Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 01, 1918, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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?jd(ftrorn Sea to the Mouse,
if& Enemy Cracks Under
PMT . Total Battle
fet '' , Teuton Retreat and Collapse
jxcsuii oi iviiixiiiniiii
, Pressure Exerted
Special Cable to I'.vening Public Ledger
CoutrfoM, I9IP. hit Xtf ork 7linel to.
With the French Army In Champ.iRiie,
Oct. 1.
. Tlic hour of final rprlionln; and
Creator world upproarln'M.
Kor a long Mini' (iprman.v'K only
hope lay In n partial battle. Now that
a totnl battlo In delivered, her strength
cracks on all sides
With consummate art and a
dramatic cumulation of power Koch,
lights up the whole line fiom the i
sea to the Meuse at the moment of
Turkish and Utilitarian rollapse. The
material strain upon the enemy H
enhanced by the deadly moral strain,
and In both the weight of pressure i
la double by its shrewd direction.
Alike In fnrtltkution nnd In num
bers of men, th" Herman stuff hail
given care to its center in l'raiic
and especially to the Cambral, St.
Quentln, St. Gobjln nnd Malmaison
bastions. On each side of these the
armies were lel.itlvely thin. Von
Elnem, In Champagne, particularly,
might well suppose his defenses to be
Von (iallulu Holts
I said the other day that the pollus I
wrho were biting into the iron walls j
of St. Quentln and Malmnison weie
dolne on nssmttl-ii in.i nf ih.. niinin
noing an issenti.n pait or tin; whole
work. Slow as the results were. In,
appearing, they appear todav. If
Alanirln bin! nni U-..nt nn iriiiinn t...
ward the Cheinin-dcs-Uames. there
would have been no need for Von CJ.tlt
vyitz to bolt from that bloodv and
prodigious will on I'rld.iy night. The
retreat Is n result of not only local
heiolsm but of total piessure.
The present strelngth of the Allies
is not only in fact a battle of con
Verging wings. The Belgians and
British on the north strike eastward.
tne .Americans nni! I-reneli between i
mo .vicuso nnu tlie Mulpiie strike .
northwest and north. If the axis of
these movements should b" drawn
they would meet In the elastic battle
grounds of the S.imbre and Meuse
triangle. Kvery gain they make Is it
threat against the most protruded Ger
man center.
Knemy Karen Harder Times
Today It Is the western of the Alsne
heights that Is abandoned. Soon it
will be the eastern half, with the
fronts of the Vesle and the Aisue.
t Such aro the fruits of sound, vigorous
strategy and they are but beginning,
for" If 'tho total battle can he tirelessly
-i-'-malntalned, I.udendorff's dilemma will
continue and will even become aggravated.
Kvery retreat being dogged and har
assed gives us thousands of prison
ers. Jt cannot therefore, yield a saving
of forces llk the voluntary Bhorten
Ing' of fronts. The Herman losses of
the last few days probably verv greatly
exceeded thoe of the Allies and so In
crease our superiority of means.
The advance of Ueneral Oouraud's
army In Champagne In the three davs
ol its offensive varies from six miles
rtlt the center, north of Tahure, to thiee
miles on the right. In the Alsne Valley.
Standing on any height overlooking
the field or Champagne, a strong Im
pression of tlie labyrinth of derenses
raised during the last four years is
at once obtalntd, because tlie leabt
'scratching of the meager grass of this
poor region reveals the chalk subsoil.
Thus the lands-cape consists of mile be-
nmu inue or a shin ne whlio 1-. 1 1 .,. I
ff. work of trenches, llie lnlr,.l..., r
IV which are n.iti hew of .lift.. ...-i ..i.. ..i I
with shell craters and "jittered with I
wire and debris of old battles. The '
trenches ate no in-iv buccessiou of
parallel lines, but a series of scientific j
systems, with swltche". blockhouse", rilll.
boxes, machine-gun posts by the nun-1
drd, places for the gathering of re- i
serves, observatories. Immense dugouts
cut thirty feet deep In solid chalk, and I
elaborate telegraph and light railway I
Therv are no mountain of forest
blocks like that of St. Hobaln or
Argonne. no possibilities of inundation
as lu Belgium, no large towns to ue I
as supplementary fortifications; but for
nld works pure and simple I should
think those of ih- old front In Cham-,
pagne. unerner on tne Krench or Her
jnans side, are t tie most formidable that
lrilUtary enifineriiig has ever created.
Jt might well t.e mj The land lent
Itself to thi- eiue' une. In the eenter
of the f(on In l-'iarae. these sectors
In either dlnct oo culled for special
strength. A double array of obstacles
led In turn i,i lung immobility after
the Krench offenslte of 1I5, and this
fmmobllits gave the armies leisure In
which to dg themselves in still more
mu l tun i untiLicj
Douglas Cumplicll and Other!
Aviator Ailil to Records !
With tlie Amrrldin rm, in Prune.
Oct 1 (Uy 1 N Si It was ortldally
confirmed todav that Douglas Campbell,1
of San Jose. Cat. shot down u itttrmun
airplane In June He Is now credited
wrrn downing len enemy planes. '
Kddm lllckenbacker yesterday at
tacked a, Herman observation balloon be- i
Ing brought up to the front on a motor
truck with a semi-Inflated eas bin.
Illchenbacl.cT machine-gunned the crw
jind set llie to the truck. Frank l.uke
h btought down two more observa
tlon balloons.
pj '- Frederick Iluchanan, Ju Civet Life lo.
" A- : c Freedom Cause i
city. Oct.
