Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1918, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 5, Image 5

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"y n 5f'-iX' jvkcTHlR;ff "" 'w1vWv. 'Tf'11
I . ' ' M" J' ' ' " . -. . . .. "T .U-
V"5-i5 T-W ' "--Wtypj'-i'"
MONDAfih .SEPTEMBER 23, 1918
W ';,'
-1 V
French WinVendeuil
In Advance to Oise
feint Innrd from fuse Cine
lir.lllni; patties l'nent, nttnikfi In the
Ivlcinltv iif N'lriinnrt ;inil Meicketn mil
, nnlv were unsuccessful, liul mil the as
mllant h nuinbtr of men In Killed nnil
c.iiuuriil Hefoin OUdslli.vvckctiFkcrKo,
mine llfleen of tnir, men imnlRliPil nnil
mil to MrIU a hnii.v of double llielr
On Hie elKlitccutb. i ilavbtcak, the
Herman", hv a violent assault on inn
nevvlv cniuiucrcel positions to Hie past
hi .iiirtKeni, Rained a mntnentni runt-
Iiik a' Himit' points. Inn the weie im
medlate'lv ililen nnt In a vidimus
counlei -attack, wlilih K.ilnnl ns a lanie
number nf iis(iiihih The art lllei nc-
T i ,T - t i iiM'j "i tin' iai iik lias iiintlnnii
Heidi BtUte lO liaVC UllC UCIC- "inns the rutin front
niir aviation, uitiiir me iinniMiialile
, wuitlioi, h,tn in-eipeinicd uefullv with
! Ill, .irm lenelerltiK notable serv lee w Ith
iii.ii hlne-sun Hip ilnrliiR Hip HRhtlui; to
I the Hint (if MpriKem, K ptimbet IS due
nliset vatlon li.illoon una diMieivcd by a
lISelRlin t-ciiutiiiK plain' this- Week
Prepares Draft of Constitu
tion for Wilson's League
of Nations
gate, Willi Dutch Foreign
Minister Chairman
fly the Associated I'rcss
Amsterdam, Sept 2 3 I
A draft of n constitution for a leasne
of nations, worked out In iletall bv
Mathlaa HrzherKer. lender of the Clerical
part In the German Ilsli li'-tnR. li pub
lished lu the Volchc ZeltiniR of Her
lin. It Ik taken ftnm a book t Milled i
"The I.eaRue nf Nation's; the Wij lo
I'eace," which Krzberger soon will pub
lish The first section of thla con-tltutlon.
dealing; with the orRani7Htlon of null
a league says, "An sovereign slate inn I
enter the lenKUe, which shall b ion
Rldered to have been fo'med when the
followlnR powets ate anioUR those wbn
have announced ndheienie iieimin
Great tlrltntn, Trance, Tnllcd .States
and Hussln. '
The Hague would be the e-it of the
league, and there the lnteinitlon.il bu
reau would conduct Its business IJicli
State, with the nppiovil of Its pirlla
ment, would appoint one deli gate Tin
International burenu would be eontrnllcei
by a permanent admlnlMrnthe louncll,
consisting of the icprosentntlns nf the
federated Power, with the Imtch I'm
elgn Minister as chili mnn
I unilnmetitiil l.nws
Dealing with fundamental law 111"
second section savn 'The league sImII
guarantee the tenltorlal pnsesslnns nf
each federated Rtnte as well as und's.
turUUd possession of e ninnies l'uh
State would be Independent In the con
duct of Its Intei nal and foicigu affilr-
within the limits of the league h consti
tution ,
States whose governments with the
assent of their parllanunis diclare llielr
permanent neutralization would be
recognized by nil numbers of the league
as permanent neutral and would i njov
the league's protection All available
means would be used against an fed
eral State outblde of the league which
attacks a federnl State or takes up arms
without having applied to the aibitia
tlon court or awaited Its Judgement, or
which takes arms Instead of accepting
Its Judgment
Members of the league would mutinllv
undertake to cut down and steadilv le
duce their land, naval and aerial foices.
according to a (Kiel standard to he
agreed upon The would fuithu un
dertake not In use their forces for anv
other objects than the maintenance of
Internal order, defense of the'r tPrritoiy
against attack nnd foi joint cvecution of
the league's mandates
Figures showing the annual expendi
ture for armament, the number of tioops
under arms, war materials In hand mil
the number of wai ships n commission
would be communicated annii ilh to the.
Hague bureau, which would publish
them The constitution pun ides for
economic equalltv and for toe pilnelple
of the open dooi, all ineml rs of the
league granting each nthet most (avorid
nation treatment
DllMun nf s,trpIIS
For the first decadi afti i tin foun
dation of the league eaih status sur
plus of raw materials would b. divided
between the ntlur Federal Male, ac
cording to a utandnid to be .irikiI ujion
This would he respective nf th . im
ports of the ear, the output and the
special needs of the individual Mates
due to the war.
