.i are lielnB ,y,,u'" mi.l.i a new fit'iii aPtuoed 'J"" War I pat tmenl so in." uifj - Hi. iciu.il of am Ameilran wldlcri". Majoi Miiatn was nil olhcer In Me , Ohio NHtloiuil IJiiiud He Is ii Mclllan iitli and was seleetr.l lor in.' whlcli be Is so siicce-stiiuv ."."'" . nc here lucau-e of his tmderstnnd iir ; !f the manners and the lUstoms of the furdcn element , .. ,, .. Mom of the soldi, rs of tin. battalion in Italians The other- are Mis!ii Jrlin, tliecU nnd Crecho-SloMil.s t'ltl.eiH limloi to Major Vmnto. of these sime nalloti.illtles or with a knowledur .if the Iiiikiiiir.'s and the ousliimi f 'he men roinmand the i ompaiils. While some lommaiids ale plen In ill. Mil.lleis own lanRiinne, the l.in: ilh translation Is also clven. vn that ilu will know and undeiMiind the 1011 iiinils If slen l an otllcer who cannot understand their own liuiRU.iue Tho ,i,i. i r n.e tialnliiK Is to tcaeli the DrMiif; ;i lucpilal .iiiiImiI.uhi' fiflrrn liimr a d.i not i-lt.ionIiii,i v. ;m umlin,: tu MU I. Kallir;n I rll, il.uif.1i vi fif II. L.iurnur IVII, prcitlrnt of llir I r.inklni Printing ('omputi AMBULANCE MAN ILL ; PENN ENGINEER BUILDS SCHOOL GIRL DRIVER HUMPHREYS' CAR LINE lb. iir. of the i. instruction of the line Iin. u len It up lis n bad Job and will build a liislb m nis the in. I. Insleii.l P I Use, nf (lb u lt.nU Pi. . lm... In .1.' of the Inli.rsll .if I'.iinsil. Mini. i ciiKlne. r hi chaiBe of mntrin- II. hi bis bid a I'lc Job in ueltliii. and i .. 1 ..-..! llin Villi I- .11111 I.I hllOM 1111.1 lllliieieiKi.u n.v .... ii in I.iiiru.irc and iiwwn "'' "', tin Ir own The n.ittiotitlcs are er mm h Rratl llrd at Hie d.ire.i'-e In the nimiber of new .ai-es of liilln. lira The hope to si i tin dls.ase wlp. .1 out nf the canton ment with the tiet wick .it ten daxs CieiMhliiR Is b.lliR dope to pr.MUt 111. fmtli. r spread of the in ilad nnd to icMtme to lualtli thus.' lads who .lie Hi thus Mr. iiinl Mr. Brpp Improve Mr and Mrs I'llwnrtli llrRRs. of lla- ilf.ir.l who hne len irltliallx InfluenTi. were ui.ortr.l to.lai I'ren.n an. i as mh.ii un ui.s in ......... . .. n . it ,,, .,,.1 ,, Iiss,m win be niRiniTf.i I.? Prnfi's-or ' Katlir) ii I'oll l)rl:i Uiu- (Jiaiil l ill at Ciinui WIIKfns, lompetenl lntiuitois IhIiir, . f, .. ", . . t, , . furnish...! 1.-. tb.- Y M C , MTalty MllllK') IO Aid Dt'CIMOIl IVCUChct in (Jrip Fight j At the reou.'St of l'leslilent Wilson nett Saturdnv will be doubly iikbrite.I by the pol.lleis at I1I. for, while It is Columbus l).i. It will nl en be known nil Liberty In, and. .iIIIkhirIi ii.. ixemi.il' UiIIhk a lin-pltnl ninbiilan.e llft.nn celebration will be held on ac.ount or limns n da Is nothliiR eMiaorilln.ii i u I the. lnlluenz.i inldenile, jet the Milium ' the iiplnlini of Miss I. K.itlu Jli 1 1 II. iirimn ration lommand.rs i ie leen ask- iiiiiiKiui'i 01 i. . ,iwi.-... . . i- -,,..w... Cine-, ami to Huilil resile id by Majoi (iineral lliitcli I.. .-iott, the camp commander, to hold icicjnonlin In tho arlous areas The KiiIkIiIk ..f Coliimhim and V M C. A. arc al-o piepailm; . . I. biatlons. Knteitalmiieiits will be pro Ide.I In out sldo talent. If tin- .piai .inline Is lift.. I and, If not, fiatur. mollis will Ik shoivn. ilels j.trnr sentence A1 "ilic.itlon" of nearl two montlis liai cost Pliwite William C Vanam in, a member of Companv P.' ir.lr.l Hepol of the I'r.inkPn Prlntlmi Cimipini j l.e.ill, time Is nomine in ne i cniii about.' loimiiented Miss Pell, lift. I flu had triiilnl. assHti d In the l.moxal or ii pmiinvmli patient fiom the ambillaiK. to tho Woman s Midl.al Collec. Hos pital "I'M1 alwais iIiImii (.us ' sli. iiiutliiiiid. 