Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 02, 1918, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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fiv nuaoisiiy iOiiz,pAY-AND-ENTERCARS
Zmelshevik Red Guard Attacks Consulate Following
kJzrDeath of Comrades, Inflicting Starvation and Other
lorturcs Upon fnsoners in retrograd I'ortrcss
ecial Cable to Ktetiiiig I'uhlic Ledger
cmHoht, Hit, in .Vtui York T.mfj Co.
vli Cell 9, Peter and t'aul lortre(
i ,' "Trnbetakoi llaMlon, retrograd, Pept 5,
'U. London. Oct, 2
or , . ..
j7-jn rniuy, aubusi jg. l tiuhv coin-
. Eutal. .!.. ,1.. , l.. ..M. .tt..1.-.1
Ail rwiiowivucr "1 IMC iiiicrjur, o iiiwucu
?NiBI "le Kime o"ilnK Woodhouse, Hrlt-
' h consul, nan arretted, a, were mem-
"VSra of the Knsllsh Club who were prcs -
SHr. Mint at the time the inurdeicr naa nun
Dosed to hac tried to hide theit.
Though this club Is called KnKllsh. theie
Is no single member an nngllihrnan.
vbut it was originally founded in 171"
by Ungllshmeti. 'Hie father of the
"rrliurderer, Kannlg.siei as anested nc-
-oirdlng to Chinese fashion
""The following da all the Uoislieilai
papers made great capliai out of the
V.ngllsh club, and stated that the ling
Halt and French had dltectl englneeied
the mutder. On Saturdaj afternoon a
mass of anests took place. .Hid a com
pany of Tied GuarCi was sent to the
(British embassy. There an cNchmige of
shots took place, the result of which was i
thai two Red Guards weie V-Illed and
'pne "was wounded and Commander
Cromlle, who distinguishes himself so
In the Baltic a commander of the Bnt
fsh submarine flotilla, nas Killed
The rted CJunrds wete so lolent after
the death of their comrades that foi a
time there was considerable danger of
the menibeis of the old consulate being
lynched off-hand However, the.v weic
taken to the old Prefecture nf rolke
which Is now the headquartci" of the
Bolshelst police anil thete detained
Among those airested at the lonsulate
"were MacKle Ice imtisiii Oohson the
T.ondon Times tnnespondeni Lombard
the British chaplain and other On
Sunda the aiest ion:;nuecl nnd 5lar
rlen, of the London Morning Pot, BitK
lneer of the Dal! Kxprese, and mstlr
(the correspondent of the London llallv
Chronicle) were also arresled
130 Hen In line Koom
We wete taken to the Prefecture
where we were examined Our monev
was taken fiom us excepting about ion
tubles, and we were then placed in a
large room In which oer 130 men were
finally conflnsd. The'e Included British
and French subjects, together with Hus-
i t i elans, among whom sete murderer".
burglars, pickpockets, cocaine rnei
chants and speculators
There were thirty-six heils in the iora
Iff1 so the maJorit slnt where thei could
some on the floor and on forms. 1 per
sonally slept on a table, and was a good
deal tormented by "visitors Theie
was a regular) elected head of the room
a lawyer, who had been arrested for ac
cepting pajment for his service an''
ft through him we weie able ta puichae
y Vlgarettes, taspberr lea. ginger hicail
'" twenty-four-rtibles-a-pound cheese,
, stamps, etc. In addition we were able
to get newspapers We weie allowed to
write open letteis to our friends and
' could receive parcels from Miem thrice
From the mone taken from us we
were permitted to receive flftj tubles
weeklv. but that did not co ver.v far. and
ii ' he authorities fed us once dallv about
f p. m , when every mess of five men
received a basin or nsn soup anu n.
Jr -"ouarter of a nou
und of dried black bread
; W" ") Per man. We
were ptovided with
B"i:;upned from a common basin Mot
. ..... - . M . 1.1..1 .. u .. u-
cept for the overciowding insects and
Sjome of the prisoners had nor o
much to complain of
On Monday evening a sans of
criminals was brought In, and one told
me a rather interesting storv The i oin
nrlssary came In and made some reinatk
to this man and went out. The man
their told me that the commissary and
he were old criminals who had been
in prison together. A short time ago
the commissary was arrested, for house
hi taking and was sentenced to be shot
He offered his services to the Bolshevlki
and was released on condition that he
betray all his old comrade
So now this gentleman rides around
Id a. motor and arrests all hlx old friends
He had been engaged only two weeks on
this particular job, but he had alread
arrested over ".00 criminals
H "Stifle Them! That's hat's Wanted"
u The relations of the guards to the
prisoners were, on the whole, correct
hut one commandant was slmpl brutal.
As the room got ouwded the atmos
phere became more and more stifling.
o a number of the pileoners went into
the kitchen to get a breath of ait Sud
denly the commandant came In He de
manded what thev wete doing theie,
and, being Informed fnar the reason wan
thit the loom was i ovetcrowded and
ntlfllrg, he called out Drive them
Into the room' Stifle ihern' That
what s wanted "
However, the overciowding became
o serious on Tuesdav that it was es
sential to take some steps, and so the
British and French ana a few others
were ordered to get read We were
not informed where we would he taKen
to, and there was considerable delay, as
t first the guaid flatly refued to take
'us anywhere.
K?r H'. Finally, the suard was collected and
.v i.!" were all assembled In thi
t 'then In broad davlUht we w
e jard, and
ero inarch-
uJ through the streets to Sts retcr and
. a. a.
raurs rortress to the evident dlstres
of the Husslans, whom we met on the
way. AVe went very slowly as tome of
our party were more than -eventv
its -a .'.r -
Ot. miP U'V J1 f lliisloi h& omtvdaei
k- r j" i "-., - '.u-.'vu -i3 viuua as j ,
'J 7" which seemed deserted tbe flag being
J , 'down.
On our arrival at the foitres. the com-
(- mandant at first refused to put us up,
sis the ceils were so overcrowded, but
."t, finally decided to put us in the
Trcubetskoy Bastion, where political
prisoners weie formerly confined. AVe
er afiald at first that we should be
confined on the ground floor where the
1 1 S'1
sella are exceedingly damp, but we were
laker, to the first floor.
f .a.
.' ... . ... .. -..
a'. ? at" vwnnnru 11 lliioill liruisllou
CV r . . ..... .
vw v , '"io t mui prison siencn as
i'vfjjv.'' "want along the corridor, the tmiell
f irf'',,n " had been herded together
av J jctct'v" luvit em hiiu tees comiort vv i
EyKfsHilcl see pallid faces looking ou
if ijougl, peep-holes in doors, and on In-
""fWlry we learned that they wete mainly
K,v -Jtwmer officers, many of whom had been
. amfjtoyed In various Soviet instltuf'lons.
A.'Jsloat of them had not been .examined.
f, ae mmi naa oeen tonnned without any
niaiion uemg made against them
over a month
(Vo were, not lona left In dnuht as
' where we were to be placed, as vie
broken Into erounr, nf .lrhr and i
into alreadv nv.rcrr.wH. a r..n.
r. .Jcwisu
T - I Hiiiii
ll'flr under tha old regime, one pris-
. WMf was confined, had a bed to aie.n
'-,W,i three meals a day, half hour a walk
ti evejor oar in a corridor and a walk
srThreotlmVa weekVt
nu iBwer iiihii leu occupy tne same
We sleep on the stone floor all
fid the walls and trv to keen as
way from the latrine as possible.
'flier, we first got into the cells and
tteor waa cjoaed w could not see
golnc to arrange opr-
rail (be more diK
iGujtAi. who weic attested for stealing.
at the Snioln.v Institute, where they had
been on (-paid and Mho had a plentiful
iiock or tnmeaiiable guests So they
Bot wide beith and lamer ipace tan
the.v deaer-,ed. Hoeler. ntb-vs in.tilp
US KllldlV welcome and tlimne.1 fnrathrr
h 111. ., , . . ...
imio i.iuaer, hiiu wo MlTanKCU Our De
IonBlnta on the floor, after which no
at on the lied as tnan as we could and
(told the latest lienH We ae each
nian a clgalette fiom our Kcantv itmiiK
anu ledrneu me toutine and rules of the
little commune in whleli ne found oui
fcclits as nell us the tradition-! or oui
la I'rUinier H riles I'oem
Mere in this ct II wax Purlskeviteh an
atdciif member of the Kxtiemc Mon-
arcntsi uarty in th- Duma, a Jew baiter
and leactlonarj, who ubandoned politics
w nen
whom lie had foimeilv so bitterly de
rided Patt of his time he spent In
writing a poem on the war entitled
'Peace,' of which the following Is a
touch tl.in.latlnn
H.lon or .lmr- of aw. c o eril Hum
muii nii muii uniu in- t-iic io
full beiiMth the boot of ct
I rn itoi H tholr futttri rtirtu nnnlt thni
Hjt at this liour thtlr Tate concfrn me
I mourn thee thou foremost f earth s wit
r ori"
Ihrtt ioi this hout of deep lmp:ennlonet (
tt uejt
Inreelintf Jn nf ho mutrated lluln hthI
for n hour n miijht btrxed lift
r.i' thou, etimpiured ..ai cried to b rn
M h i-,. ii- to tlsetWurt- ter(h oin
mikhn lurid
'"ottietupt uf th- fhou !iil-rjbi- orft
Ativlent (dor of ootraked niter-.appl-t
th' hand-' at Khpo' (IimI hour
Thou tmcli'-st V th bunds of Smolio
itli all tiiei? inrtlenre with dll tbeif hundi
i r t-
could nor sink then countrj for an
L had nor w,ih n
W e must hae peace,
olr pia for nuiei
for the honor of our
native Und
Thnn.n I, 1.... ...... . ..i
helpers of lar
'III'- lot I tear Einamnji iind hrstti!
In whom all 1iqi thoucnts ar burnt und
thou u i ever r se
srlpplns i
Re 0'ie relrjl, e
IV ho vaited lute
peck shall learn
of Iron alavei a
v who search for
hopes ma" flic.er
Th madness cda w ii njmt to flower
In ser? l he dav of OLIr peace is ..
nioameu! da fo1 r.u.sla.
'I hlB '!, of couisr. u ver.v lodgh trans
la. on bur a cell w.rn n ueteen men in It
Is hardly the bei inace to compose
Prisoners led Iwlte V eeUl.i
'ji fl'st an-cious inqulues vvcie as t.
whefher we could communicate with the
outldij world and leceive paiceis and
food Oltlciallv fiere was no commuu -catrcn,
but it could be effee'ed by vari
ous ways and means T'atcels we were
to'd, weie accepted h.v the command
ant twice wee'rilv and weie handed to
the prisoners after inspection As they
had very l'ttle chance of Inspecting thein
propeily, patcels weie lecelved only after
four or five dajs, bv which time most
of the food was rutten and had to be
flung out.
The official ia' on was in a fnuch
vvoiso state and, althojgh we were sup
posed to rece ve biead and soup dall,
owing io th absence of proper appli
ances the ;i"lfoners were fed only tw ler
weeMv 1 ne last time thej had been
fed was on Sundav ar II p in The
soup was lotten
When the appetite), got Keener the
sentries along the corridors weie badg
ered b a flood of iuctrons "Will
they give Us food loda " ' "What about
our parcels" These gave what answeis
thev could and our hopes vveie raised
by teeehlng a ration of a quarter of .
pound of dried bread.
'At midnight the light went out, and a
the poor chaps sat ii, the dail.. de
pressed and hung! we cou'd feel the
hell thej "were going through Y
could not help, because the l'ttle sup
plies we had would hardlv have made a
mouthful all around They tried to
sleep, but from time to time- one would
get up and staie anxiously through the
peep-hcJe. straining his ears for the
clanl; of
the soup cans One o'clocl..
3 o clock, at Iat a dlstan'
2 o'clock,
We all roused up We asked I It
food" io receive this glad and even
for us welcome leplv, "ves"
One stationed himself at the peep
hole and called out the number of th
cejls as the were fed We waited
'Now cell No 53." "Oh. we have nearly
an hour .ve' tu wait
We dared nut light our candle, fur we
had orrl.v one miserable wick, mi they
got to cell No i!S, the next cell to us, and
though I want particularly hungr.v I
revcr remember time passing so slowlv
We sat around in the dark till cell
was fed when we lighted our candle and
prepated our dishes for soup
f was the onlv one will, a soup plate
The other had tin, glase and even
At last the gieat minute aimed, and
the door was (lung open. They brought
uh In three dirty wooden basins of fish
-uup, vviin caouagc in it This was
I crulously divided, Oist the liquid.
