tfV LV ru I; I 'C l lh, iv . n .0 - : ; t-T-rr ;v :7 S 'STZVnr VE" JV & V L "-J'- -. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER--PHIIDBLtHIA:, TUESD? t , SEPTEMBER 24, 1918 - r - , SrvC?5.ttSi w. "V ? SHIPNEWS NEW YORK SHIP MEN PROMOTE ATHLETICS JWill Form Association Have Their OwnClub 1 house in Jersey and The New York shipyard, at Camden. fa , have an athletic .mocUi Ion Ab ou 12.000 employe! nro Interested .In the pun, for Umeana a bl. boot for their athletic and eoelal acth Itlt. alike. Official., from the hlshest do wn fajor .. .- j lil nee to It that the me piRu. ! ..rwlnttnn eets a Bite ior clubhouie at Yorkshire Vlllase. the Bhlpworkers" cine yard wlll.mlnRle with Ihe people of the town and other ahlpworkers from the Chester Ship Company, and there dancing na an entertainment fea ture. The Sun Shirt Band will play each evenlnfr artd the soldiers on guard at the ynra will attend. TUB CHESTER Mlir COMPANY'S new punch shop la In full operation. Till a build. In coat approslmatelv $300,000 and la Son feet Innit and l!i0 fen wld and la said to be the largest ahrn of Ita kind on the At lantlc coaat. Moving the heavy machinery from thn old ahop whs a blv Job, but a almolo one Ih r nhlmard rnntr nf rlrsrra. The mold loft In the new punrh ahop la yet 10 oe completed, nut wnen it la done It will have thi largest floor area of any plac of Ita kind In the Kast. It la claimed One hundred nnd eighty thousind feet of turn ber nai put Into the floor alon?. lion IRI.VND GUM, ATHLETES practiced at the Island Y At. cy A inat nlaht for the track meet to bo held there neat Satur day. The girls are to have a 100-yard dash nnd a potato racv. More than 100 already hava entered for the two ronteata and are navlntr hlnnmara Mafa fnn Ikarinitaalnn Their alunta are to be fealurea. THKY t.'IIANOKP IIOSSES on P. Mecont. ral. nt the Merchant jard. an he decided ne might aa well taKe on still another boas, nnd got married. . THE , ITOMAINE "GERM" haa been irncea to ino Kaiser a paian Dy Kinseu "'' rMilnnwood, home community at " - .,... and also an athletic neld there Mean ..- ..... .mher will meet at the York Ship Merchant ahlpyard'a construction of the torei. r. Asm.r.v.' AN nvyTciruv 11 iha Merchant yard, haa enlisted In the Canadian army and the Canucks will have nothing on mm wnrn u cornea to a wrist watcn. ine men In his department gave him a beauty. noil" KRF.nH. or the merchant VHI. sas his recent acatlon, apent at the shore, ;waa the "best ever," and .those who aaw him on the Boardwalk know the reason why. . "TKIinY 11ER SIKIRT1" HORNER, of the Merchant W, S department, la going to move his family and flock of canaries to llarrlman to get closer to hla work. CARI. MARIIAI.I, has been annnlnlnl manager of Industrial relations at the Mer chant jard. 11. II. nice will be hla aa atstant. , , FRANK SIMMINGTON Is now boss checker of the night force In the New Jersey plate and angle ahop. , THE NEW BOSS OF THE nt'RNERS and weldera at the New Jeraev plate and angle shop answers to the alliterative name nf tloleslaw naltruualtls Holeslaw only re cently finished a special course In welding, given him by the Emergenrv Fleet Corpora tion After ten weeka spent "wising up" at Schenectady, N. Y . he put In two weeks In a New Tork shop learning a .apeclal process of welding. AyM WANAMAKER'S Store Opens at 10 DOWN STAIRS STORE Store Closes at 4.30 WANAMAltERfSl New Cornorntlon Uud ! . . . ii,inrt Park. This headquarters ai nui. club Is composed of superintendents and foremen from the yard, who strongly favor the Idea of a popular organiza tion, taking in all the men of the rank and file who care to enter. It la un derstood that the club Is to be merged ulth the association. The employes have been waiting for a move of this kind, and the New ork yard wants an athletic organization sec ond to none In this shipping district Foremen and superintendents met yes terday and appointed committees. As soon as the by-laws committee Is through with Its work organization will be effected. 