. J : "t ,". r r v , t .r ,', t i ., , ,' t .;..,- n '." ,--"v . ; - FA 1G EVENING PUBLIC LEDUJ3R PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER J), 1918 U NEWS OF THE FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK PRICES 7T .--a 1 j l,i t - - t-t Si l' iLend 1 rc3fc lends ojuiHosr TheNationalGty Company N4tiMl City Bisk BUt-, N Ttk CtrrtiPtnitKt ORttin il CiliM PkitiJ.l.lli 1421 C.eilsit St. Teltelio-ie -SJ(. I eort JUxa't-SA.rf Ttrm Sttn-A ertfttnfi BEAR CONTINGENT-TRIES TO II AKE CAPITAL OF PRESIDENTS QUERY - I Ail Riimely if . Offerings From This Source Uring Declines for Sonic .m cci .smrar. 1 .voi tun Veiu York Stocks Put Another Liberty Bond Star on Your Pocketbook Buy to the Limit HUGHES & DIER 1435 Walnut St., Philadelphia Mrmbrr I'hll ulf Inlil i Mock l,i tuner (hlrnti I lour. I of rrttdf- I?.ucs Early in New York Trading. Hut Advances Soon Follow New nrli, Oct P. .rconllnc to iniinv of the IcaclliiK Interests In the stock market speculator opcritlons Imve been bintiRht tn n standstill, lint till twis not runllimed by the action of tlie market Itself, vilth Its frequent vio lent brenks and ndvances In mnnj Ktotips of stock, which could only ho caused lij conccntiated speculative efforts. The hear rontltiKcnt, led b the uuir pluni:ci. who lime been a prunil unit feature In market operations for some time enntlnucd to nttnik lines wherever a lack of support ni apparent, paylnu little heed to Hie ncies-sltlcs of the tiitlnn and putting patriotism far In the hack Kiuiinil. TIiIh clliiue made n drive at the oil stocks cstcnln) . ciuslnu a cooil deal of uneasiness foi a tlnip and this innrninu endeavored to make bn.ir rnpltnl out of the I'rc sldcnt's rispunc to the tieiman peace proposition At tin- ii" mns Mink wen- offered li Imikris it'pieciitltn. thi'sc ..ear triuli'is. lint tin to was no other Mippl. and. aflei some declines uric sustained, price movements wire to tnnti'ilallv hluhei Ilcurrs All the Mccl Mock developed n firm lone moving up about 1 point and theic was Mcnltlealit acciimulatlun of tlio tclephnnp and telesrapll ,ii,nr. iiirrli.in Ti'lrphone tnuv ine up 2 points to 109'-. and Western 1 nlon advancing .!'- In It's. Some nf the timlins did not like the furtliei decline on t tic announce mini of I lu .Marine plan and sold Marine preferred down to 1 IO'-b, but later It advanced to 112 riic oil stocks made partial recoveries of v csterd ij a losses Mexican retrolPinn adv un nip - points and Texas Companj moving up -Vs points. CORN MARKET SHOWS REACTION IN COTTON GREAT NERVOUSNESS FOLLOWS GOOD START i.t "In.e I'l (.;, i:i'i '.-., si t.. yp. tn; ... 77'- . (sP, ftl, Go Over the Top with (he Fourth Liberty Loan Naulty & Company U-LANDimS 111.00 1 Walnut at 15th St. m Can pref ' Am Car & IMrj Am Hide & I.ca. Am II k l.en pf. 1 in International Am Jin Am lie pref . Am l.limcril i Am Unseed pref ' Am locomotive.. , Am Smelt lief i Am Sin A lief pf l(W' Am Steel Filrlcs.. M' Am Tel Tel 107' j Am Toll pf new . . !)i I Anaconda i 'upper (.11 Ateh Top IHT b I Ateh TtUP pf. S.V. , Atl Half W I . 1(16', IlnJilw ill I.oeo. . . . hl'i Hall & Ohio .... SIS Ilatoplla.s Mining l'i Meililrhein Steel.. 71" j lleili Sll I'lass 1! VJ1! Ilrth Stl 1 p p pr. 1".".. Itikljn It ii Trail i I llo.ilh riMurlca. 'Jl' Ilurns Mrolhcrn 1 "s :i :ii i'l lMcklne IOJ. ('.iiindtiiti I'll el lie ls Cent Leather Co. li'i'. Cent I .en I'o pf... Irtlji I'trro de I'hs Cop y"i I'lianiller Motor... N'ljj , I 'hi lit West pf. . . i'l.'j I'M Mil & St 1' . 7i fill & Northwest. IM' Chi It I & Paelllc -'.',' , (' It Ul't pepf. o7'i t'hlle Copper . . . Js" Chlno I'opper . . :.P!i Columbia (! S. 11. oil Connol (Jas . '.i'l1, t'orn I'l oil I'ef .. I'l - i "urn I'nwl P,cf pf lOi1- , i ii . ... ., . - .. . Cruillilc Steel, . iVi'i Wliolc LiL V oakt'i" ami rriccs l-u-sl rners .1 In 20 I'niuls cui.a cane suKHr :.', 1 1 uia 1 a up ".lie pi. in; j ' .-.(. r II... .. ttlSh 27'. .11 W," VlJj' S'Pi .V, x,; '.'7' 1 70 I J' 1 M'i 'si S5 IDS ' (i'l .s7!, WO Si" ; IsP, "sv lll7 "(.'I Vw tl. .It 2 Oil V.in 7(1 fi'i "fv't',' s;p,' nip. 7P 107' w i7; lu'i ."it 7.P. UIJ'j P." 1 KIJ'j lir." j V.'Si U.i i'pw York Uoiul.i IISSonoAnBll-Knl, Sa'i'ft T, 'bV'1. ' ;0A"n Ko1, M 5 i "i"! 5T"' I S222 A,i' Tc i,t ,f,t. " snoo do 3s sni- ia'.j 10'j I finnn iio'ci t'js ao " vj !" 1251100 tio id r p.. ion :'' 'U tonuAm Tlircad 4m nti, 'i!i', vf1 $ri2 a.m. c 'is i tij 7fi iiido 11 Si o h a . a. si vt st aoou MruiiK .v; v ;s Tf Js 'JUlino Hordeau t,s !iu, 'i'H4 lili'i 3000 1" . o ,.v j, SHa, iiia 8il, SOIMM'hl J5 & Q s !I3; 'i.l J, !'.);. lOOIM'hl HwyB ,-S, S07, SO, SO', Ti0!!?'.' J1.1 P " 7l'j Tl'j "t'j tliOftCol Indus 5s.. TR'j Ta'j 7:i ' j uUOOCIty of I'ar Gh !7, !7s 'i7f, UOOIl Del & rr,l 4s 7!', 7P3, 7ili lO.IOiin l"rch Hcii S'iH.Kili. lat'j HH 's !"() Inlerb MpI It. n 51 51 51 t30no lnt M Mar 6s 10f, Jul0, ini"i 30(10 iCiin Cy Ter 1s 72', "-' "-' 1000 Liicledo this 5s S '.'S !'S 5000 I.ex & IJ 5s . : ijij J2'j 10000 l.ch Vnl ret Cs P9'4 19 ''"' 5000 J.oi-lllard 5h . S5'i s.M, s. ' 30000 l.jnns tls . OH', 'it li i'!'1. Kinn 1,'iuIh it N Is 3i3 S'lij ST.. aiiniiii l. u iimiii :iia mn.n: inn urn i.iniin tin is , m,:! b.h .5 ic.'iiimi iln i; n.KS nR.'i sii.no :i:ttnnn h., m i1,, iiii..mi pii.hi iin.ln iiiiiiii iin i.i '. ni.td iii.ih !i;.ih i ThiMctphh stocks iPHILADELPHIA STOCK TRADING lllah J.n I li Am It pf. As .is Mm llald l.oo HI", slli 4 dec Stm J.l", .Ml1!, Ill lien Asph .IIKj :li,i .lull l.k Sup C 10'), III", 13 l.eh Vh . .11114 .ItlV, .1(1 Mlchrlc IS. IS'. 10 .Vor Cent ;'', tn, HI l'runa 111'. 13', I.l", ill I'cnn Nut Ilk win ;i (1.1 1'hll.i dec 'tIKj i .in p it t 1 1 sim !ii Itaj Cons !! :i.t itcadlmr . ss" llin I" S Strel.liU", WWarUS Mi', '.' li m .is l4 -r ."