Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 21, 1918, Postscript, Image 12

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iBBKBsaBnHMr.'ftEs, e 11 1 m I mi ill ! i i i i iiis I i i i .ij kh: ct-t aeKtaneBBSBsas'. frits?' ki I ' ' i itiftsjBBBBBBflBi'TTflrt.iw.'twt
; 7-,, .ili U 's ; " j ji ! " ,l .. , J' ....... ' ,. '" ' " ". .' i - i ' -j tt' . u "" '-yvVj?.' fci JS
.tr '. ar.i y i v t rn r-i j j x m a -n. n ir t-, xv jtv r t t a- a i sv s- m x-v t a rr s m r w ri T7 a jrr y-" r a r si s -m jrn -v r j n wirv t- - i7ini'iWW
ta mu L,nAWL,& ai AU&JLrtii; uumas cuivmux ai IjAkkiiv; musical lumujuy at pukkuzi ;
Tff?yl T?r4 f, TNDTCA TOR
. i
W jPSS J7ilT' I
s -
irtEB now productions ne..t week oicr the proponl to double Ihc ten v r
MSVltl relieve the comparative mouot
K$r,'.T5lilcIi has been the poiti'.h of pla.v-
Mtnj, Phllndelpzil.i dining Hi. past foti-
tht. With otilj two now attractions
twecn all seven of t ! iliainath' houses
'that time. Of these, tin' last, "Not
Iflth My Money." ihlcli opened at the
'jvjhbtoail last Monday, lias briii miterlally
f;&4Ne6cterateit during Ihe oouiMe of th
VJr?ki wlille tin eaillci of the two. "The
K"UJjBlue I'cati," nbrupil.i i.rinlnntis itn
jjoTfBasyy nere. muigni.
IravMTtHJB genial reception ncionled Not
Mfir'JL With Ml' .Mono" dcuiotislrateii lOli-
gbjSj&UsIvcly tr congenital onilnes of n
eelll t on .iiliiiiqsit.l.s. Pliihith l.bia
thcattts mi' i njo. inn pinspoi'itv , cpi i
SUIliclfllt In justify ( inn i Ikm t f. H III. i,
hale Iicmi opetutl vi'hio Ihr pnHI im
If enough liooil .'iitr.irliun u.-re a.i '
llllll'. It IM pilli.llli lh.ll Uli' ( lt 1'iUllii
ennil kiiiiii iill iimii' ilii'iiinw with
lis groin iiiu ln(liilri.il inipiilitt ion. an.)
nuilor i.'oihMihiiis ili.it to.iK' ad) iput
means of i lootlon finm ill" rluoi- 'I
ivarllni.' .it tttai'iii iiinclh.
Lady Tumi Mm (JuaiiilK licM-al-i
A 1 1 1 i j i ; 1 1 1 1 for ('.ci'iiKiii-
l.adi- Teen Mel v ll- will In- '-li 111
tlti- llHtzunod I'Moi i 'uuii.itii 's ItfaL i
tT-laVse proportion of our tli.-nln-Kiier for in- Metiwood I m m s oral .n
cntrmentaltty ,n the ,mi... of tl.e then-, ";" " tin- K....h.n. ..f tli, 1-ji.m,
i rrur- 0l1'' "Ual,,y '" "'" "" "d-t..pM-i.i.-M '...or. Hun ...... t....l...o.
A. tjjitWolli tlile faroe hy lOdivanl ClarK an j.,, , ,u. ,.a, , .., ,ii1Bi, ,.
Bf,'M.U''wuH In the trliunplinntl. no .vewful
fcferollyjluia "' Din a play whicn ilcalc
'lth the leforniatioo of a M'teinn
fi.Sft'c6&k" Is t-Mieiitiully seutim.-i.tal. how-I
.- . . ... . , .....i.i..
ifeSfiintio- Its nrkf i.'ii "f "Bunplitx" may
S9bJ,' Human ni.t.ir.. U .ila Brutllleil
ar'.Jaiflho fpet-'atle of irtue tilumplim.t . n
' J proliulile that th Renernllly of uiom-
nr jivho hu.r t. Not With .M Moio"
left th "i. !. far hcttei plea-i.l Uli
lgf. v. .
wh.. I
m'imIU I'Ihii.s,. ill ..ilyin, .th.
th . t h. luit .iinl .hii'i i full.
..r.' h ..t.ali . .. . ifl.-ot...
llr dl.p!a ..f :!.'. (iii.tlitieu ,'MMl.d
oiiMthlllR ..'' ,i j. ii Hi. ii di.l'lliK a
i.iinl v ill., p.-i Lit in.i.ii . in Y..Mhioi.ot
.arli..f in ih.- war. .i....ti- ii.-foi,. ih
hiiKitan.a was utik .o 1 1. io..ii.r ff .mil
.1 p.irty of lux nliliM .iltin.liil thi' pi'i
foi m.iti. i-. m 'a a Mo .n.t..t I.. Kic -
rnitl iniPiiiioii of .m l.ii.l .i .'iniio.'il
tiai.i. .1 1 ih.. aud:. .... ...i.. of tl
M fho COMnli - heme ot lliliiB--. than If they ;,.irar..' nl". h.nl 11m it 'ii.it wh
fNtndnd Wllm .oil i prforman e of "H'imhi-" i Init (.. w. 11 i-.ii.l M.il.. :i - lik"
k ' itfr "ileild,. alder. " There Is ubtliliiK i "", '
i .tl jlnrKl...
srj jtlW.' ..
. .Mr riarK
pll.'n. . .ii
i. i I. ... . I..11 'I -. i' M
"I s.i u! I. nd. .10,1 inn. .ils
ii.-. iili il'v in" .i I. lid "ii .."-K f"i
,tlo. sound ..f j...n . ij I. ,i -. mr
...t the ir-iJeeniali. rap- I mast. I '- .' I. -nn
Tt.. .1 l'..t. n' M.. ....I. n..
Xf . .tlous would e.vpect farce to hold the . gUi ,.'i(, t. , cii,i,'inls ..f ihi in. kjv.
?iir.m.tk. imrror up to -if- with lil-r.,, ! :) -' , ;-,',;',; "" B' " '
a ukfaUhfulncM. Ilm even thoimh it re-
,' 'fleetlnn lie liroadened with humor, ihi
Mr -
. '' nl.t.lr 4ii rrnroil tdlollld hear Fotne sein-
W'l'ililante to ios.tIIIi. It Is the venial
! tfaua of "Not AVith .Mi .Money- that Ms
tu-nfrn!.uttitntinTi w r.rf'li.iste-"ii!i. iinillhiH
rY-1. ..,---,- -. . .
iW ;faet cannot he MIuKmI, tiowitr uder-
rt .anny we iiiikhi w u.i.."iii hj .fsiini
"It as mere frothy farce. Only in "Nevcr
J,Sver Iaml" is it HKel or possil.le that
A totally unsophisticated clrl would he
s,5 -Jert a fortune of sex en millions to he
A .;Btfr5JlCSB . s & vA.JTvii OEJUM, I-A?A KKIIW ' ' FJlk.K
s jtmimsm ,. f t?SMHHMiBW. sjssih , t- mrx . .
