fli w 5" .r p t . j-fc " vyr " ". ft ' 41 .' 4 As Kidl I1,- Wr- V v rwfeiswwK - s,N e VBrfsSnA4ji' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PJITJADELpHI A, -WEDNESDAY, V OCTOBER f) 1018 J .-a"' "J 4 JS " A " , ..l.r 4-rtAt. i SS. : xL -" K? i-.p . W - l kr hf- I F$, LT S . 7 RT i-VV y ( ( tW It ? ft. w fu ik f'C .. H ? P W fii Ik. t,Z LV ; i? rs- n W F3't, ht ? 6t i.V 'At 1; -.;'. AMERICANS FIGHT aujii amii ivnu niiL sjmii' ' T -!.. . Hill 223 From ,t JACUUvl. C'Coiiitlcring Germans, Kill ing More Than 1000 TOE DAMMING THE AIRE wo Compnnics of Enemy ;. Troops Wiped Oul in Three Days' Battling , 11 KDWIN I,. JMhf Special Cable to Kt citing Public Ledger roTvrtuhl, lilt, bV Sexr Ytnk Timet ' 0 With (lie .tmfrlrin Artnr l I ranee, Oct 9. In cold, torrential rain varied lv Jitaty. hall, the Americans kept up the fight to vvtest from the Herman tint I foret leinaining .Jiacc ui iiir .ifcuiiiii in Iheir hand. The seterest fight of the da nan for tithe possession o" Hill 2:3. llng w-sl of Chatel f-hehery. We capture I Ihl lo- sltlon Monday. Yettcrday the Heiioaiw attacked lth stronn force", drlMnj: us v from the ciet N TCltti r...nfiirr.iii.ntM III. niT iCntlS 4 f .... il. Llll !.. In n l.llM1. liwtrmcu iiij me iiiii ffitii in u...." slnp ralntorm. and after two and a half fhours of blood) flghtlnjc ouled the f Metnnns. .More than 1000 tJerni.ui dead -erc, ie,n on tins ihwiioii. i " wn" ag latReiy nanu-io-nann neuner !iu- belnc able to use artillerj effictnely because o fthe closeness or tne oppo-ini: 4.trooD". ' a Further south ne made good proKies fiiealnst bitter resli'tanie toward I.ancun rffon the Chatcl Cheheiy road To the t Jiorthwest of KleUlIe we occupied pi- '"tlons commandlnc the Junction of the 'onlv rour roHii running iiiniunn mc northern end of 4he AiKonne foret Thus- slowly but surely we are wiarlnrf .liu-n th. Herman rlelprtnlnatloll to bold S'ti Iti the north end of the rgonne tt IleiKirts hae come In that the eneim ' U (lammlnp the Aire I'.ler In the - "hlnltv of Marn l?rc.iue of heay Itialns. this would probabh cause the inundation of a considerable area, wlilcli would be a hindrance to our tlooin ad lanelns toward the Kricmhlld line In I.a .llnlfi- i 1 From the Aire Valle to the Meifc Is 1a comparltUelv oulet sector of the first i.army. The Uerman artiner tne mere iid lat than fnp dn foncetilratlons m Jl ' iv s-a .. .". ..- .... T 'of rermans nae been neni in me "lclnltle & Vhey ar 3 of (torn; , Vo r, l'lclnltles of ttomasnie and ("er, ind are dleglnft .1 new trench southeast (tomagne erman balloons were up ester- islav and the foe airplane actllt was at vi minimum Our aerlil iiLtilt was 'Milndered by bad weather 1 The (Jernian units faclnc our Moon Jiae suffered erv lieaw caualtles In r the last four das Infoimatlon haxliiR j)ieen obtained that four companies were 1 wiped out and mam rtdured "0 per i-nt. The tiernians appear not to be 'throwing In o man fresh troops is lat Jixeek. although thoe In line are putting iip a game struggle The flshtlng for the last three das has been erv trjlng to the men on both I'T-ldt. Almost constant rains with cold rTjiate forced great sufferliiR and tested the limit of the ph) steal "lamina of iihArhen In the front lines Vo houe at'e standing In most of the sector, and the Americans bHouacked In the bacj i-,Jreu.s and the front line lwe small ''chance for any rest Tbl", of course 1 necessitates frequent reliefs H. Tne spirit or tne merican ngming (rnen, despite all this temains tipiop Thev believe that the foe Is as sore cm the weather as thev aie. and tint help. ' A letachment of Pruiin" captured esterlay wore American overseas caps I U. S. BATTALION RESCUED FROM TRAP Mark for German Own for Tltrro Dast in Arponnc 'nsfiess, 77ia Thrvv'fourlhs of lei ire Brought Bach Ajtrr Hopoatvil Efforts H F.UWI.N . Special Cable to Liening Public Ledger Pwiriofitt lit. hi Xtw York Timet Co. Mltb the Ainerlesn Armv In 1-rHnee, Oct. 9. Purrounded in a fastness of the r nonne forest three davs a target all the while for Herman artllleiv and ma. Milne runs without food for the last llblrij-slx hours, a battalion or Ain't- Join eoidleis has been rescued in an at- Itack led b Lieutenant Colonel tiene Houghton, of Itaclne ' The story of these men Is one of the classics of the war On Frlda) night. .participating In an attack on rieriuan 'positions deep in lit- fotest, they had to advance in single tile Pushing on against strn opposition, thev gained titer ohtctlves, to And at dawn atur- clav Hermans not onlv In flout of them but behind them and on both aides Their position was three kilometer northeast of Biuarvllle. on the western dge of tlie Argonne foiest The (ler mans had found an opening on their left and, using a trench filtered in fully a thousand men behind our battalion out there ,rln trenches on both sides the enemy Installed manv machine guns and went about corralling what they regarded in their sure prev On Saturda morning other Americans I discovered the plight of their comrades, who were fiom seven companies and numbered iti men The French on our left attacked at the same time In an I effort to release the Americans. The at. I tack failed, hut, as It developed, prob ably sated the Americans, because It 4 diverted tjie, Herman attack on themj from the south. On Sunday three more attempts were mad to reach them, and all failed On that dv fourteen airplane missions were undertaken In their behalf, dropping two tona.nf food and considerable armnunl. ' 'tlon tejr.the sequestered men Pigeons were also -dropped by parachute s,o that' mea'ages, could be sent back. Our av la. t- i - i Sceley.'s Adjutto Rupture Pad f Incrmaitt ifKcitncy of a trut$ 50 I9.H e.t- m MEATEST RUPTURE RETAINER Tk self adjattlnc festsroi ( thU Vmi JNNW McwulsUr sllsws ( sllsrlnc ms- assi ( mh nwism trew uowiir I ovrtiswsi ins nHi txsrUMUM wsrs m. uyt iswrorod fM fer everr mtm'mut mtg u ,. lYl tMT Wi m" 'JlqrstMsMBsgsMg'B sh', ntT HMPC:)sr I L r leiV IMPUCFT TRUST IN WILSON French Statesman Sat Term- Will Tnke Cure of Sniiill Nation Special Cable to ft enitg Public l.eilfcr Copirloht M, fv Veil oik Time In. Paris. Oct !. The nmvs i)f the tc- ipiest for nil armistice In the fentral ranpires was received in ihiiiuc-hi uiriu iimtlc elides here ulllinut surprise as rumors of such ii liioc li.nl bet u life In .ill quintets long liefore the note was liulillohril In the tmparp A well-known statesman, on lielnir asked for his opin ion upon the answer which the Alllc should give. Mlil "I hate perfect ami Implicit trust In the Judgment and statesmanship of l'res- Idem llon who dominates the sltua- tlon The Allies may test assured tli.it Ills answer "III take Into mount the .ispllutlohs ot sunn uaiinnaiiiics in term "111 lie such tint If the Central lanplres urept them thev ill not be able again to nunc um on undefended pcnee.lutlng nations ' GERMANY TO GRANT POLITICAL AMNESTY . . i i , IJCIIM1LI 111. Oittman and He Oil I1 Will ler rioiier Pardoned I nniloii. Oi t The etniati fiovelli ment, aciordlnc In dt"patch from m sterdam to the l.xdiange IVIegraph Compain Intends In crant panlons to n number of politic ans Imprisoned since the war beRiin Iniludlnt. 