Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 05, 1918, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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T.irwr.i "
J J.
Dutch Hcpoiis That Get-,
mans Arc ithdnriviug
Material Confirmed
""Allied Progress to Snutlnvartl (
Endangers Teuton Occupa
tion of i'limdor.s Shore
Special Cable to ,'i eitiiip Public Ledger
01.I7'I 111', b'j Wii mk limtl ( n,
l.ninliin, Oct. It
Information come from authoritative
iouiccs that tlicfNnlc Indication of nn
parly German abandonment of.the entlr
Belgian coat. This Klvm confirmation
to the inanj rrporla fiom Holland of Hi
vyltltdiaVal nf vast iiiiaiitltlc". of tier-
man war material from that region,
The ZeehiUKBe ami Osteml exploits.
the nlr ami naval 1ininbardniriili, anil ,
the A!!?e' (it-ftf.-osd tu flip southward 1
made Oermun occupation of the oo.m,
iCHluil lllcrcilMillKl.v cosn,-. ..in. uiiviiiii-
fottaule. The further Intentions of the,
enemy can only he conjectured, but the'i
Indications Icail to the belief that he will
ko hack to what may be termed the
'Antwerp' line."
One Dutch report cays that the
evacuation of I'ousselaere and Hiub
Is expected soon.
Abandonment of the coast should In
volve some Important modification) this
winter of both naval and aerial infla
tions'. Inlanders has been unieli used In
previous winters as a base fnt sub
marines and for n.ivnl i"M on dark
nlRhts. It also supplied haseii for air
raids upon London.
The t!ernianactlvlly dut-lnn the cotn
liiK dark mouths should tie mcatly cur
tailed. If not nrrested, In both direction"
The Allied control of tho channel will be ,
more secure and the all-round icaln of
the Allies will amount to a substantial
change In the conditions of war.
Ready to State
German Terms
'niithiiieil from I'nce fine
on condition that Count Tisza he ex
cluded and wishes the paiticlpatlou of
the Karolyl party and the .Social Demo- (
So common tMfonn yet exists and . -;,inB- cherappresentavn un impor-
it seems that there is much o "sltlon ! lu, ',e c ,tro U,1 rlfornlnjent.. del nemlco.
to aroalltlon Kovernniciit. ' l" dlspacclo da Salonlcco annunziH
cl.e II ('enerale d'l'speiey. comandaute
irtemmv cininmie '" ('H,)" tie,c fov7-e ''''' ' fronte
AUol lIAt aULtllLI&l a Macedone, durante una dlmostrazlonc
r nnn iim'iviin' '"s1' !" '!-l"'''sp: "N"ol dovremo sublto
rArUli AU I UlSUMl i dlrlgere II nostro colpo nopra "ostan-
i llno)ioll. ed una volt.i sogglftfato II
... .... i turco iiucstl dovra' abliundonurc la ellta'
rnrl, Oct. B. KeeoKllitloil of tho light rltlrnr.il nee Kcninro In kIt "
of the Slavic-Latin States or Austria- I c ..SI, . ,' ' "omlire '" Asla
Hungary to dispose of their fate and a I I" -Sa on ceo. noli appena si npprese
demand for tho same self-determination , hi eonclujdone dell nriulstizlo con la
fot the (Jernuin neonlo in Austria, are llulirarla. ebbero luogo del comlzl e
contatneu in lesoiutions iinopteii'Tnurs
day liy the Socialist deputies of the
Tlelclirath, according to dispatches re
ceived here. The resolution follows: '
"Representatives of the working
classes of Austria recognize the right of '
tile Slavic-Latin nations of Austria I"
dispose of tholr fate and they demand
the same right for the German people
In Austila. We recognize the right of,
the Slavic nations to continue themselves
as autonomous' States, but we absolutely .
repulse forever the submission as (..er- I
man territory to these national States.
"We demand the re-unlon of all Oer
man regions In Austria Into one German-Austrian
State, which will have the
right to regulate Its own relations to
ward other nations according to Hsou-n
necessities. We are ready to discus
with representatives' of the Czech and
Slavic people on .the bads on the trans-1
formation of Austria Into a federation of
Indepnedent national States. Should such '
proposition bo repudiated we shall fight
energetically to nrcvent bv all the means '
at our command that tho constitution of i
the German people In. Austria, or that
of certain of Its groups be regulated)
outside by tho power of State or the I
words of a foreign comiucror."
istpirpn rv-k nrrnr
AiyofyLh 1U LlUIilAl
Ily tht Associated Press
London, Oct, 5. Kenorts published in
the Tageblatt, of Berlliu. to the effect
that Great Britain hue replied to the
Austrian peace proposals and the re
iiuest from Austria that Holland Invite
tho belligerent nations to enter peace .
negotiations are given prominence bv '
the newspaper here. Kor the mo-5t part,
however, they are dismissed us a part of
fi..VeW'.,"P?ilC'e rfc"sl,''' deserving of
'"'f a""on-
The Telegraph claims to be able to
SSi'-.Lf nfirV'Sf riK.oUffi vo",", !
Burian's note, except the speech made
by A. J. Balfour, hecrctary of State for.,
foreign Affairs, or. September 2n.
Ily the Associated l'res
ropenliHcen. Oct. 5. -The oHicIal Au- i
trlan correspondence bureau has given
out a dispatch from Soda, dated Friday. , .V.. 7 of the f TllesDle nlaiil and be-sintlns-
11,91 Ki.ir Ver.i inniwi f rtiii. ' ' 'clll, or ine i.iuespie piaui aim ne-
Karia abdicated on 'lliursuay in favor
of Crown Prince Boris. Tlie new king,
It Is declared, has already assumed the
reins of office.
