J'irrW "sV"l- . - '.i. ' Vlt t '" " J-VJ-il It . V u- "' 'J 1.f ..TsV fiT 4 " . "4 ..-. t- - u vv .. sas.v . . x' ' r, ..f Ti.v '.r.ffi.i' , AY, SEPTEMSER 21, -1D8 , . - i'i' f . a-V: V''cV' ' T ' Vf7 ll .'"IT' TV EVENING1 PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY '17 J!..ss1 VICTORY ,Y PEACE HOPE m. y r ran apcr Admits It if '", Wilson's Fourteen Points & a t rv juiisis LS U. S. REPLY HASTY. ?tf S'Solf Renortetl Goinc to V& , t i r ,' WltZerland HI Connection fflTith Move to End War RSpi Cable to Kiemn? PublU Ledfir I JJe" n?!""! m i!".1 lhe ""J0"" of Mlhlel front Th-re are encf.iint.ri 11Corto. !.! VftolerffTlwe. to. I decldlnc hinuence on the ("olcrnmen? '"'"P am' ,lciou- "'"' "f l" "K iXVr ' Tl"' ""' c'" -' ' The levlsed Brest treaties appear to een as helow there are raid, and small FV-4t... ff'U vvnson ana his Secretary of Utc . were in a great turn sajs it r,,,- ------ -'' i " "s tches In aln for that great hnttle much-advertled shortening of the ,",,, " ' ; tte,lrI frnnl m-idt nn nt- I l Hurler Zeltung. .eferrlng to the Amer- Kr Chtatl'MhluJ; Aekh.! ' Tl l" Vn", lH ". '" ,':!0n, front, and go, hi, troop, Into .ho llln-l luu' ,"'hl. h failed cZd. 'tHv . 1 "c nrrpre' h - "--latlo of the Aus en answer to the Au,trlan note I tag cin onli agiee to the treaties If the .,, .'",'' , ,, nu?,i ,L ZMe denhurg lln.-. he must, for the -nKe ..fuve mad.- a miml.ei width iml ni.ttrlnn heir npp.uriit ..t araieo ton- Vt Wne recedes the Impression the right of self-determination I, fullv and an menhlle the Irrepressible l". of puhllc opinion at home, hold on to it. I """ 'J I' "'" ""ss and kn eludes the amazing strles f disclosure, ffwper continue,, -that the gentlemen ' Clall-" vLjcri." nar'h ' ,he ' nl"-'1 Ma'" flln forc r" i fr a tlm- at least This h, t ,, "" -u.h cxpeilment. arc hch lhp Alnorlciv, rtovernment ,ia :rnlln In Wn.lilneton whom the Amer- r-,i , ,. , i. ', ..'..""?" working off their animal ,plrlt, 1i such I j. ,, ... . r,ni ,.. f..i,ru, i I oe ttuik ( nllni nl glcn to the nublli throuch setict docu. ?&niHnr fit lean Constitution allows to act with the ,B,IUB JIUSUIUllI-ltl .-, i,iiiu'iui , 'hve hurried forward nlth ihl rejecllon Itfs not even certain that the mer- v) "Pl ee" certain . i i e aovernment had olllcialls received etnote when the Renter agencv in Renounced the replj Hut even If this Is Bv the' case, the answer was delivered hastily. ptxxv b ; il -,. ,,., ...... ., i.. : - 4Wi.cc. . j"jiu,n nnciiiuft ....,, ., ,...- Erfiro me onij cojhuliuiis tur i'i-hip n - ."."Impossible to understand how anv peace R''can ever be concluded, except bv a de- Ka Clshe Entente victors It adds that a t tatement is expected from the Helens- r,(f mm is !rt.l.. . .i.i .. . .. f aiding an expecte.t atmlstice rh,e reports emanate front various plnce U I7UI. CH" IIIU011J oe liaveu nam ti ' .'- ' , loanej uocior aoi is exptcteu in .w u- xerland soon to Instruct himself on the International situation, it is teported. IbUt his Mslt doubtless I, .onnected with ' W i M m t tw' another move In the pence offensive Kj Cologne report sa5, that the -swiss pnpet Rgi'euilie dAvls speaks or a probable pL proposal of a three months armistice Wby Switzerland , The Deutsche Tage, Zeltung sa, "Can any one believe that Wilson Clemenceau, ldotd tieorge and Balfour will want a concillatorv peace" Totlas 'i there Is onlv one thing for us, vlctorv fee or defeat." .FRANCE D1SDAIKS REPLl TO VlLi.l c....'.i -.n. . r. nn i nnrai BPtint Ke nas t.een annointed to t n, inn. Knt nn,t.r il. torrential r'fP"- ""e io ciemng ruum i.eager repr. sent Admiral von Cai.el e who is ,. . . ..., ... I, .Z ., ' llindetiliiiii! line while ftom l.ens .xow in ti nistieai in pxtrv one ex- monev u.r ..- ..,..i -.-. -"'" ' CnuriBht. HIS, bycw ork Thxt, Co (ill leave , , , , ,t,,V. i, . notthwatd to Ntteve Ohapelle we have ctjil to tlios, who wont m, tint the VIM o oi.tPis tr i,... .. . mi ." --1 r,N. sept .'1 Commenting on the appointment, the. wUhln twciitx mlntitp, and remained like ' d , pushing Into new le. i Urn v llnal defe.l of i.eim mv I, nnlv , que,- tabllsh dose ind -eciet , elation, w I Hi ' Prl I.nm.i ith a.njht.rt hpi. i.. T-blatt of Betlln t. calls that Mb inn, m' impudent child tint his been "f ',el, 7,' .J ,, Vm e ' Hon of plat ing ttoi.ps i sUiken' nut,.- Ame. lean ind rinnlsh banks- of the , Paris learned with delighted chuckle, Behntke when deput, chief of the d- harshlx reproved meek and enti.elv nd f ?J e?" tenes of , hers .... the wtst,,,, ftont It must be launching nf ,. volutli.nary prop.gat.dal f'Mthat France disdained to make an.v for i mlnltv staff told the merlrnn naval qule-cettt evtr since ''.,. ", Mn,-.,u tlirlitlni? m the lime inuallv thut tbal the w.u Is tin.lo.ictd ag tlnst the Tus Hovernnient In Tlus i ma. reply ,o the Austrian note The "'aonn''..'".';,.'''' M"m """ StranK' "' "" l,,l"K' d,! o ThTba. te entl rpr.se w.dt h sfi as eailv ,s Notembe, 1011 ind of, Chuckles were not due to the fact that .Zuld erefx V, n "i "'?,. L ,..' -overed In the o'.l curio.lt, shop of the ' 'Pf ' " "' 'unout attracting Uten-I kttps out of 1 t-ime s0,lle,s ,M, might In-trut tlm.s to On mill dlplotnits In no reDlv wan to hp wnt. hut tn th 1..