t; Y s ; S Ai fevENfNG PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA , SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1918 'i&Z .J. ,- -P " . ? n,7'v ' ti, f- "iS at Mfi : ajs - A lit' IV Ul . rntTATiovAr. Itnlh Sexes G West Branch i Y. M. C. A.-J English French Spanish A thorough working Knowl edge of Trench or Spanish will prove immensely valuable to you. After the war, American business must help to lcbuibl France nnd develop South American trade. Piopnrc for your pait now. Those who do not speak Eng lish can learn quickly under our instructors. ' Conveniently located for you. Day School open Sept. Id Night Schools open Sept. 23 Write, phone or tall The Director, S.'il iiml Sniiseim st,. WANAMAKER INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIES 23d and Walnut Streets Register Now Cottof Each Course Six Months IV 4rlh'''fliirnl llralnic, llin ill .'eeillework. tun nlrhl hree nlcliti SIR 00 ..t.L... ,1 III! llanjii, to nlBhts (one period) .'I ml Iluklneaa Arltlimetli . two nlht I J III) Cookers mid lnmr,t ,, Stlenie. S nUliN I H Ivtkmaklni:. lo iiIkIiIi, II t ConirJerriill Deiiurtinrnt, lle nlElila iT.iXI Jorreanondrnir, tio iilslits K IHl Jroihetlnc, tno nliEhtn D.li'l Ilriinlnc, two iiUIiIn (one period) 14 IMI "reMii,iklnc. Iirt er, (no nljnlB ii.uii Neiond eilr. luo nluiitn "i 0 ... .H'lril jenr. to iiIeIiIh 1(11)0 Knilln liiiiKuimr, ti iiIeIiIh II uu JnBravlnc. tun nlKliN J I tin f'lllnc nnd Indexlni;. t nlblits III (III rrenrh Ijuikihi ne. luo nlaliti . Id Oil (arment nttlnic. Inn liiclitt IS (III Onltnr. two nlnliN (one perledl "i (Hi .Mandolin, tun iiiciitn (one period) ... -'3 00 Meelinnlral llruuiint. Inn niehln Mini Jtilllnerj. t night ll.(M) ralntlne Art, tuu nUliti 1J IHl reninnnliln. (wo night " Moo rlano. three nlnlil- (one period) SvR'l Plan Keadlne nnd l.atlm illnc, Z nlchto II no Public Srhool. three nlchtn 1.1 IHl Hnanlvh l.iuiciinire. two nUlils III no r NtenoKrnidn , elementur. three n'Klit-,. it. 00 HtrnnKrnpliv, ndtanied. three iilehta 14 00 Htel (lultiir. ten leoanns 1X00 Teleeraph. tun hIeIiIm 100 I knlele. ten lesions IK 00 ) Violin, tun nlEhts (one period) 2100 Voent Mnhle, luo nlclili lone period) 4 on WHicmnnKiiiK, iuu imkiiim ,;i no Payment Oiie-thlril mi registration: bal nnre in four week: dUronnt If entire tms ment U ninde in mliiinre Send for further information Strayer's Business College Philadelphia's greatest business school Is ' o nell known that larce a(lerti8Pinfnti are unnecessHr e imp hip le.t teHrh--i Jn town nnd mnr of thorn lTn-iin.o. nulpmnt rradlcal i-mirsof TMtman and nregs: Shorthand or without pxtra rhirpo Rtcnotxpv lite funioui marhlnp mothod which is hotti more Vap'd nnd ninro arourato than an hand-written mthtt1 of Phorthand Solon ti fir Touch 1 p,ritlnJi: straor tudentfl win mnr- groht med lit for ppod and a(.iurac In tpowritln than arp mm bj tha atudentH of all other ImsIntR schools In PhilnlplphU taKrn tosethpr Certlflod Puhllo Aruntant mt)ioi1 of boitkeeplnB northltiE olse to rorro iipond Indhldual ada oomont CharRp' modorato Positions Ruirnntefd t)f.y and nlpht cla-p Comp sop for ourfiolf 7f0 studPiits now attending. Stnrt now Ml C hpMniit tropt I'liono Mnlnut IM BAWK&t lk. TT4 XJfimr Calls VJVli M All mOs& Women IJuslne,sR nien and estiMlslunents nre shouting for trained oung men and women Nexer were there such snlaries pabl Stenognphers, Tjpists SecretHrles II loklteepirs etc llav Mont Sessions, .afti nun time 025 Chestnut St.. l'hlliiilelphln HHOKTHAMJ AMI ItOOKKhhl'I.Nd Our eraduates are In ronstant demand Uood paylne positions await joti Grcof Short hand, the oasy, speody astpm. Oomplt bustness and secretarial course Day school isinan nlvht fhnnl rrarm Titaiil'iw lnt BUTT '"'l "1 ' Msr"su), ucyii j i: iiruii truj nine tii or WTI19 for full partlctilari and rataloi; I'lIILA. HUHNFit OM.KOE nnd C'olleKe nf Cnmmerri 1017 Chftnnt t., I'hll idclphla Spring Garden Institute Broad and Rprlnsr Garden Streets 1 TECHNICAL. brHOOI,S Art Mpi hanlci Klootrlclty Automobile Women's ClasBPS in Automobile Architec tural and Meohanlnl Drawing Roolc Itlus tratlne Illustrated Prospectus Opens September 23 THE FARNUM SCHOOL 1RA7 Pin St. Hpopena Siit. 30th. Klndersartn General CoUese Preparatory Couraes little bos W M ' I I ?" sPIl I i" m onnal kfTP'H ItVt TT.irITn t titKIVlAlNlsJW TKllilNUO 'A . CiUrtrtl Opens Sept 23 few acan rle" for earnet oolleue oreoar- atory oupljs STANI-HY Jl YAItNALtUPrln. VV1KELESS TELEGRAPHY i' IIM.MIUS INSTITUTE, SOJfl XKC'II ST. ?4 Classen frr men and women, private pirlods v Call xxrlto or phone locust ..1st MISS WHARTON'S SCHOOL 1T10 TINE .STREET REOPENS OCT 1 Otrls and Little Ho. $4 Night School $. I Shorthand. Knellsh, Penmamhl: r, D a month I pumfh tmnoi i s. m h it CDicrvirtc pi bpt a school for' s.aftXe-rf WUWUS A Revs nnil fllrl ON-THE-PARKWAY Kith and 17th Sts Teachera Unnted Positions waiting. Free regtst'n for College Normal iraduat s Jtnlern Teachers' Hnrean. 1003 Market St. Building Construction Is at a low ebb. Get ready for the after-the-war BOO Take a Course in Concrete Construction Class forminp; now. mediately for details. iJcall. Inquire im It is beist to r Director of Technical School, 1421 Arch Street C El NT R A L.I1 Ic V.lHf.iM. doling Men and llora , h William Penn Charter School No. S South Twelfth Street PHILADELPHIA KountVd In 168') and chartered by William Peon on the same day as the city of Phila delphia, the Penn Charter School has main. Gained an uninterrupted corporate existence X)urlne tho past forty-three years the school fisa graduated nearly 1300 pupils of whom t more than imu naxe continued their studies !n a score of colleges and universities ;For th. better accommodation uf Hie recent Increased enrollment a new two story ,tiul!dlng is lielnff constructed on the West if tth.ia. Titans for th filtttre InMilil. Ih, ;--' .... '. ",- v . .,-..- ... ..