v- i;'11 : iv. &Hit'Jawd ?T K.V 1 ." .Te- J"--' w a MMAit rtnn fftn A rt f? .PAVTIIK NKKVH.H HH.AI1 y-'lN GLOUCESTER PLANT ' yV--iTl'- Great Organ Plays at M. 11ne tie Iteuuprt t'lilme. WANAlSlAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S WEATHER fts 1 ufiiy Wlij u ""'WJ ;s , & K Ptiscy & Jones Engages Dr. Cliarlcs F. Taylor, Fricml of Laborers This Page Tells of Only a Little of Merchandise in This Down Stairs the Fine, New, Low-Priced Store All On One Floor- it tr Charles F Tnxlnr, who xvnj a clencyman In Brooklyn come yean rTvo. has nefcn chosen to hcid the reorganized nervlce department (it the riiey f. Jones Gloucester phlpvurcR He will , htnln work next Mondny nnd much Is , expected of him on account ot his I Iperlcnccs Doctor Talor nucrrcdr J. II. Millar,' a HounR Wooster oUoro Krariiiate. lw left rccentlv to bo to the nrtlllerv of flcer' tralnliiE camp nt t.oulstllle. Ky Doctor Taylor's work hns ben larirfly nmonir the laboring element. While paw tor of a Brooklyn chtfrclt lie was In constant touch with nklllcd workmen In organized labor. For about ten ycat he xva'i asnflated ! irltb lahnr 1bn.1f.ra nil nipr the rOlintl" 1 fotfr nnd ficriucntly wan cilW upon to In- j vcsimaip rcriKcs icmi anjii'.i 'i ucn-i'i-v. i between eniiloers and employes He lectured to th worklnsinen h-re and there, and was n conspicuous figure at many labor cor.xentlons He edited magazines demoted to la- i horliiR men and their problt-m He once toured the country with Colonel Jtooecxclt, and at tile outbreak of the jrrcat ar Raxe up Ills pastorate to ile- ' vote hla time to labor complications KroisliiR out of the conflict ' Since then he has organized a erxlce department In the Southern rinrs A"n elation, but rccentl has been asso ciated with the national service sect'nn of the shipping board, studlnc worklnK conditions In the shlpvud" especially. Doctor Taylor xlsltccl 'rtually all the shipyards and Is not unknown nt the Oloucester plant. He addrc.ed the m-n there last sprliiR His new work will 1 eep him constantly between thp com pany and Its men, where h's experience Is expected to he of alue. as &k u ISPS' t: .v V V 5 W & r iij rf Iff' W V fi i j J r A, k' IS. f. W&- & par Ss. H&r 'Jkl Ti- rr Iw Vy i &' M :' r sV I- m 8 HOURS FOR CUSTOMS MEN Federal Agent Ttccommcnil He call of nllnrrlinp Ofliecra Kluht-hour shifts for custom" Intnei tors and the abolition of Imartllpc c,inci- have been lecotmunded bv tlm ioni mlttee of special senn apnoln'ed bv th Seeretao of llio Trcasurj to m.ike chanses In ecnl biviirbe nf the cutoms serv'ce. At the conclusion of It" 'o 1 her", thp cpmmittee recommended "in b'.irn Inp ottlcer'j be recalled, nnd Ihnt i'. ln spec'or detailed to tn' "re nr -anlvlriK eael also be the boi-dl-cr o--ficer and remain In charee until t'le csrRO Is put oVerboaid Onlj In cai.es were ese!s nie In dls'uss will In spectors be asked to work more thtin elrht lriurr. .aal crews of nrrhlnc eneN will be ielle(d on their anhal by iia.il reseres. " ' Other recoinmendHtion were made fni obtalnlns mem to fill nc.irclea In the service. SISTERS SERIOUSLY BURNED Overturning F.aivt'i -l.