Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 05, 1918, Night Extra, Image 1
-v t. - T '. rt i faienma Bubltc ledger ? and - TAff WEATHER NIGHT EXTRA Washington, Oct. 5. -Fair and uarmtr today; unsettled tomorrow. Tr.Mrr.KATiitr. at i:rn nnrn j. . & ; f ! p io J ii im ji a iB4 i nr. ififil rfi7f7 I r.7' i " THE EVENING TELEGRAPH I'V 3 I 4 r, I I a ' &h ' n V 4. $2 VOL. V. NO. 19 fubllshcd Dully Kirrpt Sunday. Rur.crlptlon rrlcrt in Tear by Mali. CopjriKlu, WIS, lij" the Public Lxlsrr Company. PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1918 Knitted Seiond elms Matter t th ronlonli at Philadelphia Under llio Art of March 3. 1S71. Ta. PRICE TWO CENTS nt 12 TOWNS SHATTERED BY MORGAN EXPLOSIONS; POPULACE IN FLIGHT Flames Rage Unopposed at Munitions Plant, Men acing Two Others . v TRAIL. OF EXPLOSIONS CONTINUES UNABATED . Rescuers Unable to Get Within Two Miles of Wrecked Factories DEATH LIST IS HEAVY Few Score of 2000 Employes Accounted For 137 Re ported as Dead . i rerth Amboy, N. .1., Oct. 5. After moro than eighteen hours of terror, with scenes graphically re sembling thoso of 'vnr-devnstnted France, a dozen towns In northern New Jersey were In a shattered con dition this afternoon as a consequence of the munition disaster which visited the district last night, with a trail of tremendous explosions anil raping flres which ' continued throughout today. At the $18,000,000 shell-making plant ono of tho Ki'caU-Ht Industrie pf Its ' kind In tho world of T. A. Gillespie & Co., situated at MorRnn, N. -T.. as one of a community of matiufacturies producing ammunition for tho Ameri can and Allied armies, un explosion from an unknown cause scattered lire brands among tons of trinitrotoluol, the most powerful explosion known. Whole District Shalien Detonation followed upon detonation and these repeatedly shook the tor. rain for a radius of fifty miles, this territory Including New York city. where buildings were shaken and glass was shattered, as much as the "Black Tom Island explosion In the harbor hero locked the metropolis two yeais ago. .. ., , With tho situation at Morgan this afternoon such that firemen, soldiers, sailors and civilian workers found It Impossible to penetrate to a zone with in i-n miles of the Olllespie plant, no 1 aAnnitn ixitlmntp coulu ne mane ui the number of persons who perished ', last night and in the early morning hours. Tho ames burned unopposed at the Cilllesplo shops nnd were threat ening with destructlo ntwo other great munition plants in the vicinity. Death I.lat Will He Heavy Unofficial estimates placed the dead Dt upward of 137, based upon state ments of persons who claimed they knew nf tho destruction of various groups of employes and firemen during certain periods of explosion. The night hlft was known to number 2000 per ' anna nnd tho ones accounted for this afternoon were numbered only In scores. While It was considered possible J hat the loss of life would be found to be reckoned by the hundreds, ofllcers of the Glllespto Company expressed opinion that such an estimate at this time would be exaggeration: Fourteen bodies were reported to have been identified. That others are In the ruins Is believed likely. It Is feared some men were destroyed and that no Irnce of them would over bo round. mr -,- .... n l.n nntitmllnl I (ptl ' jvieanwituc Mnf - " which surround Morgan with popula tions totalling more than 00,000 persons were evacuated almost as completely as If they were In European war zones In the heart of great battles. Homes have been ruined, and tho roads lead ing out of devastated districts were thronged all nWit and all day with men. Women and children fleeing to points of laffty. With them moved ambulances carylng Injured men to hospitals In other places. Fearing other explosions, tho authori ties of many towns ordered homes evac uated, but found that their warnings had .already been obeyed. Tons of T. X. T. were burled In a creek bank not far from the Gillespie plant and thought to be safo from explosion, but precnu iinmrv mensureus were taken because r of the proximity of the other munitions , industries. Hounds I.Ike Untile Tn residents of New York, Jersey City, L; Newark and ndjolnlng districts the con tinued rumbling oi explosions nwmvu a the echoes of an artillery battle not r Hiatnnt. This Illusion was heighten- " ed by the appearance during