Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 09, 1918, Night Extra, Image 1

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    . ."s
i ?t.
taientncj public Keftger
Washington, Oct, 8. Fair tonight
and Thursday; slightly uarmer tonight;
frail in exposed places.
r I 0 I 10 I 11 I 12 I II a I 3 SI
MS I M 53 I on I B7 I 6K I I I II
VOL. V. NO. 22
rubllaheil Dally Ktcrpt Sundae'. Subscription Price! 1(1 it Tear by Mill.
Cojijrlcht. 1P18, by the l'ublle Ieler Company.
l.nlrrrd as Second Clan Matter m the Postnfrire let Philadelphia,
fnder llw Art of Mirch 3. 1!U
Cambrai Won by British
Allies Push On; U. S
and Americans; 12,000 Captives
. Army Burls Foe Back East of
4 i JT ,
Will Properly Assess
German Reply to
Questions Asked
Chief Executive Expected
to Put Matter Before Peo
ple at Right Moment
.hist What Wilson Means by
. That Term Has Not Been
' Fully Explained
Move of Yesterday Probably
Intended to Strengthen
U. S. at Peace Tabic
Staff Correspoinfr.it Ihcnino PubUr LrAotr
Cowrlalit. Ml. l I'liMIn l.cdocr Co.
Washington. Oct. 9.
.Public disappointment over the noto
to Germany wan felt In Administration
circles today. It was a morning of
exnlanatlons and excuses. The expla-
nations und excuses were ofllelal. .is
always. The Administration said
nothing. Cut their significance was
Tor one thing it was sold that hy
sending questions (o Germany rather
than making a counter-propos.il to
her. which In effect tlie questions Im
plied, the Trohidont kept ills own
hand on tho door of peace. U was not
for Germany to open it oy clop it. Ho
could nssess the icply she would make
and determine whether it whh satis
factory. AVhen he had receix ed It and
had decided upon its nature it was
bald that he would go "before Congress
wdth his recommendations. That Is
to say, tlie country would he consulted
before flnnl action. '
The ttoublo with all thec explana
tions, as-well as tho evplaiiatlon that
tho President weakened, is that they
do not explain. The President Is not
n weak man. He understands the
straits Ii. which Germany is as well
as any one else. lie took the course
which has surpilsed and disappointed
Washington for some deeper. icaon
than haslet appeared.
rinjine I .one Hand
I.Ike almost- everything che diplo
matic that tho President has done und
irfused to do llko tho avoidance of
an alliance with tho Allies; llko the
abstinence fiom (lift Versailles coun
sel; llko tlio holdlr.g back from the
economic executive It probably, looks,
forward to this countols position in
th ecomlng peace conference, which
is the largest odject in the President's
What is to be our tole. in that, con
ference? It lins been nhcady sufll-
' flentiy explained In these dispatches
that our position will be ono of splcn-
, ' did Isgjntion. We havo t.o entanglltis
relations. The trumps are all In tn
President's hand to uso us ho will.
Heceiit events which are utill partly
wrapped In obscurity have, been em
nhaslzlns the Mlendldness of our Iso
latlon, or at leant the isolation ithelf
It Is nn Intensely ical thing.
Now there Is nothing Weak tin piny
lr.g a lono hand. It is the boldest
Jhlng a man can do when the hum
hand Is to be plajcd In the geajest
i game, of all tlmo for stakes as gieut
an the n-oild Itself.
When considered 'in this light the1
,', move of jestcrdny, the moderation
shown toward Germany. was not n
weal; but a bold thing, it will proiiTloccn,.pH Central Powers Disiioscd
ably bo found to eontrlhuto to the,. T ' '
- rolo which we pre to piuy in the
t pence conference, to stiengthenlng tho
nation's nosltlon us the big balance
of power' nt this great council table
Seeks L S. Mriliatlon
Wliat has Ge,rninny ilono in ap
proaching us as sho has lp her lecent
note from Prince Alnx? That note
was nddresiied to us nlone. It nsks
lis to act us Intermediary bttiveen
tOei-many and the otlier Allied Pow
ers. It puts us Into a rule which
aormuuy cWcny wIsiioh im to nil
1.. i1. nnn i.nnnB(.l lin ,.t htl.
ll lltV t-SJ Vl'Ullt'l.l (& mill- I llll t ! -. 1 " , tk ni-i-. '
niedhtry betweetlithe Centtul Povvcis'iequlrea hi many lie lulls a niodllle-allon
ana the nnlente. liennany counts
n obliilnlng irtoro irom our sense of
r Insttcn
unel our Idealistic attitude
. than fclio 'ccuJlel fiom the Alllctl Povv
ers. '
Take tho vate ot. Bulgaria as a pos
sible parallel. Bulgaria counts, upon
the United Slates as her friend nt
court. J'Vom un eaullablo enforce-
ment oC the principles which thfi
..ninKrv sunnorts ahe relics- unon com.
'uiK put of the war a conquered power.!
Hlth added territory. Wli' fciiould nbt
1. -""-? -v.- - .-.--.-
Oermony inlso expect more justicoj
.from this counfry than fiom any other1
i ' '' "! " '( ' ' '"
We Must Have Peace at
Any Price, Vienna Wails
Zurich, Oct. 0 (!! I. X. S.).
"Wo "must have peace," nld the
Arlicltrr Zeltung. of Vienna, In dis
cussing the situation nf the Cou
tinl Powers, according to a dispatch
from the Austrian capital today
The piper added:
"It (prnrc) ran mid mtwt he Vib
tnlned. No price It too high. Let
us pay the price whatever It may
The Zolt, alo of Vienna, went
even further, saying:
"We must bo picpaiyd to saerl
lice everything that would stand
In'tho way of peace. Wc must re
nouuee all 'of. our political and eco
nomic ambitions."
