Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 04, 1918, Night Extra, Image 2

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perconfidcnce in Victory
Influenza Make Re
sult Disappointing
serve Bank Governor Culls
ifon People to Meet Emer
gency With Money
'Subscription (c this fourth Liberty
an In the Philadelphia district total
date 157.408 COO. the amount olll-
V.X..i . ... .... .....
T , - ;wiany announced m noon ninny u mu
rS'Thlrd Federal llcscrve Unnk
Th'a total, even with the millions
Viady subscribed which have not been
hA officially1 recorded. Is far
r'Vthe leaders of the cam
V h I, . im-riM
of the campaign expected
below the sum
.to realize during
urlng the nret few (ias or
1 ' the campaign IJut two factors have
ri'lwrlouslv handlcanned the wcrk In the
V .'i ..." ... .i.i. ik. -..I.
ia i"JwuncniiiR oi cm- nc-n "-"'. ,'i"-
1 rum i. nt ftiniipn7'i nnil tho spirit or
.!mic oi inuuenz.1 on i uu i i "'
sSinTpto u rTreia" "of Ihe
'ncouraglne reiwrts from abroaii oi ine
Wrew of tho war.
tar -.. il. - i. ...!. r ii,ni.fv tniin
Iwibscrintlon may sere as an Insplra-
iH. Jtlon to others"
1 ilen" "J uincis
i i ThU mes!aee placing the responsuui-
l.rt. hv 'foVThr success of 'the new loan on
i tv The American neonlo rather than on the
V Js?unt7er worked am t m Score-
-. ? umrtr -nurKcrn, ""
,t" wry rfiitiiuu in ariunKUM. . .
" ,?- thn, renorts from n over the c i n ry the enemy now Is In p-rll L.slng , the- .-hall lerelvo olllclal notlllcatlon
; 4r, ir S tm nmr Si! II I ho 'o HeWI in coast SI lund the Allies 'rom the .State nepartment of Health
AgSrth LlbS? I.?an Is nobelng sub" succeed In forcing their wa, through j to el This notice will bo sent out
lf4.J SShid in I. It .hoiil.l be the g-ip between Osteml and !,!' It ' tiin.ugli the Hoard of Health here
Kv''And Phlladelnh"" mong the dls- would mean disaster for Hermans and'wlll reach the saloonkeepers some
fM rr?ihnt inrtnt.b.ve not nut tho new i:eii if the drive should be stopped time before noon.
: rm tracts that to da ehavf .not put Jh'.new . ,,,.., ...,., ijluif,t.1i,ff Saloons of the cltv comt unci the
.vt .. nt. c-t-. .u .. .. I. l.ld utnlMnrrir
-w- " Lilt rM i-rfi :iiv NiinnH in uii? nuui iihii
'V i- .1.1- ji" rJ. .;i...ii .., 11,.
ruin nvfr 'inn inrrsL onires snow im.ii
' A1-V 'ini, .,. h,n virVrsev .nd al'to resist Indefinitely the M.wlntf i
i? 'tift, Si1",13' Uth" iiWr Anyh; been ! strength of the Allies In Flanders.
S .P-Sft Delaware, only 45,7iE..50 has been "
f. 'ubscrlbed.
Off "' Passmoro Jlllkrs .Ipnenl
l,.Q E PUSey Passmore. gOCrnor Of HlC
P r- iFleral ltcervo Hank, has Issued a
,',call ror patriotic duty oi tne ptomo m ;
-A rt this Reservo District to meet the cmcr-
4 ..Kency which faces the I.lbtriy Loan cam-
; tt- "The quarantine order of tho Slate and jr,;n, ."n.i'ntinV ,,osUlnns In (hamiingne there Is ir.ison for unusual alarm nnd
"( t city authorities, which should and must , vuu reported totla bv Oeneial Pershing Panic, hut laigcly ns u nvittor of na
.' be strictly observed, provides a spier Jld in his communique fin Thursday an- , tlonnl defense '
sV onrjortunlty ns well as Imposes a pa-
& .ill.!, j.....'.... .., i,iu.i,i!,i in im.l
t I? mediately become his or her own solicitor I
'.'" and ner&onally and promptly enler their
It own Liberty Loan subscription' In the'
j . lull amount necessary, nc aum luuaj
L u' i"Thls quarantine will necessarily
ff'W,f:at'y hamper the volunteer worker In
(&"' Obtfttnlng subscriptions, and If every citl-
1 Ii4 bam ...III trn nf nnm tn n l.lh.'rtv Il.in
. mi ,. ... ... - -- -v
Ff1 Worker In his district and proinjity sub-
Pi MLa scribe, he can In this way compete
' V'jrtaU.imvnt tin. nrostteet nf the Influenza
-Jk,werqumen.t tI,e l'1!'001 of tne mmenza
W ,fU,'mlc uecomlne " enective a., oi
, the Germans.
fS, .... Il.ol l.r ,,.1.
-j.? .1, 11 13 1. I U1MT1IL kllUh 1U( l's"l"
-iv t r . ',-"' . ,, ....
." u1I.a tha unPlumrlf. (If IHH PTlHTiniT
emergency. When they do.
ri..u .. -...- -. ......
I hpllOl e
J-,'V 'they will rise to tno occasion nnu uirow
j..-.r.T - ... . ... . . .... . ..
lv., n..i . ...
-- rnH ....,an f Tii,itn,ininh1fi let
" ......... . . .... "V, '
get into this campaign in earnest."