..! ill Id in", ."' ',' ts's Jii'', It", Net thBC IS SMALL AND UNINTERESTING Home Issues Arc Neglected. While Price Changes Are Generally Fractional and Mixed Penn National Bank Warrants Decline IIX M'i jnv. !l SJJi :i (IS M'i M SB i'l it sj'.s I". ln.l Ion l! S'i ' na" miMis . . "I'll '"' S3HIMI i.i n v .11 (is w I n". jiimi i 'lit in i;ifo 1st 5s ni ont; i'.niii) Uendlnif Ren is. si "2 Nl'.'j lid", 01 SI'i -l I IHC A t'. 11 , l.V) IJb.'i IuSJj' I lluttn & Superior Cat Petroleum Id'Jji Ki'l.'i UW,1,! o'j.1; o'j',' o'j' Fourth Liberty Loan Clarke Morton R. Alexander Phila. Stock Exchange Hide 37 Hl.llnm M.. N 1. ( j Drop li , l.w fr iMovcinoiil c.nMN ni.tr wi iiii.R i nttf.i i Ihlnito. Ilrl n. Illinois Valp lijiiUhl i snV Thiril l . -Ilrhllr ,irmfr nrllif.l j '""lli'.';.!!! ami Kai.M.-1-..lr ;""'"! Thiir-ila'. i"l nmrh ihnnif III lempru- '"wImi.ii.Iii I'alr lonltht and ThnrnliM Miirnirr i.oHttiwr.1 tonlKl't. . Mii.WM.ln rir '"I't't ". ? '"'.Vl'" Murmur ft mid !""" M,"'h Vi,J.i'.i ! lair lonltht and rhursduM , Higher Thau Yclrrda. Tratlern Sell on I'ptiirn (ill TON IIH.T Wl.11 lit It (IIMIITIIISH e Inrli. Drt D. The follonlni fm- nemliirs werr rrrunleil In the mltun belt this innrnliiK: linnxilll. Mluntn mid Wllmlnclnn. .1Q liiltii.tii, .1! I lintliiniipiciii .Mi I tiitrlestnn Hint Suitiniiiili ,1l. Vlonlgoinen "ltd Nnsh. P.vi . Hudson Po'iio .Mines . . IHstlllera Se ur .. Ilrle I'.rle 1M pref (Instnii Wm . W Cipnenil Motors . (!en Motors pref . floodriih II I' Co Ilrl II)', IS 15 :ki4 -l' IL'l', 7.-i :.i I'lulf States .Sticl. 71 I'l Inter Acrlo pref Ji.Tr ,,' ,'".. ""V "' '''Jr "','., "'',': i Inspiration Cop. tittle Itoi-k. MfninhK mid Mrrldlnn. llli ,,'., .,. ,..! i.n.. .hM.H,n.i OLI..I....... ii.l.i..... luterlioro l onsoi ......., '..,-,..--.,,, . , n... ... . ...n.....K I t , , , m .Vii . ""lh I.Hkot-Vslr lonltht snd Thlirs. jrBIwrtlrliM nd Thr dnvt wnrmer lonltht. i... s.Vlirm.l.i. Moiitnnn nml Wjomlnt Kulr lonltht nml Thiir-diiJ l not mnrli rliante In teinpernlnre. I Mine", (HI 9 nnd TmntM. f.llt IVn.iirnlu. list sin An tonio and liHlie.ton. .'J, Thert nn .111 lioh of nrerlliltiltlon nt Itfrldlin ind lnutnlfii ,ni Inrh ut Neu Orlrun, Hnd llkliihom I (lift I1..10 Inrhrs at Ilik.hurE nnd 1.11 Inrhe at hreieport. lM' :i7 i::o' , L'8' l t bssr in e 1'leHf. o. 4, naeipniH. (If Weiilemlier Term. Notle li hprib clieri tlmt un will 1m. mml. ti the nW Court on Mniiri-is. Intel 1) Ciinsol pf. Inter llatv J. Inter Mer Marine j lnt Mer Mar pf i Intel Papr . . . Inter Meliel . Sen lorl,, Uet. 0 Kclly-SprlliKf'd T. ol l the opcninc the inltoti m.irltPt vvas Kptinecnit Coppir. :J.P stenil, nml thi llrst pi lees were S to '.'0 i.aet. Steel 75 points lilchtr. Liverpool .ind New Or-I T.elilch allei . . . fi'l rinihri in Hn -rn market vvere at a ,tls lj,,uii!!t and there vvas a moderate -Lcc Ililli t 'Hie . l'J lops to knu'V how to ronstrue the l'resl- irin.unl fruni hotli northern and south- I I.lggctt Jl .Ibers.llIfS dents limulrv in licnn.inv this morning ,.r tr,n,. Inleiosts I'aldis viero vveali, , Maxwf II Motois. . ''" and dlsplajed mueh nervousness. hou.ver. ami a favorahln wetkly jK, Mot id pf . . . ' ."id L"l', 7!l'i PI'. l4 V's 71 uoj I iM.'j jti'i 7PM lll'i L"l. ;i;. iu.'i iw. 'JO' L'Cl4 i;4 iU4 71 71 : h'. ;is l;s'4 "s'; '.N'i 111", liljj 110.'.' 110'i Sl'i .in1 t'lirno .iiurn-lllei r.. "Olio MimliHt CI l' 200110 MIilv ale 5s "0 11000 Mo 1'ae eh Is 57 'i 1000 Cat Tulip 5s 17 5000 N Y (" & II s til?. 15000 NV Tl rii l'..s li, Oj 2000 NYWC&II 11..H 55 'j llnoo Nor Pne Is . sn 8000 J'a cen ct l' S7, 1000 Pleree (III 1924 S3', 1000 rtenrilnc uen 1hM' 1000 Slnelalr (III 7s 12 4 1000SH.&S V 111 Bs 10' 2000 St L.S.SK Ser A Is... 59 f 3000 South Hell 5s. 87, 2000 South I'ao cv 5s !i24 1000 So I'ac e 4s 7!!' S0OO So Itvv v Ren 1s .Tj 2000 So Itvvj 5s I'O 1000T A ht I. tef 1i CO 300a Tex Co Cs 0D". 5000 i; H P.ealty 5s 51 5000 V S Hull 5s. son, 1000 tj'S Steel S I' 5s 07" 1000 Jn I'ac i'V Is. M loon Union I'ae fis I"1 looo Itn Par ifd Is 70 'J 1000 I" K of (I H& I r.i.e 1010 08, 16000 t' K or (1 It A 1 fi'.is new 'Pi 100 56000 U K pf IJ It I 5ii.s 1021. . 17'- 15000 Va Cs Km llros 70 J'l', 73'j Ml ;,7i, 17 if. "iC, 51 1 j vn 87'. ST, 11', !-!'4 46's 59 S7, "-"4 7"'. Ill', 'in 73 'a Si! 57 ' 2 97 "I, 80-', 51' j sn ; 11', i': 51 Ml' j 17 "4 81', (i3f, 71'l OS , ''9', 17 70 5:14 87N iO'l 71'a Wl'j 10 lil 'IJllJ 51 SO'. !17, 81', 101 79',i '8-. 100 17 'i 70 I'ltlU. INCT!!". hT!)(1Kri jvllh no l.lhcrty Loan Local slo.'U ti-iulltiK uns dull dm trip the Ilisl half of tnda.i's spjs'on, nnd prlio cliatues nere mlsed In line with the openltiR of the market In Nevi Yn'I;. Little of Interest to operators or lianlioii oeetitrcd. nnd virtually nil ehniiRCs In prlees ivcio Ftnall. ( The v.ldel chanHc was tn I'enn National Hani; vvurjiits. which declined ns'much ns .1 points to 08, hut later recoveted to 70. Hopld Transit trut I'prtllkMtes ndvamed n, and lllectilo Slorncc IJ.ittery j Icldcd 'i. Othcnilso home issues wcte iieBlcetcd In the cully dealing. Steel common vvns slow nnd sllslitly lower, Ilntdvvln Locomotive nd vnneed f, nnd Waiulrli lion was uiichuiiRed, Halls uric falil.v ste.id.v HcndliiR Cmnpnii) Icldcd ', N'orthcrii Cen ti.it ndvnnrcd '1. while I'eniisylvtinl.i Railroad, nnd I.chlsli Valley vvcip rollovvlnir in,. ..iininiinus'fiir iii.ie'lve '"icuilj at their in pvlinii 1 1o?lnR level". toel.s iintni it, hip PlilhidelphU i-'toel: n the hond division huslness was nt a minimum !.hS,,,W BlVcnU'1-.iici appearltis 1,1 the end of the flt-t hour. inn nisi pnvious close: Aiine Tin pf. 711 llt&HTpf. '" .,.,.,, AitviVf crni'ii .Milan... Ins. IS iiih (" N Am 21 I.Ot.M, allM'. hTOl.KS A (1 Mar... i,i ICe Tel pf. IC's Id.NOPAIl STOCKS Am Chn ,. 51 l.lttlp Sohu.vl. 48., , m, Am Milling I11U Lit Hioh .. Sl'tijiir llu'ler ., .. is Am Stores. su .Mln.lilll ... 