Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 02, 1918, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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$28,711,500 DAILY
BLAMED ON ROVA storage uses
r Wfl
A v. a Cm
1 i
Wf- fi
M etrzv: WT r " " y - "" ,' "' ' '"' " ' ' ;wiiinniium,n j M "3SEI D
Ovnrnonfiflnncp. Dun'to Viiv
. j .
torics, Must Be Set
823,077.900 IS REACHED
Department Stores Making,
Excellent Showing in
Liberty Drive
Official Loan Figures
Now About $34,000,000
I llierty I. nnn lipndnnnrtir nn
nnnnred Imliiv nl nnon Ihn folhntlni:
nnTrlnl Mlbrrlitlnil In IhW redprnl
ltecrvr ilMrlctl
rilllnltrlllllln . S:l,13R,n.MI
nriniturp .. Ain.nvi
Salllhrrn Vfir .lerry ... 3,M 3,2.10
Kmttrn lVnnvv linnln,
outniiic rhiiiuiripiiiii d, in, (ion
Inl.lrlrt Inlnl . 3S,n3,!.1ll
Thce Hitiirr rrnrejpnt returns
from .133 nf I he linn think In IIiIh
fndlildtiRt ultrr;ptinn announced
today vvprr-l
l)rntrr' nml Mrrthnntn'
Unnk . M.M.nnn
Mrrrlinnt A r.inn Co. . .Mi.nnii
.lllllll I.. Il.lllr.v & Co. 10(1,(10(1
ndunrtl II. rillrr Cnniiiiin.t liin.nnn
Colonial Trnfct Commn.t .11111,000
Philadelphia district must nutocrlbe ,
$2fi,711,5nn dallv for eighteen rt.ivn to I
the fourth Liberty Loan to make up
Its quota.
0rconfldfnc. created b;. th icporl"
of the war's proRie" t'nrti tn 1 '
eubserlptlons tr, the new loan, according
to leaders in the iamp.ili;ii. Im t ! .
M-arned their solloltor" to cliwl the op
timistic vae that ipi"-ats o lm swerp-'
InK ever the Phll.idelnhli dltr'r-
The retail stores committee was Uw
flmt to take detinue ku-im liKii' ine
overconfldencc. but It Is expected general
orders will h ltiied to all the workers
within a. few hours. i
Wcrkers of the ivtall stores commit
tee have been told to lnlst upon double
rubscrlptlon"!; tj show that the encour
aging reuorts fiom abroad thould tend
to speed up the campa'Kn lathct than
retard It Where subscript loni bae
been obtained by the canvacserB they are
heMmr sent bark to embaor to bax" ill
subscribers duuble the ub7cilptions.
Not Vet AVon
"The war l not n.t won." i the
declaration of the lendeui of the cam
paign This Is onl the beginning Kln.il"
success will depend on the last big push
In which shot, shell and ship will be
needed nioro than eer." i
According to orllclal t'gutes Issued by
the Thlul Federal Iteere Bank for
the Philadelphia district the total sub
scriptions up to noon today amounted
Jo $33,9(13,950.
This figure does not repiesent the full
amount of subscriptions to the new loan
taken up to that time 111 the various
territories composing tn Philadelphia
dlstrict, Only about 400 of the lino
banks and trust companies hae made
any report to the. Federal Reset ve
Artist' Sal Slno.noo
In a "little corner of Paris" the Phila
delphia Artists' committee fof the loin
set up on thp roof of the Bellevue
Stratford, more than $ino.nnn la sub
scriptions to bonds have been obtained.
Throughout the campaign here the
art'fts will be In the "Latin Quarter"
where 'the will paint the portraits of
Plilaldelplilans who purchase the bonds.
-'Thirty sittings hae already bten ar
ranged and included are many prom
inent Philadelphians; Mr and Mrs. H.
