'w . I - '&, V $ f. ' COST. t MBE i - nonm ' tr l",V IK' w. if r- k . R? ' r r - $&- H WS 't . m rwfi HPT j. t ci? l I 1 - re '- -T 278 CASUALTIES i ON 2 ARMY LISTS Forty-five Members of Per shing's Force Killed in Battle OTHER DEATHS TOTAL 25 Mch Reported Missing Num ber 108, While. 100 Are Wounded 1 Wnnhlniiton, Sept. 21. Arms casualty lists announced by the War Department today and last night contain, reapcctlirly. HI and 135 names. Thee bring the army casualties tin date up to 32,471. Toda'a llf-t Is rllildtd ns follows: Killed In action, 22; missing In nctlon, 67: wounded secrely, 50: died of necldcnt and other cauer 7 : F'dled from wounds, 7. The list last night Included! Killed In action, 23 ; missing In action, 51 ; wt-und- cd severely, 40; died from wounds, 0; died frfm disease, 5 : wounded slightly, 1. The summary of the army casualties to date follows: Killed In action I .est at sea Died of wounds Died of accident .and other causes Dleil of dlscs'e ... . . 5,747 2H1 l.SCS 8 '.2 1.780 Total deaths . .... Wounded Mlfcslng, Including lirlsoiy-is 10.516 17,451 4,482 Grand total The summary casualties follow 32.471 of the marine corps Oftlcers . 33 Hnllstcd men 051 1031 152 11 .1047 3151 Deaths Wounded 64 Missing 1 Trlsoners Totals ... 104 Grand tWal Today's list follows: "MM.l'.n IN ACTION Corporals AI.I.EN I) , Onensboro. K MBEn. (lEOnfiE T , Huclna., Mich ROBBINS. 1UJB It. Ienolr. N. C TrlMten , HKR1NCH1K, NICOI.I. Noe Besky Slonlm. Russia. C.IRADO, SAMUBI,. Plule Cal HI0.01N8, THOMAS New Tlrk. RPBARS, UKOIKIK , Cliraonl N. r PIT7.PATRICK. OIJINN, St Joseph, Mo OETZ, I'BTBIl t . Ilraml Fork-. N U. (IREOOIl. FRANK. 31. Taut. Minn I!! RESAKKP,. U I I.I.I AM. A est Do l'TF Hit, KARKEI.A, AI-TIKRT M . Calum-t. Mich IjAMON'ICA. CAI.I.AOEIIA New Yo-k I.IvnzBV. MnnitW if, Wllllmatle. Conn McGOWEN. SORSBV K . I)8 Anflis. Cal JIAI.ICHI8. CONSTANTINi:. Mobile. Ala MARCHMAN. TAUI. II.. W hlto Plains. IJa. JIARTBRS. WILLIAM H , Kmilerhool., Ill MEADOR. BERNARD. Olen Allum W. Va. MEYER. JOHN. Morris Park, N V. MURRAY. CLIFFORD J North Columb'a Cal. NBELON, CIIARLK.-4 UIWAIIU, I ockrort, N Y . nir.o mm rttniMis . I'rUates KELI.BY. STIA ESTER F. Hartford Conn LtTTI.B. HERMAN V . Manchester. N. II. LIVING8TON. JOHN It. Bedford. Iowa JJYSTRUM, CALEB O, Har-. Mont. TERRY, JOHN M , Jr.. New York. N. Y. RYAN. JOHN. Wlnooskl. t SIMPSON, OEOROE, PlttsfWl. Mis- DIED FROM rclDI'.T AM OTHER CLHKS I'rlrates BAUER, MCTOIl E. Balls. Birks County, Pa B0I.T)K.R. I.AMRENCF, J nil Shunk street, Philadelphia. I'a. ri.ANTY, I.BI.AND S . f outhaniptjn -Jf T. CiVKRRlERI. JOSEPH, 331 diaries street. Old Ferre, Ph. ltAItnlS. JAMBS. McCol. Mlsl JOHNSON. IVAN J , Chkuso NltinKI.. MAI.TKK ll 13 Alpine airniie. rittsbunh or.ni:i sexrei.y Captain ,KOSAK. I.KO S . Milwaukee. Wis. . Lieutenant nQBABT. BAI.PIL W . ArllnBton. Mass Sfrrennt Major McKIKNBT, THEODOnB BKNNETT, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Serireants CAVANAl'OII. THOMS J.. S19 Browns- illle me.. Plltsbunli. KIPP. MALCOLM B , Chattanooea, Tenn. Corporals , ITTZCHABIJ'.S. HAJIl'KL i.. 370 First street, riiornlivllle. Pu. (IIMIV, THOMVH ll SSJ9 Wesf lluntlnn- dan street, Pklladrlphla. 1IEI.FANT. MURRY. New York. MrKEOlVN. HRNR II., Sutllle. Pa. JIAIIXN. IERTRM J 15 4th St., Aspln- wall. PaT , . . . POST. JE8SK WHITK. 18 Baldnln ktrvet, Newark. N. J. TROPEn, WILLIAM, Mlddleburc, N. T. KATHBUN, EARL BAUEB, Sjracuse. N. Y Trlrates ' tZ t itfcv. CRNRfiT E. Drake. N. P. Kitt ' LEAHY. DAVID J . Dorchester, Mass rjft I RCKN'CR FRANK. Detroit. te? LYNCH, IVILMAil J . naipipui), v..,..i. fc?'. 't.inMi. frank. Arsdemy street, j!!-. IlelUillIe. N. J. . MAUTI.N, IINK1. rjBiai. .1. ' MASON. ALVIN. Jr.. ppnkone. Wash ... ..a. . . t . a . ri nik.all T-nn SUi .lARU., lui.irt i ' . ',.' . ' lyJ"' MICHEL. FRANK. La Crosse IMS. fJK . Mtr.l.EB, BERT C . Colusa, Cal. , 'iJ MYERS. WILLI M J I0S0 Liverpool Ti .M.ft IlltAhnrch. Pa. n, onv niMTSTl. 