' ? .r.AI..Allllil .lAnlfll Ihntl e.ir.IYKSPrS TOT
- twwpw.-. --"- - "" .
ip new umii, upon iviiuiii ru ihulu .".- nif urst line wouui inovy iorwaru rangcu wuu .Mijuiuni vie-eiai i.eary
pends to make it a success, gain any flanking ficrman machine-gun msts nnd to obtain the pse of armories ns hos
ftnanclal beneflts from obtaining sub- strong points, while the second and th'rd nltnlir nnd also for Ihi lil.iinont nf
&Ucrlptlons. was made today by the dl-
rectors of the Retail Mores i ommmee
TTMa committee, coinposcd Hlmost vn-
,h,oh. niuiwcv v
n Who not only
j Urely of IriMirance me
! Site giving thelr-tie. bQt are sacrificing
rlW .their Incomes for the success of the drUe,
', Hv f, !t ...;: ,.i,. ,,, i.hinh ihi ,mJ'
jfiU'.ft.K',1 TJLZVJ 'h ' '
.1 .
3&Y Sev"eral Individual, have refused to Iho AmeHVans "iVll our 'i'onB-rinw
I . make their subscriptions through can- h.avbs began to re nr The fjenn.in gun
f-' -rassers because they feel that the volun- positions weie positively drenched with
,1 " teers are gaining some material reward.,'- ,. . ,
y-? j nd It was miide promptly
Americans Launch
Drive With French
r-.i..i im 1.--. n...
Cantlnued troin I ace Oiw
.tner .nnsltlnriH nml ilio r.i-rinun. .-v-r.
I rv .held their Ue , th. (lcfe ,
? jo.iii .it o ,u uuuiivi ui uciiiK uui uu
. I. The enemy appears to In- In full
tc 'lit norm or the break in the line, thu mane Jlont. The (ierm.ins hail
' Allied patrols June penerateil further ")CI1, '"?", time and care in inaklnu It
'.-liaam r-imlir-il frn,.i ,. l.ii. .i, r - as formidable as possible.- Ths sloiies
Jr-'Z. 2. i 1.1 V i ' " 0er" r criss-crossed with lines of tntiin-
v' Malta seem to he wlthilrunini:. iri..nnnt
J6J' There us flBhtlng of the most des-
'. .Berate character before the last linn
f:$ the Hlndcnburc system was smash-
SJ'e. Fresh troops which had not been
k7j. in mo earner ncntinc 11010 vrn nmtr.
SSi . . i ...i r. ..!..
& uame. i-ruspeci inn, a
r-rt' strong enemy position, was taken hy
.. .. Atorm.
t .-?, An Immense number of Germans
jfl,. Was killed during the nghtlnR. Many
T T tmnrhnt worn tllrnf1 Intr urninUUn In
l trenches wero turned Into shambles in
t'ltes time than It takes to tell It.
j imi t T,,pl.,n. Vnuln-il'll. ntle.nnnn 1. n r.t
r'2Al Mi."h J..1H.UU ...k. itu.iii me- Vit'l
' mans oenverea a terntic countcr-nt- '
tCk against Gouy and Lo Catelet. Un
,l,eonflrmed reports say that they gained
' slightly here hut their ndvantaco was
short-lived. New Urltlsh attacks were
j ?iai
A In progress,
its i
Prisoners from ten German divisions
id forty-one battalions have been can-
. v. . ..,-,. . . .
lureo. iieBirricniH wnicn cume into tlie,
j line from l-landers and Verdun had
" . . - " .. . .
r.r a...M in.,iitir.i
i wenu ""''
f i" Last available air reporti nro to the
effect that the advancing British
.t'rooiW are six thousand yards beyond
i( 'the Beaurevolr line, Stuchlne-gunners
& Inr-tra numbers nrn sniil tn hnvn
h & La.r??.. "V.7?- fIL5S . I?... t?.0
Burea tnrougn me ureucn in me mn-
taburg system aboard motor blisses.
lany of these vehicles nre double-
ckers which used to run on the t
Steit of London. They are able to'
saiow me cavairy coHeiy.
Fritr. n.mm. hnvn fnuirht dennnntn.
LfTL0'118,,0 r, '?,"?
mum, ii ...... .v......, .- route from the Argonne along inn Aire
(HIsli victory would undoubtedly wuiey useleis except by night. The en
avu disastrous results, for back of I eniy's next lino of communication Is
B'HIndentMriT line cavalry and othen
s would find It easy to advance
. Hlro-lfnn .
Fktiy direction,.
By the Associated I'rcss
rfci. Oct. -t. Germany Is now
swinit In general reserves Into the ,
pn the St. Quentln front. This
ants for the stiffening resistance
und also along the German left
t, and marks the beginning of tho
:. ,i,. , l,,,i
L V ... ..... '
(wunstanaing violent counter-at-
F-hv the Hinim-. the Allloa win.
to make gains.
Hah armies 'commanded by Gen-
Bynjt and General rtawllnson
ue. io press me enemy naru.
:1 Peboney. east of St. Quentln.
wly pushlh? the German back
H the upper Olse Valley. Gen-
li.Sethelot Is cotitlnulng his ad
iiunii ui j.nviiiia anu hub nuwQ5 urlaoners, by mamng me liermans
Ical the whole Alane line from bellee they had been outflanked In force,
ir tn Ilerrv.nii.nan. , .a tribute to the skill and courage to
Principal Interest Blont the front to
.-ut- centers about the operations
ot.i bv LiontTHi iiourauti in th
f. . . ... . .
gnesecioi. ue-cniorreu uy u.e
Jicnenu (lOiiruuu lias
HUtJ.pUl H8 U IWWf Wftkbl
i,t - so? ' x
Official Figures on Loan
' hi Philadelphia District
Subscription to tlm fourth Mb.
'crty 1-onii officially rcctinlcil In tlm
Plill.iilrlphl.i district .iiiionnt to
ilntn to $.-.7,108,000. Thli totiil, ml
nminreil today by the Third Knl
cral Kcswo H.inli, shows u calu of
911, iliirliic tlio l.iit twenty
four hours.
Phlliidrlplil.1 lint Htilisrrllicil ?,
807,700 to tho new loan, cnsjini
r-uns Ivnnl.-i outsldo of this city
S17,r.a?,Cd0, southern New Jersey
$n,IOO,H(IO and Dclawiiro $8fi8730.