the fore noon today of scores of refugees who ' nnured Into tho cities In tcarch of shel ls . anil fond. Men. women and chll- I 'dren. frightened and exhausted, entered New York ny terry ana suuvvay. Many panes of glass were broken In 'business and residential districts In Man- L- hattun and Brooklyn. The damage In Staten Island wna reported especially gevcrCa ' The Atlantic division of the American Sited Cross, receiving estimates from Its I ..agents at Perth Amboy, N, J., that ''.nifrnvlmat.lv infW, npr-knriR u-ern refu- 'tees, and that one-fourth of these were ,ln need of, food, dispatched ambulances, .motor canteens and automobiles contain. in, physicians, nurses and social work. ers. Into northern New Jersey, Head- I' quarters was established at I'erth Am boy wltn renei woraers prepareu to erect tent colonies for Ihe homeless or to arrange with New York hotels to throw 'open their doors. Hot soup, sandwiches i'and othe food was served to tho If hungry. i This work, the culmination of prep arations made long ago by tho lted Cross In anticipation of marine or muni. tlon disasters In time or war, was car ried on effectively under tho direction of Alexander M. Wilson, director of civilian relieu jieserve supplied were reauy in Abundance and wero Quickly bent for ward. " lerth Amboy and South Amboy sa Joong were closed and tho towns were um? military conirou state guarus unueq eiates coast guarus ana a a rat Fire. Column Twa " NEW YORK morcan -""V rt-m 1 win yj 1 J $ -r tJ ii CfpHILADELPHIA Wf)L i V -Sri It, i n'J 2Mi ' 0VILMINr.TON Sl&Z-l l ",77frf) m. && I - V' ' l. ir-n 51 -xwy. . V7 vorir 0 ?CAPE MAY '"'Ms WHERK EXPLOSION OCCURRED Inhabitants nf all towns within a radius of trn miles nf Morgan were ordered to twicuale by the authorities at 11 o'clock today, sparks anil flames from the Gilles pie plant at that hour threatening the liuililings anil munition fac tories in tlie district CHESTER UNDERTAKERS TAXED Grip Victims Buried From Morgue to Relieve Handicap There nro D000 cases of Influenza in Chester, according to health authorities. There have been so many deaths this week that every undertaker In the city Is overtaxed. To overcome the handicap caused by the scarcity of undertakers, some victims are lielng burled from tho morguo by Deputy Cm oner F V White. The health department Issued a requesf louay tnat there no no more public fu iieials, especially of Influenza lctlms. While the derailment makes a "re quest," heads of tho health board say It the request Is disregarded, the depart ment will Immediately place patrolmen on guard to prevent persons entering a house whero there has been an Influenza death. Dr. H. C. Donahoo, supervisor of Health, stated this morning that each doctor In Chester was attending at least 200 cuses of Influenza, while hundreds of sick people were unable to get medical attendance. An appeal has been sent Droaucast throughout the city for olun leer nurses. TELEPHONE SERVICE HIT Many Operator 111 Appeal for Only hssentiat Calls The situation as regards telephone service In Philadelphia In view of the influenze. epidemic Is extremely critical at 'tho present time, according to an announcement made today by the Hell Telephone Company. Appeals haxe been Issued to the public to confine their serv ice usage to only absolutely essential calls. Approximately 830 operators are ab sent at the present time, due to the epidemic. Badly depleted forces In the exchanges are coping with a situation that reached the critical stage tvent four hours ago and which as yet, ac cording to the ofllclals, gltes erv little promise of Improvement. To make It posslblo for the company to fight through the crisis, special requests are made that all calls be cut as much as possible, especially thoso made during inu evenings anu and on Saturdays and Sundays. URGENT APPEAL FOR NURSES Autos Also Needed to Carry Workers to Grip-Infested Homes Nurses aro urgently needed to help fight the- Influenza epidemic. The Visiting Nurse Society, at 1310 IXimbard Street, todav rennrled flint It had 7P0 cases under Its direction and tnat acuta distress prevailed in many instances. Auiomouuos nre neeileu to help carry the workers to the homes, and a supplyof oranges', which seem to help to relleethe sufferers. Is also being sought, Calls for nurses In Philadelphia hae been going unanswered for three days, and piospeets