1 . Ifnmir N. D ". vinn'imT. nAYMUND EDWIN. Syracuse, & - N. Y. T?'j t... nn TMX?liT TlpAiln.. PhpPnlhni lf B. 1 nuiiiAi i....w. .w....v- v.. . ivuasiu. BEPOEO. JOSEPH J . Mlddletown. Conn IIOHLER. MELVIN A., Stockwell. Ind BOWE JAMES, rnree liners aucn. SCHNEIDER. FREDERICK. Oration N. D. MIABP, ALBERT R . Thllniont. N. Y. HKELTON, WALTER V., 89 Carnefle are nue. East ornnie. -. . STOCKDALE, PAUL C. Waynetown. tnd. KTOCKWELL OILIICRT DANIEL. Detroit. TESSM1RE. WILLIAM. Yonkera. N, Y. TSECHRINTZI8. aEOHQB, Irfiviell, Mass, WARD. FRANK. Nsaa. Ore. WILLIAMS. WILLI M i R. F. D. F.lchtr , fBar, I'a. ackicrman. SAMUEL Warren. B I. "5535 BARNIIART. ORE. Curmlfhaels. P. VJ&h BEHREND8, MARTIN B , Buftalo Centf r, I.MW -. I " .'. . ic" CALNAN. JEREMIAH. Cambrldre. Mass. CASTER THOMAS P. Dulutn. .Minn DAVIS. THOMAS n.. 115 Stroai itrt. N. 8.. Vlttabnnh. Pa. KD1M1KR. JOHN L., U8 .Mllllian street, rhoenlxTllle. I'a. KICHER. JOHN W., ttar of bank, TwentT- ninth street and Penn mrnue, I'lttsburib, ELLIOTT. JACK 1 , Portland. Ore. vFOKSTER, JOSEPH W Rojrersford, To. MISSING IN ACTION Corprrals BRAZEAU'. JOSEni, Troildence, R. I. CURTI8. JOHN J.. Chicaio. JIAEOEL. JOSEPH II . Trr-, Mont. , ItEUP. ALOIS A , Milwaukee. Wis JENSEN. JAMES E Fcontld, Utah. inu.iDnM ATlTlTfTR (lw-rn .Htnn, lt JUNOEns! FRANK P., St. Peter, Minn. HOKlUK-l, UAnir.111 l , aiuwaur.ee, ilia i Prlrates U BACKMAN. OLARENCK W. Center! Ille. nun iyJvr BARBEB. DAVIU WBI. Knojiiue, -ienn. i); If UAi. nuuno, 11 ,u.4iaii f. 1ur.iiKu, vut, t ri BONN BW ELL. CARL '., fipsneer, Ind. Vf BOTTS, HARRY R.. Muncle. Ind. BRAVA. ANTONE. Trovlncetown, Mast, vkcEHVENY. UEOUGC. Chicago. ''laAIlK. ARTHUR J.. Pern-. N. H. 'COOtw.llABRY E.. Miles Pity, Mont, RDEH.MiKUltKtV , .-vainviiia.' inn. ' - ; rrr V DESANDt." AttO&NDlNf, Belmont 8eo Slltiln. Ililt. KXO .NOAII 1 . Superior, Wis. KAItREI.I. CMAnt.ES F Full nlver. Mass 1 LAI It. ROItFltT. tit Hummer arentir, nrk, N. 4, UIMtEIlT, .MOIITOV a i Miles Clt. Mont JinWKH. i:AKI. I,. I.Ilnitton. Mnnt. IIAAKRNSON', Al.lli:ilT. Uenlhj. Wis HAHMflV tHTttuut t. a !!-, -I.... ..., ' Jlf:!,'1- "ENDniK. Urnd Rapids. Mich. iiuiiwiiiAU KIJ11IN A , Siwkan-. Winn JACOItsO.V. JACK, llrnnklwi . OIJKI., J.KWIM. l-hlroso. Jl'NllB FM:i)KKK'K 1. , ItosMiud Mont. WMlBno JOWKl'H M. lllendlii-. Mont. KAI.FATAK, MIKE M. Pchnctnil. N Y. !v.?'. "AI'AlJS. THADOtlK. (larfMil, Utah i.iir.h, rilA.NK J . Artartla. Wis !. ..A.aAJI' -sni V. AUmmla lI V.1';1T.KN'' "Kurtdi: H . Cincinnati ilALOLEPHA. MASK J. .North Oranit I Itaplds. wis MAH'.yr- "KOHlli: Athens. Wis. I wMlitiJr,IK0,',l' A" I"non. ra. Mt.ADn.V. Mlloa, liar Ind. .NAOUZKIISKI. STANSLAH. 130(1 llelnot "rri, taiiunorr. iiu ."M'1!1."' ''KSTKIt Indon. 111. J'tmiA, ANTON tA, Alios, Cal. : JIjW ''' Hou,h "eare, N H LI?.IJ?. R'"MnM, 'ml.erten. N. J. SNi5?!T:..,iJ;NO' Mnllle Wis 3ohp2aAiKRu,JKIIV m l"vllle. Wis. ?.C,.,?!AK' JOSRPH, Chlcaeo. J.A",A- i:'AllD, Chicago. VIA. THOMAS I, Ola Ark iV1.??' -'t'UTIy- Jone.horo. Ark 10U.NC1. J.M.IH.ORD, Mile Clly. Mont. GLI AUSTRIACllfWANO TENTAN0 ATTACCARE Gli Italian! li Rcspingono Scmprc c Cnttturnno Prigionicri Publlshrd ami uiMrll.iite.t Under ...u , I'KltMM .No .111 lilt-""ISW b; .'J" ,"'-t "' Oetnhsr II By order of the President a .s mini,i:soN. I ostmaster tleneral. Romn, 21 settcmbrc Dalle notlrio Kltinle dilla fronte dl battaglla, confermatc da tin comunlcato PUhbllcato, leri. dal Mlnlstprn .loll. Ouerrri, si rileia cho Kll nustrl.tcl l'anno tentato ill attaccaro lo llneo itallane lutigo la Vallc Scrcn, ma srno stati rcsplntl con pcrditc. I-e pattUBlle d'liKUrsione Itallane sono state attlilsslmo Mtlle pendkl nordlche del Monfenera ed hannn catturato na iccchl prlRlonlcri. OH ailatorl Itnllsnl hanno cnicace tncnte bombardato la base nanle austrl aca a Pcla. causando dannl Krnilslm! alio opere dl dlfesa dl quel porto Violent! combiltlmentl da parte del I'artiKllerli etiRono seBiinlatl In larll settotl lunjro quasi tutto 11 fronte dl bit tnglla. Truppe austro-uncheresl hanno ten. Into di lie Incurslcnl nelln reKlone mnn tuoa senza pero' coiiso(;ulie nlcun --iie-cesso e scmprc rcsplntl, nou i-enr i met sublto delle perdlte e lasclatii prlRioiilerl nellc manl degll Itallanl Vn lelenrnnima da Parle;! bn Ini ennunzlato chn II Presldente del Cnnsi Kllo del Minlntrl, On (Irlnndo, depo alcunl Klornl dl pcrmanenza In qnella cltta', i' rlinrtito-nll i leltj dl llomi Una intensa snddlsfazlone ed nmnil- razlone preialo In Italia per la rispota del rresldentc Wilson nlla noti dl