- .... TUII liiuitaiioii lor scnooi purposes oi tne maentneent nlaxlng fields of 1!J acres at ' 1. aS,,..n T b . a That, nlana naa rial4 1.. a. Kat V. ance, pending the time when the termina ls Hon or war cnnniunns may permit new "construction The 230th ear beclnscSep tember 24th. wllh every member of laat kyr't teaching ataff on duty, with audi "addMlons to Its membership aa Increased t aBttilPa-XvlltXeiaatl H Ffc H V A att Aaft MAteitei1l W9 y rilllllllx:U4 a.SBIB fs7SSXXC.s s,-sse.P The Prospectus for ipiS-10 la ready for AsMMtlen. Bulldlnrn open for Inspection tH WWMHIKII DC PJPUS "y.Jgf- V X UIM eatfjsi Aluerlson Annji H 1 foil t font .Tame I Aehiri.r- llnmiil I). Auhole Henry W Audi Knott Carullne "Imk Marv Bovle. Susan Hruker George E Brown Mars C Clark Charles I ('lark Charles T Doxev James C Unilim t.lolse i. Dunlap Mlllnm Pgnn Hannah r lirksnn Charles M I Inn Edward (1 Foulke Albert It Oane arnllno l. lloetr Florence M llahleman Christina Haley Thomas 11 flow mil William i tuc nna W Israel Ailntph lohnson Isaac It Jones Charles It KelTtr Amu l Kennedy Dennis M kfihlfi Annl Krnnan Ca'h L Law ton lntnes Jstux i inrrle s !.nrh IMtnunri McCullmmh 1 trzlo MtOov nn Dennla M Ourn 1 hotna-, M limit,. HerRt t P Mi Kernan I'mnk Mrl.iiiRhltn. V.Upix Mi Lean William Mehdenhall K W Mitchell f H Morrison Carrie T. Mera lohn M, c ha- KlfxHbttn IVnrK1 l.rldjret ivter-. Cotmiei W, O ro'intnpv w ttrluhart. Iildor Itfthprt" Mbert C Unbln-nn W V. anfnrd KinnmT serman; Kslher niHh Mnr n Smith Kmnm Snjltli William J Stanton William tatra Kinrn sti-f Ardrew Sutton John I pperm m W D UarVr Mnr H WHhlnMnn Klle M oM Martha K I I e Hnutlllbr F.tcvnrd I cods Charles AA I I oxine, I atharnie l.u! ( athcrlue a . M.IIUnTSOV ept IS AXN'V i: T IIKI11MIN (nne North) wife of ( harle r Albnrtion hemI .'1 Relatte and friemle nulled (o funenl eerlre Mon I p m pusltand a -ecldenie o't-'.liaddon ae Col HnKnond V I lnt Orrenuood (K. of IM 'eni Phlla I riend ina cull Sun. after in m ASHMOnn Sept 11 In eentre at An ron Canal 7nn Serseant DON'ALD OLt Vm ASHMORi: bloed ton of Ulllan I and the late Inhn W Ashmnre. aaed nine- AllllHK Uuddenlv "-rpl 10 HKN'tlV I W hualjand of tohanna W Aubete (nee Hen 1, rin inn) r.elntltei nnd frlrnd Kred h I alien Xaio Hadlai her I nteielu, Iz'in;. I erein and taidlnR Klk Trlhe No L'J I O. , It M Imltpd to funeral Alon 1 p m , I-'IJ 1 ltnwdna (llimif ster Cll N I lnt I'nlon ( rm ("Homester friends my ca'l un , nfter 7 p tn ATI IT KNOTT Sept U '"AnO! 1VR Ul'IMiSon (nee itrauni widow of I.ouls Audi, oKed (,s Itelutlvpa and friends In ltid to funernl sun p n S.J7 X Law renee at. lnt Mt Peace Cent III, MIC suddenh. f-ept JO MWIV widow of Much I tin i I. iiupd .-, nelatle and friends Imlted to funei it Mon 3 1,' tl 111 rftllil.ma ill bi l I.i.i I urdn I I .iiilnr i ' l"t' lloypl of lnt i riHle HOM H Sept 18 SUSAV wlddw of late Thomas F HoIe (nee MeMenamtn) Tuneral, to which the relatlea and friends are In ited Mon Ha m . 1S10 Moore s(. Solemn maes of regub in Lhurrh of St Thomas 0 30 in lnt Hol Cross Cem, Auto sen Ice IlliVkhtl Klllid In action In 1 ranee at the little of the Marne )ul 1 GKOitOh" III MI.Il llltKi:i( Jr tlret lieutenant th 1 s Inf I o II son of George V. Hill Mar l: llrakT -IIS s (loth !"t aged ,'B Iteliitlvos and friends J' (i s r Camp No ir,l lntpd to memorial aerlrps sun s p in ralernule l.ulheiliu Chunh. o'lth an 1 son,, ts ItriOW N 'Midlenh it Illverelde N T Sent 1 tm C widow of Samuel blown aired no Ilclutlus and friends liiuohi isofDIHe Hi null No H of Itlver si 1' N 1 and hiorla Couni II 1" of tf Hceil N ) Intited to funeral Sun. -' P 111 lesfdHOie of diughler I aura C Wilier -iiin lirlila, linru st Ithirsldt N J Serbe at MoiaMan l Iran li 'I p in lnt ltt rside, CI Mtli s iddenli spi if, CtlMlir.s .1 liiobHiid of Mar M rinrk (nee Tern. I ml son of late lohn nnl Catluirlne CUrk fnrnierl of Norrlstown I'h Itilitlies and fllrnde I' It It Itellef sso ( ourl Wwt rarH l of A and St Pallltk s I I ( 'it inwtiil to funeral Mon X in n N ".nth vt solemn rmulim (lre eorx s i e,uri li )ii a m lnt I em I I ltk -S. t,l (O I II A III h.4 I son (if Calherlni and lit, fohn r ( lark Iteli- tlxis an 1 friends Invited to funeral Toes I -,M a m KCiJ Kl n i st Solemn minimi iniiHH Churih of (lesu lu a in lnt Ho! ( ross ( em Auto funeral )IIKV S. nl 111 tWIe'.S (- atfe.l 71 !'f 'allies and (i unit Wnierlv Cisile No (I I tnxited to funeral XI, in p in 4n."l I ilriiioiint axe lnt .Mt Mo rlih Cem Prlends mav tall sUn s to o p 10 Xutr mobiles l)HXION -epl .'(1 i:i Olsp k wife of l.rn, st liraxton Itelatlxes and friends Inxltel t,, serxk, xlon 1pm Coooer i and Prinklin axe ltexeib N 1 lnt Mo u.ient (Vin Hexirlx V I III Nl AP Sudlenlx Sept. 2(1 WIIIIXM 1)1 M.AP agel 10 Hel-illxes and friends tmltid to funenl Mmi J p tn . residence of John xtcl'mx 2 117 I'ernon st ('Jd nnd lask ) lnt Xillngton Cem Aulu funernl IHXN At llllll IhliUipsoil St Sept J- HX.NNAII widow of lohn J I Van Due liothe of fuueial will he glxeu fiom home of Muter XIrs llaihfl M Waters ,I71'I ! ftrow u st I'.niCK'-ov - sept tn cnxitiis r; , liusbanil of lali Margaret Xlartlnx l.rii kson ItilatlXf and friends Couit Southwark No (11, 1 cf . Invited lo funenl Mon 2 p m us XXolf st lnt XII Morlah Cem lle milns n.rx In xlcwid sun te Auto funenl. FINN -ept 10 I.DWARD (I son of late IMllhk mill Allies I Inn Helatlxes and ft lends Inxlted to funiril Mon . S u a III . (till llHMtton si ('.erniHntow n High mass si Xliuinl de Piuls (htmh 10 a in Int. , llnli sepuh hr i em hOl I.Ui: suddenlx it Mignolli V I I sept Is Al.lll.lt I n hushund of late ICate 1'oulke Kelatliea md friends 'lpo kraphli il I nlon No 2 Court Nonpareil No .( 1 of X tnxlted to funeral sun I p in nut m Olllfr II Hair Mill ls.'ll cneal Int West l.iurel Hill Cem VNi: .eot 211 ( XllOI.INi: 1. widow of lltorie dalle M Itelattxia and friends Imlted to fuieral Xlon 2 p m nil i ountx I luo roid Iti-xn Muwr Pa :er lies in ( huich or th lleileenn r lnt ad Joining ihurih xaid lllll-OV suldenli s, pt 10 nf tetanus Hhlllll.ItT i: "oil of Ifeih-rt Hud Matilda Gibson (nee Gelllill aged It Services at Oiklalld Cem 1 p 111 No funeral iuu:! sem in n.uuKNci: map.ip daughter of Mhhael G and Marv H Goet (nee Mihlbauin) aged II Hilatixes and friends Invited to funeral Mon. K i m , parents resjdenie 122' X Itandolph at, Itenulem inass st Peier a Church 0 a in lnt prlxate Most Ilolv IUdeemer Cem Siranton papers ( opv H U.DHMAV -eit 20 CHRISTINI:, xvlfe of Albert Hnldaiuan aged 7 1 Rela tives and fllends Invited to funeral Mon, 2 p in 1S7 s' Main st Dovlestown Ha trains leive Heading 1eimln.il 12 10 p nl for liovlestown HX.I.KV. -sept 10 TIIOMXSH ItAI.nY aged F,7 Ilelillxes and friends Inxileil to funiril Gladwvn Xtontgomerx Cnunt. Pa, Mon 2 p m Iht Odd bellows C m Glad wxn ConvevHlut at Ardmore for triln leav ing niond st Mtation 12 l"i p in IIOItN'KIt III Nnrriitiivxn Pi sept an MKitiiiA i iiimMit wire or vxnner nor tier ated IJ para Itelutlwn and frlendsi In . HhiI tn funenl ft nm hir Inti residence .'51 I; lornan o at lues -Mth inst J p in lnt prhato Ulierpldc ('tin Itemainn maj ho le,ed Mon 7 to p in IK)VI Ihe death Oit Jl UU" at Shaiikhal China of UIIMM 1IOUAKP an merlcan citizen in reported b tho AineikiUi tonwul penerHl at hanshai i'hln Tin IokhI repreFentnthoa of de 1 1 eied can obtain furthe. Information by applxintr to the Department of Htate. Uash Incton u r HU.