) mj & mi
i " the. bio ,HASK.t ADrioin , ilflinM M i."'sV.B ll
PK?M iU..,- :S; Ik.
I 1 tji-vr vwiTu mv t-triui ' Amp Warms'
lfJtmotf 1ki.tcai .
i r Av
fi Amvrinm Warllnw Play, Henry Miller and Ruth Chntlerlon
Ihunas Comedy and Musical Comedy Will
He AW' Offerings
Heic 1
liovn a-
Hf llven to parl' without some suitahle
fu Kuanllan to protect and guide her. Yet
E; -sjthls Is the pivotal point of Mr. Clark'"
V .fari.'e, which audit nces an craol asked
i-to accept as plauslt.Ie.
i.' f
y jrrHK aide actit.K of William Morris, as
IJ. the "confidence man.'' intent upon
fi nrobblnK 'h- hiiess. works wonders in
K?x Amllllnilzfmr tli rldleiilousness of the
KjyV.Jplor. but even his suave personality and
wjir KracioilM eniineiuuon i.iu 10 rtni'ii1 uiv
5M ittlialoffUe, of Us self-conscious and crude
.7A vaiicmpi to oe smtiri. i.ucuc u ini-tjii,
IO'. IK;.!.. . .tl.l .....1. ... ...nl.n .1... ..i..AU
lrrtl" llisti nut iiiiii.ii n niiinr tti ..r
WtVfMfHtSO" haw now irone lierseir. Mic left
pjHjjilhe, company on Wednesday, to bo near
KlWyhtr hUPband. who recently joined the
ijrVlja.naduui military renvoi. An abler cue-
rt iiessor in ner rote man .less.n uusie
Jytn.Ar.00. ?e..I ..i '
'Leave it to JANE"opnci. house.
IJt'ins (lafiM-f ;i MoI'idii I'ii'liii'v
Stiif ;tt !i of SitvMi
lieorirc M. M o-.l .1 ud Tli ' , Tltrillri- I(M1 IMflL'f S I .")() OOI)
- T -
In Proxitlr AimiMMiitMit
lor -riii nl I'nnil
lyiuSaha' sllcht uncertainty naturally appat
WiitBt at Miss Itusley's linst performance
a5ciuiH Wednesday has now cntirel un-
rrinse ..1 t 1 .I.iI.. -ll. ' . v. ' th.. new
picttne. in 'ili-h pi.'.i 1 .1 lit l..'e .oak.
bei li.tw 1.. ; h ... ...ii pnlihi. .1 ml which
will h.' -how 11 1.0 1I1.' ti 'line in
tin r.:i..i v w.iu di .Ian - that
the Utile Mrs 11'l.kll. ' 111 lOHl'llltlK
the dillicill !.!" ' "f scieen nclins!
is little sho. . of 11... 1 I. it'.
".lth.UKli she is ten -Kt.fii v.ars
old.' said Ali M. Ifi.td. 'I 1..IM- r..nnd
.Mi.-s l. tin it. in t'-iii iH.vi.''' in
acni n actltiK that '. 1- been broiiKin to
in atttnti'.n in ni'i .-.ns of .linc'nifi
I shj iioMcc. !'.-. ...'i .nut. I. tl.i had ciKht
11'.. IS of .1. tli. .NPtll.-l" .-I. the pcik-
ItiK stan. w to " ..l . 1.1". ipn tin pic
turts. sli" I.'n w n .'.Iniot "I "I'ti'ti. ttch
ni'P.c until .. u w . K . t
"Iiut in lier ti-t pictures she save a
splendid Inili cation of the aciitiK that
was to follow Ti.c tests leM'aleil a
lti..utiful lltllt (fill, will' . roblle face,
who passes swiftli and 1. tin. illy from
ii- expression to an eli. 1 and who is
absolutely devoid of si If-i-ottscioustiess.
Sit hfts a niiiible mhid.atiil .1 wiuidettui
Jacult for 1'isttiR li. i-ir i'i hfr i-i.li.
I .onsidef bet nl" el ! l.ii; liml--' of
tb 1 icture" "
L'-. 1 'IV I Tl 'i " 1.. ...
E'-4! ' ll.l.L . A l."l .uuillltu......
upon the wavy attitude of the public
bwa.nl p'ays which smack of the war
iito be found .n the eleventh-hour an
nuncement of "The Hiir '"hance" as
?Si week's Play bill at the Adelplii.
JfgtS'.Thei'e Is something at once amusing and
I'ST'Sfrfiaf hello in the nress airent's earnest as.
. . .
.M. . . , . I.-.'... 11 , .1.1, 1 ..- 1 .1
pl.il.'.i.i l. i..ul'.tiK llnal..i..l 0.111,11:1
if the i'iiiiiili' 1 cai'i'X 1011 ih.' v.i.rl. ."
tin "1.1.1 Then ' Thealie l,ein;u S' t
o.I. wcl 1 he arii.us m.iti.iii'i- .ii.iilt
' I It ... .Ii, nnii-. I...I .1 ...i'i. . ..I' in ii. 1. ..tl.
bell' III- t . be ''e! i ell" .V III. .HI. II '
Al.lel .1 1 w.ll no al'rat.Kt'd. .1" 111" ifUl
of plans fM.iiiiiliiii.il by ihe m.i n.m. r 11
111" 111." ThetV" Tllllllt" l.i,l)Clle. lip
ici mini; ill factions onil nil In. in, in
III III. .'111111-1111111 Wotlll. Tile iM'iillil
eotiimitl.e uf Hi,. . iiKUe lilt hides lieolm
I ', I. . .. I ' 1.' II1. ... I . L .. ... . . .,
"" 1. 1 . it" 'f. i.ee .--iiiiiit I I . ,iai. 1
Kl.iw. A11KH.-HIN Thomas. Wintliun,
Amis, li.uiiel Kr ilimnii and .Mrs. liacht I
l.te Sliiibei't viiii appoinled li.iiiiii.u,
of the 1 oniuillii.. to raise the nionci .
and at t Ii. - i.i.'eilnif lield in , v.ok
W.iit. 11. p Anns s.ibl that flit) 1-
l..'ll'l. .1 lllolllll was II. iw til. "leliulli
ll.cill .1 lb.' "(HIT Tl.ele" Tlll'.ltle
I.e.lKUe Kifty ip.lhl be s'clll In Klapi"
... n1.-11.1h in 1, der to sinsf ih, ,in.
nifi "f ill. Vnie.'i.an sildicrs .11 ill. fii.nt
fin in. lt.iliini.'iii and dlet - In
I orii. 1 i.t iju this work more pti.tnpiu
Tukio MaiiliMi Ottt-hiii.-- Mam in!1;". " :" '""""', '- ""
.tlf .ii.i- miii reil ti) entt Mel :i ll"'t
know 11 -. 'Til" I'm lace Tlieul re I'nn'
1 .!.. -'1 ..1 1 .
