Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 02, 1918, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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; , -" 25&P?G ' i UBkT?6 jir(JJBK--PHlLAl)i3bHlAT X WEOXESD A V, OCTOIJEK 2, li)lS
RUMANIA EAGER 4 jvbw summary bears ' FtwS
. "
Take Joncscu Declares 11 ib
Nation Will Hurl Army '
Into Struggle '
Will Bind Uurliiirvet Peace.
Urges Allies to I made
Gonnam t
ll the Aivntalnl Vrext
lt the liiotialcd l'rr
Hi' imiiij s (Ufciifri bum en ( un
liral ninl Hi, Quetitlii are iiunihllne
under tho licit 1 mliint ilon of M it
Him I I'oih, anil the time of II11 iMitil
nl (iirninu ixlthdtiixi.fi fniniHrntice
nml Uelgluin Hppnrentlx l (Irnxxltig
tippicolablx Mal (I
c'ndcr (lie nttnit.1 nf Mr1
Trench nml American ttooplhe Hin
di nl, tire- iltftiiKi f otetii tru.i i.ie
I S.ii'iip In llii! Disc, a .Ultimo of llflj
lulled 1h being ooi t mi III tin.' ninth
Hi" xnluihlc nilvyjiK of ralliuHiN In
Danders lupldl Is hemming um'Ii "
I ami III the south the KrPiitli an lin
( lug xlgurouslx their mix nue xxct ami
1 not III of I'.hchns ,
flliehn. XlotllT 1lll lltix un Ini. nni II
Pled Mnfrj nn1 (oncprciix on iflo south
lnnl of the Alsnc xxlilili xxe iim I
remind hetuiMi iIiYm- im. it!, ,,,, im
,, , s, , llho light xxe (.ahuil imi-n. iion of Mill
, Huh ilniMiiiK il.sei tin- iipi about rix.il. Vcntcli). Hnnnn nut Iiiriix
I mutual 'I Up 1 ipmli mptuied St OTlenix. "lcrft mid t Tint 1 1 v nml
ijuemlu North mid south of the limn ' PUhcd nttr Hurt In x.nul M 'Ihiuix In
the fundi hut iidi.-iitud fnitliPi I !Lw..!rK,V,'.!! n.l'I'',,, '"'' ,,", " xeliivi
ii,i,,-u " . iiuiin i" mm Mt.uil'.uit
I iiialiuuil
In I 'liimlf r-' i In i it i iiihih an 1 1 pm I
id In Inn ( pi i Hi i' tn flu- iuIImiix
jtiiittlon of r.nulti mid Mniln and tn
1m ipiiuivIhk tln'li IiIk Kitti fmni the
llclgliti tiul nioiind Hip submarine
I liai (if iiitnd, iihMi I Ik Ine out-
tlinUul jni tlin wMith Tin' HpIkIhii
now aro 11m- inlltn fmni Tliimnnit
Wlillp tin' lllllluli mi MCI CM Hip l.vs
cimii mllit iiiii 111 if l.lllc and niu i llio Oifeiill wood V took a laim innn
, ulthlti wun inllct i.f I'.milrnl l'"' nrtul-ontr,. In tlio .mi,,, or Hi, iln
I , .. ... .... iv,. I. n,..,iiii u ,i,h. " "'" " I'"'1"" and n (onldnii1.l.'
I , ""","""" V. , . , i alimmit (if matprlHl Inn It IH n, l ,
I Iiil, tlio (hi mans ImiK In tin Ir old i,,tilp to tonnt II
I Hum In. tin liliflm hkIcii luitlm l.itlon ( nptaln ichp- iiii, .1
kuini . i . iHPti in. nit iipiwiiii tin in pinnn iniiiiiini on
tantion. Iiuliidlnir xl it lire, , iin., ,
In I'li.iinpn.ne tin- Mill ml ponllcro of
llip I ourlli rtm loiillniml tin r iffoitx
nf tin- irploux il.i and ninil. fin tin i
kuIiw On tlio tlKlit In tlicv.j1lt of to
liic i nituplcil Mitn tin. Mm
wood nild nU-I.P7-tnilliili llp Mln
inpttia mil 111 of HoikoihIIIp I 'in tin i
tn tlio vr MP tp.ipnil tin H'Mitti. rn oni
lliun.to one Idlonipltr unli'of I. in i.,
tlio "olltllP Ift of tllN tort n . n nctl.iti d
rrl, Oit I If tin- Alllti h.ie' N'ortlu ail nf M (Jiniilln llip lllll- I v. i. m.i n, ai. i.h.i ii,ii,',,f mi iho "Sill tirlnLlnn W ini'nl i
Mln Inn' 111. I'l'.n. h mlMiiiie Inn ','.' V.',l".lt"' '" ."WNI?. ,s,d'-l.lnl'nii
and nii-t of Un MHi.ti. If nl Klin: tin .VH""'"""V. '..'.' '?.,:'. ",nlK"' """
uicpcded In indlnK 1ioflllltii' In Mmc lli Iibm uilxnin eil iimrt tlinii llxo inllc
donla, I- i U' !" li"lf'l thai e lll ta'tuaid from the ft out Ihip or tin.
l-o m.up.dln ip.ul.lnK an aKiP.,nent ""''""' pn-IUons MmiII.i.i i.i...
