SI j Bilitiii)ifriii, - ri ; i' i,- i . i . .... , ' 1 i 1 -.',V--Alt?, t:fOrget the big benefit golf match at whitemarsh this SuNDAf7 Afternoon IT HAPPENS IN f HE BEST REGULATED FAMILIES :tt swipes honors MEAD0WBR00K STARS WILL MAKE STRONG BID FOR NATIONAL HONORS Dallas's Proteges All Primed for the Junior A. A. U. Events This Afternoon at Great Lakes Naval Training Station H-l ',.dl .. ia :0M FLOCK OF EXPERTS 1 "Wa w M i Mm LU LU GOLF TOURNEY J .V ful Star Turns iti Card of 76 in Qualifying Round 1 "Wins the Medal Seventh Hole Is Stumbling ' Block for the Players By ROBERT W. MAXWELL Sports Editor Errnlns; rubllc Ledger ?&t Edge Hill, where the Nobles of Lu Lu nre putting on a coif ornament for the championship of the club or something like that. .ihan 100 prominent club wlelders made a gallant attempt to survive ound esterday. Some sixty-four were successful and will 7$ li . . . j i .. ....... rru-. ntUn nnAf4 tyt out in lour aiitereni ensses iraav nnu lumunuw. iud umcta wii-u r?clubs back to the old homestead and retired to the sidelines with "other spectators. jp$l? W. Piatt, a jouth -who first pained fame on the football field before SiUD the strenuous game on the links, floated tnrougn tne moo iiko '." ......, t - ,!... - 1 .M-....t nl1 l.n -..., iAritlla l. Rey uianem racinp a iiivter, uhu uuppeu m ui m "; .. !..-. ... ' . . ,.... ,. ... i ...-..... ce Decorations were pmnea on nis maniy cnei nun- u mm lumt-u i&core of 76, which is considered a nobby card een nt this late date. (Styles was second with 78 and the other experts trailed nlons In . Piatt, hocer, was stacked up against Hills Gray and fjforced him to extend himself. The youthful phenom put in his best l Just to show Sir. Gray how It was done. he talent meaning thp high-class players found It dinic.uK to pet ted and many had tough luck in the first round. Those w ho got by in first ran into squalls In the second, which proved they were not snaking 'rCd wUh UH .. .... Dn nrwl fvritno V'rpTnmnlp Hup lllcrrin!. nf gc wrwz Willi IJ1CI1 VUQIUIIIU1 j tcc uii (....w... . ......,-., ..-C.K , !Btlton, has a swell card for the first nine with a 3., but after that m !! slipped and he finished with a cluster of 44. Kred Knight had a pair t??ilo nnrl TX'nllof TtovrinlHa n f tor enthprlnir 4G strokes, came back with u JIO, " ......... -.W ..w. , r c - It A Hal .n-nrrnA n ka nmnnn- tlina nrCPtlt In ttlP fllSt SlXted! IrSiiZ ftJS fftBE athletes found the course In excellent condition, but the IS&ZlJL greens were hatd and tricky and tcry deceptive trhen it came &fiZ to putting. This is their excuse, and they will stick to it. mm' Short Hole Worries Our Very Best Golfers pT.'JOWEVER. and be that as it may, the boss ran Into a short hole which .C$jffave them no more trouble than the Asiatic feer. This has two SHf&it'ei names, the seventh and the sixteenth and several others which fcv'skefcied to be more popular. This pretty little spot Is perched on a hill K'wkich, slopes Into a quarry, where the rough stuff predominates. All one ftl. . ... .. ... .Li, ,.-.. it 1 I. t .. ...Ml.... rMC'tO 00 is to nit tne penei over mis sngni vauey iwiu n. u.ij s.iuj.m BHiWever, the mental hazard was too great, for man bum drleb resulted Ea;the pteyers devoted much time and language In personalis conducted ,tS'to the foot of the hill. The best score or tne day on tins noie was u. S.aiiJour own Bill Sskes ruined himself with an s on tne seconu rounu. Saciij was the big stumbling block of the dav. J I.W. Freeland Kendrlck, who answers to the name of "1'ote" and is aHwed to give a cup becaue he is, obliged us with a little act in the KSHHirry. which proved that even good plaj-ers occasionally get into trouble. EkSIP" kendrlck lifted one into the valley and after executing two perfect jbiik .shots the ball hitting one side and bounding back to its original iJeJklon executed a trick shot which placed him on tho fairway, but out Sofihe running. !?