I.-i.im i.ir.iw.i' .lanail. tl.i I. nil ..!' the .,',' .' "" ' . '- "' -.""?' a '.-liuoeil
oralis" blossom, ii.tl the lotus butl, has
' if WSMSk
I lirMi 0 -O-"
jMJpw. 'w v
Bf ' B;r'
.v:h .vrrtiACTioxs
M)M,1'II "The Big Chance." an AtnoHcau play, by Grant .Moirli, ."howlnir
l. .... 1,. .... ..nl.t 1... !... ...... I.. 1.rt It...... ..r ...M n...t ...r.mAn veil-. Hro4 ?b
Liif! it'ULiiuun viiiukiil I.III.' . lit Llic lit rn ill iiiuii tiun 'i-.k .,v ... ..
In It now possibilities for usefulness. Cant Includes Clara Joel, Cyril j,
KelBhtley, IlHtry Hubert, Annie Mack Herleln, William Meehan, Kath- W
, erlho 11, IJnromote.
(IAIIHICK Henry Miller ami Itutli Cliatterton. In the Alexander IUiih i J
comedy, "A MnrrirtKi- of Convi.'iiIence," which letnalns iiue of tlio nios't Jj
dellf?litrtil specimens of the .school of nrtiucial comedy. The supporting ;SJ
cast Includes l.ovt:ll .Sherman, l-'iaucls Goodrich Ames, Uavul Glassfoiil '''$&
atijl KtederlcU J.loyil, ' ($jfc
h'01tl!JSNT"ltorlunnn," .lolm Colt's newest iiuihIchI comedy production, with. i-fjSS
i;ieatior I'ainter 111 titc Meiiar 101c. -ijook ana tyncs ate uy latnenne '-v
Cliisiudni Cnsbinir. with lt.tidolnh b'riinl as r.nm noser. Tlio ooinnnnv In- I 'V
clinics Joseph' l,atour, Dorothy .South. Josephine Whlttell, ffsttla Kls- 'fyjfci
worth, Helen Mnritir, Joseph I.eetora
iiliMi Out-hill.-- M
"Clin (III in Cliou"
come all unusual show mil. whose re
inaikiibi.' lip. of l.i .nit is at iireft.nl
intra, time .ui...iioi. 111 I'bu I'biii
fcitrance that the piece is -not 11 arl,.h(i.. ,' slmll,rt S,e e.,,o)s ,he
fji 3ilay." althouk'll it does deal with the re- nM,. ,,,, , omta Waliin.i. is iw.-i.-
!l!''iJftienitliig' Influence; of the war in se- ty-two years of .mr and was Itorn in
Wfsl'rtfjLl lives. The truth is that the public
i'iiwatils precious little of war plays which
i'FM'capltulatc the old. old oucMioiLs in
w3rfih'd threadbare manner, and with the
Kr' ifahtlllar characters. 11. Phillips tippn-
K;'i 'jfielm may continue to leap a Rolden
Rfli 'harvest' from his succcsslxe 1 tops ot
BJyiiifJerman soles bitween book colers. Hot
KS "Jlt public Is just about fed up" with
gsr oein, as 1110 janiisu woutti sit). 00 inc
ESalajc. The recent failure in New York
a,v- iot sucn mays as ny 11 urrj ami
Toklo. where lor lutliei has a Huge 1111
port tin; and ipomnR liiisintss
In the course of Ids travels to Amer
li .1 three years ago In brouisht oktta
with hhn and sent her to a K"'ls bourtl
inir school up the Hudson ItKer to learn
ltntlisii Tin tni.ni.'ii; Papa Watima
I'h.aii" Init' : Mr Tullv is ornanlx
"An llawaii.iii I'mi", ,lf llanian is
oi'K.uiizii.ir a ('narles l-'robtuan lint
in iinint.it ,,f , . ia,(, ebief. w h , m,
his death wh.11 in.- I.ositaiua wa- sunk
Mi Slmli.it aiso Mined that in ion
ium'' mi, i.ith hi- unit her. .1 .1 huben
lit bail .'.lieudy a. eepted III,. olTels of
A I .1 ils.m. MuUie K'insr anil I amene ard
Won" llow-nii in ftive up tin Ir wtitl.
wiiii ili" inter 1 linden iiroduclloos bli
the tune i,t 1 nc 111 older to jjo abroad ami
"do the bit " ithur llammcrstein of-
it'.eti id ko iii.iM.-ui nnd leinain on ihe
Rl'oun.l tl.ei',. in (llreet ehali.-. of the
E.obear'L Xoa-1.a:r,3 fu
auyibsics's berdre ptrAsuRE
I'.ntt'i'laiiimciit al Forro.-l Next
'I'lnii'sday fcir W sir CliiltlriMi
A spei .nl "slnrt tail matinee" Mill be
s.i.ti al th l'orit'st next Tbtustla) for
Ihe benefit of tin reftiKce clilbireti of
lielk'lum and l''rat.ce. bVulures fiotn all
the IcatlltiK Hi".. ties, imih "legitimate"
iitiil iamb) ille. will take part.
The price of admission 10 this enter
tainment will be either 11 laundered hlilrt
1 or llfty cents, preferably the shirt. These
shirts, which need not be new, but must
lie sillllcielltlv coin! to Im used, will be
taken by well-known I'ltlladelphla
women who bac 0I1111teered their sun.
WU?WG IM nriYMlHR """ "' eomeit Iheiii into clolliim; for
nUllIlO V ULllJIJliK ll11' refusee clill.li.n. ami it is epecteil
Hint the leceipts will result in material
enough (.'albered to clothe scw-tal ilinu
siind of the little war victims
Hi'iii-rlnrv fur t-Miiwi-il Wool- 'ch'' '"teitulninciit will be Kion under
IU)tritI lOl .ipfll.ll Ol'K the ail-pices .if the Nalional l.eak'tie of
ii Women's .Sen Ice. .Miss llalnl in cliaree.
Ill VCiUKMllV MlllllllllCCtl ih,. theatrical nianak'ers of Pliiladelphla
liv CrcattHc
(.Tlir.HINK KKIiriKl.ll
Willi "l.:ul HoltlH iflll'- Milflrel
aliiul, Sfplenilier 2li
.cm l.n.U 1,1 .loiMiii litlle Miss 1 iklta ' manunei in I end
ib filled to Co llpitl 1 hi- slapi Sin came I N'.uie I the tli'M nulls li.nc nou ..1
to N.-w Vnrk. a c.ir 11B.. 1.1st when If. veil m I i,n iiml ha,. alitadi . m
.Moms nisi was about to piotlme "t'lm bai Ltd on Hit Ii tours of the illiT.ien
Chin e'littw.' .'ilitl throiiiiH .1 Hinitru al ,-""'" "' ''.mi" All actors .mil entei
HBeli' she was ent to lull .Mr tiest ' ,,lln." atllb. Mv 1 .1 a ppl V tin -el , it
incliitlliu; llari) T. .Ionian. Thomas M.
I.t.e. l.tKinard A lilumhetii. f-'red ii
'lon-Xinlllii(?er and Samuel !' 1:. .itd-
- : linger.