... . . . I dmiKPi'iiit to Hit' tiipinv Im Ikpii
which will hilnc nliolit lastlnc pfitp, ,r,, n ,(t,M, M Qnintln and I.-
Bniong tin ll.ilU in natloii", " '".as l Cult lit and ihi, llrltlcli aio'aiU.iinlnc
statement Mn.ido tn iiPHclMpei nifii UihI ' tlirouiv,li,u hit,' Kali In tlio mom lltio
nlirlit 1w -I..!.,' j,.H...n. i, r mlnlito ' auoi-- Important to ids and lullwinx
f-' .... , , ,. , . , . i. toward l.i I'atPiu our of the umit
W.0f the Interior of lluiiinnl.i. nlio In Mp , ,,....,,. .-.,. ,,,,.. ,.,. ,.
i Ii i man all plane InillKliif: hi" niiinl p
Of XlctllllPt t(l IHI fill lllllllli llv II I
IIm aliplani"
ItliiK Allied connttlif. In tin liitctili
of his native I mil
lUimanlt iiuui ml link the tenltot
on the (.thci ldi nf the Daniiln now
oicuplijd h the HnlRarV he i ntitlnueU
'It Is Indli'iicni'alilo towaul economic life
(icrmaii hoidti
I ainbial has nol c hecw n. . npiod
hi the llrltiKli, liill I'lpld Maixhal Half;
his taken hnpoitant IiiIkIuh miuIIi of
the town and i.il of the Mit Id! . inn
, ww A w sa wi w -i j w r r -i - a -. r
and would In no wlsi ho a Hull,- iilnti , tlAlU ISlll'jAlVO C?CilA
capitulation llulaihi would haw ottlur
adantnpp wnleli would moip thin loiin-
urliilanic the mete wlthdiawal of her
(liiiiiuiH hilMtpn Itliilini and the
Sulppe In ,i potKtt fi inn whl h tin
in ix h no illilli nil x In lilnli.iwlui:
In I'linnipit ne the littnh line
iptiditpil iieU" the inilioad iiiniilin;
tlnoiiali tin i ji.mn foitl ft mi
i lull. niiiKi 'IIiIm tniK.K iio.llli ,i
furl lit i in i It m njoMincni on the
I.IXltlll IllBl Of till VlKOlim Nollll . , nil,.,..
and ..,.,, Mon.fnu, . In ,. .en.e, ,;;",: J' ,;, .i.J1 '" "
of 111. Vim i ii .in f.ii n w.-t if the 'liniliiK the four d i' h tlRNtiiip lp
ldit tin Vnn ih Hi" ..v-j in h im climliirr Seiil.inhp 1 tn tin "t Juen
inoM il fnn.lld tlll-l' tlnhlai li.ltlh flulll M (limipid
and dPlt-ated with htaw Ioispj ihlit
l (irnn.in illvi.-lonH (.ininoMui.ilPli
II ii oniH
'DiiiliiK tin niniiili n1 i pit mln r llip
lliltlili fonm i.ipluuil 1 1. Jail pi Ixoiieii
imnminK imn onici i" nun .U"o . on cun
i ( $
f r.vtcotum -
J ttauttutl I
f U'"
v Ij M
l ICO.
v'B(ikil5 - br.Aurar-voin
tr . uu'iim
i .
. 'JoiiTogll
tinrvwri w J
" Ltrtffc-
thy., vjtfr
5QM F C- MM Ctf
fctr5 li I J
irround east tuid tmilh of thes vll
Sivrml himdipil nloneri weic
lahin h im In lliifp opplatlom'
I onilmii (It I
in Menhir I lie operation" n
lluidei'. undi i tin eoniniaml of In
KliiK of tlplKlun ilptplnprd fm ol. ill
deplp the rpiiiMiup of the Pimm
Hit (IIiikpIIi ItplElm and 1'rriirli
tipnpi nnde low liioBrppo In the ill
rpctlon of IIoobIpiI iitid lloulem Miilli
of Ihiiilers (tit lltlmh troopi tap
lined I..dithpiii on the I!ou1ci-MpiiIii
rallwax ltiltlh iIpt.iiluiienlM itoid
the f.is hetwtin Warlci nml t'oin
Ine" lltlthili neilal nundn nf hoiiibaidid
l.li htPitPlde, eaiitluir II (lie 'it the
I BRITISH AIR FIGHTERS 'denies turkey is ivrittfll
vi.il(ii- M Lou .mil Inllicl
Teirililc Dain.igc (in ICti-
einv". Mn-M'd 'I (mii-
lU llu ll( l(l( '(,
Mlli Hip llrlllh Won in Irnnir, nil .'
'Iiieethn a aiiolhPi da of ltior (
for ih fiuliilnit llrlil i mini ,1l,e It.
lallirax utatloti Ihti nln hifKe up ' ." nl mnthiHn tlnir foiwind m .
pin ml i ncui coiiiov" inent
I KIIVCII 'lams tjf Hi, Rrpatixt linpniiain p w.i
rrl net 1 inatlp bx Hie xuntrallaini IiMWppii i an
In i ijupiiiln IIxpI.v IlKlitlni; tooK hral and St Quentln, nlnt It (.pemi thni
Plan in Hip mtirsie of tho nlRlii thex Imxn crocr.l ih. .nui ....... i .
i no piitim xno xas mioixn ihi
to Hip iai hanl. of Hip mii.il ton
tlniieii in imift with nmrl.eil tneiRi
Helwcen llip VIiio and tilt eili
llip I'letuh troops k ilnrd nixx' ad
x.iinet w-ot of Uliolni". The li cm Ii
hold I'riiiillnn and 'I hll and the Miulh
ptn oul"t,iui of V llirr"-ri.in(iteux
'Hi ma f of t 'Ihlem mm l In
VliKlrnliini Mi ' Tlln 'IVlKMl'
n i ml i k ii t ipRiam ini
i l I'm ci llnrrtle hit ,ti
In) i I i i II li Mt l Illllin-P t '.
la t Wi 'i I n a! I'oxxerUf'j. ,.
l.i inh i diiai Hi militated vV S
l(iul Hut tin siililniii I'nrip xxiik tot"A ! 1
-diiniK fiuiimlPi m iiroi Mmllnr tn'' jt
i. h ..i.i ii.iinupin 141.1 a....... ra
Ml... .111.1'. II .11 I l..n... ,n.i ...'..ti , t . s
Im aim" In nw of lln the formolntrV s
daiMlih Kipixtil fn in fiennan routcf "'"
rliould he Hi.epleil xi Hi Ic'cixp f ' " -'
(.l.ltMViN IIVM-. I KI N
( imlirji anil "I. (.'iiiiiIiii nun 111
111 lln
llie liinil .if 1 1 1 ImiiIi . of
uirinif iiiltn-ili
i.nnc ii'ir r niimx trnnpmiK 1
flpplinc .mt ntni iHiiihtmiitn.iiil fiom 11
leKInn n well a oilipr ri!loim
The dax wan an Ideal on. i. 1 11 ,.
mil ill? Ilrlllfili nMntort who hid 1
ii'PIl lmv fill impicirI d.i mam , .,
'iiln their own THp plain" Hew
(ixei tin eiipnii inae and ponml I
Imp l) tens or IliniiranilK Im.. 1 h.