The' Germans and Austrian, the Dally
Mall says, are making grlat efforts to
nlare a new army In Bulgaria in order
lo hold the railroad to Constantinople,
.xien are ueing uravvn. irom tnirty-rour
German and twelve Austrian divisions '
In Russia, but tlie divisions generally ;
are poor in quality and .weak In numbers.
Germany can use railroads and the.0"",' "" """ '
lllack Sea to tlirow troops quickly Into smaller,
Constantinople, their chief aim, tlie paper The unoluclal figures were based upon .
adds, being to maintain land comniunl- statements of persons who declared that
cations with Constantinople and to pre- ' ninety-four men perished In the first
' eiiL i iv 4 inc.-, Hum ,C,.lilg III lOUCn
Ii, The abdlca Ion of King Kerriltiatid was ,
fc reported In Vienna advices yesterday, ic.
fe. celved by way of Switzerland and Paris.
There seems little reason to doubt the
correctness of the statement. King
Ferdinand's popularity with his people.
, has been waning rapidly since it became
apparent to Bulgarians that he had erred
grievously In plunging the country Into
war on the side of the Teutonic powers.
The attitude of Prince Doris toward
the two groups of belligerents has not ,
been definitely Indicated, but the advices
from Sofia have shown the Bulgarian
Government so'thoroughly committed to
Ihe plan of making peace with the l-Jp. '
ittlJL."- JtRrir-I"'.1.?; -iS'K'-."'?
would affect the policy of the Bulgarian i
leaders who are engaged In carrjlng out
the peace program.
The possibility that the dethronement
, ot Ferdinand may be due tp Kntente
pressure suggests Itself when it Is re
called that In a somewhat analogous
' situation In Greece the pro.Germau rul
er vVonstantlne abdicated after Kntente
Influence there had moii the ascendancy,
belnr replaced, as Is the cage now In
Bulgaria, by a son of the King.
. Klnr Ferdinand 'nok tint Bulgarian
, throne In 1887 but his election as mon
arch was not confirmed by the great
i-owera uiuu ibvu. lie marrieu .Marie
ul(e De Bourbon, eldest daughter of
Dttl. Robert of Parma, In 189S. Her
i ejpourrea in is, ana in 18U5 Fer
'-? V&SM&e' ji9 !-:
I '
La Cavulleria Italiana lusetie
le Truppe Austro
llngheresi 'tllillehe.l nti.t lllsnlliutr.l L niler
pr.nMiT n.i an
Autlnirl.eil liy t li- net nf Ortel.-r rt.
1IU7. on nie at tho I'lMtofflce or PtillK
.ietpliia, Pa,
Ily onitr of the President
A. s in:iii.i:snv
IVstmaster Orneral.
noma, .i ottohte.
II .Mlnlstern della (Suerru 1m aununzl- '
nto, Icfl, the le forae Itallanc In Alba- I
nla contluuann la loro avnnzata lungoun
frontc til clmiuanta mlRlla, mentre. le
truppe austro-unKhercsl si rltlrano In
dlaordlne cercando dl dlstrUKKcre I dc
posltl dl miiterlalu dl inunlzloni. In
seRUlto alia occupaxionc dl llctat i?ll
Itallaul avanza rono rnpi'kimente In
dlrezlone dl Klbasan u nella valle del
Dcvoll. I.a cavallcrla Italiana nl dl la
dl Herat Insegue. 11 ncmlcii in rltlrata.
Una forte colonn.i dl truppo Itallatie
ha'passiitn it tlume Seineni e Hi c" splnta
attravers.. II Piano dl Mazukja sill Hume
dlluostrazlonl In (avore dcgll Alleatl.
12 Towns Shattered
by Munition Blasts
Coiiiiiiiie.I frnm I'ane (Ine
battery of field artillery
guard duty.
w etc doing
Occasional e.xplcslons weio taking
place tills forenoon as far as two miles
away from tlie Gillespie plant. The peo
ple of Perth Ainboy. momentarily er
pectlng further terrllle explosions from
trlnltrotc-luot magazines, were leaving
the city by the thousands. .South Amboy
was devastated and deserted.
The inugazlnes which are burled
alongside tlie creek contain u seven-day
sunply of TNT.
The aetuallv known dead number follr-
leon ihoir nn.nM invtn. in r,ni.it
TIl( mi,nr,. eor.ro.. thrown mound
r, r , "' . , .- . , ,1... ,. . ..
illU IICMIoHU -.lir-l.tx-L IlinUI' lilUll'Ull UUI
effort to gain Information, while tlie
iintiltiiiilnn v ivtnu Ifirta titila t ln ii'vi I;
of rescue ,, task fraught with tho great-
j-T'e!t per" to 'sources.
Parties of exhausted men have been
straggling Into Jersey villages all night
with appeals for cots for burned and
mutilated employes and firemen at
In response automobiles were loaded
wllh mattiecses, blankets and small beds
and wer'o speeded lo various towns where
tellef work was being concentrated
livery hour brought more doctors and
nurses. ,
Heports fiout'all towns within a radius
(lf tpn nitle!1 ,et of tllc ,vat! of slnan
buildings being cracked and of damage
,,.. ln homes
Out of ail the confusion came stories
"f heroism and disregaid of danger. A
tralnload of explosives lay on a siding
near the Gillespie plant. A rallroid Arc
man, his Identity not .vet known, Jumped
to the engineer's post on a locomotive
hacked the engine and coupled It to the
train, and took the cais out of the dan
ger zone. As his task was completed, a
shell struck him and ho was killed
In contiast to thousands of towns
..i .i, n.,i en,. i,-tt-.. .,,,,1 nih.i.
