p-7?in 4v i.'. ?: -- - n Ml Evening "public ledger jHiLiVDEBPHU,,.- sAIubda: V ' , . OSS'. 5 191ft: 1ZI .regfln (N COBB SOON EXPECTS TO BE BATTING 1.000 IN ALLIED LEAGUE DRIVE IN FRANCE, StirrTvTwn 1TH THROWING ARM ONE FROM SALUTIN', TY READY FOR ACTION ry Wing Is Dead From Overwork and Cap'n Cobb, of Gas and Flame Corps, Awaits Call for Service in France THAT GUILTIEST FEELING :!- n- R01IKRT W. MAXWELL Sports JDlltor livening t'tibllr lclgtT fjlAPTAIN TTllUS JtAYMO.VI) COHH. U. S. A., Icnncil wearily ng.tlnst . Tf the fence In front of tho White House In Washington last Tliursilny. .Resplendent In his new uniform, with his puttees nnd Miouuicr bars gils J 'Hnlns In tho sunlight, he presented n plcturo of u typlc.il army o(l1ccr vho ., 'fcad seen service nnd loti of It. . His good rlBht arm was working automatically when I came upon him. '"'jt First he would touch tho vlor of his cap and then allow his arm to drop V ' jw ''listlessly to his side. This rorformatieo was repeated every few second", ihd the unaccustomed cxcrclre had Cap'rt Ty hanging on tho fence. J' "This la tho life." he said with apparent cheerfulness as he saluted 'Zr iBy Scout. "It's great stuff, hut l!ll never be able to play baseball ngnln. My arm Is gone. Saluting ever.vbody In the world requires n special course of training, and I haven't reached that et. Tor two days I have saluted a, million people, and still thtv come. Hut t nm proud to be in tho service "'nd will do my utmost to make good. I nm learning every day and will bo ready for service In Trance It. a tv short time "There is one thing I want to coirect," he inhumed ns he nutnmatirnllv saluted a passing policeman and 't couple of Icemen "That report about my going to Camp Humphievs It nil wrong. I'm not going there because It would take months to finish the course. I object to that. I Joined the army to fight and do m. bit. nnd the sooner I get 'oer there' the b"tter I will feel. I am not to lug to avoid militnry duty by taking up some soft snap. I nm ready and nnIou.s to see nctlvc service, and would rathei resign than stay in this country while the fighting Is going on. (tT EXPECT to be in France ti HI In Hirer necks nr a month. I J- have hern ordered to o to Xew York lor further irainlny and it ictlt be only a short thre beloie I mil. ; .- AV rt; M DS l ! LH( i tj f S.-tt -5 'i- fe.. - ?& ;i ' M m V9 rJy' J VPS tr' tl Tyrus Likes Army Life ami Army Uniform T AM In the field o(TpiiIo service nnd my work has to do with Un practical application of gas on the enemy. We first study the lay of the land nnd then determine the method of applying the sus to the cuem It's very interesting work and I enJo It. The otllcers are kind and con siderate and are taking npeilal pains to teach me the work properly. "When I Joined a big league ball club in l''U4 I study was proud of my uniform the first time wore It I believed It to be the most beautiful thing In the world and felt bigger than the l'ieldent Wght now. how ever, I wouldn't change places with anv one Nobody e ei felt more proud of a uniform than I do at the present moment, and believe me. 1 will work harder than I ever did on the ball field." &ffls-&Z&&, Could vualk f,,5JHT I Paim M THE I tUi, ,, , v!2'rWWffirb Sit55tS?V ft ,f. 15, IT- IT TOO A I '"uaVs v J - s. 'Hi is a i "Js &&&&&&&p&&z. v Shn sl.cg i HMjjrv vany.u.g 1r' o ( n stat- cgjKSTT v to uosc tg iTRorte EL V3j)v ) BGTfeR . H Whit b,JVv: mv- -vS "' ' 'i ' ";:';L w ' "yWfl(W i lmmW WSSW nmiiiu Tme PAiP. WAV - ArJl itS A SUNDAY , ,. ,-. v BOB FOLWELL'S LOSS " . BLOW TO PENN TEAM Quaker Coach Stricken With Influenza and Vol unteers Must Do Tutoring GA. Tl TECH GAME OFE Iin Iocs of Hob I'olnell, who was stricken yesterday with epidemic in fluenza, Is a great blow to tho Pcen foot ball candidates, even If the lied nnd Illue tutor Is nble to continue his work In the latter part of next week which Is very unlikely, There nre u number of prominent foot ball coaches Petin men alt of them who would he willing to step into the breach nnd do the tutoring of the lied and Blue nspirants, but the Quakers al ready have become nccustomed to the Kolwell style and It would be hard to brenk awn), Kolwell was stricken suddenly. On Thursday he was on the field and ap parently In pood health. Yesterday when ho reached the training house he wns "all In" and had to go to bed. T-ater he was examined by Prs. Frank Hancock and Arthur Light and ordereil to the University Itasplt.il. His case Is re ported as "doing nicely." 