pace dell'Austrln v Pur Ik I, HO settcmbrc I.'ofTenslia dep;ll Alleatl In MaccdonH, comlnclata cinque glornl or sono sopra nn fronte dl dodlci iiilRlla, si ' ot i silluppata n una offensa Renerih lungo un fronte dl settanta mlglla da Monastlr al Lago riolran OH iiltlml dlspaccl annunzlano die lolentl bombardmentl si erlfiuino crso 1 estremlta' nccidentale clella Unci lin. rltltata del bulgarl contlnua raplria ed in dlsordlne. I.o tiuppe Inglesi, In tmlone a qnella greche, hanno nttac.Uu da entrambl lc parti del I.ago Dolt an e icrso btlonli.cn Durante, la loro nianzata sono i-tatl eattui.itl "0U pil gloneri I.n taiilleiia degll Alltatl In segue 1 bulgatl in lotta nella alle Cerna". Durante la sola giornnta del 10 corrcnte Bembra. cho oltrc 10,000 bul. g.irl prlglonleri hjiio passatl ncllo n troilo degll Alleatl L'n dlspaiclo del csmpo dl battaglla annunzln cho i soil serbl hanno fatto 5000 iprlKionicVl e catturato ott.int.i cannonl WILLIAM MORRIS'S REALISM Too Much of It Earned the Ire of the Late Augustin Daly "First please the eje, then the ear and Anally tho Intelligence." That M the rule which tho late August Daly im pressed upon ills nuors throughout his Illustrious career. Hut when William Morris, who is been at the Broad as ihe nuac ' confidence man" In l.dwara Clark's farce. "Not with My Money," applied It too literally early In his career with Mr. Daly, he catno to grief. He was entrusted with the part of a dignified gentleman of thirty-five, he sajs. It was just when the so-called Van Dyko beard was at the height of Its ogue After hours of oberatlon and preparation, Mr. Morris proudly appeared with a ery flourishing and dlgnlllcd Van Dke. He took his place In ho wings with confidence, awaiting his cue. Across the stage he caught sight of the scrutinizing face of tho omnipresent Daly. But, without tho awe-stricken feeling or dinarily inspired by Mr. Dais's auto ctatlc presence, the actor collected him self for his first entrance Like a flash a pair of athletic arms surrounded Morris from behind, and a pair ot nimble hands snatched at the beautiful whiskers In a Jiffy the face was bare, and the thlrty-nic- ear-old business man was compelled to step upon the .stage feeling like a boy of twenty-four,' which was his exact age at the time. What happened to Jimmy Lewis. Mrs. Gilbert nnd the rest of thu cast narticlpatlne In the scene, almost ! ruined the performance, for the efforts to conceal their laughter completely al tered some very masterful Lhaiacterlza-llons. WALNUT OPENING SATURDAY EVE'G., Sept. 28, at 8.15 11 SEATS THURS. PRICES, EVGS. The Sensation of the "Till! NEWEST TIIINO ON EARTH" -GUS HILL'S' Lady Bountiful Minstrels EX' Vassar Girls' Band A3-in-l SHOW 60 Dainty, Pretty, Shapely, Fascinating G"k-Gir!s-irls-60 TniHUAT AMI THUADUAI JUT1JIB, X90 wv " GERMANS HIDING IN QUARRY HOLES SURRENDER TO BRITISH SOLDIERS ii) philip oinns Continued from Pure One tho Btltlsh nttnek. Just below- Vlllcrs nutalnn nnrt In Unuchn Wood, tnt-i was nil thnt flRhtltTd b the Seven teenth Division which I luo men tloncil In previous messages These men hold tho lcconl, I ImiKtnc. for n continuous mUftncc, since thev at tacked the heights nnnve the Anno, tnkltiK Thlepal, the Schwalien Ife tlhubt, Pclzlcres. Court elletto nnd Mnrtlnpulch. with the Welsh Hoops i.niiiiK naco with them, nnd hic Kone no less than thlrtj seen kilom eters ftom their start to thelt pichcnt positions An Astotintlliic i:plnit The attack on Lo Tinnslov hv the Yorks nml Uorsets was nn astnnlslilne exploit. Owing to the stitngth ot urn. place, where the cemetery nutsldo was bristling with machine guns and nil i...- i,in! iiers omltlng bullets, m. Pecnteenth closed on it fiom tho north nnd south bv "-sugar factotx on the north and n windmill on the south-tind pinched It out taking 10 .lc,nnra In the lllagP Itself lllld .