Members of the lcagut would umg.
nlze freedom of the seas Straits lanals
and connecting seas, both banks nt
which are not In possesion of the s..uue
Federal State, would be International
ized and their formication letalued
guarded by a tominand lonslsiing of
contingents from all ' the ft delated
States and commanded In lolatlon eiuj
three years b a delegate of the Slates,
Safety of pilvati pioptri wi n
high seas would be proitalmed and the
naval prize law and blockade law
abolished Hverclse of the light of
blockade would bo leseivcd i, th
league, and onl to the league lor u-'
against an federal State which vioiu.
the league's constitution and .iqnlii'-t anv
State not belonging to the liague w li i
takes up arms against the neuti ilm- 1
Stale. Ships of the federated States
and their uuijo would lie tie itcd lu eac i
State like Us own. liveist.n labe
would be eontl oiled b a commission of
the league.
Members of the league would re
nouncc the lalslng of troops in colonial
territories. All Stales vjth colonies sit
uated In Africa would be perpetually'
neutral States.
Treatment of Offenders
The thlid section dealing with the I
league's executive department pi ov Ides
that, in event of offences, numbers will
proceed against the vlolatoi of the con
stitution, first b scvtiauee of diplo
matic relations; second, lompltte Iso
lation of the offendei b closing fi ou
tlets to Imports, expoitB, postal and
railroad tralllc, and, thlid, lu given
circumstances by blockade The same
measures viouw be taken against anv
hoEtlle menace of a federated state fiom
a nonmember. y Should the offending
State cross Its frontleis with Intent
against one or mole nieinbeis of the
league, Joint milltar) and ui.ulue as
sistance would be given
Erzberger Invites criticisms of his
plan, as well as practical counter-pro
Smaller Ratio of Rejections Than i
in Any Other State
Trenton, Sept 23 Adjutant General
Gllkyson has Issued a statement In
which he expresses his appreciation of
the work of the draft boauls thiouKhout
New Jersey and refeirlng to the ofllclal
report from the provost maishal general
showing that the ratio of men i ejected
to men Inducted Into the mllitai saiv
Ice has been smaller In this Stato than '
any other in tne union. ,
Reference Is made to the fact that '
New Jersey was the first State having
a large registration under the recent
call for man-power from eighteen to
fortv-flve ears to make a full report i
to Washington of the registration re
sult. The adjutant general points to the
training of thousands of .Terse men at
the Sea Girt camp grounds
& ..P t mrtXOlr?lt
PnllenndctOTTeCovo) '
SBa-.- lrf---- -i
f OkcMthinrtoT
s?y . ' .r -- "
vstuko'vlli 4
cor y i
f - cizadunjc c
Stivnr . V Hn
Official War Reports
PnrU, Sept 21
in the region of St Quentln, the
French troops continued their ad
vances vesterda evening and last
night Tim pemtrateil the wood
nofth of l Fontaine captuied the
fort and village of Vendetill and
,'iushed on to tile l)lp
rrenih iicnnnnlterlng pittles took
prlsoniis north of the Alsne and In
rh I'hamp ignp In the dlrictlon of
the Hiittet tinman raids north of
the Visle and In the Vosges filled
I.nnilim, Sept -1
Suiec-sful minor opirallons were
i irrlpil out bv our troops .vesterdiv
and dm ins tlie night at sivn.il points
In th afternoon, laigllsh tiooii i.ip
Hired a Herman strong point In the
lielghboi hood of tile Itonssov -Kon
li, id wnlch had held out stubbornlv
all div taking so prtsnneis
Later in tin aftetnonn, a hostile
loun.er .itt.uk ftnni the direction of
illllemnnt faun was lepuWed -with
heavv loss of out Hflle and maihine
gun Hie
liurlng the night other Kngllsh
troop made progtess In the direc
tion of Totubols faun aftet several
hours hard fighting and farthei north