1 Alunjs in Open Air Army Eleven Wiped Out by Early Graduation Ordc$ l I'olnt, .V. Y Oct. 5. j Tl.. A. fnnfl.Mll liin went tnt mnli ymtrrdny villi Hie receipt P nn oriler jtrnd us line me iwo ik claes at Hie ncmlemy on ot, ! Thin will leave few railets here exrrnt Hie 400 oil it memliem of the plrbo rla nhlrli entered this (ami nier. There nre Jut twenty plrlies o"1 Hie Army foollmll. squall, nnd tbli Is linritly the niirleus of n representa tive Army eleven. The future of ntlilrlle here I mere conjecture. For the present It appear that rvrr.v tlclni: 'In the vray of orjranlred sportn went down In the crnftli of the latest order. The xame with llolon Cotlese here today has been canceled nnd the font, hope paed nway of a name wltht the avy eleven late In November, Oeorgla Tech had canceled Its game for " Xovember 16 nt, Krnnklln Field. Tech previously had wiltten Graduate Man ager Uushnell that the Yellow Jnckctn would he hcie. lliirlsiicll Insists on Game Despite the icccnt order fiom Colonel II. f. llees, the head of the studenta.' training vorps In Yashlngton, vvhlclf prohibited trips by football teams necessitating- a longer absence - from the campus than from noon Saturday until taps Saturday night, Itucknell insist yh,6 x -'x A vvf ,v " rs TWO STARS LOSE IN SHAWNEE GOLF MORNtrvib (UUWSt Veteran Fleleher and! Cleveland Surprised in Annual Fall Tourney KNIGHT IN BEATEN i .'?) ? Cap'n Ty has not been cased Into a sinecure bec:so of his reputa tion as a ball plaer or through political pull. He Is needed In the chemical warfare f.erice, us are more men of Ills type. It Is not necessary to have a knowledge of chemistry, because the chemical end Is taken care of by expcrtH and is only one branch. A colonel In the Fcrvlce told mc that Cobb, Percy Haughton and l'hrity Mathewson were ideal men for the field offensive because thej were (julte husk. could think quickly nnd properly at the right time, were natural leaders and had the respect of the men. f ... I TT VtLl be pait of thrir ituty In teach the men how to near tnn X mnsk.i and handle the appliance on the field of battle. The work is hard, but tfle athletic stars aic expntid to net iiood icmlti. Ty Even Didn't Know Final Batting Average CAP'N TY was leady to depart after making his speech, for IiIk arm was working like a pump handle in nn endurance contest. Privates, cor porals, sergeants ovetbodv was recognized by a salute, and Ty alvvavs beat them to It. He did not wait for the others to salute tlrst. After it passing1 policeman had been recognized Cap'n Ty said Ills farewells. IIo started down the street, but stopped nftcr taking n few steps. "Say," he asked, "how did I finish In my batting this year?" "You were first," 1 replied. I ; f u L - .. 5V j . f ,t' Iflt-fv-Sx if n , , ffM'"1 L "'"'- aJt i.'' i -:r iv Ron what' WAS MV S BATTlWGAVEFWCf.VS $L "Va . I WONDER IF YOU Sd I I f AW (CFT A rtJADi IC, I 1 Esf H0RSE fROTOQ v jjy Lr u MUCH saluting- n i- i a rr.v x .". "' 1 have been e uo .... DON'T STRIKE OUT! n (,i:oiu;k j. moriakty (AtiKiJcun I.r.iKuo Vrnplre) 'I Ih' ilrUc l imi. Ilir put tit I lint, nine Rrli nnr lull nnd nuiKr tlml rlmit, Miou rrnoslnii ItlM how j u swnl jini'm up, ulil Inp, now ilnn'l xlrlUc nut. 'Hip b.tttlt' rucrn Vrnss Ihr pninl; Jimt imMc IhU inn h bpiiciitli niir 111 If ,tnu hliniilil full to buy a ltond, urr Rtiniinliifr Up thr RiUnr, nlil kill. Ihr MK U nre rn(lril o'er thr fnnni, whirr- YiinKfes UrIiI In nrnrr on I'rit, and ti i nn help in brine 'em homo h ilrhhtR out Momr hnndrd hit", 'Ihr IvuNrr Imihh t Knt Ihr M'erd tth.i hhltrr up thrrr itt thr pan? A llltlr prp U till ,uiti nrrd in in 11 1.i' jnurvrlf 11 (Irmi-up num. Thrj'rr sllpplnc fant, that rru-Iun pu.h; old lltll U nrurb llirniiRh, no ilouhl ; nnd when wr ornil him to the huh, ulll ou iiilmtl hr trmk Jim out? (in up uml butt nnr nn Ihr nor run nut totir hit, ilim't ii3 .inu'rr lumrj for If r hunrh throe bonilrd IiIumh, Ihcrr'll hr no rxlrii-lniiliif; Knnir. And wlirn jnu hlnni our, Irll rutmr nuitr Ihr Jn.t of hriir liiK 3our hit rliitf, no lir'll strp rich! up to thr platr and nny, "IH1I JiaMi't koI h thlntr!" Ilnn't n ,uu run'l prnilurr n truth, Ilont uhlfl' and lrar three m on on bu-e, when jnii ran hwlnff that tnlehl u-.Ii, and hrlp 111 rllmh Into 1lrst plarr. batr-hlt for