IllkVt V-A ''tVslaesl. ' en 1. .. It - J
"-"'- "..., us n was caueu.
-1 received about three glasses full
;, ,h" ," ',,",' '""""'" men
h hnd caten alm0' nothing from U
swa.1 yur-aSKs
Personall it wai one of the gieat
est moments of my lifetime, one which
it Is impossible to forget. One candle
was onthe table and nineteen men wete
sitting around the walls drinking out
of all sorts of Aessels, thanking God
they had only waited four days for food
Instead of longer After eating all we
couldgct we had one cigarette, and
then the candle was put out and we
settled ourselves for the night
Salvation Annv Commissioner
Tells of Itemaik in Interview
Commissioner Heiirj M. llapp, head of
,he Sanation .ny In Russia, told today
of an Interview he had with Leon
I Trotsky. He sought the Bolshevik lead
er to obtain permission to conduct Sal.
' vatlon .trim work in ttm.r.,i
Trotsk) asked what political party
the Army adhered to.
"We have nothing to do with poll,
tics," Commlssloper Jlapp Informed him.
'If that is the case we shall not dls
turb sou." Trotsky answered, "ft ia
true, then, that ou are a religious or
"Ves "
"In the Bolshevlki program we have
or Ood " S' "'
comniissioner alapp I elated a ston
of Trotsky's interview with a Jewish
rabbi, who appealed to the Bolshevik
leader to stop the slaughter of Innocent
people. He talked of Uod and the Day
of Judgment, when all men must give
an account ot deeds done in the flesh
That mav allVba true, but r shall
accomplish, my purpose If I hive to
wai Was declared nnrl nrviintTA.I 1 tint nil . ,. ilir. nnn nn- rtav 111 l.a r-lt .n L' n In . r-,!fl-.nr nf parents -'3(J Allrlatlc ' 7.1.. J. .. 'v . .' V. ' a"i """" rt i.cjiiiti,i.
all sorts of nUtutlons for the comfort 'a test until next hot season That will ! " iiorVKn-fo?ini.m o" 19I rrtNIC I l""1V' s"- '-'" .'" .'''i K '".ted to fu
of the soldiers on the fiont, hospital , give tho companv thlrty-two cars pro-' If huVbind nf E-tl.e." ll.ter (nee WM-1 Vr '"i'' ,,t,n'elr cierinuntonii. Vnglcs.-
, . .a, ,.u.,v.,a. a.ni.in mm piucu .ii ui mi.. iiii,-ii kvl iiiTif uii ;..,.", "--. ...... - ,- -iv.,.. , , i Lour iiousp. Auii rurieral
bath etc ThU Slav of Pan-Slavs. in ilglit. to haul the ctowd tc and fi on, , l-T m 'at'lTtWe.r, le'ne-'"-:'' h"ambri, I , ,KiwJsT 1loiuE V EIUMS
Ills burning patriotism and love for 1,1, i this shlpva.d ' sP L,, ,,.r...?.T,!i n "re on a . m ""ne! I Mu,;bS?,a '( rliSd. .l,Vvi'n-.n.Vndi;i',l,!'i5
count!, wan lead to kiss the Jews ! As soon as the oulttlnc whlstl t,i..R mains inav be vi.ncd Wed to 10 p m V c.o. 1 o it i.ln.i,".a fS f,f-ii:,fr.,
'riiiticeii Jammed to Guards as
Thousands of !Mcn Start
t'a-as-j oil-enter liollej cars weic In-
trcduced to the thousands ot slilpworl;-
... .1.- X-.... ! .....i , 1 ...
I... j-..
na ,i iiir .icn ium. jtnu, vainut;ii, ;ca
; and now they will have lo slrp
climbing up on top of the oats and take
1.1 v.,,- v t .1,. ...-.
u. ciui inaiUv, Vi iianii vis j ur nutJr i
i ne new tioney loop ai tne noutnern
end of the plant was founally opened
bj the Public Service Company and the1
emplo.ves In the vard vvcio Itching all
day when the wet n't sneezing with the
Mnflu" to trv thii new way of paying
their fates and the new tuinstlle.
'PheiA UAin nnl thirteen p.ii t. win it
with and some were ot ancient vintage
The llilrtv-two new fais ordeted home
neai. ago will get theie some day and
then the six summer cars that had to be
the men pouied out of the gate and raced! KitANVV 0t t tons til' SCA. 42r1l
for the loop statlcll It took a special'" rranklln st. husband or Edith tiranea
detail of Camden police and the ship-1 ;,.'071,-'fn!;,'err) n"f'.vi'nnS. VA "rT't'Sv?;.
aid force to control them Kaat End No J3 V of . Invited to
Hut when they not to the four lutn-
gullies the lmd to Ko it Indian Hie and
, ilia prota njcwea ii ciear across nit.
l"l!fe lo 'Z16 s , p. V, t P
i. a fw
' I
minutes, though, all thirteen ca, were
mi tli all tt ii 1t I 'ahulcn o!.fri ot i t. rl
sis u . ?
tn thn limit Th firnt trln wi9 tTnArln
to tne urnir J ne nrst in p was tnaue
u ana me reina-nur ul hip cionu nau
To Matt until rite cats came back, or
flntt some otlifr a to ro home. Tli
mdJorIt of Th men h& e always used
th t,tai.ni . fleuti Jtne anvway. The
ttollc's u-uitU d i aarge most of their
l),iserifcet5 hemeen thp siitpxaiU and
Kdral ititet d ilioadnax but lonn
of th ars liae io " on to the Federal
Btteet fern Pomp of them ko onl as
far art rifth and .jrh fltreet-. Hen--afcet
all ttolI?v pais in This set vice will
ko on bv the mnn otTic' and main krIh
to the hipaid and the t-mpIoes wt.l all
halo tr ni-kat-rl lhain a ihfi Inn n
,m,t '' "- " - -
A man at each unnstlle took , Urn
n.ckels. or lather was there to see tha'
each man w liu liaascd thtoUEl, deposited
j9 ,.,
In in the registei. 0thInB but
. .. ,., ...,.... i .1
ew COIe. Wllii incin iimiiinu iiicu
i thirteen cats -Most of them 'are old
stieet car men though and Know 11,m
game But thev do no- wear uniforms
In th's serviie Tut? nearest they have
lo tha 1r a cgii a n cap and badge
'the es n lie l gain " 'lie same ihc
wear ii ttic shipvaid
V'w i ork Ship's A ocalists tc
Tuning 1 ji
1 lie New oi Kiuji (,'ompanv e
lette, otherwise Known as the 'Liberty
Singers, are tuning up for a tour of
-outh Jetsev In a big Libert Bond
campaign. Thev a e to accompativ the
T.ViiM.f lniir. .! rtn . snvf nf hom-
stounlnr ti in. vAoodbuiv. Paulsboio,
du Pont and Swede&boro ate alreadv on
the Itlnerat.v :uid other towns will prob
ahl be added. The sextette will be at
Woodbury this evenitiir Three men and
three woinin mal.e up the chorus. The
latter are Misses Mabel Shan, soprano
Mane Nehting, soprano, and Ksabelle
Krad.v, contralto; the former, Louis
Shaw, teiror; Ilarrv Hodge, batitone,
and Halpli Thoman, accompanist No
tice that there is no basso. Hodge, who
c'atms to have also a bass voice vv i 1
do his best in Hie dual pari
The troph train, winch s t ,ui g .he
State f the Llbeitv T.Ortn canina'an Is
due fo a v s.f nt the New York !hlp;ard.
Camden next Monday evening, and the fhlp
worueis a'e ftrrarg ng foi a b'g 'ournout
tl.ete vv te sr-akn g l'rom there the
tra i, vv go o Haddon Heights
sioit I'errj nad the Siaii an inljeiza, as'
Saturday o he couldn t pitch fo- the
'neste" hn n ard 'earn aza ns' riif Reib
lehem Steel Leaeun ciub. l.u. who was that
"loe Bjsh' that lopped the mound in on
of the other games In thea-. part tha' fama
afternoon" lhats what the ahlnjard hov s
want to know It irav l.a.n been a double
V spedal .otnrnlltee o,. c a gc , sli.D
coiaiueiion h.a been named at the if -r-
. hant Fhtpjard bv cjenrral Managei Uonald
D Sii th 'these men uio to meet nubjee-
n cal' to cons'der u'. Inno-lant matters
pertatning io ship construction anl it will
be un to tn. work, manager to cal thorn
together The members are tne wor-. man-
ager. the naval artchitect auperlnlendent of
insotot on and fUDerlntenaeii o" eupdltlng.
The forlv.piece aniphon.e orchestra, wrhlch
J L Conine started to cRanim recently
at the Merchant vpni. & reported to be i
coming alorg weil Jlanv applications havoi
been received from aliloworkera who wish
to toot with this hlnii-urovv nggiegatlon
anci icncarsaa v i ma-, soon it was
Mls.es Nellie Lliellj -nd Ma us lloj e. who
v-o i tui-es of $2 fid f acu at the asl dance
the Merchant varci a'e srttr noining on
to the cash to see who'M b the f.rst so- j
licltor after I .lust a minute
limmie Kllmore. ore " tor Merchant
Sh'pvard guards lies a.vauped lis uniforni
for a r.vetei s outfit
. VRROTJ - Vr 1...0 S ;Jt, , :0Dt Sii.
HARRT R ARP.OTI' Ir son of Har-v U
ai.d Mas A Abbott Juuacr notice of fu
neml will be e;lven
AHKL -- S-pt 30 r.EP.XIUlDETTE.
daughter of Jacob P and Hannah Abel (nee
Callahan), aged ve.rj It months. Rela.
tivea und friends, members of Blessed
linelda. Sodallti of Holv Name Church, her
school class. Invited 10 funeral Thurs . H 3d
a m 121 E. Palmer st. Solemn requiem
mass Church of Holv Name 10 a m Int
private St Marv'. cm G'oucesler '
wife, of Samuel Angl.mjer Relatives and
frlenda members of 7tl, Sr AI B Church
invited to funeral services Prl U m'
parlors of ljafajette Talor Broad St. below
Diamond Remains msv ba visned Theirs
stolOom A
AL'COTT. Sudd.nlv Oct 1 MABEL
CATHARlNP. wire of Walter1 C. Aucoit and
daughter of Harrj and Martha A Ilartlng.
aged 82 Jtelatlvca and friends Invited to
funeral services I'rl 3pm 271 AA'
Haines st Germantown. Jnt prlva'e, He.
mains may b" viewed Thurs eve
wife of Char.es P. Bacon Relatives and
friends, also Grand Jraternlty. invited to
funeral aervlces. on rrl , at 2 p. m.. at
late residence, 004 Lawrence ave., Darbr.
Pa Int. pjliate. Prlepda may call Thura.
,,t..a,;.' ' o'c'oek Scranton papera copv.
n .IVyi, "r Strt so FRANCES N.
r.A,K.Vn' u' '? vvidow of James W. Hiker,
Relttlvej and frlenda tnvtted to funeral
;rralc"T1,u.r W a m 323 W. State at.,
?'"dra,Pa Int nrlvate Friends may ca 1
vvea. in to R 30 o. ni
TlNHOLZER. Oct 1 M VRT T . widow
of 'Jhomas Banholter tnee Gelb). Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral. Rat, 830
a m imo K Leh'gh ave High requlim
maej at Church of the Aiaitatlon, 10 a. m.
Int. Hols Sepulchre Cem Auto funeral
band of Man' T. Ilanhoher 'nee Gelb). In hla
2th year. Relatives and frlenda Invited to
funeral Sal., s.30 a m.. 1910 K. Lehigh.
ave High requiem msss i'hurch of the A'lal.
tatlon. liii m int Holy Sepulchre Oem.
Auto aerv Ice,
BARNES On Selit 29, 11. AVILLIAM
P husband nf Elisabeth V. Barnes, ased
.6 j ears. Relatives and friends Invited tn
funeral, on Thura. at 2 p m. from his
late rea'dence. I0J7 Main at.. Darby, Pa.
