Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 19, 1918, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 17, Image 17
.A .It- t .' .. fa) '" I' . i v I - i ; t LWO'' If! a 7 .t SrSPyfMi.ii, UROHIVI."' ' " vUkllWJ..JBWlR. ".'' IJkU, J.iTTf t- j jj t t- - (UftIW I ""i iTi'yfll' v i c SKT' i - J ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 191.8 HKSM ts r f'. i.i -.- &') "t ti .PAGtf OF FUN FOR YOUNG AND OLD TO REMIND ONE THAT LIFE IS NOT ALL SHADOW CTHIS PAOB IS rtJIXT TOOTECTEO BT COrTMflllT) THE GUMPS They're at It Again Copyrlitht. 1018, by The Tribune Co. By SIDNEY SMITH Y fAY-)Y seetA 0OOD TO NrN& Vou BACKAAJN MW ' yp r &ARUNG -LET'S wevtR WAVE" ANoTNtR. QUARREL -l'N NB1ER. (OIN(a To FltrHri VgiTH YOU AMY NORE,AS. UONGr AS, I LIVJE "GotU. WE'O NBI&E HAVE AM ARGUMENT IF YOU tlbNT PICK ON NvE. SO a ALUTHtTIV6. PICK ON MOO- SAY" VJ NEMER WAb A, FttrHT IN OUR llMEi THAT YOU DIDN'T START- VOU CAN SAY MORE rAEAN THINGS AND T-ORCjE-V THENV QIOJCKERTHAM ANYONE THAT EVER UVOv A'SAlWTCOULON'r LIVE NNITM.YOO VvEU. JNOTKEO OrOT ALONCr PRETTM VNELL VAJNEN I WAATMY MOTHERS WHEN YOU WER'GNT CWNMNCa IN AULTHeTMtr s,; MLL- WHY DIDN'T YOU SY TNERETHPN? nrouMKeoirsa. . OU NOTICE I DIDN'T BEtt YOU TO COfWE BACK Ano there was kq ONE PAOilNCr YOU AT &WAbV REST TEU.JNCT YOU, YOU NAO A HEART BROKEN WIFE" piNINfcr A WAT FOR 5YOU EITHER frMlT4 SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG JOB FOR BOLSHEVIK THE RETORT COURTEOUS V i 'W' x IT LOOKS AS THOUGH THE FAMILY HAD CAUGHT ON TO MILLIE'S MOVING PICTURE STRATEGY ' By FONTAINE FOX The Fasatnc Show. Private Smlfklns (to s ho lias found a pair of boots In No Man's Land) What aro sou (.oltiE to do with these, sergeant? Wear them? Sergeant (fed up) No. jou bllnkln' fool; I'm going to hang 'em on my watch chain Unreasonable The Paailns Show. Short-Tempered Person (as the tide splashed oer the rock and drenches him) Confound you, sir! Stop Jumping abont: Identified The Bystander. "That's a tank I can tell by the smile on 'Is face ' Hum "Let's go for a little Bpln." "All right, old top." - Cornell Widow. WASTE OF DYNAMIC ENERGY IN WAR - J ! L VJ The Bystander. Fritz (with loot) Why don't you go and push them out, Bolshy? .O), nhHUnJKTOT Of TUt HOT-UlflTH CUNVHUiMEBTJ qrrigtF.-cou) EvWMofWj.wwwE Lluccu?cu ff, . teMMMm ' V001O WHRM WENCH 25006 YarsU)d The Sketch Th' Teacher SAYS 5HE HOPES AUli fH' CKASS WlJiU BE A0K.E T' SEE TH MOVIES Tonight cau&e there's a edgycationa pjum "life in th' SAMOA l5lANDS, I no! W ) A lIUM vliriV " I I r An ENTiTUEDTriel M&m!r 1 v V ' c5, ?' The Young Lady Across the Way kj' The oung lady across the way says she guesses every effort Is being mads to deliver the soldiers' mall promptly, as . jv she sees by the paper that large forces fl of men are guarding our lines of communication. Not the Only One PETEYHi8 Question Was Answered Quickly By C. A. VOIGHT (i How "DoMou Hke my trbuch Helmet uweca ORTHV f 0 w v f bs-ensryThimc- J Trench J?B&E 0 ,5 J (VfEU,- VBlt- hat hbytW -5EEMV I Cas -ma.sk' VWIL. vJV jr "CAP" STUBBSHe Never Should Have Looked By EDWIN A rrMNT -CWP-STUBBSTW CUTEST KID?) U'ULSET THRT'Si - Ta'nijt'I lrisifj?''" gftT fi0tfv"foH -Iflr" youRsiJ r-iT yh" 1 ain't goin; The Bystander. The Little 'Un Bllmy, I'll have firs minutes with that sergeant after the war. The Big 'Un No bloomln' fear, my lad. Tou'll bo waltln' In a queue. Cheerily 01 vs The EyeUnder. "Starting on the fifth year of Food Conservation MMtll'MMUl iJW -1 - vwmmmm iJMUi -London Opinion. "What, stale bread again, Thomp- son?" Butler Well, sir, I really don't know what to do with It. It mustn't be wasted now, and we can't eat It downstairs. mnviNrz pmrnrn? vitntuibS I 1 ! ,i -H Jf v. I CJ40DI I I :ip M Cut out the plcturs on all. I aiaea. xnen careiuuy tola ltflA 1 ItM Anttr tntfi dotted ilno ,i. and so on. KoM Motion unoeroaain. aocurannr. JfrlA"v..', ,.ifenr'rJ' V NA D . miiwwi vun ovsr ajM rwfm M rui?t, i 4! iiS! fei- $2J: !K ' - TTTiHin-rTT -r Ii'fel-i'BsS V f Ui. Vi,l hivt,: "i - ' I- 5 uM V "iJtV- ,. I j F i .. . t , 1 f, MM- -- . .Hi JEmLILMGtmKBKmVwmammmmm ini iititi . . uKmmmamm El 11 11 tiiwnrrHnwiii n imhi i HbHsbMsHE .K