'he Socialist lr Karl l.lebknei lit ind Wllhelm pill, man A Reneral amneM the dispatch adds pnibabh will be granted to polli Il.iI offenders Pr Karl I.lebkntihi who aciurdlni; 10 the Amstriilatn lepoil Is about to be released fioni prison piobabh Is Hie most striMns llcure In (lerman oclallm and one of the few oi!.illt leaders In thai conntM who have lonslslenllx atnod nKiin.t the iloveinmenl in Us war.poll. rlr h Doctor l.lebknei hi wa irrested at llerlln Max 1. 1 I on the charge of participating In noi lint da In Ihe iTerman capllal In Hie follow Iiir month he was tried on the i barge of .utempted high treason gros insubordiiiatlon and rislstance in Ihe aulhoiitlfs The trial was held behind rloscd doors and re uitei" n the oii.illst le.ider being sen t need to thirt months penal eiltudc i nil dlml''sal from the aitm I Ii.h luen hIIcrmI thai Poctor l.eii- )tlfint w.,s .1 ...- In possession of lmKii ant ihowliiR that Austili was IIULIIIKII.l'. forced Into the war bv the (lerman mill. tar leaders agallit the wMies of Vienna and lludupesi l)eput Willie. m Plttmann Is an Inde ' endeiit soclalNt Ills name was linked In iii tuber 1'I7 with those of P'ptillet Iha'c and ogtherr, nlhei -oilalists with the inui'nv in the ilerimn fleet Pluiiiaun was at tested In I'eilln IVbiu- ir I when lie lUeiupteii lo auoiess n ,rowd in i Herlin suburb U was sen- teuifd to five eais Iniprisonmi in fur hulling to high lr,iun and w,is given two months additional for ieistlnir pub IU autliuliM FOE HAS NEW FLAME BOMB , . , , ... Alitlor I e eu WcMte lo C.irr Death in Hotrililc Form Hv th iwocininl Vretx I'srls, Hit '1 'Ihe lieimans dining the last few das have Iihi-ii using In tlieii all work a new tpe of inflammable bomb combining griat effei tlveness with light welghl V single airplane. It Is said can ccirv JOtt of these bombs The onlv wav or fighting the file lausril ov this new iiirm ui nesttuctive,, . "i, ----- ." "-" '""" i . 1. .1... 1....1 ..s.... ..e 2 On tile (heroillll Chm 1 i.r u l,tn,-.,i e ' . new Turin of desnuctlve is to In the Isolation of',',n ,l"T pjerimui h. iir.iiiun rtiiiiris ii, in iiii- inuiaiiwn VK the blaze aM pouring water on It Is titei.il'v milling fuel n the flames on account of the chemicals nf which the bombs are compossd GERMANS SE1 Mor I,. J MK5 tois could not see am. thing of tlie miss ing men Knowing Moudav moinlng that the food of the soldiers whs about goto the Americans set abou a fresh attempt to rescue them Our attack on the forest from the e.c-t helped In a determined effort mule from the south and lte Mondav night the troops broke through and reached the exjiausted but still rie tetmined band Morn than three-fourths of them weie safe Because of ihe nature of the terrain it was Impossible that night to get bark anv wounded, but jeslenl.iv stretcher healers, biought out of the tungie the seiotil wounded lh W Community Stores we oerve ( The 4th Liberty Loan lasting benefit to every bond buerjn the lcon of sating it has taught us. And ju&t so the COMMUNITY SI OK US will" help ou pconomize in our buying offering only POOD PROD UCTS of Inown alue and a store service ou will appre ciate. This Week Buy PURITY OATS A 2Pi ysSfiiBFy Jr c. , ..t m& W V Bi'iii nf- - - 'TITRifWPrANnVfflVr.. -, . . mn .