.power? Will the United State? look
upon the Ah-aco-Loiralno question
(With ii rolder ao tlian will Trance
'or perhaps Britain, having a view to
'.J10 fl",".10 "f her diplomatic rein
lions with France?
Mt'c,hl,rtenso exists with icguid to
ii. iwisons fourteen points. It s
wild theio is to ho no negotiations,
l.ut wh.it docs ho really mean with
rcgaul to Alsace-Lorraine? Does ho
mean their complete return to
France? Does ho mean their letuin
In part? Does ho mean tlio Interna
tionalization of their lion deposits? .
If the .settlement of such ,ssues as
these, and they are to bo found in nil
Air. Wilson's fourteen points. Is not
negotiation then what Is negotiation?
It is on such questions as these that
Germany counts on tho disinterested
ness of tlie United States and wants
ner to .retain tlirouRliout the peace
negotiations tho roln of intpnnpriinrv
which Clermnny ha.s abslprned to her
In the
present approach townids
"Hole of Intermediary Appeals
Tho inle of Intermediary was the
role on which Mr. "Wilson had set
his heatt befoie entering tho war. It
is the only one that this country can
play nnd letntn Up position of Isola
tion. It is one toward which events
are tapldly heading us. Whether it
may ho applauded or not. It is per
haps tho ono which offers, the hrwt
hopo of this country's obtaining the
kind of peace it wants. The man who
holds the balance of power Is sel
dom loved, but he generally obtains
what ho hecks.
IJy showing unexpected considera
tion towaids Germany In the hour
of her defeat the I'nlted States hafe
guaids this lole. It Air. Wilson act
ed the stein conqueior. Prince AIiin
might turn olscwheie to seek to ef
fect comlfinatlons with certnln Kn
tento Iowers which might reduce tho
I'nlted States to a minor position ut
the pcaco confeicnco That icsiilt
may ensue even et, but for the pies
ent Air. Wilson has, as was unof
ficially explained, kept tho, making of
pence in ills own hands.
Gei many is negotiating with this
country and with no one else.
Means lo Hold YhlTliaiid
Whero Air. AVilsoti is headed In tlio
coming big conferenco Is plain enough.
Ills dlsassoclation from tho Kntpnte
nnd tho nppioach of Pilnce Alax to
him botli point In ono direction. A
situution like tho piesent one Is sub
Jcct to rapid change. Hut Air. Wilson,
Hy his action of csteidny. kept peace
making in his own hands, which Is
whore ho means to try to keep It till
tho treaty is signed. .To do that lie
must have ft lends on both sides. Hence
tho cour.se which by mnw fs called
weakness, and which may jet turn out
to bo exactly that.
It this theory Is tight. Gei many Is
not likely to debate long. She will
llko to plejisc the chosen Intermediary
by putting iter trust in him. As to
evacuating couqucwd teriitory. she
has tilready vhtimlly promlsid to do
that. Asking peace, she could huidly
toiitlnuril nn 1'iiftr My, Column J'uur
lo Ailopt Couree l.eauing
. r. ., i-.
toiaeitlC I'.llfl
Vleiinu. Oct. !.
Ill npciilug the AUHtrlan C'liambvr of
Deiiutle-B. Uaron von llusxnick. the Am-
1 1 Inn Pieinler. njinounced otllclnlly that
iieuca nolo has been bent to President'
Wllrun, und said;
-lit a meiiMure tlie note Ri-irpU the
lintls tor nrcoOiilloiiH Inillentlril li nn
:,I;,,v;;.r.,",i't iirins tv& vi
leaillnB to a iWtl.' ml.
I 4.1. ..7 I , r,.,,,,. ,lmi' Hint I Ii u Ii lulu
oi mi iwihii "m ii
!" l,l,l,',,1,)11'1' iVA'.li.,ti:'l.i..';!ilf:
';";, ' " "".",",,,,' ,"," i".:,.
leading to
hi which the gieat peoples of tbd world
will elcelde their own future,
"A resnonse not taking Into account
our !lMosltioii would shoiv 11 will tu
destroy us und woum meet rrom.ine
central rowers iiiiii-iuie it-o uiiuu
The Chamber of Deputies then lieguii
..A..nln n ni-rruiif nintlntiu cnnrarnl nrr
ellscussiou 01 ureeiu i!. i;7ns
.... ioou Hiiuuiieni Him ineciiur iiucan
' -
when,,ou think t vtntin,,
mink.' if wiiiiino. iitv.
Health D.iretior Kruscn
Confident. Disease Will
Slowly Disappear
N c w
Emergency Hospital
Sonic Liquor Dealers
uisitiK I'nv
e, Ts Hinted
The nrilu i losing ihurches lias been
modified by tlio health authorities, offi
cials believing that the Influenza cpl
Hemlo Is waning In Philadelphia.
Director Kruscn. of tho Department
of Health and Charities, feels rnnlnecrl
that the disease has reached high tide
here and that It will begin to recede
slowly. Naval medical officers for this
district also are optimistic
Modification nf the church closing or
der was announced In a letter by I5lhop
Philip Jl. niilnelander. of the Protctant
Tplscppal Diocese of PcniiBjlvanla, to
the clergy of his diocese.