-o Set' Frnnkford Dwelling Ablao ' Mls- .ni. II" flab'. "Tiij -nl"- " old. of Andalusia, and h"r v'ofv M'w Haclicl hechbcic. tblrtv. br"e als old were burned piohabl. fn'nliy l.v't nlirht when a lamn neiltirned nt M's l.ch bere linm 2915 lluan stleet. Flames ignited the bccVnthlnc. and ' then spiend to the hnu'e. which n d - stroyed Tha vermis were remje1 o the Frankford llnpltnl QUISTCONCK GIRLS TO ACT Club Plans Untimal Comedy to Cheer Cantonment With the app'oach of cool we.iihi'i the srlrli of the Qulstonck I'lub. nt Hoe Island, are tialnlnsr their iliaina'lf tal ent to take a hand In the entertainment of the hojs at the xarlOUs antonment They are workhic on it mus'cal com edy wh'ch they will firt stnKe In .1 Philadelphia theatre. Thn they will take it on u torn of the cantonments. It will be put on nt the V, M C, A. huts nt the!-" p'aces ami the c'lls hope to " make It ery liilcretlr.K to the f.ol- uieis There w'll bp an !"i'n'?' nn.feo a Die I'll JailelnVn pioc'lie'l n '- 'h Imn'flt of the lt 1 "-ms T'l c'vl 'iaM ie Mimed 'b v tret'-rs nr.il pine Ic at the Went Bra-i h. V -l '' A ' Miss ("ulst anna t'tn'u' 's coai'li'iiir t'i talent MV Vnndal'a Hisey 's nuiicil illiector. while Miss Sarah D Ferr's will polish them on In the art of danc iiR , A NKIV t WhrY-rillHT stem of admit tins workmen to the Ni-w Vork tilit:ra, Camden, will be put lain eni mioa Ail the men hae been photnitraplieil lndHlilull nnd earli Is to lie pupplHri with a iony to be mrrted In a hlp-potkvt fuldei Knih msn will also hmF to tnf n dullj pa to tm yard, wnith will doubly Hafecuard tne plant aK&lmt msn Khn have no liuslncnN In tin' place, llach mornlns th men will have to present thur photojraima at thr Kate and the i;uurd will tsaut. pasites tor the du A Blmllar sjatem In to b worked at all the alparla NKT lTKID.W KVKMMI the Hos Inland PowT I'lub will innke up .tttlh at tVnll h Auditorium, tlfteelifa and liieatnut it.oelii Admlsslnn will to" by uird iims and mem bers will b eHeif pipes and tobacco and ether paraphernalia Insldo .So old plpm will be admitted If thej hue t search tn members. M LHAKI.IK MIINIvKI,, iblrf ilerk of tho sanitation deparlnunt at Hiw l and ha conp to the army oinccrn- imimnK tamp ai 'Uainp Johnson, Kla, f It f'i:IIIIVI f'l.l It. nf lloe IhIuiii recentlv eleltd the followliiK officers for on ' In the hullrilng departmeni ilic prealdenl II, Hantroft, trrisuiifr, A. McClenaihen, and eeretary, W I.ittleneld i SAMI'KI. II. IIKKMIAMI. of the hull fab rlcutlon tlepnrimtni Itou Ulnnd has cone to the HWallon tialnlnx nmn at Mlntola. 1.. I. VILVKK1 TIIOIU'E. u f Kansas t lt. wii tender for tiic llBhtAeli;ht rhampionshlp hon ors, I' workinu In the alr.tnoi shop at Hjn. ljUnd Al.l, 110(1 ISUAMI I'.'IIM.im'I lire as sured of suitlclrnt coal for the eomlns win ter. An oltlep has been opened In StvUh nulldlns No. 3 and tb men ha inly to sten In their and state their wants Dy special srrancemenM with a bis roal cmpai ihiV orders will b" fillel m irnmptl n possible. IIAHRV KBNNY hss b n aetln n aslst nnt chief dr"fmno In th pi int enifTrierlnT and cnnmrupljon d-ntrtm"nt at !"u'- .T.ip.K'n 01oi ler plan' -O. !.. I)) er Is chief draftsman tbre x VL m, E. I". I'KHf'IV'l.. pf the Pin v A .ton-j tl .-!- .I.kI Tkxaai liiUIH nSonluit U nntoflt I Wfx' rn pppil sh-nn-r ?h rh i sitd to Bb"ijl J.V nulclc ne'lon tie s rpc-ntlv el-cted ste. a m . ... T.TT - ..... 'i 'jm .,. l K.vt..l lin.iu.ll ul t 1, a ,-jrt laapn nirr in- "" ,,. ,.