rarh bond ymi buj, will nuiKr our hatting merit Co fat flunv rruonlan UHl jour haltliiR rr don't be n C'aArj nl thr ball Cxeunen nftcr frurr n run, hut lrnr men hoprlrl at third, ami iillbN won't tp thr llun It Infers huxr-hlt to heat that bird, t'omf, loutrn up and mIdk n hit; hrlp bhaltrr old U lid lVllllr' iroun rath ltond joti buy It our buve-hlt that KnoeKn Home l'rltzlr tlrltlrr down If 31111 rnn'l crath one on Ihr liruk, Just mako Mill pltrh, don't Hulnnr thr wtiotl; playl down u tev honrw etrry work a bune nn balN n Juwt at Rood. "What did jou do uhrn jou ero up?" thr fnn will ntk of 30U xoiiir ihiyt ""'l 3"" hrlp our nnk win thr cup, nr throw our tlmr nt hat iiua?f ho rlnR nnd Minntdi our mid Ihr din, nnd when thU Rrrnt hlR Rnmr U IhrouRh, thor rnjul rooter nt llrrlln will how In WIImmi'm Wrrrk Ink' Crrff! NO GAME FOR CENTRAL HIGH ELEVEN TODAY -TT KUCW HE FMtSktD Kfll IM BATTIN5 ,0UT D10NT KNOW MS A'lERASE "I know that, but whnl was the average - v feV ' .'; W'S' TJEliE , -, , 'is. M.JL lor a K&, :S am t The Georgia firebrand has forgotten his baseball career, but the public always will remember his prowess on tho diamond. He leaves a record of .fourteen years In harness, which stamps him the greatest ball plaer who jr',ver sunk his spikes in a playing field. He has outdistanced nil of his -T- oompetltorb end his marks never will be equaled .Single-handed, he vlr- " " tually mado the Detiolt team, for without him Jennings would have re V i inained m the second division, disputing the occupancy of the cellar with ', Connie Maik. He led the American League In hatting nine seasons In succession ..i and on eleven different occasions. He hit over .400 twice nnd scored more - than 100 runs in seven different ieasons. His fielding feats were inur- t" A;elous, und his general all-around play made him superior to any other player of his da., Cap'n Ty's loss will moan piuch foV baseball, for It Is r " doubtful If he ever will be t enlaced. . 1 his extraordinary icord in bnttiny, ichich should stand for all time: Years Garnet A.lt. It, II. S.li. Ave. 14 KOI G',',0 . 1315 2.108 7;0 .372 Sunday Football at Hog Island Tomorrow 1HIPYAKD football will step Into the limelight at Hog Island tomorrow afternoon when the lslandeis line tip against Hun Shipbuilding Com- Iny at Nlnety-fourjh nnd Tinlcivm avenue. This will be an honest-to- iness football battle, played on Sunday and everything. C. p. Dyer, Jr., ("man behind nil athletic events In the big shipyard, has obtained the con- nt of Doctor Krusen to stago tho game nnd also a favorable ruling from ,' health authorities nt Hog Island. There has been considerable secrecy tegordlng the lineups of tho bus teams of the hhipbulldcrs, hut It Is safe to ussume that some high- players will be on the Job. Several college and Independent stars are essential war work and nre ellglblo for the elevens nnd with the game 'Wd ehapei at the universities. It Is possible that Hog Island will get a play this autumn. Fuller, the old Yalo star nnd former coach at Swarthmore, Is coaching Unemen and Mills, the ex-Harvard fullback, has charge of tho backfleld Theie men will be aoslsted by Dyer, who played on the 1'enn team 98. Jfothlng Is known of the Sun eleven, hut the plaern nre a husky lot may spring a surprise. IICK OWKNS, the American League umpire who officiated In the world's series, will live In Philadelphia this winter. He is a riveter by nnd will go to work In the Sun shipbuilding plant on Monday, U. S Marine football team is anxious to schedule games with any (i'in the Bast, especially Pennsylvania. There was much dlsappolnt- nay yard today over the calling off of the contest on Franklin Itv WILLI VM II. KVANS Hurl it noil Inn, llliwnec mi llrlull nrr, , ph.. i ot ; i Two golfers who have unique records went down to deft at today In the second day of match play in the annual Invita tion fall tournament of the Shawnee I'ountry I'liib One was t'harles Leonard I-'letclier. who has played 'JK .distinct and separate golf courns in this coun try, and the other, William P. t'love- 'an'l, of the Amnlinlnk Country (."lull, who has won 113 prlZ"S since he has bion playing the royal nnd ancient game. Fli tiber, Incldentnlly. whose homo club Is the Country Club nf Atlantic City and whp has played over twelve of the Philadelphia courses, shortly will go to France nn r. V. M. C A secretary ttoth he nnd cp