St l t it- f, n; i- ' I y? ,-. "' PVBNING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918 .f -T J ' 1 ' Great Organ Pla I p at 10 and 45 j 1 Ht. Anne d Rennpre Chimin Great Organ Plays WANAMAKER'S WEATHER W Store Opens at 10 WANAMAKER'S Store Closes at 4:30 WAN AM AKER'S Ileaapre Oilmen nt Noon uir Coming to Wanamaker9 s in the First Place Saves Tim itf fs$& rr-"FiyTP 7'""fW'?r7"' Vu r if I J'. d it i M$ 8 uiTV v The Moon Is Never Two Days Alike r The higher she rises in the sky, the larger and more beautiful she grows and the more light she gives. She never fails in doing the duty to which she has .been appointed, though two men walking to gether, both Irishmen, fell to talking of her Ma jestic Ladyship, the Moon, and one said, pointing at her over their heads: "Isn't she wonderful?" "Yes," said the other, "but what a waste it is to night! Why doesn't she shine the other nights when it is so dark?" It is hard to satisfy some people! People who cry for the moon, if they had her, would try to auction her off for a potato patch or something else. The moon always goes higher, and so does a man or a Store like this, when it is clearly shown that the man or the Store is faithful where he is. Signed Sept. 19, 1918. jiff- The Autumn Exhibit of Black Dress Goods It is representative of all that is best in this class of dress material. It is a showing of real interest to every real woman with Fall and Winter apparel problems to solve'. ' All the staple all-wool weaves aie included serges, poplins, batistes, gabardines, cicpe poplins, also silk and wool crepes and wool poplins and various fancy weaves. Black coatings are also shown in very good assortment. Prices for these all-wool and silk and wool goods go from $1.35 a yard for yard-wide batiste all the way up to the finest black materials at $10 a yard, and every price is considerably less than the goods can be leplaced for. (First Floor, Clirntnut) A New Beaded Handbag of Unusual Charm Unusual in shape, unusual in design, unusual in colorings and un usual in its trimmings, with fancy clasp, ball and tassel. Made on a frame of odd, angular shape that is of a metal that le eembles silver and that will give excellent service. A chain handle carries out the effect. Lining of delicate-colored bilk with little flowered ruching inside the f rome. Price $35. (Main Foor, ChenSaul) If It Is Fringe-Trimmed It Is in Fashion This Year Some of the smaitebt Winter frocks arc fringe-trimmed and there's no doubt but that fiinge is one of the most fashionable trim mings of the season. The Dress Trimmings Store would like to tell you that it has all the desirable widths of fringe, plain and knotted, and in all the fashion able colors, as well as plenty of black and deep blue. (Main Floor, Central) Autumn's Own Colors in the New Silk Waists The rusty brown of the October woods, the gleam of red and an occasional glint of gold all these you will think of when you see the pretty new plaid and striped silk waists for Autumn. There aie striped taffetas in charming colors and combina tions; there are gay plaid1 silks'that are so pretty they need not a whit of trimming; there are lustrous striped satins that will add just the brightening touch your new fall suit needs. .The silks are of good quality, the styles aie simple and attractive and new and the pricesbegin at $5.50 for a pretty striped taffeta and go on up to a handsome and richly colored silk that has a detachable organdie collar and touches of handwork, at $12. ' (Third Floor, Central) ,gflvr WKkc ew Silk Petticoats Are Frilled and Tucked' 4 and prettier than they have ever been. At $5 are new taffeta skirts, with tucked flounces and well-fitting tops. All the street colors and black Also at $5 c&mes a silk jersey skirt, with a knife-pleated flounce; In all the-popular colors and black. At $6.75 a new jersey skirt, in all the fashionable colors, finished with a pleated flounce. Also skirts of lustrous changeable taffeta, with drills and tucks on the flounce. Both of these skirts come in all the new colors and black. r At $7.50 are the finer silk jerseys and changeable silks, in all the popular colors, with delightful frills and tucks. All of these styles fit exceptionally well and are beautifully finished throughout. (Third Floor, Central) , ;. - Robe Patterns at $12.50 , ji-will make as handsome a dinner orevening gown as any woman could wnt. They are of net, heavily embroidered with