'It Is certain that the association will organize In time for the football and basketball season. The Camden armory has been obtained for basketball games this winter, and the shipyard fans are delighted at the pros pect of much Indoor sport, To boost the new athletic association, the French band, which Is to come here to help In the fourth Liberty Loan cam paign, will give a special concert In the comrt.r, nrmnrv. After a certain per f.ntae-n nf the receipts lias been de-J ducted for another cause, the balance will be turned over to the New ork Ship's new organization for equipment. The date for the concert has not yet been set. TWO STEEL YARDS COMPLETED Merchant Corporation Has LargeH Storage Areas ncntiy ior use Work on two steel storage yards nt the yard of the Merchant Ship Cor poration, nt Harrlman, Pa. haa been completed. The larger of the two covers an area of nearly fourteen acres anil Is capable of hMdlnB 60.000 tons of steel The smaller yard covers about eight With the exception of Hog Island, which has two storage yaids of 70,000 tonB capacity each, no other yard pos sesses a steel storage of the extent of the one now being used nt this plant. Work already has been started on the construction of a pier in the upper end of the jard, whllo almost any time work will be started on n. ra road classification yard. This yard will be laid out with five 1800-foot tracKS in the Inbound section and five ljOO-fpot tracks In the outbound section, giving It an aggregate capacity of 150 railroad The recent weeks of high riveting rec ords at -the plant have brought about great Impetus In the yard production, and official and men alike, more than ever, are confident of milking gcod their pledge of producing sixteen ships by January 1. In all probability the Wan tonwan, the first launched of the fleet of 8800-ton cargo boats building at the vard, will be ready for delivery during the next two or threo weeks, and the Wathena. the second hull launched, some time later In Octobel-, while the third launching may be made early next month. PLAN RED CROSS BENEFIT Employes of Sun Shipyard to Give Block Party A block party for tho benefit of the American Hed Cross Is being arranged by employes of the Sun Ship Company nt Chester, to take placo before Oc tober 5. The party will continue for three eve flings. Klsnore Placo nnd Sun Village, where the company is housing thousands of Its employes, have both been men tioned as the place for it. The Idea originated among tho yard foremen, nnd President J, N, Pew, Jr , promised a substantial donation to help make the affair a succebs. Many booths are to be erected, whero merchandise of all kinds will be sold. Donations will be solicited from mer chants and auctioned off by shipyard experts at the price-boosting game. The booths will open at 7: IB o'clock each evening. The 10,000 shlpworkers at the from OOUp J tNuts' 4 O this delightful cook book that is different and better will be sent absolutely free to every reader of this paper. Fill out aaaacoupon below and mail today for your copy. "From Soup to Nuts" not only tells in a simple, un derstandable way about food values and food com binations so that the home-maker can get the most palatable, nourishing food for the least money, but explains the use of Sawtay, a pure vegetable fat, in every branch of cookery, in such a way as to revolu tionize housekeeping make it easier, simpler, more economical. The saving of animal fata butter .and lard is one of the Government's urgent requests. Sawtay is a snow-white vegetable butter made from the rich cream of tropical nuts. In every recipe 'calling for butter, lard or other fats, Sawtay gives better results. The New Conservation Sawtay Recipes solve the problem of what to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner simple dishes for all tastes and all pocketbooks, as well as plenty of delightful "extras" for holiday dinners and other special occasions. "From Soup to Nuts" is a complete little Gastronomic Journey, starting with soups and their food value, going on to entrees, then to fish and meats their place in the dietary; vegetables, salads, sauces, des serts, candies, and ending with salted and glace nuts. There is a special chapter on "Left Overs" and some hints as to how the French womarj has gained her reputation as the best housekeeper in the world. ,jfc iMTlTiPaTcspaafiwWWIaVHaHK?'.' 