T. Stotesbuiy, who are taking an ncllte
part In the campaign, weie among the
first to ai range for the painting of thslr
Work has been started on some of the
canxases, and the artists, beginning to
dav, will turn out between six and eight
finished portraits dalls. so long as the
commissions last The committee has
set a quota of $l,nno,ono
Thre v'.astes of portraits ate being
made b tin- nitlsts IV i sons who sub
scribe $10,000 are having their .portraits
done In oil, those who subscribe $."nnn
In pastel, and a minimum subscription
of J'.'jOO Is rewaiflcd with n charcoal
Among the Mihxirlhern
Among the prominent Philadelphians
who hae entcrid subscriptions through
the committee and arraugtd fer por
traits are Mr and Mrs W. W Purlin
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Chandler, Mr and
Mrs. Harrison K, Caner Mr. and Mts
Ellis Oimbel, Mrs. Hoxle Smith. Mrs
Percy M. Foederer. Miss Klcanor Colkct,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thaer, Mrs Caleb
Fox, Miss Kleanor Chandler, Mr. Jacob
D. Lit. Mr. Samuel D Lit, Mr and Mrs
Henry Baltz, Mr and Mrs. Carl Men
denhall, Dr George Stout, Mrs. Htchard
Norton, MrF. Kane tlreen, Mrs Barklie
Henry, Mrs. Heckscher Wetherlil, Mrs
W. C. Kglln, Mr N'athan Folwell and
Mrs. Walter Clothier.
The studios which are true reproduc
tions of the artists' Paris student days,
have been furnished with draperies and
antiques from the studios of the artists.
There Is a courtyard outside the four
studies with n "conclctge" who welcomes
subscribers and makes appointments,
"Liberty Girls" afo assisting the
nrtiFts, taking subscriptions They are
attractively attired to hatmonize with
the surroundings.
Some of the painters who are co
operating In the work ate Adolph Borle.
Leopold Sejffcrt, J McCluro Hamilton.
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry
HAAS 1738 Market St.
J Open. Kienlnrs I
Warner Truck Trailers
Two and Four Wheel Types
Yl Ton to 7 Tom Capacity
JOHN W. ADAMS, Distributor
142? Melon Street
SrnriAi.isTs in i.vutii; tim.
m:it. ami ivnim l'ui.r,
xnsK. sui.riunt, ami oTiimt
nr.Tin.Ktir.H, pa.
Four Minute Men and all
ti"ho dress well, should bity
$1.50 Each
farl f a tit nf fahrlra
, o iur pt
that wear Handtom
rti(rn all Ue.
t CufTi Attached and Dctarlifd
lA.R.UnderdpMrn!s Sons
w JEyffi" Jy " I,iin"ui " K
. Mnrjian (.lnirilinun (cWrrinr rigliP. cliainiun (if the linlulti.il ami (Tonimerri.il Committee, inrmngUir
Hilifiriptions from William C. I.(iii';.-ltf ill, diiiiman of the (otton prcuii, at tinr; for llic textile iudti trifj. On
llic let I. Daniel I'. Water.-, di.iirm.iti of the wool group
Julian Story, Henry R. Itlttenbeig
Jessie Wilcox Smith. Violet nnkle, I'
Walter Talor. Albeit Ilosenth.il.
c.euige C'.lbhs.- Lazar Uadltz, Alice Kent
Sloddard. .Iota ph Sacks. Hugh II
Brrckenildge and Josephine Stieathfield
Tluodore 12 Wifderselm Jr., heads the
, Mia John II Thayer is pationess and
Miss i:isie Chandler and Mrs Hoxle
Smith are assisting th lommittee In
arranging tho details.
To make the time tpent at the studies
i a3 Interesting a.i possible, the commit-
j tee has ananged a series of concerts
In the nftern'ions, at which some of the
most prominent musicians in the city
will paitiUpatc Among thm nre Tb"id
ileus rMih, Hani Klndler. Henry Uoidon
Thunder and Vlcrjolaa Pouty.
Tea also lp veixed and the piuceedi
aie bein drotcd to the French tellef
fund of ijie Hmergency Atd
A Liberty Bond subscription. Is to be
tin entrain fie of the Liberty golf
tnuinimetit, which will be held at the
Philadelphia Cricket Club on Satunlnv.
Tim tournament Is open to all golf en
tl'UHlnstn In the cltv ha J. William,
chairman of the lirst illusion of the
(icimaiitown dl.-tilct. la In ihaigo of
i the airangements. and a subscilptlon of
$5(1 ur mom through him entitles on"
to participate. .
War savings stamps will be glen as
prizes to the winneis of the tourna
ment One of JJie biggest noonday talllet
in the cltv will b- held toda In th
auditorium of the John 11. Stetson Com
pany. Six thousand cmplojea will be
addressed by Mr Stotesbury and the
I!ev. John Pannetta One of the Pei
shlng xetrinns of the Maine and Nicho
las 11. Lilt z. ilr le nlso will speik. Colonel.