-.1 "' VV "" ,..,,, , .. ., - . . . ,..!... i.A .,... nputi il ionntrr io co-oiu 1 .ur wimi , mmi'V4 in n1111.11 111 iu tri iiiiis in unu nn nnar in sit t.i rtts iiir. i " .1 . enm, 1 t nmt re inumaiea ub intention. In wlilch Pftr.s : ... . . . . . . . . iccognlied u ith delight tnothcr evampk rtT. At.. 1 1 1.li . .. vjl i. iiuinnauie v itmence.iu loucn ,tn aCKnOWledgtng tlte receipt rrom an . ... . ... i, the .-Swiss Minister In Paris of the Aus- IMro-Hun-rarlin note, forwarded through th 't.tcM I' InrnKlll. r.i... U. n..nl. ...tl. 'Official communicate sneciadv Issued for .au, .u. ,,,,,, .una llic UflUl imir thi occasion. "M Plchon attached to BVfcl.'l.it... a r.r.. .,,. fni,i i,.i pjAUiIctter a copv of th, official Journal tsonttuning ine speecn or xi itemenceau .. fft-tllfr&en&tp ns rnnstltuttns- t.ip rente nt gxtlie Government of the republic to the ENt l,te fmm tho rahlnp, of X l.nnn ' PrfV7Wv ,V . .s.... . tbii iTne atisfactor news arriving everv Mi oay irom all parts of the front ha, Jc - ....... ... c.yed lie people herr to an even higher SS pitch of calm conlidence In the futur fZf. ine espectotlon Is becoming stronger jfi,that ireat exents are Imminent at sex- eral points on the front, and especiallj that portion speclallv Identified with f f'Amerlcan troops ffjj inai enigmat'c American arm a p-lt Is now stxled here which seem, to Rj.be silently waiting for its eall from Br, 'Foch on Frances western holders is of eonstantlv i.,erp,t,.- c-v," : ..-.: .. . . - Kisapevuiaiion, wntcn nas neen enormously ISftlmulated by the news that American slum naxe Deen ior tome lime lieaxny t bombing Mctz fortifications Wj ' Paris Is well content with the way Mtnings are going rnltv of command, tglt is felt. Is being transformed through stne genius of Foch Into universal xlc- ?tory. The Turks haxe beet, beaten in Palestine and Mesopotamia, the Bul- 4pars are Deing oeaien in .Macedonia, rtha Austrian, are beaten on the Plaxe KAH the Kaisers accomplices are being ? brought nearer and nearer to the dale Bfrwhen their accounts must he paid, w hlle dHie uermans are being steadllx beaten 1!. .l-nev.f"r..l?-.:a."C5r anrt Bo,sne- W, i -kiii ia uriug iiiiiii i tfii i fcftiThe Allied barometer never nnlnted jpugiore sieaauj to rair WELGIAN PEACE OFFER i'fiXiVBK'TV iTO.-f .4ir rrnirTr mr - in jix, RS'JLtrC rf fefrtcial Cable to Eiening Public Ledger WjV-NHriBftr, j-jj, bu ,ro fori. 7une to tit watTon A,,-,,., ", ViV rf.....:' Flvlthe offer of a separate peace from sir-ln-Iw of Queen Elizabeth of Belgium" u.j,y H.ruugn couni loerrtng, broth- a&J,n8 .AIbrt immediately transmitted Pthe offer to all of the Allies, with the Ptime. He i had 'no latk of ronlldence In fthe courage of his people or their will- ft-Jncneia to stay In the war with the Al- ellea to the end, but he did not wish un- -iaitcceaiariiy io suDject mem to the men- a.i -....' . ..." .L, ....- . -: ''fc'biittln-r aside lhp nhan i ,.Z. . rEr.Eliii!??fl a?.,..'.?r".of te'iiPoraiy "4i i.i a.vi T ui r.cii m nkinr anmi, anrt &-Taiion ' ' ar a,m m WFrance, Kitsland, America and lt-.lv p France, Kn aH'.reapected this request for secrecy kntll England finally convinced the net. iSntil England finally convinced the Bel- rgJWan Government that the whole matter Wuiu wr niatitj puout r.ngiana had no , ! f,itnt offer to Helglunt was a military maneuver pure and simple. In 1911, ,''!in oner io ueigiutp was a military 4.iMAn.tlVer PUre and Slmntp. In IIIJ r&i,i. r. : . . .L: r- v ." Eft&SiV. in Vioa.,. .v.1; .. nu'"frical ad- fcii. I ." ,'"... v, . J-..S., u- Vonnttro?f,;,re5hebvWaan, "at ack'S wnee throurh Belgium .Now that i t. ..1..U1 .. i-- Aa outnumbered, on the run and etj. to defensive warfare to the 'jend, she wishes a short front to 41 tn6 WHIR Of antimnrh r. It... .'., ii.V.ff j --..., nnt mi I ..aim io uiHi uuaot nu lunger jii ruici nc. in heT,ubli?norntheeChmf t0nfl'lia been sent out from division head-i KMld.thta"mnU? """nB the companj In half LWvweakeii T and plSy false wUh the Al" ' " ending the cut off half lo the 4fB-Bt Sev ent -second Infantry i eglment, which i ..i. .... ir., .u- . . . u", i iimtiiiue (.ui. ,m... ..u. j.iovo . ,.,c artney wuiuie-rs at k.ix are lag tig lit- Vuied'mhrs 'nrnVu'dVn'i and tUrn'"S " effeC,Uel " ,he bCh" l'e ,m'frt ln ,he comi"' Prlmw, .lw jfMtloi. that Belgium, which she In- Officer Trunnffrrctl Hon for leas than 2000 men took athan- lour years ntro. htnmo miH.ic.niu eTmXl ana tnUI Uton Ihft nuRstai? rxt AJllfd troops. --. i ,. Jt fAY ADMIRES WILSON IPLY TO PEACE NOTF "j x 4 - .Halt aiif urlmlpntlnn ..' .. -.in .nrh a o. b. ii, .,. tl doubles the value of his pro' nt. nt viiBoc,a opinion regarding i lB'omacy.l not new to Italy. A pm ioiiiic-ki nmii sttia; - unce a srcai i-restaent, ttrusn ,enuu or comnionpuce and i.. im ,vj I Cablt to.Evening Public I.eiUer . second Field Artillery and Welland Gay. lleved or duty here and assigned to the ri. ill bi Vein VorLTi...-- Harold I. Gaxmon and Fred V. Gelle Infantry leplacemtnt tamp at (amp righh lilt, bv tw York Timt, Co. I he Thrty.thrd Field Artillery Nine' Urant. III. . Major II. 8 Cooke. Brook w. Sent. 21. General opinion here other officers, all first lieutenants, who'lvn. Major II M. Arnold, Cedarhurst, i,nFi.-it'.n,i. !.?"