VI t wnk of opel-.l at llic At atlein)
'' .Musi', under the personal diiectlou Jack iNKon-Nirillinpcr at fiarrick
of liiiisepi),. i'ieatoit wil bek'in Tues .lael: .'l.oii-liillliiKi-r has lieen ap-
dni ,'i c. tictober' S, ...stead of on """''" assMaiit l.usiuess manager of
!ou::::r"' ,,(:i!"n-IIu-1'"i,,n,," "v "v:.!i'ohuluurunv,,,,l,r ,,:
b:cau;:''ofr,reonkr ,:;a ;, ::" r1 , :: " a,"""ij
"Blajaclae B.i-r B.KKEITH's
I'ronrli iiiliis Will Bring
Musicians for Concerts
The I'.i.is 1 'oiiservatolre Otcliestia,
which will be beard ill this city at the
Metropolitan 1 ipera House on Monday
evcnltifr, lit tob. r II. will be Kieetctl by
an I'MiHoitlltiai) detiioustiatlou on Its
arrival In America. A l'tencli battle
ship will come) tlio musicians to this,
cotititiy, arid the I'reneh-Aiiierican .Musi
cal Association, working In con junction
with the Kit'iicb Illgli Commission, is
nrrniiKiiiK to have the French orchestra
put ashore on Itcttioc's Island, the spot
on which the Statue of'llberty stands.
There under the shadow of the great
flptiti. which was executetl by a French
man, It is proposed that the band should
play the "Star Spangled llannei" and
La Marseillaise "
Since all rtcclins In excess of tlio
actual expenses will be donated to war
relief, there will be no war tax leied
oil tickets. 'I'ickrts call now lie ob
tained at 1 1 7 Pennsylvania Duildlne,
or by addressing .Mrs, llaiold R Yarnall
at that addiess. The French AVar Relief
Committee of the KmerKci.cy Aid, as
sisted by Hie Matinee .Vusical Club, has
the Philadelphia concert In charuc.
1 oxnxrixa attiiavtioxs
I Ijltlliri. "Vnl Willi Me ItnnM'" sM.
ward Clink's farce wilh mclodrainatic
eptsodes, ilcalhiK with the reformation
of a "confidence" man who undeitakes
to fleece a trustltitf heiress. William
Morris and Jessie. Itttslcy head the
UirClinirr - "Clin Chin Chow." the
muslcHl funtasy of undent. JSagdad.
present I nif in the form of u gorReous
spectacle the story of All IJaba and the
Forty Thieves, 'llic production begins
tlio final .fortnight of Its engagement.
OPKItA liorsi: "leave It to Jane."
the musical comedy of freshwater
college life, with book nnd lyrics by
, tiny Il11lt1.11 and P. ll. Wodehotise, and
score it) Jerome Kern. Geotgla
O'ltamey. t.s'car Shaw and Ann tirr
are prominent In th cast.
lA'HIC "lluslncss Uefore Pleasure." the
third Potash and Pcrltmitler comedy,
showing the comic tribulations of the
former cloak and r-ult makers as mo
tion' picture producers. A new cast
will present the Montague Class-Jules
K. Goodman comedy.
at poi'VLAi: miens
UU,XT7' "I.ady llonntlful's -Minstrels,"
an "all-woman" organization
of sixty funmakers. (mly women take
part in tlio songs, dances and comedy
features and handle all executive de
tails of Ihe attraction as well, "pens
next Saturday night.
vArnnvi 1,1.1:
KV.ITIl'H Ulanche Ping, with new
songs and comedy ; Kita Mario and
her orchestra of ten girls; Thomas
Dugan and llabelte Ibiymond, songs
and cometl) : Alfred I.atell. anlnial
actor, and Clsie Vokes ; James Dia
mond and Sibyl Hrennan : Xed Nor
worth nnd company, Asahl and com
pany, Oriental magicians; the Shei
lock Sisters and Jltn JAiloy ; Hell and
Fva, gymnasts.
GJ.VilK "llonflre of Old Umpires,"
symbolic war playlet; "The Uoelcy
Pass," singing act; Jones and Syl
vester: the Gypsy Songtters; Ilanlon
and Clifton, acrobats; Kugciie Hm
niett. Irish tenor; Peter Platonoff and
company. In sketch ; Padula and IJe
noir. musicians ; Tealacks, songs and
CJ108S KEYS George Primroe and,
company, minstrels; Kckert and Par
ker, songs, and comedy; I.ottle 'Wil
liams. In playlet ; Harry Fiy, com
edian : liurklu .Sisters; McClellan and
Carson, skaters: photoplay. "Fight for
Millions," thst half 'of week. "Hon
Hons," musical tabloid, Leads bill last
half of week.
rvirni: ati'i:.cijo.s
si:i'ti:m 111:1: mi
;.. I "Tiger Hose." Willard Mack's
oielndroliia of the Xortbwesl.
AliV.I.VIIl "The Masque ruder.' wli UltOAUW AY "Violets." musical coni-
litiy P.ates Post. edy tabloid; Harry llaohelor; Kita.
IH'IOIIKK " I niura Japs, acrobats ;, Hives and
Sliri'.i:i:T 1 'Jolson. In "Slnbad." Arnold, sjngers and comedians; photo-
Wiuter. Garden -triiURiiiiza. play, "The Hun Within," first half
UAIHIICK "The Utile Teacher." with 1 of week. "On the Western Iload."
.Mary Ryan. dramatic playlet, heads bill last half
Ot TOll HI! JS-- of week.
roillinsT Zlegfeld "Follies." UV.LJJf f'B.V.Y "Yucatan." tabloid
.i' ',,
musical comedy: Martin and Webb;
Joe Homo and Tlllle Cox; Utitl Snyder
and Joo -Mellno and company: photo.
play. "Friend Husband," with Madjn
Kennedy, first half of wecl:. Harry
Langdon and company heads bill last
half of week.
Gl'AXl) The Stampede llidcrs. wcstcrji
feats of skill ; Van abd Carry Avery,
Irving Newhoff and Dodge Phelp
Hilly Houiicer's Circus, Heleue Hamil
ton and Jack Barnes, Rosamond anil
Dorothy ; photoplay, "A Fight for- Mil
lions." XIXOX Norman Tlialma, eccentric
contortionist: Helen Ilcnlere. planlste :
Kddlo Herron and company In comedv
sketch: Jimmy f.ucas and company,
comedians; Veronica nnd Huiifalls,
gymnasts; photoplay, "Missing."
C01.OX1AL Martellc. female Imper
sonator; Freemc-nt Uenton and com-'
pany In comedy sketch: Gllbett
Misters, singers and dancers; tl.
Uelldays. comedy acrobats: photoplay,
"Girl of Today," first half of week.
Raymond Wyllu and company head
bill last half of week.
HTAXl.VY"Thp Goat," starring Fled - X
"'"ii'i iiml ui.uiuiiin 111111 .Liopic op
portunity to display his physical agility
and acrobatic prowess. Tho plot con
cerns a, young Iron worker who be
comes a motion picture actor.
PALACK"Tlet Turn of the 'WheC
with Geraldinft Fanar as tho star.