Anion;; tlm l.irco miliscrlptlwis
nunniiueed today uere:
North Philadelphia Trust Com
pany, $.100,000.
Whitney A. Krininrrrr, $1.10,000.
Colonel James Kherson, Jr.,
William Sellers Co.. $100.(IO).
slv miles of Vouilers Junrtlnn. u l.ise
f Krcat Importance, ami is twenty-
five miles fiom tho groat rallro'uls
cunnectlnir the Uermiin nrmy win:
.,,,.. ,, , llIlln ,,,,,., estuh.
the uermiin nnuy witn
,,,, . - ,...,. ,...' ,.,
ll""ln:ii ill ii.iu'i uiiki , . 1111:14 --,i,, v..
eventual Junction with the Amci leans
on I
,,, ,,..., ...-,- J .,,,,. ........ 1 -i .
Jc ""a 1111111:11 untHncr -uu in iu- ..,-
rlM- ,i, ,i imW
ucuer sun arc inu ivsuus .uhhk
U"-' northern se-tois of the ! ittlt-!
frnni Thu jrmnM ii'lron! n ir n
Mxrntoon-mllo lino .in tho Armeniler,
section, was ucce'ierated yosto dav
UU tho Allies hot upon Ills trail,
inu enemy biic uji .inioniiuies uiiu ( ." - ., i , ,
l.ens, tho gicat eo.il lty. without n bottled liquors over he bar havo been
blow. Ho Is now well east of those, tabooed as a check to bootlegghiB.
two cities and tho mining rcg on of A majority of tho saloons opened
ih.fi.n.,.. t mmtAiii .i Inq t-mml hs mnrnlnir nml thf owners
4" '."...." "".iV .. .i. i.
- -- ,
r . . ::. . .:
no iloulit realises it will lie dlllKult
rjf I ,V"" lfn."V"l' ir1r .
,"I'J """'l lll,
- i
;j.. ,;, i,,,lr;nll,,J 1rn,.
I I iikIiIiikIiiii, Oct 4 Caiiture of liliine
nounclng gains nv tin- American foieis ,
t'Bhtlng with the French
,,,,, ,.,,,, !
,iiti.iwL.! uijfuwo
CT FAU nilT HnrilFS
.LLAli UUl HUL.I11.Z)
Hllh tlif Aiiierleuim In ChiiinpiiKiir, .
Oct 4 I X S ) The new Amer-
lean anil irencn assaun in i-n.impagne,
ulilnh nl.,.l n.trl,l tti.i lilitfaii'mi rim. I
, nlng due north from Kninme-Py,
'through sparse woods At the same time
h llrUsUre was directed westward
t, ,v iru -.st l:tlonn(, (thr,,,, mMc,s ,,, (lf
il Knmme-I'v.Attlcnv licimcl. nrnr1
i.i.!,. ;i. lllo., lol,.....l.l ...i. .,. '
l lilV.ll illWIlL lllllill n Uk(l-( U 1 llll. IUI'
- , ,, i i .-
UP il hi (I I illlllll llL't ti;U!l-.
-,,.. ,. .i,t. .1,1.. , ... i,i
ixi uj'li huip ic imiij "iiiiuvtu
mere, uui
there, but manv of them were
gu, ,;y le Amerlcnn ,mb.irdnunt
Miienuaus narrage urc wnicn
the American asb.iult vesler-
. ---: ., , . ,,., -
(1 iv smashed all lesistance Where ma-
phinn dinners were encountered the
AiplcgS "y IdiS rt:,
i a .... ,uu,i .1
KUIIIi; IOriiril liy HieilllS ll IIIIIllIllllUll.
lln,,fo"wfll'p,l)n,', ."'',, ,,.
...,. hv n,.. niniianeH. but n,
spUe uT thtBM ohitaiMCH the airmen made
a new reiferil in rpeulatinir lln .irtilUrv
. .l ;.. : ... -. -'
fire . The gunrers kept a consiant wave
?fln',J,'"SI.,,e11'' '" front ,,f ,hu nd-
dancing ranks
, "e2n ''"tterle.s west of .Suimies laid
the IiocIhh' positions north t.f llhelms
KollimlnB the lolenl drumfire ulileh
lirceikil tho Infantry iidwineu the Amer
le.in'i put out ii th Irk smoke sen-en
which cloaked their movenu-nt"
Sieral batteries if llirmin fk-hl Runs
and nunieroiii machine kuiis weit- in-
elmleil among? the booty
t-ame of the German niRchlne Runners
,)ut U, stolt rf.sstam.e. but Iho Amcrl-
cans, with fixed bayonets, swarmed over
.he J''ne-un nejjw.
There was :i sawice strnecle arminil
Tho American jrunners turned loose a
stirm of shells iieninst tlie (Jerman no -
sltlo at"' ,11 "a 1,!i,"llf'1,1! ,,,1,t''- rro;
Jectlles of heavy caliber literal;- rained
n.. , ,, .-...,. . ,, ,.,..
hillrik. sendlnir up creat Keysvrs of
mrth and rocks and bits of w)re.
When thn cannon cased the Infantry
sunlit un thp slnnes and beiran roiinilinir
ul' the atrmans from caes on tho re -
verse slopes
Til f)CK FClF1 ItnilTV
. V -4 KJ M V .,
Hy the Anociatcd Prea
l'remh llrmlniinrtrrs In I'miirr, Oct.
wun me progress ot inn Allies nlong
.!"' ont from ,nc, A'f.n? to 'V M"'!e
the Germans niu dnljy becoming more
alarmed over their situation In centrnl
chimpagnc between Ithelms nn,l Moron-
vinr. hir.i,t aii itm onnmv- imnn.
.. ,.. , . , ..., ....,-'..
wini.li hum! Huiir-iiii-u ill mis iiailieneiil
belong to good illusions nnd have foucht
with the utmost tenacity The sole ex.
' eeption to this rulo was the Sixteenth
,I,,ta,nla'J,J)lvlS ?"i , Sl'l' nr.M?nr.wltl1"
drawn after a single day s fighting.