eland nut their masters In the second round of niateh play. Wnrtliinjiton III The only thing that has marred the tournament la tho Illness nf Keggle Worthington. lie qualified as usual In tho first sltteen, but Thursday afternoon was strliken with Influenza. Ills father was In the second sixteen, but defaulted his first match In order to look after his son. The eleventh tee heie Is right on the Delaware Itlver and one of the things which the long Mvaitris with the wood like to dn Is to attempt to drive a hall ovei to the New Jersey slvre It Is a carry somewhere between 2U5 and 25" yards, and onl ytwo players have performed the feat and nearly every big amateur and professional golfer In Hie i-euntry has tried It. Hapcn Did It Walter llagen, one of the few home breds to win the national open chain- -I.I.. .. .... l.n ,!... ,.. .1.. I, 1 1st i iwiieiiii', .,, in.; iii-i .. .... ... ....-fc summer when Hobby Jones was plajlng ' nere In the Utd Cross matches ho dupli cated the feat wh'ch Chick Kvaus vainly has tried AIT the long drivers here, nnd there are a fcore of them, have taken a fling nt it. but none lias been nble to turn the ttlek. , It InoUs easy, as the Blue Illdge Moun tains' on the Jersey side fall short of the distance und many a drive looks ns If It would clear the river, only to drop I with a splash. Fred Knight, the Arnnlmlnk crack, has an Idea that Kildle Stles. who won the medal for the low quullfi Int.- scoie Thursday, will win the tournament, hut up to date onlj two others believe he teauioux. l-'rance, John J, "Laddie" Is mistaken. Ineidi ntally it lool.a as If .McKcown, Chicago A A hurdler. Is Just Knight would win the l.eatm eight of recovering from probabl) the worst ac iii.. ri in-lit indent a man could experience and still til. nrsl iiiih me g L.hetrfl, 81,rlti t.onscvcd nere In a letter, shows the kind of stuff Amer ican fighting men are mado of, especial ly the tinhied athletes Klytng In his airplane with a French Pl.v i:wa ';,,, lor-.tr.;. i ii Or-uum companion 300 feet up, his machlno sud- I lav iiss AiiKiprtom ai urangc, deily Hent inlo a 110b0 aml cragned to N. J.. Totluv earth The Frenchman was Instantly , ' ,, killed. MrKeonn when picked up was t nrk, Oct. a. .Mlss Molla more like so much meat nnd he was found to have suffered ten broken bones. PENN PLAYS PITT AWAY ON NOV. 16 Changed Date From Oct. 26 to Abide by Ruling on Overnight Trips GAME ON FORBES EI ELD It was thought that Folwcll wa.s one that Its representatives will be here for man whom tho disease would not hit. the opening game of the teason next , Ho worked on his farm In .Mulllcn IHU. i Saturday. N J., whn he was not nt Franklin Field , and he rarely lode In trains or trolley I cars. Ho motored from his liome and naci! again every any. oirong ami ro bust, Folvvell looked lll.o health Itself. In his absence, the conditioning of the Linrn will be under the direction of Law- stn nobcrtson, the track trainer. Ttoby will get the players Into good physical condition nnd the football end of It will bo left to Buch men as Jnck Keough, Hill HollenhHck, Dr. Hancock, Dr. Scarlett arfd others, who have volunteered their services without compensation. The I'cnn football schedulo was lilt another blow when It was learned that Influenza Kecji "Wilmington Team ut Home Two Scccr Matches OIT At the last minute. jut when every thing wns set fur the staging of the lone gridiron game In this city, today, nlong comes word that the contest Is off. IJven the nelvame story and the lineup were In type The manager of the Wilmington High temn notified Coach Jlathew C. O'llilen that half a dozen members of the team were 111 with Inlluenza, nnd the squad would not make tho trip. The Hog Island-IIailan soccer game boked for the llog Island Field this afternoon Is off. sl members of tho Harlan team reported 111 and tho game was postponed 1 lie annual honem game for the Ktet son Hospital has been cameled. The hatiiuikers weie scheduled to op pose l4 1 mothers at the Stetson A. A. Held The DIsston-.MercliantH "It" soccer game, scheduled for Dlsstun I'arK. nlso Is off Inlluenza foneil the cancelation. HURDLER IS JPTIMISTIC Laddie McKcown Cheerful After Fall Which Ilrokc Ten Hones Lying nt llase Hospital No. S at Cha- EDDIE HEARNE SHOWS SPEED ON TRENTON TRACK Averages Mile a Minte in Cap- turini; Two Auto Race? Trentiin, .. 