1, l.iln i. il. .t... ....
th, .,,.,.., .r ,h .reneh tt. ,,!, ,.,, ,,o0i'a, Sr Uu,X
Kiilmil ," ninil 1101II1 of I 1 NpuxiI tlieli inojeitll. ii in (lit iiani.n
Imp ml an nil mr lltn in the minm In full fllsht, Inlliitlni. 1 11 1
p-nuli.ii 1 v,i,u ,f liiilien diiinc.'
h tin 1 mil iBiie the niplit nai f' heiter xlililtt alw. en.il. e.l t .
H I, , . 1E, llllllfll HtlliliPln to tin innr. intuit.1
" work
Mine nini-f. .aHiialtlex .r Rreai pi ) r '
KKIIISH Hll A SP KhK.hN '.'". '",H "" "" Hi. (.i
4 a minute
nil tin 1 iiunilii 1 In In tn tuiiilii 111
l,ei minute of the yean
iiiHim wlo mm hi. tiehiitiir . m. .., tll.lt tllC it)rCSi .Ire OPCIl UC"
pt iIpMiiri nf Inn 1 irtll jImp. 11,... .I...I. . 1 , .-3 ,?m
.lilllic M.llillj: .mil OthlM I'l.llll-. "Itlon in llil. eniliP .o.oa l,,,,,,,. ' ','. llUC.Uor tailliiieS t)U tOUf 7 'M
liiolii.liiigWiielri" Nation ias. torn II .. ' "" "m- """"4 "' U.lUlO Of the 1 1 million
rnu f 1 0111 thW teiiltoij
"XI prl IIMIM Wl I muno.no uiv
Ilnnnlio nml thn lllllll llllnll .1IIHX Will l1 lJttlrC(I
( (inlliuir.l rrotu l'.o.p (tup
Knllrslieiiii ipr lit
tahe up the mini wnnclied fiom It hx Hired foi a (lWtuino of luOUunN, .
the ho-tatled peine of lluclnuit 'l h. suutluust of I'.mileis . (!,
T 1ATT?Q WI-11I n A Allfl? A I
or .HI i.illl.tM and Fome thou- iihIm t.r ,i ,, ... , '; " ri, f . , ,', '. ,' " ' lMiiilrl I'm .," , ,"rIP"," "f ' ,""i'1 '" hinl xx.Mi w-s Mild t'.l I' IV (1 111 1 1
' "iiMilil.it Rtin liuiiiiR the iiuuith. ,.r ' Vmii. in' 'Hit . w.M I. Iliin -.Tin. In Hi t w '.'f ', '"" ""'"'"B rl(le anil n, 1 1 I V "u ' R "V ll ,U '. . V '""
pininKo. (..,...1 p.. K.i ,v.,fc;r.,,x-,!,.,,pT.Vi,!!,i,,,Ti,,,,,:,l,,m.!i,,;,(! i.1"- ",1!! ,:;r - , ' ' K 'm1, .:, x K:;,ai,,hui,iri1"' 'um icucidi. 7 million non-
.....t ad. Wl.,,1,. ,.,.,. S.x-len. S l., fiT.rSMmVj; ailnS": V-i" .ffl.V p1;'..'.! 1 1 '" '."" .! 'V Wti)r. '!' WW tl'lW.. !t"" .!'?-. W m'. 1 elihi'iT'i"..''.';,,, 1 "I J i,nx ,-l ... n,.l,.,...,rr tnixxiMinC
M QuuitltrH fall kIiiKps the xxhol" n,'"ut ,n0 "J!! . I t'"' to leilu ahout ntllil ttitikt. hut Hon npori.tl In lln I xiikf- Willi ,, ' il,1' V"" ",'.' """' ,l,s"" ,'..... .1, , ,. ,,,, . lf
... ...i.i,, li- .if... ,.lii i. M ii xiiiltiir Anieilt.iu fit Is im i Hub n th. itulni it ion Hi n Hie wink of tlexplon "." "' .'' "Kj"i l.-ie- laiiininl niUliae ttl I CC-f ILIIll tCTb Ol a
i. e ii"i as tit tin i.imeo .tot 'iti.(i pi.i.i . in; iinmi lis. , i t. n lino im. .ni o.
hatulful of (.Itiinnnoiihlh . who sought Whlispit id This will ho it n ntti itrd I'OhS (rLS DLL I)
to dishonor tlnlr toiintii. will i-iattrr Tails, Oct 2 The (iiiliims mi lite stfnu punli Unit Is IkIiu iiiii.Io
like ihafT The new lluminUii minx nioxltli; thelt heax iitilln) .ixx.iy In tin tippt i ONc Vnllex ThoAlIlm IMI'.ltHJAiS il)
will pscpptl In x.ilor the old one It Ih from tin- llolirinn itnst. .icuiiillni; tn Iipip iho ncrotsi tlio iiitlllipk' xx.itci
an n btlllKeimt that I inn spe.iklni: to ippmts heio tutlix w ixs upon xvlitch tlio i in mx s,, Iuro
fit I atlt IPIinllied .mil mhmIIx pMII
fill an. I of IIiipi flshtln,. stuff XhMi
will n tin loiiKiuulK.it tlie i i. t 111 III
Jim nml I iiiii pioud of II Ahox. all The Ililx.! in m nn . . .. ui i itlii- with I ', ,''"-r" Ills ''' U "" ':'f."" '.'V"!