-., mnio lii tho trenchC!. Thei lroe the eiumv out of Henu lcntotirt nnd ciossed the Cnnal du Nord, -which cut ncros thch fiont With the memv in strength on the slopes bontl. tho Yorkshires Lin. coins, nnd others seized this bridge i i r tki rannl and rstibllshetl themeUes in the Gcrmnn trench Hues on this side of Cloiizcnttcotiit, llliis. Gulslan and tlaticho Wood, which tho .,,, n tieicimiiicu m num. n that wis ntelimlnary to this Hst , The Hrltlsh hart thru-tntls nf neu Inttle oil Wcdne'-a-XV and led up to it 'little Vlsvon Iiii nil oiei this eotniti v In the slippoit and South Ahiiuilis habltnllnns foi- theli men and now trenehes estraordlnni V things hH)-in,nst of tbein hue been smilie,l l(. .Voiioil Some this befoie the Ii title nutoh boxes and theli Imn ilndlne ! of Septi tnbti I, the Sen nlcentlt nivlsion IllU gaiucu i '.,"n ,,i them" The florin ins wcte on eiinet side nnd untie llcicc couniei-aiuu hs In the ionise of which men of bom the Oct man ifnd Hrltlsh bitt.tl Ons had been taken and retaken so often thu l,n.. iein Uttl'llV nuzilisi in niiun whether thc were piUoneis ot cap tots. The Mnnchcstcts nnd the Lnnci Khlio rubllleis hail hard fight lag here nd wctc ilrst to take bati lies ot I, lMineis. but in th.it Rrlm hand to and KcrlmmiRO tho prisoners tinned ,, their Kuatds and made them sue- lltm. '. ... .. 1,1, ii nnnned dl last for the imuiu . - before last Cotinlcr-AtlaiU Slopped 1 told lesterday how the iwcnti tint PU Won attacked and ciptun 1 ) ' ; lette farm, south f "hapcl hill, a ml bow he Wlltnbl.es .net the enemy nnrt .1rn through thom "' Llnnctru""f ,,7n c'eientb DhWon was north or tin n and took Him-cl hill lU-rif ndMinii.l Into (lauche wood -' Around mnpol Hill c.e tno !...-, csshlre and other northern troops The Dorsets nnd Yoikshlren went on to the second oblecllie, whole th.-S al-n met a .ounter-.ittark by n support ""Mllo of the lOlhl Herman Dl Won In a sunke road, and, is tncy saj. ' "''''. '". " The Lincoln ' ero annum ' """ who went among iiwr ws"""" tree", where the eneiuv mmi" -" " lacks and held out In four innihlne Kn. fott. but that clay inev sim " . " rades took 1300 prlsoncis. aim ai o'clock tl. it night tho Yorkshlremen and Dorsets made a furtner niin.-.v .... seized two sltong points known as tho Quentin redoubt anu mo iiu.in.i Their prisoners of the day came from oicry h.itl.illon of the 201st DliWon that Is, of nine different battalion and the shoulder-straps ot thte men were added to the collection of Uielr general, who h is specimens of each regi ment Included among the thouands of prisoners taken since the beginning of this advance It Is a reins. liable collection and those shoulder straps ate not without a grim kind of Interest Some, especially thoe of a caialry leglment of the sixth Ger man esinlry dliWon and the .Inege.s and othci crack regiment's are hand somely embroidered and decorated with gold and slher badge". Hach onc of them represents some episode of tho lighting In which the seventeenth Di vision has been engaged One or two wern ndded to the gen eral's lot bj ther adventure ot a ma chine gun olllccr. who. In tho trenches outside Hnuihe wood, went half wav down a deep dugout nnd then called out, 'Thcie are lots of bodies down llerc'" . .... In perfect J'.nllsh a voice replied to him from below "To", there are, nnd five ofllccrs and fifty Herman soldiers are coming out " it was lather a shock to the machine, gun oliicer alone there on the stairs; CASINO TJle' Vint", nally. Walnut h. Btti St. 10,000 Women Attend Ererr Week lt brittle thnt uoit. teho arc po eier uhclmed tilth havrhnlil and mothrrli' rnrc nre enttttcd to aomr hntmteii nml rftirrtliro niniiirmeiit. lt'lth tlinf In i ' "' ne finite loti til all atttcrrttu and ion10 llu to ruii'U tir entcrtninmrnta. Thru nr At tor tinmen and eMWieii. Our dailtl matinees are tor vour special nteastirr. Choice seats, 23 Veil!.. Proh JiMy lonr nrlflibor (a a regular vatron. 11 hu vnt jta'iT OI It OIPTFRIMl NKXT HEW The Great Star & Garter Show nON TI.VRK lleniU nn All-Star Cnt l.avlalilr staged & t ontiinied A lt' Clean WM. PENN LanciiAter At., brt. 40th i. 41t I)I1, 2.1R rit.S. 7 unit 0 IIHiINMNO HONOAY M1TINFK llhKVIXN nrtKIB PKKHhNTS TUP. MllHIfll, CO II Kill "YUCATAN", With 1- tirenwoodA rompurn nf Trn MARTIN & WEBB Nov.lt.v In Italian ( omeily SNYDER-MEMNO CO. In Comedy OdiUty ROME & COX TLrrr"rf"' PKLsilW' MADGE KENNEDY -lU-' IN "FRIICM1 HlSIllNK" t OlIPI KTK Cll 1NOF III' IIII I Till! It s . STREET THEATRE In 9TH & WALNUT STS. i WALNUT AMl'HEHEN.T CO. IIKTII t.FSON & SAT. MAT., 25c, 50c, 75c, i ip