1 Frederick W.
IfV 'ifVuchanan, Jr.. twenty years old, son of
h, "."5' w Mr' F w- Buchanan, of this
t. if itiy, was Kiueu in action wtnie ngnt-
t iv mn Kitimnwy who me neauquarieis
lr - J 'iMMtian v nt tlm llllli Inf.nl.w n t),...
q-.,i; y n.u ...... ..,.w...., n, 4 ciiii-
avlvanla unit, according to a brief mes.
Mk received by his narents.
" ' Buchanan enlisted early last snrlne
l)VL Me trained at Camp Hancock and
jWMeed the Atlantic with the Pennsyl
vania regiment In May In his last
lt.r written Jnlv . h tint I th.
,,,'JSJ! tbst he soon wpuld be In the front
gTwtth a chance to show what was
1st Jilm.
. . .
.Unload L. S. buppliei Quickly
Oct. 1 (In one day durlnv.
Misek Americana discharged 36.917
Of cargo irom snips at an tne
aring anomer nay.
one par-
r VMt,
SI MM..I AW .t l .-. . BBW .Vt
j? KjArmcnJiere b .L L U I DIXMUPE Str: I
es HRoubaix . L p ,
ne.nrffcAft oMoB, ,W- ggMS-p
Arras W MaubcuBc.) ) -- Xfr ., 1 I
rAbbcvii.e y cg vT w
AMIENS-"" LA -Hir.on V) -"V-TOWCOiNefl? j
- - ' Mczierei! . Armenherei-.y ,
Cfe'5. Vouaer.fe eThionvil!c
xj)'. r tv' ' p , , jb -.
SJfi& McauxofijCliatcau-
The arru on I lie lurpcr map -how Imu the llrili-li and llt'laiini ofTeii'lM' in l'lnnilcr anil ill" Crrm-lt- nierieim
drive in llie (niniiip.ij5ne anil Vrpnnne arc lliri-iili-iiinc to turn til entire (JeriiKin line in Pranre. The llrili'h
.mil llel.siau urc ilrawinu elo-e In Riniler-. while the Ireiuli anil nierir.nu niriiare onzicrf, Jiotli iitiporturit
lriiiij:licilil- -iiffgu.ii i in the (h-iiiiiiii- itul linei of inmiiiunioilinii
Allies Tear
Contlnufil fnim I'iiep On
s.stem and the Anienrans liai found
It to he literal lined with tunnels. iIiik
outs and galleries which require a gieat
deal of mopping up. Large numbers of
Germans hale been killed, hut befoie
thev wrie sllerevd the enetni masses
worked their m.-ulilnw guui with the
gT u,Ke An.erleans swept past the j
southern end of the tunnel the Hermans
leiiialneil In hiding until me Ainerteaiis I
cot a ,,,,, w( ,M .,,, t)l(111 ,,,,, .
singed up end plungetl Into the fight i
The.v were emc.iged tlrst hy the Anier- i
leans ami men nv ine .MiuaiMii. in
tunnel mouth was I'hnl.ed with dead
This lotion beg.ui late Suudas evening
and continued until n i-loek Visteld.iy
I morning with unabated Intensltv.
Aineileati units now an- holding
trenches in the llludenhurK line from
mlileli the licriiinns have tried to foiee
I theni Kverywhere there has been light-
ng of the baidesi eharaeler.
i Held to I.Ht, .Mini
I Hep .its just lei-elved lildiiale thai
I no-th of llilllcourt tluie was very
hc.ivy tightlng
and the Ampriejiis In
ori-nxUM' niralnst them.
spite uf great
have held their positions. In tint n tew
-nr In the hint iimn. They fell light
ing rather than Kite up a single Inch of
giouud to the desperately lighting- ISei
nian. who seemed to have been burled
against them learilless of the cost.
As a lesult of the lighting the Anier
h-aiis are holding lines fottujug a salient
whleh Im'gis sllKhtl.v westward lietwten
liouv and .loncourt. but this, at last ic
ports, was heing graduallt eliminated.
The general In command of one of
Hie Aiiiein-nii divisions was warmly
commended liy British oflicers for tho
manner In w-hU-h he mau.igeu to proter
tile tlanli between his eomiiinnd and ar
other division n-.-nhwaid
Continue Atlvanci on Wslo and
Capture Two Town- in
Hy the Associated 're.tt
Paris. Oct. 1.
Kiench troops this morning weie
pusliing ahead again on tlie ft nut be
tween the Alsne and Vesle rivers, and
are continuing their advance In the
Champagne, according to toda.v 's War
Otllco report.
The drive along the Vole north
west of Hhelms was opened yesterday,
when Central 'Ifcrthelot's iirmv Joined
In the chain of battle with a success
equal to that of other group". He
Is plunging ahead on u front of sven
and one-half miles,
(leneral Hertholet Is advancing to
ward the eastern extremity of the
Chemln-des-Dames and open land by
which the great J-aon pivot point can
be outflanked.
In their advance In the Champagne
the l-'iencli have scored Impoitant
gains In the Alsne valley . Hlnarvllle
and Conde-I.ez-Audry have been cap
tured. The French have taken more than
13.000 prisoners on the front between
the Suippe and the Argonne since Sep
tember iti, and have captured mom
than 300 guns In the same period. A
great number of the guns were of
heavy caliber.
A statement Issued last night says:
"In spite of enemy reslstanco we
have captured Hevillun, Itouuiau and
Montglny-sur-Ve-le. I'ush'.n,; turther
north we reached the neighborhood
south of Meurlval nnd Vcnteb-y. Six
teen hundred prisoners were taken.
The battle continues today along thu
whole C'hanipaano front. I'ho enemy
was ejected front Stc. Marle-l'y. We
have passed hejond the village.