Il ihr I nm nihil I'n x
Cl I LI lS El'.tCl (77;
ami turn lopt . u , outllpl-ali i. K
of It UMkliiL, nur. .,r inilriiainlni: ih, it 111 ICC million dollar.. liVCTV
f '
po.its Is i.i.K,.,lli,tf 'Hie exn.dltlon to ". '."" ".V" l'k' aEiln hi m 1111 IIUHl .11 a (.(Is! ()l mure Ulilll
(niTlieigi ii Htllitl .1 fnx montlis al-o '."V. "-'"inniii urn lulled wll i iii ixirtl
i. ml. i H.UI.....A. ...... ..r.it. tt. i... .... .
....... .... ....-.itiui. ', ..I' ....l.l. ...... ...
si I I nest sti,H, li, inn un, ine tuin l-iin r.i. . .1.. .i.
'nandii hut he w ik uhseuuitli Iromtur. Hie lu'ile line , m te ,. l IllllllllC I II UIC ll.l llie V OIllCII
iiilli.pd in Imp to tal i up oihpi tluilps nurtliwiKtiidid p.ilmr uiiom lOim jnni
" ' m K. io hup io nil i up oiiiPi tiuiiPs ""' twiBioaiu lu.Mtiif altoiii ism) xaitl ,!, ,, ,,, n,. nimtni'
er !S,!: "" '" U' ,'"m l"e A""S tin' .HilNh m,m of (..mm V iWim'.' ' t :""' -'' """" '" ""' r VniPrTmn x,,. V LILLE, l tll III! IS ,. -V,, . d'",o nhm rZ rTW7,X' "ini't , k 1 r 1 v,,r innm Cf
cnlri (icriniux , mil the ritntli il my of (1. tit Ml Ih rolI.tn,"K ,, , , ,i . i i f V erilim, (l.i J-lhtu Ins In in it eniliuslastl, dcsuipHon t.r Hit i.il nt the pres.pt inomeu' I, In illrinin 1 "UlUlLl .11 L Oll dig llllUimer-
I'alrlot. are I'miiihir kouIi i silt it ssfullx ciTnlliill.il lotlix . Mjilif tin- i lit lltnM.iliM tin linni- i,pi,, n; he-ltatlon In 1 e opet.itl.oi. he o ...pial nrulili w hl( Il Ins huh. Ho been I Jiid . IJ,1., t It 111 (re fill tllfir lldllSC-
.... . . 7.....S , . .....i i... r-i....i. . Ine hx the Clown I'liluts ailules of iepn Hie Xiconn. nml the XIri.se ihis ... n.ielx t.inn.tl to a Knitted ixtini In 'I he m,pi. 1.,.- i. n. ., .. .. ......... i .IDIL 111111113 111! llll.ll IlllUM.
Jlo.t nr the t,pul..i Beiieralf it. i i" -" m.... "" .." ...- , , p,,,,,,,,,,, ,, tilu A1,,.P am, tiff I- due to th. fa. t tint ..lone tit. rniHr1 x ihr I mini I'n . IJ, inm, iltrnmn. .swidlMi and Norwe ml H,c w , , , It l",inl.ls re Mill tellilHT tlipm
n.nnaman ai.nx todax .. thos, xtlio f.ont. , AMm h. nul nf 1 mitllon (,ut. fiom of tw. nlx-tl,.,. miles fiotn lieu.e ,.,,, j -, . , . r , , , , 1 !-" ''''W'i'Jr ' .. ., , , ldnt tl at the ,.,,n ",',H ( ', J l " ll1s- ATC OU tUI II? tllCITl
Fhoweil thMiimlxes most lioMlk to the 'lhe Allied mix .'lopili tiu.x , im lit , kp1 ,,, ,, , ,,,,,.,, , on H M;;i-e '- th. i;..ti. ,.,. . ., , ue( In ,s . Ix.U.mi p. pul... , ''" ;,m,.V,",u0,f o in's" ,,,V . .Junnus """" -PI '""' f,"" ""' ''"" '" ' .1 )OU t OUT PKHUCt 11
conclusion or ve iK ilnst Tui tt.l.iK. Kouh U mid Llllt-In , ,;r,,u Mmuim J i. Is now t , " t lr , , ! , i mft ,,,' ,l"1 ' ",llnK " '"'V'" " t(n'1 '' n' mi tl Vr Miltiliie ViTiH.tll.i Vn.1 w5p- "",,'",u.,,',,, ,,,r '"", u-"K ' H '
1 he ,, no of mln.1 n .he .otini.x .1,- nnde,s Is hetnml.i iicntitatetl ... 1BT,K ,o Visne as l,!, ,. -.nul, of ft T x Ides f." .'h-i i' ," he u. , " 'e, " lv - .'.".Si ".-ill" !"foi' "u.rJ "Via!- and 2,k L"! iVi'ST r',",li """"" " T
b trlctminj heRitheie.l fiouithe fa.t hit ,nidlliK to t. ml oltltl ll niilioiinco Cmoni . thoiCiowii l'l Im . s nimlos lUtitumr tn Hun-ilme to the noiihw, hi ' mii imlfe mi In i l.lti a e , m , k ml,, f '',1"Ko "'' "" - - -. "e
Gprtnnn lullltnix ietUstlons xxlil.li PI,t nnili' hero tod i (.Initial In- m,- Ui .i mm h cinxn position th.ui and to P1111--111 -Xleiue to the imitheiii I f ilm tlilt r . iiipi- ! noiili- m.iui.11 Tt fl j
1tr 1 a r. r.nn1. il ill cl llilllll Innn tltlilnl tlln . 1 . .. . . .. .11.. . t. . 1. ". ' . . 'I lllc I'll 111 ulnt ll l.i n. I, . .... 1 . ,..!.... 1 11 !.. 1 . . n II m -
-. ieiiiieaior
.... .w.... .... -.., ...,.. .i..... ... j,uuiies,n 111 niiu t.pii.iiiui; 111 me u 01 e t lose of Conei.ll Xon l.otlin lllltl ., n . ., ' . . " "' ,,v "" oiuifi '"o ' ....'' 00.1 ,n.e in tuv ,,tn...i.i-. i... ,., 1 ,i x,,,, . V .oln vi ill il
tipatx of put 1 haxe hceii tt.insromnd ulllll, f KouIoim niilMrentlx xx 1- V ,,., I 1 1. . .'. ii. V 1 ,,. , 1 11 . M,, lI", '1'ti te or tin tiuim KUtit siton(,lil.ls Is s.rlnisH m.na.ed If ""'"'l x up .M-.irix ..lixi.u. .1 ,, V,.