$., Mr. Smith, who also is known as Major of our city, was in the tour- KlN-f- ... . . ... J no I.,- XI l. ..I .. l.u . em, uui perisneu wua a utiiu ui ao. n nuuui Htn.' "' t'tm 1'nnd cunning, but there were about seventy others who were slightly er. Mr. Knight, our well-known Coroner, was with Mr. Smith when Jhlp sank, and the accident prevented one of the greatest matches In t 'history of the game. When Mr. Smith was turning In his card Mr. Knight said: t"What did ou do today?" IGot a 98," was the reply. got a 99," responded our Coroner. "If we hook up in one of the na tomorrow I'll play ou for the Cltv Hall'" i,"No need of that." answered Mr. Smith, "because sou own it already." eupon the gallery chortled with glee, for that humorous stuff alwajs l big. i lT W-tfl rumored that B. Wilson, our Director of Public Saet'l. ?3il ... .... ,.- , ..,.,. ... ......'... 5a por Ills score jor me ciytnccn oica i-vnjscu uiii iim itcixni, unu fiiecHned to turn in his card until the mistake was rectified. TxS&. . . . . , JT? National A. A. V. Lhampionshins Start today pfMIB national track and field championships of the Amateur Athletic i-Vjynlon will start today on the new athletic field of the Great Lakes Naval lnlng Station near Chicago. Despite the jact our country Is deep in -throes of a regular war, followers of the cinder path have come to that this j ear's meeting Is to be the real thing. This condition la jlargely to the fact that the games have been taken over bs- the NnvV, rtment, whicrn with the assistance ot me A. A. U. and the Chicago Is putting the meet over in a manner that befits p. national cham- hip affair. TJiere are three potent factors in making nn athletic meeting a iiie- the entrj', the field and the crowd and at this writing all of thes -assure!. The field has been provided by the Navy Department and layout at the Great Lakes Training dtation is the best I ever have seen. .0 the crowd, the nucleus will be made up of some 50,000 sailor boys. ftwlll be greatly Interested In the events because a team composed of i, drawn from their ranks will be a slight favorite for the championship. From every part of the country have come groups of athletes. It Is red that not less than a score of army and navy concentration points be represented by strong teams, while the entries from individual stars lare now in the service are legion. Lieutenant Alma Richards, the boy who went to the Olympic games at Stockholm six years ago a (outsider and won the world's championship, will lead a sound from IP Fremont, California. From Los Angeles has come Karl Murray, .'coast's best timber-topper, and Clarence Bean, a newcomer in the kVvauIt event. Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, will be headed by . Norton, the crack hurdler. 'Clinton Larsen has come all the way from Kelly Field, Texas; Edward tr, who made such sensational comeback this spring, has arrived from Beers training school out West to compete In the sprints, while Frank . and a host of others are representing eastern naval districts. JhERT ue forget: J. Howard Berry, one of the greatest athletes or ne any, ivyeintrr irun jintota varron, nas obtained a fur- iilortgh from Camp Hancock to represent the Jleadowbrook Club of lltMs city. ft&U' . . . -tl endler-Lhaney Bout Booms Boxing Game ! success of the Tendler-Chaney bout at the National A. A. Wednesday jht. proves beyond question of doubt that boxing still Is a popular and the public will attend If the attraction is high class. Despite a fet rain and apparent lack of interest on the part of the boxing fans, eciai Bnow was wen attenaea ana tne gate receipts greater. than were ed. Boxing promoters held up their plans for the winter until thev the financial returns from this bout, and everything looks so and Ipvely that many special attractions will be on the cards this Philadelphia the next special event will feature Jack Dempsey. the Ihilng heavyweight champion who has not gone into retirement. ttllng Levinsky, James F, Dougherty, who is promoting