Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 21, 1918, Postscript, Page 7, Image 7

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r'vy 21, wis
'jfrVj1 1 ' i ' "' '' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' -' --
Ztt I Cmot nrn Dlnva I I I I I ' X
A I 'J"
Great Organ Inlays
at 10 and 4.23
StjAnn He Tlennprf Cfifrnta nl Xoon
Store Opens at 10
Store Closes at 1:30
PaW' CtoMr'y and (tool1 $K'f
vM J
lit?: s s
0jiZ Sfoci Goods as 4 re o Excellence and Dependable'
m&w V V
i ,
This Corner Is Like a
Porch of the Store
" Where Friends Sit
Down Together
to chat over things of mutual interest.
But to talk or write advertisements is not
half as good as turning your cars into
eyes, if such were only possible, that you
might see the Store exactly as it is doing
rut . uA i--j.. i !Ai
;v jis yvry uust inusu unys, iu use an us iuhj;
experience do years ot learning trust
worthy fabrics and the places of produc
tion; and training people by education to
serve you, and providing the most com
plete stock of merchandise obtainable.
Wc have our usual assortments
(nearly) of wearing apparel, house furni
ture and furnishings, articles of every
kind needed by women and men for their
home life and comforts, that they may
have the advantage of our knowledge and
the facilities to obtain supplies whenever
and wherever they may be found.
Please Keep in Mind Always
that this now famous building, specially
built for safety and convenience, and our
best efforts are at your command, all
days and every day, and all days alike.
Note also that we have no hurry-up
or exaggerated highly frescoed advertis
ing (to urge you to purchase), most of
which aims at nothing and hits it when
you carefully dissect it.
We endeavor to have only such goods
as are of excellence and to be depended
upon, and never put on fancy prices to
mark down later on ; selling all our goods
at moderate prices, keeping a beautiful
freshness on them by constant replenish
ment. jm4-
Sti'l. Jl, l'Jlb.
THE Children's Store
Invites You to See
the New Autumn and
Winter Clothes for Babies
and Little Children.
No matter how soon J. Frost shows his
chilly self the Children's Wear Store is ready
for at this minute the new Winter things arc
here and unboxed and ready for your choosing.
Handsome new coats for children dear
little coats of fine broadcloth, of soft velours, of
delicate colored crepes-de chine, of velvets and
velveteens, of corduroy and chinchilla are here
"in sizes to fit little folk of 2 to 6 years. They
nre beautifully made, and all not only warmly
lined, but interlined as well. Ever so many are
fur trimmed. And as to colors, expect to see
delicate pinks and blues, the pretty beaver and1
Jurown shades as well as darker colors and white.
Hats and caps-to go with the coats we've
i never had prettier! Made by a clever woman
who specializes in juvenile millinery, these hats
and caps were made just for us and to match the
new coats.
New dresses, too for wee babies, for tod
dlers and older children ; French and American
things ; many beautifully hand made.
Rompers and creepers also comfortable,
Sensible garments for little folic; in new styles.
Whole layettes for new babies exquisite
garments, fine as can be, beautifuly made, any
number of them entirely hand made.
Nursery furniture, also for the people out
fitting nurseries and who wish the newest and
most practical and attractive furnishings for
this most important room.
Cllilril Hour, (lirol nut )
New Fashions in Suits
for Young Women
Coats and skirts are both longer, the foimer
often having pleats, collars and lavge pockets.
Buttons are much used for trimming.
We have just unboxed some plain tailored and
semifitting suits designed for dress, school or col
lege wear. They are in soft, warm burclla cloth
and velour and the colors are tan, Burgundy, pur
ple, brown and myrtle green.
Sizes 14 to 20 years.
Prices $32.50 to $45.
L, i- (second Floor,, Clifilnut)
I it-v-r.vM t .... -. . v i
:'2:. . .t ir. . - i -j
Women's Finer Cloth Dresses
in Distinctive Styles
The fabrics and the colors of those dresses
contribute as much toward their distinction as
the styles.
Among the materials are the new glove silk
cloth, tricot cloth, duvetyne, wool velour, chiffon
broadcloth, wool jersey and wool elour com
bined with satin.
In such new colors as nutmeg, henna, sap
phire blue, taupe, brown, navy and Burgundy.
1 1 irt I liiiir,
tvdmn J
In a Formal Autumn Presentation Monday
m t
N THIS formal Autumn
the honor to invite you
presentation are reflected.
v x l
aration was worth while.