50 1 vim Snmirn . '." Am Stores pt 92 N01 th Penn 1. Sn ' Jtl.lvvaj" ., "; "llli J (I . 21 Phila West I! lpli lAt.n.lon I Muff & sua. 5s svVja (lene.ai : tffs.i '.: ,::::::'" Huff A.SIIH pf 18 I,',, Cos N J.lS'J's I t"e Lulu ....:. . .. .ns (.'anihrU Sliell.10 Union True . . S7V Wist llml '''1 , 1st pr r.j w j ,s.... 11 (iui,ui'ii:i.ii htocics Mest ( onl . . .u Ailni 1: Yljrlt rtVVJS Pf3t I lllue null ni.itnnli.lllrl.l II II , llaiav Ill Kpwhu is . llj I'm .... hiMid K'i n . . . MUer t'lik . I'.' JIIMl'llt.l.VMIlHH XrlroliH 1 nlleil 1 111 I'atau 3d nf 64 Con Irae N J CI'.U lit & II T.... 10 Now York Curb IMIt STUIAI.-S 11 til irl I'll 111 Ml .04 111 ill 01 01 :n,'i 50', IKlill, .IIHMtTlsr.llKNT'. Tin: col KT r (HvTmiisI After an Irrecular start, the whole , urati P r, ,,OIt as ino,,.,i for In these .or ine inunt or riiii-' 11., i,..inio weak ana prire . ui.'i'i" " r.ietors iiiniini- i.nerlnii In liure.iMi.il iniM. No. III! Milt" new low Rrnuwl for the mnvement outside elllii(; on the upturn. b but. tliKt n H,.iirHilou under s-lllnc h loem "1"'rr'" "'"' The e.irl bleak met rath-p 1,11 tin- 1 tilt" nhnlR Cuiirt mi t . . 1 (..,nt i n u IKtOT. .!! 1 n uin tn Mil (Irtabrr 8th. A. U. I0IK. ut In aVIork' 1 I'romineni nr..rs ".,','.''1'. ,'.,.. prove.l ikiii.uid ar-miul 30 50 fur liepem u'(l :i(J o'Jij ."It Jl'lllll' .-.....- . Ill The Ci-nornment crop irpnrt wart InoKtU sh Hltuationl bprfl'UHl nft for .tHimnj, or about 12 point's umUr Um mIkIU'h rloHlne licurfs Tlitrn xpHinrl to In more trado m litir at ihl Ihi and tlicrn whs also n.. under thn "rornnmlliin nf nf Ik' p , oi ino fjmnmnnwrftiih or rt-nrthj IvhiiIh oriel r T llio upptemntB thrtH. fop tb hfritr nf IV ' An lntnrtfrl ffirnnrullim In ho iulil th. .! V Polllrlo Memur):.) HniMlul. thn ihurMrtrr L-Ynnl object vt Hhlch I th foundation Mnd t maintenance of h honpltal tn th Cttj nf . v r.. ; i i ....... . .t ?f .Tire, rriie, nufi'iK huh Hiirnnnn in imiHH fcyc.-ta hive 1.11a i-e., Hnd eiijiii Blithe nnd later som " ,,"" '."" I,"""l"'ll eiicnr nuics iiroiicut Buy ),rlht. Wneflln snd iirlillemn f iho KaM' started .it fl 19'. t J1.1S. aKJinsi I out more roltuii, however, p.rth ularly IT rjl' v w.uwnt".. nn'i Mf i.ui'iu.MM'-mi.. m . , c T ..I II... ..Ill I f .HirrU.I . ill Ml will rri.m l.l nrnnrt! in ..I .1... w- 1. .. 1.1..1. .1.1. I .1... noon as ue.irisu mm mi- hIkihpiI lcie. stalillilv. October opened 1 2C lower at J1.15 . . . . ... ... . it.i. Vii pnilipr was "Id JI.19'.' to II 18 at the outi-ct. eoverlni; with s.iKCesllous of rea.tlon.iry ne.liist fl 18'- ill the clove j estinlay. . miumiipiu .irnuiiu ine rini: and later sold at $1 17 . Iieccinber romp.iratlvel) y , . iw 1'iui.in ui.rirr in nu.v mi 1110 in HIP r... x-rumunrur.. ..iiii- t;t AI.KXANIII.il JIHMtr r.MtVIIlt ..'iifi nir 212 S-'tcplien (ilrur.l Jlldc fllRARtl rilINT NTOR(lK roVrAtV Sealed propoSHls for tho sal to Plrlellty Truftt Company. Trunteo undr the Mort 5af of the olrurd Point Ftoraite Company. ated April 1. Ib90 of a aufflclent number f bonds lasueil undui- said Mortnave tn tn seat (ne mm of $?0,0Oll stIII be reielved at Ihe offlco of thw said Trumee, Noa a.'S-adl rhestnut atret. I'niladelphla. until londay, Vrlober I4lii. ivin, ai 12 rlfht la reaerved tn ! 1'iur.L.iii uuai WM. 1'. lr;il Pri-aldent Philadelphia. SDtemtier 80. 11 The r.eelpts here to , ,,,, r.ikoc, )r(-c,, , r. wal ene a, ,olllnC of oats and 1 ' '; ''"'''" '-cKI, report r the the u.rket wkcnid after a -conipara- . ' ""' '""' M mulatnl ,,.. w mK, v. 11 stead v start Prominent conunls- ''Icl. sen a , ouple ,.,ths Into low son house? lical Interests and hers Kruunrt with i..s.,n.r -elllni. at J0..1M er.. .ik-Krisslvo sellers. IlulnK power I or I, points nit l.mir. vias poor I 'Tl"' receipts at the puttH for the fU (ictoher opened He lower at 68'o hid, are esilmatej .it 25,HM0 h.tl.s, analnst Nincmlier was iploled at 'it 10 ni-sc .11 -..v.i nines 11 neei, nco. u2,17i hales Mexiiiin Pctiol.i.llTil 1 IS ll.'i l7ii Miami Coppi-r .... L'tih ytsj-s l''; L'S.'i MliHaln Steel.. . .1V -ISJi IS.'i l4 Mo Kan 4. Tcxhs fi1, Mo Kan tr Trt pf. 10 . ... Mo Psillic SI 21 i!l IM 7H.', 10'4 .Sh'4 :i'JJn the outset, aK.ilnsl C7-,i- at the close r'eUVn'J'a'n'd "A jesterday and later sold at Sic. Do 'COMPANY, Trustcn. lemher opened at ., In 61 Up. .ifialnst ANII.I. MEKTINflS 1'IIIKMlr.l.l'lll KM'III TRWsir (II. (lenr.al lllllre. Hth and lluuphln -I.. 1 riiMuripiiiH, iHiimor i. mis n.t MITII'I-: Til STO( KIKII.IIKKS V.o '1 Tho Adjourned Annual Meeilnii of the 1 ii ''' Stoi-kliulilrra of the 1 -h 1 1 . 1 1 i.h 1 n Itanld l.-ril ' e( Transit Company will he sirid hi the ti.ii Miri 'rV'l-' emi unns" i me i iinniin. -in ami liaupniii , m - .. . treets. on MednedH, Ortoher l, tills, ill lllba tliSO . m. for the purpiim. of .-In fun nf I o. t - tr 'Ireelors lor the ensuliiK four jearn. and ' Nov -I the tran.arilon nf suth othtr bulins ha ! Perk limy coinu liefnre the nifftlni. tOd . r i. uii ...li 1 1 .. ... ..b.... v... riiirin, j ..u C7'.c nt the end jesterday. . LoddlllR futures rnminl as fultn-.-.- flpi'tl lllifh l.o a tn I Corn (ne dell.ervl '-1-V'. Dil lis Its 111 till N. 1 III'. 1 I'lJ. J 12-S 1 11 ),r 1 l!l' 1 I"'. I !-' 1.1 I1. "' .... tT. .... ..,.! til'. a jear ago and 84i32 lulls lo 'cats ago. 12 Oi tola r I Vovmli. r i lo.e I nilir ' Mcnlav a 1 1 ,!0 i lii. Op. n it in .11 --. .11 in Mil .S .I.i 71 Nat CM; &. Suit pf. HI Nat Conduit A: 0. l'JJj Nevada Con Cop, I'.l'. New York Air ll.li.Vi New York Ci nlr.il. 7:!'4 X Y N 1 1 . 1 1 . . . . 10 X O S. West... 'J I North Amciiian.. Id', Noitlurii Pacific . hS", (.ihlo (Mil. s li.i.s.. .'I'l.1. ijulailo .MlnlliE. . 'i ... 