3 IHWBBBiliib- liU- - """" MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Sante Product Corporation, Woolworth Tower, Now York Mail free of charge copy of "Soup to Nuts" Namt Aiitt. Ak your grocer about SAWTAY. It comes in I lb. 2 ozv 7. lb. 5 oz., and 4 lb. 12 oz. earn. Abo in special 20 Jb.,f0 lb. and 65 lb. lint for hotels and restaurants. When Your Baby Can't Sleep IT'S in the long, peaceful hours of sleep that your baby grows. When he can't sleep something is wrong. Probably his food is wrong. Perhaps his little system is desperately struggling with the heavy curd of raw cows' milk. No wonder he can't sleep I Nurse him if you can. If you can't, give him the nearest thing in the world to mother's milk Ncstte's Food. Because it has fresh cows' milk as a basis, it contains all the good that cows' milk contains. Because all the dangers are removed, the tough curd made easy to digest, and all baby needs added, it is just what your baby requires to build a healthy body. Because it is purified and carefully watched in process and reduced to a powder and it comes to you in an air tight can it is as free from germs as mother's milk itself. It is a complete food for your baby you add only water and boil. Remember, it is raw cows' milk that so 'often brings germs of diphtheria, scarlet fever and summer complaint to your baby. Keep those deadly germs away from him. Keep him safe on Nestte's Food. Send the coupon or a postcard for a free trial package of 12 feedings and the 96-page book about babies by special ists. Do if today for your baby's sake. J NESTLES IWs Ji Complete MMj, Food -jffsTLES. FOOD COMP5ny Tleasa tend me FREE your nd Thai Package ...-- ...'jaT.. -a ra4 m :w THE DOWN STAIRS STORE AT WANAMAKER'S IS KEEPS ING STEP WITH THE WARTIME SPIRIT OF ECONOMY r, Dark Gray Gloves ,for Street Wear Special, $1.75 a pair They are some of the most prac tical gloves wo know of dark gray suede, outscam sewn with black embroidery on the backs and one' clasp at the wrist. (Central) 300 Sample Blouses, $1.35 There aren't many blouses of a kind in this group, which makes your choice a particu larly wide one. They are of voile, embroidered and trim med 'with lace, and of batiste with lacy frills. A few waists of novelty materials have col ored checked collars. New Georgette Blouses for the Salon Navy bine and tan the two colors most asked for ate the shades in which a new model with a square neck is to bo had. Both colors are trimmed with heavy soutache braiding in tan. $7.50. Another Georgette blouss trimmed with soutache braid is made with a high neck and can be had in white nnd flesh pink. 17.50. (Central) The Bright Days of Autumn Are Essentially Suit Days M Nothing else seems to match quite so well the exhilaration of the crisp air nnd bright skies. A well-cut suit, a smart hat nnd perhaps a fur there is the perfect street costume for Autumn. ' ttv burelln suit in navy blue, plum, green nnd Belgian blue is designed especially for young women nnd comes in sizes 14 to 18. Bone buttons are the only trimmings. ?25. Several different models in wool poplin nre to bo had at $29.75 some are pleated, some belted and some are trimmed with braid. Mannish suiting in a mixed pattern is used in a practical suit cut on sports lines with tailored or patch pockets. $29.75. Softer Materials t such as velour, silvcrtone, velour de lainc and broadcloth as well as such sturdy thinRs as mannish serge, tweed nnd gabardine nre to be found in the excellent assortment of new suits in the Down Stairs Store. $32.50, $35, $38.75 and up to $110. (Market) Frocks for the House One is of percale in stripes of pink, blue or lavender combined with black. The collar, cuffs and pockets are of snowy pique. $2.50. Another of pink, blue or black striped gingham has plain-color gingham forming the collar, the cuffs and the pockets. $3.50. (Central) The Warmth of a Serge Frock Is Very Comfortable especially when we are requested not to start the Winter fires until later than usual. A wool frock is decid edly comfortable. Serge Dresses Begin at $15 for simple tailored models in navy blue or black. At $16.50 there are good frocks trimmed with rimmed ball buttons or piped nnd trimmed about the neck with satin. Some are even combined with satin and tonped off with collars of white Georgette. Other serge dresses show quite a bit of braid ing, silk embroidery or fringe and are marked $19.75, $22.75, $25, $27.50 and up to $38.75. Satin Frocks Abound, Too They are in brown, navy, taupe and black and have whit satin vestces and collars or the lightness of Georgette, and a great many are trimoied with fringe. $15, $16.50 and $19.75. Afternoon Dresses and Dinner Gowns are very lovely this season. They are of crepe meteor, charmeuse, Georgette crepe and tricolctte made in any number of delightful ways. Taupe, navy, black