The entire Silk Salons have taken on a new aspect of color and
manifold enrichment. They are glorious in their wealth of lovely
weaves, comprising a very large showing of American silks, together
with French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese silks in beautiful variety.
Satins are the dominant note, closely followed by plain Georgette
crepes. Here it may be well to point out that there is likely to be an exceptional
demand for colors this season, because the makers are curtailing the number of
shades to be used.
Lovely Colors and Large Assortment
In this exhibition the color assortment is particularly fine, suggesting the
glory of early Autumn sunsets and the charm of Autumn woodland.
Colored satins are here in every imaginable shade ; Georgette in such a vari
ety as we have never hitherto shown; white silks, satins an'd brocades in lovely
choice; French metal broches, luxurious velvets, chiffon with velvet broche, metal
impreme satin, black silks, beautiful printed pussy willow taffetas for lining fur
coats and dresses, baronet satins for evening wear and American and Japanese
washable silk in the most splendid variety, all exhibited in crystal cases in full
daylight for critical inspection and all exclusively confined to the Wanamaker Silk
While we have not as many high-class novelty silks as in former years, we
certainly have a very good collection, and these are marked at prices in no way
For the entire assortment the price range goes from $1.10 to $30 a yard.
One of the newest groups in the collection is a notable shipment of chiffon
velvets to sell for S7.50 a yard.
For completeness, thoroughness, variety and beauty we believe this formal
exhibit is one that will delight all women of taste and discrimination in fine dress
1irM Hour, ClifMmiO
Women's Fine New
French Kidskin Gloves in
Newest Colors
Seven different tan and brown shade alone.
And there ,are grays, black and white -with flat
needlepoint .stitching and all with two clasps and
pique sewn. $2.75 pair.
Also of fine French kidskin nre black gloves
with white stitching, and white with black, of the
same grade, at $2.75 pair.
Washable kid gloves, two clasp, pique tevn,
needlepoint stitching, in white, $2.50 pair.
(Mnln l'lour. Central)
And This Special Lot of Gloves
on the Aisle
$1.85 pair for two-clasp kidskins, oerhC.ini
sewn, Paris point stitching, in white.
$1.75 pair for washable tan capeskins, ouUeam
sewn in clasp, or washable n'ory capeskins, one
clasp, pique sewn.
mm AMfi
A Vogue for Vests for Women
these new ones of satin and ait cicpe will lend just
the right touch to the Autumn suit.
The severe high neck ones arc very 'smart and others
have shawl collars or fancy lapels. They come in the
loveliest dull, soft colors and black or white. S,ome of
the black and white' ones have contrasting trimmings.
I 3,50 to ?12. , i J
These drosses are all designed for street
wear, jyid are uhielly in three-piece novelty
styles, with a few plainly tailored. They are
mostly one of a kind and are of pronounced in
dividuality. As a rule, they arc not profusely
trimmed, depending more on originality of de
sign for effect, but many are heavily and richly
embroidered or beaded.
Prices $77.o0 to SI ."().
nil nil I
presentation of silks, to which we have
Monday, many months of foresightod
We believe you will feel that the prep
Brand-New Among the Laces
These newest tunics are a joy, and we don't think
there are any more in tho city like them They ate of
net or Georgette c-iepe, cnciusted with a new embroidery
called ".Mousse," workjrfl with lovely design- in (hit silk
braid and deeply fiinged with braid. They have sleeve
to mutch and are suitable for afternoon or evening weai.
Xay blue, black or taupe, ij.21.75 to S""".7.".
This same combination of Moue" imbjoidury. flat
silk braid and fringe conu-s also in flouncing. $5.25 to
$!(.75 a janl.
Another exquisite new flouncing of net is ciusted
-with heay silk and mefl embroidery in the most
artistic designs. It comes in set, in black, navy ami
taupe and is pi iced at $2.50 to $1.85.
(Main floor, ( cntnili
Of Plain-Colored All-Wool Dress
Goods an Impressive Show
Here is a collection in which any woman endowed with
a fine sense of effectiveness in dress for Kail and Winlei
will be glad to give her fancy fiee play. The range of
colors is ample and all arc typical autumn shades soft,
but with a note of richness.
The materials are of excellent tetuie ami pnrticu
lnily suitable for one-piece dresses. There ale poplins at
$2 and S3 a yard; serges at $2 to $:i.75 a yard; batiste
at $1.35 a yardcrepc poplin at $3 a yard.