Age 1 1 i 1 1 MINSTRELS MUSICAL COMEDY FASHIONS, hut tile omcers and thlrtv Inen not flfti, ns had been lecUoned by one of tlirm duls surrendeted b him and gac him no trouble Yesterda. after Thurdi's inunter attarkw, there was not ninth fighting on a wide scalo nnd thu actions wer confined to local affairs Hut the best news of the day is that the lltitlsh hasp retaken Mouxetes, us 1 ventured in fnrptell that wc should There Is so much historical detail to j 1u lell that I hae nattiiv tune or pnce to ple gllinp'ps ot the pictures of tho war as 1 ee them (,n the ground that has ben tnptured In r.tent davs; nitd roi n I nuss througn tueo places ne- innd ltapntnnn nnd rnronne on long Journeis through those llliges whlih were fought tor so HUMtnurim nj uhj men whose tuttles 1 tell ton brlrh I ntn i1was moled bv a delre to write something of It down In words, so that people who don t come this way msy see In their minds' eio the pinorama of the battleground and the moiement of the men To mo so fnmlllnr with It all It Is still ntmindln and terrible this at sttetch of tceoi"! vl cMintrx. where the gias prows jellow nnd inirse among tall thistles and whole nn eierv lard of It for thlrt miles In depth there ,ite if lies of the Initios that halo been femght within the lirt few weiks mln rled wun in mai c.e iimi,t .ong nP . . ... ' New reitures inie i.een s.iticn to , nis U., - t land' I crP ther Mnrdi 21. t landscape of win tince tin HrltKh I re befo'P. that awful mi of . rwt ,. ii , ii, ii o ii i , n ii 1 1 ,,i ,i. ,iiiii. ..in. i. .... ....- ninincs now lini onden lunrdlngs to-n tn bit liki cipnt ineres ni iinnin i'-ii jiihi hi. Ptrewn eieriwhere The i Id i uins wh'ih we knew because there w er, nigh and jigged walls left hern -ind there, or hoii"s plen-ed bv shell boles lmt still st-uidlng in fierman pill boxei Willi mihslve conrreto blocks w-tib h hid lint been overthrown, hive altetrd In shtiie. ciumblcd to smaller size, or piled up in. a wlldri chaos of broken nnsonrv Hundreds or New rnve There are htindieds of new gi.ives snd those of tho Hrltlsh lie ntn kid bv wooden crnses which aro bk't i little higher thin the thistles, mil In i'l nui old dwelling pines aniong the mills tbero nro tleifmn blunhoi td, nevvlv pilnted 111 black and whit" It would tike manv Minus mil" nf words tn pilnt tin coloi ol i'i s niiiloi storm clouds ns tndiv or in t st me its v eslt i d iv w uh d il slope and tienches Iss-crossrd through tumbled eirtb ind rain oi sun glinting nn the chunks of white wall, on tho belts of rustv wile, on the tbousinds of .ibin doiied shells whli Ii will never bo llrod from (icrniin guns and on tho llltei nf nn annv's leavings, nil unished and pounded In I he mini of thc-c flcldb. Hut w h it i . n . - . n Is the tnovcin 'lit nnd I f nf tin !.i n ! " VICTORIA ' !i t MMtM'T STII tiu.i t tnnvr. ntn iriiriiKNiii lilreelor i IIVI! MMK IOMM1MIMI 'ltMI . EXTRAORDINARY BILL! ! Tin: m:i, iuttik pintisi: .; tt ITAIV'C '. M. X X-i A tJ t I FLAMING FRONT IS t OVilI'MTION nil, H Preoents ! ; T O M M I X IV V NUI Pl,l "Famo and Fortune" 'globe" 'MPUKT STRK1.T T JIMPIR I ontlneniK. 1 V. tn II P. VI. nrmMn unviiit Mllivti (HUM .s inpiTHi'i. nii.im mxkiiiv (mid rvTniiTirs The Bonfire of Old Empires ! IUMN IlsIIITt Pre.ent, "On The Rockv Pnsr." M I STI'IIX II niTK M1 PsTIVirs OTlll R PTS MORTII IIII II ir: : rr: i:r. ::::::::::::; : . ... .. IBROADWAY J ItltnMI WD SNXDFR AHMIE jjiiiAi2inLr'N,N(,"ii nlU0 t MtlMlXX. TI'KSIIXX X 11 1 IINhMI j rllll llflRKIs I'rr.enlH III. 1IISIC1I. fOllMIl PP.11111 tllDN j "VIOLETS" ' In rnnjiinrlliin With ' "THE HUN WITHIN" it i rim i.i piniTOPi.il irvnniMi t uintvriii i.isii x .i iiki.i. rim i.i i . ; li lllllhK CTW WIIBT1I 11 HIM. J! 1 1 ( nmplrte Clinnce of Illll Tliurndny . I . ....... . ' II i CROSS KEYS I Tlll'lTm. MARUPT lIFiniV ItdTH ' ly Illll.l. s.iat KlUI.Mi, i A II II ! MONIIll TI'I-SIIIV i. lll.DNISIIll I, , JUi: (OOPKK Prrxnti GEORGE W. PRIMROSE t (tir PKiiinosr, im hist rim.) In n IlitTfrrnt Kind nf n Mlimtrpl shun OTlll It AITS UOKT1I llllll.i: C nmnlrlc ( halicr of Bill Tlitimduj .-,.. rrT ..,..,, 'I'l fc-..h .M .. ..a... . ... .... 