the affair. planned to stage an open-air show at the. ball park on September taater changed 'his mind and decided to hold it Indoors where the tr would not interfere. There will be nther tnr hmita ..n .i, , (.and the date will be announced In a few days. I the meant'me Benny Leonard, lightweight champion, and Ted fc welterweight tltleholder, will fight It out next Monday night at an eight-round fuss. Leonard is steDDlmr out nf his rla m "X.ewis, but is confident he can win. There will be little difference In kt; however, and as Benny has the hardest wallop, he stands a good to cop tne verdict. Bouts like that are hard to figure, for one ean tell what will happen. "Every time a boxer steps out of his toSgrab laurels In another division he comes to grief.- Johnny Kll t'(We aspired for the lightweight title, but Leonard soon convinced . be was talking through his hat. t Football Definitely Assured at Penn State Many of our leading colleges ottll silent and uncertain about foot- ; for the coming season, Penn State has gone ahead and made plans Um game this fall. Major Baylies, military commandant at the col- ta favor nf football, and with that one hour a day approved for rk' In coUegcs wth S. A, T, C. units, State Is sure to develop a WWt itnen reported to Coach Hugo Bezdek the first day . , liar nf'lHuul thlaia amWIl n..M ...ft.-.. .1 -..j Potm J f Tho lessors r OLD. I excoiE YWasetF I Qici- Hrve You Even iwe lgw V"L'' J - Yioue VJATer PI ZSS I Bee hotggstcd) prom T" -Mt.(,A'vv -. on Tme pmome nweARCH-7 J"V ml (Bm4m"7(S y , -7 "1 i7ha-hahma I ftjsSS) iWoirrurSSS felEA J h haa-HAHa) 5 i Iall-i-i. RIGHT' t " i. - jb 1 w " ".j r . ft Orrnt I,k-. III., Sept. 2G. THE eyes ot the nthletic world were focused on the C5r-at Lakes Naval Training Station today where the greatest array of athletes assembled since the Olympic games, held in St. Louis, 1904, will test their speed and skill In tho National A. A V, outdoor track and field championships which cover a three dajs' program. Never before In the history of America's amateur classic has such a well-known field of cinder path and field performers been brought together. Tho athletes are from points as distant as New Orleans In the South. "Boston, Pel ham Bas Pittsburgh and Philadelphia In the East, Camp Fremont, Cal , In the West, the aviation fields In the South west and the llo.val Air Force of Tor onto, Canada, In the North. In the entry list of 781 for the carnival is a record breaker and comes from universities and athletic clubs as well as naval sta tions and army cantonments. 325 Athletes in Today's Raies The contests today are for the junior championships Tomorrow the national tltleholders and other "blue-ribbon" per formers will meet for the senior cham pionships On Mondny the relays and all-around championships will be de cided. Three hundred and twenty-five ath letes will strive for honors In the Junior events, with teams representing the Meadowbrook Athletic Club, of Phila delphia; the Chicago Athletic Associa tion, Great Lakes, Illinois Athletic Club and Pelham Bay aval Training Sta tion, ranking as favorites to bag the hlggcstf total 'of points. These organisa tions have nominated the largest teams, and each Is certain to score heavily, In several contests.. Many Service Stars Two-thirds of the number who will take part in today's program are train Ing for service overseas. They will run under the colors of a score of army camps and naval stations. In keeping with the s4e of the entry list, the new athletic field at the station, which furnishes the Betting for the games and tho great .crowd of specta tors. Beating arrangements have been provided for 7G,000 persons, and It is certain that close to this number will watch the program, as the Great Lakes station alone will furnish nearly 110,000 sailors to gll the rows of circus seats. The admission lis free. " Quarter Mile Straightaway . The middle distance races w-U be run over a 4 40-s'ard straight away; the only