Of course, new supplies of these goods cannot be
obtained to sell for the same prices.
rirt Tloor. CliFttnut)
The Little French Salon in the
Art Needlework
is showing novelties newly come from Paris. There nie
cushions fit for a queen, bdskets, bags, cKndlcshndes and
ers,-ribbons and Jacobs and delicate iracedi
covers, and many more thlpgs, all overlaid with silk flow
ers,- jiDppns anu jaceg anq educate traceries 0i goiq,
Books Straight From the
"Our Admirable Hetty. by -lollory Far
nol, $1.00.
"The Heart of Al-ace." by Benjamin
Vallotton. SI. r,0.
"The Cit. of Mask-." by Ceoi-ge I'arr
McCiiteheun. S1..V).
"The Zeppelin's l'assener. by E. Phil
lips Oppenheini, Sl.."iO.
"The Lady of SI. Luke's." by .Mark
AHerton, SI. 10.
"Miss Injjatis.." by Cerinule Hall. si. 10.
( Main I Imir, ( rnlr.ih
Men's Winter Shoes of the
Smarter Sort
(In the London Shop)
I'aM and Wint i -tlc an In u and a manlv looking
lot they uic Their dMnigir-li.ng c Imiai'tciMic i llat
:ie. 1 picul of the man with both feet on the ginund.
find fitmlv on it.
Only the line -I. leather aie u-rd m thtve shot.
which a u all hand welted oi band sewed. High shoes in
black and tan and uvfoid- in while be-ide.
Theie K a gieal demand this jear for Wintei o
foids b men who intend to wear low -hops and warm
sock"-, as N -o much done in Kngland.
I ow .-hoe-. $11.50 to si:i.5ii.
High shoe. S12.50 to Mll.r.u.
( I lie (Inllprt, ( liislliul )
Handkerchiefs That the Man
in the Service Needs
All, of course, in that practical khaki coloi. Plenty
of many kinds and in many guides all the bf.-t that the
market affords for the pi ice.
Men's ei vice handkerchiefs, Sl.fiO to -21 ducn.
Men'- neekoichiofs of silk, SI. .11) apiece.
(Main I I. .or. ( iitriil)
New Body Brussels
Rugs But No More
of Them
Xu moie, that i-. of thi paiticular weae, which is
one of the best. It seems likely, too, that body Brussels
rugs will.be moio icitiictcd in output than any otheis.
We aie able to pie.-ent this lot now because we con
ti acted for thcni -onie time ago. The patterns aie un
usually good and aie -uitable for bediooms. living looms
and dining looms.
t) 12 ft.. M2..10. l.ii 7.1! ft.. $17.50.
S..". 10.11 ft.. SIS.7.1. 275I in.. S5.35.
(i.'.i ft. s.'il. 22'j ::o in., s;;.r..-.
Specially Priced Rugs
!l 12 ft. Axnunsti-i tug.s, $32.50.
I) 12 ft. Wilton nigs, $G!).5() and $!I7.50.
(rrntli I luor. ( lirlinit I
30,000 Yards of Attrac
tive New Cretonnes from
Home and Abroad
That is the Lpholsteij Stole'.-, way of telling
jou that it is leady foi Autumn.
Thousands of y.udn of handsome new diapeiie-,
the best wo could find for jou, aie heu leady foi
jou), s'eeing.
'Iheie are many distinctho I'nglish and r-'icnch
weaws, a- well as thousands of jaids of American
cietonne some copied ftom the foieign wcaw-.
(copied well and inexpensively, too) and others new
and oiiginal patterns by the foiemo-t Ameiican
The -eleition i-. an unusuallj line and compio
hensive one, and home makers who know the won
derful po-ibilitics of the-e drnpoi ies w ill find much
of inteie-t m the collection.
Iletween J5c and .'-1.75 a jaid there ix a mo-t
attraclui' and aried collection.
(I illli I lour. Mnrl.rli
You Can Save a Third on These
New Panel Curtains
They aie X2.75, S1.25 .V!.75, 1 and So each which
meaiii that the saving is at least a thiid.
They aie made of nv importer's surplus stock of
Aiabian laces, with Mario Antoinette flowers. They weie
put together in this countiy undei our direction.
:J6, 15 anil 51 inches wide.