We have taken A lire and also the
, plateau and woods north of the vil-
..- ....-. ..,.. ...... " "
laee. We t-anturetl Marvaux and oui
llnes have been extended bejond Moti- "He rapture of .Montfaucon by Ivnnsyl
thols vanian and Virginian irnnpi of Kngllsli
,.,. ,. .. ., ( alvlnist and Hutch rneichant stock.
"Italian units operating uoith of thoi Tlie emliieine. capped bv Hie flattened
Alsno have carried Soupir. Hetweeu nnd sliell-ehuined ruins of the village.
the Alsne and the Vesle our troops
this morning continued their attack,
making decided progress on u. fiont
Of twelve kilometers."
lly the I uiteil Press
Paris, Oct. 1. -The Hermans are re
ported to lie withdrawing between the
Vesle and the Alsne west uf Hhelms,
wheie Ceneral Uertholcfs left wing
Is In action.
General (louraud's army, attacking
In the Champagne on IlertholefH
right, is progressing satisfactorily und
Is expected to .each all Its objectives
by tonlglll.
I "
I A li;.. llelvn l'n..t..v Jliw.L-
Whole Rclgiau Front.
Towns Captured
Uy the Associated Press
Havre. Oct.
I " '" '"" '"
! Havre. Oct. 1.
Helglan and Urltl.l. forces r under
command of King Albert continued to
ninkn uood nroirress ulong the whole
'front In Uelglurn. Tho Hdglans have
reached the environs of Houlern and
crossed the Houlers-.Menln high road.
1 ne ueigittiiH urn cum uiiiii; jiouiers,
und rapidly extending the wedge be
tween Uile fortress and the U-boat
bases of Ostend andeebrugge.
'NMrtalsHrt odMUl stfitnunt of the
vnaions i x Ji;v
i merry
tlommicrs Jf yommcrcyx X"N
C r , o, NATVv '-
Big Holes in Teuton Lines
ll-'lgiau War 1)111. -. v,iim tlin I the llrit
lh forces have iv.u Ins! tho Iliver I.ys
on a live-mile front fiom Warneton to
Vcrviei, Anierswelil and Uiinstnluuw
keihe liave lieen carried. Stildcrselt
also lias been occupied.
Thi'j number of prl-oners was fur
'her lnireased, but it lias not been pos
sible to count them.
(leneral Plumei's Itrltlsh forces
nienai-e .Menln. wlilcli is an important
railway .iunctioii.
Tlieie Is no olllii.il eoiitirmation of
the leport that Holder- has been cap-j
Hired. Holders is thliteen miles north
east of Ypies and Is the most linpor
tn lit rallwav supply center for the
(ieriuan urliiies north of l.llle.
I'leneh troops lire co operating with
the Jti-ltlili and lidgians.
As the Allies aiv pushing Into the
heart of the network of Herman rail
roads in the l.llle-.ihent-IJrilges tri
angle, the earl.v capture of these rail
roads Is txpected The -elzuio of the
railroads would force t lie evacuation
of Intend and Zeebtuirge.
ll tin' ivvoWafdi 'rcn
With the Anivrlriin rnij Vorthwet
uf Verdun, Uet I. lleports of the ex-
",eellcnt nun of the Franco-American ar
. tillerlst-i In the Slcuu-Aigonnc drive
jte i lining In. I'pon a hill used by the
1 .ei 1111111- as an ooservaiion posi, vvni'-u
liee.ime a target lor the
American gun
nel s. Aiiici'h-.in rei'onnoitering paints
found two dead Herman oflicers sitting
near petp holes In a dugout, llolh had
been UilliM hy the i)iucuslon of a shell
which "truil. close l Their observa
tion glasses weie not damaged.
lu another Inslame the Kranco-Amell-i
an uiiniicrs scored a hit between two
Herman i.oi-uiiiumeit r pieces. tsoui i
gun were put out of commission and i
thiee of the gunners were ; killed.. Near-
n.v a oneci mi was svuieu on u .it tun,
Herman trenches Hermans weie found
who hail been kllltd while endtaiorlng
to reach dugouts. Their comrades who
succeeded in leaching Hie dugouts re
mained theie until the Americans came
up and then suriendercd.
lly the Associated Ve.tt
W iishiiuclnii, Oct. ! Ainiricau troops
have maintained and consolidated tlilr
newly captured positions (rom the Meuse
to the Alsne In the face of counter
attacks and heuv) artillery bombard
ment. Heneral I'ershiiig lepoits ill his
communliiue for yesterday
The stiiteineut follows.
"Section A From tlie Meue to the
Alsne our troops have maintained and
consolidated their newly raptured posl
rinns in tlie face of counter-attacks and
heavy gas and artillery hoinbaidnient."
Ilv CA.MI'.RON MacKi:..li:
Special Cubic to Evening Public Ledger
I JW. 'US. hn .Wit foil line Co.
With (he Amerlfitn Arm In I'rnnre,
ct. 1 A great battle, whnli is lom
parable with nothing wliicli the Ameri
can army has utnadv develoned. has
upon the fronts between the
Alsne and
the Meuse. The Initial otl
tbe enemy hai-K nearly seven
, rusn iirnio
miles upon a iwen v-mile i, e
, A creai niem u.-i ti,. nm.i ,,,i ,iofl-
stands 37 vatds above sea level and
Is one of the gieat observatories of the
entire western front From It In 1916
the Cerinmi tire upon Verdun was large
ly directed. To the northward and
northwestwanl it commands. In easy
view, the vital lines of the enemy's com
munications and also the town of Ilu
zancy, which is a most important mili
tary railhead Tor the Hermans. Its pos
session uflords tlie American artillery
the tares! opportunity.