Into nolltlne l.ss th,,,, Hl.nuk- nillni,e 'J ,V .'.,,, .,'! VaL ..1., Lm... ... n. "",. ""in " ,'".M ' " ..' "!. ' .' . ...,"' '": '-t'er pin, II, .,hlo iind. In , the ISinM, U.,ce and th, llelK,.,n i.-aimt: Ran neailx .mplix Muted liana ,'''."
with lhe 1. -mt tint neur, .onditlons 7 ,1 , "-. ...-." i, -""" " hi '" un -in" nun;., uoiticii- 11- ine.i. imh tnex ill tonxerce uni.n are puttnn; it In .1 .. Let 1 ill I.onpii .ui.l Ills wire xnm to.lax in "" "' iu 1 1 .
xxiin ine 11 mi inn pun. lomiinon I(.ft (lf C'cnPlll Mnnen iftei the ah ailnlos opposlin; (lom.iiid Mnnir nit 011 whkh "llice th. (Irt tlix1 I '. L theii apiitment ISnT .Nnrth ThhKrnlh '" " the inn H11111111 Inc.
lielotiKtl tliat l.priniiti oteupallon ton- Pak thlollKli of the lltlf,! 111 .mil ... . , . of the .ldxiinu lnshten tin . ent. 1 of IHH Ihtxxxiri found utnon. I ills In nopns., n,e on . 1 1 , ,,f ,
IIiiucp, hue hptitmo inuili xxorM thin i),tM, f0, , , a derillllelx i stnh I. (lllll nr Distslu t,H1U imi,tnif nMl1 lm,, ,rml(n f.r w.. . t r i . uii.llin t.n.int of the hous. I lie cas I'ltrldMii 1 on in lit . u
thoc JXhltli piexallfd dlirlnjr the win It- ,iu, I lllls (111- lllsl-IiirIi.iI le-llll i.r tile smJ'0 "uie 1 tempthu taif-et fo, the. V UllCial UI' hCIIOI'l.. "t.im.l fiom .1 tuhe .itti.li.il t. a J: ,1,11 , '
elf. Th. Inst news retelxed hue fiom Il 11 11 lei nf M (Iiiniilin niiisl In Hie "n mx Kilns r 01 this rc.inn exttxi 4. mill mom ISotli me In .1 . 1 101 ,
B..n,.nl.i .cids ,0 ,o,x ,1, in.ur.c.- . ,u , ,,,, ,, Vn I of ill ', . 1 x ,,m l'.,u n.n - i.V.TX i!Yi l,hx'l.,,,,,,,H,Mo,,,,,faVl? . . .., """"' " "' U'h" " "" T "
tin.,. 1 axe hroku, 0111 In Kexeral plates- .Mtormfrrf I r, ,,.,. s,., ts If lie nMu s ', ',',t ',, , I! te f t, llli " WlC
ton 11 w 11 inn 11. (or, i- , . if ..oiiiii rt nn sthii 1. mi t. , lntui ' "n in. .mint turimK.iin.i 1 in 1 ...ni 1 .-' 1 ""r -t m
The Maqazine In
' One. Million Norms
- - - Hatr, t.t.vuii.i -fc V HUM llll, IlltX C
coiii"iiie .xniheiueiibaiuix ol onupi- passed hexonil that town. Noitheist 1111 l.uiis in not . tin Im.xx.o 11. m 1 -'t.HT 11. w to u. I. Iiii..len
Hon of Iliimanli si SU UOi. li nonets Cll alul soutlicilst o the toxxn nt Allies e-mim.iI I.piiii .11 tilnil he rh Kiouml iihtnd olfeis kiciupi on-
(iimes Minic .mil iiimn limn r it xe '""'""" ' ' V .""'es itntliei tin Hit
tlupp aie. known to luxe alii nix littn .0iiltiiB to the II.xmis Arpiipx tlnx
?c",' ,l l?n. . V"BarM," f,",1 ,Uu',";- l"ikl 11 line runnlnp hIour tho .-onimc
lnaluitiK Oit Ol( 1111 11 luxe aliP.ulx thill
hand; full aicoitlhiK to the news xxlilch
has -earh.d lioie fiom 1 01I1 the .XI Ki
'inni Tinimuin tn Jlouxiox tn.,l tli
nloiiK the ft. Qiicittin t.i'l'eip innl to conxeitid into a mII-ii
K.iiuuiix Tiiiit miles luithei tin th
111rrkans 1HlV01lm to ioil inll.tln
ra.i . ..... 1 lllll 11 nils l I'tOll.P IO
im 'II. I"., ill! 11 im lllllllli I.il.hl- ,, ,,11 (lluitl,.!,, .,,,,1
, dorll in how to pi'iont 11 fmni Inn. hind the'utul 111 xxliuli
III haxe left be-
Ihex ln, hei
tin- lllxer Dulse at endeull
XXhllll Is lltutlllll lllll. lllllllli! the last in.pL
1 110 usual M.U. I ui 11 1 ot, tun lit ni out uotiot Hi. n, ni will heel.
put of tin .lax 111 tho afternoon the
riilrtt-sti ond I ih 11011 nt tat Ui.l tin
it'litet ot the (.criniltl deft ulx. Ilnu
width 1 mis rrt.nl ri.tixiiutues to the
Willi. 11111,11101111011 or iienuiexoir 1 m
t.iik was "iinewful 'I lie xllliiKe or
nnti! in iiiii r.i n.n a.iiiii r-n rroniu tt
.,..,-,. ..,...,.... ...vitica 11 11.'- 111 i.e. d 1 irt. r 11 . 11 mo. .1 111 1 i,.t in .1 iiitiii 1 1 1' 1 hh iiiiii- a 11. . 1 . 1. t ii.a vimiuiif,i 1 inn iti.i 1. 1111 rt nr 1 'po. n 1
liic to ui.fiMs the miui.rulonaix ,, S i,7,ni,'''UV'!T '",S.' 11I1I11 stitu-'rlp ' '"" " " ,'"' ,"''' ,"" "' R'ven I lm w.ro .upiuiitl nml tin IVns..iniiiiH-
w -'".oTho '&;: Vv,a-,'o(acv;,a :? " -' '''-v'-; ' ""o "m Bne n 5md '""""' f ...r a'."'. r.r, a'nrr1 u,r.
nmii tort U lI:r,,''1,'i llls " "" ""Vh h.adi the ,. ox I,.,. I.P., ol.lnied trim., . umplet. ,1 the . ipluu. of th.