I...... ..r ,.....'1 .... i..,..!...i i-t .i,
came frantic upon learning mat Hun
dreds of the workers might have been
.Throughout the night these peioiis
refused to leave the district and were
kept away from the Hie-swcpt lulus
only by the military guards. '
While unofflclal estimate nlaced the .
number ot known fatalities at 13. at
10.30 K, , aM officer of the Gillespie
Company expressed the opinion that the
h "... L ...i.i m... i 1,.. much
1 explosion last night and that twenty-1
! live firemen, including their chief, named '
-Innnlllla Utlll el
and eighteen guards at the
,..,i.MDie plant w
,"' P'A ,? ,h.
whcn "e "' he
ere blown to pieces
buildings exploded at
3 . m.
Another scni-louieUil estimate placed
the death list a fifteen with a declara.
lion that virtually the entire working
f ... .....nt :i few 111 the building
IUILV . ..v. ... .-- --- - - -. .
where the explosion occuired, tied from
tlie vvorko ahead or the eucceeuing
Thei American lied Cross has begun,
ri.ntf work among refugees and Injured,
r ..
Windows llrokrn In Xrw York
An explosion, wlilcli cour,ed at
10:09 a; in., like many of the previous
sxploslons. was distinctly felt tn ovv
Vork, twenty miles distant it was
even reported lo have been felt as far
away as Isllp 1 " ""' '""'" trom ,
the scene. ,
N'ew Vork was shaken violently at ,
..' . ... . ..-..... . .... i
1U:3U a, 111, troni a scum ui i-A...,aio,.
at the plant.
The. explosions broke windows of
buildings in the lower part of the city.
Fifty of them crashed In on the Broad
way side of the Produce Exchange Build
Ing; at Bowling- Green. Police repoits
were that a great amount ot glass waa
broken In windows on Htaten Island,
Tlje extent of the property lois has
rI-.ffV --5C 0 ANTWERP? " "
ttV&I&te- "Brutes .
Dunkirk ,i-?FumtV thourout f J
-ff.. jb GHENT O J I
Calais 3 UnouLEns
r . -"-, '"9jxyrrn'i7t
. ttPn O font tile a slLc'Ji",,ar,..., "s P&
v .x i . . ?. cv ,jr?L.tg,fi,v? x-i
WAlt110IlS OfT. QUENTIN -i-?
rr! : : """ I " ..,..... hi. VrtVWS
p?- jj, $
f oULLJjtournai
I -V T ' s i
-3 "iiwii ,,v-z. tv-r
c. aioiMi,' . z
Arras o w " y? a
XSw v-AiauhciMfe j
Z . y i
yJpJxfpjffedw07ihr.ii z m
Ky L,.ntv.,,c..9
1 A FRANCE a 9fL
OANIIVI ,. . ft. , t 5
, .-4igii x y I A'
SoiS30MS AIU-'r V
5 Vcrdun0A
M ourmetonO ioioil (
TT C rp Tfff o e,l y A or
i - U IVllI J kjifl rM.kJMJL
C'riitlnueil frmtl I'aee One
most determined icKl.st.incc. The
Americans advanced behind u terrific
bannge. lire. TliN bombardment of
the enemy lilies begun nt B:"d o'clock,
twenty-two shells falling each minute
nloitK the Cermau lli.es. This was
gradually lncicn-cd to llfty per minute
nt liMU n clock. The Amerlciiii fire
had- hardly begun to slacken when
the (lermati butteries begun to spcnl,
uml the enemy maclilne guns oin
menced to Impede the advarce of the
.scici.iieic.sK ue iroops in come. nihall(.,. i(s quite rapid .Thece machine
moved steadll.v ahead. 'I hey fought .,.v ,lbp to KPt VP,. tl. K1.ou,, c!l!(.
their way tlirotlgh Clerges, which the.v tv i,eL.ausu Die mud has dried out
hail shared for several days with the i r,',nSiderably. During the i.iii ,i,ib the
enemy, and before noon had driven co-operation of the tanks w itli the ip
tho Ciermuns out of (Jesnes. , fantiy l)s been perfect.
Ill front nf Komugne lies the strong- .-
est Oermiiu Una Itv this sector. UN1 ,.,,,,-,.., ,...,.,.
ii long. Intricate' trei.ch system 'which AMERICAN AlRMIu
is mini. on a curving lino, so that each
end of It enfilades tiny force that at
tucks another portion.
Clean l'p lvxcrmont
The American troops on tlie lefi
kept In perfect touch with the center
'and rapidly cleaned up Kxer'mont mid
Chehcry and eapuned KleviUe. Ily
noon they had mopped up La VIer
1 gctto niul Lo .Mcnll fnrili, as well
as the (range farm. They had also
taken Hill LMl). This advance had been
just as rapid as thut of the troops
farther to tho cast, notwithstanding
tho fact that they went over the
top at fi::tO o'clock without any ar
tillery preparation and handed thu
Germans a big surpilse.
.lust south of Chehcry. the general
advance was slowed up by u German
counter-attack and American tanks
had to be sent for to drive the enemy
The Germans have deliberately set
fire to the villages of Jlomagne,
Gesnes. Cbriuiy
rlcs. St. .luvin
IJaiitlieville, Llievie-I
and ilari'i, Shells '
from American' guns fell thick along
(he front and ammunition dumps
everywhere were exploded where tho
shells reached them.
Visibility was very poor and Amer
ican uvhtors were not able to render
much help to the artillery The men
at Ihe guns euuld not even iee the
American advance at all points.