Advises Churches Open
Bishop Hhliielander paid that after
consultation with the health authorities,
he advised and authorized the follow
ing procedure In Episcopal churches In
this cltj
Church buildings miy icinaln open as
usual fiom sunrise to sunset foi private
prayer nnd devotion.
Celebrations of tlio holy communion
are to be continued at carl morning
hours and for small croups not exceed
ing twenty ior twenty-five.
Groups of Ited Cios and otlier war
and relief workers and of church and
parish officials may meet In parish
houses under proper safeguards,
The 1 'lilted States Public Health
Service to n largo degree Is concentrat
ing Its medical and-nurslirg-irouiTT!
on war Industiy sections, where the
epidemic Is slowing down 1ili and
munition production. Gov eminent phy
sicians are laboring now on dut nt
AVIlmlngton, Chester, Kddystone and
Gloucester '
Streets In tho downtown section were
flushed last night to clear away bacteria-laden
dust nnd fllili. Clean streets
aie a necessity for public health, health
olHU.ils decl.ue.
Minis I.lniinr rrUllrer ,boril
Director Kruscn announced he has re
u i .niAHii nmnl.i1nts that retail
liquor dealers were abusing tho privilege
of dispensing whim) on piescriiuion-,
ii.. r..it,wi mm ,nmnl.iiiit tusllfled.
Plivsli kins must lint pi escribe for
1.M ornires." llr Kl!leil E.lili. Ho llltl-
matcd th.it plivslcl.ins who prescribe
llminr for lieveiire ntupocs may have
their licenses revoked.
Tlietc'nrc thne enieigencj hospitals,
well equipped and supplied with medical
and nursing stnffs, In this city now.
r.inergency Hospital No. t Is at Holmes
burg; Hospital No 2 Is In the old Aledico.
Chlrurglcal Hospital buildings at Hlght
eenth and Chert y stieot. and llospll.il
No. 3 Is In the l'lillop.itrlan Club, 1111
Aicli stieet.
A fourth hospital Is to he opened to
day In the buildings of tho old Lebanon
Hospital, Seventh street and Columbia
avenue. Plfty patients will bo accom
modated. Tho Ki deration of Jewish
Charities will provide nurses anil doc
tors. NnTal nUtrlc t VVInt Control
Tho epidemic Is under control in the
Fdurtli Naval nlMilet, according to
Senior Surgeon 1'nlrfdx liwln. sanitary
officer hi charge. Theie have been a few
new cases reported but the mortality
rate Is beginning to fall. I
The dlscaso has taken a toll at lhe
House of Correction Prisoners, with
bodily resisting powers weakened hy liar.
fcotlcs hnvo been easy piey of Influenza.
eleven wifincn drug-addicts Have illed
'there since tho epidemic began
.llBrrUlmrg, Oct. 0. Adjuiunt General
neaiy today sent a hospital unit to
Tower City to asslxt In caring for Influ
enza sufferer's in tli.it Hutlu.iche mining
town and shipped forty ents to Glen
I.in. I.uerne Count. Tents have also
been sent to Urnest. nn Indiana County
milling town, Willie large uhlpincmts are
being sent to Pittsburgh In preparation
for nn outbieak.
General C. II, Dougherty notified Gen.
eral J!ear loda" that the "Wlll.es
llarro aimory woubl bo opened to i-.iro
for Influenza sufferers In that section
The Kastup, Leliajinn and KeiiAing ar
mories h.ivo been turned Into hospitals.
Seliuvlkill and .lefferson County con-
j dltlons were repoitcd as still serious to.
i day,
I '
navy officer loses son
f irnr rtiuiniiin1ir XpuIhiIKm
IIL1II, A) I II 1 1 Ul UU t '1 CllUllff
ictiiii of Knitlrmic
vilfanlel Sinlili New ball, llflcen-.v ear-old
son of Lieutenant Voiiiinaudctl und -Mrs.
Thoiuns New hall, died at Jeffirron IP'S
pltal jeslcrilnv, lifter n two weeks' III
rss with Inlluetua and tjpbold com
plications. "P.tnnv.i" as ho was affectionately
krown by his schoolmates nnd friends. I
iiiuiik iviioiu no wus a, universal uuir
it A iia riArti t lists- fnt Ifnri n fA nt til A
Havctforil School, where he was becom-
1 . . '' .. .ii.i.i..
, Ine. liromlncnl In scholastic and athletic
I ncllvlllcfe.
Lieutenant Comninnrler New hall ts as-
' slslant Chief of stair ot the Tourth Navnl
1 District, with headquarters In I'hlladcl
Iphla. ' -
d'BekwiBifcuviB LilicrtytBondsto Back OufeBoys! Makefile Kaiser
- -
Important I'oM at Hog
Emmons Itt.ilne. a wldel kiimin engi
neer nnd grandson of James !. lllnlne
one time c.indldntn for the picsldriii'v
died early today at his home, 137 llill
d.ile avenue, Lniisdownc.
Mr. lllalne, who held a icsponsltile
liosltlon nt Hog Island, had been III more
lhaiiv a week. Seveial phjslolans of
ploniinenco wclc called to attend him
and he 'allied somewhat until tlio epi
demic of Influenza spie.id
lie was u -graduate nf tlie Boston
School nf Technology nnd iiln studied
at several other institutions.
Air. Illalhe wns the son nf Mr Em
nions lllalne, of Chicago, a will-known
Philanthropist She, Is promliuiit In nlu
rational clieles and founded u hi.iueli
of the Cnlvcrslty of Chicago
Air. III. line is Klin hod hy ,i widow
Arrangements for the funeral li.ic
jet been mude.