II Ilth I Inor, MurUrt)
Monday Begins the Last Week of the
China and Glassware Sale
That is a statement which means money to every
body who needs china or glasswaie at this moment
or who will be likely to need such goods for a good
while to come.
It means money for the simple reason that bj
buying during thi week you save one-third on dinner
sets and 25 to 50 per cent on cut glass.
To put oir buying until next week means
to pay 25 to 50 per cent more for these goods. Is it
not iuitc likely that you arc going to need some new-
(Fourth Hour,
" What a Difference ,
Music Makes!"
Hundreds of soldiers came swinging up
"Market street the other day, and several of
us went to the window to look tit them.
They were a large body, almost a regi
ment, and is they marched along some
pedestrians stopped and watched them, and
a few girls waved handkerchiefs from the
upper windows of the establishments along
the street.
But there wasn't the enthusiasm there
should have been ; the men themselves
didn't march as they might have done. We
were wondering what was wrong, when
some one remarked :
"What a difference music makes!"
That was it THEY HAD NO BAND.
Music in Your Home Will
Make' a Difference, Too
Dull hours will be brightened; low spirits
will be lightened. '
All the moods that mean depression can
be dissolved by melody.
Music lifts one up and cheers one on. It
stiffens the backbone and improves the
morale. .Music in your home tonight will
make you a better ma'n or a better woman
If You Want a Piano,
Player-Piano or Re
producing Piano
you cannot be more certain of satisfaction
than by getting one that bears one of these
famous names
Chickering Knabe
Schomacker Haines Bros.
Emerson Marshall and Wendell
Lindeman .. C. Campbell
Eight of the most noted makes in
America and obtainable in Philadelphia at
the Wanamaker Store only. Over fifty
different styles at prices ranging from $275
to $2700, and any instrument purchasable
on convenient terms at its cash price, plus
only simple banking interest on the unpaid
Visitors to Egyptian Hall Monday will be
entertained by informal concerts on the
organ there and on Ampico reproducing
!.Kplilii Hull. Sf,,,,,,! I luor)
A New $6000 Shipment
of Good Scotch Table
Linen ?Z
1 liis is one ol the goodly pm chases .seemed bv our wvS
lepiesentatnu wlule lie was in the scotch market about?
It comprises table linen 1 the aicl, table clothiw TA
i.iv. .,!..;.. ...,.i !,. i:.i....i .. n ... j r i.!
napkins, all of good, full-bleached, pure flax, Scotch fe.j'i'11
uutu uitiiii uuii UUIII-IHIUI-H, il.s well ilr. Liuy CUYers aiHlc l iJ
damask in a large ariety of designs and at mfiderate'Atp
prices foi goods of such leliable (juahty. TXlKi
Table linen by the aid, 72 inches wide, 80.75 van's -Wi
Table cloths, 72.70 inches, .-57.50 each. , ; &$1
li)(i!) inches, SC.10 each. M
- bl-j inches, $9 each
fit) 105 inches, Jjiy.75 each.
Nankins. 22 . 22 inches, S7.7.1 a dozen. '.JS?
Hemstitched Damask Tea Cloths, 51 x.14 in., $5 each.
:'.( :n; in s?f;ftinvrir
anu ;2.io each, sPa;
. " l-"? f.ffleTii.
Tia Coeis, IS n 27 inches, 75c eacji
(I lr-t I lour, lie-lnul)
The Lamp Sale Is Still
Going on
i-i s-'-" ;
:inil thi'jt' mi n m.in irito.1 tlmnrx .-ll .nh liltlo ii-lno-. .i'iT
25(1 sun. ile siJk lamp shades are marked at half4,ffc$3
pnee, and ihi.v ijie the loveliest Uling.s! There are bmairJ?!
colors. There aie seerol pleated ones, frivolous l,'rcnchVT,!'?K!
ones, legal ones still with hiocade, and the richeCW:Av
.lapancie out .-'. S-l to .25. fwi
I uirtli liuur, ( riitrjll V&"rfc
china or idassware between now and Christmas morn
ing? Hut it is not likely, in fact there is no likolihoodva
that you will have, between now and then, the saml
oppoitunuy to miy it at a caving oi onc-iourtu to on
half, and that is the opportunity which presents itsel,
Monday and every day next week, but which will no1
present itself a train m many a week to come. Full
assortment of standard quality dinner seta at oq- 'A
third less than regular prices now $13.50 to 5176.'.' "J
t;ut glass nt 2o to ay per cent less than regular
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