Int private. Friends may call Wed. v.
after 7 o'clock. AVest Chester papers please
husband or late Bridget Barrett. Rela
tives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Frl ,
? a'..nV..,ons residence. Michael Barrett.
Jr. 1740 S. Dorrarre at., Morris below lth.
High requiem mass Church of fit Thomas
s,Qulnas , .30 a. m To proceed to Cen
tralis. Pa s.ia 1 tra.n lla Phlla. and Read.
Iiur. arrlvlnr S 8R p, m Auto service.
r ?,RTHv.OL?1,.5W. vT ,RPL . ROBERT
LEROAf. huabard of Nella Bartholomew tnea
Bhowaker). aged 39 R.latlve. and frlenda
Invited to funeral Thura. 10 a. m , apart
nienta of William II. Battaribr. 3318 N.
Lroad at
BARTRAM Tenth Month. 1st. FRAr-
I CE8 HANNAH, daughter of ' J 'Alfred I and
I Edwlna M. Bartram. agtd 15. Relatives
and frlenda Invited to funeral., Slitb-day,
Tanth Month, 4th, 2Jio p. m parants' rasl-
o.ncs, a,iviiq(a ana inompaon aea.
Hwartlimora. Pa. Friends may tako trolley
2 p. m from Angora
BABiETT. -Of pnaumonlg, Oct. 1. SAn
.lT1.0h. Sent SO, CRESSON t husband
nf .nha. Deck, unci ton of Charles A and
Jennie Heck Relatives and frlenda, cove
nant t.odre. No, , I. and A M .. Spar
tan Assembly No lli A O M V . Invited
to funeral. Thurs, 2 p in resllenre e
brother, llenrn K. Heck 1128 H .Cecil si
Services at Kplphanv iSherwood P '
liurrli ,"uth anil Baltimore ave 3 i m
1nt. Arlington lem. Friends ma call Aved
7 lo t n. m
IIKCKKIl rt 1P (iri laic Naval
Station, III LEONARD aim nf David and
the let- Haial, Becker, aged 19. Hela Ives
and friend. tnMtfd In funaral aerM'f"
.,;:.. .. . ".... .ti... t"i
j nura . i .in I' in. re'nrnc ni "'rl '"
atrona t int sit I'annel rem,
hand uf Helen V tlertron ln l)ohrt
Due notice of funeral 1233 S l'.uby at
ItirKKH - Sept SB at Quantlco. Va
CAH1. rilKliKRIl'K, eon of late Or r I
and Theresa T ll'cker tne Tuitle) ared S
Jlelatlea and frlentla InMted tj tuiiera
Tlnira 1 m . rtMiir nf mint MTR
H. I 'tlurn.uKhe 16.1(1 llroadwav Camden.
J N ,t Int Harleish Cem
h ricnm inav i.aii
' ",u " '
ntKS- Sent 3(1 PVPI.INK h
I of J'hjriea and late Luulja Hien "',I
aa fp .ml, Inilttxl TtinrTMl aCMlreS
. Thura . s n rn . fmher'a resldenre M40
""rrnrg v
Int Wtmlnster Cem.
funeral, Prl s ",n n m 'eaiiienee or lainer.
S 1-i?olm wSulAS'm-i- V1 iSter'VcRSrSS
inn tn int Mont lov iipnt?mer sm
IHtOWN' Henf .in uitii
I ,, ii.. , H.i U tlarnii si uirail ll'l
STriendi in! ited in"fu,"7a'i Service, s.'t'
n tn f ltni n i. sl.itl II X S !. 1x1
? i-n
. iii
nf ,i t am' ..nn,. Itl.h. . .rtH rredeikk EmblVk. '.g'ed n"A H?l.lh:i .Sd' "iFoirl fiS'. Mt)ff, KJ'i, "Slf&lff I ??. .'r. '"'t-ll'L, WW,,. i'A VJl'Vr.,,".. 3 Chu"h' Am,,,er' ,'"' '"
,"."' o" ',,"" 30 s" I..," . int prl ir,'n' '' '"J ':.l,,'T"'K .fr)' ?ihy"" ' ."''-,!,.". 'lJ,'.rl"ld.' ny '" l "rVV irlewIsV ' Kenwood -UZZ.- ,"n lV Smd ItATT.-o"t I n.VTMOND son ot .It.
vare friends mil call W id 1 'o Hi l m .,.' ' !;,' .,,. . '''""" "' "" '-"""" if " , "itf.i'.ii ..'"r,,lu""" ot oioiner, i v Jt . vv asiiinsiuti camu. No 101. P, O S vv aril Mini rratt, further nonce nr ru
in ..Vi J. Vvifr, "(1u"".00".. .. . i u'nAai'.-.i'J'rJi'-. 0j(r? G Mm,v ",'- , ."' of A, lnrltd to funcrnl aeivlces. slat . 2 neral will be ih.n Olivej- H. Vtf D dg.,
tirli"i !".. -in n-illtn I hushand ' r.,LNaEI"arH:P'' ,-s- ISACELLt!. wife of I J.Jdlands Lem. Itemalns may he viewed p m. father'a residence. John .VlcCiiirs IS.'o Chestnut st.
of u'arv ir."lePiii.. tiur.lsil. "and son of f.LV-.,'inc' n"' - K?V ,nd d,".u,tl'";'; uf J.te MinntBU .m' ii !'1,,'.!.1.!,-',,r, Jrm' . '-'' ""main si I rankfurd Int Oakland UUINN'.lept. .'!. JO.lKPIt P QUIN'V.
v r .i,,i !t,u T li ke urlam J. .nd ' nf..rl '.i1', ?ni,i Bn!"?.' , '."I"'1" .. "' V Thii.. i 8:7a fff.'i 3.i'-KtC.'?Bl dau-hterof ,, riemalns m be viewed Kr. 3 to husband of Catharine Ii. Qulnn (nee Oreen.
frlenda in! lt.3 to Mineral IX s.-.o " m , ,J,"a ,?", 'r,."Y)?' fcolt ,Dli len' . JJjJfiV.i. "?. Tt ,,I,?P,IV U'KVn!i. llelatlves io ii ni, llelatlves and friends, .viarrled -Men's U. V.
."',".'''.'"' '."A 0,'mrr".l.,lV.-..i,i:.r. ., i?. of T.. Invited to funeral, Thurs , 2 p in . i and friends Invited to funeral. Thur . 7'3n sr-m-nvin- ...., in innv ime.iM. Sodaltv. I.eaaue of Sacred Heart ol
riif inn it. t.i.t. tie .Mare iViinti jv Hlih i ;?,.H--"'Lw,5K. J1' Services .Vlt Hermon ' y ni . patents- lcaldence. .1111 Tlllon at I sirs son ot 'I'elir and Call arlne -virtier. I'hurch nf th Ueju. T. A B Socletv of St.
via, mi ctaii.ri tVunh lo ni Int & l. Church. 19th and Porter stt.. 3 p. in. lleuulem mars Church of the Natlvltv ! ,," imh. ami friend echooT .hUdren i ''""eia'a I hurch. Master Cm Stone Con-
st i'li.ri.1'. i.ni .P.' .'t-mvood Cem. n.malns mav ba viewed I a m. Jut. Hol Sepulchre Cem Auto , of Our fiTov of I ercv- school InUied to fu tr-r,or'- " ,her organisations of which
nnnri ic i i.n i t, I Sent w.l',.""r .v m Auto service. service "r ,r, t." "0 ''" residence of parent" " was a member. Invited to funeral. Thura
,uHrtv,:',ioS,Vd , r n.,:,',,? .S3 i HY- m v., ?'. wh tss?-. wwr -i jtnm w , U s ;iffi? , iC 1 Eh wH' n,n,,-c?urc,h:3otNi,e,ic..".,u Mte.r,5?
nf ffn-"p -rt' 'olumbtfl n e Tnt nrUate, "lt
"i.j Ccm ()niit f0rtd!9 Krl-nds mai
call Trl pv
Ilirt'K NiitUe-n
i JOTIN .7
' nRntr). naed
n I tnmbee of
1 ' f M . Thltn
hee trler Imc)
ln'-it,ind of Amu t Mij
HelatU mhI '
' l.'sidfa-iflnaer t'nd '
d-lphia Toodtso "v
LnKii Ni 1..- pi-1 U e
f Louii H-mdoll
t (nx tted in
1 11 N, Mart ton
Itinatnn. ma
uneral lliui t -"
t lu iirf-ni inn
L.i s Iat a.l il v s
Ilfnri M M 'in V T ept 30
IIMUIY. hilba d ' ' hle id and son of lete
Wl.llam 11. and vumixla lludd ased So
Ite'atlves and fii-iils i wtcrt tn funeral
I'rl. 2p in. tuners njiiu-air H. Karnest
13 (lardeu ltu motherhood Cem
HfrtNr.Tr SnorleiM Sept 8d. CATIIV
P.tNK L 111 ItNKI I 'i.e. A.hton), rtauuhtcr
or rate jonn i; ami urn .vsniorr. neiatlv
.. 3 . 1 .. . i..l ... ...,( ......a.- ..!
4r7Vf) iw;V .w ..' t'YmK
, x. T 'J hur
Friends -maj
"..'!. ..". " '"'. " ,!.''.,',.r. ?. '
t i,aa nf Vnni. Sunp.ee Hurr u!ti Jleir
Relative and r'eils invited to funeral
Thurs. 11 i in VVa.hlnjtton Hve., Xevv
(own Pa In Nett'ovvn Cem Treln for
Newtown leaves lleadin-r Terminal !i"3 a. m
CUIUIIOV- .cen 30 MUlHWtF.r P
wife of Malioin i arueron and dauahler of
John and Marv P ndei Relatives and
friends Invited i fire ai Sit 7.30 a tn
fro mparents '..-idfi e J,34 Nicholas si
Solemn h'aii -ecile n mass st L i-abeih
Church 0 a tn 1m Uoi RepuUhre vein
alto fnnra
i VMPIILI l in 30 F.l t.KV. n,tf of
Manic i amnbe an l .laughter of Ileimis and
the lJte Klleii M (, mhlin Relatives und
friends Inviled io fu terai Thurs.. 7 30 a m
2,r31 Pine st Solemn hlsh mass of requiem
M Patr.ck a Chur n a a in Int Cathedral
e'em uto furca'
CRR III (i.es! Pa sept Jll M P.
widow of l.a&ar v'a - Relative arid fri-nds
mvied to fune a' Itiuis S.'to a m ",'.'4
Rose s' Hlah nns. St Michael's Church
tu a -n lm s Michael's Cem . Cue
ter Pn
vRP.P.fjro.v v t.-,0(l rtreen st u.
1 .Mls CI.ARV i VRRINCno.V R.atves
and friends Invite n funeral services Sa'
' -.f m. Oliver n I'o r Hide
1.1JU Cnesunu
, ahroi ",-.'-,, 10 MICH MIL I i.
I band of Marv vv urull Ilelaties and
; fr'ends. Division No 0 V n, jr. cun,
, monor iid.rn ' . uni .no u,s k or
I Invited to funera, Frt. 3D a. in 2311 r.
AUeghenv ave So'emn requiem mass
( hurch of the .Na iwt 10 a in. Int Holj
, feen'icheA cem uto eenjc..
CLvF.HU'T Sepi 30 I I.UMKXT r
! eon of Arthur and Sopuia Ciarhailt, nged 17
Relative and friends Invited to lunoral
I'n.. 2.S0 p m pa-ems' residence. 3fll I
I Norwood sr In Pernwood Ccm He
,n.lns n a be viewed Ihurs, p m
UIItlSlIVK - Oo' 1 KMM!Hrtl R
daughter of Anna and the 'ate William
cprisMre Relative and friend otio
James 1.' Tlva't Council Xo 127 S. J) t.
I'.mpXo 1. P O S nf A emploves of rhe
itycieniu i nasrwear (o invited tn fui e
ser(pe Snt . f? n .n ''O?!! TV rvvfnr.l
'Int Mt Peace Cell) Ktinalns may be viewed
Frl. after S p in ,
CLTPK Oct 1 D M wife or Robert
H Clvde Hnd dauenter u' Kllr.ab-tll .lid
ate William Kaetze aged 2 Relatives and
, fr.ends. Norrl Square f P church cm
, ploves of Rosford Lnlttlpg Mills, lnvltd
I to funeia! services Sat 2 p n . 205 V.