'and nitui.illi I lln.l drlvltiR ' the .inilnil.iiii'i M 1 1 s'liipb ' I JIIsh I" II, a f in (.tilth in .it tin . Woman's Mulleiil Colli m-, liostpoii.tl hirl entrance ln'tlu me. Hi it uliool nf the. t'nlieislti of Pi iiiisili.inl.i list wee! Urleatle. bis llbert for tho in t the I take the plate nl Hie n Kill ir tnauiieiir, i )is, for a ReiiLrnl itiuit-inaitial boanl whft Is sliieken with ltilu.'iiz WoiklnRi ha found hlin cullt day and nlRht Mini' lat 'lliui-dn lie The folIowlnR enlisted inru of the !- has brousht more than a hundrnl pi pot IlrlRHtle line been tl itliMferl. il as tltnts to the Imspitul of present Riade In replaiemeiit tioops, .Miss I'.ll Is a tili.e of the I itn I) unassluned, and Ii.im- been tiaiufcintl Ncwlln Pill, form. rl Chi. f .lustliu of 'ii the lltr.lt otlle.is' tialnliiR sihooljthc Peiinsjlv.inl.i .Suprime Cnuit for ciiulry, Ciuuii Stanlej, laou MirliiR", I Tex.: 1'raiik lliiur.ili.iii, W.itKin V Ihiehler, i: H Hewitt. P M P.urfrldRe. C. I,. Karle, llarr.i K Pmer.i, Ml. li.it I Conrad. Nell C Pralej, Italph J Crnn dall and Cornish II. Allin Chiiiii II itni.lireti , a., 1 1. 1 i p paieiitli then is not . iioiikIi intli and ri im I In Palrfnx ...inilv to mike Hie fill .UIOSS llORIIl' ii.ik r.n Hit Stl.lt tar line whith will .ontiett Camp limn pbreiH with the ,Nutloii il Cipltal In way tiT Ml V. I nun rt.i ilumplm; iiitue than .'mi nun . n li f.et of Hi. suif.it. nf wb.l w.i flillll. ill liioIRt W 111- IllIlKtr.li s Ml .i lion Mstalo lulu tin in.k, wlu.li s.. rites the i imp fitim Mt . rn m inu to hive It sfnk as f.isl as il w.u tl, p .sltetl ill the tit. I til. enpin.tis in III wllh as Im- k.ililiiR laboi to build tin t let trlt tail-1 proline KiMirunj .urs nrnKs i ino i. ..id whit h Is epi Ii d to In ii.mpl.lid .l.iiicbtu of Mr and Mrs limiRi 11 In the bank of Phriii Crrik In ..icin- Parle Ir, and Is a si-ter "t Mis Aid. n i,r t ' l.eo wife of PnslRn l..-c I" ,S. N, who. 1 he main b.xli of the Instil will he innn f.et Ioiir Mole thin It ilf the eansewai has In . n iniipb I. tl In tin elilllim lonlr.iclor f.u tin isliiiiRtnn Miiunt Vinioii and lliiinphicjs Pletlrk tt.illio.nl but Jut ho" mil. b ii. lEbt It in stantl Is sllll a inatt.t if m i Ions iloiibt. P. .Tilth , 11,111111.' Innn and Mtuip fIi.im 1 w.n drh. n nut on II null to ln a M.lliui of tin llu rim w.n in. I di posit the mulls up to tin i. in. I. m the fnfl. hllni, lb pIMs of lb. ink fiinii 111. Il th w.n i Mi Inn .1 nub gnat illllk ulli. Lm.il slilir(r Die. in ( .imp Pi ii. tli Cliilsti.in Mm II. i ' .i 1 it 1. in nl illetl nl tin b I . I i itnii W'adsMi'ith of inieun. i .Hi. i. Hi. .!,. .Mm lb i It.. . .nth Thlnl stint Ibis nl I ,.t Will I, hlllpptll III I. I'M died on Molnli of put uinonla follow IliR I Thcres something jnflfc '' about them MB youllltks- L V) i ie km wrraiija' wnr, i ..pit ii ii -jgri bl h 'i,tti 1 I; n i His ttf-ffl f H K trfK m 1 w J g I, rn n.e Sw to iff trrir?rMin3i' pi. .. inn 