for betterment locally are not good. At tho various places supply Ing nurses none were to be had, nnd every graduate nurse, practical nurse and even men who aao used only In ugni cases, note neen cniieu into action. Show Colors! Buy Bonds! Patriots, This Means You! Show your colors! Be a bohd-holdlng booster for the fourth Liberty Loan! Fly the American flag from your homes nnd business places nnd fight for tho subscriptions that aro r.ecdcd beforo tho city's honor flag can bo raised. This appeal, coming from the leaders of tho loan drive In the Philadelphia district, Is directed to tho subscribers upon whom tho responsibility of the success of the campaign has been placed slnqo the cancellation of tho scheduled meet. Ings In tho drlvo was forced to protect tho public health, Iteports of the advnnco of tho Allied troops end with the state ment that "tho buttlo is continu ing." From Philadelphia the loat. workers have wired to afllclal Washington the reports yof tho handicaps of tho campaign here, ending with tho same declaration; "Tho battle is continuing." , Tho Liberty Loan workers, a force now composed of all patriots In the district, aro out for tho "slacker dollars." P BREAKS CITY'S DEATH RATE RECORD .706 Mortalities Out - 1191 in Week Due to Epidemic of 25 1 FROM DISEASE IN LAST 21 HOURS i M80 New Cases of Malady Jle- ported, to Health Bureau Since Yesterday NEW LINES OF BATTLE Patrolmen to Be Used as I Nurses Anti-Spitting Law J to Be Enforced What to Do in Grip Cases Until Physician Arrives "Go to bed and keep warm," Health Director KniMut today nil vised persons In whom Influenza symptoms have developed. "Take a puigatlvc," he continued. "It Is InadvKablo to lay down a general prescription for drugs for Influenza sufferers. No two human systems nre the same. Hut while waiting for u physician, go to bed and keep warm." Kvery death lecord In this city has been shattered by the Influenza epl demlc. New lines of battle aro belt.g J formed by Director Krtlsen'.s health j army as the mortality rate lolls up-1 ward. In tho week ended nt lumn yester day 1101 deaths occurred In this oitv, of which 70fi weie due tn Influenza and pneumonia. The week's mortality exceeds every record In the city's his tory. In the last twenty-four hours thcie weie :HS deaths, .".t duo to pneumonia and influenza, the greatest number ever recorded It. Philadelphia In a single day. Soventy-threo per cent of that unparalleled one day's recoid was due to the epidemic. The Inst twenty-four hours nlso broke the record of new cases slheo tho epidemic began. Physicians In all sections of the city icported a total of 1-IS0 new cases, divided In this way: North of .Market street. fiT" new cases; south of .Market stiect, 331 new cases; West Philadelphia, 341 pew cases; aermantown and Oak Laiie, 81 new cases. New Jlrnfiiirra Ordrrril In mapping out a campaign as a general plans a big dtive, Director Km sen, other city officials and hospital and nursing authorities have ordered these new measures against the grip wave: A rigid enforcement of the nntl-splt-ting ordinances, with tines for viola tors All swimming pools closed. Showers and tubs at these establishments per mitted, however .Superintendent or Police Mills will draft as emergency nurses every patiol man who has had any nursing experi ence. Nurses of the city division of child hygiene have been withdrawn from child work nnd assigned to Intliienza cases. The Women's Medical t'ollege has loaned Its third-year and fourth-) ear students to hospitals. Other colleges are expected to take similar action. The motor messenger service has vol. unteered to transport physicians and carry messages. Lieutenant Henry Kissel and corps of sanitary men aslgnid to Philadelphia General Hospital to help light epidemic. Tralllc right of way Is to he given to physicians Hying green Hag on motor cars. Fifteen physicians and four medical students now working In four down town statlqn houses. Dr. Kruseii advised the heating of homes housing inluenz.i patients Cnniilm MlnUtrr Ki-iul llev. Paul Miller, 1118 Princess ave nue. Camden, pastor of the I'aikslde M. K. Church, dltd last night from influ enza. He was thirty-one .vears old. Howard Marshall, a fieeholder of Camden County, forty-two .vears old, died at his home, 1752 South Sixth street, Camden. John IX, Feeley, a patrolman of the Third nnd l)e Iancey