H I I Altl ,7.VIV axiittiti li.ixo sioit illilli ttllx in lit to throw rmn rfKimenls or flio. ,v Hoops , nemx tlef. uses miuIIi ofxi.e 1 itelet
XlivitTJf.t nlArli0 The ainii.it of Gijienls Com md '"1- "M'l 'he tilx liet un. of Hip ijCilii'i the Vin. 1 . ins intl one ..r hi. ,,..,, ,,,,,.,
"TO 1)ISIU.D UWY w'orllhis'Siuc0!11; ' ,"' """'r1' "M,L'JL 'lV If ...' . ...t i. of a, ,.
uiiiil)l,in.inilll "f..of.Il.1rI'".,0",.,nuul " -ul "'C ' nuuiliei or Ills nuns i ,l ,iuit.,, tki.e stnnicl. all .lax was 1. in. unit.. I
lt the I niHil Vrxi
lo.nlnn. Met 2 Hulstitin Ins a
readx FtatlPd fulllhnent of the conditions
tiid which she wji Kianted an ainus
tlce II x as learned from authoilllxe
TOUtees todax Hiat Hip Ilnli5.irl.iM .itn,
l beln? dl'lnnded VrniB and muni- ""PS haxe captuud 111. m si nitue
l-f ...,' a. "'"'K iiantiiti nxei 10 the xni.ifjis nml then .idxame ,11 Mitm
si'iier iiutnip iroops aie lakliiu iti.inn. notnia l,.i 0l1.11.1i . .1. ...i. ..i
,11,,,,. -. v ." " .'"-i"" " '
of tin- ralUxaxe
lt ihr tsioimml I'rts
11. u ,. iK.iujfi i.ie , tei intiiH xx no a.. . . . .... .. - . am no! 1 w n?s or th , 1 1 , . f.... . . . .- , .. .....t ... .
1...H..1 to ho fnllliiB hatk mot.. Im ' i .lCII TKOOI'S ) l haxe l,re .ul.j.cU.1 t . Tip ,x lirtimV I J, ,f I. V. ', a nl in,
tiedlxtha,, a, anx ,o Hl.uo ...., 'iCTOIlir mtXin 'il'-i'i ' "" -'- "V. ' '"
' , ltll. II I II.I17IUI.. suns .ne IhIiib mixed fniM nil ' r""n ,r,N' '"" ll"1 !l""l x and
flPIHill Ileithi lol's .mm ! lutKlnc (i.'.mn niimen lin. .1 u 1 1 m , , i-tihlishid ih.ine.s mi Ho h k
Kiiuii priiKiesH nolUMii the 'p-lp
I'nrls. , 1 t il.eiiM.il 1 tie null. "- - -
of Hi. rt ittmeiit isnieil tonlKln hi Hi. KKiiiijd ifiiliiiitititiiij'iltiiisitsKsiiK'tri'iiitiitiit'tasli'tJ.iiii.itns.iaiiiiitiirititiitJii'iitttiiaiii.'iiiii.jtiiaKitK
Tl (Mill e follow
'Tin alt 11k hx llu I irst Vinx In i n. "
'million with the llrltish In the itt,ion
I' mm I'lnmlvis In Mcwx;
l! llir "iKtilr. Veti
Itiiuli III. 11I1111 irlris in I 1. un i',
I t.tu Initios lit. xx ine ill pnui M
Horn I Inndtis to the Miuse II,.
tnxti 11 lotal fiiint nf uiie luin.l 1 ,1
miles md oeuipj the llcimans i
fullv that th. x li.ixi hee-n oh ice I
10 -.lie UP the heuiflls den cfl
lllllll sllt.ltt it'ine tllell" Hues f Hie
hxpoth(ls is tl lie that tliex d i
11 ill III, 111 to olltlln USPIXfs xx 11
whhli 1 1 imstitutc H iii.incinii ti.
aj jf '" m aW 9
w "cr" vwr wn;ty 1 m ",a.
Hlxti and tlir.Hsno Cinal l'lip I iptiih
Varl. utl
list 11
linen to four mil. TliuoiitlK mnsspvJor -t (jtieiittn nlit.ilnnl iniiiotlitil ip p
of St Thleitx Is now In I'lonili h tinls I ""It" 'oikix ami w. ire piiisulnu il. "
.. I ........ .. I... U ti.i.i.... Mm .1..... Jix.
-Antl.lJ. maiinml inei- -'t nnd liortlixxi st of RhiliiH (Ipii pen, ti.md int. -t yueni.n as r ir it i .. "i
n tiioKres tliroVhoitt cl""" I!el lh'1"1 "' '"'"I"' M'sleidax had tintl "lln ileiiiiiin. . tMu.i with ex L'
dim; to ii Km l.li dls Wken l'oillllon nnd Thll and leniliotl inme Mulil.oiunihs In lln i.i,l.hts ,t J"
It Is added lint '"" ouimkii is m xuteisi viniiuoiix "" '"" "' "' " " "' "
U..,. U... n. ..U...,... ...... ...'I..... u
To the s,,iiH, w, push, d hilt, the u
llliulenhuiK lin for a tlist inee of txxi
l.iloi.ii l. is in ine e isi or tiiu.ni
s I viniiuoiix
nil "nlx.iiiitt
uota uie in
UiilKirta,. nrcoidln
patch to the .lournal
runtois aie cunenvof the foimitlon of Ninth of '.helms tliex hi
a national lablnet ItT lluluarki under the to the outsklils of 1!ilinv
leadpishlp of 1'iemler Jlnllnoff md n. ... ,. .. ... ...