. Non but first-class trooiis nro of nny
,i0 .,, tv... ninn. uiir n,i .v,o
' Armnm-. bpcnusn Ihn Oormnns rnnnnt
nbnndon ground there without tho great-
est rlBk Allied forces are dally Hearing
the lateral ralluayn which permit the
, -.-"' ." "" ..-.--
lo point, nuring me lasi iwo nays me
a.nce of. the. Allies has made the
twelve miles to tne norm
1 in this sector hwuer. tho Allies
hae to deal with the German Crown
Prince, who does not desire to glvo the
order to retreat.
I'roncli boliucr With Kille Wipes
Out German Gronn
... ,, . ., . ,.
.. . .. . . , ... . ... .
rwnrll iimiiqinnrr. in I ruiici-, wti. i,
iian.l .Inn rn 11,1'h Drmv Vintl n,t,l flllll
-.-...- , ; ' :r "r ,
has the hardest task of all the I-rench
' armies. Innumerable feats of Individual
courage' are recorded. One French
oldler with an automatic rifle captured
complete German field gun battery.
.. .. . ..,... ....i.i i...
' c?r. J hi Ti th. IZ '
"""'..fj1'' B,l lJLh,K5eS,'v.
- ' wltn automatic rifles took a trench with
an adversary was glen In the last few
y "."imii 7 . SSenVh m"
'" ""w " " ""
ynu ae fought magnificently You
u '11 be In my auntry by Christmas. Aa
a soldier 1 BongratuUte you."
AN IL IIII IIII'l it'lilll in iiip tiriH.'""" .? ....- t.
While Malatly Attacks Adults Ruthlessly, No Patient Under Ono
Yvar if Age lias lleen Reported to tho
Health Devartment
No alarm need bo Mi for tho safety
of Infants iltirlnir the Influenza epidemic.
(That us the comfortltiR advice Riven
! today to tins of thousands of parents In
'this city by Director Krusen, of thu I)e
ipartment nf Health and Cliarltks.
At the same time. Doctor Krusen ni'l
Ulseil Iminedlntii Hurrender on the part
I of adults In vthoin Influenza symptoms
I "When ou're IlKhtltiK tho Huns, lecp
Ion IlKhtlnK," wild tho health director,
"hut In fluhtltiK Inlluinz.i It Is best to
'surrender at once do to bed, liac a
j doctor summoned, and stay In bed until
joti are well "
I The tell'tale symptoms of the dlmntfo
, which Is nweephiK through cities and
i miliiuril from IMBo line
"livery saloonkceprr, however,
,..,. i ,, i,, ,l, i,ii i,i,i.
.-"j ....... .......v. . ....... ..... ,,...... ..v......
As iliev lutvo aliiudv emonstratoil n
their patr.ot.c ohedlcneo to war mens-
,"",''" ,,,,,,.'. ., i ,
plnlnt, will follow out the orders from
11 11 riMiiui .
0" h-'u' Vf'.Ulf nin'tH oVV.uioWi'.l
for the mu-or naif pints or liquor will
, 1,-nr e.i'. ml mnn 14 .nto nr
,r.ll tlm.. wnillil mm in iitmil until
,. . itii. i . i i
,., ..... .. ., .,. ........ ., ...
jiiri'inciion ol mo nuiic, n nicy -ue
licensed dlreitly by the courts, which
re count Institutions.
ii..mi,i,. oiinnnu. nil .ilin.nims mn.
tlon pletuio shows, d.incp halls and
nll.nr ..ln,.,,o f r,.,n,i-nmnl nnrt ii.l.ll,.
,.iHI,nrlnn- 'nnm.. under thn Stnto Iin.
Schools uud churches ale not affected
outsldo of Philadelphia.. Here, how-
over, they nil on- closed.
This sweeping quarantine older was
Vnr Indilstrlis, which have been
seilotislv liamnered becnuso of the dls-
"ise. must be kept runnng to supply
",. ..,:. :;:.';;..,"'", , .
npini in iiu ' in-rii nil it-nvu uini uir
dlsnse has thie.itened to cripple tho
plllr(i war mnnufncturo jirogram.
rive ndilltlonal deaths were leported
n (iloucester tod.iv . making n total
of twentj eleht New cases number
lftn T, ,, i,niiKii Is helni? used
'"" ' lu cll 111 I' IIOUSO 1H lllliq, USUI
i',s' nusim.u.
The disease s spreading among
' shinworkers nnd others in war Indus-
t ,,-, , , nlotlC(,strr ,,trlct
rr. ii.. .i. t.. ..
IWflll .-mill 11 1-1 ..lll.l UlI'lllV,
A .Tones nhipyjirtl workern nro 111 and
- " . . ...
nor com nr tno omwioves oi no
.Now Yoi k shipyard aio sick
- . - - -
Physicians sas tho epidemic has
not reached its height here. .and nil
.n.it i ..., n...i ..i. ..n....,innt
111,'llll.MI, 11111-tlllK ,IIU 1 11 1.1 lll.lt i I, ill. 1 1
.. ... ...... .. . i.n, -i
resources in uie fi.ue u.e liiuimii'i-ii
tor the fight against it.
Ulilln r,n,Mllul,. f?l nr l.nu o r
. ,.... v.i.......o...w.il. i.;.i ..... ..,-
tentnge-frnm tho State, arsenal i liould
that become ncccssar;
IlrTtl tn PrpJiirp Npiv Waril
'rlu " ' rPlMrp cu anis
'Piio ... linrnoii t irAnw u
the city Lureaii or Hcalt,. has
nK0'-' m'l'ealed to hospitals to pre-
pare new wards or to erect temporary
luildlhgs to care for p-itlt ts The
?,'W?inM,Urovnr,,,nPhrS '"! 'T
", " '",f ,fLeerc;,t, ' m '.", ls
.ry-. nn' ,hn1t """'"'al letliwls
",ultJ?..cmPL0,',, '" Prov-'nt u high
Classes of the Philadelphia Collcse
of l'hnrtnncy have lieoii HUspeniled to
permit tho uso of all students in drug
stores, where tho rush for piesciip
tlons Is unusually large.