In tlie tlrst day or the attack that Is
j "n Thursday .Montfaucon was heavily
fought for. Contingent! uf Americans
"0.u, '! "'.'"; ho heights, cling there for
y" dolibov STeVe Plngln
shellholes In a semicircle around the
slope about 2(iil yards from the village
at the top. At 6 o'clock they attacked,
but Hie enemy was there witli hank on
tiank of machine guns and light artillery.
At noon. wt!h super-stubbornness, the
selfsame American troops stormed again
behind a deep barrage Ity a little after
'1 o'clock the prize was thelis, and they
took possession lu force In lhe course
of the day. The important lateral po-
. sllions or llpliionville, Ivolry and Dan-
nevoux were also won, It was the en-
I erny guard divisions that defended Mont-
, faucon. A few prisoners were taken,
but not many. Most of the defenders
I Vied on the hilltop, which they had
been ordered lo hold regardless of sac-
( rlflres,
- Westward of Jlontraucon tliere was
S ffi 5,'.", oaTb'w eef, lfKI! r?
, aml . ..monvllle. It was another Ouardu
i .nvi.i,,,, n,:.i hn,i heeo inKiaii..ri u-iihtn
' Charpentry, and it endeavored ro make
Its stand upon lhe slope studded with
heavy and light, machine guns about
SOU tarda south and southwest of the
Under the elevation of solidly built
Frencn macadam the Hermans found a
splendid defense line uciween vnarpen
try ana tpiuouviut. uuum win m
of which vlitually nothing was left but bcl.s r thp cnemy, ..hllglng them to with.
Hie barrel. ,,,,.,.,. , ,,,, draw, their advanced line slightly to
The American Infantrymen also found ell..' tl, ... t inrv to in- down -i ten-.
three machine-gun nesls where heavy 'SI1'."6 "" "lllltr- to la ,)OA" ' '.-
,,!'Tiiir.Mf!tU.k.,v!m".;!-',,,lnir "" SU,,S ''lh mean! line, the l'rsylvaulan.
VI v-.Hoiis luces i the vklnllv of ''"nkhig the Hermaus from the right.
Al various places in tne vicinuv or. ,,,,,,i.,i ..,., .,P.i i,,ni,.n,, ,.,.,.. i,,u..
y hi v.
J ........ w . . i
they had established tin insclves there
in strong four, and the inci leans had
made shell rs from wlmh to operate lu
a parallel line a little dlsl.iiue below the
road. The artillery had gr--at dltliculty
In getting at the Human dugouts, but
the doughho.vs. storming In a long,
fllnililng wave, mounted the load
simply burled '.hunxelw" upon
Oiiardsnien. It I" leportid there
some hand-to-hand nghung of the
hitler son here.
and the
With Hie American Ann! lu Lorraine,
t ii-i. I i Hy I. X. S- Xmeilcati raid
ing patth- hne In en u.iusu.illy busy
ever where along the l.ii" between the
.Moselle and Meuse nvtis and have
brought si-oi-.s of Hi 1 m. in prisoners
hack with them (me Vnn-rlcan pattol.
i ast of Hie .Moselle liner, advanced
char bevund tin- l.es n."nils-l,ouvlgny
road. The) were flnall forced to retire
In the lace of a heav i bombardment.
Ten Americans lemalin-il for twenty
four houis In the I'lelniill wood, lifter
the Hermans had tak.n up their old
position. Then the Americans circled
the Heinr.ut pcslllons .mil slipped bad?
lo Hied- own lines, taking prisoners with
The Hermans attempted a raid east
of Hirarder, but lh wire driven olf.
leaving a prisoner in the American'"'
I lly the I nited I'rvm
Willi Hie Ainerleau Arni.v tin Hie Ar
gnnne I'miil, Oct, 1 MI"souil and I'enn
i slvanla troops neouuteied stiff righting
'shortly after noon jesteidav- The Her
, leans threw in a flesh division fiom the
Su-tz region, In addition to the usual te-
The .Mlsnmrlans. who were pushing
vcl. lhe 11(gl of ,,,,. )lllN ,,, f
l-x-rniniil. nm Into 01 ei-w helmlin? nun
a k
on tile bodies. Tlie Mls.-ourlans and
some Kansai" iroops. co-operating, at
tacked again. Tlie battle tageil unt'j i!
p. in, when the Americans regained their
original pisltlnns
Hombing siiuadrons aitai-I.ed Hratid
Pre nnd Matey successfully duimg tlie
lly the United Press
l'arl. Oct. 1 Uiltish troops are with
in four kilometers (two und a half miles)
of Ibunascus, and the fall of the city Is
expected nionientatil, the Kcho tie Paris
declared today.
At tlie same time, French cavalry Is
advancing on Meirut.
Damascus, the principal railway ami
commercial center In Palestine. i sixty
miles northeast of the Sea of Halllee.
Hrltlsh forces weie last lepoited at Ti
berias, on the west shoie of that body
or water Arab Hoops, howevei. seized
Herat, the impoitant railway junction
thirty miles east t.f the Sea or Halllee,
uirly In the Hrltlsh offensive. Damascus
Is only ISO miles south and west of
Aleppo, whete. it Is believed Heneral
Alleuby's and Heneial Maishall's troops
may form a Junction.
The existence of Damascus as a city
dales back to tho dawn of hlstoiy. It
was the governmental seat of a king
dom which leu, lied lhe height or Its
power In the ninth century. I!. C. It
Is one of the four tertestrinl p.nadlses
of the Mohammedans.
lly tlie Associated Press
Willi the American Army North of
Verdun, Oct 1 - Although the Hermans
are giving every evidence that they In
tend to bold desperately to the present
line against the Americans northwest
of Verdun Instead of retreating, they
have overlooked no details which will
facilitate a retirement, should it become
Thelr divisions are not entirely ftvsn,
o- hnir-fresh troops, hut cons'st in part
of regiments secured by dissolving divi
sions already lu line which were split
up to help out elsewhere.