Orleans at Int ptlvatc (Ireeninount Cem
i COLLINS At North Wales Mnnnomrrv
Co , l'a . Sept 29 AN'N'V. WOOI, COLLINS
. daughter of Charle. H and Laura Collins
Relatives and friends invited to funeral un-
Idertaklng parlors 1 W 11. t) Mnvtdav
I ? li ' ..:.I.,,',"T" ,,f ,i n'c.'.V
' 7 .- '"' , P.n ,a. ' " "' .-H.l" '1 '.
r.'-"' .T i'i'i,.. 'i -,w 1,IK'1,VH ',
. r.,?v Tl-l,1D, r-v V '" J,1fl.",; ,"oa ',''
J.'t";1' -T '.-"Ok "nd .a e Lllzabe'h croajln
!rf0:' y?,1?'1!'."-". d.;r.,"d.'! lnvt'!1',,0.,f"'
i JflJ1 Solemn mass of requiem On MoWiei
I h. rrows church 4S h st. and Lancaster
I ae ,',1-,if'. ";,; . ,,., ,,
,vU,-cfc'..X2?In' cfcs?-.iiiS? MS5Ei', "'
COOLK. daughter or William and Mary
Alice tiriscoe iiciai es ami iTlena. ,n
i vlted 'n funeral .ernce. i hut-..
I 'I niir.. " ti m .
residence of paren s .",417 Thcmas ave.
Int. nrtvate Brlends mav call Wed. eve.
COPHLV.ND husband nf Louise Coodand
(nte I.auscr). aged 43 Relative and friends
(pvlt-d to attend funera services, 1'hiirs . 2
p. tn 2icr !-. Molo sr r.t private" i rlnlty
Lutheran ("em. friends mav all Wed. eve.
CORWBLL Sepi 3n JOHN J8AT. bus.
I band of Uthel Cnrwc I 'nee Tackson) and son
, or inomaa ami itose i urweii aged 21. Iteia
atlves and rnenu. iio'v same hoclets. In.
vlted to funeral Thurs S 3o a. m , parents'
residence. C21 E. Che"ei, ave , Ciermantown.
Solomn reaulem msss i hurch nf the iminur.
tilate Conception 10 a ni Int Holy Sepul
chre Cm. Auto fun era.
COnRZti.VN .Sept -' WII.M.MF. hun.
ban! of An nl Corrican fneij Tllck), late
of r.at.n.U, Count. Curion IrelanU llel-ntUe-i
fend frlfnde. St Iatr Wn Holy Name
Socletv Imlttd to fun-rat I huri . S.30 a
m., -jJ1 Neiudettn ?' C.'Sth nnd Houth i-t0.
Solema hieu mass of rqulm St. PatricU's
Ch'n'ch io o m. tnt l!oh iro-. Cem
CROWOER. Su1dnlv Sftur r,)t nt flrad
lev Beam, N. J . ri.OREXM3 N dauchtrr
nf l.it9 Joseph and Hannah Morrelt Crow der.
Relatives and fr.ni.i Milled to funtral
erMc. 'lhur '2 30 p m alster'a resN
denee. Mra. Churlc? I.. LotUwood. 3ft W,
Jolmaon w , fitn
RIB. Relatle and rlends United to lu
neral, Thurs , - p in funeml parlors W
W A Junlap. lOtlt and I'alrmount ae. Int
Ternnood Cem. Remains mm no slewed
Wed . 7 to p p m Auto nen Ice
CUKRT Sept. 30 M R i. dauehter oC
fcusan and late. Thomas J Curry. Rela.
Bible Class ot Betham Tahernacla Re
formed Sunday School, 20th and Dauphin
sts. Invited to funeral aervlcea Thura . 2
p. m . residence of parents, 2226 N. 20th
at. Int nrlyat" W.stmlnster Cm
husband of Eatelle Clark Curwen. Services
St. Man's Episcopal Church, 40ll and la),
oust sis . Thura . 12.30 p m Int. AVodlawn
Cein., New York.
formerly of Centralli lm.l..na nt Vt.ev
jjarran cnee uurrani itelatlves and rrienos
Court Goodwill. No. 91. nf A emnloves
Baldwin Locomotive Works I7ih at. shop
Invited to funeral. Sat s 3d . m.. 8110
llaverford ave. Nolemn high masa of re -
c re -
(luirui oi. jiamiia a cnurcn 10 a. 1
Hols' Cross ('em l'arriac fun.ral
DAA'IH Sent 2c. vvir.l.T.sf V. Im.1v
of Emma Davis and son of Hllra A. and late
George AV. Davis Relatives and friends.
emplojes of Phlla Navy Yard. Invited to
funeral aervlce. Thura.. 2 p. m . 2019 8.
Jeasup st. tilth and Oregon ave.). Int. Fern-
wood Cem. I rlends may call Wed. tvt.
Auto aervlce
DICKERT Sent SO miTr.Tn A. .on nt
lavulse (nee Pflsum) and late I'hlllpp Dick -
ert. aged 2.. Relatlt.. nnil r.i.nrt.. all so.
riatle. of which h. was a member. Invited to j
funeral service. Prl., 2 p. m., H W. cor. '
Slst and Master .la Int. private, West
minster Cem Remain, may be viewed
Thurs . 7 to u p m Auto funeral.
DICKHS". Oct I HARRY 11.. .on of
George AV. and lata Ida M. Dlckt. (nee
Wharton" Relative, and friend., all an.
cletlt. of which he wa. a member, invited
to funeral aervlcea. Sat.. 2 p. m . residence
nt father. 2387 E Adams at Int private,
North Cedar Hill Cem.
DONAUHY. aged 78. Relatlvea and friends
Invited to funeral aervlcea. Thura., 2 r. m ,
Oliver 11. Ualr Uldz , 1820 Chestnut VJa.
private. '
DOAVD. At Atlantio CltJ, Sept 30.
JAMES, husband of Elisabeth Dond. Rela
tlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Sat., 8
a. m.. II N. Iowa ave. High mass of
requiem Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
a. ro. Int. private Pleasantvllle Cem. Omit
DOTLE. Sent. 29, MICHAEL r husband
f Mary C. Doyle (neo Conway) and aon
nr j.mii anei M.rv ii&vie. or i ounty i ariow.
Treland. Relatives and friend.. St. Agatha's
noir .isms pwiiiT.
Court Hamilton, Ni
afn - K4 i.. r n '
SO. A. O. H,
ltltS inn rrlnrt Ii Dll tn ftinnral nirv. .' " " "'." wiiituii nrn i;ihi 111 w T i i-V.v.h Q m Int I
:n.aotnr)Vlll,Jn; .I"" Wrtrud., "roftVurtli 0100l, it.,m..i KRAMBR.-w" 5?' Prof DGAU s band? of M;KrsTSlev1illeATnoL Ul",.,', ', lfu"; , 5,3 germ'" i, ? ti .-ntSou1,,' C,mB' rSm.'fSi
Aiha''l V-h... 14l.JPn ". renulem sT
!,,n,hlA,V1"l.rf'l.'? nt. Holy Cro..
-- -" ii.r
wlfa ?np VrSP!- ?." ANNA MARGARET,
A !.$., rSi"Sk Lberle and daugnter of
.id AirSrnll..f.,,?h. A. 'Hnn. Relatives
ad friends Inv ItM to funeral. Frl 8 su
lulem maVa r'hurr, J.V ,1'- 't-'i i. "..'""P, V
M 10 L. m int viL .1,.,..,,,,on '.' X
Auto funeral " c.ihlfim.l;Jt55,,r"1 -'"
inint l"th0,l' ftandard cop
KHKIU.K qKl 4i
Him. Tlt'TII A
KtlKllLB. at 1RUA In'
Alder at Uelatnea
I S'S, "'""" '91 ' 10 funeral
, - o" w. in . lAun : a ..
tnav Uw ih i. -.i. V. , . '""
1 rlenda
n mi. -;.".""" ."';,i"?.,'."" ""r
nftr i
P m. tnl hriv.ta
at Northnuod Ctin
NHI.MIE.il Hept. 1(1
MJlli:. Mife nf
' ?i.r.tl..1blnl"'"n? .,""l'ter of Alilile and
the late John V. I'nlll,. ....t nt n.i-.i..-
and f rlenda Inuted to funeral serlcea. Prl..
inVf P-..1001 I lnP at. Int. Weal 1-auiei
rnrfm'ra'u ........... .
nui)OWEHli a.. i-l........ .. ,, h
J?wn, Oct. 1. Anciltll Tt, Husband of
ii .r'J. sV""5' "nrt n of latr Archie K
"iUiM".' Kddowes Notice of funeral later
lir,,'J.,V.iBPt -'.' U I Naval Train
' !?. atatlon. ilreat Lakes ill. v.. H!A-
iiA.vi. sou or neorao and lale Vlartha Elder
tuneral, from father's residence 31 Kibe
ron ae Lansdonne, I'a . due notice of
,tii-,, nui up Kucn
i-ri. 2 n. in. at hi late residence. Centre
ave Willow drove Pa int Cnlon Cem
Jtlchlioro Pa
PAItltP.LL Oct 1 m.Vf son nT IsaHC
and Kinma Ji Parrell seed Tn rtelatUes
and friends Invited to funeml, rrl , I n ni
residence of parents .Mifflin rrad nnd Pen
rose terrv brldse Services Tnnltv Lutheran
Church 2 30 p m lot Church srounds
friends ni c h II 'Ihurs eve Auto service.
PI.NTON rhlrd.clHV, 'lenth Month 1st
Norrlstoivn. SAItVII Y willow of Kphralm
riiiuii. .nen on i.piaiiiea una ineil'l
I Invited to attend funeral eenlr.4 ul frl.n.l.
Home, corner Ked and Powell ste , Nor
rlsloivn, Pa., ,iixth-dsv 1 p m Services nr
hlngtpn f rlcnila- Meetinz house .'! dO p m.
Int. Atillicton Friends' llurilnj drojnd
i, Pr.!tUIS Oct I. ANNIC wife nf VVH
Han, J. l'errls (no 'Mevici.er! asd 3
Itelatlves and friend tmited to funera
services Prl 1 3(1 p in 413" Klui '
Int Hillside Cem
I'tLLlCH Suddenii ieDi ". i:nw VP.P
husband of Martha Fthlch llelatlves and
friends, all societies of which he was a
member, mr,lojc Surpass I?ather Co. In
vlted tn funeral. Thura . 3 p m . 406 P'shers
"i'.', Int Oreeninount Cem rtemalns may
be viewed Wed S to 10 p, -n.
.K.'.NR T;"-."'' 3u JL'NML K nldnn of
William tt fine
PiTZOF.ItALK - vuddenlj 1(12', Oailen
SI Oct t. IIICIIVIH) V. husband of Ma"
saiel 1 Itzireiald aged It Notlre or funeral
will be civen
M.CVXAUAV S-et,- 20 I. VTIIf.TX r
wife nf Joseph A Flannagafi and dauehter
of late Charles and nntl (llalunier VHela
thes and friends Invited to funeral. Thur
s-30 n. rn . residence nf sister. .Mr Claude
Rear. 97 Price st A.hland Heights West
Maravunk. High requiem "miss ""urch of '
the llnlv Pamtlv lo a in int W.atmli. i
ster Cem Remains tnav be viewed Wed
FI.nqiT Siida.nH. ri, t 1 i nvviri-a
JJILLIAM. son of Cliarlos 1 and luila M
riesh. aged 17 Relaltves and friends In
vlted to funeral service sat J p m .
parents residence tdli Louden si Logan
lnr private Mt. Peace c ein Baltimore
papers codv
I'l.KrcilLR -J-ept 2 JOHN husland
nf late Prlscllla rielchei Re atnes and
fr'end. Invited in funeral .e- i.t ih i-
1 ti ill. lrsalenie of daughter Vtrs "Marv (
senvveln Mill Cermantoivti ate. In- Vern
w nod Cem Auto funeral
. FosrhR s,nf 3ft Mr.y widow of
Israel Poster Relatives and friends invited
to funeral s-riL-i. Sat 2 .10 p ni resi
dence of son ,n Ian. Vtllllam O Ollf-v,
mas OaMand st Prankford 'ni uriva'e.