- i -,-V SRP AR ATE PR APR, f ,1,lliaf UUIIilat- Is Indicated 1)' Smyrna's Effort to Open Negotiations BtilKl.T'S FALL A FACTOR KnilW.lt System Threatened and Ottoman Empire Likely to Follow Bulgaria's Example Speiint ( nblr lo 'triune Public Ledger roi'Vilvh' Jl hu ru mk Tlmfs I'o I nnrtnn, Oct 1 Turkev Is seeking to escape from e sinking ship The Immediate collapse of the Otto mm lanpile Is Indicated li the action of the ilovemment of the Province of tinvrna the mot Important part of Ana toll i, which is vlrtuall.v Identical with Asia Mlnoi In sending emissaries to se cuie iirare with the Allies ti Mheii dlsnilrh filed 3enleniher ' 25. but received In London onlv todav. sjvs UcordlnR to the On-ek paper JTestla I there have irrlved at Mltvlene, on he-( hi If of liahm'l floverior of Smyrna three tnillamentarlans to enter Into pcaie negotiations One of the emlRsa-' rles Is i OrecU one an Englishman and i one a Turk I'uilher Infoimatlon has been received bv vour correspondent to the effect that 1 the f'nnsiatitlnnple Oovernment Is like wise keeking lo open separate negotia tions with the Miles Turke's position must be considerable weakened bv the capture of Helrut which Is an Impor tant b.isr In Ihe advance upon Alep The renter of Ihe gteat rallwav svs. tern Is thus tluiHlened on two fiont and Tutkev can scarcel hesitate to fol low the example of Bulgaria That Aus tria should wish to withdraw within her own frontiers Is the tiatuial corollitv of such a situation News that has reached London thai tile Ionii nc guns have ilsen agalnt the Vuslil.uiN Is svmptomatlc of the weak inliiR of tin enemv s hold upon the Hal K.tns It Is known that detached par- ' ties of c ions Movenes Serbian and Viistrlan deserteis are in the mountains teadv lo make common cause against the oppiessoi 1 bough possiblv In a mill tarv sene tbeli value Is not veiv great thev arc capible of endangering Aus Ulan communlcitlons 'I I if Invaders tenure In Albania l also pinaiious. anil piobablv such Al banian soldierv as has been In u trlas inv will become hostile the mo. ineut lie Ite.isurv is closed Ml sens point to the eatlv evacua llcm bv uvlili of the Balkans This inav be with a view to a more colicen M ited defense of bet own terrltorv but ii is more piobablv preliminary to lUstili throwing up the sponge and hmmiir umoiidltloncl siincnder 1'iln Ma or Hiilen s inclusion of a discus slim of a frcli 1.111011 of'Aiistila.llungaiv 111 his peace piotfers Is taken to Indi cate iiniiiiitaliablv to what depths of lespali Inlirnatlonal ronditlons have ie duced the 'lovernment of th,. Dual Monarohv Baron Butlans tefeience to 'hanged ronditlons which would be cre eled bv the constitution of a new Polish """V "'"""" siRniucam conimeniHI v t. J V. n'mmiui ,11 t'"n rollsli question in his speech, and is legHided us an Indication that in the inxoliHiige of views between n-Hi,. ...,i v leiiiia pievlous to the reipiest for n armlnlii Austila wanted to go mui h funnel than the Heiman hancellin of feted tn rii In his speech Piedictlutm tlmt Turkev would be the til st to follow Bulgaria s example and 1 vueiriH secutHI seem lo lie of xet mention plot ess NEGATIVE REPLY FORESEEN Berlin Writer S.n. Germ.ms Aeteil at t'nripe Moment msterilain, Oct t Waltei Uatlunau In a speciul article In the Beilln 'osln rhe Zeltung which bears Ihe caption ParK lav and which antic Ipctes a negative and humiliating answei fiom President