capturrd i grotui of stionglv luld
tiem ill- and strong points on the spilt
noitbwist of Vdidhulle taking a niim
bet of pr'soners
During the night also ovei Inn
ptNenets wire i iptuied by us in i
suecessftil local attack south of
I'.ist of fiavielle I'ligllsh troops
made progi(s on a front of about
thrip-nu liters ol a mile, captuilng
'tj pilsonn
1 irlv last night the I'liimj ,it
t uked Ileith iiteoui t undei invet of
a he iv v aitllUt bair.ige and pene
tinted out line at one point n
immediate i ountt i -attack bv mil
Hoops loniplctth li -established the
I.IIIIlliMI. Sept -"1
SerM ill tioops In a v Morions .ni
valin ari fonlng the German and
Mulg-itian te-enforciments to ritriat
The Serbian tioops veslerdav niotnlng
ic.iphid the ilvei V.udii and cut Ihe
miln lalhv.i line betwun 1'skub and
(lui Hooiis have crossed the Ct u
nk.i (tin l'iih'-k,i mount. iln iuif.e'1
nnd hive i ut the railwav between
(radsko (soulbeist of I'skuli) and
I'llltp whli li is the main line of lom
inunliatlon ot the Gil man aimv
11 the sin toitiidlng iiuinv siitoi
a e teiliiig the conseiiut net s of hiv
ing t liI t liiuh of loniuiuulialiou i ut
nut advaiiip fiom S plemb"! 13 up to
siiimHv atiiounts to a total of siv
llvi kllomilns (foitv miles)
Infautiv unit now hivi li.ulwd
the hlsjust put of tin vetv moun
tainous legions and advanied foitv
kllometns (twintv-llvi miles) In huh
dav The iiumbn of prisoner nnd
tin volume of wai miteiial an in
ti caving inntlniiall ,
Annihilate Turkish
Army in Palestine
.-. i-i . . ? j i ,Di ji " i
X 'r -tirfn,T7 '-. , . -tSii I
vJXirsKtm y Jar" jse,of- 4
' SCT"nZ. onautniir t nm'u vtKjgmiTSm itiZfyf ff r t
lAi'Uikovlt: m7 '' (NA ' , li U ..j-lutc Jr. lCL
y. : zetcnikovo usk" c-""inovn i . via rTw tj ??n? c i
I w ""VJ'U W -. ) I H iM- r - w t ,
lnlchi5hta'v)f,':i,nn.V ...!). J f til fi M?. L
v ..... n mi- Kap.irnini i t wi i .tj" t j
,'.' " Brer, ( Pattshka f '; .Eashtmo.tlSW J 5 MB f;"
I'll-hU (V Jin - KuprululVelcs) r I tL (i V
if' 'IMona?t,tl), . 'YtU Ms fffrrjJ j
l .- rf MlJz ft fffHr --
ICZZZ.,, - Nsonrhti:hiMc,, arfJffiotniVK r- 7' ,,S 'I- .,
rvfgoj.,,;is-.F-- r -v,yr l,tvaici( JovoK Banjajfii ". 03tfT-''22lZ!l-Z
' Kr'JshevtTXL!- f ?) Ec V"oJi "nfradcV"; J . (
Oolinbk T.ih.llLl (VrNan.n J re "'v'u "''"'V-'i'-V.l
I SE?3l; tfNvN. 'StavitM m a 'a'ovnjiv R.ibrovo j-1 iMti, , .
I rthovo j c. VuchlrA-,,:iKrsl k X' Ste,,o& K rflS, "' 11n. ' I
&Z Mafea0 lmovv P!T f Jf , rNomc J !fi BULfJAFaS -!
tr U " Vv' I , Yarnu&ib N QHA.VE ,'
j tus M.lf. 1 "cf " . I MiOiNHI ' .- I
1 I
board says that "within the jurisdiction
of the I'nlted States Shipping Uonrd nt
the ptescnt time (September 1, 1918)
there are 2185 seagoing vessels totaling
1 Ml nil deadweight tons Of these,
IJ'H totfillng fi.BIiG 105 deadweight tons,
I fl the American flag I'nder chatter to
the shipping board and In American cltl-
LaillK'llCS iMlirp Tnilll'li'i In I""" ther " S!" '"'? essels, total.
iillllll lit ft I1IUII lUllIlill III lllK .iniB.Biii deadweight tons'
T lMoiltllS Tliail WaS vlenhunl Marine livpsnillng
, Tin Vinci lean menhntit marine the
SlHlk Uurill" War nview savs is todav expanding idore
t lapldlv tnan nnv othei In the world
'Ihe ele llvet les i' the shipping bemid
M. w-.i e ,.,,. imi'""" uiirlinn shlpvnrds lu 1918 to
J.Ultll A Mb Al.L ' siptimhpr I In eoniparlsou with the
, inlltpill foi the same petlnd bv Ulltlsh
shlpvatds show up as follows
Total Allied Depletion Krmn
kaiser '''rightf-jlne Doing,
Snrek Oxereoine
IV iislilnctnn, s, p ..;
Mllp losses of the I'llUed Mates b
I boits rime the Im ginning of tin war
.milium to a total or Ml i.Ti dead weight
tens n was .illinium (l line this after
noon Puilnc lull and Viigust or this
wai liowevn new ships totaling i,J .
