Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 21, 1918, Postscript, Image 9

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Nancy Wynne Tells of Doingsof Sci'erul Girls IT ho Are IT orb
ing Abroad Mr. G. llcide N orris Asks for Garments
for Belgians Other Matters of Interest
for 11
AS too bad thai It rained etclila,
certalnl did put n damper on
tile social end of tlio Iloise Show. How
ever, several women were there In iuiii
t oats and stiff huts, and the horses show lug
did their prettiest. It icmlnded mo of the
t'ose Ttee Knees otnc flo A ears ago, when
the people aH wore btlght-iolored miitkln
toshcH and wt In the pom lug r.iln for most
of the afternoon. It was better late yes
today, when the lain held up for a while,
but there was no real brightness ueh us
there had been the flist da
T"ID jou know that Uose Dolan Is spend--'ins
two weeks of much-needed rest In
UUrrltz with hci grancimothct .Wis
,Nell-on Brown.' You know she has been
.. Trance for nejih a .vcai and has been
driving an umbuiance foi the wounded. She
was just recentlj dccoi.ited with the fiolx:
do aucne. and hah been highl commended
for her splendid work. All is.stuilv Ing to
be a nurse on this side of the watci Not
an of jour intenslvo-tialniug business,
but .i leal couise In milling. -Mr Dolan
Is to do work abioail. too. Itosc and AlK
hap always been rather serious-mlneled
tfhls and hao done worth-while thing's
sintc the. grew Into women's estate. Theli
mother was Miss Itosille l!iown. a daugh
ter of the late .Veil-eon lb own and n slstei;
of Alexander IJioun. who was killed b
falling from his plane ut K-lngton about
two jeiis ago
el.itn, Co
onl eteida.v that Anne Vau-
I'oiistanm's oldei slstei, I in
I 'ranee doing Hed cJio'-s wotk. And 1
thought "Well, that's a sicrilloo for the
family!" Tor Anne was much at home and
looked after hei mother's comfort mmmhIi
nnd did all the lot civ things about the
lioue that help to make It "homes ." Airs.
Vauelaln Is not veiy stiong. ou know and
has leaned a gieat deal on hei older daugh
ter, but theic is no doubt that Constince
will be a close second in doing the things
Anno did; and there Is the satisfaction of
knowing that they have glicn to tho cause
homethlng that costs far more than monej
ut time, in that hc Is a cry dcai diughtci
ind slstei.
S glad to see that .Mi', lohn fem-
v erse is home fi om Nan agansett 1'ier
ind that the two Snow den children me
ever their whooping-cough. As I told ou
esterday, small Charlie was at the Horse
Miow on Thursday and Mrs. Converse was
iheie, too, eij busx. I did not see Kath
rrinc, but 1 understand she Is well, too
Mrs William 15. Chuichman, Mrs. Con
verse's mother, leturned with 'her from
Nonis this
a lettei from Air. Ilclaa
morning telling me that
theie's to be a clothing campaign for the
Belgians conducted by the Red Cioss and
It will begin on Monday and continue until
the following Monday, September 30. The
Red Cioss has sent out a leaflet, he tells
me, saj ing how much these clothes ai e
needed and just how 'they should be sent.
Do jou know 'that there aio ten million
people back of the German line In Belgium,
who are almost entirely destitute of
clothes? The leaflet gives un etiact from
t. letter from a Hclgian woman of foimei
wealth, who sajs: "Perhaps jou will laugh
when you hear that T wear a cloak made
f i om my husband's gaido civlquc oxeicoat,
i waist made from his football shut and
i skiit made of a dyed bed sheet. Mother
bad a suit made of the tablecloth, J. and
M. have cloaks made of woolen blanketH
ind S. a dtess niado of burlap. Tint all this
Is bnly amusing In comparison with the
wietchednes of the population. After all
we icmain calm and confident of victor."
It seems to mo that all jou have to do
Is to lead that and then go home and de
ride that jou leallv don't need youi big
eoat when jou have jour suit, and that
blue di ess -well, jou could worry along
without it The coinage of those people In
the face uf theii awful need! And they
piacticallj depend enttrelv on us foi what
clothing they get to keep them vvaini dur
ing the wintei. If winter ovei theie Is
tirij thing like last winter over heie. jou
know that they will need a good many
things to keep out the cold. So I do hope
the Red Cross will be able to collect the
5000 tons of used clothing that Is asked
for. The committee in charge of this ehive
includes Mr. G. Ileide Norris, Ml. Ami
Thompson, Mrs. J. Gardner Cassatt. Mis.
!i. j did Henry and Mr. Stockton Townscnd.
All kinds of clothes nro needed, but, of
course, nothing flimsy or thin, because
everything will have haul wear and has to
he stiong. It dorn't have to be in pei
fect condition, either, for theie me thou
sands of poor women in the occupied
uglons who aie anxious to make a little
money by -epal-l.is tho gift clothing and
raking new things, like chlldien's g.u
ine'nts ?ut of clothes tl it air too shrunken
,or worn to be used "as Is." Bed-ticks,
sheets, pillow cases, blankets, mufflers and
wooltn ai tides of any kind are also in de
mand, for jou i;U! tee that most . tie
sheets and blanketa have been used 'fir
outer clo'hlrfg. The thiugs should be son
to 1627 Arch street, which house, together
with 1629 Arch street, has been donated to
Mr, Norris for the collection of these
articles. NANCVT AVYNXK.
Social Activities
Mi. and Mrs. Caspar V. Hacker, of Little
Tarm. Brjn Mavu, have returned fiom a
motor tt!p thioueh the New Uncland States.
Mis. Sydney W. 1'foulkes, of Bilblat,
Bryn Mawr, and hei mothei, Mr? II S.
Latimer, of Wilmington, returned this week
(iom Chelsea.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William T). Price, of Nar
herth, have received word of the cafe ar
, rival In France of their eon, Mr, Russell
Karle Price.