Cedar Hill Cem
1'fls.NU r Caimi l)iv N t Sep 31'
Private FREDHRIc K O . husband of Esther
frank (nee Wagner i aged 20 Relatives and
friends. Lodge No. ai. 1 o. o M , Men
Council, No. 117. .Ii ci r v. M oni
uianihe Tribe No 75 I o. P. M Inv teq
m services, 'Ihurs r in 30i7 N
Smedlo st (intli and Pike si. i int Rer
tin Cem . Prl a in Remains mav be Viewed
Hrrlln Cem Chape-
FROMMLP. beul 2l f.Mll B PROVI- ';""" ,"';., "" emn requiem mass .-I
MKR 131(1 Vine st need 20 Relatives nnd Lllsnbeth's ( hurch lit a m Int Holy Cross
friends emplojes nf Hotel Walton, Invited Cem Mito service. ,,,.,,., , ,
In finieril services Thurs J p.' in (lltver ,, JAMKS Ser. 30 1 FW If 1AMF. Ro's
H Jlair Illds . IS.'O Chestnut st Hit Pern "nd friend .MerMlan Sun Lmlge. Vo
wood Cem. Friends mav call Wed 7 to ldt,,nS " and A M Invited tn funeral serf
p m I Ices ihurs. j p in . residence of hrother
f C.ec'ii j-ept 30 i IIARI.ni P hus lleurj I. Jamea 2tiuo N Park ave Int prl
band i Auretla Hiacn sou of laiuia anl at.. .. ., ... .
Marv l'nscn aged 30 Itelatlves and friend . JF.NN1NC.S M nnelinginn N J Sjnt
invited to funeral Thura i !i.:o a m 124.' , M. OKOP.c.K A JCN-VINOs. M UFtir.fral
H ISth t Solemn high mass St Rita's ' "ervlce Thurs 130 n. in I2;i Ilirli t
Chinch Hroad and Kllsworth sts Int Ilolv Rurlliigtoii N. J Jnt Odd relltns' Cem
Cross Cem viltn funeral "'.VW! SW call Vved eve
u vl.l. vc;lli--.ii -m.- un vip.r i ,.,fi lOH.NSO.N. On trvnsport I VMfl'S O
I ' nf I'vtrlcrf Ual'ather Jr. and daughter of i
and fi lends invited to funeral,' frl 8
tvriflger ami late James covviej. Relatives
8 30 ,
a ni 434 Tcrrice st Ro'sbnrough. Solemn
high rcnulem mas. fs John the ltaptlst
Church 10 am Int Westminster (.em
HU'li-sent r.o rrvilILRINF., wife of
William Haul ReiatTve and friends in
vited to funeral e-rvlces, Fil 2 p. ill , 1301
Ta ksoti ,r Ini Alt Morlali ceni Remains
ma i b viewed Thins eve AUo funeral.
HILLVN t I" s Naval Hospital
Phlla Ilfcir M sou c .loaeph and Ann
Glllan Relatives ad friends soldiers and
sailors it vited tu fuuclal ihurs. S do a
in patents' residence 23.V) Vnn ar solemn
requiem mass church of the Nallvlt 10
a in Ii i t Ann's Cem
;ii Kit Oct. 1 A! 1RV claushle'
of Hrmv atd I.oulsa (llov.t Relatives nnd
friends lulled tn funec! .civices Frl
2 30 p in in St Luke s P Ii. I huhch
Main and Cnuller sis iieunsntovv n Int
private; St James the less Church Omit
aOI,n!U,RO!.R Sep, 3d SV.VIIM, i.n
band of Tesele Oo'dhergei. ased 33 Rela
tive and friends Hav Sinai Lodge No S
i i' ii ii invuea tn iiinerai inure
ti n, 2421) W Cumberlind . lm
nrf i
var. ah carniei cem
(10NIIKR Cpl 30 CVtll husband of
Catherine Conder Relatives ind frlenda
Hrotneriiood of Locomotive liremen and
1 engineers
invited to funeral ii' s 3il a
Klft'J S Tewilell ar Solemn mass ot
requiem Chu-ch of Mot Rlessed Patrsiiient
10 a in Int Holv Cross ( cm
OORMAN l famn nix N J
. at.
tc Tuti-nh
fsrtssis!l. Jr II-lti ami trimnAa fuMilti
Wpatt 1-M( i II ah Kf1ir.nl fi.i- kmi nHns.,.
Crn I
i" i-rlxait KD.VAIIU 'UA.Nh on of I :""5." ". "AVuV' . i " .?. " W;.ai. j m Int Holy Cro-i Cem lf tu luncrai "r . -nurv. a V. m
KM SVIIJi J';,'M' nrrVof!Ma, .ciVMunl: K- OIendVnyAVid'r
'.u's'hie ras Wi YSli "KRnNKff-V." AVesMll. N ,,, 3D , -. nollie, . , ..e. S20S p X ,0,,trcTKROc,..L ANNA M . d.u.h.
Hit Fe.nwood Ceni. Krl.nds ma call 'Vii1 .";,,".,' ii.i.Viv.s rind T frieAo. in Harden i t--r or laie aoaepn anu iienna Hchlechter.
ur eve Auio service i Lang) aged 31. .Relatives alul irenas in aii-ct v. u. v .. c-.. ... aged .12 Relatives and friends, employes
HOVER Sent 30 A.NNH. (IOH.R "ieex;'t'd to funeral. 1 .IP m .resiueme or jj j- .Mfxi ,,,tl ,' "SS1 n',' Porrest Laundry. Invited to funeial aervlcea.
McKlbbep). wire of.Johi, finser Rela ves',h."r; W.,"', 7!" Phni v,i,i tallon. Svrraaser.crultiiii.amp son nf ' Frl H) a m.. parlors of Morris llossnhers'f
and friends Invli'A to funeral serviee. L Int Creenmouiit UJI , Ph la 1-rl.nda ,?"" i1 .',i ,' I., i, ii ! , i ... "u.i'S.., Hon 2009 N. Broad si. Int private. MonteT
:,, C.rra1llfi,.S,n;o,'fi.na-,.n,.rv,'e.',, .lWttU,?A. "kY Wl h. ?-' -'' "- t..." of funeral Will b. Jo" Cem. Remain, may be -wed Thur.
"rmrUJHOven ia HOWARD . AI.D - 'rlendt. ,rionrP C-.tXo J6.KO . MinP H - Sent J .1. np l. V. &$?$& h,?ar, (nee fchM." t,
WILL, son i.f cara H and lat- Tini-nii ''" . eia'r.'i' ,.W.,..V ,:"."'". "V,'"'1'": a ." Vt.,.. i.."". V...i" '. ,v ';.;, "V r. ,M'' . f.i Re at e and fr ends, inpmhe
Iept. tf 9 Annj, irwv xlew remains 44r '.liuni-p xt ain Htiuid .- camHti
?' m" "ln,T1nr.,'.,tVe "Vln ""' S0 I N L "(KL L LiSkHS. wife." of io'liT H
' ci rail. prilf,! .... ..rn a'Klmber. Notice of funeral later.
u-n,S.,,5,.lV.:.Vl ,r:'..?..T.Tfi" .."".,?' KING -Oct. .1. Mrs. ALH'H KINa.P.e1a
,a i . . . " ,"'
d lare t l.arlea
i and trlends
iiiivarr, Mti.'i c cveiaiivcs
school children of linmacula
ciiunn iiniieci to lunerai. .-inurs S'3()a
in , resiu-nc. or parents. 1120 crease si
Renulem high ma. i'hurch nf .h. i.
maculate Conception 10 am In nrm,,.'
i Auto funeral
I ,, ,V '"-':;;.' .S,nZI". ";' r."'N." '""
uillllii.N sucldenlv-, ort 1 AA IVirjtET)
.,. . j .:.. i ..' .. .'".c ,-..-
and son of Henrv J, and Sarah Gioome
Itelatlves nnd friends Invited to funeral
Frl., 8:30 a ni 473B Upland at W Phlla
Solemn mass of requiem t hurch of St Fran
cla de Sales 10 a m lilt Holv Cross Cem
daughfr of Paul I. and Catharine M,
Hackett Relative, and friends Invited to
funeral Frl . 2 p ni.. 242B Pine at Int.
Holv Cross Cem
HAOUAItrY. Suddenly, Oct 1 AGNES
A daughter of late Mlchsel Ilsggartv Tu
nerai from 4.1I8 Chester ave due notice of
i vthlch will h. cix.n
HALEY". Oct. I, ANNIE, daughter ot lata
Mlcliael and Margaret Hale, lai. .. r.,miv
1 jaingiora. ireiana, uue notice ot funeral
will be given, residence of brother-ln-lawr
'.lames McCullough 49JU Hoopea st Heat
(Philadelphia. "'
1 Longford. Ireland. Due notice ot funeral
HAMJTON. At his residence (140 N".
I 36th at . October S, AI.I- RED A son of Man'
and Alexander Hampton Notice of funeral
I later.
naMI TON Flrat-clav Ninth Month 29th
' attves and frlenda Invited to funeral real.
I Hence. Tardlev la.. Flfth'dav. T.ntl. s.r..r.v.
' 3d. 1 p. m.. and VA right. town Fr!ends'Mest.
in House. ;au p
HAIlVEr Oct. 1. JOSEPH snn .1 S.m.
uet K. and late Fanny Harve, (nee Mc
Cutcheon). 3344 N lfth at Due notice of
funeral will be slven
daughter of O. Walter and Catharine
Haugherty Inee O Nellli. Relatlvea and
friends Invited to funeral, Thurs , 2 p ni .
residence of parents. 2319 S, 17th at. Int.
Cathedral Cem,
widow of Michael Haughe Relatlvea and
friends Invited to funeral. Frl 8.30 a. m .
2837 Belgrade ar Solemn lequlem mass bt.
Ann'. Chorch 10 a. m, Int. New Cathedral
Cem, Auto aervlce
HAPPT At 1724 N. Park av. Sept 30.
LOUISA C. widow ot Lewis I, Il.upt. aged
90. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral
aervlcea. Thur... 3 p. m . Oliver II. Ualr
Bldg., 1820 Chestnut t. Int. private.
HAWK Oct. 1. at Methodist Episcopal
Home, Mia. EMMALIKE HAWK", aged ?B
Xelativea and, frlenda Invited to funeral
aervlcea. at Home. Belmont and Kdgelay
av as. .Thura. 3 P. ru Further aervlcea In
rr.att of Morris Cm., Phoenlxvtlle, Pa..
rvj.v.;ft.?.n,.".!,'rvr. . . '
Itraijr 'twsiMa. - ji, ., iiusnt.SA
ELrVlN8TlCIN (nee Poerr)' widow of
dlislav Hi
.adTTC-asJBklll. aaVM ST. Kelallv.. .nal
gt r.ler'a Church. Invited to funeral. Sat,
8 a. m., 480 X. Itth at, Requiem mmi St,
Henry's Church 9am Int. Holy Re-
ucemer cem.
HKtit.tNn .i -o vtr..v rf.,,.1,1.. f
William and Maria Herllni iWlatlvea and
trlenda emnlojea of rtrcord Order Dent
I .' Victor .Islk -, Machine Co.. Camden. N
,., Jrvlted to funeral. Thure SKI a. hi
r.?j'.d,ncJ .?' parent.. 581K V. Harold at
I i8d nnd Huntingdon ata ). Solemn reaulen
nnH Ilfrlai riant
Mth.maia St I'olumba'a Church in a m
, ,nl- "olj Seoulchr Cem. Auto funeral
JlAUail llKHVI'V. nlfe of I'.obert HarflNi
Here. )lelatle and frlendi lnlted tn
funeral rerMcea, Thura., a p. in , 4S13
Mprlnatlld e. Int. prl'ale.
, llCSrllOV. Suddenlj.iBept. 29, Fn A NCI ft
A , eon of Joseph and Catherine llrailon,
aed 11. Itelatl'ea nnd friends, emplosea
I, Naw Yard Hheer.MeUl WorkerV No. 25
bulldlm, Imlted to funeral, Sat., s 30 a. m..
I parenta 'residence, lugs v. ssd it. Solemn
traulem mass Ht Rll7abeth's Church 111
a. in Int. Hoiv Cross Cem. .Auto funeral.