? ."."'J' ' haxe reported to division headquarter t I-I . and Major H. D. Turner. Phlla ". : If n.H0tuertrn1r0, f '""" 11' tor duty, w ho hav e been assigned to In- de.phla prehension' lest those Ism experienced ir. At'sttia s tortuous illplomacy should accede In the smallest degree to that poisonous pence offence which In In flnllelv more dangerous than her mili tary effort. Once again Americans he every right to feel proud of their President German Parties Split Up in Crisis Confirmed from Pare One Ing and other places In Berlin are bust as nnt heap. Conference, of all kinds are being held and ache com er-atlon, . lar Praceeillng hetneen party leaders' mm nierniiers cr me uoxernment ' poib "to makTa ., i l,i" Vtt. Z 'Jorlty parties a, united wa, that of' la,t xear. hut negotiations ore still going I 7t U.n ?h.,0pS'.S.r." "r'nl ""'if i'iuKit'i"i)v rirliieniN 111 th- mail- IIOIl appear rlotetmlned In PtirlMWr n lie tecoRnizeil ldel n a erl throughout the countrv OhMOCR iC) I RGED ., .,., nrff,f ., n.4itl?l J lt the tnociateil l're ( inienliHiirii -sept .'1 )P ileiman socialist organ International t'otres- "svTr-..'r.r I( .... . t,.w ,1,.,-, i ,...,,. ,.. . ' vt,,v ,J i'-ii n--i- (am e to a war or ionquet lb s.us new -pajier I he menu will devote his mi.- pondi ranee of power to gaining a vic- ' " -ui.p-iiii iesi,nie i mnieita- "" -"n. , an , el iif nil 1IIK ITiajOtlT of "" Hermans regatd the wat as th it ,nt, ,, .. ..... .lh,nliitt ,i.,,.n,u sUt , a feeling ctn onlv lie iteated in " mriini u top w noie nation tegatii. ..rtuiaii, ,-. u mm eiiitnre iienuin. government b the people mmpltte eninn ano u oi an nvnasuc pi in a lit m " ' "'". "" ."" ' . .1 1" " '. VIIJ 1 111 irilVIII fc Villi fs.llll"IFt'lllII IIMVVI s4 .,. Anrt .. ... .. ,,,,, ' ,,.,. mluilinn tin sHtP (.erinant 'llntp is no other wa y-, ,, . , , . ,. ,. r. UIIMA l -1 Ms llt.Al) nVSTFn RftrtM nWini: cCsll r.U I nvril VI I lln, H the Itsociatetl I'rvst lnsterdnin. Sept J 1 Itepolts that Vice Admiral Kdujrd von Capelle Her man Mlnitur ,.f tlia V t ..... ..n .. tired seem to be confirmed ht telegtnms fiom Berlin announcing that lie Ad- 1.1 ..a. t l 1 .. .i.. - . . r .. ,-..,-,. .v. -vi. i uHiti iipuir.il ,niii4 nnn n man lire iihnjm an merciiHntile ese!-, uhptlier umlei neuiral or inj-nn naR- He is quoted OU II.IIIIIP s.frl that Ihn l7e.en-.nn . .1 li ' : ..J Tii, " '"', ' ... ;n- mm ra 111 iii 11 inn uin 11 aninni ,,,," . . ,,.,0 ... ,. ..LI.". ,.. Kriederich von Pivei the Oetman I.Hn.l.l X'lu ,.,,. .w .1 1 1 ., .Mit.n.ni ,,,r , tint,i,r.lsl, ,, ll,, ,. ns nil vacation In Stuttgart, was unexpn tedlv recalled to Berlin and returned there "i I Oe Merlin rageniatt, a topv or hllh hai, been recxe1 hpre . Rending Phv.iuan Dead .. .. , .. . .. iteHii.nt. in . nept ;t Lir lioss u rtowe one of this t Itv , most sutcessful phxstclans is neait at hi, home here ir. .. .. A. .. .n . .... .,., ,,. .. He wa flftv -seven x ears old He was mi .i.uiiiv iii me ..ciuiHii n.M.ini. Philadelphia, at strassburg LinciMet Countv. and in this , itv for more than in-.v maru rin,..r n a .. . D . i uite of Princeton and of the'c'nlvers'lty of enn,lvanla Medical school "SIX-FOOT" REGIMENT j TO PARADE IN CITYI Sixty-third From Pacific Coast Coming to Philadelphia Next Saturday Camp Meade, lid . Phlladelphian, will have a ept 21 chance to s a stalwart bodv of met) when one of the battalions of the sTxtv-thlrd ln- fantrv Regiment marches In that city - The boss from the West will be r.r,l.,.l V., U. i 1. .1 headed bv their band which made a big iit nvitrn ij .licit uii hit out on the Pad Iflt. roast Whenever the band gave a conceit there were alwa, big ,-rowd, and the reputation of 'n- organization became so great tint I mere were iiiviiaiion, irom i niiinuer of the Pacific coast cities for thern to plav iookln The men nf the battalion are forwatd eagerlv to that trip to old ,'h"l' for "' most "! ,htm ,ht lrtna ' ot xhe l",tt has been a c osed look , Apropos of the .Sixty third Regiment I mllttarv necessltj has swung forth its m ghtv arm and knocked flat one of ....b". s . vll .un . ..t. ...... ..... ...in. ... , L"e "lual- i"-"-'-"i'"- mnnai v i,iKniiu tlons that has been seen In this section of the countrv for a long long time Tie machine-gun company of the Mxtv. - ... third which boasted a shott time agol that It had no man In the comnanv whol that It had no man In the companj who was under the six-foot mark, eatf lav , laim to that boast nn lnncer An edlei was but reeentiv organized Pnlnn.1 nrnur .nmnunil., nr t,, was but reeentiv organized Colonel Brewer, comma V.S..S-..S. ....... s -,.v. ... ,., Seventy-second regiment, will build up scventy-seconu regiiueiii, win uuna up a, "h'ne-un company of big men. wlt1 the m'n ciulrea from the Sixty- ilU, -, n nun nu,, 9nm Vila nroiiHUntlnn third as a nucleus for his organization Big men are needed to do the work. husky fellows who won't mind toting a ... ..hln. .. nri.na ..m Hlan. tn nloM. i ,., , . .n A. . ti... . fv .. 7. ... .