Ohenadleff. ieleaed from pih-uii a ft w '' wueinin is i.iwen nnu tin .., ik 1,1101111 it is io ine e i. or . in. m ,,
Sj-Wun.lP.ap.idonM 'u-lu'KrcrV ono of the Hln.len.iurK ,, Ins on J" tTW - ?
'Ilnnks to iho .r.iilii:ious and unie
lenuin; offoits or tho nimles of flen
er.il IVbiMiex ni'd ("letioial It iixliii.on
''S' 17 f'A'fllA I A tclf,r' the Konenil iliieetlon of flenonl
tUlsll.O I AI.HsKUUlM A pnjolle tint fine soldloi who pom
- mnniK the Kinuji of .mules In that
Hx ihr ffia'PtfW'fPf ( I'toi . it Is u most .11 souiiillm? tn
.. . """ ""'"""' """ iimph mil It Is not tho onlx pi ice
1 arlt. litt - -I he A lied fonts in .l,m, ,irioi amtv. ,,nn tl,.. a n...
I,,.l ll,.. .,. A.r.n.u . .....I '
II e iniiiiKi
anil remodel
inr nl n JO
Hi cent if
ttuctinn, f'icc
s 1 n i e
c li a r yt s
p 11 II n b I r
u bfii tlelit -rifrf.
Matfson & DeMan$
1115 Chestnut Street
(Opposite Keith's T heat it
( linnje
Large - S2
( iialu up In
Ml Inikl.
Mril Oiilet,
I tiled.
about them
youll like-
Mactdonla tonilnued tlnlr piomc-s until
iiiiuo.t 01 -epieniner .,1, auoiilltigr tn
the ricnch Wai Oflli e Ftiicmem last IlelKiill foi cps utl (inch i.nposed ire
r m. ' ni.iklns heatlxxax toward liouleis nml 1 1
..,. r oi.-oioe. .. up 1. noon in.. Men n Tin duliian v mo men 11 Ine I
hmu fixed foi the
tiMiit lived roi tin ciisp.nson of luis. tn ei,...,nto tho LIU" iccinn Tliltli.ii
tllltlen nctorduiff to the mmlstiie the, , """ ', 'J , ", lrb"ln miihmi
.Vllied ..nhlps pooitn ill, 1 ti,!. i.Tw.J ntinies aiouiid Camhnl 1110 mih-p.,
under faxmable icndltloiiH The tei- fu" HBlltlllS nno of Iho llTfesr hit
hlan ami', oitupltd the heichlH of ties of the XX.11. Cleneial Ilcitlli lot Is
(iiadli-lito nntl Plnxitse hctwem fskuh ililxluc tlio cneniv Inelt between
SI.. 110 P,.,"!,,, '" r"iinilet "In the Ithelms nnd tlio Alne nml dnonl
In th,'. t,r.0"ln.tnlrt:1i Ml,hV" Oouiaud lias unihod ChillPiamsp the
rea.hedVs;,UB.r Mhanii " l"th" ,?,' It'fPO" t.iut iallroi.1 center at the xxtsl
of like (itlu Ula Him Vusti'an foiccK
contlnut tn icilst xlkoiuiniix
.. JHliH.iiUI
r.Kian kvoi 1 an. ijvkiii.u s
,5 k
1 S
jl&jJ3m it
i?l(R KL , ;i g a 1 1 5t
Ft irtiwiBri 11 iivtttsmtM
. fi
IK llllilillli'llfe ?
iUuul nul- ,l,u ' "' uuiiuu mu unnf , hi t
Sln,lc Dcpaitiiicnt Uc.iit. Living in 1
ni.., i i ii i. r B
.i.Fjiitni i- I ll).'ll's.s
iVaililnictiiii, Oct 2 The State Dp
paitnient has leielxcd xxord In a tele
ffiaui fiom Stockholm dated hep
1 I
s a
a k
tembcr SO. of the situation pie- S g
xal'hiB in llolshexlk I'.ussii as reported B
Io tlio .Swedish puss l,. peri-oits just re- 5 fl
ttiiuuiK fiom I'elioKi.nl IMM-innrt-i ar- S; g
rlxinff on tho Kle.unshlp from tho former, B .
Russian capital thelnred Hint the Iiviiik B B
condltloiiB In that clt.x ato hopeless lhe B &
life ot exeijl.odj. It was asserted, is m B
In danger ftotn a lack ot food, and Tor- , 6 r
elsne.s theie arc llttally MaixInB.
Butler is JI2 a pound A reient dectee
allots to each pet son one suit of clothes
ixvo pans or sliocs nnd threo shirts , v W
The dispatch stated that Oeinnn S j
troops haxe exacuated I'skoff and the 6 Si
surrounding districts rightlnc Is Inlg &
pi ogress between Geimin soldiers and IS
tlyf Ukrainians at Kornefw, In which I P' I
the Germans haxe lost 1G00 men. g fc
The Hwtdlsh press confirms riporti',? g
that the Turks aie sacking and burnlnc B
Baku, on ho Caspian. J S
Sxxoup Cuptuicn Pri-oiier and 1
Also Gemini) l.iiiiclii-nii E S
lly the A initiated I'reu m W
WlHi lhe Vi.ierlrau Vrinx Surlluif.t S S
if Aerdun. Oct, 2 Illinois Hoops tak-IS1 S
hip part In the offenslxo between the H
.xieuao and the Argonne nthlitued nioie'S
than Mx, miles on the first d iv of the B &
Buying Furs Direct
And Selling Furs Direct Saves
You The Middleman's Profit
Do .vou realize what thi.-, means to .von' It mean-, only one profit
instead of several vou jjUt the benefit. We bought our sknib very early
in the spring of the .vcar in enormous; quantities at lowe-t cash prices and
manufactured them dining the summer, when laboi cost the least. 'I lie
items below, taken fiom our stocks at random, aie without doubt unmatch
able values. Hefoie bu.ving furs it will pa.v you to vi-it this store.