T;' tons weie liunehrel Ihe kiniii 'lings
of iwo months eii,,t t In InatPM of the
whob pnlod of th, nr I,, n ; ,ti,(d
wpigbl tons
I 1 trti.i r
ss ,ino
till .'.'II
171 411
'.'it It I
'TS pel
J li', itT'l
l.'l lsn
I nlteil
S" ".'
fill Id"
li,ti nun
jii 1 ill
jot 'Jis
SI.' !'"!
is; inn
inilv mile- now sciurule the Mhe- .iihiiniins in erlihi from llie I ne lielil Iicloie Ihen lug olleii-ive. Ihe
erln have nil (lip I'rilcp (Iraile-ko .mil llie r-kiili-i".ilimik,i railwav-. vil.il -npplv line- of llie (erm.ui-llulp.irititi
force. In reaeliins the nril.ir, on llie lalter railwav. the ?ctlis line plaecil tlie lliilj.in.in fnrie. .iroiinel Lake
Doiran. wlierp llie (irecks unit Hrtli-li are alUekiiii:, lit piavp ilinipn. In I'alc-lmp Itntili eav.ilrv d.i-heil for
wanl alons llie Mcelitrrraiipnti Je,i under tlie pioleition nf MIipiI 1 arhip- anil ilelinitilieil in tlip tear of llie
Tinki-li iiruiv faiins General llenliv'. forie- alinvc lerti-.ilcui. In llie nieanlime t all foreps rnulneil valtulile
ml In nitlini: llie uilwavs on the Mlieil ri?!it ivlliu
the field of Armagpililon li id
occutiipil N'.rat ctlt, Afille and ISpKiu
nnd wimp inlleitltig tlie dlsorgauled
masses of eneniv tioops nmi ttans
poi t ;i'i tliev .111 1 ml fiom the south
All avenues' of psc.ipe open to the
eneinv. eopt Hip fords ne-ros the
.Ionian between Heis m ntul .Ilsr-cil-DaniPPi.
vvpi" tlius closeel
I'nst of Hip Ionian Aiab forces of
tin" King of tin- llPdiaz had effected
ininieious demolitions on the 1 11I
vvtiv.s 1 idlatlng fiom Ociat. seveial
Impnitiint lnidgcs. incltiellng eine in
the Yuiniilt Valle.v, liavltifr been elc
sti 0 eel v
Scveitil (lay must elapse In fore
ipi'tirito flRines nf enptmed e.m be
given out Already mote than SOno
prionprs, 100 guns, l.nge itmntl
tlc of Isitli lioisp nnil 1neeJ1anlc.il
ti inspoits, four nil planes many lo
eomotlves nnd much rolling stock
liavo been counted.
Vetv spveip losses hive been m
Mietcel on tlie masses of Turkish
tmoiM letrcitlnu vei the elllllciilt
lends I'v our alt sci vices
A 'iPimin .ill plane', later nstei
l lined 10 li.'ive been c.itring m ills,
lindcil in the midst of our tioops! tit
Afille 'I'lip Pilot, who bellevpil the
plate still to bo 111 Tutklsh lianels,
ele'sti oved the machine .mil its con
tents befoic he could bo secured.
loundiil tip much tinnspoit mi Hip
move I'tiitn Till ICeintn 0111 Inf intiv
innve 1 imitli of ihe 1nllw.1v wlileb t Tie '
list 1 .ill in hid dpstiiivnl vesteidiv
to Hip nnithc.ist nnd took nue gun
Aneithei luladi npeiatltv vvistw.nd
did eifitill met lieu Ions vvenk nnd at-
In 111 del to elenv (hi pass to Sain 11 1 1 1 t lekeil two hills ball a tulle np.ut the
to the Tllik nthei Infuiiliv wlileb K,nlti,et ninost hill b"lng tiki'u fiom
iiiilid eoiist.il 1I1 feiises In one Mill- ,u, IUth mill tlip northernmost f I otn
velous iiisb ,np fueil eist and pioe; , the south (.'nuniei - itt ick were IiPiite n
less nu the lough blllv 1 oitnti v I (in t, j s. time with the b ivoiiet
lipid eonsldi'iing the 1-'- with vvhlih ''iu, opetatlotis weie 1 traen 1II11 11 IK
lnoiintnln ti.nk 1 mild bo dcfi ndi d bv '.11111,1111 In the inuntiv where theie
ate eitliei steip lulls or i.ipld deseent
n few m.ii him" guns
stomp .up nppiiiiehing Simiili md
Messitdieh though Hipv weie ,it fit st
stubbennlv leslsted bv ipaigniiil of
Tutks who now nie- ipti eating h istilv
tow.ud flle nnd lielsm vvheip nut
eavalty I waiting foi Hipih ,
Thn attaek ne u N'alielus lend
vvliie h began the npeint ions wis lull.