The following order, which was cap
tiled on a t'ermnn officer, shows that
tlie enemy Is overlooking no chances:
"All lines of r.etrtat must be accurate
ly ascertained by ull companies and
whenever possible all platoon loinmand
ers should go back over them as soon us
possible to the Hist line Soldiers also
should amualnt themselves with tne
numes of the lines of retirement "
In a pocket or a prisoner captured re
cently theie was round American propa-1
ganda literature dropped by alrplauesa.
The Hermans express themselves us be
ing Interested In this literature.
I'.rli, Oct. I (Hy I, X. S.).The
annihilation or capture of two complete
Herman divisions in the Argonne Forest
seemed u certainty today The two dl
vlsloiiB Bre trapped In the forest, which
has been virtually surrounded by Gen
eral (lourHiiiPs French army on the
west und the American in my on the
east. . The two Hied forces are re
ported to have effected a junction In
the valley of the Aire on the north of the
forest. If they have, the last means of
retreat for the Hermans from the forest
has been cur off.
Oeneral Opuraud's army Is today
nrarltig .Menthol, and tin fall of that
nitiiirtHNl city Is ln-lleveil near
l.niiilnn. (U-f 1 1 1 1. 1 r ,tf i !,...,. it... I-.1-
i. r.: :-.;. .' ' --.v. ,
I '""r '""" ""ii'ii me eiRiny m retiring.!
' lias been caplureil li the Kieneh. I'uli-1
ing me iiennntiH Hani on the front ninth
r ilie Aljne, the Krench hao rem-hi-d
nr lilM'Alsnp Camil, tepmls from the
liiutlefioii! show. They are pingressliiB
along tlie I'heinlii.des. Dames Inward tlin
I'lisl and Hie- enemy Is retteatltig behind
the Allelic.
Iletueen the Alsne and the Vesle 111 v.
ers l-reneli lioois made hiipnitaut pnig-ti-ss
on n fiont of about seven and a
half miles. Italian nulls operating
north of (I,,- Alsne entiled Vouplr.
I'nrl. net. 1. lienernl tmiirnuirs
Miiops lighting in f liantp.igne yesterdiiy
noon, were only limu yards ninth of
.Monthols, wlieie they i-omtuand a lev
if the alley of the Alio t-.istwaid to
ward nrand IMe.
The ndvanee of the Kicnch and Anier
loans on both Hides of the Alumina
forest appeared to hae put the Her
mans into another pocket, from whleh
the Valley of Aire Is the only tuenue
of escape, (irnntl Pre and Voii.lirseai-h
Is dlstiint only about seven miles from
The lii-ruiuns lire iiieuniillatlng oh
stneles on the rlilge north or lllvt-l l',
wlieie the struggle Is uv Intense. The
Ki elicit triMipi haxe nnitivrcd soino
liosltluiiH alound die H1:il'i- i
which gives them a stronger hold on
th Western aiiiroaches to the defile of
the Ai-gonne in the Valley of Hie Alie
b way of (liand Pie.
Willi Hie I'remh Army mi Hie !.
Iluinlln rrioil. net. I. -Kleneh foreiM
ntt.iiked and captured the culminating
tiolnt lu the Umnati line of reslstenee
between Si. CJiieiitin nnd the I Use Itlver
Sunday This line follows along the
rlilge parallel to and Immediately In
front of the lllndenliiirg Hue
I'rvilhTs wni lis sirongesi point. V rom
tliere tlie hue ran over Hill 2n to the
-,..,i, 'Clilu ii-:i ... iittiir.Ml h- llHSIllllt.
I The vlllag- f iVilr-v iiKi vvas taken
and the Krem S Hoops ailviinceu in uiu
wood between rrvillers and l rruy
Then I'rvlllers f -II.
Uv the enpture or Hd vital rreinr.
pspo'elallv rrvillers. the Investing line
alound S.t- Queiitli! advanced tin Iniper'
nnt step. It now U ruis a senilclteie
nroiiiHl the vvertern and southern side or
tho city.
Official War Reports
l.iiiidnii, Oct. I.
Our iiltacl.
north of St. IJueiitin
nut lulled .vest
afternoon. vv e
cuptiiiid I.evcrgles after shaip (Uht
Ing In the neighborhood ttr the village
Farther north we progress! d tnvvi id
.Inncoint and gained possesion of
Vendhulle. Knglish and Canadian
liooH (lie closing In upon Cimbi.il
and yesttrd.iy captured I'lovllle nnd
Tillny III tlie face of strong resManc-
Cambial baa been set on fire by
the t neiny.
Tins morning lighting begun again
north of St. Quentln, and In the Cam
bial s'ctor.
Havre. Sept 30 (ilelnvcdl
The Allied and lie'glan troops
under the command ol King Albert
i ont limed their brilliant attacks and
made further progress In spite of at
tempts to chech them Throughout
the ihiv of September 30 the Allied
foices In Flanders added further to
their successes along the fiont of tin
llelgliin hi my and the front of the
lliltlsli arniv.
, The Ildglan army, supported b.
French forces, pushi d their line foi
watd two Ullnnietci's east of Zntrrii.
captured St.idenselt, icnehed the np-proai-lies
to llouleis und cros-ed the
lloulers-.Menln high road.
Tho army of Ueneiiil i'lumer, In
spite of heavy counter-attacks liv tin
enemy 111 the region of Hheluwe,
threatens .Menln and has reached the
Itlver I.ys on a line from Waineton.
through Cnuilnes to Wervlcn (a front
of lhe miles). . n , ,t , ,i i
Additional prisoners and more
cannon were captuteil. but it has nut
been possible to count .them.