4,J VrANI FY JiJrkit tit Above itith oiiiuci ,,lnu Uay of nlnrv Hirkf-ni-H "Jonanna Knllsts' PAI ACF ,2U Jlarkct Mrwt rju,c Fliml I)ay ot fnl-in Rnrrvmftfn ' " TIIK w.... j QL'IKT' 11 ARCADIA chl-8lnut '" 'ih I J Inal I)a ot ,A Marguerite Clark UJt'ifrahky t - il' ;; REGENT 'Al M Sr,1, ;; Dorothy Dalton MI';.U . Forrest- Last Mat. & Evg. LAST TIMES I). w. Griffith's In rnti.A. Tills SKlSON GARRICK Last Mai. & Ev?. iMMWfi In Iuiriullnltrr'ii lonifdj Ilrunia, WzSikKiii ".Nancy Lee' "11 niter pla earen lilt " Prpaa r.AVli I V omoei. vin. Both Phono,. riilladrltihla'a Fumnui. Uurlrsk Thfatro Tim i si rKhiii: VuJsirFi. TRIl Ml'II e' AUTO GIRLS tilth a Hmutlful Plioriu of S(l tpir,fiM. Annrn .itth iction VENNITTI llorld'a Ilrtt Piano Arrordlontut AM) MLLE. PE PINNA, y THE TKENCH DOUV Inrmlea In this battle zone Hrown tents hae sprung up like mushrooms In all this tcrrltor.i, and thoussnds of horses nro picketed amid tho ruins Along the winding traikx mi the long straight roasds that go townril t ambrai and Ooua), Hrltlsh guns han been pcsslng In forward posltlnns from which 'hi-v are uo boinhntdlng the ileiman lines l'reed hospitals are rising their Hags In a illlago ivlilth was riked with msthiiu gun flro otil a. weik or two ago and there Is a world ot bum life with blick Miilth fotges nnd engineering shops nnn lorry parks and forage slons and i.in lecns III the fields win re no man dared to nlse his bend ahne tho tlilstles list els should pliue h s brain i.iko magic .ll ii'- (.eething moie ment of men his tikcn possession of the old camping gt minds, .ii,,' tlie Hiltlsh so iller, with stetl lnhnet on tin b.nk of his head, Is bat It igain iniong the same old ruins, hanging i bit of waterproof on the weathei sdi. cutting up his b icon In Hie r"flcs pirlnr of a I'rpmh fottago with onli tno walls and a gar den gate, writing hl loP lettera on the lop of German dugouts and sleeping whenever sleep Is possible wl'h a 'dud shell nenrbi, and i bubed wire fence nn which bis .clean pnirt hings out to tin, nnd a ten-font pin II iritci sluppv i wun rain wntii in uiilth to wish his f.ii-e on the uw nn ruing nf nr Nearer to the line omr of the old Hrltlsh huts still Hind with ti. new Get in in hutminls h, which there is shelter from v. n l nnd ntn nnd the Tttltlsll IMP f?l.l,l In fln tA. ,.i.i ,... 1 again In 2p of , whl(,h waq onc of hcadqu trlus the gen, ml who un t.st ,,, , . 'finus itiMsionn hiBns which hid lir.n linted oier the tnsnielnlere Mill ilifm n ,Wed oer the nn nnpolled -Iho ,mh dimtgn doni was lo the 'lied 11 ind fnt some ieaunu latched out f I Wet, nn 1 th.it the I'eimaus h,ic !l ljVsss.lUlWJ-4W' Vt, W ZifJP TviiiS-y W tif.ib mw m. m ?liliffe?i CUI.STM'T HKIOW mi. nil i. J x-xj ! r ) WfW. mj&MUWJiAmS U I i!ff'm ii niiyft.-. .i :i " "" i t KnR.iRcmcnt lAtranrd narj nf America'1 Tavoritp SinRinj; Cnmctlicnnc ANCHE RING STAR OP MANY Ml'SICAI. SITOESSKS I'ltlNlNTtM. tlll'll s VMi riVK IIP Mil. IIVIIs Jas. Diamond & Drennan Sybil 1 ALFRED LATKLI, & CO. t In Orl" ii "Mfttnnnpii" j , .,l.n ' ' loml inl jm rll Thomas Dugan & Ihe I t.iliiifliilin liiinrlls. In NED NORWORTH & CO. AS AH I TROUPE SHERLOCK SISTERS & FOLEY HELL & EVA ITIt MIDI I) 1TP.tllllM AND RITA MARIO;"" 10 Chirniln l.lrU In n Pmrrei i nt Tun 1linii llilli Vlitlnre., p V -eitl, Mivtivs i ltiU In ihin.o MmmM rewhyi;nfMTir-&'v;iT , h'Iy2ll;Hl3aaauiJiAlflmmJa JiJ&..J)'jr&!U' Tllb'ATPP MXTIM 1. T()M(,I1T TV'hW NEXT WEEK I DU Mill ( I Mtk's X Mtlt II tOVIIIIV SUflss ll ..--""' s r . s ruir..y-. 11 Ski avCk B BlBflr IS m Sh 'k i iaa&fwa itwiLi. - ! Ilra THRilS 1 Wi,-'-wyvMM:-PtM -s N 1 ITU -gfiKi-- " j i,1 .rr 1 ' WILLIAM Mt-WKIS, IIP1 1 l!l 1 HI si. II smk HI s i BEGINNING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH IIlllll 111 I. WO Prt.enU ce w u . KT4 r- 'A. Unnilrrfnl Pin nf Hip tA nil KIRIfT I Mill ONI- st)l III llllt ORK.INll. lllsTINf.l sl ) f ls GARR I CK SSrr Monday Henry Miller Ruth Chatterton In the Sparkling Dumas Comedy A Marriage of Convenience With a Notable Company and the Exquisite Production from Henry Miller's Theatre, New York FORREST . Til fi'r Monday Night ON 111 MAT1NKKS wedm:si)av &. saturday POP. MAT. WED, Best Seats $1.50 nooK and i.inirs IIY tArilhlllNK flllhllOL.il tl'MIINd Ml MP KPIIOI I'll nv HCIMI. hjnFPH I.ITOUII Jlllhs 1H1NN. ... w. "... 