Wilson savs j 'We allowed iiurselves lo be carried i awav at an iinilpe moment Into an un-i npe decision We shall be asked to' abandon I onalne and peilups Usace ' Panrlg will be named as a Polish port I The lestoratioti of Belgium and northern Prance mav be nin inln a disguised war indemnltv or tU billion marks J Was ihai taken Into muium" Who ( ever has lost his neive must be super seded In the event ( an unsatlsfac. ' torv replv not a dav must be lost A mlnislrv of defense must be created ron. sistlng nf civilian powers and call erjery available mm to the defense ofjjtht lainei laua 3 zrsa I n You Save Jiesidcs helping our be loved America and tho ?reat cause for which the Allies ate fighting, is, a Fourth good and The Perfect Product Particular People Prefer. No hulls no dirt no moistutc no bugs. tJqst Pure Clean Cats to rhake the most tasty morning oatmeal you ever tasted and because all mois ture is removed the quantity of Purity Oats is greater than that of any other package oats. 12V2C wmmiiP? " Kl mi Mmamim iifnu ke EX-RUSSFAN PREMIER SHOT Stockholm Reports Assassination f aicxL f. th-mi . .Inrkliolm. Oct. S. Alexander Kco- idorovich Trepoff, former Russian pre inler, has been shol, according lo ad vlees from I'rtrpgrad. Alexander, Trepoff was bom flfly-slx vears ago Krom his childhood he was destined for the army and In this profes sion he remained until he had reached the age of t went) .sex en, when he he signed to take a place In the ministry of the Interim In 1897 ho became connected with the state chancellery and two jears later was appointed assistant secretary of Ihe Impel lal Council, When tho Punn was formed In 1905, M Trepoff was a member of a social committee selecled for the purpose of I lav Ing the foundation for that body. In 1907 he was appointed senator. Km peror Nicholas appointed him to the. Im perial Council in !9M,nnd on Xoa ember 54 IMf. he became ptemlci, Krom , this ollhe he resigned on .lanuirv 9, ' 1117 M Tiepoff was responsible for the Rreat uillroad building program which was begun tluee j ears ago and inter rupted bx the resolution JUuTl mi ititmi .s.r ss M t S";"" "PEACE KAISER OFFERS JUST ONE MORE LIE" Baron Constant Says No Ar mistice Is Possible With Germans in France Special Cable to Eienint Public Ledger Covurlolit, IHs, tic New iork Times I'o. Paris, Oct, 9 Baron d'Hslnurnellcs de Oonstant of the Vrench Senate, a I friend of President Wilson and Colonel House and for many tears prior to 19H one of the most ardent ndtocates of peace, declares that no atnilstlce Is pos. slble so long as one Herman soldier re mains on French soil It was In the course of an Interview at his home In Paris that the Senntnr said lo me, concerning the present Her man peace maneuver "t cannot trust, vvc must not trust, inrmnnunn iniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiii IIIUlllll Business men and the war THE only real business we have now is "winning the war;" There isno such thing as.privatehusiness; all business isthe nation's business. Clothes-buying and selling may seem to have nothing to do with war; but men must have them; they take ma terials and labor and they cost money. Therefore;clothes that save, help. You can save by not buying more clothes than you need. When you need clothes, you can save by buying good ones, that last long, and don't have to be replaced soon. Wetmake.that.kind.of clothes. Hart Schaffner &. Marx clothes are all