-i hae been irdnsierrea irom me i-ietemu ' Amrnuniiiuii nam i-. iir uitcuin nuii- tor if hrkndp Thesfl otiicerR and the "!' -hlc': "' !?!".. j-4l(Itl4. -- I- Hosa tvs-aiu . a 0ter. to the Thlrtj-drst Field Artll- lery; Edward u ueorge, AiDeri j ues- , d Carlton S Gaynor to the Thirty- fantry organizations are; George A Nu- I gent and Henry W B-ergy. Seventeenth Infantry : Clarence T. O Neill and Sam- i uel w, Stepnen, nixij-uura inrantry l.uther I Bruker and David W. Mor row. Seventy-first Infantry: Thomas C. i.ull. Seventy-second Infantry; Richard ; Whit. Thirty-first machine-run. bat tnt -Alfred "C. . Bflft, i .- . t . n tic rirri in tiia a . . . . .- ' i iitimirniN rpmiiiw in i iiimh i ar .-.!. i . .. ... . next satuidav liberty Loan dav The -" imcniBeiife K(n(1 1s noggibie ' hough d' pat tinent The llanlsh TorPlgn Cllllce .men of the battalion are mostlv giant "" "r""r" """ ' "an oeen - hrothet in-law has been of- ",nc a csiaousnett a M.tiiii pits, tie- 1 xoung fellows from the states of Wash- , ', " ' -"... a He, man -1 Xl" I U U,- r'Xi "" ''"" "'f"""'- ington Oregon and I'allfornia. who " "H'athl7er. who a, on the kitchen "cl"'' .. ., rlhk i,d nerll. that p. i,e, I, ., , now t.iU.i, a on. .,.! . . ,.. .. ponce detail of one of the demt l.rle.nle ' ln" "l " . . . .... , ....,, , ,., ,., .i... ,,.,.,., . i.,.,i iiviiic ncic a ivn nrcn ii' --- - -- -n . BIG AIR BATTLE IS NOW AWAITED Meantime American Boys Amuse Themselves by "Potting Sausages" LUKE GETS TWO .MORE Bv CAMERON MXCKHNif. Special Cable to Kt filing Public Ledger cnunnhi mm hux. !.,l T(r """ "" """" ,m, s',,,, 21 "ri iiuuuru, ihiiiihiicii umi aim uiti tn imnpil a-Ha I MUIt nlnne- th- St idlerin, as sausage' potting nuiMiav a vuung American l.ieuten-j ant I. tike btought down two pnemj balloons w hlth made hi, total eleven! fot font das, Jollv good exclaimed I one of his lank- friends which hints at one tvpe of temlt that the co-opera- tit n of the British Independent air force "with the Vmerltans I, having s foi the nillltntv situation II seems to have r"olved Itself in this Ini- I tntdiate spctot Into a sort of slow back watd itiwlng movement bv the enemv ft ton bis immediate jiermanent pos-' tlons ut In ftont nf the Mlndenbitrg line up toward (he llnp Itself Thete I, nil a cliim. i .. . t. ... . ... i-u- iiuii- hiihikh unu pn iniprari nii.a iiiir nnn plentv of sound opinion that declare, morning thev nccuplt tl outpost positions that at this point, too. th Oermans ,n front nf nP nlan ninilenbuig line at ire l'keh tn go behind theli tin lent , , , svtem of riefensp. Ml that can reallv a numhei of point, be siiil s tbal thev havp not vet dune It I, quite obvious til it the menu Ip so I tended to keep us tt it distance ftom in tllf mil run me acuiai wanare "",.,, this front i being londurted bv op- posinu arnvs or banktil-np irtlllcrv 1 he enns keen Incessantlv at it -big guns it ml lime guns nun ine ureal pieponiteratice of Hie coming from the Amer can side Mm h of the Vmetiiau file is in the illtettlnn if Iel7 that imtnemurlillv untitled town the tapital of Hermnn I ortaire Die eitv itself has not been bomhiided but the (Ifteen-mlle gltdle of foitiOed tovn the capital of Oetman Mn ,lu 11Ptwo,c, nf rallioads leading inio It and an InipotMiil btltlet whlih used In span the Moselle nett the citv The hi idge Is now gone It was fot several dav, the thief tit get fot the mericans and has col lapsed within twentv-fout hours The return fire fiom the enemv has not I een pat tluilarlv vigorous Once 1 heavv batterv opened up from tlthin .. . . . .... 11 nud hutA npon tutinii innnniod in frp . 1(,r German positions and pointm to- t wara wmi naa oeen ine American line i Piinl.r.m.rlia mn.lu,. tut. V.o., hinl.,1 out of the old lntrenthment, nther evidence, of the enemv dire impoverishment of material, have been brought to light but none more bizarre than a kind of ttojan horse of the west ern front It Is n wooden tank equipped inside with nothing sue eight handle bats hv which It could be propelled It was found ihindone.l no great distance from ItlhUtnurt Vmericm shell file had siUlv mrned " hut tie eertheles, It was still an elo- r ueni witness to wnat it inns, h.t. menu to the Oernian, to give up the . ,., suiu.liPs of f.m 1 ni ,iu, ,1,1. 'thi supplies or pv ei Kind that thev ",re l"inelled b the Ameilcin, in the ( enutse of ret t nt opt tatlon, to urieniler CAMP DIX SUSPECTS POISON IN THE FLOUR ' , , ,. s5tildierBelieed German Sjlll . . patlll.er Arrested Was ill ' 1 I IVllCnen folice i Snfr.n).,nrl.Mf. n..,.,., ....... i fa,np,,,x.Hr.h,..0,vn.V,.s' , j, " , " " s a tesult of an invctlgatlon by j Uix oftlceis a soldier is under irrest hete while a test I, being m ,de of some I ,.im,-lp, of linn. ..I,.., .... ,...., ' "- fi-..- -ti ti v 1 lilt 1 1( Kf lift ""'"""-' . nmi... !.. " "7" u" " "K" " was """i-cd that ""ur """ "aH ,no,, '" he "d for a meal was of peculiar t-olor and ftte ."'" "'" " ""l" nnl their nfflce.s "" 'he tesult that imiultles brought uui me lact mat the soldier under nr- lest had iccet, Io the flour A hurtled te"' Miowed Hut some foreign substance h-"1 l,een ,"l!'e', "lth ,ne nour 4n'1 the whple lot was nt onic confiscated It is .,rn,..i,1(, ,,. ril, , . l,roui'''' "' o diei will face a cotirt- maiuai ........ . . . ine Italian, nete ce ebrated the r ,.,,,.. ... ... """"" ""'""" Jt-.e-.tiax win, an en- 'e"""1",e"1 " ,,ne. - autiitorlum at which me piiniipat speat.ers were Count IHccardo Gatteschl settetatj of the 'Hccardo Oat I Italian Chamb s I Italian Chamber of Commerce, and Prof - 1 1 I tllK.I 'nal inulalnnl .ll.. .