and plum are the principal colors. $25, $35, $39.75, $42.50 and up to $75. The frock sketched on the left i3 $35, the one on the right, $39.75. (Market) Women's Heavier Underwear for Cold Weather Medium weight underwear of silk and merino is soft and pleasant to the touch. Combination suits of it are of an excellent grade, generously cut and carefully finished. They are to be had in these styles: high neck, long sleeves, ankle length high neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length low neck, no sleeves, ankle length Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length. Regular sizes are $2.65; extra sizes $3 the suit. Merino Combination Suits of a medium weicht are also in several styles: 'high neck, long sleeves, ankle length high neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length low neck, short sleeves, ankle length low neck, short sleeves, knee length low neck, no sleeves, ankle length low neck, no sleeves, knee length. Regular sizes are $2.50; extra sizes $2.85 the suit. . (Central) Women's Shoes of Dark Tan Calfskin show the fashionable, long slender lines combined with the durability of sturdy welted soles and the sensible walking - power of low heels. $4.90 pair. The Newest Shoe on the graceful, long slender lasts aro made of brown kidskin with ivory kid tops which lace high. 1 They have imitation wing tips and perforations. The soles are welted - and the heels are medium. $5.75 a pair. Chestnut) Draperies for Beauty Lovely wood-silk door hangings in lustrous, well - shaded colors show various combinations of blue, old rose or green, with other subordinate colors. $12.75 a pair w""$15. Curtains to Do Duty at the windows may well be made of white, ivory or ecru novelty net. The net is 36 inches to 40 inches wide in all-over designs at 30c, 35c, 40c and 50c a yard. (Chestnut) Brushed Wool Jackets Little sleeveless jackets, bound all around with tape, are what you want to wear with a suit or when the house is chilly. They are somewhat like men's vests and have six buttons down the front. Gray, black and white jackets are $2.50; heather mixture, $2.75. (Central) Nemo Corsets Do you know the comfort and the smooth lines that they give? Nemo corsets are in models for all types of figures from the medium-slight to the unusually stout, and specialize in the heavy figures. Some of the models have reducing straps and rc-enforce-ment attached. $3 to $6 a pair. We Will Fit You gladly, and without charge. Our expert corset ieres will give you the benefit of their knowledge and experience and see that you get the corset best suited to you. (Central) For Red Cross Work women like white caps of fine lawn. Some caps are perfectly square and hemstitched all around, others are gathered on bands to form more cap - like shapes. 50c each. (Central) 200 Colorful Petticoats at $2 Coral Lavender Reseda Black Navy Blue Purple Copenhagen Blue The fine sateen of which they are made has a luster much like panne satin. All have clas tic at the top and ruffles on the flounces. They are cut gener ously full. (Central) Little Girls' Light Weight Coats Special at $3 Green or brown checked coats with pockets are lined throughout and will fit girls of 8 to 10 years. Dark, But Washable and that is what mothers want school frocks to be is this dress .of dark blue galatea made in reg ulation style for girls of 6 years to 14. There are emblems on the sleeves and trimmings of white braid. A neck shield goes with each frock. $3.85. Silk Dresses For the little girls of p years to 14 is a pretty dress of blue taffeta trimmed with gold embroidery and gold picot edges. $10.75. (Central) Special Canton Flannel 35c a Yard A good warm weight of white Canton flannel is 27 inches wide. It has a great many cold-weather uses. (Central) ir-ks V BaBBl'' ill The Man Who Wants to be , Sure of His Money's Worth will come Btrnight to Wanamaker's when he wants to buy a suit of clothes. Here he takes no chances, for every suit is absolutely pure wool guaranteed. The Down Stairs Store is a fine place to save money suits are low in price, though quality and ap pearance are on a high level. $23.50 to $32.50 (Oallrrj-. Market) 1 Crepe de Chine, $1.55 a Yard Good quality, lustrous crepe de chine in dark street shades and lighter hues is $1.55 a yard, 40 inches wide. Black Silks at $2 a Yard include peau de sole, mcssaline, satin and taffeta, 35 inches wide. (Central) Japanese Crepes Wash Admirably This is a hand-loom crepe in many colored stripes on white grounds and is excellent for men's and boys' shirts and for children's school frocks. 