Liberty I.0111 woikeis will contlnuo
their outdoor meetings and booths will
he erected in all puts of the city to
receive suhscilptions. No Indoor meet
ing will he permitted
Discussions' of ways and means to
combat the Influenza epidemic could not
1 bo held last nlcht because of the lnflu-
I enza ,-pldemlc
' cnza Piienuc.
,,, .-i.i.,,n ..unci) m i mirtui-i-
i , , . , , ., . , , . ,
1 P"'a w,,a l" ""' "ut "' lno Aiieipnia
I Hotel t' consider prexentlve means.
I Whpii Hip tn.ml,i rs nltmit inn in num.
. ir many of whom camo from outside
()f tl)e clty nrrlvei, llt lhe ll0,eli ,hey
t i ... t-.. .. i j
icai utrti nidi jjocuji- nrupen nail nruerpu
' iiiimllnrra In rilt hntcla nml ilnl.n nun.
iiis.vati.i-ju nt a( uiiivin unu LlUUtl V t(l
Dr John A Kolmer, professor of
pathology and bacteriology at thn Uni
versity of Pennsylvania while conduct
ing nn Investigation on influenza nt his
.,... ,n . lihll-iilpliiliU ltr,ltnl
I :ll.?r?.t",1V J" i'f..1.""" IrJL'l'i? IL".',',',",
",'" 'Z 'i"" "9Vf o' 7n "St ",1?r"'";
' '"'" Ko
imer has been engnged In
lllll.l' w.s.ti:ii mai.i:
iCAlU'n.S'Tnas nnte( on iontruitlnn ork
idl io . iiarrett iii.is snth nnil irn;i
Y-mAn'ment'ofti"1'' A",,ly neare"' "
LAlioitKltS wuntr-d nn con-itrurilim wnrk
(llll t Co I I.i ml l lll.l flilth nnil lino's
Ferry om Mr DonjM Apply nearest l'
H Kmnlinmr-nl Offlr
J1AN nml wlfp will clorntlre work of amsll
family no humlry 1'hnne Anlmoro -li-or
wrltw lo i.1ii 'Hlpv ropil. Anlinnri-
iir.i.i' w nti:i riiMAu;
M'KHKltv lioVKHNKHH for mnll rhlldrm
I'Ikoio Arilmciro riij or write 130 Valley
rosil, Arrimnre
HnlTHKMAID nantul. family of II molher'a
hfllH-r mployfd; tin ner month IBl W.
Hnrlniitlrlil mi . chftnut Hill.
JIllUdKWUIllv Wunlptl. tn.rl,nM irlrl
for houiwworki muil be booU cooki hlaliext
waat-a, reference renulred, Jenklntown. near
nam a nq ironey i- ins linrrr on Ire. .
HOUHKWOUK Colored girl. duwnstalri
work: (rood nay. Apply 3t,.'T N. 21"t. I'hona
z-" ..- --.
Jull pre.a fi-iHlera wanted on fold, paper hii.
Ilroirn ft Ilalley Co. l(l N. Franklin.
I.KDOBIl Ct.KItK. eprleneed, to work on
branch ledaera In emirntial Induatryl aood
alary, ahort hour. 1 o'clock Saturday: atata
rxi-rlence and aalary wanted. I' 001, Lediar
SIUT1 IfclfH IIKI.I'EH. s chllilreni fair sal-
aryi Inquire AfrJ Ware, Akron Tiro Co.,
010 iUrk-t t,
Mll.TI(ml'll uT-KHATOIl youna lady,
with aomo eiperlenea und willing lo oner
ate printing Ink attachment. Apply Ulllott-
i-wr,-, aiivim ru, mil iiare mi
Nt'llHi:. practical, tact anil grtnllrnl-na re-
quired. Iq act aa nur and companion to
elderly ladyi re.lileme. PhUldelphlai aalary,
im nr month Kjiii I-iIkit Central.
'MJIt.s'B -llatiy'a nurae. white, wantedi com-
latent must hava eood refa. : ad waaea
rail City Line Overbrook llverbk. BK.1 W,
!vt?tii' uitn d,iitu h.sn..i .....i.....t -
" V, Vfleriv'UTi" Vrmlnt'. fon r.ii
I Hateniat aji-rnimn .." e-enin-a -.'in 4ih
l0tUer tla.illed Ada ou 1'asaa II and tf
cains are pains In the head and chert,
ami sometimes In tho limbs, a cough,
thills and smozlng.
Doctor KruH.'n, In commenting on the
liability of children to tho disease, said
ha has heard of no cases under ono year
of aire. Ho recommended Jhat parents
of very small children keeijrtiicm out nf
trolley cars and otliyr public con
veyance. The history of Influenza,, the Director
said, shows that tho course of an
(pldrinlc usually runs. from four to six
ucr&i. The first Case In the t'nlted
Stales developed In llostoii on August
28, and thu epidemic In that city Is mm
at Its crest The pcrlu.il of Incubation
for the Influen7,i bacilli, he said, )s from
eighteen to forty-light hours.
tho pnparatlnn of serums of various
kinds for use In the army training
camps and Is we'l known as an 'nvcstl
gntor and medlcnl author
Gloucester took Heps today to care
for the Spanish Influenza patients who
have for the last two days suffered
from lack of medical attention nnd
Dr tleorge M Adams, of Wlldwood,
and Dr George .1 Italston, of Atlantic
t'lt. came t jilav to help fight the epi
demic After a survey of the situation,
Dr D (' llnwili. chief of the Hure.iu
of l-oc-il I It--ill h Administration of New
tersev whed the lied Cross In Washing
ton nBu'tul slv nuisis nitd three doctors.