Miss Mildred Murdock. of Baltlmwe, is
SU visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
'i? i iand Mrs. Charles S. Starr, of Haverford
J-j AIT. ai dUB. -4t,lO 4JUk4CI CC1C0, vl I
r J , Tw aIh T).,,1 .a TV ... .. T.a
lljtf 'of Abbottsford avenue, Germantown, have re
turned to their home after spending the sum
mer at Buck mil.
Mr. and Mrs. John B Mcllliennj have also
leturned from Buck Hill, where they have
been for the eummer.
i"-. i'ls I'icanoi scai wunuer, aaugnter or
ifHr. and Mrs. Maurice C, Burton,, of Ger-
'itnantoivn. is BiMnutng tne, i weeK-enrt vvitn
' ! f f ' "
eticiigepient of Mls Wunder to Mi Wanicr
Uobctts Supplee has been announced
Miss Ceclle de ttlgeui, of J00.1 Pine tieet
has leturned to this i-ltv aftci "pending the
summer at Atlantic Cltv
Mr and .Mr? floiaco l!lnne. Tnjloi. of
203S Jlount Venion stuet, announce the en
Bagcment of theli ilntightci, Mls Mary low
ing Tujlor. and in. l'lovd C Shatter of
Spanows Point, Mel
Mrs A. Conrad, of New otk, entertained
a number of Bursts ut the llehiifint lloust,
Mount I'ocono, on I'lldaj cvitdng, hi liunot
of hei dnughter, MKs Ilcniletta Conrad
Miss Comad, whosp vareci us an operatic
gliiKt'i Is well known in I.uiope PTpeet" to
appoai in a conceit In this t,t this coming
vv Intel
"tlss Ikllth Clarke, of Sljn North PifteenUi
stiect, entertained on WjKieHilnj evening mi
honor of Mrs i:ugenn wautill, of Toledo
ii, formerly Mls Bcrjl Read of this rit
Autumn flowers were used In the decorations
and there w is a delightful musical program i
other guests weio Mis Plorcnce N Hitch-
epek, Miss M. Allison P.anck, Miss IMna Mar I
I in Iilndnei. Mls Marj M. lloiinati M.ss
Vlorence "'oKlilan, Miss MurRaiot W l.llh, I
Miss Maiiun V. Muirav, .VIi Geoise Sut-
ton, Mis Carl I.audls, Mrs Joseph Cnn I
Mis Louise Read and Mrs Vincent Clark i
Mis. Clark will Join Mr and Mr luutell In '
theii return tilp b automolilk to Toledo
next week I
Ml and Mis Joseph C (ioldnilih of KTO" I
'"PiUce street, announce the eiiBaRPinenl of i
their daughtei. Miss Rinma Mat Goldsmith
to Keisre.int Jolm Rosen, 1. S V, son of
Ml. and Mis I. 11 Rouen of Pottstown I
Serceaut Rosen is at piesent attending the i
otlletts' artlllerj trainiiiR sib d a i imp
SSaih.ii; Tavloi
I'rlfnds of Ml Alan G Miutli nf i, I in
Woodbine jvenue. iivtibionk will be glad
to know that the steamship no w Inch ho
saikd his nirtved p.ifeh oviris tic s
operating ordeilj in IJae Hospital X'o
American expeditionar; foice
1o Scrantnn Bride-? MarrirA to
Two Pliiladclphiaii'- at
Home of Pa-tor
double wedrlina of intfrest In th's cm
nnd in Scranton, Pi. took plic on Tuesd n
afternoon at tho home of the P.ev P.khml
Radcllffi", pastor of the I'oukman Metlioili-t
Kplscopal c'hiircli. Lehigh avenue and
Twelfth stieet. when Miss ubve G P.nnlc
daughter of Mi anil Mis George P.ennle,
of -cranton, was mauled to Ar Ihcrett I.
Thomas, eff this cltv : and Miss Al.ugaret
Ilockin, daughter of Air and Mis. John
Hockln, also of Scranton, became the blido
of Air. lohn T. AlacWateis The Itov Iir
TWdcllffe performed the cereuiouies Rach
bride was given in marriage bj her fat hei
Allss Rennle had for brldismald AIlss Hockln
and Air Mac Waters wis Ah 1 homas s best
man Allss Ilockin was attended by Alls
Thomss, while Air. 'lhonns was bst man
for All. AlacWalers An Informal loceptlon
was held at the future home of the couples,
1329 North Twentieth street
The marilage of Aliss Rattle A lainmell
and Air namuel T. Wolf was solemnised at
7 o'clock last evening at tliP,honie of the
bride, US South I'orty-sKth stieet Iho
ceremonv was pel formed bj the Rev. Klmer
Ellsworth Helms of the Calvar; Atethodlt
Episcopal Church, I'ortj -elfchth street and
Baltimoie avenue 'Lhc wedding was atti tid
ed onlj" bj Hip families and a few Inthvite
friends Air. Wolf and his bride left on .in
extended trip, and upon theii return thej
will be at home at i2& South Sixteenth stiect
aftei November 1.
plans discussed for
Care of sailors
Women't) Auxiliary of St. Francis
Country House Meet- to
Decide Question
U the meeting held on Tuesd.iv o lhe
Women auxlllaij of St FianeU c'ountiv
House at liarbv, plans weie dlscu,-pii fm
the accominodai'on of the m mv convale-tent
aallois who, at the Instigation of the Gov
ernment are to be housed md umed back
to health at this institution. s the hou
Is alreadv accommodating foitv patients plans
aio being consideicd to elect an fxtia build
ing. I'nial prepaiatlons were also made fm
the ABC fete which Is to take- place on
the giounds of the lmme on Oi tuber 4 nuu
3 The proceeds of this affair w 111 lu do
nated to the maintenance of this work
The alphabet villi be lepiespntrd l i
booth selling wares of this lettei Mis
Krancis P. Walsh will be In charge of the
apion countei, which opens' the alphabet,
where evervthlng fiom u kitchen cover ill
and a Red Cioss apron to a kiddles' piia
foie will he on sale Agisting Airs Wal-li
will be AII9 Alarlon O'Aleara Vli lohn
Gauitj, "lis Howard H I'llei and Ml V
O'Brien Bags of varied kinds, from the
gajlj coloied knitting bags lo Iaundrj Ings
and sewing kits, will be sold bj Airs Joseph
Gallagher and Airs L V HIcMv Airs I
.1. Cojle will have cakes and cJndj, while
the junior aides headed bv Allss P.uth Isiael
will have a wonderful clisplaj of dolls at
booth P fresh counlrv eggs at H will be
sold bv Mrs Thomas ntzgerald while Allss
Francis Sullivan will have booth 1", where
flowers of all kinds can bo IiojI. O stands for
good things and hero a number of members
of St. John's Auxiliary will be In uniform.