-Sept. 1ft WNV V wife of An num Huk (neo NerzL ajte 1 fii Relatives and friend Women of the Hoh Family Hosin and Vltdr o, lot lea of St Honl faclus a . hurt h invited to funeral linn., H in ii tn Rllll tiluninnil nt Snli triti iBrmUm nidKS ht Honlfaclus s Church 10 a. m Int. Hol uecieemer cem Auto inueral. umlt How ere isItAKL Sept IS. ATHH.PIf aon of late J it oil am Rosetta laratl. aged .M) JOHNSON Near N-wark Iel Sept 20 ISAAC rt JOHNsON aged b't Funeral wer bea halem M ". Chunb Sebllie Del. on arri il nf noon tritn Mon lnt St (ienrire a Cem .IOM.S sept JO C1IAUI KS R lOXKS. bubLard of iHlen Joijcb tnee Campbell) aped "h Kelatlxea und friends Invltid tn funeral, Tuea J p m late resident e Hurffllle, N J lnt l.ethel Cem , IlurffIIle. Remains uid b, irwed Mon ee KHKCCK tsopt 10 AN.V M widow of Peter KeiTtr. axed UU Relatlvea and friendi Invited tn funeral Mnu . 7.10 a in. M3l N Sth ist Maaa ht Kdnard a I hurrh 0 a. tn lnt Hol bepulthre Com Auto funeral. Harrtshurp Ia papers op KfclVNUDY Suddenlv hept 10 DHV Nis1 M . husband of Kilt n Kennedy (nee McDade) a tied n Relatlvea ind friends. Holy Namo .sorietv of Church of Immarulate loniepiion umi i;mim u. tn a u li,. of Phlla Invited to funeral Mon ",J4 Mexena st Camden N J. .Solemn hlifh maps Churih of Immaiulate Concep tion ti a. in lnt Calvary Cem Auto fu "oiILKIl Sipt 10. AN.VIi: wife of William c Knhler and dauchter of lat Charles anl Alluo Stroun aned .IS Rela. tlvefl and frlenda Invited to funeral cervices .Mon , 1 p m 1713 Wolf st lnt I'ernnood Cem Friends ma call bun ,lp in Auto CKRONA.N Sept IS, CVTHAniNH LA VEL1.E. wife of Arthur T Kronan. aaed K.'. Ilelallves anu irienaa, i x Jl Sodality'. nf Mctory K 4o it. m. Int. bti Putrlck Cem , Polisvnie. ni, iiaiumure, Mil , papers ! t0LAWTO.N Sept 19. JMES husband of late Susannah Lawton Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral services, Mon,, 2 p m , residence, of daughter, Mrs John A Moore. 1X012 WjalusltiB axe Int. I'ernwood Cem Friends may tall Sun , 7 to V p. m J.E HOL'llLLIER Suddenlv at his home Paoll Pa Sent 2II EDWARD LE HurriLI.lEH. aged 7(1 Notice of funeral later LEEDS Suddenh Ninth Month 10th. CHARLES W . husband uf -Mary 11 Leeds, aged .'il Relitlves and friends Inxiled to funeral wecona-naj, .-vjintn .xiontn 2Sd 131 J N Huh st. Int. private. Omit nowers I.! Vl.N's rim: llv Suddenly Sept In CATHA- NS (nee Shtehls) widow of John Lnvina Relatives and frlenda Invited to funenl TueH.bJll u m residence of her tiuiii-iavx James Morrln, 2502 K. Clearfield at (suit mn requiem mass Church of the Nitlxlts 1" a in lnt Holy Sepulchre Cem. Autn lunerai ,,.,, i,r, v --3.:iii .'. L.iiiiiioi.yc. . r.v. i oeni io, c.v t iir.itir. v , wue , f John C! I evj ami daughter of 'J homaa ' i u.h. xti.uihtll in., i u.,nl naia,iu . . ... I .. . I ...4 ... a . rn.. o r, .. and friends Invited to funeral, Tues . 8 30 a. tu., parents' residence. 2714 Edgemnnt st. Solemn requiem mass St Ann's Church ID a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem Auto service LIQHTFOOT. At We.t Conshohocken, Pa Sept, 18 JAMES D. LlOHTr-OOT. aged OS Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Mon., l-au 'P. m.i rini axe., west, won shohocken Service cca uuipn x;nrn -Istlan Church i Csbi -tlfrjenoa mar ,tn c Un.iittau, HaijAlj. ,. t y "m -'re.1:'- ..-.:. .......I'r. ':".'. """ "year " p m at ner late resiusur I nun-lin nr MUPrpI KMiri . A.lu. u n r . .1 anci iropaEaiion uj icu jioceiies or cnurch (inslcev st Int. private Mount lot nur i.auy oi viciory mvueu to tunera . iS.i.n,l. mav call Sunday evening Motl . 7 JO U. HI., 3421 Spring st XV. Phlla. ' il r IfW sl 10 MARY solemn reciulem mass Church of Our Luilv Lutcir i- e n nn.ee wfa PFATIN -J LOXllsnoriTIl At PtnlnrleM, N J, Sept 10 JAMP.S husband nf Minnie lanngs- Worth llelullteM and friends nltn Klnir I David ,1t2 IC (1 K Lodge inxlted tn lunerai servnes rtun p m t at the Chanel nf ( helten Hills t ( nnvex Hm.es will be In wnltlnjr it Waxoe .lunttion on the arrival of 1 02 p ni train I.Ot'N .sept IP, Pl.onmn S daughter of Louis It nnd Nellie l.oui agi 1 7 vears Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Mon 11 n m David H sniuxlrr H'dg . lltnad and Diamond sts lnt prlxate, Mt lnal Cem LYNCH Killed In action In Prance, Aug, 1" Ctnlsln I'PMfND U'ntfllir 1,1 WH en n 111th lnfartrx I MiCt'Lini cut Sept lo 1.1VI1: wife nf llui.h MMullough Relatives vind friends jlnvitiil m funernl serxlces. Mon 2 p in Tils N" Mascher st lnt prlxate Green wood (K or r ) Cent rrienus mav view re mains sun exe MitlOWAV At Atlantic CUv N I Rfnt 211 IlP.NVtS 'rGOW'A.N late nf I.Mii, san'oni st Phlla Itelatlxis wind frlen Is tn. xlied t funeral Mon 0 h tn pnrlors of It It llrlnghurst Co . 1024 Arch st Sol e nn reuutem miss st Pitrlik's Church 10 a n lnt private New Cathedral ( eni. Iteineins mux be vtiwed Hun 7 to o p rn (lilll V overs M.GI'IIN Sen! 10 TtlflXl e Son of late Thomas nnd Marx McOurn of ( o Perms ! nagh Ireland Relatives and friends In vlted to funeral Mon H ni , resi ten, e of brother James Mi Guru 707 Kleitri axe Wxncote Pa solemn renuleni mass im maculate Conception Church Jenklniown, I II III (lit llolv Sepulvhre Cem I MUX XIN Killed in action in I ranie at I the ItHttl' of the Marne llllv 1" lots sr , gnnt I XMLS P MclLVXI.V of tilth Ma chlr (lur ( n son of Iternard and nn xtc llxntn (nee Martin) of 214 1 i: Oikdale st 1 )teh, Ives and friends Invited to funeral ttnss Mon ' 111 a m St Ann s f liurcli i I XliKKItNXN sBpt 111 PRANK hus I hand of Mar.v MiKernall tnee Heagnev) an 1 1 s ,n of linU ml late Krank McKirnan 'late of.Cr.giran l ouhti Txrone Ireland , Relatives imrt friends St Kunan a ( no mindr n 20 Knights nf th Red . Hranch and Donegal H and P -ocletv United tn funeral Mon S 10 a m real dence nf Ml. ha I Parrell 772 N' 2Mb st Solitnn reuutem mass M Tiancls Xaxler Church lu a lu lnt Unix Cross Cem Auto j funeral Mcl.Al Gill IN sCpt in P.I.LP.V widow nf John McLaushlln Relatives and friends ladles Itenf and Rnsar Societies Invited to funeral Mt n s 10 a m 2 Dav st , i - ( amden V J High mass Church of the TIIR RFI.I lmmaiulite Conception lo a. m. Int. Cal vary Cem ., XicLHAN Sept 1'l UII1.HM Mil.lV aceil 111) Itelatlxis and friends invited to i funeral serviies 277 s 4th st Mon 2 In n tn lnt tirlvnte MI'MIKMUII.