VICTORIA "Fame and Fortune," with
Tom Mix. a story of western life;
and "Italy's Flaming Front," Italian
war film.
AnpAntA "Tho Cruise of the Make
Hellcves," in which Lila (''Cuddles")
l.wi makes her debut us .1 film star
Cast includes Harrison Ford,, Ra
inond Hattou, Spottswood AttUen,
Parks Jones.
UKGKXT "Tlie Silent Woman." with
Kdlth Stoiey. a story of tho lumber
camps, first half of the week. Krnest
Trues, iu "Come On In," last half ot ,
STHAXD"The Hun Within," first half
of the week. "On the Quiet," last half
of the week.
LOCUST "The Hun Within," first hair
of the week. "On the Quiet," last halt
ot the week. '
CASlXO"Seir Star and Garter Show,"
Don Clark is principal comedian.
Others in tho company nre,Ray Reed
and Charles Llurns. Florence Darley,
liabe DePalmer, Paulino Hall, Mao De
J.Isle, Al Iawrence, Bert Hall and 'Will
TllOCADVnO "The Big Review.'-
featuring Harry mickey) I.cvan us
comedian: Clalro Devino, Helen
Stuart, Nellie Greenwood, 'William
Gross, T.etty Bolles and Bob Nelson.
GAYETY "The Auto Girls." in the.
burl&stiue "At Hug'us Hall." Tins
company Includes Carol Sht-rwood.
Billy Wild. Billy Mailman. Anita Maj,
Ruth Page. Rose Hill and Mule Brad,
ford, with Vcnnittl and Mile. De Pinna
as specialties. ;
AyV.i,VlleBlance constitutes' sullicient pioot ! decided that .1 would ...l.l .-.ihsm ... '" ' -' J-- 1 n.-aii . I.. .,u,
W.H . -r ' -" B- ""! ,h'',r..ineo,ii;'''s:"n;'' ".'." 1 W'"U
&? a.. ,piodra"Yi r, -r ,' .". .a m::;"w :,i: x,'! :; American drama in pari
"Ap,jiFeather" was received here with that ,),,,, chon" ju-i a 7ar .U" , ,"1L't''t,s'rit' yiVrtllli HI l rtlll
1 deadly mildness which Philadelphia can
iArai a nl f nat mi nmin.lnn siniote l....... nu.. tt
r?fejww a "spy play." Had it been re
wfvamped as a "crook play" it doubtless
KJSr ouid have scored a genuine succes-
'et we are certain to be alllicletl with
t l Good for Jti-t Tun Mi
tile-.'' Sa cti'i'iiit I'lavi'r
Oscar Sliaw Scis Hio YU, for
Our Producer- After tlio ,ir
" wniideifiil opn. itiitnn will I, of-
It 1 (rOIld lor .1 11 -1 lUll Mlll-'"d Xoifric.ili ptoillii'i is in I'j... al,,,
,.any more war p'ays mo,e ,,, less v.. i .,..;' S;n . ,..-.., IMaver ' , "';,::,;" Shaw who Vm:, .h.T.'i'."
ififtclffrous and ..poplectlc m chaiaot. r be I ,, ,, .., .-i.,, T..lir..i!ir-. 111 I .,', 1, r
MAtcrt the obu lesson w.ll I,, learned '.''" .;' ".' V, ........' ,..:., ! " " Ibe m. r.t House 'in a
week iil'-'A ManVag.. of roovemem e? i!,N;!r'.t'i:i,',,fJ!ri Sr1UV' "'
has ,! an .,11, ah... repulatlot. as i,, , ' ','' o "cour's.'.''
an a rustic producer as well as a.tor .,, speaking ii.cv ,f the p eroid b. t,.
but he never o reslimai.s ihe ahie of I ,j, .ar ' " ' '
scciier) or prop-rtles. 1
"Scenerv is got.il for nist two min- ' riu PmlKian s..ein, d In think lint,
lites." aa) .Mr Millei "After that it S",,S : 'nam newness, noieliy hiiiI in
thi' iilav thai counis. lor two minutes novation in the Ameil, an niiisii al pio-
the a.ldleilte Will be ininieHWil bv tho "!" ''"". """ ""'" '"" oanees Wei
RjjT' ""'' '" ,l I'bas'ure to nun next
&3'F';T-Wet'k for brief lespltc from the medlo-
KtCfys',. . .
.yAwllJ" or seerai piny seen nere uuring
Ji.'iv-.th. Inst few weeks 10 Hie oolisbed. if
ritXltltrht' o.iflei.il .ii,in.ih' ..f Ililiit.lS
fiJiTO'pert-, iu "A Man lag- of Convenience."
fe&teSW'r'ttcn almost tlirce-quiiitel of a cen-
FT St I" - i.ini.". ...... -'1UW. .v.. " .-..
g,lurj' .ago, It lias weathered the shifting
F& S.'Winds of public taste and whim, ai-V-'.SiHioush
its techniiiuc is diametrically op-
"Jtoseil to the thought and methotls of
)hli'e modern school of naturalism In play
?r!t "tiTtrttlng. Various I'nglish versions of
KXliiha Play have appeared, but that by
ratWtua5jrdnS Gruudv. lirst mtrutluied at the
la, "WayinarKm ii.eatre. i.iniiou. on June
Sa 2i 1837. Is geneialU "onsltlered the hen
StllPn that occasion the Cointc de t'antialc
NiV:ras.played by William Terriss. while
?jt'iMf",thl Comtcsse de I'anilaie was played b
VjSffiiswinirreci lanery. me roies pi.i)eu in irie
PraVjiir'sent pioductlon b) Henri .Miller and
pjK'jftUlth Cliatterton. John Drew appealed in
ttt.-.e'sVlins tilav in I h. fail of 1 tie smite pnr i.t
fM3SLv' ;7'r" s.:.t.... ,"-:. ":.:? .
-t,l.nR. 41,I11UII(; lurniir in set join, UH
ijSjjjWincri occawon jsaoei irmg piayea tue
l-uuitetsicg .'ut'iAuc-iiiitiik ?a - in ui-
ler and Madge Tltheradge in It about
four year ago a. the, Opera House, so
a forthcointng presentation uf the torn
S3edi at tlio (.arrick will affonl an c
ifqo?3prtunlty for lomparison.
does not show the evidences of
fe npd .carelessness which marled so
;iny of the works of the elder Dumas
$&1 A
Sb'. W . " 1
p-prHKontativ" Woman hld tl.i unjier
ti.iiiil. pil"ls its (leMtinios nnd funihos
nil the ff t rl :i in i tiont !moli tr.iii,.