Among the other departments will be Ice
cream cones and jellies, where preserves,
pickles' and Jellies will be sold by Airs II C.
Lasting, assisted by Allss Kutheiine Ral
eigh, Miss Rlizabeth Power and Allss Louise
Hssllng Knit goods for IC will be undei tun
managements of Airs Joseph Israel, assisted
by Mis. AI W Brlggs, Air V. X. AIou
vllle and Airs Rtchaid Quid. Airs Prancis
L Patteison and Airs. A. 1 Pieeman will
have assisting them Allss Frances Bracken.
Allss Rosalie Hirst and Airs. Alfitd Orchid.
Mrs. John C. Sheahan will have a depart
ment devoted to lingerie, while an old-fashioned
market place will be under the dliec
tlon of Aliss Florence Sibley and Mrs
Richard Bleknell. Allss Cecilia Kennedy
will have the nurses' supplies, and Mrs
Joseph H. Reillv the miscellaneous table
Airs. Thomas P. Hunter and Airs. Janus
A. Alundy will be in oharge of the novelty
table, and Airs. James Bllllngton will have
odds and ends. Allss l.aura T Mullln the
patients table, and Mrs A. Scanncll for Q
will have articles both quaint and queer.
Allss Mariner will have religious articles, and
Airs R. C. Schworer with Mrs. II. P, Clark,
stockings and sweaters. Airs. John J. White
has the useful articles, w hlle vanity fair will
be under the management of Airs, Henry At.
Tracj-. A number of valuable articles have
been donated to this department bjs promi
nent stores of the c!tj A necklace, a gold
Ifvalllere, a gold bar pin set, In pearls, and
seveial vartlty bqxes aro among the dona
tions. At lhe end of the alphabet vvll be
h F.tr. table. whlchvvlll be In charge of
'Mtk M. E MoMlchen and he? daughter,
UCnwIieil tM ec Mue
Braer. Fidelilj and CapaciU
Iakc Tlicni Miracle Men.
He Declare-
I !i Vnietic.iu i h ipluin In Pranl p he
fnoib ru liiiiacle in in .u folding lo ltislnP
John, Newton Ah Coimkk, if tli Lpisiopal
illme-e if western MMilgui who lenntlv
ictuincd fiom lhe w.u out Mr is unw in
The bishop was vvaim In his piale ef the
ihapl ihts foi their liaveiv, theli ildelltv,
J I eii c ipat itv for haul work 'I hev not only
lead the Inn ill eivlces foi Pghting nrcn
hev .HtualU Inn v them
Theic is little these ehiiilalus do not do
The wipe loc letters foi wounded sul
dieis. ecnoi letter-" ale the confidants uf
homesick bos and when and when the op.
portuultv e ffers lontluet seivins
Perform urleel IasU
The American chiplaiii the bishop .lH. is
a combination of trained nuie eook, wxtoii,
stenographer and "skv pilot nd when he
'has nothing to elo till tonuriou hu assUts
the bojs In theii games and e ihei recreation
Bishop AlcCciniick, who i inks is a -upi -rliu
chaplain ol the lied ' i - went ovet
seas list cietober with tlie wit itimmtsslou
a- iepi"!ent Hive of tin I iiwifl ''Iiuich
and vc is given the lank e,f maieii
V Inge put of the time In- was at the
(imp assisting In eoufliinanoiis ind ai ellffei
ut lcligiuus seniles amemg the men
lie was a-ked bv the Red i'ioss to oigam"
the bureau of hospital t haplalns since the
In an tli of, the clergv ill it Is mnnected with
the hospitals is a biaueh ef the Heel Cioss
.Vt present he Is in this cuitntiv to further
the steps that are being taken in Washington
to take over the enlisted cltigv as a ltgiil.u
branch of the arun m wlii'li tho men will
be given tho lauks uf lii.-t and second lieu
tenant1'. Here for leinferenie
Ulsheip MiCormlek is In Philadelphia for
the Lplscopal I'oiifeiem being held at
I'hestnut Hill lb will go to Washington
cm Alondav Ili will -pnk it ht Pauls
Chinch, in Chestnut Hill toiuoiiinv niouung
when he will tell ef his cMiiences em tin
tuiiit ihaplai the msintil- sii.l the
bishop, is vciv biiiv with wmk outside his
leliglous seiviiCi 'llieie lui't erne of them
Who iS-l t cqulppeel with Ills 1 1t I It iilt:ilile
Ijpewrltei icadv to take elow u a die tnted
letter at a moments neulie fiom one if
the men s a rule lit Ins sm of a -tereej-tjped
formula foi eceh of tin various tvnes
of letters he is eviieeted to wiite. and as
often as not half c don t,li Is back heie will
get letteis from theli sweetheirth In prettv
much the same tenoi of expression But that
doesn't trouble- the bovs uartlcularlj. One
if them announces that he'd Ilko to have a
letter written fm him or would like to bo
advised In the composition of one and he is
not a critic
Theie ts a steel v reg.iidiug tfietr attitude
towaid leliglous seniles ovei tliero whkh
is absolute)! true anil cpiltc cxpicssive V
chaplain said m a gioup uf men one evening,
'We'io going to havee llftech iiilnutes of
moving pletuies and then we'll have service'
One of tho men shouted oh hung thu
inovlts Mi n with tho set vice '
Woman's Will I- I'mlulnl
'I lie uiilv will probated todav was that of
Frances Panarello. 1386 South Twelfth street
which In private bequests disposes of prop
erty valued ii-t $11,71)0. The personal ef
fects of the estate of Pamuil II Vrootuan
have been appraised at $381,907 82. The in
terest of tho testator In the S II. Viooinan
Companj, of which be was president. Is
ulued at $165,000.