streets police sta tion, uieu tins morning at his home, 20 Stlllman street. He was stricken wlthbe'ng tallied by the War Department Influenza seveial days agot Devotion to duty Is believed respon sible for tire denth of John Morris, tvven-ty-nlno years old, driver of St. Timothy's Hospital ambulance. Morris became III several days ago, but Insisted on remaining on duty because of the great number of ambulance calls that had to ho answered. Un dlid lust night In the hospital. Convention Puntponrd The epidemic caused a postponement of the Pennsylvania State Sabbath d,u.a Uil.l, ttli School Association's convention. The convention was to ba held In Johnstown j beginning next Wednesday. Five huu-l dred local delegates were io attend. The State Institution for Feeble Minded and Kplleptlcs ut Spring City has been placed under iuaiuntlue and all visitors are barred. Kvery hospital Is besieged by grip vie. . tlms desiring beds and hospital care. A I near-riot developed last night at the1 Roosevelt Hospital, when crowds of peo-l pie, many of foreign birth, demanded ad mittance and tieatment. Four Influenza patients died at the Itootevclt Hospital uurlng tho night. In Camden, twenty deaths were re ported today The working force at tha Victor Talking Machine. Company, oper. atlng on (lovernment contracts, .is hani- j pcred by the epidemic. About 1300 cm- i"wj" i mo juaiii are in. Philadelphia, "bone-dry" nnd with Continued on race Trro, CoUiron One U. S. SHIP SINKS OFF BARNEGAT; LOSS UNKNOWN Carpi Currier San Saba Goes Down Supposed to Have Struck Mine Washington, tvt :. Thn American caign steamship S.m Saba, of the Mallory Line was sunk yesterday fifteen miles southeast of Itarnegat, N. .1., the Nn Depntment was Informed lod.ty. It Is supposed the ship .struck n mine. How many of the new were K'scued Is not yet known. I A steamship pioeeedliig to New Yolk icported that she picked up foui men nnd ono dead bodj from the wreckage. Na vn I vessels were Immediately sent to tho scene to search fin possible sur vivors nnd to sweep the vicinity for mines. Tho S.m S.ib.t was of '.TiS gioss tons. CALLS OLD THIRD FIGHTING DEVILS Lt. Frank L. Lynch Gives Glowing Account of City Boys in Action CASUALTY LISTS LIGHT l The Day's Honor Roll for the City and Its Vicinity KII.I.K.I) IN ACTION I.IKl'TKNANT TK-NMNtSTON WAV. St David Aviation Section (t'nortli i.illy reported l.llXIKNAvr ROIIKUT II. HXMHI.i:. Hmcrfonl. I'ltlVATK I'HK.STON WRIIIIIT. Kast ...:irtln,n lnne Oermsnlown I'ltlVATK Al. i:AMIKK JAMIIXIN. -13 1 Knt Norrls Htreot U'nniiillnn Him ) hiei ok nisi:.r. captain wii.i.iam v. tifn.rovi.i:. -tins llnltlmore im-nlii" H'revluuMy rennrloil unofflclHll) . on nfnclal list today ) WOI'MHHI I.IKl'TII.NtNT KlttNK l 1ANCII. Sin.-, Carpenter ntreet (PreviouffH rrpitrlM linoftlrlallv: on offlrlal lll Indav I m:ihii:at ai.kamkk iian.na, taj South KortVM-lirhth Hlr"! I'ltlVATK JAVIKs K. TIIOMI'MIV. 'jm7 Itlllenhouio troet. (Unofficially re- loirted ) I'ltlVATK JOHN 4. CI'ltltlK, 3W1S Ham uli, n lroftl. (CnnfTIc! tllv rrnortrd I'ltlVATK STKI'IIKN W. STKF.I., 23! South Seventeenth atrcet. I'KIVATK I.K ItOV lll'IIW, HV.JK IUavl Mreel (Prevlouxly reported unorflcial- lv on nrtlrlal lint today.) I'RIVATK STKI'IIKN II. FAl'ST. 2007 I'alrmount avenue I'RIVATK GFOKIIK l.KIIRAMI, JR., Mint Crispin itrerU. Mismxr. M'.liliKWr Sill- I'llANKKI.. Heventh nnd Wolf streets I'RIvOXKIl m:h(h:a.nt Ai.ritr.it vni.i'K. i2i .tc- Kenn ,Mreet (I'revloualv reported ml4lnff. later reported killed In ac tion! now reported k prisoner In Her many I'RIVVTK IltRTIlnl.OVIKW' t'.VMP IIKI.I.. 721 Cook avenue Bt Camp IMrmntadt ritiVATr, wii.i.iwt c. voii'tiikkiirr. aons .North Tvventj -third alrcet Camp unknown PRIX TK AI.IIiatT 4. KAIL. l1l North .Marshall atrcct, Camit unknown RKTCRNKO TO IH'TV. I'RKVIOfM.V RKrilRTI.II MIS.SIMI C'OKI'dltM, TIIO.MVS j, McliRAW. no addreas Rlvi-n I'lll V All: VI. OV sirs IIOW'O. no addreas I'ltlOTK IIIOMVS W, r.Ol.llsMITll. no nddrea slven I'RIVATK STAM.KV Kll'.ll MNKS1. no ad.lrex Klv-en I'RIVATK WII.I.IAM A. Mrlll'AIII. no addlea Klven, I'RIVATK JAMKH K. STCCKKR. no ad- drea Klven I'RIVATK JOHN CKRASOI.I., no ad- dresi slven. NKARIJV POINTS Killed In Action l.llirTBVWT MAI.VKRN .1. NAIHI. Mlllvllle, N. J. (Unofflclallv reported SKRt.KXNT IIKW1TT V. COWAN, Shar on lllll. Delaware County. Pa. WOKNDF.Il I'RIVATK JOSKPII A. STOKCKI,. l.an