J. Howell dimming, head of the Stet
koii Company, will picside.
.N'nonda ralliis weie held at Hog
Island, the navy jaid and the Schul
Mll Arhenal, and were attended by the
largctt crowds dining the campaign.
TnnlgVs iiucting will be held at the
Lincoln Theatre, Foity-nlnth stteet and
Woodland .nemie, St Stephen's Church,
llroad and Ilutlei streets, hall, Sixty
first imd Vine streets; Vhlte Rock Bap
tist Church, Fort -fifth and Falrm-ount
aientte; Teclmolngy Club of Philadel
phia, 1,117 Spruce stieet; Nicholas
School, Sixteenth and Wharton streets:
Hoffman School, Fifty-fifth and Vine
Ktriets: St Veronlias Church, .132
Tioga stieet; Chat lea Warner Com
pany, Malem
Klght thousand subscriptions to the
loan, amounting to $3.(100 nnn. is the
minimum goal set for the house-to-house
Limas-Hr of the Twenty-second Ward
district, which Includes Gerniantown and
Cnestnut Hill ,
The quotas, announced today by .1.
i:dard Put ham. chairman of the dis
trict, are divided as follows: Women
c-nnwiM-piH, l,,n,i subcilptlons, to total
$f.3'iii,nn(l; men camasseis, ."intilt suli
hcilptlnns. to .total $2.niO,nno, and Hoy
outs. 1000 subset iptlons, to total
Washington, Oct. 2. Following the an
nouncement that Iowa had subscribed
its quota to the fourth Liberty Loan,
?Aad to co
YiaH Tl
rl S
to tfce
Ml '
tmY m mmm Km sen lswsss
'Ihhsum olllcials today Ih.urd the fol
Inning .statement
V new splili has peimeaied the na
tion Liberty Loans mi longei aie novel
lies, the people accept them a a pirt
of the legular loutlne vvhlih. ombmed
with genuine Ainerlcan pnthttsUsin,
maKes for success
Optimism pievalled nniong war loan
'olllcials Some sectlonr weie lagging,
tan rtor a majoiliy of the nation :t i.ui
, ! said theie Is no shirking
j In some sections olllcials admitted
I opanlrh liifluenze 13 handlcapplns the
President Wilson Is .seriously con
Lcerned uver the possibility that tne won
d(!ftillv good news from all of the bit
. tlcfroms may Intel fere with the success
ot the foiiilh Libeity Loan (Mill laN said
, todav that there alwavs It the iiotihlll
, t that Increasing good nn ' ftm-f tin
j lighting bile ma cau'e line nc- to hold
I Hack In the belief that theli dollars aie
I not ncitlttl As a matltr of fai. tbire
1 nevei was t-o gitat a leason t i si tiding
i loan over tile top as th piueni sll
! nation.
I It Is undcistood that If 'hue c- an
evidence of slackening of the loan eti
ru'lasm the Piesldeiit Kill I si.e a slate
, inent designed to stimulate Itneift-t
llepoits mad today how that the
total subsu iptlona In New- 1 ork were
I sl.M, IMIi.stm. S.viians In that cltv I
In aliened by the success of the Allies!
i .1 Pain icus and llciim, have sub. crHied
Chicago's total, officially reported last
night, i $.'2 .iiiii.nnn.
The standaid oil Company of New
Jrisov has subscilbed tin $ I nun nnn m
bonds, of Willi h 3I.HiiO.niin will he taken
In the New York city diflilct and the
lemalnder III other Slates
The five clvlllzid tribes of Indians at
Muskogee Okla, will mbs-utbi- $ ' finti -nun
to the fourth Llbeitv Limn, It was
nriiounced today bv Superintendent (labe
K Parker Thee tilbes have tin to now
Invested a total of $3.523.f,7n In Lib j
erty Bonds and war-savings stamps
lejU (JliVVliLlikS
Flat Tabic Silver
Tea and Dinner Services
of such quality as to appeal
to those purchasing" useful ai-licles
for a lifetime possession
. t n i u -i
tViis I"- witti u-
u y-
oura i-
m t .tn A1LMJ
s wow- y
The 4& Liberty Loan
The Liberty Loan Committee recommends
that every person, business linn and corporation close
their letters i during the Campaign with the words
"Yours for the 4th Liberty Loan" instead of. your regu
lar closing. Simply instruct your correspondents and
typists that this uniform closing is to be used. Do it
today. Boost this with your business and personal
friends. If you are not the boss, show this to him.