Artist's K.tale NeU $34,950
New York, Sept. 21. The appraisal of
the estat of the late William AI. Chase,
noted portrait painter and a founder of thp
American Kocletj- of Artists, who died Oc
tober -5 1916 Indicates a net estate of
J4,936 ' All Chase's collection of, paint
ings brought J14.U44 at public sale.
vAllce Carson Chuse. vidovv, Is the prhl
clpal beneOclary and is left J950S, The bK
dauihters and two sons are each left
I """"-" Vi , " A "-,- --7-
HSv I ilk t VHvc4H
K I R W. st BEkJF H
hf IHhsv ,'7lv'
r. JlBn- v . - --,s fftff
1 . , j
t n
Michael .1. Dow ling Tell-. Scientist-.
How. I jiiildc and Poor. He
Won Succe
Vn itiihin lenniliss .uiel vviili Tn tlitt
hinds ne i hit when lie wis tlftfe n veils
uiel Mil hul I 1'iiwling en eihviri, Vllni ,
Luel i is the plesieltllt of l bull has e
wife anil tlitee iluiu.hteis .unl is happv He
i an drive! in automobile light a cigar wiile
i lettei ehs hiiilse 11 anel dee ill mi either
'f the thinks that e man with all h!
f.ll llltie S el ii
lii'Wliiu, pn seined himseli bcfoie tie on
f. lere'e nl the Ameilian e uleinv of Pn
lillnl and "social science em the re lialiillliis
lion of soldleis sailors and m.umes crippled
in tlie vvai as a Iiing example of what can
be done In the w.av ot rehabilitation He
spoke at lhe ession of the leinfennce last
When Pulling wis tlftecn .vt.n eld he
w ts lost in i bliz7.ini and both h mils .mil
feet weie llejell 'lllllee dOetois weerked oVel
him vtiil with .1 kite Inn table- .i an e peni
ing bo ii el i ut eilf one hiiliel at the mist one
ii in just brlow hie elbow and lulh legs
below the Knee
Without a doll ii In the- vvmlil mil his
uiilv heilt.ige the faci.th.it sau v lull'
Itltrv tit -l .llllllll.il of till Vlllell in n ix
Wis Ills gle Ill-Ell Ul-gtaillllllle le I le VV llllg
-til lie! Ills climb lli tile l.ulile i of mii i f" i
.Hul befOIe lie dies he llOpCs, lo be II eKIllg
flnii iuiii i ve.ai
lhe seent of Ills sue e ess ,is nvvetleel to
Un- eotifi lenie. is that he nevei luoods ovet
the lack of himils or fc-et but strives alvvavs
te de vclup what he lus left
Ueforo he appealed on thu stage i motion
piiluu eif lit in motoi lug. wilting mil doing
tin things generallj believed eleni -el lo
e i Ipples was c ihlblted
New Honor for Judge Slaake
VuiiouiHt me nt haw bee ii made bj oflkeisj
of the Vmerle in II n A-soc latum "f the
appointmint of Judge- W W -st.nUi of
Phil idelphl i I- vue pieslePne iui Penn
svlvanli and these me nib, i if i Ileal
eoumll foi this htnte II ki an, her.in
ton William AI Aluigest ilepn' ittoimj
e,eneiii II urlsbiiig . L M olio i Phlli
elelphia and ludge J Mil' lain Pitts-
Photo by Uacliraeh
A reieut bride, who wilt be remembered
as Mis Glathi LiviiiBelon. claucliter of
Mre .anil Mr. ChtrUi Livingklon, of
; : kv J225H NmiIi,Bnii1 street ,
7 ;'
Kifilitcen of Philadelphia llou-e
in rmj. Two in say.
One Killed
Piolablv i i frtmllv In the I idled -tate
has contributed a gtealet number of otllceis
tu the fighting forces of tin nation than the
Piddle fatnllj of this cltv
"evented! c ommisMciucel and one noncom
missioned otllee-irt tu the unit ale Hlildle-
1 hf invv h is bu two u embers of the f imtlv
I nslgn Wlnthrop Diddle and Medical lnpe--toi
("leineiil Hlddle
Mnjot Uenei il John lllilelle Is In comniaml
of the .Vmetii'.in forecs In lhiglmid I leuten
inl Colonel Imld 11 Hlddle is on elntj In
the Eolith with a cavaln leginient Major
Meliolis llldelle S It r is a son of the
lite (,'erieral lames Diddle, and Muloi Ileiiiv
W Jllddlc Is in command of a latlahm at
f'limp fpton V
"tlier oflleers ne c antain iilnlis Piddle
epi irterm ester eoips Captain Vlfie-el Hlddle
it '"amp l.ee, Va Captain ejeorge M elelle
in Plane e IaJn Willi nn - llieblle laeutei -ant
-'peneer Hlddle fnrestrv enrps Se,geunt
Tlieuiras At Diddle, In Prance i nptnin n
thenv I Dtevel Diddle, m.iiine ri- blpu
tenint ntlmnv J Urpil Dieblle ,lr who is
at Newport ws I.icutencnt Alex Hide- W
Hlddle. with a field tirtllleiv r ginient In
Prance- Lieutenant l.dward V! Hlddle, ord
ninec ioiph t.lftiten mt ' i u Diddle avia
tion section of the signal e erps and Captain
ilurles llldelle the Atneiii.in ice who has
been dec united in Prune fm gillantrj and
ften mentioned in utile lal e ouimunlcations
The lite- lull m ( Diddle a member of the
l.afajctte" esi.ultllle wis Killed in August,
1''I7 when his plane fell tntn the .North .Sen
-uiie-.ful Onc-riav I nmpelitioti lev Ice
(.ream 1 onipanv 1'mploves
Moie tliHu t .otin vvoith ot tilt ill si in jis
win- ild ve-s-ttrdav bv emploves f the
I'te vet lee Cream Comp mv I'ighth .mil
I'linibi-ilanil si,tPts tl ,ls .mnemticecl to-
eliv .