1 V..f..fci.. i.....ti..uiA ....,,.,..-. it .. . .. i.. . t r...i.. .,.. . . c i. t. .. .
Ull.V UiCl tliii tniuuiiin.itiiio "1 lllo'l tiwm. i till, t i nun i i iiiiiiiiifii tin
v.f t .... i...... u. dlxtlnctLV a ikj.-Ii tho.. tli.'if ih.- W -
iii it' inii i 1 1 it- iiiniiiiiiuii- .-t-1 i iniiri, , , , . --
But aft.r that nothing will count save I 'i'a,"rt ''.veedinglv p, pular. Paris., , o,
the story )ou ale telling and the wa) It ' " Ore.Ii' ' ''ill',!" "?"' ll,?v' il,l,wlH O
is told. Hut for the acior with iniagi- ' ilt "r, .: 1 ''' ' "";., i,' . Americans, hiti
iiniii.it .hi. nhviieii . in n.ininetit ta ierlditii t he A meiieiiii actor and U". 1 1 s
.nerwh.nc jhSl''" liv""""1el" ' h.ix.. alwais beet, entertained In Paris
exei) tiling I with Hi.- ureat.si (oiutesv
"lor my pui pose .1... Muestion' of ..Xim ,,,. A ' ,, ,
scenery , one of ytal .ni,.rtaoce. not a Kir,os par, , d, i" log the "5,. u
lo the au.l.enct. but I., me and the play- j f p,-.,,,. . ,, f 1K ,,f fru-iidsh, , w,t
ers. It is to. .iiallt which makes us he nr. nsitieil m.un linnilr. f. Id 1 h.ne
f-el our out.-, ami ulinli irh-s us that alii :id .in.iugeii w n h mi managers
hens, or truth whitli must be felt hv t William Clhoit ' pav i'oinstock and
the plaiei hef.,1. it .an be ixp-e-s.il Moil's i;,st --o ives.ni at. Anierieaii
If rots the fool lights' IllUsl.a! I'nin, rl- Ml Calls, in Willi ll I an.
lo b.tl" til. b HilUg Jill. 'I. lie role."
Aiiicriea"? Oldest Pl.t) house lo L!e
Invaded li l'ciniiiiiie ini
Til. ohb st lb. aire in Amerit a. the
Walu.it. will begin its 1 1 1 1 1 1 season n.M
Saturday night with an atlracti te-
scribed as "the newest tbltig on c.iith,"
laid)' ll.illllt if ul'H .MillHtielH The ol-
.... ni.....i r ..i... ............ ..'i.... .i . ........i ..i.. ..
. KmtiUt.tti!i( ,,i ijii? .'iitei liiiiiert ih j " -' e o,in IIU)f! cat II one Itmil.llgl) .
; unique. 111 Hint It has been promoted.! Mi"s Ring declares th'at iviry flown
wiiiteo. protiuceii. original. tl uml ere- ' anu e er) sign attiis n tin) wrinkle or an
atctl exelusfvel) by women t almost imperceptible line to the face
I here is not a man m Us ranks, even w-mle a smile does more to eradlcai
lown lo the ticket taker ami advamc tb laiages of time tlinii the nrcpail-
tiuns- of all the litauty dottois that e i
lint1 "The man or woman who looks
on tin bright side of lifi never glow
' ti. - h- tl. clans "Some people wl
IK let see t tie
t'tll tail! I. ll.
Academy To mako up for the .Montla
'iciiing pei forinamv a special u.alin. .
will be sung Wctlntsday afternoon
"A Ida" will he sung as the opening pel.
formance. while such tanilliar wink-
a- "itigol. i'i. furniture," "Martha.'
"i 'in men." " 'at alleria Rustlcaiina'' and
P.lgllHei l ' will also bo present, t
Among t'i" piiticipal singers ,n. or.
illle Hair. id 'oe tenor, and Iteg.ia ,.
carino. who i.ing in this cit) with i .-, t.
Haminei stein, ihe entire cnttipau) n no
hers appi'olni:i:ely one liutnlivil pii
sons, Ixsitles the orchestra and belli!
Among the .ogers will i lleltina Km.
m. iu. S.'iui'. Kaiuo. Atnatli-t. itali!
.Mario t'arl I. Creek Kan . .l.-ante
tii.'rtloii l.i a i;res'hain. Abie M.slii,
Cmigio I'i.!."' t'th.i llarring'i" ,.
l.Uo't; Sin, al' 111 l''railct'St't. Tan I i
iep. 'it. a . ...etiti and . '.u I . i
Clara Joel Placd Stellar Itole al
a Momeiit'!- Notiee
Subject to Changs
Al.llAMHRA , )
l'jtli.Morrl" i Pa;yiir.k A.
Ai'ni.t.n ol '
52.1 mid Ttiompjtn ft".
Wullni re ill
In Iho Htiure.
Kitl.1 (joitltn. hi
Mf.ely T'larr?
Wullate P.ei.l
hi th" Sourte
J :c?i tli Storey iu
Tin Demon
(MiPtnut bloT
() t l.ili I .po In Tin1 I'rui--
lP.th St. of the? Muk ltIUf
Wallarn llU
In thn Suurcr
Mn MHrsh in
' tho Olorlom Adventure
Amlias; (lerortl's M
Pour Tears in Crmany
lain l."e 111 The Piuise . I. Ill Ie In Th f'rulse
t.r On lliike llelleie of tho Make IMI.'ie
.-M iui.1 M.nrkft St
nthel einM.in In Hi" llthel riuyton In th- I SXmie Hayakawj. pi
tarl Who fame l!.ii k (ilrl Who r.iil.f Hack. Hi t'lty of Ilin. Puts-i.
ill rritinn ' I
tlroatl Sunutianna Avn. i
nnih nnd frtar Ave.
lii.trltitt" Walker In
Jnt A Woman
1'iuline Kietlerk'k in
Willlnm S. H.irl In
'.lJi!l llawiie
I'ltiillne i'retlerlrk tu
I. ike PolKamia. She Helieve- tlie
Smile lias ll aTue
i'in- sei i.-l of perpetual mil ll Ih soul' -and
good nature, acctniling lo lila.itli.
Kll.g .Mls.s ItlllU. WllO Will be Ki'l'O at
K Ith's nest week. plaetl many robs.
rniM'Tll '' i William S Marl in I W'llll.ii.i S. Hurt In
Market Mow r.tlth St . , Kiddie lluwne ISIddl., (J.iw.ie
en' ONI l,
fitn nnd Mnttlewnnd v..
Main Ht .
The illness of a star was Indiu.'iU kki'KI
rcspiipsibb lor the histrlonlu siicccs-t f ' nti aril Markt St.
t'lai.t Joel, win. plavi tile prlucipal te.n .
liiine i ile in 'Tin- Pig Chant"." 10 In ri"'v
seen al the Atb iphi i.iu Market ft
Inning the leiic.hy run of "Witltu. tin
Law" al the i:itinge Theatre, New Voik, rM.",,l,'rN'r , , , . '"'
Jan.- I'owl pl,i)etl llie leading role, thai -Bl" Sl' ""' O'rirtT Aw.
of .Maiv Tuuitr MIs-h Joel was In . r , .....,.