- . it.. .--.-, n-niomm miriior ui i ue Italian Buieau of Public Information. anr trna,dl.,o CI .mbella of New Voik The program Included .elections t,j Pilvale Joseph A. l.alll Compan Jl, v i bib-Costa, assistant dheetor of the baritone. Private Benjamin Itotolo. Company 23, accordion selections and Private Francesco Delia I.ana. .Neapoll tan songs. Instrumental music was fur nished bv the depot brigade band and an Italian string orchestra, and Marlon Green, of the Metropolitan Outfra Com. panj. contributed a number of songs. . ... f . ..... ... ... tage of the opportunities offered for casting ballots It wa estimated thai at leas' 9000 of the CO.OOO Jereeitmn in the camp would vote, but for some rtaion thex failed to put In an appeal unci, and the commissioners who visited them In their barracks found that they took lit tle or no Interest In the outcome. The following officers have been le- Raiie Flag at Curlln School More than 1000 Qermanlown citizens braved the rain last night to witness the unfurling of a, 127-starred service flag; at the Curtln School, Homer and Muigrave streets Hpeechea were made by ftepresentatlvfl Qeorge B, Darrow, jnntofr - Owe.. "J Kill II I 11 II -l tjrz Ul "Itlllll rtnnxv - ninuiiiiiii,. .1 -t"i'- I1I1I1 rt I lit (IL III -lrl"'-"" " " - - - 'm- Vfrm Thtvasiui r. Must Keep Up Pressure Now, Declares Maurice Imperative to Maintain Strength of British Army in France Before Winter Halts Operations, Expert Asserts By MAJOR GKM:R M. MR I REDr.RICK B. MAURICE Former Director of the Operations nf the llrltlsh Armj Special Cable to Eienine Public Latter H'e fheinln.flc?.tame-. nn whl.h the I menu s hold d.ill. thanks in (.cneral rovvrioht. Jits, 6) .Veui lor). Tlmts ( Mangln offorts, I, becoming mole pre London, H pt 21 imlous Tims, we nn pn, itboilt ex- ,, , .. ... i aggeration that within two month", dat- The Itrltlsh arm continues to tike a I iR fl()m roLh, ,.,,,., of lul big share In the work on the western t1(. pnrmv's gain, of the prclous front, and the enemj's jierxoiisiies, nn foui months hac been fullv InHincd the Catnl.ral-notial front, whl.h Is "f Ho -i""'"", P-"ure wl.Uh Mi ,, . Douglas llalg Is maintaining with such such Mtal Importnncq to hint I- Hkl ml ,,, Cambral-Doual front la nhlou,1v lncreaslmr dall on c m t niidnpihArtiMin h ulinun li. thetoun- fool all the people all the lime and now that l.udendorff has completed his sir llougln, Halga ttt.ick of the ISIh was Intended In take his troop, from ttouzeaucourt muthward Into the posl- tions whlih they held on .Maul. .'" It was in no sense nn attempt tn assault the main lllndenburs Hue, and still less was It an attempt to capture ''am brai and V Qiientln In in mv pines out men got bevond their old lines I the ndvante being (onllnued on paits of thf front of attack during the night of the 18th and llth and vestenlav hl, position If he ,lt.1i11. if i. , l, f, on. """ "" - i...-.i.r,-, , ,,c,r.. ... , nn mitpost position 'I lie Kienth mi out ! ilRht rattled out a tot responding vain, inuneiliitelj west and south i. (- I St Qui iitin with equal sm.ces In ninth Mllb lllnilellburg line W ate now from Mnuvies .-oiiUi-westwatd evtivwhere In t lo-e touch with the fllndeiibuig m-iln lint hav ing on this stptlnu of the frntt re gained all the gtountl lust in Match with the one exception of that poi Hon of the Hlndetiburg line west of t am bral which we held nt the mil of tin battlt of last Sovembet which saw the ttrst big suipne attack bv tanks Be tween Mnuvres and Aileux to the west of rioual thana, to the vlctniv m stntenibir 2 we stand in new gtound vsell bv the northern extension of the All that now temilns tn the enemv nf i,u t?Hliw nf the smIi.E ate the iuint- " AriV-entiere and Vtsclnele diul nr,oe. imnrfmii. .irttp whlle to the wist .. rx...l .... lr.ct v.oi.n.l of irr'Jt imnor- ao. "v hx hv-hsu -"! I tance Our Krenth ana American antes I hive the h Mlhlel sail, nt tn "t acamsl DENOUNCES MAKING OF KINGS BY KAISER r . f Majority Soi'iall-il" Ridicules Policy as ''Sim ph Scandalous" Iv Gr.ORGE RENVICK Special Cable to Ticning Publlt .erf-er nr,nM. ,91 bv Nnn 101' 'lllirs,., . interdam. Sept Jl i r-Villli, si heideiiialin leader of the M i-' jorlt Socialist pirtx In German v, ton- tribute an outspoken article in the vorwaetts entitled 'New Tluones oi ' , , , ,,,, i, i,. li.h.s Ne Popular UiRlif. ln wnu" "f " "", nut at Hie power- that be He dttws a !i.,,, of the Kaiser's brothcr-ln-liw .. . . , .... ..In . .. plctuie of the Kaisers um.ni. -.