American and German machines con-,
i,eiueiiiiy new iiiinsimii i,v unu Di.i
fercd from antiaircraft tire.
Keiiili llrlenlles Outskirts
On tlm center of the lino fell the bulk
of the work It was hero that the
deepebt advance of the day had been
planned On the light the troops operat
ing northwaid along the, Mouse met vvltli
hardly any leslstancc at Hrst and easily
pushed up to the outskirts or uridines.
German artillery on the east side of
the liver, however, soon opened up an !
enfliadlng Hie which not only affected
tho extreme light of the Ametlcan line, 1
but carried far over towatd tlie center
Then tbe eneinv artilleiy farther west I .Meuse. overcoming a stubborn resist
along the line opened up wllh a bar- Btiee. wo have advanced our line two
rairn thronch which one Infantrv .reEl-1 ,0 nvf kilometers, carrying hill 240.
mint 1 ar to atori 1 hefofe hi ineVlcan fnort" of, "ennont..and taking fiom the
incnt natl to Htorm neruie the .inencan ,leI . th v laReB uf Gesnes, Kleville.
guns could silence the German batteries. ('lei,pry llnd La r'orge
All of the areas hack nf the American Tn tlie face of heavy arllllerv pud
mica weiu siiojecieu 10 an iiiicnru i.oiu.
7?KJ B
. ,
v'r': 1
&-- m . m 0
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-,-;:-i WW WM' I fr urn
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-At& '- sir XJJ 1
'&&&' MINtURE
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i . it 1 ftlfPl' iiiii.'.. , -fn ,,-g " ""''s.
--::rnijTJBiTIr .'fcEfc
.i,' saiMO 33iMiiE.T.iniiiiiHr ir iiiw.iiiiiii"" .niie iv-i nt" -r- ,,niii : o
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k" - i IT TlT T
1 stMMMMMMMMMMMMW " 1 ' '?lir . 1 1 S 3lli""i; S134' !
3Z&r "tZZfetoS-zS
So Our Boy "Over Therm" Can Soon Return to Um Over Here!
,iiv. rssiani
Vlr rren.eel
C? Cw
KT1?1? T.ITV
JUJ T fJM.1 M. IVi nu
bardnient lnre the attack li.nl
on ery long.
Alter crossing .No .Mans Land
getting into tile enemy defetie,
Ameilcau inrautry was met wllb ma
chine, gun fire which was Intense, all
along the line. The fighting was si)
bilter everywhere that the nutulier of
i.mIui.i.i.pq !(.!. full f'l.M 1, 1.1, ,11 ll... .,...
fl. . nrBt ,,avs of tllP lHSI tno lIrvos
Among those brought In were some be
longing to naval units, showing thai ie-
enforcements had hurriedly been Known
In against the American attack
Tanks played si prominent p,,,t in
he battle, especially on the l.-n uf-the
line near the Algoiine foiesi where the
Hv the AuMiciated 'revs
Willi Ibe Ainerl. nn
Verdun. Oct. S.
Arin,v N.irlhwesl of
American nvbitors having established
supremacy In the nlr in spite of the
Miong German e-oncentratlon of air
planes In this sictor. recently originated
a plan for twilight Hying. Pursuit
planes now leave for battle before sun-
!." IV.,.,r!!!,,"'..'!i,r,.n..,.!!l ir..!lf"X:
,,,,.- ,,.,u ..,, ..,.,i nuiiii; tni. ii.iiivitr
until It is too daik to sic.
Airdromes are Illuminated by. Hares i
and nearcbllglits and the aviators receive '
signals byvvoloied rockets which can be,
seen for six miles. When approaching
Ihelr bases, they lire lights which are
answered from the ground. Indicating
whether any special airdrome is llieli
home station or that of another siiuad-
Landing Is a dltllctllt feal for pur- ,
suit planes, but mi far only live of tlm i
iriollll of more than a luindreil loive
turned over ami there have been ni
casualties. -Morning lllghts have " in
spired the American soldiers mid pr
vented the Germans from ecttlm? h stun
across Ihe line. Night Hying has ne
countid for thirty or forty German bal
loons The enemy aviators have hem
kept further behind their lines than
before, and have been forced to get up
eurly and ictlre late.
...... ,-...n...... .... ..
Ill I iIICj IllllLiLf Lilly I,
Ily the Associated 're.sv
Washington, Oct. 3. General Persh
ing's communique) for this date, received
at the War Department last night, re
ports the resuming of tlie attack vvesi
of the Meuse and the advancing ot tlie
American line two to Ave kilometers
Severa", villages were also reported
taken irom the' enemy..
The statement saya:
"October 4, Section A '1'hbs morning
tho attack was resumed wist of the
niacnnio-guii nre, troops irom Illinois.
&&&a&- '
lnufctuTlnc lisott, with djmcuit emploje.' Iion.liif, arrancrd un attrattli
I Wisconsin, western, rennsylvnnla, Vlr- I
Klnia and west Virginia and regular I
troop. beloiiKlng to .Major Clenerrtl II. U
Dullards corps, foiced tin- enemy liaek
In the Krlemhlld positions south of the
Hols de Noret "
the liiri'(i(ri I'lri'
I'nrU. Hit S 1.111'nl pains, the ef
feels of which, while not linmedlntelv
apparent, will soon be seen, weie inadi
jestcnlay on ibe wesiern flout. Till
Is Inevitable, since. a the (Jermans nie
nil.thed back the line shortens and -f-fictlxe
are teleasfd. which enablen
(beni tn oppose I lie .tiHancltiK Allies with
stlffer icslstance
i Interest N iiKam Htiiered on the Allied
tlRht. where (ienenil (bmiuml, with his
l'ieii(b and American forces haxlnt: as
miiiiI cominauil of the i!rinilprV !ap.