'ivveus Hot Main. "1)1... Pscllic Mall Ml, :n I'auilic Til e. Til. -Mi, W Pan-Am P .V T pf. ! ... Prima It U 114 1'do Has Chlc.iKO. TiJ 1'le.reo nil 10 , J'ltls tc West Ya.. Hli.'j l'leno-Arrow .... tO'i Mr Steel SprliiR.. I). 2 m) Hay l-'onsol Cop., i'l'i "ml lteadhiK M1- Kenub Iron ti htl. h 1U.'4 SWi nkw 'youk cornx m ukkt New "liirk, Oct 9 Maximum prices Hcalu prevailed In thn coffee market ill the opcnlnc this mornlnB. vvltli iiuota tlons uni'haiiKeil A few sales nt July were reported at 9 85c Itiilher more huslness was reported this morning, partloul.it h In llio spot department. Ueprosentatlves of Paelllc Coast Interests lire riporKd to he lu it... ...tirifi.1 lirro. nnd there have been purchases on tho basis of 10'ic for llio IH. To.Ikv ..penlni fietober ;jj" November J J lierrmb-r ; ,,'.' u.i.inri. . S II I '- ...... .... -HI" o .. 0 4U .'.';; hi-. ivbruary .Mi. rih ... April . .. May .... June . . . . July .... AUEUSl . . September Hid. . 0 si .in mi .in 1.1 Ven. close .s .Ml s n.'i s SI) N ll.'i I. I II 0 2.1 n.si n -n :i.tin llle III 1.1 eln.i i:nlnslves nn r Hill Mfc I Anifi Miiii'ltio . , inir WiIiIiik Paper. Air Itediiclloti I anadlan Cu Co (.'an Car f. IM pf Charcoal Iron Chevrolet Motors . . . Cramp Curtlss Aeroplane . Carwen Tool Cat hon Steel . . Ilmerson Plionocraph. 1'edeml Djc Ilendep Mfg . , . . Lake Torp Hn.it .... LehlRh Coal Sales... Llmo Loco Maxim Munitions . . . N Y Shipbuilding-. . . . North Atner 1' Pulp. Otis lllevator Peerless Motor .. . Poole Km? . . Itedden Truck . . Scrlpps llooth . . . .Standard MoliHS . ... Steel AIIo.vh Suhmariiip SI Joseph I'ad . . . Tiiild Shlphullilini; Trlancle Film I'nlleil Prnllt Shnrlner. V H SPaniHhli Culled Motoia World's Kihn Wrlght-Marlln Ah . Zinc Concent . . Mi. I . :!, :t .is 1.8 81 .rj n 91 I 11 t 81 .18 r. 13', 4 21l 17 II III 20 II I i. in 14 81 Vt it. an. U C'4 t Y-at Aak !l's II J'a a'), I.K J.I on 1.14 on .11 H 101 I'.'. 20 I'd 8J ... " in n i 5ii 014 i it lift or. i 14 4 (! (iiilel ' N v ada Wonder t liiuiiu .Vilnius t t.1 i.i M'. 4 4'. 4 4 I ". I 4'i 4 l 4 4', l'4 I'. 4 4U 4". r. 4, 4ll 1 I 41, I". 4 4 1, I l, 1 4 4' Il5 I I 'j 54 l'i 1'. 44 5 4't 4U 4 145 1 41, i:i .V'T. i:i', u4H 104 10'i IIO'i .15. to;; io OO'i M't it'4 '-'o!4 hb'i N4 v 1 1 in-i 1 1si 1 ls i!S l.h 2.1 'il 21 Ml .( 1,1'. in r, 1.1 tj.i .in 20 r.n 2S.I.1 JaiiuHr Mm r.h MJ Jult Hid. i!"-T;: !'.!.T." :!"'' '"' -" '-'.' Hoyal lut tr rets. 101 h7 M'a 7.'J'i 10'. M4 J'l', .".I Jj '4.IJ4 oil 2 lu :s5 I0J, WP4 15IJ h b-IJ nkw vonK imcnvK stocks l'"ollowlng are quutntloiiH lor Inacllte New York BtocltB lu wnl-'.i there were no transactions todaj. The prices Riven nro tho last previous sale: Armn T tHt Pf 80 KCI'S f. M nf 51 Advanco Hum 17'.. Adams Ki . 5S 4.n llllll.Wl 1.5 . ' Maslia Old M ?J 1 Maskn .lime.iu I K Co M LP 87 Kenk. & li M. l'i Keokuk ?. J Moines Id; .10 c; Kr ss S 1 1 55 1.1 .Snual Line 8B Kress S II pf,IOJ',S .... . , .. p ... n .... 4 ..n..i .I'.l ..on,- .. v ., 4 nu N nf 42'?i Ia''l"lo Ant li k ... P'. ;- - ij, r ' Am H s ' .1" Am 11 S T pr.isa Am met S pr 82 Am Tlk Note. .".4 Am Cities pf. 1014 Am C & S pf til lm Clif.ir . 11".2 Amer Coal 51 Am Cot (ill pi : flas. 83 I.lR M Toll ISO Iiorlllard P.. 155 Li.rlllard 1' pf 102 '.4 IxjiiIs . NashllR 1. IJ S. W pf 20 Ixiose-Wlles B Co 1st pf.. 85 ',i Loose-Wiles If :d pf Maekay Co 20 72i, .111 ihi .in mi . SavaRn Anns .... in'. 2 -l" " ; scab Air Lino nf. ifUj , Scara Itoch Co. IKi I shattuckArliona. ll MIW YOUK Itl'TTKIt MJ r.C.C.S ' Sinclair ull Itelln. Ml nu Vuib. rii.t 11 iii'iti'.ii siii.1.11. ' houincrn 1 acini . 03 lOd'4 100 10U : lilL-h. -IIP ITCH HllKhtl n. 11. Hi:i.KitiiiiK. 21 ii2 21 '!-' '2-' 12 Ml 2. .15 21 bii.i iirm Uo..ints t".si.'. ini.K a. .11 Tl .,111.,. itlruM .tw llrsls, !j f.f.17'.i "iiiiiiiIk ,1 Mi, vi. 1 llld t.V.k'U I .IS Mute ilalrj l:iil.s .Sleadj 'While 7211771 inltHtlon 1 rcaniT) lasrs n.iHpts 1 1 mi Othera 11111 halu;pd IJ Vi2 SV. fs, '-" "7'4 or;, (', .Id, CO", 179 177'. i'K(Ut)s)..j r I'roi'omai.s roR iuMrrsomc ,t , lluartermaali r. t'nlveralty of Pinnalva I nla. Philadelphia b-Hliil propo-ala will b 1 ' metved her, until II a. m. llttobr 10. 1W18. and then opntd for auppltlnir Oiam Annr Ueculallou lllanknta. l.MMi;UI.VI rt I BUl.lVKIlV NP.('lSA.lV 1 uriner into suatlon upon nppllcatlon. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS chain and n.orn VVIIHAT Ui-eelpl- iml llh4 liualins lnt ' markil ruled linn with auppllra un.ler - "m,d .ontrol The ranu-e of the .niiitailmia ' "s a, follo . l'r lots in export '"v-""r nltneriiin-nt ataii'lHr.l In.isitlt.i.i alamlBrd I nrli.a No 1. retl winter .2 JO. N". 1 orthem aprtntr 12 30 M. J. h'r.l vvlrjier. 1 SJ.3'1 No. 1 .""' l' rv lf".r"cJi , ,Z,i' The annual mectlnt of the Cruciblo ,' .".;, 1, rn aprinc M .HI. No 2 Steil Company of Amtriia will be held ,Mr',. winter -' SO Vo 2. ml winter Bar- November lo anil uooks Close uciouer n 2.3I. No j. nu toil - "", " tiiiTr ... .. . - - Financial Briefs Southern Hallway. I"?'. Southim Kwj pf. 0" Studcbaker Co . . OO'i Superior btcel ... 10 Tenfi Cop & Ch . W, Texas Co 177.' . Tobacco Products. OH', (iV, Uh' Union Padllc ,. 127 127'. 127' United Clear btrs. 102' i.IOIJj UWj 10'j L S I nil Alcohol., roi'i lilt 10J) 10.I). U S Ilubher (Wj ixljj I1.IJJ KI' C S Hub 1st pt V S Steel U S Steel pnf. L tali Copper . . Va-Cnto Chun . j I A C. C pref. 92'. XUl,,ay c0 ,)f fit I Am Express . .8'4 M,,,Ml Alv 40 Am Ixvro pt . J 14 M,,ni, Hcncli ', Amer Malt . Manh.it Llev. :i5"; 'Am Malt pf -JO Maniiat 11 pf. S v,i TnhaiVn .171 M.itiliii vtilrt ti". XJ Am SliipbUlc. la'i'j a, shirt pf 27 .. I Amer Sni.nf t 8'i's Manhnt Sup. . 48 P. Amer Snfiff . " May Mopt St 51 SV. Amer Sucar im .viex ret pt..ino t Amer filler pf..11l Miami Cop .. 