- ,..!... i t... I Ull IL ll- H'TO i"tti niii vnni'""' - r with his ptofes "Ish. so that he max ""-""-' he able to utter a few sentence. In the mo.ne, . ong ue . . t-tnn, when he becomes the beredi- tlle ml" Klnand I ,al father oi " Bul to tVt T hT, ' Vi , A Imann. It Is si'"l". "' "' 'Aot sutllci' prince from hN intention He must he plainlv told that this Is something more than a personal adventure; that It mij mean a new civil war. perhaps even a new world war The Finns do not want nu. Hen t midcraxp- let that be said plainls to vou Those cvil-bodlng raxetm who of fered ou the rinnlsh throne have not got the people behind thetn, but ilttir mlnedls igainsl them ' hctieldeminn severely condemns the Government for not stnnding up against thoe German eleinent-t which traffic "In ..... niwl declares that, judcinc; ' lh. ,.., thp tonnict will be rrnv ine. nv " " .... fought out elsewhere He goes on Hie niaiorltx of the P.elchstag will. It is I L,in.,i hrt mi hrsltatlon In ilemon- h,,p 8h,OW ' ' ', ' " ' la' "" trallnit how lloroughl It condemns """ niumnierj Neither In (lermanv nor among the nennles of the east he says, does anv one xels'a autocratic rights' to be In- prpase,! or new kings set up What the neonle even where want Is increased stability of popular rights. The people .. t.h in take their destines In their own hands, and therefore, the fullest political equalitj must be Introduced everywhere. Scheldemann savs he Is astonished al the tremendous regard of the Govern ment for mr-narchlal privileges and Its complete lack of understanding regard ing the needs and the demands of the masses He proceeds to address to himself this question. "What will happen If the Kn tente decides not tn conclude peace with us under any circumstances? ' Then he i-avs that It would be a case tt mobilizing the countrv 's last strength hut he goes on, ' Could that national defense he organized bv i Government which tarefulj did everything to avert a coniuci vvnn tnose military laciors controlling our politics, a Government which had b.v Its shortsighted policy mobilized the Poles, Lithuanians, Cour lands, Ksthpnlans, l.honlan, and Finns against us? ' It Is not clear In Scheldemann'a mind and among those of his circle that It Is highly unlikely that the Kntente will consent to discuss peace with the present uttwrats of Germany and their willing llttnir XX Ith his pioiessur leaiiwii. , ...- -- ,.T . ' . Illing xviiii in , ...It s lea 7eil here till tbe inoei.iin li , ----- t - ",L""S tei-attaik wltlt.li hi made on Wcdnes- I ill I" the west of faml.ral with Hitch f ikiiin s nil it K on t ftont of i tbiiitt twelve miles fiom 'Itentult southwest cf I'.imhiHl to lln t'lmbial- t.n.. t . t ..,i.. .. .......i..n t..r.... i lUUtl IM III ,,'ll,ll,'-ll I , I I W I I I f IIL out defenst and tin turmv did not l. tin tht smallest advatittgi I Ills is pleu tlltl totlnitiiiv to the spbit mill (tnlur antt of out ttoois who now hnve been lighting almost tont,inuouslv fin manv wt'i'l , it, the wllllttns whit h the put tn ctealttl In ftont nf the UlrTilenbiirg line. with little in no slit ltd ftiim the wptther, whit It Ittelv has been wpt and sioimv It aNti mi an, th it nnother seete sttaln has lit pn tin own ujion the enemv s man-power risouitPS Htft.tf the Alltel it in vlitorv at Hi Mlhlel befntp Mi Douglas llalgs at tack nf the lStb which vlelded tuiuu pi is- tnets and befort this list tti-itlv lalluie l.uilendoilf bod bt en fot ted to tedute) HI, tiiMsions In rn a leilucttoii of Ilf- ttcn 111 the last two iiiuiitliH lltcsf 1Ml PSPms mean tn u eiinii n put in Ills l'ljii il.iss it out e must t lip must bleak up still mote disous Now Is the titm to kt t p up piesMuo upon the enitnv befou M.ttshil Wlnlei iutttvenes and bv putting a stop to active opet ttitins givts him a t haute .f getting his wind Bv hook or I took we itiiisi nunag,. io km up tin stipniMh of mil hi m in I t met and en iblc Mr Douglas llalg to t.titv on is In his bet n doing lot the last six wetks It. thtrelnt, I, ill ippiiluting to leatn that we inpi with t Kteisp it Baku I.Ike most of tun ttoublt. In the east, this his ails, n from mn KPttiug tn the spot ton late with the result th it we tin list nut h imlc Into ,i hornet, nest, anil had in shuttle witty the loss of a numbei of v till tl.lt lives md of t unso ciable p'estlge The blizp-itp of tin othei flouts' makes a veiv Mmd headline, but it dotsnt defeit Oetininv Bv tin dc- feat of Oeimanv we muki niiisphpx U( . cute eveivwlltlt Ibis is l.lat.i lit Ix ob - xiou-t hut iippaieiitlx It Mill metis to he stated CREEL BUREAU OPENS BRANCH IN DENMARK D.uiish Prcs Welconics Rep- rcsciit.itic of Committee of Public Information mitt, able t l.aiiini: Public Lciher (nivrnjll til hi r mk 7iuri('n j rop-nhiiirrn, stjit Jl The t Mahllsh- I nit nt of a brant h olllte of the inerlcan lointnlttee of public infnt inatlmi at ronpt nhagen Is weleotuttl bv the Danish n,s, as a sttp In the right pith ton ait i better understanding T,,p .ibspiut of suih in iindeihtantl- ing, il l aeiled i, pattlv Kspnnslblp fr the flictlon metlnies titiltd hv ' . I. . ... tn, iii-iufoimril art'tles in tctt.iln Ilanfsli ami A. ..prlp.it. nmp.s I of the Ameilean director of public in- f, ,, , Oen, ,ik IMwIn V Hlls. Is petf.cllv Miaiglitfoiw.ini '"" S,"-Hl neinnkraten toinmentllig n t)( appointment, sav, that the pies, ""T " stMk.t ,'1"""K """ "ai "'"' . .,,U, mtu d uiueini Kini.iini.ii me-s ome compliment lit Ousting so well-, known and pioiiiiiiPtit a liatih-h- iiic il eal! with Hip work of the meric.tn i inintniltee of public infoi illation In Oen matk ' 'lilt Social Dcmokiatin clrMiibis st ilus as tin- lust tpe of American, and adds Out Impicsslou Is that thp son of l.itnb KHh lit, coitit to liptmiark with the bpst outlook for .1 kindly tindpr