1 iiaBiaHaraa5kMKaBMli l HOSPITAL QUICKLY PREPARED ColliiiRsuooil llirfilllt Hourtl Takes )cr Ct)tnilr Club Ittiililing In less than a da, tho ColllnchiM.otl Hoard or Health ttsik omi the house o' I the funnel Colllncswooil Coiintr Club " , now (lie "niikslilii VIII.iro Club on Vw Indcpcillleilt Oporators Alccl lo, tn I.itu. and nlto.d It Into an uuer ii. ii .i i Reiie hospital l-MPCllerl Ml'tllOtls Tin it an twinlj-flw. inlt In poslllon Xdk lork. net. ft To iIImiiss mean"' with i.ipnilti foi tlftj 'I lilt tii.iinliiR of noldlnS a s.rlous shortace of oil j thfif win; ;lu.iil i iiloftii inses ,,,f pn, ii IllUlirir I II I'll II till' Itlfl II"" VI. -..- MUST INCREASE OIL OUTPUT thlH winter. Mark ! Tieqiia, director of the oil division of the fuel admin istration, has anatiRed foi daily" con ferences here this week with nmro than ."00 operators of Independent oil plants IhrouRhout the country, whose tenth annual convention began hero today Mr, Itenua ttated that Ueiosene protlin llori cspeclall.v must bo materially In creased, as Its position was more un satisfactory th in that of Rasollno or fuel oil. Use of oil for the arm., navy and munition manufacture lias beconio so jrreat, aciordliiR to .1 A hpetht, of ChlcaRO, secretury of tho 1)11 Mpii'h As soclalon, tint ever oil idant III the country must liuriaso Its production. M. J. Iljrne, president of tho associa tion, sharply trltltlsed tho independent refiners of tho country for tlulr attl- tudo toward tho independent Jobbers' Up clmracterlrcil them as "deserters, e.nd predicted that a day of reekonlntr would come when connucrclul rivalry In I esumed. HAUGHTON LED IN RESCUE Trapped Anierieans in Argonnc Ate Ouk Lcuacb Ullli Ibe Anierlean Arm) Nortlmet ..f Verdun. Oct 9 (I N. S.). I.leu- luinl V,l.,nnl Itrnt IlaUC llOll. of lta- clnc. Wis, formerly u major In the . Canadian army, led the American tn opt that relieved a heliaRuered battalion cist of Hlnnrvllle, In the northern part of tho ArRonne Purest. Win n they came upon the besicRtd Ameiican battalion they found tho Vankcis "almost all In." Tim American battalion was running only one day's rations when cut oft and they hRd been lompelled to re-enforco their slender More, of food with oak leaves. . . . '. DurlnR the three days that the Amer icana; were surrounded they wire heavily pounded by German mortars nnd humid with liquid tiro and all tho time they were under an enllladlnR tire fiom Her man machine cuns. Major Whlttlesy, of the Vrench army.J Jiaa previously mane buiiuiu uiifinpin iu rescue the Americans, but encountered the etlffest resistance PRINCETON MAN A HERO Prof. McConncll, on Lcae of Ab sence, Killed in France By the Associated Press Princeton. Oct. 9, Word has been ie- (etved of the iKath In action In. France on' July 20 of William n. McConnell, professor of Spanish, of Princeton Uni versity. ProfcsBor McConnell Is the Klxth memoer or tne lacuuy to ne re- noricu in ino cnsi.Mivj ..bib. Mr. McConnel last year obtained leave for the duration of the vvtjr .and left to tike up Y. M, O. A. work In Kranco as he'. was under height for the service. Wlslilnc 1o take mqie active part, he ucceded In enlistlmr last spring with the Twenty-sixth Infantry as a private, and It Is understood that he went to the front Immediately with a Prunch regi ment, 6 ITALIAN SHIP SUNK - 21jpf Crew Alissni: After Vessel - f ff Ii Torpedoed Off Coast 'Tho Italian steamship Alberto Treves nj torpedoed October It about 300 miles me American cousi, mo tvr or ient anndunced today. Thirteen ors nave Deen picaea up uy mo iblp OrliaDo. Tiro ointr uosib toanty-one men are mlsslnc. The iu a Msel of 2SS cross tons. -ioMrlewi. steamship We-Ktrat. were taken tu the lit w hospital l.tli tenlav afti t ni.tiii. Tbei ace !"