28',J ir'i Am Tel &. C CO MSPASSM pflO.1 ',','',' Amer Wool 53'i, M f, St L new III "b: ' m Wool pf. !i-.i Mln K.St V nu fit Am ?5. I'ho New Yotk Subirracu U00 to the hanks jesmday , uie cabh net i;ain siuci i-riu (100, Th' New York Slock Kxcliancc will be closed Saturdd (jctob.r 12, Colum liua Day. Ilogera Norton . Co , stock brokers at ij lixcuaiiKO i-iaue, .cvv lorn, navi oia folved by mutual consent L S ltoji-rs will continue the bualmaa undci the Iirm name and stjlc of L S. JIoeitm & Co Tho Fedcial Kceerve llank will with, draw tomorrow Uovernmint deposits lolallne J1.1.750.0UU rue can la for balance or me loan c rtlflcatcs. amounting to JI2.500.00U. and the tux icrtlflcales deposits up to September 17, amounting- to ? 1,250,000. I V f - Die i.anu i mo ft. .runt i onijirtii., n.i.s J .l.i..lf.ii.il a iiniirl.rlv dliidenil of n tier nt. paable November 1 as reulstered Ootolicr 10. Hooks do not close. This tJ?'tfl'u,, the stock on a 20 per cent basis '.u U.....1.. i. ri.... ii. ... in rri'i ni . .. ;. .Q BM.l.u. I'"" ... .... fw red 12.32 'Vi... ..-.! ..im.r 'n' rtd wln- rv tnat J 1 51. ter EarlliU.'. 2 .HI No :' rl amillij IJ !. rj iosi jij3,- Kr:.J:,I." .2,-iDtll none Jiemsntl was tleht lay, nduclns anV ,r.r, cr. larsVlj nominal l.uota day to 3.r..,. ifio'Tir lot, for l".al trade Vellow a. to craile And Hiewiioy i ...... . .- iMTh lleielpta. .1145 bu.hel- Trade v, iPol.. not Lmhorna aetordinj to rm-tiitj S.hJ'ie VVhIl l.rchorn fowl. :;tl'a list Mliritn; rhltkcn not Leghorns, arrunlln. to iuallt 37i1llt VV hit.. liKliorn .III. kfiia, as to tiuallt Jlfil.lTe Uooiiters. 2Mi2.1e llinka. IV kin, :i2Si:iln do Indian llunner Jstil!llli lluln..... t.itini n-- n.l- ti.i..t. IIIK I'lll. ID1 Mpleet lltllSi e'lla ler' .,.,, -.t. -.-- -.-.--.-., ..u V.'. fl .'.... .."I(.'H'I f M I'lKiotiM ultl. iit-r ruilr anfii-n ,tn ..,.rtoaYabasli pre! A. inr lair. r.iVJOc. Weat Maryland lUtllHSIill lltmand naa falrh a. Hi.. ' vi'mt Pacific nf "",'." .'"r.1"'.! riil.tl tlrm undtr llht re. ,.,, tn Tel., ill .Hints ouitHiloiis 1-r.nh klll-1 fouls. In I )).e31"", ,. , ij ,o, Mila dn id. k.il fumv aelnttd, .iSc WestltiBh L A. M. 12.', vteiiciiini. p. n,. nn, mir -P,.,,. 37v r volworlh Co. ... l'.'l'l ama ler sl-e. iMiuir old rouslrrs drs- ' ...... . n rji ..I1I...1. "si ,u. ,. ....!:.-.. ",. ".' Wort 1 ncton I. . . o-l's u'l.'hlus 1 1, lu lb, apif.o Ia(i4is. vveian- ' Whlto Motors .. 1 VaT V Pf- "'"" 5,,,nl I'ower. 71 4... '. jc. 1. or il 1 . .i" 1 ac in . 01 "4 177,lssels Ileal C l'i JJ"r h Cssi-x. 72 .s8.-1 :S i?&? o 13 n Hnhf ss ' 12.'4, Assoc Tir u (ion H: C 18 VsLoc I ry l, Xh"I & Chat.119', -.1 nrel ' . 3C. "'.. I-f'l P'--W- rA lotallnc J1.1.750.0UU J V IJ, of the remalnlnc '(? 'iieptember 17 Treasury IV .. ...... ..i...u ..u .. la. mu.r L7ij.il m 11. alow aim i'n..-o i.r.. . - ; ; 7 - v. g. Car lot. a. to loiatlon Vo 2 while mi'j Mr ftnndar.1 white snti niiUp, No .! white. .1!'? (I SO . Vo I while n'l'liN1-! Pl.lll'rt lire. Ipla t ilJII. Hill lbs In "lick. The market loutlnuetl wosli with buer Indlfr.rent IMotatlona: Tn nrriv- Per Imii lh in 118-lh aieka Winter wheat, ion per e.nt flour, llntl lo.2.1; kansaa wheat, inn per' .. flour. '(Ml'Ml'i "prln. wheat ion per lent flour 0 Mill to a.i IlVtt I'LOt'lt waa Inaetlve and weik We quote at J1 MiJ Mi per barr'l. In .arks. as 10 quaiuy S 4u.rw alOll III Gl'1! . - ' ' "" V ......- 101', Hit 101 101 aii u i ai Jv k & si iir.iun 107", io7, iiHDj loo'. I V: Wr " U"?L" sd -2. l.'i llO'i HO' J.0'4 Bald lco pf. ..... iSJf'nlv.l 105 hd Bait & Oh pf xorf H W pf 71 ol'i 5IJ, 51'.' bi Barrett Co . 'f Nrf r South 18 fe'i Barrett Co pfioi, Novla Sco stl r,2; :, HrooU C (-as. 0 v ,, T r ,, ;,-t i.i. Hrown miue "; iiij b'o "w m n" f?..,,r" VA. . ii.tni.t. ii i. . Wi inj;, hTAMIMtd OIL Illinois 148 1.13 Ohl. ! . . 2SIH 30.1 Prairie Pipe .... 250 -S.1 S. O. Cal 212 310 S. O. N. .1 .117 522 V. N. Y. . . . 28 J 21 i.Nnnrr.MMiNT on. stocks Harnett Oil A. (ins. . ), Coolpn Co I'.lk Hasln . . I'rderal Oil . Inter Pelrol Houston Oil Merrltt Oil Midwest HoflnliiR Met Petrol . . . Ohio Kuel . Oklahoma Hcf Sanula Hef .... Sequoia!! Sinclair .I'is ! 1.1 . 70 . 31 .11(1 . l'i . 13 . 7 . t!4 (!'. .IJi. 2 '4 I.TH 78 2114 117 I 1.1 7' ori 1.1 77 3 1 ,4 He-crvr llnnk.' Di.connt Ralr Orllclal .llscniiut rales nt the twelve pi ! ml lte.erie nanus were as lo owm (The first coliinin bIvch Hip mirn fur all periods up to ami nieiuriiu-r the nr lietfday mituilt.v, the smoii.I lor .1 pe. liod or Blttecn to ninety days. Tho third and fourth miliums are the rates for icdlsioiinta of collateral loans so Hired by (Jovcinnient bonds or not.s.) com I paprr liov. caper Hi to mi in to on 1 i na iihjh l.idaVs days I'n.inn ! Nm Turk il'hlladelphla . CU'iolalid . . . Itlilnnond .. VlUnl.i . . .. I ihlfaao . .. I hi. Ilill, ... Minneapolis ians Cl . San l-'ratlilsio UalUa I.iverilool Cnllon' l.lierpooli net. !i. Spot cotton was rpiltt tod.iv wllh priccH ert on Hie lmsls or a iieciine or ;u points for iniilillini. old . oiitr.i.'t, ut 23.53.1. Sales were 2000 bales. Including 1000 Pules Ameilcan, It.ceiptH were L'ini Hales, all American. I'Utures were barely steady In the r.trlv denlliurs. Snot prices were Anierlt an. mlddllm; fair, 21.84d: Rood mldilllne, 21, Hiii; miilillliiK, .'.i.n.lil , low mliliJIIiiK 22.48)1; Rood urdlnaiy, 20.9li)l, and or dinary, 20.13)1, ItifluenH Slop, inlioti .'ale In deference to the wishes of the- iiureau oi I'timic Health. Iho naii.il weekl.v auction ale of sli kw and bonds ny ij. u nc a. i.oiianu was not nchl to. tlay. CHICAGO HUTTM, AND KfJtJS ( hlraco. Oct 0 UPTTEIt Iteolpl, 0 SI.1 tubs; l.c hlcliiT IJMras. fill, w.-.Sr ' HlillS Itecelpls II 0112 nars t'liihaliffed 1.1 1014 MIMMI STOCKS l'Jl'4 121 '21 U0J i nutiprlck Co II ' T1..-I. Twrnl. . 80 Init 4 Iha nil.io and over .Lit . Itililnif a'j -.Mill a-Olcclatld . 22 ilj'j !,,;;,e.r,',":i'(;,3,,;5,;i;n.f dfU'S. ! w"H"oTXd pf. bar.