-M south Mnetaud V .1 ept IS KM IOTT W husband of llessle Mendenhall age) Ml Relattx.s ant friends P R It Voluntarv Relief Assoila tlon Invited to scrvlie Mon 2 p in Oliver II llilr IIIcIk le.'O ( hestnut si lnt tirtvate Remains mav be viewed sun eve MlieilLLI On sept 10 l'lllt ION X 1IIAV Unit Tit XXI MITCHELL son "f llenrv V ami l.lllle M Mitchell, aged U xears Relatives and friends ale invited to atlitit the funeral service at the tcslieioe if his nrents at Radnor Pa on Mondiv ifternnon sent 21 atJoilock Interment irlvste fonve m.es wilt be at Radnir '-t uloti to meet train leaving llroad st sta tb o at 1 1", n m . . MORRISON' Xt naltlmore Md cpt 10 f XRRIi: T wife of XXInfred r Morrison I M D of Klkton Md Relatives and friends Invittd to funenl servins Mon 2 10 P in I Oliver II Ralr llldg IK2U Chestnut st lnt lrlvute West I.autel Hill Cem , vXIRsepl PI lOHN" M husband or l dtle Ilium t Mv.rs Relative-, nn I ft lends i enipiov.s , f i osmopolltaii I if. Insl o John illamotk Lie Ins lo forie No 1 and 1 nltid Protestant fellowship Invited to ru In -rill s.rvkes Mon 2 p in ujl.l l.arih xx nnl v,vc lnt iirlvnte Mt Morlnh i en I in mis m.x tall Sun after i P m Oinl' itliwels Alto funeral ,,ntI. oriisr sept 2n li 1xnF.ni ocii-i.. 'widow of Philip Oh" ll-ed Si Relatives I aiil funds niembtrs or Germ in Lv ing 1 tithenit Hnianuel i hutch (4th nnd I arpen 1 sts i Invited to runeral servnes i-i, 2 ti in 2140 s li.tti st lnt private j I I'VRKINSON -sept 2(1 Il 111! I MUM) son or hdu ml and Iliumi A Pirk , iiisou Inn llaxtiesl agetl P.elattvisl and friends also Roxhorougb l.od.e No no i II li tl 1' olid Hethinv llaselmll I lull I invited lo funeral Xtondiv 2 p m flom Ins pannts tesld.nie 14b ParkLt ave Roxborough lnt I enrlngton Cihi 1 rlettds m iv i all from 7 to 0 p m i i:itci. s.pt in ititiiiGi:r witow of I Inhn Pinrie Relatlv.s an 1 fi tends inviie.i to funeral lues Kill a in ,1 '12 N ( ad w illattet st Sob iuu renuleni miss -t Mb hit Is Church 111 a to lnt Hob 'pill t hrt (tin . , PrlLRS Sept 17 it Denver Col , , W XI.1KII G PLILR1- son of Harry and I Iiin Ailelslde Peters or llushkllt Pa POL'N'TNe'y. Died nf wounds In Prance ipt f HUH WILLIAM Al.PUKD POUVT NBX of the Canadian Army of Iteserxe I aged 20 jenrs Late of Bast Russell st Son of William II and Sarah A Pountnev. Ri:lNII XP.r Sudilenlv S-ept 20 ISIDUIt liusbanil ul 1 llrabeth Uelnhart Ilelallves and frlinds M irrleil Mens .Sodalltj Hob Vame Soi.let League of the i-Hcred Heart, Ilxpressnn n s Hen Attn nnd I l " No tin Invited to funeral rues . , In a m . 1711 W Thompson st High requiem mass Church of the Gesu ' a in lnt private New Cathedral (em Auto funeral i HIIM.KTS -, nt is Lieut Al.lfllll. f'll MILLS ROIIHRTS I s N m n( l.i m Margaret Roberts and late Rev Cassius M Huberts of 2411 N " lltll st aged 2 lunerai servlie Mon I n m c liurch of the Saviour .Istli abovo Chestnut st, Int. i"-!i'.' . t,.- j I ItUlil.NStl-s men ai -irnm- itftr li sept l'l at 4 p m. WILLIAM KYRU utuivoitj" nn. ..f ,l,e litle XVni T Robin- son and Marv Mason Robinson In his 2Mh vear lunerai will be at the Church of the Reileetntr Hon Mavvr Pa Moil Sept 23 ni I SANHORD t HI14 letTerson et ( I.Mr T SXNroltD Relatives I friends Invited to service 'luea 1 t Inl private Friends may tall Mon -ent and 7 iu '"SILVERMAN Sept. Ill ESTHER xvldovv I of Isanc siivcnnan nued fill Relatives and frntlds Ladv Washlnitton Lodge locheved Vereln DaUKhters of Heth Israel nnd the ill a; dialers tnvl'ed lo funeral services Sun. 2 , p m 111.'.' N 10th si lnt Mt Carmel I Cem Omit tlovvers Neyy- x, orK papers copl. i SIMMON'S Killed in Mttinn In France Auk T mis vytth Co A. rmirtn V s in W M.TER E husband of Anna W Shu tnone of Hatfield Park Relitlxea nnd friends also XX'ashlnKlon t'anip No HI.! P . ..a . .. ,........ui 1,1a I... In. 1 1 mt ,n H Oi .A, ,11 t.,,n I", l,, .... ii,.,.,-, . 'memorlil service at M E Church, l.anx I dale Pi Sund i J.'d at 1 p 111 SMITH Sept 10. at late resirtenee Rill 1 Inaspnrt .N J XHRT ELIZA HE HI widow i of John smith aaed 75 Relatives and friends Invited tn serxUes Mon 2 n m restlenre of son Inlaw Albert H Wine stl H Mileit st (above "7th and Wishlnrton ave) XX Phlla lnt privaie. t rieuus may ca'l ""in s lo 10 n m M I SMITH Sept Hi r:IM .. xx ifo of Thomas ' s Smith. Relatlvea and friends Mothers' Meeting of St Mark s Church Invited to funeral Xlon. . 30 p m . 12SJ Allenarnve st Irankford Services. In St. Mark's . ,.v...ri. Q qo n ,n lnt nrtvate I sxiiiii sept .ii xxti.i.ixxi i nua- i Hand of Mars F smith (nee Murray) JKcd I '.s Relatives and frtind. all i.oletIes of which he was a number Invited tn funeral I Tups ichi a in (IJl W York st Solemn' requiem mass s, Kdvvnrd a Chur. b In a m lnt New Cathedral Cem Xnto funeral. SPILKINSent 0 HENRY II. lltl" I hand of Rose Snllkln Due notice 'of the i funeral will be nlxen residence, nil Ilitner "''stanton sent in william: STANTON aged 70 Relatlxes and friends Invited to funeral Mon ft 10 a m .Oliver H Hair IHdK lS2d Chestnut st Solemn requiem mass St James Churrh 10 a m lnt llolv Cross Cem Auto service ST VIES Sent 10 EMMA STATES', wife of William States aged 72. Relatives and friends lnvltd to funeral services Mon 2 p m residence of dauchter Mrs Sohvvendl man 2712 .N 8th st lnt Hillside Cem Remains max h viewed faun eve ST1EP -At W'ashlnaton D C. Sept in ANDREW, husband nf Esther Stlef aaed kl Relatives and friends Camden Lodge No 1. 1 O O F Invited to service on Sun .2 p. m Oliver II Hair Hide 1R20 Chestnut st Phlla lnt Mt Mnrl.h Cem SUTTON Sept 20 JOHN SUTTON, need 7(1 serxh Church Rema J llal t'PPPRMsN Sept. l'l WXT'-ON D tPPERMXN husband of Eliza I'nper man (nee Davis) need 71 Relatives anl friends Northern Liberty Lodae No 17 United Brothers' Fncanipment No 2d I o O F llirmonv Lodge No 20 1. P of A Cunt lohn Tax lor Temnle No 24 O I 'X Yolo Tribe No 177. I' O It M Lincoln Losal Onnge Lodge No 21 Decatur fnun ill No .! O V A M members of Select and Common Councils Sunt, of Cltv Parks and Vesta Club and all nther organizations of which he was a member Inxlted "; 'J neral serxlres, Mon 2 p m. '-''. 1 Susquehanna axe lnt private Mt Peace Cem. Friends may levv body on Sun . 7 xo "NVACKER. Sept 18 1018 MARY H . xvlfe of George Wacker. Jr. Relatives and a. , ... Ik. I, .a a e..n..r.l aarllfaR XlOn . irirnua air ...,.,c. ... . ur, ....