ItlCKH.-j-Sepf. 2S MAIIV C. AONES. a Bed
IS. daughter of Ihomaa I', and Nora T.
lllcka rtelatlve and frlenda. I.eaaue nt
Sacred Heart, pupils of St. Mnnt'a's School,
lth s-rada A, Invited to funeral, Thura , 8.30
a. m.. leeideiue of parents t72"i Jackson at.
lllvil n.,1.,.. ... . ,..,, a. t. Da . .
I ... .' ,...,- viiuilii u ni, .Monica.
-u n. m mi. noiy cross u-rn auio service,
Oliver It. Ulr Uldr,
HITCHNER Suddenly. Sepi 20. JtAIt
MON. son of Courtney c. and Minnie Hitch
ner. aced 20. llelatlte. nnrl frl.o.l. ...
, ptovea Lehlsh Coal and Navigation d,.. In-
' . I, .. I t, fun.-nl ....I... r , ... ' . ' "
parenta' resfdence. L14ri N. 20th st, Int prl
vale. Bethel Cem . Camden. N J. ftemalns
mav he viewed Wed.. 8 to 10 p. in
IIOHAN Sept, 20. MILKS J husband
of Mary T. Horan tnee Olliesplei ltelatives
and friends, the Holy Name and the Sacred
Heart Bocletlea of the Church of St. Thomas
Arnitnan and the Republican Alliance of the
20th Ward. Invited to funeral, Ihurs. 0
a m residence father-in-law, John till
lesple. 181S H 17th st Solemn hlsh mass
of requiem Church nf Rt Thomas Aquinas
loan a m Jnt Holy Cross Cem Auto
HORN'IU On I .NDIIEW P. husband
nf Minn llnrnlir men Tleelyniin, n,iH mnn
rf Mar-aret and late John HnrnU and grand.
sun of christian and Kva I-unk f.elatlies
mm iririiim lbuhii lenriv uenenciai an
ilcts. Soutliensr Pleasure
.riiu, HlVllCU IO
iiinerai pai.,. a m, nia Tree st High
mass of requiem Our I.adv of Mt Carmel
liitirch 0.30 a m Int Hol Cros Ceni
Viitn funeral
1IOTTI.I. huddenlj Sept 30 M.FRI.I)
S HOTTLi:. Hiced ill Relatives and friends
Stephen Ollald Iaidte N'n 41(1 f. and A
M. L'nlon League Invlred to funeral aerv
Ices Ihuie.. 2 v m 701S Pover at.. Jit
Airy. Int. private West Laurel Hill Cem
Train leaves, Readluvr Terminal 12 SO for
Seiltcwlck Station .
HOCSION. Nera,l0 JAMKi husband nf
lane Houston. Relatives ahd frlenda Inviled
tri funeral. Thura . S 30 a in . 6113 Walnut
st.. West Phlla Itlgh mass of requiem St
Carthage Chunh 10 a in. lnr si t)enls"s
HPKItt.R Suddenlv Oct I AO.VK" I.
daushter of Christian and late Catharine
Hueber (nee Antwelleri. aed 2t! Rela
lives, friends and members of Phlla School
,. ? -rJ-. -vasoclatlon Inviled to funersi
riri!".,S(iAi",,'i.K,h.r.". t"1.";0 n:7, N '
f.1'" ",." ?lL '" lit ,"u"h. ",r ''nnnaciilatc
.?rj pDU.l,1.,iS. ni JV,L PFiV1 ,'i'.?,lv Ll "
( em Remain mav be viewed Ihur. eve I
iVllto funeral
Hf GHCS.- Oct 1
V.Vfc .WAfc.i ciaugliter ,
of Michael and Catharine Houghertv Hughes
uue notice or runerai vviir be given 324 Rn
der n v f.
HPMMV Sept 20 .lOHN .1 husband nf
Amelia Hurnrna (net. tVeherl and brother nf
the Rev Joseph Hutnma and .on nf Kllr.
beth and lato John Hurnma. Relatives and
rrtends. Kt diary's rioiv ame Rosarv and
St. Peter's Societies invited to funeral
Thurs. 8 30 a rn 2-'t Raldwrln at
ManavuiTk Solemn reqitlei,, mass st Marv a
Church lt a in Int St
.-.... ., -...
HIINTKR On Sent. 20 Ill.l.IVC
IIPN1ER vrlfe of Pran Norman llunlei
and daughter nf William 11 snJ Rebecca
Sult7berger aged 30 vear Reatlves
and friends invited to funeral service on
Wed , at s p ni at late residence ."3JI
Osage ave (35:h and Pinel 'lo proceed to
Meclianlcsburg. Pa on H-lo a in train
Thursdav from Rroad St. starlon
HllTCIUNSOV Suddenlv Sepi 20
MART, widow of James F, Hutchinson and
eldest daughter of Margaret and lare James
ucan aged i'o Relatives and f-Iemls In
,111 to funeral. Frl S 30 a. in 1.110 N
,0 of Olof and snphia Tohnson Relative
nn inenos uiemoer 01 cun nwcoi.u i.en
nociei , inviicu ro tunerai services inur
t p. ni . psients' re"ldence 132." MtKean ai i
lnr Hillside Cem Auto seivice
IcKr.LKR tn Norelstonn. fa sPni "S
HKNIty ?. KKKI.KR husban.l of Ida
Keeler. aged 71 Relatives and friends I
Zook Post. No 11 (1 A R Invited to fu
neral serv.ces 227 K Penn st Thure
1.30 n n, Int private
Kr.LLER. Sept. JO 1IIVIN J sot nf
John and Rose I Keller (ne. L'.ugg1
aged U Relatives and friends Invited tn
funeral services. Thais . 3 n m . residence
of parents, 2442 W orfiird st. Hit North
wood Cem. Remains may he viewed Wed
S to 10 n in I.ltnou.liie funeral
KKI.LT t 206 V Franklin at Oct I.
MARCU'.l.T K. wife nt Oenrge K Rellv
aged.3t Purlher notice of funeral will h
given Oliver H Hair Bldg.. 1620 l best
K FAD Mr -sent 30. or.onrip. M MIS'.
IIUJi aged as Relatives and friends In
vlted to funeral services residence. New
Center, Ille. Chester Co.. Pa . Thurs.. 2'3U
p. m Int (Sr.at Valfej Raptls. Cem Con
v.vances at Devon for train leaviig Croad
St. Station KIBn tn
KENNEV Sent 30 CHARLIE husband I
of Mary Kennev ne8 Stingerl aged 2n
Relatives end friends invited tn 'uneral
Sun.. 2 n. in 123". Hevbert st Int West
T.aurel Hill Cem Remains may be Hewed
Sat eve
loved husband of Rertria L. Kenharl (nee
I obianj. Rten as. lieiacives aim i",enqs ail
i Leather Co. Invited to tunerai rhurs 3
)' "
luo risnera ave. mi ureenmouni
KING Oct. I. urs. ALicii wi.NU nela
, H tni friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.
8 ,, ni . 1707 N. R3th st.. West Phils Jllgu
iiuii at fct. Gregoo'a Church 9'30 a tn Int
l-. r.h.del rem. Auto.ervle.
iV .Viii-'l. Sep- "U ItEcHN'A Cnehi.e
KNA.B.BbI ?p....w. "ftU'A pauenter
. Dn'i A- A"? 'il!.."!i".T' ,.'''5D.'- "'.a
a Bancroft at. High renulem mass si
ii.ni,.1. i-Tiupcn nam int. lav c-rii..
Church, Crescent Lodge. No 403 F and
a f Corinthian ChaDter. No ta OrH.p
of Ea.tern blar. Invited to funeral service..
Thurs.. 8 n m . 2251 N 13th t. Further
aervlce. Frl.. 11 a. m chapel nf Do, lea
town Cem., where Int.. will take place.
Dovlestown papers conv
KREMM. Sept 80. EDWARD, aon of
Catharine and Edward Kreinni Rela.
Uvea and friend., Waahlngtnn Camp, No.
338. P, O. S of A.; Jted. Whltrf and Wue
Council, No. SS3 1. O, of A.i Olrard College
Alitmnl and emnlovea of Elliott. I. .wl. l.,te.
trie Co, Invited to funeral aervlcrs, Hat.,j
i p. m., ri.i'c i inociier, aira. jonn
Hhalmlre. 2204 Naa.au at. Int. private.
Remans mav be viewed Frl., after 8 p m
widow ot Christian Kuasmaul Inee Grater).
aged 73. Itelatlves and friends Invited tn
funeral aervlcea. Thurs . 2 p. in., parlora of
John F. Fluehr. 104 AV. Susquehanna ave.
Int. private. Auto funeral
wife ot AVIIIIam A. Larson and daughter nf
Henry and the lata Dorothy Meer. aged 24.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral
services. Frl.. S p. m , 3238 Howell at
WlsalnoVnlng Int. private, Oreenmount
Ciiiik Remains may bo viewed Ihur... from
7 to 9 n in.
t.EART. Suddenly. Sept. 28 Private
.inuv .T.. aon of John L. Learv Cimn niv.
Co. 1S3. D. B . astad 12. Relatives and
friend. Invited to funeral, Thura., 8'30 a.
hi., residence of brother. 153 Howell st .
Chaster. Htgh ma., of requiem Immaculate
Heart Church 10 a, m Int. ht, .Michael's
nA nt Jennls Mann and aon of Roa Mann
.-..- .. . au n in ii i. mi y i raig I .Pin ni in biiifv ra 1 . iia.i.,ii si..-. i l ii,.i, sv rr-ian.ia int 1 ., ...-. ti. ..a t . a-M
o.v 'iierniiiuL ei. int
in. aVereciv.. .in .i..r. ..,.,.u m uii-r.i. i ..cm , n-nu, niny can inmn me,
rhnr. . 7.30 a. m. father's residence. 23ts NKVII.Lf. Oct. t. SAItAll liirrriitN
Cetn cnesier -":, .'.t z 7:.j ",-j "" "" ". ; ,-,1J ' nana 01 rrance. n. rumpHins (neo Mullenl "
J.ERNER. Oct.. 1. MARV. wife of Rer-1 fti,il,'r,"n,t i V."".."!".'. .', Relatives god frlenda Invited to finer.! '
nard Lerner (ne Selber) aged S4 Relatives if '?,!, own' N' J' I-"""1- 'n " Wed. ,-nices. Prl.,, 1 p, m lull S. Tansy a tl "
and frlenda. Archconfraternlty of the Holy ' ' TOnrVpo n.i i vvinrwi v,.k.i l'"L M,..'Mor,h .'-.'" Remains may b?
Family Sacred Heart Leagua all other ao- , ft. 1.7. Sii- ,,.i...Vn".. M...!..ii.a ''Alawed Thura, 8 to 10 p. m. Auto sersloe.
cletles of which he was a member. Invited !'. ,,''..l" W Peters (neo MacDovvell), 81UI.LMAN. Sept. 29. LOL'laA II . .urh.
to funeral. Prl.. 8 80 a m. S.'d W.' 'I homp. ..mI?" ?"'?'! ,', .:0,clf ler of late David U. and RovvliTid n "gmV
ionsL , Suleinn. requiem maas St. Peter's l'" f, M'?h !" aam;mv it ' Int Unri ninl WHatHe" and frlenda Invited tS ftit I
Church 10 a, in. Int. Most Holy Redeemer laVixorih .'3.?' lffiV c.Tm ' '' prl" "f-' aarvlce. Thura ;. o.SO . in., re.ld.n2r"
Cem. s . .... '"piVTpiViinvE.vJ "-S v'usr i- ir. e of brotherIn law William Fetter, 631)8 lltaT '
1.BAVIS. On Oct. 1 1918 JAMES JCOB. wiiii.m'iSiV.Tr.8 .a ilni?,T9"MWil,' '" s" v,- ,n''- tjrthar service, in 2:
husband of Roae A Lewis Inee Iary) and .Va'iaTe Richard I la mVm 1.1I. Pennington Pre.bt,r an Church, pinnink, "
:?vn..0'.nd'f,rl,Sd? n"1l funVrTl'V.rvlc'.V and fVlend.! "ited'fo ?un.dra,3..rvlV 8?0 ? DJ v- " "'"" '"V " We'
o'n'V?!? -? i f '."t'ufi'VeVldVn'c'e': J .," 2cJm?.'n '""""iS llfil&S. . SMlTHS.Pt SO. EMM E.. widow W '
2853 V. 20th at. Int. Prlvat Ardsley i,mJ'n's mTybe v.wed VV.d. "ve ' ,m,,nN,i.8.,?lli? " if" of lata" JcrkTi' ".
Burial Prk. Frlenda may call Thura. eve. miiLi.IPS At 'Ifedford N J Ninth Fr and Mary A, Derdlne. aged 83. Hel.