liantlv eoiidiieted bv Welsh Inilim
mil Cape battalitin and all slnii'd
in the suicess This niKed lulgide
eoninipiie'pd a most liflli'iilt nUht
much on U'eilni'silav ovei- the moun
tainous eeintittv east eif the lend get
ting en Pi tin- w.itei shell, then elun 1
l,.,i l rw ,i,, ,, li nnt, ftii e 1 if blllls vv hoi e
ithc'v Tommetiei' tei fall teivvatd tin v i. I
'ev of Hi .Ionian
v iistiliigteii, s,.pt j ;
1 HIli nl llgiiiis just nnd,, publle show
tint dining th. i, ihul fiiim vugust
'till to .sept. inli, 1 pus. (in man suh
.niirlni sinl, TIITi'Sh ili.uhnlglit tons
r of shipping In eve ess of tin tonnage
tumid out in u,,ti p, 1 tod bv Mi. alllnl
and in uti.il li itious '
'I'll it mill does no I icpi.-nil the ib
pletlon of the licit at the lomniand nf
tin allied ami inutiil iiiiImi hnuivpi
us I -,', nnn diadwi Igbl ton of etumv'
ships 11,1c s lid in Hip meinliine
itmllv the allied mil neutial nitlons1
on eptitnbct 1. l'i hid onlv I li..' im
Ipsm ton of shipping In npentlnn than'
In Vugust I '1 1 1
In all th. allied mid neuti il nations
hive lost m mi'iit ilinlHilglit tens of1
(hipping Sinn tin In ginning of the war '
showing th it linm.iuv his ni.ilnlalnnl I
mi avinge- d.stuntlon if about II.'.iiiiii
deadweight Ions moiithli Muting the
litter mouths howpvei the sinkings
Invi fill. 11 1 niisideiahlv below Iheavei-i
ag ,'inl illied 1 onsti in lion passed de '
sliucticti rot tin tlist time In Ma last
'Jin rd. lO'o Wh,,,
1 lie 1 nlteil Males look Hie lead In
slilpliullillng in i vciv sh.nl time
Whereas In Vugust hit theie were
onlv sltv-oti" Vninlian shlpvards Ihe
nation now ha Jul with I "JO was,
111010 than double th. mial of shlpvv.is
In the iet or the wmld 'I line an now
nl eut Shii non imidiivis in ninlciu
iuis, in .lulv l!Ht, then, wer.' Go OOD
1 ne statement Issii,,! bv the
l,,t,i. I inn s-.j 1 Mrt till
Sinn ugut I ''IT more seagoing
tonnage' has been Iniinilied fiom nierl
i an silpiiis thin was ever lautii lied
befoii In a simil.ir petioel anv win re.
The total a of .September 1 1918 571
N,,ls or 3 "1" -3s deldwelght tons
is 111.11 Iv foui tliius all Ihe seigolng
tonnage (of inoie than I Son denehv eight
Ions) built In the I'nlted States In anv
foui pri-war vcars The tot il tautii b
Ings slnee the llrst if this vein 48.
v,mu,. of 2,312 hi J ileadwe ght tons
.ne mote (ban eight times Hie seagoing
mini igi of uiori thin IfiOO (leadwelgln t
I tons) pioibneil In nil eoutitr! in in 1
1111 11.11 jnr
ct . si-.j. rjt V.'...
oeruiarui uut nan
To Enemy' 8 Arniie'iifl-
(nntlniied frnm Pare One jtjw
village of Knvndar. Kresh Bulgarian and s ''I
Merman tioops ate arriving continuously t b tf
to le-enfoice the enemy line. M'oa
I'uttlng of the I'skub-Salonlca ralinn$l
roaei, it was saiei here olllclally yetfr- '
dav, will force the retirement of thot
enem.v icn wing nnn cause a generality,
readjustment of the enemy lines Jn thlai!i
11 i,s
Siiece of Entente Cannot Be V'4
Denied, Snys One Paper
Ry the United Press
'urlili. Sepl 2J The Bulgarian
press Is unanlmousl In favor of peace.
aci'ordlnK to Information obtained here
' It Is high time to listen to reason"
dee'lnies the Preporc
'The success of the Imtcnte In France
cannot be elenleel " the Vlr sas,
' Tor iiiconipllshinent of peace." says
the N'nrod "It Is necessary that the pe
rloel of negntlatlnns on the erge of be
ginning shall be terminated as quickly
ns possible '
Shave after SKave.-
Molle li a dflljhtf ul antlieptlc
for ofttningtha beard prmlU
close and fraquant ahavlnff
oothlnct coollniri healing. Su
perior In vvcry way to aoap nnd
Inthar. Apply lightly with nnfcr ,
lipa no brush no rub
bing. Largs tubas 25
canta at daelem.