'I wo contests weie teindueted one fm
iluvein i ml one foi menibei s of the otll e
teire e aid pues vveic aw aided bv the eoni
1'inv to the the miking the highest valet
Mlt-s N Ivhkpatriek All-si' M Keirand
Vliss i; Vllllfonl Weill the ollii e eontist V II
letit Mnith mil Joseph MibTinelrl. 1, were lhc
winners of the- eliiveis e onte-t
ad i:muiies
' lh IUDDY
I 4 ecu i t - n ndi e, tittr fat It ti rf h'o I
iet; loiduu and elidoto katurrlaj
(I'cinni inil (Iriicuil . atillnu help
Iciltli ?.'ove , mi lnink n tnlntoi. in ti
battlr it Ith u se,iidroii of (niiiiiin fliicrx
I'cyny t ikkU linn nd ii'i Utblrbn
mean? uf lecnes of thr O'ohe.fn shrub)
flier lhc German ".inrv
FVll above he-. Peggy could see the aP
plane of Teddy Hose 'lhe machine was
wobbdng a b t, but so far It was be irlng Its
wounded anil uneoiise.Ious either sifelv in
the high he evens How loutf it eould keep
lis halmce lu'ivtvtt was i ejjestie n th it
wot i led Pe rgv
I'eggv wis de teiinlned n save him It
would never do to allow tli s glorkis daj t
cnil in diea'tei
I p t.iced her own tov ill plane, which was
endowed vith tie nieiidutis speed, thanks to
the- magic ot tho leaves if the Gullcketv
sluuli s she ocme up behind him, she saw
In what a eilti il state he was bullet
hid eiideutlv strui him in the head knoek
li g him senselet,s He had slumpeel back
In his -ee-at but was held partlj upright bv
bu suppoits His kinds still clipped the
e ntiils and it was due to this fiLt thai the
n -ula e w is hol.ling t Uh eourso m the
all If he should t imble M one tide, the
shift in the eortiols might "end him plunging
tu the- ground behind the German tienches
fir beneath
'Sive- him Prlne es Peggv ' shrieked
lencrui Swallow 'Pont let such a splen
did tighter be killed "
Peggj elldn t need to be urged Hut the
problem before her wis a mightj- big one- for
a little gill to ulve away np there Snoo feet
In the .in lo adrl to her trouble little
bursts of white smoko begin to appe u In
the ih all ib iut them Mie iiunl.lv guessed
what thai meant the ilennan mti-itr, r efi
nuns fi beueatii were shooting up at the
helpless Vnierinn plane nd all the time
the plane w.in chopping lower and lower,
making an c isier target to hit Something
had to be done at once
I'eggv peel up behind and landeil hei ilnv
nirplaiie on the wobbling Vmei'ran mat blue
'1 hen Mi,, qiiuMv leeited the vete
nollleketv ta'l' flolicketv fist'
elb when It e mes fa!', whv siuumei is pas
This tune she had It i ght ami in a tu
was hei u-ual size Da lane t g lvisclf tau
tioush mi the plane she leaned ovn the
unconscious form of Tcdelv Rose She had
to be veiv careful, for If she should cause
lilin to totmle the plane might go tumbling
downw lid before the could stp It ''he saw
that his safetv belt (W as loese and she tlgbt
ened It so that he could not tumble about
Then placing hei'llaluls over his on the eon
tiols md pushing him back she walked
the i udders until the nu plane began to rise
and to pw ing around in a large circle
The sliells fiom the anti-all craft guns
weie now bursting vciv cloe Peggv had
c cunt t tho re-r ue jast m time Indeed,
befoi e the airplane could climb out cf rcnge
Peggv felt seveiil gieat j irs md 1 oklng
out nt tlie wings siw n liei alarm that
great hoes had been tun n them
These hnlfs caused the airplane to climb
less ranullv but "till t forged upward s
It headed back t ,waid the mei1ran lines
Pegv straightened the controls mil the
tniehine speel stiaight ahead There was
another great i ir as a shell exploded close
bv, and the midline wobbled and began ti
drop r.apldlv t the same time it started
tr c rele back toward the Oerrran trenches
The shell had blown a particular! large
hole In the left wing and had cut a wire
leading to the rudder Peggv wna in despair.
General Swallow saw her trouble
1 11 IK It." he shrilled Peggy couldn't
Imagine what he could do. but In n moment
the airplane swung back toward the Amerl
e in lines and safct Oe'neral Swallow- had
dabbed the luoken wire with one claw anil
the nidilei with the other, and was hanging
on m right lv that J'eggj could fteei without
II nli e
Pat ihi.ul P-gg! saw a kaige P.eJ Cr iss
on a bu'ldlng It was i hospital and I'cddj ,
P.ose needed quick attention Could she
make it ' "own down Mgged the airplane,
while Hu hole uppej largei and larger
I'ln.illlv there was n liueler Cn than ever
and the u achine humped gt-nth to eaith
iltht in the hospital vard
Soldiers nuises and doetois ran up The
chief siiigecm looked Teddv hnstih over
'lies weak fiom loss of hlaod, but thanks
to the fait that he came down light here
we can save him," he said
It's maiveleus that he htcered light here
while unconscious," cried another doctor
"Alajbe an angel guided him." spoke up a
nurse In a hushed voice
"No, it was Princess Peggy," shrilled Gen
eral Swallow
Teggy thrilled through and through as
she heard this talk And as she thrilled
things began to grow hazy, and all of a ruc.