I.n ...... ...I 1 I .. ttintli.n I.. it it.l I l.u
1 plateau east of lllielms. Ai title In i'lo
co-oierallou wlili ibe I'lflh Army. oie-
! rallnir iiiiith of ibat city, be lias foned
the iierinnti4 iulo a pocket which he l
row plnchliiE nut. Theie are sIkiis that
i the Hermans alirad arc iiutklni; pnp
aratlons In move back, and it will uol
' be Ioiik liefuip Itlielllis Is fleeil flolll tile
menacH of (ieimau kuiis
Hi the center the armies of Ceiii'ial
ll.iulliisnii ami bebeney continue to fori e
Hi. eneiu hack toward llnliiiln. which
l ..n tin' deal I'arls.Ht. yilcntlii..lan-beiiee-l.lrKc
iiillioad, and 1s one of lien,
etal l.uib udoiff'H main arteries
llv tbe I nilnl I'rvn
With li- MrM iiirrleiin Arm.t.li.l .". ,
The l-'ianco-Aiiieilcali attack east or 1
'Sliemis was tiushed vlgorouslj . Hie'
I'len.li etiackiug on Ihe left and f.il
l'iw eg up ..lit- advance. A deteimined
i-iictiiv counter-attack was repulsed i
aftei e 'onsideraiile advance had been '
made In Hi,. l'ranci'-Ainerlcatis. '
Tbe enem.v'M hold was broken by the I
capture of Wane .Mont, which was
taken with stiiprlstng inplditji. cotisld-1
enng Its stiength. It was a asl tangle
nf niics. itetiches and trees, wlilcli had
been improved and consolidated for the
' four ve.us Ilefore It was a. s'ope
winch hail been stripped a bate as a
sKi'eii.n. Till" debouched Into an open
The .aplllte of
Ulane .Mont was of
In this Immediate
similar imp.irtau.-e
area .- the fall of .Moutf.iucon vva in
the Nnluti icglnii. I liese ate two Im-
porinn! Ue.v positions wlilcb have h.-cn
taken h,v the Americans within a week
The ijeinians' foiir-ear grip on the
inailjr tlt.v of Itlielms is now being
sliiken b.v attacks west and east of
the city vvltli AinXrlcans participating
In the assault, over the chalk plains to
the east.
The attack swung forward In a norlli-cnstet-lv
ilncction. thus pinching In the
t-allviil about Itlielms. Hvcry step for
ward renibred the bociie liifsltfous nbiut
the city nieie ilillleult. Ill conjunction
Willi Urithetot's attack on Ihe west,
it is opening the way -to fleeing the
Ily from .irtillet.v tire.
Tlie American attack was hlghl.v
spectacular it t emitted In ileneral
iioutaud M'tidlng his personal congratu
lations to Hit Amctlcau division com
ll ihr .Imoo'h'ci 'fe
Willi Ibe Vineriinii Armj in I .irraliir.
del. ft, 11:30 a in. After a fortv-uiln
ute liarrage ihe Germans last night at-
1 tempted to raid the American lines eas'
of Geriiidnier. In Loiralue, vvMth a strong
parly. The attack was a total Tallin e
The German p.uty compilsed sixty
l men, and evety memlier of it win
! leaelied tlie Americans was either killed
nr captured, l-'lve wounded prismier
rcinallied In Ihe bands of Hie American
Gerardiuer Is soiilheasl of I'plnal and
eight miles fiom Ihe German l.ordei op.
poslte Colmar. lace
I ..,-ww. f ,,,.ni,;i...
I '
With Ibe American rinv Norlbwrsl
nf Verdun, Oct B.- ( Hy I N. S.I--1'nlted
Slates regulars eaptiued tlflil
prisoners In tlie lighting east of the i
gonne forest today. American tanks
were seen appioaclims f'linel H'linel
Is more than iwo. miles In ailvanc of
Ihe old line.)
Ily the Associated I'rew
Willi Ibe American Army Nnrlhwest
of Verilnn, Oct. f.. "llel vvcen the Metis,,
and llio Argonnc a greater lo of terri
tory will have dangerous constituent es.
paitlcularly for tlie Germans." Is a sen
tence found 111 a document lecentlv
leaching the Ainer'can Intelligence of-(l.-ers
This clearly reflect the point of
view of tile Gernians as lo fiulller ab.111-
doiuneiii or lerritory west of Verdun
"-." """.in... ......uuie ,"ei-
m:.n telt-ei.t to Mtri.t.i-. eons il.-itti,, ns '
but any withdrawal that tlie Germans
may make will l.e under sticss of com
pulsion fiom the Allied forces.
Oilicial Wat Reports
London, o,-t .,
In siici esful minor operations ies.
teida.v ninth of SI. Quentlu we made
substantial progress southeast of
lle'auievolr and north of Gouy and Le
I'atelet. capluiing 800 piisoneis
At nlht our lines again wen ad
vanced slightly northwest of I.n
Catelet ,
llra.biuurlers Amrrlcan K pe.lll I,....
nr.v I'ureps, Oct t (Dlajedi
Siction A TJils inorii; s the ai-
r.-' thus invest
ed with our
jjooil I'nclc Sam
"' will briiiK Kreat
cst results, and
happiness after the war.
OCTOBER 5, 1018
tack wag resumed
0ercoinliiR a r
west of the Meuie.
g a Ptuhhnrtl rpftlntnttcn
We have advanre.1 one iin tan in
five kilometers, earning Hill -.Mo
north of i:erniont. and taking from
the enemy the village of IJesiuc. Tie.
vllle, I'hehers and La I'orge.