-... i: 1 femd .llvldcnd L'nltfd 1. Alloj 1. 11.1 l,..l....l.U.ll.. 1.0.".. ........ .. .. . white Hflrfhln. Il1f 11... wr ilm.. it.1i J" do vw liilihu- 118ln II.. pPr do? J74i . . ' '.-i-iih - ihi. iht on? .Mir.n.titi, do. w.lk'hlnf; 7 Ilia nr tier J4 .Vllt.1: do, weltihlni iHiVj lb- p. r doz . 3(M. dark. l Sofia in. .mall and Vo 2 Off 2.511 HilS. 75. ' "l J! (lil.aio. Oil tl -IIOUS llecelpt.. HI OiMI . head, lift over s.'ns brad rlow. ubout ' attauy Willi .8lt'riiHj a ittiraKe, iiuirnvra NYC&hT 1st l 55 N V lioi'l, 2)i'J N Y J link pr 48"'. Ohio I'l Sup .1 ". Owens Hot pflOl PCC & St L. 54 Pero Marq . II 'J Pere Mi pr pf GO Pern Mam pi' 4n Pottihone .Mui 35 Petti M 1st priOO Plerce-Arvv pf 08 I'lllH 1 iiai. . bl)l. rni;sii i ruits 1 noito stm k 1111 in fair renuest and son .iiur erallv .teadt Quotation.. pplea. V. 1 It.lu. nlu. 1 1 lift 1 t...b1. Torin I UUttO C el '. I"'. , Cal PCI Pi- "' .Care J 1 pi .'- hit; ojt- rent of N J. 202 '' Ccrtttlnteed J' 31 'cert P 1st pf ', IO & S A Tel.108 Steil pre- riies & Oh'o . 57's ' : . ...- . ....: ": -" - Clll : .111011 i-j rut, com pr s.(i! Chi lit West 7'j i'tts stl pf 04 Clll K III I" '' ';"3 Pitts & pf 78 Cluett-I'liv pr 99 'ia SH CHr 67i C M fc Stl' 1'f i'l'. Pond Ck C Co 17'i CCC & S Lpf.!27 Tub Ser Corp 89 .. II I X. It tt "C. ll..ll... 1. n... hi-ai. 1H..1UU1K75 medium lieht. la in ,. .,"-,' ;, i 1.. ... ! ' J". ., irts.Vu: naiklnir lieavv I7 1111(1 17.HU-. me. CHI&I' W Pf ; P.v St Sp pf una, sen .Hum inUed $1 J J.1 la J.I. Unlit, llr.1i Col Fuel & lr 42-. i:ep I & s pf.100 ruun uisit.j'i, ( ie n 1 -' seaboard A L 8'i Atlanta 3 lllir LeilRO ni Butte New York... H Coo Ariz I". C I'S & .leromc . ,'. Klrsf National I C.oldfleld Meriter .. . 3 (Joldllehl Cons I (lohllleld Florence ... ti (toldlleld Kewnnas . . 3 (.rceiT Mon-ter .... i. Ilccla Minlnir Howe Sf nnd 1 llidipondcnco Lead .. i Jerome Yet dc ' i' Jim llutler .limiho Hatptislon .... 0 McKlnlej Harr.iKh . . 10 Macma Copper. .... .in Mother Lode 33 Mines Co. of Amet.. a. Nevada Hills 2 Nevada Wonder .... '. Nlplsslnc ! Ohio Copper '7i Hay Hercules 4 San Toy 7 Tonopah llxtm-ion .. 1 United Verde 36 Vest Hnd Con OH White Caps 10 Yerlnprton 2 IIONI1M Bethlehem 5s .. ..100 CoMlen Oil fis . ." 70 Cosdtli i Co Cs . . 70' Cudahy 5s ... . , . 8 HuVslan (lovt 5'js. no Itusslan liovt G'-s. 87 ! Southern Hwy 5s.. . . OH s ncialr Ull os . . . Todd Shipbuilding Gs.100 LlVEbTOCK QU0TATI0S '. iinnviaiOM. Illu.n .. llublMrdaion flti.1 llraven. Tendrniy lower, on all altera below lib. . J,"1 f, Z d '. 4, !ios.siiorf nf r.i PllO ISIOAS .t.in. 13 inn.-.. lir Twentv-ouner. w .-,oii , In.l native nnd weatern atdv. bulch.ts Col -." pl II, cr? ,,,,?.;, pf ,?,;, , , .. I 1 Id. (IreetihiB. IOi5 various varletiea I.l ' weak, .annera tead . 1 alvea 2.1c lower. , C orao Tali . JJ'- so ) 1. Cub .120 There a. a fair jobbins .lem.nd updihe , M I'mn.jlianla and Ylrilnla per illRKl" Ilenlpia 10 Oim head. C.ood Cons lnt C M It'. S P It H S pf 107 m.rUI riiHl I mi. OuntatollB l'It or iv est ... ,,;,'. ',,"V,.V.,.'"I,,".,""U :.'iJ!""' KV .i..... 1.1 , l..... (irni rumnion stuff on. . n.-i r.n fir.l- -I IV bis ii. irn be.f. In seta, .moked and air-drled 4,rJ: - $;:; ' -- ....jj ...... naio- - , y. - - - V'J'i',; '.,V Uty beef .knu.kl.a and t''" "''; ,,'r- ' rrlnil1 Jonathan lit" App"e, ?r I'ltl.burih. Iki '. -HOOS lleielrns. I (C1 "(" BJ st I & H W i . dried. 48e beef knuiklr. rk 'fjmlli , h-ih'l haak.l IncU I.' do per liusn'l Usiuliead lllzht-r lleavlei.. 1 1 S.0U it ID . ' rHDr,le Creek " 8 .. Mil nf Jni' SSSTlftV tam.'Tf pn"reV J.?'3''M. f 'WW-nLrrZ, anrdVp1.Urkri"T...i"l.",HlM'' """ 0rK5r" S? A WW W Stand Milium ' do .klnned loo.e .3'?n31!c.i.i U 1-it".0':-I "rn p" bo. If?" V.ari P& Aork' I All "' am! iVwtHS-llec.lpt. .10.1 Cuba AS pf 95 Studibaker pf 02 r.ie37ii other ham. .mokediltj ,ured. s i ;'J, Y"'i New lurk lMd U- Ton hep. 111.501 lop Tlerre & Co pf fi-'U Tldcw tr Oil. .182 rAoiUrvte)nuVe.rS.W:r?c'o llSli?. I R-r bu.l,; ba.ke-..U.f , g4 ?r rteSf re I ' nb-. I'.' 5i' ,. , flft h. S1. Del I, f W 172'. To), Prod nr 9li .. iUr- ..into ahoui.i.ra. H. p. i ureu. !'"' on i iinuan iieautr. i.'n j .ill '.:"" -- nen & u i. nr to st i. v ni , i i.Tho transfer books of the Virginia 'i't Itallwajs and Powor Company common "i jiBit iirefcind stinks ilose Octolivr 31, 'li apeii Novcinbir 21 The annual meeting . w.T... .....i...-. .in luifjliiijci .V ,v. i com:k.nment iiunds IIS till'. 1 0 3 It , V 111.18 UK lvm ki 83 i, i-esi.lered I9J0 i lOUlS'O. I"." ,jreBlarcl. mis , coupon. ll . rvBlateretl, lll-o . 4MHJIKII1, 102.1 t titalatired. 1IHI1. i'leiipon. IV I H Ba ... rtrgi.icrtd Km. 2a, reat.tered ama Sa. realalered. ma 3i is.tipon v'o Clianre in Iteflnetl Sucari ' f Vw York. Oct 9 Iteflnetl sugars . , afu linrhangcd at 9c, less 2 per cert for ebJi. The demand continues fair. lu Hill Informed quartera .the. opinion Is araatsl that the present 'allotment of i aaautu. ner mouth tier ueraon can be llliaiisaiia inui no lurmer L'unati u xxjnsumptlon of the staple wilt ary, Haws ore uncnangeu ai 'l 2 t - looae. 2lc. do. amoked 2'.c: bellies In Plcklo aicordlns to average, looae i,o lireakfaat bacon, as to brand and average ittv iured lie: hreakfa.l baeon. we-lern rur.il tll'.litrd weal.m refined. 2JJ.2JJ,. lard. pur illy, kettle rendered 28r2s,c ItEILNEI) SUGARS , The market ruled firm with lltht offer Ins. on a ba.l. of tic for fine granulated. ' DMflV l'HODUCTS i ni.:t:si: inuntri udvicea wer. ationa rear, lalirornla per box. I.1J..1 Plum. New nrK in r 4hiI bu.lfi -nin. i.i....... lift (IV Hun.on, r,)lr,V; lllua a. go. 31 fc" li . i'luill.. Veil A lirll tlu.ii.rn .-- I...-.-. 111,. I.i. ,..-' 1 '..-""1 .1". I'J.III'I -..