4., Oct 5 Winning three out of four events In the auto races winding up the atti action at the Inter state Fair here esteiday. "IMdle" Ilearne. by clever handling of his Oue srnheig Special, clearly outclassed his competitors. In ndditlnn to etosslng the tape Hrrt In three events, he also cap tured second place in a special race for winners. This lace was won by "Tom m" Milton, who piloted n Ducsenheig, but he was compelled to dilve every Inch of the ten-mile grind, both Milton and Hoaruo i tinning neck and urtk through out. The sumtuaiy follows- Penn and Pitt will play football this year and the game will bo staged on i Forbes Field em the afternoon of No- i v ember 10. This change In the (.chedule, brought nbout b.- tho new rulinc of the War Depirtment. was nnnounced by (Iraduate Manager Kdward IS. Bushnell this afternoon. Tho oilglnal date of tho Pitt game was October "'. When Colonel llees ruled that no overnight tilps would be permitted during the month of Oc tober, Penn Immediately got busy. The Pitt game was an Important one and If theie was any chance to arrange the schedules to make room for this clash, It would be done. Xovember - and 0 were open, but neither wns satisfactory. Then, w hen It was found both teams satisfactorily could ague ukui tho No vember 10 date, the game was arranged. Lafayette is hooked to play here on November '- The Penn bchedule makers nlready arc working out a new list of ganies and Jmpe to advance the date jof this contest one week tei October 10. Lafayette easily e'ould abide by Colonel llees' ruling, leaving Haston nt noon and reaching Franklin Field In plenty of time for the game, There nre five Saturdays In November. It Is up to Penn to nrrange a high class schedule for next month. Tho Thanksgiving data Is still open. If Cornell decides to play football, which It doubtless will do after the last re poit from headquarters, the ltbacans will be given their regular place on the Quaker schedule. flood teams available for November elates are Penn State, Columbia, Syra cuse, Urown and Hutgers. Any of these teams would prove excellent drawing cauls. Yale Takes iSo Steps to Form Football Team Vew lliiven, Oct. e. Protestor Itolitrt Cnrwln, i linlriunn nf the athletic hnnril nf rnntrnt Ht iilr. snltl hint nixM Unit the ruling nf the War llepnrtment un fnotlinll dnrs lint etTert the sitilntlmi here liliilerinll.r. He ntntril that the nr gnnlrittlou nf the university uniler llie t(. A. T. C. plan wns prnrerillnr Hlmvly ami that Utile time was pos sible for alMetle arllilllrs under the proc-nini which Is lielng rnrrleil out. Nn titepii wbateter have been luken tnnnnl nrgnnlzlne any kind nf nn eleven nt Ynle, nnd It Is regarded elreinel.v dniibtfnl whether u quud will br formeil this jeur. Oraduate Manager Ilusbnell received a wire from Captain Uoazley, the mili tary commander at tho Lcwlsburg Intnl tutlon, yesterday, after Ilees's Orders had been Issued, stating that the game w-as on. Captain neazley Is a former Penn man and Is very anxious to have the game played. Football fans will not be without some s-ort of amusement today. Manager Tracy Tutso announced Hint n, game would bo plajed at Franklin Field this afternoon between the varsity ahd the scrubs. Tho players have been ordered to report for early practlco at 2:30 o'clock. SERIES BETWEEN AMBLERJHJN OFF Montgomery County Nine. Backs Out After Making . All Arrangements DUN NOW CLAIMS TITLE, NEW SIX-CLUB SOCCER LEAGUE OPENS ON OCT. 12 BRUSILOFF SURPRISES Philadelphia-Owned Horse Takes Lexington Stake I.exliiginn, Kj- Oct. 5. Tho chief event ye-sterday nt the meeting of the Kentucky Ilaclng Horse Ilreeders' Asso- Sun Shipbuilding Company Awarded Franchise in Amer ican Circuit The American Soccer League will open Its fall and winter season on next Saturday, October 12. At the last meet ing the Sun Shipbuilding team II was awarded a franchise In tho American League. This gives the league six clubs, with a possibility of two moro being added. Tho opening ganrcs were arranged witn the six teams having paid tholr Ini tiation fee. If the other two clubs come Inlo the league during the coming week they will, oppose each other on the open ing day. John.H. Ford, former vice president, wns elevated to tho presidency, with .Martin ltegan, vice president, and Wil liam J. Neshltt named secretary nnd treasures-. The following teams will oppose each other opening day: Wolfendcn-Shore vs. Sun Ship, at