Lack of drugs and tho shoitage of
phjslclans has caused many tombing
scenes. Many women and children have
cried when they wcio turned away.
The epidemic Is seriously nffectlng
work In the shlpvnnls nnd In war In
In an effort t" cheek the spread" of In.
fluenr.i among Hie innn or workers art.
tne plant or uu : ! niuiii Mnnufnctiir
Ing Poiniiam Twenty-fifth street and
Hunting Pnrk -iTetiur. a rpecliil nuim
has been engaged lo f Hit the home- of
employes whoso relatives are afllleted
with the disease She sees to the com
forl uf the patient nnd gives ndilce ns
to how to pioteet tho other members of
the family
consumed b the emploes at the plant.,1" nrod of BcttllK " Pence proposal
Gallons or DoIiciih solution nre being
dally as a mouth wah and noe spray
"in, ii.nr i,,-,-1 1 uir ii ui I I'll ly u e 11 I urice
Dr H II .McllMiln. head of the wel
fare departmuit and Miss A L Kite,
chief nurse are directing u corps of
nurses In examining workers who dis
play the slightest svmptom of the d's
ease All discovered to he Infected, how
ever mildly, are sent home Immediately
Doctor McllMiln and the nurser vviir
gauze masks while ut work In the ills
More soup kitchen will bo opened to
day Tvvo kltchins established yesterday by
the Hmergency Aid, through the homo
relief division, proved so successful that
Mrs John C. Oroome. tho chalrmnn,
and her associates will broaden their
field other kitchens will start today
as follows: .
."o 1130 North Second street, south
east corner Twenty-fourth nnd Wharton
streets, 2624 Kensington avenue, 4109
Germantown avenue, 1(101 Kront street,
Klfty-second street nnd Lancaster uvo
nue and liGOl Lombard street.
tTUVT I1VWT i n ITirni'nc nno from Tur'ey that will sae somc
lNVHJLlAA PA1 1 EN I S.tMne of Turl-ey It Is probably this
Police surgeons In the districts cov
ered by the Second and Christian streets,
the Moyamenslng acnun and Dickinson
street, the Seenth and Carpenter streets
nnd the Kourth street und Knyder ave
nue stations hae been given the follow,
lug orders by Director Wilson:
"The volunteer physicians will bring
to your stations prescriptions for pa
tlents who cannot afford to pay for them.
These prescriptions will be marked
Emergency Kuch prescriptions will be
Ailed out nt the following drug stores
which do city work nnd tho medicine will
be delivered by the police to the patient.
"Prescriptions for patients residing in
tho Second and Thirty-third Districts
will ne uiKcn 10 me urug store or Is,
fluff, southwest corner of Thirteenth nnd
Fltzwater streits; for persons residing
In the Twenty-llfth Police District, tn
Iho drug store of Sam Union, northeast
corner of Fourth and Dickinson streets.
nnu iur ii.iiifiiis riiii!iK in mo l niriy
Kfventh Police District, to the ilruir storn
of George Slonlnsky, 730 Moyamenslng
nviiiue "
Poohooms nnd dance halls In Camden
wero ordered closed today Saloons re
main open, hut patrons nro not per
mitted to congiegate.
Fifty deaths have been reported In
the last twenty-four hours.
There are 1(1,000 cases of Influenza In
Camden County. 12,000 of them being
hv the cltv, and Dr It. It. Davis,
president of the Hoard of Health, an
nounced today that uiluntecr nurses and
physicians from other towns are greatly
needed. All physicians are working
from eighteen to twenty hours' a dnv,
and long lines of patients wait In their
otllces for attention
Pipeless Furnaces
Tubular HeatinB&Ventilatin(r Co.
232 Quarry Street
Who wish lo Imnrovo their anil
Ity a Public Hp'kiri and cut.
"at" .i-lfuri-r Idrna and a
better Mrmnry, Imlnallnn, ale.,
fhoulrt phono Spruce 3J18 for
lniormntlon inncernlna a couraa
at Nff ColkBC. 1730 Chestnut
ft. Day und llvenlna Claaaea.
I lalo Inatruetlon If dealred.
Hoth exe. Vlaltora AVelcoma,
The Matter Car
For immediate delivery.
Choice of colors.
UTUlll aijus
Many Suffer Pi'biii Lack gf I
Good Food and I
Wife and Daughter of Police
Sergeant Are Laid
to Rest
Scores of funerals of Influenza vic
tims were held today, nnd In many In
stances poverty has added to tho suf
fering of the bt rrnwd
The doul lc funeral of .Mis Helen Mc
Gbwnn nnd her rentecn-)enr-old
dnughter Heieli, who dlul on Tuesday
at their home, 143 South Twenty-fourth
otrcet, tookqilnce toda.i Fle other chll
,1,.n ,.P l.n .....1,.. ...,l, ,.. .1.- H.I.. ..I
.1. ..,
I .il... ...... ...in
i' l'1
'" . , ""' "no ineir V.,l,e': ,"'".""
Gownn conliiiclcd the dlsmse while help
!ng to nurse her daughter
Another nuirtvr to duty was Mary
Louise Codey, wht dlo dearl toda at
her homo, 404 West Chclteii nenue
Her sister Agnes died last Saturday, and
on the following day Mary Codey, who
had snent many houts by the bedside of j
ner relative, was nitacKe n tne niniauj
Her funeral will t'ike placi on Mi ndnj
The sisters were the il.iughlers of .lames
I. Codey, whose son Plunks died fif
teen j ears ago todn Cj
'Heal'zlng that many prrsons neie d
lng for lack of medical u'ttentloii, Dr
Samuel J Nlcht Ison. of 3159 llclgiade
Mreet, who letlnnl fiom prnitke twen-ty-flvo
years ago, rtsumed work again
today and attendid a largo number of
sufferers In his nelghboihood
Kaiser Preparing
to Submit Offer
f'enllnuril fnim Pane line
and the Ueichstng will have to bo
made, supreme with Prince Max as Its
servant. Ccrtnln liiiirled steps In this
direction will probablj be taken hur
ried becnuso (lormanv Is ilespeintelv
.'"" i.iv- .u,,., .... ,....."...... ..