-,."-- -.. -.. - ( L- ia Ml.l.Aaa nnra.r Mlvth find I llirlpfl Htreptl. Ei. Oloucfster, and will rnlarBP It for lomenl-j jT enee nf Its m n Th house Is to be known , ai crufcos couaffi' JnilSMI" Dt'NN. of th. New J'rt plats i and nnnle shop, Gloucester, sprung a ur-, prise on the boys when he hit the 'lons. Ion trail" with hN bpit uiri 'iho newly wed ar"e lilni at Audulwn, N J nF.OROK llKK,R. Iead"r ot the lounter- slekers at th New Jersey plat ami anile bop. Is tltt' latest frull In the shlpard Pre department. ' (ii:(int(i; lllvlM.lll.. an , 01 in iinry li.tnnti tileuerisr nnehliip shop, has jrone tX' to' I'lhm Hay .Vavnl I'ralnliu School after K " flhi3 colors He has a brother, Alfred with kj- on or the American omnia aiiuaurona n I ,f, I'mmc. Irt JOK H0I.K. of tb- l'uc Jon-s tllou. A resfr forte, has tiouirhtvs hursi for 5, which Joe aa can all the runners J f soinsthlnif. It wuu:cl u Jim use joe iuc. Autumn Blouses Choose Voile in this instance nnd the choice is well mailc. A new lot of voile Mouses show inset lion, tucks, lace, (lotted embroidery and various prettying touclio, $2..ii. Hundreds at $1.25 Voile waists in white have fine tucks and plain colla-s or collars edged with rnrrnw lace. Voile in tiny checks or stripes shows various colors. (Market) t -y. The Pleasing Graces of La Camille Corsets La Ciimillc speaks first of comfort, for the corsets are of the most comfortable type, yet good lines arc not sacrificed. The corsets a'c built for health the proper support for beauty, foi comlpit and for durability. Every La Camille corset has a ventilated shield in front to go under the front lncinjr and a ventilated back which two points alone v3uld recommend them to most women. A Few Individual Models At Sr, it corset for slight to average figures, made of white 01 pink jean with silken dots in it, ia well boned in back, but allows free hip space. It has six hose supportr-. Al SI. for slight to medium figures, this ejrset has a low bust with elastic in fient which becomes slightly higher in back. The medium long skirt allows for free hip spa'ce. Tall, Medium Figures will take especial delight in a corset designed fer their needs villi a long, boned skirt and four eyelets below the ft out steels to hold jt in place. Even very stout figures a -e taken ca'e of with the heavy boning throughout the corset and the low, full bust. fi. Quite Handsome is a corset of pink biochc brocaded in lovely designs and finished with ribbon at the lop. It has a medium low bust and a fairly long .skirt, with elastic over the lower hips to give freedom when sitting. SG.oO. x (fentral) $1!).73 .Slfl.T.i" $2!).7.- S18 Slo A Slender Hand Well Gloved is the maik of the gentlewoman; she watches no point in her costume so carefully as her gloves. The best gloves from the best makers In Fiance and America aie in Autumn readiness in the Down Stairs Store. Among the more fashionable things you will find French glate lambskin gloves in two-clasp style, overseam sewn have Paris point stitching on the backs and are to be had in white or black, sewn in a self 01 contiasting tone and in tan or brown, self sewn. M.85 the pair, French kidskin gloves in white, black, tan or broxvn, overseam sewn, are $12.50 a pair; pique sewn, $2.75 a pair. Slip-on Gloves Slfi.oO 