Cardlngton: Keystone D. C. vs. nlsston's, at tho Dlsston baseball grounds, and David Lupton Sons vs. Uermantovvri, at Oermantown, The shipyard Ilugby football season will bo ushered dn tomorrow- afternoon nt 3 o'clock nt the new Hog Island ath letic field, Ninety-fourth street and Tlnl cum avenue. They will lino up against the strong Sun Shipbuilding eleven. llrst rice. ' lnll.es. limislm K, ;.",ll lublr I'lntlnn uim llii ljxilnL'Inn utnlm fm- Inn l i llsjilaeemenl. Ilr.t ' n ,,,., ,,, ., , ,. ,., , MISS BJURSTEDT IN FINAL njurstedt, the national champion, nnd Mlxs Mnrlon Zlndeistem leached the final round of the singles In the New Jersey State championship tournament on the courts of the Orange Lawn Tennis Club, at Mountnn Station. N J., yester day. Uoth won their semifinal round match In straight sets. Miss Ujurstedt ilefealed Miss Claia Cassell by a score of ti-l, C-0, in a thrilling battle, marked by long-range rallies. Miss Zlndersteln defeated Mrs. David V. Mills, he ranking player of the Orange Club Cicotte iSoiv Working as an Eagle Builder Cilille Clenllr, the White Hnx pltrher, has returned tn bU home In Detroit and landed hlmrlf a Joli at Itlver ItuiiKe, building rurle-s at llrnry Kurd's new plant, Clrntte pan a wife and tun rhlldrrn tei Mup part. The veteran hurler was undecided Jut whst tn do. hut after t'hat wjtti lltlly H'refard. I'nllrd Mates Kniplnyment Coniniliiiitoner, entered the plant and will help build those tea devils to hunt iloVin the I'-bouln. any number of bruises and scratches and will lose the toes on his right foot. Was he downhearted? After llstluc his Inlurles. startlnc at his head, he winds up with. "That's about all that happened to me." Ills letter. In pari, reproduce! from the Cherry Circle, the C A, A. maga zlne. follows: "I ought to list my Injuries so It will be easier lei read. I'll start with my head. "I fractured the base of my skull and cut mjself up more en less around the face "Didn t hurt my neck any. Hroke two ribs, one of which pierced a lung and caused hemorrhages for a couple of days "llroke my right arm above tho el bow , "Left arm got away good; only broke one bone In the hand, which wasn't half had , 1 "Itlght leg. bioke 'twice above the knee, Blmple fractures. llroke It again Just above the ankle nnd a compound fracture at the ankle. Also Injureel blood vesels that lead to the foot and cut off circulation to the toes, which died at their post and now resemble those ou see on a mummy I'm going to lose them in the operating room. "Uft leg dislocated and fractured my hip. also hurt sciatic nerve. Have lost iHintriil nf fli let? lemnnrarllv. -.:.- --.- " -.-",.-.-.-- . .. that Jiappemw iu Thais about all Iiirhm nnil under tilxton prize J7... ncconil f.1.i. thinl tl.- Won liv ,v. Doiiiy. I'lievrnlet Snfcl.il. snonJ. llov hewlilt. Funl S'liiclnl third. IMnanl Krlly, lord lime, tlni IL'a Secoml raee. .", milm. itnn.imL "'tl tn j-.n rnlilc Inrhi-s iiltnn (IIkpIih fmrnt, first prlre $100, setoml '". third $W. fouith Jill Wnn liy Cdille llearnn Duesenln ru .SpeeUI, see nnil, Tnmm" MI'lon Dm se-nh, rie Hnrrlil tlilrn. Joseph vv . IilrKlnson. Stutz fnurtli. Prunli Dnvlrtson. Stun 11 Wilirnml Krnnk l.udi nlso started Time, llm .',s Third rare 111 lulles. Piillslnrk. free fur II. llrst PlUe t."ill sr-ennd J7."i, third l"."i. fourth 110 Won l. IM,u Ilenrne Dues-u lierp Special, M.tontl Tnninr .Vl'lrvn Dutsen hemi third. 11-ihK U.ilium 'Jiu' fnurlh. Hay Howard Sluts Jo,nli W Dirklnsnn Trunk l.ue-h and A Dolliv u'mi s-.irlcd Time. tSin ai l-."s Kourth riue. in miles nonstmk spee-lal nJteh event for ears wlnnlnx llrsl tdnee In Kvents 1, 'J and :t and sfinrul mr In Kient .1, first nrlie ttr.ll second J7"i, third I2.V, fourth $H- Won 1 Tomm Milton Ilue-sen. Peru: mm onil, IMdle llrsrlle Dutsenherg Spe. elHl: third, Krank Divldson. ,stut a Doldy. drlvlni; r e-herolet .Sptelul. failed tn finish. Time I'.'m 11 .'-"s Fifth race. IT, miles free-for-all. llrst nrlio I'.'on. second linn, third Sn, fourth '12. Won by Kddlt' Ilearne, Ducsenbera' Spe. iIhI. seiond Tomm Milton Duesenhers; third, rrank Davidson. Stutz fourth. H M Kelly, Funl Joseph VV Dickinson also started Time 1'Jm 11 S-Ss Slxlh rnie. .1 miles, fur nonprlze winners, first prlzo J I no, siennd Fas Won by It, 1 riir, rur .