Peace inoposnl sponsored by tint
charming parlor Socialist, that .lames
(linham Phelps Stokes of Germany,
Pilnco Max, nnd that conservative So
cialist, Scheideman.
It is taken for granted that the re
form of the Prussian electmnl system
will now bo piomptly adopted Opin
ions differ ns to Just what moie Ger
many will do tovvaul making her Gov
ernment responsible, but In view of
the Kaiser's words It ls safe to pre
dict that something more will be done.
And perhaps much inn ho done; for,
although Geimunv knows now Unit
President Wilson does not Insist upon
uny change in thn Imperial Gevoin
ment iih u condition of peace, she may
think her clinging lo Alsace-Lori nine
nnd her proposal of International repa
ration of destroved teirltoiy will bo
more ncceptnble If sho sets her own
house In order than otherwise And
to the Industrial Intel osts of Gmmanv
the lion of Lorialne nnd freedom fiom
n big burden of Indemnity nre more
important than an autocratic Constl
Knes Mn; Jiiln In Oirrlnre J
With the proposal that will come from
i-rinee Max there will prnbablv bo cor
related u proposal from Austria that Is
calculated to saxe tho duel emplro and
is holding iii Turkey's surrender. The
(Vtitral combination wants In s.ivn iih
much out of the wreck ns possible. For
reasons gien in th's coirespondcnce a
few days ago Gel many can hardly ask
peace heroic Its allies and apart from
them They mny go through the motion
of deserting her Sho cannot desert
them. Desertion would bo tho end of
her hegemony. With autonomy for Alsace-Lorraine
will proljubly go some
kind of autonomy for tlie subject Slavs
and for the Christian lctlmrf of Tur
key. It la tho habit here tn speak of peace
proposals fiom Germany ns "danger
ous." This springs fiom the conscious.
nesL- that anything short of a peace en-
Your Fall $(
suit Made
To Order
Ileal $10 Value
W Ii) take
rliiintcM with
ready - nuldea?
Our Clnihrn nrr
made of flnrtl
woolen nnil lipst
trimmings, n b s n.
lute III iilinio nil,
37" X. 3th Street
tVfind 1'lnltli for rnnr nnd
All Interior ir.e
i"i;reV $5.00 "'-$ 1. 40 ,-
(to cn riu.
"f.A.tl." lllantlo l'loor flo ffBa.
Vnrnii.li iDJ.UVI
l;liiatle Mmr
VnrnUli .
Iimlde Cnpul
VurnUh .
Co en (!
$4.40 ""
"Superior" Mn. Oil
.Mixed Tninta..
I. A, 1," .MUed Jo 7C Cl.
l'nlnta (DO. I O
Dili and Mnrrla und l'uinyunkAir.
XUt und tilinrton fta.
Ktorea Clo.o Knlly nt 6t30
uicmnson ms
CVERY advertiser
' should read the mes
sage of Hon. William B.
Colver, Chairman Federal
Trade Commission. We will
be glad to send you a copy
of it.
Advertising Agency
Every Phase of Salet Promotion
400 Chi.taut Street, Philadelphia
t i.i . . . ... , i ....... ' '"..- .i.i win uuer win ue ii mimi
t Mir.nn. .' ,'"l"K1"11 '" h'B, "''"" dangerous proposal lu the sense that It
to nlleOale the r stiff, ring S. nke was! , ,)C (lormn.i-iiir.ile peace, and It
conduc cd by the Ilex. lMt.icr blood, of , ,,p , mi(.uli ,nBk f(ir jIr w.
ft. IMtrlcks Chuuh. at Hie .Mc..nwnnwm , ,lolJ 0 All.s , rcJectlon
home. Sisters of SI. Joseph s I otn. nt j lf no feP, (Iull ,,,, nol nccomI)1Il!h
attended the funeral, anil alfo held a tll0 cn,,H for n,ch A,ncrlca ,t, KllllnK
f.hort strvlco In the convent Mrs Mo- ,
' s
Tliomns J. McGnrrigle, 4217 Norlli
Sjilcnliam street, on Pershing's
casualty litt
forced by a milllnry decision will bo
nlmost certain to leave Germany In n
pos'llon to menace the future of tho
iiiemocrallc world. Such a peaso as
.inmhn...iin .....t.r u..ni. .. ..M.n
Prince Max will offer will be it most
Amsterdam, Oct. 4.
Deputies Groeber, Centrist, and Schcld
rninun, majority Social-Democrat, have
been appointed secretin Ich of State
w Ithout portfolios.
Prince Maximilian of Hadcn has been
appointed German Chancellor, says an
official annbuncement from Berlin. The
otllclnl statement adds that Pilnco Ma.
Inilllnn also has been named Prussian
Foreign Secretary. He will announce
his program at a full meeting of the
Helchstag, October 5
Deputies Groeber rtnd Scheldemann
probably havo been nppolntcd secre
taries In the Imperial cabinet. Adolf
Groeber Is one of the leaders of the
Centrist party tn the Helchstag. Ile
cently before the main committee of
the Helchstag he criticized the Govern
ment nnd attacked Count von Hertllng,
tho lender of the Centrists. In the
Helchstag In Marph, 1918, he defended
Germany's methods of making peace
with Husla nt Ilrest-Lltovsk.
Phlllpp Scheldemann is vice president
or tho Helchstag nnil tho leader of the
majority Social Democrats. He. with his
wing of tlfe pirty. while nominally op.
Vosing some of tho Government's war
policies, has swung to the Government's
aid whemver the German nrms seemed
to be In tho ascendant. This was nota
bly the case when, after the patsnge
of the "no annexations" und "no Indent
rltles" resolution of July, 191", the ma
jority Socialists ncnulesccd In the nego
tiations of the notorious Ilrest-Lltovsk
trenty after Hussla had been crushed,
Although nn thing but nn International
Socialist In practice, he has been active
through International Socialist agencies
In efforts to aid German's muse hy
helping her peace offensives as much if
possible. Ho has been called a. tool of
the pan-Germans.