Winters & Kesler
Lafayette Bldg.
riiiiAii:i.t'in, i-.
4,500,000 at
Tlie wants of the million
Delineator families at break
fast every morning food,0
c h i n a , silverware, linen,
chairs, electric toasters are
filled by the manufacturers
who advertise to the women
of these families. What do
you make for this enormous,
responsive, prosperous mar
ket? The
The Maqazfne In
' One1 Million, Homes
pveivvvllpip aim 1 mi in oouiuers
1'liiP lendcislilp and tinnps lu pveellelit
1 intention aee minted fnt the high pto
1101 lion "f eneniv Killed with 1 e-
lnnUablv few losses fen out side In-
deeel the lirlg.ide opeiatlng n the (!Lr'tf8WK HK'sirK.Kj: XsSXH'K
Hilt tv -four olllcer and mote
Stlinii I0 of otliei i.inhs ns pilsonets '
and killee! and vvnundeel many a
This iiioinlng the Tilh anil Hip In- S,
ell in troop inadi vigoieni attacks !n
the vvilil, lnoiiiitalnoiis countiy west nt
Vnliulu and diove nut the Tuiki
fiom 11 long, stiong line niound l'ur
1 ah which eme was the bet pteparpd
in the svlem of hills Pressing foi.
w ml thev g.iitn d .1 good elp.il of ground
In the 1101 Hi bv 1 onsidpi ahlv narrow-
The loaelln b ittalioti pissing nvpr ng the fieint aleint, which the enemy.
the loel.s or W.ull ,Satnili tooU tuusiilveli fiom tlie plain or .Minion, can
enemv post anil allowed hip see unit
battalion to pass tlnoiigh to the si c-
iiial objpe tlve. .1 shoit ilistaiue fiom
I si tinata, em n nni,, lent positions. Tluse
1 wne taUeii and .1. third Inttulioii went
diiving on othei stiong points and
then L-.i v.nv to a foui Hi liattalion
BV LOSS OF MATERIAL i;" f- tup .m.i ...nie.i i:i-
llllueii wild .1 1 11011 .11111 .iiiuinei 11111
The C ipe llatlalion i.iptuicd the lull
Continued Trom I'nce One
arm of o 11 nvalrv operating south
v.i'd from .lenlii and llelsin
other enemv columns valnlv nt
t. united to pscipp into the .lotiliu
.i'lev in the elitectiem of lisr-iel-li.ipi'
Pi which still Is lipid bv lis
These columns siiffeieel sevetelv
fiom out ahiiaft which 1 (instantly
lininMl them with linirlhs nnd ma
in the v iclnllv of Lake Tihci lus
clilm -run Hi e fiom low altitudes
our t,aali eletiichinents hold Na.i
leth and the l.illvvnv and roael pas--igcs
ovei the .Ionian at Jlst -eel-Da
Alrcaels 1S00O tnlsotiprs havp been
ciptuieil nnd 120 guns colli cteil.
An eirliPi dispatch from General
Allenby said:
I!v S p 111. on September I'D tho
enctnv leslhtnnce hid collapspil
ov Pi wherp save on the Tuikish left
In the .lend 111 Vallev.
Our left wing, having swung
around to tlie east, had leacheel the
line of niilleh. Baka and Messudleh
.luuctloii. and was astride the lall
v.iv and mads converging -it N.ibu
lu Itlslit WliiK .Meets Keslstauce
Our riglit wing, .ldvanclng through
difficult count! against consideinblp
leslstance. Jitnl 1 cached the line of
Khan Jlbelt. 0110 anil one-iiuai ter
inilps noitheast of Kl-Mugheh anil
Hs-SavvlPh. and was facing nnitn
astilde the' .Ipiusalem-NalHilii 10 id.
On Hip 1101 Hi our cavalry, travors-
Tuik will
Spctint Cnbtr in l.irnini. I'ublii l.cdgrr
viuji "J'lt lS l.v Vcie 1 itrK lion Cn
Witli llie IJrllisli Arm.v in I'.ilpstiiip,
Sepl '1 !
It 1 impossible to pstim ttp tlip
vast iiuantltv of nptuieil miehltip
gun motortrucks, ammunition stores
and lolling stock, v.hleh th
flnel elllllciilt to replace
On low giotiiul and In the passe a
gic.it iiuantltv of tinnspoit is Im-I
mov ilile because the- men hive t ikpn
the horse to tiv to pscapefiom our 1
ii1v.uk Imr tioops o" bee-ausc ITTe geeds I
weie smashed bv aiiciaft In nrtlon. j
llallwav coninninlcntlons .up damascd
eveiv where
The Arab legulir and Kedouln I
livlcs have done nn Invaluable servlcp!