'sZiC&mm, fjw" tr m i7it -ki r"'",ziiaK 4ft L S'BSbL 111TII JOSH'IIINK 11II1TTF.IX JI.SSII'l I.KIIUN llflftllTlll sill Til lllll'll in r iirii' POI 1,1 lltlui 1,1.1)11) and And 40 Daziiling, Dancing, t.-vi,l I1I-.MK1TH AT TUB IiX3RItfc8f. IIUOAI) ANU OAIUUCK 1 IlBATRhB. APri.t CUM-NlltDMNQER OVIXON SIHIII.INOEB m.tQ ) 1529 Walnut Bt. TO FKBU, a N1XUM. DANCER WHO 'JUST CROWED' Murgtirritc St. Clair Self-Taught Dauclitrr f Tcrnirlioio. .Msrguetlto t rinlr who will lie seen In tho intiFluil conieil "fltotlanna" at the l'onejit nevt week. Is one of tho few sucicsful dancers who belong to no particular school of dancing and hiie Itml no Insiriiillou In the tit t nmcwhll like Topsv sho "Just growed " , loiirtten icnts nto she made her de- I but on the stage with but uunge praco1 and .iblllti P.ut her nlinblencs her ipilik cie and tar hei willing feet sonn brnurht hei to the atltntlon of the gods who drill t Mollis girls t'niler each sue (es-lie luMimtni .Mls St t'lalr rl n new line of steps Sin nssltnll ited dlgestod mill put Into piaitiCL nil she leirned Wlt'i b inl wirk she deM"id new steps ind i-lnw 1 'tit si' H m ide n ilollnlle plsce fit lurvolf nin,iiig tin. spiinltv diinri who n and then iltle llr'ilidnill BKOM) A MOMt.OMI III I' tl lnn Mrilllniter.ltrii.llur. 11 Ml 3IT . in. 11. JOe h niNt.s. 7 A 0 SOeAine llrrlnnlnir l1nndi Matinee tin. sriiri iii, unit its- Wf.lern H11MH11 lliinters of Urrld I line nn i, ntn m 1 it's i iik i s lllccrit I 11tn.l1 of lllilrtllto iSf) MHIHII'I't I'llll.PI -"X I 1 Mfluili linker lOB I II Mill ION A HMIMS 111 ' lul 1 nn ji A VN Jl f'MMtir. I K B 1 tit n.l t..n wlrlitln. M ml III in' lid S3 lil Kot)M (. inmiiTin j '-jj.lli. II, 1'irlil for Million. 11 2iB5vMX255!aiisaKgsa -Sisi'vWA TScSoSSIStaiclffiiSjl TKI,F1M STIUT.r Raymond Ktibcttc "1 III l TO KNOW llllTIU" -pl.t ivi mi sit m i fvrt III ORCHESTRA ne I - n I In.lrnnif nt .1 lnle e i ft -,iii Mirlit. A I1 VI Itell, I lllort ,' I'll: :plmie !.i lo SI 0(1 I! lie CIVI -. U:Mv MKIIIISf.I II. 11,1.1.,.., Manatee LAST WEEK Pop. SI Mat. Wed. P UNANIMOUS PRESS PRAISE HAPPY CAPACITY AUDIENCES 11 n it mi son s Ts Till ltlll J Nnrtli"t I" lllll lltll M If U OI fllimill'll lltllsl-s IN NIU lOIIK NI s ' K, 1TI1 I. I'lllllll I TltlN SAMUEL F. NIXON JJlSS," Sam'l Nixon-NirdlinRer, Bus.Mgr. KTirrlnf- at I Matinees INlgnC 8 JO Wed. & Sat. at 2.30 SAMUEL F. NIXON JJbSj 1IIOM1S 11. Kllh. I!ulnrsi. llsr. JOHN fllllT. prn iluifr nf "Prlnres Pitt." "I lorn IIpiIii," "Hu 1 In" nml "I'M illirs llirr," lllll OITrr fur lour In lirmnl n IIiimIi-hI ( iinirrlv nf liinth, Mrlml) nnd llatilii iipkh. LEANOR PAINTER II I.N IMlMt ri.MlK lll'l IN .MMtOI'A I KM I 1 H I S110RTII MMKII I.I1I1K NT. f'IuIR 11KI.I.S Singing Broadway Beauties mm iii 121 ifrSi i", u IJJ 3 tM 'tJT u if r$MmF7?m$mm .viizTNni jf z mtri i j1 in ! MM tss ELEANOR fStRk, Z PhiladcfohiVs LenrJinsr Theatres. Direction Lee & J. 'J. Shubwt bkat sfmwmwwmhwmwmm i ::& THBIATttE J.& Broad & Locust Streets Br rlnntnic MDMIll Positively Last Seats for All Remaining Tkn I THEDREAM OF THE I ORIENT Tn IT IT Pi r"1iP T'lffllf 'illl'i I from j auiawa j.. ,uu these anil all the wonders of beautiful BaRilad, the jewel of Persia of s uciini: musical vaic oi me casi, iviuium r.iuui.w, i . mj vvm.owv ..- j i... ....... iii ! t-s nr:ii: Morn. (Jest's msiRniticrnt, RorReous THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTION A Musical Er.lravjxr.anza of the Orient Mritt.n nml treated l.v OM M V-t til . vi,lc I, l'ltnill.lllt K M)UTO VI)W IN ITS TIIIIUI M Vll T Ills IJlTt' TIIKVTIU:, I OSDO.V DIUI I I lltOVl OSlT I.lt AT rill ll.MHtl TIlHATiSI.. . . WITH ORIGINAL PRODUCTION INTACT tmiciM oi ' a ii moiiiii's must hi utii i i, scriMW LAST NIGHT SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5. "CHU CHIN CHOW" OPENS IN BOSTON, OCTOBER 7. iiTi;Bfriir''y'Twiivr5Wrrfv;wgovwVlJOtyVgwwwt;gtVnwy mfFT'PVWTITTCJT CPERA OlifilU Jl Ol dl tWy MOHT1 at a is 3 1 h X. JyWi& T'ATI 'V WFa ,!' Y ! r r 'ivfe:5;r ! : i t,v W i U JflhJ fP- fl1 lJii $&M& 3 i &. lli-slnnbit Si ml wwir,t, iff5th V jrfi? m1- Tm-r!& wun. S-OSV4 iMiV W-tr'VW f. ?y 5 ! Srf "f .?. , M? . ? wP &m l7V. '.S ., luiH fiKvsyLn. i :'-.. 