Workmen Slightly Injnrnl Wlim,
Cars Criifli in Heavy Fog '
Hlght Hog Island shipvv inkers weir
Injured today when the Hog Island street
I'.ir on velilch they vieic riding cr.islied
Info u Ilench street e-ar on ilin,imrning .
avenue near Nineteenth "IK it .iu
was seriously huit
The iiecldent was due to n In i f"g 1
five cars were blocked on Muvaiiicnsiiig j
nvenui' hetwein Nluetetmth mid Twcii-,
tlctb streets, nnd the innloruiaii nf th. i
Hog Island e'.ir saw them too 1 iti to
stop Until care were b.ull damaged
Itobert Hedley, motortnan on the llogi
Isl.unl car, suffered a font fracture nnd
was taken to the Methodist Hospital
Sl who weic taken to Hie same hospl- '
tnl for treatment nnd then suit home I
JOHN tVAl.su, s-one .vc.ns old
;;:'s South ll.incroft stieet: cuts on the
head nnd body.
VIVIIlt PHICr.VlAN, nineteen, Ui 1 ,
Soutli Sixth street . cuts on the f.iee
JDII.N KA.X'T, 1.130 .villllln stieet, cuts
on the face.
HII.I.l.VVI IIAI.DVIAX, thlttv-tluee
iGtO South Hancroft stie-et, eiits n
the face.
fn:ou;i: ii.iit, thirt-fie. -cjs
South SWtecntli stieet; cut llngcis
Alii: SMIUITII, eighteen, 2-'-l South
Percy street ; cuts.
Clfnrlcu V. Dorwarlli, of AOiilicin'
Section, IMaityr in Fight !
I)r Charles Votteler Doiwartb, tluii.v-
two jeur old, a phjslelnn in tlie mirth
ern section of tlie city, died vesteidn
at his home, l.'SO West Krle avenue, nf
pniumonla after an Illness of seveial
d.ijs, eontractcd while treating Inllueiua
Doctor Dorwarth was a member of the
Philadelphia Pediatric moiety the Phil
adelphia County Aledlenl Socletv and the
University Masonic l.odgc, and was at
tached tho the Philadelphia General Hos
pital lie v.is a ijiadu.ite of the di
versity In tlio class of Pipl He is sill -vlved
by his mother and father and
one brother, Hdwnrd .1 Dorvrarth.
runeral sci vices will be held at 1"
o'clock Saturday morning at the Dor
warth home
Health Board Iteports -t9.'J "Sew
Cacs Overnifjht
Influenza nnd pneumonia caused fmi
deaths In Camden dining tin mglit
while t!.1 new e-,ises were lepoited t
the rioarel of Health.
At the tempoiui) bnspll.il in tl"
armory of Hattcry ', Alls, l.oini. 1 1
maeh, 30 Cole stieet, Camden (lied
within n few feet of bet husband n.el ,
three children, nil III of the disease nnd (
unawaro of her death. Air.-'. Ilelinjcli
Is a sister-in-law of Councilman i'lede- i
rick Helniacli, nf ('uiiiden.
HenlSh olllclnls estlimitcd that lheii
me between 15.U00 and -J0,0fi0 e-in-es nf )
Influenza In Camden. Tlie mortalli i.ite
Is small, 150 having died In C.umlcn up I
to today.
672. White Men. to Co to Camp
jot Prom aept. Ucgp-tranis
State draft liendqiiarters has asked
that all local diaft hoatds 'do the liest
under tho iliciimstances" ,to get tin
September leclstinnls cMimlned for
army servlie dining the Inflnenz i epi
demic and that whee It Is hnprui tlcible
to hold examinations, to notify brad
quarters n
Tlin e-ai for b725 white men In rr. ,
Camp Groenlertf Is not to be taken iint.i
nX'riiitHct honS" ; T1", '""',1-1'
phi a district board last week neled mil
035 Industrial claims. 09 being pidrrd I
1!lacead"ln1chi"ls l" ' '"'peals' ,,alt "'"s
-r " ' . , !
PatrolniPii Victims of Giijt.
Twenty of Comrades Stricken
live, negio policemen of the Twelfth
and Pino streets station, twin brolbeis.
mill 11, llll I., ml lr.lt, I.... , . . . . ..
.. ". " '."jvtiiini, iiuuMsi on ouin
nn Pelt street, were taken sick with
Influenza ut the same tlmo nn Kundnv
One, Vuoo Snow, of 123 South Van
Pelt., died this morning; the otlier
rankling Snow. 427 Soutli Van Pelt is
djing. lioth had been on thM fence
1 nunui nx nmiiiiis ami weic 38 veins
old. 1
Tvvciilj p.itiolineu of the Twelfth and
I'uie streets station failed to icport
1 for duty todny, all bring .ifj np with
atlniks of Ibe gilp. Severn! others, be
sides Conkllng Snow, arc In a mrlous
1 Condition,
HlliiUtly warmer tonlfiltt; fair to.
ntoht ami tomoiiow,
t'loit hi places imposed, tchlvh Kill
ulvc us no sonoic.