! Ri San son! and t'lnrbs liailiui'. of oikshlp villiiK. . and William Pi lie; of CiiIIIiirh wood Tin I o an mole than 1 K no i,ims of Rrip In CollliiRswoml anil In. i cists of pneumonia . . I Tht so do. tins mt onitlie new lio-pltal staff- Dr. Orarton I' M). Ill W llll.iin Elliott, l)r T. W. .Madden, Iir I.jdla All. n, lr. IMw.ird S. Mitldon and Ii II .Shaw. Tim hospital Mipiilntriidriil is Cupt.ilii Union H Mulr. it iuriiilr r the 1... a I Ho ml or Health, the lit .ul inn so Miss 1.1111111111011111. who is bono on a month's furlough from Camp C.reene. N .. and who has wilttin WnsbinR ton, I). C. for tu Iv lb Re or iuiwIiiIiir longer, assistant iiiiim. Mrs. W.in.ii Slmpkliis, night iiurse, Mrs A I. Ib sor.; clerk, .Miss Mildred TushhiRliani . motor messetiRir, ilrs, W. Wi lab : anil Miss M. Anileibon nnd .Mis. I 1. Ciate, In ehniRe of the diet SEVEN DIE IN CRASH AT SEA Que Vrssel Is Sunk in Collision. Oilier Hcjelim Port ! the Aismialcil Veil An Atlantic l'rt. Oct ft Carrying all but sevin or the new or an Aniei Ican rre'Rht ship with vvhlih she had In ep In collision, anolhtr steamship Hy ing tho American flag has arilvnl hen. Tho seven men Weic lo"t by the rap iHzlmr ot a lifeboat as their shlii went dowm with a cargo valued at WMfiM). Tim vessels crashed lit ad-on some dis tance nrr the coast at 2 n'clecK Monday moriilnR. during a thick mist and lain storin. .Several seamen were Injured li tho Impact. With a Rnplng hole lorn In her Vide, one vessel beKan to s lull rap. dlv Thiee boats weie launched ami the crew scrambl.d Into the.m In t In- heavy sea on" ui i"" "-" , KlVed. The ship which rimalmd nilo.it sent nut -lioats tc, Hie rescuv aim .i ceeded In picking up nil but seven men Although her bow- was stove In, she was able to make this port. Washington jjl(fliJ'itiffJJi!siai1m"i' sft'f'ZxdsZikWllxL. Dispatches from, Washington scjim day said the American steamship est rain had been sunk at sea In to lislo-i with the steamship American, nnu inai six of the WestcatB'n crew wire lost. I polesTledge fidelity TO END j Impressive Ceremony at Review' in Lorraine Valley Willi the American Arim In l.urralnr, ie! " By I N- S.). Pollsli trooiis' lid olllclalfi of the Polish council a 11 1 Oct anil in. ii. ...e."' V". , , ,n,. i,i.. levltw In me i"fl",u ',"';., solemnly pledged their last drop of blood foi' the llbeiatlon of Poland Polish division formed a hollow souan In tho Lorraine valley, while Vi h. American and Polish avatois e.eiuted dArln stunts tivihead. r-atlim Jarcwsky. of I'ittshurRh. who lecelved the Croix de Uuein- for bravery lasl Jl,TVilln.,?