In putting Hip Ilpdj.17 r.illwas notth
and south of Herat and the line run
ning westward, of this 10.nl I
Though some of tlip pin-mv nip put
ting 1111 vlc;otoiis ipargunrd flghtH in!
tlip hill thev cannot stop our piog
ips. but In go paitici are bewilderpd
hv mretlng our forces In unexpected
places Wp continually hear of Turks
letiiiiig on positions we nppupled sev
pial hours prpvlously and the total
of pil"oneis is liounel to Increase '
wheie on tluep sides of them our net
Is di.iwing tighter eveiy hour
The battle Is fnr from nnisned vel
It Is toei soon to pi edict the full lesults
of the pnenis ' defeat, alre.id sevcie
.MoviiiR TraiisMirl Ciiplurril
l.ondoneis and Indians made a swift
mile 11 Iioni v uiii'i' nine acioss miusuv
giounil to Till Keram, wheie, with the
aid of a mounted hiigade, they
p is The value eir in islei v of the nlr
could not I"' bi'ttei PM'Iiipllllcd than
bv our ah w oik dining these opera
tion Onlv one enemy plane was seen
ecipt tli.it one e iptuied today. This
0111 w 1 111 .11 Haifa lint lied on seeing
one or 0111 miihine We pi evented
theh tn 11 bines getting into the nlr
and took tin co todav at the Afulo ,ilr
ilioine with uipcliiiniis nnd nil equipment.
A c pnirinq
and rcnwdrl
inq ol a 20
per cent re
duction. Free
s o r a q c
c h a r g rs
ichen delivered.
MavPson & DeMairp
1115 Chestnut Street
(Opposite Keith's Theatre)
Coats up to
50 bust.
Mail Orders
TJiL -"i'tr- Ji,
iJ-fe M
lntiocliirtoi nipptinp; of the Husiiiess I'np;lisli eoui.sc which vvc
.shall coneluct tliis Fall will ho hotel Wctlncstla rvpntnc;, .Spptcmbcr
2.', at 7:."i0, in oui Auditoi inm.
Mr. (tPoikpIp Iluiton Hotchki.ss, of Now Yoik, the' Dnector of
tho Couisc, will Rive a Icctuip on
"Business Correspondence in Wartime"
A limited numbci of complimcntaiy tickets may be obtained
at the Instiuction Oflice.
Central Y. M. C. A.
C().niK!lCE AND
1 121 Arch Street
F Store Opens 10-
Closes 4:30 rS
0T f & srom: oKDinis -wf
M M cc mm i:n m
orsiini -a i 3 1 s
Prepare Yourself to Fill a
Hundreds ot wumen have secured
Government or business situations
paying from $800 to J1600 per ear
through our course of Instruction.
Visitors Invited
? Elitlitg vnd Correipondtnc Councj
Bra.aht" -Ntw Vork unJ '.tuatoa
fe'tl .1
All Sizes
in a Big
Series of
New Mod
els at
and Up
Shoes and
for the
CjJtvJb Y
and Field-Mouse
the two most fashionable
color motifs in
Women's Fall
Shoes of this class are gettins scarcer every
day and soon the Government will stop their
manufnctuie to conseive the leather supply.
Meanwhile wo have a wonderful assottment of
beautiful giey and field-mouse boots in both
Louis heel and militai'y patterns, that aie in
creasingly in, demand as the supply becomes
scaicer. Better get your.s now and heie at
pi ices based on last j ear's cost.
S. 11th
A Quick
frh 3tor of Famout 5hoa J
U '
Every Foot Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brothers
Wonderfully New
Satin &
M . Jit
7 w
Satiny are em
broidered and
e o 111 b inerl with
KPorgettes mi hev
er.il veil ltnlille
Serire are tal
liu ed oi In coat
e ffeels with braid
or fringe trim
m Inp
Size for wom
en and misse
Our Unmatchable
tint sell at
double our prue
In othPi -t rp-f
I 1 - wool
setgt"-. lnuim
pa l a i ftiiK
IKiplhm t n (1
bro.itli Inth
Talloieil f U
plush m I ftn
trlmiutd tn od-
The End Is Only
6 Days Off
Fur Sale
Ends Next Monday!
Buy at Once and
Save 20
on M arked Prices
We do not claim superhuman power, but we do claim that by
preparing for this event, as we did last spring, buying before
prices reached their present high levels, we can and do quote
prices that are fully 20' to 23' ' lower than present market
It is from these low-marked prices which you deduct a 20r
discount, practically meaning a full saving to you of fully 409c
on prices that must naturally prevail in iNovemoer.
Save the proposed war tax on furs by making your pur
chase during this sale.