-. ar... Peace Cem. COV- llaee Jr. Relatlvea and friends Inxlted to 1 1 -neml services Sat 101(1 fl m at resi dence of father-in-law R Bruce Wallace Sr 6011 Ridge axe. Koiboroiiah Int. nrlxate Kindly omit flowers Washington. D C Toronto and Port Arthur Canada. papers please enpj nivfinpTii WILLIAMSON Pent 20 EI UAnETH widow of Wllllntl Williamson former v nf Hammonton N J Relatives and friends Inxlted funeral serxlces Mon jan P m resldenoe or, on In-law. Roland Evans hr . 1H23 E Albert st lnt prlxate, Hainmon- '"wiTHINGTON Sent 20 EI SIB . MAT. ...lighter of W L and I Ixxle J. xvitnlngjon. ..i ,s naiaiiuaa and frlcni friends Invited to I f,7,.rat i ices ston 2n m , parents' re. Idence 4SI0 N Camsc SI . .ni privaie, Hlllsloj. Ctm Remains may be viewed nun. eve Vutci funeral -,rt, .,, . YOST At Iter resi lence , 111.' York rd , Hejt Jn WAllTHA I' YOST Due notice of funeral later LOST AND FOUND TlAR PIN LoA diamond and stiuare aaph phlre bar pin. 'bntalnlng 7 sanphlres and 10 d'amonds, stamped on back H BS-J7 J E. C i. Co In or rear Broad Ft. Station, Friday Sept 0 Liberal reward If returned to J. E Caldwell Co , Chestnut and Juniper sts CAPE Lost or mislaid on trie sisge of tne Metropolitan Opera House at he woman's war-work; rally Wednesday evening. Septem- Iber 18 a long, dark-blue aerae cape tinea neiatives ami iri-nos !"'"" I .h.'i i ' C I.ERKS Young women between IR nnd 21. es. Xlon 11 a m SI James the I ess ';'. th ... ,,, ,,! h Falls of Schudklll 'nl. Irlvl' nd excellent opportunities for advancement, ns may be viewed at chapel nf Andtevv """"v. ',. i. hours, by I r Son Arch and Wth sts, Hun ( answering this ad, state age experience and LOST AND FOUND WATCH Lost on train between Elvwn and Lansdnwiio or In l.atisdnwne ladle' watch marked II I. It and pin. reward Phone Media 211 W PEKSONALS TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN Notice In herehv Klen that I will l.e reiwnllile for no debts unlee contra led tiy mjaelf l.OUH V. I'AHKT HELP WANTED FEMALE (Other lasshTed ds on I'rtge 21 apply mri PArnioiic sKtivina CNI1KO STXIKs C.() KltNMKNT WUItK VIL'VI WOMKN WANll:t From 17 to Ti xears of age Married or single Iteeome an essential worker 1 the girl behind the man behind the gun No experience Is netes- saix ssured steady adxamement. permanent work ! PBIt WKKK FIltST I WKHUS $10 ,n tn $1S per week within the next few weeks wllh rapid ad sncpmcnl thereafter SPHCIA1. At) AN'TAtlKS Meals seiied at cost nhtersar pa menls sik benefits acatlons with pax 7 to s hours length of working- dav Applx weekdaxs R 10 a m to P. p m EMPI n MKN'T IlKPAItTMKNT mvin omen pim.MiKi phi Miss M I) ItMin loll Xrch st hrwch okpicr Miss (1 Smith. PHII.MiEt PHIX 400 Market st nnwcir nrnci: Ms ) It. Incol GERMXNTOXX V 20 W (.helten axe. nruvcit orricR CHEST 1JR PA Ml-s W G Relllx 20 E Rth st TEIP.I'HONE COMPWY I'EVN'SYIA A.N'IV DOOKKEI- TERS OI FICE CI.P.RKS 1 YPISTfl the Pt'ni.ir t FDonn co has xtcanrles In their s,OC01 NTINO DEPXRTMEN'T where vou can work tn comfort In healthful surroundings under agree able tondltlnns at t good salarv Speed promotion Is guarinteed to all w ho qualify Till: Pt'HLtc LEDGER CO ACCOLN1INO DrPRTMEN'T ATI! AND CHESTNUT ST.S til It lk K PPPFH fn. DPimuit. nn.ul.Tn InAirr, timlltar with rnctorv distribution of costa I prerirret excellent opportunity Willi esten till textile content uptown permanent posl tlon H Vlleleer OjHi e HOOKKLFPFR EXPFttir.NCEn CAP! til E OF TAHPLXIINO REPORTS AND lNXhsriGVTLNG Pt'HLIC I LOGFlt fOMPXNY IITIt AND CUES I NUT S'l s isk ran Mil wit-sr aicopnuno or-PT HoOKKLhPER douhle emrv vytth some exoerlente who has Mlnwtelse of sliort haul Answer In own handwriting giving tiusllnt atlons anl satar expecttd M t4w Li 1st r Central HoOKKKKPKIt pporlen el 1 ntliii.' nnd trial blHn SI- C. l.f iter ( pntr .1 tnd arrurite In woirt 1 1 ir IU ilKri.PKn pxperlencpd MurrouRhf nper ntor state experlpni a nducatlou shIhtn ) aw vimiii aallat lo M J0 I dcpr UfTkp ItOOKkl.KPKn -.iitaut I) 1- bonkketpor r fei pnr. iPMUlred hiati salarx V JJ i led-iM Offlie MiOkUKKPMl". for itt rtdv r OMliion It Co Jlli V Itroad ft largp forpoiMtlnn Johni Mitnllle r H MHritMAin AVpII recommended white plrl Tplpphrtn Mane 2 for IntPrvlew rnu CAN IIKI P WIN THE WAR WOXIEN CHU'FrEURS PTHN-OOR XPI1KRS TTI 1 ST PILE L I.ERkS OPERATORS ON POWERS i HOI.IERXTIl MAI IIIN'KS VRB WANTED IMMEDIATELY I EAS HOURS EXCKLLEN r WORK SCALE riNE TRANSPORT TION TO AND I-ROM CITY APPLY AT ON l E WOXIEN EMPLOYMENT OFFK E HOC, ISLAND PA Ss. FOR MRS NORRELL CLEANERS women Applv lu person, I'nt versltv Hospital. 3400 Spruce CLERK The Public I edser Co has an ' opening for an experience 1 accurate typist Applv to Mr Wlest, accounting dept , tjth and Chestnut sts C'tl RK Young lady, knowledge bookkeep. tng quick at figures,, good opportunt: , st ite silurv P (11 ledger Offlce , CLLRK Youung ladv to write orders and a,slel on hooks tl IJ Market at I'htla ,. ! CI ERK Young lady to assist in office r .o i ener vinice CLERKS TYPISTS STENOGRAPHERS Permanent positions; good pay, chance for advancement. E F. HOUQHTON 4 CO. Applj nt 240 W Somerset or phone Kensington 710(1 CI.P.RKS A lage Philadelphia bank Is In need of young women with adding tna I china experience, rapid advancement for .those showing ability Apply stating ex- I perlence and salary expected P 7U." Ledger ' Office CLERKS Good posltlona for girls. IS sears and over, at J12 to $!.'- per week, manufac turing plant In the Krankford district Reply In your own handwriting giving ago and experience. O 224, LecUer ()frice CLERKS wanted In office of essential cor poration, salary 112 to start with excel. iry for i lent opportunity for advancement, hours a xi) to Ti 1 o clock Saturtlas state age ana ex perience P 027, Ledger Office CLERKS must he rapid and accurate, no experience necessary if capable' state age. details and salary desired P 12. Ledger ortice COMPTOMBIER OPERATORS, with actual experience In connection with accounting work. Jo those who can Qualify Balary 1110 per month. Government work. Apply at our Philadelphia Office. 13th and Race sts .or at Plant Emp.oyment Office. Merchant Ship building Corp . Harrlman Pa COOK1NO and downstairs work, girl wanted- 4 In family: reference required. 3410 Daring st Phone Preston 3a17 roOKING and downstairs work capable col-ni-ed air) IH Phone Germantown 3481 OIHLS AND WOMEN wanted on work for the Government tn assembling, tapping .. ....... .... .,.. nucninc, H.