-?l"of the 'division thin kissed the Polish colors, and solemnly fl''-';' e oath pledglUB to be ever faithful to Poland. Similar oaths were made bv members of .the Polish council. amonK v horn was Major " nnJZ"Z i"' nur health commissioner of HulTalo, N. General PershlnR Mas lepresented by Major J. I. Coolldge and" Lieutenant itobert Maverick. ORDNANCE ASSISTANTS NAMED T. II. Sjmington and W. W. Coli- man Appointed to Special Work lly the 4't0CiteJ Press Wa.liloiron. pet, 9,W W, Coleinaii nf outi. Ml waukoe. Wis., and 1. 11 Symmaton. of(. Jtothester.. N, ,. iai u.. .-nAiifiuiiAelnl asststaniM lo ino Ice Boxes on Wheels Refrigerator cars for carrying meat are ice boxes traveling on wheels. Most people in America would have to go without fresh meat, or would have to pay more for what they could get, if it were not for these traveling ice boxes. Gustavus F. Swift, the first Swift in the packing industry, saw the need of these traveling1 ice boxes before others. He asked the railroads to build them. The railroads refused. They were equipped, and preferred to haul cattle rather than dressed beef. So Gustavus F. Swift had to make the cars himself. The first one was a box car rigged-up to hold ice. Now there are 7,000 Swift refrigerator cars. Each one is as fine an ice box as you have in your home. Day and night, fair weather and foul, through heat and cold, these 7,000 cars go rolling up and down the country, keeping meat just right on its way to you. .' Thus another phase of Swift & Company's activities has grown to meet at need no one eise could or would supply, in a way that matched Swift & Company ideas of being useful. When you see one of these Swift & Company cars in a train, or on a siding, you will be reminded of what is being done for you as the fruit of experience and .nTHLufMk. , (Eii Lend the Way They Fight Buy Liberty Bonds a desire to serve. Swift & Company, U.S.A. Seven Wholesale Distributing Markets Central Office, 9th and Girard Aves. P. M. Hall, District Manager -? . 111 I TH,UT.X m , Kk. J MM fer WS t plSr A Great October Sale OF 875 New Suits and Overcoats All Wool New Fine! Overcoats to the Number of 400 New Suits to the Number of 475 oday we launch this offer, which will constitute the greatest October event you will hear of this season. These overcoats are new. They are built of all-wool cloths pur chased by us six months ago and made bv a first-class Philadelphia manufacturer who built them right up to Oak Hall's specifications in even particular. They hae been delivered to us only a matter of hours. And wc offer them to you at prices which will give you the full advantage of our purchase of long ago. What we sav of the overcoats, in point of real value, is true of the suits. Both groups, if marked at today's prices, would sell for $35 to $40. " The $35 Suits and Overcoats $26.50 and $29.50 The $40..Suits and Overcoats . For $31.50 Oak Hall considers it a bind ing obligation to protect its cus tomers in these wartimes against a market that is constantly rising, and this offer brings that kind of protection to our friends in the most decisive way we can think of which is to Save Money On Clothing Needs Wanamaker & Brown -fet at Sixth for 57 Years t 'i '.A f " ' J' --H V3 U v.. tft-J " i Si. i?t .va i. ft '; ii Ha ?. 3.1 n & 'Tl m it vi mi n tj x i J-17 01 u i .1 v . 1 M a i. ' ,v , 'tr& j-m M:i .?! -i ' 3$ l . vl el , s'hJ tj-', X- A'fl ts i . t . ' f ' .-". V 1 vf,. J 1 ; I .ipe arm '.'"&& i BEsaa m