A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Desired
$1 .25
S t a n el ard
makes ("hoiie
of pink or
1 t
5 q
Silk Georgette
Special, at
The verv new embroidered
and beaded effects as well as
lucked and tailored models
Flesh and vihlte .iIfo new
s.utt tdiadeg
c n
1 flwftwr?3r1 fw'
ez 3 firap Hmn11- '
s ' sdsb tss!'y' m ' i
(mm 'f iW
v iKLB An I7) ' vi i tvij"
i pi EKWIIWrf5j3 tver-he l '
is IfM
DMaWiaV VaL a j
i mi
1 1 "Wrwnr
n T i Mr ' f
1 Sr K
0ifr r? Im
4M Li
M ill
Fur Coats at Unmatckably Low Prices
Sale Price
New Silk
Si .98
Silk crepe de
chine 1 p
Vim iii bet
Hey. I'l ice
oS.UO Marmot Coat. 68.00
Smart Loose Hilled Modfl
l.arse Slinwl ('nllnr.
I 10 00 Natural Muskrat . .88.00
1 hrt qudrler Irf'iistti hut) Mutli I
l..iri:- Stmwl I'eilUr
172.50 Natural Raccoon. . .138.00
Tlir. iiuarlr l.iliKth lios helled
Men. I .smIpi n. I Quality SKIn
172.50 Natural Nutria .'. .138.00
A JrfUllt spnrls Mod"l ulth Shjvll
e'ollar and c urta of Hudson Seal
1 82.50 Wildcat Coat 146.00
I oohp laulllv llf lied Model
l.arce Collar and CufTa of Cleft
215.00 Hudson Seal 172.00
Three nuarttr Lensttl Loose Model
bhawl or Capa Collar.
Sale Pi he
lieu. P i c
245.00 Hudson Seal 196.00
" Imll Full MoclfN X.HTtr Capo
e'ollar and cutis of Skunk
3 1 0.00 Hudson Seal 248.00
4'i Imh Very 1-ull Model Wide border A
shawl or Cape Collar &. Cuffs of Skunk
Bale Price
Keg Price
345.00 Hudson Seal 276.00
41-hich Vtry Full Model of Selected
bklns l-arice Cape Collar and
Cuffs of Silky Skunk.
595.00 Beaver Coat 47C.00
Full I.enzth I.ooe Model
Exeeptlotially Choice bklns.
322.50 Natural Squirrel. . .258.00 620.00 Natural Mink 496.00
fcmort Loose Melted Model
I,arKt Shawl Collar and Cuffs
345.00 Scotch Moleskin .. .276.00
Three-quarter Length hull Model
New Design Collar and Cuffs
345.00 Black Muskrat 276.00
43lneh liotie Model Handsome skins.
Larue. Cape Collar and Cufta uf
Silky Skunk.
'three quarter Lensth Full Model
Handsumel Trimmed with Tails
and Paws
655.00 Russian Kolinsky . .524.00
Very Smart Model Garment Elaborately
Trimmed with Tails.
870.00 Broadtail Coat ...696.00
4filnch Exclusive Design
Handsomely Marked Skins.
A Wonderful Special Group
Serge Dresses $dfr
For Women & Misses, at $
lira no new ran Mjieh in lanorea
effects Some are nealb einbrolelered All s zes
Women's & Misses' New (Jj M QQ w
Hxtraordlnary value at tills inlie Tailored 8tle8
others snow sun piunii on couar unu uouoni oi coat
Fur Scarfs Fur Sets in the Newest Modes
.Voiemtiei September
llry Piicr &le Price
30.00 Wolf (all colors) . 24.00
35.00 Taupe Fox 28.00
35.00 Taupe Lynx 28.00
37 50 Red Fox . ... 30.00
42.50 Natural Squirrel.. 34.00
67.50 While Fox 54.00
92.50 Cross Fox 74.00
I 12.50 Mole (Large Stole) 90.00
1 37.50 Rus.an Kolinsky .110.00
Noiembci September
llrg Piuc Jjelle Piici
52.50 Nutria 42.00
55.00 Taupe Fox 44.00
60.00 Black Fox 48.00
60.00 Taupe Lynx 48.00
67.50 Hudson Seal 54.00
67.50 Taupe Wolf 54.00
67.50 Black Wolf 54.00
85.00 Black Lynx 68.00
92.50 Pointed Fox 74.00
.Voiembrr Srifcmber
Ueg Price hale Pftce
97.50 Skunk 78.00
97.50 Natural Squirrel. . 78.00
105.00 Jap. Kolinsky..,. 84.00
122.50 Beaver , ... 98.00
122.50 Natural Mink .... 98.00
155.00 Moleskin 124.00
2R2.50 Natural RW Fnx.22fi.fW)
370.00 Hudson Bay Sable . 296.00
432.50 Silver rox ...... 346.00
tv. l
l V'