t1 1HTMHV.& Wf " 'i Hrvi -irawv , , , - 4 M mmm ' " 4 ' EVJfiMNG' UBXld1 JHn-l'LAlJLLi'IirA 3&PUJ1DAY, OCl'OliEli 5t 1918 " V ' "S& I ' "- ", i' - j " . '' " ' Vifr'-ff Wt'U 'iT- ft .v;t.72K, v . nv, v - . r .T. 'a Jw y-Jjfr HKB.t -"--.' -. . .h . - 1 ,. JlWl" : SI V'V, M si;f 'J 'Vr . - '"H. L'l r n i , k "1 ', it f , , rJ '.Sji m& w m ? n t'i i i.SM - T ., , . W.)' w i i , T IfclitAL. , HWiw .0.iiA 1S "T t. Citizens A Crisis Is Here! Thfe influenza epidemic imperils the success of the Fourth Liberty Loan Nearly every avenue of solicitation is closed. Con sequently, YOU are the Liberty Loan Campaign yourself. The Government calls upon you not to forget your duty to the Fighters In France. Subscribe at any Bank, Trust Company or Booth, and show your patriotism by doing it Today! K. Liberty Loan Committee J&rtU t'?." .. f ,i ' f "