Jack Proat and the President put
on the run
The Uerm and the Herman, ths
"flu" and the llun, "
Falls of Schuylkill Youth
I Uack in U. S. After
Heroic Act
I Captain Harry Ingersoll
Killed in France, Accord
ing to Cable to Father
The Day's Honor Roll for
the City and Its Vicinity
, Itll.l.l.ll IX- (TION
( M'T.MV HVRItV lMir.ItSOl.T.., 1SI3
lllltenlioiisn Mm ire tfimnTlctully re-
Ttrtnl 1 . .
t M'TAIX Mtl.l.lVM II. HUCK. 4101
e'e.Iir neeniio iMnrlne e'onis 1 ..rt
(flKrCIRU, 1I5VXK I,. All. K"'
llflinimt aMine ilrevloulv rejiortwl
lllinfrielsllv rll nflelnt list lna!.l
riiiv iti: (imxi.i.u s ,i. niiiM., --tft
i:hi lnii,hin street (Previously re.
Mrteil unolTlilill) pn nfflellil ll't tu
tiaj )
si iir.mxT nr.itNir.n r. no(.i.n.
."Ill IJh-ninnre etnie (Prevl ulj re
Isirteil un.iftlrlnlU utl officio! !!' to-
piiiviTn sir.iMir.v v. lONnr.n-
ll Til. t'piK-r !rli . .
I'llll.ITi: IIII.I.IIVI Al.imlOI'I-- llr
I" (Prtvlousie reportdl a prisoner,
non reporteil 0"ml )
iiir.ii ov mi:r.
I'ltiviTK .iom-.pii .1. nr.u.i.v. io:s
KaH Wlelli meet
I'Rii.iir. i'.iim. vim i o'.xr.n.. sis
North Wlieta street. (Unoniclally re
imrtiJ )
fll'TIIX ikixk it. IUT.OV. sot
N'ortn rifle finirlli ktrcft. . ,. ....
l.ll.tTi;X.IXT Cllll. f. lenr.MO, l3t
lliirrlsi.n irert
l.ir.t'Tr.X.IXT IIIIRI.hsl MfVAMIKN.
.til. fini- Walnut Blrert (ununietally rc-
norte.l) I
l.ll.l TIIX'IXT MI1.I.1IM I. I.IIIK.K,
J.Iihi North Twcnt -second street (un-
oiriilnllv rcportifll ,....
( iiitiMirtM, .iitTiii it a. liii.ninMi:.
II'I7 IIhkiI neenne, ..
rim iti; ,i.nitiir. r. r.iim. 1000
IJtsi llRzrnril street .
ritiviTi: itiiMoxn vi. scmv.inT..
Jil'il SunnMiHi avenue. (tlnoffleUlly
reisjrtcd jestcrilt); on orflclol list to-
riii'i.iTi: rnRi.i m. taooart,
JlllS Alplelre street.
rniiATi; JIIIIX- J. ri rrii:. suns llntn
lltoii street, fPrcvlousty reported niiss-
rn'ii.iTi: iltixri-J miroiy, 1312
X.inli i;leventli street
I'lllVATl: .KIIIX" J. lllWIRV. K.02
Noitli Ilnuilrr stieet Previously to
tmrteit mlMslliir
piiiv.ii i; h n.i i ur j. f onnxK.n. soso
liskfor.l street
I'KIVATi; .IIVII.s .1. III'AINK. 1012
Vlerrls street
rim.iTH ii.iitnv n. nirKov. ss.-.t
llrHiidwefno etreet (unofficially rc-
rimATi: joiiv r. iuiitix.r,v. 2 Fouth
I'orle seenlld Mreet
VVonttlnnd neenue
iMni iti; iiimi:i, .1. iirf.ixMs, 3311
X'ortli Itrtrer street
Alsrl.et rtre, t
PRIVATK I.I1VV .Villi -, m;,so, r.200
llsvrforil weeniie
"ttiv;iTi; AllTiitR rin.snv, T.-.na
Isl ind road
iiivitk Aiiiciii.vM ii.iiviix-. ir..-.
X'ortli Alde.i street el"iiorfl lally r
i.nre.l 1
I'ltll III". TIINV Ml ITKI. ".t;n Mr.
Ktieet (ot known nt tliat edlrcss )
miariiv rnixr.
( ll'l IIX" HAItltV 1. SHUTS r.oiden
limn X 1 (Jeere uiiunle.l)
uirTK.NlNT now vim ni.iiuxr;,
I li noreli (Wonn.led I
mnrvp rniv vrii 11. II IT-ox".
K.llslniitiin I'm md nf ,.nnn.t.l
ti i i i-x-vnt ui-nnnK riiitii iri, jr.,
1 ,trr 1M IVVolllldeil 1
f!H Ti' 11 unit l c. TflllD. Norrls
,..m IV IKIIie.1 In ne'l.ei 1
"Mil iti; im ix- .1 i i.vostow T.m-
I e P) IVVoiinde.1 )
urn vti; stixi.kv i virimwr.l i.,
I he.e Pn Iwmn.lf .11
vim itp iivxiFi. r. vi.rnitviif k.
Nnr-l.tov." 1- eWni'"'le.l V'
PHIVITr' r.lllllV II. UlIXIIMS, 47
i'-.st Mratfe-i vcmi I.andnwne
(Killed In aetlon.1
nctohrr P. WIS
'Ihr nhinr list ts compiled from
the offlclnl caaualtu rccnrtU anrl
fiom unofficial trpnrti received hy
rt Villi ci anrl friend from, men
ni ci sens.
llavinnnd M. Schwnrti!, a I'.ills of,
-'i linjlklll ho--sjeverely wounded and
gassed at Chateau-Tlileriy while saving!
tin life of a comrade, is hack in this',
cotintr serving on one of tho war relic
exhibition trains, touring tho nation to
Imost the fourth Liberty Loan
Young Schwartz (he was only eighteen
when ho enlisted In the First Iteglment, I
i; P. In .luno of last jear) was hurt i
mm e than two months ago and has been
. , , ,. , , , .. I
"' "f ,1"' ll0lll,al slx weckn, but bis i
l,mc ',,cl "ot PPcar on tho official casu.