-i'-vii, ftlcuno, srans 1.UC11. Uavldaon Speelal Time. Mn la l-.'is, JOHNSON TO PUNISH BARNSTORMING RED SOX Chlcuco, Oct. 5. The National Base ball Commission has decided lo disci pline members of the championship Tibs ton American club, who, after the world's series, engaged In a trip under the name of Ited Sox, President Johnson, of the American League, announced last night. ' Hush, Schang. Strunk and Maire'e are I among the players under Investigation. rresldent Johnson said, but he did not Indicate what measures would be taken to punlrh them, exhibition games were plaed In violation of the commission's orders to d'sband at the close of tho world's series. President Johnson said that the com mission bad about decided to deprive the Uoston players of the Individual em-' blems usuually presented lo the world's series because of the part they played In staging the strike befoie the tiftli I - m .. '..... " ' ' ' w" ' car-olds, tho winner of the Futurity barred. This event Is tho oldest race for trotters of that ago In tho history of racing, nnd was won by the brown colt Hruslloff, by I'eter the (Ireat, owned by rranu l:llls, of Philadelphia, whose two- OPEN-AIR DOG SHOW FOR CHARITY AT BRYN MAWll . of. P y, Prl Some of the big circuit winners, to gether with tho cream of local dogdom, will compete today at tho Bryn Mawr Polo Grounds at tho first annual, nll bned exhibition to be hied under the i ear-old filly. Princess Htavvah, won the auspices of the Philadelphia Charity Dog snow Association, the lffocecds of which will be donated to the Emergency Aid of Pennslvnnbt Main Lino Branch. Be sides several Impoited champions on ex. hlhltlon there will also be a large num ber of dogs owned by Main .Line fancleis, among which nre many above the ordinary. , One of the main factors In connection with the show la the grand list of spe cials offered for open competition. This will give every one owning a blue-blood-e-d canine the opportunity of competing for these specials. The winners In each sex will be awarded points, as the show is sanction eel by the American Kennel Club, the na tional body, , Junior division of the Futurity on Mon day In the opening heat Doiothy li.iv. anothfr daughter of Peter the (Jieat. led .all the way, and Murphy had no trouble In finishing In front. In the second, Dorothy tired, and Hruslloff came on and won In a drive. J:3fl class Ircittlin;. Oscar Watts li k. Hide 1 I ;i Hanks Stoul. h, h s'loul. ... 34 1 Isworthy .VtcKlnnc) lr h Slauch ti r . . . . 11 Muck Diamond, ti. h , Krwln -12 3 Time. J.u'. S.llU. 2os',. Aielon, Her and Alto Chimes also started. Illue (Irass Stake, L'.ns. class for pacers: I' .V. 1 1. h. Valentine 1 1 Frank Dewey, h, h. Cox 3 3 - Dun Hedtfcwooil, b h. Hoy Hualn. 1 ,1 CalB.iry Karl c. h . Keener ti .1 1 Time. S.cU'e, SlllVt. LMI4M .. A.'.,'I"!.n'ler ,ho lrai, John It llraden and i-rllo I'.itrhcn nlso started Verllo 1'atclien drawn allrr second heat '.':1'! narH jaclnx. Hilly 1 crl.snn, b, b Murphy (Ill omoiiilj, h. ir,, ValintliiR t. 1 Mirror Hal. ch. h,. VValkrr 2 3 11 Mania Wilkes, ro. m.. Krwln J 4 a Time. 2.UI14, 2.0V 2.11.V Davester. l.aily l(ot Tummy Deforrest. frtcl lla. Lady Sostena, Hilly K. and Annie Moore also started. The l.exlnglon Slake for two-and.a.half vear-olils. Hrusllcrr, br, c by Peter the. Great. t White ;; t 1 Dnrothv pay. ih. f. by Peter the tlreat Murphy j 4 2 Klm Stoul, eh e, by i:i Canto, Slnui .... , ' 1 2 3 Time, 2.0.T4, 2,13 2.14',i Alia. At.anta and IVter also started. ROAN HAL INJORM Sets Record in Frcc-for-AU at Lancaster l.anrnstrr, I'a., Oct, ti. The free-for-all race on yesterday's card ut the I.ancaster Fair brought out but two contestants, Directum L. and floan Hal, but they provided sufficient sport for the patrons, who saw a new race record for the local half-mile track hung un when Iloan Hal made the first heat In '.'lOS'i. The oest previous time was at 10, itoan The three-game baseball series for the, minor league championship of Philadel phia Is off, as Ambler refuses to play, according to M. MacKenzle, president of; the It. a. Dun Mhlcllc Association. He,' therefore, has claimed the champion-' ship of Philadelphia, and unless the Ambler management can glvo a satis factory answer his team should be awarded tfio same, especially f his ver sion of tho affair Is correct. According to MacKenzle arrangements for the series were made In his presenco by President Harold C. Pike, of the Montgomery County League. and Charles McCrea, president of the Main Lino