den she found herself back at the plaj
ground with the last of the dims Just flicker
ing off the screen. And her airplane was
still In her arms Just as If It had never gone
to Hurope and back In a wmderful llghtnlng
fast trip
O'Ml irrr, Vraov attends a lunnu
school session with the Sirps anil shes
21, 1918
f opjr ttt tnjn by the Pub 7 r ifo'
nut; smut Tin rn
it) AtfUlon with Mauul rmur bn part
Tr reiirih fur trnur in Unk" Ouatailta
tai 1 Uirappnji -i nf!r a ihntmlt plosion
IT ilimr up thrf months hu r 11 locfi t
ki ot wtirr li- Uh btn Vul o 1 1 nous op
Thr cl ltr ho rclurn in ( ntoniM i
from lonnntliut to suhf thl iut(r We t
jHponipuntM b Utttt I.plfflitntt his rwithMrt,
Tl irM I.tliflHnn hr unlc Andrew TinuM
and Min gualo. friend- On tliMr w lli v
irtft 'Jcnpral Ilrruti and lo t i Mtnnln
,hnitlv ntttr thfir nrrtvut luMtl ll-atiiiir-
twruin Hi fricnH trrh A (ii!n-l h UUata
tu fr r him Tmm nrnl r Men - that h
N nci tint l nnl lof thrlr wn Hul
ilu lrlioe ) f tan tin 1 tlulr wav Ik U iml
ttii N ilflightttl with ho ttirit of th air
CIIAP'IKII iContimicil
rplli;p.ll was ample wair.enl foi I nc u
J- thulasni Pmm the stifling atmosphere of
he tunnel the e ini e 1 s lnel enicied a w el
nek i iiatnbrr tint widened a-e Miev aelv inceel,
oicning up vistas of injestie sjiae louspews
that contrasted Rtratigelv vvult the stnngten
eel path tliev had (list followed iiveihend
the outlines of a vast aiehlng inof eould be
ellinlv made out bj tlie flickering Hrh ftom
the limps Vt either side the eliil w 11
with tticli tlanktng pinn ce les and f.ini istie
gngovle suggested the etrnnte ce,irpment
of some l.otlnc e cthccll ll Alole nutle enldc
even than this,- aichltcctur.il feature" w t
the ilelightful atmospheie mild fiagi nil in
v iterating peiadlng the- greit silent spates
Csiicllv tlie all In the famous e av es tamilln
to totiiistH although pine enough Is ihlllv
ind damp su mueli so that the- e-cploicr is
fore eel to exercise in order to keep vvatm
lleie, em the contra! one enjoved the tcm
perature of i perfect dav in eirh hummer
a fact that had called forth I na s ptaise- anil
was sllentlv noted bv Ilirold I.legbtem as
one of tin novel features of tin fiuataviti
e ave
'if coutse vie must go on I e ightem de
deel impatieiitlv 'If Mi",, ijtiivli t
nervous e.he had bettei vv nt feu us oiitMile '
Perh iis I will lie uiilv in the vv iv lie i o
said that latlv eemtrlteh P.ul what will
vt u tlo w ithout tue I n t"
I will tale hei luteipeised Mitatiela in a
elnvalric outbuist Cemie ' lu- icicle el turn
ing unceremonious! to retrice Ills steps to
lie opening ot the tunnel, a pn.nt that eould
tint be fur awaj ilthough not ne.n enough
to be revealed bv the light thrown fiom
their lamps
In spite of the friended area uf the ub
ten.inean e-hamber In which thev were stand
ing. II was cis) to letuin to the tunnel bv
sitnpl) tctrnclng the path the were on Ibis
path vvas maiked b a depression in the
uneven lockv floor ae-ros Willi h it was 1 lid
It was falrlv fniooth and overspread bj a
title Bind tint lioto the impress of main
sand lie d feet There was no el inger of los
ing ones vv ev and the energetli doctor hm
1 led along so is to spend the least possible
time on his self-appointed mission lie did
not notleo Hint the ti Hilled Airs Qucvle eon
ltieed tint his invitation concealed a pie t
to tob he- of lui jewels filled to ntcompair
him The ethers, amused at his abrupt de
parture pitlentlv aw lited hi rettitn watch
ing the spee k ol ligat muile I J his lamp bob
bing about In the distance piesentl) the
light disappeared, ind thev cone hided that
Miranda had entered the tunnel Hut In this
thc-v weu- mistaken In a few minutes thev
wclo starlleel bv an explosive M iramba ' '
follow ed shortl bv the apparition of the doc
tor running towaid thiin, bieaihless from his
I lie explorer-, Iiavin? Iiplileii their
exertion- md exploding with mingled wrath
and consternation
It has Bone lot ' I cannot llml him
lie shouted in o.n incoheient ton em of p m
ish and tuBlish
What has gone'' demanded I.eichtnn
We aie lo-t
lost ' 'i lit tunnel
has Rone '
It Is tron' I ro ths-ie
the tunnel where we come-
I nol lie I til I
-and it has tone
Impossiblc ' vvnat um ou nnu.