alt lisi until today. ,
Inning the Aiueilcan attack on C'ha-te.iu-Tlileriy
Private Hlcliard Kane.1
also hailing from tho Falls of Sch.ujl-L
kin, uiopiicii iiu uircn maenme gun.
l,li- iii lis i.o.iy. Prlvate SeliwnrUl
I Mn.)j.d pi
I ,, his fi
' '
liked up Kane and Martcd !
lend fnr-ii Held hosplt.il. A
few liniments later 11 gas shell hurst I
near them. Sthw-nrtz. thinking first of
hi. fiiend, put the latter's gas mask
01 then ailjuicn m.s own.
lie was too late, however, for ho had
Inhaled tome of tlio gas before he man
aired to get his own mask in place.
When within 11 few nnls of shelter n
hrnpn'l Kl,ell burst nearby and ho wasi
w minded hi the, baek und legs. Tho J
irln liuino waH tlie rewaid for his hero
Ism . '
i.KiiEr.t """ "f Hlilnwril Mi.lher
private sclrvaitz Is llle jnimgest soul
of Sirs. Anna r-ilivviuU. 11 widow, vvliui
lives .it S2C Simn.ldo avenue, Falls of 1
Seliuvlkill There are (hree stars on the'
servlev Hag th-U tioris irom Her porch,
fur bffclile It.iymond, 11 second son,
Clurles W Scliwurtvi, twenty-four jears
old Is In the machine gun company of
the 1 0 9 th Infntitrj. the same unit to
which ltnmond belongs, while her oldest
son. John W. Scliwnrtz. is training nt
I. limp l.e " "v.,. .v......, ...i.i,tM..
lug to Mis, SehwftrlB her ton had re j
(onlnuril in. Pair Two, t'ulutun Four'
Germans Loath to Die,
Believing Peace Near
Announcement of Max's Offer Causes Men to
Surrender Officer
No Reserves and Position Desperate
Ilv IMIIMP oiniis
Special Cable to Ktrtima Public Ledger others were woikhig Miuthvv.iul nnd
(opumi; i, ,, Ar i ork Time, Co. "or!',ar'lt b.01,llml thS nMtireioIr line
l vv i.i. ,i... i, i.i . V. n e Itself All that made tho operation
I Uth the llritlsh Army, O-t. 3 -An-, m ,,lmollt for , ,lpw ', tll,
, otlier iliMdlv blow was struck b j Riouna and the dlflleMilJIes vvero In
ostolllv against the Gcim.iti arms i creased by tho darkness which closed
1 soiitlieisi of Cin.bri.l. Seveial l.un-t 'llrJni '' "'"V,1 ,,,ci f'" , ,
... . v..i i jomo f them. Including Welsh
die is ,,f pri-onoiM weic ahead tnken ,, lirKiln ,icii assault ut 1 o'clock
c.uh in the d-i when I was up la the' In the morning. Others, like the New
battle him lieiond l'.elllcoui t. and
mine nn
coming b.icfc. nnd we nro'
111111 umLln.. 1 ,1... I .-.. nim
positions and getting out be? und nil
much Unev it seems certain that wo
......... ...v ....... .. ..
shall (.aptuio Mime of their nrtllleiv. '
Time .uc main wondiifiil features,
nbniit this lnttle. making It differ
cut fiom other attacks. One wits the I
c.iile Iiii.ii at Willi h Mime 'it out ill
Vlsli'.ls liig.in their inhume.
Aniitl'ir vi the exliimeh rompll
cat i' ill i -. t ion iimI movi'ini'iit nf on
as il if) mips ov.iu-- to the lav of
the g (iiiml mil neecssltv o' clearing
tho c niiti of the I'e.tuicvoir Hue"
Wlnili lui J not vel.liein iiim-ii .ii
I that while some ofour te-ops were
lighting e.uvtward toward tho vnilous
villages scattered in front Of them I
LONDON, 0;t. 9. Talaat Pashn, tho Turkish Premier, has
resigned and has been succeeded by Tcwfik Pasha, former
piemier and j!x-Ambnssnclor at London, according to advices re
ceived hcie. Enver Pasha, the Minister of "War also ftas re
signed. Yesteidny's advices were that the entire Turkish
cabinet had lesigncd.
Aichbishop Dougherty, of the Catholic TJiocese of Phlla
itclphici, totloy placed one thousand sisters of the yrder of St.
(spt i t'ie disposal of Dhector Krusen to serve as nurses In
te'i. p epidemic. They will go into piivatc homes or wherever
"c tfect ''p vovs orcl'nnrily prevent them entering private
iicmes, u. tiic Aichbi&hop has issued a special dispensation.
iMot of City's Leaders Call
iiswer to Germany
Pi.siilint VVINnns note invetlng the
I latesi pi'itic tfT.ut nf the Oeiiii.m Cw
Jcininriil n.f fi sel elli'oufted today b
plnllllmlll I'llll.llUlplll.lUS
' Mo-t nf lliein sic W his ii'lte to I'llnic
Maximilian. Im.pitnl ileim.in Chancel
lor, tlumigli tlie Swiss Minister, coni-
pelllng as II dur cvpllill Mpl. a elever
stroko of dlplomac). Some ot the loiii.
mints follow :
i:P.NHST T TP.IGU. Pic.sident Philadel
phia Chamber of Commerce Presi
dent "Wilson Is handling tho so-called
peace niovn of Clermnny In a ninsterly
lll.ilinei, nmiriiu u. . u.n.,,,... .,-.