-... i-iuiii. t..iiiiiirnia. per uoi rrunea .New lork. per l-ut. ba.i..i iniw ..iiruiwp.iern. Italian, per I) S S X. A nf t iki a cattlk net lMison . in. stead Calves, re- net Hill HH SO .-I-.- .nr. t. .. i . 1 Sl.uilv tTl.lll .. ,. .. n. . .. . n... .. .... - . y. ' l" is-he.em... 7.MH, hea'd. 2.iase hi.li. -X. '' PS ,' ," Vi' . ',!5KSS - . . - I a ..... . I . 1 Li -T '. ai I .ire tlllll IfUl Wrf 1 IllliriniJIJIll ITIT1 iiiiiru aaiiii lun.sii. ainiio v . .-.--. -- ht vorker. Us 211c Is 50; .tU. L Ka.l lluffn'o. .N. 1. fiic-lpl. ! head till .Mil 111 oil: .111.'.. II2H TSL& w pre 11 III si la west ctfa G Ilk Hoivn Kl 28V; Cult Alloy Stl 37 '4 ;ik II Coal pf 37 I'nlted Ktult 141 u :rle 2d )f 22 Culled Drug. 49 mi-. and this marl I ruieu nrm ai .no iaie loil'. in?', , xance. The nuotation. were New lork. 100. 107'i ' whole-mllk fan-y fre.h .TltjHISr, . an-;, al. s3 higher, do, do fair to goort. freaii ,IJ1f .1.", HJt . iviariinaln, whole-mllk fan IJOaj'tc, do do. fa r to gisid, S.'WJ'J'.e IIUTTUIl The marks;! advamed I. und.r tronger oulalde advleea and a boo drmantl, cjuotatlona. Nolld-paiked ireainerv. enlra fie: higher aiorln good., rtoi.UJ. extra flr.ta. SS1I38V,., fir.t". fi.14.1ic aeionds, 5".1c. fancy branda of print. Jobbing ai ilittdilc. ihoke at li3i fair to good at H V H2e ECH1S Demand wa falrlv aitlve and tho market ruled Arm wllh lli.hr offering, of ftn atoik i-uoiatlon. w.re a. followa Free caaea. nearby flrita, 115 0O 1)1 20 per tandard caae: iurr.nl receiptg I15..1UI' 13 mi per caaei vre.tern extra flrat". llaHO (HO.'JO per raaes firata. 13.30(rl.1.(lo p'r raaei Inferior lota lower, storage egg.. 112.75 V13.8U per caae La to quality; tandled and reeraled ctl were Jobbing at SHVUOu per doitn. ' 1,11.. I'.liin.. ..". . i" i.tnioii. per imx "flfcln .. ', rough, 'orange. California per box. flotTtn. .i,L.... il " roui"" SISr'..,'?aw1? " d". Cu'sin Vr "rl'l": l.eadn",lood limb. siJ'toirtTr- l.mb'lti. g n?$x& ."J i' pv-. - . ,75'rrcr-a'nb?rfl.,;r,j'er,.ti'," pV,' bi fi " " "" """'- ' "en cT A' ' ,Si r'ruV l. if f VorT'"?..- s i,lr",M, ."'-ware ami .v , han.n. ( 111. Oct Ij -CATTI.E-Ileceipt.. . Uen Cigar pf lOoi, Vtd Dg 2d pf 7S i..i.? " s;.!','. .''''"'"t Concord j.UJmic ' ".iYiiiii bead s,m, ai.adv, tr.c lower. Oieene C (op ..OH l'n Jljewood. 58 ivio-.rv.. -i:"1 M"'a. JOftiM. iiuOS Ilrctltla 21.UU0 head. SuO30e l(len Lire Co 150'i Vnl I) 1st pf 9.1 ,ri "i.V.r, li'"''.""' 1."Hl. ka.kM Con- lower . . . . (loodr HI' nf 100'i I'nl Pan IJd. all. hoi 11 tTiV.i Peaibe, ' Net. v,",T Vf ...' ''1 ",0,,p' """"" "'"- '"u" ' Crandby Mln 71 K L'n ('Sirs pf.lOG Una pe;i,u.bel l.ket-Vo 1 I'-SOB.. 5," (lulf M i N 10 C S C J Pipe. 15 w"x ' 'SV. Vdh7 ''""S"" n"r Mot.,., Omaha. Ui. I) -HOGS-rteeeip.., , JJJ M N Pf 20J; I S I'l P pf 43U t -POULTRY vi:r.ET.m.E? SIIKKI' Kerelpta. 3H.IHI head No, .". . ' -ii V .10..0..HF i nue no. record miouer l-.i'i- v. ..' '... '"u-oii oaaaei ,o. 1, cenl on eorninon pajaoie .-soveiuocr iu 10 lltil.lo: .No .. 501, ,v, White potatoe., ' i.vlt of retonl No.ember 1, . . , J.raej and i'eiini Ivatila per loo lb. J. W Woolworth. uarteriy of 12 a ahare (Ireen Mountain No. I l T.sfos. in.... vA .An.M ...L., ..... i n .toil Car.. 076. 1 Haskell L B. 45 I' S Ilxntess. 1G tl.v ..leu mi i ci .nu .11 pi P.. Homestake 9C'j I' S Itealty.. 111 IIIMDK.NDS l)FXI.RF.I) Illinois Cell iiGi, Va Iron CiC. 70 nurn. Ilrolher...,uart,rl' of 1. per e.n. "A.. .. .-'. '',.'" V.? lauie November i w tt ui " :: ' - r. ..".' ':.".;' "- .a lu. end nuarterly of 2'. per ' mi i-aper pr, a i uican iieun, s J'oiatoe- laith whlto and anert nere rinnlj- heljl wllh d.mand fair Cabba" '.. PlHitlfut mi. weak The .lUO.allnnV vvnito pulNlue;. I.a.lern Shore, nee 1.1,1 .nnritirr.il uasable N'oiember 1 to atock of I mi "an loruuij end nuarieriy i -.-. p.r in. . .... ii. i 1 i.'.ii.iv.7.1i No. '2 ll.unrr'j ...l. Htt ll. -U.A... VM.Mh.. ii nntatoea, Jer.ey. iwr baaket No. 1, licU I street. Company, a dividend of 110. paya. cL-rilllna er bir're'l-N'o.'V. KUi Nnri.h ' bU 0ctobr -' to .lock of r.cord Octop.r 1.1 II..1II..I Jii lUlia II. Hweet potato... fait r ern Shore, per bbl No. 1 13.25 ft a.fio: No Sll.rtllv Mixed J II I'ap pf ma 4 1 t..t vlnl...t ..e a. in. oit.il jj. p. Inter Salt .. Gl"i I si Creel; CI. 67 Iowa Cent .. 4U Jewel Tea . . 2J ' lewtl Tea nf 91 Vulcan D nf. 42 Wabash pf U 21 Wells.l'afgo . 64 tj WMd 2d pf.. 32 West Pao.... 18',S Westing Mfs isi ... .... Oil 4 'a li l Vn 11. :i j i ii .1 14 1"4 4's 3 '4 .18 10 42 .12 3.1 I 4 !; I!. '. 414 0 l'. 38 08 II I nun,'. 80 811 981, . 09 08 V4 8t 103 !4e !!i v Fi;'l':i. HAMv DKPOSITOKS l)eire.tc Due In People", liiicelnicnl in arioii4 I.ilierlv l.nan. Hy thr United Vo. llnrrlsbiire. o t . Altlioueli there aic fivvcr di'P'isllors than there were In ine sprniK. llio state lianklng Institu tions, under the Jurlnlictlon of the Hanking liep.it linent. leported to Com mUslonir Lnfi.iu tint on September 21, the date of the Inn. State bank call, the assets of the It tltutlons vveto 1,714, 530.321. SG. The nu nlu r of depositors then was 2.8G7.29G oi 7H.I30 fewer than on Juno 29. tltr thni or the Hiring call. The ilruic.isf. Is due to the ii.'uple'H In vestment lu Lib i i.v Hondo The .last call shown thai the bank iissels wcio $28 1, 891, ill!." 51 ; trust com pany assots, 8, I8ii.mil 255.18. Hud sav ings hank nres, $279, 534, 701. 