In the face of heavy artillery and
inachme-gtin lite troops from Illinois
Wisconsin. Western Pentts lvallla.
ViiKlnla hihI West Virginia and regu
lar itonn in longing to .Major Hen
na It. I. Unpaids coips forced tho
etienu !.,(, , tIl. Krirnihllde posi
tions smith of the llolse de Noret.
riiLM ii
Paris. Oct. 5
Ninth of St Qiieiitln the llHltilliK
tnntliuies unii violence. The l"i inch
have ilrlvin back the enemy, who op
posed tliriii foot ,y r,,(, f,om tlie
height llj metres soutliwesl of
i 'haidoii-V, ri and the wood licalhy.
v'e have takiii additional ptisoliers.
.Vol tliwe.t of lllielms we have re
sumed our vigoious piesute iiBninsl
tin- eiieinj along the whole rrmu nf
he isne canal which vvc crossed at
several jints. utir troops have rlm
gres.,,1 t ,, outskitiM of Ileuuerl
niiirt 'ihe number 0f rlsonrs
.outite.i .luring the last live days Is'
inoie than 2,.nii. Tint i.v -ope iiiimou
fell Into ihe bands of the l-Veticli,
Un lulling twenty of lart.e chIIIiic. of
which live wet.- 2 1 lis.
In hampagne the I'tcnch and
iuerl. .ins continued their attacks
ami realized an ndvaiuo yestenlay In
the diiccllon ,,r the Ames, compelling
I be ciiem.v. who was endangered, lo
letlte un ht left tl.uil, utiil withdraw
liutiilely fiom pa,i ,,f ii. i.ritory
east of tlie legion of ihe Monls
I'teii.h tioop on Ihe sector west of
the Stilppc, pursuing the em m.v rear
giiiiid", lenelieil at night the helglil
Mm tneties southeast of Moronvll-
V.uitli of .Mum hoi the b'lencli broke
up jeiiiiaii coiinter-attai Us against
the i'iol iles Siniil.ui Mini maintain. d
their gains The enemy with heavy
fitifotceineiits, disputed the Iciran
on ihe fiont between orfcull and
Mont hms unii i rente siuhbornness.
U. S. Men Threaten
G'C(tl GO'lUCUt Arte)'
t'onthiiieil from I'nce line
deep iistenil and Xeebitiggc, German
Mihmaiine bases, ale so threatened that
II I leported their evacuation lias he
gun The llritlsh are within llvu mile!,
of Lille.
' Tlefeiring to the Italkan situation,
leiier.il March said tlie Italian advance
In Albania Is, closel.v following the Alls,
trlan arms retiring along the coast. He
added that the icceni naval attack upon
Dtirazo behind tho Austrian front, was
eMietneli hupuitaiit In tiiiinectluu with
Hie Allied strategy,
iiieilcan troops at ichatigel ate
.otnmaniled b.v Colonel Geoige II. Stew
art, anil Include the 33!ilh Infantiy. part
of tlie lliuth Liiglneers (both .Michigan
ami Wisconsin Hoops) and the necessary
hospital and innllcal mills.
lirlKTHl Hull III, in (' Ing Home
he return to this country of llrigadier
General Ifenr llutchlns, formerly with
the Tixas .Vatlon.il Guard trops In
I'lan.-e. was atmounceil by Genera'
.Mai cb. who said Gencial Pershing had
asked pel mission lo send this olllccr
Inline. The icasou fo rtile transfer was
not announced Geueial March added
hat orders for Gencial llutclilns's ills,
charge froin'the service had not xet been
Future IVaer Tins in (Jo-operation
Willi American Nation
l.uii.l.iii, Oct S. Walter Hume Long
Sectelary of Slate for Colonks, at a
dinner at tlie American OHlceiV Club
Tb'iisday night, paid:
j "I am pleased that the American peo
p.c are acting together Mi aucii a close
co-opcialloii with us, ami 1 Hope that
out of ilds community of sacilllce and
suffering there will come a still greatei
and 1 loser l'lleiidshlp.
' I hope this above all. because I be
lieve that In this rapprochement is lo
bo toiind tlm greatest security lor the
filtuie peace of tho wotld; and this is
the one gieat object, tbj achievement
of vvli'ch will alone justlfx the Immense
sacrifice of blood and treasure which
has been made In this leriiblo war"
Viiclioietl Near Kaitli in Kangr
nf Batteries lo l.nro Airmen
) the Associated I'rvsi
Willi the AmrrleHll Armty Norlbwrsl
ir Vet.liin. Oct C The Gernians nie
using decoy balloons to attract Anwi--11
an avlalors reeking observation bal
loons. These decoys are am rounded bv
., -,
'o' ...... lit
batterl-s and
ire kept
nearer the ground than tlie tegular bal
loons, me Hermans liguring on the I
American axlatnrs des.endlng low to I
attack successfully. When the aviatois
nre near the decoys, the antl-airciaft '
guns and swarms of machine guns open
t1le; j
lew da.vs afler the Germans put n into
1 lie .tinericaiis UlSCOVerCU Uie trek 1. , a.
operation and eonsequenlly the Am
nans now avoid the decoys It has been
estimated that only one In thiee of tlie
German balloons aro occupied bj observers.
::::::J F" 5
for the Man of Moderate Means
(Half Mock South of lialtimore Avenue)
We liavo aheady sold a number of tliosu desirable two-story, two-family apart
ments, and to expedite matters we are now offering the balance at very attractive
prices for immediate acceptance.