800 New Frocks of Silk or Serge All Specially Priced Under $20 These ate just long enough to slip up over one's cuff and arc immensely smait with fioqks and suits. French glace gloves in white or black, with self o- contiasting embtoidcry on the backs and a strap at the waist arc $3. Another style in an 8-button French kidskin glove in black or white is sewn with self or contrasting threat! and has self or two-tone cmbioidety on the backs. $3.50 pair. St-ap wrist gloves of washable white leather with a doe finish ate about li-button length nnd $2.50 a pair. Short Gloves One-clasp white, washable, doe-finish leather gloves are $1.75 and S2 a pair. Washable eapeskin gloves in tan, brown and gray are $1.75 and $2 a pair. Hrown. gray and mode mocha gloves, with embroidered backs, are S2.50. Fine Fi ench suede gloves, with hand-crochet embroidered backs, trc in two-clasp style, pique, sewn; in black, giay or mode, at $3 a pair. (Centrnl) Sizes and styles arc here for both women and younj' opportunities for both. women, and offer wonderful Men's Durable HaF Hose. 22c a Pair Black cotton half ho-,t in n m c d i u m weight for coo' weather. Also tan, navy an ' gray half hose in broken iir.e". Convenient Complexion Aids Small a iolH boxes of compact powder and nf rouge jn the va rious shades a-e complete with Kttle puffs at 25c a box. (Cenlrill) Four Interesting Groups of Breezy Suits for Autumn New flaring line- that fit in so well'wIHi the wi'tdy days of Autumn are now begin ning to be seen in tailoied seige suith with bone buttons well u.sed for trimming, or here and theie some In aid for adornment. ?29.75. Also, at $2!).75, are new roplin suits for young girls. Thc.se show pleated jackets. Tailored Tweeds cut on mannish lines aic .'Untidy warm for the cooler days. Fla-. pocket1- mark them with distinction. $32.50. Ajjain! Wool Jersey And women are glad to see it teappear in charming heather mixtures. Various models show novelty pockets. $35. Better Suits Novelty suits and tailored Miit.v in belted, pleated o, many other models show all the new Ai'tuivv i intorials such :t: vonl clour, sihctoic 0"ford inisttitc. bioa Icl'.lb. irabut line, and so on. Adornments ai . in kind, fo liia'd. fur, buttons and many other things ate u.-cd. $35, $."6.50, !rM5 to ?9"i. (Mnrl.rt) Many Models In Serge and Sdtin at $15 Drr.-..r". of na b' ic o- Mark '"i,Tc have -atin-coered buttons adorning the bodices, the belts and the lrec-. Matin collais aio in mil shapes A (ic;e do thine Hock nt na, blue or black shows a boN-pleated ovrsknt and bodice. Pipings of satin on the fieoigette cicpe collais and cuff ate quite pietl ! Daik blue satin fo'ims anothei pietty frock with a finely pleated over.skiit. Seven Models at $1 6.50 Na bliin seigp f i eel's :iie nmdo in iJusian blouse eirect, trimmed with wide military lnaid. A'tcMini'ii I'hicV of b'sitmi.. saliii show tUiwtna nanels trimim d with fi'ngo. . 