,iil On Sent. 30. JOHN MANN, fiu.l ..i.Vf1Sn.1ia'.T..,,nciui.? ni?.. .".'r.,'1". "?a'n.Ln .lives and frlenda Invltad to funeral ..rClI '
fMtaa.lVa sT.HU aATiUUS IMlI,s70 IO
awkl fatsa. ' ' B V.' tcT a.
tcCAMBIUDaB. Sept. SK. V I.orot,A.
wlf ' of Alojalua J, MrCamhrldrft (nee
Htanburyl tUlatltra and frli-nda tmlted tu
innerai. vnt n .in a m .'; a nsa at
I'lan rennicm miM.onr woeor the Itoary
I S?.1.'"'?.. " . m- lnl c "thcdral Cem.
. ""'
McCANN Suddenl). Oct 1 JOHN .1 ,
husband of late l.lllle C .McCann (nee lira
ham) and eoit of the late Dennis and Ellen
.Metatin. Uelatlrea nnd friends, all societies
or unun tie was a mimuer, inifed to fu
neral. I'rl . T 3(1 a in . son-ln-lnn a rl.
denre. J933 Kilned t Solemn lilah mass
of requiem. Ht. Monlia a Church. 9 a
Holy Cross Cem.
.MHo service
-.I-.I innnv nt ni .tnctirmr t i.,..
hand of Hei-lo T Mcl'arron nnd son of
John J. and Mary t,. .Mrc'arron (ne rtosan)
and son-in.law of Nknolas J and EltrAbtli
VVelr Itoche. HelatUea and friends. Wane
makers chaurreurs. Invited to funral,
lliiirs, S 3d n, m , 2'JU Sears at Solemn
ltlah mass St Edmond a Church 10 a. m.
Int Loir Cris ''"ni .,u o eenlc".
Meci.um:. iei.t. .in, ni.rttx)TTi: n.
McCl.UilK men fleece), wife of Jame Sic
Clun. arzed nn Itelatlve and frlenda In
vlted to funeral, Sat.. 1 p. in., son's resi
dence, 320 W. Albaiiu st . Olney. Int.
Ureenmount Cem. .uto scnlce,
McCI.l'Ild Oet 1, at I' S Krnharka.
Jr , husband of Klla.M. VIKlee (lice Doud)
no son or f.avvariivv. anu Caroline Mcuee
uVii H?.mlt,i."lSfh;f itanifllSSi'; ?li,?,ei '
Holv Iramliv nr it. lionllarins ( tmrrli.
UrsnJ.l-iat.rnltj International. Brotherhood
or i.onrmiueri anu jron snipbu Kiers ot
h- lKlls,.llnl.li V. Va.f.1 .-Itr4 . ...
neral 'Thur.: "7.30 .' ni7 ai..'lV1N jfancock
r-VmrcTiT ,,,MUTn,tU tV:?v,n?!,e,'0.'i1 .Vil" " ,
Church 0 a m. Int Hnlv Redeemer Cem
McOtNNIS inee Clark) Sept. 29 CvTIL i
.MllNIl. widow of Bernard McOlnnls, Rela-'
tlvcs and friends League of the Sacred
Heait of "t. Aeronlca'a Church Inviled to I
funeral. Thur... 8 30 a. in. 29.18 N. 3d st. I
High mass of rcniil-in St. Veronica's Church
to a. in. Int, Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auttr",
AlcdOWAV Sept, 30, HELl.'N M . daugh
ter nf William I. .ml late Marv McOnw.n ,
Inee Urant). aged 17 Relatives and friends, '
in,, ,.f 1U1T i-oilinlt ni.ta tni. ..v.nni
. Sans bond Iv'luU. Invited In funeral, Prl.
; s jo a, in., parents' residence. HJ S. 2tth
sr, Moiemn iiieii mass or rcnuiem St.
i Patricks Church 10 a
Int Holy Cross
cem Auto funeral
1 Mine Mcnntrtv
McnOW AN. Oct.
(nee (Irani) wife nf William .1 MMinwan .
Relative anl friend. Invited in funeral
rrl. K.lil a rn 143 ft. 24th si Solemn
high mass of lrcuilem St Patrick s Church I
10 a m lnl Hol Cross Ceni ulo fu
Mlv-.ft. in inofnti . i.i.v
h ii .h mi n ?iV.i. v '!i!.icfiC,,i A V.ehxr
Lnfl !SA ,,f" l.nn J V,'l ?tVvniV'' 'J,"."?'
nei.iii. .n5nniH.nliJ 1,!,e..ilill"'"'."M.Ka
Sol'T ,lnfuV,?,J.Vt-rn ''PlKffen?.' Ac -
Charles- Church 10 a 111 Int Holy Cruse
Cen, uto service
McMANfs. t l.lnnwnod V J Sepi
30, KOVV1.N J husband of Lama CI and
eon of Patrklus and Ihe late Mary J. Mc
Planus, aged 41 Relatives and friends in
vited lo funeral Thurs 10 a m., Maple
vlted lo funeral
Rv'- and Hhorc
emn requi-m in
J'leaaantillle N
antvllte Cem.
road, l.lnnwnod. N. J. sol-
rnn-s at sr Peter's Church.
J 11 a, in Int. Pleas-
j,n,,. nn,i c-ll.i, VI...1. .a n
T. son ot
itel.f Ii ..
and friends Inv iied to funeral Thura.. 8
a m . brother s residence. 211 Hampden
ave , Narberlh Pa Mass St Margaret's
Church V u ni. Int St. Denla s Cem, Auto
iuiiei.,1 iniiu nowers
"cpt. if CATHA-
TIINJB MI1M.KV (formerly Adams) wife of
.uicnari neaie neeatives and Irlepds in
vited tn funeral services. Thurs . I p. m .
M ,n, ' rrlends may call Wed .8 to To p. m
, MILLER Seor 20 RlIORGi: r... hu
band or Margaret Vllllei. aged 37 Rela
lives and friend. Ongwehouwe irlbe No
20. 1. OR M . And Court Wenslev No
133 f uf V 1iiv lied to servlie ihurs
n p in 2')'i4 llurlev at int areenmount
Ceni Friends mav view remsln. Wed eve
M1NTOV Sept 311 HANNAH, wife of
lames Mlutoi,. Relatives and friends in
vited tn funeral I'rl.. 7 30 a in 2.M3 Inger
soil si .-nlenio high requiem n,a. st
Kllrabclli Church II a m Int Holv Cross
Cem Auto funeral
I MOF.OLICH Suddenlv Sept So HVR
HMt. MOEOI.ICII aged (II Relate anil
friends invited to funeral service ihurs.
1 p. in lesldeme nf bruther-ln-la vv Halo
Oroswkh 3021 Master st. Int. private
MONAdHAX. Seut 21" V.NNA V . daugh
ter of Peter and Catherine Monaghan
i Relatives slid fllends Children of Marv nf
M Edward's Church Star of ihe .sea Clrclea
No 47VI (' P. of Inviled tn fuiursi
Ihurs R do a. in resilience of parerits
2.115 N loth at iolejnir fi.,ulr; ;nass st
Kdwaiila Chursl, K a m lnl Holj
Sepulchre Cem. S.MO tulera'
MON" ft 4. S' j?ept 29 JOHN A husband
of Aaflih A lonahati (nee (lllleaple, and soi,
of John end Hridget Vlonahati nged 27
Relatives and friend H M Sodalit
League of the Saccd Heart and Holv Name
Rorletj. or SI thnmas Aquinas s cfmrcli
i and San Domingo Council K of C Invited
tu attend funeral ihllis 9 a in. patents
resldenre. 1419 iasker st solemn lush ina
of-requiem St rhomas qulnas a Chinch
I 10 30 a. in Jnt llol. Cross ( em Auto
MOONH, -Sepi 20 ,1V MRS A son nf
Jennie and late Mexander Moonev. Rela.
lives and friends Inviled tu funeral. Thurs
S 30 a 111 . 4641 llavcrfnrd ave Solemn high
mass Church of our Mother of bortovvs lo
a n Ini St Denis's Cem
Moore On (-opt so yvciivr.r T
MOORE, aged 71 vears Relatives and
friends and J. T (treble Pol i; V R., Xo
JO (,-cble Camp. No 10 S of V Ladies
Vuvlllnry of Post 10 and lira Owls of
Pot 10 and Police Hnent Aso Invited
to funeral services on Sundav at 1 .1(1 p in
at (ireble Post Hall 721 Wharton st io
pro eed lo l.afaetle anil
MOORE feept 3n ELLEN widow- ,.r
rhomas Mooie and mother of sister Mar
St. Reginald. Order lmmaculale Heart Rela
tives ind friends League or t-acred Heart
Invited to funeral "'at s 10 a m resi
dence son In-law Mr Patrick ..lever 1813
S 30th st Solemn high mass of requiem
St Gabriel's ('hutch in a in Ini Holy
Cross Cem Schulki!l County papers com,
MORN Oct 1 MARV Bj wife of Kif
ward P Moran and dsuthte, of Charles and
Saiah A (Julnn Relatives and frlenda In
vlted to funeral Sat S..10 a m., 2I0R
Panama st . 21th and line sla Solemn high
.nna Murph, hbciI .1" li.lniu.. aa
friends, inemlicrs'of tho American Red Cross,
Invited t' fuu-jal. 1 liurs s 30 a m . broth
era lcaldence Vv illlalu 11 Vlutjihy, 3S
Apalej st. IJermantown r-olemn requiem
mass Church of St. Francis of Assist in
a in Int. New Cathedral Ceni.
MVKRS. Oct. 1. AVII,LR1 P. son nf
Robert and Annie Mvera Relatives and
friends, International niotlirrhnocTof Holler I
makers Iron Shipbuilders and Helpers of
America Invited to funeral services. Frl.
2 pa m 43 .N Ha I ford st Int. Norlhvvood
SON. wife of Chorlen r .Neville and daugi,.
. ter or I'narinrte and i.t. Aiii.pt r n..i.i...
., -...;.-.-.. t:. :.-:,:."-. .'- .'...en.
NOHT.E. Suddenly. Sent ttn r.ir.rnu
daughter of Elizabeth and late tohn Noble
Relatives and friends. Orient Ruling. No
213d, F. M. C . emploves of H K Mulford
Co. Invited in funeral aervlcea. I'rl,. 2 p.
ni. mother's residence. 518 N 64th st . Waat
Phlla Int ternnood Cem Friend, may
call 'Ihur. eve Auto tunerai.
., CV...1UU, wci. i i.ii.ciA.N au.nks. i
wife of I-raiiik . OTonnor and daughter ot ,
Mary and the late George Kane Paris. Rels.
lives and friend. Inviled to funeral Frl..
n an a m i'au . l.amhert at. So emn
requiem mass Church of Ht Monica, 17th
?-nrk "UAn,er ' ,0 " '" Int. Holy Cross ,
- .. ..,
O'TOOI.n lct l vtmninvi' -vie. f
.lames c. iooie, ,ir. inee iiaggertvi iiua no.
tlce of funeral will be given, 1923 Button.
wood at.
son of Catharine
anu me late jticnaro
funeral. Thurs.. 8 30 a. in.. Addlngham. Del. j
avcare County. Pa High mas. St. Andrew's
;.l!"!fn. '."""-"Ill, 10a. m. int. St.,
itir-i T.i!r,' .'".".n'c'J",...'".1.10 Vf!.
n.Ii.AIJ.i;s'"0c' - 1?.st"f,.1-' ".' 44-
of Simon and Elisabeth E. Pearson, aged 11.
Itelatlves and fi lend. Invited to funeral aerv.
Icia, Fr .. 2 p. in . 3038 N Hutchlnaou at.
..... ,'. .c, ,.i,,.,.i. ,,, r w
mi .. .,..,. ...,. .nnu h. .I......
be viewed
, - -...-
lend, also
inurs h to in p. m
i.i iic. iceiaiivr. anu inenos. aiso
...iiuii. imir, r.sns A. .ai . llivueuin
mil, au...u.. .i' ul HLi.r.i. spnr. i i.lj i.i i 11.1.1 .i. . . t.tm.t tAv.- 11
.1 flin.r.l ...ul... Hn Th,,,. af IO a, . -.. I . . ...' L. ,'.".. 1 nu.