' I not find it It is true : I flnil theru
whit this fellow bi he replied, turning s.(
agcly on Itaoul 'It is what oii call" one
elead vall '
Mrs. Qnayle TaUei iie cad
M115N'D vvas not dreaming the tin ml
hail v inlshcd That ma be a stiong
won! fm u but unvvvas, whatever Ind hap
pened the tunnel vv is not to be lound
Hemming b lhe path upon vvhuli 1'iev
had entered the subtenanean chamber ihcv
were confronted b a wall of rock vvheie 'he
cntianre to the tunnt 1 should have been Tliev
vvete perfertlv certnn tint when the pitscel
out of tli" tunnel s than half an houi be
fote Into the main bod of the (At this
wall had not been theie Where it had come
from, why the hid not seen it before were
pocrs too puzzling to waste time over No
one had seen tt of that thev were ertaln .
and the louldnt hive-helped seeing It if it
had been there Hence the weie fenced to
the astounding conclusion that this wall had
move-d into Its present position during thu
last half hour through some invisible, super
human ngetu The whole tiling, in fait,
was incomprehensible, ildlculous, absurd Hut
llicro it vvas for ail that and It hail Its de
pressing consequences
' iou know that crocodile on the liver"
said Alliandii, Imprc ssiveiv, In 1" n the
mouth the bhd walk in
'lie shut the mouth the bin! is In cue
trap. So it is to us '
I'eriiflcd bv this picture of what hail hap
pened, Vlis Qtiale Involimt mlv clutched the
jewels eudicling her neck as if to pioteet
them fiom some invisible lulgand The
schoolmastei, also, seemed to suflct uldl
tlonal discomfoit Aliranda's wav of putting
it, however, failed to satisfv the others Leigh,
ton stout! refuseel to believe in magic llei
ran, In voluble Spanish, insisted that magic
alone could explain the affair. Allranda re
peated his alligator theor.v.
"This cave Is alive," he added ' iou see
tho mark of the feets"
"Where is Air. Arthur?' suddeulj skeel
They had been so obsorbed In the? mystery
of the vanishing tunnel that the absence of
ono of their number had not been noticed.
Una's startled query brought them face to
face with another puzzle, as baffling and un
canny, In a way, as the wall of rock that
had come from nowhere to the cave. Itaoul
had disappeared, search as they might, call
as loudly as they eould, no trace of him vvas
to be found Had he deliberately deserted
them, or had he suddenly been spirited away
by the same Invisible agency that had pre
vented their leaving the cave? Tha more
credulous ot the party believed ha had ben
jruriitu ;w
PBFnL 9 :M
Hut it Is Impossible,' Insisted MlrSvri
angrll "I see him now and now he lufl
litre The canaille " 3
eiieie is oiuv one cuing to ne none;
ellired Ielchton. emlilmtlcjellv -"W 1
eel e.eel ,,f l,oe t, inn.i wm .... ee -ef
Vcs' Yes" exc-lalinul lna
Carnmba' What for we go on?" lemcl
stiiiled Miranda ' We me Inst, tcf mnr
If wc leave tills place" wAV
'oti mean, we aie lost if wc stay liffiV
lemoneei icigmon 'There Is nothing t6"il
gameii uv staring nt this rock. The fact 1
Vithtii bus illtapijeared. that the cntrati
to the tunnel has been closed, that there nrtK
freich footni hits besides our nwn all aboutiiec-a!
moves Hi.it this cavo Is inhabited. Whoever f3&
.... . .,1 . ou,si nuu iiiese people.' " iffli
I.elglltollH W IV of nnttlnir thtuira w.1 Kfifo-Sfl
....i.. .. . ...1. . ". . " . . .. .ft
i" tett 11 ei oiihi ijreeiueei a pimc. I'.ventv,
ne- l -.1...I..... .,.- - .. ... SrJ
oonnu eojiiiiiieie me ucecssiij 01 me course I
imposed bv the savant and as Ilerran" lnVA
ii-mimiik ,-ise 10 uinr in ii juace. it waK,,
'leeidtd to pifvs- on vv 1 Ii the ttploratlonlo&fiv!
theiavi without eleliv ' VVji
I ottiiniielv ihci h.i A fj,, amount of'y
i'1'" nj nuu enoug.i on to i.eep their IftinpsWj
going fcei several
el iv
Deforc starting pntt&iS
their oxpedition
v hen
it promised to BQf'rg.
nothing more than 1 ' picnic' this supply ffV
food ind fuel seemed far bevond any possl-,i
I'U- need Now thanks to the fussiness
Mrs Oll.aV le. W len bei,t Inctalrrl nn h
, . .. . " "'.' ""T. J.'
iiiiuiiuiiii prepainiions, mere was no trnmeai kI
ate danger of starvation. i:ac h carried M&KmJ
r her portion of food in a light. capacioU5y3
- o 1. 1 ue-se sacecv, vvoven oj tne native' &ya
.... ...lui'- ill rr , lit Ulln HtIIJ 1IVII1 ll,SVr.-. J
shoulders The oil tot- the lamps was in VXoKsXm
nf vv hie h ndrew carried, RaOutVl
tlif utile 1 Whatrver had become of RaoUlX"!Jj
Ills 1 111 of oil ll.lel neet el Isn tine.. reel erllh tnlm.1..5 tl
It was found near the pot In tlieilarg
cave where Ath.iiula hid tuined back to taliV. V'
Mis yunvle to the
tunnel Here, theiitr
Itcoul had left them
I loping for a clew. J 3
the .anilncd the ground for his footpVlnts.'ajl
hut rmilil ,11s, .11., ,w.elil,, Tl.- nnU .a ..j,,1S
showed th, Imptess of sandaled feet only--' J
and Itaoul thev agreeel elld not wear sandals, fSJ
i.iniet 110 11 nl ien the pith and chosen tne
-...Li eCnn. ..f4i.. . .. ...... t 1.. .a. ia V(u
.-.., iivui totot 1 jtrin in lit Blceeu- 1 ifM
which ease It would be impossible to dls-f3
eover bis tiall m he had followed them ligw!
the tunnel anil gone off on one of tho slaer; ,ra
Hacks that thej had noticed and partially . JM
e-jcpieircel theie. vv hv he- should have aoan
elthei of these things was unite beond thejnriVNXil
10 niavver. vt an) iaie, cue)- tnea eer Tsf-i
means- to find liltn and their failure lext"
ire leii""-;
them more despondent than ever. All
i.elgl ton and t no.
l'cllure did not daunt I-clghton. lie
icitivlneeel that by persevering In their cxi?
iflontlon thf woulil sole the mvaterv ofV.a
un cac, caln tidinRB ot D.iid and run d011?.