32 inches wide at 35c a yard. Pretty White Lawns in checks or stripes of many kinds are 16c, 20c and 25c a yard. They make dainty curtains, aprons and such things. 27 inches wide. (Central) Serviceable Shoes t For Men Black leather heavy, enough for Winter form3 good ahoea with strong welted soles. Men f can have them on English or medium-toe lasts at $3.50 a pair. 1 ri No More Hunting for Rabbit Skins to wrap the Baby Buntings in, but, instead, mothers buy Baby Buntings to wrap dear babies in. Baby Buntings are warm, quilted bags with hoods. You can button baby in and slip the hood up over his head and there he is all snug and warm ! These are all made of blue or pink Japnnese silk quilted by hand. $5.50. Others, that are beautifully embroid ered, go up to $7.50. Silk Comforts filled with clean, fluffy cotton are covered with blue Japanese silk all hand-quilted at $2.50, while some lovely comforts of blue or pink silk embroidered by hand are to be had for $5. (Central) Boys' Shoes $3 a Pair Black or dark tan leather shoes are made on sensible wide -toe lasts in blucher style, as active boys want them. Sizes 10 to 13H. (Chestnnt) Warm Bathrobes for Boys Nothing is quite so comfortable as a cozy blanket bathrobe to Blip on these cold mornings. Eor boys of 6 to 18. Blanket robes -in many color ings, made with cords at the neck and waist, are $3.75 and $4.50. Khaki-color blanket robes with borders are $6.50. (Oallerj-, Market) The Best Showing s of Skirts in Many a Year has been assembled in the Dew( stairs store, x ouu De arnasea kmi tVin thine flint avrtv .'J waiting for you. frSJ I'racticai serges in navy oiue or-i black are priced from $6 to $13.60. They are in many styles, from the simpler ones for young girls who arc going away to school to tai lored skirts for women. There are even models in extra tjrr' nmnnn. tlOTn f Beautiful black satins to ii n I v with fine Georgette blouses are wit $10 to $25. The models are un usual and the newest expression of fashion. (Market) Wool Velour and Fur Sound Promising for Winter Coats -r-particularly when the price ticket reads but $29.75. Three different styles of wool velour coats with generous fur collars may be had at this price. One style is in burgundy, black and brown, with u box-pleated back, belted and half lined. The collar is of kit coney. Another is in burgundy, navy, brown and green, with a tucked belt. It is half lined with fancy silk, interlined and has a collar of silky nutria. The last is in brown, burgundy nnd navy, half lined with fancy silk with a collar of scalene. V: At $33.75 a rough burella coat in navy, bur gundy, green, taupe nnd black has a panel back, belted. The collar and deep cuffs are of kit coney. At $39.75 an attractive wool velour coat in brown, blue and burgundy has a deep collar that buttons around the neck. It is fully lined with fancy silk. (Sketched right) 1 At $45 a soft pom pom coat in lovely light or dark brown, burgundy and blue, is belted and has a gen erous collar. Lined with pretty silk in a harmonizing color. At $52.50 A handsome wool velour coat in light or navy blue, burgundy and (Market) black, beautifully lined with fancy silk. Nutria or sealene foims the long roll collar, (Sketched left.) Many Handsome Models 'ur, Ivora and pom found in the Little Many of them are vear. Prices runce J145. 4 vl of bolivia, vd? pom BitxKre) rnnsJtBaVRT. foi frorrrfSiiaW IMBanC W Wr Axminster Rugs This good weave, noted for its beauty and durability, has felt the advance in prices perhaps more than other nig fabrici. Right now there is an acute scarcity, which makes us doubly glad to be able to announce a good stock on hand, at' prices based on special purchases made some time ago. 18x26 inches, $1.75 and $2, 27 x 54 inches, $4. 36x72 inches, $7.50. 4.6 x 6.6 feet, $10 to $15. 6x0 feet, $22.50 to $27.50. 7.6 x 9 feet, $32.50. 8.3 x 10.6 feet, $20.50 $42.50. 9x12 feet, $34.50 to $55. (Chestnut) to, $1 5?'l 'it?! it- AcUm, .U n 6y ; ' r JBHHBH9B9BIHSBESBaaaaSsaaaaaB Mmmmfiammmmmmmmmmmtmmmammmmmm m i '-- ....-. . &V5 iPa)V&fiBK ., ii' . X. "N- l,r ."tA1 ' :vlivl! :L -leityi- n-4?xufi.kiwjr-r 'a.1. . - ." 1 i' . T-raill a -V P . 4 Ka. -b - - S!i4i t.lfl'ir ('.-MKaaaaUJV . , I r ,IaWt.aaaMaaaaa.UrttHL UdtW