Paris, Oi t. I
our" progress was resumed thlt
punning between the Alsne and the
In the Champagne the French troops
eontliiUfd llielr attack, and eomplcttd
tin Ir success yesterday morning, on
the right they renllztd an Impoitant
advance In tlie valley ot the Alsne,
rapturing UlnarvllU' nnd Comle-l.e,-Autry,
Numerous prisoners weie taken
nnd considerable material captimd,
notably more than lion cars of sixty
gauge and numerous cars of standanl
Since .September ".0 more llian lit. nun
..I I..... l... I I
prlsoneis have been c.iptttiid httw
the Stllppc and thu Atgoune lu the
same period mote than l.nu guns, or
which a great number were uf heavy
caliber, fell into our possession
Treasury ails for Definite Fig
ures llcfore Totalling Sub
scriptions ..Washington, Oct I. lleports of lit
progress of tlie roiiith Liberty Loan re
ceived toda.v at the Treasury vine en
couraging. Inn were not supported In
definite sales figures, ofllclals said It
would be about two days before ollldal
totals are available fiom nny Federal
reserve districts, n ror the entire coun
try. Appatently the Hood or subscrip
tions In the first two days came mainly
from big business Interests in large
cities, and better showing. Is expected
later In the week as a result of smallei
IMpular pledges.
From Haltlmoio came word Hint more
than StO.iMin.uOa had been subscribed
or more than was. raised dining t.ie
whole Ihltd loan. The stcoiid dav -business
in New Voik was good, but
pledges supported hy the, initial p.n
nients leprcsented on'y a small pan or
the gule-ciiptlous actually gathered in
There, as elsewheie, ollldal cognizance
will ho taken or subscription), only after
10 per cent has been paid into a haul,
and reported to Federal leserve dis
tt let headquarters.
Oct. 1st to 3rd
Come and sec what the
War Gardens of Philadcl-
phia and suburbs produce.
Get our catalog.
OCTOBER 1, 1018'
sempre vihoriose;
Austrian Rcspinli uellaj
' "
It; Ciudiearia Coutinua
Avanzala in Macedonia
rubtlkhM sml ni'hlhiitfil UnJjr
. . I'Klt.MtT N.i. 31!
.iithorlil hv ihn ssl ef OclnMr H.
11)17 'on (lie at tho I'ottcmcs of 1'hlU
df'nhla. Pa.
Hy ordtr of the rrli1tnf.
A H. nurtT.KPOV.
Pontir.aBter Ofnrral.
Itmnn, 1 ottobre.
II Mhilsteto ilvllii (Inert a. nel liomerlg
gio ill Icrl. ha publillcato un coinunlcalo
dal ipiale si illevn die numerosl ills
taccanicntl ill tmppe austrlaclic lianiio
teiitnto, durnnto la nolle ill sabnllo
scorto, i", nttaecare I post I avanzntl
Itall.inl nella Valle Hludlcaria. ad oc
cldente ie l.ago ill Hatda.
I.'atlncco falir completamelitc rotto
II fuocii di-irattlgllerla Itallana ed II
neiulco fu icsplnto'al dl al' del Hume
Hue acroplanl iiemtel furono all
liattiitl. I'lrc.i It operajiionl In .Macedonia e"
statu urriclalniente comutilcato die le
tiuppe Itallane. opetantl sulPala occi
ilentale della lima dl avnnata digll
Alleatl, dur.iiilo la glnrnnta ill domenlca
lianiio contlnuato ad InseKiiIre Ic tiuppe
biilgaie die pieelpltosamcnte si llthano
nttraverso l'l'skuh e lungo II Hume
fn dlspacclo glunto oggl lu Vatlcnno
da Vienna scgnnla die II Up Ker-
diu.imlo dl llulgaila
ahdlchera' lu
I'rlnelpc Hot Is,
fa vole
dl silo tigllo,
I. 'Ala, 1 ottolire.
II corrlspundeiite dell'CviSMSfl I'chi.ic
iiKtmcii lin appieso da fronte nutore
vollsshna die II govcrno tunto c' pronto
per domanilare un nrmlstlzlo.
I.tindrn, 311 seltcmbre.
l.'armstlzlo cousluso ilagll Allettl
con la llulgaila e" puraniente una con
vcnziotie mllllnri' e non eontlenc dls
pnsizlnnl dl carattere politico.
I. a Ilulgarla h.i romenuto dl evaciiare
tutto II terrltorlii da essa occupato. In
Hrccla etl hi Serbia, la stnobllitaslone
del sun eseercltn e la lesa ag:i Alleatl
dl ttittl I inezzi dl trasporto. I.a Hul
garla doM-.r ledere le sue Imbareazloiil
ed II colli rollo della navlgazlone del
Hanuhlo coneeiidendo Innltre II llhero
p.issngglo iiK Alleatl attraveiso la Hul.
fiirl.i. per lo tlluppu dellc operazlonl
Tutte le .li ml e le munlzlonl del bill-I'-ii'l
doMimnn tsseie Inimag.izzlnale
solto II contiollo dcgll Alleatl, ill Uail e'
concessu II dirllto tlelln occiipazlone dl
tmtl gl Impfiitatiil puntl sttategid
l.'Assoclateil I'res npprende die roccu
li.izlone mllltnie della Ilulgarla dovra'
fssero effetiu.it it d.i forze Inglesl. fran
cesl ed Italian", e la porzlone evacuata
in Hreela ed In Serbia rispcttrfaniente dn
truppe gieche . serhe.