silk and metal flowers, 'and are just about half the original price. Each robe has 3 yards of ja , - --. . f 'flouncing and 3 yards of .banding. Navy blue, taupe, verte and gray. Almost Every Day Brings New and Fine Winter Coats for Women With thick, luxurious fabrics and equnlly luxurious furs for their adorning, Winter coats were never more handsome than they are this season. Here are a few that have just been unboxed At $185, a fine coat of Evora, in a new brown shade, with great collar, cuffs and hanging panels edged with nearscal, and another coat of Zcnobia with a big roll collar and cuffs of near seal. At $200, a wool duvclyno coat with a great square collar and cuffs of Hudson seal (sheared muskrat). This, too, is in a new brown shade and has a novel arrangement of buttons and pleats at the side. Also at $200, a rich velour coat in Russian green, with great furry collar and cuffs of wolf. At $225, a handsome coat in lapin, one of the new shades, with collar and cuffs of soft beaver fur and novelty tabs, with pockets beneath, of the bcaor. At $245 theic is a novelty coat of dark green wool duvctyne, with cape effect, and a high standing collar of ncarseal and bands of fur on the sleeves and edge of cape. At $275, a beautiful coat of duvctyne in old blue, with Hudson seal (.sheaied muskiat) edging collar, cuffs and in rows on the gatheied skiit. All these coats are beautifully lined. (Firm Flortr, Central) For Young Women Who Want Their Winter Coats Now Girls going away to school and college want their Winter coats in plenty of time, and business girls, too, will find it practical to choose their Winter wraps before the cold weather is really upon us. New coats of tweed and cheviot in sturdy, practical styles for general hard wear sturdy, warm coats to button up to the throat and defy J. Frost's coldesjt blasts are heio in good colors and several models. Better coats, too, for better wear coats of velour, Bolivia and the soft, pictty, silvei tones these, sometimes tiimmed with fur and sometimes plain, are here in the fashionable hues. There are ever s'o many styles, the choosing is good, the prices begin at $27.50 and go to $185 and there are 14 to 20 year sizes. (Spronil Floor, Clirntnut) New Fall Suits for Every Use a Woman Puts a Suit to Sports, tailored and novelty models, in such variety that every woman can find something to suit her taste and style. The sports suit? are of wool jersey, two-tone, wool Burella and warm plaids. Belts are used a 'great deal on these. The tailored and novelty suits are of broadcloth, Poirct twill, tricot cloth, wool clour, silvei tone cloth and wool poplin. Many arc fur trimmed, others are biaid bound. Buttons are used in profusion for trimmings and ciows' feet finish many of the tucks. Prices $25 to $55. (Flmt Flour, Central) The Difference in Boys' Suits Something about a Wanamaker boy's suit makes it somewhat dif feicnt from practically any other ready-to-wear suit and the diffei ence is partly a matter of fit, partly a matter of proportion, partly a matter of tailoring and fine detail. But whatever it is, it is real, and it is especially notice able in the new Fall suits that we are now showing at $13.50 to $30 for those in gray, brown and greenish Autumn shades; and at $13.50 to $28 in blue serges. All aie in the Norfolk style, emphasis on style. Sizes for boys of 8 to 18 years. (Second Floor, Central) A Pretty Woman Is Always Prettier in a Becoming Veil and these new ones that we have just unpacked are about the most becoming ones we have ever seen. They are of light hexagon and filet mesh, with thin scroll 'tracery, delicate figures and che nille and velvet dots. 50c to $2 a yard. (Main Floor, Central) Black-Handled Umbrellas We have so many lequcsts for women's umbrellas suitable for mourning, and we have now a particularly good collection at a aiiety of prices. They are silk and cotton and all silk and have graceful curved handles or straight ones with loop cords or leather straps. $2 to $7.50. (Main Floor, Market) Flowers and Pretty Plants Hardy perennials and phlox cut blooms are in profusion, and now is the time to plant such things. Also a collection of potted ferns, crotons, dracenas, pan danuses, palms and so on. (Fourth Floor, Market) Two-Tone Satin Ribbons What lovely girdles they will make, and how dashing they will look tied in a jaunty bow on the new Fall hat! They are in all the latest shades, 6 inches wide, and $2 a yard. (Main Floor, Central) Women's Stockings That Meet a Real Need Many women prefer a good mercerized cotton stocking to a poor silk one. They will be especially interested in these full- fashioned mercerized cotton stockings that we are selling at 75c a pair. Splendidly serviceable hose in such good colors as tan, smoke, black and that dark shade that gbes so wejl with Cordovan shoes. (Flrit Floor, Market) Lots of Sweaters for Children Warm, snug little garments, in a great variety, and just the thing for in-between-season wear. They are colorful ones, with striped collar and cuffs for little girls, and darker, more severe ones for little boys. They come in white and all the popular colore, 24 to 34 bust, ?3 to $6.50. ON THE AISLE TOMORROW 100 Dozen Handkerchiefs for Men $4 Dozen Full size, pure linen handkerchiefs and of such good Irish linen you'll be amazed at the price. Plain hemstitched handkerchiefs the kind most men not only like, but prefer. (Went AIIe) Showing the New Wanamaker Men's Soft Hat for Fall It has a medium high crown with a broad band and an uncommonly graceful brim. TKe sort of hat that will appeal to the man who likes something a little different. Colors are brown, light and dark green and smoke. Price ?5. (Main Floor, Mnrket) Did Your Step-Ladder Shake and Wiggle When You Put Up Your Curtains? So many step-ladders do; they scare you half to death, if they don't collapse and tumble you on the floor. It is the case that a greax many stores sell step-ladders that are not sound, and yet they take as much money for them as we take for a good, sound, durable sturdy step ladder in The Housefurnishings Sale All the woodenware in the Housefurnishings Sale is of the kind that you can depend on. And there is a great quantity of it. There is a carload of kitchen cabinets. A carload of step-ladders. There are several kinds of clothes wringers. There are hundreds of pastry boards. There are nearly 1000 clothes lines. There are 400 ironing boards. 108 clothes-horses. 288 bread-cutting boards. There are nearly 3000 cooking spoons. Besides 2700 pieces of small woodenware, such as rolling pins, potato mashers, butter patties, kitchen spoons, etc. (Fourth Floor, Step-ladders :,tait at $1.35 for 3 foot and go to $3.60 for 8-foot. Clothes wringeis, guaranteed for three years, are marked $6.75. Clear wood ironing boards; 50c for 3-foot, 75c for 4-foot, and $1 for 5-foot. Ironing boards on stands that can be folded up, $1.50 and $2.10. Kitchen cabinets, splendidly equipped, $45, $47.50 and $50; $10 saving on every one of them. These prices indicate for what a little amount of money you can buy the things you need so much right now, but, remember, the Sep tember Sale of Housefurnishings has only I) days more to gc tentral nnd Mnrket New Madeira Lunch Sets $4.50 a Set the Lowest Price in Years They are practically as low-priced as they were befoie the war, which is something veiy unusual in linens. Hach s,et is made up of thirteen pieces; that is, six tumbler doilies, six plate doilies and a matching centerpiece. All aie of fine linen cloth, attractively hand-embroidered and hand-scalloped and showing plenty of eyelet work and dots. What gifts for October brides! In addition to these we have a group of ical Madeira embroidered linen table covers, 54 inches in diameter, in a large variety of handsome designs an importer's clearance priced about one-third less than regular. Now $10 to $20 each. (First Floor, Chentnut) A National Necessity We are at war not as a game, but as a very vital thing, upon the successful conclusion of which the future of the nation depends. The inescapable results' of war must be recog nized. But they must not bring desolation to our homes. Resolution and cheerfulness are essential to victory, because resolute and cheerful men and women do better and more work than do the men tally depressed. - Music supplies the strength needed because"- it stimulates the imagination and arouses the'. finer, larger feelings. Every Home Should . -Have a Player-Piano or a Reproducing Piano The Wanamaker Piano Store has the most notable collection of such instruments in Phila delphia. The finest player and reproducing; mechanisms are allied with such famous pianos as the Chickering, Schomacker, Emerson, Haines' Bros., Lindeman, Marshall & Wendell, -J. Ck Campbell and the celebrated Knabe. And in addition to regular stocks we have just now A Little Group of These Instruments at Greatly Lowered Prices Player Pianos Originally Lindeman Angelus (New) $550 Lindeman Angelus (New) (Special) Schomacker Player Piano (New) 850 Chickering Angelus (Used) 1,000 Chickering Grand Player Piano (New) . 