castcr. Pa. October !i. WIS The nborc list ta compiled from the official casual! rccortln and frum unofficial reports lecclvcd. by telatlvcs anil friends from men oierscas. "Philadelphia should be proud of the old Third Iteglment (now tho 110th In fantry); the men fought like devils and nothlnR could stop, them," writes Lieu tenant Frank L. Lynch, 2305 Carpenter street, from the hase hospital In France wheie he is recovering from gas poison ing and a shrapnel wound. Though today's official casualty lists contain 532 names, Including forty-nine from Pennsylvania, It Is evident that the three Philadelphia regiments the 109th, the 110th and the 111th were back In a rest camp during the fighting now For there are only twenty-eight names from tills CltV nnd Its VlClnltV on the day's lists, and seven of these are of soldiers who had previously been re-' ported missing, but nre now decl.ucd to( have returned to duty. b.SViS'liW.TKX 1 two ofllcers and six enlisted men have' been wounded, four have been taken prisoners and one Is missing. An officer I frnm .Mlllville, .. J., and a sergeant from n'ron ""' 'iaYe e K"? ln ' WCIIIMI i"i in. cmiBicii mail iit, ill l.ll- ciiBter has been wounded. SKETCHES OF THE HEROES I.IIIUTKXANT rilNMNflTON WAY, of the aylatlon section, killed In a fight with a siiuadron of Herman planes, lived nt St. Pa lids with his wife and two small children, lie was well known so cially along the Main Line and his wife was fiiimerly Miss Uleanor Uosllng, of St Davids. Lieutenant Way entered the aviation n-Tw; Cnnllniieil on I'ase Two, Column WIIILK Wr.ST WINDS BLOW 'Vhctc'a no comfort in sight ! Unsettled, with showers, Is thc tip for tonight And thc cqrm ftunday hours. I'd he glad icoiiMn't you? If thc bteczes but blew All the "fti" up the flue! PRINCE OF BADEN READY TO STATE GERMAN TERMS I Against Annexations in the West, hut Favors Res toration of Belgium NO PAYMENT TO FRANCE Al.sare-Lorraiim to Remain in i Teuton Hands Freedom of Seas Approved German Peace Program of iew Chancellor, Max Restoration "t Helglum by means of intei national fund. Revision nf tho HrestLltnvsk and Bucharest treaties by n con gicss nf all the belllgeients'. I'letdom nf tho sens. No payment of damages tn I'rance Retention of Alsace-Lorraine. Iletui'n of fieimau colonies. Partial and progi essive disarma ment. Ity the Associated 're Paris. Oct. .".. Prince Maximilian of Haden, tin new Herman Imperial Chancellor, will declnm against annexations In the west by (Srrmnny nnd In favor of the full restoration of lielglum, nccoid-1 'Ing Inn dispatch to Lo .lnurii.il from Xtnkii. Tho lestoiatlon will bo car j lied out by means of nn International I fund, however, nccordlng to tho pro i gram, which It Is indicated the Chan , cellor will propose to tho TtelchsPiR i today. In general, lt Is declared, his , statement of policy will bo based on both the Ilclrhstng peare lesolution I of 1017 nnd tho recent statement nf union lint Inn. tho Austro-Hungarlan Foreign Minister Against Indemnity for Kranre There Is Indication nlso that the Chancellor will mako known a disposi tion tn confide the tevislon of the Rrest-LItovsk nnd Huchaiest treaties In a congicss of all the belligerents. He will declare against payment nf tho damage done to Fiance. It Is de claied, and will demand tho freedom of tho sens In the Ciermnn sense of that pljinse nnd the return of the German colonies. It Is further forecast that the Chan cellor JvlUjfiSflr partial .andjiro. gresslve disarmament hut thnfne will not entertain any Idea of an arrange ment with France concerning Alsace Lorrnlno nnd Is absolutely opposed to the return of tho two provinces. Kr7berger dels Place Mnthias Hrzbergor. the Centrist leader, has been appointed Secretnry of State without poitfollo Herr nauer. Socialist members of the 'lelchstag. has been named as Secre tary of State for the Imperial Labor Office. Pr. W P. Solf. fierman Colonial Pec otarv, has been offered the Derma n Impel 1st Foreign Pecretarvshln. It was officially announced In Reilln tod. IV (irnener Succeeds Von Strln Oeneril Droener has been appointed In succeed Donernl von Rteln. resigned. is Prussian minister nf war. the trssshurr Post savs Deneral Droener has been Chief of Staff In the Ukraine. (leneral von Stein was reported to have leslgned In ndvices tecelved In London September 27 fiom Copen hagen He had been Prussian war mlnistei slnre October. 