5 MUf-1 K. WB ' .:i -,'l ,t : ffVW iftlSA H.rf i T i , . t:rti a a : -N?y-i - y Ainuria a.'i r'i il T-t Kiavrr. Best i' npsi ''" Musical Comedy m- rf.-!..'sa6a. I. m i vftz&m an r K I fAA ...1 A 8 ' ' -r.fi7 , ? StSHar , iu.a--St.jiT,i?-.rJ,, Kb? .r ? TITTVMI a 1 n : MI15 tfA'aSJJir? h $mM f vw www virwvwowvwwwyFwv'"JOWVinjr,TrTxr''vv" r ADELPHI a u iw ri ii i-j ij '! urn bu li ' , j ;l' ul5 WOOS r rc i - 111 i iii llilli A NEW AMEMCAN PLAY IN FOUR ACTS BY GRANT &50RRiS WITH A KOfABLE CST JKCLUOINai , TLAPA I3ts, crr Kiir.i-Tt.ey, i AMtilf AOrt DER'CIM, W'LUIAV MCtHAN, KATHCfUNC HARRIS OARRYMORt RAMR5, '.VA.l-ftCt and 4VAUTT WOJtTON Pop. Mat. Thurs. Best Seal $1.00 A PLAY OF t t t 4 ( TEE RE v OF HUAIAN SOOLSv OPENING MONDAY, SEPT. 30. SEATS THURS. J KICHAKD WALIO:. 1ULLV I I'l I f !! THE DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN ACTOIl GUY BATES POST in ins r.iu.vrnsi st u i ss MASQUERADER 111 ,'OIIN lllNTft! HOOIIl rot Mil n ON t" Mllir.ItlNI. I nil. HIIItSTONS .NOIH ! i! s I i gyiiawi;wwppgwumgvinrTimqwgwwy'tfii'i,ugim :c i TROCADERO Till! IirT KK1I, mm A AIM II in ni rsfjiii: ,M1T. DULY Tills HTHtNOON 1NII T.lNKIIlr THE BEAU1Y KbYUt ni'rK tOllMFNClNt! SH'T. 2i THE BIG REVIEW IIF1DFI) IIY HARRY (Hickev) LEVAN (i.imi: ni'.iiNr. nrihN su'vkt, NIC I I II. (Ilthl N1MIIIII. I I Til IOI Lr, i""' l LION BIG BEAUT? CHORUS STRAND U'rnwntfwn Ale. at Veuanjo r. , Easraaaa BEGINNING rV VSik 4 Eiemngs at 8.15 JEa MflNnAY TA i ftMai ' J, Mats. Wed. & Sat.. 2 15 MUlNUAjrTi $$M ! 9 5?5?K A. H. WOODS Presents ' 'j dfKM ' 43?-3 ' yA THE succcss 0F " t !!3tfSjKpfr "K'VO ! t JULES "ciCART V ii -fclr irl I 1 GOODMAN A jJJTi' lM j j $1.00 MAT WED. I U k oNE 15 Igffi $i.5o "i& I sat. fV solid v , r'm 1 ! 1 1 ENTIRE LOWER FLOOR V WEWYORKJ 1 Sd 16 Times in Philadelphia -. Performances on Sale .' rnmnnw nnrl the mVSterV of tl V.nit bnvn over Intoxicated and thrilled:' the Knst of cchoinp; silver bells, of bcau titul women with faces hidden behind per fume I veils; of riches undreamed and jewels larc; of silks and satins and, spices and Grecian wines; of bazaars laden with clolh of pold; of camels bend ing their knees to unload the burdens J- r- Cathay and iNincvcn nna ligypt. h:ft Utilul llnRiiau, tnc jewel oi rera; 01 m r.mtod nn-nin Iii the suncrb and bewil I f -I i.ii.a- l.- ir nr i rts ar rnv nTin "cji m and Rlittenni? presentation oi V tm r ' ' '"' ' - ' 'a h& IIVB. i'H!i Chesliwt near 11th HOUSE iIATS , WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. HIE rillCES NEVER CHANGE. UIOIITS. $1 tO Jl 75c, Me H , $1 lie. 0e (EXCEPT SATPRPAT), Monday Tremendous Week m Etlratt, ' Comtoc orris Vet fi Announce th HnHrkllnir and ex till trntlnj: muol-. ml roinrily, with Itcntity at the Itflm nnd loath at the pron, thnt hjm nllft! to hurrrflri on "S llio flnnd tlflo of ntrrrlmrnt and inelotl.v. 'SJk J Orlctnil ComvftiiT tU.v ' Direct from 6 mot. New AorR, o moir unicaito. Book and Lrrlci i fhii ? wm by nuy uoitoo &nd P. O. Wode house. Mntte lii JrromA Krn, Staged br Rob ert Milton and Edward Hf'J&li in t ..&tl Royce. M.vftSA'i Founded on fen. Adeli ramnni i nmedy "Tli Col. ' t IrteUIdow" - r u m w ii vi u . FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Mat. Sat. Bcsl Seals $1.50 - feIS,TH (JAS G TEEDt Qen. Mltr.i M, s K MILADELPHIi 1 0RCHEST1 , SEASON SALE TO SUBSCRU iMAlU'l Heppe'i, 1119 Cbl I ItJ U H VII Kul rn.em who J.'iVi' IV fnr CIIAMIIIS vlfaee.cll lliunt'a. lllll ChtKtnut TufU nr UVdneHdiiy. ( 1I1 ini r; 111(111.1(3 nttvr rnnn? rt thruui,h Ihft llnnieil'u -OQlilinlttrq undi-l IncMM oPf, win iiiiu irnn, jiiv.p M1.IT. 3D. lu TIIlItMlM, OCT. t, I ' ".... -.. ,.K.:. .......-J H-inui'K m. nrinaivi 11MINQ 5 l,1VATK-Dancing f? TIM C hsCORTII y"?. it si !!!, I ' "' in1 11 Art j 'Hit Mat. 1 1 I " a? jb v . Ttrtr 5H77'I7 :. J III Oils W H& mi Zr j&t .SS" !WS iSSMK mis' U': KH. 'US Y'ffl mT irf. fcVi i.ft iigftl mi mi II ima vm M ' '-.i'S i . rJ !H1 mi Z&t e&i ;$ ntn'i E:J F Ji m im . m mm f ia ?& m m w r Ji U.lU- BaU "Tk Smue F,uie VI vivccuza, ut. . -"y r'. V tVr T-S .".". " Ji-- ' . w i pjk i . v-vn. vmKmmA. x. ,j f&Jr&ilp fi t '! 'J pt ? M ,i -rii -5.t?: Jtc ''rz.''-??? l" J ' . v. ,-s- " 7'.fy v: i? r,.--.. i 'f i,tWP - ;'t-t. ,c",wv'mzA " ,f- .' &:xuz h h &r.1 m i" v.)-r . w '&.. ml