.v, ,u,, n.,utwMM a .,ui 7, .n OO. ej-k,,. . n n. ra.M.... .. . . "? .' "-S-SL
MdiM -KRffia'wvSsi i
- B-THg , -,
-Sept, SB. KDXA, U, STvTVlt-
serves, re.
uaiurner or cnariea and -r.in
abeth riace (nee rollltt), llelatltcs ami
friends Nurses Alumnae of St Tlmothj'n
Hojpltal at Vurslng Corps nf l'hlla Naval
iiospnai invited In funeral, Ihurj,, 'J p. in,.
M0 W Westmoreland at Services 3pm
I E. Church of'St, Simeon, Ulli and I.ehUli.
ave lnl iNorthwood Cem Ilemalns may'
bo viewed 1'ed , after p. m
PI.P.Vt.VIEIt, Puddenlj, Sent. SO, K
EHKTT II VI.LMMKn llelatlves 'and
friends Invited tn funeral ecrvlrea, Trl . S
p. m .1011 Walnut st, Int private, Wa
Laurel Hill Cem.
PONTEITtACT. Sepl. 30. M VIHI H hus
band or Eleanor M. lues Porrest) and son
nf VAestby nnd Amelia A Pontefn.ct, aiefl
'.'II. llelatlves nnd frlenda. I.oat VVIsia
hlckon Lodge. No. 74S. I. o. o. K Jf. U,,
Invited to runerAl servicer, Thura., 2 p. rn,,
1'27 Wendover st , Rotbotoush. Int, private.
Prlenda may call Wed , 7 to P p. in
, TOIMOV, Oct. 1. (lEOItOE husbind of
lata jrarj- E. PoDJoy. sued fit, llelatlves
and friends Invited to funeral service., Frh,
.In m , 17111 Wlntjohocklnc St.. Nlretoem
Int private Northnood Cem. 1 rlends may
call Thur eve,
, I'OTII.KIKH At Wefdon. Ps Sept. 2t.
AUA.L PorTEIUErt. wlfs of Lawrence S".
Pottelser and daushter of Samuel T. and
Anna. c. 'nonr. ased 27. Itelatlves
Ralston, ."HI 10 (llrard ave.
Due nntlca nf funersi will lie alien.
ItEAUKIt. Sept 2. aOHAN.NA widow
t of 'ohn IP Header mee Nag'leV llelitlvea
i -.-.- ...-. i. i.j . r..a.i n i. ..a- .
," 7n Hud ev" at Mas. 'of renulem
, hurch of St AiDhniisus lti
:.,,yT'P. Vl ', AiPnOllSUS W .lij
" , vr ,'frRN -oov" 'lo'weIi.KV eon of
' Prancl, and May NlVon I SoXern. passed
awav October 1 aged 2(t llelatlves and
fllends Inviled to funeral services. Hst
2 p in . at the resldtncc of his parenta.
2114 N 28th .1 Int at convenience of the
RK.LMON'Ii Oct I, MOER K., husband
nf Ella VI. Redmond (nee Hound V Hue no
tlce or funeral will bi then, residence. 133
.v. loth st Papers of Camden, N. J .
please copj.
REED. tent 30 CHARLHS 11 . husband
of Lucy A. Reed, aged 70 Relatives and
fllend. Post No " CI. A. n : Mllle Lodge.
No. moo I O (i V ; survivors of Kearney
llrlgade 1st N. .1 . Invited to funeral aerv
lies. Hal . 2 p. in.. 2227 Page st. Int. prl-
vate Friends may call Frl. tve.
i.i.r. c C'Cl. I niiiir.iii iiccio.i. .'.i
nf Shirley II. and Ilertha Reeve, aged 7 moe.
1" "avs Relatives and friends Invited .10
funeral 'ervlce "ihurs 3 p nr parents
residence, dull Cotlase el laconj Int
Magnolia ;(m. . ...........
'nee lleckmannl. widovv of feidlnand Relsch
mann Itelarlves and friends members of
l-adles' Aid Soclelv of Independent Lutheran
s'- ''"l' Chur. h Itiv lied to funeral,
'thurs. 1 p. m,..4:36 Old Vork load. Serv
""mat ,'nh,h.- .SSl'"" "" ' 2
Lakes Naval Station. 111.. 1.IIU vi:l) liT
son of William If, and Minnie .!. Rembold,
sited 20 Relatives and friends emploves
ot Kastern Elevator AVorks, Invited to fu.
neral services, Ihurs.. 2 p. m.. parenta' resii
dence 312 Callow hill st. Int. private. North
wood Cem. Remains may be viewed AVed
evA Auto funeral. .
J RKMENTHR. wife of iat. Oeorge A .
Rementer, aged 114 ears. Relatives and
friends invited to funeral a.rvlce on
Thursday, at 2.30 p m.. at 101S ft 2d at
Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Remains
mav be viewed Wednesday evening
RLMEN1 ER, husband of Bessie J. Remen
ter (nee Burgessl. aged nt years Relative,
and friends, Southwark Lodge, No. 141. Jr
0 tt, A AI , and a.11 other societies of
which be was a member, Invlred to funeral
services, on Thurs.. at 2.S0 n m . at
residence of .7 AA'esiev Roiven HUS ?. 2d
t To proceed to Hrcenwood Cemeter)
Retnatn mav lm viewed AVed. eve
son or Philip J, and Annie P.. Reulchler ln"
Hofmann) Residence, 1930 S. 2d at Uje,
police of funeral will lie given
, REVNOt.Do Sept. 3o. EIHTII M dauh
lei of Frederick and Clara Renn'ds. aged
1!) Services strlctlv nrlvate. Thurs.. 2
n in IK'Jl t. M'ark'a so. near 17th and
Rrislow.t Int. Oreon Mount Ceni. l lends
msv call Wed., between s anl I) p, in v
RIC'tfARD Sept. 30 MAREt. HARK A
wjfe of Joseoh P. Richard, nged 30 Rel
TTves end fllends Invited to funeial. J'rl.s
10 ci in , SI "Clement's P. F. Church 20t)1
nnd cherrj st Remains may be viewed
'ihur eve . 1212 N". 27th St.
RI11 K.N HOUSE Sent. 311, Et.lV.AB..T'I
wife ot AorAh.im RHtenliouse (nee Andvrsout
Relatrve and fllends lnvll.il to funeml
service. Prl 2 p in., residence of husband
7(111 Ridge rue Roxborough. lip private
Omit flowers
RIVEL Sepi .10 AVll.LIAAr K hus
band nf Dota E and son of (leoige AV. and
Emma Rlvel aged 31 Relatives and friends
Samuel Pfelfer A' B Asa n, emploves P. Ri
r io.. loth and Jackson sts turn, invited
lo funeral Car., t u in., 2412 H. Falrhlll ti
lot lernviod Cem Friends may calt Prl
eve Veto service "
ilaugliler 'tt Leon and Elizabeth Robinson
aacd 10 Relative and fllends, Atumnl Aaso,
of Colllligsvvooil High School tnvlteil to, fu.
neial services 'ihui. 10.30 a m,, parents
i eaidencc. 14S Washington ave Colllngs,
vvond N. J. Int llarlelgti Cem Friends may
ia'l Wed after 7 l, it, "
P.ORINON" Sept. 20 rr.lA'K c. UOFU
INON' nged :.n Relative and frlndJ In.
iled lo funeral services. Thurs 11 a, m
touth Sprlngflrld Delaware Co Pa. lnt
private. .
RO.MIG Oct 1 HENRV E husbaivlof
Alum E Rnmlg (nee Jones), aged 30 Rela
lives and fnencls invited to funeral, Frl.
1 p in , Coles uve , Atap'e. Shade, Burling
ion Co N J Int. Mt. Trace Cem Take
Moorestown car.
ROrCE Of pneumonia Sept. IS In
franc. Lieutenant EDWARD O of 313th
Inf Co E. son of Dr und Mr Charles '
Roce 3211 AA'alnut at . aged 32 Memorial
serflces Chjich of the Ascension Sun.. 7'30
a m. Buffalo N V pipers copv.
RVAN. Oct. 1 IAMES A . husband of
Ida E. Rjan (nee lUgertj). 1712 ? ISth sic
Du. nolle-, of funeral will he. given. f
SCAVI.OV Oct. 1 RITA It., wife nf
Edward J Scanlon and daughter of George
W and Agnes Connne Relatives and friends
Invited lo funeral. I'll. S 3D n. m P.I27 S.
Moud at Solemn requiem mas Church of
the Epiphany 10 a in Int. Holy Cross
ANBACHER At Camp T)!x N. Jt
28. AUGUST, son of August and
l Schanbacher aged 27, Rel .tl,ea and
Company 12. 3d It. N 13.A T). ni
repi. -rioohla
lirilli. V.UI.' a.,.J ... ... ,,, .. IU,I 1,. It
L. O. M.. Bartenders' Union. No. 178; in'
rs nf Chela.
Home. 5th t below Glrard ave.. Invited tn
funeral. Thurs.. 2 p. m.. parlors of C. Y
Brenner. 1611 Gernantown ave. Int. Hill,
aid. Cem via funeral car
SCHWARTZ, wife of Louis II, Schwartt'.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral
services, on Frldav, at 2 30 p. m , at late
residence. 2304 S. 22d at. Int. AA est Laurel
Hill Cemeterv.
S01IWENDBA1ANN. On September 29.
1918 WILLIAM II.. beloved husband nt
Mary Jane Schwendemann (nee Hnneford)
and son of AVIIIIam and Elisabeth Hchvvencle
mann. in his 28th ear Relatives and
friends also St. Oeorgo P. I. Church and
DEU (nee Rothkugel). wife of Fred Schwen
der. aged 21. Relatlvea and frlenda lo .
vlted to funeral, Sun,, 2 p. in , 2263 X, 224
st lnr private.
SCOTT Sept. 30. CATHARINE, daugh.
ter ot Thomas .1. and late Mary Scott
It.l.tlie. and friend. Invited tr. f.,n...i
Thura . 7.30 a
spruce at. 31
irle. 'Iranadgura
llnlv Cross Ceir
rnura . .au a m.. reaioence or rather. 0721
ipruco at. -viasa or requiem Church of
he 'transfiguration 9 a. m. Int. nriv.t.
llnlu lr...a 1 '...,
SIIinr.DS At AVIlmlnalnn. n.t .-
20. MARTIN .. husband ot Hthel. son of
Daniel and Catherine Shields (ne Mcv
iinnnucn. -n.iii Ann ai.. rniia iiaiot .
ana jriena invneu io lunerai. -rnura. morn,
lug, 117 Monroeat. Wilmington Solemn
high maas Mt. t'aul s Church 9.30 a. nu
In. Vlllmln.lnn i
SHUUKRT 'Oct 1. ANNIE, wife of.
Ch.,1.. VV Slhiih.rt Tt.la.l... .i a VJ,.!IV
-"rt .---". -..... .--n .,,, ...ciiuk
ijg .v. 05th St. Int. private,' FernnooiL
(Jem. "i. rernwooa.
sitL'STEIL t Newton. Msat . Oct I . &,
,Bln' ANNA, KlalUA. daughter of Durrell
"""I M"' Hhuater. aged 16. u notl.
,r0m "Mt' ",""n'
SIl.COV. Sept. 30 ALICE, wifa ni
i Charlea 1). Sllcog. Jr , and daughter of Ha"'
vey II and Sarah A. AVIIson. iiT.ri ?iW
aged itli
.. ".... .. a.,. ,
Relatives and friends, members of Frank-'
ford Ate .Methodist Church and SundaJ.
.chool, Invited to funergl aervlcea. Hit. 5
p, m . 271M Orthodox at. Int. Oakland Cam
p, m . 271VI Orthodox at. Jnt. Oakland c.n,
. HlVII-KlMI, Bepl. 30. llAnRY AV v.,,..'
ninun v.u ii.ncuus nrvnni lis
l.iMK., tM . ta..
fs(Mt4, Arearwt7iMatr f Hol Pauilly.t
ynwiui at., agea i, mt, c,'Barl
-. -.-