Iiiuuil t'na -haretl his optimistic Iew, andlU'lM
1 hum .jiiu'u ut i ue riiiui'iunee ol ineir comf
pllpht dtmamltd Tho fac; Is, the feellti&i
Tl1.1t f In nrt 1 .llirrlif- In n in mm nf lirt 3
1. n. ,m 11 .ivfvnt m-.nnnn aI . tt 1 AAHrt(M ?f tJl
mvsterlous h tppenlngs In the lmmdlat$ past, i
nilseel up In tlio legendary history of a fl
vanished taee, and Inhabited even now byjr4,j
uli- iiviru lAliVemt In -lilt Ii rwlteaVt nnBtlimu knil A. 1 tAH
,'t.ine. ninifto lumiiiiiisii ciisiuiuviai "lAi-'J
liliBlitnif; euiet upon thorn. :urs. Quajle rAff
fused to he comforted and. aH tt "was outof W:
tho question to ko on without her, Lelffhtont!
like an AHtuto genoral, proposed halngr luncH.
hiiirhtencd un nt the Idoa: it was one of i
thuM? matet -trokos of policy that, vhen allv
nil." j .ni-, rn iuu uKj, t'lii niiuti, uruirticieinT;
. innVvei tin ill! tirtt fewvil eil 'irnnrl fnn tha JiiS".
1lllt'lAll-J.lJ IIIHI, 1 nuvt MO b-"-M- -l t4-v" viP
lamp-, foiiiul iliem-clvcs in
3 spacious ' MiW-
stomach and, as no one thought othefwlgejjjjfws
uifv ien 10 vvicu un appetite snarpenea py -
ihcii exertions and made falrl razor-llke-i-'.iV
although tills the did not realize by tha'
oiat-uig .tiruosuuiie ot me cave l A-itJ
lhe i, weie hollos uf corn and vue-ea Ne); $???
le-vv white, blown -variouslv llavoied. .oV i",ia
solid 'this was a concentrated food that Jutf??J
ui mt nieu ci a partv ot marooned pic)rTIV'
miners And theie were large
flat disks )t:J!
s. Quaylo de-j
i ass iv a a native bread that Airs.
dared with some leason. resembled i;hlpai!l
of wood more- than an thing else. In tata"''tt
and toughness Thus, too, furnished tho maxliyp
nium of nourishment in a small space. Thecsa K!
fooels, with such fruits as the almond-Ilka. JJ
sapoti tlio julcv nlspeia, the delicate chlrlaffl?l
llim J- il 111 Itll rill rt (sA ,1 ,i n .. ..... l)l ' 4- 1 sJ
J " idiJii-iii.vi I11X71A1 Hint, uj OUOtTU Ullflajl
1 1 s enthusiasm, although to the untrained Vl
.- ifiitj'tiiu illicit- ii nits iifii. tjmie bo Baiij -A,rv
i iiil' .in ii liiirtii ii 'i in rnmio-nr inr ihn-. ri-ivm
iftc i his supply ut food was exhausted theraf. zim
would be ne thing to cn, and no way of get-t'iSfTl
ting nil thing to eat, spoiled just that part of, . fei
the picnic that should be most en lovable. Armtl 1
then weirs, than till tlttl nnlttrl,, nt until nArir fiP3
theie was tin appalling problem of water, h&l
in the linn li bigs of Doctor Miianda. and iHJ
lent r el llernin there weie two small bottles, K
of l eel wine but when thin was offeree! tn.'""sr
Mrs ejuavli. tint unlnpp lad s thirst torid
wanr icaelieil an .1. ute stage W.10 declared v5ii2l
ihit all v.ine vvas polon and that she woUldSttSoJ
die If she eoulcln t get a elrlnk of wate?r. H'n!S
was disturbed Water they'lnustVr53
ater they'lnustlrJ
have but did it exist In .a. cavo that waa. Xh
apparentlv, caused bv fire, and not as d" ttV
respectable caves arcb water? v
cuaiaviia'- exclaimed Allranda, smack.
ing his lips after a deep draught of claret. 'i
'(Juatavlla'" echoed Lelghton Irritably,
""j hoc nay inc: river .iiaKoaienaf xiqtl
are we co reacn ciuatavitav
It Js ne.n, was the complacent repli
11 eomo into tne cave"
How do vou know that"
"Vlwavs thero Is watir In the eavc.
heie .here Is the lake outslele ' ,1 V sSl
Ves outside" said Lelghton bitterly. 2 ,ill
lint flint II IS Itiulelo ' I fill
Mliandcs confident assertion vvas vvorthTtSa
eons ut-i iiik 1 mi iiiere? uuE-iiT lie ennr rneet-i,:i
iitnh.abtv vc a s.sumle Hlililermttn n t nn,telrtWrVtf
between lhe cave and the lake rien If
fonnei did come fiom flic- was a. plaua.
theorv Vn ho went ovei the matter
own mind, I.elghton's respect for At I rod
tne-oinntv etense lumued from xero In a's
pari'tlvel high figure Uut ho vvas note
Vineed JV
Vou foreet . we are above tho level of.tl
lake " he arBiieel tft. tu
Tliai ill true:, UKltru ccio uuuiui, tvfiw, .
tho meantime, bottle In hand, had been,i
ouflv walking about, peering into the i
ness that surrounded them. "Tea. tbMi
true. We como jn over tnera; ana
we walk up. up. The lake Is always
This nath it never go down. ut
aha! Caramba! is one other path
cm down."
C.reut demand for tha KVENINu PI
I.1-.1IUK.R may caoia iou to BUM
inn of this .vary InUrentlin tarr,.
k.et.r therefore. toIODbona ar arnti
(Ireulatton Oewartawnt.,a k
1 - " r '- --
'F ' ' ' t(e-H
1-J-. '
K. 'i
$m Aittl
K i S'
- ."tj k.i.i hi
.?!'. .io.l;:iacr,' .- ;