Billions of letters will thus be mailed and read with this per
sonal and patriotic reminder from business houses and
the men and women of America.
Thi appeal publiihed at the request of the Liberty Loan Committee by
-Man Accused of . tteiupt ittz
Boiler l:plosinn in Ileal
Kstiite Tuut
Frank Tlllvcs, an Aitstrlin 1 being
held bv the Department of Justlte on
suspicion of ha'lng atttmpted to caue
a boiler explosion In the Heal estate
Trust Building, at llroad and Chestnut
Tillves was a lliennn in tne bulldlti;
and, according to Lieuttnant Wood
Detective Blattau. w no made the
lfst. he allowed the waltr In the boil
ers and tulies to run out while keeping
up a lcd-hot lire
The superintend nt nf the building
said had water been turned on thue
would have bieti ,i eplo.-loii
Lieutenant Wood said he found no
leglsttatiou cud on the man as an
alien. The detect Iv is sa he It- altlhated
with the I. W. W.
Children Hluilcnls Will Marih to
crlv Statue anil Sin?
Two thousand childien nf the Pilly
Vacation Bible Schools w III hold a dein
eiiFtiatlon anil Llbut.v Sing at the Llli
ertv Statue neM S.itunlav nfteinofin at
2 3i o'clock tn launch a campaign that
will imphaslzi tin impni t.uii , nl v. Ra
tion Rllde ichool wnik John Wana
maker and IMwanl J t'atlill mil nptak.
Led by a band and acnitupatiied hy
seveial lloals the chililtiii will match
fiinii Iltteiihoine Sipi.tio to the Llbeitv
Statue Mrs. A J Finn will b. marshal
and th" singing v-ll lie ltd bj Mis L.
I N. MacMIIIan.
Design , Workmanship
Mfike yoiar
work for
The Ediphonc 1035 Chestnut Street
Ask for Edison's Better Letters Mayaiine
Call up Walnut 3135, say:
" ivant to dictate one latter the EdiphoneWay."
Witnesses Against Litliu
1 ainan Newspaper Men Say
Patnphlels Were Traced
Typewriter and Original Copy
Identified Purported Sol
I dier Letter Called Lie
ramphleta uf a petlltlmin charntrr,
I violating the cpitn.iit act and elc-
'ive service law. were traied to of.
flclals of the Kova. a Lithuanian tieus.
paper, who are on trial, before Judge
Puklnson in the fnited States Instrtct
Court, charged with violation of Fs-
l Plottage and selective service laws,
1 i oniing to tcstlmonj
i Vvitnesnes for the Government testl-
fed today that pamphlets telling Lllhua
I nlin3 to avoid the draft and to do all In
their power to dlserfilit the war aims
1 r,f the 1'nlte.d States weie traced to
the ofllre nf the Kova, 229 North Sixth
I Original copv,' from which the pnm.
I phleis were made, as well as the tvpn.
w titer on which the copv was written,
uein seized by Governnnnt agents, it
, was testified.
' In .Hilling Kegioiis
The pamphlets were scattered through
I the mining legions and alsa in nil parts
ir Philadelphia,
, An agent of the t'ndeiwood Tvne.
wiltt-r Companv Identified a tvpewrlter
offered In evidence as the one on w lik h
the mpi for the pamphlet was written
Th" mai nine had Llthhuinlan char.ic
tus and other marks if Identification.
Up said
Some nf the iopv was written In the
office of Joseph Stilton, secietaiv of Hie
Lithuanian Socialists' Federation the
witness said. In addition to Stllsnn
Jorepli ukys. busness manager of the
' publication. I a defendant
Oni Item a letter nuinnrttntr tn mme
from an American soldier, beirlng the
caption 'An Interesting Letter fiom a
Soldier" states that soldiers Impelled
by hungtr ot force, hav" been miiFteied
into the army and obey because of the
t'rutallt of the otllct rs , The narrative
Informs the readers that the men tn the
ranks incept their lot In a dazed man
ner, most of them being half-witted
and hnpeles.-i
ImviiIIpiI ij Prosecutor
This puliliiatlnti was Introduced In
evidence bv uwin .1 Roberts, special
counsel for the ilnvernmt'nt. who
branded it as a lie, and asi-illed the de
fendants tn nun
In onlei thai the Jurv inuld ascertain
the attitude nf the Kova and Its otllctrs
Attn-nev R'dieits also Introduced printed
exhibits lieiti"c the following icmarks
"The nit i It an Govcrnniint is noth
ing ni'ir- than Wall stieet "
p00D WILL cre-
ated through
years of effort must be
safeguarded as the most
valuable asset of a busi
ness," says Hon. Wm. B.