one of its kind In the country, . The other distance events will be over a four lap track, which Is declared to be' In perfect condition Justice Barlow S Weeks, of the New Tork Supreme Court, National A". A. U. ofnclal of jears of experience, will be tho honorary referee. Other officials In clude Captain William A. Moffett, com mandant at the station: Charles A. Dean, president of the National A. A. U and Frederick W. Rublen, secretary cf the Nntlonal A. A. V. There are sixteen events on today's progVam, which means that the final events will not be finished until nearly dusk. TENNIS CLUBS ASKED TO AID THE RED CROSS National Association Decrrc That All Organizations Hold Spe cial Henefit Tottrno) The l'nited States Vatlonnl Lawn Tennis Association has decreed that Sat urdav. September 28, (.hall be known as "lted Ciots Tennis Dav," and. mcording to an edict, evers' club tn flic l'nited States Is requested to arrange .1 -pedal tournament on thut ilat thi- pro ceeds nf which will he ilonuted tn the Ked Crois This universal tournament Is the result of a spcrlal request ot the medal committee of the Red fros. which will award medals and certificates to the winners and runners-up, retpec tivels. In all competitions The main plans of the tournament will rest with the clubs themselves, including the stle nf arranging the matches Onls' two pilzcs will he given to each club that Is. a bion7e medal to the winner and a certl".cate to the runner-up It Is pointed out that the tourney will be somewhat different from the sanctioned tournaments, as the play ers aro asked to help the projict from a nurelv natriotlc standpoint It Iihs j been stated that the proceeds of the tournaments win go to ine war ana Navy Department Commissions on Training Camp Activities. HOT OFF THE GRIDIRON GOLF RECORD FOR JONES w llrltuln. Conn., Sept. 20 Bobby 7oiuh t A tut lit a. 3u , seenteen-jeai-old coif star. brcUe tb course record in n Rolf match it the Shuttle Meadow Club ht're esterday when Ik turned In a J card of 71, aRalnat the former record t Washington, Vn. Several mnrr rfKUlar from lout PenPun'H tpnm reported to roach HuUhlnnon at W nshtiiston and Jefferson. fttrda I'aiitatti Henry, u tinkle Trsel, ih star end and I.nll, qunrterlmrk hhip in Ids for thp first time, as rr IVnbod raptaln-olpet nf Ulttburirh fltnh and Tom Daies. the inns ttlonal Klskt hilfb.iiH and MUirterback , . . lIcthlehrMn. I'n After a hrT l"t up rtu to Wednpsdt riln, Lehigh football war rloi-i resinned prartb c esterdH With the arrlul of more than half a hundred ladi who hap lt"n ali puninipr ut thL studonlB tratnlnc tamp ut I'lattaburxh the mtuad uaii pnlarfc.d Until now it numbers inon than i flf Amnnc the now moil out wan T)ofl a Kradunte nf the Springfield High , hchnol H U l iU.irter-baik, a position that, MtHiH fllttiik t I.ohlch Conrh Kead. as-' 8'nttd b Ik Heller nnd Walter Okeson j put the nn n ihrouKb a strenuous preliminary 1 uriii and loiiowut villi u. neart lo neart itiih Mldillrtnun. Tona. ltuasell H Andr"nn lltJO, of Mrldi,ebnrn N J . ha a been eleeted t'nptaln of the VUun football team lo MUtceed Arthur E M irkthaler of Kllzaheth N J , ho Is In the nlat!on sprlcp. Ander ton platd tackle lat fall and uas oik of the two W'fulexnn nun pit kid foi the All Connecticut Valley Hm-n ntiupulN, ld. With fiiip wiather ester dt t'OiiLh Doblu resumtd hl triple BOitHlons n f football at lhr Ntal Atadem, having the rniln squid iut morniiu and afterion, and the fourth t I imm niiii later In the da Thi arrhalw todt liuluded Hoberts half- luck Arthur nm nr thn uinnlaaten Tor tenter WlIHni; and Hughes, who were frp (luentb uskI at b'uard last seauon and Skin ner a tackle Whekht 1 a back and Foster, another center candid i to irrlxed late yterda Hnb erti Is llke to tit ono of the mulnstajH this sea ton He plavid a Htron gamo for Col krat in llUTt . nd has had a brilliant career during two eatons at the Nrtdl Ardem King, i lad from lou 180 pounds, ver strong and active. Is makintr n bid for one nf the tatkleu . . , , t tie t'olleite. Va. Charging matlilnes and ini klinvt dummies estenliy were dusted off and used for the tlrst time In Penn State's football workouts Hugo II zdek put the varslt and freshm in line candidates thrnuuh long drills In the mtthatilts of line play and taeKiing "Catf Huston h Now a Lieutenant Colonel ew ork, ept. 20. A cablegram from trance Just recehrd rom the nlrauint IntellicetHe that Til Huston, half owner of the New York linkers bus been pmmoteil to the runk of lieu tenant rolonel. 