101 B. i wrcnim 4 or,r1TirFiiiT-i . iioi nii Dnm iiii; PREMIER MAY FALL lly the Associated Press I .....I.... Mt T. Punnrta frnm Qll'IBS and tjeinmn newspapers Indicate that a great political disturbance Is going on In ii"irla-Hungary It Is stated thst the position of Ilarnii von Iluss.irek. the Austrian premier. Is shaken, ami that he Is PUelv tn be succeeded by Hehuitii .ammiseh who Is one of Austria's fore most pence advocates Aceoicllug to the Vosslsche Zeltung's Vienna correspondent, the Herman par ties In the ltelchsrath ate sending their leaders to the Kmperor to urge drastic changes In the constitution In the dl lectlnn of federalization with self-determination for the Herman races In Aus tria The correspondent adds that Count iViinln and representatives of the Con stitution parties In the upper house nlso nre going to urge the Kmperor tn adopt a similar course of action. The Budapest correspondent of tin Vosslsche y.eliung reports that Premiei Wekerle has letpiesjed Count Julius ndrassy i" enter his cabinet with Count Albeit pponvi and Count Stephen n-iu-a rmmt Amlrassv hnvvever v, II on!) consent to enter a coalition calilnet , 7T. 1 ontlnnr.1 on I uite live. ( ..l.nnn tire 10.000 TURK SOLDIERS REVOLT I),,,,,.,,,,! HoiliatioUis of Grailil .,. . l T.' M V lILl illMI t .! iflllllSlUI 'the United Press 7urliii, Oct 5 Ten thousand desert- ers from the Turkish army assembled i outside Constantinople and demanded the resignations of Talaal-Pasha. the! Turkish (iinnd Vizier, and Lnier Pasha, MlnMer of Wai. according to dispatches from Constantinople. nn... ...Iniwler iefllse,t and illsn.itehe.l ' (iniernmetit noops to attack the ic volters. Ii was stated. A battle followed, tho itsiili of which Is not known. SPANISH SHIP TORPEDOED iMudriil Announce !.' of Steam ship Off Capo Paloa lly the United Press Madrid, Oct 5. The (lovrrnment-rv-oulsltloned steamship Francell has been torpedotd fourteen miles off CapB Pulos, It was olllclally unnnunted here. The Francoll was an Iron tcrew steamer of 1SI1 tons, built In ,1815, She was registered at Barcelona. U. S. TROOPS SMASH ENEM Y LINE IN BIG ARGONNE ONRUSH Americans Destroy Two Divisions of Prussians Pennsylvaniana Bite Deeply Into Kriemhild Line Defense, on Which Germans Battle Without Regard for Their Losses y EDWIN I.. JAMES Special Cable tn Kt eninn I'ulilic Ledger I ( npvrltihl 111". Iiu Xrir Ynrk Tlliio "n i With the Aiurrlcait Army In I-'runrp, on. :, The Aniei leans me astrde thn Her mans' Kiiemhllde line, tho last or ganized defense s.vstem between them land the border of lielglum. After a day of terrific llghtln-. fob 'lowing nn attack at 5:30 o'clock es- ' terilaj morning, the Tlrst Ameiican Army dmve back the Ciermans to a line two kilometers north of Ulnat villers and I'levllle and north f (lesnes In llileulles. i Two Prussian tlimri! divisions weie 'cut In pieces, one being taken out of (the battle entlrcK. Ilefnre .vesterdn.v's attatk our line it,wi iiDin iti-eiiues iiiiougn i ,esnes, ,Cloigos. i:ermiint and Hlnarvlllers. No Hegaril for Iisses All da.v the (lermaus made the strongest sort of defense, with abso- Into dlsiegard for their losses. In the Argonne forest they hu-rledly felled C. G. ROEBLING DIES; BUILT BROOKLYN BRIDGE Charles G. Kocbling, ptcaldent of John A. Rootling Sons Company, tiled today at his home in Trenton. IIU ftim built the Brooklyn bridge and aho transferred Cleopntta's nceulo from Alexandria to Central Pnik, New York. austria'n cruiser destroyed in durazzo raid HOME, Oct. 0. An Austrian ciuls?y was deployed In tho aaid on Durazro, Premier Orlando informed the Chamber of Depu ties today. LOAN FAR BEHIND IN THIS DISTRICT Only Tenth of S516.800.