Colver, Chairnian, Federal
Trade Commission, Wasli
ington. A copy of this com
plete article will be mailed
on request.
Advertising Agency
Everv Phasr of Soles Promotion
400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
i $'
m issi
On MoyamensinE Ave.
35 Minultv from
City Hall
i.onpcttn Mith nil snuthMunfl TUT
.ar De!fn .-a an'i uin prrra
The Gift-Sct of Usefulness
and Charm a complete
Glove Wardrobe'
(rude Mk
from five to fifty dollurs a set
Uncle Sam has asked Santa Claus to
do his Christinas shopping early this
year to start in October and to
bring to good Americans gifts that arc
Centcmeri has helped Santa Claus by
being ready now with a brand-new,
wholly-dcligbtful and distinctly-useful
gift a Ceiitemeri Glove . Wardrobe,
which means :
Warm gloves, everyday
dress cloves in different
gift-sets of three or more
men, women and children.
Survey of Plants Shows Build
ings Can Be Converted
to Refrigerating
Brewers of this cltv according to In
formation made public by State Fuel Ad
mlniFtritnr William Potter are planning
to ue the plants for cold storage pur
poses A iiurvev of the breweries was rtarted
last week, under the supervision of the
fuel administration, tn find not what n
l is to be made of the plants, all of which
will be tlni-ed hy order of the food ad
, ministration on Pr cember 1
When the t losing older was first t ft- I
suen. leading brewers In this city said'
that the cn-t of turning thetr breweries
Into cnd Moragc plants would be pro-.
hlblthe It was nald that 111 the case of
modern plants It would require from
three tn six months to remove the huge!
strel tanks after which II would b I
nccessarv to build floors and make other!
imtrtor alterations
From the Information obtained bv the
fuel administration, however, the brew,
ery plants are net intlrelj useless That
of the American Hiewlng Companv, at
Thirty-first ami Mister streets, is to be
Ufed for the storage of apples
According tn Frank Flubacher. super
Intendent of the compiny. the companv
expects to have about Sti.OOii barrels o'r
apples stored in its plant within a hoi t
thne The Bergner & llngel Brewing
nmpiny also is planning tn use its
plant for told Mnijit;
Although no estimate can be made of
amount of ,.Ml that will be .nved bv
I 'tie tmsitig timin of the foitv breweiies
in mis cltv on December 1, It was tald
at the tut I admmistintlnn that it will
be laige All the breweiies of the i null,
trv miming at noimal production ,on
.siinit moie than Sunn ton.s or coal dally
fin.OIIO fsiinnrelniirl County
Cliililrrn linrolletl in C.tmpnipn'
n,l'vv1,''."rE' ,,",0'', ---S"'V thou
sailll lltsfinnipl,,,, Cnimtv school rhll-
ilten nie to he enrolled In the coal pro
diutnn i .impugn Lvery boy and girl
hJ Yl',,"'"r anrl P-uochial schools of
the dlstiiet was todav nicerl b. i.,
'" ""' ""'lr Intltifnce to keep everv min
er at work siv da.vs each week and to
friends ti
ineir lainers, mothers and
produie a gi eater coal ton-
hundred public school teach-
tecetved n rnnnui t....... t,,.
ers toda
tit i
...... " -!. ..v. I.,,,,, 11(11,.
S.I1.1W. lOlllltV ulltioi'ln, .....!... ...