't'nr.' an he 1 famlllarb known tn hit friends, nrganlzeil a rexlment of mltwu enidneerN from bit homo town. (Inrlnnntl, I mined lately upon the out break of war and urrompunted It tn rrunce as captain of t'ompnm A. lie deellned thp commission of tolonet nt the time. rotiple of month nito tliej thlnrofornted "lap" nnd forred lilm to attrpt a majority with the reiclmeiit. to the Slate candidates but they readily ab sorbed Ifezdek's Ideas For a time ho pitted the two lines against each other, usinar Ilalph Henri, the Harrlsburir boy, for per son 1 1 demonstration in torrect methods of breaking through two new candidates reported today Thev a lormer uutier High achool were Aiken nlaer and Krledman, e?t Philadelphia a freshman from , PLANMATCH RACE Special $5000 Purse Offered if Billy Kelly, Eternal and Purchase Start Aqueduct, . Y Sept. 20 The Queen's County Jockey Club has guar anteed to add $5000 to a sweepstakes of $5000 each for a race at six furlongs by the tuo-jear-olds Hilly Kelly, Uternal and Purchase, to bo run here next hurbday. September 26, providing the track is In good condition .ind all FIVE MEMBERS OF 1917 SQUAD RETURN TO PENN Straus, Weil, Rosneau, Supplee and Wolfe tp Enter Stu dents' Corps Five members of last season's vaisity football squad at the University of Pennsylvania appeared on the lted and Blue campus of coalblns and barracks yesterday afternoon They are the first of tho advance guard to report. The early arrivals are Jpe Straus, the battering ram of a halfback who shattered every line that he done his bulk into last fall; Ed Well, the little end. whoso sameness ovei shadow ed his lack of weight; Waller nonneau. the forjner Central High star, who played such a brilliant game at quarterback In the Michigan engagement ; D'ck Supplee. former freshman tackle, and Bill Wolfe, a substitute varsity line man of last year. All these students will be admitted to the students' army training corps. They are anxiously awaiting the lime when the football candidates will be called out for practise, and had there been uniforms and balls available yes terday the first practise of the season would havff been held. Due to the uncertain condition of af fairs, however, the necessary football togs are not ready and probably will not be ready until Major Griffith, the military commander, gives the word. IT. rM 3 TOillllllmilllll A V & H. SELL IT FOR LESS- Lower in Price Than the Wool Itself Would Cost All-Wool Pull-Over Sweaters. $ Pure Worsted, $6 4 A SPLENDID example of M. & H. values. In, nnvv. mnrnnn nnH ovfnrrl trrav. Rnmi Hintiniv tively striped in colors across chest. A value you must see to appre-' ciate. Just the thing for high school boys and girls. Save on Double-Barreled Shot Guns Hunting $1 Vests, Stronitly I & J made of J pfrfri canvas jf UjUiLV for 3a IfnivnWiTrnn! Parker Shotgun $35 Only limited number at this price. Baker "Black Bt" . . . . $25 Decarbonized steel, walnut stock. Itkica 12 and 16 GanC.$32.50 Siafle-Barrtl Saotfoai.. .$7.50 Slcrcni 6-Snot Reptatinf .