1,250 Chickering Grand Player Piano (New) . 1,350 Knabe Angelus Grand (Used) 1,650 Utf- .NOW" $515 575 750 850 975 1,050 1,200 (White Player Pianos, Special, ?465) A few just lcceived from the factory which were due hejc in August. Reproducing Pianos (Electric Control) Lindeman Electric (New) $650 Schomacker Electric (New) 950 Lindeman Artrio (New) 850 Haines Ampico (Used) 975 Knabe Artrio (New) , 1,300 Chickering Ampico (Used) 1,500 Schomacker Artrio Grand (New) 2,050 Chickering Ampico Grand (Used) 2,300 $500 675 725 825 975 1,100 1,725 , 1,900 (Ke.rntliin Hall, Srroml Floor) New Chenille Curtains Have Just Arrived They are somewhat like velour curtains and come in attractive shades of red, blue, brown, green and rose, as well as some other colors. Two good qualities all in plain chenille. If you are making the house ready for fall and want new draperies, perhaps these will suit just the purpose you have in mind. $8 and $12.75 pair. (Fifth Floor, Market) Delectable Sweets With Swiss Chocolate Covering That peculiar and delirious flavor which belongs to Swiss milk chocolate adds to the de liciousness of the sweets you will like( these jellies and creams and nuts with a covering of this chocolate. COc pound. Alakunm is an Oriental-like sweet a mixture," 6f creamy candy, honey, almonds and other nuts. 10c bar. Salted nuts, at just the right degree of saltiness $l'.60 pound. (Don a Stairs Store, Cliettnut) Motorists-Better Lay in Your Supply of Inner Tubes Now It is well known that the Government is permitting manufacturers to turn out only 50 per cent of their usual output of tires and inner tubes. k " We have a sufficient stock on hand at Ihe present time to meet all present demandS'in a good assortment of sizes. The best value known to us in the matter of tubes is thn Wjinnmjikm gnMioi .a inner tube, which will improve your tire equipment and is guaranteed against defects PricS are as follows : ' ,v 35x4 $9.30 - I 36x4 , 9.65 I 35x5 , 10.5 i 365 1U5 :- I 37x5 U.60 30x3 $4.15 33x4 $7.00 30x3 5.25 34x4 7.30 32x3 5.60 32x4 8.55 31x4 6.60 33x4 8.85 32x4 , 6.75 I 34x4 9.10 (The nailery, Juniper) it $ Z?. just tne snoes men ana women need tor fall ana Winter wear and boys require'' for school. Good-style shoes, well made anJ serviceable. i, , Trip, lpnst: vnil nan SSIVA nn trio mon'a nnH nmmon'o chnno la 90 n. n nn:. ..llr-f, ,, ... ,w v, ...w u ... .....w.j oiiuw jo Vi, uji ipltj uauHii, illUlC. , A Dozen Good Groups of Shoes at Lowered Prices Men's Shoes at $4.65 Tan shoes, guaranteed all side leather, blucher lace. Medium weights for dress and heavy weights for outdoor wear. ' Men's Shoes at $5.75 Stand ard U. S. Marino Corps Shoes in black at a lower price than the Government pays for them. These are splendid out-of-doors and .business shoes. Men's Shoes at $5.90 A fine lot of black dull leather nnd glazed kid lace bhbes, all in de sirable styles. . Men's Shoes at $6.40 Dark tan calfskin lace shoes, new and fashionable models. Women's Shoes at $2.50 But ton and lace shoes in various styles. Sizes incomplete. Women's Shoes at $4.40 Many kinds, at less than half price. Sizes incomplete. Women's Shoes at $5.50 Pat ent leather lace with black cloth tops and black kidskin lace and button, Various toe styles. Women's Shoes at( $5.75 Spe cial, high-cut lace tan kidskin, with cloth tops.. (Men'1 and Ho.' Btioen, Main Floor, Market) (Women' Slioei, Flnt Floor, Market) Women's Shoes at $6.75 TK calfskin high - lace .shoes yrim Cuban heels. Sizes incomplete Women's Shoes at $6.75p' High-cut tan kidskin lace shoatV. long vamp and walking heewaf i . ',s.. A n omen 8 Uray ahoes, $77i Fine high-cut lace shoes in leather, some with .cloth" High Louis heels. - noys onoea at 93 -A s did lot or dull black? I blucher ,lace shoes in sIms to 5. Jupt .the'-shqeto to scnooi. .. , . . .'WS1- ", iJ-1 M 5: rM 4 jut' !. m m 1 M N3I ?iK I 'vm ,"51 flH id Jk iJ hj 4fl M M va ! . '5 it it'i nys '-If J 'wWAIi!) H-rj ij IfofVswi, (Third Floor, thettnut) V wri-fvT V r a. -' 4 V 't ! r.f if' .. LjV $ t. if Qt ... Jsr if,' 0 t jr Tf, tc-k F4VI - & : m sPf - -" v. " m " lilrt'lli' iii i ' mill 1 1 iilllliillr iJH ,- joifl ' a .
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