- 000 Quota Sold Third of Time Gone CITY TOTAL S40.263.500 Fourth Loan Statistics in Philadelphia District SiiIim'I iplbiK lo the I'ciiirlli Lib ert) l.oaii In Ihe Plilkiilrlpliia ills trill tiital, lo dale. MIH.DH l',;iH. (Inellilnl of Ihe three-week cam paign for Ihe new loan has passed. And this district must still realize Stti.KlH.lOO In subscriptions n make Its quota. Thirteen d.ijs of the drive are left, The subscriptions miM total ?:U,ll7,rr!l dally, or nearly half as iiiikIi a Hie entire Hrst week's total cier.v Iwtiity-four hours, liillidelphl.i, (o dale, has stib strllml .SIIl,;ii:)(IO. The ipiola set for Ihe c.t) Is S?5!,l!)8,lino. ' llutslde of Philadelphia in the Tlilnl 1'nlcriil Reserve District, Kastrru Peiiiis.v Ivaiila has subscrib ed S''ll,.Vl.K.VI: Southern New .ler sf), S(i,HI)t,'l'J, and Delaware, I,3JI.'I.VI. Ainu iir (!ie lurite Militrrhilliins re imrleil tiiihi.v (n the new Inaii vveret William ( hnnip A son. ('iiniiiintv 's riniln.ves ni.t.liie. 4. (.. IIHII ('mimn. -.'B !,0lin. IttlMwt- unlive IV nrl,, em- plnve- Sim 'i'lll 4. .V I ll'l ' -iiiipiinv, linn h ml emii e-. nt '..I II Mini l) unit 1 ritt rnrapilli), XI.MI, noil. I'ir.l IVnn.v Suvlnits Hunk, t?.10, (lllll. tork llHien I'sprr Ciinipnny, inn,niin. i:. II, Filler fiiiiiiian.v, 1 110,000. Ilrrgiier K Ihutrl Ciiiiiimn.v. H.Ml.ono. 4stnrs II. Ilunlfer, .T0,00ll. Tlirndnre A. s,iim-iiIiii(, .V0.(in0, Philadelphia and the entire Third Federal rtserve Dlsttlit surrounding It are lagsing in the dilve for the fourth Llbeit) Loan The first eek of the campaign has passed and only IfiS.'.iSl.Suo has been ,. , .. . ,.. . , main, y t'le enu or wnicn time the goal of 5fi,8l",0iiii must be reached. The dally totals In this district for the remainder of the campaign must average a little less than the amount Continued on I'nce FHr. Column S?n trees, wlted them and placed machine gtins befnie our advancing troops. Against the concerted cffoits of the Heiman troops, Wisconsin Illinois. Western Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia folios mid regular It mips, under Major Hener-1 Uuiaitl. drove the enemy back Into the forest There has been Intense aerial fight ing nil dn.v Last night the Hermans heavily shelled our lines. Hy midnight we had gained the Kriemhild line for some distance. The defense svslem on which the Hermans have been working feverishly slnco our attack of September 2G Is now deeply bitten Into. Ilreaklng this line means that the fighting north of It will be with the opposing forces on equal terms, and the Oeunans no nnger will have the advantage of oiganlzed positions, for tified with steel and miMinrj lines and Intiicale wire defenses The Ameiican troups like open fighting A glance nt the map will show that Continued on Tane Four, Column Two U. S. MEN MENACE GERMAN ARTERY me whole tront of the enemy's de- fenslve line behind the Sulppe, west S'iv PiM'sliimr Ts I of thc Argonne, according to battle rjdjh 1 LI Slling lSfront .uspatches received this after- Maivl en Within 18 Miles of Great Line of Communication. TEUTON DEFENSE FAILS llnthinKten, I lot .1 The vm-i can advanie nirthvvest of Veidiiu threatens the giealest single line of e hit tiunlcatlon betvv.en tierniany nnd the west fiont, i.eneia! March said todav, mid (Jeiieial Peishlng's forces have nun- leached a point within eight em mllis of this gieat artery. The piogress of (leneial Pershing's foices caused the (Jeriiian tSeneral .Staff I to throw Into this sector man) divisions of re-enforcements, tint Chief of .staff said, but despite this the Anierkans mil mily have maintained the positions, won but have pushed foiuaid until the) now face the Heiman Kriemhild I line of defense Termini Along Imle l.tlle Summarising the news for the past week as excellent, (leneial .March said offensives conducted by the Allies on ihiee in.ijoi hectors had resulted In a forvvaid movement of the hattlefrnnt . fir virtual!) the entile stretch from the ' North Sea to Verdun (leneial (louiamls nrmv jint west of ..................... the Aigonne forest has fought Its way forward to a point where It also threat ens tieimaii communication lines. The Itrlilsh drive on Cambral and St (jut mill, which was aided by the Tvven-t)-sevuiitli (New Voik troops) and Thlr tleih (Tennessee, Noith Camllna, Siiuth I'atollna and District of Columbia troopo. American divisions, developed Into a battle for the entire lllndenburg llpe The Hritlsh. lieneral March said have biol.en entliel.v across the enemy's zone of defense making breaches In the line which were closed by the Hermans only with gtcat dlllicully. .Mure Tlinu I.K.in.ouo llmhnrked Despite the epidemic of Spanish In fluenza, embarkation of American 1 1 oops is being continued at the rate of more than 250,000 per month, Cieneral March announced today, the total em barked to date now having passed 1,850. 