I. S. I'rohfS oOO SlMiiPi-li'd f
I .-. . ,. it'.i i -i ' , l.v ndpilts that tho liulgirlans arc Jus.
ItOlllpt'liiii; HI) Liberty Loan ItlHed In ftdlng war-tired mid thinks
, lly the Associated Press , the Hulgarlan people will stand with
1 Wnsliliiglnn, Oct I More than .'no l Premier .Mallnoff. Finally, the Frank
.promoters or iiuesinmable enterprises I furter Zeitung begs the Hovernment to
who are selling securities In cnmnetltloti
With the fourth l.iheitv I.tiiin nni! In
r . ... . . . .
defiance of the (internment's capital Is
sues committee nn. under Investigation
I by thai committee and steps to black
list them publicly may he taken soon.
Thlii was learned toda.v from a prelim
inary report of the enforcemenl see.
'tlon of the capllal Issues committee.
I which for weeks has been gathering t-vl-
deuce on the activities of wildcat promo
tion schemes Involving the trading or
I Liberty Honds for speculative stocks,
.and thu ron-eiiuent nhsnrjit.on ot capi
tal for iioiiitn" purport.
I Uracil to Enter Merchant Marine1
I Service Wlicn iVccdcd j
I WhsIi1iikIi.ii. Oct. 1 - (Hy I. N S ) - i
All men who have had any experience In I
seafaring life were called upon, lu a
personal appeal by Piesident Wilson to
day, to submit with their questionnaires
a detailed account of such experience
, n, ti,at the Hovernineiit mav know where
t.. ..I....1.. K.... il..l I.,. ..
in) oiiiam seamen wnen ineir servicts
j ere required ror tlie merchant marine. I
The woik or the seaman lsft-o vitally I
le-sentlal. tlin 'resident points out. that '
i they have been given derened classl-
lication in the draft. lCvery seaman and
former seaman should not hesitate to
accept deferred classification, he scys. J
iu oniuer now eager no may ue lo join
the fighting forces on land or sea.
Michigan (.ang in Tour Weeks Handle
CooiN Valued at $168,192
lirtrnll, Oct. 1. Ortie and Sherman :
Hilllngsley. arrested near the (Jhln
.Mlchigan boundary line Saturday night ,
by State police while attempting lo i
smuggle Into Michigan a large quantity j
i of liquor have been biouglit here for ar-
rulgnment. j
Colonel Hoy C. Vandercrook. of the
State police, alleges Sherman Hirings-
ley Is the lender of a gang that has been
i smuggling liquor Into Michigan on a
large scale, having made twenty-six
I such expeditions since the State went
I dry. Since August 22. according to
I figured given by the Hllllngsleys, they
have smuggled Into Michigan and I)e-
tiolt whisky vnlucd at $1C8.19I.
aTl IncViiicW? ' oude X
Excellent Opportunity
. . "
Reiponvlble mnotclorIni eonterna ean obtain on altrae
ttre trrrna thorougblr modern accominodatUna for any nambar
of plsnta and employes' bouilnf, to a hit b-irade Induitrlal eoa
laiunltr noir dneloploa within 10 mllea ot 1'btladelpbla. Mueh
ckeaper "onrbeud" coda tliao praMut contented utlropoUtaa
icklcra aeord.
and atold frfliht delays ao frequent In (arte rommertlal
tfftlont bj loeutinf In tbla new Tlclnltjr with Una train and
roller aertlra. lempltta ahopplnc fatllltlaa and aaoeral wellara
ttaturca far albxear amutcmant, aa tract eontaiaa Una craafc
aad baaullfully wooded roa now bains daUad (vr park pur-
iwnr ' -
Hr 1M
VjjjjmL Jlm- jj
I W lv
I jNNl. '
I J V ' I I
- s 1
It S IIIC IIOM) sai.i:
Mif. Kilillr M. Marcus. 1B03 Krje
avenue, who ili-poseil of $ 13.550
worth of Liberty DoiuU tlic first
day of the pre-cut campaign. She.
is sclliiiB for tlic (Irovcr Cleveland
Public School
German Mob Cheers
. . . I I '"li H I ,.I ,1-1 1 II I M-.1 til lit Ot, 1 1 II 1,1111.1-tl. I I,"
filll riflVimi I iPriflt.mil inlaim brought ro-th the Instnnt demand
aiuyui iuu jvcfut-tuit) t)iat ..,, hp ,ionp,..
A dispatch to the Dally Unit from
Ciiiillniietl from 1'aee One
tho people's trust shall n u wide
extent keep In the rights und duties
of government. I beg of you to
terminate your work by continuing
to conduct the tJovernmenfn busl
niss and preparing the way of meas
ures desired by mo until I havo
found n successor for sou.
Opening Their Ivyes
The Herman nress Is hysterically em
phasizing that the need for cool heads
never was greater than now. The possi
bility, never before entertained or vis
ualized. Is beginning to dawn on the
people that Hermany may lose the war,
and tho suddenness of this teallzatlon
has had n bewildering effect on them.
The Xeltung am Mlttag entirely ap
proves, as wholly appropriate to the
occasion, the sensational editorial print
ed In Vorwaerts last week dealing with
1 what would happen should an enemy
succeed In Invading the Fatherland. It
makes an assertion remarkable ror this
newspaper saving:
"Our Hoi eminent throughout this ter
rible war has sedu'oiisly avoided hinting
at this,' and the other possibility, namely,
tlirt the war may be lost ir everybody
and everthing are not united In the ut
most effort."
"The (Internment has thus Itsen con
tributed to veiling the teal gravity or
our position dining these four J ears of
war." tho newspaper continues. "It has
prefer! ed to lead the nation In blinkers,
past tlie abyss of danger to our na
tional life."