The bfllclnl title of the Chancellor Is
president of tho Prussian council of
ministers, Prussian minister of State,
Prussian minister nf foreign nrfalrs and
Imperial Chancellor. The Prlnco huc-
Lceeds Count von Hertllng, who was up-
pointed Chancellor Inst November 3 111
succession to Dr. Oeorg Mlohadls,
Store Hours 10 A. M.
x 7f 7-5
I -fin
You will bo surprised tomorrow to see what
fetching Georgette and crepe de Chine Blouses
you can buy at these prices. Tucks, b'cadlng,
laces and embroidery are used to delightful
effect, and the quality of the materials is a
most attractlvo feature. In all shades.
Suit Blouses
The epitome of style and valuo Is realized
in these blouse creations, whose combination
of suit shades and contrasting hues, beaded
and embroidery effects und design of cut char
acterize them as charming and exclusive. '
Blauner's Main Floor
Uniontown Sends Eight Di
vision Head Appeals for
More Workers
In responso to tho cjll sent out by the
Amerlcnn lied Cros, Uniontown, Penn
sylvania, has Bent eight nurses hero to
help relievo tho strain on hospital nnd
nursing resources dunng the Influenza
Mrs. (lowing, wife of Dr. Krcd (lowing,
head Of tho Girls' High School, has vol
itntccrcd her services as n trained nurse
for the durntlon of the epidemic. Mrs.
aovvlng, who followed the profession of
nursing before her marriage, Is giving
her entire tlrne. Several other married
trained nurses havo been placed by the
Hed Cross.
In an effort to mobilize nil nursing re
sources In this division, tho American
Hed Cross has sent the following tele
gram to all chapters:
"Wo havo been requested by the Na
tional llurrau of Health to mobilize, and
have nvnllnbln all nursing resources to
prevent spread of Influenza epidemic. All
chapters, therefore, urc directed to put
an urgent appeal In local prflss asking
nil graduate nurses, undergraduates and
N N..ll Annrliii191fl MnJ.l
Also atenu tor Nntlt'a cattnttd water
. wavlnc rnmb.
Before you nave vour tmlr waved roniult
C. LUCKER, Hairdrener
Thone lirust STCJ IIH Nllt Til tITn
ladies7 Suits and Coats
W Hell n Hlnale (larment
nt Vtliolenalo I'rlres
SUITS $1 e.oo
& COATS 1,up
2d Floor Location Nium You
flO to Sift on lour (larment,
' 62 North Sth St.
Makers of Exclusive Furs
for 24 years
Newest Furs
for the Fall and Winter Season
now on display
1227 Walnut Street
A c 1mi mnlb nlntirt iiMtU
m feel proud to wear
$1.50 Each
- n J
nd tine
CufTn Attarhed nnd Iletarlird
A.R.Underdown's Sons
JIulibfr(tootN anil Mm' FnrnUlilnsTH
itOJe-204 Market SK
' 'KuliililHtifil Mnre 1R3S
to 4:30 P. M.
Do Your
Exquisite Hats for
Lovely Hats of panno velvet show facings
of rose, Copenhagen and turquoise. In tho
most picturesque of shapes, trimmed with
ostrich, beaver, silk (lowers and fcathor orna
ments. Other tailored and elaborate Hats are
priced 4.9-1, C.50 to JD.00.
Young Girls' Hats
Hats fashioned of flno quality velvet ghow
colored facings, flowers, ribbon and wool em
broidery. Also velvet tarns, felt tarns and
tailored sailors of hatter's plush.
Hand-blo,ched Hats of plush and
panne velvet. Priced 6.50-10.00.
maimer's Third Floor
New and Lovely Blouses
3.96 and 4.94
833-35 Market Street
i.- VedtmtW. srvtees, 4Mt
u,ii.a win I.V nat,i wlin 'needed ftl
'.tho rnte of $75 per month with lllMf
for graduate nursen, ana jrom o i
$B0 for other. Chnpters should not i
sign nurses without consultation with
division director of nursing they should
mobilize In two classes, one for servlco
In hometown onlyi tho other for service
wherever there ls need In the division.
Where possible they should form groups ,
of five composed of one graduate nursa
In charge nnd four practical nurses or
aides. Heport dally by wire available
persons In each class to division director."
j! mi mmiiiHmmnniiniiTiiTiimiiinnmiiiimnntm'nfnm mnnrHiniltifflllfflfflWWIif
We Will Renew
Velour or Bolivia Coat
Itestorlng all 1h orlslnal beautr
ami lumre to tho fabric, at a very
lilUl.riN.V LUIIi ,
Specialists in High-Class
Irish Homespun Top Coats
The'Ascot Garbardine Raincoat
Tlie Luster Ulsterrette
1417 Locu.t Street
Thf Lradlnx Model fjr the He anon
HTunio or
A achidr that In
o1ui3s ,alat,Ylea of
daaclna!" 'HXDert In-
f tortnee
Cowanova striwtnev IB-mo-l
itfrr- and Jiu..l.fll-rVh.t
nlque taught private-
... . ' .. Ir abd'Vl Class.
210 S. 13th St
Davison Hide ' Phone, Wal. 62G7I
Hale Your Wath a
Day or Night
lianda nut on nnr wateh
bjr patented proe- CO
ens on ntiort notlre "
Mntt Orders ArrnU4
111:11, ami woo rtiLi',
ni:si:. sui.riiuu, and other
l On Mojramenalns A1
He. I
r p r. t
35 Minutes from
city nau
rnnfiftrtin with all aouthbound
isra bttvqn -d and jath Btfera
Christmas Shopping Early
I Km T Til tM,',
,-- VI . . . ...
n -
f V .
d.U. . t.