.. hi..ii ..mild klmt the door nc.ilnet
........ ,...,..1.., n. r iirtnunni rrniv .
iiiiico and nl.ty dlrcctlj Into the hands
of the Kaiser. Pr.sidcnt Wilson seeks
Illumine whether tie lieriuau
Cliiiiiei'llor was bhilllng or whcthir he
n 111. lllv ncsirrs 10 enu inc leirinie
war Inwilcn 11111 feci assured thai
Viesiddit V llsnn Is linndllng the m.il-
t.i In a Hire lul and elllcieiit in.iiinei-
lie I- glunz Cii-riiMiiy "' "I'Poflunlty
tn ml ihc war but not affnullng the
K 1 si 1 iMi" miiot.iinii 10 iviisi nun
dlstntt AineiU.is ne.icc denfanils and
us. them '" In half of Jiml.erilom.
lUSIHil' "l'ri''P.Al.N THOMAS .1
11 l',l.xi. LplMiipnl dlnces.'of Pciiu
sjlvanl.i I was veiy mueli illHappolnt.
ed wb. 11 1 rc.ul tho Picslilent's note.
1 think we should withhold Judgment
until lieruiHif icplles nnd the Presl
d. ill niisw-iis I don't ski any Indlc.i.
e.illoii of ivi.eiit.liuv tm Hermans
li.lit I iKoililll'olcil si ri liner nnniu
li.. tin. mi e ti inn- nn vMiicn in niisc 1111
endliic of lioetllllle's,
sl.x yi. ,'''.... ... ,V V ' '',,
is iiinkhni even . tidi-avur to In lug
pi.ie'i in Ci" wiill lb bin ftnled
IP- pe-ns- in'iis ni 'ii-ucii nod In
illi.eilng bis .mm 1; 1 I'lliiex .Mux lr
t. in in il 1. iii'm "'icilin Germnn..-
uiiili iM.iuds ihc lei ni If Germany
mil 1 Willi's ii it' . h 11 bs Gnvi'lil
nient e-nn obtain it b neceptlug tho
terms enunciated bv I'loslilent Wllfnn
If Germany Is bluffing, then the bluff
will lie revelled.
CLV.UK MOOP.i:. ,Ir Barclay &
Mnnre. Hankers "Prehldenl W'llw.u Is
uii.li.ubledl) doing the right thing and
it lh wrung for nn.viioii) 10 criuciro
.U .,,... In (lr.ii.ll.v lt..r,nii lllt.l.l.il- I
111 .,,,. ... -,....., .-.... .I,..,,.....,.
a definite repl lo the pcncei nroiiosiils ln
of the Gcrmnn Government lie Is try-'
...m ... .t...! mil u lialliur tlin . I Iakiihiii.
wiiiit in talk pence serlcu:lv. As' an The other nrm of tho trap which Is
uttoiliev npu suiting the American . 1 losing relentlessly on the aernjans. that
people Iii ibis liuimrtniit Hinder, Pi osl- "operated by General Gouraud also has
dent Wilson can bo hunted." secured Important results In the teeth
BLLIS GIMHBL I am confident lliat.of desperate resistance. While attack,
the countrj sill bupport the President 1 lire the Sulppe line frontally. General
In llle latest inuvo for peace. Ho baB etniir.iiid Is tttrnlnc It l.v mnrehlnv nn
taken a wise and very pinotlcul cuiise,
nml let us hollo thai sume irnnil will
result from It. lie Is eudiavnilng to
learn lh leal attitude of Gei many
and has taken u seiislble nnd very
t'unthiuril on zt llcht, Column four
Quail on His .Toppling
Declares Kaiser Has
.calanders and l.ugllsb county troop",
.., 1.111 .....l iillmld nr-.illi 1 1, nil lllf III.
. ; , ' ... r.n , ,,,
""- "- is." n ... -!-., ... ... ,v, .....
..ii i.m.ni. 1,1 lilt,, ,,
in the darkness
,. ii in ea .1 v .......
iv bleb vens without iin.v glimmer or
moonliglit and with no visibility five i
v ards uhead. It Is an astounding thing
that a large number of men In these
e-oiidltions should have been able to
ken the If direction
The village ot VillersOutrcnUs;
which was ntt.ukcd an hour nftet
midnight bv AVi'l-ib troops, with the
IhiglMi following them In. was thrust
out us u kind of outpost fortress In
tho w.i of the gi pcrul pi in of ad'
vancc It was neui ny a strong gnr
, ,, ,..,,. ,.ni,i0 n-,, bl.i.lon
- , , d ln dlllKlt lt oll,a
'" .
c.nllnuril on Pace l.leirn, Tolumn Three
British 1
Americans a n d
Shatter Foe Strongholds.
iNou Fight in Open
ll the .isweiated Prc
t'nrls. (Kt '
, Tlie Hindi nUurg line no lonse-r bars
tile patli of the Allies. The definite rup-
tme of ii was ae'bieved on the fltst day
'after he I'aliting In tlie new develop-
meiit towaul the north of the great bat-
tie now Lights fiom the llscaut to the
To Anglo-Saxon forces went the honor
ot storming the last remnants of the
cxtraotdlnary maze of. defenses In somo
places twelve miles in depth, between
I , , , , ...
i ' mnlir.il nnii St
Qttentin. Apart from
,1,1- achievement tho lesults veeie nota
'" ' "" "" .. mj n n ''
iar cllll (nto ,,., n( thousands of men
during the da-s fiKbtlng In the various
sociots nf tlie long battlefront In ad-
,nion important strategic objectives
" auaineu
Xuw In Open ountrj
The Allies tmw .are In the open eoun
li.v on the Cnmbnii-St Quentln front
and nro threatening Ilobaln. tin Im
portant Junction of roads nnd rallwavs.
the Americans last night having pushed
within two miles of that place Once
the'mastcis of Uobain the Allies, should
Ihey push toward dulse, would take In
tlin rear lint mitv tlin T.nn-srt rlAKnt..