$35 Gunning Coats $J up Strong". with plenty of pockets Special tttenlioii Paid to Hifk School SUitntt r LARGEST SPORTING GOODS HOUSE IN CITY I toodW Skttti 93.70 Per 100 Smoktltu I OPKN TIIURSUAV AM) SATURDAY EVEMM.S m oi (-' ills Paiinc toiat tnLtlcs were wholly new 'three siart. ass . . IB t-rx itm iniMiiiiMj i-jaMi in. i jjiiiiiii'i-wi nmniTs-irr " Is BuMl fT A- I Save $1.50 to $3.oe r jmm&Wm il i 1 0u 11 li Black G u n eiaaa f i I 1A Jt&?5- ' Metal lace: s y&Br Iff 1 ifl .Laaaa S continentnl s .y&r ' I ill .aaaaaaam ftl i:niclish last; jdmr Jl III .aaaaaaaaaHLs S Iniiiibt eye- ji&jjr VS. m .aaaaaaaaaanr' I eta; teemiuE 3B AT If aaaaaaaaaaBjK S with VaV 9 JI .aaaaLaHHs: 11 mishty com- CJ. S& .aaaLaLaLaHaV & alVe-. $3,50 f f Ki I AHoIn nlucher f& Jp .aaaaLaLaBLaLaf5 m " $3.50 $T & B3B- 1 BBaaaaaaaarip) .aalaHv r-" -" a .laaaBiVSV Rich Wahoi- S9 gVgPPPPPpKBr any tan; mm .fsaHwaBBHv snappr Eat- l HHHV laiti in- IS 1 QBPPPPPHPPPKI one fl BPPPPHPPPPJPP the S KPPPpBPPPPPPPB BPPPBPPJBPPP lasts m 4B"1S " i hlirh B Ta shoes rre offer S P 4.00 I T Also In Bin- S A g NEWARK Shoes I I For Bov li $2.50, $3 & $3.50 II raaarW "THIS Fall you will have to pay an increased price for shoes unless you exer cise new skill in purchas ing. This Fall, NEWARK Shoes give you greater value than ever. Why? (1st) Because theyare sold to the Consumer direct. No middleman stands be tween. (2nd) Because the volume of a stuDendous national business permits a smaller profit per individual aale. Remember, we sell over four million pairs of Newark Shoes a year through our 257 stores the most powerful reason in the world why vrn can undersell all others. See the new Fall Styles in our windows. At a glance you will realize that they are the finest shoes at $3.50 to $6 in this city. We" can positively save you $1.50 to $3.00 on your shoes this Fall. Will you let us prove it to you tomorrow? fW.a4SfW Stores Gy. F LARGEST CHAIN STORE SHOE CO. IN THE WORLD. rOCRTEKN WOMKVA ANP MKN'B STORKS IN nilLADKLrlllA 1334 Market ht.. bet. Uih & 18th Sts 4.1i Frankford Aienue. 2442 henslmton Ate., bet. York and 2336 '. Front St.. near Dauphin St. Cumberland 8ls I 3623 (.ermantoun Ae..near CheltenJLve 5131 Germantawn Ae., bet. Lehlih Ate. ii H, fiOtli ht.. nearJlark.t 81 ' and SomtrKI Bt. SM8 Ktnulnaton A.. near Hart I.ane. l1sortli 8th ht.. near fherry 8t. 14111 South St.. bet liroaS and liith S'a 4 South St.. neur 4th Bt. 316 . 8th St!, bet. Iti"? and Vino Sta 424 Market St., tt. 4th and 5th Bts. Kldse Ate., near Columbia Ave. WupilllllUHIISHiiigiiiiiim '4 n rt!inilirinimHi(wt(iin.N.i.i.H L , " ir(,,ui..ii '""ij;nirjMNniijiiMirH!iijirii-iiiirujii!MiNdrHjtftii;iiiij;,Tijf jiiiriiLtJiiti'.iBntiui! fliiwHiiiminruuiMFurniiiu'ni'iiiLiiftiiiii IIlpl,HlilLJ;HiJll!lt1ll::l!'UlillltMl,;llUIllmFu:lltlmluFl.LlllHl:mllinlnlll!Ll iihiiiiii.riiiij'iiiMiiijfiuLNLiiuuuBuiH.iiiuiiiJiiiii.w-- All-Wool Clothing at Wanamaker & Brown's ALL-WOOL for , fifty-seven years; all wool in spite of the growing scarcity of wool for the past three years; all-wool today. For more than half a century it has been the business pride of Oak Hall to sell only , all-wool clothing. It will be our continuing policy to hew straight and true to the all-wool line. Tqday Thousands of All- Wool Overcoats Are Ready Today Thousands of All- Wool New Suits Are Ready We consider this almost worth the importance of a proclamation! The difficulties that our buyers have encountered to be certain that Oak Hall clothing is'all-wool clothing in this war year of 1918 has brought us face to face with almost insurmountable difficulties -on many occasions. ' , But we have met and overcome them all. i Tomorrow and so far as we cpn see into the future you can purchase all-wool overcoats in fall and winter weights from Wanamaker & Brown at $18 to $40 you can purchase all-wool new suits in fall and winten weights at from $25 to $45 Selection runs into the thousands an4 satisfaction is, as usual, guaranteed to every customer who comes into the store during this new season now at hand, Wanamaker 4?rown7iSh; 11 -l m ajL1 r-,Jfcl 1 "I 3 V.I ! " I v.! I m rt i i 1 1 "All t K i 4A t 4 ss,'" '! &M M yl: ,i rf&l i .,i' ! i-l ?2 S5? AJ .ir rtfl r?l 21 4 ,J 'J- 'M ?.v i 1 j".l 5- XI t "i m 3 .,-- -27, STORES IN 7 CITIES.' ' Y f O '-' 1 J "-1 """ IT ut -i1 i 'if WSgjaVV aPIHffP -i.i? ,V -1. jW j ' & r . i t . i ' t j; - ., ' w'f sm ',. ..'t