The Ithenlsli Westphalian Hazette
shudderlngly contemplates the Bulgarian
situation, "tlie last and highest wave,"
and suspects that the Hulgarl.ins. after
having got the Dobritdja legion ot Itu
manla, have no ruitlier use ror Her
many. The Frankfurter Zeituug expresses re
gret that Hie (iineriimcnt failed lo Im
press on friend nnd roe the "truth" that
Hesmniiy did not go Into the war out
or lust r.ir power. Tills newspaper Tree-
make for ponce, "unequivocally and sin-
Duseldorf Naclnichten bewails
Various shapes and sizes
10c straight to 2 for 25c
That Production
Mild Havana Filler sMIW
Connecticut Shade jPwrP
Grown Leaf ,4&fSt&$sWsr
Skilled Workmanship jxSa
iK- J'ji'",,."i:iiKBar
Demand Increased Facilities
News Items
. .'"
l i .
frfcH t!,l.
Aoju'r guJr'wo ,'' teP; ""for,.
i ' .
the fact that troop will hive to b
sent to Macedonia from the west front,
'whero they are so bitterly needed."
Its sister publication, the Kssen Allge
tnelnc Zcllung, speaks of "bad new com
ing title h nnd fasti" and repent t pre
vious assertion that the Herman must
be strong. Later on In Its editorial the
Ks.trn Journal fall Into bitter abuse,
"blaspheming Wilson and his mob of
Amitrr.lnin, Oct. 1. (Hy Central
I Xews,) Hermntt llclchstng Sbclallsts
'l.nt.M I...... ..l.l..ll.. I.. .1 kn rlMe-
iinu- I'rni uiiiuiHiiy iinuiiiirii iiihi wvi-
niany will, inaku another peace offer in
the Allies as a result of the action of
lliilgarla, according to the newspaper
Tjd, It Is said that the new otter will
be of a decisive nature.
tniiitnu, Oct. I, By I. X, S ) Presi
dent . Fchrenbach, of the Ilclchstag, will
succeed Count von llerlllng as imperial
Chancellor, according to a vvlrtlcss press
report received here today.
l.nntlnn, Oct. I. There Is the greatest
excitement In Hermany over tlic dele
tion of Ilulgarla, fudging from special
dlspatche" received here from Holland.
On Saturday excitement amounted to a
panic. According to some reports, tho
panic particularly affected tlie Ilerlln
Hoarse, whetc war Industry stocks, It
Is said, slumped violently.
Panic also struck Parliament and
., A...ul... ..am ..I...I.... ..H.I ...it. II.. nffln.. tPt...
The Hague says the demand is for some
1 body possessing the confidence of the
i Hermans and their allies to replace the
present military ol'garchy. but opinions
clash tegai ding who this vague perso
nality might be.
All leports Indicate a decided cleav
nge between the Junker and conserva
tive classes nnd the class represented
bv the Socialists and radicals, who on
tills occasion have the sunoort of some
, Centrists and even National Liberals,
llinnernr William's belated unxletv for
the people to co-operate In tlie Oovern
ment evidential will be distasteful to the
Junkers, one or whose foremost news
papers, the Kreuz Zeltung, declares that
a dictatorship Is the nly possible alter
native. On the other hand, the demand
of the popular parties Is for n irapularly
elective cabinet.
The effect of the resignations of Chan
cellor von Hertllng and Foreign Secre
tary von Hlntze on the public agitation
Is not jet reported. Nothing Is known
ns to how the terms of the Hulgarlan
surrender have affected the Herman peo
ple. If they have been permitted to knew
the terms.
Federal Council
56,000.000 in X.
Hill ill"; Holds
J. Treasury
Trenton, Oct. ! Two yeats' collec
tions of the special good roads tax of
one mill on the dollar, under the Kdge
Inw of .1917, will be available by Janu
ary I next, but It is agreed by State
olTHrJals that tho money cannot be used.
As It will amount to $0,000,000. the sug
gestion has been made that It be In
vested nt once In Liberty Honds to
await the time It enn be used for tho
purpose ror which It was gathered. It
also has been suggested that the special
tax be suspended fro- the period of tho
war. but that cannot he done without
an act of the Legislature. Another sug
gestion calls for diversion of the road
money to the Camden-Philadelphia
hi Idgo and lludsoil Hlver tunnel con
strucilon as war measures, likewise re
tiui'ing legislative action.
Tlie peculiar situation Is due to the
decision of the t'nlted States Highway
Council that all opciotlons upon road
construction shall be confined In all the
States to such roads as may be essen
tial to the efficient conduct of the army
cantonments and plants engaged In the
production of war material.
a JO cent
The blending of the fin
ed tobaccos the careful
making of each cigar
thete are the reaiont for
the hearty enjoyment'
that'iin every El Producto
Mad by
Tho C. H. P. Clt ar Ce.
nri T -i -
v"iriMt ''-wnff M .
'i p mm. "Mfpr
"ufi r i. ' iii : .
"waiHr A.
rr !m
""'ci ,1j,.".,obJ,v"; PrfD,
it. . oi . '". Wii.'-s.
I-a fsWWw
Call;:."1" ",..-- "ccciej , "'0 .'
ini.t.' "" "HtnuZ" reel. '" cllih, M
a Ma... "-'VU fJ
'no cron".
fn '. ' ItWWW
.: '" ftw M. m
tiir. 'Hal. . m
Industrial Development Co.
129 S. 6th St.. Philadelphia
Ball l'lionat Lombard 4111. 1811
- - (V
.' !
v-...;..; w ,
s-'-trt.-!.. .
a --. M'n
.' i
K;,,. r
hjt$ri .
. ,
- m