00(1 mark, The September shipments ex ceeded 250,000, although cases of In- fluenza Ill camps at home exceeded !100j200 , , . The policy of the War Department ending overseas only men who have ! not had the disease and who have not "ern exposed tn t has necessitated ma. iterlal readjustments nf the shipping schedule, but has not Intel the total number embarked with ln Flanders the drive of the Allies has reconquered seventy-five square idles of Ilelgian territory and has formed a semicircular salient ten miles Continued on Pure Five, Column Oil Americans Push For ward Mile and Seize More Towns PERSUING WINS BIG VICTORIES Germans Retreat in Cham pagne as French and Doughboys Advance AISNE CANAL CROSSED IN DASHABOVE RHEIMS Pctain's Troops Press Ahead in Offensive Near St. Qticntin HAIC IN SIGHT OF LILLE Belgians Push Nine Miles and Take All of Flan- tiers Ridrrfi Hy the Associated Press Paris, Oct. S. American troops attacked again this morning between the Jleuse and th Argonne along an extended front. The advance at some points has reached more, than a mile and several village have been taken. On the sector of the ChamoagnB fiont west of ,!, Argonne the fr. mans have .etlred on their left flank and given up territory east of the -Mons. the Wnr Otllce announces ihl rii.Vi . ,n lll,r'",'llV made In th ditectlon of the Ames River ti, n Kor',,1 '" Ilo'reat i,v i, n'rm'ln retreat was compelled north nr"11""1 ',nrt French "Ivanw no th of Blanc Mont, where fresh cams nave been made. Tho C,ermart In the eastern section of the hlllg WJ Monrnvllllers were threatened T- near .-vlonr.ivilllers were threnf.n with being niitrtdnRcnr nnd hnri '"-'r,1 withdraw. West of the Slllppe tho French,' keeping In touch with the Herman rear guards, have reached the heights' southeast of Moron vllllers. Along the Alsne Canal in the region nf Rhelms the French are pressing ine Hermans vigorously and hava ' tti crossed the canal at several nnlnto The French have reached tho nut. skirts of Ilermerlcourt. east of thn canal. Hy the United Press IaiiuUid, Hct 5. The American fmces have definitely broken through "'tKo Germans have retired hehlnrl the Krlcinhllde-Stelluiig line before the Americans of the Champagne front. It I Is icported. Stronger leslstance even than has been encountered heretofore expected Havre, France, Oct 5 (By I. N S.) The Belgian army, which Is attack Ing with the Ibltish on the Flanders battlefront. has advanced nine miles on a twent) five mile front .the Bel gian Wnr (llllce announced today. The whole of the Flanders ridge Is now In the Allies possession The prisoners captured now total 10r,no, while lfift cannon nnd 600 ma chine guns nnd tiench mortars have been taken Tho text of the official reiMirt leads: "The whole of the Flanders ridg has been captuied We gained nlna miles on a front of twenty-five, miles. All of the Vpres-nixmude area has been liberated The prisoners now total 10,500. In addition we took 150 cannon nnd t'00 tiench mortars and machine guns " (Tho statement does not Indicate whether nine miles Is a wholly fresh gain or a total advance.) lly the. United Press Paris, Oct. 5. The Prltish are within sight of Lille, but efforts are being made to outflank this cltv in. .- " arr)iiig it Dy frontal assaults, hoping thereby to avoid millions of dollars' damage to the city by bonv baidmcnt lly the Associated Press London, Oct. 5. In the region north of St. Quentln Hrltlsh troops made substantial progress yesterday south- I east of Heaurevolr and north of Le ,Cutelet. Meld Marshal I.algs report today sas that 800 prisoners were, cuptured. - The Hrltlsh line northwest of Le Catelet was advanced slightly last night, -i. The Hrltlsh nro within four miles of Lille. Pnn-Oermana always regarded Ostend and Zeebrugge as essential to Ger many's world power. lly the Associated Press London, Oct, 5. A statement dealing; with the operations around St, Quentln bsued by the French War Oftlce and Just received here, saj s : ' "We have taken Chardon-Vert. south" of Sequthart, nnd many fortified wood. We hava captured Morcourt, where we took 100 prisoners and four cannon," ,. Ity the Associated Press i Willi the American Army Northv or vermin, Oct. 5. In the new attack east of the 'J gonnn forest the corps holding; . middle or the American line met ' Continued en Fes Flfo. $.: - 31 r u ' 1 m . m !.U si l?i .sv-l '-5 y s-Vl 15.SPV fc?fci ATI"' 3 tiv.v "', ' HI i X, ' I tr fci 'I! !!'". "ST THEz&O, -tt.v r- .-, )RKi &1B ur 1U I A - K.'r . ... urMt,. M ;. U ii -s..TS ' ' a mt VM -" i-Sw