-..1 .. .. . . .. j. j - - -. .. cntne ami pips ...iu.,.. sci.....Ui ..t tne It T TAISTE CO , 3201 Arch st. Apply to either cf the U. S. Employment Service Offices. 133 S. 18th, 9 to 10 a. m., cr 1311 Arch st., 10 to 11. SO a. m. Brine thl. a and aslt fur Mr. Hobson, , .'1 - salarv expected Applv 1 m l.encer unice. HELP WANTED FEMALM (Other C Insslflrd 111. nn Page 2) .scnun womkn por work IN DORMtTOlU OP l.sRGK SHIPYAHD XPXU I'HILV DKI PIIIA HOI P. DM GOOD WAGFf. POP, PXR llCULVns APPLY s f:tPLOMtr.vT vrnxicn ofkick 13H ARCH STI1F.FT 1 Til 11 CLERK pnsltton It, I road for largi cotpnrallon, W Johns Xlansvltle ( 1R1. wanted for generil h ,ue,vork In 2 s.torv house small raiutlv s per w,ek Mime Wvomlng 'tis J 1"22 I tn Hex ave lto.atj GIRL for (.eneral offlee work wholesale troter' bouse Xpplv 2ii N Delaware oini.s (WHITFI wwTrn TO LERN1 TO OPFRMP Mil LINO MA CHINES XND GRINHINC. MXCHINE3 RRINO REPPR1 N'( PS MinVAT E STEPI. AND ORDNXNCK CO TDDTSTONF PI. 'IE PLANT EDDTSTONE P PIIII.DEI PHI OF1 H ns 220 Island toad iMr Moonev) 1203 Market st (Mr P echner) or P s EMPLOY.MEN I' SI RX'li p OFFICE I 1111 Arch st Philadelphia Pa (M'ss Kuril I HRINO THIb WITH YOU OIRI S good wanted leirners nn experience 1, wages paid stenli work Appll flrlswold XXorsled to llarlv Pa (.IRI.s Wa-ittil Irlght Llrls IS to 1" to work In store antl shipping department short hours good wages t, start anl good 'l"o'7. I't a iu,iiifmi-in yppi ,asne Kl 1 and Co 1MB UrmrliVflx lam in Tk for Mr O HomUe cum s or omiut women mhiin d fir atorh- ' kophm nnfl laliik out r.Ir- In wholf- "lip hanlwnro houe hours 7 to , itur da 7 to IL' lio oprtln e Addreo-i C (I I fdgpr nftif j Oim,N M Hi HI rnr old for oftior wu in a bnnl ni pxperleiup nppir tte ,ae nnd palary vxpet tpd pn i !,,B!ir fn" GdtT.SVAVTFD " ror arlou departmntJs mint b oier lfl oari old Perrv A (n Kith and I hestnut ii na '.lltl.s , wantpd io dpier iPar-rfm a1l"part-i of clt coofl pa jthort hours nn SnriHiv work vp Mi namheri Uestotn t'ni.,.. fill rhM-vtmit (IIUI s fur (horn s,i!an SIR and oer Mxperieme not rn-fpn Tall afternoons 3M I atoll- Theatre Mldc , GHtl.S mt d to pHik rakei H2 .-! Tin trTr rA hoi"-' ork Kceblo--ei Inking Co jns M at " , !'..Tn Knitters and toppers on srit i Williams double stlu b work Hvklinle lliered I ndernear ( o .'II", N Howard st I Anplv evenings nnd Sunla) at H ellers ,IJE W estmnretand st llol"-KXIli ,i,t gcneiat linukTnialil ' .'.'."' mothers lielper wblti I In fitnllv .' rnnuren Mil Xpplv 1 il W ,av, Cretlnut Hill spr!nt.nlil II lOI'sp.WoRK Wantid white clil for gen. i oral housework J adults in fimlls small Tien house bloi ks from Chester live at Mth refer -ices nicessarv Applv -al after t noonor sun afl,iticot HI-, s Rubv st I HOIIlR XOP.K Wallel while till for gen erx. inc.evvnrn Ftni't family Phone XX i 1 ninl'tjl 11 -,ij tnlb-v nve logan NOIXRX PI III IC on, aco d with qTie, Hon .. "aire routine , r f s 0 Welfare s'j,,, pd (. Iltidrt Mfr r '.-iihanlllontlne psrk I01"',".'.1- J!'."1 Nr - '"'I y'erk for" our ' ,. "V"" o he fcine young worn in must . e i-V."1' nnil. it ncures work Mo- div i?. ..!) V. '." ,0 " " m salarv io stxrt J11 -.l bo liureased us inerlled Ann,vls riJn snns T.27N R.oadst PANTOGRAPH OPPRTOR for engraving rontnt exper,ncod girl nrefer-ed pleasant surroundings c H Masin.I i Sons Am ter and W lllxrd sts 8 C U U B W O M EN ( fl 0 ) WX.NTED AT ONCE TOR WORK IN DOHXIITORlrS OF I.XflGB SHIPYMtD N h A It rHIIA- DELPHIA EIGHT HOUP. DAY. GOOD WAGfJS FOR TULL PARTlCUInS, APPLY WOMEN S DI.PT IT. S EXIPLOiMENT OFFICE 1311 ARCH ST. svil Ii ITORS THE Pl'Itl.R I I'DGER REQUIRES SEVFRAL MUST CLASS SO. I.1CITOR- 1 OH I'llll I HVTION PROXIoriON XHIIITY 'I O MEET AND TA1 K TO THE BEST 1'EO PIE IS ES-HNIAI. HIT Pl.R SONAL APPEXHNCE XX'll I RE CE1VE FIRST ( ONslDEH VI ION X. GOOD PROI'Osl I ION 11)R FEW WOXIhN OF MA1IIRK A EARS WHO DO NOT OBJECT IO HOUSE TCI I HOl'SK -OIICIIATION XLsO . W AN T ONE PNPERIENCFD CREW I M4.NAOFR sPPl.Y 'IO MH (OR. REA SECOND I'lOon PI HI H LEDGER HI II DING STENOGRAPHERS A few good nnnortunl- ties for oung women. between the ages of 18 and 21 In fill xaianoies In the stenogra phic dept of an old established banking house, excellent chances for advancement: good hours and cheerful surroundings pply stating age experience and salary desired P 704 1 edger Office STFNOORAPHER AND 'IM'IsT PP l()l'N(i WOMAN PER POS .GOOD DRs AND PLEAS st R SPLENDID OPPOR FOR ADXANCFMEN T M11Lr.D JUT hi E.NOORAPHER Large law office desires the serxlces of enmpetent atenographer legal experience preferred state at.e ex perlence and salary expected M (114 Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER for filing and stenographic work: fair speed at dictation and tran scribing accuracy and thoroughness in filing, aalary 60 a month Room 612, N E cor ner 18th and Market sts STENOGRAPHER on. Underwood machine. 1208 N .llstst familiar with the Apply Win Foster. IELEPHONE OPERATOR for private branch exchange, one living In neighbor hood preferred Apply William Foster. 1208 n. aist st TYPIS1 and clerk for large manufacturing corporation, stesdy position, 11 A', Johns- I Manvllle Co 21(1 N Broad ITM'ISTS 2 wanted In office nf large cor- t violation on copv work no shorthand cneiesaarv hours Sil) to .1 .10 p ni lie ac, In. ,,nr u p(r eek to start give age cation elt In writing M 033, Ledger central WAITRESS 3 In famlls cits In winter, care of first floor Phone Merlon .101 ;,A'EAA'ERS on nnrrow Knowles looms Apply v rigni irvinn to. ja.iirr c wrieans sis WINDERS wanted for cotton, weol and Jute excellent pay for experienced winders will lake a few learners; aveeage ray Jjo per weekt arrangements can pe made to work 'one-half day. If unable to work full day a Doaxte I" Pld each week for full time. . C H. Masland 4. Sons, ,Ainer and WHUrd sts. s. i , r . , . r.J1"' j t i ' ' i, rr" -r?w HELP WANTED FEMALE miner C lasslfleil Ads on Page J) WOltW of refinement wanted experienced In kindergarten methods, graduate ptst ferred as governess for 2 little girls aged n years, state salary expected Hot (115 W'arrentnn a WOMF.V WD ciini.i W INTHD IT OSTP. TIMF XN'D II VI I" TIMF, OVLR 46 HOl'ns rl.HNTl OP OVF.RTIMH STKADY WORK WITH lli:U'LR INCRi:sF. A1T1 1 7 M JOSP.PH C VMPlrKl.t, CO jn vn'd mhkv:t sts CXMDKN- N. J WOMEN wanted ks messengers short hours good pax liealthx outdoor work Western t, t.... , ,-.OI 'hialnnl Innlv IT S Employment office nil Xrch st I 101 N'G T M1Y for general otflce work sil nr) 111 chanco ror advaniement oppor tunltv to learn on adding machine ddress P -.1 I I dgrr Ol'lce rnpvn i.inv office assistant good pen , man adilriss, stntlnc qualifications and salarv expected Pli2i Ledger Offlce 101 NTS 1 XDll's fc llLht manitracturlng work lernianent pisltl,s uood wages hours 7 lo I Monday to rrldav 7 to 12 Saturday Xpnh a' fattc-v entrin e on , Saturday 1 to 2 10 t in Globe Xutnmatli vtir nkl. r to JOl'l XXustitneton sv. Yill NG WOXtXN ft r ilercal work nffte. of to eufacturln- lont.rn dlriss P O Pov 1111 THE XI ' OI'N TING DPPXnrMFN'T OP Till PI'llI IC 1 EDGPR CO DFSIRFS THE sEllVIl l-s OP IXIO ROOKKEEPERS . PM'lUVl si IMtol N'tilNOS (Ml A-. SPR1 r H'lltll' XSK FOR MR PRICE PI HI IC I 1 Din II lUXII'VM riNTII Nl CHI srNl I STS rill', pi Hi I' i penltiff fot a nnd good bouts I ( hettttHH st I 1 Ddl.'