stiintlitig of I unlsh interests NEW GERMAN PLANE SHIFTY Hun Aviators l-o Uaiiij; I'.tr.i rliut( lo Kecajie tmeriinn lleaill uarler. In I ranee. s.pt Jl Pat roW teport hiving en Lniinteied an cntirpl new tvpe nf in itio alt plane dfHlgind tspetlally to in ike it e.tH lo tiianeuvcr I lit x .list, tepott thai the Germans aie atloiiiliig the paiaehute as a means of iia from damaged planes EXPRESSMEN: We understand the owner's' side of il well enough lo know that he should get con stant a n d im mediate service. And he gets it. . All Sizes Immediate Deliveries Larson OJcUmobile Co. 231-33 N."ra. St. - , 1 n9 -rX- e J- - --it - -T MASlElx MTRIIISSP ' " Lii -" BERLIN ORDERED MUNITION FIRES In few daB before Trotiky made his TllSlnirlinnc In riiminila tn notorious "no-peacc-no-war" play. IJISII ULllUnS IO IjllllllllalS lOTri,., ,,- u ltn,f, - nrnmlalnc Destroy Plants in U. S. Revealed PREPARED FOR WAR Industrial Concerns Mobilized Six Week-; Before Storm Broke nlilncloii, Mpt St Another convincing link in the proof lht 'lermanv was prep it lug to "tart a war of wot Id i,.iniipst t leist six ments It btniitlil out of Ultssln Two authentbated dnciini'tits arc In cluded In the fin il eh iptPi of the storv, which began a wnk tgo with tvldence lemovltig atn doubt llnfl ma.v hive ex ltetl tint thei Hitssl in Bolshevlkl gov ernment, headed bv l.enlne and Trotky, Is a tool of tin Itnpttltl ('crman (!o eminent One of tliee I, in nrlgltnl ihtulir from the iieiman ttneral stiff tl tted June 1, 11H directing Hint all Indus trial concern, be notified to open their secret Instructions for Inditstilal mobll lz itlon Anartblsts ft.r lli.inb Plot, Anothet dited November 'in 1114 Is fiom the rjptmin nival general start and tr veil, tlni within four months aftei hostilities begin In llurope "de struction agtnts well oldered to Cani (H and the t'nittd silnte, to hire mar thlsts n mi tsitpnl rtlmluils for the bomb plots mil work of terroi wmtn flnillv plnvnl t put In drawing the United State, into the war In addition to this iiitheiitlcnletl evi dence, I,dgni siiqott who obtaltud the piper, fot I in i "inmitttp on publlt In formation nlTtis i tennikahle group nf circular, put out In Itiisslm text at Pet rograd list wlntii innportlng tn be copies of dm unit til, liken rron the ir chlves of the t ntuitei -(splonage bitieiu of the Ixiietiskv gov eriiinptlt. supple mented bv snmt fiom the file, of the same bureiii befort the fill of the Czar I somP ,,r this niitiu bis been published nrexlouslv In l"i line mil In this countrv The (irculirs ttll of fiennan arrange ment,, six months before the outbreak of war for tin et ib1lhinent of the flnani ial agrii. Ip In hindering ntutial ponntiles which latPt f lit nMied the igen. le, set up in innst- ,.,u. . ,. .... .1 l.l-s Mining P s."c'ai ,""1?',' ,l ,'"". " M ntiment agnnsi wir xvniiui ....- c.e..., I hlalPS I Socialist leader Involved ti name nf sjcheldemiinti the Oer- imn Socialist leuler aliculj mention! d as lnvolvrtl In the dialing, of the Oer nian Ooveinment with tin Udshevlhl appeal, itt iched to one of the unnu thentlcatdl riocutnenl. It I" a note an nouncing Hut lln nnn kinnei, hive bet n pitted tn the i redit of i ltti,slan nevvs piptt and asking that Vnrwacrts (the ti line of s, beldeni urn's organ at Berlin) BUFFALO 450 Roonu v. Mr- 430 Bftth CLEVELAND - 1000 Room 1000 Bath! DETROIT 1000 Room, 1000 Dlth. .- .. ff Tf'ff tJ.'s-W. , Al-TfT-a - -.-iiiiiiiiiiii.-a---a ST; LOUIS 650 Room. 030 Bum -NEW . YORK h Al SStflfIiJiBliiasli t s ' - A '...i... J,ljr I. VitJ.j.A.".,. KSiit. .-. " Y r .'-''' 1, -WW t' -,t- 7 '--'-F-Tt- v-sc he advised of what nppenred In the subsidized journal. An 'appendix to the concluding Install ment Is what purports to be a tran script of a unique tcleginphlc conversa tion between Tchltahcrln. now Bolshe- Ivlk Torelgn Minister nt I'ctrogad. and ' Trntlv. nt !tt-il-1.ltn1: bis-t IVbrilnrv. a sepirate peace by which Ttussla would not cause a rupture with the Alllea and saving that llnglnnd add America are 'playing up to us separately." BRITISH BOMB GERMAN CITIES Sixty 'I'oiifi of tixploahc Tall on Munition Centers lly the Ancintctl 'revt I omlon, Sept 21 "I lie nchlt vetnents of tho Itrltlsh air fotte. In tho past wtek have been atnonr tho most to tnarkablt' of Hip wat Slxtv ton, of bombs weie dropped on f.erman ttni lorv In five ilnvs lij British michlnts This txieeds the moid fot anv previ ous fortnight These long, tlist. nice raid, hive botn dltertcd t hit lit against poli-on gas and airplane fat (titles at M innheltn the Daimler woiks nt Muttirart. the rallw tv "titlott nt I'tnnkfort and the tlock, and sidings at Karlstuhe Theli tlistiuctlVf iTfcct Is i-hnwn bv photoginpliH erlal assaults nvet Hit battlelleld havp bppit tittniprous in ctinjttnctlon with the r'lniicu-Amt rltan olTtnslve, thlrtv-flvp m p irato laid, wote made between t-eptcmbtr II anil It. against linpottani tiiemv alillinintis and vital lallwav Junctltms 'Ihlitien of them weie igalnst Hit Met? .Siblon Itallnad ltoi ethti British a I r nun have dioppid 1-tl tons of bombs mi the westtrn bittle finnt In the tourst of i week, exclusive of the t'xplosht, dtopped In (lOiimtiv .Nlnttten tons wtrt dtopped on Biilgts, tlstetul ami