Illltlf.lslud) Just before the Chi 1st, mm Wli PraiVkriril At'.
iiuiinifc ..linn i iiwi st'OL wittti toai sit
could not appear. MIhs Joel was ., M. snip tT Tlii:.Tin:
ho almost at a moment's i.t.i.i and Ihtew Kprueo f.
torttl a tlccitleti hn. Tint next st ason
.Mrt,H .1 .1 tinned the .--outh with mi. .? " '"'i
iv.rbine ilr'fflili In
The f.lrl of Toil.iy
I'ttrlniiK ilrtlflth In
The Oh I of Today
Tim la ll rn In
Th" Pii-iililtlen Path
l.eimtitt l'alrl.'ink't III
I llitutKl hi Morut-cn
Tlle.l.i I'ura In
The l'-nrhitl'lf'ti Path
Wallare rtfltl In
beat Than Kin
.luek l.tvltUTHltm
In tbtj Pesert Law
11. Witalihuril in TiH ' "ilallts llav It.
IV.ilie Hack to "Vol. A Niic o'liocii Town
I Will .1 ir Tt 111 Ml
lleluiTi uf llraw Uann
Wllliain S. liar. In
rtMille liawilf
Knl.l llennett In
The "tlairlace RIhk
Amba?. Oerard'a My
Pour Yeara In Gfrmany
1.1. a l.ee In The erulff
of ihe Make llolli-ve
Hess. in Hayakaiva. in
the City of Pirn Pacea
Illllle Ilurke In
In Turiuit of Poll)
Man .Ma rah tn . -Mil Ma rah In
the Glorious Adventure the Olorloua Adventure
William Parnuni In
Tho Bondman
lola Dana In
l.ll.i r.ec In Th erula ' Ui Lee in The Ptui
ot Iho Make IMIee of the Make Btlleie
l,nt In Tranft.
Triple Trouble
eorlniie Griffith hi
The filtl ot Today
Jack Pl.kford In
Ilushn'tali and Ilayne in
A lalr nf Cupid
Hdllli itoberts
in Iteiina
lien l.vtell In iiniton
llla.ki-' f.lttle I'al
Tli"'lf Ha ri
in rienp,ttr.i
.-it 111 tile snllle role.
Iro.i.l St. nl Hrl.. Av.
(1 '
m .t,"i v., in".. I..
Hail, i., the Wot.tta
M-.lT. K-nneilv
lit rra'il'l Hunbai.il
.Mis' .loci later micceeiled Jane fowl imoiiih
in tin ahno.il i quail) famous role of ' cmii i,n.l Walnut n
i;il"'i N'.al in ".'111100. n I'la)." upeiilim ,
tl.i pa ii. till, ago, where her recp- Hiiiatsov
tion was enlhll.tUl.sti" Slle has also an -"'tb .tml nauphln Pt
in in nl ill "Kick In." with lSli'hHi'il Hen-
net i : m "The Kternal Magdalen' and lI'Mllll
olbei KucccsBeH. Last reai-on siio creatnl I"ront and Olrartt Av.
(.1 Kar.'iiie t." ilnnibuan
1 the Ilra Hullet
the i. tic of the "vumpiie" In "Jlusiuess T
Uefore PleaBure" 'l.'l'nml Lancaa!
iev Slajie .S'tlinp for Oiiie-lra
V (at I
lr Ayr. i
Ui.ri I ."'el I in
o M ...'a Land
H W (irlfOlll'
th" e.rtat 1iie
ntsle I'-"r"tiatin In
lturt of IhcAVlIda
't'heila llara
i. . lieopatra
Th.U Tiara
in lieopatra
Miilml Ntirni'in It.
Il.it k Iu the Woii'l.t
M'olav. Kenne.ly
hi Pnenil llushaml
N.tniit Taiinatlce
Alice tirade in
The Heath Haue
Mnl.fl Vortnat"!
In Peck's lla.1 Olrl
r.ushmttp ard flavne
In lh Safety I'urtaln ' In a Pair of I'uplda
l.tiu'".' llu'f. T'Othcr
I lea r 1'harmer
fl.iv sitewart
In Itt'tl-llulriil t'upl.l
:.iiii:ktv ( i
Ilrnail and Columbia Av I
The Philadelphia orclies-tra's new ,,,..
otugo setting, for wliich the West I'hilu- ''"r..,' ' .,
.1. It.l.l.. 1 ,.1. ,fi ,1... ...n..,u..'u ...... 1.1, It .
ii iiniiv iiiuiiiH i.i ion niillirn n ..'iiuiin.
frfCUFt Sta.
be all -mil.
Ibe audtelic
teft itilsttl monty last seas'Otl, will lie on Miki-:i' sx. T1IEATRK (al
i lew nv i.ic opining collect ih. tit toot i aa.i .tiarKt HI.
IS and lit. The design is by Anton Al-
hers-, a )ouiig lunch artist of this cm "'''I' i
thn stile of the tht.nii lit Is- cxiiecteii ihat ilu- foinial piesiii
Hun tbealiitul life iiinsi I la'itui will be made tj .Mrs. L. llowaiil mvhn
4t' Hniith Ht.
. but it is not ism it help
lo see tip .la)er spill,. "
Wtatbcrl). pr spi, m ,f n,t. brant I. com
l.jnte of production. It in doubtful I the gentler s. s win. b aft. r gt m ratioio.
c'tha actual nnniber of his plavs and 'f ridicule an.l .. I..g.ui..i. has at last
iHw.iR known, but it is .aiUlo be be- l"", """ " "v,n
SIM and Market Sti.
T.-wlsi S Stone In
lnl.l the l.inea
Ti,inaii (lth In
The lliiii Within
.Pine I'll lilt' In The
Power ami Hie (".lory
All.elur teat In
Th. Prlie uf Malleo
.1 Stut.rt IUa. kbti.'a
men 11 no and l-im. Indeed, it has
mm freely charged that Mutual jicir
tun orlsmator or. the method prac-
' by preaent-daj successful authors
ittachlng, their famous names to the
(pitt pf a staff of "hack" writers.
I 'jhrro ,are various anecuotea lo sup-
;th(B IJiooryi 'ne 01 me itoui. kiiuwii
urea IJUmaij pcrr coming uown 10
Itfast and greeting npnian jus wiiii
neetlon. -(,ood morning, have you
;my new story"" lieieutKin Mu-
replied, '.o, nave you
n i:i:imniiK
0.1.1 an.l lialerfopl AVe.
Mail'Mii Naximova
In To of Fate
ll'I4 llarkft St.
K .proprietors of motion-picture j
tealrea here do not share the coii-
l ielt h s6me managers of ilinmatK'
M about tho resuiiR or in,a new
I,, In fact, it is their belief that
ttkiBH will help, rather than nun.
. tmuiiirH. Kor it 1 pointed out
MCitromfei cannot count upon mon
,:tUttq to the theater, iney win
ii.2 turn in irrefitet nUnibera to
itei;, t.ear at hand aa the most
HMMtlUP'tui. wartime reiiuiuiiyii,
A. A.SCL .A.IZI1A 1' . TS I. - .'.
Illdcn Ave. & Dauphin St.
1U18 Market St.
i;er.iMnt l'trr.tr in
The Turn of Ihe Wheel
Paullm Pretlerleli 111
. . j i, si ll in -. 1 run
l' 1 ill Queen of Hearts
Market fit. below 17th
RIA1.T0 () I
Utn. Ave. A Tulpehocken I
Kdlth Ftorey
in Tti Silent Woman
Dorothy TiMttui in
(I reel) Kea
ft-Jsl ant Hanaotn 8ta.