!! t otl'N Y has ' oiltic woman pleasant vyirk Xpplv to Miss l minor COO I HELP WANTED MALE (littler ( lHsl(ledds on Pag,. ) XNGI r SXlt 1 Its HOII.FHM VKFRs HOI Tl P.s ITO LLARN RIIMINI. IlPll.I.INO ETC) ( OPlTltsMnils ri.XNGE II ItNLRS' FCRN i XII N INSTILL riON MUH1N1S13 LAl'ORKRs (XX mi 1.) MV.SSf NGKR HOYS i(e rerrp!enttitUp of thp -w Vnrk hip Imlldlnie - orporatlot. at the I nlted States l.mptojuiint orlkp 1 iJl Arth tt XPI'ItlATlCI Ttna (er 11) wanted an Hpprentioe in eenlnK newtpappr ntTlce fifth Hour t HA t hpstmit Ht Appl nearest r hmpioment OTHre Hrliic this ad with ou i ! , r-'l- tTroMnnii f. Mnruvvrr In aar iw mericin rtjllnnv V. ISth ami Mirket dpU IT S Em. i pre-" p OMiient cince urins mis aa nun you AX1ERICAN RAILWAY EXTRESS CO. 18(10 MARKET ST EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN AND MFN CHAUFFEIIRS . C,S0I.1NE AND ELECTRIC VEHICLES MEN HCI PFRS Ton GASOLINE AND I El EC1RIC PHICI.f.S DRIVERS VND IH-.1PPRS FOR HORSE- I DRXVN VEHICLES i APPLY NEVREST IT S EMPLOYMENT orncE Brine this ad with you IlXKTIl Apple in person University Hos nit il 1400 Stiruro st HI.MKSMITII Repair work for general contractor location Wilmington ll.'O Race M pplv nearest V s Employment Office ttrlna this fid BOLTERS UP HOLDERS ON LABORERS HEATI.H HOYS RIVETERS SHIPBUILDERS SCAI rO D HUH DERS SHIP CARPENTERS' ('at lat. NEEDED AT ONCE ON GOVERNMENT WORK CHESTER SHIPBUILDING CO L CHESTER PA CHESTER siuPlitni.DING CO, I.' 211 N mil S 4.PPI.Y NEAREST U h EMPLOYMENT Oh BRING THIS AD WITH YOU BOOKKEEPER for accounts pas able ledger familiar with factory distribution of costs prefened excellent opportuntts with es sential textile concern uptown, permanent position P 111 1 edyer Office BOY Hlt-h grade house wants tiov for free hand lettering and general office work, good future send lettering sample age j references and salars wanted P O.'s Ledger ' Office HOY wanted In contractor s office excel. lent opportunity ror advancement, state sge and salary desire. Applv by letter only l.'fll Otis Bldg, 112 8 1 llth st HOY, over 16 lo learn assembling; on elec tric work high wages to start C 214 Ledger Office bi I 'BOY. over 16 for office work, long estsb ltshed business, splendid opportunity, cood salary. Apply Lawrenco Johnson L Co , 209 S 3d st HOY to feed Oordon press with or without I experience 606 Chestnut Apply nearest u, s. K.mplojroem service, urine this aa with you D0YS 18 YEARS OR OVER WAVTFD AT ONCE HIGHEST WAGES OOOD OrPORTUNITIFS RAriD AD VANCEMENT RFCKER SMITH PAGE AVATER AND SNYDER AVE APPLY TO NEAREST II S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE HRINO THIS AD Willi YOU. ROYS 18 TO 16 for general office messengers Hours 8 to n.jn Allowing attendance at continuation aenool two half days weekly . Good ealary and promotion APPLY AT EMPLOYMENT OFiICJS .".th anct Huntln Park v., HELP WANTED MALE inthrr ( liisolltrd Ills nn Pace 2) nots WHITE OR COLOREU wANTrn at ontb OVER 10 lEAIlS OF AGE JOSEPH CAMPBELL CO. 2D AN'D MAtlKET STS. CAMDEN N J. APPLY Nl lAr.EST If S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Roys over 11 who ape not returning tn school wanted for work in newspaper of fice good chances for advancement Apple to Xlr lovce third flour. Publtc Ledger 000 Chestnut st after 10 a, m HOYS or voting men wanted for etockkrep. and lavlni out orders in wholesale tnc hardware house hours. 7 tn r. Saiurdax 7 to 12nn nvertlrnepplv 1422 n Hthst HO! s for offUe and messenger work good pav easy woik iliante for inlvani etneut Vt id v los. ph Csnipbci! io 2 1 and Market sis i am ten N I HOIS wanted for office duties Merkel. 22 S 17th st lU'Tl.l'.lt AN'D COOK man an I wife white timpetont. gool wages nnd home refer ent es renulifM G Oil Ledger Central C XRI'FNTe'tI wanted all iroutid man for 1 ulttllng repairs c.nd ( h.slnut s se. omt floor Xpplv nearest t - rmptovment Oftl, , Itrlm. this ml wllh you WXNTFn ON IMPORT WT RX1LH0XH I ONsntl CTIO.N WORK CxnPFNTERS 11 XNDY MEN LAHORERS MI.N FXXttl IR WITH HENDING Cl'TTING AND PLACINO RE ENTORl ING STI.FL HRXNN STt'RT CO fnxixnntm, tri st ni.no lln APPLY NFARKT I s nin OTMENT OFFICE HHI.NG THIS AD WITH YOU. I XHT'ENTLR- w intrd nn lonstructlon worXt Tnhn N Gill Co Itarrett Hide- tnlh and Gravs Ferrv ave Xpplv nearest r t. Fm- Tloytneiit Office Rllnc this nil with you CHAI'FFP.rR Capible man for Ford busi ness waaon must be competent and steady give full particulars I. P White Sherldin Rldg nth nnd Sansom sts Xpplv to the nearest lT S Emplojmnt Office ItrlngMijs Hdvvlthxou CLERK Mm with general nine, i xpen ence to assist on ledger 1112 XIarket st rhtla TIMEKEEPERS AND COST CLERKS Must lie experienced HRINO REFERENCES M1DVX1 B STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO EDDX.STONK RIFLE PLANT EODX. STONE Pv viltLMJBI P111A OFFICES 2-'0'X lwlanl road (Mr Moonev 1 '..'01 Market st (Mr. Plechner) APPLY U s Umplovmept Service Office ll.'l rrh st Philadelphia Pa (Xsk for Mr O Connor) filtt Sproul st Chester Pa (Ask for Mr Relnhart) Tn Insure being placed with this company bring this ad with sou CI I tll with knowledge of adding tna- t chine, wishing to work between the hours of 12 p m and Sam will find steady em ployment In an essential business with good oppnrtupltles for advancement bv apptxlnr tn P 711(1 l.edcer Office State age experi ence and silirv deslied I l OXIPOt NDI.R for work In oil dept E F I iiouginott a Co 2in vv somerset st l Apply t s Employ nient' Office Front and! X ork sts Hrtng this ad with you COST ACCOUNTANT to take charge of and I Install cost system In tnauufai luring