'leorgettc tietjc bodices, various headed effects, pointojl or stiaight oniskiits, etc. These aio in nav blue, black 01 plum. An Interesting Group at $18 is composed entn!y of ?atin flocks in taupe, nay blue, blown, black and Melgian blue in arious models that -how actoidion-rdeated skiits, or inter citing oerkiits, oi, pet haps, no and pleasing sleec, huci:le- at the belt an I peihao a bit of fringe. Some of them hac piett white collars and vestees. Prettv Satin Frocks at $19.75 bla 'k, taupe, plum and hi own Nn v blue is made in a liewddering dimming and becoming, stitching ate both orident One model bring foith ai lucked all oer their full length. ttin number of stylet all Hi aiding and fanciful ttid used in nev as. kilt and sleeves that Fluffy Fur Scarfs to Keep Winter at a Distance The pelts ate excellent as to color and the fur is long and silky and the linings aie ever so soft and pretty. The prices are low enough to put these delightful and becoming things within the reach of almost any woman. Dyed Fox Scarfs Taupe tox, S'JT.ol), $3'J.50 nnd M7.50. Silver blue fox, $30. Blown fox. $25 and $2 Silver grav fox, $25. Black fox, 525 and $27 Natural Raccoon Scarfs Two-skin scaifs with a frill and pocket a-e in two sizes, at $23.75 and S32.50. Japanese Badger Scarfs Large open scarfs with a frill at the neck and a pocket in the lining are $24. (Mnrl.et) 7.50. .50. Afternoon Frocks New and Charming some of winch v ill do for street wear aie made of crepe meteor handsomely trimmed with silk fringe; of tricolette in v.iriou mode's and colois; of histious at'ns; of (JeoiRelte ciepe in many models: of combination of sarin-and-.-eige oi s.itin-and-tricolette; of wool jeisev and of elvet. Prices wtngi fioin Si'5. 20.75, S"r up to $75. (Mirl.rl) Gay New Petticoats to Go Beneath New Frocks They are of soft satin or silk jersey that so many women like or o'f crisp taffeta. Th'ee unusual styles of silk jersey, with ribbon trimmed flounces in pretty coloring, are ?!).75. Soft satin petticoats many women ue them for linings -if skirts are in soft coral. Copenhagen or navy blue and black with a pleated flounce- $7 50. Many, many styles of taffeta petticoats in most all the plain and loely changeable calors are priced from ?1.50 to 57.50. Vntrii! Sensible Shoes for Women, $4.90 a Pair Mir!" on good wide, mod" m or narrow toe shapes, the shoes have 'c! .1 modi. 'in Vw Th"- si e -nade o black kb'.-kin in but'ton 01 lace .Jlyle. Hoys Shoes $3 and S.Ui! a Pair Black or tun IeatliT shoes on good broad-toe shapes are made in bluchcr style in sizes 10 to 13. Children's Shoes $1.75 and S2.25 a Pair according to sires from S'..- to X. Black lrathet ii made with wide toes find the shoe button. Sturdily Built ?hors for Men And the kathe.' r elf a .tu'dy, tco, a-id sdyed a g-od, -citable black. The shoes are im tre new English last' or aie made with wide toes. The solesi are welted. 54.25 a rail. (Cliektiiul) I 1 i 'li Beautiful Copicfi of Paris Millinery , 'ff i tl e. swet jungly gtaieful line.-'; Email, full fluffs of ostrich; lovely Hal Ml flowers and oi n: I inpnts; brif." I bits of chenille; I delicate pale pink or heavenly I blue fai-iiig.-; deep b!uf velvet 1 ) i ml ' nii.s with aittao- I tive heads all play their paiti toward making juifcct chese 1 lody hats. 1 Pnces begin at $8 and ;o "!' ' waul, but stop at $10 to pick up a la gc number cf littter models 1 n splendid shapes ' (Mnrkrt) Attractive New Skirts for Large Women They a e kirts 'hat are cut to givr longer lin -s, height nnd slendenies?. Ol " " I ' ' i- . 