Market Ht. below 7th
till Market Ht.
Market abova 1 lit ri
(Itn. Ave. ut Venanao
Madam Petrtwa in
Tempered Hteel
(Hattys l.erlle
N'vinphs of tiie rotllftbt
Thda llara
In I'nder Ihe Yoke
Pred Hume
III the Gout
liorothy (llsh In
The Hull Within
. Plsle l''ercutoii In
tleart of tlio WUil..
I'nlil Ileiinett in
The Marrlaee Hlng
lioro'iiv (uh In
Tho Hun Within
TheiU llara In
Under the Yoke
Kitty Gi.-.lon In
Merelv I'kiyera
J. ritua't lllatkton'a
Ira'shn.an anil Has.ie in
.A Pair of rurld
Ilreiclaa Fairbanks in
ltoun.1 tn Morocco
Tas'or Hotntea
111 a Tair of Site
Wailate Iteitl In
The Source
Diuclas Pnlrhanka In
Bound In Morocco
riorothy Glah III
The Hun Within.
Tlunhliiau and Ilaine
in A Pair of Cupid
N'orni Talmad(io in
The Safety Curtain
J Stuart Hlackton'a
Jewei Carmen
in Lawless l.ove.
Ger'tl.bUe Parr.ie iu . Geraldhie Verrat in
The Turn of the Wheel The Turn of the Wheel
Pauline Frederick in Theda Para In
Fedora The Foul nf Uuddha
Anna Q. Nilasnn
in Judgment Of
Edith Storey
In Tho Silent Woman
Viola Maim in The
Flower of the Dusk
Madam IVtruva la
Tempered Steel
Prlarllla Denn
In llrazen Ueauty
WUIlnrn Fnrnum
lllders of Purple Pae
Pred Stone
In the Uoiit
Fra.3 eJto-ne in.
' VK'K.ltt.V
..Ciia-tl- Jtbitev
., . tfcVICTffliale!, ,.' . ,,-' v.' ,1E: e;isit 1,',.
I Ninth and Market Sta,
om Min
Iitiritthy (Hh In
The lluu Within
Tom Mbf
j In Fame and Fortune I in Fame and. Fortune, j
Gladys Lealle
Kj-mph of Footlights
njlth Storev
in The Silent Woman
(;l 11, DeMllln's Till
1 Coma Hack to Tuu
Xorma Talmadno hi
Going Straight
Theda llara
hi Two Orphans
Ilnld llennett
In the Marriage Itins
Pred Stone
in tho Goat
Dorothy nisli in
The Hun Within
Tom "Mix
in Fame and Fortune
Knld llennett in
The Marriase KIiir
I.osl In Transit
Triple Troultlo
Mary Pirkford 4
in the Kacle's Mate
HI. lie Purke In
i la ruraull of Polly
i Brjant Waal.burn. Till I Brjalit Wiieliburn Till
1 T Coine Pack to You ' l Come Dack to Y$iti
i The Son of Ilia rather I The Son of Ilia Father
I Moonshine 1 Moonshine
. .Mary Piekford
in tho Uagle's Mate
Kitty Cordon in
Merely PIaer
Fannie AVard ill Tlie
Japanese Ntchtlnaalo
Maily.. Kennedy In
The Danger Game
Jewel Carmen in
Paing the Piper
Nonia Talmndce
in De Luxe Annie
William S Hart hi
rtiddie Gawne
D W. OHffllh'a'.
the Birth nf a. Nation
Alien Tit-adv in
The Death Dance
M-bei Xorrraed
In Petk'a Bad Girl
Fannie Ward In The
Japanese Nlghtlnrale
GUdvs UroiVwell
in nird of Prey
Xnnna Taimadipe in
The Safety Curtain
Anita Klnr tn
Petticoats and rolttlcs
RnH llennett In
The Marrlaee Ttlnc
Theda Para in
The Forbidden City
llle l-'errueen
in the Danger Mark
Walltte. iieM tn
Less Than Kin
Wallar- Reld
in Lcai Than Kin
Wallace Held In
The Source
Wallace Held
in Tlie Source
Jar. Ilarrymore in
On the Quiet
Pert l.jtell In
lioiton Illackle's Tal
Jew'el Caimen ill
Lawless Love
J. Sluart inaekton'a
Xiadae Kennedy In
The Stv' ( Star
Tom Moo-a in
Jut For Tonight
Tlid.t. Pairs In
The Soul of nuddha
''Martruerlte Clajton,
in Inside the Lines
Krnest Truer
In Come On In .
Enid llennett In
The Marriage King
Norma Tatmadre In
Going Straight
Madge Kennedy
T'other Dear Charmer
Loulie Huff
T'other Dear Chamber
Fred Stone
In the Goat
Jar nrrymore tn
On the Quiet
Tom Mix
n Fam and Fortune
Fannie Ward in The
Japanese, Nightingale
All-star east tn
House of Mirth
Frank Keenan In
More Trouble
-Mary Pick-ford
In the h'aglg's Maie
Mae Marsh in
The Glorious Adventure
D. W. Griffith' ' , r. W Griffith's
the Birth of a. Nation the Birth of Nation
'Louise Huff in '
T'other Dear Phanner
Dourlas Fairbanks
in Bound In Morrocco
V.idge Kennedy In
The Service Star
,, Bella Bennetl
In the Lonely IVoman
Plhel Clayton in The
Girl Who Came Back
Kdlth Storev tn
The Bllent Woman
Jack Barrymore In
On the Qultt
Theda Bara In
Wliliam Farnum In
The Bondman
J. Warden Kerrigan p, t
a Burglar for a Night '
llc llraJ" in
The Deatli Dance
Alma Bu'en
in Madam Sphln
Ftbel Clayton In The
Girl Who Came Back
Kthel Clayton in Th
Girl Who Came Back
Jack Barrymore in
un tne wuiei ,
William Farnum In
Hitlers of Turplo Sage
Theda llara In
Clemenceau Case j
J. Stuart Blatkton's I J. Stuart Illackton's
Ctlll.i Hoberts
hi Beans
Tom Moo-e n
Just For Tonight
Gerard's My Pour.
Years In Germany
Mse Marsh
the Glorious Adventure
Krnest Treux
In Come On In
Clara Kimball Young
in The Claw
William B. Hart in
Truthful Tulliver
Enid Bennett
In The Marriage fling
Theda Bara
in Cleopatra
Fred stone
In the Goat
Jack Barrymore In
On the Qutet
Toro Mix
Brne ilrothers In
Might Hells
Tom Moore in
Just for Tonight
Gerard's My Four
Tears In Germany
Pauline Stark
in Atoms
Ernest Treux
In Come On In
Douglas Fairbanks In
Bound tn Morocco
William H. Hart In
Truthful Tulliver
Paulina Frederick
in Fedora
i 'William S. Hart
in Riddle Oairne
Prert Stone
in the. Goat
Jark Barrymore
On tho Quiet
Tom Mix
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