plant doing mcchatilial work onlv those with long evperlep, e and high grade ability need an plv state age experleui e and s-ilnrv ex pe, ted alve full Information In this letter 1 XX SP O Hixl.t l XI.IMlFR Pitt sSXIFN wintel t,. run' Xllehle tiresses on foiling paper boxes Hrovvn A ItTlIev ( o 41lt N Franklin st Xnnlv neatest I s r mplos ment Off b e Htlnc this ail with vou , Dlt X l"l -I XN tneitiltllial exp good open i lug for man familial with factory ma Itnetv ,ul equlinnent stste ige ml expert I I I e Xdilress It i U't 1 ainte i N I , JDItM IsMAN" Experienced mechanical , draftsman on fixture and fool designing , I s s i; (o Prle uve and H st ' I Illtll.l. IMO.SS HXNI1S enirlnt, lathe hands ' bench hinds on l mergencv Fleet 017 N I nth Apply nearest IT s Emplosment Of- ! flie Hrtnj this ad j DRIX ERs to s re nork routes must fur- 1 , ulsh bond 1141 Germantown ave p I pic nearest L - Employment Office Ifrlng , I this ad Willi vou ' I ELI- critleiAN ror nlclil work second I flcor Public ledger (o. Ilth and Ches(- xi i it t Xnnlv nearesl U s Pmnlov ment orf , linn, this ad witn von El I i THH UN-, wanted x C and D C itiotor and general maintenance work lo seph ( miplielt Co 2d and Xlirket sis Catll icti N 1 Xpplv lie nest I s PmploJ ment cifflce Hrlng tins m1 withjiou ENGINEER XX N I Til PI HI H LEDGER lOXIPXNY bill AND CHESTNUT sis At plv neareM I s Employment office ItiltiL. this ad with vou I N'l.lNPPR VX itii.it a inaililnlst ini-lneer inusl lie son 1 ineitionlc Phlla s.ourlng and lartonlln. c o Tulip Rn I somerset 1 Xpplv near, at 1 s I. mplos ment otfl, e l II, , li. ( 1. I u I, (I . I I I, V .11 I ;CHI.Rs wanted tor si bonis In and oilier cities Tare Pcld English not necessars pplv letier onlv sladng age hlrth- made reference etc to IMI c heslnut st 1CXN RX1IXXXY ENPltPsS CO. I RLlGin II XN1H ERs I'll XI I FEI RS DRIX I. lis IIEI PFRs SIIBFT XX HITFP.s lsnci MARK 1. 1 s Apply nearest t s LmplosmAnt Office KITCHEN ME.N (WHITE) EXPERIENCED KITCHEN MEN TOR GOXERNMENT SHIPYARD AT HOO ISLAND. PLEASANT SURROUND- CALL AT U. S EXtPLOYXIB.NT OFFICE COR 3D AND WALNUT STS, SEE MR SCULL DO NOT AITLY AT HOC1 ISLAND LABOR WANTED IRlbH. MEXICAN. SPANISH AND ITALIAN TRACKMEN. ALSO MA. CI1IM.STS. PIPEFITTERS, RIG GERS AND FIRE BRICKLAYERS. 227 N. 11 TH ST, AFPLT NEAREST IT S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, BRING THIS AD WITH lOU. I LAHORERS wanted at ones to work In wallpaper factory BECKER. SMITH t PAOB Water and Snxder ave. Apply to nearest U. 8 Employment Otflcs, Brlnn this ad with ot Iff, .sj.ra x f- , Vi 1 ,m I RENf5l rh5ii I kniiyJHHHrJf I In tHXRnv I n!Kidle UaiKnool Dsl HELP WANTED MALE (Other Classified Ads nn Page- 2) WAR WORK FOR ALL ME.N LEAVING NONESSENTIAL INDUSTRIES THE CHANCE I OH INSIDE MEN TO ENTER A PRODUCTIVE FIELD OP USE FUL. HEALTHY WORK. J HOC! 1SIAND .SHIPYARD OFFERS TOU A JOH AT LABORING. IF TOU AnE SOFT ' AND NOT TSED TO PHYSICAL WORK WE WILL PUT TOU ON SPECIAL WORK t'NTIL TOU P.ECOME HARDENED. A.N UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO WORK IN THE FinsT LINE OF OFFENSE AT HOME TOU CAN SHORTLT INCREA8B lOI'R EARNING CAPACITY THIS OFFER EXTENDS TO CLERKS, OFFICE 1tE.N AND ALL THOSE FORCED RY SELKCTIVi: M:RVICB REagLATIONS TO SEEK EMPLOYMENT IN A WAR ESSENTIAL INDUSTRY AND TO ANY OTHER PlTItlOTIC AMERICANS WHO ARE WILLING TO START AT THE HOTTOM ir you mean nrsiNEss, rur on YOUR OLD CLOTHES, CUT OUT THIS AD AND PRESENT IT AT THE NEAREST U EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 3D XND XVM.NIJT STS, MR MtATTUOK STITE EXIPLOYMFNT OFFICE 111") X.ROH STREET .MR. NWAH1Z HELP HL'II.I) SHIPS HE A LINK IN THE CHAIN MR CLINE KA ' -MR FKHRINOO .114 TH ST . HltOVD ST. l a n o n e n s -MEN WANTED FOR PE.NNA. RAILROxD WHITE OR COLORED FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK. TRACK XX ORK AND FREIGHT II X.NDLLNG XIAA.NCEXt T FOR MEN WITH ABILITT NO LOST TIME IAN HORD WITH THE CO AT REA SON X.BLE COST IF DESIRED APPLY 41 N 17TH IARORERS COIaDRED 6u CHESTNUT ST. APPLY M:REST UNITED STATES i.mpi.chment service OFncE RRINO THIS AD WITH YOU LABORERS ' GULF REFINING CO x jeTII ST AND SOHfYI.KII.L RtVER Xpplv nearest t S Employment Office. Rrlng this ad with you. lAHtimlRS wanted India Mvansnn and McK,att sts 1' s Etpplosmcnt Office w 1th you Refining Co , pply nearest Urlnz this ad LABORERS Drehman Paving Co, Crampa' Shipyard Co , Richmond and Norrlfl. new office lildg Appls' nearest U S. Employ ment Office UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE lAHOKLRS XVX.NTED FOB WAR WOIllv XT GOVERNMENT TARD 1 OH ship AND Y VRD CONSTRUC DON IN S0UTHXVES1ERN PART OF CIIY FOP. 1'R1ICLLARS TRESENT THIS AD AT NEAREST U. S EMPLO.ME.NT OFFICE. OR AT MAIN Ol-FICES 300 XXALMT STREET MR SI1TTLCK OR ll.'l ARCH STREET MP. SCHWX.R. XIR CLINE. 824 S STH ST MR. KERR1NI.O. .114 S BROVD ST. LAHORERS Inside work E r Houghton & Co 210 AV Somerset st Apply nearest U s Rmplovment Office. lYont and York, Bring this ad with sou LABORERS Two wanted aged 46. 100 N, XXater st. Apply nearest U S. Employ ment Office Bring this ad xvlth sou. AT ONCE LABORERS WANTED UNITED ST ATEs GOA ERNMENT WORK at Dth st and Kesstone toad (Bucknam tratt) 2 blocks west of Highland axe.; nearest railtoad station Thurlow. on Penn sslvanla Railroad MacARTHUP. BROTHERS CHESTER, PA AND 33 S 16TH ST . THlLA ArPLY lo any United States Employ ment Office AT O.NCE LABORERS AX'ANTED UNITED STATES GOA'ERNMENT WORK XXaslilncton Palk near Wej N III Plxllle N. 3. on tj Pennsv vanla H It (XX est and sea. $', shore Division) also by tr rtnw m v.am-siw den. MacARTjiun nnSvTHUa AVASHINGTON PARK AVESTVILLE. N. J. 83 S. I6TH ST.. PHILA. APPLY "io any United states Employ ment Office. AT ONCE LABORERS AYANTKD UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WORK v.. ...1. tl.li.av fRraaHwAvl kataiamS I " Westxllle N J . and south Gloucester. N. J., $ on the Tennsslxanla Railroad (West JerieiriMS and bcasnore uivisioni. MacARTHUR BROTHERS S GLOUCESTER. N. J. AND 33 S 16TH ST.. PHILA. ArrLY To any United States Employ ment Office, LEAD BURNERS AND ELECTRJO AVELDERS AVANTED FOR ATLANTIC REFINING CO. 3144 PASSYIIN KAYB. APrLY TO l, V. 8. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU ASK KOR MR. f! HAITTXirmM J' -- - .-i. -.l-.--i.-li- I "A-iu ZLte&vj. ,4 y:- (Mi'.?i.-.w"u; ys wtw &9 ''"'Jl MJ ? rHi 'li -T,5 ,zm s ifr pT-V - mM i . ??? I t ..Is, ""73? X-VJW I iy'rs-i - vjsafc .if 3. i.L-. xV-r-" . V -A ' Vl. . uCJWCV?a 'A-fA "