League. Manager MncICcnzle added: "Presi dent Pike evidently had authority to mako the arrangements, as we had given tho samo to McCrea. The games wero all proposed, Manager Fred Claughley In my ;vesenee, nnd ether witnesses were on had, Mr. Pike even went so far as t call Manager Amey, of Ambler, On the phono and tell him what had been arranged and the latter put his verbal O. K. on the series. "I proceeded with the printing of tick ets nnd posters and iccclved the gains on Wednesday and later was told Am bler had called off the games after all our expense. Last Saturday Ambler played Olncy at OIney and was defeatcil, we shut out Harrovvgatc, 3-0, and as our pitcher. Hill Greene, Is going so wellI just think they are afiald of us. ; "They claim that It would bo Im possible to play on account of tho loss of two players, but eventualities of tlils kind hadbecn carefully covered, and It was agreed In such a case the team affected could replace the men. "Wo lost our first baseman, slnd yet wero willing to go nhead, and I under stand that Ambler will play on the homo grounds with OIney as Its oppo nent. X ceitalnly think that In view of this cvidenco Dun & Co. should receive tho championship." jiauunnuiH win ciust- ine uiufii but- a cessful season of uny Independent nlno f 1 In the city with a return game with Hog Island. Ten thousand spectators saw Johnny Castle's proteges defeat Harrowgato 1 to 0 two weeks ago, and; the shipyard nlno was chosen to close' the season at Kensington avenue and Tioga "street, O'RourLe Recalled by Robins Serantmi, Pa Oct. 6. Among the ball players for whom recalls have been ex erelsed by teams In the major leagues are Frank O'ltourke, formerly with Wllkes-Harre, and Jimmy Hlng, former star twirler of the Utlca team, of the old New York State League. Brooklyn has recalled O'ltourke from the New Ixmdon team, of the Kastern Association, while Hlng was taken back by Cincin nati from the Southern Association. . HAUBER DRAWS WITH BOOKER IN SHORE BOUTi Blackburn Bethlehem 'Prep Coach Bethlehem. Ta., Oct. It. Erl niackWn, v ho before he came here to ratch for the llethleho'n hteel team caiicht for the Kansas eity nine, was today chosen roach of the Henhleheni Pre p School, iiiaekburn.il Pro. tesslonal football player of note. lie nlaied haltliatK last arwun me ,-wgiiiuu. j.t teau, . . Grip Haiti Wesleyan-Uuion ,Came Mlddletown, Conn,, Oct. B. The Weileyan University football muniarmenl esie'rtv received a telegram from Union College caneellna the came scheduled for tomorrow at Prneneciacly. N. T. This action was taken because of the Influenza f pldrm c. Svvartlimore-N. Y, U. (lame OIT Atlantic City, Oct. 6. Henry Hauber, of Philadelphia, and Jim Booker, a local,, scrapper, fought an eight-round draws at the Atlantic City Sporting Club last, night. The fight was fast, with eachl man fighting toe-to-toe until the gong, sounded for the battlers to stop hostlll- ties for tho night. ' In the semlvvlnd-up Jeff Clark, thet flrhllng ghost, knocked out fieortet ward, of Chicago. In the alxth round" with right Jab to tho head. V In the other bouts Ben Harroll knock-, ed out Td (lllbert In tho first found,; whllo Jos Humphries turned the same; trick on Battling Nick In tho opening bout. CoaH Artillery . P. M. C. : Pennsylvania Military College will lay the 3llth Coast Artillery eleven this after-, noon at Chester In place of Washington Cot-? Irre, which wai to have opened the season with P. M. ". hut canceled at the last mtn-f ute. The 311th boys are stationed at Chi- ter and nearby war Industries and have Mi a learn In the field for two weeks. The bats. .. lu.ia include i, rtcimhftr nf fnrmse r-nl Irk-e fnotlisi stars, and will give the Chectiri collegians a good game, Mlron, Noleil Swimmer, Dies S Altlnilon, Mass., Oct. II Henry J lUrtmS swimmer uho in 101R broke the reene4 nf the course from Uoston to Uoston I,lxlit2 men ei nis linuis pern jrsirru.lv, ne pace been 111 for three da)i and died from n flue-lira. jC . . . 's Swarthmore. Pa., Oct. B. Hwarthmore'i Mn-nl.iv r.ahull crsme scheduled fur tivlav Hal took the three heats without n great with New .VoSk UnlvrH,rMs brt railed nrsl fiui t;jeriiiii, iitiiaiuna' uvruu st mf upn'si UntverAlty. has ln railed iitsH(irri Mw iVt SUITS1J.8 tluiUL MUKAR MK JBST i -B-'her-ijte, itnmirl siu in nv seel csil,. K . TWi-M , ' , Fklff H. ". -d$t ras'aar'j "" . W..,,. game 01 me series.