A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our
,Storaie Vaults rntil Desired
.J ?
Brings 25 0 to 45 Savings
Judtc ft Thctc Specials
$35.00 Gray Fox Sets at f A 7C
mnn ,'n r- l- 1 c I r, rl
o.r)U rrencn oeai otoies v-fl t) u
I - . . .xe V
..it .i J.VJ1 ,
Ual Wolf Scarf 's- -S2.'5.0'J
nhrt Fn.v Srrirfs, .,,.2..,i0
20(1.00 r i ench Seal Coal . ll.'i.Ol) 4
y',1.00 Hail Wolf Scarf s
.i. 1'oiicl Fox Scarfs
' si9
18-5W )
20.00 Manchuria M olf Seaif. 12.7.1
,0.01) I'airel Wolf Sets :t..00
We Have Opened a -
On the Second Floor of our Restaurant
Juniper Below Chestnut Street
Cupacity in thin beautiful room 20
Sec all foods appetizingly displayed.'
auacK. tne unit reaching Hb oliltellxe w g M , V-, i . j i r i. U i ' A
hours ahead of time I b w New Jcatures CJur usual standard of quality ft I S
toTSS " ir0ieCrdsVi'g'1fro!'n f I Satisfactory portions Minimum prices? 1 g
he neighborhood of Head Man's IIIII ii 1 fl
mt) neatieti uireciix imuii until half
xx ay to their destination anil then turned
tot the noitheast. 'llielr .niiiin, ,. una ...
rapid that In the region of lleicuuttet
H-lllancourt tint tamo upon u. part) of
Geimans Just about to sll down to a
ST -
b 1 5 wm
a 1 Wtt
1 1 m
e rmiiiiB
4 m ,s HI&i -til (A
lis MmsuKtik
il! rkJi AjaWik.
ill &m ILA .
1 s ji miK
s I W '
I i.l l
1 lift k
S If i i
's m ft
Actually Worth $32.50 to $40.00
. . f
E?.b rt$4.
I 23'
Very Special Tomorrow!
Fox, Wolf or Lynx Scarfs
$2d $39-5'0 $49-50
I In1 alut .tie hid"! (iituuil
I .Ukt, ltle haitii-Hiicd .iniuui
(oloii uip taupe hiuwn lila 1
1 1 pia
i it- ii m Ice tU bKniM
hiiit4hiu g:ta led ami
o loituiiat. luiiluw in.l ntn ciw
tonie - .an KJi ie lienrfit ol Iho -l itiir-
Vil wool it ,ou - poplin- Kiiluiiliii -I'm
ol i i tli- -i ri - ami bio.idiliith')
Un im. l in nt a kind -and -io- 11
1- 0 b and in
Women's $20 and $25
Taupe. Brown
or Gray
Wolf Sets..
I..HKe till. Illl'd
scarf and Innel muff
to match feinted
iiualttx skins
Taupe or
Lynx Set.
HiMilliful fill, i ixido
Ft.iif anil tanieeu
niuft to niatih V.
icptlouil xalue
Tnupc or
Fok Sets,
.Vnhnal staif nun
nnd ixltli head and
tails Hound iiiiiff to
3 ) -i
I xUflLr-rs
if a mi "
Extra Specinl
I mu ml i t
tiatix 'me tf
f t ,H t illilli lUl
larn dt p cuff
in (I button in m
III O (CI I t ! I 1)1
I'lai'rd hi iiii
Nn lit m i ii k
and toal hmu 11
1 .'.A - -. AW
H. - A ty-Ia I m
Silk Georgette
. Waists
wii v -""t 'u"i
fW?jK, ' r vhne
' Wonii i no more:
$1.25 Sillt
Batiste ,
'-1 si
tll.ll.llA .1 111 lllOUfl,....,,,, 1 1... ..A-.. ......
........v-w ..wwuh.rm ma imnj nu I .?
oxercome and a Get map colonel. xih.nB
xa ono of the gioup, xiiis shot lii.the
heel as he "as attempting to escape.
lhe Illinois sold let a helped thunselx ej
to the Uernian lunch nf pari,, red cab.
huge and black bread Hex en I.ees of
Wr. a. Munply of xxlno and a German
lypdwrlUr were found. In the dueout.
T' fcrouafed ooloiwl told tlw nrjih
First Floor Automat Lunch room.
Fint Floor Adjoining Automat Lunch counter and tabic
Baiement Lunch counter and tablo service.
a ii
Marmot Coat,
Ill-hull loose ripplo moiVl
Peep slimxl collai and xxlde
iUuskrat Coat,
llnif.iunrter lengtli llaia
ino.lt I 'ape or i oiling sltaixl
Nutria Coal,
V xeiy Bmari niotlel of i.
t.pilonal design
- -.i . t &4
Women's & Misses' $16.75
9 Fall Serge SUITS
Hudson Seal Coal
Three uuaiter length. loos)
ripple model of becoming de
Scotch 3Ioleskin' Coat
. 'I Iiick -ql'nller length
model Nexx ileplgn collar
Save the Proposed War Tax on Furs by Ihiu'mu at Once!
mmmwmwm Purchasing AgeiUs' Orders Accepted tiaisjii
j ? i
ftsTK.tirtiXe. mimm jy
. uc ii la In d nnd i un til i'l ' Sax: hl'ic 1. ill. "V ' fcineu
2 Women's & Misses' $10.00 $ 98
New Serge DRESSES O' ;
v lull elTnlH il !ai i loud a id i 11 i irt t IT it &im
.. ..!.. ..I.l. ...I VI) jlt.l
f ubioldeted VII size
Children's Embroidered
l.xlriioitlniary values Szes
j to f tears
Girls' New COATS,
$?.75 to $Q.98,
Of .nrdilrnis xelollrti unil v.
vets All colors glzea 6'Wil
liars. . J 'I
1 ;V N
X. ' ..TV
Wfr cJZv.
t . l,'
' i .
i4iftf Si
.. .