Our co-operative plan makes it eu.-iy for you to finance the purchase, and by living
in one nnd renting the other, the rent of one pays for both.
Kach apartment has six rooms and spacious porch. Tho houses are built for
permanence and contain every modern convenience. As they are built in pairs, everj,
loom is a light, niry, outside room.
A cull or poHlul will bring
complete detail of our co
operative plan.
3. C. (VCallaghan
1431-33 Chestnut
District Far Behind
in Fourth Loan Drive
(otilliiur.1 from I'.ne line
subscribed dining Uie rnme Inst weil.
which ended last i iglit
i riilladelphl.rs total to d.ite otll. mII.v
i announced it $IO.,'il,finO, Tbe intolii
for the city Is lj.',!i.l!i!.(iini, nr more than
sl times n nitiili ns tin- tolnl silb
fcil)tions now lecorded.
Volunteer workers in the ill lie, ilieir
meetings canceled becnue of the epl-
, ilemle of InrUtenia, are aipenlliig pot
only for Mitwilptlnim, but for the as
, slstance of ever man, woman and child
In forcing the drive forwatd.
Tbe bond-holding bond booster is r--
lied upon in put the campaign over.
j The great majority of the stibct Hi
lt Ion' that make up the total In this ills-
trlct of Jfi8.nsi.C00 have lotne fiom laige
flints or groups of eiiiplojes In Indus
trial plants. Individuals vihe ottld hold
bonds of smaller denomination ale hold
j Ing back
I ltli:iirl Ilau.lleiip
The epidemic sweeping over the dls
nlci Is the main factor In handh lipping
the campaign. Ilui step were taj.en
today to tight it.
lanplo.vers tlilotigiiotil Ihe entire ills-
irl.t have bnen asked bv the in.tn.i riul
Coinmllue solicitors to purchase botitls
fot their etnploves, relying uhjii the
Ivviukcis' patriotism later to take over
the subset Ipl kills. This method of boost
ing tlie sal" of the new bonds would
I each all vvorkeis. Including those con-
iJIned to their homes afler having fallen J
111 with inllueuza I
111 outlining the plan, ,1 W Lucas,
chairman of giotlps ! and H' of the In-
dustrlal committee, staled that emplov -
els should be Induced tn subset Ihe In
amounts at least euual to those sub
scribed bj their emplo.vcs In the thin
.Loan, or take u $"iii bond for each em-
Inloye Next m.mlh. and throughout .
1 December, inembeis of Ibe LILeit.v Loan
committee and the foiir-mlmite men will
co-op. rate vvltli the employers who fol
low this plan to show emplo.vcs why
they should take over Ibe bonds held
in trust" for tliein b.v their etnplnjers.
In llnnn-hing. included In tlie I'lilla
delplila district, drastic action Is con
templuti.l agalusl bond slackers. 1
iirnslle Harris), nr t'lnii
Donald McCormic k chairman of the
Liberty Loan committee In llariishurg.
has launched the campaign. Dulcss all 1
prisons appear with their subscription
between today and November - at the
various banks 10 which their pledges'
vveie given, anil either give a s.ttls- '
factory reason why they "reneged" or j
take the bonds the.v gunnuiti.il to take, j
the hanks will publish their name. This'
decision lias been leached b.v tho loan
directors. 1
"Button Btiycts" Is what the bond !
sackcrs are leiiu'-d. They ate tlie men
and women who paid a few doliats down
hi the first, se-'ond and third Libel ly
Loan campaigns, iccelved butteius show
ing they had subscribed and then
promptly forgot about the obligation
they had ircuried and P-il.l un mole on
the biinils bought.
Although tlie pri' capita Ouotn of the
I'lilladelplila dislilcl In the new loan N
$Ti. tlie per capita ipio'la of the cll.v
itseir Is peal 1 double 1 li.lt. or $11 I.
'I'll.. llllil.,U a.r I llu ,11, Id!..,,., I,, .1.1,
Philadelphia ditilct. Hillside of the idly.
,is allotted h.v the l.lbeity Loan commit-
tec. acivrdiiiK lo their
lespective bank-
lug resliurccs, uie-
Pennsylvania, east of
2U2.'.iS,non ; New Jersey, r-. 1 lit 1 1 of Tien-
ton. .as.V'.i'.mui ,1 Delavvaie, $ lll.nl 2..
llesEla-tjl rill I I1..L0 .lllnlou ..! n....l lt,,i
of the thlid loan, the lier capita for
1110 iiivisn,-ns nuisiue 01 ine cny nie.
WFT I'llll. VIIDI.I'lli V "
ih 1 1 1 1 win
n , rr-Ti 'J i
i -Si -as-
M !il -
w 1 1.- a,
f Id
11 .jwt." .v - :.
I. 1 1 i .1
t . .as,,Tanl?',s,. 1 i.,l'.l:Jn!iiiT'!!lfi'. !- j
-. .- iBi"i!" ".'. -; iu lj ji 1 rrir j... kK; ir-i iw --v .1
New homes, le.uly for occiipanc Maiiboiough Ko.ul. iltltli an.' Market
Streets. Trains every '-' iiilnuies on tho I'levate.l. lirlght, airy rooms.
Mono fireplace In living loom, electric outlets for fan and vacuum cleaner.'
One 5-Cent Fare,No Change of Cars : 14 Minutes to City Hall
Parquetry floors, hut-water beat,
Cnm? out !P"av. ?'"' .T," ,t,,'. l"BEt,
7 ..w -. ... . . , .,....,
bourne Station
Colli Street then
uicm 1-. vtiijLL.