wool Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes that save KalHriPiSHSiRSHw'N m iff ''JHKmmH sB MLAMuliL c - .... JIM Mk i.i..ilii.iiJi!LM iiilllu WIA iSsgLff -. m ji 'w,lL the declarations of this military dorman I go.ernment They hao been lylnK fort four ears, xlolatlng every engagement they hae made. Pence an ofTercd b i them Is of no aluc. More than that,' It Is a menace. The offer meins that they are beginning to understand "t the Rrrat 'vvroiiR they luiNe done, but their own weakness In opposition to nil I riviiizntlon. I liao given nil ni) life to the defense of peace, hut their peace Is no peace. It Is only one He more and a new 'rick for the proseciijlmj of their war Peace with the Hohcnzollerns and their military caste Is no longer con. cclvablc," 55,000 BULGARS SURRENDER Give Up in Aeeonlunee With. Terms of Armistice By the Associated Prc Oalontro, Oct. 9 In addition to the thousinds of Bulgarians iiihiIh prisoner during the Allied advance In Serbia and nulgarla, (15,000 lunro hicvo surrendered In n.nm 1 n nna . III. ,1... -1.11.1. ... .1.. ... iivliiiuiiiiic i nil iiii- V.IIIIISI- 111 le ,..i.l. . . ... armistice convention, under which nlll0""1 "" inrtrketn mid shops, and will iiuigarian troops west or rsituti wire to snrrenoer as jirisoners iniiiniiiiiiiininiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiniiiiniNiiiiiiHiiiiiMiiiiiiniii ,t&g$'- - mhtM-iiM- NraiRRRT 1 HI ' 111 m&wWBBm- i Ss vTfKcWAKwiSS S v3ssVU& DITCJOI A M fiftOn HITAfrTtl IlUijCll TOUl lCilllH IS .BECOMING GRAVER rii.'... IT,T1!.... l)-ii TvT i.i l'1'10 ',-' lb ""H"-o i"-cuui fttr Winter Fuel Shortage Severe itiMlilintni, Oct fl (delajcd) IlusslliV food situation Is raildl RrovvliiR whrsc, especially In Petrograd and Moscow where the people arc sub. RlstniR ililcttv im the potatoes which should bo nived for the winter Henry A t.ichts, .in Amcrlcin ciirI. rrer nnd tninufict'ircr w((o his lled for imny jenrs in Moscow, arrived In Stockholm today with his f.imllv, having mucin the trip bv win -of Plulnnd In ten navs .vir i.ieurs sass tnai m i-eirograu the ford situation Is far wore than In Moscow Tne Soviet In PrtniRrnd has not nuow nn.v toou lo in foiu privatel) It is trjlng according to Mr. t.ieurt, 1 flKKSStBBBmi. put. In elTei,t It iong.dUcusaed pi of( compeinnR an persons let -nj u v . - inviic resiauntuin. l'etrogtad and Moscow are becoming more deserted dally. All the nusslan who are able to leave are proceeding to, the Crimea and the I'kralne TrA.ele'ra I arc not permitted to thke baggage frortt Ft0v let ltussla Mr. l.aehrs savn arresjs of nussians rflirRed wjtli nttemptH at counter.-evo-lutlon continue to bo made In both Pet rograd and Moscow. The Soviet Is taking over the better houses and apartments, together with all ther furniture and tho clothing of the people , Without oil and coal, and with "little wood on hutnlj Moscow and Petrograd, Mr l.nehrs says, arc facing a clcspra,te winter Three I indred more cltltens frbm Kntente cnurdrles are reported to be on their way to Sweden from Moscow and Petrograd, but no official" advices llAt d tat liAnn maasIi a.1 tkn tksu K rJ u i"oii "I- imii 1 rv.ri vu Hint uiit iinfi crossed Into Klnland. I.lttlnoff, former Bolshevik representatives In Lohdon'and his iwrty, are still at Chrlstlanla. wait ItiK for the exchange of French and British otllclals who still were Under tojarrcst In Mocow ten das ago. J imniiiiiiifm, ',. 'SJ s . '',. 1 A i A s t , fee? ""il l uli 1 121 'I rtftl -5 V" I V