olhti lieitinn toistil tle ft nsp. In air lighting, during whit It M tlttetn pneinv nut bine, wtre dtstiovttl and nine dlsibltd while live Btltlsh plane, were lost The numbei of lier mnn maehlnts ilesttovtd altogt titer In the vtttk wis I y 1 wnne tlltl tv -seven weie dlsiblcil 'I he Btltlsh lospe, in t ilbd flftv FIltiNCII LINER IS SUNK Six Iips I nt Wlicn bliip I, Attacked liv Un-een llliinarinc Paris, s,pt, ,,-) The l'mitl) Line steamship Atlmlnl Cihinei hound fiom Bbert.i tn M ilta hi, bet n torpetloed wllit the los, of six live, according to nu ntllclal statement The pisspiiRprs and clew numbeied 174 n unseen submarine find thttp torpedoes two of which (-lint K Hit ship but the vessel leinalntd illo U thiet hours The tltiiu il 'ahinei w is a vesstl of trill tons Hit home pott was Ilavie I TO BE SOLD BVTHK ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN v- COTTON PIECE GOODS Linde Co., Vaiick and Heath Stteets, New York City, at 10:00 A. M. Wednesday, September 25th, 1918, eleven lots of Cotton Piece Goods. A. MITCHELL PALMER, Alien Property Custodian. Kor futther infoiinatioti toncerning the term, and conditions of the sale applv to Horace O Kllbourn, Itoom 618, 110 West 42d Street. New York City. JOSEPH F. GUFFEY, Director, Bateau of Sales. A Word to Business Men: All of us at Hotels Statler realize that you the guest are the man who pays our salaries. When you no longer come to us we will go out of business. It is you not we who-must be considered first in every detail of the operation of these four hotels. We can't afford to be superior and patronizinff with ou, even if we want to. Wc can't afford to be discourteous, or to render a perfurtctory tcrxicc, or to give ou a scant money's worth. So these hotels arc operated, from sub-cellar to roof, to satisfy you; and we promise you any time ou couie to us more Jhan your money's north. Every nery Hotel Statler room has private bath, circulating ice water and numerousother unusual conveniences. Morning paper delivered free to every guest-room. Rate from $2 a day. HOTELS STATLER. Hotel Pennsylvania Now Building it DUTCH MUST SUPPLY SHIPS TO OBTAIN FOOD Netherlands Government Is Urged to Release Vessels Lying Idle in Port M Hlilnston, Sept 21 The nctpilcstencc nf the Nelherjinds; novcrninttil In lltiiiiiin threats which ktcp 400,000 Ions nf Dutch shipping Idle In port while Ihevpeoplr nf Hol land suffer for want of the inod these vtssels might bring Is commented upon In n statement Issued bv the State De partment to tleat up misapprehension as to the attitude or the Pulled Slates to- w litis PXpolts tll.Hf IlHIIll. TIip depaitnicnt expresses the hope hat the .Netherl mils iJoverfiment will lift tho, embaigo on the movement of Its ships, which tnnstltute tho onlv cotisld erab'e unit of Idle neutral tonnage, and In tfftct give, notltc that appe lis for Anutlta ftwl,ttttTs will be In x lln until Holland followft the example of the bcan- uinaviati tountrlis, .Switzerland and hpiln and enter into etultabl agrce nients with the I'nlted Males and the Allies ItevlewliiR the erfotls of Hip American (nitinmptit to Itnd Its assistance tho slatemtnt disclose, that after lefuslng 10 uppiove i ttntattVt gent nil under standing for the export of tnotinous quantities of food, petroleum, metals Hid other suppllfH reached In London last wlntet, the Netherlands, bowing tn 'he (leruinn thieat to torpedo cvt it ships "allitiK between itputral countilts failed to avail Itnelf t Hip offt r nf the I'nlted statts and the Allies to penult the ex port of Kio Oni) ton, of biead tiiealR is an eniergenev nicasuip In spite of the ftte HciiihIiik: of btinkei toal for ships othei thin tho,e orlglnallv stipu lattd ami whlih milled flit nnn tons ot cereals to Holland an addition il RO non Ions luK(iv In Argeittlna,h is been left itntoiiilied for mote than ,lx months ADMITSIELPLESSNESS llcrllinp Stijs Ccrinan Pootl Ocm inn's Can't Re Mel Parts, sept 21 Chancellor xon Hert llng. tcplxliig to tomplalnls nndc bv lit i man svntlicallsls and the Soclillst imi tj nbotil Hit (-(.aultv 0r footlstuffs, admittt'l that he totild not ptomisp tn meet elillrelv the dem mil, which Ind lieen matlp, aciotdliiK (o a dispatch from 11 isle 'I be (hantellor htltl the M..mltv of food In tiPiinan is not so much due in defpct, in otganlzatlnn a, the petl tloliets asserted as to thp latk of labor fot igtlcitllutf anil the tcjicltv of food list If J N0T1CI- is ltciebv given that tho untlotbigncil, A. Jlitcholl Palmer, a3 Alien Ptopcity Custotlidn, will offer fot sale at public t,ale to the highest bidilct. at the waiehouse of F. G. New York SfeSSs Hotel Pennsylvania Now Building. Hotel Pennsjlvania, now building in New York (opposite Pennsylvania station), will be Statler-operatcd. The Pennsjlvania Railway System and Hotels Statler are co-operating to the fullest to make this new house the fore most hotel of the world in every sense. It will luxe 2,200 guest rooms, each with private bath. Hotel Pennsylvania will be al together worthy of America's greatest railway svstem, her largest city and her most im nortant hotel chain. Opem about January 1st -J' il 1 M r q J$ & y ? -: X f w Vf1 . T ePj ' ia.TJJw ,rt . .i 'j Vl.i zmn tr -i. M