I"g then, to rRe the a, e , ,V , o i , P.!
duct ion Similar letters went t n'm"
. 1I..1 sihoo. tcchers fin,,, Fat le,' it
bert In everv school In the .otintv
in appeal from James a....j '".
til ...1 lint 1.... ...... "...., ..n-
,......., ,,un iiniiKiLTtT. Was mm
J E Caldwell fcV (5.
silverware of
Classic Design
ApplieJ ton
pairs for
e-xyvmizy. aB n
i pL Ji j jWVft! I Rio. it
Train of Guns and Other War
Material Ilclpa in
in Gerniantown
Women Liberty Loan workrrs are
tlndtng that the exhibit train contain
ing trophies from the battlefront is
rieath Fhnrpening Interest In the great '
Liberty Loan drive
In Chestnut Hill and Wayne Junc
tion where the train stopped yesterdny.
sight of German cannon, machine guns
and other trophies led to enthusiastic
subscriptions Two four-minute men
gave brief talks and there were speeches
bv Italian, French. American and ling.
Ilsh soldiers from the front.
Chestnut Hill and Gerniantown dis
tricts nre planning great mass.meet
Ing tomorrow evening In the German
town High School In the tnterett of
Llbertv Bonds
Thiatres and theatre people through-
out the cltv nre giving much nf their
time to the caiiFc. The women com-
1 mlltees winking In the theatres In the
northern part nf the city have reported
more than $12 nnn tn subM upturns.
Libeity Loan slides are being shown
evuywhere Star actors and actresses
from Keith's and other vaudeville
houses aie appealing In the hotels and
ship.witds to stimulate interest tn the
loan with splendid tesults
Mrs Walter S Thomson, chairman
of the women's Libeity Loan commit
tee who vesteidav Mil her message
to the Kaiser tn i Mo una subscription
niaileat the i'f ' hero is pleased
with the results to frx. . W
"To hat i i i mill'on In the
first two dav nf th- ' impilgit is mVn
dul. she declared, "and I confidently
expect our returns to muea e a-, thp
drive continues, t" that we will go right
over the top. '
Ujiiplilrr" of Ameriia IMeilpe Support
tlnntlt Cltv, V .1., Oct 2 Two hun
dred delegates fiom thirty-two States
ittenillng the biennial convention of the
National Council. Daughters of Ainer
li l adopted i evolutions last night
pledging support of the Government and
felicitating President Wilson for his In
tern itinnal htand
Plttsbuigh and Richmond have ex
tendi d Imitations for next vears con
vention Mrs ' I! Swan of Washing
ton, will be eleited national councillor
lit lotlav session
Fall Styles!
I fom Mikfr In Wfire
1 6 00 rlnurt fnr St 04
Ji-srrasOl 16 SO sft Hitf. i 01
1 .!iVtt3KS22k $5 00 foil Hill. II OJ
Ervin Donovan, 135 S. 10th St.
It Is Difficult To Select
A Wedding Gift carry,
ing Such Absolute
Assurance Of The Per
manent Appreciation
Of The Recipient. Alike
For Its Artistic Beauty
And Its Length Of
The War, Industries
Board requests that
Christmas ehopiini;
start iu October and
be confined to piftt
that tiro useful, ex
cept iu the case nf
jouug children
123 South 13th St,
Between Chestnut and Walnut Sis.
Oh, Boy
i Perry's have the
$ Suits and Over
coats of woolens and
worsteds that are 100
per cent pure wool,
and wool you needn't
worry about!
C Suits and Over
coats that have the
punch for lines, for
fit, for style
I That are tailored
from neck to heel on
shape-retaining prin
ciples Whose collars re
main snugly set
about the neck, not
sagging down to the
1 Whose fronts are
firm, whose coat
edges are smooth and
sharp and incon
spicuous Cf Whose waist lipes
are turned with art
and fitted with com
fort .
J Whose shoulders
show no irregulari
ties, and whose in
sides are embellished
by the skill of the fin
est tailoring.
Cf When you wear
such a Suit and such
an Overcoat Oh,
Boy, Howdy!
Single-breasted Suits
S25, $30, $35 to $65
Cut-off-waist Suits for
the Younger Set
$25, $30, $35, $40, $45
Light-weight Topcoats
$20, $25, $30 to $45
Winter Overcoats
$25, $30, $35 to $65
Winter Ulsters
$30, $35, $40 to $85
Reefer Jackets of dark
Oxford, $18
Motorists' and
Aviators' Outfits
$30 to $85
Separate Trousers
Fancy Vests, and
Clothes for Formal
And don't forget
to buy
Liberty Bonds!
9.30 A. IM. to 5 P. M.
UN. B. T'
16th & Chestnut
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