1 ,,,,w .ir 1,,, , 1,,, ,,.i,i. ..i,...t ....
lluuillng line, which Joins at Chaumont.
Potclen Ihe Ilrunnhllde line tunning
'along tlie Alsne
The Germans were Bo confident In the
sticiig,h e.f the Cambial-St, Quentln
front ,,at the neglected lo organize
the rectangular poxltlrugatviundfd on the
t.orlh by the line of cflMliroJ and Lan-
dieclcs and soutli liy tho Sena position
of which Guise Is approximately tho
center Ah a lesult
4'f this omission till
tho German poalllonsVarallrt to IJie Oer.
man frontier, starting In the east nnd
running ns far us I.a Capelle, Verrlns I
and Marie, tun the risk ot being rnkrll
(ourmid AUv ( lotth In
MllchdUIt and Junlvllle and has arrived
closo to tho former place. Consequently.
there Is every probability of his reach
lug the Ilrunlillile line at (he time when
Conllnurd on Pace Mi, C'oluiuu I'.ltht
Throne as Guns of Victor
ULilllTlrili IjIIILaj
Teutons Recoil as Foch
Opens War's Supreme
Attacks ' '
Pershing's Troops l-Vce Ver
dun and Take .1000
Yankees Win Many Guns
No rih Reach Open
1 liniMloii, Oct. 9
j The edt of C.imbral has been cap-
, tured by the British nnd Americans
and Soon pilsoner.s taken In the M
j drive from that Herman base soutli to
St. Quentln. The capture of the long-
(iosis!liiR stronghold was announced
today by Tield Marshal Hals tin his
I ofllelal statement.
Tour thousand prisoners were taken
on other fronts, making a total of
IL',000 yesterday.
The Anglo American attack was re
sumed today along the whole thirty-
' ",,L ""'" mo canal d'Escaut,
north ot Cambrai, to St. Quentln.
Ilapld progress is being made, as tho
Allies are smashing Into the German.
I in the open country beyond the shat.
I tcred Illndenhurg line.
1 Strlho East of Meuse
j in the meantime Genoral rerhln' "
1 troops are plunging ahead, assisted by
the Trench, in .1 noiv offensive east of
, the .Meuse, joining up with the opera-
nous in uie Aigonne, and have cap
tured ;!0f)0 prisoners nnd taken flvo
towns. The Americans and Trench arc
advancing in tho Champagne. Tho
advance east of the .Mouse readied a
depth of three and one-half miles.
In the attack on the Meanly front
lesumeel this moining at 5.20 o'clock
the Americans are aiding the British
Third and Pourth Aimles.
Smtfl, r.r r-.i.. .1
.--... .,. V.UIU111U1 me liiitisli nave.
captured rornevlll." and reached the
"cstern outskirts ot Wallneoilrt.
I-ast night additional progress yrts
made by the Allies cast of Senuehart
' and toward llohaln and Maretz.
lSeslstanre .Slackens
The British ndvance along tho bat
tlcfiont between Cambrai and St,
Quentln is pioceedlng very well to
dny nil along the line, late dispatches
fa.v. Theie is not mi mucli resistance
by tho Uciniar.s as there was yester
da. This probably is duo to the Gei
mans having letlred during the night.
In the American sector of this front
the Germans are resitting v,ery
strongly. The American losses, how
ever, havo not been heavy. The total
i American casualties are less than hair
I tho number of Germans taket. pris
oner. I The Anglo-American drive has been
extended north of Cambrai, where
Canadians have cuptured itnmlllles,
1'rench .Make Cains
Tlie Trench, who nro assisting in the
Plcnrdy offensive, havO.iptuied posi
tions on 11 thtee-mllo front southeast
of St. Quentln The French last night
captured tlie outskirts of the towns o
Hnrly and NeuvllleSt. Amand, accord
ing to the ofllelal btntement issued to
day bvlhe French "War Oftlce,
AtfSKIpts by the Germans to recap
ture the positions gained yesterduy by
tho Trench north of the Ames In the
Champagne vvero repulsed with heav'
losses to the enemy,
German troops today nto counter
attacking v cry heavily on the Sulppe
Hlver front in the Champagne and the
Trench havo not been able to mak
runtlmied un Pure FW Column One
"Sa matter how humble the cot
tage or rich tho mansion tlio an
swer may be read in every service
flag, In every home in this great
city of ours, Philadelphia, the
workshop ot the nation and the
very heart of the shipbuilding in
dustry, will readily visualize the
need for money to conduct tho vvr,'
and no epidemic or catastrophe,
however great, will prejvnt loyal
citizens from backing our boys to
the limit. Every Philadelphia! ttIH
do his part and I arise to say e-w
tiuota ot the loan will bo ovcrsuUr
scribed as certainly as victory nWlS;
dawns." !
CllAltLVB il. 80UWA.
S '
-,' ,a
- i
. Ki
'3 i