.,. -,,
J;V '-. J
., r wri,-,
) Delaware lot ; N'evv J'entfyi'i
i I'etinsylvanla IS3. ' ' "
The last baleli of fourth Libert;
piestlonnalrrs was sent 6u( lods
ine citizens- roininlltee. More Ilia
Olio were mailed lliLx morning to tliij
ons ol the city that have not yt.
visited hv die noiise-lo-house ca
sers Logan, (lali Lane and pal
Kens'ngton and West I'hlladelplili,;v
Tlie canvass is being held ofr Irt'.t
secllotii until the tiuestlonnaues n
every olne
11.... i'i iii: l nr. vi;.y'
lill". I.I IJIIH-ITS illlil u MCHl
I'llglllll I'.llsl (i KIlCIIIIS
llv the I nilrtl I'rcit
llllli Ibe inrrleiin Army l'.t ioC'i
Itlielms, (let A An American oorporwL
of a famous unit which cannot yet be,
named, captured tlilrteen otllcrra. Jticluu. f j
il'K . lll,jwi. ...in MU-II...-S1A INCH Jllf lI0 fV-f"
dugout .The major who was In eom -f'f '
maud of an ailulerv giotip. was greAtlf? r jd
downcast when btoiight to tlie re ar, lift' i . jj
and all the nllnr olllcers wore' Iron,. ., iSj
crosses or tlie nrst i .ass. '-J '
.... . . .... ,,,r. t ,'i inv i.iiik m "Si,!
tiattce of a iliigoot when a boche cnint; V
nut. i ne iioitguoo.v covered a tin mis i'-i
tn .iii-ii unii ne iiirn i iisite.i i.ir ii. ji
other entrance and emu
otintered nit oftev, y
cer coming out vvltli a levoiver In his- ')
hand The iiirpoial dcinanded Ills 'suri , .
i-enoer. mining in.it ne nan netter; Jell J
all the others inside lo siiriender, ath,,,' s!f
"ii ...Mini 1. 1 iiiii.iiiu ,in run grenatiea in.
Ihe dugout. Tbe.v complied and t)i "V
corpoial man lied tliein liack to th '. '
i ca r.
.Nine ii-iiiily Men I'ii-s Test at
(Jump Tj lor ,
VI HsblllKllul, i kt
I'he class gradu-; .
ated from the olllcers
tunning camp at ',
......... v,..i,... m',.i i.. u. .- i-
',""' I.'"ha,r i'1,1 V iM;,lPm '?r
-' "unibcied ll, the soldieis becoming
ellgllile for appnim.iiet.t ,ts second lieu
tenants In the field arilllery, t'nlleil
.S'.ntes arin.v.
Among ilie siiiH-essful candidates
were ''orporal John Krederick Alorfl,
Dill Wood sireet. I'lilladelplila ; Ker
seiint Henry George Allsopp. Soltlll
nt-aitge. N. J.; Seigeant Kdvvard George
liowtrs. iiratimg, I'a. . .Sergeant raid
Addison Gllgar. Arlinglon. N. J,! Per-, -J
genut Craig Mctiute. Jr. BloomfleM, "
N. J.; I'rlvnle Douglas Ciiminlng Sln-Mj
cialre. Trenton, j , 1'ilwiif Hobert- u"
I'leston Sinilli lla.voiitie. J. ; Cor '
poral Julius Lawren.-e Slelnhardt,"
Vnu-inli X. I - Ui.pt,uiii,l ri,.... .. 1ln.J r"
........... ... .... ,'.,.., ,, . i i iiiuaii u.
dl. t Wildiuan, Summit N J
r i
Leader of I'irs-l 111crira11 Itaiil in Lor '
rainc t-eclnr
e ..rl.. Oct. .'. Captain Arthur ,;
liainiu, win Is rtild to have led ihe first "
raid made hj Nailolial Aimy Iroops In
the Lorraine sn tor was killed Septem
ber H In the dilvc which .flattened out
the St. Millie! salient, ai'cordlng to ad--vices
lecelved heie today by his wife
I'aptaln llamiii was born in Stonebani,
Mass.. In lX'.i;!. He was studying law
at Flotilla Slal"e lnlvcr.it when he en
tered the ollli-crs' traning school at
Coil Mcpherson Ga lie received hls'
commission last Angus!
'Turk Conreile Withdrawal From City:
After Desperate l'i"Iilinr
ln, Inn. (let n Turkish ofllel
,....., mi 1 1 it. - il inn iIm f til U'dil nAnlqo .
lecelved heie. is as follows " ,' i
"Afler despetate lighting 011
height soutn ot iiiimascu In wlilcli our ..
, lear-gunrd. in conjunctloli with Gef
rn-.litit' inailS. Il.-ieini.-u luniiin-ii nun great
'il.liim , , 11 ,,,,.. ..rjln.l klliutr n. imiML.H
- 1
ne-il to leave the town In the hand-,, W'M
oi ine'eucm). Wt
WliT "I'lflLUIKLI'lllA-
mtmtt ' i ' tH t
sM .....
Jilj .wwvvwj
tiled bathroom with built-in shower. '
U".'J' ."' 1. "iibstantlal homa that
Take Maiket Street Ilevated tn Xlln.
walk one block south.
"'''. n pmi-MiHi:".
OK 03I, ANI, A,. srm:i;i
- vv,vvwi'iw.v'
.-. v"'j
ii s: , ,1
) ;,
' xy
Tl X
i ,
4f '-,
- .' K.-i
th '.vlw
' ,
.,, "Xlei walii(,
"'M'" irso. ITH
f . - . , '
?' ,.t ijll)ijliii mili).
'J - ' ft t. , -i" i m
ftCrlfc XPt
mm " . inMW''iiiiMl
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