09. Them weir 512 InMll iilioits tepottlng mid the average deposit In the sal Inca funds wras I5I MtlMlV.l.r.MlliNC rati:s M-lll OIIK Call inonr)i mixed col. Inti ml. opened toila.v at 0 per cent for lending and renew lug. mi Industrials, tho opening rate was G'- per cent. I'lltl. MIHI. I'HIA Call, per rent; time, .I-1, 'n G pr cent. Commercial paper, three to six mouths, 511 G per cent; six months, G per cent I.OMION mniirj is ftuot.d al .1 per cent HlMoiint intes short bills .1 K-32 pen cut; llirco inonth bills 3 17-12 per cent. rOKKH.N KXCHANr.r. New lork, Oct 9 The market for foreign exchange was rpiiet and unin teresting In the early dealings loda.v, although Ihe tone was inirly steady Neutral cm hanges wllh the exception of Swiss are lit about tho low point of this imminent Tin re li little hiisinohs In Husedan currenc) anil the limitations for ruhka Is nominal at ir.1i 15.10. Qtiotatlins vvere: tiem.ind sterling 4.75 ,, cables I 7G,",. Slxt)-dav bills, nominally, 4,7.1; nlncty il.iv hills 1.71. Franc cables 5 4G"., i hecks 5.471;. Lire cables G.35, checks G 3G. Swiss cables 4 7.1. checks 4 75. (iulldcr cables 1ln4, checks 4IH. IVj.ot.iH cables 21.15, i hecks 21 Stnckliolnr cables 31, clucks .111.70. Chrlstlanla ivables 28.70. idiei ks 28.10. Copenhagen cables 28.30, checks 28 0". HANK CliKARINGS it. nk i tearing, todav compared with eor re ponding dav last two tears: lots tni7 mm rhila. .. J03.7.11.80S I5.1.IM.11S8 llll.llTI.RP v Y ..7n.2i'..i.r..i8 r,o,iii,jiio ;4s,07i.ir."j noalon . 18.820,170 .15,3il.1,8IS .1s,lll7.5.t ainiuiiainm'inirawKniHiiinniia j MAiSTUFACTURERS I AND WHOLESALERS I 4't 7 54 I (I 'in 81 88 As an element to reduce uncertainty of payment for poods sold, u prominent Banker says of Acceptances: "Tt is in the general interest that money paid out for wnRcs and material returns as fast ns it can to the pro ducer when his Roods arc sold. Pendini the return of the money due to him ho must rely on bank credit, which natur ally is limited, nnd consequently ho has to adjust the scope of his operations to the speed with which his turnover can he completed. The trade acceptance plays a most important part in this respect. "By securing trade acceptances, even though he may hold them to maturity, the Manufacturer can figure with irrcater exactness what are his obliga tions and his available cash assets, and, by removing elements qf uncertainty, Iip is enabled to carry on n larger busi ness and to do it in greater safety." Where Trade Acceptances cannot be se cured; or if their application to your busi ness has limitation, the same ends may be gained, and all uncertainty removed, by selling open Accounts to us at time of ship mentand yet your customers need not be disturbed. immiimw iwniinnii'i wuranw mmui iwium u n Commercial Credit Company Cash Capital $2,250,000 Surplus $150,000 BALTIMORE Jtcwr.s.nttd at rmi.AUF.LrniA. stz stock rcUn. nidi. (Phosa Iiocuit 018) NKIVTOHK CINCINNATI 4JU3. CHICAdO SSTON !VS: l.tuuce 7rot York, per crate ' --w - -.. uii.M.i ..m nil., M.r iTats llffS. Cflery New Tork. pjr tiUHtJi.-'llft e..Pu'yral'"rJ'.' 'Nf.r yr- r .lvaiwt. 11. lunchroom "Ate In on of tbtwo tft nohroom toctaJV' . ,fl '-fctfl .sJ iKan City So JSi Wigmre U pt .l'i -V Kan (J So nr. S4 Wll.cn Co, ..rf Wf 1 5?yM.v ,J ".,4l,M'-i.OTtl atf.V ' FAILURES AT LOW MARK lhinineas Dofuultr of IN'inc MoiiiIih Smallest in Twelve Ycurs X'n ileti.irlure rroni thu liotcvvorthv ami S-'iatlfjItiK atnlilllty of Reneral huslness UuiIiik' a tlmii or vnrleil ami radical I economic reaiijuniineiiiw appcarn in ine i m liiteat Insolvency atatlatlcs, 10mn1erci.il a falluiea In the Unlteil States, as reported P to H. (J, Dun & Co . nuinherltiB 80G9 and S aupplyliiB llalillltlCH of .122.975.021 In S the nine months enileil Septemlier 30, s These llKUteH compare with 10,737 de. , a, fault for Jl1.9u0,028 in the conespond- E Ins period of 1917. when the exhibit was ' S al.so hiirhly favorahle. nnd vvlth 12,'.'50'S HUMicnslons for $H4,j86,i07 In the flrat S nine months of 1916, B ComparlnK with the mailimini of 1 7. ' !.kmilll!nillffl.!f liVWM -so rev-eraea ui in phuil- iiiuiuhh oi i?io, i the numerical reduction exceeila 5R per I cent, while from the top mark of $271.. 918,0-1 of the flm nine months of 1914 the falllne off In the indebtedness In ' nearly B5 per cent. Uolni? farther hack over the record. It In been that thin year's Insolvencies are the Ilchtest til number Hlnce 1900, when ' 7912 vvere reported, and the sum of I money Involved Is lens than In all previous yearn alnce 1909, when the tola', vvas nbout $116,000,000, What Is more, the number of Sep tember fallure- only C74 Is the small, cut of nil month- back to October, 1899, when 610 vveie shown, and on but four' other occasions since monthly statistics vvete first compiled In ,1894 have so few revel ses been noted. Owing to several manufacturing; de faults of unusual maunltuile. however, i the September liabilities $17,407,130 disclose a sharp Inciease over recent preceding mouths this year and ate $5, 500.000, or 40 per cent, larger than those of September. 1917. On the other hand, ilm returns for the third nuarier. lie. sides t making the best exhibit of the present . year, show an Indebtedness lighter by $12,000,000 than In the Bame period of 1017, and the number of revert.es Is 1069 smaller. ' Suih facts ns these clearly demon, strate that the many changes In trade nnd Industry necesltated by war condl- .1 1 ..-- "liaiatH nrwsr-.nin1fa.ls.aart 141. HOI lll WsWfll --V(..H..E.Vsa Vlil W-UniW Qi HBMIHflKffW 'V wr' 1812 1918 ( THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOA Bearing Interest at 4 Will be issued on October 24 th next. The amount will be six billion dollars. Inteieat will be payable October 15th and Apiil 15th. This Company is prepared to receive subscriptions to the Loan now, and will allow interest at 4U on such subscriptions to the date of issue of the new bonds. THE ' PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Member federal Reserve System -j T & JS3fgBgfl -- t s i! J "snSlJM,'. ytkmmt&&: la .'; K iZELS - mm lEHi (. , Pea, New York, 1irr bu1i1 Fajfiifl J , OtWHIaTIi -VeW VorW, JMHT tOB. (TCVlM . TXilEXM'i A MeX?JBK Nr-" ";: wlP