'jnp, w'ith an unusual inset pocket that i? i mind h i i d .ltid Pat hed at the p 'nt"d 1 oltom with era tiroidcied (low'-, feet. 10.50. At the same price a black .erge skiM has insets of tiny plcttts on each .side of the front. Nnvy blue .-eige make a serv iceable skirt, with button trimmed pockets, ni .50.75. In lcgular sizes. Gay Checked Vclour makes an attractive sknt. with pockets and a belt trimmed with -i-i n-l nea"1 buttons Tn t'irule-and-black. blue - and - black and -lilfft" ' l"i-'''C rhechn 'ili.'lO. I '"Manx pleats ni" tne prncipal tittt action of a black seigc skiit at Si" 50. There is n finely pleat ed oxcisk'U at each side and a deep joke-belt. (Xltirkell Sheets Cost This Much at the Mill Today We bought these many months ago and now gix'e you the benetit of our pin chase. They ate all of fine, sturdy white cotton. 51 III) inclies, 3 !)9 inches. SI. 35. $1.55. 72 . 90 inches, 81x99 inches, f, 1.7.i S!.8.: Pillow Cases in match aie henistitclied at 45c, and otheis aie neatly hemmed at 50c each. (Ciir-unit) Coat Studies in Burella Buiella spells waimth, softness and rich colorings, and these coats will equal your gieatest expsetations. A model w'ith a xvide. loose belt i- gath ered in back an! is finished xxith a latge collar of'fti- fabric. It in fully lined, and comes in brown, navy blue or burgundy. ?2L'.50. Loose Side Pockets mark a coat of green, navy blue, black or brown burella. It is lined and has a deep, xvaim collar. 325. At S25 a coat in burgundy or brown slum's the new pleated and panel back, xvith side pockets, roxvs of stitching and large buttons. The large collar is inlaid with velvet. Another model in soft gteen or brown shades is gathered in back and belted. The deep collar is of kit coney. As Sketched The nexx tucked belt and the panel back are molt pleasing, xvhile kit coney forms both the collar and the deep patch pockets. It is in burgundy, navy blue, gteen and taupe $33.75. (Xlurkell 4i . . Rug Nevs of Importance Munv of tl.e mgs are maiked at about the price:! xxii"'espl--is aif asVim; fer them today. Other lugs are of the splendid giades that many mills haxe discontinued owing to the scarcitv of raxv materials. In all, theie is no i't here but o hat is much lower than today's niaiket xalue! Wool-and-Eiber Rugs I Wilton Rugs - Seamless and Reversible 27 x li 1 inches, $2. 3G.I33 inches ?2.75. Gx9 feet, 9.50. 7.0x9 feet, $11. 8.3x10.6 feet. 810.PU, $12.50 9 x 12 feet, S12.50 and S15. and $.U. Brussels Seamless Tapestry Rugs 7x9 feet,-$23.50. 8.3xl0.C feet, ?2C50 and $28.50. 9x12 feet, $2150, $29.75 and $31.50. Seamless Wool Velvet Rugs I (Jx9 feet, $19.50. 8.3x10.6 feet, $?0, $32.50 and $13 9x12 feet, $32.50, $34.75 and $17 'lh.ip have linen fringe: 27 "t. inches, l?8.75. .'18 v "J inches. $14. 4.6 7 r, feet. $28. fi9 feet. :-49. ' 8.3 10 0 fe-f S72 50, 9 x 12 feet ?-75 and $77.50. Axminster Rugs 18x36 inches, $1.75 and $2. 27x54 inches, $4. 3fi x 72 inches, $7.50. 4.0x6.0 fert, $10 and' $14. 6x9 feet, $S?2..ri0 and $21. 7.6 x 9 feel. $32.50. 8.3 U) C feet. $29.50 to $ 12.50. 9x12 feet, $31.50 to $55. BLANKETS Are Real Coal Savers 72x81 Excellent o. utility cotton blankets in xvhite or gray, inches, are fi? a pa i Good xvool-med white blankets are $8.51). SKI and $15 each. 'All-wool b'anket in Scotch plaids iX c $18 a pair; in all xvhite or 'n large block plaids, $20 a pair. Wool-mixed blankets in silver gray are $10 a pair. JUaiikets for Single Beds White xvcol-mix'd blankets aie $8,50 and $10 a pan-. AU-xvool blankets in white or in block plaids aie $15 a pair. (t'lir.tlllll) 25x50 inch plain-color rag rugj.nte $1. 20x36 inch washable. hath rug.s aie $1.25. 27x51 inch xx-ashable bath lujja aie $2.50. (Chentnut) At $1 and $l.5Q Cuddly Blankets for haby dea ' nude f pink or blue flannclletand ate icversi blc. The little white figuies tell stories and the blankets ate big rncugh for the carriage or to v.'tan baby in. (Centnil) SPECIAL Cheese Cloth 10c a Yard It is fully bleached and 36 nches wide. The price speaks for itself. (ClieMtint) " It's the Inside of the House That Counts in Winter New Tapestix couch (.ovet.s in -oft-toned stiipes or in xerdu-e patterns aie $3.50, $4.50, 36 and go up to 9 for -ome that are quite handsome. Beautiful Shades of blue, gieen, old io.o and ted aie evident in generous iep ci.'ta"ns- of splendid duality. The euttains aie 2's yards long, fullv wide and edged with neat corded biaid that perfectly matches the color of the euttains. $5.50 a pair. Last Year's Prices pi ex ail on cui tains of Arabian lace. Thex are quite elaboiate and some ate distinctly hand some. $4.50, $5 and $7.50 a pair. (( lifs(niil) Fashionable Fringes! Fringes on sashes, on skirts, on hats and waists every thing, in fact, seems to be sporting fringe. Many fringes are here in a new box that has just arrived. In naxy blue, taupe, xvhite and black, from 1 inch to 10 inches xvide, at 25c to $3.50 a yard. (Central) Women's Cotton Stockings, 20c Black and xvhite cotton stockings in a me dium weight, with ie-enforced feet and garter tops... , (Ontrnl) SPECIAL Wool-Filled Quilts $8.50 They are covered xvith figuicd "sateen on top and bor dered with plain-color sateen to harmonize. The backs aic of figured ratcun. (f'liesliitil) SPECIAL Towels Ready to Use Holler towels of half linen, 2V& yards long, are 60c each. Kitchen toxvels of half linen, 17x35 inches, are 30c each. (Chektiiut) 1 SPECIAL Marseilles Bed Spreads $2.75 Each Keal satin-finished Mar seilles bed spreads aie fine to behold xx'noa sp-end out to their full' sire of 78x83 inches. (Clir.duit) ' SPECIAL Kitchen Crash 18c a Yard It is cotton, 17 inches 'xde and has cMorcd borders. Why not save oi your Winter's sup ply of rol'r-t r.r.d dish towels? (Cluktmil) SPECIAL Domet Flannel 25c a Yard Bleached domet flannel is oply nt the beginning of its big season! 24 inches xvide. (( lie.tnnt) SPECIAL Pillow Cases at 38c Each Good-sized pilloxv cases of fine, fenoxvy white cotton are these; 12x36 inches. (Clietuul) Practical Working Shirts for Men They ate all the comfortable ahirts that men xvho do haid labor want. They have soft attached collars. Blue chambray shirts, well made, are $1.25. Darker blue chambray of, a?-4 heax'ier ntialitv nt si :!.ri. , Flannel shhts in dark blue and Vj txvo shades of irrav are S3.25. "v: ((inllery, Market) i SPECIAL Cotton Towels 6c Each They are 13 inche xvide and 35 inches long, and every one & hemmed. (Clifktiiul) i' , m m as Si m $ I VKI 'ft m m m ca r: s ? j m k & ' .?JI Pi - 'H y, III ' MM 3HqjH J ' m wrWcc . M . .. ".jafsist t ....-? .. v.. p'B?0iM4M ' . C 1-. ,-ft'- ra iWAM.. t . ' vfc. S ST-Ti vy. K? 'J9a K,:rma b!&ykM "&iMA ntelnf&tfdnBffiiB!lHanlDHDCnE3taK